#i wanna squish him and give him hot coco
amaihoneybug · 5 days
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Some baby doodles while I was in class today.
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Lukalix December
Day 21 - Hot coco
It was currently snowing outside, the chill creeping in through the ships windows and into Luka’s body, allowing a shudder to wrack his body. He was huddled up in a few blankets, pressed into a corner. Sass was tucked into his pajama pocket, curled up in a tight ball to conserve body heat just like he was. Snakes never did well in the cold weather. He had been rather sluggish lately, as had Sass. He had done even more research, realizing this was a brumation effect of when reptiles like snakes and lizards were particularly inactive during the winter months. Which explained why he had a hard time getting out of bed every day. Showers practically felt like heaven but the house boats water filtration and heater didn’t work fast enough for him to have more than one shower a day. So he would often take baths to enjoy the feeling as long as possible. Another shudder ran through him as a gust of cold air blew through the window’s cracks.
He shifted the blanket over his head, using it as a hood. Normally it hadn’t been this cold, but this years winter was particularly harsh and his mother could only afford so much. He pressed himself against his mattress, making sure that he didn’t squish Sass against his chest. That’s when his window creaked open, Luka yelping at the bitter winds and slipping fully under his blanket. It quickly slid shut, before the room warmed a bit somehow. His blanket was lifted from his head, and when he looked up he saw Bunnix staring at him with a concerned look. “Are you ok?” She murmured. Luka was a bit wide eyed, shocked that she had shown herself to his house, somehow knowing of the situation. “I-I’m fine. It’s just..really cold.”
Bunnix sat next to him, leaning against the wall as the bed squeaking softly under her and dipping down slightly. “You can cling to me. You already know I stay pretty warm.” The guiartist shifted up, shuffling towards her and laying against her chest, giving a contented sigh as her arms wrapped around him, holding him close. “You’re really soft..” He mumbled quietly, raising the blanket once more to hang off his shoulders. The heroine gave a quiet laugh, “Well, I am a rabbit Luka.” Her arms gently rubbed his back, her forehead pressing against his with a feather like softness. They stayed like that for awhile, fully in peace in each others arms. Their breath mingling in their closeness, making it nearly an addictive drug for them. Confessions of love just barely hanging off their tongues and it taking all of their willpower to resist giving in to the temptation to caress the others cheek and press a soft kiss to their lips.
Slowly, Luka reached for Bunnix’s head, finding her ears and gently rubbing them, feeling the soft fur as well as running his fingers through her hair. Despite its spiky appearance, it was incredibly soft, feeling similar to silk between his fingers. “Lay down, please..I wanna pet you.” He mumbled, breaking the silence. Bunnix broke out of her trance slightly, shifting her position to where Luka was now against the wall, her head now resting on his lap. Luka sighed, content as he ran his hands through her locks once more. Bunnix’s ears went limp, her body following besides her feet, which thumped lightly in pleasure. The soft noises gained the boys attention, looking over towards the edge of his bed. He watched for a few moments before a soft smile spread across his face. “Aw..you even act like a rabbit.” He whispered. The cold from before was completely forgot, the warmth from the girl seeping into his bones as well as his own heart that stirred with embers of his love for her.
He glanced over at the couch in his room. It had been newly installed recently, for him to watch movies with his friends when they came over. “Do you wanna watch a movie?” He queried, his eyebrow raising slightly. “I can get hot chocolate from the kitchen and you can choose one to watch.” Bunnix made a soft hum of delight, nodding despite not wanting to move from the comfortable position. She gently pulled herself up, sliding off the bed and onto the floor and onto the couch instead as he left the room. That’s when she spotted one of Luka’s hoodies that he usually wore, hanging off the arm rest. She glanced around, making sure he wasn’t around when she reached for it, slipping it over her shoulders. Immediately she smiled. It felt like he was hugging her despite him not being there, thanks to the fact that it was a bit big for her as well as smelling like him. She flopped over, laying on her side and burying into the couch with his jacket.
