#i wanna get more into legos i think this kit has been a great start
browntrait · 1 year
decided to do some more unpacking n found my lego bouquet set!! ik what imma be doin for the rest of the afternoon 🙌🏾
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch11: I’m Thankful for Chicken Nuggets
Chapter Summary: It’s Thanksgiving and Mary’s eating chicken nuggets.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s thanks!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment… The Boat Company used here IS an actual company in South Pas, but I got no idea who runs it so this is completely made up- roll with me here.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 10
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 “Good morning, Handsom.” Fliss smiled as she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she continued to fork up the bedding in the stable.
“Morning sweetheart.” His soft voice hit her ear.
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Back at ya.” He chuckled softly “You at the yard?” “Yeah, been here a few hours now.”
“Do you need a hand with anything or…” “That’s really sweet but there’s not much left to do.” she replied, honestly “They’re all out for the day and are staying there until tomorrow morning so I’ve just a couple of stables and then some paper work to sort out before I pop back this evening to do a check.” “Ok so, once you’re done for the morning you’re free for a while?” “Yeah, why?”
“Mary had an idea.” “I did not!” Fliss heard the seven year old scoff  “It was your…” “Ok, WE had an idea,” Frank conceded and there was some scuffling and Fliss could imagine he was holding Mary at arm’s length as she made a grab for the phone, “that maybe you might wanna come join us for dinner if you have time.”
“You mean your Thanksgiving dinner of chicken nuggets?” Fliss grinned “How could I turn that down?”
“Cool, just head over when you’re done.” “I might need to head home and shower.” She looked down at herself. “I’m filthy and probably don’t smell great either to be honest.” “You can change here if you want.”
Fliss paused, she had a spare change of clothes in her car. Well, a pair of sweats and a different polo shirt. She normally kept them there just in case of a downpour.
“Erm, sure, if you don’t mind…” “No of course not.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you in about two hours or so?” Fliss smiled.
“Great.” Frank replied “See you soon.” ******
Fliss didn’t bother knocking. She opened the door to the apartment and was immediately barrelled into by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hey!” she chuckled, dropping her bag. “Wanna let me get inside first Stack?”
Mary stepped back and Fliss straightened up and smiled as Frank walked into the kitchen.
“Hey, Beautiful.” he smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips. Mary sidled off into the main room, a smirk on her face.
“I stink.” Fliss warned “I mucked out twelve stables today.”
“Yeah, you’ve smelt better!” Frank laughed as she snorted. “You know where the bathroom is. Fresh towels in there. You need anything out of this or…” He gestured to her bag, as he went to pick it up.
“It’s just my clothes so…”
“I’ll put it in my room.” He smiled, giving her another kiss. “I would offer to come scrub your back but…” he inclined his head to the main room and Fliss gave a snort.
“Calm down, Sailor” she teased “Plenty of time for that later.”
“Promises, promises.” He grinned, picking her bag up and heading through to his room. He dropped her bag onto his bed, glancing round. He’d attempted to tidy a little bit after the realisation she’d actually never been in his room before. After their night together the previous week they hadn’t managed another night alone, Fliss being a little ‘uncomfortable’ at being together like that when Mary was literally outside the door and to be honest, it wasn’t something Frank was particularly happy about either. It had never bothered him before, because Mary was never there when he brought a girl home but this was different. That said, he knew he was going to have to find somewhere bigger soon, Greg had warned him it would likely be a condition of him being awarded Guardianship. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t concerning him a bit, living pay-check to pay-check didn’t leave him a huge housing budge but he’d work something out, he always did.
Pushing the worry from his mind, he closed the bedroom door and headed back into the room. Mary was sat on the rug looking at the instructions to the new lego kit he had bought her for Thanksgiving.
“Sussed it out yet Stack?” He asked and she gave him a withering look. He bit back the laugh that was bubbling in his throat and sat next to her, taking from her, trying to figure the instructions out to make the Storm Trooper helmet, Star Wars being her latest obsession.
“That’s upside down…” She rolled her eyes, taking it from him to turn it the right way up.
“My bad.” He shrugged, looking at it again. “Ok, so…this piece…and we need one of these…” Together they began to pull together the elements they needed for the first section and the next time Frank looked up was when Fliss walked into the living area, a little shyly, wrapped in a towel. Her long, auburn hair was piled up on top of her head and her shoulders were speckled with water. She smiled as she padded past to his bedroom, Mary not even looking up as Frank watched her with his eyes as she closed the door behind her, giving him another smile. There was something so simple, so domestic about the situation, Frank couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest.
Roberta was right, he definitely had it bad.
“When we gonna give Fliss her present?” Mary asked, looking up at Frank.
“After dinner.” He said “Which reminds me, best turn the oven on.”
“Would be a start.” Mary agreed.
Frank rolled his eyes and stood up, heading into the kitchen. Shoving the stuff in the oven, he returned and found Fliss was now sat with Mary who was showing her the instructions.
“I LOVE Star Wars.” Fliss grinned, “So does my Dad. He has a Cinema Room in the house upstairs and a poster from every single Star Wars film on the wall. I’ll show you later tonight.” “A Cinema Room?” Mary asked. “Like, with a huge screen?” “Yeah. It’s pretty cool. When I finally get round to buying a house I’m gonna build one too.” “Do you think I could watch something in there tonight?”
“Mary,” Frank started to warn her but Fliss smiled.
“Frank it’s okay.” she said. “And yeah, course you can. If you have a favourite DVD we can take that or you can pick. We have loads on the hard-drive and Sky.”
It wasn’t long before they were sat round the small kitchen table which had been pulled into the living room to allow them more room. Frank and Mary both showed Fliss their favourite thing to eat in the world- Chicken Nugget Sandwiches. After a sceptical look, Fliss leaned over to take a bite of Frank’s as he offered it and gave a small laugh announcing that it was actually pretty good. After a large slice of Chocolate cake each that had been made for them by Roberta, they collapsed onto the sofa, Mary once more on the rug, Fliss groaning about the “food baby” she was growing, rubbing her hand over her stomach.
“Hey Frank?” Mary looked at him. “Is it time now?”
It took Frank a moment and then he realised what Mary was talking about. “Oh, yeah, hang on…”
He hopped off the sofa and headed into his bedroom, pulling the small gift bag from his dresser. He walked back into the living room and sat back down, shyly handing it to her.
“You got me a gift?” Fliss’ eyes went wide.
“Yeah.” Frank shrugged.
“You really shouldn’t have…” Fliss looked at him. “I didn’t get you two anything…” “That’s not the point of giving a gift.”  Mary looked at her sternly. “You don’t give to receive, right Frank?”
“Right.” Frank nodded, leaning back on the sofa, looking at Fliss “And I wanted to…” he gestured between him and Mary where she was sat, Fred crawling into her lap, “…we wanted to, say thank you for everything over the last few months.” Fliss smiled at him and then Frank saw a childish excitement cross her face “Can I open it now?” He nodded, glad she was going to as he wanted to see her face when she did.
With delicate fingers she gently undid the ribbon that the woman at the store had wrapped it with and her mouth dropped open when she saw the white box which was emblazoned with the Pandora name and logo
“Frank,” she looked at him, before she opened the box and stared at the contents. She blinked before her hand gently covered her mouth as she saw the silver charm bracelet that was inside.
“I thought it was time you started a new one, for new memories.” He said gently as she reached into the box and took out the bracelet which held a single charm in the shape of a boat.
Fliss swallowed, and her eyes filled with tears. “I…” She took a deep breath and Frank frowned as he saw her struggling for composure.
“Hey,” he said, turning sideways on the sofa. His hand gently rubbed up her arm and she fell into him, pressing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms round her.
“You made Fliss cry. On Thanksgiving.” Mary deadpanned, throwing a ping pong ball for Fred.
“Why don’t you go do that outside?” Frank asked. “Stay on the step.” Mary shrugged and stood up, doing as she was told.
“You ok?” He asked Fliss softly as his hands rubbed at her back. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and she nodded taking a deep breath.
“Sorry, that was…” she sat back, wiping her eyes. “Absolutely fucking ridiculous…”
“You do like it right?” he asked, suddenly feeling a little nervous.
“Baby, I love it.” She smiled at him, and he felt his chest swell not only at the fact she liked the gift, but that was the first time she’d used that particular pet name, and he kinda liked it. “I just, well, I can’t believe you remembered about my bracelets.”
He shrugged as she reached out to gently cup his cheek.
“Thank you.” she smiled softly, leaning over to kiss him. He happily leaned into the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth, sliding against hers as she met him movement for movement before there was a light cough and Frank groaned, resting his forehead against Fliss’ as he turned to look at Mary.
“Need another ping pong ball. The last one flew under Roberta’s BBQ and I aint going under there…spiders and stuff.” She headed to the box at the back of the room, dug in and retrieved a net of ping pong balls, digging one out.
“Wanna go outside?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. He stood up and held out his hand, pulling her up with him and they headed out after Mary.
A little while later, after a game of tag on the lawn which resulted in both the girls tackling Frank to the floor in a huge tickle fight, Fliss noting that he was ridiculously ticklish and filing it for future reference, they headed back inside, grabbed their things and after an almost tantrum from Mary who wanted to bring Fred and Frank refusing, they headed off in Fliss’ jeep for the yard to do the final checks for the evening. They were just about to head up to the field to make sure all the horses were settled and the waters were topped up when Bill walked onto the yard.
“Shouldn’t you be with mum getting stuff ready for the party?” Fliss frowned at her Dad, surprised to see him.
“Are you joking!” Bill scoffed “You know what she’s like.” He coughed and then put on a light, airey voice “Bill, those champagne flutes are grouped in threes, not fours. No, those plates don’t go there, they go there. What are you doing with that cheeseboard, the grapes go in the middle…”
Frank felt his eyebrow raise slightly as Fliss laughed. Champagne, cheeseboards? This was not the type of party he was used to, at all.
“Oh don’t worry.” Fliss clocked his face. “It descends into debauchery and chaos after about an hour, mum just likes to play the part of hostess with the mostess…”
“I like cheese.” Mary piped up.
“Good, we got plenty of it.” Bill said. “But, anyway, I dropped by for a reason. I picked something up earlier this afternoon that I think you might like.”
“Me?” Fliss frowned, but before she could say anything else Frank’s attention was taken by a man who was walking down the side of the barn. He slightly taller than Frank, quite stocky and had a shock of dark brown hair and looked ridiculously like Bill. Fliss gave a little shriek and ran towards the man, throwing herself into his arms as he laughed, twirling her round slightly before he dropped her to the floor.
“That’s her brother.” Mary supplied and Frank gave her a look.
“Yeah I kinda figured that.” He rolled his eyes. “How do you know anyway?”
“Saw a photo of him.” Mary shrugged.
Frank turned his attention back to the two siblings and Fliss was now looking between her father and her brother, confusion on her face. “What, I mean, how, why are you here?”
“In New York for a stag do on Saturday.” Steve replied “Thought I’d take the chance and pop down here for a day or so.”
“Does Mum know you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah, she does now.” he laughed “There were a few tears when I rocked up.” “Frank made Fliss cry before.” Mary said, and all attention turned to Frank who hung his head and let out an audible groan.
“Seriously?” He looked at her as Fliss burst out laughing.
“Because I was happy.” She said, shaking her head “He bought me a new Pandora.” Frank didn’t miss the exchange of looks between father and son, both wearing identical expressions of surprise which morphed into soft smiles as Fliss moved and slid under Frank’s arm.
“Frankie, this is my brother Steve.” she smiled, as Steve stepped forward, holding his hand out. “Or Steeb, Steeby…whatever you want to call him.” “Nice to meet you.” Frank smiled as Steve shook his hand, his grip firm.
“Likewise.” Steve smiled “Heard a lot about you.” He then turned to his left and looked down “And you must be Mary.” “Yup,” She smiled, looking at him “Did you bring your kids?”
“Mary.” Frank warned gently as he looked at her, shaking his head.
“What?” She asked, “I was just asking a question. I wanted to meet them.” “No, not this time.” Steve smiled “Just a flying visit. But they’re coming over for Christmas so I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see them then.” He straightened up and smiled at Fliss. “Where’s that grumpy ginger Nag?” Fliss narrowed her eyes “Don’t you talk about Heidi like that. She’s in the top field.”
“I thought he was talking about V.”  Bill mumbled to Frank who gave a snort, and then looked at the man, the pair of them bursting into laughter. By the time they had composed themselves, Steve and Fliss were stood, watching the pair of them, hands on their hips in almost identical poses.
“They do this all the time.” Fliss shook her head. “Come on, I’ll take you to see H. I was on my way up to check them all anyway. You coming Stack?” she looked at Mary. Mary grinned and ran forward, linking her hand into Fliss’.
Frank miss the eyebrow raised on Steve’s face, before the man smiled softly, dropping an arm round Fliss’ shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
Fliss changed quickly when they were home into a pair of jeans, a strappy top and a pair of sandals before the three of them walked over to the house after another near argument about getting Mary to leave the bucket of lego she had brought with her in the annex, which Fliss cleverly managed to avoid with the mention of the Cinema Room.
The house was busy, not packed but busy, and there was no way Frank was going to remember everyone’s names. But he smiled and shook hands as Bill introduced him to people, and he was surprised to find he felt at ease. Most of the people were older than him and Fliss, bar her brother of course, and it was a different circle and class of people he would normally mix with but he certainly didn’t feel like any of them were looking down at him, a stark contrast to how he used to feel at his Mother’s parties.
Well, they weren’t really parties, more like a gathering which rich snobs used to brag to other rich snobs about how much money they had.
“And this is Mike, Martin and Keith.” Bill said, nodding to the final three men, one of whom was giving Fliss a hug.
“You look great!” She beamed at him “How much weight have you lost now?” “40lb.” the man called Keith nodded and Fliss grinned.
“That’s awesome.”
“All down to the golf.” He smiled, gesturing to Mike, Martin and Bill “These guys drag me up there regularly enough.” “Frank hates golf.” Mary said. “Says it ruins a good walk.”
There was a pause as Frank groaned, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. He glared at Mary who looked at him, frowning.
“What?” She asked as Bill suddenly began to roar with laughter, the other men joining in.
Frank shook his head and looked round. “It’s just not my thing…”he said, by means of an explanation. “I prefer playing basket ball or baseball.”
“Each to their own.” The man called Martin beamed. “To be honest when I was your age I hated it too. Was far more into drinking and women.” “Frank likes that too.” Mary said, and Frank then really did give her a look.
“Shut up.” He said, but of course she didn’t as the men continued to laugh.
“Although I’m glad he finally got together with Fliss, because she’s my favourite. Miss Stevenson would not have been a good choice.” Frank groaned again and he felt Fliss beginning to chuckle besides him.
“Miss Stevenson?” Bill asked.
“We don’t need to hear about that…” Frank said, his neck growing hot.
“She’s my teacher.” Mary nodded “She stayed at our house one night. I wasn’t supposed to be there but I saw her coming out of the bathroom wearing Frank’s sheets and…” “Ok, Mary, why don’t we go and see the Cinema Room.” Fliss hastily cut her off as the three men were now all howling with laughter.
“Oh, okay.” she shrugged, before she pondered something “Why was she in your sheets Frank, and not in a towel like Lissy was before?”
At that Bill arched an eyebrow and Fliss felt her cheeks grow warm “I had a shower, I’d mucked twelve stabled out.” There was a pause before she recovered and steered Mary out of the room.
Frank grimaced and looked back round as Bill patted him on the shoulder, wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes. “I bloody love that kid.”
“She’s yours if you want her.” Frank said. “I could gift-wrap her for you. Just say goodbye to your private life being private.”
Thankfully the Cinema Room kept Mary out of the way, especially when she had a stash of popcorn, sweets and soda to keep her occupied. For the next few hours Frank stuck mostly by Fliss’ side, talking to people, chatting to her brother a bit about his job and the business he had taken over from Bill, his kids, but Frank got the impression the man was being a little guarded with him. He was polite enough, and wasn’t being rude but he wasn’t overly warm either. But he supposed that was understandable. She was Fliss’ big brother after all.
Mary came down a few hours later and tugged on Fliss’ hand. Fliss went with her and Frank headed into the kitchen to grab himself another beer after being told by Verity to “stop asking and just go get”. He turned round, flipping the lid off, almost bumping into Bill.
“Sorry.” He apologised to the man who smiled at him as he held the fridge door open.
“There’s someone who just arrived that I want you to meet.” Bill said, gesturing for Frank to follow him. With a slight puzzled frown, he did as he was told and wandered through to the large lounge where a number of people were congregated. 
“Frank, this is Alan Maxwell.” Bill introduced a short, stocky white haired man who was wearing a pair of modern thin-rimmed glasses and a cream blazer over a dark polo necked shirt and dark jeans. Frank took him in, noting his outfit probably cost more than Frank’s entire wardrobe.
“Hi.” Frank smiled, shaking his hand “Frank Adler”
“The boat mechanic?” Alan asked.
“Yeah.” Frank looked at him then to Bill, frowning a little.
“Alan’s in the Repair and Retail business.” Bill offered and Frank gave a nod of understanding.
“I own MarineMax in St Pete’s” Alan smiled.
“Oh on Gulfport?” Frank looked at him and Alan nodded.
“You know it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Frank scratch at the back of his neck “I errr, I applied for a job once but I didn’t have the relevant experience so…” Alan looked at Frank for a moment, “How long you been a mechanic now?”
“Over six and a half years.”
“And you’re freelancing?” Frank nodded.
“Good success rate?”
“Over ninety-eight percent.” Frank said. “I mean, I only do one boat at a time because I’ve been juggling my hours around Mary for the last 7 years but…” he shrugged “I have regulars who come back so I must be doing something right.” “Could you get references?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Pretty sure I could.”
“Hmmmm.” Alan looked at Bill who inclined his head towards Frank with a smile.
