#i wanna be generous and say that its just bc he didnt have much material to work with ingame before
zeledonia · 2 years
smth thats kinda funny to me is seeing how the talk abt zero pokemonreborn has shifted after the final episode release, it used to be pretty rare for me to see people give him any kind of sympathetic second thought, but the final ep def seems to have convinced a lot of people to his favor on one hand, good for him, i like seeing people finally appreciating him on the other hand, where were u when my son boy needed ur sympathy the most /lh
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shhbean · 4 years
fuck it! some thoughts on al’s years in xing. if you guys have thoughts or criticisms let me know! i just wanna ramble lmao.
also don’t reblog lmao bc theres a lot of errors in here and its all sporadic and frankly embarrassing
okay so first things first i think in the two year gap between the promised day and the post canon adventures the brothers keep up a correspondence with ling and mei through letters (bc theyre planning this big adventure and its wild that they would show up unannounced even tho i know thats theyre style but als like. mmm dont want lan fan to execute me on sight)
side note! i think of xing as a relatively isolationist country, but with a phone and railway system that operates within itself, not on the outside (its a big country! people need to communicate!) ling is not against isolationism per say, only because drachma and amestris are still very much Major War Torn disasters, however ling puts a big emphasis on assisting refugees and families displaced by war. he also holds relatively frequent council with their bordering countries* *more on this later. but i dont see xing moving away from isolationism until ling is MUCH older. and even then most of their opening up mostly revolves around trade and world aid. 
ed sort of bangs his adventure out west in like a year and a half, because hes kinda. rarin to get back to rush valley and marry winry. al spends about three and a half years in xing bc he has to learn the language AND a brand new form of alchemic science. (with visits back to amestris for. weddings, occasional holidays and meeting his nephew and niece)
when al gets to xing the first thing he notices are 1) the food is incredible (though some of it is spicer than hed realize and amestrian food is blander than he thought)  2) the art and architecture is amazing and beautiful 3) he’s never worn silk before and he privately amends to never make that mistake again 4) ling has two modes Emperor mode and Ling mode (al has been on the receiving end of both 5) lan fan seems much happier 6) mei got taller
side note yes ed and winry have the emperor of xing and his sister, the princess and imperial alkahestrist at their wedding. no no one knows how the fuck to deal with it jfhgkjfdhjk
ling, in order to establish security for clans with less power appoints one family member from each clan to his court. hence why mei becomes imperial alkahestrist at 16. this ruffles a lot of feathers, and lings happy for it. 
in general one of lings biggest projects in his time as emperor is helping the poor and disenfranchised of xing. he has the aristocracy pretty much on its knees all the time. 
al spent so much time in the two years preparing for his trip studying up on xingese culture, tradition, and especially xingese aristocracy because he didnt want to offend an entire culture (he leaves that to ed) only for mei and ling to horrify the entire court by yanking al into a very tight HUG 
ling continues to horrify the court by asking al for advice and counsel in front of everyone lmao
lan fan has other family members! not just fu! she has a whole mom and two younger sisters. lan fan remains ling’s personal gaurd until she turns 20, and then she appointed captain of the guard. she really loves her job and honestly being home has made her 1000% more outgoing and confident (not when shes guarding tho obviously) 
lan fan’s family has their own suite in the palace, for being the yao’s families faithful servants. however once lan fan becomes captain of the guard she insists on sleeping in the barracks (this annoys ling greatly. though he doesn’t say anything)
mei is an INTENSE teacher. not so much izumi level bet she has al wake up at 6 am every day and run arrays for her until shes decided shes satisfied. al does not mind this, he likes watching the sun rise 
al takes awhile to learn xingese. and once he’s finally mastered it he’s better at speaking it than writing it (his script is basically chicken scratch) this sort of impedes his alkahestry lessons too because of a lot of the tomes and books on it are in xingese. a lot of al’s lessons are spent doing translations
jerso and zampano, somehow, pick up xingese stupid fast. al is furious lmao. 
winry and ed and their children (lil 1yr boy sig and actual baby baby girl nina) come out to visit at behest of ling. xing had no established automail program, just a few engineers here and there, so winry worked with him to train a few automail engineers. this becomes one of the only forms of trade that xing has with neighboring countries. an automail material trade agreement was presented by general mustang and signed off by emperor ling and furher grumman. (an eventually, would become a regular commodity of amestris under roy’s rule as furher) 
once his three years of research and study are up al (now 21, keeping track of ages for my benefit, bc this timeline largely exists in my head) heads back to amestris to write his paper and swap notes with ed, and eventually publish a book together. ed somehow earned a fucking PHD in three years while al was away. al is once again, is furious and super proud. (he privately amends to earn his in 2) he convinces mei (now 19) to tag along to help continue her own research on the link between alkahestry and alchemy. ling lets them go and starts a research initiative that funds their travels all over the world. 
mei and al visit scar alot on their travels, and while theyre in ishval they help out the community (doing wonderfully but still needs a hand every once in a while) wherever they can. mei’s always so excited to see scar. lots of hugs and catching up. scar always fixes al a hairy eye when he arrives with mei (note they are very much JUST friends at this point. scar does not care....probably having flashbacks from how quickly ed and winry got together fvjdghjkf) 
they also have tea with the newly promoted brigadier general and his captain every visit. who...share a tent. al and mei make sure not to comment. this does not stop jerso and zampano from commenting. (roy and riza are doing well though, and very much concede their authority to scar and miles on every deciding fact. reparations suits them) 
mei’s 22nd birthday is spent in ressembole where ed and winry and their babies have relocated. pinako (still holdin on strong) watches her great grand babies. ed and winry have alcohol for the first time in 5 years. chaos ensues. al and mei watch he stars and al starts to realize maybe. he might. have a crush. oh well. not going to address that. too much work to do. 
on al’s 27th birthday he has a mild crisis about how old he’s getting. ed, 28 a whole professor, with a third goddamn kid on the way, laughs at his pain. mei (24 now. jesus. im writing this why am i getting whiplash) receives a letter from miles telling her scar, much to humble to admit it, has been made lead representative speaker for ishval. he hints that al should be on the lookout for a letter coming his way. and sure enough, a letter asking if al would like to be the amestrian ambassador to xing arrives at their doorstep. 
and then its back to xing again to get ling to sign off on the order (of course he does) and to get his approval on al and mei’s courtship (re: not engagement. theyre very slow lmao). (that one requires a longer conversation wherein lan fan threatens al with a knife) 
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
liveblogging She ra s3 reactions part 2
time for pain babay!