Luka came back a few minutes later, two mugs of steaming hot chocolate in his hands. Marshmallows sat in the hot liquid, melting from the heat of it and becoming soft. But when he came in, it was him who felt like he was the one who was melting. Seeing his partner spread across the couch, in his jacket was unbearably cute. “God I love you..” He whispered, pressing his burning face into his sleeve. The girls ears swiveled towards him, a light squeak leaving her. “Love..?” Luka paused slightly, now realizing she had heard him. “Yes..yes I love you.” He spoke softly, placing down his coco mugs. The guitarist sat down next to her. She was now upright, facing him with a look of excitement. “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting you to say that?” She said quickly, her voice laced with joy. Luka’s face softened, “I was nervous about actually admitting to it. But yes, I am in love with you. How could I not be?” Bunnix nearly purred in delight, falling against him with her own face now being a bright red. “I love you too.” She yelped out, laying on top of him with her chin gently on his chest. Luka laughed softly, leaning his head forward. “You silly rabbit..my rabbit..”
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widowsofchaos · 4 years
The Wolf, The Widow, & Their Angel
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Writing’s Game created by the baddest, Roo! @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ *screams like a feral banshee* tHe BaDDesT BiTcH sHE iS!
~my given prompt~
Pairing: dark!BuckyNat x black!Reader
Summary: You start to dissociate looking through windows, and it concerns your captors.
Warnings: ddlg relationship, forced age regression, mentions of spanking, water sports, and kidnapping, eventual Stockholm syndrome. a dash of yandere behavior.
a/n: hiii, so glad im finally into the swing of writing, and I really wanted to dive into this writing challenge made by Roo! Trope: Snowed In // Item/Location: Windows. Seems really fun, and gives a chance for people to explore different kinks and scenarios given to them! So I hope you enjoy! There has been things changed for sake of the story, like cause fuck canon sometimes, right? Muahaha💋
do not repost my works!
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Snowflakes hit against the windows, sounding like tiny BB bullets as the bellowing winds harshly beats against the bullet-proof glass.
Ever-growing thick piles of snow surrounded the Avengers compound, as New York City is under attack by one of the worst snow-storms the city has ever endured in years.
Airports are temporarily shut-down, so are local businesses, the streets deserted with no sign of life. Nature’s cold wrath forces citizens to self-quarantine, and celebrate Christmas indoors, snowed in for perhaps a few weeks.
So much for your grand escape.
Six months you have been held captive, and forced to prance around like a living doll. A toy to satiate your captors’ sexual appetites and deep-rooted needs to protect ‘an innocent angel like yourself.’ As you sit here on the cold floor of the living room, battling boredom, and your solemn thoughts, mindlessly chewing on the pink paci in your mouth, you didn’t hear one of your captors and one of their accomplices walk in.
Fidgeting in your white onesie that had multiple crayon drawn rainbows printed on it, as you try to find some comfort - your buttocks still stung from this morning’s spanking. Your coco-brown buttocks peaking from your onesie, your diaper peaking from the edges, deep purple and yellow bruises painting your skin were apparent. That’s the abuse a metal prosthetic can inflict.
Your bronze skin now shiny with lotion to soothe the burgundy raw welts. You can barely sit still, rocking back and forth to relieve some tension. Sniffling trying to zone out in your mind.
Your hair was in two split curly pigtails, each split of massive hair clipped with two pink bows. Your index finger twirling in your chocolate curls, as the other hand was toying with the fabric of your white booties, with tears in your eyes, trying to imagine time spent with your real family.
Are they okay? Do they miss you? Have they been searching for you?
You can still recall the day you were kidnapped, it was a blur, it was so quick,
As the two perpetrators waltz silently towards you, as your back facing them, suddenly one of them playfully pull on your pigtails.You gasp, your eyes wide as saucers, as your mouth opened, your paci fell on your lap. Your day-dreaming shattered, as if you were high in the clouds then held by the calf and dragged right back to reality.
“Hey baby.” A husky velvety voice spoke against your ear, your heart hammering harshly against your chest. It’s him, the former Winter Soldier, his close companions call him Bucky, but you’re forced to call him daddy.
“Uncle Steve told me that you have been sitting here for hours” he brought his thumb to wipe away a tear you didn’t realize began to fall. You glanced over your shoulder to see Steve standing by the door-way smiling adoringly at the sight of a daddy and his baby, leaning against the door frame, with his strong hands stuffed in his jean pockets.
