#i vant breathe
howbrightthemoon · 3 months
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lovingaeth · 25 days
photos that feel like a fatal shot to the chest
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apatheticintrovert · 2 months
It's my birthday and I'm sick 😔🤒😫
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serethereal · 11 months
heat waves (2020) is the ultimate gay best friends who are not so secretly in love kiss for the first time song. to me.
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ilyuu-archive · 10 months
leans against you knowing your an 🐜 and falls on you
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halinski · 2 years
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sing-o-clio · 2 years
Sorry I know this is vague but AAAAAAAAAA
Do you ever get one polite step along the road to your current dream and just….FREAK OUT?!?!
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fangcyclonelunaheat · 1 month
God I hate being genetically female I wish my boobs utarus and X chromosomes would EXPLODE
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sixosix · 4 months
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top 10 anime deaths. number one, lyney (lynette finally understands where her anemo vision came from)
Lynette in the backgrorund IMMCRYING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way aethers holding him up i vant breath
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Dracula Wasn't a Euphemism
October Prompt: Suck🦇 WC: 480🦇 Rated: T For @steddiemicrofic
"Eddie! There you are! Finally."
Steve turned from the sink as Eddie came through the sliding glass door, dirt streaked across his face, hair sticking all over, and was that a twig? Didn't matter. Steve pointed his sudsy mixing spoon at him with a stern look and one hand on his hip.
"Thanks for finally showing up, but you can't get out of helping with this party by dropping off the face of the earth for two days just because you're writing the next great song"
"Steve, I- I wasn't writing, I-" he takes a deep breath, "I think- Steve, I'm a vampire."
Steve turned back to the sink.
"Uh yeah, I know what our costumes are? But we need to get the food table set up and the rest of the decorations up before getting dressed. The kids are gonna be here in just a couple hours so get out there and spider web the living room til you can't see the walls."
"No Steve, I- "
"Eddie, I swear if I have to listen to Dustin complain all night 'cause he got here and everything wasn't ready, I will make him your problem for the next month. He's bringing Susie and apparently this is 'our one chance to make a good impression'," He says with an eye roll, "So go! Spider web!"
Eddie stood there for a moment, mouth open and hand hanging in the air like he was going to argue. Steve banged the oven door shut, putting down the cupcakes and pointed at him again, this time with his bat printed oven mitted finger.
"And make them scary. Web everything. And stick in the little spiders"
Eddie glances toward the living room where Robin was standing on a chair hanging paper bats from the ceiling and then back to Steve.
"Steve, I wanna drink your blood." Eddie rushes out in one breath.
"Yes yes, after the party," Steve says getting out the cans of frosting and sprinkle shakers from the cupboard, "And that really only works with the Dracula accent. I vant to suck your blood. See? Much more realistic. I actually sound like a vampire."
A sound punches out of Eddie and he shakes his head like he's clearing out his own cobwebs.
"Ok," He sighs and huffs out a laugh, "So where are these spider webs?"
Later, so much later, after the kids had destroyed the house, the food table, and several bags of candy, Eddie finally got him to focus. Well, sorta.
Steve fell back into the tangled sheets, face flushed, blood smeared on his neck, and his own hair now all over the place.
"Oh. Wow," Steve breathed out with a giggle, "And here I thought sucking my blood was a euphemism."
Eddie looked over at him with a blood drunk smile.
"Oh, don't worry. Round two is definitely gonna be a euphemism."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 9 months
Vante | Kim Taehyung
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Summary: You favorite faceless artist Vante has an exhibit tonight and one of his close friends takes a special interest in you. Pairing: Artist Taehyung x Art Collector reader Word count: 2.3k a/n: This was supposed to be out for Tae's birthday and I failed miserably. But it's gonna be a two parter to make up for it so keep an eye out for that! (I also have a Jin fic but again I've failed miserably on getting it out on time) I wanted to post the first part to see how it's received and I'll decide when I'll put out a part two later. p.s barely edited because I just wanted to put it out asap lol
"You know that one artist you like is having a gallery show right?" my friend asks me. "Who? Vante?" I asks, my interest now peaked. "Who else would it be? You don't really mention any other artist to me by name. You just say 'Look at this new piece I bought' or whatever, but when it come's to him it's always 'I just found a new piece by Vante and I need to get my hands on it!' or something to that extent" she finishes, taking a sip of her mimosa. 
"Didn't you already have enough to drink last night?" I ask, reminding her about how plastered she got at the benefit ball as she downs the rest of her fifth glass this morning. "Yes, but today is a new day love. What did you expect when you invited me out to brunch?" she teases, waving down one of the waiters to bring her another one.
I roll my eyes at her and continue on with my meal. "Anyways, about the gallery show, do you know where it is? I know his events tend to be exclusive so I haven't been able to get an invite before. Is it somewhere in the city?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. "Well what if I told you I already got you an invite?" she says, smiling over the rim of her glass. 
"What do you mean you already got me an invite?" I ask in astonishment. "Are you the one who's drunk or am I? Yes I got you an invite!" she laughs at my growing excitement. "I love you so much girl thank you!" I say coming around the table and hugging her semi aggressively. "Okay okay now get off of me and order another drink for yourself if you really love me. You know I hate drinking alone" she says and waves the waiter over for me before I can protest.
"So where's the show being held?" ask while we're waiting for the driver to pull the car around and instead of saying anything she hands me a luxe envelope with a wax seal and my name written across it in the most intricate font. "All the information you'll need is in there" she says and makes her way into the car leaving me mesmerized with it for a moment before she's calling after me to get in. 
"I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with him though, is it the whole faceless thing?" she asks once the car makes it way onto the street. "In part yes, that's definitely got me intrigued but his art alone speaks for itself. There's just so much life in it and-" "Yeah yeah I've heard you fan girl about him enough. I don't even know why I asked" she says resting her head against the window. "The alcohol is catching up to you isn't it?" I say amused by her cheeky response. "Shhh why are you talking so loud?" she whines making me chuckle and lean back in my seat, enjoying the now peaceful drive back to my home.
