#i waas yelling
zendayacolemann · 2 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON The Red Dragon And The Gold
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holypowell · 2 years
glen seen filming around sydney for his upcoming romcom (©)
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mangostar · 1 year
I hope all ppl who don't use their blinkers DIE
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pup-pee · 8 months
daily reminder that bart wearing nailpolish is canon & he does let others paint them 4 him
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
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im so fucking obsessed actually. this is one of my OH ocs (jensens bestie) aliyah from the lovely and fucking amazing @rosefuckinggenius !! this was my prize from the @choicesficwriterscreations pride event and ofc i had to pick my fav aroace queen. i love her and this art sm i dont think yall understand how long i will be staring at it
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fluffbeast7 · 15 days
Soo i though i was doing great by staying awake and getting 3 hours of sleep everynight for a few weeks straight but APPARENTLY i look like a pale walking zombie, now im embarassed to have anyone look at my face- they look and me like they pity me and my superior at work asked me if i was "REALLY OK?" 3 times yesterday 😭😭 im going to LOSE IT
yeah im OK its totally normal to almost fall asleep at anytime im not actively moving!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN
Maybe i should just go after the adhd medication now
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bakvrue · 8 months
“Hey! Wait up!”
Bakugou looks over his shoulder and sees you waive your arm as you run out of the training building behind him.
He exhales, frosty breath making a grumpy cloud in front of him. He was the last to leave for a reason, or so he thought.
He doesn't stop walking but he slows his steps until you catch up to him. Your winter coat is haphazardly thrown on, and the laces of your boots aren't tied, rather they're tucked into your boots. Would probably be dangerous if you slipped on the ice.
“Hey, thanks for waiting.” Your breath comes out in short puffs. “I was worried about walking back in the dark alone and then I heard the locker room door close. Grabbed my stuff and ran out. I had a feeling it might have been you.”
“What were you doin’ there so late anyways? Why didn't you go back with everyone else?”
Katsuki can feel your eyes on him, almost as if you're surveying him, looking for something hidden in his features. He keeps his heart steady, praying that it's dark enough now you can't see the way his ears warm under your gaze.
You sigh, frustrated, defeated. “I haven't been able to get one of my new moves down right. What I'm trying to do is do a kick and then send the force of my quirk through my heel. But every way i try to kick either ends up with me on my ass or in a position that leaves me vulnerable right after or leaves me with my heel not in the right spot. I end up off-balance no matter what.”
You take your hat out of your bag, pull it over your eyes and let out a frustrated sound in annoyance. Almost like an angry cat.
Katsuki has watched you train, hell he's even gone up against you. He knows how strong you are. If this is something bothering you maybe it has to do with form? Or flexibility?
“Can you do a pistol squat?”
You stop walking, “A what?”
He turns and puts his bag on the sidewalk. “It's a really deep one legged squat.”
He balances on one leg, and then lowers himself slowly. His other leg extends in front of him and his body lowers so that his femur is parallel to the ground at knee length.
“Yeah I cannot do that,” you laugh. “I'm pretty sure my knees would explode.”
“Try it.”
“Do you want to see me fall in my ass? In the snow? Are you evil?”
He raises his eyebrows and you already know his response.
“Fine, let me try.” You put your bag down next to him and take a deep breath of the chilly night air.
One leg out, arms out for balance. Lower yourself, slowly, slowly… slow…
Your body falls backwards, your arms swinging around for anything to save you, panic setting in quickly.
Hands connect with yours just before your ass would have hit the cement.
You open your eyes, not even realizing that they squeezed shut, and you see Katsuki's hands holding yours.
Your heart thumps in your chest, your cheeks instantly hot enough to melt snow.
Katsuki's gaze follows yours, and he quickly looks away. But he doesn't let go.
“You good?” His cheeks and the tips of his ears flush.
“I— yeah, I'm good.”
He pulls you up, and both of you grab your bags.
“We should probably get back before Iida yells at us about curfew.”
“Right, let's go.”
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
hc that bokuaka say i love you to each other way before confessing they liked each other romantically. like bokuto just went up to akaashi sometimes and said ily and akaashi, without even giving it a seconds thought, would always say ily too. and sometimes if akaashi did like a rlly good set bokuto would yell "WAA THATS SO GOOD I LOVE U AKAASHI" at him before spiking. or if akaashi was responsible for a point bokuto would koala hug him and say ily. and if bokuto spikes past a particularly difficult block akaashi would just stare at him with wide eyes and say ily. or when bokuto gets sad akaashi just pats his back and says "its ok its ok ily bokuto just keep playing pls". BOKUAKA JUST SAYING I LOVE U TO EACH OTHER CASUALLY EVEN BEFORE BEING A COUPLE pls tell me y'all get it 😭😭😭
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elsweetheart · 1 year
texts with dealer!ellie part 2
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🎀 makin these r so fun i had to do another <33 mentions of weed, mentions of death (in a jokey way) sexual flirting ,, ya thts it enjoy
e: Babe, you gotta come quick it’s an emergency
e: Babe
r: wh at???? what i just woke up from a nap what happened??
e: I think I’m dying.
r: ellie???? what’s wrong?????
e: I’m gonna die and the only thing that will save me is a pretty girl on my lap smoking my weed with me
e: Come quick… I can see the light
r: r u fucking serious ellie ?? u scared me !!!!
e: I’ll have you know it’s a very serious situation.
r: just for that i’m not coming over >:((
r: suffer the consequences!!!!!
e: Come on it was a little funny
r: no. mad at u.
e: 📞 I’m calling the waa-mbulance
e: 👶 <- You
r: you’re not helping yourself. now i’m even more mad
e: I’m sorry! Just wanna see my girl
e: Can you blame me
r: yes
e: I know you wanna smoke a little weed
e: You’re like
e: A little bunny… and the weed is your lettuce
r: ok… true …..
r: why can’t u come here i just woke up :(
e: Because I don’t wanna have to bring aaalll my stuff to create the most perfect roll you’ve ever laid eyes on
e: I’d like to do it from the privacy of my own desk thank you.
r: so pre roll it and bring it to me loser :(
r: you owe me for scaring me :(
e: Good point
e: Alright I’ll come
e: And then you’ll come… if you know what I mean
r: get ur mind out of the gutter williams
e: You know me baby, always thinking with my dick
r: well bring ur dick with u. u need to make it up to me 🙄
e: When bae wants to fuck but you left your dick at home…
r: are you coming or not
e: Yes ma’am just let me roll
e: Leavimg now do you want me to pick up some food
e: Leavinf
r: no need to yell ……
r: can u plsss bring me coffee i’m a sleepy girl :(
e: I like you being a sleepy girl. I’ll bring you breakfast. Coffee’s bad for you
r: so weed is good coffee is bad? got it
e: Hey. I don’t let you smoke that much weed either. Sassy pants
e: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed huh
r: yeah it might have something to do with my girlfriend texting me and telling me she’s dying. not sure though
e: Alright brat 🙄
e: Ok I’m on my way. You can go back to sleep I’ll let myself in
r: mmkay ellie
e: Good girl
r: 🤭
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bangtanhoneys · 3 months
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ARMY had been surprised and delighted when it had been announced that a new series of In the Soop was ready to be released in a matter of weeks. There had been talks for ages about doing another series or at least, something similar to the original that took place all those years ago. 