[ part one ┊ part two ]
episode 4
Oh Boy i can already feel the tonal shift
“The Moment of Truth” WHAT a title
Hordak youre assuming your general will give a fuck
Entrapta: “Ooh you have a wip now?” THE ENTIRE FANDOM WHEN CLIPS WERE DROPPED
this isnt related to anything but Angela’s wings are so pretty 🤩
Oh shit Glimmer just called her out big time
The mural in the background of this scene is pretty
Adora needs a chance to fuck Hordak up and not just rant at him That was satisfying tho Her angry voice / growl, yunno?
no dont go to SHADOWBITCH for help
Why is she lounging in her ‘prison’ wtf
“Let me out.” Ive never heard of a WORSE idea
Uh oh Shadowbitch knows exactly how to appeal to Glimmer
Tag yourself im Bow shaking his head in the background
Oh finally Entrapta finds out the truth, this has bothered me for a while
“Catra was my friend too, but she makes bad decisions!” okay honestly this is a little too relatable - having to watch your friends fuck up their own life because they wont listen to you or reason
Mermista telling Shadowbitch to shut the fuck up is iconic
Angela flying through the hallways :0
Fuck im worried about this I dont trust Shadowbitch
Wait “her”? Froggo person is a her? Aiight
I see the Princesses are now occupied and wont be in the way during thematically relevant scenes
i dont like.. Glimmer and Shadowbitch working together but I must admit theyre a force to be reckoned with
I do feel bad for Catra tho The last thing she needs is more lies from Shadowbitch
This connection is hurting Glimmer!! >:U
Catra unhinging, thats what we’re watching
The significance of Catra using a taser rn is that thats what she uses to tase Adora when she first defects
So i guess that Catastrophic Event just happened huh
episode 5
wh.. what
bitch you did not dream that shit things are NOT perfect
But at the same time its.. so nice to see Catra and Adora getting along
Their flirting .. 💕
“Do you have a concussion or something?” or something..
 Lonnie’s voice is so cute ive forgotten omg
“I cant believe you like me, thats so embarrassing for you!” AHH SKDNFJ CUTE
This is like. Fanfic material
Too good to be true tho and also too terrible bc Adora is still trapped in the Horde
Does Regelio just never talk I love them
Shadowbitch treating Catra well? Them not hating each other??? Fake news 
“Everything is perfect.” Theres that phrase again
“I do not. Like you.” AT LEAST SCORPIA IS HONEST
Who tf is this lizard person with hair in the background
Adora is remembering shit!
this would be so scary i feel rlly bad for Adora
Dissociation be like-
“Everything’s perfect.” STOP SAYING THAT
“Everything will be perfect as long as we stay together.” :(((
This is INSANE
“Its like time and space arent working right” you dont say..
Why is Scorpia the only other person to act like they remember? Besides Catra in that one moment ,,?
“Just go with it okay?” Yeah like thats what youve been doing..
Gonna reiterate: this is insane!
Hahaha Adora and Catra are alone in a closet kiss- Sorry this is all just So Much i needed to break the tension
ADORA JUST TASERED CATRA I- I mean Payback i suppose
She took her with her to the woods aw
“As much as I wish things could be the way they used to be, we can’t go back!” hey im Feeling things
“Dont you get it? Im NEVER going with you!”
softly but with lots of emotion: fuck
Why does this old witch lady function in the au
“This happened before with Mara!” o- oh.
Im so confused
This is intense as all fuck “Bow and Glimmer! I need to find them!” love will save the world
CATRA IS ALIVE?! Catra is.. oh god. Oh what the fuck
episode 6
Oh Glimmer and her mom getting along.. havent seen that in a while
Bow is.. scholarly
Well at least theyre still friends
“Woah you look different than your mural..” lol
Where do I recognize Micah’s voice from??
Glimmer’s outfit is a little different and I dont like it
Adora talking up her friends to prove she knows them is everything
okay Angela looks fierce as fuck here
How.. lucky that they just warped to Entrapta’s side
Trapped between realities.. uh oh
Whos gonna die in the portal
“That portal is centered on you!” FUCK?
her friends monologuing about her- BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR I- //WIPES TEAR
i was LITERALLY about to say ‘where’s Catra. this is the perfect time for her to show up.’ Lol. I was right!
HEY ADORA demon version 😬
Catra this is all YOUR fault fuckin hoe
All their past battle spots..
“I didnt break the world. But I am gonna fix it. You made your choice. Now live with it!” i have. no words
watching Catra disappear still hurt me .
.. ANGELA! Wait Wait Angela No
She cant go
Glimmer would be an orphan
“And now I chose to be brave. Take care of each other.” Im not crying you are Im not crying Adora is I am
That glare at Catra, holy shit
Glimmer didnt even get to say goodbye to her mother. Their last talk was a fight.
Bow pickin up Glimmer!
im gonna cry AGAIN
//whispering/ does that mean Glimmer is queen?
Oh fuck Big Baddie found Etheria
I was not prepared for this at all
anyway UH. if any of yall wanna yell with me feel free to respond or send an ask or a message or whatever. lets suffer together
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 10 aka an episode that really made me happy!! but also really made me miss season 1..........
phew thank goodness lin mo made it tho, now i feel like there’s not much left for me to do cept wait for this show to end bc im pretty sure thats as far as he’ll get, and im so so relieved he made it to the top 20 thats all i was asking for, i just wanted him to be able to participate in every stage. so now im just excited for when he gets out what mr tyger will do!
man iqiyi really skipping even 14-19 man..... 
wowowowow long lost xixi spirit of the knght footage that we never got to see T__T
awwwww huaiwei’s feeble “are yall not gonna clap” was so sad... but also i was kinda expecting his fall with the 2 vote restriction bc huaiwei is hilariously fun and everyone likes him, but hes not as much bias material.... lol shi zhan awkwardly stuck between two crying people lol
HAHAHAHHA CHEN SIJIAN ‘why cant we just talk to each other’s face to face’ HAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIM 一點都不說唱 HAHAHHAAH
lol zhenning exposing shi mingze is the content im here for! mingming is the cutest bub omg 
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wow a rare zhan yu teardrop mole sighting!!
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lol how much u wanna bet it was rigged that the first one was for wenhan from yangyang
aw huaiwei and yueyue....... ok but is he really telling them that they shouldnt go to the hospital if they get third degree burns?? bc as a future healthcare professional im gonna to strongly disagree on that one........ please take care of yourselves and your health first.........
