#i usually avoid comparing groups but when put next to each other it becomes evident svt are on a different level
pporapipam · 2 years
not to be carat but you can always count on svt to give a stellar performance. they are singers who sing, dancers who dance, they know exactly how to captivate and engage with the audience, work the cameras, set the atmosphere and deliver the right emotions and energy for any song or concept, all while wholeheartedly enjoying the stage. and on top of that they make it look completely effortless. they are the performance powerhouse and you know it.
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nerdygaymormon · 3 years
I found this article by Nathan Kitchen, president of Affirmation, to be very compelling. 
He identifies 4 generations of gay Mormons that have existed over the past 70 years. Until about 10 or 15 years ago, the Church viewed all LGBT members as having some sort of homosexual feelings that confused gender roles. Consequently, the discussion of generations is going to focus on the treatment of gay members.  
The differences in the generations comes from the Church changing what it asks of the gay member and how it manages the existence of this group in the Church. When current practices are no longer considered acceptable to parents and others, the Church changes, thus creating the next generation. 
Each generation has a different experience with the Church’s prejudice, harassment, and discrimination. 
Nathan doesn’t identify years for each generation, and there aren’t clean breaks between one generation and the next, they bleed into each other, but I’ll put my rough estimate for each generation.
1st Generation (1950~1980) - The Church believed anyone could develop gay feelings and attractions, these were sinful and Church required complete rejection of these attractions. Failure to completely erase these feelings was grounds for discipline and expulsion. The church schools and most LDS families would also eject the queer person from their midst, they feared the spread of these attractions to others. Attempts to remove these “tendencies” included electro-shock therapy at BYU. Spencer W. Kimball’s book the Miracle of Forgiveness dominated Church thinking on queer topics in the era.
This is the generation that spans the most decades and consequently is the largest generation of queer Saints. This generation was taught their attractions could change if they wanted it bad enough. The violence and hostility against these individuals caused a great deal of trauma and many perished. After breaking these people, the Church washed its hands of them by ejecting them from membership, therefore removing the need to deal with the consequences of its actions in those lives.
2nd Generation (1980~2000) - Rather than insist on complete erasure of homosexual feelings (the church thought all queer identities came down to homosexuality), it employed the idea of secrecy and to act like heterosexuals. This is the invisible generation because their bishops told them to never tell anyone else. This group felt isolated and alone, hidden from other members and each other. This invisibility allowed other members to believe there were no gay people in the Church, certainly not in their congregation. This generation was encouraged to enter mixed-orientation marriages, have kids and live like a straight person and everything would be alright. If it didn’t work out, then you weren’t strong enough.
These members served in Young Women’s, as bishops, Relief Society presidencies, on the High Council, and so on. Some of them still exist in the Church, hidden from everyone because the cost of coming out is so high and the shame they have about their attractions (the Church didn’t distinguish much between feelings and actions, so these people feel bad for things they’ve never done). Every so often, we’ll hear about a former mission president or stake president who finally comes out after decades of living as a straight person.
Most of the mixed-orientation marriages failed, the queer person eventually spoke their truth, picked up the pieces of their shattered dreams, and moved on. When it became clear that a straight marriage with a straight spouse didn’t fix them, the Church moved on, usually offering support to the divorced straight spouse and rejecting the queer spouse. 
3rd Generation (2000~2015) - The Church decided gay thoughts aren’t a problem, but gay actions are. The Church encouraged people to use the term “same-sex attraction (SSA)” as a way to avoid queer identities that’s don’t fit in the Church’s view of God’s Plan. Basically, we’re all straight people and some of us are struggling with unwanted attractions. SSA was compared to addictions. Queer people no longer had to remain hidden, so they found each other and attended conferences together and encouraged each other. Members would admire you for your wrestle against SSA.
Being unable to ‘overcome’ their SSA was distressing. Although the Church no longer officially endorsed mixed-orientation marriages, many local leaders still encouraged these but with full disclosure to the straight spouse, even though these couples don’t really understand what they’re signing up for. Many queer people turned to conversion therapy to change (usually not knowing there was no evidence these programs worked or were even based in proven techniques or methods, and resulted in higher suicide rates & mental health issues). 