However, there would be a slight change this year. Grace was nowhere to be seen on any of the promotional videos that had been released in the weeks to the premiere date and she hadn’t been seen on the official posters either. It had been expected though as Grace had only given birth to her and Seokjin’s only daughter, Bora, a month ago. 
But ARMY should have realised that what you see on trailers and photos, isn’t what you normally get. 
The first episode was pure BTS chaos. 
The third episode came with major surprises.
As the camera panned along the various rooms, there were signs that maybe the boys weren’t alone as the viewers thought. There was a box of nappies, freshly opened, near the bathroom and in the hallway, there was a brand-new baby stroller and various other items dotted around. 
However, when the camera switched to the living area, there was no baby to be seen. 
“Waa? What the fuck?” Yoongi yelled at the TV, where the LA Lakers had just lost a crucial point. 
“Hyung,” Hobi shushed him from the end of the couch but the basketball player paid him no mind.
No one paid Hobi any attention, their eyes either on the TV screen or on their phones. While they weren’t exactly big basketball fans, they could enjoy the sport and Yoongi’s reactions at the same time so it all equalled great entertainment. 
The room became silent when the small monitor on the coffee table came to life.
“Looks like someone is awake,” Seokjin grinned as he pushed himself off the couch and shuffled towards the stairs, straight to the room that he had commandeered for himself, Grace and their little one.
“See,” Hobi warned as he pushed at Yoongi’s good shoulder. “Told you that you were being too loud.”
“I don’t think hyung going ‘what the fuck?’ would have woken up Bora,” Namjoon grinned as he checked the small monitor himself. “Looks like she needed to be changed,” he added as he turned the monitor around to show the rest of them.
All went silent as they watched Seokjin change his daughter and pick her up, holding her close to his chest as he left the bedroom. They could hear his footsteps along the landing, down the stairs and the shuffle as he headed towards the living room.
“Jungkook, take her for me while I get a bottle sorted.”
The young man didn’t need much encouragement as he all but jumped over the back of the couch, and landed without falling over. Quite impressive for a young man who had downed a bottle of soju already and had eaten his weight in pizza. Large hands cradled the small body and Jungkook held his baby sister to his chest, sensibly walking around the couch this time to where he had originally been lounging between Yoongi and Taehyung. 
 “Was Hyung too loud?” Taehyung teased, reaching out to take a little hand. 
Yoongi frowned as he had already turned down the noise from the TV the moment Seokjin had disappeared upstairs and had turned on the subtitles so he could read what was happening instead. If anything, he had been a considerate drunk uncle. 
“Who wants to feed her?” Seokjin asked, coming in with a fresh bottle.
Four hands shot up immediately.
Jungkook was more than happy to have Bora in his arms and Yoongi didn’t dare take her in case something happened on the TV that made him jump which left Namjoon, Hobi, Jimin and Taehyung.
“Here you go,” Seokjin said as he handed the bottle to the winner.
Hobi wiggled in his seat in a mini happy dance as he took the warm bottle and with ease, took Bora into his arms and gave her the midnight snack. Jimin, not to be left out of the bonding experience with Bora, sat next to Hobi and quietly asked her how her meal was, and did it taste nice.
“Hopefully Gigi will be up to joining us tomorrow,” Namjoon commented as he stole the last slice of pizza and ignored Jungkook’s narrowed gaze. “It’s been odd not hearing her nag at us.”
“We had to wait for this little one to be ready to join us,” Hobi grinned as he put the empty bottle on the coffee table and Jimin stole her away, a towel over his shoulder to help her burp. 
“I’ll for one be happy to have her back, looking after you six is a right pain in the ass,” Seokjin commented as he finally sat back down, content in the knowledge his daughter was in the right hands.
He did, however, ignore the complaints coming from his brothers. 
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 5: Welcome to Rosas
Chapter 4
We transition some time later as the trio run through the forest...
Asha had finally made it. Back to the place she never thought she would fight to return to: The Kingdom of Rosas.
"All right, there's no time to waste. Think you can speed up, Star?" she asked her now aquatic friend.
"I'm on it!" Star chirped. He quickly gained speed as they headed straight for Rosas, with a duo of fellow dolphins by each side. The sun slowly rised as shined on the magnificent kingdom.
We cut back to the cliffside where some of the guards that got knocked over by Turtle!Star earlier on finally caught up. One of them struggled to take his tightened helmet off, but finally managed to do so. "I'm sorry your Highness!" He replied. "The girl got away from us. We were ambushed by, um....."
Amaya raised an eyebrow. "By what?" Her tone was flat.
"....a flying turtle." The other guard finished, nearly embarrassed even saying that.
This was highly unexpected. The star Magnifico waa searching for wasn't just a simple ball of light. It could change its form, it could think for itself. And the girl it was with wasn't a fool either. They outsmarted her. Was that girl the one that brought the star down? Her husband probably wasn't going to be happy someone beat him at his own game.
"Clearly you've been outsmarted by a mere reptile." She replied as she approached the two guards on her horse. "You're a team of skilled soldiers and you couldn't even catch a mere teen and a small animal?" her voiced was raised.
The guards were too nervous to even defend themselves. The king held their wishes in his hands and he could take them away with a snap of his fingers.
Amaya sighed. "It doesn't matter this point. We just need to return to Rosas at once and I'll warn the king, who knows what that thing can do with a power like that? We must protect our kingdom!"
The guards agreed in unison. Amaya called for Sabor and he finally caught up with the rest of the group. He quickly tossed the ball of yarn in the ocean to avoid further embarrassment and joined his beloved owner on the horse.
The scene shows Amaya and her soldiers running back to Rosas' as the sun began to rise over trees.
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We then go to the main port of Rosas where Star stopped swimming. Asha grabbed Valentino and gingerly stepped onto the dock. She looked up at the towering city before her, mixed with feelings of both joy and fear. Her thoughts were interrupted by small splashes of water.
Star had turned into a dog and was rapidly shaking himself to dry off.
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Valentino belated in annoyance, but Asha found it pointless to complain. Star did help them get there after all.
Once Star was done, a yellow flash of light appeared and he was back to his human appearance. "Now that was fun! Aside from being chased by a crazy queen, I'd say that plan was flawless!" he said with a laugh.
Before Asha could speak, she heard some squeaks and clicks coming from the sea. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Star realized and ran towards the end of the dock. He saw the dolphins that guided them to the castle cheering for him.
He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Thanks for the cool water show and for guiding us here! Oh wait, I mean-" he stepped back and spoke dolphinese as he waved goodbye.
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The dolphins returned it in joy and at the same time, the whale reappeared to wave with its large fin to Star as it dove back into the water. "Oh yeah, ThAnK yoOouUuUu tOoOoO!" he said with his tone going up and down dramatically. "Almost forgot I could speak whale!" He smiled. It faded a bit when he finally noticed the sun rising.
