#i want to see what you guys see! i can't!
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steddiehyperfixation Ā· 3 days ago
@steddiebingo prompts: lecture + skull rock | 1.2k words | G/T |
Eddie closes his locker to find Nancy suddenly standing right beside him. ā€œJesus!ā€ he startles, hand pressed to his chest. He hadn't even heard her approach.
ā€œSorry.ā€ She has the decency to look apologetic. ā€œI didn't mean to sneak up on you, I just wanted to talk to you for a sec. I hear you and Steve are...together?ā€ She says it carefully, with the inflection of a question, and Eddie has a vague feeling like she's testing him but he has no idea what for.
ā€œUm.ā€ He doesn't know what the right answer is. ā€œWell, I don't know exactly- I mean, kind of? It's not really anything, we've just...made out a couple times.ā€
Nancy raises her eyebrows. ā€œYou just...made out a couple times,ā€ she repeats.
Eddie shrugs, getting a little nervous that he's failing her test. He really cannot get a read on her right now. ā€œYeah, um, I mean, it was probably just like a one time, two time thingā€¦ā€
A tiny scrunch flickers across her face and she mutters to herself, ā€œGod, is that what I sounded like?ā€
ā€œNothing, sorry, I just got major deja vu.ā€ She shakes her head and then looks back up at him with those big, serious eyes. ā€œAnyways. Look, you might not think it's anything, but I know Steve and I guarantee you he already thinks you guys are something. So if you only wanted it to be just a one time, two time thing, then you better tell him quick before he gets too deeply attached. He falls fast and he falls hard, don't let him get too serious if you're not.ā€
She reminds him vaguely of a teacher lecturing some clueless kid, but Eddie feels less chastised and more like he's just been punched in the chest. ā€œWait, you really think-?ā€
ā€œHe wants something real, he always has,ā€ Nancy continues, ā€œand if you guys haven't talked about it, he's just going to assume that's what you are. He's a hopelessly hopeful romantic, Eddie, he can't help it. He's all in already, I'm sure, so if that's not what you wanted out of whatever you two have got going on, then don't waste his time - don't waste your time. Don't play along and break his heart if you already know you don't feel the same.ā€
ā€œNo, I wouldn't-ā€ Eddie finds himself at an uncharacteristic loss for words, can't do much more than give her a sort of deer-in-headlights stare.
ā€œI'm not judging you,ā€ she reassures him in a slightly softer tone now, clearly misinterpreting something in his expression. ā€œI'm not upset with you. I'm just trying to give a little advice, from my own experience. Just make sure you two are on the same page, alright? That's all I'm saying. For both of your sakes.ā€
ā€œRight- yeah, thanks,ā€ he stammers. He points his thumb awkwardly over his shoulder. ā€œI, uh, I gotta goā€¦ā€
He doesn't wait for a response before he turns and hurries down the hall to get outside. A deep breath of fresh air to shake off the weird suffocating feeling Nancy's lecture had given him, and then Eddie's heading straight for the nearest phone. He has to talk to Steve, has to see him.
ā€œHey, Stevie,ā€ he says the second the other line picks up. ā€œI'm ditching class right now, wanna hang out?ā€
ā€œYeah, of course,ā€ Steve agrees immediately, a smile in his voice. ā€œI can meet you at our usual spot in, like, 20 minutes?ā€
'Our usual spot', aka Skull Rock, the make-out spot--their spot now apparently since that's where it started, since that's where they've met the last three times they've hung out alone, the last three times they've kissed and kissed and not talked. But Eddie can't think of anywhere else to suggest, so he says, ā€œYeah, sounds good. See you soon.ā€
He hangs up the phone and heads for Skull Rock.
A short drive and a longer hike and he's leaning against the side of that infamous skull-shaped boulder, watching the surrounding foliage for signs of Steve. He doesn't have to wait long before Steve steps out from the brush in all his gorgeous glory, face lit up in a beautiful smile just at the sight of Eddie.
Steve walks up to him and draws him straight into a kiss, because that's what they do here, at Skull Rock, the make-out spot, their spot. His lips are soft and warm and Eddie melts right into it, draping his arms over Steve's shoulders and kissing back before he remembers that he'd meant to use his mouth for talking instead.
ā€œWait, Steve.ā€ It takes all Eddieā€™s willpower to break the kiss and pull back enough to speak. ā€œIs this real to you?ā€
ā€œHmm, feels pretty real, but I donā€™t know, I could be dreaming. I never can tell around you,ā€ Steve flirts easily, voice a smooth murmur as he brushes some of Eddieā€™s hair out of his face, caressing his cheek. ā€œMight need to pinch me just to be sure.ā€
ā€œNo, I mean-ā€ Eddie ducks out from between Steve and the rock, putting a little more space between them before he can give in to the ever-growing urge to give up on talking and go back to kissing. ā€œUm, Nancy kind of ambushed me in the hall earlier, gave me this whole lecture about how you get attached really quick and how if I only wanted this to be something casual I should tell you fast before you get too serious, because she thinks you're probably already serious and that you want something real,ā€ he provides context in an awkward, nervous rush, not even pausing for a breath, ā€œand I just- I need to know, is that true?ā€
ā€œOh.ā€ The previous playful flirtatiousness drains from Steveā€™s expression and his face falls. ā€œUm.ā€ He shakes his head, more like he's trying to clear his thoughts than anything. ā€œShit- Iā€™m sorry if she freaked you out. She had absolutely no right to try to speak for me like that. I mean, I really am fine if you just want this to be casual...ā€
ā€œI don't, I just thought that's what you wanted,ā€ Eddie says. He hasn't been explaining this right. ā€œBecause that's all we've been doing - we come here and we make out and thatā€™s it, casual, so this whole time I just assumed that's all it was to you. But then Nancy said all that stuff about you and it gave me this hope I hadn't let myself have before, so can you please just tell me if she was right?ā€ He looks at Steve, eyes big and earnest. ā€œBecause I really, really want her to be right.ā€
Steve just stares at him for a moment, then softens with a sigh. ā€œYeah,ā€ he admits, a tentative smile tugging at his lips, ā€œshe was right. I definitely don't just feel casual about you - it's real; I want real.ā€
Eddieā€™s face bursts into a grin. He throws his arms around Steve and pulls him into another kiss. ā€œThen letā€™s get out of this casual fucking place.ā€ He takes Steve by the hand and starts dragging him away from Skull Rock. ā€œCome on, let me buy you some lunch.ā€
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verdancy-hime Ā· 1 day ago
Sometimes you can.
If people leave you alone to do it, it's easy.
The main reason I can't think myself out of depression or executive dysfunction is because the overwhelming majority of the people in my life throughout my life have wanted me to be depressed and barely functional.
I think about how after years and years of struggle I finally beat my messy tendencies and then this guy I used to talk to started telling me all of a sudden how sexy my messy room was and praising me for photos of it.
I think about how any time my life is stable and going well, some funny little series of coincidences piles up to make it incredibly hard out of nowhere.
Some of those are just coincidence.
Some of them have been my employer that didn't pay me enough or give me full time hours giving me the worst shifts and the worst tasks and switching up my hours so I couldn't get a second job. My boyfriend suddenly getting our joint account garnished by the irs when I finally found a full time job. My boss accusing me of stealing to cover up her own theft. Now the people at my job are intentionally stalking me online and in person trying to make me stressed out all the time. Targeting me at work and pretending that suddenly all the things they used to like they hate now and annoy me in various ways on purpose.
I don't know why.
I'm just not allowed to be happy or stress free.
I'm not allowed to be cute or not in poverty.
I'm not allowed to have a relationship that's not abusive. I tried that for years. No matter what I did, it just turned into being in a hostage situation with a guy who hated me. Only the means of control was different. The idea that I don't want to be around any person who doesn't treat me well is apparently also not allowed, because the more I keep to myself the more people bully me.
But most people in most friendships and relationships seem to be unable to allow me to be normal and be myself and constantly follow either a bait and switch cycle or turn abusive.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do about that.
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I guess I know one thing.
Anyway, the point is?
You very much can think your way out of internal problems.
You can take other actions that also help.
The problem is that you can not think your way out of the fact that most other human beings are sadistic and hate you. Like... most other human beings default to wanting to see you miserable and dysfunctional except while you are doing things for them. There is never enough that you can do for them that they won't want every minute that you aren't doing something for them to be hell on earth. There is never enough you can do for them that they won't try to make hard or impossible on purpose.
You can't think yourself out of the fact that capitalism requires you to beg other people for resources to survive and those people all hate everyone
Say you break your ankle. You could know everything there is to know intellectually about the injury. Even with this vast knowledge, you will still experience physical pain.
Now take this logic and apply it to things like ADHD, autism, clinical depression, and other less visible/divergent disabilities. You cannot think your way out of feeling.
That is to say: you are not a bad, lazy, or selfish person for struggling, even if you know why you are struggling.
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muqingslover Ā· 18 hours ago
Hi! If you're open to requests, what would you think the lads men (or just one guy of your choice!!) would do in the following scenario?
They are out with mc when they run into mc's ex, and mc's ex says, "Damn, your taste in men changed a lot" in like a condescending manner. (Or something along those lines)
I hope you have a great time!! I love reading your stories!!
[ Thank you for the request! <3 I did a little of everyone so enjoy! ]
"Your tastes sure have changed since the last time I saw you." is the first thing that actually catches his attention during the otherwise boring conversation.
Sylus is not an overly jealous person simply because he is very secure of his love for you and how good he is to you. The only thing your ex does is greatly amuse him because the difference is too great to even be considered fair.
"Naturally. You surely don't expect someone to eat trash forever, do you?" He would answer for you in a smooth voice while he towers over the both of you with that confident expression of his on his face.
He feels almost sorry for you, who had to make do with such men, but, not to worry, he's here now and he's not going anywhere.
Taunting his jealous side is the same as playing with fire while knowing you're going to get burn.
"Is that the type of guy you prefer?" He'd ask the second the two of you are alone again. His hands pin you to the closest surface so you're unable to run from the conversation and he keeps his face very close to yours to watch for even the smallest reactions "Do you like him more than me?"
My advice? Say no as quickly as possible and give him a kiss to shush him otherwise you're in for the long, loooooong haul. Xavier is not easily soothed once he's worked up and he WILL hold grudges.
The next time your ex shows up he is quick to cut the conversation before they can even get a good morning in and makes it clear you belong to him now.
"What did you just say?" His head never whipped back faster mans almost twisted his own neck.
Arguably the most aggressive per se because he's SO obvious. To him it's just staggering you ever went out with anyone else, especially a thing like that, and that it's here, again, approaching you. Does it not see him? He's right there for god's sake!
"She's on duty so she can't talk to you right now. Or ever." He'd grab you by the shoulder as he sized the guy up and down with the most condescending and judgmental look on his face before scoffing. what a diva
He'll nag at you later for being "distracted while on the job" and say you're supposed to pay attention to him at all times otherwise how will his dear bodyguard protect him? Please be more mindful!
