#i wanted to make a video game but i think i'm gonna make an android messaging app lmaoooo
vuele · 10 months
i'm back!!!! i feel ambivalent about so many things lmao but i'll share some pics soon!
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iwonderwh0 · 6 months
I can't reply on the post and don't want to reblog it again, but I'm not forgetting Daniel. Unfortunately the only thing we see of Daniel pre-deviancy is him saying hello into a video. It doesn't give us any sense of who he is as a person. That clip is about Emma's attachment to him because he's "the coolest android in the world", but all he does is say hello when prompted, with reasonably good cheerful affect. It contrasts sharply with what we see, which is him dangling Emma off the roof, and the game doesn't really go into whether that brief clip was the real Daniel or just an act provided by his programming.
We get a sense of what he wants, and what he values from his actions as a deviant, because apparently just the threat of being torn away from his family and discarded was enough to send him deviant. But the game arguably portrays his deviancy as a bad thing and him as a villain instead of it being a tragedy that he was driven to this desperation. (Mileage may vary on that one based on personal experiences; "you lied to me, Connor" is gut-wrenching, but it's also one possible ending out of all of them, requiring absolute success in manipulation from Connor, and the only ending that hits that way. In the rest of them, he HAS to die for Connor to save Emma so his death feels justified.)
Okay, that's fair, the clip doesn't give us a lot. I was just thinking about how what we learn from his words and actions paints us a picture of how he reached this point. And how he had some really strong personal opinions about his life and place in the world long before deviancy. Otherwise, his reaction wouldn't be this. 100% he's not the first android who got replaced, but he's the first one to get revengeful about.
And, him being a villain? Oh boy, you know me, I fucking love him being a villain. I disagree with him being only a victim in this, which is not to say his story isn't tragic (it is).
But it's his decision to go for a revenge instead of escape. It's his decision to drag Emma (who may not even know about the new android) to the rooftop and use her as a hostage with him being perfectly capable of going through with his threat and fall back dragging Emma down with him. Even though he supposedly loved her, his hatred and resentment is stronger. He thinks she deserves it. Because she (her family) hurt him, and he ain't gonna let that slide. It's not the fear of death that motivates him, not self-defence but pure rage. He took the gun and instead of escaping with it he goes straight to the person who wronged him and kills him when he isn't expecting.
And his rage and hatred extrapolates far beyond Philips family.
He objects to Connor helping a human that has nothing to do with Philips family and pose no threat to him anymore, so it's just a question of whether his life (one more to the list) will end as result of Daniel's actions. Daniel later says that he didn't want to hurt anybody, and yet here, when he has a chance for making his actions less murderous for the outsiders, he objects.
"All humans die eventually. What difference does it make if this one dies now?"
Ah, what a line! Compare it with Traci's words about how she only killed out of fear of being next.
When Connor pushes Emma away, what does he do? Once again, he chooses revenge, but this time aimed at Connor. Not even a human, but just another android doing his job.
Daniel story is tragic, but his actions, even though done in panic and shock are still his actions that he chose himself. And I think we should let him own them. He attacked first. When he was cornered he made sure to drag others with him.
Sorry, I dwelled away from original topic. Revengeful Danial is just my fave, and I prefer his actions to be viewed as his own choices and not something universal any deviant in his place would do.
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lyssafreyguy · 14 days
hey hey. hey. I'm sorry I can't find the original post or else I'd just reblog it with this and I know it's been a couple weeks so I shouldn't be adding on to it but I hvae to get this out cause I quite literally haven't stopped thinking about it since I first saw it:
in her original Dungeon Meshi video Lily Orchard was kinda making fun of people who recommend her stuff (no comment there you do whatever you want) and gave an example where because she liked Kingdom Hearts (action-adventure JRPG) someone might recommend her Nier Automata (action-adventure bullet hell JRPG) and she described it as like "avshshjana something something maid fetish" and it made me so. tired lmfao. I was just like "oh God of COURSE she probably hasn't even actually looked into Automata to see what it's actually about oh B R O T H E R" you know?
like I also remember being younger and seeing this game on release and its fake sexy android character design and the fact that there's a joke achievement you get for looking up the android's skirt a bunch and just immediately being put off by it and wholly judging it on a completely surface level like I knew everything about it and labelling as Bad Game Actually but that was almost an entire decade ago and Lily's having this view NOW when she's at least what like 4 years older than me?? she's in her 30s??? Lily babe you can play the Anti-Feminist Sexy Android Game or whatever you wanna call it it's okay no one's gonna shoot you down 😭
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duhragonball · 8 months
Nanwum VII Update: 72,197
I'm starting to run out of gas, which is probably not a big deal since I already cleared 50k, but this bears out my whole strategy of building an early lead. My intention was to pull down 2k per day from the 13th to the end of the month, and I'm still on track, but on the 14th I fell a little behind and only got to 1709. It's not a problem, since I got caught up, but I need to be careful from here if I want to make it to 100k. Not that I need 100k, but I like bragging rights.
To reward myself for the insane wordcounts I put in earlier this month, I decided to watch all of the recent DBZ review videos that TotallyNotMark put up. You know, the ones with the new Team Four Star DBZA clips in them. I'd already watched the "Buu Bits" in a separate compilation video, but now I'm finally checking out the review and...