HAHAHHAA I LOVE XIXI AND JUNJIE’S FRIENDSHIP HAHAHAH the fact that sijian was like “lol its junjie” as soon as xixi got called out ....oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing oh my goodness 
aw zhenning being so caring towards wang zhe.... but luckily wang zhe did really well in maze :) 
i hope we get to see more of these letters in the extra clips.... im waiting for jia yi’s letter to lin mo ;_; i see that mr tyger group hug ahhh also was that lin mo that wenxuan was hugging at the end bc their friendship is really aw too
aw junjie looking for happy for his friends even tho he likely wont make it this round.....
aw shi mingze and zhenning aww look at zhenning rising to the top, he really became people’s one pick after retreat huh hahaha 
man this might sound kinda mean (im really not trying to be) but what are the chances jia yi will keep falling and fall out of top 9 so mr tyger can continue as 5.... LOL im sorry i love the child but tbh i dont think being in top 9 will be worth his time as much as being reunited with his favorite geges......
aw poor mingming so nervous.... reminds me of quanzhe from last season that one time iqiyi kept panning to him during elims....
i wonder why there’s a bunch of them missing from the special class / the charity activity this time..... are they all in the hospital again???? like lin mo, jia yi, wenhan.... would zhan yu be with them to watch over lin mo and jia yi? 
lol why does bo yuan know the maze choreo, did he learn it in like 30 seconds?? gu landi with his saxophone!!!!!!!!!!!
ok can we pls talk about how ymm is in such disbelief that he went up so much?? i really hope this helps him gain more confidence....... AND OMG HIS SMILEEE 
omg chen youwei bringing up yi xiao.... aw this just makes me think of when youwei kept chanting jin fan’s name during the first elims.... and now wang yi and li yuzhi are left watching from below..... omgosh wu chengze is crying so hard.... do you think its bc his bff sun zelin ranked beside him last time but this time..... he’s not gonna be able to continue with him? (omg im just thinking about how sun zelin talked about chengze high-fiving him and going out of his way to wish him good night every night before bed... their friendship is...... so important......) honestly im gonna miss sun zelin and his silly humor and his adorable personality... he recognized he wasnt as skilled but he still tried really hard and dreamed big and im proud of how far he made it! 
wait i have a question, if ymm has this many solo stans then who else were they voting for with their second vote if not wen yechen??? MINGMING’S SMILE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS OH MY GOODNESS omg cutting to a crying shi mingze their friendship is so important MINGMING YOU DESERVE THIS 
wow waiting for them to announce who ranked #1 is just as suspenseful as it was on “all for one” -- aka not suspenseful at all........... ITS WENHAN OK WE GET IT NO ONE THINKS ITS GUAN YUE IM SORRY
lol i just looked up bo yuan’s birthday and hes like 9 months older than lin mo but now that hes eliminated does this make lin mo the oldest trainee on the show..... 
omgosh im gonna miss the sound of feng junjie’s voice screaming
omgosh zhan yu helping lin mo lift his box out aw!! aw zhan yu and jia yi working together.... aww them all working together
aw zhenning and shi zhan friendship!!!! LOL THIS IS SO CRINGE HAHAHHAHAHA wow i just realized the S symbol reminds me of a sadder looking yoyo class symbol from “all for one” lolololl 
ooo at least we’ll get another junjie ep of YAA!!!! and sun zelin too!!! SHI MINGZE YOYO POWERS/??!!? omg reminds me of bi wenjun ;_; i miss our yoyo prince ;_; omg they reused the puffy suits from last season LOOOLLLL wait but im sorry xixi i cant look at that colorful one without thinking of lou zibo ahhhhhhhhh I MISS ZIBO TOO and qian zhenghao in the tiny alien one omg that was such a iconic moment!!!!! and qin fen in the overblown monster one ahhhh I MISS SEASON ONE IM SORRY I FEEL LIKE ITS LATE ENOUGH IN THIS SEASON THAT I CAN SAY THIS WITHOUT FEELING LIKE IM BEING BIASED BUT SEASON ONE WAS BETTER ---- but i still love many of the kids from this season, its not their fault this season has just been generally more frustrating and less focused on all of their friendships. but season one just seemed generally more enjoyable, fun and lighthearted, yet emotional in a positive manner
LOL theyre all so obviously reading off a script this is pretty funny WHY IS HANYU SO CREEPY HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA 
FENG JUNJIE 28 NOOOOO ahhh i thought shi mingze would make it too........ man wang yi 38?? i thought he’d be higher.... man chen sijian’s literally the only rap line trainee left wtf............ wow wang jiayi really dropped so much throughout this show.... 
wait i wanna hear the full version of shi mingze’s speech, i feel like he mightve said more about his friendship with mingming... i guess now that i think about it, mingze having ranked rather high last time was rather impressive considering iqiyi hasnt given him much time to shine......
ooof ok im kinda hoping 20 will be gu landi or shao haofan bc their vocals really would’ve earned it. omgosh gu landi asking chen tao if he can sit next to him ahhhh so cute
im yao chi praying for gu landi... but i feel like its gonna be chen tao bc freaking wenhan’s “gwi ze” LOL
not surprised
man the audience be sleeping on gu landi’s talent..... 
omg this is my new favorite friendship omg gu landi is so supportive towards yao chi im crying.... 
lol they keep saying the top 9 is 換血 but literally i feel like the only new person is zhenning...???? 
hahhahahahhaha fjj: i didnt imagine i would be picked by the old men... yixing: i can tell :)  LOOOOL JUNJIE YOUR FACEE HHAHHAHAHAHA
wow today is a such good day wow feng junjie made it wow im so grateful wow this is a great day wow life is great isnt it 
ahhh im wu chengze chanting wu zelin sun zelin wu zelin sun zelin 
aw lin mo and wenxuan are really so close....
just dont say wenhan LOL
lol the old men really like zhou shiyuan so im not surprised... he does deserve it tho!
oo good for haofan! 
honestly they prob made sure the old men didnt pick yechen, zhan yu or bo yuan again... sadly..... but also sad they didnt notice gu landi....... omgosh look at zhan yu pumping his fists in the air even tho he knows its over... this is his “pretending to be mature gege” side, trying to appear positive for his bros... i wanna see lin mo and jia yi’s full thank you speeches and see if they mention his again T_T
oh gosh seeing the top 20 choosing their final songs makes me think back to last season and im getting freaking mack daddy flashbacks and im shuddering in fear LOL “ITS OKAY” WAS AND STILL IS THE SUPERIOR SONG IM SORRY ITS JUST A FACT
LOL THEY TEXT THEM!??! on the bright side, this just reminded me that top 35 will still get to be in ep 11 so yayyy we get another zhan yu stage!!!!!!
lol this earth ad is even more cringey.................. the ending credits.... i see lin yuzhi! and xixi got a cool shot :D im surprised lin mo didnt get any shots haha and that they didnt show mr tyger at all during the hugging portion at the end but oh well i guess..... 
tbh this was a minimal lin mo exposure ep but its ok, im still grateful that he got a few random closeups (which is more than i can say for some of the others) and now that hes safely in top 20 i honestly think my work here is done LOL. there’s not much more lin mo fans can do for him. theyve gotten him onto all the stages and i dont think any amount of work will get him into top 9... and ive said before i dont even really want him in top 9 bc id rather he stay with mr tyger and help them stay relevant bc theyll need his help to do so, especially since jia yi will probably make top 9. 