“I told you, I’ll vouch for him.” he shrugged “He’s sleeping with my daughter after all.”
“Jesus Bill.” Frank groaned as the two men laughed.
“It’s a compliment” Bill smiled “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t let you within three foot of her”
“Thanks, I think.” Frank looked at him taking a drink of his beer.
“Come see me next week.” Alan looked at Frank, pulling a card from his wallet and handing it over “I may have a position you’d be interested in.”
“I errr…” Frank was temporarily sideswiped by the suggestion “I…that would be…”
“I know it will be different to freelance but it’s a full time job, full package of benefits and a negotiable wage plus bonus scheme.” Alan said, “I’m not a huge outfit, but I pay my guys well.” Frank nodded, placing the card in his pocket “I’ll stop by.” “Just give me a call the day before and I’ll make sure I’m around.”
“I will.” Frank nodded. “Thank you.”
Frank made his excuses, realising he hadn’t seen Fliss for a while and headed off looking for her. He moved from room to room, realising there was no sign of her or Mary. He headed into the kitchen and then poked his head out of the large bi-folding doors which led onto the large raised decking area which spanned the length of the house.
“Hey.” Frank spotted Fliss’ brother leaning on the railing, lit cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. “You seen Lissy?”
“She was in the living room last time I saw her.” Steve said chuckling slightly, shaking his head.
Frank frowned at the man’s demeanour and Steve noticed, and smiled. “Sorry, just seems strange. Hearing someone else call her Liss or Lissy other than the family.”
“Yeah, well, I kinda picked it up from Bill and it stuck.” Frank smiled.
“Yeah she doesn’t suit Felicity.” Steve shook his head “Although that’s all he ever fucking called her. Apparently nicknames were deemed too common.” “Yeah well, he’s a dick.” Frank shrugged
“No arguments here.” Steve looked at Frank. Frank watched as the man studied him for a second, clearly thinking about something before he returned to leaning on the rail of the decking, looking down over the huge garden area as he took a final drag from the cigarette, before stubbing it out in the fire bucket to his right.
“Okay,” Frank stepped outside, “let’s have it.” “Have what?” Steve asked, looking at him.
“The big brother lecture. The one where you threaten to rip my head off if I hurt your sister.” Frank said as Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Well, rest assured I will.” Steve looked at Frank as he too leaned on the railings. “But Dad says you’re a good bloke so, that’ll do for me.” Frank nodded and took a pull of his beer. “I have no intention of hurting her, in anyway.” he said, his voice loaded with meaning and Steve sighed.
“I know.” he said gently “I just, well, I worry.” “Understandable.” Frank nodded, and it was. He got it, he really did.
“I hated that fucker.” Steve shook his head, “right from the start. Smarmy assed, stuck up Yank. Sorry, no offence.” Frank laughed “Non-taken.” he waved Steve’s apology away.
“I know she’s only actually my step-sister but well she was only two when I met her and…”
“Blood doesn’t make you family.” Frank nodded. “If you ever meet my mother you’ll realise that.” “Yeah, Fliss wasn’t very complementary of her.” Steve snorted.
“She called her a cold hearted bitch to her face.” Frank raised an eyebrow as Steve laughed.
“I shouldn’t be pleased at that.” Steve smiled. “But not long ago she wouldn’t have been brave enough to be that outgoing.” “Oh she certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards.” Frank shook his head
“Something he managed to suck out of her.” Steve sighed.
“You know, I’d love to get that fucker alone in a room” Frank glowered. “Five minutes, that’s all I’d need.” “Get in line.” Steve shrugged, “Behind me and dad.” “Yeah, Fliss said something about there being a queue.”
“The day she said she was moving to Boston to be with him full time, it was the worst day of my life. And Mum and Dad’s” Steve took another drink. “But we knew if we tried to stop her it would give him the perfect excuse to turn her against us. So what could we do but support it?” He hung his head slightly and Frank’s brow furrowed at the man’s open display of vulnerability
“I wish we’d done more, you know, anything, but we didn’t know how bad things had got. Not that he was hurting her, not like that.” “None of it was your fault.” Frank looked at him. “Or your parent’s. Or Fliss’”
“No, I know that but it doesn’t stop any of us feeling guilty.” Steve sighed. “But, anyway, it’s in the past now. That is until he goes for parole, which he will.” Frank shrugged “We’ll greet that when it happens.”
“Yeah?” Steve looked at him. “You ready for all that? Because I guarantee what she’s told you, well it won’t even scratch the surface, Frank.”
“Are you asking me if I’m gonna bail when the going gets tough?”
“Suppose I am, yeah.” Steve looked at him.
Frank took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, quelling the frustration that was brewing at the man’s questioning, reminding himself that he had a right to worry, a right to be concerned. He’d feel the same if it was Diane in this position.
“Look, Steve, I know she hasn’t told me everything. And I’m not gonna push her to either. It isn’t important to me to know every sordid little detail of what that cunt did to her. What is important is that she’s happy with me, and that she feels safe and knows that I’d never hurt her like that and I sure as hell won’t abandon her when the road gets a little bumpy. She was there for me through a very bad time recently and, well…” Frank shrugged, “even if we decide that what we have isn’t working I’d still be by her side.”
Steve’s face remained passive for a second before it split into a grin “I don’t think there’s any worry about that, Frank. From what I’ve seen this afternoon and this evening, Lissy’s besotted. In fact, I’ve never seen her like this before.” Frank felt his cheeks flush a little and he looked down “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something else but they were interrupted.
“My ears burning?” Fliss asked, eyeing the two men up.
“I was just making sure his intentions are honourable.” Fliss rolled her eyes with a snort “his intentions are honourable? What are you, like ninety?”
Steve shrugged “No, but I’m three years older than you and still your big brother Titch.” “Whatever, Steeby.” She moved over to where Frank was stood and slid under his arm. “Quit with the 3rd degree or I’ll tell Mum you’ve been smoking.”
“You wouldn’t!” he said in mock horror as she raised an eyebrow. Steve turned to Frank and raised his eyebrow, jerking his head towards his sister “Sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for?”
Frank laughed “her bark is worse than her bite…owww!” he said, as she nipped his arm.
“Sure it is.” Steve winked as h pushed himself off the railing and headed inside.
“Was he being an ass hole?” Fliss watched him go before she turned to Frank and he chuckled, pulling her closer.
“No,not at all.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips “Where’s Mary?”
“With Dad in the living room with the guys from the golf club.” she said, shrugging.
“No doubt revealing more of my dark secrets.” Frank groaned.
Fliss laughed “Nah, she’s got her lego. Bill and her will have some kind of building contest going on no doubt.”
“I told her to leave those in the annex.” Frank shook his head. “She did. I took her to get them.” Fliss shrugged
“Seriously?” Frank looked at her, rolling his eyes.
“What? She was bored and wanted something to do.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.” he said, his arms circling her and she grinned as he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Hush, Sailor, you love it.” she smirked against his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” he muttered, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
It was about midnight when the party started filtering out. Mary was crashed out on one of the sofas so Frank suggested they call it a night and Fliss, feeling the effects of a fair amount of alcohol, agreed. They made their goodbyes and Frank easily scooped Mary up and the three of them made their way, a little slower than usual, to the annex.
Once they’d roused Mary and she’d changed for bed Frank tucked her in, in the bed in the spare room and she was flat out before he even closed the door. He headed into Fliss’ room and laughed as she was led on the bed with her legs over the edge, feet flat on the floor. She was wearing just her bra and jeans, and her arm was bent over her eyes.
“My jeans are too tight.” she said.
“What?” Frank laughed.
“I can’t be bothered to take them off.” She leant up on her elbows and ginned at him “Wanna help me out Sailor?”
“Happily.” he grinned, and moved towards her but she stopped him.
“Ah ah.” she pointed to his polo-shirt. “Off.” With an arch of his eyebrow he reached back and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pulling it over his head. “Better?”
“Yup.” she nodded as he moved towards her, gently dropping down and undoing her jeans. With a tug he pulled them down over her thighs, his hands softly tracing up her skin as she sighed, before his lips met hers.
“You were a hit in there.” she smiled gently, her fingers tracing the muscles on his arms as he propped himself up over her.
“Yeah?” he asked, gently shifting so that she moved with him, laying further up the bed.
She nodded. “Charmed the pants off all the posh bastards you did, Adler.” “There’s only one person I’m interested in charming the pants off.” He quipped and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Smooth.” “Is it working?”
She glanced down. “Nope, they’re still on.”
“Guess I’ll have to use my hands then.” He said, and with a quick move down he slid them over her ankles and gently pressed his lips to her knee, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her leg, nipping at the inside of her thigh. Fliss gave a soft sigh as he moved, his short beard scratching at her skin as he moved, her hands fisting in the sheets. When he reached his target he gently placed a long lick up her entrance. Instinctively, one of her hands fisted in his hair before she hastily moved it and Frank paused, reaching up, and placing it back where it had been.
“I like it.” He peeked up at her, a cheeky look on his face before he dropped his head back down and Fliss’s head fell back against her pillow as she gave a shaky moan.
She couldn’t remember the last time a man had gone down on her. John had certainly never done it, making it clear from the start he found it disgusting, but still happy to shove his dick in her mouth when he wanted a blow. But Frank ate her out like a man starved, moving his mouth as he paid attention to how her body reacted and when he found her spot, she gave a cry, her back arching off the bed, and she felt him double his efforts, his lips and tongue teasing her, in a delectable way. Pleasure lanced through her entire body, the heat rising from her very toes and as she felt her orgasm rising her fingers tightened on his hair and he gave a low moan at her touch, which vibrated through his mouth right against her clit and that was it. Her hips bucked upwards as she came, hard, her knees tightened slightly around his head, her arm flying to her mouth to stifle her loud moan.
Working her through her release, Frank moved back, stripping off the remainder of his clothes before he crawled up her body again, kissing his way up from her naval to her chest. She arched her back and he reached around to unhook her bra before he set his attention to her breasts. Fuck, he could listen to the noises and whimpers she was making all day but after a week he was aching for her.
“You got any…” he started to ask softly and she nodded, her hand gesturing to her bedside table. He paused and pulled open the drawer, and had to smirk as he saw the new, full packet of condoms in there. Pulling one out he opened it, whilst Fliss gently gave his dick a stroke causing him to hiss slightly, his fingers fumbling on the foil and she grinned.
“Something distracting you, Sailor?” “You know damned well what’s distracting me.” His voice was almost a growl as her hand moved over his whilst he rolled the latex down.
Her giggle turned to a moan as he buried himself inside her, his entire body feeling coiled like a spring, and his thrusts began slow, and deep before soon she was begging for more and he picked up the pace, each movement rolling against her spot, causing her to breathlessly whisper his name as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and biting at that spot that drove her wild. At some point she moved, gently pushing on his shoulders, and he understood, rolling onto his back. She straddled him, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she leaned down to draw him into a deep, sultry kiss before she sank down onto him, taking him in.
“Fuck, Lissy,” he said, his hands gently gripping her hips as she began to move, rolling her pelvis, “God you feel so good.” She preened at his praise, yup, she definitely had a praise kink, and her pace quickened as she leaned forward again to kiss him, a moan falling from her mouth as he raised his hips to meet hers, his fingers tightening on her hips. Frank looked up at her, her mouth slack, lips plump, freckles still visible in the soft light from the outside lights, breasts bouncing softly as she moved.
“So beautiful.” He whispered, sitting up and she cried out at the change of depth as he pulled her close, thrusting up into her.
“Frankie, I’m…” and with a low whine her head tipped back as her release washed over her for the second time that night, a slow, deep burn which left her slack in his arms, as she collapsed forward. After a few more desperate thrusts he was right behind her, clinging to her, his face buried into her shoulder, his own groans stifled in her skin.
They stayed like that for a little while, both recovering, hands softly dancing over skin before he leaned up to give her a soft kiss.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he pulled back, frowning a little.
“What for?”
“For making me feel good. For making me feel wanted.” She swallowed, tears filling her eyes and Frank let out a sigh, his arms curling round her, pulling her close, his own chest tightening at her words as he understood instantly that it was clearly something she wasn’t used to.
“You deserve it.” He spoke softly, , “Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”
She moved back, her hands cupping his cheeks as she gave him another deep kiss, her lips curling into a smile and Frank smiled back, before he kissed her again.  
***** Frank woke the next morning and, as he blinked, he realised he was alone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, and could hear soft voices from elsewhere in the annex. Grabbing his phone he looked down and with a start realised it was past ten.  Running a hand over his face, he climbed out of bed, grabbed his bag and retrieved a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt before retrieving his jeans which were now folded and placed over the back of the chair by Fliss’ vanity unit. After sorting himself in the bathroom he made his way downstairs and found Fliss and Mary sat outside in the small yard, an array of breakfast items on the table. Fliss long hair was pulled into a messy pony tail and she was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Even like that she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Morning.” He greeted, stepping out onto the decking and Fliss smiled at him.
“Hey.” She smiled, accepting the kiss he dropped onto her cheek before he sat down next to her. “Sleep well.”
“Hmmm I was tired for some reason.” He quipped, causing her to grin.
“Fliss says I can go ride Monty today.” Mary looked at Frank. “Is that ok?”
“It’s not your week for a lesson.” Frank spoke.“And it’s Friday.”
“It’s ok.” Fliss smiled. “The riding school is shut. Joanne’s done the morning shift so we can just go up this afternoon. I need to work Cap and Bronson but she can ride if she wants.” “Please.” Mary looked at Frank who sighed.
“I’ve gotta nip to the boat yard.” he looked at her. “Got some guy who needs a motor looking at and I said I’d meet him today.” “I don’t wanna go to the boat yard.”  Mary pouted.
“It’s okay, she can come with me.” Fliss offered “I don’t mind, honestly.”
Frank hesitated, he didn’t want Fliss to think she was obliged to take Mary. He knew that the pair of them came as a package but still.
“You sure?” Frank asked. “Roberta would normally take her but she’s not back until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, its fine.” Fliss nodded “She can help me and Joanne.”
“Okay then, yeah, you can go.”
Mary grinned and turned her attention back to her book.
“You want breakfast?” Fliss asked, moving to stand.
“I’ll get it. You stay there.” Frank offered, but Mary suddenly jumped up.
“No it’s okay, we made you something special…” With that she shot into the kitchen.
“Special?” Frank looked at Fliss, and she grinned as his lips met hers.
“Yeah.” she nodded to Mary who emerged from the kitchen, giggling. Frank gave a snort of a laugh and shook his head as she thrust the box of Special K into his hands.
“Thanks…” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes.
**** Chapter 12
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Random Characters with Creative/ Designer S/O HC:
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Conner Kent (RSS), Jamie Reyes
Damian Wayne (Fashion Design):
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·      You’d started off your career when you were young
·      Your father wasn’t super supportive of everything and said that you were too young to start a business or what have you
·      So, with approval from your mother, you started one behind his back
·      He didn’t know until one day you ended up treading and going viral with a dress you made for a very famous celebrity
·      At that point he couldn’t stop you and was just impressed that you made it for months without him knowing
·      As long as you were keeping up schooling, it would fly
·      You ended up getting to travel the world and go to fashion week
·      More specifically NYFW
·      New York was the big one
·      That’s where you and Damian met
·      He was there for a business trip with Bruce and saw you at one of the shows the girls dragged him to
·      He was immediately infatuated with you and wanted to meet you
·      Thank the heavens he has sisters who wear your clothes to almost every gala
·      They got to go back stage and talk to you which led to you two exchanging numbers and the rest is history
·      When you started dating it was really hectic
·      You had a few kidnapping scares which made him want to break it off especially after you found out about the entire Robin thing
·      Heeeellllllllll no
·      You didn’t let that happen at all
·      Bruce actually commented and said that if you were that stubborn, Damian should probably keep you
·      Fashion week becomes more tiring and you also hate not being able to see Damian as much
·      He comes and visits though to make sure you don’t throw yourself out a window or something lol
·      When it’s over, you guys always take a long vacation to Lake Tahoe in a house Bruce owns on the Nevada side
·      He loves seeing your studio since it’s so organized and colorful
·      You’ve got walls of mood boards and mannequins with unfinished garments everywhere along with a massive soft couch that one of you is always sprawled out on
·      Sometimes he’ll send you pictures of pretty things he thinks you’d might like which ends up being incorporated into something
·      You taught him how to drape and make his own suit so that Alfred can have a day off
·      If anyone has a wardrobe malfunction and you’re around, you’ve got the needle and thread kit on hand at any given moment
·      Some things in the kit come in handy for picking locks too
·      He thinks it’s hilarious if you ever critique something or just call it straight ugly
·      If you’re at a gala and do it it’s even funnier
·      “Omg...”
·      “What is it beloved?”
·      “The drape and hem of that dress is the most preposterous thing I think I have ever seen. The fabric isn’t even the right material or fit for their shape. How rich are these people? And they can’t afford clothes that look decent on them?” You said giving them the famous inspecting side eye, “Also, who wears pearls with double sided sequins and fur?” “They can’t fix everything sweetie.”