Closing my front door behind me I walk over to my living room mindlessly and sit down on the couch all while inspecting the envelop before reaching for my letter opener as to not break the seal. Once opened I'm met with a soft beige letter again with my name written in the same font. I open it and read all of the information about it and I panic for a moment seeing that the show is tonight. "Of course she would wait until last minute to give me this" I say out loud to myself with a smile on my face, taking a deep breath and making my way over to my closet. 
Once I've found an outfit that fits the theme of pale neutral colors I start getting ready to head out. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror I give myself a bit of a pep talk before leaving. "You've been to hundreds of shows like these before. There's no need to be nervous" I say, taking a deep breath and walking out before changing my mind. 
The atmosphere is calm and quite compared to the loud colors and designs splattered on some of his paintings. The abstract faces and bodies of the people he paints a stark contrast to the people who are wandering around the gallery also donning the color pallet specified on the invite. I guess this is another way to ensure that the paintings themselves are the ones that are grabbing peoples attention rather than the attire of the various attendees.
Taking a deep breath I wander around acting as casually as I can, trying to maintain my composure and keep my excitement at bay. Seeing all of his paintings up close is a new experience that I wasn't expecting. Seeing his art online verses being surrounded by it in person feels almost like a full circle moment. He's been an artist that I've been following closely for years now so it just feel right being here. 
"Has this one caught your eye?" I hear a mans voice say from behind me, leaving me placing my hand over my heart in surprise. "My apologies, I didn't mean to frighten you" the deep baritone voice says now accompanied with owner by my side. "Oh no that's alright, I guess I just lost myself for a moment there" I say and take a glance at the man next to me. 
He looks as though he's my age or a few years older with strong masculine features but still having a few soft ones to make him even most interesting to look at leaving me at a loss for words. Not so much as being nervous but more as seeing him as being somewhat of a living piece of art that somehow found it's way over to my little part of the world. 
"You still haven't answered my question" he says playfully, turning to face me now. "I'm sorry?" I reply, embarrassed from being caught staring at him for too long. "The painting?" he questions nodding towards the piece in front of us. "Oh! Yes it's gorgeous! It's one that I haven't seen before and it just kind of pulled me in as soon as I laid eye on it" I say turning my attention back towards it.
"I love how he's steered clear of using a traditional canvas and has used glass instead. His usual pieces are usually full of color and chaos but I love how this one is almost stripped down but still has so much life and movement in it. It's almost as if you can see him painting it on the other side" I say tilting my head a bit and taking in the details a bit more. 
"You see these little bumps right here and how they're almost a bit more textured than the rest, there are a few of those spots throughout it as well" he says leaning in a bit closer to point out a corner of it so I can see it more clearly. "Would you like to know the story behind this painting?" he asks and I eagerly nod, waiting with bated breath.
"So, he had been feeling a bit restless while he had been cleaning up his studio a bit and he had been washing his brushes and so he didn't really have much of anything to paint with and he had finally figured out what he wanted to paint of this sheet of glass in front of us today. So instead of waiting patiently for his proper tools to be back into commission he took a stale baguette from his kitchen, ripped it in half and used that as his brush instead" he chuckles and I can't help but laugh right along with him, taking note of his adorable laugh and boxy smile.
"That certainly sounds like something he might do but if you don't mind me asking, how did you find that out?" I ask, interested as to what this man's relation might be to Vante.
"Oh, I guess I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Taehyung, I work closely with Vante and help out in any way that I can to make these shows run smoothly. I'm also full of fun facts about all of the pieces in here so please don't hesitate to ask me anything" he says while motioning around to the rest of the gallery. 
"Oh, I'm y/n, it's very nice to meet you!" I say and take his outstretched in greeting and he surprises me by kissing the back of my hand. "Likewise" he says with his breath still fanning against my skin. It sends a slight shiver up my spine at that, paired with the dark brown eyes of his that I find myself entranced with.
"Are you an art collector yourself?" he asks, walking with me to see all the rest of the pieces in the various exhibits. "I'm more of a beginner when it comes to collecting art and curating a collection but I do know that I always try to get my hands on any Vante piece I come across. I've been following his career for almost 6 years and I can't help but fall in love everything he creates" I gush while taking a closer look at another piece. 
"You really are a true fan of his" he replies, gazing at me with admiration while my attention is pulled to a sculpture close by. "I mean I guess you could say that" I reply, getting shy at how excited I've been. It's as though I've reverted to having a childlike wonder when brought to a candy store for the first time.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, I like seeing how passionate you are about art. It reminds me of how Vante used to be when he first started out" he says and walks over to another piece with almost a melancholy smile. "Used to be?" I question trailing after him. 
"He's been going through a bit of a slump lately and thought a show like this would bring him some sort of inspiration and motivation to continue and hopefully appreciate how far he's come" he says, glancing over at me. "Do you think it has? Is he here right now?" I ask, taking a glance around the room.
"Yes he's here and trust me, this show has done wonders for his creativity" he says smiling down at me before taking a glance around the room. I try to follow his line of sight to see if they land on anyone in particular but unfortunately he seems to catch me in the act. "You're quite the curious one now aren't you?" he chuckles, turning his attention back to me. 
"Why do you say that?" I ask, feigning innocence. "You're trying to find Vante aren't you?" he says with a knowing smile. "Can you blame me? This mystery behind who he is and even his age are driving me crazy" I laugh and he laughs right along with me. 
"Why don't you take a wild guess as to who he might be" he says and watches me as I take a gander around the gallery. "Mmmm, how about him" I ask, pointing at a man in his late 40s with a stocky build that is clearly wearing a toupee. "Very funny" he laughs and shakes his head. 
"What? I'm taking a shot in the dark here" I say trying to stop myself from laughing again. "Well how about him?" I ask pointing to a younger man that seems to be in his early 20s dressed in a more casual but clean outfit, just barely matching the dress code. "That's a good guess but no that's not him. If you ask me it looks as though he's been dragged here by his mother" he points out a middle aged woman dragging him along so he won't wander off. 