I don't know, there's a lot of good material in these things. The editing is top notch, and you could play these videos with the sound off and still enjoy it just as an hours-long DBZ highlight reel. And Mark has a lot of salient insights on the series. I particularly liked his analysis of Gohan and Videl's dynamic, and it's also refreshing to see a DBZ fan who, you know, actually likes the show. Like, he's gushing over Vegeta's character arc, or talking about how great the androids and Cell are without a bunch of qualifiers, and it's just refreshing to see that.
That having been said, the writing for these videos often ends up sounding like this:
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Like, arguably, you can't do a six-hour review of a cartoon show without being a little pretentious, but there's sentences in these videos where it feels like YouTube is paying Mark by the word.
Also, he tends to make these off-the-cuff style remarks, like he's discussing creative decisions about making the video in the video. I get that too. I write my blog with that same stream-of-consciousness energy, because I really am making this up as I go. It's a blog, there's not gonna be a second draft. But he's doing a YouTube video, and there's a lot of production values involved and the work is pretty polished. I don't think it makes a lot of sense for him to talk about how the sausage is made. Just give me the sausage, which is footage of the cartoon with a guy telling me what he liked about it.
I've sort of had this fascination with the writing style throughout the series, and I think if I had to spoof it, I'd go with something like this:
"Again, as I said before earlier in this video, when I started this review, I wanted to avoid sounding pretentious, an attribute the likes of which can be disastrous for the making of a successful review. But, having established that fact firmly and decisviely, perhaps even conclusively--not withstanding earlier comments made about the length of Piccolo's cape, which is a subject for another day-- I can say with great certainty that Goku and Vegeta do indeed comprise a dramaturgical dyad, not only upon which the series depends upon, but through which we can see the true genius of one of the most influential manga authors of all time."
And while you hear this word salad, there's a cool shot of Vegeta beating up Pui Pui or something.
The weird thing is that I didn't really pick up on this in his GT, Super, or OG Dragon Ball review videos. It's almost like he's purposely writing more stuff so he has room for all the cool footage.
Right now I'm in the tail end of the Buu Saga, and while I give him credit for being diplomatic about it, Mark still falls into the same trap I see with a lot of critiques of the Buu Saga: They keep comparing the existing text with some hypothetical better story that they assumed Toriyama was planning to write instead, before he changed his mind.
I think everyone has run across this before. People saw Gohan take the main-character role after the Cell Games and assumed this was a guarantee. When Gohan gets demoted and Goku takes the lead again, they cry foul and complain about how Toriyama failed to make it work, or he just plain gave up. There's an old fan rumor about how he was "forced" to put Goku back in charge because of backlash from angry fans, but this is absurd on its face.
This leads to critiques of the Buu Saga that operate on the premise that there's some idealized "correct" version of the story, where Gohan trains really hard, beats Buu all by himself, and so on. Whenever the published version of the story deviates from this "correct" version, critics suggest that Toriyama got his wires crossed, and blame everything on the awkward pivot back to Goku.
To me, that doesn't make sense. "Gohan and the Next Generation defeat Buu" is a what-if fan theory. Maybe it's better than what we ended up getting, but it's not fair to review the published work by comparing it to a hypothetical draft that may never have existed. That's like if a food critic gave a steakhouse a bad rating because he thought it was a pizzeria and he's still mad that his sirloin didn't have anchovies on it.
When you look at the Buu Saga as it was actually presented, the throughline is clearly not about passing the torch to the kids, because they all get jobbed out and killed. So it's dumb to review the thing and complain that the Gotenks stuff is pointless, and Gohan's power up is unearned, and his loss to Super Buu really sucks the life out of the story, and gosh, this is a really terrible passing-the-torch story. Well that's because it's not a passing-the-torch story. It's a story about Goku trying to pass the torch, failing, and discovering that he still has a place in the world after all. The "torch" he was trying to pass was his identity and personal responsibility, things he can't just confer on someone else.
You can't just tell someone else they're the new protagonist of your story and now they have to go do your job and feed your pets while you play video games. Everyone talks about Vegeta going Majin as a manifestation of his mid-life crisis, but Goku's mid-life crisis was him dying at age 30 and nope-ing his way out of life to train in Valhalla for the rest of eternity. The Buu Saga forced him to accept that this was a mistake, which is why he doesn't just drink a vial full of heart-virus juice after the story ends. He's back in the world of the living and this time he knows he needs to stay there.
And when you look at it from that perspective, suddenly all the Gotenks/Elder Kai Ritual stuff makes a lot more sense as awkward farce. It's anticlimactic and unsatisfying because none of those plans were ever going to work. Nothing worked until Goku and Vegeta both got their heads out of their asses and worked together. The world didn't need martyrs or torch-passings or a 'next generation', it needed adults to put their personal feelings aside for the greater good.
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everglow-synth · 2 years
OOC: What's been going on with me.
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Okay, I really need to stop just disappearing like this. This is a bit of a long update, so I'm gonna put it under a read more.
TL;DR: Sorry for vanishing again. Hit me up on Discord, and maybe we can talk or get something going again. I'll definitely try to be back soon after some blog changes, and maybe a change in attitude.
I'll preface this with the fact that work's been kicking my ass lately. No shit, when doesn't it, right? That's why I always keep disappearing, because by the time I get home, all I wanna do is watch Youtube and play video games, or just cuddle up next to my girlfriend and keep warm. That's my excuse every time though, and I'm sorry.
That brings me to part 2; my girlfriend's finally moved in with me, so I've been spending a lot more of my time with her now that we aren't two states apart anymore. So that's been fun, and I'm finally glad that I'm a lot closer to her.
