#i want a mochi plushie
sohya · 1 year
mochi is so underrated that writing sweet gushy toothachingly sweet fluff for him makes me wanna cry
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
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sleepy jumbo mochi version of daisy the transgender puppy!!
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xxinkyshadowxx · 7 months
im just a little impatient
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foolishsweet · 10 months
Seeing that the world link cards are (mostly) in Sekai I demand I DEMAND that the Tsukasa untrained card has him with the plushies. please. AT LEAST WITH THE BUNNY PLUSHIE PLEASE I BEG WITH ALL OF MY SOUL I'LL SPEND MONEY ON THE GAME AGAIN IF THEY DO PLEASE I PROMISE. PLEASE.
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benetnvsch · 1 year
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kunikida plushie quite literally the reason yesterday wasn't the worst day of my life LMAO
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spatio-rift · 1 year
hamuyoshi is a blessing
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HEHE im happy u think so mari... i also think its one of the best drawings ive made its so cuteys it makes me happy when i look at it
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akkivee · 2 years
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he is one sauce long
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kaguya-muneuji · 1 year
oh...... oh no... i am looking at enstars merch again....................
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finnieforkys · 2 years
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Bean thing
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kitsumidori · 8 months
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Tiny little man, may I offer you a hard candy🍬
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mika-kagehira · 1 year
happyele stop releasing cute merch when im trying to not spend money
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celestica-1988 · 11 months
Some other Tokyo Revengers characters headcanon. There will be SPOILERS.
When Mikey left the Sano household he brought with him his towel and some pics of the people he lost. Almost every night when he's curled up in his towel ready to sleep he watches the pics and cries. Yes, even when he's in bonten.
Draken biggest regret is not confessing his feelings to Emma. So when he gets up and goes to bed he always says "I love you" to her pic on the wall.
Baji is so scared of his mother tears because when she cries she turns in a really strong opponent. She's the female version of the blue ogre.
Chifuyu thought that his mother hated Peke J till one day when he got home from school and found the two sleeping together snuggling.
Takemichi finds some notes of his past self in which he's confused about being friends with people he doesn't even remember he knew and lately being involved in a gang. Past Takemichi is afraid he's going insane so our Takemichi writes te a note in which he explains everything. Not surprisingly past Takemichi is even more confused and thinks he need a therapist.
Kazutora is proud of his tattoo. He just wish people in Japan wouldn't be so scared of tattoos because sometimes is tired of hide it with turtlenecks.
Takuya likes to watch wrestling.
Yamagishi dream is that his delinquent encyclopedia would be published one day.
Akkun dies his hair red by himself as a training to be an hairdresser.
Mitsuya is very good at karaoke, he likes to sing rock songs.
Hakkai is the first and more hardcore shipper of Mitsuya x Yuzuha. He really wants Taka-chan to be a part of his family.
Sometimes Taiju babysits Mana and Luna. One time they asked him to watch IT (the 90s version) with them since Takanii forbid them to watch such a scary horror movie, Taiju accepted but not much longer the movie started Mana and Luna started to cry and Taiju did his best to comfort them (he said he would punch any clowns that goes close to them or something similar). In the end the little ones fell asleep in his arms and Taiju had to live for a week with the Mitsuya because Mana and Luna felt safe only near to him. Needless to say an angry Mitsuya scolded Taiju.
When Pahchin gets released all the Toman members throw a party for him. He was sad Mikey was not there though.
When Yasuda confessed to Pehyan he malfunctioned and froze for a solid 15 minutes.
Angry thought for a while that he would be a nurse when he will be an adult. He changes his mind after seeing Nahoya smiling with his eyes wide in delight while eating the ramen that he prepared. Since then Angry wants to be a ramen chef.
Smiley once stole Angry favorite stuffed animal, Souya got so upset that accidentally unleashed the blue ogree. Since then Nahoya always politely asks to Souya if he can borrow one of his plushies.
Mucho goes to punk rock concerts, one time he brought Sanzu with him, but it wasn't a good idea. Sanzu beated almost all the people in the venue.
Sanzu ends up regretting killing Mucho, he misses the older brother he was for him. Especially when he feels lonely and he realizes he has got nobody to talk to.
When Kisaki reaches the afterlife Baji punches him in the face so hard that for a moment he was sure he would come back in the world of the livings.
Hanma likes to play shooting games at the arcade, but when he loses he usually punches the machine.