It was a school reunion party when your old high school sweetheart came up to the both of you.
"Oh hey, I remember you! Weren't you the guy who got kicked out for cheating on his graduation exam?" He says with an innocent grin on his face knowing full well the guy is a deadbeat and making sure others heard it too.
It's canon he kept track of all crushes MC had while growing up and I'm sure he goes out of his way to show you their bad points so you won't even consider looking their way.
In some cases, Caleb had to get rid of them by manipulating things behind the scenes if they didn't take the hint and this one was one of those cases.
The guy was struggling with his grades and who is he to deny a helping hand? All he did was slip the sheet of answers to the test without anyone knowing, it's not his fault if the idiot accepted it knowing it was against the rules. Such an angel, isn't he.
This interaction will lead to him being even more territorial around you and he wants you to just stay home with him where it's safe. Pretty please?
He will step in if they are bothering you by pretending he needs your immediate help in the office but otherwise Zayne merely listening in the background.
Once they're gone the silence is so loud.
You can basically feel that he's bothered by something, but he won't open his mouth even if you ask him about it because it's 'petty and childish'.
"Are you happy with me?" He'd eventually ask you after stewing in his own thoughts for the day. What if your tastes hadn't changed and you were just too nice to tell him he's not doing enough? That he is not enough.
Please reassure this sweet man that you're happy in the relationship. Especially so if your ex is the type that is super extroverted and easy to get along with since that's one of the points he struggles with the most.
The problem goes away on its own after some good quality time together and affectionate words.
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natanielkovack Ā· 2 days ago
hii katsuki x shy reader headcannons maybee??
Omg, Yess!!! Thank you for the request, Qyuin! :3
I'm scared of flies... I'm scared of guys...
Katsuki Bakugo x Shy! Reader headcanons ; gn, fluff, comfort.
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Ever since the entrance exam, Bakugo didn't pay much attention to you. It wasn't because he was actively ignoring you, you just didn't really talked or participated.
The first time he realized your existence was in the physical testing with Aizawa. It was just a brief moment, but he tried to learn your quirk to somehow beat you in battle.
To him, you were just another extra in the way, another person he had to beat in order to be the NĀ° #1 hero, so he was surprised by your sudden calm and friendly behavior as days passed by.
Of course, he answered with his usual yelling and cursing, telling you to go away and leave him alone. But you never gave up in trying to know him.
Bakugo would secretly keep every detail you give him. At first he would do this with everyone, but as his closet grew full of things he got rid of almost everything... Still, he couldn't get rid of what you gave him.
He would look at you with annoyance when you miss his Monday doodles, silently handing you his notebook for you to draw something small.
At first it feels like a one sided thing... Until you notice how he gives you the bigger portions of the food he cooks for the class, the juiciest parts and the sweetest servings of those cakes Sato bakes.
He knows you're shy, it used to annoy him so much. You would always take so long with talking while handing him something, but now he finds himself looking forward to those clumsy speeches you give.
He's really understanding, but he also understands that you have potential and a lot of it. In class he would tell you to rise your hand when you know the answer, taking your wrist in his hand and raising it for you. It feels like a mini heart attack, but that satisfactory feeling that you answered correctly is so relieving.
He will always follow those with an "I told you so" and a grin before looking back.
Everyone noticed his change in behavior, how he grew sweeter with you. He even knew what you wanted without you even talking... Everyone knew except Bakugo himself and that made everyone so angry at him.
That man is so oblivious to his own feelings.
You can't really tell when your "nervous because of people" turned into "nervous because of Bakugo". Your heart beats faster, you want to be so close to him, you start drawing more hearts and writing sweeter words and oh it makes Bakugo so... Happy?
He thinks that you've somehow infected him with your shyness or something because why else would he blush and feel so warm when you're close? He sees you running away more often, now the letters and drawings just appear in his backpack and he feels his heart missing a beat everytime he sees it.
It takes a few hangouts with the bakusquad before Mina snaps and hits the back of his head, saying "You're more annoying than ever! Can't you see that you like them? Like, you blush and all! Everyone knows! Get a grip!" And he seems to contemplate his whole life while everyone laughs, is that what that was?
He tries talking to you once... Twice... The third time he starts getting angry and there's no fourth time because he decides to do it your way.
His writing is honestly so lovely, a drawing at the end with a heart saying everything he feels. From how he hated you for being like a scared mouse to how he wanted to protect you.
He didn't knew how to look at you the next few days, his eyes darting from you to any other space he could.
When he grows the courage to ask you out you feel like fainting, because why is Thee Bakugo Katsuki asking you out? But you're with him holding hands while walking in the blink of an eye.
He's so sweet and knows when to stop his borderline cruel jokes and comfort you, never judging when you feel so much anxiety for things that are common for others.
He doesn't care that you go speechless when he holds you while watching TV on the common room's couch, it is nice and even you know you'll get used to it... Right?
He cooks for you constantly, he thinks is only fair to give back all you've given him that way.
At first he takes his hand away from yours because of how insecure he is of his sweat, but you just slowly search for his fingers to intertwine yours and the world stops around him.
You slowly grow more comfortable, being more vocal with him about your thoughts and even rambling about nothings. He doesn't ever complain, getting to listen to your voice is such a privilege that he doesn't ever wanna risk losing.
He's so proud to see you growing, working with your shyness instead of against of it, your charm never lost and you're so kind, he could never get tired to see you interacting with the world.
Bakugo makes fun of you from time to time, Joe red you get when he's too close and how your voice lowers when he teases you, you're just too cute, can you blame him?
But he would never be cruel to you, he likes to comfort you. Both of you laying on his bed and hugging, something he would never admit but he loves.
He just loves being around you, you're polar opposites and he can calm down around you while you get more talkative with him.
You're shy, not quiet, at least not around him. And he has learned to be a lot calmer when he's with you, the way his heart beats like crazy balances out that need for constant stress.
A/N: I hope I did good TwT I've read a lot abt Bakugo but I still feel like he's ooc, he's actually really complex! Thanks for requesting, this was so much fun!! (^Š·^)
Hey! Natan here! ; wanna read more about Bakugo? ; check out my masterlist.
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divab0dy Ā· 3 days ago
hamzah and reader sex tape šŸ™ˆ
yex tape
contains: SMUT MDNI, sex tape, shitty writing, unprotected sex (birth control,) established relationship
authors note: sorry this is short, but i hope it's what you wanted!!
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hamzah's buried deep inside of you. it's your last time seeing eachother before you head out for a 2 week trip, an opportunity you'd gotten through work. he's been fucking you on his bed, gasping about how pretty you are for 20 minutes. he likes to try and make it last when he knows he's not going to see you for a while. your hips are propped up on a pillow and he's sitting up so that he can get a full view of you.
he pauses, tracing his eyes over your figure.
"what?" you breathe.
"can i record it?" he's already reaching for his phone on the nightstand.
"for what?" you ponder the idea of letting him record it.
"just for us. for when you go away, i wanna watch it," he's breathing heavy, phone in hand.
"yeah go ahead, just for us though," you give in, not that you were that reluctant to begin with. if hamzah keeps fucking you like this you might give in to anything he asks.
his hands fumble to get to record, but finally he starts recording. he holds the phone in one hand, tracing your body with the other. his fingers move from your side, under your arm, down your waist, following the curve with his fingers and the camera. he reaches your hip and moves the camera towards where you guys are connected in a sticky, wet mess. he traces your clit gently with his free thumb and you shudder.
he starts to move again, giving you sloppy, short thrusts, focusing the camera on your body, moving with every thrust. the headboard is slamming against the wall with the power he's putting into your body. his free hand moves to grope you, pointer and thumb pinching your sensitive nipples.
he's taking a handful of your chest as you mutter "'m close."
"i know baby, i know," and his hand is meeting your clit again, thumb drawing quick circles on you. he moves the camera from a full body shot to only show where he's touching you.
he's still fucking into you, breathing heavy, trying his hardest to get you there as quickly as possible.
"want you to cum, why don't you show the camera what my dick does to you, pretty," his voice is way to high pitched and whiny to be talking to you like that, but it does it for you anyway.
you're shaking and cumming for the camera, but really for hamzah. you cry out reaching out for him, grabbing the bicep of the arm holding the camera, but he keeps it steady. the camera catches the way your pussy flutters around him and the thick ring of cream you leave on the base of his cock.
"there you go, honey." he's taking on a soft dominant role you haven't really seen before, but you don't miss the needy, whiny undertones of it all.
you can tell he's close when his thrusts get uncoordinated and miscalculated. he's still got the camera on you when he pulls out, stroking himself over your stomach. he knows he's allowed to cum in you, you can't recall a time he hadn't but this must be for the cinematography. you reach down to assist him, wrapping your hand around his throbbing cock, giving him soft, fast strokes.
he whines out for you, his free hand grabbing your hip as he cums, coving your stomach and chest with his creamy white spend.
he sighs after letting you work him through it and pans the camera over your body. he gathers some of his cum from your chest with his finger and the camera follows it to your mouth where it's being shoved inside. you accept greedily, licking it off.
he'll definitely be using this while you're away.
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riverthebooknerd Ā· 2 days ago
hey guys? hey, hey guys?
when i said that hating trans people doesn't just hurt trans people...
this is what i fucking meant.
elon musk hates transgender people so fucking much that he killed a program to help disabled children just because it had contained the word transition. are you fucking joking. look at this.
i am so goddamn tired of seeing this stupid fucking billionaire who can't even keep his hatred contained to the one group.
because, at the end of the day, you can't outlaw being trans without hurting a lot of other people.
you want to make it impossible for people who've changed their names to get a passport? that includes married women (who took their husband's last name), adopted people, etc.
you want to get rid of affirming surgeries such as breast reduction? okay, fuck afab women with back issues related to their breasts i guess.
you want to stop people from taking hormones? sure, those bodybuilders won't mind not being able to take testosterone.
you want to outlaw words like "pronouns" and "transition" and "gender?" then THINGS LIKE THIS FUCKING HAPPEN.
stop this bullshit. elon shouldn't even have the power to do this.
