#i want more of oli showing off his physical strength
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diamondsmind-galaxy · 16 days ago
Just me thinking about Eiden, Edmond, and Olivine training in the mansion garden while Yakumo comes outside and brings them freshly cut fruit <3
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luminara-priest · 26 days ago
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alvaro mel, gay, cis male + he/him → isn’t that olivier luminara? i’ve seen them wearing the crest of umoria. i hear they’re 85, but they’re also a Sorcerer. they’ve risen up the ranks to become a high priest. they seem to be inquisitive & generous, but also battle hungry & proud. if you look closely, you’ll see their aesthetics include whispers of smoke, skulls polished clean, old armor and weapons.
name: Olivier Luminara meaning of name: Norse Origin: Ancestral relic nicknames/titles: Oli age: 85 (looks 28) gender: Cis Male location: Kingdom of Umoria birthday: October 15th strengths + example where it's shown: Manipulation, and magic. weaknesses + example where it's shown: how it affects others:
emotional depth
attachment style: physical fear: Being Powerless emotional/abstract fear: The Passage of Time happy memory: Becoming High Priest sad memory: Surpassing his master and realizing there will always be someone stronger than him no matter what heights he reaches what characters are ignorant about themselves: He likes people more than he thinks he does. He will use them but in the end he feels guilt for it. how confident are they: Very confident or at the least he can fake it well enough to trick people into thinking he is. goal: To learn all the forbidden and forgotten magic in all the kingdoms long-term dreams: To be the most powerful sorcerer alive what they're embarrassed/ashamed to tell others about: He uses magic to maintain his vanity regrets: The people he stepped on, on his way to power source of pride: His power and prowess source of misery: He will never have enough time to achieve everything he wants what they admire above all else: Power and Knowledge do they believe in fate: Never, everything can be forged by hard work alone
defining features: An easy charming smile. Alarmingly perfect teeth. eye shape + colour: Round open eyes, they shift from warm brown to a luminous bone white hair texture + colour: Very soft and shiny, effortlessly fluffy and light, super dark brown almost black, you wouldn't notice it had a warmth to unless closely inspected skin texture + tone: Smooth and perfect, he hides tattoos with magic but he can show them at will, h is skin is sunkissed tan as he spends a lot of time naked and in the sun vibe: Casual vibe, cocky and carefree, eager to show off himself and his magic when provoked height: 6' 3 build: Lithe and toned body, like a swimmer he has a tight core and nice strong legs. clothing: Loose rather slutty casual clothing, simple tunics and pants, all in the raw linen colors or died in bright greens and blues, his more formal wear are elaborate robes befitting his station any bodily disfigurement (scars, etc.): When revealed he has bone like tattoos along his back that mirrors his ribcage and spine overall attractiveness: 8/10 their opinion on their appearance: 10/10
Olivier was born with high expectations, and he rose to meet them from an early age, his thirst for knowledge was insatiable and hungry, he devoured every single tutor he was given wringing them dry of what they knew, thanks to the special magic of Umoria he didn't have to settle with simply the lessons of the living. Learning to summon and commune with the dead he began to use them for their ancient secrets, taking for himself forbidden and taboo arcane magic. Absorbing it into his soul. His ambition was boundless and he wanted nothing more than to have it all- the power.
Bound by his nature he reached the upper echelons of magic early on in his life, achieving the status of High Priest at a relatively young age. Utilizing magic to keep himself young and beautiful, he loved to show off his magic and magical secrets.
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years ago
I'm curious to know what your headcanons are for Robbie's relationships with Anti and Marvin and the other egos! 80c (And don't feel bad! We're here to support you, muy dude! 💜) -Asri
!!!!! 💜
Sorry in advance for all spelling mistakes, I'm using my SmallLaptop Irwin rn who for some dang reason only has US spellcheck and Idon't fuck with that
(Also, this got long bc there's so many egos that I had ideasfor.....heck.)
Anti p much adopted Robbie as his baby brother like right away(and Marvin teased him about "collecting brothers" but Antitold him to fuck off. He will collect a hundred brothers if he wantsto. All the borthers. Let him have them.) and he's really protectiveof him. But amongst many other things, he's loud, still doesn't fullyunderstand his own strength and expresses affection through physicalcontact a lot, and that's all something that on most days Robbiedoesn't really want any of. So it took them a bit of work to beProper Good Siblings but they got there and they're really close now.Anti doesn't have the patience to teach Robbie stuff but they hangout and play a lot, and Anti likes getting Robbie cool gifts (likehis chewy necklace and a couple other stim toys). He's also veryproud of Robbie no matter what he does. Robbie calls him Annie.