"Good point" I chuckle looking over at him as he continues to scan the gallery right along with me, never staying on one person for more than a few moments. "You probably wouldn't even tell me if I did guess right huh?" I say, seeing a devious smile flash across his face. "Nope" he says and walks over to another piece. 
"Why even suggest the guessing game if you wouldn't tell me the answer?" I ask and start checking out what he's brought us over to. "Because I liked watching you guess" he says glancing over at me and I frown at him playfully. "Hey in exchange for not telling you who Vante is, why don't I show you the pieces that didn't make it into the show?" he suggests and starts walking towards a door thats labeled 'Employees Only'. 
"Really? Are you sure this isn't against the rules or something?" I asks looking around to see if anyone is watching us, which thankfully no one is. "Of course it is. But don't worry, I'm famous for talking myself out of trouble, or into trouble depending on the situation" he says with a wink while holding the door open for me.
I take one last look around and see that again no one is paying us any mind. "After you my lady" he says and motions for me to walk in...
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
The Slaying of a Vampire
Monster Monday, October 9, 2023
Fic-tober Masterlist
Summary: Chris is dressing you and Dalton up as a couple for a Halloween party. The catch? Neither of you know what the other is going as.
Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, biting?, kissing, a couple Buffy the Vampire Slayer references. 1.3k+ words
A/N: I'm currently trying to improve certain aspects of my writing, so if this reads a little differently than my other fics that's why. I hope you enjoy! :)
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Black satin drags the floor with each step as the cape sways. The full moon reflects off the sharp fangs that poke out from the handsome face hidden in the shadows. With great care and questionable intention, a vampire awakens and begins his quest.
Dalton groans quietly as he steps out of the dressing room, the long black cape trailing behind him. The inner lining, blood-red satin, is visible where the collar frames his face.
“Remind me why I’m doing this?” Dalton asks.
“Put these in,” Chris commands, handing him a set of faux fangs.
“Chris,” Dalton sighs. “I don’t even want the costume.”
“We already bought it. You agreed, Dolphin, stop complaining.”
Dalton’s shoulders rise and fall with yet another sigh as he slips the fangs into his mouth. They sit over his bottom lip, seeming to glow under the fluorescent lights of the costume shop.
“Besides, you know you’re only doing it for her,” Chris points out.
Even though she didn’t say your name, Dalton knows who she is talking about. And she’s right; Dalton only agreed to this weird request for unknown matching costumes because he would be matching with you. If he’s a vampire, he can’t imagine what you will be, but he knows you will be beautiful no matter what costume Chris picks.
“Dolphin? Still here?” Chris asks, waving her hand in front of his face.
“Yeah,” Dalton says, moving his lips to accommodate the fangs.
“I think this is it. Want to add anything else?”
“Please, no.”
Chris nods and ushers him back into the dressing room. Dalton hopes you win the couples' costume challenge, not because he wants the trophy - he actually thinks the whole thing is stupid - but because he wants to be presented as a couple. Just thinking of your names together is enough to make Dalton smile.
“So, what’s my other half dressing up as?” Dalton asks as he exits, vampire costume in hand.
“You’ll see,” Chris says, winking over her shoulder. “Oh! By the way, I talked to the people who won last year, and they said staying in character increases your chance of winning, so start practicing. ‘I vant to suck your blood’ and all that.”
Dalton rolls his eyes as she pulls out her phone, likely planning to take you shopping next. He thinks he can play a vampire for a few hours to spend time with you if no other reason.
“Are you kidding me?” Dalton asks.
You turn to face him, and his shoulders slump forward. Slowly looking him up and down, you begin to smile.
“The fangs look good.”
Dalton shakes his head, glaring at Chris.
“Remember to stay in character,” Chris sings as she walks away, patting Dalton’s shoulder.
“You’re,” Dalton begins, pointing to you.
“A vampire slayer. Yeah.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.”
“Well, looks like we have to keep some distance tonight,” you say. “Otherwise, I’ll have to put a stake through your heart.”
“You wouldn’t.”
You smile at Dalton, looking up at him through your lashes. He looks up and down your costume before stepping back.
“I’ve heard of you, but I won’t go down without a fight,” he says.
Your eyes are fixed on his mouth as he talks, the fangs distracting you. He looks incredible, and you want nothing more than to stay glued to his side for the rest of the night, but you have a character to maintain.
“We’ll see,” you respond. “I haven’t lost a vampire yet.”
“I can imagine,” Dalton says under his breath.
Someone yells your name, and you look away, surprised to see Dalton is gone when you turn back. If that’s how he wants to play, it's time to hunt a vampire. Dalton is worth it. And if you can’t resist kissing him when you finally catch him? Maybe you change the ending for the vampire and the vampire slayer. No one ever suffered from a Buffy and Angel-type relationship. Right?
The party lasts all night, and the costume contest winners will be crowned at sunrise. Most of the night is spent walking through the house and looking for Dalton. Every time you find him, you raise the wooden stake and lunge for him, but his newfound vampiric abilities allow him to lunge out of the way at the last moment. He has tried to sneak up on you between attacks, but you raise the crucifix hanging from your neck when you spot him. His eyes seem to catch on the skin of your neck, affecting him more than the crucifix itself. As the early morning hours tick by, you find it harder and harder to stay away from Dalton.
You’re standing over to the side, gripping the fake wooden stake in your hand, as you search for Dalton. Fabric brushes against your arm, and you sidestep out of the way before something sinks into your skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. You yelp at the feeling and jump away, turning to see who or what that was.
“Did you just bite me?” you ask, hand raising to the affected area.
“Just a little,” Dalton says, smiling. “It’s how I show affection, I promise.”
“You got lucky this time,” you say, pointing the stake at him as you walk backward. “It won’t happen again.”
“And where are you going?”
You look outside and see the sun rising before answering, “I’m going for a walk. Outside.”
“I’ll go with,” Dalton says quickly, never one to let you go into danger alone.
“How?” you ask with raised brows and crossed arms.
