#i was also going to go on a tangent about josh but i am choosing to love myself today
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Not me waking up to Christopher Bang hand content
#what does he WANT#if you want to finger bang (ha) me sir just like ask#kudos to him posting way more than i thought he would though#proved me wrong#i was also going to go on a tangent about josh but i am choosing to love myself today#character development#rj talks
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The leaks and spoilers for S6 have got me Big Mad. S6 is officially dead to me, I thought it was going to be bad, but this is WORSE. Just awful. Fuck this show.
Nonnie, look on the bright side. It'll be over and you won't have to engage with anything these writers write ever again. Whatever bullshit they want to pass off as badass and canon, however much they abuse any of the characters, you can ignore its existence. It's simply fanfic that doesn't appeal.
Will I have a hard time resisting any of Ralph's future turns as Daniel? Maybe! But Ralph has been reported to be fine with whatever those dudebros write for the character. He has also said to have pushed back, but I used to think Ralph's involvement was a guarantee they'd treat the character with respect and in my view, it isn't, or not anymore. Especially not since the Miyagi AI fiasco.
Pure depiction does not a story make. Slight tangent to make that point: one of my first character loves was Donald Duck, but, as I didn't know then, my country has its own very specific way and tradition of writing that character. There's some Disney oversight but the Dutch writers have created a very Dutch Donald. So one time on vacation I picked up a German language Donald Duck comic, and it was - off. That wasn't my Donald, even though he looked like him. So I put it aside. And if Ralph chooses to play Daniel again, it may not be my Daniel - how I enjoy watching him. Again, my Daniel tried to end Terry Silver over suggesting his kids would don CK gis, so some of these leaks have made me question my sanity, or theirs. Is my Daniel the only valid interpretation? Of course not. But even Ralph cannot make me enjoy watching Daniel if they write him doing things Ralph cannot sell the Daniel LaRusso we met in The Karate Kid doing. That boy would not rage break his son's iPad while yelling at him to be Quiet!!! He would not give up on Robby. He, to his detriment, never goes behind people's backs, and when he tries, he's insanely bad at it. If he confronts people he is always right in people's face. He wouldn't go back to the Sekai Taikai! "Karate fought for trophy, karate no mean nothing" - and then a kid DIES and Daniel is still like "This is fine!"??? If he liked tournaments so much he was willing to disregard Miyagi's feelings over them so completely he would have competed sooner. (Yeah but Miyagi was - no he was not that contradicts the first film in several ways and it doesn't fit with the timeline. It is a bullshit retcon so they can stage a spectacle).
So when Germany didn't write my Donald, I stopped engaging with that Donald and read something else until there were new stories with my Donald to be had. This does not mean that other Donalds are not allowed to exist and anyone is bad for writing or liking that Donald, but I have happily ignored him since. I know where to find my Daniel, too- in the films and in snippets of CK, mainly throughout S2 parts of S3 and in his interactions with Terry. I have high hopes for the films but if that is, again, not my Daniel I am completely free to ignore that iteration of him and go back to minding my own business, Ralph or no Ralph. Anything John, Josh and Hayden touch I am dismissing on sight. Am I right about that? Maybe not, but who cares? There are many people in this world who have had rich, fulfilling lives without interacting in any way with Daniel LaRusso, though I still think that I'd recommend The Karate Kid to anyone alive. And no one can touch that if I don't let them, not Ralph, not Hayden, not a hundred AI Miyagis.
Just as I can come back to my Donald, (while knowing full well that is a very specific interpretation that appeals to me and likely not others) I can come back to my Daniel.
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Knife Throwing Bad-ass
Characters/Pairings: Jensen X Reader, Jared, Kim, Briana Words: 1,386 Warnings: none A/N: you are a cast member in SPN Tagging: @autoblocked
“Alright guys. It’s Jensen Ackles, and I’m here with my amazing costar’s Jared Padalecki and the beautiful (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Wait, why am I last? This is my Facebook live.” You mutter, glaring at your fiancé.