In my verse, Marvin isn't the reason Robbie exists, but he stilllikes him a lot. Robbie is absolutely fascinated with magic andMarvin is more than happy to entertain him. He also likes setting uppuzzles and games for Robbie that they can do together and bond over,and he was the one who got Robbie legos to help him with his finemotor skills. When he's hurt/scared/needs help, Marvin is one of thepeople Robbie usually runs to (Anti being the other), and Marvin willdrop pretty much anything to help him. Marvin also knows decent firstaid, how to treat/stitch up wounds and a bit of basic healing magic,so he can fix Robbie up if he happens to lose a limb or two. Also,Marvin likes to draw and sometimes he'll just do that while Robbiesits next to him working on a colouring book of his own. Robbie callshim Marr (previously Ma, but Marvin very quickly denied that).
At first Jackie didn't know what to make of Robbie bc all he knewwas that he's a zombie, so Jackie was scared he would be a danger tohis family. When it turned out that Robbie is just an uncoordinatedsweetheart, he instantly grew on him. He's one of the two people whousually cook for Robbie (he doesn't need to eat, but he likes to),and just like Marvin, he knows how to fix him up too. Robbie looks upto him, both bc he's tall and strong and bc he's a hero, and Jackieis a big softie who's convinced he doesn't deserve that adoration.Robbie is very much aware of what's between Jackie and Marvin, and sowhen Marvin is sad and Robbie doesn't know how to help him, he'llfind Jackie and drag him over by the hand, all the while repeating"Marr sad, hel' Marr, love Marr". Robbie calls him Jee (heshortened Jackie into just one syllable).
Chase and Robbie get along well, though they don't hang out thatmuch bc Chase is busy with his own life and kids, but Robbie is likea kid in a lot of ways and Chase has undeniable experience on thatfront. He loves playing with Robbie or telling him stories or singingto him (Robbie can't sing but he hums along enthusiastically), and hedefinitely has a drawing or two from him on his fridge. He's also theother person who will cook for Robbie sometimes. Robbie has only metChase's kids a couple times before for everyone's good, bc Robbiedoesn't really know his own strength and gets startled easily bystuff no one really sees coming. He's also usually the one to fix upany tears in Robbie's clothes (if not him then Marvin). Robbie justcalls him Chase, tho sometimes he'll try to call him "bro"and get stuck on making "brr" noises bc it's amusing.
Schneep enjoys Robbie's company bc he can be surprisingly tame andquiet. Their friendship started with just Schneep fixing Robbie upevery time he got hurt and Jackie or Marvin couldn't help, and Robbiestarted liking him bc he would always give him sweets or stickers andwould always be very gentle with him. Now Robbie will sometimes justsit in Schneep's office while Schneep is working on his own things,colouring or drawing or building stuff, or maybe practising signing.Schneep likes having him around bc he's good company who doesn't makemuch noise or demand his attention a lot. Sometimes Robbie will reachover and pat him on the head though bc while he doesn't exactly likephysical contact, he's learned from Anti that patting ppl on the headis a Good Thing to show that you Love Them, and Schneep always smilesat him sweetly when he does that. Robbie calls him Schneep, Sheep orHen (from Henrik).
Robbie's relationship with Shawn Flynn didn't exactly startsmooth. To be precise, it started with Robbie knocking stuff over inShawn's workshop and wanting to adopt every plushie he saw. Robbiestill feels bad about it. Shawn knows he doesn't have the patience orcapacity to handle Robbie for long, but he tries to visit him asoften as he can and bring him little gifts to show that he's not mad.Robbie usually gives him little drawings in return, and don't tellanyone, but Shawn keeps all of them tucked away in a separate drawer.Robbie calls him Finn (most egos call him Flynn, bc Shawn sounds thesame as Seán).
