#i wanna say some fics have side stenbrough
tozierrichard · 4 years
Reddie Fanfic Masterlist
the amazing works that have changed my life (also using this to organize myself)
tear it with your teeth by belby | 32.1k
"We could leave this place, Eddie," Richie says. "God, imagine that? Not having to live in this trash dump anymore. We could go wherever we wanted. A different place every night."
notes: reddie from ages 15-18. this one hurts (but it’s incredibly beautiful)
It's Not My Fault! by shanisafan | 92.7k
“I want to be there for you when things get hard just as I know you will be there for me. Ben wrote his poem by me talking about how much I think I’m not good enough for you.”
“Richie -“ Eddie squeezed the other boy’s hands.
“I’m serious Eddie. I’m not. I’m selfish to take someone off the market who is as great as you. So I want to thank you for everything. Here’s to you and whatever happens next.”
notes: read this for the characterization wow! perfect amount of fluff and angst
Lovesong Series by WaxAgent | 164.9k
They're all connected, sure, but nothing comes close to the iron bonds between Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak; they have their ups and their downs, but they always have each other. A look at their lives from leaving Derry to being dragged back by a promise than both of them had long forgotten.
notes: this work has not been updated since 2018 but it is incredibly amazing, mind blowing and i just wanna cry and talk about it with someone, please suffer with me
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg |121.9k
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
notes: THE reddie fic
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang | 109.5k
There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
notes: the author’s Meticulous with a capital M. one of my favorite characterizations of richie! and the love confessions are lovely!!
not exactly where i need to be (and yet it seems so close) by varnes | 49.3k
Richie runs all the way to Eddie’s. He has a bike but he can’t remember, just now, where he put it. Everything feels real, feels — the gravel hurt his shoeless feet, his lungs burn when he gets tired, there’s a cut on his chin that aches a little. It feels real but things always felt real, with It.
You can’t trust how you feel or what you see. That’s the core of the terror of It. That everything is real and nothing is real and all of it can kill you.
Richie clambers up the drainage pipe and shoves open Eddie’s window. He’s afraid to look. He’s afraid of what It has prepared for him.
But it’s nothing. It’s just Eddie, small, young, cast still on his arm. He’s curled up on his side and is using the cast as the world’s worst pillow.
“Holy shitballs what the fucking shit,” breathes Richie, lunging forward to fling himself on top of Eddie’s sleeping form. “Don’t scream, don’t scream, hey — Eddie! Eddie, shut the fuck up, you’re going to wake your mom, it’s me! It’s me.”
OR: Richard Tozier goes to sleep on a plane in 2016, and wakes up in 1989.
notes: time travel AU, i’d sell my soul to the devil if it meant getting to read this for the first time again ahhhhh
as the ghost begins to bleed by ShowMeAHero | 208.3k
Richie refuses to let Eddie stay dead. When he says he'll do anything to get Eddie back, he means anything.
notes: THE canon fix-it au
maybe i’m breaking up with myself by Anonymous | 59.3k
Underneath Derry, Richie Tozier is caught in the Deadlights. At that moment, across the country in the thick summer heat of Los Angeles, Henley Tozier passes out cold.
Three minutes pass, and Eddie Kaspbrak is impaled through the chest. At that exact same time, Atticus Kaspbrak clutches at his stomach, where a knife-sharp inexplicable pain is blooming.
notes: eddie has a son and richie has a daughter. a fix-it & everyone lives au, with the CUTEST children the losers could have. love love love 
Skeleton Key to My Heart by Amuly | 31.2k
After they kill that fucking clown, Richie is left with a broken arm, a list of bad baseball comedy jokes, and one beautiful, dedicated nurse by the name of Eddie Kaspbrak. But then Richie's manager Steve rushes to his side, and Richie's seeing double as the two most important men in Richie's life square off to see who can Handle Richie Tozier's Shit the best. Which isn't a bad problem to have, in Richie's book--he just wishes they could figure out how to get along.
notes: i love the reddie dynamic in this. i enjoyed reading this so much!!!!
currently reading these
Baby, I'm Counting On You by PuddingTown | 109.7k
When Richie Tozier breezes back into his hometown of Derry, Maine, he’s expecting to see familiar faces. Of course, he’s not expecting to see an old flame chasing around a baby. With a million questions, nowhere to go, and a help wanted ad for a nannying job, he finds himself at the doorstep of Eddie Kaspbrak.
notes: i’ve loved domestic reddie but it’s also angsty. this is (re)self-discovery by richie tozier
ribs by mikeshanlon | 93.9k
Almost every time the lights turn off and they cram in the shitty twin bed, Richie seems to become a different person. Maybe not different, per say, but the stupid jokes and teasing die down, the guard of nonchalance dropping. Eddie feels lucky to see this side of Richie, soft and caring-- vulnerable. It’s not like he hates the other side of Richie, he secretly enjoys their constant banter and his dumb jokes. No, it’s that this side is rare, and it’s something beautiful. Here, safe in the soft flannel sheets, it feels like they are the only two souls for miles, and they can be themselves, and that is terrifying and reassuring all at once.
“I’m gonna miss this. When we go off to college,” Richie admits, the weight behind his words telling Eddie he felt the same about their shared nights.
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees softly, “Me too.”
notes: the losers’ senior year. this has made me laugh pretty hard and cry just as much. makes me nostalgic but in the best way. go give it the love it deserves
Running up that hill by speakslow | 59.6k
When Eddie Kaspbrak's mother gets remarried, she sends him off to Catholic boarding school. Will it be exactly what he pictures: same old prison, new location? Or will it be something else entirely?
my oh my god they were roommates story, loosely inspired by Dead Poets Society (but it's set in the fall of 1992)
notes: the last update was this past week so i read the entire thing again and oh my god let me hug everyone. all the losers are pretty prominent in this and i love that. lowkey enemies to friends to lovers?