Because they were trying to make this path work and were admired for it, these queer members mostly didn’t share their struggles & mental health challenges with their family, friends, or other members. Unlike the 2nd generation, they were visible, but largely were kept silent. A generation seen but not heard. 
4th Generation (2015~present) - Instead of being required to change their orientation, or keep it secret, or to nobly struggle against their inner core, today’s generation is told it’s okay to identify as gay, lesbian and bisexual. There’s nothing wrong with your attractions. We want you at church, there’s a place for you here. You belong. We celebrate you by sharing videos and publishing books about single, celibate members who are gay and bi. We reject conversion therapy, no violence, no denying identities, no encouraging mixed-orientation marriages. We celebrate you...as long as you are single & celibate. 
We have many gay couples who think they’re loved enough and belong enough that they attend church together, they sit together, they’re dating and things seem okay. Once they marry, the swiftness & ferocity with which their leaders take action against them is stunning. The couple finds the warm, fuzzy messages of belonging actually hide a structure that’s still as prejudiced and discriminatory as the past. What is their place in the Church...they’re allowed to attend as visitors.
This approach held onto a lot of families, but increasingly it’s not enough. As the queer child grows up and becomes interested in love and relationships, church no longer works. And if church is not welcoming and affirming of their queer child, more and more entire families exit with them. Generation Z grew up with queer friends and many cite the Church’s treatment of LGBTQIA+ people as a reason they are leaving the Church.
As society changes and becomes more accepting, the Church has to change how it treats its queer members. What was acceptable in the 1970′s is now looked at with horror and revulsion. Today’s parents would never subject their child to electrical shocks or induced nausea, how barbaric.
The changes the Church has made is in how it treats the gay member, not in how it views them nor in what it preaches about them. They’re still absent from God’s Plan, or as I prefer to put it, absent from the Church’s version of God’s Plan. Because the Church has not substantially changed how it views queer people, it’s going to continue to find how it treats queer people will fail. 
The Church treats queer members far better than it did in the past, but until it actually embraces queer members, listens to their voices and what they want, the Church will adjust, and adjust again. Not hating us is not enough, the Church must learn to love us. 
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Nightclub, Hero Edition
Post-break-up partying isn’t really your style, but when your friends drag you out to the nightclub, you don’t really have much of a say. You’re standing in line waiting to get in when a shiny sports car pulls up. Who should get out but Ground Zero and Mind Jack. The underground hero, Mind Jack (Hitoshi Shinsou), spots you in the crowd and keeps his eye on you all night. Evidently, so does his friend, Katsuki Bakugo. After a surprise run in with your ex, Neito Monoma, Hitoshi and Katsuki show off to Monoma how the two of them together can please you better than he ever could.
Katsuki Bakugo and Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
All minor characters are aged up. I do not write minor x adult fiction.
Contents: public sex, voyeurism, threesome, fingering, light hair pulling, praise kink, double penetration, overstimulation
“The hell you mean, you can’t go?” Katsuki glared at his friend.
His fists clenched at his sides. One day out of the week out of the entire month. He had one night to blow off some steam, and there was nobody who could back him up. Eijiro nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
“Look, man, I’d love to, but I already made plans. Maybe you could find another wingman?”
“What’d you say? You think I’m gonna take some shitty extra with me on my one night off? I bust my balls every damn day for this freakin’ city, and I can’t even get my best wingman with me?”
Pro-hero work wasn’t what he expected it to be. Sure, he had the money, the clout, and the entourage of girls (and sometimes dudes) who fought each other for a millisecond of his time.
“Mina’s been planin’ this thing for weeks now. I can’t just back out now,” said Eijiro.
Katsuki’s eyes flitted to someone else in the group. Denki felt the immediate power of Katsuki’s anger in one glance. Denki threw his hands up in that universal sign of surrender.
“Don’t look at me, dude. I’m on duty that night. Besides, maybe if you weren’t into kinky shit—”
Katsuki slammed his palm on the table. A silent threat to blow it up. His face screwed up into that gremlin mask he wore when he was extra obnoxious. But at a closer look, one could barely see the tinge of red in his cheeks.
