#i was also an absolute fiend for american girl dolls and i had a little corner dedicated to all their furniture and stuff
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steviescrystals · 3 months ago
every day i thank my lucky stars that i got to grow up in colorado before moving to arizona bc i know so many people who have lived here their whole lives and it is so fucking sad to me that they never got to experience a snow day in elementary school
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
The Scent of Your Rose Perfume (Nicky x Jaida) - Chae
A/N: I’m not dead! I’m so sorry Chapter Five of ViP has taken like a whole-ass month to update, it should be coming… soon-ish? In the meantime, I have a couple Oneshots/super short multichaps planned to take a break and fix my writers block. I am apalled that there isn’t more Jicky literature in this world, they literally act like a couple irl. When Nicky was crying about you-know-what the other day, I was inspired to write this, so blame her haha. Anyways, enjoy! (I also have an AO3 now!)
Working at a Chanel store was supposed to be a high class gig. What Jaida Essence Hall was not expecting was the presence of a tall, blonde, drop-dead-gorgeous shady-ass-whore named Nicky Doll, who has a particular interest in being a total bitch.
I was soft for Jicky and my friends helped me come up with this (hiiii 💯)
Working at Chanel was supposed to be a high class gig.
Beautiful fancy women selling you purses and shoes in a power-cleaned sparking storefront? That sounded like the perfect way to make money to Jaida, and once she walked in for the job interview, it was over; her looks alone could have made her manager of the whole store on the first day.
What Jaida Essence Hall was not expecting was the presence of a tall, blonde, drop-dead-gorgeous shady-ass-whore named Nicky Doll. She fit right in at a first glance—French accent, smooth voice, looked like a fashion model—but was severely juxtaposed by her superpower to read a bitch down for filth while taking a hit from her juul in the back. Nicky was an enigma— a glorious, sexy enigma.
And she was a total bitch.
Exhibit One:
“Good afternoon ma’am,” Jaida smiled at the customer. The woman was wandering aimlessly around the huge store. She seemed like a nice lady, not experienced with the Chanel brand but not clueless either. “How may I help you?”
“I’m actually wondering if there’s a way I can buy clothes from those mannequins?”
Jaida raised an eyebrow. She must have been really rich if she was asking about actual garments. “Yes! You can. What were you interested in?”
“The striped pants, although, I’m not sure they’d look very good on me.”
The honey blonde pursed her lips. “Don’t say that sweetie, do you want to try them on, maybe?”
The customer laughed nervously. “Mmmm, I don’t want to ruin them, you know?”
And before Jaida could tap into her motherly and caring nature, a voice rang out from behind her.
“Those pants will match perfectly to the shirt under your jacket, madame. You’re not going to find ones like those anywhere else,” Nicky carried a purse in her hand, probably on the way to help someone buy it. But, of course, she couldn’t mind her own damn business.
Jaida glared at the platinum blonde, who just smirked back at her through her cherry red Mac lipstick. And then she did the unforgivable:
“I can help you check out, cherie .”
The unsuspecting woman nodded and trotted after the French Fiend, leaving Jaida to stare holes into the back of Nicky’s perfectly ironed blazer.
Exhibit Two:
“Jaida, the sales you’ve been making are insane!” Jackie scanned the documents. “You really are a valuable member of this team, and not just because you’re the prettiest.”
A shit-eating grin smeared itself on Jaida’s face when she turned to Nicky, who just raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.
“Hear that, Nicolette? I’m the prettiest.”
“For an American.”
Jaida scoffed. “Chile, tell me that when you do better than me.”
“I am doing better, right Jackie?”
The persian manager looked up from what she was doing. “By a little, but you two are our top sellers.”
Nicky looked at the older woman coyly. God, Jaida wanted to punch the expression right off her perfect face. How could someone so disastrously beautiful be such a jackass? Jaida was constantly asking herself, Do I want to kill her, or kiss her?