Dalton chews his bottom lip, his fangs once again drawing your attention. “Have they made SPF 300,000 yet?”
You laugh and turn around, leaving the lucky vampire in the shadows.
“Attention! We have a winner for our couples’ costume contest!” a girl announces, stopping the music.
Dalton is nowhere to be seen as the sunlight begins to stream in the windows at the back of the house.
“This couple has been seen several times tonight and their characters are adorable! The winner is…” The cord provides a drum-roll before she says your name and Dalton’s. “The vampire and the vampire slayer!”
Dalton is suddenly at your side, and you can’t stop the goosebumps that spread as his hand brushes your waist. He takes your hand and leads you to the stage, accepting your crowns and the trophy. Chris cheers the loudest, but you can barely hear anything over Dalton whispering in your ear.
“You look amazing,” he whispers, his fang brushing your ear. “We only won because of you; you know that right? I almost gave up three hours ago when you were standing in the corner. Biting you was a spur of the moment idea to get close to you.”
You shake your head as he says you won because of you. “You look far better than I do; I doubt anyone even noticed me.” You take a deep breath before confessing, “And I needed a break from the distance too. So, thanks for biting me.”
Dalton’s cheeks are tinted with pink as he mumbles, “Anytime.”
The partygoers begin leaving, and Chris waves to you as she leaves with a group of people. Dalton’s arm remains around your waist as he leads you toward the door.
“Wait,” you say, raising a hand to his chest. “Can you go outside?”
“I can go anywhere with you.”
You smile up at him, and he can’t take it anymore. Dalton’s hand raises your chin as he kisses you, his fangs brushing against your bottom lips as he kisses you like you’re his source of life. Desperate for air, you pull back and sigh as Dalton continues kissing down your jaw, stopping to brush his fangs over your pulse point.
“These things are in the way,” he grumbles, kissing you again before removing them.
“That was a way better prize than that trophy,” you whisper against his skin, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
His hands hold your hips steady as he smiles and says, “This prize was the only reason I agreed. We were going to win tonight, no matter what. The trophy is just a bonus.”
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ceilingfan5 · 8 months
If you're still looking for an object + emotion prompt, "holographic vampire sticker" + "I am looking Respectfully???" for Taakitz pls?
“Hey, sick stickers,” the barista that Kravitz has been dreaming about like some kind of avenging angel whispers, cleaning tables conspicuously close to Kravitz’s set up in the cafe. 
He can’t help it. He jumps, embarrassing himself properly when he bumps his coffee and it slorshes unto the table. He scrambles to save his piles and suffocating piles of papers, and barista-angel, Taako, if his nametag can be trusted, which is doubtful, comes to the rescue. 
“Man,” he laughs. “Why didn’t you have the lid on?”
Kravitz sweats. 
“Is that why you have whipped cream on your nose?”
Kravitz imagines leaving the country. 
“Um,” he manages. “Hello.” It isn’t as suave as he hoped. Like if suave got ran over, frozen,  put in a blender, and transmitted via am radio in that order. You can hear the texture, and it’s really…something. “What?”
‘Taako’, probably, laughs, a goofy, musical sort of thing that makes Kravitz’s guts squeeze like some sort of non-FDA approved “medical” “equipment”. 
“You good, dude? You want to start over?”
“Yes!” Kravitz wants to disappear completely, but this angel is not, apparently, an angel of mercy. “Hi. Hello. Thank you for liking- I’m- they’re good stickers, yeah.”
“I like the vampire one.” He leans over and his floppy frilly shirt with the crazy sleeves for baristaing falls open over his apron, and Kravitz can see all the way to his navel. He can’t look away. He’s looking respectfully, please, please, please, he promises. 
“The, uh, the, holographic- I’m sorry, I promise I can sound like an adult man in control of himself, can I-” Kravitz takes a breath. “Yeah, they’re good, do you like vampires?”
“Hell yeah.” Taako grins, and shoots up (noooo, don’t go, Kravitz was catching a glint of a happy trail on his tummy and having Church Sanctioned Thoughts For Sure.) He throws an arm out and pretends to hide behind a cape. “Bleehhhh, I vant to suck your dick!”
Two paths diverge in front of Kravitz. There’s a breezy, sun-dappled path called Oh yeah? The feeling is mutual, stud, what time do you get off? Because if you want to get off, I’m your guy. 
The other is a steep downhill bear infested boulder plinko, called flipping his coat out like a cape, adopting the thickest dracula he can, and making a horrid face, firing right back at his blessed saint Taako, if that is his real name, “You thought I vas arousink you for horny reasons, but now all your blood is in your dick! I’ve got you now, ah- ah- ah- ah!”
Guess which path Kravitz careened down like his life depended on it. Guess. Guess.
But Taako doubles over laughing, knocking Kravitz’s nearest stack of books down. Oh no. 
“Ah- I’ve-” but Taako’s already grabbing Kravitz’s erotica research off the floor, and his eyebrows go Way Up. 
“Lookin’ up new methods?” he teases. 
“Writing original fictions,” Kravitz says, dying a thousand days. Maybe two thousand. And a half. 
“Fuck yeah, that sounds rad. Not vampire erotica, is it?” Taako looks interested. Taako looks interested??
“Not this one, but my last one, yes? Yeah? Do you- are you. Interested in vampire erotica? I have a copy in my bag, I could even sign it for you-”
“Mmmmm,” Taako grins. He grabs Kravitz’s pen and scrawls a phone number right on top of his notes. He crosses his sevens. That’s so hot of him. “I’m illiterate. How about you dramatize it for me.”
“I can do that,” Kravitz manages, swallowing thickly. “I can do that. I, hey, you’ll be an expert in the plot when you walk away.” 
“Sweet,” Taako winks, turning and heading back to work. “I’m really into plot.”
Kravitz sits there, stunned. He wonders if Taako’s serious, or if he’s just been fucked with. He wonders if he asks real nice, he can go ask for more whipped cream, cause his is gone, gone, gone like a freight train, or maybe a goofy sugar-crafted train like you’d ride to Candyland. Is there good infrastructure in Candyland? What’s their taxation like? Surely not great, right? It is a monarchy-
And then Taako jump-turns, stanced, and lifts his apron for one more “BLEHHHHHHHH!”
