#i usually dont do anon requests but this was the only suggestion i got yesterday at all
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waterwindow · 1 year ago
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ty for the request! I liked both the pallets so I did em both at once
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Momma is a badass?
Fandom: DC Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Batmom!reader (in the background) Word count: 1.4k Summary: Your Children don’t know about a big part of your past, but when the situation calls for it, they find out, one way or anotherm Requested by a hydrated Anon: since the request are kinda open. Can i request something where batmom was a former suicide squad member, now dating batman and the batkids dont know? Maybe they are in a dangerous fight against someone and the suicide squad helps them? only if this is okay for you. No pressure or something. Stay hydrated love
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Your children knew that you were a great fighter, one that could hold herself against Bruce easily, and they knew that you had been a vigilante long before you had met their father and fallen into the more domestic role of a part-time event-organizer and a full-time momma at day and a crime fighter at night. Sometimes they had tried to ask you and Bruce about what you had done for the most of your early adulthood, but they never found out anything about what happened between your 18th and 25th birthday. A few of them - mostly Tim, Steph and Damian - had thought about finding out the old-fashioned way, but everytime they seriously considered it they remembered that not once since you had taken them in as your children have you breached their privacy without a very, very good reason. So they quickly started to forget about it again and face their own problems. What none of your children had expected was that that blank on your resume was going to be filled on what was supposed to be an easy mission in Gotham’s Docks. You and Bruce were the ones who went, Tim on the Comms, only to find that three of the most dangerous and violent - but in themselves alone relatively small - crime families had “bonded” together to defeat the one thing that kept them from ‘rising to their true size’: Your family. The two of you were good, years of beating and defeating big baddies have shown so much, but not even the two of you were good enough to defeat the small army that was attacking you now. Under the hail of bullets that were raining down on you, a few of them hitting your body armour, but luckily not you, you barely managed to dive for cover behind a metal pillar. Looking over you were relieved to find Bruce behind cover too, seemingly not hurt. He nodded at you, most likely having the same thoughts about you, before talking to you and Tim over the Comms. “Red, we need everyone here asap, this is at least a code blue situation.” “Code blue? I thought this was just a quick in-and-out,” Tim asked surprised. “Just do it, no time to explain,” Bruce grunted as he threw a Batarang at a particularly bold individual that tried to break his cover, disarming him quickly and knocking him unconscious. “I contacted everyone, Nightwing and Red Hood are on their way, ETA is at least ten minute. Robin is preparing and will be there in five. Oracle is going to take over the Comms as soon as she’s online from her homebase and then I’ll hurry over with Black Bat. The others will try to come, but are indispensable at the moment,” Tim informed you and you could hear the almost inhumane quick tapping of his keyboard in the background. Before you had the chance to answer you noticed the small circular object rolling towards you and just almost managed to kick it away and shield yourself with your cape. “We don’t have enough time to wait for all of them!” you shouted over the sound of another explosion and when you looked over at Bruce you almost saw the internal conversation, “They’re on a mission not far from here, they could be here in five minutes.” “Who are you talking about?” Tim asked, but you and your husband just ignored him. “Do it!” Bruce said after he had to dive for a new cover when the pillar he was standing behind got damaged by another granate. Not waiting another second you pulled out a small button that was protected by a glass hood. You clicked the glass hood off and pushed the button, a little relief flooding you when you saw the blinking light below it implicate that the signal was received. Now you just had to survive long enough for your help to arrive. Tim and Cassandra, closely followed by Damian, arrived shortly after, but even with the five of you, you weren’t remotely able to do more than hold yourself against the seemingly never ending attack that got worse with every minute. When you heard the flapping of a chopper somewhere above you, you could have wept with joy, but soon got pulled back into reality when a bigger explosion rang through your ears and debris from the newly bombed open roof missed you by literal inches. After making sure neither your husband, not your children were hurt badly, you looked up to find that the chopper was not the one you had hoped for when you were looking directly