·      *intense snickering from Damian*
Tim Drake (Software/ Web Designer):
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·      It’s a match made in heaven
·      The two of you meet at a tech conference
·      He thought that you were such an interesting person to talk to and you had offers from places like MIT
·      You got along so well and then he found that you liked coffee like he did
·      Omg
·      He asked you out in the nerdiest way by making you decipher code on your own computer
·      You were kind of mad since you had been doing some other things for some major companies but after reading the message you determined you were fine with it
·      I mean how could you say no
·      Anyways the date when off great and eventually the media caught heavy wind of what was happening
·      You already knew about the Red Robin thing pretty quickly into the relationship though
·      Tim was a genius and you weren’t far behind
·      It was scary how similar you two were
·      From expressions and shared humor and meme taste, it was everything
·      Staying up together was another thing you did
·      Although, after some time one of you would pass out and the other would go to bed too
·      It was like a competition in sorts of who could stay up the longest but at the same time you needed him to sleep
·      The time he felt most betrayed by you was when you replaced his coffee with decaf
·      You guys just sometimes hang out in his bed tangled up in the weirdest way watching vines or weird movies
·      Totally the couple that would watch the worst rated movies just to laugh at them
·      Damian commented on it once and got a tired middle finger from you once
·      It wasn’t the classiest move however you couldn’t care less and Tim laughed his ass off
·      After that Damian seemed to respect you more
·      You guys probably have matching hoodies or something with really funny or obscure culture references
·      Clingy couple but nothing too over dramatic
Bart Allen:
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·      Your designs in architecture went down in text books
·      You were famous for some really amazing builds and constructions
·      You started off by building these really insane LEGO sets or doll houses based off of designs in your notebook
·      Your mother still has the models in the attic which is kind of embarrassing when he sees it but he thinks it’s really cool
·      When he came to your time line he knew immediately who you were
·      He also totally came to you and complimented your work plus some additional hinting at what was going to happen pretty soon
·      Bart was there at the rise of your success
·      He basically was your number one fan the entire time
·      He’ll stay up with you as long as he can when you’re working
·      It’s kind of funny seeing that when you’re designing the things you went down in history for you’ll be stuck on something and he’ll just tiredly recommend what he remembers learning
·      You let him look through the designs sometimes but he understands if you don’t really feel comfortable with it
·      He also knows that in order to do all of this, you’re wicked smart
·      When the cave needed remodeling, you were the first person that they called in
·      The League was very glad that you were there and they didn’t have to pull any strings to get anyone different in
·      Plus, you knew what was needed since you were there all of the time
Kon Kent:
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·      You got your start writing
·      It was the best thing that you did to relive stress
·      Once your parents saw that you were such an imaginative child, they got you in a ton of art related classes but you liked writing the most
·      Your writings had won awards before but then you wrote a book and it did amazing
·      So now, that’s what you do
·      Kon secretly actually really likes your books and met you at a book signing
·      Nerd
·      He got your number there and then you realized who he was
·      It was kind of funny cause you were both in that moment of realization like
·      Ohhhhh I know who you are.... kinda thing
·      He finds it hilarious that sometimes you’re just all over the place
·      When doing research your room isn’t terrible messy, it’s just piles and piles of notes and articles
·      You also probably have an expansive collection of literature yourself ranging from all genres
·      You don’t really like him to proof the book, however if you have an idea for something he’s all ears
·      Coffee dates to strange hole in the wall joints
·      Clark really likes you and finds your humor funny in the sense that it’s close to Bruce’s
·      Both very sarcastic and dry
·      Lex is just glad that his son found someone with an intellect
·      You don’t really like Lex though
·      That’s because you hear everything that Kon has to say about him
·      Although, without giving the man too much credit, the charade that he plays on the daily in quite impressive
·      You will never admit it however
·      Ma and Pa love you
·      So does Lois
·      You get along because of the writing
·      Sometimes Kon will just take you to some random part of the world if you need inspiration
·      “Hey wanna fly to Morocco?”
·      “Why not?”
·      You make a day trip out of it but if it’s a long one you’ll stay longer
·      Short distance he’ll fly you himself but overseas or something, he takes one of Lex’s jets
·      He likes to tease you sometimes but will take it easy during the editing phase
·      Those aren’t fun at alllll
·      You get cranky sometimes during that and he just backs off lol
·      He will make you sleep though
·      He doesn’t want you turning into Tim or anything for an extended amount of time
·      Nope
·      Not doing it
Jamie Reyes:
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·      The team didn’t know anything about your job as an artist
·      You were internationally revered
·      No one knew of your job but for the boy wonder who saw the paint in your hair
·      Once the team did know however, everyone was amazed
·      You and Jamie were already dating by then though
·      He was always impressed with what you did
·      Laughed when you were covered in paint
·      He lets you paint or draw on his hand
·      You both have matching hoodies or jackets from your clothing line or merch that you painted
·      If you have a YouTube channel, he’s in some of the videos
·      Scarab notes that you have a more creative personality which Jamie responds to with a sarcastic remark
·      Your clothes are partly covered in paint
·      He’ll go to every show
·      During the Reach thing you still stayed with him
I have more parts of the Damian Wayne x reader story coming and also requests but I’m just getting into school which is my priority so that’s why I’ve been a bit more inactive. Anyways I hope you liked this one and I can’t wait to put out more 
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bloodpacks-archive · 5 years
word count: 3.6k!! I love!!
summary: peter fell in love. here’s the story.
warnings: hi okay so there’s like. one bit where someone gets a few cuts from glass on accident and it’s not a huge deal and it’s not described in detail. Also! There’s a bit where there’s a tiny fight but it’s super quick.
note: hi!!! I love this fic!!! It’s so soft and pretty and i love the whole thing with my entire heart because!! It’s just so soft!! And Peter is in love!! This is a feel-good fic and i like it lots and i just really want you guys to like it too!! thank you for reading!!
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When Peter first saw her—really saw her—it was an autumn morning. The air was just cold enough that he’d been forced to start wearing sweatshirts or light jackets, and the city seemed to have this new kind of life to it with the approach of winter.
But she had this new kind of life, a new kind of brightness that Peter couldn’t quite place. And he recognized her, he thought she was in a few of his classes, or maybe he’d just seen her in the halls, but there was something about today that just caught his eye. She was laughing, a musical sound, as she spoke with who Peter assumed was one of her friends.
And it catches him off guard, because he hasn’t felt like this in a while. Not since MJ said it “just wasn’t working out” and that she “still loves him as a friend.” That one hurt for a bit. But now it’s his senior year, and it’s been at least half a year since MJ, and there’s this girl standing in front of him.
And Peter really isn’t sure how to act.
And maybe he should have noticed that he’d been looking at her for too long, but he really wasn’t expecting for said girl to glance over in his direction, and then smile and wave at him.
It almost knocked him off his feet.
That day, he sees her everywhere. She’s in his English and his math, and he sees her in the hallways almost every time he turns a corner. When he’s sitting in english, she gets called on to answer a question, and her voice has this pretty flow to it, one that makes him want to listen closer even if she talked about something he had no interest in.
He feels a bit silly for never noticing her before, because right now, when she speaks it feels like laying in sunshine. And Peter just really likes that feeling.
So when they just happen to get partnered up for for an English project, Peter can’t say he’s complaining. Especially since he sucks at English and—based on the answer he just heard—she knows what she’s doing.
The time together is just a bonus.
When she walks over to him, she’s got this bright smile on her face.
“Peter, right?” She asks as she sits down next to him, and he nods, and offers her a smile back. “Great, so, do you wanna get together tomorrow maybe and work on this? We could honestly probably get it done in a few hours.”
“Yeah, that sounds great, when are you free?” She glances up at the clock, and lets her eyebrows furrow together as she looks back at him.
“The bell’s about to ring and I really need to get home, how about I give you my number and you text me?”
And so Peter just nods, and hands her his phone. She types her number in, and then the bell rings and she waves a goodbye to him before walking out of the room.
When Peter looks down at his phone, her name is staring back at him, with a smiley face at the end.
The next day, Peter’s sitting in a café, sipping on a warm drink while he waits for her to walk in. He’s glancing over the rubric, trying to figure out everything they’ll need, when he feels a gust of cold air blow past him. He glances up at the door and sees her scanning the room. When her eyes meet his, she smiles, waving at him as she makes her way to the table. Peter has to stifle a laugh as she just barely bumps into a woman getting up from her seat. He watches as they both say quick apologies. When she gets to the table she widens her eyes and makes a face, and Peter lets out a breath of laughter.
“I’m lucky she didn’t have coffee in her hand,” She mutters as she puts her laptop on the table.
“You’re lucky that she seemed nice.”
“Oh you didn’t see the dirty look she gave me.”
And Peter raises his eyebrows at her, smiling and shaking his head as he watches her. She excuses herself so she can go get something to drink, and when she comes back, they’re quick to get to work.
Peter starts to notice little things about her, like the way she flicks her pencil between her fingers while she’s thinking, or how when she’s frustrated with whatever she’s typing, she’ll lean her head back and close her eyes while she types, or how, even though she voluntarily got a cold drink, she still shivers every now and then. It makes him smile.
“What’re you smiling at?” She asks in between a beat of silence when she had been trying to think of what to type. It makes Peter’s heart drop for a moment, makes heat creep up the back of his neck.
“Nothing,” He answers, probably a bit too quickly, and she smiles, dropping her gaze and quickly getting back to work.
He notices that smile doesn’t go away for a bit.
It’s around two hours later when they finish the project, and it almost makes Peter a little sad when they have to part ways. But she puts her hand on his arm, just for a moment, and says something about how they should hang out sometime, and it makes Peter’s heart flutter, so he takes everything he can.
Later that night, when Peter’s just getting home from patrol, she texts him something that had reminded her of him. They stay up texting for most of the night.
It’s a few months later when they’re sitting together at lunch. It’s winter now, and whispers of Christmas and New Year’s linger in the air. At this point, Ned knows about his crush, and he isn’t exactly subtle about it, because every time she talks to him, Ned gives Peter a look and he has to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
But it’s nice, because even though they haven’t done anything, because hell, Peter’s scared and he’s not really sure if he has the time for a girlfriend right now, he gets to spend time with her, and that’s something he’s really happy to have.
And she melds well with the group. Ned loves her, loves how she’s quick witted and isn’t afraid to make fun of Peter with him—much to Peter’s dismay—and MJ thinks she’s fun, and they hang out all the time ever since they found their shared love of true crime documentaries. Peter’s even pretty sure Flash likes her, with how often he hangs around the group now. And somehow, Flash makes fun of Peter less when she’s around. So even though he’s pretty sure he’s just trying to get close to her, Peter doesn’t mind it too much.
He especially doesn’t mind it when the two of them hang out at his apartment, and they’re both leaning against his bed, blankets wrapped around them and snacks between them while they watch movies.
And he doesn’t mind it when her head falls on his shoulder, tired from the week, and her eyes fall shut halfway through the movie, because at least she’s here, and he’s really happy to have that.
He’s on patrol when he hears word of a robbery on 21st, and Peter’s quick to swing past buildings and practically fly down the streets New York to get there. When he arrives, there’s three guys inside the bank, one watching while the other two grab as much money as they can from the broken ATM. Peter almost rolls his eyes.
“You guys never learn, do you?” Peter says as he webs the guy on watch’s hand to his gun. The other two glance up at him, and both go for their guns, quickly pulling them on Peter. Peter flips up and over them as they start shooting, and then swings to kick one of them out towards the window. The window breaks, sending glass shattering across the sidewalk. Peter webs the guy outside to the ground, and then counters a hit from watch-guy, pushing back and sending both him and the only other guy still left to the ground. He webs them both to the floor, which has pieces of glass scattered around it. It’s then when Peter hears the police sirens, and he goes to leave when he hears someone hiss.
When he glances outside, he sees a girl on sitting against the wall of the building, holding her right arm in one hand.
“Hey, you okay?” Peter asks as he approaches her, and when she glances up, Peter feels his heart drop.
Because of course it’s her. It’s always his friends who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine just-“ She hisses again. “A few pieces of glass hit my arm and I have a few cuts. It’s nothing bad, I should be fine. It just kinda stings.”
Peter lets his eyes fall down to her arm, and she’s right, it’s not bad, but she’s clearly in pain and she needs to get home so she can still get them disinfected and bandaged up. And since he has experience in the field, he offers. And there’s something that crosses her face. Her eyebrows furrow, and she bites the inside of her cheek, but her eyes still carry that brightness he’s oh so familiar with. And she says yes.
He’s careful taking her home. He glances over every two seconds to make sure she’s okay, and she always is, but he can’t help but be a bit worried. When they finally get to her apartment, there’s a moment of awkward silence, but then she motions that she’ll go grab their first aid kit, and Peter just nods.
He’s been in her room millions of times by now, but there’s always something weird about going places as Spider-Man. He’s so familiar with these places, but he’s not supposed to be. So he feels out of place. It almost feels like he’s just passing through. Or like he’s someplace he really shouldn’t be. Either way, it isn’t his favorite feeling.
So he glances around the room to distract himself. He’s noticed that she’s put a few more pictures on her bulletin board, and he walks over to look at them.
There’s a picture of MJ, standing in a crowd and holding up a sign. He smiles. It’s very like them. His eyes fall down the board. There’s a picture of Ned excitedly showing off his lego death star, and another picture of all four them sitting at Ned’s house while they ate pizza. MJ had forced them to watch about five different documentaries that night, but to be honest, it was too much fun for any of them to mind. (And even though Peter would never admit it, they were kind of interesting).
And then his eyes fall on a picture of himself. He’s leaning over a physics textbook, but he’d glanced up to give her a look as she took the picture. He’d rolled his eyes at her after that, and then grabbed a piece of popcorn to throw at her. And then there’s another picture, from when they’d gone to a museum together. He’s sticking his tongue out at her from in front of a weird modern art sculpture because she said he “clearly wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand the complexities of a misshapen head.”
After that, they’d gone to look at more of the Monet paintings, because those were her favorite.
“Sorry, I’m back, that took forever to find.”
“No, you’re fine.” She sits on the bed, and puts the first aid kit by her side. Peter walks over and kneels in front of her. He’s pretty familiar with first aid kits at the point, so he barely even has to look at everything before he knows where everything is. “Did you run it under water? And use soap?”
She nods, “It’s really not that bad, you don’t need to bandage me up and everything.”
“I broke the window, it’s the least I could do.”
He dabs some disinfectant gel on the cuts, and then starts to wrap bandages around the few deeper cuts.
“I guess you’re pretty used to this stuff, right?” Her voice sounds hesitant, and he’s not really sure when he’s ever heard her be like this. Even when they didn’t know each other, she was so sure of herself. It’s weird to hear her like this.
“Yeah, I try to avoid it though. Still sucks.”
He finishes wrapping bandages and then looks up at her. She’s analyzing something, her eyes falling over his mask and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you okay?” He asks. She nods, slowly.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”
Peter moves to leave, walking towards the window. He turns back, glancing at her for just a moment.
“Stay safe, alright?” He watches as she nods, and then he goes to swing out the window.
He turns back and she’s standing up, walking towards him with careful steps.
“Okay this is going to be really weird if you aren’t who I think you are.” She pauses, and walks until she’s right in front of him. Peter can feel his heart speeding up, can feel the way his breath has quickened. He’s terrified, and based on the look in her eyes, she definitely knows.
“Peter?” She whispers. And he’s silent, because honestly, he doesn’t know what to say, or how to explain himself, or how to deny it, because she knows and there’s nothing he can do about it.
So it’s silent, but then she’s suddenly more sure of herself. She’s slow to reach her hands up to his mask, and Peter lets her.
“Can I take this off?” She asks, and Peter just nods, because there’s no point to stopping her now.
So she does, in slow movements, she takes his mask away from his face, and then suddenly they’re standing together, and she knows.
“Hi,” Peter whispers, and she lets a breath of a laugh escape her lips, and it makes Peter feel a little better about everything.
“I’m impressed,” She says.
“Who knew you could keep a secret for so long.”
And that makes Peter laugh, but he rolls his eyes at her, and so she joins in his laughter.
“Thank you for taking me home and making sure I was okay,” She says after their laughter fades.
“It was my fault you got hurt, it was the least I could do.”
“Hey,” Her hand goes up to his shoulder, her thumb rubbing back and forth, “it wasn’t your fault, okay? You couldn’t have known someone was gonna be there.”
“I still should’ve been more careful.”
“If that’s what you think, then you’ll know for next time.”
Their eyes meet for just a moment, and then she’s pulling him in for a hug. It takes Peter by surprise, but he’s quick to wrap his arms around her, letting his nose bury into the crook of her neck.
“You gotta stay safe out there, okay?” She’s muffled by his shoulder, but he understands her all the same.
“I know, I try.”
She pulls away to look at him, and she’s got her head tilted to the side, eyebrows raised.
“Okay, I’ll try harder.”
“Thank you,” She says, “I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.”
“Bandage me up?” Peter replies. She laughs, turning her gaze to the floor before shaking her head back up at him.
“I guess so.”
It’s a few weeks later when they find themselves at a New Year’s party. Flash had insisted they all come, and although Peter’s pretty sure it was just to get Y/n at the party, he was more afraid of what Flash would do if they didn’t show up, so they decide to go.
Peter stays by her side the entire night, and they quietly whisper in each other ears about the party, the things around them, the people around them. It’s all very cliché, but Peter’s having fun because he’s next to her. So he doesn’t mind.
The party’s loud, there’s music playing and way too many people to be in one house, but sometimes Peter catches Ned and MJ’s eyes, and Ned winks at Peter, and it feels like they’re all at Ned’s house.
She pulls on his arm when there’s just a few minutes until midnight, bringing him towards the giant screen Flash had set up to watch the ball drop.
“Hey, Peter. I have something to tell you.” She turns to him, and she’s got one of his hands in her own, her eyes bright as she looks up at him. She’s got a permanent smile painted on her lips as her eyes flit over her face, and it makes his heart melt. She takes a breath. “I really like you.”
Peter can’t help the smile that takes over his face.
“I really like you, too.”
“So, personally, I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.” She pauses for a moment, taking a breath. “And I was thinking this year might be a good one to start.”
As if on cue, the countdown begins. People are yelling around them, and the crowd around the screen is growing bigger, but Peter can only focus on her. Then suddenly, there’s cheering, and people are blowing noise makers, and hugging, and then she’s leaning up to him.
And then it’s just the two of them. It’s officially the New Year, and she’s kissing him. And it’s perfect, because she tastes like her mango chapstick, and she’s with him, and her hands are playing with the hair at the back of his neck, and he thinks this is the happiest he’s ever felt.
