#i want to compile a list of their dumb angsty tweets
dykefever · 2 years
hello hello - was just gonna comment on that post but now I feel as if I need all sorts of HCs on an Olivia/joshua esque wolfstar au? If you have any? (please) Bc I’ve been down that rabbit hole of drama and it’s ripe with fic GOLD!!!
hello lovely!!! thank you SO much for asking i’m glad you’re on board with this because the idea is living rent free in my mind. this got so long so i’ve put it under the cut! (hopefully) (i am on my mobile)
so they meet when they’re teenagers on set of a high school tv show of some sort. immediately really into each other. sirius is flirting from the get go and at first remus is confused because this super cute boy two years older than him is flirting ?? he thinks?? sirius brings him coffee for their early call times and offers to help remus practice lines. it’s during one of those practicing sessions they have their first kiss
it’s every teenagers first love - intense and all consuming and passionate. they’re obsessed with each other and spend so much time together. it’s all in secret because there’s the slight age difference and the fact that they’re both boys. also they’re meant to be creating gossip with their separate love interests on the show
sirius is remus’s first kiss. they’re both each other’s first times. they share a lot of firsts with each other.
it’s during a break between filming seasons that things stop working - they are both away working on various projects, they can’t see each other nearly as often as they want. it’s horrible but they decide to end it. neither of them wants that but they can’t see a way of making it work. they’re young etc.
way too short of a time afterwards, sirius is now dating another singer. a guy. it breaks remus’s heart and it makes him angry. like write a devastating break up song that goes viral everywhere and makes him the name on everyone’s lips.
remus doesn’t find out till much, much later that it was a publicity thing between sirius and the other singer
the internet explodes with theories of who it’s about. a photo gets leaked of remus and sirius close and looking coupley on set. then more photos are leaked of what people once assumed was them hanging out as friends that no longer looks innocent. the world catches on.
neither of them have talked to each other in months when they get the script for the next season. enter: a love story between their two characters.
in interviews, remus makes some veiled jabs at how similar sirius’s new guy looks to him. sirius tweets out a dramatic lyric that every one later realises is from his next single. think joshua basset doppelgänger type thing.
remus has an album come out before filming. it’s one he’s been working on for a while but was very much fuelled by his heartbreak. everyone hates sirius a little bit, everyone is dying for their love story on the next season.
the filming is horrible, mainly because they’re both still very much in love and very much hurt and pretending not to be. sirius is betrayed that remus would air their shit out in the public arena, especially when half of it is only sort of true. remus is mad that sirius is still publicity dating that singer and has the audacity to be annoyed at him!
their actual chemistry on screen is incredible. the whole cast comes to watch their scenes when they’re able to because it’s some bloody amazing acting. it’s acting right??
during filming sirius releases his own song, that is heartbreaking, mourning the loss of remus and what he thought their relationship was. filming gets harder after that.
the season wraps up and they manage to get a break from each other before they have to start doing press and photoshoots together. so many photoshoots.
during one of these photoshoots, remus brings along a guy he’s seeing. sirius is so fine about it. completely fine. he just drapes himself over remus and maybe kisses his neck a bit in the photos. it’s for the camera! sirius is not jealous at all! (it should be noted that sirius is officially single at this point)
remus is fine too. not at all obsessed with how sirius feels pressed against his back, arm possessively over his shoulders. he’s fine he really likes the guy that he’s seeing even though he seems to have left at some point during the day without saying goodbye?
after the shoot sirius invites remus out for a drink. they’re both older now, it’s been over a year. they can be adults about it all. after two drinks, remus kisses sirius in the bathroom. they hook up. sirius is immediately like “i’m still in love with you”
remus is reluctant at first but it takes less than a week of remus going “we can’t do this” and then showing up at his house in sirius’s favourite jeans of his that they get back together
no one is surprised. least of all the fellow cast and crew on their show. one of the writers - mcgonagall - is extremely please with how everything worked out, genuinely congratulating them on working it out. she thought that their two characters on the show would be great together, very glad she pitched it last year after their break up that no one was supposed to know about.
the world absolutely eats up their cute photos on instagram. sirius literally never shuts up about remus in interviews.
(side note: soooo many veiled tweets about each other the entire time. at 3am sirius always tweeted angsty shit about missing someone and true love. remus would post at 6am similar things. almost always after sirius had done so.)
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