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angelesca Ā· 3 days ago
d d d d dddd d DATING ANAXA HEADCANONS šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø bc im proper insane, bonkers even (oh blimey she escaped the asylum again)
full art plug herešŸ˜Ž
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did i draw this and imagine a million scenarios during it? yes. yes idid. this post is the result. btw havent played 3.1 so here are my wrong headcanons (more mischaracterisation? love that) (w/ gnreader as usual!) bc i love my men bratty and smart. WARNING!! i broke my sfw rules for anaxa LMAOOOšŸ’”šŸ’”mix of sfw + NSFW ahead guys look OUT ITS NOT A DRILL THIS IS HAPPENING AAAAAšŸ˜­šŸ™
i imagine he lowkey loves it when you have your finger under his eyepatch and. penetrate it. into his cosmos space thingy. and like he breathes really heavy, flushed cheeks, some tears, def some stifled moaning, and will hold your wrist to nudge your finger further in. basically bro is getting off to it. will clean your finger with his tongue after the session, but you have to help him walk around since his legs are deffo jelly after that DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT IM SEEING PLEEEEASEEE SOMEONE WRITE THIS DONT MAMKE ME DO ITTTšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™
WILL TAKE OFF HIS RINGS AND PUT IT ON YOUR FINGERS RAAAAAAAAAAH and he def teases you by sliding it on your ring finger, gauging your reaction as he smirks (that sly sod omggg)
"hmm, this finger looks a little lonely... i could change that."
interlaces his hand with yours to stretch it, like a massage. knows all the pressure points to help de-stress you
uses his wind powers to do fun magic tricks and play with you like imagine he only has to flick his finger and the wind pulls you closer to him HUUUUUUUUUUU SICKCCKKKK. will also blow a calm, soft breeze if you need to relax and take your mind off things.
literally gets a kick off of flustering you (it's his love language) every time you ask him why his response is: "so? don't like it?" mans not embarassedšŸ’”
if you have any texting habits, like sending cute stickers or kaomojis, anaxa will copy it bc he thinks its cute and amusing. always replying to your messages, although the same can't be said with the chrysos heirs who nag at him for ignoring theirs
anaxa: where are you? i've been waiting for ages ā”¬ā”“ā”¬ā”“ā”¤(ļ½„_ā”œā”¬ā”“ā”¬ā”“ you: ??? that's my kaomoji??? anaxa: ours now anaxa: (Ņ‚` ļ¾› Ā“)ļø»ćƒ‡ā•äø€ you: ļ¼¼(Āŗ ā–” Āŗ l|l)/
idk why i feel this so strongly but anaxa just does many smaller kisses, like pecks to the cheek. kinda playful, fleeting but always returning. i also feel like he's a neck kinda guy, always brushing his fingers along it or placing kisses. will secure you in place with a hug just to kiss the nape.
even though you two are together, anaxa will still give you stinky side eyes. loves to hear your gossip for sure, he doesn't say it but he loves chatting shit about others. will be the quietest ever when you have juicy stories.
will flame anyone who has made you upset to bits and pieces. bro's mouth is like a machine gun
likes to tilt your chin, moving it so you face him whenever he wants your attention.
he likes it when you take control, that brat taming typa shiii brooo00 he likes it when you rough him up, always a cheeky grin on his face. prods you as well, like "is that it?", "c'mon, harder my love..."
loves when you give him hickeys, or any markings like scratches. its like staking your claim on him and he fw with thatšŸ˜Ž
one sure way to get him flustered is straight up telling him "i love you". it forces him to confront his feelings head on and anaxa can't deal with that. will lightly flick your forehead, or anything to stop you from staring at his reddened face.
a/n: so. this is what happens whne im menstruating. how we feeling guys. it was jsut a few very insane headcanons tbh, the rest were fine, bit of an overreaction looool this is tame in comparison to my ao3 works. my god i need my daily cuppa where is it. this reminds me of when i was a wee teenager and experienced akechi from p5 for the first time. changed my trajectory fr. thanks akechi goro u saved ruined me
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imsofreakingtired Ā· 17 hours ago
Have you done YouTuber reader x Sevika? Like Stephanie soo, Reader does both podcasts and YouTube videos while Sevika is in the back supporting her and agreeing like Mr mangobuttšŸ˜­ Pls ilysm youā€™re so talented and amazing I will jump through the screen just to hug youšŸ’”
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH (except i have the media literacy of a 50 year old so idk how well i can pull this off) also argh anon you are so sweet šŸ«¶
hcs: Sevika x Youtuber!reader
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Sevika herself doesn't have an online presence (i mean NONE. no instagram no facebook not even a damn Pinterest.) and she is a little confused by the random things you ask her to do for your videos but she goes along with it
for those of you who are old enough to remember this... she thoroughly enjoyed dumping a bucket of ice water on you
you generally do vlogs, and it took a while for Sevika to consent to having her face be shown in your videos. up till then she was just your buff partner with her face either blurred or only shown from the shoulders down and most of your subscribers assumed she was your husband until the grand face reveal.
and the comments were apocalyptic.
She shows up in your vlogs once she gets more comfortable being in front of the camera. One time she wandered into the room while you were doing a Q&A live and ā€œSevika, the view count went up by 500 since you came into the frame." ā€œEveryone is just simping for you I feel like you should just take overā€ ā€œWhatā€™s ā€˜simpingā€™?ā€Ā  ā€œThey want to know if you wear makeup or if you just have a naturally lethal face card.ā€ ā€œI understood the first half of that sentenceā€¦ā€Ā 
Mukbang lives and Sevika is just quietly eating next to you, minding her own business, occasionally feeding you a fry or piece of chicken and then-Ā  ā€œTheyā€™re saying they suddenly wanna be a piece of fried chickenā€ ā€œI am leaving.ā€
You do that "my girlfriend does the voice over for my makeup grwm" trend and Sevika's behind you saying shit like ā€œNow Iā€™m gonna beat the living shit out of my skin with this funny smelling pasteā€¦ā€ ā€œAs you can see Iā€™m using this wedge of a dishwashing sponge to put more gunk on my faceā€¦ā€ ā€œThis pencil actually just makes me look like a panda butā€” ow!ā€ [You smacked her on the arm] *starts laughing into the mic*Ā  *annoying lip smacking into the mic*Ā 
when you do travel vlogs Sevika takes the role of videographer incredibly seriously. Sunglasses on, cigarette dangling from her lips, crouching in front of you to get the angle just right.
People beg for Sevika to start her own youtube channel, she gets as far as creating an account...but doesn't post anything except 2 minute videos of your cats
She watches every single video you upload. At full volume in the other room. Even while you are in the midst of filming another video.
And then comments on the videos while you are filming.
"Hey guys, welcome back to my cha-" "This lighting makes you look like a ghoul." "SEVIKA, I SWEAR TO GOD-"
Likes to ruin takes by kissing you or pulling you close to her and nuzzling her face in your neck. You can't even be mad about it
"Why do you even bother with this youtube shit? You could be in the movies." "You think you could handle seeing me in a romance with another actor?" "..." ~~~
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leclercsixteen Ā· 2 days ago
š’Žš’‚š’•š’Šš’š’…š’‚ ! į¶œĖ”Ā¹ā¶ įµįµ›Ā¹
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you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up ā‹†Ėšąæ”
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š“¬harles leclerc + š“¶ax verstappen x š“¶ale reader synopsis: reader was the rookie in the upcoming formula 1 season. his name was in everyoneā€™s mouth and on everyoneā€™s social media page. but, heā€™s still a person who has homework, feelings, and two nonbiological older brothersā€”or nonbiological dads, however you want to look at it.
genre: familial, smau and irl, hurt/comfort, fluff warnings: lestappen is shipped but theyre not together, stressed reader, reader replaces liam
author's note: not intended for female readers & not written for female readers. this came to me in a dream.
masterlist. navigation.
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Y/N WAS A force to be reckoned with on the track. His talented overtakes and passes on the track helped him climb up the ranks easily. He quickly made his way up to Formula 1, skipping over Formula 2, and became the youngest rookie for the upcoming season. It was no surprise that he was all everyone talked about; Red Bull dropping Liam Lawson to pick up an inexperienced rookie who was still in high school.
He was a high school student by day and a Formula 1 driver, also by day. His schedule was the definition of stressful and he had no competition for the most stressed award. Y/n took online classes seeing as there was no way for him to go to a school while flying all over the world for races. It was surprising to the drivers around him that he was able to do everything, including perform well in his car when it really mattered, and not show any signs of stress.
It was surprising to y/n too; he was covered up to his ears in stress and he felt as though he was drowning every second of the day.
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liked by f1, redbullracing, charles_leclerc, and others tagged: charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1
youruser life recently
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userone god i really need to lock in bros life looks amazing and he's younger than me
usertwo i think we're forgetting the fact that he's a student AND formula 1 driver? like i can barely get through just school but he's a double agent liked by youruser
charles_leclerc why that picture :( ā¤· youruser my parents obviously
maxverstappen1 you couldn't've picked a picture that i took with you? ā¤· youruser of course not :)
redbullracing šŸ”„šŸ”„ liked by youruser
userthree can't wait to watch you kill it this season! ā¤· userfour alr he aint that good bro ā¤· userthree he skipped f2 and red bull literally dropped liam lawson for him ??????? okay ...
charles_leclerc maxverstappen1 why are you looking at me like that ā¤· maxverstappen1 that's how i look at all of my friends ā¤· youruser you guys don't even follow each other still stop flirting in my comments
userfive red bull check on your driver challenge ā¤· usersix wdym? ā¤· userfive i saw y/n recently with max and charles and he just looked so tired and so out of it. it doesnt look like red bull is doing much to help him out with schooling and his mental health liked by youruser ā¤· usersix nah you're reaching šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā¤· userfive y/n literally liked my comment but whatever
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Y/N THOUGHT F4 and F3 were bad, but F1 was a whole different rodeo. Their schedule wasn't as hectic during F4 and F3 as it is in F1, but it was still pretty stressful having to do homework on the road when you couldn't talk to anybody about it since most of the drivers dropped out of school. F1 was worse; nobody was in school or they dropped out before they could graduate so nobody understood what he was going through, he was shipped around the world on a weekly basis, he had training day in and day out, and he had to do calculus homework in between practices.
He held his forehead in his hand as he leaned his elbow against the table in front of him. Y/n was currently looking at his math homework like it had 5 heads instead of 0 since it was a piece of paper. The eraser of his pencil tapped against the table that distracted him away from his homework momentarily. The problem he was stuck on stared back at him as he felt almost guilty for not being able to solve this problem.
"You okay?"
When it was announced that y/n would be taking Liam's spot, y/n had already met with Max multiple times. They were trying to see if the team chemistry would be there between a seasoned driver and an unseasoned one. Their relationship formed quickly as Max became an older brother figure to y/n. Max connected him to Charles, both having some idea what y/n was going through. From there, Max and Charles became y/n's mentor's in Formula 1 and helped him through everything he needed to know.
Y/n turned his head away from the worksheet and he looked over at Max, who was walking over in his race suit as he just got done with his FP2. He wore a worried look as y/n was tucked into the corner of the Red Bull hospitality with a confused and frustrated look on his face.
The rookie sighed as he dropped his pencil and hid his face in his hands. "Not really," he groaned as both his arms and head dropped onto the table; his head laying on his folded arms. "Calculus is going to be the death of me, Max. I can't do this," there was a slight waver to his voice, but he refused to cry in front of his teammate.
Max pursed his lips and sighed. He looked around the room to see if there was anything he could grab that might be of service to the young driver. When nothing came to mind, Max sat in the chair to y/n's right and he turned it so it faced y/n.
"Hey," Max said softly as he nudged y/n's knee with his own. Y/n's head rolled to the side so he could see Max's face and Max could see his. Y/n's eyes were starting to turn red, but Max paid no attention to it because he knew y/n would hate him for it. "If you need help, or a break, just ask, or talk to me or Charles. We care about you, y/n, and it sucks to see that they," he nodded over to the Red Bull team who was working on Max's car, "don't care about your mental health or school work. But, Charles and I do, okay?"