You felt menacing cerulean blue eyes burn a hole in your skull, Bucky couldn’t pull his eyes away from yours even if he tried. To him, you were perfect. You were a gift from God, an angel sent to ease his burdens along side his wife, Natasha. You couldn’t bare looking into his eyes, too intense, too suffocating. A flash of affection beamed across his eyes.
You whined, shuffling as best as you could away from your captor, “Baby, you dropped your paci.” Bucky plucked your pacificer from the floor, bringing towards your chapped lips, “Now it’s dirty, my sweet baby can’t have a dirty paci ...” he trailed off, the rims of your eyes slightly red, glossy from the forthcoming droplets.
He knows why you’ve been crying, he had to punish you this morning. You were trying to act like a big girl, and refused to be bathed, insisting you can clean yourself as an adult.
A smirk slowly crept on Bucky’s bearded face, he noticed you was leaning forward, preventing any bodily pressure to increase on your sore ass. “Is my baby’s cute ass sore?” His nose brushed against your cheek, a guttural moan vibrated in his throat, inhaling your scent; his hot breath fanning over your tear-stained face.
His pink lips hairs away from yours, growing agitated that you didn’t respond, he gripped one of your pigtails with his flesh hand.
You yelped in pain, your button nose scrunched, brows furrowed deeply; the prickly pins and needles sensation scorching throughout your scalp, as Bucky held your hair in a death clutch. “Answer your daddy! Is my baby’s cute ass sore?!” Bucky snarls like a beast.
You choked back a sob, forced to look into his cerulean blue eyes, clouded by grey storm clouds. His pupils dilated, his nose flared, not to further infuriate the former soldier, “Ye-yes, daddy -” your throat tightened in fear, “my butt is sore.” Satisfied that you answered sweetly, Bucky relinquished his hand, kissing away your tears with feathery pecks, “Don’t cry, my angel.” His voice lowered softly.
His stubble tickled you, but you resisted a chuckle in your throat along with your untamed bile, he shushed you, “Don’t cry, baby. Daddy’s sorry he had to get loud.” Bucky cooed, talking to you like you were a toddler.
Your sobs quieted down, now simmering to hiccups, as he pulled you flushed against his broad chest. Even when he cradled you, his physicality reminded you, that you can’t escape.
Bucky is at least, two hundred pounds lean, built into massive biceps, and sculpted abs. You can’t fight him, nor her. Natasha’s physique is slender, but she’s toned.
Enquiped to defeat any enemy, a master in trickery and slealth, able to disappear within thin air like her husband ... many have fallen for sadly mistaken the Russian for beauty over brains ... don’t underestimate the former assassin. You already learned your lesson.
Your delicate fingers gripped his red Henley shirt, the cotton fiber bunching between your brown fingers, as you whimpered, your cheek squished against his frame.
Bucky sported a smug smirk on his stubbled jaw, glancing to his oldest best friend. A chuckle was breathed out of Steve’s nose, knowing the breaking down method was slowly progressing.
Steve knows that this is what Bucky, and Natasha needs in their life. Something innocent to protect, the couple hasn’t had a pure light in their life for years, so it’s understandable that for the first time they encountered you, they had to have you.
It was fate.
Indeed the meticulous harsh punishments was working. No matter how hard you tried to fight back, and resist the urges to succumb to their sexual pleasures, your mind was betraying you.
There has been moments of your compliance, calling everyone by their designated names. Natasha as your mommy, Bucky as your daddy, and the rest of the Avengers as your uncles and aunt. Letting your uncles and aunt baby you, feed you, play with you, and punish you if needed too.
Let’s just say, the punishments were just as equally barbarous. Wall-seats, harsh spanking, knees on raw rice, gas lighting, slight choking, knees resting on raw rice, electrical nipple clamps as your head will be dunked in water, that’s Bucky’s go-to if his patience runs dry.
And a few slaps here and there if you cuss everybody out.
Natasha’s favorite is clit cream, it causes severe itching on your pussy, you would rub your mound on any solid surface to relieve yourself to the point of your vagina being raw, and irritated.
How does the sadistic couple help the itching and burning stop? Take turns squirting their piss directly on your clit.
Shame and humiliation has become your constant demons.