Meanwhile, Nicky congratulated herself on upsetting and flustering the prettiest girl in the world, again.
Exhibit Three:
Of course Nicky was also friends with Jaida’s friends. Was the older woman expecting for the blonde to hug Heidi and Jan familiarly when they arrived at the bar? No. Did she? Yes.
“Nicky! Wow, when Jaida mentioned your name I didn’t know it was you!” Jan exclaimed when the Frenchwoman air kissed her cheeks.
“Well, there can be only one of me!” Nicky waved, turning to Jaida. “So, you do talk about me.”
“Yes, I talk about how much I hate you,” she rolled her eyes.
“She talks about how she hates you so much she wants to give you a big ol’ smooch,” Heidi teased.
Nicky’s eyes widened, looking at Jaida from across the round table knowingly, sipping her rose wine with a small smile.
“You know what, Heidi? Fuck you!” Jaida could feel her cheeks warm when she shoved her friend in the arm, taking a long swig of wine.
“No, you want to fuck Nicky, not me!”
The other girls, Jan, Jackie, and Crystal, burst out in laughter. Through her embarrassment, Jaida even thought she could see Nicky turn red, too—but of course she’d never admit or show to that. Jaida wasn’t going to admit anything either; she hated Nicky, and that was a fact.
“Jaida, take an Instagram story with me!” Nicky grinned evilly, standing up from her seat and wrapping a skinny arm around the shorter girl’s shoulders. Of course, Jaida forgot that Nicky had amassed quite an Instagram following that didn’t quite match her old-lady job, and mentioning Jaida (who too, was considered a ‘baddie’ and almost matched Nicky’s follower count—) would be good for her brand.
“Whatever you say, chile,” Jaida complied when the other woman turned her camera to themselves. Nicky pressed their heads close together and Jaida could smell her rose perfume and coconut shampoo as they made cute faces for the screen. And then, because of course she did, Nicky placed a ‘friendly kiss’ on Jaida’s cheek, garnering chuckles and ‘awws’ from their friends.
Jaida absolutely despised her.
But damn, she was hot.
It was just about time to close up the store, and it was Jaida’s job to check all two floors of the building and help/kick out whoever was left.
Soft music echoed through the little hallway leading to the stairs as Jaida’s heels clicked on each step. The familiar smell of rose perfume filled her nostrils when she approached the second floor, and her eyes darted around to search for a familiar shock of platinum hair.
Near a display of mannequins and a luxury couch is when Jaida spotted Nicky absentmindedly toying with the sleeve of a jacket and humming. She looked beautiful, as always, but there was something about the way her eyes were glassed over and the way she looked so deep in thought that made it impossible for Jaida to look away. Add on the fact that Nicky had such a pretty singing voice—she was a vision.
It took a few moments for the Frenchwoman’s icy blue eyes to meet Jaida’s. Pretty, perfect Jaida. The one who always got mad at Nicky in a way only someone like her would find cute. The one who always spoke her mind and knew exactly what to say and when to say it. The one who Nicky just had to do better than because her face and body were already so perfect, there was not much the blonde could do to one-up her.
Nicky smiled, and Jaida cursed internally when she felt herself get hot again.
“Nobody’s up here, right?” the dark-skinned woman took a tentative step forward, her arms crossed in front of her.
Nicky exhaled a laugh. “No, just me and you.”
“Right. Well, let’s close a few minutes early, then.”
“Mhm,” the blonde nodded, walking towards the other woman in what Jaida thought was her exiting the second floor. She was mistaken.
The taller woman walked straight at Jaida until her back was pressed on a wall, Nicky blocking a view of the marble stairs. Before Jaida could protest, Nicky traced a hand along the side of her cheek and the shorter girl was acutely aware of how she felt her perfectly long fingernail and how that feeling made her feel other things.
“What are you trying to do, Nicky?” Jaida managed to collect herself enough to ask.
“Nothing. I just like the way your face looks, mon chou .”