(from here is where i go into a rant about season 1 vs season 2.... LOL)
lets be honest, ranking 16 is too low for lin mo to make it lol....... last season the only kid who made top 9 who wasnt already in top 9 by ep 10 was yanjun... and yanjun had been on a steep upward trend leading up to the last ep (lin mo went from 17 to 16... theres minimal momentum there lol) and then bi wenjun going from 12 to 10 was the other surprise. xikan going from 18 to 13 was impressive, but he still wasnt one of the contenders for the 9th spot. i think at the end it was bu fan, qian zhenghao, bi wenjun and you zhangjing right? out of those 4, the lowest ranked in ep 10 was bi wenjun at 12..... so going from 16 up to 9 would be really really unlikely, unless lin mo somehow makes an even greater impression on the audience during the mentor collab stage than yanjun did last year.... which i think will be impossible bc literally the entire audience fell in love with yanjun during the “zero” performance in last season’s ep 11 lol it was crazyyyy.... but anyway i think ive reminisced about last season enough this rant.... can you tell i really miss it? honestly ive tried to stay as positive as i could throughout watching qcyn and i gave iqiyi the benefit of the doubt from the beginning that “oh maybe it just doesnt seem as great as the first season bc we havent gotten to know the kids yet, the show’s just started, we’ll learn to love it later” ---- but we’re on ep 10 now and i just.......... i still dont think i got to know the kids as well as i did last season and its not their fault, theyre not any less lovable kids (some of them i really like!!! more than some of the kids from last season!) but this season’s editing is really just disappointing. i really miss last season and it was honestly so much more enjoyable to watch..... i thought about this the other day, if lin mo had been eliminated during the last round, would i still be watching this show? and i thought about it and i honestly think i would... because i really like some of the other kids like mingming, junjie, xixi, jia yi, guan yue, chen sijian, etc. but i really dont think id be as eager to stay up to date with it. ive fallen behind on yaa and dont even look forward to watching fanafan anymore bc lin mo hasnt been on any of those (no, i dont count the yaa ep he literally only got 1 second of screentime in) these side shows are fun, but not as fun as fanafan from last season. they feature the same kids over and over again (literally yuehua trio was the ONLY kids on fanafan 2 weeks ago and then they were 1/3 of the ep last week too??? and hmm how come there are kids who have been on yaa multiple times yet there are also kids who have never been on it at all???? that’s just so unfair.....) without fanafan from last season, would you zhangjing have made it into top 9?? fanafan was the medium thru which he really showed us how hilarious and fun and lovable and sweet and sassy he was (whereas on the actual show he showed us his true, undeniable talent) and im just here wondering, if qcyn’s fanafan had featured ye ziming half as much as they had featured you zhangjing or his partner in crime yanjun (who both ended up making top 9), would he have at least made top 35? or how about chen sijian and wu zelin? or feng junjie?? or su yuhang?? where would they be now? why hasnt lin mo been on fanafan at all??? if given the chance, would people actually be appreciating zhan yu’s hilariously weird and crazy personality that we NEVER got to see?? sigh.......... 
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upsetokaiba · 6 years
i beat kh3 and oh boy do i both love it and am kinda just :/ towards some of it
thoughts under the cut (and its gonna have spoilers so pls dont look if u avoiding them)
first, my gripes:
the story is fukin wild, which i expected from kh3 dont get me wrong, but u can rlly tell what parts nomura was just like “what do i do with this”. KAIRI AND NAMINE IN FUCKING GENERAL are the biggest damn example of this. i already dont like how theyre written in kh, but my god nomura had a chance to fix it and he didnt, its now objectively a lil worse. kairi is reduced to a damsel in distress AGAIN after showing some potential of improving that with her training with lea/axel, which rlly fuckin stings. shes in ONE on screen battle actually fighting, the other battle she’s in? doesnt fight, sits on the sidelines protecting a knocked out axel and then getting whooshed away. she’s always been the implied love interest for sora, and nomura rlly just reduces her to tht in the end on top of the damsel in distress. namine is in the game, but its p much a blink and ull miss it. the most interaction she has with someone is with sora in the final world as a star. the next time shes shown is being waking up and being whisked away by riku n then playing on destiny islands. she had no plot relevance and she also doesnt have a reunion with her friends like everyone else got, which is p sad to me. these girls deserve better smh.
the gimmicks in some worlds are p meh, the one i hated at first was the ship battles in the carribean, but it grew on me during my trophy hunting. the hundred acre wood mini games are so boring and forgettable, and i would argue that the world is too. u literally pop in, help them gather food, then pop out after reassuring pooh tht sora will always be in his heart. they dont explain why their bond got weaker at all. 
the ultima weapon in this is stupid to get bc its locked behind annoying minigames for most of those orichalcum+ materials. theres also one locked behind a long gummi ship boss battle so that sounds horrible and im not looking forward to it lol
i played on proud and i found it isnt really....difficult. aside from me not using block bc i always wanna be hitting things, it was fairly easy to beat. its a shame really.