Asha stepped up beside him. "You've never seen a sunrise before?" she asked.
"I've seen the sun hundreds of times, but...never like this." He said, nearly speechless. "Is this how humans see the sun?"
"Yep, everyday in fact." Asha replied as she watched with him. "And it never gets old."
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Asha found her gaze leading to Star's face, who's expression was still in awe, but yet relaxed. He was always incredibly happy and cheerful, but this was the first time she'd seen him so at peace. It was....a nice thing to see. Asha was sure the bright sun was making her face warm and certainly nothing else. "All right, let's get back to the mission." She said abruptly.
"Right, right. So now that we're here, what's next?" Star said as he and Valentino followed her.
"Next we need to see Flazino. He's the apprentice to Magnifico and he knows his way around this place as much as the royals themselves. He should know where the wishes are kept. Then he can help us plan to how to stop Magnifico."
Star was silent for a moment. "This Flazino guy is a friend of yours right? Is...that all he is?"
"Well, more like an acquaintance. We only see each other once a month when he brings supplies to the people. Its helped us a lot these past couple years." she answered as she looked around for an easy way in.
Star felt a bit guilty for asking. "Well, I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like a nice-" his mouth got covered by her hand.
Asha pointed over to the entrance which had a young sleeping guard leaning against the wall. Clearly he hadn't gotten much shut eye last night. "Follow me, but don't make a sound. We have to get in before there's people everywhere."
Star nodded and followed her lead. The three of them walked swiftly passed the guard whom upon a closer look was actually a teen in training to be a guard. Asha looked around for a place to start, when the large bell tower started to ring loudly, starting the day.
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"SHOOT." Asha seethed. She frantically looked around and finally saw a path that led towards the inner parts of the city. "This way!" She told him as she ran forward. Star flew behind her, and they eventually made it to an archway that was hidden from the main square.
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The trio waited a long while and people started to gather in the city. "We can't be in the city like this, especially not you. We're going to need some disguises." Asha suggested. "Oh, you mean like this?" Star asked. He then turned into a small goat looking similar to Valentino, but with a goofier face. "Now we look like twins!" He nodded Valentino. The goat looked offended by the suggestion.
Asha shook her head. "I'm pretty sure they'll notice a glowing talking goat." she let out a small laugh. "No, I'm thinking...." her voiced trailed off when she saw a young man beginning to place some laundry out. "Bingo." She finally finished. She told Star to stay where he was and return to his human looking form then she proceeded on, acting like she was a fellow Rosas' citizen, putting on a fake smile.
Once she reached the other side, she quickly grabbed two cloaks from the table while the young man wasn't looking and quickly took off. When the guy turned around, he noticed that two clothes suddenly disappeared. He looked around seeing where they could've gone, then the dust around him made him sneeze loudly. He figured the wind probably blew them away and decided to just go back to working on the rest of the clothes. Its not like they were taken away.
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It then cuts back to Star and Valentino in the middle of talking.
"So that little outfit was made from your mom's wool?" Star asked curiously. The goat bleated and nodded. "I'm sorry, buddy. I promise I'll get you a new one, somehow." He patted Valentino's head from above. The goat looked at him surprised. This glowing weirdo stranger cared about his feelings?
A green cloak suddenly covered Star's view. "What's this?" He asked as he took the clothes in his hands.
"Its your disguise. This way you can walk around town without catching everyone's attention." Asha put her own cloak on, which covered enough of her head so she wouldn't be seen as easily.
"Hmmmm. All right, but green's not really my color." Star pointed out. He then used some of his stardust on the cloak and the color changed from green to black and gold. "That's more like it!"
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(I actually found a cloak that fit perfectly for Star's disguise here! Asha's is pretty much the same as the film. I didn't mind it.)
"Yeeaaah. That reminds me, if we're going to keep a low key, you need remember three rules." Asha stated.
"Okay, shoot!" He said as put the cloak on.
"Rule 1: No flying or shapeshifting. You need to act as human as possible." Asha explained.
Star gently came to the ground. "Check!"
"Rule 2: No glowing whatsoever. As fun as it is to see you like that, we can't draw any attention to us." She continued.
Star took in some air, and gulped it down along with his glow. His yellow glow slowly faded and he put his hood up. "Check!"
"And Rule 3: Can you….do something about being yellow?" She asked honestly.
Star looked down at his own hands. "I….don't think so. Can humans change their color?"
The question caught Asha off guard. She never thought about it that way before. "Fair enough. Just keep the hood on and stick by me."
"Check! Now let's get all sneaky!" Star said enthusiastically.
The trio then proceeded onwards into the heart of city, as the camera slowly pans up from them to the one of the towers.
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We go into the inside of the castle where the king had fallen asleep hunched over his study desk. The doors slammed opened and it woke the king with a start.
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The queen had entered the room, out of breath and disheveled. Meanwhile Sabor just coolly walked in past her.
"Amaya darling, you're back!" Mags said with a smile. It faded once he saw her appearance. "What happened to you? Did the star hurt you?" His anger began to rise as he called the staff to his hand.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It hurts my pride to say that we were outrun by some peasant girl who's smarter then she looks. And the star…" her voice trailed off when her foot hit one of the many books scattered across the floor. "How long have you been up here?" she asked, concerned.
Magnifico looked at the floor and realized he had made a mess without even realizing it. "Admittedly, I may have lost track of time during my research, sooooo….perhaps a few hours?" He guessed.
"But that's not important right now. Tell me about the star! What did it look like? Could you feel its power?" He grabbed her shoulders in desperation.
Amaya sighed. She might was well tell him, he was too fixated on this. "As were chasing it, it turned into an assortment of animals. The last thing we saw was it as a dolphin." She finally admitted. "It can think for itself."
There was a moment of silence as Magnifico blinked. He slowly let go of her. "The star can transform itself? Not even we have mastered that kind of magic!" He raised his voice.
The queen looked concerned at his current state. "Darling…?"
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The man began pacing the floor frantically. "That thing has a mind of its own! Who knows what ended its capable of? It can be anything or anyone. Absolute power is right under our noses and I won't let it get away!" The king began to sound paranoid.
His ranting stopped when his wife placed her hands on both sides of his face. "Pookie! You need to calm yourself. We will get the star, and we will have that power. You just need to relax." she said in a soothing tone.
She could see the anger and fear in his blue eyes be replaced with calmness as he breathed deeply. The king took his wife's hands in his and kissed them. "You're right, my queen. What would I do without you?" He whispered.
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Sabor ran out of the room as fast as he could. He didn't want to see this. 😂
The two them opened the balcony windows. They had a perfect view of their victims citizens going about their day. "Look at them. They're in their own little world once they arrive here. They don't have magic. Even if they did, they're too stupid to know how it works." Amaya pointed out.