And Kravitz knows he’s got a chance. 
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lovra974 · 2 years
Bakugo's son (part 2)
Let's say Bakugo didn't take his shot with you for probably any reason he could find.
But let's say destiny decided to give him a second chance by transferring you to UA, just when his son entered it.
He passed the practical exam with 78 points so one above his father and talked about it for weeks. "Well, how much did you got in English brat? Go back studying instead of bragging! Damn, who gave you this ego?"
Nobody knew you were transfered. Little Bakugo was in class, minding his own business and talking with his new classmates when a familiar voice called for silence. His eyes bulged. It was you, his favorite teacher in the world. Big grin on your face, hands on your hips and mischief in your eyes. "Alright, let's play a game, kids..."
He was euphoric. The night, before calling his dad he took a big breath, he needed to play casual if he wanted to get what he wanted. "Hiiii daaaaad..." (Maybe that was too casual...)
"What's on brat? You have a weird voice."
He very rarely called him dad. It was always 'old man', 'number two/one' (depends on the month with Deku) or 'stupid hero'.
"You won't believe who is my teacher."
Bakugo was not ready to hear your name. No. No. No... He felt his gut clench. It was always like that when he was with you. He wasn't as stupid as his son thought. He knew what feelings he arbored for you. At first he felt validated as a dad, and then he built a solide admiration for you. Until he took a step too much and begun falling.
He was scared, the last time it happened it ended so badly. It ended with a scandal, a baby in his arms and the mother leaving without looking back.
Even if he knew you were not the same, he was anxious. So he prefered not doing anything.
His son waited for him to put a move, because you were exactly what his family needed. He could confide to you. His dad really liked you and he saw how you looked at them both. With longing. That's what he wanted, a family. A family where his dad wouldn't felt alone and crushed by responsabilities. But not sure his dad read the note.
Mini Bakugo's time at UA was focus on work. You weren't going easy on them. First you made them work on strategies then their quirk. He developed his quirk, watching how he could use it differently from his father.
His first duel with a classmate was disastrous. He lost in a matter of minute and didn't talk for two days. He took you, hyping him and a long call from his dad to sooth his mind. "It's no big deal, gremlin. Everybody fail from time to time, it helps to get experience." "But you never lose, you're the symbol of Victory..." he murmured with a teary voice.
"What?!? What's that bullshit? Of course I have lost, kid. My first hero training at UA, I lost against Deku. Damn I wanted to kill that shitty nerd..."
"You lost?"
"Yeah... I also didn't get my hero license on the first try too. That's things happen. What I want you to remember is that you'll get better if you fail sometimes. Learn from your mistakes. If you never learn you won't be a good hero." "Thank you old man." "It's nothing gremlin, do your best. Before I go, are you the idiot who put the washing machine on warm? I told you a hundred times it's better cold for your clothes!!"
At the Sport Festival the kid gave his all. He won, but unlike his father, under the cheering of his classmates. He felt elated. A feeling so bright a tear dropped off his eyes. Deku smiled at him when he gave him the medal with a few words of appreciation.
Bakugo wouldn't tell his son he cried too. He cried of relief, of pride, of watching his gremlin grow and becoming such a wonderful hero. Without another word, you left him a tissu.
Mini Bakugo was doing well. But he was not satisfied yet. So... He talked to his Grandma about you.
He was indulging in his retired grand parents activities and today was photography. He let them dress him and turn him to take photos from every angle. He knew he could vant as much as he wanted in this moment.
"That's the kind teacher you told me about?"
"Yes. The one that makes the old man blush. He's such a simp I swear!" he responded while looking straight at the camera.
They put the replay of the Sport Festival which was playing in a corner. Masaru took pictures and Mitsuki watched the replay.
"But I guess he won't ask them out..." she mused.
"No, I tried everything but he is to fucking stubborn."
Mitsuki watched you with the other teachers on the TV and then smiled when she recognized one. She patted her grandson hair.
"Alright, I know what you need to do..."
The gremlin followed his grand-ma instructions. When he came back the weekend he stepped in the kitchen where his father was cooking. He stared at him, deciding how to attack first.
"So how was your week, brat?"
"Good. Professor Y/N made us work with the Professor Mindjack's class. It was cool."
It is how the plan began. Each time he mentioned you, he had to put Professor Mindjack in the same sentence. Professor Y/N exchange the exams with Professor Mindjack for correction. Professors Mindjack and Y/N want to train us Monday morning...
And it was working. After a week like that only, he asked his son, "You talk a lot about the Zombie..."
Without missing a bit, his son responded, " Well, I see him a lot with Professor Y/N."
"Oh..., they are friends?"
"I guess, they are always together."
The kid digged into his plate. Not missing how his father stiffen. He felt a little guilty for lying to him like that, but that's the biggest reaction he got.
He kept doing the talking about his week, not too much to raise suspicion. His grandma told him to be subtle.
And for his pleasure, the day his father and Deku came to UA to talk with the students, you were with Professor Mindjack.
The gremlin was strolling in the corridors when he saw his father coming from the opposite direction with Deku. He grabbed his friends by their collar and hid with them in the classroom.
Just at this moment, you got out from the teacher lounge with Mindjack, talking with animation. Bakugo froze. Everything his son told him replayed in his mind. His traitorous brain showed him what he didn't want to see. You, dating that stupid Zombie, being happy and lovey-dovey with him when it was Bakugo who was craving your attention. Your eyes were shining, you looked so carefree with him. And stupid Mindjack was smiling too!!! A tired and discret smile, not a big grin but a smile nonetheless! Bakugo felt fire in his lungs. His hands were warm when you saw them.
The day went good, the gremlin didn't stop watching his father. He analysed his behavior, the way he talked to you and to Professor Mindjack. He was professional, supporting with his classmates. Nothing too different, until the end of the day.