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trash-the-tozier · 5 years
That stozier story was so cute! If you're goign to do any more would you maybe consider 38 with stozier or stenborough?
Ahh thank you so much!! I’ll do stenbrough for this one, since I did stozier last time! oblivious!bill came out in full force during this i’m sorry in advancei am incapable of writing short fics why @ myself 
length: 2.4k | ao3warnings: noneprompt: 38. Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait
send me a cliche prompt (list here: x) and a pairing and i’ll write a drabble!
“Bill, sweetheart.”
Hearing his name caught his attention, Bill turning quickly. He was over at Stan’s house, the two doing homework up in Stan’s room. Bill had gone to the kitchen for a glass of water, Mrs. Uris stopping him at the edge of the stairs.
“I don’t know if Stanley’s told you about it yet, but it’s Donald’s birthday this weekend and we’re having a bit of a party.” Donald was Mr. Uris, and Stan hadn’t mentioned anything about a birthday party to Bill yet. “I just wanted to let you know that you were completely welcome to come if you’d like.”
“Oh.” The words were completely normal and fine, but something about Mrs. Uris’s tone was striking Bill as strange. Almost like she was trying a little too hard to be welcoming, which was weird, because Bill had been coming over to Stan’s house and participating in various family functions of his since they were in middle school. “Yeah, thanks.”
After another smile and a little bit of a nod, Mrs. Uris returned to the living room, and Bill took the stairs two at a time to make it back to Stan’s room. Stan was on his bed with a book in hand, evidently having put the finishing touches on his English essay in Bill’s absence, and Bill put his water on the bedside table before flopping down next to him.
“That was weird.”
“What was?” Stan asked without looking, but shifting a little, moving his torso so Bill would have more room, but then flopping his legs over both of Bill’s own.
“Your mom. She just invited me to your dad’s birthday party.”
“Really?” That got Stan’s attention, looking at him with a slight frown on his face. “She said it was family only, so I didn’t mention it; I was afraid of Richie gatecrashing the thing.”
“I can not go, if you don’t want me to.”
“No, I mean… Do you want to? It’ll be me, and my parents, and then all of my dad’s brothers or something. You’ll probably get bored.”
“Nah, I’ll come. We’ll get to hang out, right? So that’ll be fun.”
“Oh, okay.” Stan smiled, a smile big enough to reach his eyes and show his teeth. “Yeah.”
As Stan had said, the party was only family, consisting mostly of Mr. Uris’s brothers, their wives, and their children, none of which were over the age of seven. Bill and Stan kept mostly to themselves, stuffing their faces with the snacks and lemonade that Mrs. Uris had prepared. At one point they retreated to the kitchen, leaning against the counter and talking, when Mrs. Uris walked in.
She seemed almost flustered to see them, grabbing a bowl of fruit salad from the fridge as quickly as she could and backing out, apologizing and saying “I’ll leave you two alone.” Bill couldn’t figure out what that was supposed to mean, about to ask when his attention was stolen by a firecracker going off outside.
As it turned out, one of Mr. Uris’s brothers had brought a box of small explosives to set off in Stan’s backyard. That ended up being the most fun of the evening, Stan and Bill stealing an entire box of sparklers for themselves, using Bill’s lighter to catch them on fire and watch them spark to life. When recounting the party to Beverly on Monday morning in their shared Chemistry class, Bill found himself describing the sparklers, how pretty they’d been in the sunset of Stan’s backyard, how the lights had caught Stan’s eyes, his eyes so bright despite the way they were already curved into crescents by the smile in his cheeks. Beverly, with safety goggles on and hair pulled back, rested her elbow on the lab table and put her chin in her hand with a sigh.
“You two are so cute.” She told him, and Bill couldn’t do much more than laugh.
“Big ‘ol Billy Boy!” Richie caught Bill after school the following Friday, slinging an arm around his neck. “You free tonight?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” Bill answered, and Richie laughed.
“Wanna see a movie?”
“Oh?” For some reason, that wasn’t what Bill expected to hear. Not that he wouldn’t want to see a movie with Richie, but still. “I think Stan and I were going to hang out.”
“Sure, okay.” Richie shrugged, readjusting his glasses. Then, “Does he want to come too?”
“I don’t know.” Bill didn’t really see why not. He and Stan didn’t have any plans more concrete than “hang out”, but he didn’t want to speak on Stan’s behalf. He didn’t end up needing to; Stan was standing in the student parking lot with Eddie, the two of them talking, Richie and Bill coming up to meet them.
“Stanley, my wise old manley.” Richie said, a strange grandioseness to his voice as he slung an arm around Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie kissed his cheek in greeting, lifting up on his tip-toes to reach. “Eds and I wanna see a movie tonight, and I already invited Bill; you in?”
Stan glanced over at Bill, who simply looked back, unsure of how to convey “I didn’t say yes, but I also didn’t say no” with just a facial expression. After a moment, Stan shrugged.
“Yeah, sure. Sounds fun.”
“Yeah!” Richie shot his fist into the air with excitement. “Me and Eddie, and Bill and Stan! It’ll be a double date!”
And double date it was… Sort of. It was a date for Eddie and Richie, sure; they’d already been boyfriends for two years and going strong. For Bill and Stan, it was just any other time they’d gone to see a movie together in the theater--though Bill had a feeling that Return of the Living Dead III would not have been Stan’s movie of choice, which was what they ended up buying tickets to.
Richie liked to put his hand on the small of Eddie’s back as they walked, using it to steer him in the right direction when he was too busy arguing a point in Richie’s face and making sharp hand gestures at the same time. It was cute, a casual but intimate touch all the same, Bill barely noticing when Stan did the same thing as they entered the theater to help lead him to their seats.