let me play as the other keybladers other than sora aqua and riku thanks
enough with my gripes, now for what i love about it:
the music in the game is just so SO SOOOO GOOD. yoko shimomura did another excellent job with the themes and the arrangments, her music just makes me so emotional ;;;;;;
i rlly wish i was kidding when i said i was up at 4am crying bc of the ending. the implications it has left me with an immense sadness and the whole thing was bittersweet, so im glad the secret movie might be implying that theres much more after this. nomura u put him back now or i swear to god ill find u and cRY REALLY LOUDLY UNTIL U DO
NEW OUTFITS!!! xion’s new outfit is my fave its so cute
the game is rlly pretty, like holy shit. it runs fairly smoothly for looking like it does, i only rlly got frame drops in the carribean air boss. the nice models for pre rendered cutscenes look so cute
NEW UTADA HIKARU MUSIC, the orchestra version of dont think twice is so pretty, cant wait to hear it during the world of tres concert in june
the worlds were pretty enjoyable,  i adored the toy story monsters inc and san fransokyo worlds so much. the trio were rlly cute in the carribean too even if tht world was rlly meh to me. all these disney characters having no clue what any of the darkness villains are talking abt keeps me young. the way sully and mike deal with vanitas is hilarious, the way sora and co are just kinda THERE during elsa’s let it go song, hiro please i beg of you let me have a baymax PLEASE
riku’s reaction to mickey saying aqua was like sora is hilarious as well
the combat feels so GOOD, the keyblade switching is so fun, and how magic works in this game is soooo good and apparently broken lol
there is so much snark and im absolutely loving it
axel looks so good in this game, i have never been an axel lover as much as i am after playing kh3, i am now a newly inducted axellover69
im glad this wasnt the end for kingdom hearts, bc while yes its been a while, kingdom hearts is one of my favorite series, and i couldnt imagine it stopping with 3 even when 3 was announced. I know itll end one day, but im glad today isnt that day.
im sure i missed a bit but all in all, even with its flaws, i love kh3
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babyprime · 7 years
Fallout !!!! For the ask meme
*longest ye boi ever*
Favorite character: im gonna have to go for ONE per game that ive played cause otherwise id just die probably? butch deloria, john hancock, and ten of spades. My Fuckening Boys.
Least Favorite character: i just do not goddamn care for that vulpes guy. i just dont fucking like him! everyone apparently thinks hes SO HOT but he annoys the shit out of me for some reason. ivehadenoughofthisdude.jpg i also feel this way abt maxson but i think they have something in common! ppl wanna fuck both of em for some reason so im constantly hearing about em to the point where its like Shut The Up
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ive got like so many? butch/m!lone wanderer, nick/hancock, preston/hancock (which im convinced im the ONLY person on this earth to ship), m!courier/arcade, m!courier/ten of spades
Character I find most attractive: Daddy Valentine. and marcus. and preston. and hancock.
Character I would marry: preston garvey is the most marriage material in this franchise or any other
Character I would be best friends with: anyone who would let me make AWFUL kink jokes as my friends do and i feel in my heart that person would be deacon
A random thought: the first time i saw a feral ghoul in fo4 i literally got so scared i cried. like the graphics were TOO good and i wasnt expecting them to just GET UP like that even tho i knew they go dormant but it just startled me into tears. honestly my first feral encounter in any playthrough makes me jump but i just Did Not Like That 
An unpopular opinion: i think its super unfair that the lone wanderer gets shit on if they dont willingly fucking die because theyre literally like 19 when a bunch of grown ass adults expect them to walk into a chamber of radiation for The Good Of The Capital or whatever. idk im not saying its not brave or noble or anything for them to do it but i didnt think it was fair for the ending narration to drag the hell out of them for getting scared and not being able to go through with it. i mean in general i dont think pretty much anything that happened regarding the lone wanderer was fair because their DAD started all that shit and they didnt ask to be born. they were raised in a fucking vault, they dont know shit about the wasteland and theyre like 21 at MOST at the end according to the canon timeline and everyones like “do this dangerous thing for us you actual goddamn teenager! we’re like 40 and lived here our whole lives but you can do it right!” and im sitting here like wtf i just left high school and if thats not a metaphor for real life idk what is
My canon OTP: technically me and preston garvey lmao
Non-canon OTP: please let m!lone wanderer and butch kiss im actually,,,, begging,,,,,,,, but also nick/hancock
Most badass character: well for 4 the obvious answer is hancock but as a companion i have to say preston fucking garvey and his god gun because regardless of what canon would imply as a COMPANION prestons never gotten hurt and sometimes ends up finishing fights before i even get there and hancock is a feeble old man with glass bones that needs 3 stimpacks an hour. in new vegas its like. boone TECHNICALLY but surprisingly arcade gannon is like lo key a goddamn beast bc u expect that shit from craig Eats Nails And Never Sleeps Or Smiles sniper copypasta come to life boone but when dr nerd takes out 3 raiders on his own before u even see them its like oh goddamn. but also grandpa bacon terrifies the absolute shit out of me. im not gonna fight him. he got set on fire thrown off a cliff and hes like 70 and i KNOW he could still destroy my whole ass if i got him mad so im not gonna try. idk what that man is made of but im p sure its 50% rage 50% jesus and i just dont want any part of it thanks
Pairing I am not a fan of: i dont like!! any pairing involving the legion! or maxson! im just tired of seeing them and i want them blacklisted from my life! but i also dont like m/f just in general as a personal pref, but esp with like…. legion/f!courier and shit. its got uncomfortable undertones. i dont like m/f!wanderer or m/f!courier or even m/f!sole when its an unnamed player character/intended self insert bc it makes me Dysphoric and feel skeeved out. but ill make an exception for garvey/f!sole if its my sole oc mags
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): theres so many characters that should have gotten more development but im p annoyed at how they like. HINT at pres stuff and then because of todd howard they dont go anywhere with it. im not exactly happy with in general how you dont rly get to talk to your companions that much. and then aside from that these games in general are notorious for giving u REALLY GOOD npcs that u can have 1 conversation with and then its like “ok now fuck off”. like ten of spades, bitter root, and jimmy in westside? like give them!! a sidequest or smthn!!! you cant just make me love a char and tell me to piss off!!! 
Favourite friendship: betsy + ten and m!courier + veronica are wlw/mlm solidarity
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curlyshepards · 7 years
tim headcanons: fucking long ass edition im so sorry
again this is under a read more so @ mobile users....im sorry
What does their bedroom look like?
he shares a room with curly, so it looks like a tornado ripped through the room and only destroyed curly's half. his is nice and neat
Do they have any daily rituals?
this isnt really daily, but if he wakes up really early or comes home super later (like early hours of the morning) he'll most likely see his mom in the kitchen and they'll sit at the table and talk until someone else comes in. its the only time she acts like herself & not hanging off their stepdad and tim cherishes those times!!! but he never tells anyone abt their conversations
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
i can see him going to a gym every now and then, but mostly bc his buddy works there. they'd lift weights and goof around so hes not rlly into working out, he knows to stay fit tho
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
it depends on who was in the kitchen. if it was his stepdad he'd just leave the house and go out for dinner because he avoids him as much as he can. if it was angie he'd get her to make him something, but if it was his mom then he'd ask if shes eaten anything and would probably end up making somethin for the both of them
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
hes SUPER organized. like with everything. it drives him insane that curly's such a slob
Eating habits and sample daily menu
for breakfast he usually just has coffee. but he gets fast food a lot (no one knows how he stays in such good shape) but if he doesnt go out to eat he'll just get food from his friends houses
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
he loves to play pool and card games!! he tries to avoid wasting time though, he always feels like theres something he could be doing to give his gang more power & respect
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
again i dont know what this means but every now and then he will indulge in a big ass chocolate milkshake and no one can stop him
just like curly he is all for makeup sex
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
nope none
Intellectual pursuits?