But none of this means that I'm done with tumblr, or anything like that. I've just been... really fucking tired. Like, absurdly. I miss being here, I miss you guys, but shit's just been hectic for me, and trying to get my shit together is always a daunting task. But I do want to come back.
So, where do I go from here? Well for starters, I'm thinking of doing a bit of a soft reboot; not erasing any of my muses' memories or anything like that, but taking the time to consolidate this blog and @android-dreams into a single multimuse. That will give me a lot more room to be creative without having to worry about neglecting one blog.
Second, I do want to say that I'm definitely a lot more active on Discord, so those of you who wanna do stuff, chances are you have me on there. If not and you do want it, or you just don't want to use Discord, feel free to DM me. I'll try to check that more often, at least.
Anything else is up in the air. I just wanna be sure that I'm ready to come back before I bite that bullet, you know? I keep saying that I'll come back, and when I do, it's for like a week before I just end up moving on again. I don't want to let that happen.
I love playing as Matthew, Doom Slayer, Majima, all of them. And more to the point, I love talking to you guys, either plotting out RPs or just shooting the shit. And I feel like whenever I half-ass making a comeback, I'm just letting people down by leaving RPs and DMs unchecked for who knows how long.
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portalwalker · 1 month
10, 13, and 14
NPC ask meme
10 - someone they’re holding a grudge against
Maria steeples her fingers in front of her face and breathes in. It's hard to tell for what reason.
"I have grudges against more than one person, I will admit that, but picking one to talk about means talking about at least three morons who've caused me pain in the past. Because the ones that are highest on my list are the ones who took away the will of myself or others and used their victims for their own gain.
"Dr. Albert Wily may be dead for all intents and purposes, but he was the first person to take my will and actually have it stick. In some twisted way I have him to thank for my basis of a defensive program now, but I definitely don't like that it happened. A Bill Cipher too, is dead -- he didn't affect me, but he affected someone I know, and thinking about what he lived through is enough horror to focus on."
Maria's face darkens into a scowl. "The only ones still alive who also managed to take control of me and make it stick are the Dark Arms -- like the Black Arms from Shadow the Hedgehog's past, but with a different name and different goal. Won't get into it here, but let's just say I hate that they used me and almost collapsed a number of worlds into the void as a result. I'm still seeing repercussions from that. The biggest being a bounty they put out on my head because they want to try and control me again."
13 - someone they have conflicted feelings about
"Conflicted feelings, huh?" Maria rests a hand on her chin. "That....mmph." She grimaces. "That probably goes to any 'villain' of a given dimension who's reformed out of my line of sight, or, again, Dr. Wily.
"Cause, again -- Wily was the first guy to take my free will for a while, and he's the reason why technological mind control no longer sticks for long. Dr. Light repurposed it into a defensive firewall when he managed to get his hands on me again. Which I'm grateful for, don't get me wrong, but the idea that I'm positively affected by a piece of trauma from when I was transferred into an android body is...it doesn't sit well. At all."
Maria suppresses a shudder, but something about her body still rattles. "Just...I was seventeen when my body died and my soul ended up in a mechanical one. I know Dr. Light meant well by saving me, but...there's a lot that's happened since then that I might not have had to worry about, if I'd still been physically human. But there's a lot that I don't worry about now that I would've had to worry about, too. So I guess I feel conflicted about them both."
14 - someone whose choices have drastically impacted their life
"I'd probably say my parents. Cliche, I know, but they didn't warn me and my siblings that not only the multiverse was real, but that cartoon and video game characters could make portals to find us at home. Didn't train us in self-defense, either."
Maria sighs. "I think they were hoping that the four of us wouldn't end up getting sucked into TVs like they did. Instead, I got abducted when I was sixteen and had to learn in another dimension about my fire manipulation and how to make a portal to get home. It makes me wonder if it would've changed how I behaved out there, honestly. Maybe it would've taken longer for the Dark Arms to find out about me, instead of grabbing me the summer I turned eighteen. Never gonna know now.
"There's others who've drastically changed things, honestly, but my parents are the reason I can travel between realities in the first place. It's all genetic -- or, was, before my accident."
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K FOLLOWERS! You deserve every single one of them and more! Can I participate in your event PLEASE? 🥺
Since you already did a match-up for me, I'll choose Android 17 as my character and here's all the info you need!
Name: Corethra (Corey for short)
Star Sign: Pisces
Venus Sign: Capricorn
Love Language: Acts Of Service
About Me: I have a tough, foul-mouthed, and sometimes mean front that hides my caring and kind nature. I have high standards for both myself and others and I refuse to lower them nor change for anyone. Accept me as I am or keep it moving. I'm also a bit territorial and I take relationships seriously. No casual flings or hook-ups here! I can come across as demanding and uncompromising but that's only because I want the same respect, passion, and undying loyalty that I'm willing to give my partner and I don't want to be abandoned or betrayed.
I haven't been on a date nor have I had a relationship (still a virgin too) so I'm not really sure about what I'd like to do on a date 😅 But I do enjoy going out to restaurants and playing video games so something involving gaming or food will do!
As for music genre/artist/band, I have a wide variety of music that I enjoy but my main genre is basically anything alternative or rock. My favorite band is Evanescence and my favorite artist is Ciara 😁
I think I'll ask for smut this time 😉
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Your Song: At Last- Etta James Headcanons:
When you first met Android 17, he was still cold and distant. He liked you, but it was hard for him to open up to you and actually become your friend. He takes a long time to come to terms with what’s happened to him in life and you really help him see the beauty of life.