“When I need your opinion, Spark Plug, I’ll ask for it!” Katsuki grabbed his drink and started angrily draining it as he slouched in his chair.
“What if I called Shinsou?” Denki offered.
“Why’d I do a stupid thing like that?”
“Because you’d be surprised about how much you and Shinsou have in common?” Denki was already scrolling through his phone as if looking for something. “He doesn’t patrol on Saturdays, and he’s single. What’s the worse thing that could happen?”
Katsuki growled while Denki texted. Denki’s phone pinged every time Shinsou sent a response. Denki put his phone into Katsuki’s face.
“See? Looks like he’s down for it!”
Katsuki swatted Denki’s hand away. Chewing on his straw, he was forced to choke down his pride. He had only a few words with Shinsou, and he didn’t like the guy. He didn’t like many people either, but did he have much a choice if everybody else was bailing on him? It wasn’t as much fun all by oneself.
“J-Just, tell him to meet me at Supernova. Nine o’clock sharp, and he better not show up in a shitty outfit either.”
This outfit wasn’t your idea. Your friends put you in those skimpy little jean shorts and a pink midriff-baring top just as they put you up to come out tonight. You’d rather watch Netflix in bed wearing a comfy hoodie. Would you be stuffing your face with your favorite ice cream? Yes. Going out to nightclubs with your girlfriends and drinking away, your sorrows wasn’t usually how to get over a break-up. You are a fully grown woman and wanted to decide how best to get over a two-year-long relationship. You really should have thought of that before you got friends.
Two of the four girls dragging out into the night after dollying you up were already tipsy. Pre-game partying, they call it. You’d literally rather be anywhere but out tonight.
The five of you wait in line for fifteen minutes waiting to get in. A flashy red car pulls up and parks. You watch with scrutinizing eyes who steps out. Camera phones are flashing in the vehicle’s direction as soon as the passengers exit. You recognized the blonde by his scowl. Ground Zero. But the other one? You have no idea. He looks like the underground hero, Mind Jack, but since there were so few pictures of him on the internet, you couldn’t be sure. Fangirls screamed and pressed against the velvet ropes as the gentlemen sauntered up to the front of the line. You craned your next in time to see Bakugo flash a VIP pass, which permitted him and his friend early entrance into the nightclub. Just before they went in, Mind Jack looked down the line of those waiting before his eyes landed on you. You flush red as he glanced at you and gave you a knowing smirk. Mind Jack quickly followed behind Bakugo into the nightclub.
Your friends stared and asked incessant questions. They had less of an idea who Bakugo was bringing with him, but they all seemed to agree that he was hot. You couldn’t deny the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. There was something about his penetrating glance that made your insides warm and fuzzy.
You were to wait another twenty minutes before even getting inside to find out why you caught his attention. Half your friends went to the bar while the other half tried to drag you out onto the dance floor. You barely managed to escape and find your own secluded spot at the bar where your other friends couldn’t see you. Your only drink for the night was going to be that bottle of beer, and that was it. Exciting, no, but you planned to arrive home mostly sober enough to binge watch that new romantic comedy until daybreak and avoid going home with a complete stranger. Anonymous sex just wasn’t your type of post-break-up healing routine.
You stood against the wall watching other people have their fun. The music was something you could probably dance to, but maybe after you finished sipping your beer. As you scrolled through your social media after becoming bored with people-watching, you suddenly looked up. You could not escape the sensation of someone watching you. You glanced around the nightclub in a panic then settled on the cause of your anxiety. Indigo eyes were eating you up from across the dance floor. He was seated in a VIP lounge with Bakugo. His friend seemed more interested in talking than he was, which suited him just fine as it allowed him to stare at you.
A shiver ran down your spine. Mind Jack couldn’t want anything from you, could he? You thought about all the girls your ex-boyfriend compared you to. You were too prudish, and when you did have sex, you weren’t all that adventurous. You wanted to like sex just like everybody else did. Whether it was you or your partners, you couldn’t tell. You sipped your beer, chiding yourself.