he's actually really smart, and if he wanted to then he could have gone off to college. he's always loved leading his gang tho so that is his main priority
Favorite book genre?
the only thing he ever reads is the newspaper (their stepdad usually steals it after he reads it and they never see it again, so tim always makes sure to take the comic section out and save it for curly)
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
hes straight but he doesnt really care about people sexual orientations. ya like who ya like and it doesnt affect him
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
he has that big ass scar on his face, so there's that. hes also SLIGHTLY allergic to cat fur
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest: buy a new leather jacket that DOESNT have rips in the sleeves smallest: get their house cleaned up bc all the beer bottles and broken glass on the floor is starting to give him a headache
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
biggest: officially lead the toughest gang in tulsa
smallest: get curly and angela through high school
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
basically just t-shirts and jeans. he rolls the sleeves of his shirts up and he keeps a comb in his back left pocket. he might be wearing a leather jacket, but he'll probably just have it slung over his shoulder
Favorite beverage?
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
his gang and how to make it better. it literally consumes his mind. he probably thinks abt curly too & if he'll ever be tough enough to be his second in command. tim really wants him to but deep down he knows that curly just isn't like him
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
tim got REALLY sick when his dad took him fishing when he was young. he puked all into the lake and they ended up not catching any fish the whole weekend (which tims dad jokingly blamed on him) it was embarrassing at the time but eventually they were able to laugh it off
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
turn ons: hickeys, confidence, tight jeans
turn offs: he hates clingy and it will definitely end up driving him away if a girl tries to lock him down
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
a mean game of tic tac toe that probably incorporated gambling
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
very organized!! its how hes so successful in leading his gang. he knows how to keep things in order and he plans things out
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
he was very dedicated to graduating high school (mostly out of spite that no one thought he would do it) but he never really cared about his classes. he did what he had to do and then got out of there
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
still a gang leader, hopefully more respected. (can we talk abt how tim sees himself as still living and curly has just kinda accepted that he probably wont be.,,...no.,,,,.....ok)
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
once again his life revolves around his gang. he doesnt see it not working out, so he doesnt plan for anything else
What is their biggest regret?
he has two ok: one is not going on that last fishing trip with his dad. he'd gives almost anything to spend that one weekend with him again. the other is not being hard enough on curly and not toughening him up as much as he could have. he knows his brother is tough, but hes also got a soft side and tim hates it bc he knows it'll ruin his brother
Who do they see as their best friend?
his second in command, danny!!! theyve been friends since elementary school and hes the one guy tim can always fall back on
Their worst enemy?
the leader of the river kings most likely. they're his gangs biggest threat
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
he'd definitely be the one to fix the problem, even tho he most likely didnt cause it. he'd be calm about it though and just kinda move on
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
if it were angela, curly, or his mom dying he'd lose it in anger. i dont see him as sulking or mourning over their death, he'd just get super angry and destructive
Most prized possession?
his dads old fishing hat !! he keeps it tucked away in his closet, but he never wears it
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
he doesnt care about them since he never really had them growing up
Concept of home and family?
tim is very family oriented and would do almost anything to protect them (except his stepdad, but tim doesnt consider him family. and half the time hes protecting his siblings and mom from their stepdad anyway)
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
VERY private. he doesnt share anything too personal bc he doesnt wanna give someone the power of having something to hold against him
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
he loves movies and could watch them all day, but he'd end up feeling too unproductive
What makes them feel guilty?
nothing he literally has 0 feelings
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
analytical by far !!! he likes to think of the long term effects on a decision
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
type a
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
relaxing with his friends. while he loves leading a gang he still likes to just chill w the guys like they did in high school. it reminds him of better times
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
superiority complex for sure. in his eyes he is The Best
How misanthropic are they?
its not that he doesnt like humankind, its just the rich people. they look down on him so he does the same. he could get along easily with other greasers as long as theyre not in a gang and threatening his streets
cards, pool, drinking
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
he graduated high school! he values self education more though bc he's taught himself everything he needs to know to be successful
atheist i guess. i dont think he believes in god but he also just doesnt think about it
Superstitions or views on the occult?
not superstitious at all
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
deeds. words are pointless to him bc he knows most people will think he's just bluffing
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
he would never.,,,...but i guess if he did it'd be with someone who could calm him down. in his eyes the whole world revolves around the gang, so they'd have to make him see that theres more to life than that. i can see him falling for someone innocent and kind and non judgemental. opposites attract u know
How do they express love?
very weird and awkward ways.....like he doesnt really know what hes doing (because he doesnt) he'd give mumbled compliments and hold your hand only if you're in private and try to take you somewhere nice but hes dressed too poorly and so people look at him and he gets annoyed and yall end up leaving but hey its the thought that counts right
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
he fights very smoothly. he moves quickly and thats always his advantage
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
nope. he thinks he's invincible
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rqs902 · 6 years
qcyn ep 8 aka the loss of some real talent..... (but also, thankfully, some needed recognition was given as well)
psa im probably gonna be posting stuff involving some spoilers soon, so ill tag them as #qcyn spoilers and you can feel free to block those posts if you dont want to see them!
awwwwwww shi mingze helping mingming get people’s attention is the cutest friendship!!! mingming is so quiet... i love a supportive mingze!!! also thank you iqiyi for giving him more screentime!! i can notice it already!
LOL sun zelin in this rap heavy group..... but this group is already the most fun group hahahah omg ye ziming talking about the fact that he knows he’s not likely gonna make it so he needs to help those kids who are more popular get better......... UGH WHY DO PEOPLE NOT RECOGNIZE THIS AMAZING CHILD. oh my goodness this is so sad.... the fact that THE KIDS WHO KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING had to make a club dedicated to helping the kids who dont.... bc they know theyll make it instead of themselves....... that just means that they all know the next elim is gonna get rid of a whole lot of real talent. thats so messed up.... this whole montage is like iqiyi being like “thanks for helping our kids look nice on stage, once you’re done, you’re gonna be forced to leave. byeeeee” 
LOL lian huaiwei is just so funny just talking LOL. wait. so about that clip of lin mo helping chaoyuan and youwei that came out earlier this week. chaoyuan and youwei arent even in his half of the group. that means lin mo went out of his way to help them even tho he hasnt been practicing with them as closely as like huaiwei. wow he not only helped his own group but he went out to make sure everyone in their larger group got special help, AND youwei still called him “teacher” which means lin mo is probably regularly helping him. wow. man,, they didnt show any of lin mo’s group’s practice wtf........ i swear iqiyi is about to drop jia yi or something bc i thought theyd at least wanna show some of him.... but the small bit we saw of their dance wow lin mo is gonna do sooo well ahhhh he looks so good already, even in these lumpy practice clothes, im so excited to see him on stage
lol yaoyao (yao bolan) is in the super cute grouppp hahahhaha but ahh him talking about every faking their happiness really.... shows how observant and sensitive he is to his friends’ feelings, which is aw....