Y/n pursed his lips and nodded, blinking away tears that threatened to fall from his stinging eyes. He cleared his throat as he leaned back in his chair, his arms falling down into his lap as he looked back at the table
"Yeah. I care about you guys too," y/n started, looking down at his hands which were starting to fold his fingers together as a distraction, "but it's hard. I never liked asking for help and it's still a hard thing for me to do, even if you and Charles are trying to tell me it's okay to do so." Y/n rubbed at his nose as that too was starting to sting. He blinked away tears once more. "I just wish people understood. Fans and reporters. I feel like they only see me as the rookie that got picked up, and not as a high school student who happens to be good at racing," he looked up at Max, who was nodding along to what he was saying, paying attention to every word he said.
Max smiled sadly and nodded. "It sucks, it really does. They never understand and they don't even try to. I'm sorry about that, y/n, I really am," his eyes were wide and filled with sadness and sympathy. "They don't have to understand, though. You don't have to care about what they think, alright?" His eyes turned serious as he leaned forward and put a hand on y/n's knee. "You just need to focus on your school work and driving. Your real fans understand and they care about you too."
Y/n nodded along and he sniffed before wiping his nose on his hoodie sleeve. His FP2 was before Max's, so he slipped out of his race suit and into comfy clothes quickly so he could hide himself in the corner he and Max found themselves in now so he wouldn't be bothered.
Max's eyes narrowed at y/n before they glanced at his worksheet. "When is that due?" He asked as he pointed at the worksheet, which was halfway done.
"Um," y/n hummed as he looked over at the worksheet. He wasn't sure, so he had to double check. "One second," he said as he opened up his computer that was previously closed and shut off as he kept trying to look at the answer key. He pulled up Google Classroom and scrolled to his calculus class. He clicked his tongue a couple of times before saying, "Not until Monday." He looked back at Max, who had a smile on his face. "Why?"
"Tomorrow isn't Monday," Max smiled at y/n. They had a qualifying tomorrow, but an idea was brewing in Max's head already for tonight.
Y/n's brows furrowed, "I'm glad you know your days of the week, Max."
Max laughed. "How about we do something tonight? Invite Charles and we just go hang out around town?" He asked with a smile.
It wasn't unusual for Charles, Max, and y/n to do some adventuring in the town they end up having races in, but it was starting to get rare as y/n's midterms were sneaking up in the next month or two.
Y/n went to deny as he wanted to finish the worksheet, but Max held up a hand and leaned forward in his seat. "Don't try and get out of this because of your homework that isn't due until Monday. You're still young, y/n. You deserve to have some fun in your life, yeah?"
The younger driver scoffed a laugh as he leaned back in his seat. He shook his head, "You're unbelievable and I hate you." Max raised a brow and he held out his hands as he waited for a confirmation. "What the hell, sure," y/n shook his head as Max smiled and hit his shoulder.
"Alright!" Max smiled and stood. His hands hit his thighs as he stood. "You can stay in that if you want," he gestured towards y/n's oversized Red Bull hoodie and matching sweat-shorts, "but I'm going to take a very quick shower and change. I'll text Charles as well."
Then, Max left towards his driver room.
A smile formed on y/n's face. Even if he was close to tears just a minute ago, his eyes were dry as he packed up his calculator, pencil case, and tucked his worksheet into his math folder. It felt nice to be liked and to be needed. While he did have a loving family cheering him on from home, it was hard to be away from them during the season. It was nice to have two people who could fill in those roles while they were away.
Y/n made his way to the couch that was in the Red Bull hospitality, but not before grabbing a Red Bull from the mini fridge that was at the end of the couch. It was nearing dinner time and y/n was sure he would fall asleep on the couch he just sat on if he didn't have at least a couple of sips of Red Bull in his system.
As Max showered and changed, y/n played a mindless game on his phone that Charles downloaded a while ago after his own phone had died and was bored. Y/n remembers it vaguely; he doesn't remember where they were or what they were doing, but Charles's phone had died and he asked y/n id he had games on his phone, to which y/n responded no and Charles acted as if he killed Leo. Then, Charles said that it was his favorite game and was convinced that y/n was living under a rock because he didn't have it downloaded.
He played a couple of rounds before Max came out of his driver's room in a surprising pair of sweatpants and one of his classic Red Bull collard shirts. It wasn't common to see Max in sweatpants, he usually wore jeans with his shirts. Max typed on his phone as he walked, and he almost ran into the couch, but he stopped right in front of it before he could.
"You ready?" Max asked once he looked up from his phone. He chuckled at the sight in front of him; y/n holding his red bull can close as he was curled in on himself in the corner of the couch. His phone was close to his face as he played his game.
Y/n looked up and nodded, quickly unfurling himself. "Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. He stood from the couch and adjusted his hoodie. "Charles already outside?" y/n asked as Max started to lead the way to the door of the hospitality. He didn't get an answer from Max, but his confirmation was Charles standing in front of the door once Max opened up the door.
"Hey you two," Charles smiled at them as y/n and Max bent down to slip on the quickest shoes they could (sneakers for Max and Birkenstock clogs for y/n). Charles wore a red hoodie with a small black Ferrari horse on the heart with white sweatpants and creme Puma suede shoes. "Let's go, yeah?" He nodded his head toward the car park where all of the drivers kept their cars during race weekend.
Max and y/n stepped out of the Red Bull hospitality with smiles on their faces, happy that their trio was back together. Sometimes it's hard for the Red Bull duo to get together with Charles, seeing as their teams want to make sure their secrets aren't being shared with their opponent.
"Where are we going?" Y/n asked as the trio started to walk toward the car park; y/n was in the middle with Max to his right and Charles to his left. He looked from Max and then to Charles, both having smiles on their faces as they looked at each other past y/n's head.
"Seriously guys, where are we going?"
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liked by oscarpiastri, redbullracing, maxverstappen1, and others tagged: charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1
youruser had to buy a swimsuit at the store cause they didn't tell me i needed one when we left
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charles_leclerc do people not go streaking anymore? ā¤· youruser you are NASTY! NASTY i tell you
userseven did you get your homework done
usereight alright ..
maxverstappen1 at least you got a new swimsuit out of it, i just got sandy pizza ā¤· charles_leclerc that was your own fault ā¤· youruser maxverstappen1 free protein for quali!!
oscarpiastri whore behavior on main is crazy ā¤· youruser leave me and my whoreiness alone šŸ’”
usernine i wish i had a relationship like y/n and lestappen ā¤· userten so..parents? ā¤· usernine that was unnecessary
usereleven YOU'RE GOING TO GET POLE POSITION TOMORROW Y/N I BELIEVE IN YOU!! ā¤· usertwelve nah he's washed ā¤· userthirteen it's literally his first season šŸ˜­šŸ˜­??????????
lando high school senior & f1 driver by day WHORE by night ā¤· youruser what's up with the mclaren teammates calling me a whore just say you want me and move on ā¤· lando woah alright i touched a nerve there my bad
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TURNS OUT WHERE they were going was a beachā€”actually, first a clothing store, then a pizza restaurant, and then the beach. Charles and Max only told y/n they were going to the beach after pulling out of the car park in Charles's white Ferrari, so he whined and forced them to stop at a clothing store nearby so he could run in and buy a new pair of trunks and even a cover shirt.
Y/n leaned back on the blanket that Charles pulled out of his trunk when they pulled up to the beach. His elbows and heels dig into the sand as he laid back relaxed. He watched as Max and Charles played in the water like children. They had tried to pull him to the water with them, but he just denied and wanted to stay dry. He pulled on his Red Bull sweatshirt from before as the sun was starting to set and it was starting to get windy on the beach.
He must've zoned out, because suddenly both Max and Charles were laughing right next to him and falling down onto towels that they brought. They were sighing and laughing through breaths as they sat on either side of y/n, Max to y/n right and Charles to his left like before.
"You guys have fun?" Y/n asked, a smile on his face as he looked from Max to Charles, and then back to Max, and repeated that a couple of times before he got an answer.
Charles laughed and nodded, "Yeah. It's been so long since I've had fun in the water at a beach. I usually go on my boat, but I haven't been on a beach in so long."
Silence fell onto the three as they watched the sun slowly set and listened to the crashing of the waves and the chatter of birds that were further down the shoreline.
Suddenly, after a beat of staring at y/n and questioning whether he should actually speak up or not, Max asked, "Are you okay, now?" Y/n turned to Max while Charles turned to watch y/n like Max.
Y/n took a breath and looked back out towards the water. He pursed his lips and after a beat, he nodded. "Yeah," he breathed out with a smile on his face. "Yeah, I am. Sometimes I get too caught up in my own head and I act like I never have enough time for a break, and my life is always go, go, go. While it is that way sometimes, I feel like I never ask for help, or for a break." He took a deep breath in, smelling and taking in the smell of the salt water. Y/n looked to Max and then to Charles with a smile, "Thank you guys. Really. This was really nice, and definitely needed."
Charles smiled back at y/n and he glanced to Max quickly before looking back at y/n. "We're always here for you, y/n. Whether it's for school help, driving help, mental help, or even to kill someone," they all let out a chuckle, "we're here for you, okay? You're special, y/n, and we don't want you to lose your young spark just because you're stressed, alright?"
Y/n smiled, teary-eyed. He nodded, "Alright. I love you guys."
"We love you too, but," Max stood and he bent down to pull off y/n hoodie, which went willingly as y/n rolled his eyes, "it's time to get you in the water."
"Maaaax," y/n whined, but they weren't heard as Charles laughed and joined Max in standing. He helped grab y/n and drag him towards the water. Y/n's yells were helpless as he laughed and squirmed in their grip. "I hate you guys!" Y/n yelled before he was tossed into the cold water.
He came back up with a scowl as Charles and Max laughed with each other at y/n. "I know where you sleep."
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liked by youruser, maxverstappen1, f1, and others tagged: youruser, maxverstappen1
charles_leclerc much needed quality time before quali šŸŒŠā¤ļø
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userfourteen bro theyre so cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
userfifteen they don't want us to ship lestappen then they post pictures of them playing in the water like alright mate
youruser don't be fooled by the smile on my back, i was NOT happy ā¤· charles_leclerc i don't know i remember you telling us you loved us ā¤· maxverstappen1 you know i remember that too ā¤· youruser i told you guys i hated you actually
usersixteen the only family in formula 1
userseventeen can't decide if y/n is their kid or brother ā¤· usereighteen if we're shipping lestappen, kid. if we're not, brother.
maxverstappen1 ā¤ļø ā¤· charles_leclerc literally just a heart? damn what the hell ā¤· youruser my parents are fighting šŸ’”
oscarpiastri um where was my invite????? ā¤· youruser you can come when you have a mental breakdown over homework ā¤ļø ā¤· oscarpiastri oh.. hope you're doing okay ā¤· youruser this made me giggle yes i am doing okay thank you oscar šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
lando BAN family's from formula 1 next thing we know they're going to get 1-2-3 positions for the rest of the season ā¤· charles_leclerc no need to be salty lando nowins ā¤· lando I WILL SLASH YOUR TYRES
usernineteen im living for this family we have in f1 like y/n is literally lestappen's son
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stupidlittlequeer Ā· 2 days ago
*starts timer*
*checks #transmen tag*
*scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll*
"Hmm, no..."