As you grow closer, Android 17 finds himself feeling things he thought he’d never feel again. You were becoming someone so important in his life and he found himself wanting to spend more time with you and he hates the way other people look at you. He doesn’t want anyone to ask you out or date you.
It was actually Krillin and his sister, Android 18, who were the ones that got you two together. They noticed how close you were to each other and Android 18 told her brother to ask you out on a date. He was very nervous about it, since he had developed a crush on you by this point.
The first date was awkward, but you both had a wonderful time. Android 17 brought you to a very nice restaurant and though you both were nervous, it felt nice to finally have some alone time and actually go on a real date. He didn’t know exactly what to say to you, but every time you laughed, he felt his heart skip a beat.
It took some time for the two of you to fully feel comfortable around one another. You were worried that maybe he wasn’t fully committed, and he worried that you weren’t interested enough in him. But when he kissed you for the first time, everything fell into place.
You both love to spend time together, either playing video games, taking a walk in the woods or just spending quality time together. Android 17 feels the most comfortable with you and he knows he can be his true self with you. He doesn’t need to hide anything from you and he doesn’t have to be cold or distant with you.
Lots of cuddles. He feels like he is so safe in your arms, and he knows that you feel the same way about him. He’ll pull you onto his chest and wrap his arms around you while you both snuggle while watching a movie. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.
Android 17 treats you like a princess. He will do absolutely anything to see you smile, and he always has your best interests at heart. He will never do anything to make you sad intentionally. He’s also very much into buying or making you little gifts or doing kind things for you.
On the flip side, you are quick to treat Android 17 like he is the greatest thing in the world. This dynamic works so well for the two of you as you are both so willing to be caring and generous to one another, making you both feel like a million dollars.
Whenever you’re in public, he can get a little possessive in a sense. He doesn’t want anyone else checking you out. He can’t help but feel jealous of anyone who thinks they can get some action with you. Thankfully for him, you are so quick to shut those creeps down. Android 17 has nothing to worry about while he’s with you, and same goes for you.
Being intimate together after being apart:
His movements are rough and needy as he picks you up and throws you onto the bed. It’s a little bit playful in a way, but you know that if you tease him for too long, he will definitely get rougher than this. It’s not often that Android 17 gets this way, but when it’s been a while since you’ve been intimate together.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mutters against the soft spot on your neck. You groan as he bites down gently, leaving only light teeth marks.
“I’ve missed you so much,” you manage to say between your labored breath. One of his hands is already down your panties, rubbing your clit.
“I missed you too. I can’t wait to show you how much,”
His words go straight to your core. You shudder softly as his fingers finally pump into you, your walls stretching to accommodate him. It feels so good and he’s barely done anything to you yet. The excitement from seeing again after him being gone so long is what’s making you this aroused.
“Are you already going to cum?” There’s a mocking tone in his voice as he slows his pace. You can feel your orgasm subsiding as he slows to a stop.
“Seventeen,” you whine. “Why would you stop like that?” He chuckles and leans in to quiet you with a soft and passionate kiss.
“Because I just love the way you beg me.” He admits, curling his fingers to stimulate your g spot. Your eyes roll back in your head as he continues to fuck you with his fingers, this time his thumb comes to bully your clit.
“Gonna fucking cum!” You cry out, bucking up against his hand. He speeds up in the best way possible, never letting up on the pressure.
“Cum all over my fingers, beautiful. I want to feel you come undone.”
That’s all you need as your toes curl and your vision cuts to static. You mewl his name as your orgasm wracks all throughout your body. Android 17 is palming himself through his jeans while he watches you cum.
It doesn't take long for him to get himself undressed and push himself deeply into you. You both moan as he bottoms out, his balls plush against your ass. He’s trying to contain himself as best as he can, but it’s proving to be too much.
“I love you,”
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ Review w/ 8bitdo’s Ultimate Software “Ver. 2.0″- Part 15.5 "2nd Attempt" (Recorded Video) [Oct 9, 2021]
Hi, here’s Part 15.5 of my 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ Gamepad and their (New) “Ultimate Software”.🎮🙂
Now as I before, I'm going to attempt another Macros time for the 2nd time. And I hope I get it right...
If you haven't seen my Part 15, then please [CLICK ME!].
*But before that, I want YOU… Yes, you, which you’re reading my description. I want you to watch my recorded video first 📹📲 (as an observation) before you read the rest of my reaction experience. Hope you’re watching…
So without further ado, let’s get started:
My Experience:
• Okay time to restart my Macros test with the Ultimate Software, and this time I'll create another set of macro profiles for a different game test. And once I've done my setup I'll sync through my controller. Uh yeah, as I learn before, make sure that my profile is turned on by pressing both L3 and R3, (in order) to activate my three macro profiles. Now I'm ready to go to test it out! So, what kind of game that I'm gonna test for my Macros feature? Twisted Metal 4 (on the ePSXe emulator 🚙🔫💥)!
BTW: Once again, it won't register via my 8bitdo gamepad through the Ultimate Software during the Macros process. I'm sure someday it'll update a new version, somehow.