Spring is sneaking it’s way into New York. It rains most days, so Peter’s been wearing a rain jacket, but since she has a habit of forgetting her umbrella, he’s found that he’s also been carrying an umbrella of his own just for her.
She’s laying next to him on his bed, tracing little patterns onto his chest, almost mindlessly. Her head is on his chest, and he’s running his hands through her hair as they watch movies. He’s come to realize she’s like moonlight. 
She’s his way home. She’s his light in the dark. She’s the brightest thing he’s ever seen, and she’s a wonder. And right now, he’s not sure what he’d do if she disappeared.
And he’s pretty sure this is more than a like.
And he feels like it shouldn’t be so difficult to say, because he says it all the time. He says it to May before he leaves every day, he says it to Ned, hell, he said it to Tony on accident one day and apologized about a million times before Tony said he loved him too, but to get back to his homework.
But it’s just different. Because she’s like the moonlight, and he doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost her.
And it’s gone through his head a lot lately. He thinks it when he sees her at school, when they say goodbye, when she laughs, when she flicks her pencil between her fingers. He’s always thinking it.
But he’s scared. Because it seems like whenever he says he loves someone, he’s more likely to lose them. And he really doesn’t want to lose her.
“What’re you thinking about?” He hadn’t even noticed that she’d paused the movie, but now she’s got her chin on his chest, and she’s playing with his hand.
“Nothing,” He replies.
“You always say that.”
“Maybe I don’t think.”
“Okay Mr. Top-Of-The-Class.”
And Peter rolls his eyes at her, grabbing a pillow to lightly hit her. He feels her laughter more than he hears it, and it makes a smile reach his face.
“Okay but really, what are you thinking about?” She puts the pillow under her chin now, making her a bit more eye-level with him.
And Peter’s thinking about saying it. Because maybe she’ll say it back and it’ll all be fine and nothing will happen and they can just keep going. But he doesn’t know.
“You know you’re like my favorite person, right?” He finally says.
“Poor Ned and May.”
“That’s different.”
“And how’s that?”
And it makes Peter pause, but Peter takes a breath and closes his eyes for a second.
“Because I’m not in love with them.”
And god, the smile that breaks out on her face makes every second of overthinking worth it. The way she tilts her head to the side, and lets a little breathless laugh pass her lips, it makes every second of it worth it.
“You’re in love with me?” She whispers.
Peter leans up, and wraps his arms around her waist. She lets her arms lazily rest over his shoulders, and she moves to lean their foreheads together.
“God, I am so in love with you.”
And she lets that breathless laughter escape her again, and it makes Peter want to hold onto her and never let her go. She leans into him, pressing a quick kiss to lips. She still tastes like mango chapstick, and Peter’s pretty sure that’s his new favorite chapstick.
“I am so in love with you, too.” She whispers when they pull away.
Peter decides that’s his favorite thing she’s ever said.
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Merry Christmas
On one very Merry Christmas, disaster strikes the Lim-Ilnyckyj family. Will everything be okay or will it be deadly Christmas for all???
Steven hates eggnog. He hates that it’s only sold on Christmas. He hates that he always forgets to buy more of it. He hates that he made Andrew go get some on that Christmas night. 
Yesterday night…
Steven loves Christmas. He loved it when he was a kid and he loved it now. He loved the Christmas music, and the twinkling lights, and the constant buzz of happiness. It’s become even more special now that he has Andrew and Sunny and Mark. 
“Do you have everything you need for the party tomorrow, baby?” 
Steven surveyed the kitchen. “I think we should. Do you wanna get started on the dumplings?” 
Andrew nodded and started getting out all the ingredients. “Sure are you going to start the banana bread?”
“Yup.” Steven maneuvered around Andrew as he got out his ingredients. They worked together in the kitchen seamlessly to produce a Christmas feast. Tomorrow in the late afternoon, they were hosting a large Christmas dinner with all of their friends and family. Considering who was coming they were planning on making a large meal. 
“The ham is going to be ready for pick up tomorrow right?”
“Last time I checked honey.” Steven had on a Hanukkah sweater under his apron. It was a gift from Zach a few years ago. He also had an elf hat that Adam gave him and a discrete hickey from Andrew. Didn’t need the kids seeing that.
As they cooked, those same kids sat on the couch watching Christmas movies.  Currently they were enthralled by Disney’s A Christmas Carol. The lights from the Christmas tree blinked lazily at them. It painted the kids in a warm glow. The smells of cooking food and scented candles wafted around the house. The adults kept a half an eye on them as they worked in the kitchen. 
As Steven stirred the banana bread mix, he felt a slight tug on his pant leg. Looking down he saw his baby boy holding on to his leg. “Hey Markie, what’s up?”
Steven knelt down so he could hear his son better. “Baba, are ghosts real?” Steven almost fell over laughing. It was making his son agitated but he couldn’t stop. Sunny and Andrew started to look at them curiously.
Before Mark could start crying Steven squeezed his hand. “Buddy, hey, Buddy I’m sorry. You know what, when your Uncle Shane and Ryan come over tomorrow you ask them ok? They know more about this than I do.” 
“Oh God, Ghosts.” Andrew groaned into his hands. He looked almost comical in his zany red Christmas sweater and Mickey Santa hat that Ryan got him a few years ago. Their poor kids look very confused at their parents. Steven almost fell down from laughing too hard. 
“Do you think when they finally started dating Shane would intentionally scare Ryan so that Ryan would go to him for comfort?” Andrew wondered. The red Christmas light fell on his profile, emphasizing his strong jawline and beard. It made Steven’s heart happy to look at. It was also hilarious sine he looked like a giant red man from where Steven was crouching on the floor. 
“Oh most definitely. I had to help him sometimes.” Steven rolled his eyes exasperatedly while Andrew chuckled. 
"Anyways, you kids wanna make Christmas cookies after me papa are done?” Steven asked. Papa and Baba’s cookies were a special treat for the Lim-Ilnyckyj kids. They enthusiastically took any chance of making them with their father’s as they could. 
“Ok watch a few more movies while Papa and I finish cooking, alright?” They nodded and went back into the living room. Frosty the Snowman and It’s Christmas Charlie Brown played through before Steven and Andrew were ready for them. Sunny and Mark rushed into the kitchen eagerly, happy to bake with their parents. It got a little messy, but they had fun. Andrew had flour in his hair and icing was everywhere. After that adventure, Steven and Andrew wrangled their kids to bed. Then they cleaned up the house to make it more presentable. 
Half-way through the clock struck midnight.  Steven was busy fixing the mistletoe so he missed Andrew coming up behind him. He squeaked when he felt Andrew wrap his arms around him. “Merry Christmas, Baby.” Andrew reached up to press a quick kiss to Steven’s lips. 
Just as quickly he pulled away leaving Steven a giggly mess. He playfully swatted Andrew on the shoulder before getting back to work. “Merry Christmas to you too, Honey.” 
Christmas Day for the Lim-Ilnyckyj household was chaotic. Sunny woke up Mark and together they woke up their parents. They were found sleeping back to back holding hands. They did not go to bed like that. It made Sunny and Mark laugh as they bounced on the bed. Their giggling is what actually woke up the two parents. Andrew gave Mark a bear hug while Steven tickled Sunny senseless. When they finally escaped their parents hold,  the kids pulled their parents to the Christmas Tree. 
“Don’t forget we’re going to Mass at noon. Then everyone’s coming over at 3. Can you get me some matcha honey?” Steven asked. 
“Sure.” Andrew stood up from the couch to go get some coffee in the kitchen. Light streamed in from the open windows onto the children. It made them almost glow in the morning light. 
Steven peacefully watched the kids divide up the presents. Mark got some nice lego’s and a coloring book while Sunny got a kid-safe detective and chemistry kit. They got a few other gifts but this was their favorite. Andrew came back with two cups of matcha, one for Steven and one for himself. Steven smiled happily and kissed his husband’s cheek in thanks. They hadn’t been planning on opening their gifts, but Sunny and Mark insisted. 
Steven’s gift was an art project and a Ratatouille stuffed animal. Sunny and Mark smiled eagerly at him. “Uncle Adam helped us pick it out! Do you like it Baba?” 
Steven pulled his kids into a hug. “I love it so much.”
“Your turn papa.” Mark handed his father one of his presents from Sunny and Mark. It was another art project and a stuffed animal of a cat possibly from the Aristocats. 
Andrew squeezed the cat close to his chest. “You guys, this is great.” 
“You like it?” The kids asked him excitedly. 
“I love it. And I’ll open the rest of the gifts after I get the ham. Ham is the last thing we need right?” 
“It should be..” Steven said. It wasn’t. 
“Ok, let’s eat some breakfast, I’ll get the ham then we’ll go to Mass. Sounds good?” The kids nodded distractedly. Steven made them special christmas waffles (which were like regular waffles with a lot of sweets in them).
“You’re going to give them a sugar rush,” Andrew said.
“Yeah and they’ll crash during mass.”
Andrew smiled sneakily at his husband. “You're so smart.
Steven shrugged with faux humility, “I try.”
The kids did in fact crash half-way through Mass. Steven and Andrew had to carry them the rest of the celebration. All the Church goers cooed as they passed. At home, Steven and Andrew let the kids sleep as they made sure the house was ready for the party. The wrappers were all thrown away and the Christmas lights were turned on. The food was arranged artfully around the kitchen table. At 2:20 the children were woken up and cleaned up for the party.
The first people to show up were Uncle Ryan and Uncle Shane. Their three kids, Sherry Linda and Benny stood behind them carrying gifts. After hugging Ryan and shane, Steven graciously took the gifts from his nieces and nephews.  Mark ran up to Ryan’s leg and pulled him down. “Uncle Ryan, Uncle Ryan, Baba told me I could ask you a question.”
“What’s up slugger?”
“Are Ghosts real?” Mark whispered.
 Ryan immediately started wheezing while Shane groaned. Mark looked around very confused. His dads had the exact same reaction. At the same time Ryan told him yes, Shane shook his head no. An argument ensued to Mark’s utter confusion. Linda rolled her eyes, took her cousin by the hand and pulled him away.
“Ignore my dads. They can’t agree on this.” Sherry, her younger brother Benny and cousin Sunny and followed Linda and Mark. They made their way to the play room away from the bickering adults. 
“If you ask me,” Sherry started, “I think they are.” Benny nodded too. He was three so there was a 60/40 chance he was just agreeing because his older sister said it, but none of them commented on it. 
More guests started to arrive, The Fulmers, the Habersburgers, Cool Uncle Adam. The kids all went to play upstairs while the grownups stayed downstairs to talk.  
Christmas music rang throughout the house as Christmas lights twinkled around them. The cookies and eggnog were a big hit, especially after someone spiked it. Steven didn’t account for this and sadly they ran out of eggnog quicker than he planned. “Do you want me to get more?” Andrew whispered in Steven’s ear. He had seen Steven start to play with the hem of his shirt, a tell-tale sign he was agitated.
Steven played with the hem of his shirt more and almost started to bite his lip. Internally he was having a debate with himself. “Are you sure? You don’t mind?” Steven whispered.
“No it’s ok. The trip would be quick.”
“Want me to go with you?”
“Nah stay home. I think Bergara’s going to do something to my clothes, I want you to stay guard.”
“Yes sir.” Steven smiled and kissed his husband on the cheek. Silently Andrew left the party to get some eggnog. Annie saw this and quirked an eyebrow. 
Steven answered her silent question. “It’s all good.” No it wasn’t “He’s just getting some eggnog.” He wanted to get some eggnog.
Annie nodded slowly like she was debating on what to say next. “The roads are slippery. I hope he’s careful.”
The thought made Steven nervous, but nothing bad could happen right? It was Christmas Day so he decided to trust in God and believe that Andrew would be alright. Steven nodded at Annie and steered the conversation towards studio ghibli. 
-_-  -_-  -_-
It takes half an hour to get from the grocery store and back to the house. Steven knows after all the times one kid has gotten sick and he had to rush to the store for soup. It had been 20 minutes so far. Steven wasn’t too worried. He went to the kitchen to get more cinnamon rolls  where he caught Ryan staring out at the snow. 
“Snowstorm. Must be blue moon today,” Ryan whispered when he noticed Steven beside him. “First time I’ve ever had to bundle up like I do visiting Shane’s family in California. Kids were ecstatic though.”
Steven snorted softly. “I can imagine, Cali boy.”
Ryan fondly rolled his eyes, “That was an awful nickname and you know it. By the way, where did Andrew go? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
Before Steven could answer, his phone rang. Excusing himself, he answered and started to walk away. He made it four paces before he felt his heart shatter. 
-_-  -_-  -_-  
Steven was stock still in the middle of the kitchen. He wasn’t moving. Ryan called out to him, but he wasn’t responding. Hesitantly, Ryan walked over to Steven. His breaths were shallow and his eyes looked bloodshot. Carefully Ryan took the phone out of Steven’s hand.
“Hi, my name’s Ryan Bergara, I’m… Steven’s relative, what seems to be the problem?”
“Mr. Bergara, as I was just telling Mr. Lim, Mr. Andrew Ilnyckyj has been in a car accident. He’s in St. Luke’s hospital on 5th and 9th.” The operator had a sympathetic voice, probably picking up on how much Andrew means to Steven. Ryan took a deep breathe in an attempt to steel his nerves. He couldn’t break down, not yet, not until this whole mess was sorted out. Someone had to be strong for Steven.  
“Oh, um thank you, Steven and I’ll be there as soon as we can. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Mr. Bergara. I hope your friend turns out okay.”
“I hope so too.” Ryan hung up and pocketed the phone. He turned towards Steven who was still stock-still and crying. “Hey man, I need you to breath. He’s going to be okay. Shane and I’ll drive you to the hospital, the rest can stay back and watch the kids.”
“The kids… you can’t tell them just yet. You can’t. It’s Christmas Ryan. Wait, wait until tomorrow.”
“Ok, ok I promise. Wait right here. I’m going to go tell the grown ups and get Shane.”
As he was about to leave, Steven reached out and tightly gripped Ryan’s arm. “Don’t, don’t leave.”
Ryan paused and took a deep breath .”Ok, slim lim, come with me.” Slowly Ryan tugged Steven back to the living room. To get everyone’s attention Ryan made one sharp whistle. 
Everyone turned to look at them and concern colored their faces when they saw Steven’s tear stained face. Before they could speak Ryan’s voice wobbled out, “Uhh, Steven just got a call from the hospital,” Annie held a hand over her mouth, “Andrew’s been in a car accident. Shane and I are going to take him there, but we need someone to stay behind to watch the kids. It’s Christmas. I don’t want them there quite yet.”
Shane walked up to stand on Steven’s otherside. He wrapped an arm around Steven’s shoulders and rubbed in an effort to calm him down. 
“We can stay with the kids,” Katie offered. She sent a sympathetic look towards Steven that went unnoticed. The others offered to clean up before either going to the hospital or going home.  
Ryan and Shane ushed Steven into the car and drove as quick as they lawfully could to the hospital. When they came to a stop in front of the hospital, Steven jumped out and made his way to Andrew’s room. They watched him go silently, sadly. Before they joined him they parked.   
-_-  -_-  -_-
Steven ran down the hallways as fast as he could. Christmas music played softly through the halls, but it doesn’t have the same soothing effect anymore. It started to become more threatening as it played in his mind over and over. You better watch out. You better watch out. YOU BETTER WATCH OUT  you better not cry, you better watch out I’m telling you why… 
It made him sick. His anxiety increased two-fold. The washed out hallways seemed to stretch on forever. It was freezing to the bones in there. For every step Steven took, the hallway added another foot of length. 
401… 402… 403.
Steven felt like he was running on borrowed air. Like when he got that phone call Satan stole his breath and wouldn’t give it back to him. He didn’t stop running though, he would run as quickly as he could to get to him. 
Finally, finally after his ugly christmas sweater was starting to choke him, finally after his tears were starting to stream down his cheeks, he made it to him. 
Andrew was lying unconscious in his hospital bed. There was a long scar over his left eye and a bruise on his left forearm. Steven almost fell over at the sight of it. Yet he pulled himself together and staggered to Andrew’s bedside. Tightly he grabbed one of Andrew’s hands as he willed himself to stay strong, stoic. 
The hospital room was cold and unfeeling. It smelled of antiseptic and medicine. Steven hated it. He hated that he was here, he hated that he was the okay one. Steven, Steven burned with anger. But anger doesn’t last long, especially for Steven who quickly goes from murderous to deep tragic sadness. It makes his knees weak. 
 He pulls up a chair so he could fall into it. While still holding his hands, he rests his forehead onto Andrew’s stomach and let the tears fall. At first it’s singular droplets but then it becomes heaving sobs. All the pent up energy he feels is released through the tears. He’s relieved the kids aren’t here to see either of their parent’s like this. They’re too young. 
He hears Ryan and Shane approach but he pays them no mind. All he’s aware of is Andrew’s soft breathing and the beep of the heart monitor. The sound is both a blessing and a curse. As much as he hates the incessant beeping, he’d take it over its silence any day. The boys walk over to Steven, Ryan on his left and Shane on his right. 
Shane’s quiet as Ryan speaks. “The nurse says there was some internal bleeding, and he has a few broken ribs. The roads were a little slippery the other car couldn’t break fast enough to avoid collision. She checked your insurance. They’re going to send in robots to fix up the bleeding. Thank God we updated the healthcare on time.” Ryan tried to joke to alleviate the dour mood. It didn’t work that well. 
Steven tightened his hold on Andrew’s fingers. Jaggedly, he nodded his head. Shane placed a hand on top of his shoulder. “Hey man ease up. Don’t break his fingers.” Steven wanted to hold onto his husband’s hands like a lifeline, but he knew Shane was right. Instead he grabbed one of Shane’s hands and one of Ryan’s. No one spoke as they quietly watch Andrew sleep.