*Checks #transmasc tag*
*scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll*
"Hmmmm, not here either"
*goes to liked posts*
*scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scr-*
*checks timer*
Timer: 47 min, 2 seconds
That is how long it took me to find this FUCKING POST
"But Li, you repost so many trans positiviy posts, why is this one so euphoric"
First of all, your beautiful, SECOND of all:
Specifically for one of the characters represented in it that i can relate to SO hard
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And that is HIM
As a pre-top surgery trans guy, this shit makes me feel so EUPHORIC
Whether he can't get top surgery or doesn't want it doesn't fucking matter, what matters is that he doesn't have it, and he's still chest out and fucking proud about it
I don't know how to describe it properly but seeing somebody whose body is so much like my own, sitting there so casually, the representation has me on fucking Cloud Nine
And the whole image is beautifully created, an amazing representation of the diversity of trans men is just breath taking- the colors, the poses, the controposo, the contrasts
It's just, it's just a perfect and uplifting image all together, but still seeing someone with a body like mine represented is so beautiful and wonderful
This post has effected the way I carry myself
I used to think the peak of my masculinity right now was walking around the house in a sports bra because I don't have a proper binder rn- I was still covering mirrors to shower. Lights off, don't look down, just wash and go, close my eyes to get dressed
BUT FUCK after I saw this, I went to change and I looked in the mirror, and I saw myself in this image
I was able to look at my chest more objectively
And I just thought-like
"Yeah, that is a male body, that's what my male body is *supposed* to look like"
And just
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happy pride !! i love u my trans masc siblings šŸ«¶ āš§ļø šŸ«¶
this is also a redraw of a piece from june 2019 ā¬‡ļø
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pinkyqily Ā· 2 days ago
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Summary: Because of recent speculation, online, it makes you rethink your relationship with juju.
Warning: cursing, angst to fluff, reader bluffing, miscommunication from r
Author's note: this fic was requested by @atditsitzjt and I hope you enjoy reading this, we love Otto in this house, I just needed someone who juju is close to build up fic tension.
feedbacks are always welcome and happy readings readers šŸ’
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To be honest, you had no reason to think that juju would cheat on you.
But overthinking is a bitch and that how you and juju found yourself in this messy position in you're relationship.
It all started with when you saw a comment about how juju is always with Otto and doesn't she have a girlfriend to go to.
That comment didn't bother you at all until the sudden change of your algorithm.
You started seeing post of people shipping them together, pictures that looked way too intimate.
how they are always together from practice to hanging outside of campus together.
You felt like your heart got twisted and toyed with. You waited until she would come over to your place to try and bring it up, not wanting to jump into conclusion yet wanting to give her the benefit of doubt.
Juju came around, and she could tell something was wrong, but she didn't want to push your buttons after the long day she had.
You both enjoyed each other company, but the sense of lingering tension was obviously in the air and if anyone was to enter the room they would most likely feel suffocated.
You were laying on your girlfriend as she scrolled through her phone on Instagram.
But you couldn't keep quite anymore and got off her, she looked at you a confused.
you cleared your throat to speak.
"So you and Otto hang out with each other a lot." You started with.
"Yeah, she's my best friend, you know that." She said.
"You guys are really close for best friend".
"What point are you trying to make?". She said, looking irritated.
"I'm gonna be straight with you, Juju are you cheatin-. Before you could finish you heard her cut you off. "Don't you finish that sentence, what made you come to this." The way she reacted caught you off guard.
"Oh, I'm sorry that my supposed girlfriend loves hanging out with her best friend more than her actual gf, that it has the internet speculating if you guys are dating".
"You have to be serious, you're getting your claims from delusional people on the internet?". She said looking really hurt by the not so accusation you put against her.
"Yeah because they make more sense than whatever your fucking saying juju".
"What can't you understand she's my best friend just because we're always together, means nothing to me." You heard her say, she tired grabbing your hands but you simply moved back creating more space between the two of you.
"But it does to me do you ever think about how I would feel huh, you don't see me always hanging out with my best friend like that". You told her getting upset that she couldn't understand your point of view.
"One she's been with me since day one, she works with the team too, so of course we're always gonna be at the same place two just because we're always together means nothing to me". She explained to you. Grabbing both your hands as she continued speaking
"You're my girlfriend, not her, the person I love and adore you make me feel all sorts of things when we're together."
You felt a little shakend, she was someone who was always straight foward but doesn't to pushy with it. You had nothing to say to her they only thing you could do was leave the living room.
where you both we're staying so you could get some air.
You felt like a huge asshole for doubting her. What type of partner accuses there significant other, onto of that you use the internet as some type of excuses just because of your insecurities instead of communicating with her.
Oh you felt bad, after what felt likes hours but was only a few minutes you went back inside after staying outside. Juju was just how you left her, she was sitting on the arm of the couch fidgeting with her fingers.
You stood in front of her, but there was still the lack of distance between two of you.
You started by saying
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have accused you like that I don't know what wrong with me everything people were saying just got to me". You told her.
"I'm not gonna lie, your accusations hurt me, especially when you know I would never do you like that." She said, pulling you closer as she laid her head on your shoulder.
After your conversation with her that night, you expected her not to stay over like she normally does but she did.
You're both laying down in bed you couldn't fall asleep yet.
"Baby, I just wanted you to know I'm really sorry, and I feel so stupid thinking about it." You said, thinking she fell asleep.
"It okay, just go back to bed mhm". You heard her say as she pulled you closer by your waist.
"Goodnight, I love you." You said to her as you slowly able to fall asleep and be at peace without your mind playing tricks on you.
"I love you too." She said her arms stil wrapped around your body.
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dreamsteddie Ā· 2 days ago
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Written for the @stmarchmm day one prompt ā€œcourting ritualsā€ | Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Courting Rituals, Alpha Eddie Munson, Omega Steve Harrington - Also on Ao3
Bat divider -@popmilky | Diamond divider - @inklore
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Eddie knows he doesnā€™t have much going for him in terms of mating material.
Despite presenting as an Alpha early at age twelve, something that should have given him some kind of status in a town like Hawkins, thereā€™s always been something about him that makes people turn their noses up at him, close doors in his face. Heā€™s kind of wishy-washy when it comes to the things heā€™s not passionate about, he smells like wet pavement and cigarette smoke, and canā€™t for the life of him seem to graduate high school.
He also canā€™t grow a beard, canā€™t remember to separate the darks from the lights, canā€™t tie his shoes without using the bunny ears method, canā€™t hop in place and rub his tummy, canā€™t-Ā 
Well the point is, there are a lot of ā€œcanā€™tā€s in his life and never a whole lot of ā€œcanā€s
The one thing Eddie can do without a shadow of a doubt is pursue delusions of grandeur with a single-minded determination. No matter how hard this shit-hole town and all its designation-obsessed inhabitants have tried to beat him into the dirt over the years, heā€™s never let go of his dreams. Some day, heā€™s going to play songs for the entire goddamn planet, making millions of dollars off lyrics inspired by all the games and books that have gotten his head shoved in the Hawkinā€™s High toilets over the years, and Mayor Kline will have to give him a key to the city while Eddie Munson, town freak, gives him the middle finger.
And, if all the stars align and the Big Guy upstairs he doesnā€™t believe in does him several solids, heā€™ll be doing it with Steve Harrington standing by his side.
The guys think heā€™s crazyā€”Eddie thinks heā€™s crazyā€”but Eddie is determined to give his all into courting Steve Harrington before their shared senior year ends. Heā€™s, by and large, the most eligible Omega in all of Hawkins, even with his recent breakup with Nancy Wheeler under his belt. No amount of ditching the popular crowd, adopting a bunch of children, and becoming best friends with band geek Robin Buckley has been enough to deter the Alphas of Hawkins High, even if some of them wonā€™t admit it.
Eddie takes great pleasure in watching every failed courting offer. Steve has always been picky about who he lets take him out, but he hasnā€™t taken up a single Alphaā€™s offer since Nancy and the rejections are getting more brutal by the day. Eddie suspects itā€™s Robinā€™s influence and if that is the case he needs to thank her profusely because Eddie goes a little weak in the knees every time he sees Steve literally turn up his perfect nose at an offer.
So, the odds arenā€™t looking good. Steve is picky and Eddie is famously a poor, nobody freak, not the kind of guy with the resources to properly woo a guy like Steve, but what Eddie does have is a lot of passion and a strong desire to prove himself.Ā 
So Eddie has a capital P Plan.
ā€œHey Buckley,ā€ Eddie says sliding up to the girl where sheā€™s packing up at the bleachers after practice. She gives him a scrutinizing look and clearly finds him lacking, squinting her eyes at him like heā€™s a little bug landed on her shoulder. Irritating and suspicious. Which, rude. ā€œI was wondering if a fine lady like yourself would happen to know what one Steve Harrington might be hoping for in a courtingā€ Robin clearly wasnā€™t expecting him to come right out and ask, her blue eyes going wide.
ā€œWhat the fuck, Munson!ā€ She crows, clearly embarrassed by his lack of tact.
ā€œWhat!?ā€ He fires back, not understanding what the big deal is. He wants to court Steve and Robin is the best source of information on how to go about it.
ā€œYou canā€™t just ask that, you doofus,ā€ she hisses, lavender scent going smokey like brush fire.
ā€œWhy not? I want to court him, like, publicly. Everyoneā€™s gonna know in a couple weeks anyway. Shouldnā€™t you be glad youā€™re the first to know?ā€ He huffs. He knows itā€™s not exactly the done thing to go around telling people youā€™re going to court someone. Youā€™re supposed to be delicate. Hint at it and build up little courting gifts and donā€™t look anyone in the eye. Itā€™s dumb as hell and Eddie wants no part of it. Besides, so far as Eddie has seen, that method hasnā€™t worked on Steve anyway. Eddie may as well go about this in his own way, which includes getting insider information.
Still clearly not impressed, Robin says ā€œYou? You want to court Steve? Resident anti-conformist, jock-hating, Eddie Munson wants to court Steve Harrington. Why?ā€ Her tone is clearly disbelieving, which, again, rude.
ā€œUh, I mean, have you seen him with those kids? Heā€™s wicked hot with that whole mom thing heā€™s got going on.ā€ At that, Robin gags. ā€œAnd, I mean, I know heā€™s a jock but heā€™s also an Omega and he pretty much said fuck it to Hawkinā€™s High when he presented and refused to give up his position as captain. That was super fucking metal,ā€ he says all earnest.