Most things Dark knows about Robbie he knows from Anti. Theyreally don't hang out much. Dark knows he wouldn't be able to put upwith Robbie for long, and if this were the old Dark, he'd just takehis frustration out on Robbie and enjoy making him cry. But thisisn't the old asshole Dark, so he mostly just avoids Robbie until heknows how to handle him. But just like even if you don't like kidsyou should never be mean to them, Dark is never mean to Robbie ifRobbie approaches him. He usually just smiles, says something nice inresponse to whatever Robbie has just told him and moves on with hisday. Robbie finds him very cool and mysterious, and the other egosfind it amusing, but he thinks Dark is a very pleasant person, he'sjust quiet. He also understands that Anti loves him very much. Heusually approaches Dark to give him flowers, because he sees Darkwalking around with a lapel flower sometimes and deduced that okay,he must like flowers then. Robbie calls him Dark or Darr.
Wilford is not allowed around Robbie bc he keeps trying to get himinto dangerous shit. Robbie kind of likes him, kind of doesn't, bcWilford gives him candy, smells nice and is Very Interesting, buthe's also a sensory overload on two legs. He recognises now whenWilford is trying to talk him into something reckless that the restof the egos wouldn't approve of, and his Perfect Response to it issticking his tongue out at Wilford. No one knows where he got thatfrom, but it's absolutely hilarious to watch. Robbie calls him Willor Wilf.
Host very openly calls Robbie his friend, and everyone wassurprised the first time he did that. Most of Host's projects aredark and lonely, except for when he's working on teaching Robbie signlanguage with Oliver. Without actively trying, Robbie can cheer himup or just make his day a little better, even if it sometimesinvolves sticking band-aids onto Host's face when his eyes arebleeding really badly. Robbie sometimes brings him flowers to cheerhim up (he probably gets his love for flowers from Jackie'sinfluence) and Host keeps them on his desk in his recording studio.Robbie calls him Host or Hosh.
Bing adores kids and so he adores Robbie too. If Robbie is doingsomething noisy and just...all over the place, chances are Bing isinvolved. He'll never do super dangerous stuff with him likeskateboarding, but he's definitely guilty of introducing Robbie tothe magic that is water balloons. Bing sees Robbie as a little cousinwho isn't entirely human just like him. Robbie used to just call himBing, but once he called him Bee and Bing laughed at it, so now heonly calls him Bee.
Google Red, Green and Blue don't really care about Robbie, butOliver finds him adorable and unlike the other three, gives him thecredit he deserves for his intelligence. Oliver teaches Robbie signlanguage along with Host, so he spends a lot of time with him whenhe's not working. Outside of lessons they don't get to hang out a lotbc Oliver is busy working with his brothers, but he'll never shooRobbie away when he approaches him (and once the other egos startmoving out, they do start spending more time together). Robbie usedto see Oliver as some sort of teacher, but when he said it Oliverwent "wait i thought we were friends?" and Robbie gotreally happy about that, so now they have a closefriendship/brotherly bond. Robbie calls the Googles collectively Googor Googly, Red and Blue just that, Green Gree or G'ee, and OliverOli.
Bonus for relationships I don't have worked out but love Robbie'snames for: Angus is Ann, Jameson is Jame' or Pal (bc Shawn callsJameson "pal" a lot and Robbie has come to associate itwith him), Dr Iplier is Iiiiipp and Robin is Ro or Robbrr'n.
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alexanderwoodlawn · 7 years ago
Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod | Self Para | 01/07/2018 | 3/3
tw; abuse, murder, death, father abuse
It was the last day before break. Alex rose early despite the pain and exhaustion from the previous night. When his father found him in the ballroom, he was a mess. Father tried to pick a fight, and Alex fought back. He was bruised and beaten up, and more importantly, he had hard evidence of the abuse. 
It was sick of Alex to wish for Father to beat him one last time, but the marks left on his skin and a simple prior incantato would be enough to prove the abuse. The boy already gathered and copied three times all the papers that showed the embezzlement that his mother wrote up, and he had everything he needed to prove what he would be saying about a very important MACUSA representative from one of the oldest American wizarding families.
David and Alexander Jackson were descendants from Josiah Jackson, the first president of MACUSA. The Jackson family had been involved in the inner workings of the magical congress since the very beginning. They had been stealing money since the Civil War, that’s a 200 year old tradition of crime. This confession would take everything away from him-- his home, his trust fund, his inheritance...His life would be ruined. Alex had no skills other than sports, and he only played Quadpot to get his father off his back. 