OMG THEY JUST SKIPPED ANNOUNCING the lower ranks ???? i mean i get u gotta be time efficient, but thats a little too efficient??? omg but sun zelin!!! and wu chengze!!! and wu zelin!! omg wang jiayi dropped so much. iqiyi has seriously just dropped him like a hot potato wow. CHEN SIJIAN WENT UP WHOOOO lol the creativity is real in this one hahahaha his speech
ok im sorry but wtf how did these three (14-16) get in front of lin mo, excuse me???? sigh.... oh well, at least hes still within top 20, i just want him to at least make it to top 20... lol they only let like 3 kids talk...... this is just too efficient yall.....
omgosh........ shi zhan and yaoyao........... ahhhhhhhhhhhh my heart ;;;;; yaoyao’s smile......... another bg project boy is gonna leave ahhh 
yao chi’s speech omg..... the child has seriously been through a lot of mental trauma look at how much he’s shaking goodness
omg i cant believe jia yi dropped so much...... wtf.......... are people blind???? iqiyi is really about to drop him omg i really think they havent been giving him enough screentime alskdjlk wow way to randomly cut off jia yi’s thank you to zhan yu.... wtf i need more jia yi + zhan yu time.... zhan yu is like jia yi’s favorite gege.... omg zhan yu’s tears ahhh zhan yu may say that he wishes he could be the maknae but he honestly cares so much for jia yi, even tho he’s not much older than him, its so aw.....
omg i just looked up ye ziming on weibo and hes friends with guanguan, changbin, zhu zijie and zhong yixuan??? omggg fandom clash wowow 
this segment with these kids with disabilities........ i dont know how i feel about this...... it feels problematic to me....... the trainees dont know what theyre doing, so how is this benefitting these children? if anything its just to make the trainees look like theyre doing some great charity work or something, but i dont appreciate the attitude some of them have towards these kids... i get theyre frustrated and werent properly prepared to interact with them, which i dont blame them for, but its like why is this segment even a thing, iqiyi??? theyre just coming in and using these kids as a backdrop to make themselves look nice, and not actually doing anything sustainable or meaningful to help them... what good is it to get these kids to like them and get familiar with them just for them to leave within a few hours? its just another person who came and left........ 
omg guan yue is second omg good for you, child!!!!!!!!!!!!! good good good im glad, he deserves it!!!!!!!
lol they better show the other rounds of this basketball tournament in the extra clips..............
these ads are getting more and more ridiculous im ??? cowboys ??? ?
NOOOOO ZHAN YU!!!!!!!!! 37!??!!?!!! I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE SO CLOSE AGAIN!!!!! ALSKDJLKJLK FIRST ZHEN NAN 61 AND NOW ZHAN YU 37 AGHHHHHH ok but i cant even be mad at yuzhi bc i know he deserves it too.
omg boyuan!!! they really like boyuan hahah but he deserves it too and zhuo yuan being so so happy for him is the sweetest ahhhh and junjie crying ahhh i love these 3 roommatesss
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ZHAN YU!!!!!!! YESY YESYEYS YES!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!??!? THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE ALL 3 TYGERS ON THE SAME STAGE!!!!!!!!!! ALKSDJLAKSDJLAKSJDLJK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMGOMOGMOMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH i was thinking “they really like zhan yu hahhaa they picked zhan yu last time, maybe theyll pick him again”---- THANK GOODNESS AHHHHHH ok but im kinda disappointed they literally didnt show lin mo’s reaction... only jia yi’s.... which i feel like is bc they enjoy playing off of jia yi’s emotions more.... which makes me feel (again) like theyre using the other tyger members as backdrop for jia yi, rather than respecting their friendship and group as a whole? like theyre all really amazing friends and people, theyre not just “jia yi and his friends”, if you get what i mean... but jia yi being so so happy i love!!!!! im so so so happy for them ahhhh yessssss you go zhan yu, you are amazing!!!!!!!!! get that recognition!!!!!!!
omg zhuo yuan being so happy for his friends is honestly the cutest. im sad that he didnt make it... yao chi and mingming being so happy i love!!!!!! good for yechen! his voice is honestly really nice and very unique!
frick i cant believe they didnt notice ye ziming.... and su yuhang.... they deserved better......... cheche crying ahhhh li you and kou cong deserved better too... ahhh seeing guan yue crying more than cheche or mingming crying more than kou cong, or ye ziming comforting others... its like the kids who are left are so sad for them, the kids who were actually eliminated.. this friendship is ahhhhh
man, i was just getting to know and like yaoyao and cui shaopeng too...
this is so sad for zhuo yuan and jiahao tho, like all the kids around them, physically and also in the ranking, went up, but not them.... i wonder if jiahao had been given screentime during his last stage, he wouldve gotten more votes... but bc of the hair thing, he got cut out of the ep even tho he was center......  
man, fangzhou is the last core one member left........
oh my goodness.......... that ending................. oh my goodness.................. why does this have to happen to huo zhong.................... oh goodness thats gonna be such a drastic change from huo zhong to the super cute song...... i hate to say it, but i feel like none of them would want to go there LOL ahhhhh how will guan yue choose???? laskdjlaskjlk ok im hopeful that he at least wont choose zhan yu (because hes not cute LOL) but i really really hope lin mo can stay too oh gosh.......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guan yue....... (i know ding feijun is also there but im guessing guan yue is gonna be the main decision maker) but if hes smart he wont choose kids who will have trouble learning a whole new dance, which means.... he is likely to take more skilled trainees....... UGH IM SO WORRIED. but tbh i guess.... even if lin mo goes from super cool handsome center to a super cutesy backup dancer.... i guess... he’ll get to challenge himself and try a new style.......... which i guess... isnt terrible........ he’ll be cute, im sure.... so as long as he can still make it into top 20, i wont be terribly distraught. honestly i feel like im being rather reasonable as a lin mo stan, like I’m not asking for him to get as much screentime as like wenhan, just at least enough so that we can tell that he exists and was there (COUGHepisode7COUGH), and I’m not asking that he be center every time or that he get into top 9, i just want him to get recognition, respect, and into at least top 20. I think he can do it!!! hes working so so hard, despite being injured, and hes helping so many other kids..... i just wish his work can be acknowledged. 