ā€œAnd I like the way he smells, like a fresh cinnamon roll. And we shared an English class once and he asked me about the doodle of a Beholder I worked on instead of taking notes. And I know Iā€™m not exactly a prime Alpha but I donā€™t think that really matters. At least not to me. I want to kiss him and make sweet love to him and have babies with him and -ā€ Robin cuts him off with a hand over his mouth.
ā€œOk, I get it. You like him.ā€ She says that, but sheā€™s still looking at him like she canā€™t figure him out. ā€œAlrightā€¦I donā€™t know if I like you Eddie but Iā€™ll throw you a bone. Just one, got it? And if you fuck it up, Iā€™m not helping you again.ā€ She says, waiting for him to nod before removing her hand from his mouth.
Eddie takes a deep, overdramatic breath in like heā€™s just breached water. ā€œGot it.ā€
Robin takes a deep breath of her own. ā€œSteveā€™s been propositioned for courting 19 times since he presented and heā€™s only said yes to one. One-off dates not included.ā€ She hasnā€™t stopped looking him straight in the eye, making sure he pays attention. ā€œNancy gave him a set of handwritten notes for history because she noticed he was struggling. All the other Alphas got him fancy jewelry, useless house stuff, and generic valentine's day crap.ā€ With that, she gives him one last, long look before grabbing her trumpet and leaving, the sound of metal clanging under her feet following in her wake.
ā€œThanks, Buckey!ā€ He calls out, waving his hand wildly at her retreating back. She ignores him.
Well, no matter. Heā€™s got a courting to plan.
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The thing about courting when you have $3.45 to your name after rent and gas is that you have to get creative. Which isnā€™t a problem, Eddie breathes creativity. If he wasn't already ā€œThe Freakā€ heā€™s sure he would be Eddie ā€œThe Creativeā€ Munson. Really, it has a nice ring to it.
The problem comes with making something with $3.45 that is also a worthy courting gift for Steve Harrington. Which, given Robinā€™s tip, might not be as big a concern as he would have thought. But even if Steve would be happy with a heartfelt love letter and those peanut butter brownies Eddie knows he likes, thereā€™s a part of him that wants to blow every other Alpha and Beta that came before him completely out of the water. Maybe especially Nancy Wheeler.
Sue him, he wants to be the best.
Which leaves him with the option of a gesture. Eddie loves a gesture, but this one is going to require some help. Luckily, Eddie knows where every gang of geeks in Hawkinā€™s makes their dens, even if theyā€™re not his gang of geeks. It comes with being Head Freak. Itā€™s his responsibility, really.
Which is how he finds himself in the Hawkins Middle AV club room being stared down by a bunch of beady-eyed thirteen year olds on the verge of presenting. Jesus, these kids are intense.
ā€œSo yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m planning,ā€ he finishes explaining. Would it kill them to look a little impressed? Heā€™s pretty proud of it himself. Instead of sharing looks of awe, the six of them share looks of judgement between them, obviously having a silent conversation between them like some kind of hive mind. Eddie will never admit it makes him sweat a little bit.
ā€œYou want to ask to court Steve. Steve Harrington?ā€ the tall, skinny one asks like he canā€™t believe it. Eddie doesnā€™t know if the disgust is for him or for the Omega. Either way, ouch.
ā€œYes,ā€ he replies, sweating a little more. They all share more looks, the redhead in particular is looking at him like heā€™s gum stuck on the bottom of her shoes.Ā 
ā€œWhy?ā€ The curly one asks, firm and more seriously than any kid that dorky looking should have any right to speak. Seriously, he looks like a poodle in a Star Wars shirt and a trucker hat. But, Eddie knows enough about Steve to know that these are his kids, his pups, and despite how much it chafes him to have people continually asking why he wants to court Steve, like it isnā€™t obvious, he knows these pups are just looking out for their pack Omega.
With a deep sigh, Eddie explains for the second time in less than a week, everything he loves about Steve Harrington. At the end of his speech, the pups stare at him for a long moment before simultaneously turning their back on him to form an honest to God huddle. Seriously, the hive mind thing is looking more and more likely. Maybe he should use this for a campaign. Very Children of the Corn.
While Eddie is lost in his musing, they seem to come to some kind of conclusion, breaking up and returning to one solid, unbreakable line. Itā€™s the other girl, hair short and at that awkward growing out length that Eddie knows all too well that steps forward. All these kids are intense, but thereā€™s something especially severe about her, something Eddie only half recognizes.
ā€œWe will help you,ā€ she says, quiet and solemn.Ā 
This is going to fucking fantastic, Eddie thinks, wild grin splitting across his face.
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Itā€™s embarrassingly easy to sneak a band of six middle schoolers and one elementary schooler into the school after hours. The kids met him outside the building just at exactly 4:00 PM the Friday after their meeting in the AV room just as they planned. The addition of the feisty ten year old was unexpected, but she proved herself invaluable in charming the one teacher that stopped them on their way to the radio room, spinning some tale about being so excited for higher learning that they wanted to explore the high school. Eddie thinks Erica Sinclair should run the world.
The kids are a well oiled, if slightly annoying, machine. As soon as Eddie pops the door open theyā€™re getting to work figuring out how the PA system works and how long the range is. Dustin and Lucas insist that they move the entire unit closer to the field, and Max and Will are quick to source a cart for the whole thing. In record time theyā€™re all piling into the coaches office, the one with a clear view of the basketball court where the team is running their Friday drills. Honestly, it feels a little like theyā€™re highjacking Eddieā€™s plan, but the smiles on their face and their puppy sweet excitement softens the blow a little.
ā€œYou ready?ā€ The curly haired one, Dustin, asks while offering him the mic.
ā€œI was born for this, Dusty,ā€ he says, snatching the mic out of his hand and taking his place outside the main gym doors.
Despite what he said, Eddie is nervous. He shakes his hands and bounces in place, trying to shake it off. Before heā€™s ready, he hears the slightly crackly jazzy intro pouring through the speakers. He counts his beats, waiting for his que. He spent hours planning this, recording the background music with the band, turning the lyrics over and over in his head, even practicing his grand entrance. Heā€™s as ready as he can be.
God, he hopes this works.
And thereā€™s his que, that little pause in the music just enough time for him to push open the doors to the main gym with all his strength, relishing in the dramatic banging sound.
All eyes are on him. Steveā€™s eyes are on him.
You're just too good to be true,
Can't take my eyes off of you,
He sings as he walks. All the activity in the gym has come to a halt, everyone too confused and curious to stop it. Heā€™s looking right at Steve, who turns his head like heā€™s expecting to see someone else behind him. Heā€™s so cute, Eddie wants to eat him alive.
At long last love has arrived,
And I thank God I'm alive,
You're just too good to be true
Eddie knows he doesnā€™t have a lot of time, any moment now principle Higgins and his one security lackey are going to bust through the doors to find out who stole the announcement equipment. This is the moment, the one that needs to count. Eddie saunters right up to Steve like his heart isnā€™t trying to beat out of his chest and kneels down like a knight to their king. He takes his hand, and Steve lets him as he sings the next line looking right up into those beautiful hazel eyes.
Can't take my eyes off of you.
He turns the hand in his own over to expose the Omegaā€™s wrist just as the music pauses and presses a soft, lingering kiss to the gland there. A courting kiss.
Almost like he planned it, the doors burst open a second time revealing the fuming face of Principle Higgins and his goon. He turns a manic grin Steveā€™s way just as the music picks back up, cutting straight to the chorus. He presses one last kiss to Steveā€™s wrist and takes in the way his pretty, pink lips are parted in disbelief, eyes wide and then heā€™s running.
I love you baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you baby,
To warm the lonely nights
Let it never be said that Eddie Munson, for all the ways he fails to be the ideal Alpha, doesnā€™t have a hell of a lot of stamina. Heā€™s been a proud runner all his life, and heā€™s using it to his advantage today to put on a show. Heā€™s singing and heā€™s running as Higgins and Officer Jerry chase his tail like they have any hope of catching him when he doesnā€™t want to be caught, when he can see the most beautiful boy in the world laughing at him in disbelief as he ducks and dodges around the court.
But even Eddie has his limits and, like he said, he planned this to a T. He can feel himself running out of breath but he refuses to call it before the climax. Heā€™s stomping his way up the bleachers, making a show of going between the rows dancing like heā€™s in an old hollywood musical. Higginā€™s is closing in, but thereā€™s now way heā€™s getting caught. Not today. He puts in a burst of speed, leaving them in the dust and putting himself right at the top of the wooden stands, singing directly to Steve who is absolutely glowing on the court.
And let me love you,
Baby let me love youā€¦
The music gives one last swell, the Corroded Coffin of two days ago pouring their heart out for the Eddie of today. The music comes to an abrupt halt, the gym very quickly filling with laughter and applause. The kids are screaming their heads off in the office, loud enough to draw Steveā€™s attention to where they can be seen through the large window. The joy and disbelief on Steveā€™s face makes all of this worth it, no matter what happens next.
Eddie wishes he could relish in it longer, but the goon squad is gaining ground fast and he has one last message to give before he hauls ass into the next phase of his plan. He starts inching his way toward the exit, not taking his eyes off Steve as he goes. He needs him to hear this.
ā€œSteve Harrington, it would be the honor of my life to court you with the intention of mating. Meet me at the lake at seven if youā€™ll hear me out.ā€ And with that, heā€™s gone. He wishes he could stay to see his reaction, but heā€™s out of time.
He pushes through the emergency exit to the sound of hollering and clapping, all he can do now is commence with phase two.
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Phase two mainly consists of picking everything up from the trailer, changing into his nice clothes, and heading toward Loverā€™s Lake to set everything up.
Eddie thinks this is the most nerve wracking part of the whole plan. In many ways, the whole big performance was the easy part. Eddie loves to perform, eats up the attention like a cat laps up milk. This, the full bearing of his heart to the Omega he wants to spend his life with, is far scarier than anything else. Here in the back of his van, the paper hearts and pillar candles, hand-picked daisies and hand-made peanut butter brownies, leave him completely exposed.
He wonders if Steve will show up.
He wishes he didnā€™t set up so god damn early. The waiting is excruciating.
The Alpha paces around, adjusts the blankets on the bottom of the van and then decides they were better before, and checks his watch every half minute like it will make time move faster. He sits and watches the hands turn from 6:59 to 7:00. Maybe Steve wonā€™t come. Maybe this was all for nothing and heā€™ll have to go back to school on Monday and pretend like he isnā€™t heartbroken.
His watch continues to tick. 7:03, 7:07, 7:10. Heā€™s getting ready to pick it all back up when he hears the muffled sound of tires on soft dirt. Suddenly, his heart is in his throat as he watches the distinct headlights of his favorite Beamer turn into the clearing.
Eddie scrambles to his feet, he has a plan to carry out.
He watches, heart in his throat as Steve parks. Watches as the door opens and Steve emerges, a sweet, sheepish smile on his face.
ā€œSorry Iā€™m late.ā€ Steve looks like a dream. He clearly went home and had a shower and a change of clothes. Heā€™s wearing light wash jeans that hug his thighs and a soft looking, deep red sweater, the collar of a white dress shirt peeking out from underneath. Heā€™s dressed up for Eddie.