“Well, I was saving best for last.” Jensen snickered as Jared gave the screen an eye roll.
“Let’s bicker later lovebirds. We come to you live with a purpose.” Jared grumbles.
“Yes, we do come to you with a greater purpose than the bickering Jack and I do to annoy Jared. This Thursday we are going to be hosting an awesome event, and watch the new episode with our greatest fans.” You giggle and push Jared with your shoulder, letting him wrap an arm around you. Being squashed in the middle of two of the hottest, and two of your favorite men was a miracle.
What had happened to you, that your life had turned out this way? You were one lucky girl.
“Correct. One big giant get together at the Cineplex at the Odeon International Village Cinemas. Doors open at five pm, and we’ve got the biggest theater in the whole Cineplex.” Jensen grabs your hand smiles to the camera.
“First 100 of y’all will get a meet and greet with us and Misha, and following the episode, you will get to hear us do a table read of some of our favorite scenes of season thirteen.” You roll your eyes. “Or how it usually goes on set with the three of those men.”
“Hey. We aren’t that bad.” Jensen says with feigned hurt.
“Yeah, I guess you aren’t too bad to look at.” Jared smirks.
“Oh wow, we are pretty good at getting off on a tangent. That will be the table read. This Thursday. Again, 5 PM doors open and we can’t wait to see you there.”
“Disclaimer, the theater seats two hundred. And they will turn away after the theater is full.”
“Yes, just tell them you’re here for the Supernatural event and they’ll tell you what to do.” You smile.
“So, until then. We’ll see all y’all at VanCon. We can’t wait to see you there guys!” Jared respond, waving to the camera.
With Jared’s long arms, he takes your phone and quickly ends the live feed and hands you the phone.
“I will post the video to twitter and instagram so you can repost it.” You smile. You kiss Jensen’s cheek as you stand. “Now let’s get this convention over with. I’m ready to have some sleep.”
“At Porncouver? Right.” Jared laughs. “Good luck with that.”
“Well, maybe I’ll take a nap while I get my tattoo. Remember Jense? We need to go soon.”
“Oh, right. Right. I’ll go around and get the car.”
“Please live stream that. I want to see Jensen be a big baby.”
“So supportive Jare. He’s just going with me. It’s a tattoo for my dad.”
“And that is how I talked him in to getting a tattoo with me.” Briana lets out a giggle as you finish your elaborate story.
It was one you had been meaning to get out as soon as possible. You’d rather tell the stories, than fans over analyze and get it all wrong.
You hadn’t gotten matching tattoos and there was no intention of doing that any time soon.
“Can we ask what you got?” The fan at the microphone asked. She had been patiently waiting for you to get through your tangent.
“Oh right, there was a question. Was that your question?”
The fan nods and smiles shyly. “It actually was going to be my question. What’s the meaning behind your tattoo?”
“It’s for my daddy.” You nod and clear your throat. “My dad is the hardest working man in the world, and I wanted to show some sort of support to him and all his hard work. Ya see, my dad all my life. He has been the biggest rock in my life. He worked two and three jobs sometimes to make sure me and my brother and sister had anything we needed. Growing up.”
“But where did the tool belt and hammer and nails come in?” Kim asked, lifting the sleeve to look at your fresh tattoo.
“My dad is in construction. My dad has been in construction since my little brother and sister were born, and it’s been a passion of his. I think almost all of the houses I’ve grown up in he built by his own two hands. I mean, he’s such a great guy. I love the man. He pushed me and my siblings to go on our own adventures and do our own things, whatever they may be. I ended up here.”
“Which we’re glad you’re here.” Kim puts her arm around your shoulder.
“We were always tight on money growing up, and now that I’ve got a steady income – I’m excited to be able to have the money to hire him to build himself his dream home.”
“My question is for Jensen.”
Jared gave his usual frown and fake – disdain upon the fans choosing Jensen over him.
“Always with the fake disdain. Continue please.”
“Well, I was just instagram stalking your girlfriend. And she just recently posted a tbt of you and her…”
“That’s a throwback. If you’re wondering…”
“I’m not old. Jeez.” He grumpily looks to Jared before turning back to the fan and rolling his eyes. “Continue sweetheart.”