Kokonoi lives in a traditional house when he's in bonten. There are a lot of candles, lanterns and things that make it a cozy place. Only Miley is admitted in his house and only for urgent matters. The house is his sanctuary to find inner peace after dealing with his crazy coworkers.
Inui likes goth girls more because they understand and appreciate his hobbies.
When Izana listens to Queen the whole neighborhood listens to Queen.
Kakucho learned to cook from Mochi.
Mochi hates creeps who harass women and always beat them down to a pulp. Harassing a woman is not an honorable behavior for a man!
Shion always fails tests of courage since when he was a kid. He believes in ghosts and he's afraid of them.
Rindou panicked when Ran slept for a whole day, he thought he was dead or in a coma. That's when he realized how important Ran is to him. When Ran woke up he cried for joy and ran to buy a mont blanc for his brother.
Ran cut his hair because he was tired of Sanzu calling him Wednesday or Annabelle.
Never insult someone because they are not fully Japanese in front of South, he will punch the living shit out of you. Since he's also a mixed race person he hates when people are bullied for that reason.
Wakasa saved a stray cat once and let the kitten live with him. Now when he doesn't wanna hang out with Takeomi he said he's busy... Busy cuddling his cat that he treasures so much because it help him avoid unnecessary social situations. And because... Who doesn't love a cat?
Benkei likes to built copies of castles in miniature. It relaxes him cause it takes great concentration and ability to do that in the right way.
Takeomi gossips like an old lady with his coworkers (may God help them)
Shinichiro cried the first time he watched Titanic, it's one of his favorite movies.
Yuzuha meets with Emma and Senju every month to talk about how hard it is dealing with problematic brothers.
Hinata is a fan of Avril Lavigne and sometimes she dreams of touring around the world playing the songs she wrote. Unluckily she can't sing but she has got some alternative fashion clothes.
Emma talks and sleeps with the plushie Draken gave to her. She calls him Kenken.
Senju goes often to Harajuku to take inspiration for her outfits.
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autisticgayplushie · 2 years
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been working on a sample for a mega (20 inch long!) mochi cookie the rainbow pride puppy plushie and I'd love to hear some feedback on it!! I'm a little unsure about the shape of the head and neck specifically but anything at all I'd love to hear! If you wanna do it on anon I'll turn asks back on so I can see those too.
The embroidery isn't final, just drawn over the pictures! sometimes for a sample we focus on the shape first before colors and embroidery (the other for sure change is the cream color for the feet and nose - it'll be much lighter.)
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spooky-bunnys · 11 months
I have this request based off of something that almost happened with me and my friends
Tenjiku gang is at an arcade why you may ask well it’s izana little brother (name) birthday and everyone is having fun until they lose him and they all start to panic until they find little (name) inside a claw machine hugging a plushie. Izana would be panicking and trying to get his brother whike (name) is happily waving back at tenjiku. Half of tenjiku suggest they get an employee to open claw machine the while the other half say they have to play the game in order to get (name) out
While their bickering shion says “hang on let uncle shion handle this” and starts walking to the claw machine and signals for (name) to scoot back and to cover their eyes which (name) does. The others are asking what shion is doing and he replies with “don’t worry I’m a professional at these types of games” and he proceeds to put his brass knuckle on a punches through the glass of the machine and grabs (name) along with another plushie for (name) and just books it out of the arcade to avoid getting in trouble by not only tenjiku but from the arcade employees and since shion had a head start he takes (name) to the nearest cafe to get him some cake for his birthday (with money that was definitely not stolen from the arcade machines)
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It was supposed to be a normal hang out. Eveything was fine. Ran and Rindou hadn't stared fighting. (Name) was being entertained by Hanma at the moment. Kisaki was helping Mochi with a specific punching game. Mucho couldn't make it to the hang out. Finally Izana and Kakucho were with Shion at the claw machines.
They visited arcades frequently lately. Since the colorful lights and sounds excited the toddler of the group. Especially since today was the Toddlers Third birthday. Nothing major has happened yet. Yet being the keyword. Things started getting rough when the brothers started fighting. Then Mochi almost breaking the pumch bag game due to him not punching correctly. Finally Hanma had set (Name) down to get the tot a snack.
That was his biggest mistake. Especially since he knew (Name) had taken a great liking towards a certain toy, in a certain claw machine. Hanma had sat (Name) by his brother. Telling the leader he would be back. (Name) watched his brother with interest at first. Wondering how the thing in front of them work.