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The view cuts an overhead shot of the town square where people were going about their day. A few of them looked lethargic, but carried on anyway. "So one peasant girl found the star before we did? Big deal. She's bringing the star right to us. Once she arrives, its all a matter of time before we rule everything." She finished with a chuckle.
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A smile crept on the King's face. "Indeed. Its time we finally take our prize." He said with a growl. (At this segment the music starts to swell a bit.)
Amaya had stepped away. "But first take a shower, dear. You can't rule the kingdom and the world smelling like a Llama." then she went to freshen up herself.
Magnifico looked down at his attire and took a whif underneath his arm. Oof. She was right.
"Very well, I'll just put on the morning event to distract everyone." the king replied and he shot some blue magic on the nearby mirrors on the buildings, and the blue glow spread to the other mirrors all across Rosas.
We go back to the city where it was now flooded with people of all shapes and sizes. Stalls were up selling various foods, trinkets, instruments and art.
Seeing the large crowd made Asha uneasy. While these people had no idea they were being controlled by power hungry rulers and held their lives in their hands, she felt sorry for them. Meanwhile Star was losing his mind at the sight of the crowd. "So...many...people!" He exclaimed. His eyes began to sparkle and his smile grew wide.
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"I know, there's way more people than I anticipated. we're going to have stick close to-" Asha looked to her side and saw the starboy was gone. He was instead running straight forward to the crowd in broad daylight.
"BAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Valentino panicked and chased after Star.
Asha rubbed her forehead. "For crying out loud..." she had no choice but to run after them.
Star couldn't get enough of what he was seeing. The city was packed with people. Some of them looked tired, but it was still pretty early for humans to be awake so maybe they just needed time. He looked up and saw a man on stilts walking by him, towering over everyone as he proceeded to start cleaning a customer's windows. A little girl ran by flying a kite in the cool breeze. A young woman had placed carts of various flowers out to get some sun. Another woman was pushing a cart with a carriage sized pumpkin across the way. People chatting to each other about the day ahead, and other small talk.
The sounds, the laughter, the people, the smells, everything felt new to Star as he took it all in. He didn't feel alone on Earth, and he was going to enjoy every minute he was here.
The star then heard a loud noise and felt something pull on his cape/hood. He looked behind him and saw a baby goat pulling him back away from the crowd. "Hey, buddy! You want to see the cool Earth stuff too? Come on!" he happily picked up the goat in his arms and carried on.
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Asha navigated the best she could in the crowd, looking for Star, when she suddenly heard Valentino's bleating in the distance, objecting to Star taking him along. Even the goat knew this was insane.
By the time she caught up with him he already had a ton of souvenirs in his arms, with a tired looking Valentino. He seemed to be looking at a tray of desserts. "Hey, what are thooose?!" Star pointed to a plate of cookies with baked in the form of the royals faces.
(Doesn't make sense they both didn't have cookies, so I remedied that.)
An Asian girl with a crutch approached the table. "Ah, I see you have a good eye! These are freshly baked sugar cookies in form of our sweet royals!" She said with a smile. "I did my best to capture their likeness, but even I can't capture the rich smooth face of our king." She said with a blissful sigh. (I feel weird writing this. 😂)
Star took one of the cookies. "I don't know what means, but okay!" This would actually be first time time eating Earth food, or any food really.
As he took a bite, Asha finally caught up. "Would…you….stop running off like…that?" she replied, out of breath.
"ASHA, YOU NEED TO TRY THESE THINGS, THEY'RE INCREDIBLE!!" the star exclaimed. He didn't even realize he had run off and worried her.
The girl's name caught the baker's attention. "Asha…. wait, have we met before?" she asked.
Oh no.
"Uh, nope. nopenopenopewehaven't. Sorry, but we need to go, like right now!" Asha pulled Star away from the table and waved dismissively to her. "THESE ARE AMAZING, YOU'RE AMAZING!" He said as was dragged away. "You mind telling me what heck you're doing?!" Asha scolded him. "I told you to stay close to me!"
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(This isn't Stars design, but it fits for this scene. Everything is awesome to him, lol)
Star winced and put Valentino down. "Sorry, sorry. I just got so excited. Humans have the coolest things! Check this out, I found these flowers that made think of you," He gave her the flowers, surprising Asha.
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(Fun fact, these are called Blazing Stars!)
"Oh and I found this thing! It makes music when you blow into it!" He started playing a few notes to demonstrate.
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"And I got these things called cookies, and this cool hat, and this vase of some Greek guy-"
As endearing as he was, she knew had to stop him from drawing more attention. And bringing junk they couldn't carry.
"Star, I know you're really excited to see everything, but right now we have to keep a low profile and stick by me. Got it?"
After he put all his treasures on a nearby table (and the confusion of the jewelry there) Star noticed a couple walking past with linked arms behind Asha as they looked around the city. "Okay, got it!" Star suddenly linked his arm with hers, making them super close. "That way we don't lose each other. This planning stuff is really easy for me!" He chuckled.
Asha was caught off guard by the gesture, but oddly enough she didn't complain. The two of them (and Valentino of course) continued through the city. Luckily nobody was paying attention to them. "All right, now let's find Flazino. The sooner we find him-" Asha started, when a loud ringing interrupted her.
Another bell went off and this time a few blue fireworks appeared in the sky. Suddenly a bright blue flash appeared and all the mirrors in Rosas suddenly had the faces of the king and queen smiling. The giant mirror in between the statues of the royals had this image as well (and the instrumentals to "This Is The Thanks I Get" play in the background as music)
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"GOOD MORNING ROSAS!" The two of them cheerfully greeted the city in unison. "Today is going to be another beautiful day, thanks to our wonderful king!" Amaya gestured to her husband. "Oh come now, darling. I can't take all the credit! Its your brilliant brain that helps me keep our fair city going!" Magnifico praised his wife.
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Asha rolled her eyes. They can't even start the day without bragging about themselves...
"We're here to give you your daily reminder to always keep a smile on your face! All your wishes will come true, eventually!" Anaya continued.
"Trust in me, just in me! Just shut your eyes, give your wishes to us You can sleep safe and sound Knowing we are around!" Magnifico held out his hands and three wish bubbles appeared presumably safe in them.
"Don't forget to tell everyone about Rosas, for our goal is to bring as many people to safety and a loving home for anyone, anywhere!" Amaya then created a small example of little people around the castle, all in the form of blue sparkles.
Star noticed that detail. "Hey, they can make magic like me!" Asha sushed him before anyone could hear them.
"Hey, and if you mention my name to your friends, you'll get a room with a view!" Sabor then jumped on the table and blocked his view in front the camera. Mags pretend it didn't annoy him and gently patted him on the head. "Yes, yes and of course all animals and livestock are welcome!" He moved to the side so he could get back into view.
"And always remember," Amaya started as the camera pulled back a bit.
"Just keep wishing!" The two of them said in unison and all three of them gave a sharp wink. The blue swirl reappeared and it transitioned to some bright blue sparkling letters that read "JUST KEEP WISHING!" the music stops and little fireworks go off.