“My question is about the sweaters. Who’s idea was it?”
“Well, she’ll claim it as her idea, but it isn’t really how that went.”
“It was actually his mom’s idea. I think that Donna has taken a liking to (Y/N) as much we did, and it was apparent then as much as it is now.” Jared laughs with Jensen and the crowd.
“He’s not lying. She isn’t too bad.”
“So the Austin Ren fair? Seriously? I didn’t think you’d go for something like this.”
“Well, Donna told me how much of a fun time you have there and I’d like to try it out. As long as I’m stuck with you.”
“You’re gonna be stuck with me and my family.” He smiles, giving you a devilish wink.
“I think I know how to handle you. It’s you that I’m worried about.” You brandish a finger at him and he blushes slightly.
“I’m so embarrassed, but my mom made us something. Well, got us something.” He pushes a wrapped bag that he had haphazardly put back together after looking through it.”
“So you obviously didn’t wait?” you laugh, pulling at the tissue paper.
“I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die of embarrassment before you opened it. It’s okay. I guess.”
“You guess. That bad huh?” you giggle. First you pull out the first sweater and unfold it. It was Jensen’s size, and on the back it had an “Ackles” with a 01 under it. Not so bad, right? Well, when you pull out the second sweater. On the back there was a “Future Mrs. Ackles” and a 02 under the namesake.
“Future Mrs. Ackles, huh?”
“Yes. She did that. That was all mom. I didn’t put her up to it at all, promise.” He said.
“I love that she thinks that highly of me. I will wear it with honor.”
“That was a wonderful moment. That was also a throwback to when I proposed and she said yes.”
“They were deeply engrained in the Ren Fair and we hadn’t joined up with them, because we were taking photos of the eventual proposal.”
“I was just so happy. She was actually liking the Ren Fair, and this is something that my parents come down to do, and Mack and Josh and their families join us. So I wanted her to have fun.”
“So the one thing he does that I remember seeing before he proposes, was her throwing knives.” Jared laughs. “Like literally she had a throwing knife in her hand when he proposed.”
“And all I was thinking was how proud of her knife throwing skills I was. I mean, look at what Supernatural did for her. Knife throwing.”
Jared laughs and shakes his head. “And now he’s locking her down for life. Weren’t you worried about the knife in your face?”
“Not in the slightest. She’s my knife throwing badass for life.”
#jensen x reader#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles one shot#jensen ackles fanfiction#jensen ackles fan fiction#jensen ackles fan fic#jensen ackles fanfic#jensen one shot#jensen fanfiction#jensen fan fiction#jensen fan fic#jensen fanfic#jensen rpf one shot#jensen rpf fanfic#jensen rpf fan fic#jensen rpf fan fiction#jensen rpf fanfiction
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To you. Pt 1 million
Here I am again, except the “you” is different. Same script, different characters. Same emotions. But I realize that I’m the villain.. I’m the bad guy. Everything goes wrong because of me. And I don’t mean that in a woe is me type of way...