This is a mistake. I should just check out and go home.
You almost turned to find one of your friends when Mind Jack caught your eye again. You glanced up at him to see Mind Jack whispering something to Bakugo. He had his hand cupping his mouth so you couldn’t tell what he was saying. Not that it made a difference at any rate with the club’s pulsing, beating music thrumming in your ears. To your shock, Bakugo turned his red eyes towards you.
You couldn’t help swallowing hard and downed the rest of your drink. You thought it best to sneak away and grab one of your friends before you did something silly and out of character. You tiptoed unto the dance floor, brushing past gyrating, sweating bodies. Two of your friends joined the others dancing and didn’t even hear you calling out to them. A pair of strong hands reached out and touched your waist.
“At least let me talk to you before you start running for the hills.” A voice said next to your ears.
You gulped again. You never heard this voice before but felt its timber shoot pleasure all the way down your spine. You felt the warmth of his body pressing against you.
“Um,” you licked your lips. “I’ve never done this before. I-I don’t really go out to clubs.”
“Relax. I’m not going to bite.” The stranger spun you around to face him.
You faced those indigo eyes up close and personal. This close, you could see the dark shadows beneath his eyes. He was pale beneath the strobe lights.
“Unless you’re into that sort of thing,” he chuckled.
“Are you, are you at least going to give me a name before you try to dance with me?” You stammered.
“Mind Jack, but you can call me Hitoshi.”
“Is it safe for you to give me your real name? Being an underground hero and all?” You asked.
“Let’s just say I’m very comfortable getting to you. How about you give me your name, or else I’ll start calling you kitty.”
Your face turned beet red, and it wasn’t because of the alcohol you just finished off. Shinsou pulled you close to him so that your bodies pressed together.
“Y-Y/N L/N. I’m Y/N L/N.”
“Well, L/N, can I have this dance?”
“S-Sure,” you answered.
Hitoshi lowered his hands to your hips and looked for permission. You laced your arms on his shoulders and nodded. Throughout the first song, you apologized for not knowing how to dance and stepping on his toes. Hitoshi squeezed your hips, and you couldn’t deny how his hand felt on you. Your lower belly was full of butterflies at this point. You wondered if a single bottle was all it took to make you lose all inhibitions. You were lost in your own thoughts as well as Shinsou’s burning gaze when a voice pulled you out of your reverie.
“Mind if I cut in?”
You knew that voice. It couldn’t be. Could it?
You were spun around landed in the chest of none other than Katsuki Bakugo, Ground Zero himself. Your face turned a brighter shade of red. Your body moved parallel to his as the music pulsed in your ears. Katsuki’s hands wandered to your lower back and hip as he pulled you close. He leaned his head towards your neck. His warm breath ghosted over your skin, giving rise to goosebumps. Your heart fluttered in your chest. Your nails dug into his shoulders as if begging him to stop or continue; you could no longer tell at this point.
Another set of hands pulled you away or tried to. Katsuki’s hold on you was too strong to remove you entirely away from him. Hitoshi appeared behind you. His hand reached behind the back of your neck and turned your face towards his. Katsuki kissed the juncture of where your shoulder met your neck while Hitoshi claimed your lips. You moaned at the dual sensation of two men kissing different parts of you at the same time. Your legs instantly turned into Jell-O. If not for the set of hands holding you up, it would be easy for your legs to give out from beneath you and make you collapse on the floor. Alcohol officially had nothing to do with you making out with one pro-hero while another kissed your neck. Hitoshi ran his tongue along your bottom lip, silently asking for permission for entrance. Slowly, you opened your mouth to permit him. Hands ran up and down your torso and the top of your thighs. Between them, you were gripped, groped, and caressed in ways at your ex would have never. You became lost in the flavor of Hitoshi when you heard a deriding laugh even above the pounding music.
You didn’t realize that you closed your eyes the moment Hitoshi started kissing you. When you opened them again, standing before you with a sneer on his face was your ex-boyfriend, Neito Monoma. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked at you stuck between two men.