Richie and Eddie had one giant popcorn between them, the carton half empty by the time the movie actually began, munching with open mouths as they talked in whispers about what was on the screen. Stan and Bill were also sharing a large popcorn, their hands brushing when they reached for it at the same time, Stan occasionally pelting pieces of it at Richie and Eddie when they got too loud. Stan managed to get five pieces to actually stay in Richie’s mess of curls, Bill laughing at each one.
The movie actually got tense towards the end, Bill pulled from the action on screen by the way Richie would squawk and curl into Eddie at loud noises and gruesome imagery. On Bill’s other side was Stan, gripping onto Bill’s arm rather hard, wincing and turning his head in Bill’s direction at the scares, only a breath away from pressing his face into Bill’s shoulder. Eddie was giving whoops and hollers, egging the zombie on to just eat everyone, while Bill was just pretending to be brave, wanting to be something for Stan to hold on to.
Eddie complained loudly about the end of the movie as they walked home, pausing at the crossroads where they all had to part ways. Richie leaned down to scoop Eddie up in a goodbye kiss, and knowing that it would take a few moments, Bill averted his eyes, directing his attention to Stan.
The moon was high in the sky, reflecting off Stan’s cheeks and the delicate curls in his hair. Stan glanced back at Bill, a resigned sort of expression on his face--Richie and Eddie had been dating too long for shared looks of pretend disgust to really be funny anymore--and his eyes caught the light, the same way the sparklers had the weekend before. Bill felt a sort of tug in his chest. Richie and Eddie were still kissing in the background, and a quick, unexpected thought crossed Bill’s mind--how he wouldn’t mind kissing Stan.
But as soon as the thought was there it was gone, Richie trying to pick Eddie up and knocking into Stan, nearly toppling all of them to the ground.
People around Bill were acting weird, and Bill couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. His parents always asked him why Stan wasn’t coming over, if he ended up spending the weekend at home, or why they weren’t going out to do something together. Even some of the Losers seemed surprised if they asked him where Stan was and he didn’t have an answer. As a result, Bill did end up spending more time with Stan, just because he was the only person actually acting normal. They did everything that they usually did, getting milkshakes and laying out on the grass at the park, Stan looking and pointing out the different birds he could see, Bill looking at Stan. Stan’s parents would go out on dates and Stan would invite Bill over, the two of them laughing through an attempt at making themselves dinner and watching stupid sitcoms on TV. Stan would sit close to him on the couch, their bodies becoming more and more relaxed as they sat there, reclining into a position that, more often than not, had them lying on each other and dozing off.
Eventually though, it got to a point that Bill decided to ask Ben about it.
“Why do people keep talking to me about Stan? I mean, we hang out a lot, but... It’s not like I like him more than I like the rest of you guys.”
“You--you don’t?” Ben asked, sounding both completely blindsided and curiously hesitant.
“I like all of you guys, Ben.”
“Yeah, but…” Ben frowned at him, then his whole face lit up in understanding, his mouth opening, his eyebrows going up. “Oh. Oh, oh no.”
“No, no, nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Ben, you have to tell me.” Bill stopped him, taking Ben by the shoulders. “What’s going on?”
“Well, we all…” Ben didn’t want to look him in the eye. “Bill, the way you look at Stan… Sometimes, it’s like the rest of us aren’t even there. And… He’s always looking at you. The Losers, we thought… We kinda thought you two were dating.”
“What?” Bill asked, thinking Ben was joking. But he sounded too serious for it to be a joke, and Ben never lied to him, so it had to be real. Even more surprising, Bill found his mind not automatically rejecting the idea. Going on dates with Stan, holding Stan’s hand, kissing him… Kissing him.
Bill wanted to kiss him. All he really had to do was figure out a way to ask.
Asking was proving to be difficult. He tried to think of something that would send a kind of a hint, a date sort of activity they could do together before Bill properly asked him out. The problem was, all of the things he came up with were things that they normally did, just as friends. An attempt to make those activities more romantic had them feeling over the top and sappy, and that wasn’t what he wanted either.
Realization came to Bill at Mike’s house, when he was supposed to be working on a history assignment and his mind was wandering. He sat upright in his seat, so quickly that Mike gave a start.
“Oh. Fuck.”
“Bill?” Mike’s voice was hesitant. “You okay? Is something wrong?”
“Mike, I… I’m stupid.” Was all Bill could think to say, Mike’s eyebrows going up his forehead.
“What do you mean?”
Bill began shoving his books haphazardly into his bag, not even noticing the papers getting bent every which way as he did so. He had to go. He had a question to ask.
“I’m--I’ve been trying to think of a way to go on a date with Stan, but, but…” Mike was looking at him with complete incredulity now-- “But I’m already dating Stan!”
He took off from Mike’s house as fast as he could, urging Silver down the street. He came to a screeching stop at Stan’s front door, knocking hard and hoping Stan was home.
Thankfully, neither of Stan’s parents came to the door. It was Stan, a pencil in his hand and a concerned look on his face.
“I saw you through the window, you look--is everything alright?”
“Stan, are we dating?”
Stan looked at him for a couple of moments before laughing. Then Bill didn’t laugh back, his face falling into something more serious.
“What are you talking about?”
“I… I didn’t notice it before, we went on the double date with Eddie and Richie that… That it was a date, right? We sat together, and we shared a popcorn, and you held on to me when you got scared. We do stuff--the stuff that we do all the time, like cooking together and marathoning TV reruns and going to the park after school--it’s things that couples do, and I really like you a lot, and then I was at Mike’s and I kind of realized--”
Bill’s flustered explanation stopped there because Stan had stepped close, reaching up with one hand to place it on Bill’s cheek, and drawing him in for a kiss. The kiss was sure and strong, Stan holding onto him tightly, the pencil in Stan’s other hand dropping with a small sound as Stan reached for one of Bill’s hands and held onto it. Stan kept a hold on Bill’s hand as he drew back.