I mean it for what it is. I get too emotionally attached to people who aren’t. I get excited quickly and in my head I’ve made them my family, my sister, my mentor... meanwhile they don’t even know how to spell my name correctly. It’s me. And I have to accept that L. It’s not your fault that you didn’t choose me. It’s my fault for expecting that you would. It’s not your fault for being rude to me and lowkey being bothered by who I am... it’s my fault for even accepting it and not walking away sooner. You don’t have to choose me. You don’t have to be kind to me. You owe me absolutely nothing. And that’s fair. I’m not mad at you for not doing those things... disappointed but not mad. You aren’t obligated. And to be honest, you never gave any clear sign that you were even willing. I guess In my excitement, I created yours. I guess In my excitement, I mistook your acceptance of my love as confirmation and validation of yours. And that’s not the case. I guess you accepting my efforts felt like the go ahead to keep loving, keep doing, keep showing up, etc but it wasn’t. It was simply accepting it. It wasn’t reciprocal. We never loved each other the same. It was clear. You never valued me and esteemed me in the same manner..that was clear too. I was so excited about you to care or to notice.. except I did notice. I noticed when you wouldn’t ask me about myself. I noticed when you would go on 20 mins long tangents about YOU even when it was about me. I noticed how you would greet me with petty things often, how your tone changed when you talked to me, how there was no excitement when it came to me, how your attitude was horrible with me. I remember telling you I was selected as jewel and your tone... I even remember asking “are you okay?” Because your tone was that unconvincing. You said “that’s great.” Although your mouth said something sort of nice, your tone betrayed you. You even told me whatever Barbara and Tracy told me (when they reached out to me about being a jewelry) you didn’t need to know... it’s between y’all. Well, what if I wanted to share? What if I was excited about what they said? And you shut me down because of what? Whatever beef you have with them? I remember lowkey regretting telling you because I was SO excited... you were not. I remember calling you to ask you to fix an issue with the scholarship app and you getting rude “well I asked for feedback and nobody said anything and I’m suppose to stop what I’m doing and jump to fix it.” I never said you had to jump and fix it. Literally I was just relaying the message from the chair. It’s like you have no issue getting rude and slick with me... but are so incredibly docile In situations with people who ACTUALLY deserve to be told off. You are kinder to people who are rude to you. I’ve watched it. And let’s not even discuss my LS’s. I’m your “favorite” I’m your “spec” yet you treat them so much differently, so much better. You are kinder, you have a heart for them, you are warm, you are affectionate in words and actions, you want to know them, you reach out to them, you support them, you encourage them...
You are NONE of the above with me. And can I be honest? That kills me. Sure, I don’t need hand holding and I expressed that. No, I don’t need to be guided step by step with everything. I also expressed that which you don’t like and clearly took personal. But I’m not worthless. And I don’t deserve to be treated poorly by someone I admired and respected so much. My LS’s are great... but so am I. My LS’s deserve good things and people... but so do I. I am not the exception... yet I continue to be treated as such. It kills me to hear them gush about how great you are because I never got to experience that. From the moment you heard things that you didn’t like (me not thinking the process was hard, not needing hand holding, not feeling like there’s a huge lesson in every single thing) you wrote me off. And THAT isn’t fair. Your actions made me feel so useless and used. They made me feel so overlooked, so unseen and disregarded. They made me feel forgotten. And THAT hurts.
Currently in the middle of a depressive episode.. I’ve been this way for at least two months. You haven’t even noticed or at least cared enough to reach out. It’s business as usual for you... yet my LS is enduring a similar struggle and you’re present for her. How can I not take that personal? You may say I’m quiet and I don’t open up... it’s because from the beginning I didn’t feel like you cared. I didn’t feel like you were invested enough in me as a person... maybe this is wrong but I feel like you sometimes only wanted to know stuff “first” so you could say you knew against anybody else. Not because you actually cared. I told you I was struggling with lust and a married man... you haven’t brought it up till this day. You’ve never even mentioned it. I told you I felt lonely, that I was having a hard time in life... NOT ONCE have you even tried to really understand what’s going on. You rely on sending texts and telling me God got me....
But you don’t. It’s like if it’s not your family, Kim, or my selected few LSs who you really love, there’s no space for anything or anyone else. I am not on your radar, I’m not your spec. You are not mine anymore. I am nothing to you and because of that, I’m forcing you to become the same to me. It’s so hurtful. This hurts like Josh. This feels like that. And it’s unfortunate because I love you so deeply... and thought we would be so close. But I just have to accept that from the beginning you never saw me or wanted me. And that’s okay.
You don’t have to choose me. I still love you. And I will respect you as long as we are together In org. But I’m not subjecting myself to the pain that happens through a relationship with you. There were good moments. It was kind of fun while it lasted. But I promise you that you NEVER have to worry about me again.
I don’t deserve to be treated like nothing... especially when I treated you like EVERYTHING.
I hope it was worth it.
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