When the nurses had to take Andrew into surgery, Steven let them lead him back to the waiting room. The lights were bright in an awful way, harsh on his eyes. They sat together on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. No one spoke, unsure of what to say. Steven played with the hem of his Christmas sweater and prayed the rosary over and over internally. 
Later on in the night, Adam, Annie, Rie, and Niki came over to sit with them. Unless it was to offer Steven a comforting word no one spoke. They all waited apprehensively for an update on Andrew’s situation. Annie wrapped her arms around Steven who curled into her. 
“I’m sorry I jinxed it.” Her voice was whisper-soft and shaky, like she was about to cry but didn’t want to. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong. Just more evidence that you might be a little more magical than we thought.” Steven tried to humor her. Annie just held him tighter and kissed his forehead. 
“I’m magical as fuck and I’ll use my powers to make Andrew come out the surgery room brand new,” Annie declared confidently. Despite himself, Steven smiled. 
-_-  -_-  -_-
Andrew’s surgery lasted a few hours. Ryan shot a text to Katie that Andrew would be staying overnight and Steven would too. Katie offered to stay the rest of the night with them, but Adam refused. He drove back to keep an eye on the kids while Katie and her husband went home. She gave him a sympathetic smile and made Ryan swear that he would update them on Andrew’s situation. After that they sent Steven one last sympathy text before heading home. 
Luckily the surgery went smoothly. He’d wake up from the anaesthetics in a few hours. Since only one person could wait for him in the hospital room everyone stayed in the waiting room. Steven went to visit Andrew alone. He pulled up a hospital chair and fiddled with the hem of his sweater as he prayed. 
Half-way through the night, Ryan and Shane had to go back home to pick up the kids and put them to bed. Annie stayed with Steven the whole night. She went with him to see Andrew before having to go back home. Well into the morning, once the kids were awake and ready, Adam took Sunny and Mark back to the hospital to wait for Andrew and Steven. They were quiet and still for once chock full with worry. Adam tried his best to distract them. He played youtube videos, read to them, and let them play games on his phone. Nothing seemed to work however. The only thing the kids wanted was their father. 
They looked up when a nurse called Adam’s name. They got up together, one kid holding one of his hands. The nurse gave him a pleased, tired smile. “Everything went well, so well in fact that you all can visit him.”
“We can visit Papa!” Sunny squealed excitedly. It made the nurse laugh. 
“Yeah, your father’s waiting for you.” Sunny would’ve sprinted off if it weren’t for Adam. He quietly thanked the nurse before turning his attention back to the squirming kids. 
“We walk together, no running off. We can’t run into anyone.” The kids sullenly agreed with Adam. Together they walked towards Andrew’s hospital room. He didn’t let go of the hyper kids until they crossed the threshold. Sunlight light up Andrew’s hospital room. There were some flowers and candy lying on the side table. Steven and Andrew had matching red rimmed eyes as they held hands. Big Smiles shone on their faces when they saw their kids. Before the kids could pounce on Andrew’s torso Steven scooped them up onto his lap.
“Hey, hey, before you shower your papa with all the love in the world, we got to go over a few ground rules.” Steven waited until he had his kids attention. “Your father’s chest and stomach is very sore so you can’t put any pressure on it. That means so sitting on it, no tight hugs, no leaning against it. Ok?”
Both kids nodded solemnly before Steven let them onto Andrew’s hospital bed. Mark sat on his left while Sunny carefully climbed over him. When they started talking they also started crying and they did this on top of each other. Adam went to stand silently behind Steven. No one could fully understand what the kids were saying. It was something between, don’t go, I’m scared and it was confusing. Andrew let them cry it all out. He rubbed Mark’s arm up and down as he tried to thumb away Sunny’s tears (in vain). Gingerly he let the kids lay on him, wanting to be just as close to them as they needed to be to him. 
“I’m going to be ok guys, I promise. Papa just got in a little tumble.” The kids didn’t really believe him, he did have a scar on his face after all. They did always like the rumble of his chest when he talked though, so they just quietly listened. Andrew told them a story about one of his Christmases as a boy. It was long enough to have them fall asleep by the end of it.  Andrew kissed them on the forehead before turning towards Adam and Steven. 
“They fell asleep quickly. What did I miss from the 24 hours or so?” 
“Nothing much. After Steven got the call, half of us went to the hospital while the other half stayed behind to clean up the house and watch the kids. They’ve had some trouble sleeping. Very worried for you.” Adam informed him. Absentmindedly Andrew tightened his hold on his kids even if it pained him. 
“Merry Christmas to us,” Steven quipped sarcastically. 
Andrew snorted. “Hey, I turned out fine. Little banged up but I’m ok.”
Steven carefully squeezed his upper elbow. “You better be. I didn’t want to tell the kids that pops went out for milk and never came home.”
Andrew and Adam laughed out loud. “I promise baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
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Riding High Ch 11: Thankful for Chicken Nuggets
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Chapter Summary: It’s Thanksgiving and Mary’s eating chicken nuggets.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s thanks!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment…
The Boat Company used here IS an actual company in South Pas, but I got no idea who runs it so this is completely made up- roll with me here.
As always I’m a ho for a REBLOG and COMMENT! 
Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist 
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“Good morning hot shot!” Fliss smiled as she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she continued to fork up the bedding in the stable.
“Morning sweetheart.” he said softly
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Back at ya.” he chuckled softly “You at the yard?” “Yeah, been here a few hours now.” she said.
“Do you need a hand with anything or…” “That’s really sweet but there’s not much left to do.” she said, honestly “They’re all out for the day and are staying there until tomorrow morning so I’ve just a couple of stables and then some paper work to sort out before I pop back this evening to do a check…” “Ok so…” he said, “Once you’re done for the morning you’re free for a while?” “Yeah, why?”
“Mary had an idea…” “I did not!” Fliss heard the 7 year old scoff  “It was your…” “Ok, WE had an idea…” Frank said, and there was some scuffling and Fliss could imagine he was holding Mary at arm’s length as she made a grab for the phone “That maybe you might wanna come join us for dinner if you have time.”
“You mean your Thanksgiving dinner of chicken nuggets?” Fliss grinned “How could I turn that down?”
“Ok, well, just head over when you’re done…” “I might need to head home and shower.” she said, looking down “I’m filthy and probably don’t smell great either to be honest.” “You can change here, I mean...”
Fliss paused, she had a spare change of clothes in her car. Well, a pair of sweats and a different polo shirt. She normally kept them there just in case of a downpour.
“Erm, ok, if you don’t mind…” “No of course not.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you in about 2 hours or so?” Fliss smiled.
“Great.” Frank replied “See you soon.” ******
Fliss didn’t bother knocking. She opened the door and was immediately barrelled into by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hey!” she chuckled, dropping her bag “Wanna let me get inside first Stack?”
Mary stepped back and Fliss straightened up and smiled as Frank walked into the kitchen.
He beautiful.” he smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips. Mary sidled off into the main room, a smirk on her face.
“I stink.” Fliss warned “I mucked out 12 stables today…”
“Yeah, you’ve smelt better!” Frank laughed as she snorted. “You know where the bathroom is. Fresh towels in there. You need anything out of this or…” he gestured to her bag, as he went to pick it up.
“It’s just my clothes so…”
“I’ll put it in my room.” he smiled, giving her another kiss. “I would offer to come scrub your back but…” he inclined his head to the main room and Fliss gave a snort.
“Calm down Sailor” she teased “Plenty of time for that later.”
“Promises, promises.” he grinned, picking her bag up and heading through to his room. He dropped her bag onto his bed, glancing round. He’d attempted to tidy a little bit after the realisation she’d actually never been in his room before. After their night together the previous week they hadn’t managed another night alone, Fliss being a little ‘uncomfortable’ at being together like that when Mary was literally outside the door and to be honest, it wasn’t something Frank was particularly happy about either. It had never bothered him before, because Mary was never there when he brought a girl home but this was different. That said, he knew he was going to have to find somewhere bigger soon, Greg had warned him it would likely be a condition of him being awarded Guardianship. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t concerning him a bit, living pay-check to pay-check didn’t leave him a huge housing budge but he’d work something out, he always did..
Pushing the worry from his mind, he closed the bedroom door and headed back into the room. Mary was sat on the rug looking at the instructions to the new lego kit he had bought her for Thanksgiving.
“Sussed it out yet Stack?” he asked and she gave him a withering look. He bit back the laugh that was bubbling in his throat and sat next to her, taking from her, trying to figure the instructions out to make the Storm Trooper helmet, Star Wars being her latest obsession.
“That’s upside down…” she rolled her eyes, taking it from him to turn it the right way up.
“My bad.” he shrugged, looking at it again. “Ok, so…this piece…and we need one of these…” Together they began to pull together the elements they needed for the first section and the next time Frank looked up was when Fliss walked into the living area, a little shyly, wrapped in a towel. Her long, auburn hair was piled up on top of her head and her shoulders were speckled with water. She smiled as she padded past to his bedroom, Mary not even looking up as Frank watched her with his eyes as she closed the door behind her, giving him another smile. There was something so simple, so domestic about the situation, Frank couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest.
Roberta was right, he definitely had it bad.
“When we gonna give Fliss her present?” Mary asked, looking up at Frank.
“After dinner.” he said “Which reminds me, best turn the oven on.”
“Would be a start.” Mary agreed.
Frank rolled his eyes and stood up, heading into the kitchen. Shoving the stuff in the oven, he returned and found Fliss was now sat with Mary who was showing her the instructions.
“I LOVE Star Wars.” Fliss grinned, “So does Bill…he has Cinema Room in the house upstairs and poster from every single Star Wars film on the wall. I’ll show you later tonight.” “A Cinema Room?” Mary asked “Like, with a huge screen?” “Yeah. It’s pretty cool. When I finally get round to buying a house I’m gonna build one too.” “Do you think I could watch something in there tonight?”
“Mary…” Frank started to warn her but Fliss smiled.
“Frank it’s ok.” she said “And yeah, course you can. If you have a favourite DVD we can take that or you can pick. We have loads on the hard-drive and Sky...”
It wasn’t long before they were sat round the small kitchen table which had been pulled into the living room to allow them more room. Frank and Mary both showed Fliss their favourite thing to eat in the world- Chicken Nugget Sandwiches. After a sceptical look, Fliss leaned over to take a bit of Frank’s as he offered it and gave a small laugh announcing that it was actually pretty good. After a large slice of Chocolate cake each that had been made for them by Roberta they collapse onto the sofa, Mary once more on the rug, Fliss groaning about the “food baby” she was growing, rubbing her hand over her stomach.
“Hey Frank…” Mary looked at him. “Is it time now?”
It took Frank a moment and then he realised what Mary was talking about “Oh, yeah, hang on…”
He hopped off the sofa and headed into his bedroom, pulling the small gift bag from his dresser. He walked back into the living room and sat back down, shyly handing it to her.
“This…you got me a gift?” Fliss’ eyes went wide.
“Yeah.” Frank shrugged.
“You really shouldn’t have…” Fliss looked at him “I didn’t get you two anything…” “That’s not the point of giving a gift.”  Mary looked at her sternly. “You don’t give to receive, right Frank?”
“Right.” Frank nodded, leaning back on the sofa, looking at Fliss “And I wanted to…” he gestured between him and Mary where she was sat, Fred crawling into her lap, “…we wanted to, say thank you for everything over the last few months.” Fliss smiled at him and then Frank saw a childish excitement cross her face “Can I open it now?” He nodded, glad she was going to as he wanted to see her face when she did.
With delicate fingers she gently undid the ribbon that the woman at the store had wrapped it with and her mouth dropped open when she saw the white box which was emblazoned with the Pandora name and logo
“Frank…” she looked at him, before she opened the box and looked at the contents. She blinked before her hand gently covered her mouth as she looked down at the silver charm bracelet that was inside.
“I thought it was time you started a new one, for new memories.” he said gently as she reached into the box and gently took out the bracelet which held a single charm in the shape of a boat.
Fliss swallowed, and her eyes filled with tears. “I…” she took a deep breath and Frank frowned as he saw her struggling for composure.
“Hey…” he said, turning sideways on the sofa. His hand gently rubbed up her arm and she fell into him, pressing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms round her.
“You made Fliss cry…on Thanksgiving.” Mary deadpanned, throwing a ping pong ball for Fred.
“Why don’t you go do that outside?” Frank asked. “Stay on the step.” Mary shrugged and stood up, doing as she was told.
“You ok?” he asked Fliss softly as his hands rubbed at her back. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and she nodded taking a deep breath.
“Sorry, that was…” she sat back, wiping her eyes “Absolutely fucking ridiculous…”
“You do like it right?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Baby, I love it.” she smiled at him, and he felt his chest swell not only at the fact she liked the gift, but that was the first time she’d used that particular pet name…and he kinda liked it. “I just…well, I can’t believe you remembered about my bracelets.”
He shrugged as she reached out to gently cup his cheek.
“Thank you.” she said softly, leaning over to kiss him. He happily leaned into the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth, sliding against hers as she met him movement for movement before there was a light cough and Frank groaned, resting his forehead against Fliss’ as he turned to look at Mary.
“Need another ping pong ball. The last one flew under Roberta’s BBQ and I aint going under there…spiders and stuff.” She headed to the box at the back of the room, dug in and retrieved a net of ping pong balls, digging one out.
“Wanna go outside?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. He stood up and held out his hand, pulling her up with him and they headed out after Mary.
A little while later, after a game of tag on the lawn which resulted in both the girls tackling Frank to the floor in a huge tickle fight, Fliss noting that he was ridiculously ticklish and filing it for future reference,  they headed back inside, grabbed their things and after an almost tantrum from Mary who wanted to bring Fred and Frank refusing, they headed off in Fliss’ jeep for the yard to do the final checks for the evening. They were just about to head up to the field to make sure all the horses were settled and the waters were topped up when Bill walked onto the yard.
“Shouldn’t you be with mum getting stuff ready for the party?” Fliss frowned at her dad, surprised to see him.
“Are you joking!” Bill scoffed “You know what she’s like…” he coughed and then put on a light, airey voice “Bill, those champagne flutes are grouped in 3s,not 4s…no, those plates don’t go there, they go there…what are you doing with that cheeseboard, the grapes go in the middle…”
Frank felt his eyebrow raise slightly as Fliss laughed. Champagne, cheeseboards? This was not the type of party he was used to, at all.
“Oh don’t worry…” Fliss said, clocking his face “It descends into debauchery and chaos after about an hour…mum just likes to play the part of hostess with the mostess…”
“I like cheese.” Mary piped up.
“Good, we got plenty of it.” Bill said. “But, anyway, I dropped by for a reason. I picked something up earlier this afternoon that I think you might like.”
“Me?” Fliss frowned, but before she could say anything else Frank’s attention was taken by a man who was walking down the side of the barn. He was tall, slightly taller than Frank, quite stocky and had a shock of dark brown hair and looked ridiculously like Bill. Fliss gave a little shriek and ran towards the man, throwing herself into his arms as he laughed, twirling her round slightly before he dropped her to the floor.
“That’s her brother.” Mary supplied and Frank gave her a look.
“Yeah I kinda figured that.” he rolled his eyes. “How do you know anyway?”
“Saw a photo of him.” Mary shrugged.
Frank turned his attention back to the two siblings and Fliss was now looking better her father and her brother, confusion on her face. “What…I mean, how…”
“In New York for a stag do on Saturday.” he replied “Thought I’d take the chance and pop down here for a day or so…”
“Does Mum know you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah, she does now.” he laughed “There were a few tears this morning.” “Frank made Fliss cry before.” Mary said, and all attention turned to Frank who hung his head and let out an audibly groan.
“Seriously?” he looked at her as Fliss burst out laughing.
“Because I was happy.” She said, shaking her head “He bought me a new Pandora.” Frank didn’t miss the exchange of looks between father and son, both wearing identical expressions of surprise which morphed into soft smiles as Fliss moved and slid under Frank’s arm.
“Frankie, this is my brother Steve…” she smiled, as Steve stepped forward, holding his hand out. “Or Steeb, Steeby…whatever you want to call him.” “Nice to meet you.” Frank smiled as Steve shook his hand, his grip firm.
“Likewise.” Steve smiled “Heard a lot about you.” he then turned to his left and looked down “And you must be Mary.” “Yup,” she smiled, looking at him “Did you bring your kids?”
“Mary…” Frank said, looking at her and shaking his head.
“What?” She asked, “I was just asking a question…I wanted to meet them.” “No, not this time.” Steve smiled “Just a flying visit. But they’re coming over for Christmas so I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see them then.” he straightened up and smiled at Fliss “Where’s that grumpy ginger Nag?” Fliss narrowed her eyes “Don’t you talk about Heidi like that. She’s in the top field.”
“I thought he was talking about V…” Bill mumbled to Frank who gave a snort, and then looked at the man, the pair of them bursting into laughter. By the time they had composed themselves Steve and Fliss were stood, watching the pair of them, hands on their hips in almost identical poses.
“They do this all the time.” Fliss said, shaking her head “Come on, I’ll take you to see H. I was on my way up to check them all anyway. You coming Stack?” she looked at Mary. Mary grinned and ran forward, linking her hand into Fliss’. Frank didn’t see the eyebrow raised on Steve’s face, before the man smiled softly, dropping an arm round Fliss’ shoulder and pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
Fliss changed quickly when they were home into a pair of jeans, a strappy top and a pair of sandals before the three of them walked over to the house after another near argument about getting Mary to leave the bucket of lego she had brought with her in the annex which Fliss managed to avoid with the mention of the Cinema Room.