Then as if the cards were playing in his favor, Izana managed to win a stuffed animal. Watching with wide eyes as his brother got the toy from the mysterious door. (Name) decided he'll get the toy he wanted from the thing from earlier. Which lead to the current moment.
"HANMA WHERE IS HE?!" The gang had never seen their leader so panicked. But it was fair since (Name) was his precius treasure. "I told you! I sat him by you to get him (snack)." Kisaki pinched the bridge of his nose. Annoyed. He said it was a bad idea for the lanky male to watch (Name) in the first place. It took almost 8 minutes for them to find (Name). Well Rindou found him.
"What the hell?!" Rindou's yell caught their attention and thats when they noticed he was staring into a claw machine. "Hm~ what's wrong Rin-Rin?" Thats when Ran saw the sight and pale. "(NAME)?!" Cue to Tenjiku panicking. Inside an out of order claw machine, sat 3 year old (Name) cuddling a lion stuffed animal. He looked so happy.
The gang did not share this happiness. In fact it was almost the complete opposite. "(Name) buddy. Remain calm. Listen to Aniki and Kaku-nii okay? We're gonna get you out!" Izana then whipped his head toward Kisaki. "Well?! How do we get him out!?" Kisaki stuttered. Not sure what to do honestly. They could get the staff, but there was a high chance they wouldn't know what to do.
Shion brushed his way to the front. Upon spotting his favorite Uncle, (Name) dropped the stuffed lion in favor of trying to get to his Uncle Shion. Seeing how he wasn't able to reach said Uncle upset (Name). Which sent Izana into a bigger panic. Shion quickly thought of an idea. "Listen I know exactly what to do. I'm a professional at these type of games. Let Uncle Shion handle this."
Shion signaled (Name) to move back. After some fussing he did as told. Shion put his hand in his pocket. Putting on his brass knuckles. Without missing a beat he punch the glass. Shattering it. Which made the kther members immediately start yelling/screaming (in Izana's case) about (Name)'s safety. Shion quickly grabbed (Name), the stuffed lion, and (animal) before racing out the arcade.
It took the others a few seconds to realize what happened before they quickly rushed after them. They took refuge at a nearby cafe. Which happened to be (Name)'s favorite. When the others finally arrived (after carefully avoiding the workers) they saw Shion feeding a happy (Name). (Name) was cuddling the lion and eating cake.
The others slowly joined the two. (Name) of course didn't notice. He was enjoying the cake and new stuffed animal he got. Izana carefully checked the toddler and after making sure the toddler was okay, quickly tried attacking Shion. Kakucho took over feed (Name) cake, trying to keep him distracted so he won't see his brother hog tying his favorite uncle behind him.
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quikyu · 2 months
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Just got some free food from this cute little guy ^.^
More pics below :)
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I GOT MY MOCHI MONSTER!!! And I took some lovely pics with my other plushies!!
I also got the summer festival shirts and scrunchies!
(I wanted the yukata too… but it’s so expensive…)
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Sickly Summer
Bonten x Male Baby Reader
Inspired by the many Stories @reallyromealone had done! Go and check his Blog out!
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Mochi had you in his arms, carrying you through the living—back and forth, swaying in gentle manner from side to side—in hopes of, finally, calming you down.
Never did Mochi thought, that you, their little precious baby boy, could cry so much during one night and throughout the day. He knows babies do cry, a lot even sometimes, but this? This seemed way too out of place to be called normal behaviour.
Then again, you weren't feeling all that healthy well right now and your only way of telling them this, was through bawling.
«Here. Maybe a lukewarm bottle of Milk will soothe him a bit, till Rinny find his pacifier and plushy.» suggest Ran, emerging out from the Kitchen, holding the bottle to you. You scrunched your face up in disgust, before burying it back in Mochi's neck.
«Huh, I think so too, bud. Papa Ran surely doesn't wanna have a repeat of last time.» emphasised Mochi, going back to rocking you into soothing as soon as he heard your sniffles again.
Ran shrugged his shoulders in defeat. He doesn't know what to do either. Mochi was right though, neither Ran nor the others would like to have a repeat of what happen 2 weeks ago.
Bonten knew you had a very sensitive stomach, couldn't handle most, if not even all, foods and drinks. You got a special Diet plan, but even then it could happen that your stomach would go into a cramping strike.
Like how it happen two weeks ago; You had Semolina porridge for dinner, something you would eat most of the time since it was stomach friendly enough. Either it was Takeomi himself or one of them, who might have accidentally poured a bit too much sugar or any kind of spices in it, but it was a literally shit night after dinner.