Despite his future being turned upside down, Alex needed to do this.
He sent an owl to the Finchburg Finches to let them know he would accept their offer to join their team before putting all the papers into a bag.  Silently and carefully, Alex snuck into his father’s room to steal his wand. 
After successfully doing all of these things, Al disappeared with a pop! He stood in front of the Woolworth building in a suit, his hair back to its natural brown color and combed to look tidy. He had a black eye and a large gash under his eye as he entered the lobby of MACUSA. 
His morning had been silent and focused until the cacophony of the lobby. Witches and Wizards rushed around the building with paper airplanes flying alongside them. Cellphones buzzed and conversations were had. It was absolute chaos. Oddly enough, it filled Alex with more confidence.
He made his way through the lobby, pushing past people and through crowds as he made his way to the auror’s office. He was looking for one auror he knew would have his back. Atticus Fontaine was at his desk, talking to a fellow auror when Alex interrupted. Without a word, Alex opened his bag and pulled out one of the folders.
“Professor Fontaine, I need your help.” He said once he got Atticus’ attention. He could feel his heart pounding in his head. His hands shook, and he had the sudden urge to pee. “This is going to be the biggest case you’ve seen in a while. I understand if you don’t know much about financing, or if you can’t help me, but...I don’t know if I want to go to anyone else. Please. Just at least look at it.” Alex rambled, pointing at the folder. He reached into his bag and pulled out the elegant wand and set it down on the table.
Atticus gave his former student an odd look before opening the folder with furrowed brows. “These papers date back to 1851.”
“Just keep looking. Please.” Alex asked. He hated to feel like he was begging, but it took all of his strength to go to MACUSA, he didn’t know what would happen if this ended up in the bin. He watched Atticus carefully as the auror kept looking through the pages. It took a minute for him to realize, but Alex could see that Atticus understood.
“Are you telling me what I think you are?” The auror looked away from the papers and at his former student. “Are you trying to tell me that your family, who has been handling MACUSA’s treasury since the Civil War has been also stealing since then?”
“Yes.” Alex’s voice cracked. “Yes, I am. That’s, um, only part of it, though.”
“You realize that the embezzlement itself is a major investigation that will take months? Even with the proof you’ve provided, we’ll still have to do a formal investigation.” Atticus frowned at the boy before turning the pages until he reached the pictures.
“I realize that. But he also killed my mother. She was starting to suspect something was off. That’s how all this started. She told me before she confronted him thinking he would come clean. He didn’t, he called me to the ballroom and put her in her wedding dress and forced me to watch. There’s a picture of the dress. And there’s the stain on the floor. I know it’s faint, but it’s there. Sorry about the scorch marks, too. I was lighting fireworks off with one of my friends.” The words just came out. “He also abused her before that. He would hit her and use spells on her. He did the same to me, that’s how I got this black eye. I nearly bled out after the game where I nearly killed Oli but professor Fils-Aime found me. I can-” Alex was set to keep speaking, but was interrupted by Atticus who, at some point, began writing things down.
“Okay. So he killed your mother because she called him out. He also physically abused you both, and...you have photographic evidence.” The auror frowned. “You also have his wand.”
“He used it on me last night. You could do the whole prior incantato thing and it’ll show you proof. Please, professor, please say you can help me.” Alex bit his lip to keep his heart from leaping out.
“We’ll begin the investigation as soon as possible. I don’t know what we can do now other than that.” Atticus made sure that everything was in order before closing the folder. “I’ll be in contact with you, Alexander. Remember that there are people at Ilvermorny who can help with things like this. They can offer help for once you graduate.”
“Thank you, Professor Fontaine. Have a good day.” Alex made sure he had his things before leaving. He pushed his way into the nearest bathroom before breaking down.
His entire body shook with sobs that made his chest hurt. Alex felt his entire world fall and knew everything would be different. Nothing would matter anymore, nothing did matter anymore. He was going to drop the Jackson name and adopt the name of his mother, and he would have to start all over. 
It was refreshing.
Before Alex could go back to school, he had one more thing to do. He looked at himself in the mirror to collect himself, taking a few deep breaths. He walked out of the bathroom with his head down, making a beeline for the door. When he was outside, he apparated to the post office.