Asha groaned. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and no one here even knew their lives were in danger. How could these two be so fake and cheerful in front of all these people? Meanwhile Star was applauding the show. "That was fun! Can they do that again?" He asked. Asha looked confused. "Does anything bother you?" A rock was suddenly thrown at the mirror between the statues and it created a large crack in the glass. The people gasped in shock and the two teens suddenly paid attention.
"No one wants to hear you squak every morning like roosters!" the voice came from a little person dressed in red who was holding a few more rocks in his left hand ready to throw another one. "One day these people are gonna wake up and see through your lies!"
"Wow, he seems grumpy..." Star whispered to Asha. (Like this:)
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"Gabo! How many times do I have to tell you to stop damaging property?!" A male voice shouted to the left. Asha recognized that stressed voice anywhere! Flazino was already running towards the vandalizer.
"Yeah, good luck teacher's pet! You'll never catch me!" He mocked the boy and made a rather rude gesture with his hand. Gabo instantly took off before Flazino could get a hold of him. He was too out of breath.
"Its too early for this crap. Guards! Guards! Isn't there a guard anywhere?!" He looked around hoping for assistance.
"Don't worry, (yawn) I'll get him, Flaz." A large teen slowly made his way towards Gabo, took a stretch and finally picked up his pace. By the time he started running, Gabo was already far away and his laugh echoed in the distance.
"Oh great, greaaaaat. If Simon does catch him, he can snore him to death..." Flazino sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
"Flazino! Thank goodness you're here. We need your help!" She called over to him. The boy was happy at first but then his joy turned to panic. He quickly pulled the two aside and away from the crowd. "What are you doing here, are you crazy? Wait, how did you even get to Rosas?" The apprentice was about to go into panic mode.
"I know there's a lot to explain here, but it'll have to wait. Right now we need you to take us to where Magnifico keeps the wishes. I have a friend here can help free them." She gestured to Star.
"Hiiii!" The star smiled and gave him a small wave. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be!"
The boy just stared at him. "....How is this random guy going to help us? And...is your hair glowing?" he asked.
Star quickly pulled the hood down over his exposed hair. "Oh that! Its not glowing, its just, uh, freshly washed and its all shiny! Hehehe...." He laughed nervously.
Flazino stared at the star again. "And he's supposed to able to save the wishes...Where did you find this guy anyway?"
"Look, just trust me. We don't have much time. Everyone's lives are at stake here, and we need your help. We have to know where Magnifico keeps the wishes hidden and only you can guide us." Asha pleaded.
The boy was going to protest, but he just sighed in defeat. "All right, all right. But we'll need to go right now. Magnifico could come down at any-" Flazino stopped cold when he finally turned around. A large shadow seemed to cover the teens, and Star suddenly felt a chill for the first time. Valentino bleated in fear and hid behind Asha's legs as the shadow covered them.
Standing over them was King Magnifico himself. "What's the hurry, my apprentice? Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" his teased with a smug smile.
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And that wraps up another chapter! You know, recently I re-watched Enchanted for the first time in 15 years, and I nearly cried. Not only because it was an absolute masterpiece and great homage to Disney films, but it made me realize that Wish was going to be the new Enchanted. And all in 2D animation. I want to cry.
Anyways, this one took a while to do, so sorry for the delay. 😅 This chapter was originally going to be shorter, but my brain kept thinking of new things to add. Star going into Rosas in disguise is my favorite scene to read in these Wish rewrites. Him going all Ariel and being fascinated by everything is exactly what I wanted to do here. Really wanted to show how much he loves being on Earth and surrounded by people. And I did tell you we would start seeing the Teens! Originally it was going to be Star leading Asha to each teen in the city, but it was going to take TONS of time and I felt like meeting them all in one chapter would overdo it. So right now we get Gabo (who's more of a conspiracy theorist about the royals and later finds out he's right), Simon, Safi and Dahlia. The others will come in the next chapter, just need to plan out their introductions and make sure it makes sense. 😂 Also, yes I'm hinting at a couple things with Dahlia in this, but rest assured, your questions will be answered!
And Flazino…. I think I just wrote him always on the verge of a complete mental breakdown and I'm so sorry. Give him some tea. 😂 He stressed like every 2 minutes and with Magnifico looking for Star, HOO BOY. Wait till Star gets revealed, he's gonna freak and that's when the real power struggle will begin. And as for the evil duo, for those who are wondering just what their vibe really is, its this: In public they're Team Rocket. In private, they're Hades and Maleficent. Best of both worlds! I think the part I'm most proud of is the Royal Rosas commercial. Its part propaganda, part advertisement, and they both spell doom. 😂 Really wanted to emphasize how vain they are and provide more comedy as well.
One thing I'm setting up in Chapter 6 is that there's both conflict and parallels for the heroes and villains. Star's conflict with Magnifico besides the view on wishes is that the king puts into his head Asha called on him by accident, that she didn't actually need him for help.
While Asha's is her inability to trust others and make friends. Star's really the only new person she's trusted besides Flazino since coming to the Hamlet. Which will change once the Teens assemble and they work together. That conflict will be challenged by Amaya, who attempts to deceive her into think Star has ulterior motives, as well as the Teens. *Cough cough*
There will be a break for a while before I start on Chapter 6. Really want to plan things out and on the side, I'll reveal the redesigns for Valentino and Flazino and a DTIYS challenge. And I'll continue reading y'alls new chapters for your rewrites!
Thanks for reading!
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave
@uva124 @ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden @your-ne1ghbor
@mythartist21 @gracebethartacc @emptyblog7 @spectator-zee
@lazytitans-world @emillyverse @flicklikesstuff @kenihewa
@snackara @wings-of-sapphire
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Please do an enemies to lovers kinda thing with Jason x fem reader, where Jason has to train reader but she doesn't feel comfortable around weapons. Jason doesn't like reader at first since he's all Roman and training is important for demigods and yada yada, but as time passes by they start understanding each other? Sorry if it's too long waa. Thank you 🫶
“Miss Perfect”
Jason Grace x Aphrodite!Reader
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Summary: Jason and the child of Aphrodite, Y/N, were not at all friendly to each other. They didn’t even want to go near each other, let alone train, until, Your half sister Piper Mclean forced you and Jason to take a training session together
Warning(s): N/A
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST LOVE<333 this is my first time writing for someone and not for myself so please tell me if this is bad or I should fix something! I also did this while watching but I’m a cheerleader so uh-
“Piper! You know I hate him, don’t you understand that?” You grumbled as your half sister Piper put her hand up to her forehead and massaged her temple like a disappointed parent. 
“And I also don’t understand why, why can’t you have one training session with him!” She said, taking her hand off of her head dramatically. 
“Becuz, he’s just so..intimidating! He always seems so mean, and he gives me a side eye every time I see him.” You gave a small huff as Piper got up from her chair and grabbed your hand. She pulled you up from where you were sitting, making you stand up.
“You’ll survive.” She shrugged and let your hand go 
“Go get your sword and meet me down at the amphitheater, mk?” She winked at you and then ran off to the amphitheater. You gave a sigh and then walked to your bed. You grabbed your sword, it was pink and had a rose design going up the side. You put it by your side and then walked slowly out to the amphitheater. 