It's Deku who saw the restrain in his friends. He had glommy eyes when he thought nobody was watching. The green haired hero didn't know why though.
You felt deflected when Dynamight ignore your goodbye. It burned you to watch him walk away whereas you wanted to thank him for the day. Your throat tightened.
His son come to you after the lesson. His piercing red eyes stared while you tried to act like it didn't affect you.
"I'm sorry, Professor Y/N."
"Why are you apologizing, champion?" you said with a forced smile.
"I have put in my father's head that you were dating Professor Mindjack. That's why he acted like that."
Slowly, he pushed a little paper on your desk. Your hands moved of themselves, you were too flabbergasted to process what your student said to you.
"It's his number. It's your choice but if you want it, you have to make a move."
You analysed the boy in front of you. He looked as determined as always. The frown had been soothed by the years and his classmates. But he still had this defiance in his stance.
And now, you saw something rare, something he usually don't show, worriness. Right on his shakening pupils.
Just like that, it makes your heart acted on his own. You took his hand, carefully. You hold and press it. The child swallowed.
"Is that what you want?" you questioned.
"We both want it. The old man is just too stupid to say it."
You nodded and put the little paper in your pocket. "I'll think about it, kid. Thank you for your help."
The gremlin smiled, then left.
The same night, you decided to take matter into your own hands. With a deep breath, you called him.
"Yeah?" He grumbled.
"Mister Bakugo? It's Professor Y/N. You left before I could thank you and ask you something."
The ProHero shook. His mind blanked for a few seconds.
"How the hell did you got my number?"
"Not important. When is your next day off?"
"Why???" He barked.
"I'm taking you out on your day off, so when it is?"
Only silence responded to you. But you knew he was still there.
After a long time, you heard something like papers shuffling, then a quiet "Sunday..."
"Perfect, it's a date then! I see you Sunday. Goodnight!"
When the call ended, Bakugo in his napron in front of the calendar slowly turned to look at his son.
The gremlin was hiding his smile with a scowl like his father.
"You little shit..."
"Tsk. Try to ground me and I send the record to Grandma, stupid hero."
@afterlife11 @johnnysactualgf
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bratzkoo · 15 days
Gucci pt. 2 | Taehyung
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Author: bratzkoo | navi | credits to: @caelesjjk for the banner Pairing: Editor-in-Chief! OC x Creative Director! Taehyung Word Count: 1.3K Genre: fluff, angst Rating: NC-17 Possible Warnings: nothing for now. all pg-13. [established relationship! au, fashion designer! au]
Summary: Vante, a fashion designer and creative director of Gucci who keeps his life in private. No one really knows him aside from what he shares in public, no surprise when the media goes gaga over the leaked sketches of Vogue’s editor-in-chief Y/N Black in his journal.
aka Taehyung is very secretive and he loves his girlfriend so much.
taglist (hit me up if you wanna be added): @aretha170 , @jinniegenie , @mooniyooni .@we8joon​ , @njrwifey​
requests are open, but you can just say hi! | masterlist -
The New York skyline glittered beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of Vogue's head office, but Iona Black barely noticed the view. Her eyes were fixed on the layouts spread across her desk, red pen poised to make final adjustments. It was well past midnight, but the September issue waited for no one, not even the editor-in-chief. As she circled a misaligned text box, her phone buzzed. Iona's heart leaped, but she tempered her excitement. It could be anyone—an overzealous assistant, a demanding advertiser, or... Her Taehyung. She allowed herself a small smile as she saw his name on the screen. Quickly, she did the mental calculation—it would be early morning in Milan. "Hello, Vante," she answered, her voice cool and professional despite the warmth spreading through her chest. "Ms. Black," Taehyung's deep voice came through, tinged with both exhaustion and amusement. "Burning the midnight oil again?" Iona leaned back in her chair, finally letting her gaze drift to the city lights. "Someone has to make sure the fashion world keeps turning. I assume you're doing the same, given the hour." "Guilty as charged," he chuckled softly. "The show's in two days, and there's still so much to do."For a moment, neither spoke. In the silence, Iona could almost feel the weight of the miles between them, the ache of absence that had become all too familiar. "I wish—" Taehyung began, then stopped himself. "I know," Iona replied, understanding perfectly what remained unsaid. Wishing was dangerous in their world, a luxury they couldn't afford. "The collection will be magnificent, my love. It always is."
"High praise from the High Priestess of Fashion herself," he teased, but Iona could hear the genuine appreciation in his voice. She allowed herself a small laugh. "Don't let it go to your head, Vante-ah. I'll still be critiquing every seam and silhouette."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." There was a pause, and Iona could picture him running a hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was thinking. "Iona, I—" A knock interrupted whatever Taehyung was about to say. Iona heard a muffled voice on his end, then Taehyung's resigned sigh. "Duty calls?" Iona asked, knowing the answer. "Always," Taehyung confirmed. "Take care of yourself, My love. Don't work too late." "You too, my love. Make Milan proud." As the call ended, Iona allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, closing her eyes and letting out a long breath. Then, like slipping on a perfectly tailored jacket, she composed herself and turned back to the layouts.
The fashion world waited for no one, not even for love. Before starting their relationship, Catriona and Taehyung accept the fact that both of their jobs require them to travel a lot. That they barely have time to see each other. But when they do, they treasure every moment together and tried to make the most of the free time they have.
Sometimes though, their job requires them to see each other. That's why Iona's glad that she can control her facial reactions despite having her body almost shaking from the excitement to see Taehyung after a long time.  What would the press say if she's photographed smiling walking towards the backstage of the Gucci show?  "Iona," Sandra called, her assistant. "As you instructed, I'll escort you to your seat after 4 minutes backstage." Iona nodded and they entered backstage. Everyone stiffens at the sight of Iona. The models gasping and the staff panicking at the sight of her. Iona looks around to see everyone preparing, all of them now working like they're on thin ice, except Taehyung who relaxes at the sight of her. He goes to welcome her. "I miss you so much." He tells her in the quietest way possible, even Iona barely hears it.