Bucky’s red shirt had a strong but subtle smell of mint, and oak. You rubbed your nose into the shirt, it’s calming your frightened senses, as numerous flashbacks of pain came flooding your shattered mind.
“Awh my baby, loves holding her daddy.” Bucky spoke into your brushed curls, you didn’t realize you were practically clinging to Bucky like a baby kola. Bucky nuzzled his nose into your curls, his eyes closed, relishing in this rare moment.
Bucky’s strong biceps slithered around your petite waist, you involuntarily clutching your arms around his neck for support. His open palms calmly rubbed circles under your thighs, but close to your painful bruises.
You flinch at the close proximity of his fingertips grazing your abused flesh. It was his reminder of how quickly his temper can switch.
Don’t misbehave.
You prefer to seek his approval, to fall on his good graces. 
“D-daddy?” you crooked into his now tear-stained shirt, the dampened spots now a deeper shade of red, you sniffled, scared to look him in the eye, “Yes baby?” Bucky’s smirked.
“I wanna look at the windows more. The snowflakes are pretty.” You hated how your voice was trembling, and trailing into little space.
You’re conversing with Bucky as if you were a toddler. One discovery you stumbled on during this ordeal is that deep inside the crevasse of your mind, there’s a little girl.
Sub-space, or little space ... you knew you had it, which in turn, helped you adapt to your new environment from time to time. Catching yourself enjoying being pampered, no longer being burdened by of the problems that come with being an adult. No longer do you work, you hated your office job. You gracefully fall into a space of hazy clouds.
Bucky’s brows furrowed, a bit befuddled, as his eyes pleaded with Steve’s, who in return shook his head, no.
Steve brought this new found habit of yours up to Bucky and Natasha earlier, whenever you were punished, you hide away to look out the windows.
Steve realized that you were probably dissociating. That worried everybody, it means you were suffering from not accepting your new life, clinging onto your old one, and if you’re in pain, Bucky and Natasha are in pain.
You’re more than their little girl, you’re their missing third. Their companion, their angel, and even if you rebuke it, your best friends. Many occurrences, Nat and Bucky has confided to you about their dark pasts, revealing secrets not even their close team mates are aware of.
To gain your trust, and your sympathy, to show despite their cruel punishments, they are broken humans emotionally dependent on you. In any bond between lovers, that’s your best friend.
Out of love — tough love, but love nonetheless.
Bucky’s lip formed into a thin-line, “No, baby. Uncle Steve told me you do this a lot, you know he’s worried about you? So is everybody else, you haven’t even eaten since this morning” Bucky’s voice got stern, but it was contrast to his facial features softening. His brows now slanted in-ward, demonstrating his distress.
It’s the truth, you’re co-dependent on bullet-proof glass. You can observe the outside world. It helps you escape to your imaginary getaway. Whatever your heart desires, your brain creates unabashed scenarios of being surrounded by your family, and friends.
But more recently, you imagine poppy fields, sleeping in high-end stocks of flowers — but soon the demons roam in search of you, and the sky darkens.
“No, baby. No more windows. Ever again.” Bucky’s eyes squinted, you gasped. You were ready to beg, plead to stay on the floor just a little while longer, “Now it’s lunch time. I can hear my little angel’s tummy growling.” Bucky patted your belly gingerly, with no hesitation, he scooped you in his arms lifting you in the air.
Instinctively you locked your legs around his waist, your eyes never wavered from the frosty chilled windows. Your body began shaking, choking back pitiful sobs, as you ducked your head in Bucky’s neck.
“Maybe she needs a nap, she’s been crying all day.” Steve recalls hearing you sniffle since this morning, after getting a spanking. Bucky’s thumb rubbed circles into your shoulder blades, cooing you to settle down.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Bucky kissed your scalp, “she’ll feel better when she wakes up.” As the two soldiers discussed about you as if you weren’t present, you just went limp, your legs dangling. If it wasn’t for Bucky’s inhuman strength, you would’ve fallen.
What’s the point in fighting anymore? Your body is worn, and your brain is fried. There’s no escape, for years you thought so highly of the Avengers, but you learned that they were not so righteous.
Steve noticed your eyes were dull, it’s blank. Steve subtly caressed your cheek, as he walked by Bucky’s side. A small lopsided smile curved at your lips, but Steve was still worried.