• Alright, I'm now in the game! And as you can see it worked very well, although sometimes it's hard to register from pressing. Except one though, because the infinite ammo on my mapped Star button is a lie; you know, I should've use jump ability instead, but hey at least it works on my two mapped buttons (L3 and R3). Hey, remember what I said about that I failed on my 1st attempt (You know, me playing Vigilante 8 2nd Offense)? Well, I decided to go try, and surprisingly worked! (Plus, I need to turn on my profile config, unlike before.) Well, sort of... Because I need to press both mapped button(s) (L3, R3, or Star) and R2 to activate the special weapon combo (depending on what weapon that I'm using, in the Vigilante 8 franchise). It's weird that I already add the R2 button on my three mapped profiles, but I guess it works. You know, since it's just a macro test for playing Vigilante 8 2nd Offense I think might stick to manual buttons than using the macro button(s) because it's pretty easy to maneuver as well as quick, too. Thanks to 8bitdo SN30 Pro+'s excellent d-pad. Twisted Metal 4 on the other hand, yeah I'm definitely gonna use my macro button because sometimes I felt hard on different stages. Even though I've already done for, but I'll play it someday. After all, it's just a test for showing up, of what macros feature by 8bitdo's Ultimate Software is capable of.
•Speaking of which, I even tried the "queue latency" for macros during my Twisted Metal 4 and I could see the difference. Although I would rather not use it in my future play.
• I have to say, my 8bitdo's macros mapping feature is pretty useful than my old iPega 9063 controller's. Because the mapping feature for my old controller is quite confusing, even if I read from the instruction manual (included) and also on Youtube video it didn't help for me. My 8bitdo gamepad (SN30 Pro+) and the Ultimate Software, on the other hand, are far much better. The only problem is the on-the-go portability because I need to change my profile config on the Ultimate Software via PC; well, unless I'm using the Pro 2 controller then the Ultimate Software app on my smartphone (for either iOS and/or Android) then I'm good to go. But sadly I don't have my own Pro 2 controller. And as of today, the 8bitdo's Ultimate Software app is exclusive for Pro 2. Here's hoping that my SN30 Pro+ will support through that app, too.
• Now as far as the macros feature from the 8bitdo's Ultimate Software, I think I've learned a lot, and again it's pretty useful for my selected games, not to mention fighting games on different supported devices for my SN30 Pro+ gamepad. Hey, if my big bro is planning to buy a Nintendo Switch console (whether he chose the normal or the already released OLED variant), as well as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (now that Sora from KH is finally added to the Smash Bros. Universe) I have my secret weapon.
• Another criticism about my 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad is the lack of extra buttons for using Macros mapping. There's nothing much room for it, and therefore I need to sacrifice any buttons for what I need. And finally, the aforementioned hard response on mapping buttons; take L3 and R3 for instance, which it didn't receive when I pressed during my gameplay by rapidly pressing either L3 and R3; so it takes some cool time for some. So the only option I have is the single star button, which I have to replace "turbo function" into "macros button" to prevent auto rapidly. That's why I want the Pro 2 controller for extra back buttons; if these buttons are useless, then why mapping it for a great advantage and become a new play experience. Nevertheless, overall, I love using the Macros feature from the 8bitdo's Ultimate Software on my 8bitdo gamepad for my games. Although, if only I have my own Pro 2 gamepad, it'll be so much easier; thus exactly what I'm earning for.
UPDATE QUICK: Unfortunately, I'm having serious trouble with my 8bitdo gamepad during my GTA Online play session.😟 It sometimes keeps opening a window when I combined my right trigger and R3. This is the result of malfunctioning after my Macros map experience test between the Ultimate Software and my gamepad. I'm quite scared so I have to fix this problem; whether I reconnected via Bluetooth, reset it entirely, or update a new firmware from 8bitdo's Firmware Updater.😰 Here's hoping that my malfunction problem will be solved.😟
Well, that's all for now. And If you want to see my previous related 8bitdo item(s), then I’ll provide some links down below:↓
My 8bitdo USB Wireless Adapter ‘PS Classic Edition’:
• Opening parcel [Aug 27, 2020]
• Part 1 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 2 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 3 (Recorded video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 4 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 5 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 6 (Recorded Video) [Oct 20, 2020]
• Part 7 (Recorded Video) [Oct 28, 2020]
• Part 8 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 9 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 10 [Final] (Recorded Video) [Nov 16, 2020]
• Extra Part / Final Plus [Nov 25, 2020]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad (ongoing):
• Unopened parcel [Nov 3, 2020]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Nov 3, 2020]
• Part 1 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 1.5 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 2 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 2.5 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 3 [Dec 1, 2020]
• Part 4 [Dec 3, 2020]
• Part 5 [Dec 8,2020]
• Part 6 [Dec 11,2020]
• Part 7 [Dec 20, 2020]
• Part 8 [Jan 19, 2021]
• Part 9 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10.5 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 11 (w/ 8bitdo’s Ultimate Software ver. 2.0) [May 11, 2021]
• Part 12 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 12.5 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 13 [Jul 31, 2021]
• Part 14 [Aug 17, 2021]
• Part 15 (Macros mapping - 1st attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
Tagged: @lordromulus90
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hiilybemyfriendpls · 2 years
tw venting (also not super regression related) (mother's day related) (but also I'm regressing right now sooooo)
MAN okay so mother's day, right?
For context: I'm a computer science major. I code things. It's something I'm good at.
But! I also have an inordinate amount of perfectionism and set myself really high standards for things, especially (as I've discovered this year) when it comes to doing things for others.
So, my mom's a big startup person, and she'd had this idea for an app for a while.
And! She's very hard to get things for.
So, I was gonna build her an app.