Kakucho had changed your diapers about three times, till he decided to just stay with you in the bathroom throughout the whole night, as you shitted into a tiny bucket and if you weren't doing that, you would vomit till dry-heaving. Worst case of Diahrrea.
Takeomi was trying to get some fluids into you again, coaxing with mostly water and diluted milk, knowing well from his own experience with his siblings, that fluids are essentially necessary during such a time. Tough case it was though, you refused every time and had enough strength left to slap Takeomi's cup offering away.
Ever since then, they did good monitoring over your diet plan and what you eat.
Rindou came hopping into the living room, a big smile on his face as he triumphal hold up the pacifier. I mean, you had a whole box of them and your dads keep extra ones in the storage and to lose them is rather easy, but you had certain favourite ones and in times like these you only want them.
«Lookie lookie, [Name]! What Papa Rin has for you,» Rindou gently put the pacifier into your mouth—which seemed to sooth you right away as you sucked on it—taking you from Mochi's arms and prepped your face with kisses.
A slight frown came over Rindous face. Sitting himself on the couch, you on his lap, he take good glance at your chubby face.
Cheeks flushed red, eyes swollen and still brimmed with left over tears. Your tiny chest heaving heavily, you weakly gripping his shirt.
«Did you two shitlings make him cry more?» Rindou give a slight glare at them, almost accusing.
«No we didn't, asshat. If you couldn't tell already, our darling baby isn't feeling goodie.»
«Thanks, Mr. Obvious. For telling me.»
«Be glad Mikey and Kakucho aren't here or you two would have to put 20Yen into the swear-jar.» Kokonoi's amusing chuckling brought the Haitani Brothers out of their word squabbling. They hadn't heard that Kokonoi has come in.
The three watched how Kokonoi put some bags down onto the coffee table. Rummaging through them, Kokonoi pulled out a small stuffed frog and one of those squeeze balls.
As soon as you notice what one of your dads had in his hands, your eyes lit up and made grabby hands towards him. Koko give it to you.
«Is he getting better? Did you gave him something to drink already?»
«To both of your questions, Koko, is the answer no.» Rindou and Ran said it at the same time.
Mochi sighed, having make a cup of coffee for himself. One of the strong types, which a shot of Vodka in it. Mochi loved you, but parenting was exhausting sometimes and they all could agree to this.
It didn't take long till the rest, besides Mikey who was still in the office and probably doing some last minute paperwork's, had come home too.
You sat on the ground, in front of the TV—Ran had put on some child friendly cartoons, but you didn't pay attention to it—playing with toys, your new stuffed friend sitting between your legs.
Kakucho and Rindou sitting besides you, being your play buddies. Glaring every so often at the others, who sat on the couch and giving playful comments about how good parent they are. It was mostly Sanzu and Ran who did.
«I was by the doctor and he said it's probably the summer heat, which makes [Name] so sick right now. We should try to keep him cool and give him light foods only.» told Takeomi, crouching down to you with a Sippy-cup in his hand.
A pocky stick hanging from his mouth, a replacement of a cigarette as Takeomi wasn't one to smoke around you. He offered you the cup, filled with milk. You took it, taking a few sips from it and give it back to your Papa, who pinched the bridge of his nose.
«At least [Name] didn't refused it right away and did drank some of it.» comment Mochi, going back to reading his newspapers.
Takeomi was concerned about you. Last summer you were fine, you hadn't any problem with the heat. So seeing you refusing food and drinks, crying through night and night and not even going potty in your diapers at all, did raise red flags of concern for Takeomi.
They really need to bring you to the doctor, but you're a fussy child and just being at the front door, brought you to tears—which raise another set of questions for Takeomi.
When Mikey had come back home, he ignored the mess of toys and stuffed animals in the living room. Too tried to care about tidiness, non of them were the best when it comes to do household chores, but for you they try to do.
After changing into nightwear, which consisted of only a pair of underwear and a oversized shirt, Mikey was making his towards Kakucho room, knowing well that you're in there. You might have your own room, crib, to sleep in, but you never do, preferring to sleep in the beds of your many dads.
Mikey pried you gently from Kakucho's arms, ignoring his incoherent mumbling and going into his own room.
Laying down onto his bed, god was Mikey exhausted, he hold you close. Giving you a small kiss to the head, shushing you back into sleep, when you begun to stir and lowly whine.
Mikey and the others would do anything to keep you loved and safe. You're Bontens heir, the ray of sunshine in their dark lives and the only family they still had left.
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