Finally reaching Bucky’s apartment, Steve helped open the door as Bucky was pre-occupied holding you, “Steve, can you wash her pacifier for me?” Steve nodded, taking the pacifier from Bucky.
As Steve reached the kitchenette, to wash the paci in the sink, Bucky went to your bedroom. A custom made state of the art bedroom, the walls covered in white wallpaper with multiple printed teddy bears. Fuzzy pink carpeting, stuffies galore spilling out of the bin, toys ranging from blocks, puzzles, coloring books, barbies -- you name it, they spoiled you.
Bucky cooed in your ear sweetly as he laid you down in your custom crib, the plush mattress welcomed your body. You whined a bit, a few tears falling, “Hush, baby, it’s okay. Uncle Stevie is bringing your paci.” Bucky caressed your arms, and face trying to cal, your nerves.
Your eyes were droopy, mental exhaustion overpowering you, but you were resisting sleep. You started rubbing your eyes, as if you were a restless toddler refusing naptime. 
Bucky and Natasha also has been popping sleeping pills, bladder weakening pills and birth control pills in your milk. To set your body on schedule, so you can learn to adapt using a diaper. Fall sleep at proper time during the day. 
Steve entered the bedroom, to see Bucky trying to stop you from your agitated state. “She’s fussy.”Steve’s tone was laced with concern, he quickly gave Bucky the paci, and you shut your mouth. “It’s okay, baby. It’s your paci, say ah.” Bucky was trying to persuade you, you hated that you were becoming dependent on it.
You pouted, Bucky sighed. Once again, he had to resort doing it the hard way. Bucky pinched your nose shut, preventing any oxygen, after a few seconds, you had no choice, but to open your mouth for air.
You gasped, and Bucky took advantage, quickly popping the paci in your mouth, shutting your mouth with his palms. You whined, as Bucky kissed your forehead. Bucky tucked you in, “I love you, angel.” With that Bucky and Steve started leaving the room, turning the light switch off, and closed the door behind them.
Darkness and silence looming over you, your eyes drooped shut, drifting into a dreamless slumber.
It’s been over an hour of naptime, and finally Natasha returned from training. She entered the apartment to see Bucky sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. “Bucky, what’s wrong?” He lifted his gaze up, and Nat saw tears in his eyes.
Nat dashed to her husband’s aid, sitting next to him on the couch. “What’s wrong? What happened?” Nat was growing increasingly worried, “Our angel hates me.” Bucky croaked, his voice was hoarse. Natasha pulled Bucky into her arms, Bucky sniffled as he sunk himself into her chest.
“She doesn’t hate you. She’s still learning.”
“You didn’t see the fear in her eyes today. Her eyes looked dull, as if she wasn’t there. Even Steve saw it.” Bucky wailed in Nat’s arms. “It’s okay, she’s not broken. It’s not a quick procedure to get our angel. She will realize this is what’s good for her.”
“I just want her to be happy with us.”
“I know, Bucky. Me too.” Natasha kissed his head.
What Natasha didn’t realize was that you heard their conversation, as you awoke from your nap.
Was life with these people really that hard? They spoil you to no end. Yes, their choice of punishments aren’t ordeal, but after punishments they soothed you as if you were the most fragile treasure in the world. Can you learn to love them? Perhaps. Do you feel bad for them hurting? A little, and that’s what scares you.
You care, and it’s been bothering you.
For weeks, your hatred towards the Avengers has been simmering down. You did enjoy no longer having responsibilities, enjoying little space, you were slipping into the headspace more and more.
As thoughts were swirling in your mind like angry bees, the door opened, you quickly closed your eyes again. The light turned on, and their footsteps sounded quiet, not wanting to disturb your sleep, towards your massive crib.
Natasha and Bucky were hovering over you, watching you sleep, as if it’s their favorite view. So obsessed with you, vowing to kill anyone who will try to take you away from them.
Both Nat, and Bucky brought their fingers to your face, caressing your tear-stained cheeks. It was like this for a few moments, until they slowly shook you awake. Tenderly they coaxed you awake, your eyelids fluttered open.