Which is a lot harder than I thought!!! ESPECIALLY bc I started with an egregiously terrible Android Studio way. (jgdfgkjdf)
BUT all the no-code or low-code options were WAY more confusing imo
but android studio just straight up doesn't work. ifykyk ig (it's REALLY slow and my computer sounds like an airplane every time I use it..... it's a coding environment??? if I need to emulate an entire ass phone I will but NOT RN RN I AM JUST MAKING BUTTONS GRRR)
honestly would be easier to make in python
as is everything lol
but that has its own hurdles
so I burnt myself out trying to make this damn app and now it's mothers day and I am sitting here with my vimeo video and my fucking 20 slide sketch and AND I KNOW
as SOON as I start presenting these slides my mom's gonna think I coded her an app
and I KNOW she'll be dissapointed
and even though she'll prolly be fine with it and still happy bc mothers day
I jsut feel like I couldve done SO much better and made her SO much happier and
I feel just
so dissapointed in myself /gen
and this is not the first time this has happened
I just set up such high standards for myself and get all pissy when I can't achieve them
because I COULD
but I DONT and it SUCKS
anyway, I'm not writing a script lmao
this is already skuffed
i don't want to code this app anymore
my gift to her will only be like 4 hours of work (ig 10 if u count my failed + inaccessible android studio work) so whatever
and here I was thinking I was gonna make my dad a game SDKJHFSDHKJ
I guess idk anything I didn't learn in school huh
i just really really wish I was more motivated for ANYTHING
that i didn't want to just sit and watch youtube all day
I have a (partially) stress-induced skalp thing I'm trying to get rid of
DFHDSK anyway
it's just a classic 3 am bout of stress
imma do a puzzle or smth and watch a show to feel better bc it's already pretty late anyway *shrug*
also! I've been listening to a rarity agere playlist for the past 4 hours!!! Top tier!!!!
0 notes
it1776 · 3 years
The Best Nintendo Switch Controller Review
The Pro Controller is fine.
I still recommend it to most people
but if you play a lot of 2D games that the D-Pad placement
just isn't gonna cut it. 8BitDo is been making
fantastic Deepak controllers for a while now.
I originally recommended the old SN30
if you wanted to play a lot of 2D games.
Its biggest flaw was it's ergonomics, making it hard to play
3D games with its thumb sticks.
They fixed that with the release of the SN30 Pro+
a near-perfect controller that quickly became
my favorite controller for the Switch.
I used it so much that I ran it into the ground
and had to buy a new one recently. Almost two years later,
they finally released an updated version,
simply called the 8BitDo Pro 2.
Thank God that name was starting to be a mouthful.
This version adds a lot
to the already fantastic Pro Controller alternative.
If you are on the fence about getting one before,
this one will for sure give you
a couple of pretty good reasons to reconsider.
(upbeat music)
This video is sponsored by Aspyr, the guys who brought you,
the Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Switch ports
are now bringing you Star Wars Republic Commando.
It's finally on Nintendo Switch
and PlayStation 4 for just 1499.
Check it out at the link in the description below.
Whoa! Whoa! Come on, dude.
Chaos has erupted throughout the galaxy.
As leader of an elite squad of Republic Commandos,
your mission is to infiltrate, dominate,
and ultimately annihilate the enemy. You will play as Boss,
leader of the special ops unit Delta Squad
together with Fixer, Scorch and Sev
working together as a team
instinctively, intelligently, instantly. You guys all right.
I was here first and then you guys just came.
Battle a variety of highly intelligent and deadly enemies
from brutal Trandoshan mercenaries, all right.
To the flying insectoid warriors of Geonosis.
This game was originally released in 2005
and I think is a crucial part of Star Wars history.
I love this era of Star Wars games and I love that Aspyr
is putting some games from this era on the Switch.
So again, you can try it for yourself for just 1499
at the link in the description below.
(water bubbling)
Sorry anybody got a USB-C charger.
(water bubbling).
So if you're new here
the biggest reason why I recommend this controller
is because of the D-pad. It's perfectly clicky.
It feels almost exactly like an original S.N.E.S controller
but you know, newer obviously. But it also has
all of the makings of a great modern controller.
It's thumb sticks feel almost exactly
like a DualShock 4 thumb sticks, making this a great option
for 3D games if you need something that could do both.
Here's something I often forget to mention.
It comes with a rechargeable battery, but it can be removed
and replaced with two double A's if you're in a bind,
something Microsoft should take note of.
It also has great motion controls and rumble.
The only thing that it's missing
that the Nintendo Pro Controller has is NFC.
But at the significantly lower price point,
are you really gonna be missing NFC that much?
The original SN30 Pro+ was and still is $45.
This new one bumps the price up to $50,
which is still a reasonable price
and some harsh competition for Nintendo's $70 controller.
It also works on Switch, Windows, Mac, Android,
and Raspberry Pi via Bluetooth, which is great
if you wanna play emulators or 2D games via Steam.
It's an all-around great controller
and I haven't even mentioned any of the new features yet.
Everything that I've said is also available
on the older $45 model.
The Pro 2 Sports 2 assignable back buttons.
This is a very welcome addition
and something I wish more controllers included.
My only gripe here is that
they're a little too easy to press. They're very large.
It's very difficult to grip the controller
without touching these buttons with your middle fingers.
In an intense game of Mario Maker
I accidentally press these buttons many times.
Luckily, by default they're assigned to nothing.
So pressing them did nothing at all.
You can assign functions to these buttons
using the brand new 8BitDo companion app.
In fact, you can remap all of the buttons
using the companion app.
And there are three different assignable profiles
that you can swap between on the fly.
Technically there's four because
there's just a baseline default one which is great
for when you don't wanna accidentally hit the back buttons.