“I don’t wanna train with stupid Jason..” you grumbled softly to yourself as you kicked your sword in the grass as you walked, skimming over the top of the blades of grass but never actually digging into the dirt. This was gonna be terrible, but there was a perk to it, Jason was really pretty. And totally your type. You tried not to think about it too much so you didn’t have another crush on a guy who thought you were too weird or too annoying. 
You eventually got to the amphitheater and saw Piper and Jason talking, a smile on Pipers face and a shit eating grin on Jason’s stupid pretty face. 
“Pipes!” You gave a smile and ran up to your half sister, Jason’s face went confused.
“What’s she doing here?” Jason questioned, it didn’t sound exactly mean but it was a little hurtful. Piper cleared her throat obnoxiously
“Jason Grace, you are training with Y/N Y/L/N today!” She said in a deep voice, mocking a football announcer or something. His eyes widened at Piper and he looked at her with a look that said 
“Are you crazy?” Jason said in an angry whisper and Piper just shrugged
“Get over it Superman, you’re trainin’ with her.”  Piper smiled and then walked away, sticking up a peace sign as she walked off “Peace, losers! Don’t kill each other!” She yelled and ran off back to the Aphrodite cabin.
“Sooo,. Jason right?” You tried to seem friendly since you didn’t get killed since he looked buff as hell. His tight boring red shirt and boring blue jeans made him look like a target employee but he still looked so, so, pretty.. his finger dug into your chest right below your neck.
“Listen, I don’t know why Piper is making us train together but all I want is for this to be over, this isn’t a chance for us to be friends, understood?” His eyebrows kissed on his forehead as he silently scolded you in an angry whisper. You backed up a little. You gave a nod as your mouth gaped open a little. You knew Jason could be mean but not this mean. His finger lifted off your chest and he backed up. 
“Alright get your sword, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He scoffed and then grabbed his sword that was leaning on the wall. You nodded slowly and shut your mouth and then grabbed your sword that was also sitting on the wall next to Jason’s. It was way too big for you to hold and you hated using it, your face scrunched up as you grabbed it and Jason was waiting for you. You walked over and dragged your sword on the ground, Jason looked at you like you were dumb.
“Don’t drag it on the ground you idiot! It dulls the sword.” Jason facepalmed and dragged his hand across his face and it landed back on his sword. 
“Ok listen, what is your deal? Have you never trained before?” He sighed and went over to you, putting his sword back on the wall. 
“I don’t like training, it’s so stupid, it makes you get dirty and-“ you tried to keep explaining but stopped. Why was Jason being so mean? 
“Ok well, you need to train, you can’t expect monsters to kill themselves!” Jason’s voice raised. Fuck. You could usually deal with yelling, but it was just a lot right now. Especially with the pressure of fighting with a sword. You wiped your eyes that had welled up with tears.
“Sorry.” You muttered out and took in a sharp breath. Jason’s expression softened.
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell I just got kinda pissed off.” Jason sighed and then grabbed your shoulders. 
“Listen. I’m sorry I was being a dick. Let’s just train mk?” He gave a weak smile and let go of your shoulders. You sighed and looked up at Jason, he was even prettier when he smiled. 
“Yeah, sure.” You said and grabbed your sword. 
After a few minutes of Jason training you he sighed and put his sword down.  He breathed in and out heavily. 
“Didn’t know you were this good with a sword, take a break yeah?” He smiled through his heavy breathing then opened his water bottle and took a sip. You were also breathing pretty heavily and you were both covered in sweat.
“Yeah..” you opened up your water bottle as well and sipped your water. 
“I guess miss perfect can handle a sword.” He smiled and giggled at you, making you blush. You smiled back at him. 
“Wanna train tomorrow?” You smiled at him. You still didn’t love Jason but it was worth it to see his face. 
“Sure. Cya.” Jason smiled and picked up his stuff. He winked at you before leaving  the amphitheater. You blushed and gave a slight wave.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
Anyway I can request a Lip/Reader/Carmy imagine about the reader being pregnant (and of course the guys don’t care who’s baby it is because they’re all in a relationship together so they’re in this together regardless of who’s it is) and the guys helping her through a really complicated pregnancy?
Okay this one got LONG. I'm absolitely terrified of getting pregnant so there's a whole lot of anxiety in this one.
CW: unplanned pregnancy and all its horrors, anxiety and medication, mentions of childbirth and c-sections.
The second you saw those two lines appear you spiraled. Both of the boys being at work leff enough room in the quiet appartment for your mind to start screaming at you.
Who's was it? Would you have to get it checked? Before or after the baby was born? Should you even keep it? You didn't plan this. What if they fought over who was the father?would either of them leave if they learned the baby was the other's?
You went to bed, not caring about anything you were supposed to do that day. You only wanted sleep. You eventually passed out after crying for god knows how long.
Your boys were going on a grocery run after work so they came home together, both carrying bags inside, only to be welcomed by the sound of the TV and half eaten breakfast on the coffee table. You were nowhere to be seen but your shoes and bag were at the door so you had to be home.
It was Lip's years of living with his family that set off his instincts to go find you ASAP. "Go put the freezer stuff away. I'll go see if I can find her." Carmen agreed and took the extra bags to put the frozen goods away quickly while Lip went straight for the shower, checking the tub, shower cabin and around the corner at the toilet. No sight of you so he moved to the guest bedroom where you would often be digfing through old items, sorting them out and organizing to keep your mind busy, mayne you had just forgotten the time. But you weren't there either so he almost ran into the bedroom where you were curled up underneath messy blankets. Your phone on the floor with an empty nox of tissues, the contents of which were all over the place.
"Yo Bear. Over here, now." Lip's voice summoned him in an instant, panic clear in his eyes as he stared at Lip for an answer.
They both stepped closer and sat down on either side of the bed. Carmen carefully climbed over to sit closer to you, moving quietly so he wouldn't wake you when his hand landed on something underneath the blankets, pushing them aside to take the item off the bed.
"Oh fuck, Lip.." He held up the item for him to see. The oh so familiar white stick in the other's hand spiked all kinds of emotions, snatching the thing to take a closer look.
A positive pregnancy test sat between his fingers. He ran a hand down his face with a deep sigh and stood up. "You wake her up, I'm calling the clinic." And with that he turned to walk out the door. "Lip!" Carmen whisper-yelled to get him to stay. "How about we talk to her first before making her decisions, huh?" Carmen waa clearly angry, but he was also right. Lip's past hadn't been too kind when it came to unplanned pregnancies and he wasn't planning to go through that shit again, but you were all adults, in a healthy relationship, with stable jobs and proper income now, so talking was step one now.
Carmen's movement had stirred you awake, blinking the sleep from your eyes and stretching before sitting up and taking in your surroundings. Carmen sat beside you with a hand on your blanket covered leg and Lip stood at the end of the bed with a nervous leg bouncing against the other, brows raised in question and holding something out in his hand. When you realised what it was the panic returned tenfold. Tears flowing freely and your breathing becoming irregular as the questions from earlier haunted your mind again.