“Hey pretty girl, time to wake up.” Natasha softly ruffled your curly ponytails. You don’t know what snapped in you, maybe your brain has given up, or maybe it’s the way these two are affectionately staring down at you.
Beyond the misty darkness that clouds their eyes, is love. Moments of good moments of playtime with them, or how they touched you giving you cummies, your body coming alive to their touch, or how your heart ached at their sadness flashed in your mind.
Maybe you do love them.
“Mommy. Daddy.” You mumbled against your paci, you made grabby hands outward to them. Natasha’s and Bucky’s eyes widened, their breaths hitched in their throats. At last, their little girl wants them - on her accord.
Natasha quickly took you out of the crib, holding you in her arms in an air tight hug. Bucky engulfed both of you in a bear hug.
At last.
It’s been a few weeks of you being the perfect angel, and quite frankly, you were happy. Stress of freedom slipped away, you were taken cared off. Adulthood was hard on you until Natasha and Bucky took you. It was unorthodox at first, slipping into your old apartment in the dead of the night, but it was worth it.
You were sitting on Bucky’s lap, as he sat on the couch watching cartoons with you. Your back against his chest, Bucky hugging you in his arms, your arm reaching behind his head, as your hand played with his hair. Bucky melts every-time you do that. You were sucking on your paci, and Natasha was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
The peaceful atmosphere was soon disrupted, as an urgent news broadcast flashed on the screen. You whined, and Bucky started looking for the remote to change the channel.
The broadcast flashed a picture of you, explaining that you were still declared missing, and your family was looking for you. Bucky’s whole body froze, as your silence was making him nervous. Natasha slowly peaked her head out from the kitchen.
You were unfazed, but you’re not dumb. You knew you had to reassure them, “Daddy, change the channel! I want cartoons.” You bounced a bit on his lap, to show your bratty impatience. Bucky picked up the remote, and put cartoon network on.
Both Nat’s, and Bucky’s heart fluttered, you didn’t care about your old life anymore. You took your paci out for a moment, and kissed your daddy. “I love you, daddy.” You put the paci back in your mouth, and watched the cartoons.
Bucky had tears in his eyes, and so did Natasha.
Their angel didn’t hate them, their angel loves them, and they love you.
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Extra A/N: sorry that this was trash. This was beyond trash, I’m so sorry! This was rushed, and I’m bothered by it.
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skzfairies · 4 years
are you mine? lee felix
fluff, sad ending
felix + gender neutral reader
song to listen to: make you mine- public
an au where if you hold you’re soulmates hand, you will travel to both of you’re happiest memory’s location together. if you don’t travel anywhere, it was not meant to be.
felix and you were best friends ever since felix moved into the house next to yours in eighth grade. you clearly remember seeing him struggle to carry boxes from you’re front yard where you were playing chalk. you will never forget the cute dust across his freckled face when he met your gaze, and his out-grown brown hair, that kept on covering his eyes.
you both met after felix’s mother sent him to bring over brownies, you both clicked after seeing you were wearing matching minecraft shirts, and invinted him in to make a world with you.
everyday after school, you would both walk home together, and you would play minecraft for hours until the other was called home.
over time, the tradition changed, you started getting boba after school, going to study, or the gaming cafe. you would still play minecraft together when you were feeling nogalistic.
today, you decided on going to the boba shop, even though it was raining and you both should have rode the bus, but felix had pleaded you to buy him some. you weren’t able to resist his big brown eyes, as always ( you will never admit that you adore his puppy eyes), you agreed and began the route.
felix had the umbrella covering you’re heads, it wasn’t too small, so both of you weren’t squished together. although you slightly wished it was, so you could experience the romantic and cheesy rain scene from k-dramas felix watches religiously.
you loved those days, where you and felix could just lay in the other’s bed after a long day of school, and pick a lame k-drama to watch, you never really liked them, but felix had the biggest smile when there was something slightly romantic on the screen. you would do anything to see his smile.
without realizing it, you observed felix’s features on his face, you could only see his brown eyes and his eyebrows, the mask he was wearing covering his beautiful freckles. they were so faint but so beautiful. felix wouldn’t be felix without his freckles.
you wondered if this boy knew how beautiful he was. you wondered if he saw himself the way you see him. beautiful, gorgeous, and all the compliments under the sun.
you returned you’re gaze to your fingers, who absently-mindlessly played with the loose thread on the hoodie you borrowed from felix a few weeks ago and kept forgetting to give back.
it smelled just like his cologne. felix was never one for strong “manly” cologne’s. he smelled like hot coco, he smelt like home.
you could never tell felix you’re true feelings. you somehow knew that you weren’t soulmates. and you always hated the universe for not having the one you love so much be your soulmate. you wished that the stars in the black sky were on your side, just this one time.
you had to accept the reality though. and maybe you were okay with that.