oof now thats its down to 2 votes a day... its time we see who people’s real biases are... im guessing theres gonna be some drastic changes in the rankings from here, bc the kids who are just well-liked by everyone but not actually “biased” will be dropped like crazy. i know who im gonna vote for, but im sad it means i wont be able to vote for some kids who i know will really need votes too..... but i believe you can kinda tell which kids are “bias” material and which are more just generally well-liked. that’s all im gonna say about it, but for everyone who’s voting, just choose wisely bc some kids will need your votes more than others, just saying.... 
lol guan yue’s psa to eat more fruit..... okay guan yue, okay hahahahhaha
wow i cant believe chen you and li you both got clips in the ending credits and also ye ziming even got 2 clips......... i swear they only started giving ye ziming screentime after it was too late??!!!? like they finally realized hes super funny and talented and #amazing and felt bad but ITS TOO LATE IQIYI laksjdlaklklk ill say it again ye ziming deserved better. on his weibo he says he’ll be coming out with new stuff soon tho!!! so im super excited and will def be keeping a lookout bc im sure itll be legit c: 
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rqs902 · 6 years
......i had my doubts about naicha’s group this week..... but OH MY GOODNESSSSS i shoulda trusted in him, like he always says to.... they literally perform the most technically challenging boyband stages ive ever seen??????? ? ?? (at least on a survival show, if not overall...) like last time their stage was challenging and required skill, but this week !?!?!! EVEN MORE SO?!?!! and i didnt think that was even possible for them to put in enough practice in such a short timeline to pull off such a difficult performance wtf???? they mustve worked so hard wow im just... wow.................. AND naicha choreographed it himself AND they showcased so many of their individual talents AND they all pulled it off together well. what a group......... their stages are incredible. 
also gao xin being the most supportive cheerleader and smiling the whole time while he’s watching them from backstage... i love him and this whole group dynamic wow
watching re yati’s group interactions im always stuck on whether i actually like huang boxuan.. on one hand i feel like he seems kinda sneaky?? like the kind of person who schemes a lot, but also on the other hand, he’s just being smart? like he’s just trying to stay alive, which is understandable. i do think he could work on making his smile look more natural on stage LOL. Shi zixun may have thrown a tantrum last time but omg when hes smiling you can really see that qingchun like innocence and happiness its actually so infectious hahaha
zhibo is my bias in pinlin’s group!!! hes got room to improve but i cant help it. also the whole pinlin and yunlong crying when Fei started talking part........ goodness it made me remember how much these swin kids have been through (most of which i am not even fully aware tbh) but i think i (maybe) have an inkling of what cai xukun went through and im assuming they also suffered a lot similarly. but they may have it worse bc xukun is at least very successful now, whereas these kids..... are still struggling, for the most part. Pinlin definitely stands out and he definitely has impressive stage presence and talent and leadership ability. i can see him becoming as successful as cai xukun one day. i’m glad they were able to wow more his performance, bc i agree they haven’t really stood out to me as an impressive group in the past. 
IM SMILING THROUGHOUT ALL OF HE YIFAN’S GROUP. HAHHAAHA omg this performance is an entire meme hHAHHAHA yifan’s soooo cute hahahha AW every interaction between yifan and pinlin....... theyre so nice to see
wow the camera work is really nice during wang di’s group’s stage :o i really think this group has improved. Not gonna lie, xiao bo has never stood out to me before in the past, but this time he really caught my attention on stage! i havent paid attention but i think hes their main dancer / leading their practices, but his stage presence was strong this time
chen zexin’s voiceeeeeeeee omg even singing a song like ‘just right’ he could stand out with his vocals. feels bad for his groupmates tho, like none of them get to show off their vocals lol. i dont like the way they changed the choreo LOL
i really like yixuan but tbh his group’s stage was ..... aight.... like maybe its just bc i dont like this song but idk i dont think they fit this style anyway? everyone except yixuan was kinda awkward tbh... i see why zong ying didnt fit.... im still super sad about zong ying’s loss but.... this stage.... i didnt care too much for, why is the chorus literally them yelling???? I’m happy for hong weizhe’s solo dance part tho!!! wow so many flips what acrobat :o 
omgosh just watching AJ and shuchen making the choreo it just looks like its gonna be so cool wow. uhhh how old is jojo / Song wenxin, bc he looks so smol and cute!!! but also is one the ones teaching the dance?? hahah (o i looked it up, hes born in 2000 omg) JOJO GIVING ME NCT FEELS??? wait omg WHAT THIS STAGE IS SO GOOD WTFFFFFFFF the choreo you can tell has AJ and shuchen’s style in it hahahaha but like wow i actually wanna download this song, and i think this is the first song on this show that has actually given me that strong of a inclination to actually wanna download it. props to huang junze for arranging the music and having the confidence to insist to shuchen and yang tong that he could do it! man and AJ wrote some rap too?? wow he mustve worked so hard and lost a ton of sleep preparing for this stage. honestly i think they should’ve won..................
OMGOHSH THE NEXT EP PREVIEW!! IM EXCITED TO WATCH HONG WEIZHE’S DANCE!!! he looks so graceful and has incorporated ballet!! omg im excited! but also.... as long as AJ’s group is safe (which im rather sure they will be, since theyre popular lol), i dont think ill be that bothered by whoever is eliminated next week. ;;; and as long as these individual competitions... rap, dance, vocal, etc, as long as they dont cause any more of them to hurt themselves/ get in accidents.... at least theyre not doing those dumb physical activities anymore lol and im glad some of them (LIKE WEIZHE) will get to show off a bit of their personal talents!! uhhh also the fact that they have to start having a vip show.... they have literally too much content HAHHAHA too much footage that they’re splitting it into two shows....... 
honestly im liking this show more and more. as we’ve gotten to know more of the kids, and we get to see all their hard work and efforts, and their subsequently shining stages, it’s definitely been more enjoyable. i have definitely picked out some favs within the last few eps, and im sad that a few didnt get to perform on stage, but thankfully at least they didnt get eliminated. (can we please get some more zongying time next ep??) overall, i am still relatively disappointed by the show’s music choices / stages in general. (not because of the kids themselves, but because of what materials the show gives them to perform with). im looking forward to seeing more and more improvement from the show and the kids though! 
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