into the barrel of a bomb launcher. The thought of retreating filled your mind, but before you could suggest, you saw the opposing chopper blow up in a haze of fire before a very familiar crazy laugh filled your ears - even if it was still half a mile or so away. More explosions rang through the enemy lines and the shift in power was immediately feelable. You had just won the upper hand. Five ropes were lowered around you and soon after you found yourself surrounded by your former team - or rather one version of it, the suicide squad never really being one to keep stagnate. “Did ‘ya miss us sugar?” Harley crackled as she fell around your neck, hugging you with one arm while the other was occupied with shooting an enemy that had been charging at the six of you. “You wouldn’t believe how much,” you smiled and - after quickly greeting the rest of the team - got back to fighting. Dick and Jason joined the fight shortly before the end - before your win - and were surprised by the people who were fighting in such a harmony with their mother that it looked like they had been fighting with you for years, but with the fight still going on they had little time to care about it too much. The twelve of you together had an easy time fighting against the gangs and it only took a few minutes more before you left unconscious, dead (the suicide squad had no no-killing rule after all) and tied up gang members for the police to lock up. The squad's chopper had been severely damaged during the fight so the five went with you to a second-emergency base on the outskirts of Gotham to wait for Waller to send them a pick-up, leaving you with a bit of time to catch up with your old mates. While you were laughing and talking to Harley, Rick, Floyd, Digger and Tatsu like you were old friends who haven’t seen each other in a while, Bruce standing a few feet behind you - keeping up his grim persona, but not stopping you from interacting with the (mostly) villains - your children were at the other side of the room completely dumbfounded at the way their mother was acting.
“Remember that time Waller almost blew up your head because you thought it was a good idea to play pranks in the base?” you asked laughing, the others joining you. “Yeah, well, how was I supposed to know she’d react to a bit of water like that,” Dagger shrugged, but smiled at the memory. “Can’t believe it’s been so long already since I left, it feels like yesterday I almost cut your eyes out,” you smiled - you much like Katana not having been there as a criminal, but rather as a guard yourself. “Hey, if you want back, we’d gladly take you in, I still think Waller considered planting a bomb in your head just so that you would come back and bring some order back,” Rick shrugged, but you just shook your head. “Thank you, but no thank you, I have a life here now. Also I don’t think Hubby would like that too much,” you giggled a little and blew a kiss at Bruce, who responded only with a stern nod in an interaction that your children would have usually found hilarious if they weren’t so occupied with staring. “Ya’know sugah, Ah love attention, Ah really do, but even Ah get uncomfortable if dah little batlings keep on starin’ like tha’,” Harley nudged your shoulder and nodded into the direction of your children. “Oh, don’t mind my little ones, they just didn’t know about my time at the suicide squad,” you shrugged, well aware that you were going to have a lot to explain later on.
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bittywitches · 4 years ago
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3. “It’s three in the morning.”
38: “You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
42: “I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
44: “I still remember the way you taste.”
Thank you to @reidscriminal​ and the lovely anon for requesting this :)  (It got a bit long (~3.5k) so I thought I’d make a separate post lol)
WARNINGS: Alcohol addiction, Murder mention (sorry this got intense)
“Please, I really dont wanna be alone right now.”
“Y/N, it’s three in the morning. Go the fuck to bed.”
Grayson’s groggy, scratchy voice was the only sound that could be heard in his pitch black bedroom, the only source of light being the luminescent beams coming from the cellphone that he held pressed to his ear. Half of his face was still smushed into the cold surface of his pillow, no doubt a pool of drool probably printed onto it. His phone dangled loosely in his hand’s grip, it basically balancing on his left ear. Grayson had yet to gain full consciousness, only aware that he was currently speaking to his best friend, and for some reason she wasn’t asleep.
“Cmon, I can’t trust myself to be alone right now. Plus, when’s the last time we hung out together, hm? Don’t you miss me?” Her purr over the line was enough to finally wake him up, getting him to sit up and lean back against his headboard before stretching an arm over his head.
“‘Course I miss you. Doesn’t mean I wanna hear your dumb voice in the middle of the night.”
“Hurt. I’m hurt.” She moaned, and Grayson rolled his eyes. “Come oooon, Gray. We’ll have fun, I promise.” 
It was the suggestiveness in her voice that finally tipped him off to what was going on. “are you drunk?”
