#i wanna live dawg. i wanna live the happiness that was dulled when i was a childer child
hallucenati · 1 year
yknow im really tired of comparing myself to everything recently. people are happier w/o social media, people have more weight on them than me, people have better art styles, people are "more autistic" which isnt even a thing to compare, people are more /me/ than /me myself/ and i literally wonder "why do i care this much? people say theyre so happy but im happy the way i am? should i be happy like them?" and then i try and im like "i cant do this like them" and that makes me sad and i cant change some things about myself so it really just makes me wonder why i even try to change. i dont have to. im literally the best me /right now/ and the more i live the better me ill be. so like. why compare? im not trying to be not me anymore
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