#i wanna draw and lowkey dont wanna do my hw
choerric · 4 years
Quarantine brought me back to tumblr (dont know why I kinda stopped) so what should I draw?
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pocmuzings · 5 years
hi there G! i was hoping that mayb.... you could give me your opinion... mayb... on this group while you're avoiding your hw.... this is my attempt at being subtle and cute okay i'mma mf stop bc this is a horror rp and lowkey i'm out here tryin' to scare everybody but, okay i'm gonna stop I would seriously adore any thoughts or opinions on this group thank you in advance I hope you have a great day!
omg ur so cute im obsessed with you, yes of couRSE!! sorry this is a lil late.
firstly, i love your icon i think its adorable but also just sets up your rp perfectly in advance, like i already know what genre and everything it is. maybe adding your rps name to it would give it just a touch of something extra / more original?? 
secondly, your THEME wow your main page is beautiful it’s got so much on there, it’s so well laid out and beautiful. i’m not a HUGE fan of the colour scheme.. it just kinda seems a bit flat? or like, it’s not AS intriguing as it could be. have a play around to see what colour could really make the rp pop and just draw more attention in- especially bc a lot of the gif icons you’re using are quite bright / white, so its just a strange contrast to the overall mood / vibe / aesthetic. 
i’m biased because i LOVE a horror rp so so much and you genuinely wanna deliver that so i’ve got MAD props to you already because it’s so hard to do, but i love your enthusiasm, that alone makes me wanna join tbh.  the plot is pretty standard in terms of rping, but it doesnt have a really big h o o k. i think every horror rp should have a starting point, just so muses can join and know what to do, rather then just kinda.. trotting around, you know? i think if you can start the rp with a bang, and with an EVENT, then it’ll garner more attention and drama because people love drama and itll straight away give characters and muns something to do and plot!!! plus it’ll kinda explain WHAT all the characters are doing here, bc i dont really understand why theyre all here / if they know each other / have stuff in common?? im a dummy though.
 i do absolutely love that it will have plot drops though, to keep things exciting and fresh- this is REALLY important for a horror rp !!!
your navigation page is just so clean and easy to use, i love it, do not change a single thing there it work PERFECTLY!! 
omgggg what the FUCCCKKK this is so original, i LOVE this ‘choose your own  adventure’ thing? it absolutely works so well and it’s so creative and unique, oh my god SOOOO MANY BONUS POINTS THERE! at first i was kinda like ‘eh normal horror rp’, but this choose your own adventure thing is SO interesting, and i’m having so much fun playing around with it. this is something i’ve never seen before and i’m ? obsessed ?? good job coming up with something new to take on to horror rps!!! 
i love the little details and added pages- like the tour around the house and such, it all just really adds to the vibe and overall aesthetic of the rp !!! 
so far, you are off to a fantastic and really interesting start, and i’ll absolutely be keeping my eyes on you guys!!!! good job!!!
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