"You did well," Iona replies, Taehyung understands it's her way of saying she misses him too. Taehyung nods and gives her a quick hug. "Enjoy the show... it's all for you." He whispers the last part to Iona's ear. Iona prevents herself from smiling largely and meanly says, "I'll enjoy the show if I really enjoy it." then leaves him standing mouth agape. Seconds later, Taehyung laughs at how she acts differently with him in public. Because he knows, she'll always be Iona Black. - Iona goes to her seat, finding Adriela waving at her.  As always, since she started dating Taehyung, he always makes sure she's sitting next to Adriela.  "Taehyung told me he's going to make me walk the next season, stop his ass for the love of God," Adriela complains the moment Iona sits down next to her.
Iona quietly laughs. "Talk to him about it, you know I don't want to comment on something if it involves the two of you on different sides."
"I hate you," Adriela says but Iona knows she doesn't mean it with how Adriela rests her head on Iona's shoulders.
"I hate you too, Ada, I hate you too," Iona replies.
The show starts and the picture of the pieces that Iona saw in Taehyung's office in their apartment comes to life in front of her.
She remembers making Taehyung hot chocolate when he said he's staying up late to work in his office in their apartment and looking at the pictures of this season's collection. He looks calm but she knows he's nervous about what the people will think.
She remembers leaving a kiss on his hair before Taehyung pulls her into his lap.
She also remembers the mind-blowing desk sex that still has her feel like walking on cloud nine. Iona sits properly, realizing she daydreamed about her boyfriend's in the middle of the show.
My Taehyung will always outdo himself every season, he never disappoints.
Her assistant on the second row takes pictures of the pieces while she talks about the pieces she loves with Adriela.
"I like that one, I want to wear it to the Met, make sure the theme can make me wear that."
"We already have the theme planned, Ada, just have Taehyung design something for you for the Met. He'll be happy to do it."
Adriela rolls her eyes, "He's only happy doing it for you, I'm sure he'll tell me to fuck off if I ask him to make a dress for the Met."
"You know he really sees you as a friend and besides, you're the new global ambassador."
"I'll tell him you said that when I bug him about it," Adriela decides. "Oh, I don't like that ensemble with the short hemline."
Iona's gaze goes to the monochrome ensemble, her eyebrows furrow from confusion. She never saw the ensemble in Taehyung's office when he's showing it to her.
"I didn't see that ensemble in his office, something is wrong." Iona comments.
She finds it alarming how a monochrome ensemble would be part of a very bright collection that Taehyung planned and more importantly, why would Taehyung add it last minute? Something doesn't seem right. Iona watches the whole show with pursed lips. Taehyung at the end of the show bowed but Iona noticed the dried tears on his cheeks.
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Beg for your life.
Red team x blu reader
CW: blood, mentions of d3ath (with respawn), knifes, kinda-sorta torture?
You began waking up, the buzzing light over your head becoming brighter and brighter as you groaned, feeling a headache approaching your damp-with-sweat forehead.
You leaned your head up, squinting your eyes. You tried to move your hands but the hot feeling of something pulling against your sore wrists.
You try to make out the figures of who is standing in front of you when a man pulls out of the darkness
“Oh good. You’re awake.”
You nod “what am I- spy..?“ you tug at your arms, realizing they were bound together by scratchy rope, a gag around your neck from when they previously used it on you
“what the-“
The man pulled his butterfly knife out and began toying with it. “Don’t act surprised, princesse.” He began to trace his knife against your cheek.
“Please..” you sobbed out. “What- what do you want from me..?” You began holding back tears
“You know Vhat ve vant, liebling.” Another man stepped out of the darkness. The voices that once brought you comfort now reeked and unsavory feeling in your stomach. You tried to hold your tears for as long as you could but you couldn’t help it and let them begin to fall down your red cheeks.
“Vhere is zhat briefcase!” The medic you knew and loved was nothing like the one on your team. “I- I don’t kno-“ the spy slit your cheek.
“I know you’re lying to us all.”
The rest of the group stepped out, you eyed the team. Engineer, scout, soldier, sniper, and demoman all stood tall as they glared at you
Soldier ran and snatched you up by the shirt as far as the ropes would let you
“Where is it, Maggot?! I know you’re hiding it from us.” Demoman pulled soldier away from you, whispering in your ear “look, lass.. I’m not gonna hurtcha’ but those guys.” He notions to the men of his team “they’ll eatcha’ alive.. I suggest you start talking while ya’ still can” he chuckled, taking a sip from the bottle of liquor he had held in his strong hands
“Look, princess. We just wanna know where da intelligence is. That’s not that hard, right?” Scout smoothed his thumb over the scar spy had left on your cheek. You nuzzled into the touch, trying to find comfort in someone, something..
“Täubchen. Ve von’t hurt you.. vell, not unless ve need to zhat is.” The medic gave you a gruesome smile, flashing his pearly whites “so, be a Braves Mädchen, ja?” As he got up and turned his back to you to negotiate with the other men
“Fuck you.” You spat out
Medic turned around
“Entschuldigung?” Your medic used this word often to express condolences, so you knew what it mean when he said it like that
“I said, FUCK you.”
“little lady, I don’t think you should have said tha-“
“Quiet engineer.” Medic held his hand behind him to shush the man
The man walked over to you and leaned down to be face to face with you. “Y/n. I vill only ask zhis once more.” He took a deep breath. “Vhere is zhat briefcase, hmm?” He turned his head slightly to seem friendlier
“I don’t know, you freak!” You swung your head forward into the doctors nose, throughly bloodying it. Medic flew back as he held his face and scrunching his eyebrows. They all looked at him and then back at you, rushing towards you.
“Stop.” Medic yelled out as the group stared back at him
He stood in front of you again
You looked up at him, blood stained his shirt and face
A smack came across your face, throwing your body and chair onto the ground. The wind was knocked out of your lungs.
Sniper glanced at the doctor
“Come over here.”the doctor said while he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose
“Matter of fact.. all of you get over here.” The doctor smiled.