“It’s been less than what? A week? Couldn’t decide which one, so you decide to be a slut with both of them?” Said Neito.
“Hey, Monoma,” said Hitoshi.
He stupidly fell right into Hitoshi’s trap. Neito stood there dumbly in the middle of the dance floor with that vacant stare.
“Monoma, stand there and watch us please your former girlfriend better than you could.”
Katsuki chuckled against your skin. “Yeah, ya damn extra. Stand over there with that dumb, shitty look on your face.”
Katsuki’s hand slipped into your shorts. With everyone drunk and dancing and the lights pulsating, the dimly lit nightclub gave him plenty of coverage. His fingers quickly found your clit. You shivered when Katsuki began to work you into a fit. Your back arched forward, but Hitoshi’s arm snaked around your stomach to keep you close to him. Hitoshi’s lips graced your neck, kissing and sucking at your skin. Katsuki picked up the pace of his fingers to match the fast beat of the music drumming in your ears. Your gaze fixed on Monoma, who could do nothing.
Katsuki slammed his mouth on yours while the rough pace of his fingers never faltered. You moaned against him as his tongue viciously, hungrily explored your mouth. Hitoshi secreted his hand beneath your shirt and cupped your breast through your bra. The sensations made you forget that you were in the middle of a nightclub dance floor. Your back arched like a bow. Your eyes closed and screwed tight as Katsuki brought you over the edge. You moaned into his mouth with your hands, reaching for his hair and pulling hard. Your hips bucked against him as the waves of pleasure crashed into you. When you finally came down from your high, Hitoshi helped support you against his firm chest. Katsuki slowly pulled away. He and Hitoshi quickly rearranged your clothes to make you look as inconspicuous as possible. That was a little easier said than done with your completely blissed out face and the thin sheen of sweat covering your body.
“Hey, Kitty,” said Hitoshi. He whispered next to your ear. “Wanna take this party elsewhere?”
You glanced at Monoma. He was set free from Hitoshi’s quirk, but he still stood there. His face was red. Looking down, evidence of his arousal embarrassingly stood out like a sore thumb. Monoma gave you one final sneer before running off.
Whether to hide his hard-on or take care of it, you didn’t care to know.
“Who’s place?” You asked hoarsely.
You had your arm on Hitoshi’s back, and he put his hand on your shoulder. You walked out of the club like that with Katsuki leading the way. You quickly sent a text to your friends that you met somebody. Judging by how many people were staring at your exit, it was safe to say that they would have figured out who you were going out within no time at all.
Hitoshi rode in the back with you while Katsuki drove. Five minutes into the car ride, Hitoshi worked the button off your shorts and wriggled his hand inside. He kissed you fiercely, occasionally looking into the rearview mirror to glance at Katsuki. What was he doing egging Katsuki on? Katsuki shifted in the driver’s seat with each passing glance at you and Hitoshi fooling around in the back of his car.
Hitoshi’s fingers weren’t as thick and calloused as Katsuki’s, but the slim fingers felt too damn good. You were moaning into Hitoshi’s kiss. You reached up and pulled his hair as he slipped his fingers into your panties and between your slick folds. He pumped his fingers slowly, at first, inside of your slit. One finger, then two, and as soon as you were a proper mess for him, Hitoshi added a third. He broke away from the kiss to watch you ride his fingers.
Your sensitive body jolted with every thrust of his fingers. Your hips bucked into his hand, and you rode him until you saw stars. Katsuki pulled into the driveway of his miniature mansion, opened the garage door, and pulled in. The car was secured, and the door closed. He turned off the radio. The wet squelching your cunt made taking three of Hitoshi’s fingers filled the car. You hadn’t even realized that the car had been turned off. Katsuki shifted in the driver’s seat to get a good look at you.
“Come for me.” Hitoshi kissed your ear.
You obeyed. It didn’t take much to have you coming again. Drool seeped out of the corner of your mouth as your inner walls clenched around his fingers. Hitoshi pulled out slowly. He gave his index finger a long suck, humming as he enjoyed the taste of you.
“How does she taste?” Asked Katsuki.