The house was busy, not packed but busy, and there was no way Frank was going to remember everyone’s names. But he smiled and shook hands as Bill introduced him to people, and he was surprised to find he felt at ease. Most of the people were older than him and Fliss, bar her brother of course, and it was a different circle and class of people he would normally mix with but he certainly didn’t feel like any of them were looking down at him, a stark contrast to how he used to feel at his Mother’s parties.
Well, they weren’t really parties, more like a gathering which rich snobs used to brag to other rich snobs about how much money they had.
“And this is Mike, Martin and Keith.” Bill said, nodding to the final three men, one of whom was giving Fliss a hug.
“You look great!” she beamed at him “How much weight have you lost now?” “40lb…” the man called Keith nodded and Fliss grinned.
“That’s awesome.”
“All down to the golf.” he smiled, gesturing to Mike, Martin and Bill “These guys drag me up there regularly enough.” “Frank hates golf.” Mary said “Says it ruins a good walk.”
There was a pause as Frank groaned, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. He glared at Mary who looked at him, frowning.
“What?” she asked as Bill suddenly began to roar with laughter, the other men joining in.
Frank shook his head and looked round “It’s just not my thing…”he said, by means of an explanation “I prefer playing basket ball or baseball…”
“Each to their own.” the man called Martin beamed. “To be honest when I was your age I hated it too. Was far more into drinking and women.” “Frank likes that too.” Mary said, and Frank then really did give her a look.
“Shut up.” he said, but of course she didn’t as the men continued to laugh.
“Although I’m glad he finally got together with Fliss, because she’s my favourite. Miss Stevenson would not have been a good choice.” Frank groaned again and he felt Fliss beginning to chuckle besides him.
“Miss Stevenson?” Bill asked.
“We don’t need to hear about that…” Frank said, his neck growing hot.
“She’s my teacher.” Mary nodded “She stayed at our house one night. I wasn’t supposed to be there but I saw her coming out of the bathroom wearing Frank’s sheets and…” “Ok, Mary..why don’t we go and see the Cinema Room…” Fliss hastily cut her off as the 3 men were now all howling with laughter.
“Oh, okay.” she shrugged, before she pondered something “Why was she in your sheets Frank, and not in a towel like Lissy was before?”
At that Bill arched an eyebrow and Fliss felt her cheeks grow warm “I had a shower, I’d mucked 12 stabled out.”
There was a pause before she recovered and steered Mary out of the room.
Frank grimaced and looked back round as Bill patted him on the shoulder, wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes. “I bloody love that kid.”
“She’s yours if you want her.” Frank said “I could gift-wrap her for you. Just say goodbye to your private life being private.”
Thankfully the Cinema Room kept Mary out of the way, especially when she had a stash of popcorn, sweets and soda to keep her occupied. For the next few hours Frank stuck mostly by Fliss’ side, talking to people, chatting to her brother a bit about his job and the business he had taken over from Bill, his kids…but Frank got the impression the man was being a little guarded with him. He was polite enough, and wasn’t being rude but he wasn’t overly warm either. But he supposed that was understandable. She was Fliss’ big brother after all.
Mary came down a few hours later and tugged on Fliss’ hand. Fliss went with her and Frank headed into the kitchen to grab himself another beer after being told by Verity to “stop asking and just go get”. He turned round, flipping the lid off, almost bumping into Bill.
“Sorry.” he apologised to the man who smiled at him as he held the fridge door open.
“There’s someone who just arrived that I want you to meet.” Bill said, gesturing for Frank to follow him. With a slight puzzled frown, did as he was told and wandered through to the large lounge where a number of people were congregated.  
“Frank, this is Alan Maxwell.” he introduced a short, stocky white haired man who was wearing a pair of modern thin-rimmed glasses and a cream blazer over a dark polo necked shirt and dark jeans. Frank took him in, noting his outfit probably cost more than Frank’s entire wardrobe.
“Hi.” Frank said, shaking his hand “Frank Adler”
“The boat mechanic?” Alan asked.
“Yeah…” Frank looked at him then to Bill.
“Alan’s in the Repair and Retail business.” Bill offered.
“I own MarineMax in St Pete’s” Alan smiled.
“Oh on Gulfport?” Frank looked at him and Paul nodded.
“You know it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Frank scratch at the back of his neck “I errr, I applied for a job there about 6 years back. But I didn’t have the relevant experience so…” Alan looked at Frank for a moment, “How long you been a mechanic now?”
“Over 6 and a half years.” Frank said.
“And you’re freelancing?” Frank nodded.
“Good success rate?”
“Over 98%.” Frank said “I mean, I only do one boat at a time because I’ve been juggling my hours around Mary for the last 7 years but…” he shrugged “I have regulars who come back so I must be doing something right.” “Could you get references?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Pretty sure I could.”
“Hmmmm.” Alan nodded, looking at Bill who inclined his head towards Frank with a smile.
“I told you, I’ll vouch for him.” he shrugged “He’s sleeping with my daughter after all.”
“Jesus Bill…” Frank groaned as the two men laughed.
“It’s a compliment” Bill smiled “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t let you within 3 foot of her”
“Thanks…I think.” Frank looked at him taking a drink of his beer.
“Come see me next week” Alan looked at Frank, pulling a card from his wallet and handing it over “I may have a position you’d be interested in.”
“I errr…” Frank was temporarily sideswiped by the suggestion “I…that would be…”
“I know it will be different to freelance but it’s a full time job, full package of benefits and a negotiable wage plus bonus scheme.” Alan said, “I’m not a huge outfit, but I pay my guys well.” Frank nodded, placing the card in his pocket “I’ll stop by.” “Just give me a call the day before and I’ll make sure I’m around.”
“I will.” Frank nodded. “Thank you.”
Frank made his excuses, realising he hadn’t seen Fliss for a while and headed off looking for her. He moved from room to room, realising there was no sign of her or Mary. He headed into the kitchen and then poked his head out of the large bi-folding doors which led onto the large raised decking area which spanned the length of the house.
“Hey…” Frank spotted Fliss’ brother leaning on the railing, lit cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. “You seen Lissy?”
“She was in the living room last time I saw her.” Steve said chuckling slightly, shaking his head.
Frank frowned at the man’s demeanour and Steve noticed, and smiled. “Sorry, just seems strange. Hearing someone else call her Liss or Lissy other than the family.”
“Yeah, well, I kinda picked it up from Bill and it stuck.” Frank smiled.
“Yeah she doesn’t suit Felicity.” Steve shook his head “Although that’s all he ever fucking called her. Apparently her nicknames were too common.” “Yeah well, he’s a dick.” Frank shrugged
“No arguments here.” Steve said, looking at Frank. Frank watched as the man studied him for a second, clearly thinking about something before he returned to leaning on the rail of the decking, looking down over the huge garden area as he took a final drag from the cigarette, before stubbing it out in the fire bucket to his right.
“Ok…” Frank stepped outside. “Let’s have it.” “Have what?” Steve asked, looking at him.
“The big brother lecture. The one where you threaten to rip my head off if I hurt your sister.” Frank said as Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Well, rest assured I will.” Steve looked at Frank as he too leaned on the railings. “But Dad says you’re a good bloke so…that’ll do for me.” Frank nodded and took a pull of his beer “I have no intention of hurting her, in anyway.” he said, his voice loaded with meaning and Steve sighed.
“I know.” he said gently “I just…well, I worry.” “Understandable.” Frank nodded, and it was. He got it, he really did.
“I hated that fucker.” Steve said, shaking his head “right from the start. Smarmy assed, stuck up Yank…oh, sorry, no offence.” Frank laughed “Non-taken.” he waved Steve’s apology away.
“I know she’s only actually my step-sister but well she was only 2 when I met her and…”
“Blood doesn’t make you family.” Frank nodded “If you ever meet my mother you’ll realise that.” “Yeah, Fliss wasn’t very complementary of her.” Steve snorted.
“She called her a cold hearted bitch to her face.” Frank raised an eyebrow as Steve laughed.
“I shouldn’t be pleased at that…” Steve said, smiling “But not long ago she wouldn’t have been brave enough to be that outgoing…” “Oh she certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards…” Frank shook his head
“Something he managed to suck out of her.” Steve sighed.
“You know, I’d love to get that fucker alone in a room” Frank glowered. “5 minutes, that’s all I’d need.” “Get in line.” Steve said, “Behind me and dad.” “Yeah, Fliss said something about there being a queue.”
“The day she said she was moving to Boston to be with him full time, it was the worst day of my life. And Mum and Dad’s” Steve said, taking another drink. “But we knew if we tried to stop her it would give him the perfect excuse to turn her against us. So what could we do but support it.” He hung his head slightly and Frank’s brow furrowed at the man’s open display of vulnerability
“I wish we’d done more, you know, anything…but we didn’t know how bad things had got. Not that he was hurting her, not like that.” “None of it was your fault.” Frank looked at him. “Or your parent’s. Or Fliss’”
“No, I know that but it doesn’t stop any of us feeling guilty.” Steve sighed. “But, anyway, it’s in the past now. That is until he goes for parole, which he will.” Frank shrugged “We’ll greet that when it happens.”
“Yeah?” Steve looked at him. “You ready for all that? Because I guarantee what she’s told you, well it won’t even scratch the surface Frank.”
“Are you asking me if I’m gonna bail when the going gets tough?”
“Suppose I am, yeah.” Steve looked at him.
Frank took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, quelling the frustration that was brewing at the man’s questioning, reminding himself that he had a right to worry, a right to be concerned. He’d feel the same if it was Diane in this position.
“Look, Steve, I know she hasn’t told me everything. And I’m not gonna push her to either. It isn’t important to me to know every sordid little detail of what that cunt did to her. What is important is that she’s happy with me, and that she feels safe and knows that I’d never hurt her like that and I sure as hell won’t abandon her when the road gets a little bumpy. She was there for me through a very bad time recently and, well…” Frank shrugged “Even if we decide that what we have isn’t working I’d still be by her side.”
Steve’s face remained passive for a second before it split into a grin “I don’t think there’s any worry about that, Frank. From what I’ve seen this afternoon and this evening, Lissy’s besotted. In fact, I’ve never seen her like this before.” Frank felt his cheeks flush a little and he looked down “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something else but they were interrupted.
“My ears burning?” Fliss asked, eyeing the two men up.
“I was just…making sure his intentions are honourable.” Fliss rolled her eyes with a snort “his intentions are honourable? What are you, like 90?”
Steve shrugged “No, but I’m 3 years older than you and still your big brother Titch…” “Whatever, Steeby.” she moved over to where Frank was stood and slid under his arm “Quit with the 3rd degree or I’ll tell Mum you’ve been smoking.”
“You wouldn’t!” he said in mock horror as she raised an eyebrow. Steve turned to Frank and raised his eyebrow, jerking his head towards his sister “Sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for?”
Frank laughed “her bark is worse than her bite…owww!” he said, as she nipped his arm.
“Sure it is.” Steve winked as h pushed himself off the railing and headed inside.
“Was he being an ass hole?” Fliss watched him go before she turned to Frank and he chuckled, pulling her closer.
“No,not at all.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips “Where’s Mary?”
“With Dad in the living room with the guys from the golf club.” she said, shrugging.
“No doubt revealing more of my dark secrets.” Frank groaned.
Fliss laughed “Nah, she’s got her lego. Bill and her will have some kind of building contest going on no doubt.”
“I told her to leave those in the annex.” “She did. I took her to get them.” Fliss shrugged
“Seriously?” Frank looked at her, rolling his eyes.
“What?” Fliss looked at him “She was bored and wanted something to do.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.” he said, his arms circling her and she grinned as he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Hush, Sailor, you love it.” she smirked against his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” he muttered, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
It was about midnight when the party started filtering out. Mary was crashed out on one of the sofas so Frank suggested they call it a night and Fliss, feeling the effects of a fair amount of alcohol, agreed. They made their goodbyes and Frank easily scooped Mary up and the three of them made their way, a little slower than usual, to the annex.
Once they’d roused Mary and she’d changed for bed Frank tucked her in, in the bed in the spare room and she was flat out before he even closed the door. He headed into Fliss’ room and laughed as she was led on the bed with her legs over the edge, feet flat on the floor. She was wearing just her bra and jeans, and her arm was bent over her eyes.
“My jeans are too tight.” she said.
“What?” Frank laughed.
“I can’t be bothered to take them off.” she leant up on her elbows and ginned at him “Wanna help me out Sailor?”
“Happily…” he grinned, and moved towards her but she stopped him.
“Ah ah…” she said, pointing to his polo-shirt. “Off.” With an arch of his eyebrow he reached back and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pulling it over his head. “Better?”
“Yup.” she nodded as he moved towards her, gently dropping down and undoing her jeans. With a tug he pulled them down over her thighs, his hands softly tracing up her skin as she sighed, before his lips met hers.
“You were a hit in there…” she said gently, her fingers tracing the muscles on his arms as he propped himself up over her.
“Yeah?” he asked, gently shifting so that she moved with him, laying further up the bed.
She nodded “Charmed the pants off all the posh bastards you did, Adler.” “There’s only one person I’m interested in charming the pants off.” he quipped and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Smooth.” “Is it working?”
She glanced down. “Nope, they’re still on.”
“Guess I’ll have to use my hands then…” he said, and with a quick move down he slid them over her ankles and gently pressed his lips to her skin, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her leg, nipping at the inside of her thigh. Fliss gave a soft sigh as he moved, his short beard scratching at her skin as he moved, her hands fisting in the sheets. When he reached his target he gently placed a long lick up her entrance, causing her hands to tighten on the soft covers besides her, before one gently fisted in his hair. His lips and tongue gently teased her, all the time Frank relishing the fact that her breathing was quickening as she neared her release, her body writhing in pleasure. It wasn’t long before her hand tightened on his hair and he gave a low moan at her touch, which vibrated through he body, and her hips bucked upwards. Placing a strong arm over her waist he held her down as her knees tightened slightly around his head and she let out a gasp, her arm flying to her mouth to stifle her loud moan as she came hard. Working her through it he then moved back, stripping off the remainder of his clothes before he crawled up her body again, kissing his way up from her naval to her chest. She arched her back and he reached around to unhook her bra before he set his attention to her breasts.
He could listen to the noises and whimpers she was making all day but after a week he was aching for her.
“Need you…” he said softly into her ear and she nodded, her hand gesturing to her bedside table. He paused and pulled open the drawer, and had to smirk as he saw the packet of condoms in there. Pulling one out he opened it, whilst Fliss gently gave him a stroke causing him to hiss slightly, his fingers fumbling on the foil and she grinned.
“Something distracting you Sailor?” “You know damned well what’s distracting me…” he said, his voice almost a growl as her hand moved over his whilst he rolled the latex down.
Her giggle turned to a moan as he buried himself inside her, his entire body feeling coiled like a spring, and his thrusts began as slow, and deep before soon she was begging for more and he picked up the pace, each movement rolling against her spot, causing her to breathlessly whisper his name as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and biting at that spot that drove her wild. At some point she moved, gently pushing on his shoulders, and he understood, rolling onto his back. She moved to straddle him, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she leaned down to draw him into a deep, sultry kiss before she sank down onto him, taking him in.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he said, his hands gently gripping her hips as she began to move, rolling her pelvis, “God you feel so good…” She preened at his praise, her pace quickening as she leaned forward again to kiss him, a moan falling from her mouth as he raised his hips to meet hers, his fingers tightening on her hips. Frank looked up at her, her mouth slack, lips plump, freckles still visible in the soft light from the outside lights, breasts bouncing softly as she moved.
“So beautiful…” he said, sitting up and she cried out at the change of depth as he pulled her close, thrusting up into her.
“Frankie, I’m…” and with a low whine her head tipped back as her release washed over her, a slow, deep burn which left her slack in his arms, as she collapsed forward. After a few more desperate thrusts he was right behind her, clinging to her, his face buried into her shoulder, his own groans stifled in her skin.
They stayed like that for a little while, both recovering, hands softly dancing over skin before he leaned up to give her a soft kiss.
“You ok?” he asked, and she glanced down at him, her hands cupping his face as her lips ghosted over his.
“Never better.” she whispered to him, kissing him again.
***** Frank woke the next morning and as he blinked, he realised he was alone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, before he could hear soft voices from elsewhere in the annex. Grabbing his phone he looked down and with a start realised it was past 10.  Running a hand over his face he climbed out of bed, grabbed his bag and retrieved a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt before he grabbed his jeans which were now folded and placed over the back of the chair by Fliss’ vanity unit. After sorting himself in the bathroom he made his way downstairs and found Fliss and Mary sat outside in the small yard, an array of breakfast items on the table. Fliss long hair was pulled into a messy pony tail and she was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Even like that she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Morning.” he greeted, stepping out onto the decking and Fliss smiled at him.
“Hey.” she said, accepting the kiss he dropped onto her cheek before he sat down next to her. “Sleep well.”
“Hmmm I was tired for some reason.” he quipped, causing her to grin.
“Fliss says I can go ride Monty today.” Mary looked at Frank. “Is that ok?”
“It’s not your week for a lesson.” Frank said, “And it’s Friday.”
“It’s ok.” Fliss said “The riding school is shut. Joanne’s done the morning shift so we can just go up this afternoon. I need to work Cap and Bronson but she can ride if she wants.” “Please….” Mary looked at Frank who sighed.
“I’ve gotta nip to the boat yard.” he said, “Got some guy who needs a motor looking at and I said I’d meet him today…” “I don’t wanna go to the boat yard.”  Mary pouted.
“It’s ok, she can come with me.” Fliss offered “I don’t mind, honestly.”
Frank hesitated, he didn’t want Fliss to think she was obliged to take Mary. He knew that the pair of them came as a package but still.
“You sure?” Frank asked “Roberta would normally take her but she’s not back until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, its fine.” Fliss nodded “She can help me and Joanne.”
“Ok, then, yeah, you can go.”
Mary grinned and turned her attention back to her book.
“You want breakfast?” Fliss asked, moving to stand.