“hey, wanna listen to music” felix softly asked, his eyes crinkling, and you imagined the beautiful smile that was hiding behind the mask. his voice brought you out of your trance.
you awkwardly chuckled, embarrassed that he caught you staring.
“um..sure, i guess..”
you mentally face palmed yourself, that sounded so awkward and cringe, you sounded like a teen who was being forced to order by their mom.
felix, of course, did not let your awkward tone slip.
“is everything alright, bubs?” felix questioned. of course he was worried about you, he was perfect. a ball of sunshine.
“yeah, i’m fine! i promise!” you had to fake your cherry tone, and even held out your pinky for a pinky promise.
felix looked down at your extended pinky, and laughed as he shaked his head at your childish behavior. he still linked your pinkies though.
a few minutes passed, you still had a long way to get to the boba shop.
you were beginning to feel antsy, should you ask to hold felix’s hand? should you ask if he likes you?
“no, he’ll just think that your a weirdo and leave me by myself in the the rain.” you thought.
but felix would never do that, he’s too nice, and caring and-
“felix, have you ever, um, had feelings for me?”
your mouth reacted before your brain did, and you regretted asking that question so much. you would take it back if you could.
you weren’t expecting his response.
“yeah, i did, when i first moved, i think.”
felix slightly giggled, thinking about he had an embarssing huge crush on you in middle school, and how he swore you were his soulmate.
“did you?”
felix was looking at you now, he could feel the nervous aura radiating off of you.
“um, yeah, well, i do now, i think..”
you barely even said it, it was like a wisp of air, felix barely caught it.
but he did.
he heard you, and you wished he didn’t.
it was silent for awhile, both of you were lost for words. you watched as the rain bounced off of the puddles in the cracked sidewalk, thinking that this was probably the last time that the two of you would walk to the boba shop together. yesterday would be the last time you both played minecraft on felix’s old couch. the very last.
out of nowhere, felix grasped your hand.
his hands were soft, slightly cold from being in the harsh rain, you wanted to hold this hand for the rest of your life.
you waited, for you to transport to your favorite place, where you both are happiest together.
but it never came.
you looked at both of your hand intertwined, it was a sight of a dream, a dream you could never have.
the tears slowly ran their course down your cheeks, landing directly on the hands of a lover and an ex-lover.
“how was i supposed to know that you weren’t the one.”
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7fics · 8 years
Youngjae fic where he makes a big deal about his coming out. Everyone is scared because it's "super deep" and "life changing" and everyone thinks he's going to die but he's just dramatic af??? And then everyone's like "well yeah, we knew" and YJ is mad bc no one really cared/it was obvious and they ruined his big moment.
Warnings: drama
Word Count: 1k
Author: Chewy
an: this is a hot mess thank you for this absolutely hilarious prompt. jackson pov, hope you don’t mind!
The air is thick with tension. Jackson imagines he could cut it, like a sword through butter. (His inner subconscious tells him that the saying is actually a hot knife through butter, and the saying isn’t actually even supposed to be used in the way Jackson is currently trying to use it. His inner subconscious also sounds like Jinyoung after he’s read too many books and had a couple of drinks, so he shoos it away with a slap to his face)
Everybody turns to look at Jackson. Even the tiniest noise will warrant great attention at this moment. “Sorry. I was thinking.”
“Don’t think.” This time, it’s not his inner subconscious Kermit the frog meme, but actual real life serious Jinyoung. Real Jinyoung actually has consequences, unlike inner Jinyoung, so Jackson has to pay attention.
“Sorry. Won’t do it again.”
All heads swivel back to the main event. Youngjae.