“You finally realized it, huh? We can… We can be officially dating, if you want.”
Bill, unfortunately, was having a hard time finding words. Stan had stolen all the breath from his lungs.
“Bill?” Stan tried, his eyebrows drawing together, the expression so concerned and so cute that it brought Bill back in the moment. He could feel his face heating up from his neck to his ears.
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, yeah. I… I mean, I do.”
Stan smiled, the smile growing into a laugh, the laugh relaxing as he put his hand back on Bill’s cheek, drawing him in for another kiss. And this time Bill was ready for it, kissing Stan back. Stan took a tiny step closer as the kiss broke, humming in contentment, pressing his forehead to Bill’s own.
“Boyfriend, then?” He asked, and Bill beamed. Boyfriend. It had a nice ring to it.
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lemon-drop-writings · 7 years
Gibbous (Reddie/Stenbrough, Trans!Richie x Eddie/Stan x Bill) 2/???
Summary: The Losers Club is taking a long weekend away from their hometown of Derry and heading out into the forest to get some fresh air. Richie hopes he can put his past behind him and finally begin to start a future, hopefully involving Eddie. Bill is ready to be part of something more than himself; whether it be something as small as a relationship with a certain other member of the Losers Club, he doesn’t know.
Warnings: Dead name mention, mention of abusers, language, slight mention of weed, I think that’s it
Word Count: 1314
A/N: I never expected to get this much attention of this fic, but golly gee, y’all proved me wrong. I love you all! Enjoy chapter 2!
Richie smiled and tapped the steering wheel of his truck with his thumbs. It was moments like this that made Richie love his life; he was blaring “Dancing Queen” from his radio, beaming and dancing in his seat as his friends did the same, even Stan joining in and singing along to the song. All the way to the campsite, the group sang along to whatever came on the radio, and if they didn’t like it, they would talk instead. Richie felt more at home with them than he ever had with his parents. His friends were the ones who helped him cut his hair, order the right binder, find a loophole in the system for him to be able to start T shots; his parents refused to so much as call him anything other than “Rochelle”. Just the thought of his dead name made him shudder and caused his stomach to feel like it was full of stones.
The sound of Beverly’s voice singing out to Jessie J’s “Domino” broke him out of the train of anxiety-inducing thoughts. He took a deep breath and smiled, following Ben’s car up the hill and toward the group’s campsite for the weekend. Everything was going to be perfect; Mike was in charge of the food, assuring everyone that his famous cookies would make an appearance and that he could make the best campfire popcorn anyone had had in their entire lives. Ben brought extra pillows and blankets in case anyone got cold or they wanted to tell ghost stories- which he would most likely supply. Bill had a few tents piled in the bed of the truck, each would fit 2 or 3 of them. Bev had music covered, bringing her old radio and a stack of CDs in her backpack. Knowing Eddie, he had at least 3 first aid kits with him. Stan was going to lead everyone on a nature hike, being the boy scout he was. He had a display case in his room with all his badges, along with his uniform. He had long since quit, but he still liked to reminisce.
He kept tapping the steering wheel until he heard an advertisement come over the radio, shushing everyone and turning up the radio volume.
“Everyone shut up!”
“Yeah, and next week we’ll have live music from some local band. Uh, Flaming Uranus or something, I dunno, I forget. But they’ll be performing here from 6:30 to 11, so come get a drink and check ‘em out.”
“Fucking dipshit!” Richie spat. He turned the radio back down, “It’s calling Flinging Plutonium, dick wad!”
Bev chimed in from the backseat, “I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Rich. People will still come to see you perform.”
“The people we booked the gig with don’t even know our fucking name, Bev. Whatever, we’re still gonna kick ass.”
Stan snorted from his spot behind Bill, covering his mouth to hide a smile. Richie glared back at him, using the rear view mirror to send the look.
Richie followed Ben as he turned onto a long path leading into the forest. Beverly and Stan let their hands hang out of the windows of the back seat, brushing against leaves and ferns as Richie drove. Richie loved the smell of the forest, the scent of pine and warm soil reaching his nose. He couldn’t wait to spend 3 days out here.
Richie worked on unloading his truck while Bill and Stan set up the tents, conversing between themselves and chuckling occasionally. Ben and Mike teamed up to get the fire pit set up safely, leaving Eddie and Bev to help Richie. Just as the trio started to grab their backpacks, Bill spoke up.
“Hey guys, how are we pairing up?”
The group stopped for a moment, not having considered how they would pair off to share the tents.
Bev chimed in, “I don’t mind sharing for a trio, so whoever is fine for me.”
Ben grinned, hoping he might be able to share a tent with his favourite red-head.
“Well, I call sharing with my little Eds over here!” Richie chuckled, putting an arm around the shorter male’s shoulders and pulling him to his side.
“I swear to god, if you call me that one more fucking time I’m going to bash your skull to bits in your sleep,” Eddie retorted. He grumbled a little and shrugged Richie’s arm off him before adding, “Of course I’m your tent partner, moron.”
Richie beamed, planting a kiss to Eddie’s cheek before running away laughing from the smaller teen’s fury. He placed his backpack and sleeping bag inside the middle tent, “Hey Eddie Spaghetti, which side do you want?”
“What hand do you use for jacking off?”
“Right,” Richie smirked. “Why, sweet cheeks, wanna help?”
“I’ll take the right side of the tent,” Eddie plopped his backpack on the side of the tent he chose, ensuring he would be on Richie’s left side while ignoring the other teen’s comment.