“I’ll get it…you stay there.” Frank said, but Mary suddenly jumped up.
“No it’s ok, we made you something special…” With that she shot into the kitchen.
“Special?” Frank looked at Fliss, and she grinned as his lips met hers.
“Yeah…” she nodded to Mary who emerged from the kitchen, giggling. Frank gave a snort of a laugh and shook his head as she thrust the box of Special K into his hands.
“Thanks…” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes.
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
I'm bad at prompts but I'd love a good prison AU! Jesse imprisons the aliens as kids. Alex joins his dad at the prison throughout his childhood so Jesse can pass on his legacy. Malex become friends and have this cosmic connection. They celebrate Christmas every year together, even though it's through glass. It's sad but Michael looks forward to this every year because he spends it with Alex. Years later Alex breaks them out just before Christmas- their first real one and fall madly in love!
(This one got a little sadder, so some warnings in here for Jesse being a terrible Dad and hints of experimentation)
When Alex is seven, his father brings him to a place called Caulfield and takes him to a sterile white room. Alex goes with a toy in his hand. He’s nudged inside and told to sit down and wait. When he says he doesn’t understand, his father looks at him and says, “You will, someday. For now, you do as you’re told, like a good Manes boy.”
Dutiful and brave, Alex nods and clutches the Lego set in his hands as he sits on the ground and opens up the box to start building the spaceship. Maybe this is just like when he’s early at school and he’s taken to a room to be watched.
He plays alone for a few minutes until he hears a door open nearby and then three children are ushered in. Alex perks up and smiles at them with a cheerful wave. “Hi,” he greets them, eyes skipping from one to the next. “I’m Alex. Do you wanna see what I got for Christmas?” he suggests, holding out the box to the boy with curls, who’s standing closest to him.
None of the children speak to him.
Alex glances warily over his shoulder to see if his father will tell him to stay back, but he doesn’t. There’s a long pause and eventually he hears the crackling of static. “Give them the toy, Alex.”
It’s an order. Even at seven, Alex understands orders.
He nervously holds out the toy to them, feeling strange about it. “Here,” he says, to the curly-haired boy. “I’m Alex, like my Dad said,” He bites his lip, trying to fight the nerves that threaten him when none of the kids say anything. The blonde girl and the other boy exchange a look and then advance to take the set out of Alex’s hands, but the curly-haired one doesn’t move.
He hasn’t stopped staring at Alex.
“That one is Michael,” comes a bored voice over the intercom. “The others are Max and Isobel. Play with them.”
Alex frowns at the order, which seems to be the right thing for the other kids to see. Suddenly, Michael is all smiles and friendship, holding out his hand for Alex to take. Alex does, being led to the corner where there are a few blocks that look like they’ve been picked up from a discount bargain bin, but as Michael sits down with them, Alex sees that there are scribbles on them in pen.
They look like fancy math equations, the kind that he’s seen in Hunter and Harlan’s books. Alex’s eyes widen as he stares at the alien and thinks, that’s so cool.
He doesn’t understand why his Dad is so scared of them. They just want to play with blocks and be smart. Alex smiles as Max and Isobel approach and sit with them to assemble the Lego planet in the kit that he’d brought.
Eventually, his time is up. As he goes, Michael holds out the completed spaceship to him, but Alex shakes his head.
“You should keep it,” he says, because his father had wanted Alex to give it to them to build, but he’s the one who wants them to keep it. It’s almost Christmas and everyone deserves a gift for the holidays, especially if they’re stuck in a terrible old prison like this. Alex doesn’t understand it, not entirely, but maybe they’re here to be safe?
Maybe it’s to protect them.
“It’s for you. From me,” Alex insists again, holding out the spaceship. “Happy holidays, Michael.”
Michael takes it and holds it in both hands, staring at it reverently. Alex makes eye contact with him once more before he goes, but he’s giddy on the drive home, chattering to Flint about how they’d played and the spaceship they’d built. He can see his father’s unhappy expression in the mirror, but Alex doesn’t care enough to stop.
When he visits next week, the spaceship is gone from the white room.
Alex catches the steely look on his father’s face and decides not to ask.
He already knows what happens when Dad gets upset. Maybe it’s better if he just pretends that it got lost, because then no one has to get hurt.
Once Michael started talking, the guards joke that he won’t shut up.
Alex has been busy at school, but he wants to make sure to get there for the holidays because he hasn’t seen Michael since Thanksgiving and there’s a lot to talk about. Plus, he’s got a great gift to share this year, bringing the tape player with him.
He doesn’t get a chance to give it to Michael, though, because the guards take it from him. “It’s a present!” he protests. “They let me bring food to him.”
“This is different. Too many electronic parts,” the guard says without looking Alex in the eye.
He might only be ten, but he can tell that there’s something like fear in the guard’s eyes. Alex wonders what it is that they’re scared of, including what they think that the aliens would do if they had the electronics in their hands.
He doesn’t need to wait long to find out.
When Alex gets to the glass that separates him from Michael, his eyes widen with wonder. Michael’s in the testing lab, sitting on a chair with a testing cap on, and he’s juggling three pieces of fruit – and he’s doing it all with his mind.
“Whoa,” Alex breathes out. “You’re like a Jedi.”
The two doctors glare at Alex over their shoulders when orange, banana, and pear all go colliding to the ground. “Alex!” Michael says excitedly the moment he sees him. He tries to wriggle free, but they stop him, even though Alex turns to the guards with the fiery look of a Manes heir.
“Let him go,” he imperiously demands.
The guards exchange a look, like they’re not entirely sure what they should be doing. Alex sucks in a breath through his teeth, his anger building. His father runs this whole prison, he’s the youngest son, and one day this is going to be his to oversee. He plans to change a lot of things and if these guards aren’t careful, Alex is going to remember them.
“Let him go,” he repeats, his voice icy, “or you may not like it when I complain to Dad that you didn’t listen.”
That seems to do the trick. They dismantle Michael from all the wires and trappings and step aside when Alex rushes in, even though he loses the battle of giving the present to Michael. He throws himself into an embrace, even though the guards shout at him, and holds him tight.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get you the gift.”
“You got me unhooked,” Michael says quietly. “It’s the only gift I want. Thank you, Alex.”
That sends a weird, bad feeling through Alex. Not for the first time, he wonders if maybe he and his family are the bad guys here. It’s an uneasy revelation to have, but as he watches the guards escort Michael back to the cell, he thinks that they look like stormtroopers and it’s never been clearer.
So what does that make his father?
Who does that make him?
Alex has been sitting with his back to the glass, sniffling, for the past hour. His Dad doesn’t know he’s here, because his Dad is overseas. It’s just him and Flint at the house, which makes for a terrible Christmas. He’d come straight to Caulfield, where he’s been sitting with Michael, since the guards refuse to let him out so that Alex can see him and hug him.
“He’s an asshole,” Michael says.
Funny how that doesn’t make Alex feel any better. “He was my best friend,” he protests, his voice wobbly as he thinks about all the terrible things that Kyle said about him. He sniffles and shifts so that his shoulder is pressed to the glass as he presses his hand to it, wishing that he could be with Michael.
The glass can be opened, but he’d need a guard to do it for him, and then Dad would know that he’s here without permission. It’s better that there’s some distance, even if it’s the last thing that Alex wants.
“It’s all because of who I like,” he gets out, not thinking.
Because then Michael asks, “Who do you like?” and Alex freezes.
Kyle knows about Caulfield because of his father, and knows all about the curly-haired alien that Alex has taken a shining to. He knows who Michael is, so when he’d caught Alex with his hand on his dick and moaning his name, he’d known instantly who Alex had been thinking about. Then the bullying had grown worse and now Alex is here, and it’s almost Christmas, and the only present he wants is a kiss from Michael, but he can’t have it.
“Does it matter?” he whispers, and he feels like he’s answered with a name by not answering at all, staring up at Michael with sad eyes.
There’s a wall of glass that separates them. There’s his father’s ideology and the threat that the aliens are supposed to represent. It doesn’t matter that Alex is deeply in love with one of them, it’s never going to change.
“If I ever get out of here,” Michael says.
“When,” Alex cuts him off.
“If I ever get out of here,” Michael reiterates, and starts on a fantasy that he’s been telling Alex since he was thirteen. “You’re going to take me for burgers, and then we’ll go watch a movie, and when we see Valenti, I’m going to punch him so hard in the face that he’ll wish he had someone to kiss it better.”
Alex can’t help the way he smiles at Michael and he lets his fingers slide over the glass, stroking it lightly. “He made me feel so angry, but I know it’s because I can’t change it. I can’t change this,” he whispers.
It’s almost Christmas, and all he wants is Michael.
“One day,” Michael says wistfully. “It’ll be Christmas and I’ll get to hold you.”
“If,” says Alex glumly.
This time, it’s Michael who responds fiercely with, “When,” and gives Alex a look that puts the matter to rest.
“Alex, you can go in.”
Alex glances over his shoulder to his father, confused why he’s being led down a different hallway than usual. Every month when he comes to visit lately, he gets to spend the time with the three aliens in a small room where they talk about the outside world, Alex plays them songs on his guitar, they end up doing homework together, and they talk. He’s started to question it recently, why they’re being treated the way they are.
Why is his father keeping them separate like this? Why is he treating them more like students than prisoners? There’s been a sick thought in the back of his head that maybe he’s trying to convince them over to their side, like maybe Jesse wants their powers for his own selfish intentions.
Still, Alex doesn’t know why there’s a change of pace today.
When he enters the small room, he finds a large bed, the lights dimmed, and the smell of lavender and roses permeating the air. There’s also Michael sitting on the bed, in a soft sweater and a pair of sweatpants. “Michael…?”
“Hey,” Michael replies, his smile lazy and his pupils dilated.
He’s been drugged.
Alex feels his stomach twist and drop out from under him. He can see the supplies on the nightstand past the twinkling holiday lights, and he instantly knows why he’s been brought here. It looks like the crush he’s been developing on Michael isn’t as secret as he’d thought. He’s not the boy he was at six. He knows better now, and knows that his father wants to study something, and wants Alex to be a part of his legacy to help.
Maybe he thinks Alex has been faking his feelings.
Or maybe he’s just intending to capitalize on them in order to learn more about the aliens. Either way, it makes him sick and he moves to sit beside Michael, threading his fingers through Michael’s and holding his hand. There’s a camera in this room somewhere, but he doesn’t have time to try and dismantle it.
Besides, he’s only starting to learn those skills (under his father’s nose). He doesn’t trust what would happen if he fails while under his supervision.
“You smell so good,” Michael mumbles, turning to press the tip of his nose to Alex’s neck, breathing out softly and pressing kisses there as he bears in on him. It’s the first time that Michael has ever touched him like this and Alex is only human.
He’s human in a room with a drugged alien, one that he’s fantasized about for years.
Alex really doesn’t think that it’s his fault that he moans when Michael’s tongue gets involved in the biting little kisses to his neck. It takes every last ounce of strength he possesses to put both hands on Michael’s shoulders and push him away. When he does, it seems to break something in Michael, who whimpers in a fucking desperate way, trying to climb into Alex’s lap.
“Please,” he begs, staring at Michael. “Not like this.”
“No?” Michael sounds rough, but he searches Alex’s face, trying to break through whatever it is they dosed him with.
Alex shakes his head wordlessly, not sure that he can verbally tell Michael no again. He knows how weak he is, he knows how badly he wants this, so all he can do is shake his head and hope that Michael is stronger than he is. It does the trick. Michael wraps his arms around Alex and pulls him in close, but he stops. He bears him to the bed, wraps his leg around Alex’s waist, and holds him tightly.
Alex’s lashes flutter against his cheek as he closes his eyes and hopes that he can make this last.
It doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. They’re still in a prison and no matter what special treatment and task Jesse has in store for them, Alex isn’t allowed any tenderness. When the guards hustle in and pry Alex off of Michael, there’s a sob that comes from Michael, but Alex feels his own choked version in the back of his throat.
They drag him out and push him towards Jesse Manes, standing at the end of the hallway.
One look at Jesse’s face tells Alex that he failed whatever this test had been meant to be. He doesn’t even determine him worthy of a dressing down. He sighs, shakes his head, and then walks off to call for one of Alex’s brothers.
Alex watches him go and thinks about how Michael had felt in his arms. He thinks about how in a few days, it will be Christmas and Alex will be at a dinner table with his father and not the person he loves.
He makes a promise that day.
There’s no more ifs about it.
Alex is breaking Michael and his siblings out of this prison. He doesn’t know when, but he refuses to leave them in here for the rest of their lives. They want him to follow in the Manes family footsteps and serve a legacy, but he has plans of his own.
He’s going to get Michael out of this prison so they can have a life together.
Let that be his legacy.
Alex waits outside the door nervously, gift in hand.
T’is the season, but he’s still feeling completely unnerved about everything.
“Can I come in?” he asks, knocking on the bedroom door. It’s his apartment, but it’s Michael’s bedroom, and after the escape from the prison, there are some things that he tries to be cautious about. Even though it’s been months, Alex still wakes up feeling like he’s in the middle of that nightmare.
The smoke, the shouting, the shooting – it’s all there in his nightmares where he can’t avoid them, but he’d managed to get out Max, Isobel, and Michael before the alarm had been triggered. The rest of it is up in smoke – including the rest of Michael’s family.
It had taken some of Alex’s with it.
It’s cruel to think, but Alex is okay with his father being buried under his life’s work. Thinking back to all the terrible things that Jesse had done over the years makes him okay with it. Remembering all the ways that Jesse had used him like a pawn is what makes him truly enjoy the knowledge that Caulfield had brought Jesse down with it.
There’s a long pause, then a quiet, “Yeah,” that gives Alex the determination to head inside.
When he heads inside, he sees Michael curled up with the blankets. Max and Isobel have just left, so there’s the shreddings of wrapping paper around him and there’s still a glittery red bow in Michael’s curls that Alex fondly picks out. The twins had seemed okay when they’d left, but Alex suspects them having each other is what’s making it easier for them.
Still, Michael has Alex, and he’s determined to do right by him.
“What’d they give you?”
Michael reaches over to lift up a cozy looking sweater. Alex takes it in his hand and settles on the bed beside Michael to breathe it in. “It’s nice,” he says, and tries to hand it back, but Michael stubbornly refuses to take it. “Michael,” he chastises.
“Wear it? For a little,” is his request. “Please?”
Alex feels his heart pounding in his chest, but he nods as he begins to understand. It’s more of a gift if it comes from Alex, because then it will make Michael feel safe and protected. He tugs it on, mussing up his hair in the process, but he gives Michael an encouraging smile as he shifts onto the bed with him, curling up in Michael’s arms as they lay there.
Even though he has a bedroom of his own, everyone knows that it’s a storage room at best. There isn’t a night that Alex doesn’t sleep next to Michael, both because he wants to and because he’s still paranoid that someone is going to come and take him away.
He knows that won’t happen logically. With his father gone, they’re safe.
And yet, Michael keeps looking for cameras and Alex understands. He knows why they don’t feel safe even if it’s a ghost that’s haunting them. The best he can do is curl in with Michael, giving him the gift in his hand. “Merry Christmas, Michael,” he says quietly.
His father’s will had cleared recently and it turned out that Alex had done an excellent job of faking being the dutiful son taking after his father, despite a few rocky bumps along the way. The will had left a quarter of Jesse’s assets to Alex. At first, he’d refused them, but sounder minds had convinced him to think about it. He’s glad he did, because he’s able to give this gift to Michael.
It’s a slip of paper inside the wrapped box and Michael doesn’t understand.
“It’s for you. If you want, it’s your tuition,” he says, having written a note after he’d put the money in an account with both their names on it. It had taken a lot of hacking to make sure Michael had an identity, but one that’s worth it. “Care of Jesse Manes’ death,” Alex says triumphantly, feeling smug and victorious that his father’s death could give Michael some of his life back.
Michael’s eyes widen and he gets out a surprised sound before he closes his mouth, clearly gearing up to deny it.
“Think about it,” Alex tries to cut him off. “Okay? You don’t have to decide now. The money’s gaining interest, it’ll be there when you need it, when you want it.” He adjusts himself in Michael’s hold, pulling himself in. “I want you to have it. I want you to have school and a normal life and me. I want you to have everything.”
Michael seems to understand that, and he promises to think about it before pressing a kiss to the top of Alex’s head. They fall asleep together in Michael’s bed with the twinkling string-lights dazzling in the window, with Alex in Michael’s sweater and both of them curled up snugly beneath the blanket.
The next day, Michael gives Alex a Christmas present of his own.
He signs up for an undergrad stream in engineering at UNM with the money from Jesse’s death.
It’s the best gift Alex has ever received.
This year, Alex has a special gift for Michael.
He’s been planning it for months and he thinks that Michael’s probably on to him. Still, if he has, he keeps it quiet as the holidays grow nearer. It’s been over a year since the aliens were broken free of Caulfield and Alex thinks that it’s long enough and that they can get on with their lives.
Or maybe they can start the life they’ve been trying to have since they were little and the glass separated them for the first time. For Christmas, they don’t make big plans. They’re not party people and seeing as Michael is still learning about the world, it’d be too much to take him out for Alex’s big surprise.
Instead, he does what he’d wanted to do when he was sixteen when they sat on opposite sides of the glass. He crawls right into Michael’s arms, exhausted from classes – he and Michael are both at UNM and while Alex wants this, it’s also been a long exam season. “Hey,” Michael says with surprise as Alex burrows in. He puts down the book he’s reading to make room for him, laughing warmly. “That bad, huh?”
“Conserving my energy for the dinner with your siblings later,” Alex says, pretending that he’s completely out of it, even though his heart is pounding and he’s sure Michael will be able to feel it. He’s nervous, even though he has no right to be. “I did want to give your present to you now, though,” he admits, staring at him with a hopeful look in his eyes.