“Hah!” She snorted, then guffawed, which then diminished to a few chortles and chuckles. “Okay maybe a little. But I have a valid reason!”
“And is it better than ‘we happened to have some left over bottles’?” 
“Yes!! It is. And I’ll only tell you what it is once you come overrrr.” She almost whined like a little girl.
Grayson groaned. “Y/N, you know that I-“
“Hate it when I drink, I know.” Her voice actually sounded a bit pained, and Grayson almost felt bad for bringing it up. “I’m sorry, Okay? I wasn’t thinking straight, like usual. Now please come over?”
Grayson hesitated, letting the silence of his room fill his head while he sat in thought.
“Pretty please?”
Her small voice echoed through his phone, and never in a million years would he ever admit how much it made his heart ache.
He groaned. “God, fine. I’ll be over in a half hour.”
“Fifteen minutes.”
“I thought I was doing you the favour.”
“You are, but you love me. Shit, bring your wacko vegan pasta. We’ll have a slumber party.”
“Fucking Christ you are the worst-“ but then she hung up on him.
Despite his frustration, Grayson still made it to her door 15 minutes later, tired, confused, and a little out of breath. As soon as it opened to reveal Y/N’s face, however, all remaining signs of those feelings disappeared; because the only thing he could think of now was how terrible his best friend looked.
Typically speaking, she didn’t look that bad, considering how late it was and how drunk she probably was. But it wasn’t her messed up hair or her glazed over eyes, the stains on her old pyjama shirt or the mess of blankets and turned over bottles laid sporadically over the coffee table. No, it was just her. The feeling he got from her. The look in her eye that wasn’t filled with their usual temperamental spark; it seemed hollow, missing, a dark crevice missing it’s light. It worried him.
“You know, this is technically a booty call.” She grinned, her usual tenacity seeming to resurface as she grabbed the bag that was in Grayson’s arms. “Yknow, without the boning down.” She raised her eyebrow. “Although that could be arranged-”
“God just stop talking would you.” Grayson’s face burned as he walked past her, her laughs filling the room as he threw his shoes in the general area of the shoe rack.
“What’s going on?” Grayson finally asked as she closed the door behind him.
“Nothin’. Slumber party, remember?” Her hunched over shoulders turned back toward him, and the way her face seemed so sunken and desperate while her eyes tried to tell a different story- It scared the shit out of him.
“‘Mgonna make pasta.” Y/N announced to what seemed to be herself, dumping the bag’s contents out onto the kitchen counter before grabbing the pasta box. 
“Alright…” Grayson was used to these types of nights. They tended to happen once or twice every few months, usually after a night of partying where Y/N got just a little too intense, or during a rather stressful week where she just wasn’t able to pace herself. Yes, it was obvious that Y/N wasn’t the greatest when it came to coping. She didn’t like to feel, or think either to be quiet honest. She liked that dull haze, that numbness she felt where she could just go about everything without feeling everything.
And yes, Grayson hated it when she did this. He despised it, really. But he’d known her for so long, and she’d been like this for longer. He didn’t know what to do other than just be there when she asked for him. And usually it was fine, although she could be handful. Y/N seemed to double on her energy whenever she drank, so it would take him some time to wear her out. But once he did, it was smooth-sailing. This time however, it was so different. She wasn’t being her usual hectic self. She looked tired, but that itself wasn’t enough to describe it. For some reason the word that kept coming back to him was expired. She looked like she was about to expire. She’d found her limit, her pushing point, her finish line. She was done, she was finished. 
Grayson was scared to see what would happen when she was finished.
The pot fell out Y/N’s hands and fell into the sink, getting a “shit” out of her and a jolt from Grayson.
“Jesus, give it here.” He finally trudged towards her, pushing her away from the sink, then reached into it to grab the pot and fill it with water.
“Are you gonna tell me what happened?”
She sighed, leaning her back against the counter and watching as the water rose in the cool metal. “Joanna broke up with me.”
Grayson’s head whipped over his shoulder to look at her, his eyes widening at the words. “Oh.” 
She smiled, though her eyes didn’t leave the tap. “Yeah. she actually broke up with me yesterday, at lunch.”
“Wha- Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I knew you’d wanna jump on this as soon as you found out.”