Thereā€™s a long pause where Eddie forgets how to speak and Steve just stands there, clearly waiting for Eddie to make a move. Eddie comes back to himself all at one, shaking his head hard like a dog, making Steve let out a startled laugh. ā€œWhat the hell?ā€ He asks, not mean, but bemused.Ā 
ā€œMy deepest apologies my liege, I was simply stunned by your beauty,ā€ he says with a half bow, extending his arm for Steve to take. ā€œIt is my pleasure to welcome you to Cafe Munson, the finest pop up restaurant this side of Indiana.ā€ Itā€™s goofy and a little ridiculous but Steve takes the offered arm with a little smile, sending a pleasant jolt through his body.Ā 
Eddie leads Steve toward the open back of the van, watching him intently as he takes it in. He gets to see as the Omegaā€™s eyes go wide, mouth parting in a little gasp. When he turns to look at Eddie, heā€™s already looking back. ā€œYou did this for me?ā€ He asks, wonder coloring his voice. All of a sudden Eddie feels a little shy, a little sheepish.
ā€œI know itā€™s not much, Iā€™m not exactly liquid at the moment, but I wanted to do something nice for you,ā€ he says, unoccupied arm reaching up to tug a piece of hair over his mouth. Steve looks at him for a long moment before turning back to the van. There are blankets everywhere, pretty much every one from the house plus a couple he nicked from Garethā€™s house after practice. The emergency pillar lights from the pantry give the space a soft glow, paper hearts hang from string from the metal roof, and a repurposed laundry basket full of tupperwares and miller lites sits in the center.
ā€œItā€™s perfectā€ Steve says, and Eddie canā€™t help but believe him. Not when his scent is blooming, cinnamon roll sweet, right under Eddieā€™s nose.
Eddie leads him to the van, gives him his hand to help him into the back. He takes a moment to take it all in, Steve Harrington settling into a date with Eddie Munson. Itā€™s his biggest dream come true.Ā 
He climbs in after the other boy and starts pulling out tupperwares. Steve has settled in to lean on the wall of pillows Eddie constructed for just this reason, pulling a blanket over the both of them when Eddie settles in next to him. Steve laughs with every overly dramatic introduction he makes for the food, and Eddie doesnā€™t think heā€™s ever been this warm. Neither of them brings up why theyā€™re here, the underlying meaning behind it all. They dance around it, laughing about the kids, Steveā€™s sports and Eddieā€™s games, the look on Principle Higginā€™s face when he burst into the gym earlier that day. The whole place smells like cinnamon and smoke, Eddie doesnā€™t think thereā€™s a better smell in the whole world.
They donā€™t say a thing about courting or mating or scents until they polish off their cold pasta, courtesy of Wayne, and Eddie pulls out the last tupperware from the bottom of the laundry basket. ā€œAnd for dessert, may I have a drumroll pleaseā€¦.ā€ Steve rolls his eyes but smiles as he complies, drumming a little beat with fingers on the side of the van. Eddie pulls out the container with a flourish, ā€œThe finest peanut butter brownies $3.15 worth of ingredients from Melvaldā€™s can get you.ā€ He expects laughter, maybe some light teasing as Steve has been shown to enjoy throughout the night, but all he gets is silence.Ā 
He worries, for a moment, that he got it wrong. Maybe Steve doesnā€™t like peanut butter brownies. Jesus H Christ, maybe heā€™s allergic to peanuts and Eddie has just massively fucked this up. Heā€™s getting ready to spiral and try to fix it when Steve speaks, voice soft in a way Eddie canā€™t place.
ā€œThose are my favorites,ā€ he says. When Eddie is brave enough to look at his face again, heā€™s met with wet, adoring eyes. Eddie doesn't know if anyone has ever looked at him like that before. Like he was something magical. Something special just for them.
Eddie clears his throat when Steve doesnā€™t say anything else. Just keeps staring at him like heā€™s waiting for something big. ā€œYeah, yeah I know,ā€ he says, bracing himself for what comes next. ā€œI uh, I saw you buy some at the club fair last year. You bought three of them and then came back for one more before they closed the booth.ā€ It shouldnā€™t be such a big admission, but it feels like heā€™s just handed Steve his heart on a silver platter.
ā€œEddie?ā€ Steve asks, turning toward him fully.
ā€œYeah?ā€ Eddie asks, sitting up so theyā€™re eye to eye.
ā€œWhat you said, on the basketball court, will you ask me again?ā€ Heā€™s looking at him with so much hope in his eyes, Eddie almost feels like he could choke on it. Instead, he focuses in on the perfect scent of the man next to him, breathes steadily in and out.
ā€œIt would be the honor of my life to court you with the intention of mating, Steve Harrington.ā€ As he says it, he reaches into his pocket for his last offering, his hail mary pass, his death saving throw. Itā€™s a silly thing, cost his last 30 cents at the stationary store, but he was listening to Robin on those bleachers that day. Knows that the gesture and the picnic are all well and good, but what Steve has been missing with all those other Alphas is someone who notices the small details and holds them close. Someone who cares about his C+ in History, someone who knows his favorite brownies are swirled with peanut butter.
Someone who notices that he lost his eraser last week and has been meaning to pick up a new one.
Eddie holds out his heart one last time, itā€™s shaped like a 30 cent eraser. White and covered with a paper band. The best one on the market.
Steve stares at the little eraser like it contains the answers to the universe, and then heā€™s plucking it, oh so gently, out of his hands and cradling it in his own. Eddie waits, the ball is completely in Steveā€™s court now, Eddie has played all his cards.
Suddenly, Steve scent starts to bloom, even more than it did when he first saw the van. The smell of sugar, cinnamon, and yeast so strong it makes Eddie feel light headed. Eddie gets a glimpse of the most beautiful smile in the world just before Steve is throwing his arm around his neck, nudging his way into his lap to notch his head right at Eddieā€™s scent gland. Eddieā€™s arms instinctually wrap around his back, keeping him close.
ā€œYes,ā€ Steve says, the sound of it muffled by the soft skin of Eddieā€™s neck. Eddie squeezes him tight, knows he needs to ask, just to make sure but worried heā€™s hallucinating. Scared to believe heā€™s getting everything heā€™s ever wanted.
ā€œYes?ā€ He asks, lips trembling where theyā€™ve found their own place at Steveā€™s neck, wanting to be as close as possible, just in case.
ā€œYes.ā€ And Steve is pulling back, which Eddie hates, and cupping his face in is hands. ā€œIt would be the honor of my life to accept your courting offer, Eddie Munson,ā€ he says, sure and steady and full to the brim of hope.
ā€œHoly shit.ā€ Eddie canā€™t believe this is happening. Despite all the planing and the performing and the putting his heart on the line he never actually let himself think that this would happen. Never let himself think about how it would end.
Without much though Eddie barrels forward to bury his head back into the Omegaā€™s neck, his Omegaā€™s neck, peppering him with fervent little kisses until Steve is giggling so hard he tips them over into the pile of pillows behind him. Eddie is full to the brim with joy, happier than heā€™s ever been and all of a sudden he needs to move. Needs to let the whole world know what heā€™s got in the palm of his hands.
He jolts up with one last kiss to Steveā€™s cheek, managing a quick ā€œbe right back!ā€ before he launching himself out of the van. He hears Steve calling out in confusion, but it quickly turns into more joyous laughter as Eddie steps out of the van and starts jumping in place, punching the air and whooping into the night sky.
ā€œFuck you Hawkins! Iā€™m courting Steve Harrington! Iā€™m on top of the God Damn world!ā€ He gets in one last double bird in the general direction of Main Street before Steve is calling him back in.
ā€œOk, youā€™ve had your moment. Now get your ass back in here and kiss me for real, you dumb Alpha,ā€ he says, laughter still caught in his throat. And really? Who is Eddie do deny a request like that?
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So excited for MMM, guys! I won't be doing every day, but I will be doing at lest a couple of full one shots and some of my normal ramblings. (Also, this is the longest thing I've ever written that wasn't an academic paper and I am low key very proud of myself)
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xiepheer Ā· 3 days ago
HIHIII i loved your truth and deceit fic :33
could i pretty please request a shadow milk x clumsy reader :3?
The Master of Deceit and his clumsy one!
Shadow Milk cookie x Clumsy reader
Hey guys! Hope yall like this! Also feel free to ask requests! Any cookies I will do! Thank you so much for the support everyone!
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First off, he doesn't expect his dearest lover to be clumsy!
So whenever you're in his dimensions, he would watch over you just incase you tripped and fall into an endless void.
Now having you clumsy is what he likes. He likes to protect you.
He would act like the hero when you almost fall in a void or endless river.
When you were hurt while you tripped, he would be desperate to help you and get you up.
"Pookie are you okay? Are you hurt? I'll bring help!" He says,desperate to help you.
He breathed a sigh of relief when you confirmed that you were fine and not hurt.
Now he would use you sometimes for his shows where you have to do carnival tricks and when you fall (which is definitely on the script), he saves you so the crowd applauds.
And of course he doesn't only use you, he loves you. He would depend on your answer if he asks if you want to be in the show.
Now since he deeply cares about you, he brings you everywhere with him.
No matter the situation, he knew he would be desperate without you if you hurt yourself in the process of being clumsy.
He would ask Black Sapphire Cookie to watch over you whenever he couldn't because Black Sapphire Cookie is who he really trusts you to be with.
He does trust Candy Apple cookie but he knows that she's gonna do something to you.
When he got sealed in the tree, he could only hope that Black Sapphire Cookie and Candy Apple cookie is taking care of you.
Now they do take care of you.
Candy Apple cookie just can't accept the fact that he cares about someone clumsy and fragile than her.
Now Black Sapphire Cookie would shake her jealous thoughts away, telling her to accept their fate or surely they will pay.
"Eugh!! What does Master Shadow Milk cookie see in that clumsy fragile cookie!" She huffed. "I did everything for Master Shadow Milk cookie but all he does is ignore me! I even put my best syrups on!"
She basically threw a tantrum on Black Sapphire Cookie while you were somewhere in the sphire. Hoping not to be clumsy and fall again.
"Cut it out! Master Shadow Milk cookie clearly cares for that cookie so accept it!" He said to her.
"And we can't do anything about it!" He said to her.
Now she DID eventually accept it but also feels jealousy time to time.
When Shadow Milk cookie gets realesed from the tree, the first thing he searches is You.
When he found you, he checks you up in case you have any physical bruises or scars.
He breathes a sigh of relief when he checked and you weren't hurt.
And now he brings you all the time, everywhere.
He brings you with him and make you watch him cause destruction.
Now you can't do anything about that. You know he's just ensuring your safety.
Now the reason why he brings you with him was because you are clumsy. Constantly after walking a bit, you would trip.
He would catch you of course and play as the prince in your "Save me!" Princess role.
He would ensure your clumsy butt doesn't get in trouble and would ensure that you're safe.