He wrapped up the second folder and sent it to wherever he thought would work. The Alchemist was hard to find due to the anonymity, but Alex would know soon enough if the evidence reached them. He also included a letter detailing what happened, and a call for help. Alex hoped the Alchemist would choose to paint the story as it was without bias.
When the owl was out of sight, he left for Ilvermorny.
part one: song for dennis brown
part two: stories don’t end
song: xx
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ryttu3k · 7 years ago
Time for Atsuko to face PLOT.
The team:
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 50 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 48 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sage the Claydol | level 45 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Manectric | level 44 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Bite | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 42 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dive | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 42 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
...Good luck, everyone XD;;
Hmm. I am going to need someone with Strength - oh whoops, first encounter. Golbat. Well, them’s the rules! Level 33 female, will name her Tacca. Bat flowers!
Anyway. Strength. Okay, Oli’s Bite is a bit redundant considering Snowdrop and Sequoia both have Crunch (and Snowdrop’s is STAB). Now, on to that Grunt! Leads with Carvanha, level 39. Oli makes quick work of it. Next is Mightyena, level 39. I mean, level 50 Fighting type, so...
Next Grunt, has Golbat, level 41. Oli’s again!
Next room, next Grunt. Carvanha, level 41, Oli’s again. This feels familiar!
Okay, dead end or ledge. Let’s backtrack. Block puzzle XD;;
And now a water puzzle! Scald TM! Ugh I need to keep Surf and Dive on Sequoia, or I’d totally go for it.
More blocks, and a grunt! Leads with Mightyena, level 38. Over to Chickweed, now level 51. Sorry, pupper. Next is Muk, level 40. Over to Sage! Oops, not quite a OHKO and Sage took a poison. Took it down next move and got all healed up.
Block puzzle again. So many blocks.
EARTHQUAKE TM. ...No one for now. Sage is a special attacker and 100 physical power on 72 atk is not as good as 90 special power on 87 sp.atk... I think?
This path looks very ominous. Pretty sure Archie leads with Mightyena, so Chickie to the lead!
ALRIGHT ARCHIE YOU’RE ON. Yup, first up, Mightyena, level 41. You want Mega Evolution? Try a level 51 Blaziken Double Kicking your pup to Alola! Next up is Muk, level 41. All yours, Sage! Earth Power, they tank a Gunk Shot, and finish it off with Extrasensory! Next, Crobat, level 41! Sage CAN take this, but we’ll give it to Oli instead. Oops, Poison Fang. Poisoned but she’s okay, OHKOs it with Discharge! Last up is Sharpedo, level 43. Too bad, Oli still OHKOs it ;D
Atsuko’s determined li’l face is so cute. SEE, SUN AND MOON. YOU CAN MAKE PROTAGS EMOTE.
Shelly PLEASE be the voice of reason. Oh goddammit Archie. And Shelly and Maxie just run off and leave the twelve-year-old there thanks guys.
Yup just leave the twelve-year-old on a sandbar in the middle of an apocalyptic storm thanks guys. Oh FINALLY Steven shows up. How about a lift to Sootopolis? STEVEN WHY ARE YOU LEAVING THE CHILD THERE TOO. So rude! Everyone is so rude! I’ll just go to Sootopolis MYSELF FINE JEEZ.
Oh there you are Steven. Hi, Steven! Hi, Steven’s friend who is definitely not wearing underwear! I love how the scene is like, uber serious but then there’s Wallace who’s dressed like a stripper. Aquas and a Magma! I now have a hella wetsuit.
“No. You are not acting as a mere child today.” TWELVE YEARS OLD.
“... ... ... Sorry. I’m begging, so... Save us... the world... and Kyogre...” COOL BEGGING, STILL TWELVE.
Oh hi Brendan. That’s nice of you. My best friend is Wally, though.
Into the Cave of Origin!
First encounter... Golbat. Dupes clause! Ohh, SABLEYE. Nice! He’s level 35. Name... Ebony.
And... we’re here. Atsuko suits up! HI KYOGRE I LOVE YOU AND YOU’RE SILLY-LOOKING.
I do love Archie’s message tbh.
Alrighty. Methods. Of my team members, Chickweed and Sage are right out, they’re both weak to Water. Sequoia and Edel both resist Water, so they’re my best options. Sequoia’s actually a bit tankier, so once it’s paralysed, I’ll switch to her. My battle plan is: throw a Quick Ball. If that doesn’t work, Thunder Wave, do as much damage as I can, then throw my Net Ball. If that doesn’t work, Master Ball. I do not want to turn this into a prolonged battle, that’s how you get your Pokemon killed!