Jaida couldn’t help but snort and laugh. “You—you what?”
“You’re very pretty, Miss Hall,” her tone was serious, almost sultry.
“I know I am, now-” she paused when Nicky grabbed her chin. “Now, what is this?”
“What is what?” her eyebrow was raised playfully.
Well fuck. Fucking fuck. After all this time of Nicky being a bitch—a beautiful, funny, stupid-ass bitch—Jaida didn’t realize she was being that type of bitch. No, she couldn’t deny her attraction to the French girl, but she didn’t realize those feelings were reciprocated for anything else except teasing.
“Girl, I’m sick of you playing with me. I don’t know if you like girls or what, chile, just tell me.”
“I like you.”
“I like me, too. Now what?” the long haired girl straightened her posture, nearly reaching Nicky’s tall height.
Nicky scoffed, one side of her mouth curled up. “I thought you liked me.”
“Godammit Frenchie,” Jaida rolled her eyes, grabbing the short-haired woman’s wrist and dragging her next door to the dressing rooms. Each one was large, with faux-velvet couches, fresh white walls with black trim, and doors with locks that hit the actual ground. The shorter woman opened one of them, locked the aforementioned door, and gently shoved Nicky against the wall.
“I’m tired of this bullshit, Nicky. Give me everything you’ve got.”
“Merde , I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” Nicky licked her lower lip before roughly slamming her face on Jaida’s.
The first thing Jaida registered when their tongues met was how Nicky tasted like the rose perfume she always wore. The second thing was the release of tension that had built up over the two girls ever since they’d started working together, and god, that felt euphoric.
Nicky pressed their bodies even closer together, hands sifting through Jaida’s hair as she groaned into the kiss. Jaida slid her hands down the blonde’s back, further and further down until she could grope Nicky through the black fabric of her pencil skirt. She giggled in Jaida’s mouth, breaking the kiss to nibble on the shorter girl’s jawline. At that, Jaida squeezed her ass even harder, making Nicky tense up.
“That’s for making me look bad in front of Jackie.”
“What’d you call me?” Jaida joked, pulling away.
“It means damn or shit, okay?!”
Jaida just kissed Nicky’s neck as a response, biting down gently on her pulse point and making her swear in French—again.
“If Jackie sees a hickey-”
Jaida bit down harder. “That one was for making me look bad in front of my customers.”
“ Jaida,” Nicky gasped.
“Can I take off this stupid uniform?” she fiddled with the buttons on the button up under Nicky’s blazer.
“Only if you do,” the blonde’s hands were at the hem of Jaida’s trousers.
And they followed up on their promises, finding themselves ass-naked on the couch with Nicky straddling Jaida, sucking on her face like she was sucking the beauty right from her mouth.
Jaida was the first to take Nicky’s breast in her hand, rolling the bud in her finger and drawing out muffled moans from the tanned beauty on her legs. She broke the kiss and placed a new one on Nicky’s other boob, swirling her tongue around her nipple in time with her hand. She looked up at Nicky, who was looking at her with the most beautiful expression she’d ever seen: eyes blown out, eyebrows curved upwards, mouth slightly open. When Jaida licked her collarbones and between her cleavage she turned her head upwards and bucked her hips into Jaida’s stomach, a murmured and closed-mouth moan escaping from her.
“Needy Nicky,” Jaida mumbled into her chest.
“You tease me with all that, and chile, here you are begging for me?”
“Power bottom.”
Jaida laughed, leaving her breast with a pop and going back to kiss Nicky’s red-stained lips.
Her hand found itself in between Nicky’s legs, feeling the wetness surrounding her core. She gently stroked the folds of her labia, making the Frenchwoman moan quite loudly.
“Moumoune,” Nicky purred. “Go down on me.”
“Needy Nicky,” Jaida lifted the woman off of her, adjusting so that she sat between her legs and Nicky laid on the couch.
“Is that what you’re calling me now?” Nicky’s voice was breathy as Jaida kissed her inner thighs.