Sniper and the team made their way over to you, lifting you and the chair back up
Sniper came over and leaned on your shoulder. The handle of his gun he had strapped to his back just touching the side of your face
“What do ya want me ta’ do, doc?”
The man stared at you
“Is your gun loaded?”
He nodded “always.”
“Gut. Point it at zhe back of her head.”
Your eyes widened “please.” You began sobbing “Vhat? You’ll respawn. It’s not a big deal.” The man smiled in your face again
Sure you’d respawn, but the feeling.. the feeling of the bullet penetrating your head, the darkness and cold feeling that followed, accompanied by the loudest ringing in your ears you can even imagine.
“Please don’t..” you cried harder
Sniper held his gun to your head as your shoulders moved up and down from your uncontrollable sobbing.
“Please I’ll do anything! Please god just don’t! I can’t take it anymore!”
“Oh dear, doctor, I think you broke the poor thing” spy appeared again out of thin air to caress your tear streamed face.
“I reckon he did” engineers face showed glee as he gripped your shoulder.
Scout moved to the other one and began kissing your neck. You rubbed your thighs together and whimpered
“Oh hoho, guys I think she likes it!” They laughed at your expense
“Of course she does.” A low voice came from behind you “look at her. Everyone knows she’ll open them legs for anyone who asked.” Sniper pitched in
“I say we have some fun with her.” Spy grinned
“I zhink so too.” The doctor caressed your face
Engineer chimed in “where did soldier and demo go?”
“Right here!” Soldier came running in. “I was setting things up for torture!”
“How very… uhm- thoughtful of you soldier… but, we’ve got another thing planned for miss y/n here”
“Oh…” soldier looked down as Demoman consoled him “then what are we doing?”
Engineer looked back at medic, medic nodded “well, fellas” he tipped his hat up “let’s get y/n on that operating table, shall we?”
“YES! We will take her Brain apart.” Soldier yelled in excitement.
“No solider.. vere going to have our way whiz her.” Medic held the mans soldier
“Oh.” Soldier looked at y/n “that’s fun too.” he smiled under his helmet
“Indeed my friend.” Medic smiled at the rest of his team
The team carried your body to the table, you undoing your restraints from the chair and hoisting you onto the table.
“Spy hold her stomach, engineer hold her ankles, Demoman hold her wrists. I’m getting the straps from the table.”
“Please.. what are you going to do to me.” Your face was red and scrapped from falling earlier
“Didn’t you hear him silly girl?” Spy mocked “we’re having our way wichya’!” Scout leaned against the table near your face.
Medic strapped your limbs down, rendering you immobile.
You whined out as you heard the doctor began stretching his gloves around his hands.
“Ya squirmin’ already? Noones even touched ya’ yet!” Demoman drunkly rambled
“She’s a sensitive zhing.. our Y/n is zhe same vay.. I should know.” Medic grinned as he cleaned off his bloody tools
“How are we supposed ta’ take her clothes off? I mean- she’s strapped ta’ a table.” Scout inquired
Spy cleared his throat. “I’ve got this.” He took his signature blade out, sliding the tip just on the top of your clothing. “Watch this men.”
All the men directed their attention to your shaking form as spy tore your clothing, exposing your bra and panties.
“Matching set.. jeez darlin’” engineer rubbed the back of his neck.
“It wasn’t for you, you nasty fuckers!” You spit at the men as you pulled against your restraints.
“What a mouth on this one.” Spy shot back.
“it’s normal for her.” Medic said as he began to tighten your restraints
“We need to fix her attitude!” Soldier chimed in.
“Of course we do.” Medic grinned “so.” He looked at the men. “Who’s first?” He adjusted his glasses
“Me!” Scout volunteered
“How about we all just do whateva’” sniper chimed in
“Zhat is good too.” Medic agreed
The men all agreed as they talked amongst themselves.
“I want that pretty mouth of hers” sniper said as he moved over to your face, gripping your cheeks to open your mouth. He used one hand to undo his pants and began to slide the tip of his cock into your mouth.
“Hey I do too!” Scout yelled at sniper
“You two can share.” Spy chirped.
Scout looked up at sniper before he unzipped his pants and slid into your mouth like the man beside him had done. Scout then threw his head back.
“Doctor.” Spy tapped his shoulder
“Hmm?” He looked over at him
“We can both take her pussy, yes?”
“Ja.. double penetration! I like it.” Medic grinned at you then spy.
Spy peeled your soaked panties from your cunt
“Oh ho ho! Look at her, she’s soaked!!”
“Could it be she likes zhis?” Medic grinned as he tapped his chin.
You choked on the two men’s cocks in your mouth as the other two positioned themselves at your cunt, first medic. His cock stretched your pussy delightfully
You whined around the two men’s cock, clenching down as you winced from the pain
“Just breath, it’s ok..” medic began rubbing your clit to help relax you while he began sliding deeper into you, not moving.. careful to not break you too early.
Sniper reached his hand down to rub your cheek with his thumb “it’s ok, sheila.”
“Spy, you can try now, be careful.” The doctor instructed
Spy nodded as he moved over and began to situate himself, giving himself a few pumps before trying to sliding his cock head into your already full pussy.
Your eyes widened at the feeling, the sting of being stretched another time. It hurt so bad you whined around the men’s cocks again, earning a groan of pleasure left both of them.
Medic began rubbing your clit again, using his other free hand to collect his own saliva to lubricate your pussy a little more for the stretch.
“Fuck..” spy moaned out as he slid all the way in your cunt, blood leaving small trails of blood around their cocks
“She feels good.” Spy muttered. Sniper and scout mumbled in agreement
“She’s good at making people feel good.. isn’t zhat right, Braves Mädchen?”
You nodded frantically
“What can we do?” Engineer smiled and gestures to the three men that were left
“She can give you lads hand jobs.. I’m taking enjoying my view right here.” Demoman spoke as he took his hardened cock out of its confinements and began pumping it while engineer and soldier began situating themselves into you hands, bucking slightly.
This was definitely going to be a long longgggg night for you.. that’s for sure
Part 2👀?
Thanks for reading!
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