Pressing this button right here switches between the modes.
There's off one, two and three.
In addition to remapping the buttons,
this software also allows you to fix the sticks dead zones.
It's also supposed to let you fix the trigger sensitivity,
but I couldn't figure out how to do that in the app.
I can only figure out how to do that on the desktop version.
But I like having my trigger sensitivity set really high
so they're like hair triggers because almost no Switch games
registered trigger sensitivity anyway.
Upon further review it seems that they disabled
the trigger sensitivity tab for the Switch.
So they got rid of trigger sensitivity
entirely for the Switch which is weird
'cause there are games that could still use it.
But if you go to Android or DInput or whatever,
it shows the trigger sensitivity, which is very strange.
You can also adjust vibration levels and of course,
macros, which go great with the new additional back buttons.
Previously, I used to assign macros to the share button.
Now I don't have to, unfortunately, the macro functionality
still, isn't very intuitive. You have to program it yourself
in the app, one button at a time. You can set the timings
between button presses but that's way harder to do
than just inputting a macro yourself on the controller
and having it record your inputs.
Something I've seen in a few other devices lately.
I hope that 8BitDo can eventually update
the Ultimate software and the Pro 2's firmware
to have this sort of functionality.
Because right now the macro function is pretty much
all only useful for like fighting games.
They did add the ability
to use thumb stick inputs for macros.
So if you have more patience than me
you can figure out some macros for Smash Brothers.
What might be more useful is assigning a turbo button
which is useful for many games, namely Animal Crossing.
I have a whole video on that if you're interested.
The old Pro+ had a turbo function but with this new Pro 2,
it might be worth it to assign one of the back buttons
to enable the turbo function. You can also have
the other back button assigned to hold.
So it will hold down a button forever.
So you can breeze through long menus or something.
Another useful feature that was recently added.
You can set the left stick to be swapped with the D-pad.
This is useful for games like Link's Awakening,
which should have D-pad support, but it doesn't.
There's also an option
to swap the right stick with the triggers.
I think that's some fighting games.
But my favorite part about this new mobile app
is that it allows you to change your settings on the fly.
You don't have to disconnect it from your Switch at all.
You can have it connected to your Switch
and the app at the same time.
This is something that you could not do
with the previous desktop app. This is huge for figuring out
the timing of macros or finding out the right button mapping
for yourself and immediately trying it out in the field.
One of my least favorite things
about wireless controllers like this
is connecting it to the Switch.
I often find myself just (indistinct) the button
till it finally comes up.
This controller alleviates some of that pain
by adding a mode switch on the back.
On the previous Pro+ you had to hold Start and Y
to enter switch mode. Windows, Android, and iOS,
all had different corresponding face buttons.
You expect me to remember all those.
There was also no indication
what mode you were currently in.
Now it's as easy as just flipping the switch.
You have Nintendo Switch, Apple DInput and XInput.
XInput is for Windows and Android.
DInput is for like old. I don't know it's
just probably don't worry about it. Other than all that
the only other real difference is it's enhanced grip
which is really just a textured back
similar to the textured back
of the new DualSense controller.
Other than that, this controller feels exactly the same
as the old SN30 Pro+ controller.
Switching between the two reveals that the face buttons
feel more responsive on the newer one.
Maybe it's because it's newer
and I used the shit out of my old one.
It's hard to tell.
- Oh no. - Hit the button, dude.
I think this controller.
(upbeat game music)
You know, I'll try, I'll try the top ones.
The buttons, the build quality, everything feels the same.
The Pro 2 comes in gray, black and GB edition.
I pre-ordered myself the Game Boy looking one
so I'll be getting that one when it eventually comes out.
But 8BitDo sent me their gray edition one, which looks like
it's attempting to resemble a PlayStation 1 controller.
It's an okay design. The A, B, X, Y buttons
colored like PlayStation buttons is like unsettling.
It's like a sin. The strongest design that they have
is definitely the Game Boy looking at one.
8BitDo used to have controllers that looked almost exactly
like Super Nintendo and N.E.S controllers,
but I'm sure they strayed away from that
so that they weren't bullied by Nintendo's lawyers.
It's also probably why they don't have
a Super Nintendo looking one at all anymore.
But I mean, the feel of the controller
is more important than anything else. And for 2D games,
there's nothing better than this,
until you find your Lord and Savior keyboard keys baby.
So if you haven't yet picked yourself up a 8BitDo controller
now might be the time to make the jump.
$5 extra for the back buttons,
the updated Ultimate software, the mode switch,
the custom profiles that can switch on the fly.
Yeah, I'd say it's worth it to get this version
over the original or Pro. Now is it worth upgrading to
if you already have an original SN30 Pro+.
That I'm not sure about.
Maybe if yours is starting to feel like shitty.
I know mine started to feel like
a little unresponsive, I guess.
I don't know how to describe it other than
it just got shitty and then I had to buy a new one.
But if you're perfectly content with your original SN30 Pro+
then it's probably not worth dropping an extra $50
on a brand new controller. It's like 90% the same controller
and about 10% new hotness. Or maybe I'm sure
you could find a way to justify it.
Maybe you could teach your grandma how to do Kaizo Mario.
What do you guys think about the brand new 8BitDo Pro 2?
It's a lot easier to say at this time.
Is this gonna make you finally make the jump
into getting an 8BitDo controller? Or it's something that
you would consider upgrading to from the original?
I don't think you really need to
unless like yours got like old crappy.