“If you get to call me all your weird French nicknames, I’m calling you Needy Nicky,” she bit extra close to Nicky’s core.
“Jaida, please, ” she pulled the beauty’s hair.
“Brat,” she smirked, drawing back. “Apologize for embarrassing me in front of my friends.”
“Jaida, you salope !”
“Hm,” Jaida nearly stood up before Nicky whined.
“I promise I’ll be nicer, ma cherie .”
“I’m holding you to that one,” Jaida continued her assault on Nicky’s legs. “What does salope mean, anyway?”
Jaida bit skin again, Nicky yelped. “Jeez, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, mon chou .”
“I hope that means ‘darling.’”
Nicky said nothing, the only sound that could be heard was her heavy breathing as Jaida finally reached her center, licking a line up her folds.
“That wasn’t French,” Jaida mumbled, before circling her tongue around Nicky’s clit. The blonde arched her back at the touch, attempting to grip the fabric of the couch.
As Jaida flattened her tongue against Nicky’s entrance, the girl let out an uncharacteristically high-pitched sound. When she teased her hole, Nicky squealed more. It was probably the first time Jaida had heard her speechless.
The dark blonde wet a finger and gently placed it inside of Nicky, peeking up to check on her partner.
“God—Jaida, that feels-” she grunted as Jaida curled up further. “You’re so good.”
“You want more?”
Jaida could have sworn the face Nicky made when she added another finger was the prettiest thing she’d ever seen—adding on the sound that escaped her lips, a sound Jaida could have probably listened to forever.
“Nicky, someone might catch us,” Jaida cooed. The French girl couldn’t choke out a response when Jaida rubbed a thumb over her clit, just another loud moan.
“But you don’t care, do you?”
She shook her head.
“If Jackie came up the stairs, you’d just keep fucking yourself on my fingers if I stopped, right?”
She nodded. For once, Jaida was in control.
The long haired woman’s mouth was back on the bundle of nerves at Nicky’s core, sucking and darting her tongue all over it. Nicky didn’t even recognize her own voice as she kept whining, knocking her head back as she felt the knot in her stomach glow unbearably tight.
Jaida could feel the girl tense around her, so she made sure to keep her steady pace when the sounds in the room turned into staccato yelps.
“Jaida-” was the last thing she whimpered before releasing on her fingers.
Just to smite her, Jaida took the opportunity to place her liquid-coated digits between Nicky’s lips, basically forcing her to lick them clean. There was something satisfying, sexy, exciting, maybe even sadistic, about watching the girl who’d relentlessly sexually frustrated her suck on her hand like a baby.
It took a few moments for the both of them to calm down, Jaida flopping on the couch right next to Nicky and resting her hands on her own chest to steady her breathing.
“So,” she finally said.
“So,” Nicky replied.
“That was good.”
“You’re telling me!” Nicky flipped on her side to face Jaida. “That was—wow.”
“Nice to know I can do something right with you.”
Nicky’s face shifted. “What do you mean?”
“Well you’re always one-upping me, bitch! Better sales, better hair, better face, stealing my customers, stealing my friends—”
“Jaida, I am so, so sorry. I didn’t…” Nicky bit her lip. “I didn’t think it would be that—that noticeable.”
“So you are a bitch on purpose! Chile, I knew it,” Jaida attempted to lighten the mood.
“Honestly, I do it all because I want to prove I’m better than you, when I know I’m not. I have to work my butt off to get all of the things you get by doing nothing, because you’re perfect.”
“Chile! Shut the whole hell up. I work just as hard, if not harder than you. You don’t know what I’ve been through. You see my perfect facade, Nicky.”
The Frenchwoman stared, then smiled. “Well. Can I get to know what’s behind your facade, Miss Jaida?”
She grinned back. “I don’t know, Ms. Doll. You’ll have to take me on a date and see.”
That evening, Jaida could still smell roses on her uniform.
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