#i want him to soflty caress me to sleep what can i say :p
autism-corner · 1 year
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It's been a long day for you. The exhaustions caused by RAD and the brothers' regular ruckus were starting to add up again. Still, falling asleep at night was just as much as a struggle as staying awake during the day. Usually when you couldn't sleep, you would toss and turn the whole night. You'd keep cycling between already seen youtube video's with hopes that this next one will finally be the one to turn of your mind. All in vain.
Belphie had began to notice your restlessness earlier than the others. He always subconsciously held an eye on the health of the people he cared about. So, on the third day of your ever increasing energy deficit, before any of his brothers even suspected a thing, he pulled you into his room, and onto his bed.
'We are sleeping. Right now.' Determination was a strange look on him, who so often lacked any expression at all. But it for sure wasn't a bad one.
Before you could even get a word in (not that you were in opposition of his idea, you were more surprised by his insistence if anything), he had already wrapped his arms around your waist and forced the two of you on your sides.
Belphegor was already struggling to keep his eyes open. The vertical positioning on his warm, cozy & familiar bed, now with the added warmth of his favorite person next to him, weren't helping. Still, he didn't want to fare of to dreamland before he was sure you would aswell.
Not wanting to use his sleep magic on you, fearing his small & fragile human wouldn't ever wake up again, he employed his one other sleepy-time tactic. (He of course knew you were neither small nor fragile, and that using the magic would be entirely fine. But magic could never beat good ol' quality time & touch)
He had learned it from his sister. Small little touches, lightly tracing the same path on your partners back, could work just as well as magic. Something about the connection it made would calm the person you're caressing and send them softly to sleep. So, without saying a word, both of his hands reached for your upper back.
You didn't say anything either. You wouldn't dare. You know you deserved this, and felt its effects coming into action already. Although you wouldn't mind Belphie doing this to you for hours, maybe there'd be a better time for that. You wanted sleep, and apparently someone lovingly tracing the little hearts on your back, over and over and over and over again, was all you needed. You weren't even awake enough anymore to register Belphie's soft whispers of adoration. You'd have to ask him to say them again some other day. Now was time to give in.
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