“Christ Y/N, I-”
She waved away at him, shaking her head. “No I understand, I am a hot piece of ass. But you need to control yourself, I need a cool down period-”
She sighed, then shrugged. “Because I knew you’d say I told you so.”
Grayson scoffed. “Y/N-”
“Come on, I know how much you hate her! You kept saying that she was going to.”
“Well I mean come on with how on-and-off you guys were- and besides this is probably just another one of your ‘breaks’. She’ll be calling you again any day now-”
“No.” Her voice was dark now, dropping all the flirty undertones in her voice, and Grayson had to look away from the now boiling pot of pasta at her face when she said it. “No. it was real this time.”
“How do you know?”
She reached into her pyjama pant pocket and brought her phone out, turning it on and unlocking it to show the screen that she’d obviously been looking at before since it was still open. She turned her phone to show him.
It was Joanna’s instagram story, and it was a picture of her at a party, making out with some red-headed girl.
Grayson only knew one read-head.
“Wait, is that-”
“That bitch I accused her of cheating on me with?” The sudden power in her voice startled him. “Yep. Turns out I was right all along, and wasn’t just being paranoid.”
He was at a loss for words. “Y/N… I’m so sorry.”
“Like hell you are.”
“I am.” 
“Shut up.” She sighed, jumping up to sit on the counter. “I know for a fact you feel like gloating right now. And I don’t blame you.”
In reality, Grayson really didn’t. Sure, he was glad that Joanna was gone. He knew she was never good for Y/N. But he hated how she’d left her. This broken shell that was supposed to hold the girl he loved with all his heart but for some reason appeared to just be some sort of apparition instead. 
She put her head in her hands. “Yea, I really don’t blame you. God, that BITCH!” She yelled that last part, and threw a spoon she had at some point grabbed into the sink, it hitting the faucet and causing a huge clang sound that continued to ring seconds afterwards.
“Jesus Christ Y/N calm down.” Grayson went to her, grabbing her arms firmly into his fists to steady her, because he could see her nostrils flaring.
“What is there to be calm about? God I fucking hate her! I just wanna- I don’t know, smash her head against-” She stopped, her eyes widening before she let out an almost maniacal laugh. “Oh my god. I want to smash her head against that stupid lamp that asshole red-head Quinn got her for her birthday. That fucking lamp she keeps on her bedside table right next to the photo of the two of us- oh my GOD that fucking BITCH-”
“Y/N?” Grayson’s voice was small. “Maybe you should-”
“I’m going to kill her. I’m literally going to kill her. I’m going go down to her apartment, that dumbass forget to ask for her key, and I’m gonna take that damn lamp’s chord and strangle her in her SLEEP-”
“Y/N!” Grayson’s hands came up to grip her face; his eyes frantic as they flickered between her seething ones. “You’ve got to breathe. You’re raving like a maniac! You're talking like you’ve actually thought about how you’re gonna-” He looked at her eyes once more, and his arms fell limp next to her on the counter.
“Oh dear god, you’ve thought about this, haven't you?” When she didn’t reply, his hand came up to rub his face. “Y/N tell me you haven’t thought about how you’re going to kill Joanna.”
“Hey, come on!” She threw her hands in the air. “It’s my right as the crazy bitch ex-girlfriend.” She began to laugh.
“Oh my god-” He spun around, rubbing his hair up his scalp and resting his hands on the back of his neck.
“Oh come on I’m not gonna do anything. You just have to let me be crazy for a little bit.”
“Who the fuck is being this loud this early?” The both of them looked over to see Y/N’s roommate walking into the living room.
“Sorry Tam.” Y/N mumbled, and her eyes widened when she saw her roommate’s eyes go to the coffee table.
“Oh Y/N not again-” 
“I’ll clean it up I promise please don’t get mad.” She rushed, jumping off the counter and rushing to the sofa, starting to messily pick up glasses and snack bags. 
Tam sighed. “Babe you know I don’t care about the mess, I care about you-” She paused when she saw Grayson awkwardly standing in the kitchen, and she groaned. “And what is Spartacus doing here?”