“Thanks for sharing with me, Spaghetti man. Imagine if I had to share with Stan the Man, haha,” Richie unrolled his sleeping bag and put his backpack and guitar on top of it. “Nothing but birds and Bill, birds and Bill.”
“And with you, nothing but sex and my mom, sex and my mom,” Eddie rolled his eyes, teasing his friend.
“Aw, Eds, I promise I won’t talk about your mom. Or doing your mom. Scout’s honour.”
“You were never a scout, Rich.”
Before Richie could send back a witty retort, Beverly’s voice rung out from outside the tent, “Hey dipshits, we’re going to go swim. Wanna join?”
Richie grinned, grabbing swim shorts and a t-shirt from his bag, “I’m in, gingerbread!”
Eddie hummed a soft response, grabbing his own swim clothes before looking over at Richie and immediately averting his eyes, “JESUS CHRIST, RICHARD, WARN ME.”
“Aw c’mon Eds, you know you like the view,” Richie teased, wiggling his ass at the other, his boxers covering what his tugged down jeans didn’t.
“Richard, I, unlike some people in the room, respect privacy and modesty. Now if you could please turn around?”
Richie nodded, turning away from his tentmate. He knew Eddie was sensitive about these things.
Beverly wobbled on Ben’s broad shoulders. Bill laughed as he pushed back against her hands from the top of Mike’s own shoulders, Stan sitting on Richie’s off to the side. Eddie was the score keeper, watching the others chicken fight.
“You’re going down, Marsh!” Bill chuckled, reciprocating the force she applied to his hands and arms.
“Oh yeah? Take this!” She beamed, pushing the boy back into the water with a large splash.
Eddie grinned, moving his arms through the water, “Hey guys, is anyone else getting hungry?”
The others looked over, considering. They all nodded in consensus, muttering an agreement and working their way towards the shore of the lake.
Richie caught up with Eddie, grinning and humming a little, “What did you have in mind for food, my dear Eduardo?”
“I mean, we have noodles if we boil water over a fire,” Eddie trudged back towards to campsite, wrapping his towel around his small frame. His wet curls clung to his forehead, dripping slightly and leaving trails of water along his bare collar and shoulders. Richie couldn’t help but notice how the droplets magnified the sprinkling of light freckles on Eddie’s body, even on such a miniscule scale. He had stopped listening to what Eddie was saying, too preoccupied with the exquisite features of the boy he had admired for years now.
“Richie? Are you listening?”
“Hm? Yeah! Yes, of course Eds,” Richie gave him a cheesy grin as they all gathered at the campsite, Mike starting a fire in the pit they set up.
Beverly smiled as she grabbed her backpack, pulling out a small plastic bag, “So fellas….anyone wanna get blazed?”
Tag List: @edsrich​ @bxxpbxxprichie​ @liohprincexx​ @strangerbeeps​ @childishsoup​ @oopstoziertrash​ @trishadasta @beep-beep-gazebos​ @trashy-tozier​ @blubun​ @killerxqueer​ @gayknifeboy​ @ahyesfandoms​ @letgoofmygreggo​ @eddiekaspbraks-inhaler​ @littlepinkemily​ @toopunktolivetooemotodie​ @richiestoziers​ (If you want to be added or if I forgot to add you, shoot me a message and I’ll get you right on here for chapter 3!)
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sarahcamerons · 7 years
pairing: stenbrough
summary: a headcanon i wrote with @finn-wolfhards that turned into a long ass fic
warnings: angst, tooth rotting fluff, swearing i guess?
word count: 2.4k
thanks to @richiestoziers for being the beta for this fic you’re the actual best
If there was one thing Stanley Uris envied about Richie Tozier, it was how easy everything seemed to be for him. He envied how once everyone found out about Eddie and him it was easy for them to fall into not hiding their relationship anymore. He knew the decision to hide his relationship with Bill from the rest of The Losers for the time being was a good one. The less people that knew right now, the better. He didn’t even want to think about what his father would do if he found out about it. Still, he couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten when he saw Eddie and Richie holding hands or sharing a kiss before class.
Stan and Bill had a special relationship. Around the others they seemed nothing more than friends, not even close friends at that, but when they were alone they both turned to complete mush. Always touching in some way, soft kisses during study sessions, cuddling, mixtapes, all the sappy shit they knew the other Losers would tease them for. Bill and Stan were completely in love - even if they hadn’t admitted it yet. Even if the other Losers were completely oblivious to the relationship between the two boys; sometimes, if he looked close enough, Richie could swear he could see Stan’s face light up at the sight of Bill’s smile - the same way his own did around Eddie.
It had taken them a long time to get to how they act alone, even. It’d started with shy smiles, prolonged staring, bonding over things the other Losers didn’t really care about, like books and plants. It started with Bill and Stan riding home, staying close together, like gravity made it impossible for them to stray too far from each other, after the other losers had already went home, but the two wanted to put off leaving just a little longer. It started with Stan asking, nervous and shaky, even though he’d been rolling the question around in his head for fifteen minutes, “you wanna go see a movie tomorrow?”
“S-s-sure. Anyone else going?” Bill replied, even though he knew Stan would’ve asked them all as a group just an hour ago if it was a group plan. But still, he and Stan didn’t make plans to hang out alone together, like Richie and Eddie, or Ben and Bev, it just happened sometimes.
“I was thinking just you and me,” Stan kept his eyes on the payment, feeling nauseous, so focused on keeping his legs moving and his bike from toppling over that he almost didn’t hear Bill’s response.
“Sounds g-good.”
So, in reality, it had started the next day in the back row of The Aladdin Theatre, when the AC was blasting so high it felt like it was winter and not late summer, when Bill Denbrough reached under the armrest and grabbed Stan’s hand. And Stan wanted to play it cool, he really did, but his face got red and hot like it was on fire, and he looked down at their intertwined hands like they were something to be marveled at. And that’s how they remained for the rest of the movie, fingers interlocked, their thumbs occasionally rubbing circles on the backs of each other's hands, and smiles playing on their lips.