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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry if this isn't for your liking, feel free to tell me which part you didn't like!
Also I encourage everyone to ask for requests! All cookies are involved!
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complete-clownery Ā· 22 hours ago
some fun facts about this whole picture
(also just because I share all of this with you guys, nothing is set in stone, if you have your own theories that's the coolest thing ever!!! Share them with me please!!)
šŸœSome of y'all said that Macaque was sitting alone but believe me just because Bai He turned around to chat with MK and Mei she is only there because Macaque came and Macaque is only there because Bai He bagged him to tag along,
šŸœ You might have noticed that some of the chopstick holders and sauce holders have stickers on them. Those were put there by MK. He first did it when he was much younger to help decorate the shop because he overheard a convo between Tang and Pigsy discussing renovation and finances - it was a whole thing - Pigsy even got mad at MK, but they figure it out eventually and nowadays when the stickers get too worn MK replaces them with new ones
šŸœ Mei is showing Bai He a puppy video you can hardly see it
šŸœ Mei hardly even touches Red Son in the illustration, Red Son is just completely distraught by the idea of being so close to someone. (He's very embarrassed they might be blushing a bit too (I just went able to draw that properly lol))
šŸœMK is sitting on outside of the boot because he keeps on getting up and helping pigsy around (it's not even conscious anymore, whenever they sit down with the others he sits somewhere, where he can easily get up to land a hand to Pigsy (or to anyone))
šŸœ Yeeah Yeah okay,,, I know there is a shadowpeach shaped question in the room bugging your minds like: omg clownery is it on purpose that they are the only characters that we can't see the faces of???
And my answer to that is: I made this drawing on a whim, I started drawing it purely to mess around with perspective and expected to give up halfway bc it looked ass, I could have hardly given it any deeper meaning or thought. How could've I possibly planned anything? The core elements of this picture are all managed to get made up while I was drawing it...
Except from this one ;]
See when I sat down and got an idea about a group picture I wanted to differentiate the celestial monkeys (excluding MK) from the main group
This picture takes place some time after season 3 and a bit before season 4. I would like to say that Wukong and Macaque are not a part of this group. Especially in season 3 both of them have done terrible shit and regardless of where they're sitting and what they are doing, they're not part of it all.
For Macaque this is pretty easily illustrated, he is the one who stands out the most, not a lot of people want him there since they did try to kill members of the group even if he was under the influence of LBD. He's at a different table MK invited them bc MK genuinely wants to be friend Macaque, but this was already stated: Bai He wants Macaque to be there - I have a lot of head canons about their relationship but I'm not going to talk about this here cuz this rant might get even longer - but Bai He at first was scared as fuck with Wukong around, she only felt better when Macaque was there. She has gotten better since then, as you can see she's pretty comfortable with MK and Mei (even Red Son surprisingly), but she still needs Macaque there.
Making Wukong stand out and look isolated is a bit more tricky... He's in the group seemingly chatting with Sandy, he's there part of the whole thing, but there are subtle hints about his environment and body language you might notice:
Well for once he is turned away from the pov, we cant see his face already distancing him from you guys the viewers.
His body language is also closed off, arms crossed, legs just next to each other tightly, he's not comfortable, he's somewhere else, Sandy is there but his talking at Wukong rather than talking to him.
Also It has been made pretty evident in the show that Wukong loves eating right? If he was perfectly comfortable and at ease he would at least have 3 bowls of noodles yet he barely touched anything, he's not eating.
I mean he almost got Mei killed and the whole plan screwed since he was unwilling to cooperate and share his plans with the others. I like to think that Mei just straight up ignored him for a while,, same with pigsy,, those two had enough of Wukongs past getting MK in trouble, they do not like him (and them being so buddy buddy with him in later seasons is annoying af to me,,, maybe season 5 gets some form of pass, because more time has passed and Wukongs actions in season 4 were considerably better, but they were waaaaay too comfortable with him at season 5,,, it bugged me a lot)
I think they're also very aware of each other's presence (I have a whole au that plays between season 3 and 4 explaining how Macaque started living on the FFM with Wukong, so in that context,,,, damn they are having a BLAST especially Macaque, he would like to be anywhere but near Wukong :] )
šŸœAlso they're sitting away from each other as far away as possible, and (this was not planned and got pointed out by one of my friends) Wukong is sitting closest to the sun and Macaque is the one who is in the shade the most
Sorry about the big monkey rant, I am just so extremely shadowpeach pilled that it distracts my brain form everything else
And once again: I tell all this stuff to you guys, but feel free to come up with your own theories about the illustration, details, backstories, whatever you have in mind. You guys have different interpretations makes it all the more fun!!
Please share your theories with me in the comments I would love to hear them šŸŽšŸŠšŸŠ
I'll edit this if I have more ideas šŸ’”
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Wow okay
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more-mara Ā· 3 days ago
Charles and carlos lead oscar to their hotel room planning to fuck him till he can't move as oscars a bottom but then they see his cock is really big (9in) and they just stare at it while oscar has had this happen to him alot and he really just wants to be fucked not the one doing the fucking.
I said Iā€™d write a Drabble (100 words) but at my core, I am a liar so hereā€™s 600.
This was a great idea.
Carlos had to give Charles credit because he would never have done this on his own. Beautiful, beautiful Charles and his unending sex appeal and overbearing confidence. God, Carlos wanted to kiss him for coming up with this.
It felt devious- coaxing Oscar from the after party and inviting him to their room. Yes, their room. Just two guys sharing a bed and exploring each other's bodies on the regular- totally normal.
But god, something about Oscar just had Carlosā€™ cock springing to life- hardening so quick that his head spun a little. Charles had noticed, of course, and took matters into his own hands.
ā€œFancy letting us fuck you, baby?ā€ Charles whispered, hand ghosting along Oscarā€™s crotch. Oscar visibly shivered but shot Charles a smirk before letting his gaze drift to Carlos.
ā€œBoth of you?ā€ He asked, a glimmer of something mischievous in his eye.
ā€œThatā€™s the plan. Canā€™t have you walking away easily afterwards- maybe weā€™ll keep you in our bed forever,ā€ Charles said, glancing over at Carlos who was nodding along obediently. Who the hell was he to argue with that. Getting to fuck Oscar six ways to Sunday? Count him inā€¦literally.
Theyā€™d barely been able to keep their hands off each other in the elevator, practically shaking with want as they waited for the ding of the bell before bolting straight for their room.
Oscar was on Charles immediately, hands gripping his face as he connected their lips together, pressing Charles against the wall. Charles let out an airy laugh, grasping Oscar by the waist to stabilise them. Carlos watched on, his already hard cock twitching in interest.
In the blink of an eye, they were stripping their clothes off each other as they stumbled towards the bed, Oscar falling backwards a little awkwardly as he spread himself across the duvet. Carlos and Charles stood at the end of the bed, discarding their remaining clothes in a hurry as they took in the sight in front of them.
Oscar stopped his own movements just to stare at them both- his eyes drifting to their cocks. His eyes went a little hazy, probably imagining how it was going to feel to have them both splitting him open, fucking him until he was screaming and forgetting his own damn name.
ā€œYou can stare all you like once you get those pants off,ā€ Charles said, kneeling on the bed between Oscarā€™s ankles. Oscar flushed a little before letting his thumbs tease under the waistband of his underwear.
Carlos and Charles watched in fascination as Oscar peeled his boxers off his body, revealing his naked cock.
ā€œHoly shit,ā€
ā€œFucking hell,ā€
They both muttered in unison, eyes locking onto Oscarā€™s rather large cock. Charles had seen his fair share of dicks in the past, Carlos too- but none had come close to this.
Oscar watched the pair as they analysed him, processing what they were seeing.
ā€œIā€™m not fucking either of you,ā€ Oscar blurted suddenly, hand drifting to try and cover himself. It was futile though, given Oscarā€™s dainty hands and massive cock.
Carlos couldnā€™t help but laugh at the blatency as he climbed onto the bed alongside Charles.
ā€œWho said anything about that?ā€ Carlos asked teasingly, hand cupping Oscarā€™s jaw as he let his thumb slip into Oscarā€™s mouth.
ā€œJust- people usually see my dick and think I should topā€¦ā€ He mumbled before beginning to suck on Carlosā€™ thumb. Carlos smirked, pushing it in a little deeper.
ā€œHm, I donā€™t think youā€™d enjoy that though-ā€œ Carlos began, barely registering that Charles was now firmly between Oscarā€™s legs, his fingers slicked up with lube as he reached down below Oscarā€™s cock.
Oscar tensed a little as Charlesā€™ cold fingers came in contact with his hole but he relaxed quickly, fingers coming to grip Carlosā€™ wrist as he took him deeper into his mouth.
ā€œNo,ā€ Carlos said with a cruel chuckle, his other hand coming down to spread Oscarā€™s knees wider for Charles. ā€œI think you just love to be filled, isnā€™t that right?ā€
Oscar couldnā€™t disagree. Much less when he found himself choking on Carlosā€™ cock as Charles took him from behind.
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vaneshifts Ā· 3 days ago
Someone just said that some LOA shifters are pissing them off and I think we need to talk about it, because it's really important.
Personally, I fully believe in LOA. It all makes sound sense to me; your subconscious can't see, so it assumes whatever you tell it into reality, and if you consistently do not believe that you are in your DR then that's all your subconscious is learning from the experience.
That being said, I am wrong.
I bet you weren't expecting that. But that's really all there is to it. I can give advice till the day I die and tell people what works for me and what I believe and if I really, really wanted, I could even tell them step by step how to shift. But at the end of the day, I am WRONG.
There will always be someone out there who my methods don't work for. There will always be people who can shift purely with LOA, and people who shift very capably while also believing that LOA is a crock of shit.
LOA shifters? Listen up. You are WRONG. To someone out there, you are WRONG, and your methods and assumptions WILL NOT WORK. Period. Better to accept it now than continue on looking like an idiot. You cannot sit there and say that everyone's shifting journey is individual and diverse and then, in the same breath, claim that your method is foolproof and that people will not shift if they don't believe in it. You cannot SHAME people into believing that you are right and their methods are wrong. We all know that the multiverse is infinite, and that means that somewhere, for someone else's intents and purposes, we will always be wrong, no matter how confidently we do it.
I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to attack anyone. But I've also seen too many of those posts of people saying 'this is why you're not shifting, and if you do this and still don't shift, you're doing it wrong.' I just think that it's very harmful and demotivating, and that's not what any of us came here for.
For those of you who already know this stuff and are accepting of it; thank you, you are an absolute gift.
Please just be respectful and be aware. We're all here to help each other, not to be 'the person who is always right'.
Now go shift to your own crazy-ass unique DR in your own crazy-ass unique way, and be proud as fuck if you happened to be able to help out somebody else along the way. I love you guys. Happy shifting.
Note: as the person whose post inspired this one said, look how many people shifted constantly with limiting beliefs and misinformation up the wazoo during 2020 shifttok. Let's not pretend that that didn't or can't happen, because that is also misinformation AND a limiting belief. <3
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