“Don’t mind me, I’m only here to establish an alibi. You know, in case Joanna’s found dead in her bathtub tomorrow morning.”
“Ah. so she told you.”
“Yeah, and she is doing just fine so you can go back to sleep, so sorry for waking you-” Y/N shuffled passed her, chucking a whole armful of trash into the garbage bin and some dirty dishes into the sink, a loud clang following.
Tam winced. “Hon your breath stinks-”
“Tam I know, okay?” Her voice cracked a bit there, that similar pain Grayson had heard on the phone returning to her voice. “I fucking know. It won’t happen again. You can go sleep.”
Tam raised her eyebrows, then looked at Grayson, and he just nodded at her, letting her know that he’d take care of her.
“Alright. Goodnight.”
“Gnight Gray.”
He smiled at her, and she disappeared into her room, her door shutting closed behind her.
As soon as Y/N heard that click, her hot tears began to stream down her cheeks, a stifled sob coming out. 
Grayson’s head shot towards her. “Y/N-”
He immediately went and wrapped his arms around her, her sobs getting muffled in his shirt. He stroked her back and she gripped his shoulders, trying to calm herself.
“God I hate her. I hate her so fucking much.”
“Hey, hey, It’s okay.” He pushed her back a bit to look at her, and it pained him so much to see her look the way she did. “Okay, how about you go sit on the couch and watch something on the TV while I finish this pasta, hm?”
She sniffled. “‘Kay.”
“Okay.” She shuffled back towards the couch, plopping herself down and draping the covers over her before turning the TV on and putting on an episode of Friends.
Grayson sighed, turning back to the stove. He worked mindlessly, listening to the fake laugh track coming from the TV as he did, but really thinking about Y/N. He kept glancing over at her, and it really astonished him just how shit she looked. She looked awful. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was in knots and tangles and she now had Tostito crumbs peppered all across her blanket and chest. God she was doing so bad Grayson felt bad that Tam had to deal with her. And how angry he was at her for dealing with everything like this; he knew she was going through a rough time, but it killed him, maddened him every time he had to see her with those hazy eyes. 
In a messed up way, right now, looking at her, Grayson was fairly sure that he hated her. He hated her so much that it pained him because she wouldn’t listen. For some reason Y/N wanted this terrible girl that was nothing but bad news for her. For some reason she kept going back to her despite all the shit she put her through. Y/N was stubborn and she was stupid and she was selfish and yet here he was, standing in her kitchen, making her his stupid vegan pasta.
He sighed. Because for some reason only god knows, I still love her.
And that was when it clicked.
He turned around to look at her again, and his eyes finally softened for the first time that night.
They were one and the same, weren’t they?
Grayson sat next to Y/N, her feet thrown over his lap, her empty bowl of pasta sat atop the coffee table dangerously close to the edge. She had been lying there silently for a bit, her eyes closed and her arms folded on top of her chest.
Grayson had been sitting their, stewing in his thoughts for a bit while he absentmindedly rubbed Y/N’s leg. He’d been thinking about her, about him, about him and her together and all of the fucked up feelings that were stuck in between.
But he was mainly thinking about a certain night from a few months ago. A night similar to this one, yet had ended much differently, and had possible changed the way he would think about Y/N for the rest of forever. And there was just one question that kept arising in his head, in his chest, but mainly in his heart, that he just needed to know the answer to.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Mm?” He was surprised. She wasn’t asleep.
“You know that I have feelings for you, right?” 
The abruptness of the question startled Y/N, making her look up at him with her eyes wide. “What?”
But he continued on as if what he’d said wasn’t any weirder than asking what she’d eaten that afternoon. “I’m only asking because it’s not like I ever try and hide it. And yknow, you’re always teasing me with your flirting.”
To him it looked like there was a buffer in Y/N’s brain, because it took her a second before she could say anything. “Yea. Yea, I do know.”
“Right.” He inhaled. “Do you remember what happened June 27th?”
Her eyebrow quirked up now. “Uh…”
“That time you and Joanna went on a break because she got sick of the smell of your shampoo. And you got drunk. And I came over.”
Her eyes widened. She did remember. She remembered so well. “Why?”
“Do you remember how you were flirting with me that day?”