Their first kiss came a few days later. The two boys were laying in Bill’s backyard, eyes squinted against the sun, attempting to pick out shapes in the clouds. After neither of them could spot anything more interesting than a bunny or some other fluffy animal, they resorted to just talking. Laying there, shoulders touching, so close they could feel the steady rise and fall of each other’s chests, they were content.
Bill doesn’t even remember thinking the thought, but somehow, it had come to him. He only remembers lying there, in the middle of his backyard, with Stanley Uris, and he was happy. Stan made him happy. He doesn’t remember thinking about it, but he sure as hell remembered doing it. He remembered sitting straight up so abruptly, Stan had followed, sure something was wrong. He remembered the sound of surprise that had escaped Stan as he connected their lips and the feeling that came along with it. His whole body had been filled with a comforting warm tingle, one that remained for hours afterward. He remembered kissing Stanley Uris and feeling him kiss back, the world swirling around him, both of them smiling like idiots when they parted. He also remembered Stan kissing him again briefly before they parted ways that afternoon.
Bill and Stan had been dating just short of two months when it happened. The afternoon started out like any other they spent together. Both of them sprawled across Stan’s bed, their schoolwork strewn between them. Neither of them needed the others help with homework, they were both smart kids, however they did enjoy each other’s company. It made the task a little more bearable when they tackled it together. Arguably, it did make it a significant amount harder for Bill Denbrough to focus when his incredibly cute boyfriend was sitting across from him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion at one of the twenty math equations in front of him.
Bill groaned, pushing his work to the side. He couldn’t seem to figure out the last five or six problems.
“I c-can’t do it anymore. J-just can’t do it,” Bill sighed flinging himself backwards onto the bed.
Stan smiled fondly, stifling a laugh in the crook of his arm.
“You’re so dramatic,” he laughed moving over to sit beside Bill. He ruffled the other boy’s hair before wrapping an arm around him and pulling him into his side. Bill quickly adjusted his position, cuddling closer to Stan’s side. He could feel the warmth radiating off him, reaching under his skin and against his chest, slowly thawing out all the parts of him that had been frozen ever since Georgie disappeared. He reached over to intertwine his fingers with Stan’s, noticing - not for the first time - how perfectly their hands seemed to fit together, like they were made to hold each other.
The two stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, lost in each other’s company. Both boys taking in each other’s scent and warmth, limbs tangled together, and soft smiles on their lips. Occasionally, they would steal kisses from one another, some lingering longer than others.
Bill doesn’t really know when it happened, when everything just fell apart around them. The mixtape they made together played, a messy mix of both of their taste, and Mr. Uris comes in somewhere before the first chorus of Lips Like Sugar.
Mrs. Uris always knocked, that’s why they always feel okay being like this, tangled up in each other’s arms and hearts. The promise of a warning is enough for them to relax, to act like Stan’s room is a private island far, far away from Derry.
Mr. Uris didn’t knock. He just walked in, because it wasn’t an island in the Caribbean with a population of two, surrounded by water and completely safe. It was Stan’s normal bedroom in the Uris home, and Mr. Uris doesn’t think he should have to knock to get into a room he owns.
Which is how he walks in on Stan and Bill, closer than friends would lay on a bed, Bill’s hand lost somewhere in Stan’s hair.
Stan recoiled so quickly, like Bill was a poisonous snake or something even more dangerous, and practically fell out of bed.
“Dad-” he starts, but Mr. Uris is quicker, and he looks more angry than either boy’s ever seen.
After that first sentence, cut off with a fierce glare, it got blurry and too fast for Bill to keep up with. Mr. Uris screamed at Stan, really screaming and yelling, but Stan didn’t move. He stood stock still, his full attention on the soft carpet beneath his feet. He looked like he might cry, but he didn’t, because he even though he was terrified he knew that tears would only make everything a hundred times worse.
And Bill hated Mr. Uris then in that moment. He’s never loved any of his friend’s parents, but he’s never thought of Stan’s parents like this, screaming in his face about what a disappointment he is and how disgusting cuddling is. And Bill got so angry, hot red flashes burning at his eyes and in his fists. But all he did was weakly grab his bag, stuffing all the forgotten homework in and walk out.
Bill didn’t even realize he was crying until he reached Richie's house. If Richie hadn’t asked if he was okay Bill probably wouldn’t have noticed at all. He hadn’t even realized where he was heading, it was as if his bike had a mind of it’s own, automatically knowing where to go. He had been greeted by typical Richie, jokes and all, but his demeanor changed when he noticed Bill’s mood.
The pair had retreated to Richie’s room not long after Bill arrived, sitting on his bed, neither of them saying a word. For the most part, Bill’s tears were silent, but sometimes Richie would hear him release a shaky sob. Richie never had any use for comforting people, but when he needed to, he was good at it. He wrapped an arm around Bill’s slim shoulders, causing him to flinch at the contact before relaxing again.
“So, what exactly happened?” Richie asked after a while, once Bill finally calmed down to the point Richie felt it was appropriate to ask.
At this, Bill broke down again. His whole body shaking as he cried, tripping over his words more than usual. “S-s-stan’s d-dad. He s-saw us.”
Richie, totally clueless about the relationship between the two boys, scrunched his face in confusion.
“Saw you doing what? Fuckin’ math homework?” He replied, laughing softly.
Bill shook his head.
“N-no we were c-c-cuddling. Kissing. S-stuff that just f-friends don’t do.” He didn’t make eye contact, scared of what Richie might think of him. Scared he would be mad he hadn’t told him.