Michael leans over to put the book on the table, rubbing his palm over Alex’s chest. “Yeah, of course,” he agrees with a crooked sweet smile, and gives Alex a wary look. “You okay? Your heartbeat’s racing.”
“Yeah,” Alex gets the word out, but he doesn’t even bother making an excuse. There’s no reason to, especially when he doesn’t intend to drag this out. “When I met you at seven,” he says, “you looked at me and I felt like I knew who I was. It was like you were the one holding all the answers, like you somehow made me know myself better than anyone else could.”
Michael’s sitting up, staring at Alex with an awed look. He already knows where this is going, Alex suspects, but he’s staying silent.
“I let my father believe he had a legacy that would continue on in me, but he didn’t. All I had in that prison was a hope for a future with you,” he says. “And now we’ve got that, a real one, and we’ve been living it for almost two years and I want more. I want to be selfish and stupid and demanding. I want to be owed the fifteen years we didn’t get outside that glass. I want you,” he finishes, and reaches into his back pocket for the velvet pouch where the ring is waiting. He raises both his brows and presents it to Michael with a hopeful look in his eyes. “I want you to be my husband.”
Michael reaches out and reverently lets his fingers slide over the band, a tender look on his face. “…Alex,” he gets out, and his words are choked up, but not with sadness.
That’s the important part.
“Let’s make a legacy of our own,” Alex says, and unearths the ring from the pouch, holding it in his palms for Michael to study. “Our own family, our future, something that no one can take from us, that they can’t separate us from.”
“Yes,” says Michael, fierce and determined as Alex feels, protective of this thing they have – this future, this legacy.
When Alex slides the ring onto Michael’s hand, it doesn’t feel like he’s claiming him so much as making a promise that he intends to keep – no glass, no person, no universe can keep them apart now and Alex will fight to the death to make sure that stays true.
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marvelxreader · 6 years
Secrets - Part 4
You’re best friends with Ned and MJ. You’re really bad at making friends, but then they introduce you to Peter and there’s just something about him that you can’t explain. Who knows? Maybe you’ll actually get along with this guy.
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Disclaimer: slight angst
Word Count: 1,4 k
Y/N = Your Name
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Peter and you have been secretly dating for the past two weeks, but MJ and Ned had their suspicions. He treated you just too sweet and the glances between you gave it away pretty quick.
You were walking down the hallway with your best friends, making your way to history class, when Ned turned to you.
„So, when are you guys going to tell us about your little secret?“, he casually asked.
Your head shot up at him, looking like a deer in headlights. How did they find out? Did they see the suit in his backpack? Did they hear Peter and you talking about it?
„What do you mean?“, you tried to play it cool.
„Oh come on, Y/N. It‘s pretty obvious that Peter and you are more than just friends“
You sighed in relief.
„Well yeah, Peter is pretty bad at hiding“, you chuckled, „We didn‘t tell you because we wanted to take things slow and just see how it works out“
„No need to justify yourself, it‘s all cool. Either way, I‘m happy for you, Y/N“, Ned smiled at you, before turning to MJ.
„So, they are actually dating. You know what that means“, he winked, „You owe me five bucks now“
MJ rolled her eyes in response, but you just laughed.
After 60 minutes of trying to stay awake during Mr. Hiddleston‘s history lesson, the school bell finally rang.
„Hey Y/N, you want to come over and join me building my new Lego death star?“, Ned asked you.
„So lame“, MJ said to herself.
„Wait, what? That‘s awesome! How many pieces?“, you beamed with excitement.
„That‘s insane“
„I know!“, Ned said with a big grin on his face.
„Alright nerds, see you tomorrow“, MJ joked and waved goodbye to you.
When you arrived at Ned‘s, you immediately got started and while he was reading the building instructions to you, Peter was busy at the Avengers Tower.
„So, how is Y/N?“, Tony asked Peter while improving his new suit.
„She‘s great, thanks for asking. It‘s all going really well actually“
„Happy to hear that, Peter. Just make sure your enemies don‘t find out, you can‘t imagine how many times they’ve tried to take Pepper from me. She‘s your weak spot now and they will take advantage of that, you know?“
Tony‘s advice scared Peter a bit. He didn‘t even think about the danger he put you in, just by being with you.
„Thank you, Mr. Stark. I will protect her with my life, I promise“
„Of course you will, that‘s what we do around here“ and with that, his full concentration was on the suit in front of him again.
While Tony was doing his thing, Peter decided to go to the training room with Steve. He was still slightly bitter about the time Peter stole his shield, but overall they got along pretty well.
Peter was in the middle of taking Steve down, when their training session got interrupted by an agitated Natasha.
„New weapons are making their way around the city. They‘re mixed with Chitauri-technology and they‘re highly dangerous. We need to find them as soon as possible. Spidey, if you know anything, let us know. We‘ll handle it from there“
„But, I can help as well! Mr. Stark is working on a new suit for me and - “
„You have no idea how dangerous the person in charge of this might be. And on top of that, you‘re still a kid. There‘s no way I‘ll put you in a situation like this“, Steve interfered.
„Well Captain, you just got your ass whooped by a kid then“, Peter said, getting up from Steve, while Natasha suppressed a chuckle.
Peter didn‘t get it. He was more than just a kid, he was Spiderman and determined to prove himself to the rest of the Avengers.
He left the tower and walked through the streets of New York, examining every person and listening to every conversation in order to find a hint that would lead him to these weapons. He has been roaming around for hours, when he suddenly got goosebumps, signalling him that danger was near.
He looked around and saw a middle aged man coming his way. When he passed Peter, the goosebumps got even worse and he was certain he found what he was looking for, so Peter decided to discreetly follow him.
After thirty minutes they seemed to have reached their destination. The stranger was entering an old warehouse, while Peter watched every move from a distance. He changed into his suit and started circling the building, looking for a backdoor. After a few minutes he found one, but of course it was locked.
„Well, well, well. Who do we have here? The boss will be pleased to test his new stuff out on you“, a raspy voice said.
Five muscular men were standing there, while the biggest of them pointed an anti-gravity gun at him.
Oh shit.
Something was knocking on your window in the middle of the night, causing you to wake up. Tessa was growling at the shadow outside, while you got up to check what it was and to your surprise, Peter was hanging on the brick wall of your apartment building. You quickly opened the window to let him in.
He clumsily climbed inside, instantly laying down on your carpet. He was holding his stomach and you could see the blood stains on his suit.
„Oh my god, what happened? I‘ll get the first aid kit, stay there and don‘t move“, you said in shock, running into the bathroom.
When you came back, his mask was already lying on the ground and his suit was loosely hanging around his waist. The sight of him broke your heart. He had a bloody lip and his body was covered in bruises and cuts, some deeper than the other. You knelt down beside him, inspecting the wound on his stomach while pouring some alcohol on a cotton pad.
„I‘m sorry babe, but this will hurt like a bitch“, you said right before you started cleaning the wound.
He squinted his eyes and took in a sharp breath.
„We might have to stitch his“, you said with a hint of concern in your voice.
„No, no stitches. I‘ll be fine in 20 minutes, just wait and see“, he managed to get out, his voice nothing more than a whisper.
And he was right. You could see the wound getting better every minute and after a short period of time, he was as good as new.
„So that‘s what you meant with fast metabolism“, you looked at him, questioning if you were still dreaming.
He just yawned and got up, acting like he didn‘t just have a massive cut in his stomach, and laid down on your bed.
„Come here please, I want to cuddle“, he mumbled into the pillow as he held out his arm for you.
You tiptoed back to bed and he instantly wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
„You wanna talk about what happened back there?“, you asked him with a soft voice, while your fingers played with his hair in an attempt to calm him down.
“Bad guys and Chitauri weapons are just not a good match”, he mumbled, before the exhaustion washed over him and he dozed off.
~ earlier that night ~
Peter was trapped underneath pieces of concrete that fell from the wall a few seconds prior. Vulture, the man responsible for Peters state, knelt down beside him.
„If you get in my way again, I will kill every single person you care about“, He threatened Peter, who was lying on the ground, before he flew off and out of sight. Peter was slipping in and out of consciousness, when Tony’s words echoed in the back of his mind.
She‘s your weak spot now and they will take advantage of that.
„Y/N“, he whispered to himself, „for the love of god, please be safe“
It took all of his strength to lift up the concrete on top of him, but the thought of Vulture hurting you kept him going. Even though his condition was the worst he has ever been in, he managed to climb out and as soon as he did, he rushed to your apartment in record time.
You woke up to the sound of Peter calling your name in his sleep. He was still holding you, his grip getting tighter by the second.
“It’s okay, I’m right beside you”, you whispered to him, cupping his face with one hand, your thumb drawing circles on his cheekbone. His glossy eyes fluttered open at your touch.
“Thank god, you’re here”, he said and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Of course I am, where else should I be?”, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Never mind. I’m sorry for waking you up, baby. Just go back to sleep”
And you did as he said, while Peter stayed up all night, making sure no one could hurt you.
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lamptracker · 7 years
FIC: You need a blue sky holiday (Peter Parker/Reader)
Not sure where this came from. But here we are.
FIC: You need a blue sky holiday
Pairing: Peter Parker/Reader
Summary: You had a bad day, Peter vows to turn it around.
A/N: Title from the song “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter. 
It was, thankfully, the end of the school day. You couldn’t get out that door fast enough.
It had been, to put it mildly, a terrible day. You overslept, you nearly missed the bus. You forgot your lunch, which was okay because the cafeteria was serving pizza. But when you went to get your lunch the kid in front of you got the last slice and you were stuck with meatloaf. You failed an algebra quiz. Flash was being his usual annoying self.
You were hoping to sit with your best friends - Ned, Michelle, and Peter - but it was Peter’s day to help in the library and Ned and Michelle were working on something for chem. So you sat with some of the other members of Decathlon. It wasn’t so bad, Abe was in the mood to entertain today so that kept your mind off things for a bit.
And then, on the bus ride back to your apartment?
You got a text.
You’d been kind of flirting with this guy, Ryan. He was cute and funny and played baseball. You guys had gone out on a couple of dates and he even held your hand during the last one.
Things were going great… you thought.
Ryan: Hey, (y/n). Listen I’ve been thinking
(y/n): Oh yeah? ;) What about?
Ryan: Us. I hate to be the jerk that does this over a text but… I think we’re better off as friends
You felt your heart drop, right through the soles of your feet. Just when this day couldn’t get any worse…
Ryan: (Y/n)?
(Y/n): Okay. If that’s how you really feel about it. I thought we had something special going
Ryan: Me too but… it’s hard to explain. No hard feelings?
(y/n): Sure w/e
Both your parents are still at work, so you’re home alone. Just as well. You go into your apartment, lock the door behind you, throw your backpack onto your bedroom floor and collapse onto your bed face-down. And then, out of nowhere but maybe a place of frustration, you start crying. Just full-on tears. First the oversleeping, then the lunch fiasco, then algebra, now this.
You’re in the midst of your breakdown when you hear a faint tapping on the window.
You sigh, knowing what’s causing the tapping - Peter.
He told you his secret- that he was Spider-Man - not long after he turned down the chance to be an Avenger. Since then he’s come to your apartment after fights, because he likes your gentle touch when helping bandage up his cuts and scrapes and how you don’t make fun of him like Ned does.
You raise your head and shuffle over to the window, raking a hand through your hair. You open it just wide enough for him to crawl through. Sighing again, you reach under your bed for the first aid kit.
“Nah, I don’t need that yet,” Peter says as he removes his mask, his curly auburn hair sticking out in twenty different directions.
You snort. Yet. “Then what’s up, Parker?”
Peter runs a hand through his hair. “I just… you seemed sad today so I came to check up on you. Make sure you’re okay, you know.”
“Thanks, Pete. That’s so sweet of you.” You sit down on the bed and pat the space next to you; he plunks himself down next to you and instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders. “It’s just...today was bad from the start, y’know? I overslept and almost missed the bus. I forgot my lunch. Bryce got the last piece of pizza in the cafeteria so I had to eat meatloaf.”
“Ew.” Peter winces; you laugh.
“I failed my algebra test, I-”
“Whoa, you had an algebra test? And you didn’t ask me to help tutor you?”
You shrug. “Well, I know how busy you are with this whole…” you gesture vaguely at his suit, “Stark Internship thing. I didn’t want to bother you.”
Peter smiles softly at you. “(Y/n), you are never a bother to me.”
You feel your cheeks grow warm at the comment, but then you sigh and continue. “And Flash was being...you know, Flash. But the worst was on the way home, when Ryan texts me and says he thinks we’re better off as friends.”
“Oh, no.” Peter wraps his other arm around you, pulling you into his chest. “(y/n), I’m so - I’m so sorry, that sucks. I know how much you liked him, and I thought he liked you too, and yeah that meatloaf is gross and...and I’m rambling so I’ll shut up and let you wallow now.”
“Sounds good.” You sob into his shoulder for what seems like forever.
“You’re okay,” Peter says softly after a while. “It’s going to be okay.”
You smile a little as Peter gently rubs your back. He always knows just how to cheer you up.
“It’s just one bad day,” Peter says to you. “But I’m going to do my best to turn it around for ya.”
“Oh, yeah?” You raise your head to look at him. “How you gonna do that?”
“By talking shit about Ryan.”
You laugh loudly. “Go on.”
“He is such an idiot! You are one of the coolest, funniest, smartest, and prettiest people I’ve ever met. Any guy would love to be with you. If he doesn’t want that, well, he must have been taken too many fastballs to the head during baseball practice or something.”
You laugh… but then you think about what Peter has just said.
“Wait a minute… you think I’m pretty?” you ask quietly.
Peter runs a hand over his face as the tips of his ears turn pink. “I...yeah. I just… ohhh.”
“Peter.” You turn your head to catch his eye, but he’s looking everywhere except at you.
“Peter,” you say again. “Peter, do you have a crush on me?”
An embarrassed Peter shoves his mask back over his head. You hear him whisper quickly - “Karen, I just told (y/n) I liked her and I didn’t mean to, what do I do?!”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s asking his suit’s AI for advice? What a nerd. What an adorable nerd. Wait. Adorable?
You think about it as Peter seeks help from his computer. Well, why not? You and Peter already know each other really well. So there’d be no awkward getting-to-know-you stage. He’s one of your best friends for a reason - he’s funny, he’s super smart. He is extremely loyal to his friends - you know, once he got his priorities sorted after Tony Stark initially took away his suit. He’ll do anything to help a friend. From rushing over to Ned’s house with extra Lego pieces after the Lego Millenium Falcon he bought second-hand was short (“it said 1,329 pieces but it only came with 1,321!”) to bringing Michelle a coffee during finals week (“She said she needs it if we want to live”) to stopping in the middle of his rounds to see how you were doing because “you seemed sad today.” He’s super, super sweet. And, if the last school dance was any indication, he’s a heck of a dancer. And Peter’s the kind of guy that, even if you don’t work out as a couple, will make sure you’re still friends after.
And now that you think about it, he is kind of cute. He really filled out after that spider bit him. You’ve always thought he had a great smile (“that is the product of thousands of dollars of orthodontics, much to May’s disappointment” he once told you).
So would it be the worst thing if you and Peter gave it a go?
Peter takes his mask back off and sets it down on the bed. He draws in a shaky breath and releases it slowly. “Yeah. I do. Have for awhile, actually. I just… I didn’t think you were interested. I had myself convinced you never saw me as anything more than just a friend.” He nervously rakes a hand through his hair again, then rubs the back of his neck. “Um… do you? Do you see me as more than that?”
You look into his eyes - big, brown, full of love. His breathing has gotten faster, and he’s biting his lower lip.
He loves you. And he’s so scared you don’t love him back.
You lean forward slightly, bringing a hand through his curls and letting it rest on the back of his neck. You smile softly as you press your lips to his.
Peter jumps in surprise for a moment, but then he’s kissing you back. He rests a hand on your waist, whining slightly as you pull away.
“What does that tell you?” you ask coyly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Peter laughs quietly. “You see me as more than that.”
“I do.” You kiss his cheek. “What do you say, Parker? Wanna...wanna be my boyfriend?”
“Um...yeah!” He clears his throat, clearly embarrassed that he seemed a little too eager. “I mean, uh, sure. Sounds good.”
It’s your turn to laugh as you take his hand. “Well...okay.”
“Okay.” He squeezes your hand. “I hate to do this now, but I have to go finish my rounds. Can I come by after, for dinner?”
“Sure. My parents are working late anyway. I can make spaghetti.”
“That sounds awesome.” He leans over to kiss you again, then pulls his mask back on. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”
“Sounds great, Peter. Bye.”
He waves slightly at you as he climbs back out your window to finish his rounds; you smile at him as he shoots a web and swings away.
Just then, your phone dings. It’s a text.
Ryan: I’m sorry about earlier. I wasn’t thinking straight. I do want to give us a try, can I take you out to dinner?
(y/n): You’re a little late on that Ryan. I have a boyfriend now
Ryan: Really?
(y/n): Yep. Peter Parker. Just asked me out a little bit agp
(y/n): ago
Ryan: Well I guess that’s no surprise. You two would be perfect together. See you around?
(y/n): Yeah
You shoot a quick text to Peter - You are never going to believe this, Ryan just texted. Said he wasn’t thinking straight, tried to ask me out. I let him down gently
Almost immediately, Peter calls you.
“Who responds to a text by calling back?” You tease as you answer the phone.
“It’s easier when I’m on patrol,” he explains. “And, no way! That’s too hilarious.”
“Right?! I can’t believe I ever tried to waste my time with that guy.”
“No kidding. I’m so glad you want to be my girlfriend, (y/n).”
“I’m glad you asked me. See you in a couple hours.”
“I can’t wait. Bye. Karen, end call.”
You smile to yourself as you pull some homework out of your bookbag. Today started out absolutely horribly. But, thanks to Peter, your day got much brighter.
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