A lump was forming in Y/N’s throat. Yes she remembered. She just decided she wasn’t going to care about it. “Yes. I do. But-”
“Yeah I know you do that all the time but-”
“Grayson I remember. I kissed you that night.”
His eyes widened now, his head turning to hers. “You- you remember that?”
“Grayson, I still remember the way you taste.”
His face flushed. “Why the fuck are you like this.”
“Wha-” She furrowed her eyebrows. “No, I’m not- I’m not trying to joke around this time. I’m trying to say yes I remember that night. Incredibly vividly.”
He blinked at her. “Then why did you do it?”
“I-” She caught herself, and she laid back, hands on her forehead. “I don’t know, Gray.”
“What do you mean? I mean, do you like me? Is it like-”
“Of course I like you Grayson-”
“No like do- do you have feelings for me?”
“I-” She sat up, bringing her knees up to her chest, and looking at him intently. “Gray, I love you. You know that. And you just-” She exhaled. “You feel good. You feel safe. You feel like- You feel like home.”
He tilted his head at her. He didn’t understand.
She sighed. “Look, I know I’m not the most, I guess you could say ‘stable’ person. I’m reckless and I’m stupid and- if you hadn’t stopped me that day I probably would’ve ended up fucking you.” Gray’s face flushed again. “But that doesn’t mean that I- God, I was just emotional, and drunk, and, quite frankly I was feeling like I am right now. I feel lost and scared and stupid and you’re like, my anchor. You hold me in place. Things turn to shit and I fuck myself over but you’re still always here, and I don’t fucking know why.” There was a sob beginning to prickle within her throat. “I don’t know why you put up with me and my shit because all I do is hurt you and honestly if I was actually a good friend I’d tell you to drop me. Leave me and let me be self-destructive on my own. I don’t need to drag you down with me. But- but-” Her voice hitched. “But you stay, and you help me, and you rebuild me, and it makes me love you more and more but then I just go and fuck it all up again and I-”
“You stupid emotional drunk.” Grayson mumbled, wrapping his arms her. She trembled, but she wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t let herself. She felt like she owed him that much.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s…” He paused. “It’s okay.”
He sighed, and she breathed out into his shoulder. “I’m not gonna drop you.” He finally said. “You just scare me sometimes.”
She nodded. “I know.”
She leaned back so she could look at him again. “I do love you. I love you so much.”
Grayson smiled. “I know.”
“I think I just love you in a way I’ve never loved anybody else before. And my brain just doesn’t know what to do with that.”
“You don’t have to explain it to me.” 
“But you’re not getting it I-”
“Wouldn’t your life just be better without me fucking it up?”
“You don’t fuck it up.”
“That’s the biggest lie of the century.”
“You fuck yourself up, and I hate that you do that.”
The pained expression. “I know.”
“But I stick around because I believe that you’ll stop.” He looked at her, and he realized that, maybe his love for her was something his brain couldn’t understand too. “I believe you’ll get better.”
She nodded. “I will.” She took his hand. “I mean it this time.”
He squeezed hers. “I know.”
He looked at how her eyes glistened now, how they seemed to shine differently, more meaningfully. Like they were determined. Hopeful. Cleansed and new. 
He smiled. “I just do.”