"Sweetheart, calm down. We're not mad okay? We just want to talk about it." You were cuddled into Carmen's side, sniffling and wiping your eyes. "He's mad.." you hiccuped as you averted Lip's gaze. Carmen immediately reassured you that he wasn't and keeping his eyes locked on the other boy. Lip got the hint and came over to sit with you, placing the test on your nightstand and laid down to hug you both. "We'll do this together. Whatever you decide to do, we're supporting you."
You stayed like that for a while untill you were all calmed down again and getting hungry.
You collectively decided on ordering in, sat around the coffee table sharing the large order of chinese food. Lip called it comfort food, Carmen said celebratory dinner. Which led to the inevitable conversation to be had.
You shared ebery little concern and anxiety inducing thought with them and so did Lip, opening up to Carmen about his life and the comment he made earlier. Carmen listened to you both and after what felt like years of talking about plans, options, money and anything that would come with having a child you collectively decided to keep it.
Which led the three of you to your first appointment, first ultrasound and many, many nights of you being plagued by nightmares followed by puking up your insides, failing to go back to sleep and lots of anxiety.
Both boys did anything and everything for you, but the stress and constant anxiety the pregnancy was causing you was getting dangerously close to harming the baby's development.
During that first dinner talk you told them that the whole pregnancy thing terrified you but their support had made you feel a lot more comfortable with the idea, despite all the horror stories that had scared you away from even ever letting Lip fuck you without a condom in college even when you were on birth control.
At the hospital you got called into the nurse's room for your next appointment. Today was another ultrasound day, with a checkup on your mental health now that you were given medication to calm your head and supplements to make sure the baby would get all the needed nutrients.
"So, are you the momma's brothers?" The nurse's question came out of nowhere and caught them off guard, not having an answer fast enough so she kept the questions going. "You know we get multiple girls here who don't remember how they got pregnant. There's no shame in not knowing who the father is."
"It's either of us, actually." Carmen shot at the nurse. "We're together, the three of us." Lip pointed between the thee of you.
"So, you would like to get a DNA test done as well then." It was more of a statement than a question, but before she could even type anything into the computer Lip was on her ass already. "We don't want a fucking test, okay. We're here for you to check if our girl and our-" making a grand gesture to point at all three of you. "baby is healthy."
The appointment itself went well but the news that came with it was a whole different story.
All three of you couldn't keep their eyes off the small picture Lip was holding as you sat on the couch. Both boys couldn't help but be even more excited than bafore as you stared in horror at the second blob on the ultrasound that had decided to only now show itself.
You were having twins. The only stupid solution to give both boys a baby without having to get pregnant again at a later time, but also twice the amount of baby to give birth to. The one thing that still haunted your nightmares through the amount of medication you were taking.
With the news of twins you started having small complications. Most of them very common and easy to fix, but for you they all felt like the end of your life, the end of your relationship but neither Lip nor Carmy was letting those demons take over your thoughts. They did everything in their power to keep you content and wouldn't leave you alone for even a second. Their work schedules thrown apart so at least one of them would be home at all times. Every little cramp or concern had one or both of them drive you to your doctor who would mostly tell you your discomforts were normal for someone as far along as you.
The further along you got the more miserable you got, to the point of being unable to keep even the slightest bit of food in your system which led to more hospital trips to get you on liquids in order to keep your strenght up.
Now at eight months you were in bed most of the time, only getting up when needed.
You only had two more weeks before you were due, both Lip and Carmy being home to care for you.
Carmen was making you a simple meal he knew you would be able to handle and Lip busied himself with the final touches in the nursery when, with no warning up front or anything, your water broke as you waddled over to the bathroom.
"Help." The desperate, frantic voice had your boys on you in a second, the tears and the way you wrapped yourself around the door handle with your soaked, crossed legs told them enough. Carmen ran to grab your bag and car keys, making sure he snagged the new pack of smokes from the key bowl as he opened the door for you and Lip.
Luckily the hospital was only a few blocks over and fraffic was nonexistent.
The hospital visit wasn't such a smooth ride. After hours upon hours spent in that bed on god knows how many drugs you were brought in for emergency c-section to prevent any harm to both you and the twins. You cried and begged to just knock you out and take them out of you and to your luck they complied.
When the doctors woke you back up again you were acompanied by your boyfriends, each holding one of your children.
Upon release you made another appointment with your doctor. As soon as you were completely healed you were getting your tubes tied. No more of this. You had your two babies and no more were gonna be born from your body.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi! How are you doing? THANK YOU for opening your requests, your writing is so fricking good! I have two fic requests in mind (you can choose one if you're doing one request per person :3).
platonic Lee! Sigma Ler! Dazai (BSD.). Plot: Sigma is 'air ticklish' and cannot deal with any form of anticipation without becoming a giggly mess and Dazai is a teasing jerk who takes advantage of this. That's it, that's the request XD.
platonic OR romantic Lee! Dazai Ler! Kunikida (BSD.) Plot: Dazai is ticklish but Kunikida is not. So, Kunikida finally has something to hold over Dazai's head and thus can get him back for annoying him. Little did he know, Dazai's ticklish laugh is different (read: CUTER) than his regular laugh and Kunikida accidently makes a comment about it out loud. That comment is now something Dazai can hold over Kunikida's head!
I'm not too sure how far you are in BSD, so feel free to ignore my requests if you don't feel comfortable writing it. Have a nice day and stay safe!
EKJEKJRJKE WAA! Thank you so much, anon! I appreciate the kind words! So- unfortunately I don't know Sigma yet, so I can't do that one; but I can do the Dazai and Kunikida fic! :D It's such a cute plot and I freaking love it akjejrkaejkrjaejrk I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo
“Oi.” A finger tasered his side, making Dazai shoot up in his seat with a yelp. “Stay focused.”
“I am! I am focused- I just…” Dazai huffed some upon meeting Kunikida’s eyes, turning back to his desk with a small pout. “I’m so boooored~ It’s all paperwork! And you won’t let me have my headphones-”
“Cause you spend the entire day dancing around the office and singing.”
“Hey- I raise the office morale with my incredible performances.”
“If by morale you mean headache risk, then sure.”
“GAH! My heart!” Dazai clutched his chest dramatically before falling against his desk, face down and slightly twitching.
“Paperwork. Now.” Kunikida went behind him, giving his ribs a quick tickle before heading out, leaving Dazai shooting up with a startled laugh.
“Mm…I’ll get you back, Doppo. That’s a promise.”
Dazai wasn’t kidding around either. He was determined to get Kunikida back.
Since the discovery of his…weakness, Kunikida had been adamant on using it against Dazai everyday. Not doing his paperwork? A poke to the ribs. Explaining his elaborate plan for his newest suicide attempt? Cut off with fingers against his neck. Singing and having a grand ol’ time? A squeeze to the thigh that nearly took him to the pearly gates.