Sweet, sweet, innocent Youngjae, who has been the light of all of Got7’s lives since the day JYP added him to their team seven months before debut, is sitting on the couch. The main couch, to be precise. The one that either their managers or JB in leader mode sits on to give serious announcements on serious matters. This is a big deal.
It all came to a head that morning, when Youngjae gravely said the words, “I need to tell you guys something.”
In reality, though, it had been brewing for much longer than that. All of the members had been worried because in the past few weeks, Youngjae had been quieter than usual. He’d been “researching” on the internet, talking to himself in his sleep, and just the other day, he forgot to play with Coco. This was truly a serious tragedy. There was no other answer.
When the rest of the members tried to inquire more, Youngjae gave only vague responses.
“What’s going on?” JB demanded, in complete leader mode.
“I can’t tell you right now, but it’s super deep.”
“Are you okay?” Mark asked. Even Mark was actively worried, and not just passively. This just went to show how big of a deal this issue was.
“We’ll talk about it as a group later, but it’s absolutely life changing.” With that, Youngjae left the room.
“Well,” Bambam spoke up. “He said it was life changing, not life ending, so we know it’s not cancer. Wanna make bets? I have ten dollars in cash.”
“BAMBAM!” Literally every single member of Got7, excluding Bambam and Youngjae, yells.
“I guess that’s a no then.”
Back at the present moment, Jackson sits uncomfortably squished on the couch between Yugyeom and Jaebum. He looks down to the end where Youngjae sits solemnly.
Despite Bambam’s reassurances, he can’t help but wonder. What if it really is cancer? Or worse? What if… What if… Jackson is having a hard time thinking of anything worse because all the bad plots in the k-dramas that he watches involve cancer. As Jackson’s mind starts to conjure up images of hospitals, his hands start picking more and more aggressively at the rips in his jeans. Jaebum leans over and grabs his hand, holding it still.
“So, Youngjae? Do you want to tell us what this is all about?” Jaebum asks.
Youngjae nods, opens his mouth, closes it, and gulps. Next to him, Jinyoung hands him a bottle of water. Youngjae drinks, opens his mouth, and says, “Thanks, hyung.”
Jackson thinks that at this point, he’s going to explode and die from the anticipation, and that means he won’t be able to bring flowers to Youngjae’s bed as he’s withering away from some undiscovered, incurable illness.
“Just say it!” Mark shouts. Everybody turns and glares. Everybody is both relieved that Mark said what they all wanted to say inside, but everybody is also mad at Mark for shouting at Youngjae. Sweet, sweet, innocent Youngjae, who is loved by all. “Sorry. Please, Youngjae.”
“Okay, sorry hyung.” Youngjae takes a final deep breath, and spits out the words, “I’m super gay.”
Jaebum just sighs one of his deep-as-the-Mariana-Trench sighs, and cover’s Jackson’s mouth with his hand. “Youngjae. Did you seriously put us through all of this so that you could tell us you were gay?”
“Well, yeah,” Youngjae says. He’s still looking at Jackson warily.
“Everybody knows you’re gay, Youngjae,” Bambam says. “This is meeting is taking out of my League of Legends playing time. Come on, Yugyeom, leggo!”
“Wait, what?” Youngjae asks, bewildered. “How did you guys already know that I was gay?”
“Because you’re super gay? Jinyoung literally baked a cake last year that said ‘Youngjae is Gay’ because of how gay you were. It had rainbows and unicorns, remember?” Mark says.
“MMmmmpfhhhhfhh,” Jackson agrees, from under Jaebum’s hand.
“What the hell? That’s so not cool! Do you even realize how long I have been planning and researching for this moment? This is ludicrous! Ridiculous! An outrage! And why are you all so automatically accepting, I thought we would have to really fight over this!” Youngjae is panting by the end of his rant. Jaebum has removed his hands from Jackson’s mouth so that he could cover his own ears instead.
“If you’re done ranting, it’s really time for us to get to practice,” Jaebum says.
“Here, baby, how about I bake you another cake?” Jinyoung asks. That, combined with the fact that Youngjae seems to have worn himself out with the shouting, appeases Youngjae enough to agree.
“Well, I’m glad you’re not dying, Youngjae!” Jackson speaks up.
“Thanks, Jackson hyung. Me too.”
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