#i was always too scared to make a fursona because of how people perceive it as ‘cringe’
vampyriix · 2 months
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babe wake up dorian made a fursona
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sandboy-advance-sp · 4 months
I don't remember why I started following you years ago and this is totally random, but how/when did you know you were trans and if your parents know, how did they react? I'm scared because I know even some progressive parents get weird about it. Thanks!
It took me a loooong time for me to realize I was trans. I didn't even really start truly grappling with the idea until I was well into my 20s and living independently. As a kid I'd definitely wondered what it'd be like to just wake up as a girl one day, those thoughts definitely got a lot hornier as I became a hormonal teenager lol but I digress. In general I never really gave it too much thought until I started to see more and more transfem people here on Tumblr and just thinking "Damn I want that". Also sorta helped that I had multiple transfem friends at the time who were more than happy to answer my questions, kinda similar to how I am now lol.
Once I really kinda beared down on the idea and fully committed I did genuinely feel a lot happier. Also having a fursona to dump all of these ideas onto has 1000% been a contributing factor towards how I perceive what I am, kinda lets you draft up where you wanna end up.
That being said I've definitely got a ways to go before I'm happy with where I'm at transition wise. I have yet to really come out at all at work since a number of coworkers/supervisors/etc all have wildly varrying views. Sort of waiting until I'm truly in a strong position before I tackle that mountain.
As for friends, family, and other personal relationships, it's kind of a slow roll, I've been out to my closest friends both online and irl since I decided this is who I want to be and they've been super supportive every step of the way. My parents came shortly after that, first my mom who was honestly thrilled it was kind of funny, then my dad later on when it sort of came up in conversation, he was also happy for me, much more curious about it than I had anticipated which was nice. But my parents are pretty progressive as far as I'm concerned so I'm really unsurprised by their reactions. I know they just want me to be happy. I've always maintained a good relationship with them and they respect me for who I am, whether I'm their son or daughter or something else.
Coming out is always kind of a complicated question since everyone has pretty highly contrasting experiences with it between friends, family, and work. All I can really say is you do you, and if anybody gives you shit for it then fuck them. It's not gonna be easy, even if you really think you know a person they can always still flip around on you over something like coming out as trans, so prepare yourself for that eventuality.
You probably weren't expecting that big ol' rant but that's what I got for you lol.
The best advice I can give is that you should do whatever makes you the happiest. And never let anyone else get in the way of that, no matter what.
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