Granted, he really shouldn’t have been dancing on the desk…
The point is- Kunikida was being a tyrant, and Dazai was gonna find a way to break him down!
“Hehehehe, this should work just fine…” The bandaged man grinned as he laid out his trap- like a carrot to the rabbit, he’d lure Kunikida in and attack! “Try to resist this, Kuni. Hehehe~”
~~~ “Where is that moron? First he bails on paperwork, then he has the audacity to dance on my desk-” Kunikida’s mutterings came to a halt when his eyes landed on a particular book lying across the coffee table. “Is that…no way!”
But it was! Upon the table was a brand new notebook! Pristine and shiny- untouched by other’s ideals and just waiting for Kunikida to sink his pen into! It was even by his favorite notebook creator- this had to be for him, yes? Oh how he wanted to touch it…
Just as quickly as it came, his excitement was snuffed out- replaced by suspicion. Was it really for him? Sure- he may be the only one to use notebooks for his ability, but that didn’t mean no one else had purpose for them. He shouldn’t be so bold.
….Surely just admiring it wouldn’t hurt, right?
Giving in to his weakness, he came over to the table, studying the craft with careful eyes. Oh, it was so beautiful! Wrapped in plastic to keep from dirtying and oh so lovely! With that- surely he could touch it? He reached out and…
“HA!” Dazai all but yelled from behind, latching onto Kunikida’s waist and digging in. “Gotcha! Gotcha gotcha gotcha! You can’t escape…me.” The brunette blinked. Why wasn’t Kunikida laughing? He pressed into ribs, wiggled his hands against his belly and sides, even pinched his hip! How…
Looking up slowly, he met Kunikida’s raised eyebrow with a sheepish grin. “H-Hello there. How are you today, Kuni?”
“Fine. Yourself?” Kunikida turned in his arms, gently taking Dazai by the shoulders as he forced him back into the couch. Dazai stiffened some, eyes wide as he leaned away. “You look nervous.”
“Oh no- no, not at ahahhall-” Dazai scrunched some with a giggle as the thumb closest to his collarbone massaged circles into his skin, already ticklish. “Dohohoho you like yoohohohur presehehehnt?”
“Oh, so it is for me? I’d say I appreciate the gift if it weren’t so obviously a trap.” The thumb on his otherside began to swirl, making Dazai scrunch up further, his giggle fits increasing. “Did you really think that would work? I believe I’ve told you before I’m not ticklish.”
“Thahahhahat’s buhuhuhuhuhuhuhull! I sthihihihihihll behehehhet you ahahahhahre- ahhhehehahah wahhahhait whahahahhait!” Dazai leaned back further when fingers began tracing his neck, his shoulders all the way up to his ears as he kicked. “Dohohohohon’t not my neehhehehheck!”
“Is it too ticklish for you, Dazai?” Kunikida smirked as he dropped his hands, giving the other a chance to breathe. “Very well then. I’ll skip your neck.”
“Whahahit reahahahally? Cause I don’t mih-Hhehehehehhehehehehehhehehehend!” Dazai shot up with a proper squeal when his ribs were assaulted from the front, ten fingers finding all the soft spots of his torso as they scratched and scribbled against them. “Aheahhahahhahaha, Kuhuuhuhuhnikihhihihihiihda! Gheahahahhaha, it tiihiihihihihckles!”
“That’s kind of the point.” The poet almost laughed himself, shaking his head as Dazai squirmed and giggled beneath him. Wait- what did he say earlier?
With a curious hand, he swept it up and tickled Dazai’s neck some more.
“AHEHAHAHAHAHHA!” A snort squeal shot out of his lips as Dazai attempted to curl up, falling sideways on the couch as he swatted at Kunikida’s hands. The laugh he let out was startling cute- soft and deep; rich with genuine glee as the brunette turtled up. “KUUHUUHHUNIKIHIIHIIHIDA!”
Oh right- he was still tickling. “Yes?”
“And thank you?”
“Do I really?” He snuck a hand beneath his armpit, making the brunette wheeze into near silent laughter. “Come on- speak up. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“eheheheheHAHAHAHHAHA!” The sound came back when Kunikida removed his hand, returning it to Dazai’s waist and kneading gently. “STahhahahaap tiihiihihickling mehehehhehe!”
“Heh. Very well. I suppose you’ve learned your lesson.” Kunikida gave him one last scritch against his neck before pulling his hands back, watching Dazai slump. He looked so defeated- it was rather…
“Adorable.” Kunikida found himself saying outloud.
“Huh?” Dazai blinked, face red as he stared up at Kunikida. The poet felt his own flush a rivaling color, stiffening up at what just came out of his mouth. “Wait- Kuni-”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You just called me-”
“No! That was the wind.”
“You think I’m adorable! Is that why you always tickle me?” Dazai didn’t look alarmed anymore. If anything, he was grinning from ear to ear, eyes sparkling. “I knew you loved my antics! I knew it! No wonder you’ve been playing with me more recently!”
“H-Hush your mouth! I most certainly do not!” Kunikida twisted away, willing his face to cool. He was this close to getting away too! “Your antics are ridiculous and your behavior is that of a child! I find you annoying!”
“Say it to my face then, Kuni~”
The poet turned to do just that, but found the words stuck in his throat at the cheshire grin Dazai was wearing. “Oh, you son of a- GAH!” He turned to leave, marching out of the sitting area of the office.
A few seconds later, he came back, collecting the notebook.
“I’m keeping this. It’s my payment for the stress you give me.” He grunted before leaving again, Dazai’s childlike laughter following him out.
Dang…even his laugh is adorable.
Thanks for reading!
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macandcheeselover1 · 1 year
Good morning/day/afternoon/night!
I wanted to request a comfort hc of hellpark!Pip and Damien(separated) reacting to their fem!s/o's older sibling telling her they're going to break her face with their fist if she kept messing shit up(this happaned with me today and i need some comfort- but ofc if you're not comfortable with this type of things you can just ignore the ask).
I just wanted to know how they would comfort or protect their girlfriend-
sure :3
(C'mon guys you can read the request)
When he heard your older sibling say that, he snapped
He didn't do anything infront off you, just comforted you
However when you left, he bit your siblings face off
It didn't upset you, your sibling waas abusive anyway
He didn't react like Pip
He didn't hurt your sibling, but he yelled at them as loud as he could
Your sibling stood there, concerned, while Damien promised them the most gory, horrible tortures in hell
sorry this is short, im going through a hard time so im closing my requests for the time being.
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painted-kneecaps · 2 months
OH MY GOD (I hope asks about ur P&P&T au is ok) I JUST REALIZED I DONT (THINK) I KNOW WHO MR COLLINS IS YET IN THE AU. DO YOU HAVE A MR COLLINS (feel free to be mysterious about this but the thought gripped me so i thought I should ask)
I’ve probably mentioned who Mr. Collins is before honestly, but for the sake of suspense, i’ll just say that he’s a lot different in this AU than he is in canon. He has no romantic intentions toward Phoenix- his motives have a lot more to do with the secondary plot of the WAA’s money issues :))
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