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borhapstyles · 6 years ago
Headcanon: Falling In Love With Rami!Freddie At A Show
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this was actually only supposed to be a small part i planned in response to a headcanon request but uhhh.. it turned into this whole thing lmao and i have no regrets. i will eventually be referencing to this when i do write out that other headcanon request for (the one based off i was born to love you, if you’re reading this anon) but till then, enjoy this :) 
**just as a PSA, i have a big exam on Friday and two other ones next Tuesday so unless I whip something out for Oscar night / post Oscar night (maybe a Rami smut, hm?), this is gonna be my last hc for the next couple of weeks my darlings (i know i’m sorry xx) 
Freddie had done hundreds of shows by the time he met you
And met tons of people along the way
but nothing compared to the moment he first saw you
and everything that happened afterwards
you and your best friend were avid fans of Queen
you two not only bought tickets to the show in your city but also to the one the next town over
and on the day of your first concert, you and your friend spent houuuurs queuing for it
but it was all worth it and you weren’t complaining
because you two got right in the front row
close enough for Freddie to kiss ya if he wanted to
and he did the moment he saw you
not actually but he really, really wanted to
Freddie was flamboyant on stage, yes
he fed off everyone’s energy
but this show was a little more special, he felt it in his bones the moment he stepped on
and this was only reaffirmed as he saw your wide eyes and cheeky grin as he stepped out
Freddie then could not keep his eyes off you
he tried to play it off like he was looking at everyone in your general direction
but his eyes kept wandering down at you and he couldn’t help but beam when he saw you dancing around
“Freddie’s so looking at you” your friend poked
your breath caught into your throat and you nudged her and said
“no, no, not just me”
but who were ya kidding he was definitely eye-fucking you at some point
and he laughed when he saw your cheeks go red as you realised he was staring at you
when Freddie came round to hold everyone’s hand,
he made sure to go directly for you and you latched on
he usually waved his hand around so everyone got an equal chance
but he definitely held onto yours for a little longer than most
and that’s when he squeezed your hand and winked down at you
u almost fainted tbh
then they sang ‘39, which they hadn’t done in a while but decided to do for tonight
coincidentally it was one of ur faves and you felt your heart just melt
Freddie then realised it was one of your faves and felt glad he went along with the acoustic suggestion for that night
and he stared directly at you and grabbed onto your hands once more when he sang
“all your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand”
at this point your friend was shouting in your ear through the music how she was already planning your relationship with Freddie
“you better hook me up with Deacy, you know how I feel about him!” she said when Queen went back for a costume change
u laughed and said of course
by the end of the show, however, the crowd was ushered out of the venue right away for safety purposes
but when Freddie found out you had left before he could do anything about it
he got pissed off and sad all at once
“what the fuck do you mean they’ve kicked them all out?! why the fuck have they gone and done that?!”
“...I’m not so sure, but they do this almost every night, what’s so different about this one, Freds?” Brian asked curiously
then Freddie spurred into how he found the most beautiful person in the crowd tonight
the love of his life really
and how he didnt get a chance to even find out their name
and now he was left to just hope and pray that fate would have you two see each other again
aaaaand it did
at the next show
the next night lmao
there you were, not so much in the front row but in the third or fourth
the same dazzling eyes and smile that stretched from ear to ear
Freddie couldn’t believe his stars and when didnt hesitate to tell security about you in between songs
you were confused at first when two big guards approached you and your friend during the show
“oh fuck, they’re calling us over, did we do anything wrong?!”
then they explained how by special request of Mr. Mercury himself, he wanted you backstage
so ya went
but before you did u were like
“....can we finish the show first, or at least get to the second to last song before we go”
and they were like ...
and u were like “we paid for these tickets we want our money’s worth music wise”
so they were like whatever lmao and got you guys after the show
Freddie was upset for a moment when he walked into his dressing room to find it empty as he was expecting you to be there
but a minute later you showed up and Freddie turned into a puppy
he was put in a daze, a dreamy daze by your voice when you introduced yourself
he felt compelled to hug you, to do something more physical than just shake your hand
luckily, you loved the man more than life itself and opened your arms out just enough for him to take your queue
“is your friend here as well?” Freddie asked
“I introduced her to Deacy, I think they’re getting on quite well”
then you two laughed when you saw the two of them speaking
well, more like flirting h a r d c o r e
Deacy had her against the wall practically lmao dont let his cutesy shy demeanour fool u
you and Freddie then shared a moment of just looking at each other
finally happy to be in each other’s presence, just the two of you
and then you two got to talking
like really talking
eventually a date was scheduled
and another, and another
till you found yourself lying on Queen’s tour bus a couple years later, wrapped in Freddie’s arms and reminiscing the first time you guys had met
“yes, my love?”
“I heard you threw a fit yesterday after I left the venue.”
Freddie groaned and was like “who told you that, darling?”
“your guards can be quite gossipy when you ask the right questions.”
“well I won’t deny it. I missed a whole other night I could’ve had with you.”
“that’s okay” you smiled, taking his hand in yours
“we’ve got a whole lifetime together to make up for it.”
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