But, Richie wasn’t mad, the exact opposite, actually. He told Bill he was happy for him and Stan, enveloping him in a warm hug that made Bill feel like everything was going to be okay after all. Richie left and returned with a glass of water. Ignoring all of Bill's protests about not needing it, that he was alright.
“Drink it,” he said thrusting the cup towards Bill. “You need it. You’ve literally been crying for like a solid hour.”
Bill listened and drank all of it, feeling better now that he wasn’t severely dehydrated, the headache he’d developed easing off.
The next day, a Friday, Stan wasn’t at school. Bill was sure Stan hated him, that the next time they saw each other he wouldn’t even look at him. Bill had never seen him the way he was yesterday, so quiet, as if he’d just completely shut down. Stan was never super emotional - Bill only ever remembers seeing him cry once, back in the sewers, when he’d thought they all left him for dead - but it was strange to see him that way, shut off. He was so sure Stan would never speak to him again. Scared that he’d ruined Stan’s life and Bill’s bond with him along with it.
Stan’s absence was noticed. It was felt. The other Losers asked where he was that morning before class, again at lunch, and once more after the final bell. Every time Richie and Bill remained silent, exchanging glances and shrugging slightly.
The next time Stan and Bill saw each other was exactly three days later - they had both been counting. Bill arrived at the barrens later than usual, the other Losers already there, sitting around on the grass, talking amongst themselves. None of them commented on Bill’s tardiness, but if Bill thought they didn’t notice, he’d be wrong. They all exchanged questioning looks at him arriving late. Bill was never late. In fact, often he would arrive earlier than any of the others. But, as if they had some sort of mental connection, they all decided to brush it off.
Stan arrived ten or fifteen minutes later, his eyes glued to the ground, afraid to look up at his friends for fear of meeting Bill’s gaze.
Bill looked up, attempting to make eye contact, a wave of nausea washing over him when he realized Stan was avoiding his eyes on purpose. He hates me. He gripped the bottom of his shirt in his fist, attempting to choke down the bile threatening to make its way up his throat. He hates me.
Bill pushed his thoughts out of his mind, assuring himself there’s no way they could be true. He stood before making his way over to Stan, walking towards him as fast as he could without running. When he reached him, Bill had wrapped his arms around Stan, hugging him so tightly the other boy almost fell over from the sudden addition of weight.
Stan wrapped his arms around Bill, hugging him back just as tightly. Bill buried his face in Stan’s neck, his once jagged breathing steadying at the familiar scent. He doesn’t hate me.
“I was w-w-worried about y-you.” Bill mumbled into the fabric of Stan’s shirt. “I love you.” He didn’t stutter once over the last three words even though he was nervous as hell. That’s how sure he was of them, he had been for a while now.
Stan pulled away from the hug, holding Bill at arms length. Bill was sure this was it, that his words were some sort of final straw. So sure that Stan was going to tell him that this wasn’t going to work, that it wasn’t worth it. Even if he knew Stan would never do that, it didn’t stop the thoughts from forcing their way in. After getting a good look at Bill he pulls him back into the hug.
Now it was Stan who was tripping over his words. "M-me too, I mean, fuck, I love you too, so much." He kissed the top of Bill’s head, briefly glancing over to their other friends who were all staring at them, very obviously confused at the display before them. All of them except Richie, of course, who had made some comment like “that’s gay guys” and proceeding to plant a kiss on Eddie, who smiled in return.
None of them asked any questions that day, only telling the two how happy they were for them. The rest of the day was spent sitting around on the ground of The Barrens, laughing and smiling, as if nothing bad could ever ruin this day - and nothing could.
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tomsgreg · 7 years
But She’s  a Cheerleader
Summary:  Eddie Kaspbrak is a senior in high school with a lot of promise in his future. He has the “perfect” girl, good grades, and a few good friends. Sure he isn’t the most popular kid in school, but he’s happy. All of that changes though when his mother, friends, even his own girlfriend think he’s gay. All because he wants to be a cheerleader. When he arrives he meets a bunch of interesting characters, the most interesting being Richie Tozier, a complete trashmouth who unlike the rest, doesn’t want to fix what’s clearly wrong with him. Based on the film “But I’m a Cheerleader" 
Ships: Reddie, and some side Stenbrough later
Author’s Notes:  AHHHH! I’m so excited about this fic you don’t even know. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Feel free to send me stuff/asks/whatever about this because I’d love to talk about it! Also: If you wanna be added to the tag list, either message me or shoot me an ask! I’m happy to add anyone!
Link to AO3
Eddie sat in the bleachers as his girlfriend was wrapping up her cheerleading practice. He heard the head cheerleader say something about donuts and being at the school at 7:30 Saturday morning to head to the football playoffs upstate. Eddie never really understood the appeal of football at all. Or why anyone would be so dedicated to cheering on the players. However, something always fascinated Eddie about cheerleading as a sport. Maybe it was the fun beats, or maybe it’s because it was a sport that was invented just to make people feel good; nothing more nothing less. Something about that concept always made Eddie want to try cheerleading, which he’s brought up to his girlfriend in passing. Just to see what she’d say “I would love to have you on the team Eddie bear, but this is Derry, and Derry wouldn’t be as supportive as me”  Needless to say, his excuse that he wants to look at pretty girls in short skirts got him the silent treatment for nearly a week. She was right though, Derry wasn’t exactly a progressive town to live in, and given that Eddie was never the most masculine of men anyway, cheerleading would only make the already present rumors worse. I’m not gay though, Eddie thought to himself. So why should it matter? He was pulled out of his thoughts by Jenna tugging on his wrist
“Hey, Eddie bear!” She exclaimed, hardly sweaty from the hour-long practice. “Hey, babe. How was practice?” He said, grabbing onto the small of her back, pulling her close and placing a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It went fine.” she pulled herself away from him and walked beside him to his car.