If you have a Nintendo Switch Pro controller already,
and you find yourself playing way more 2D games
this might be worth getting in addition to.
I mean it's like a second,
you get a second player with it to.
Leave in the comments below, add me on Twitter
and all this social media garbage.
As always we have new videos here all the time,
at least once a week.
This week, I think you're getting two, lucky you.
And we got streams over on twitch.tv/wulffden
where we can hang out and chat with each other
about stuff like this. Look at that.
Make sure you turn on notifications for all of that stuff
so you know, when we go live
'cause you can't rely on YouTube or Twitch to tell you.
But of course the most important thing right now
is just subscribe. Thank you.
I appreciate you for wanting to watch these videos.
And share this video with a friend.
A friend who maybe hasn't gotten
one of these controllers yet and it's still stuck
with the freaking regular role Pro controller.
Or maybe they're using the freaking split Joy-Cons
like a real, degenerate.
(gentle music)
Thank you. Have a good week.
0 notes
latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Drake's "I'm Upset" Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION
Drake's "I'm Upset" Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION, Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Online Hollywood Celebrity News, Walt Hollywood Pictures Celebrities, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2017 Hollywood Celebrity News & Marvel Studios, LLC (originally known as Marvel Films from 1993 to 1996) is an American motion picture studio based at The Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California and is a subsidiary of Walt Hollywood Studios, itself a wholly owned division of The Walt Hollywood Company, with film producer Kevin Feige serving as president. Previously, the studio was a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment until The Walt Hollywood Company reorganized the companies in August 2015.
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Downloading a Celebrity from the Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere app saves the video file onto your device so you can watch it without an Internet connection. You will need to be connected to the Internet to download your Celebrity. Once you have finished downloading, you can watch your downloaded Celebrities offline and on the go.
How can I watch Celebrities on my phone without using data?
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Why was Hollywoodland created?
With limited finances, Walt had to find affordable land. It was also important that his park be located near a major highway. In August of 1953, Hollywood and his partners selected a 160-acre orange grove in Anaheim, California to be the site of Hollywoodland. The construction of Hollywoodland began during the summer of 1954.
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Drake recruits his ENTIRE Degrassi cast mates for “I’m Upset” music video and the internet LOSES IT.
This is gonna go down as one of the greatest reunions of ALL TIME.
Drake went back to his Degrassi roots for his “I’m Upset” video, and fans are HERE FOR IT. You’ll recall that Drake starred as Jimmy on the Canadian teen drama series from 2001 to 2009, and until now it seemed like Drake wanted to leave that part of his past in the past. Lucky for us, he must’ve had a change of heart, because he got the WHOLE Degrassi cast back together for “I’m Upset.”
The clip features Drake and his former Degrassi classmates fittingly reuniting at the school’s 11-year-reunion. And the entire video is just one familiar face after another. There’s Shane, Spinner, Ellie, Marco, Paige, Craig, Terri, Hazel, Ashley, Ms. Kwan, Mr. Simpson, Toby, Derek, Danny, Connor, Emma, Manny, Liberty, Mia, and Jane. And that, my friends, is the power of Drake.
Nina Dobrev, who played Mia on the show, looks like she’s having the time of her life riding a tricycle through the halls and mouthing the lyrics.
There’s one joke in the video that alludes to the time Drake’s character, Jimmy, was shot at school. The video shows the shooter, fellow student Rick, being chased down through the halls by some of “Jimmy’s” new friends.
You gotta admit that’s pretty amazing. And if that’s not enough of a crazy easter egg for ya, there’s also an epic Jay and Silent Bob cameo.
The video ends with the Degrassi theme song, as well as shots of the cast today shown next to old footage from the original show. Talk about a nostalgia fest.
Degrassi and Drake fans can NOT get over how amazing the video is, and they’re taking to Twitter to share their excitement. One fan Tweeted QUOTE, “I REALLY NEEDED THIS I DIDN’T KNOW HOW MUCH I NEEDED IT UNTIL DRAKE GAVE IT TO US” while another wrote QUOTE, “Drake’s Degrassi reunion for his “I’m Upset” video is everything Degrassi fans needed and more. The fact that he showed old videos of the cast when they were kids and used the Degrassi theme song at the end of the video. DRAKE IS THE GOAT DON’T @ ME.”
And if all this isn’t enough to make our day, Drake also announced his new album, Scorpion, will drop on June 29th.
Alright guys now I wanna hear what you think of the “I’m Upset” video — does it have you wanting to go back and binge all of Degrassi? Or start it if you’ve never seen it? Sound off in the comments below, and then click right over here to hear Ariana Grande and Troye’s sexy new song, “Dance to This.” Thanks so much for watching, and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more News Feed! I’m your girl Joslyn Davis and I’ll see you next time!
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Hollywood Celebrities 2017 & Film News, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
The Walt Hollywood Company operates through four primary business units, which it calls “business segments”: Studio Entertainment, with the primary business unit The Walt Hollywood Studios, which includes the company’s film, music recording label, and theatrical divisions; Parks and Resorts, featuring the company’s theme parks, cruise line, and other travel-related assets; Media Networks, which includes the company’s television properties; and Hollywood Consumer Products and Interactive Media, which produces toys, clothing, and other merchandising based upon Hollywood-owned properties, as well as including Hollywood’s Internet, mobile, social media, virtual worlds, and computer games operations. New Hollywood Celebrities 2018, Drake’s “I’m Upset” Video is an EPIC Degrassi Cast REUNION.
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