Man, Primal Kyogre looks so much cooler than the regular forme.
Quick Ball fails. It did get to the third rock, though! Body Slam, Oli tanks it. Thunder Wave and it’s paralysed! Can’t move :D Volt Switch it - oof, that did like no damage - and switch to Sequoia. She gets a Crunch in, then it Aqua Rings, oof. Another Crunch. It uses Origin Pulse, Sequoia tanks it. She’s on just over half, so I’ll try the Net Ball now? Nope. Paralysed, hah. Ohh, Crunched into the reds! Heck, let’s try a Premier Ball. For funsies. Okay no that didn’t work XD Yeah alright after more healing/damage/et cetera, I’ll just throw the fuckin’ Master Ball XD;;
Kyogre get. I will name you Wakame.
Saved the world <3
“It’s... so warm...”
Got the Blue Orb, the Eon Flute, and the dokis.
What an interesting red flower near the tree :)
Sablenite, Brick Break TM, Infestation TM in the most alarming dialogue, Wailmer doll, and we shall call it a day! :D
Current Team
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 52 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 50 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sage the Claydol | level 47 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Manectric | level 46 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Strength | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 44 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dive | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 43 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
Wattle the Taillow | level 9 | female | Guts | Quirky, alert to sounds | Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack | found Petalburg Woods
Bristlecone the Zigzagoon | level 14 | female | Gluttony | Lonely, good endurance | Tackle, Headbutt, Baby-Doll Eyes, Odor Sleuth | found route 103
Onion the Whismur | level 16 | female | Soundproof | Adamant, likes to relax | Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl | found Rusturf Tunnel
Poison Ivy the Tentacool | level 5 | male | Liquid Ooze | Sassy, capable of taking hits | Poison Sting, Supersonic | found Dewford Town
Euphorbia the Makuhita | level 12 | male | Thick Fat | Hardy, capable of taking hits | Focus Energy, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out | found Granite Cave
Lithops the Numel | level 14 | female | Simple | Quiet, likes to run | Tackle, Ember, Focus Energy, Magnitude | found route 112
Rauvolfia the Seviper | level 19 | male | Shed Skin | Careful, impetuous and silly | Poison Tail, Screech, Venoshock, Glare | found route 114
Moraea the Spoink | level 23 | female | Own Tempo |  Quirky, quick tempered | Psybeam, Psych Up, Confuse Ray, Magic Coat | found Jagged Pass
Agapanthus the Pelipper | level 33 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Quick Attack | found route 104
Rosemary the Latias | level 30 | female | Levitate | Sassy, somewhat vain | Heal Pulse, Dragon Breath, Mist Ball, Psycho Shift | found Southern Island
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 26 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Morning Sun | found route 102
Hydrangea the Kecleon | level 25 | male | Color Change | Lonely, often lost in thought | Feint Attack, Psybeam, Ancient Power, Slash | found route 119
Sunflower the Castform | level 30 | female | Forecast | Lax, mischievous Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball | found Weather Institute
Banana the Tropius | level 27 | male | Solar Power | Brave, a little quick tempered | Stomp, Magical Leaf, Whirlwind, Leaf Tornado | found route 120
Uniflora the Shuppet | level 28 | female | Insomnia | Mild, alert to sounds | Will-O-Wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Curse | found route 121
Monotropa the Duskull | level 28 | female | Levitate | Naughty, loves to eat | Foresight, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp | found Mt Pyre
Tacca the Golbat | level 33 | female | Inner Focus | Hardy, strong-willed | Air Cutter, Switft, Poison Fang, Mean Look | found Seafloor Cavern
Ebony the Sableye | level 35 | male | Keen Eye | Calm, highly curious | Knock Off, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Zen Headbutt | found Cave of Origin
Wakame the Kyogre | level 45 | no thank you | Drizzle | Sassy, mischievous | Body Slam, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, Origin Pulse | found Cave of Origin
Catnip the Skitty, found route 116, killed by Lass Janice’s Marill in route 116
Daisy the Pikachu, found Slateport City, killed by Archie’s Sharpedo at Mount Chimney
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