“Can you believe it? First time in 27 years that Derry High is making it to the state championships!” “Eh, you know I don’t really care about that kind of stuff.” “Awh Eddie, no fun. So what pray tell will you be doing Saturday instead of being normal?” I am normal. Why does everyone think otherwise? He laughed it off, “Oh you know. Just the usual, homework, work. Stressing over college.” She pouted, “Awh, you’re stressed? I have the perfect solution.”
She tapped his nose and pulled him by the arm through the parking lot before making him unlock the car doors. Once the two of them were in the front seat of the old convertible, Jenna had attached her lips to his. It was wet, slobbery and nothing about it made Eddie want to kiss back. In fact, all he wanted to do was to pull away. He turned his face away from hers. “Jen, I-I need to get home for dinner.” “You can’t stay here with me for a little bit? Not even five minutes?” She may be a horrendous kisser, but he really didn’t like seeing her upset. She was a decent enough girl. He supposed he loved her. If love meant preferring to see them happy just so you didn’t have to deal with them being angry,
“I mean I guess I could…” She let out a suggestive chuckle before reattaching her lips to his. He couldn’t help but think if this is how other girls kissed their boyfriends, or more if this is how most guys kissed their girlfriends. His friends said they thought kissing their girlfriends was hot. She had to be doing something wrong for him to hate it so much.  He thinks back to the football captain, Mike Hanlon and how happy he is when he kisses his girlfriend. He thought about how it was gentle and it was almost as if they were one, in sync. What must it be like to kiss him? That’s Normal. Everyone wonders these things, right? Eddie thought to himself, that’s all it was after all. Curiosity. Jenna moved her lips from his mouth to his jaw line and that’s where he drew the line. Pulling away from her kisses. “Jen. I-I really should get home” “Fine.” She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him, placing herself as far away from him as she could get in the small car. He sighed and created even more of a distance between the two before turning the keys in the ignition. —– Eddie sat at the dinner table as his mother prepared his plate, putting a huge chicken breast on his plate along with the vegetables already on his plate. “Eddie, you need to eat meat. You’re fragile enough already. Please?” She pleaded as she did at every meal. Eddie pushed the meat away from the rest of the food on the plate, grimacing at the oils it left behind in the spot it once was, “Ma, I tell you every night. I’m fine.” “Eddie, please. You’re wasting food.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders and dug into his serving of mashed potatoes. “I don’t know what happened to my sweet Eddie. You won’t take your pills anymore, and now this. One day you’ll be sorry that you didn’t listen to me.” He shrugged again and continued eating his dinner. They had this discussion almost every night, one would think she’d give up by now, but if anything she got more persistent. Serving up fewer vegetables at every dinner trying to force him into eating what was on his plate, whether he liked it or not. At this point, he was shocked she hadn’t stopped serving them all together. He quickly ate his dinner, anxious to get up to his room and avoid his overbearing mother. —– Eddie’s entire day was strange. It all started when his alarm went off to get up for school, as usual; and his mother came in to check if he was awake, as usual. “You up Eddie?” She asked, sounding off in a way that Eddie couldn’t quite place. He just knew he had a bad feeling about it. “Yea mom. I’m up.” He said, rolling out of bed slowly and turning off his alarm. “Okay. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” “Okay, ma.” She turned away and closed the door behind her, something she’s never done before today. Eddie thought nothing of it, maybe his mother was finally learning the word privacy. He should be grateful if anything. He threw on an oversized school sweater that had the words ‘GO RAIDERS!’ printed onto the front along with the cleanest pair of jeans he could find on the floor of his messy room and he brushed his curls into something manageable before heading downstairs. “Hey, mommy” he went up behind her and kissed her cheek before quickly grabbing his lunch and heading out the door. Mrs. Kaspbrak watched him go, hoping she was making the right choice. He put his book bag and lunch in the back seat of his car and got into the driver’s seat, turning the keys in the ignition and driving to Jen’s house to pick her up from her house. When the car started, so did his radio. Some song he put on a playlist for Jen a while back started playing. It wasn’t even a real song per se, it’s from that old Adam Sandler movie Jen always made him watch, The Wedding Singer. ‘Oh it could be so nice, growin’ old with you’ Sure, he knew they wouldn’t grow old together. They were only in high school, and Eddie knew they weren’t truly in love, or at least he wasn’t. That’s why Eddie didn’t really take the playlist all too seriously. Just kind of putting what he could think of at the time onto the cd. Even if he was in love, they’re only 18. Making any commitment to anyone at his age was irresponsible. He still had to go to college and find out exactly where he was going in life before he tried dragging someone into it forever. He pulled up to her house and she was already waiting on her porch. She rushed into the car and pecked his cheek. “Awh, you’re listening to the playlist you made me. How sweet” She clicked in her seatbelt and Eddie began driving in the direction of the school. “Hey babe, I-I’m not feeling too good, can we skip school?” She pleaded. “I mean you can, I can turn around and drop you off at home, but I really need to go to school.” She pouted, “but I want my boyfriend to take care of me. Please? Have someone send you the notes.” He looked at her briefly and sighed, she didn’t look sick at all, but she’d probably be angry if he didn’t eventually give in, “Can’t someone take care of you at home?” “Nobody’s home to babe. Please? Pretty please? I’ll give you anything you want.” “Fine. Let’s go.” He turned the car around and back in the direction of his house, where his strange morning was about to become the worst day of his life.
Tag list: @rheddie @clamcrabcocklekaworu @i-dont-floss @gazebos-are-bullshit @ghoulishkaspbrak @bcckybeaver @richiexeds @isamarneedstosleep @but-no-homo-bro @majestic-phan7 @penvelynn @shqipshqip @beepibeeprichie
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