“So good. I can’t wait to taste the rest of her.”
Hitoshi helped you out of the car and carried you up to Katsuki’s bedroom. Even in your delirium, Katsuki’s bed appeared bigger than it needed to be. He laid you out on the pillows, hair fanning the silk and goose feathers. Your shoes were taken off but not the rest of your attire. You sat up a little as Katsuki and Hitoshi slowly pulled off their clothes. They climbed in bed with you completely naked.
Just like before, you were pressed between them. Hot hands and nimble fingers worked under your clothes, caressed your skin, and gave you goosebumps. Katsuki and Hitoshi took turns kissing your lips until you couldn’t tell whose tongue was shoved down your throat. Your outfit was simple enough and easy to remove. Piece by piece, it was all taken away and thrown into some unknown corner of the room. Your nipples were pinched until they looked more like rosebuds. On your breasts, neck, and shoulders bloomed dark bruises. You sighed into their touches, kisses, and love bites.
Hitoshi slipped his slender fingers back into you and teased your hot, wet slit. Warmth pooled inside your lower belly. He pumped his fingers slowly in and out.
“Fuck, she’s soaked down here.” Hitoshi sucked your neck. “I don’t think she can take much more of this.”
You shook your head in agreement. Your brain was fuzzy with lust and anticipation. You came twice already and just with their fingers. How much better would it feel with their cocks? Those turgid members pressed against your lower back and your stomach. You felt the ridges of each, and the hard lengths made your wall clench. This felt wrong, taking two men at once, but so, so right.
“God, please fuck me. One or the other, both, I don’t care. I can’t pick, just please somebody fuck me!” You begged.
Katsuki kissed you hard. He stole your breath away, and only when it seemed that he took more than your breath, he released you, licking your lips.
“I love a girl who knows what she wants.”
He pulled away to settle down on the pillows and leaned against the headboard. Katsuki curled his finger towards you in a ‘come hither’ motion. You crawled on the bed up to him. Katsuki’s hands seized your hips and forced you to straddle his hips. His thick, rigid member protruded against the crack of your ass. Hitoshi wasn’t far behind. The mattress dipped under his weight as he crawled behind you. His hands reached in front of you and groped your breasts.
“Ever had two cocks at the same time?” Asked Katsuki.
Your mind was too focused on Hitoshi’s experienced hands playing with your breasts and pulling your nipples taut. All you could do was shake your head. You couldn’t help but feel a little naïve with the two men who obviously had more experience than you.
“Then you’re in for a treat. Come here, princess.”
Katsuki pushed you back slightly and lifted you up. You were placed over his cock before letting you sink slowly unto it. The ridges and veins of his cock brushed against your walls to create even more slick. The entrance was painless despite his size and his length almost brushing your cervix. You straddled Katsuki’s hips with his cock buried deep. Your cunt felt so full that you were left in awe and your jaw hitting the ground. Katsuki grabbed your arms to pull you flush on top of him, your soft breasts against his hard muscles.
He kissed you again, this time distracting you from Hitoshi pressing behind you. You squeaked when felt the blunt end of Hitoshi’s cock press against your already stuffed entrance. His fingers squeezed inside and pumped. You cried out as you were slowly spread open wider. Hitoshi pushed and pushed his cock inside of your walls until there was no more room for even a pinky finger.
You moaned into Katsuki’s chest. Unceasingly, your cries filled the room—pain mixed with the pleasure which made you drool. Hitoshi tried to pull out, but you groped behind you and found his hand.
“Gimme, gimme a minute. It feels…so good,” you whined.
Both of them allowed you several minutes to adjust to their cocks being inside of your cunt at the same time. Somewhere in the middle of waiting for you, one of them started petting your head like you were a cat. You couldn’t but mewl like one as you tried to move your hips stuffed full.
“You ready, princess? You sure about that? Because once I start, I’m not fucking finishing until I’ve got my cum spilling out of you.”
Katsuki bucked his hips upwards. You gasped, and your eyes flew wide open. Hitoshi moved forward. The tight fit of those two made you sit up slightly and grab the headboard. Your knuckles turned bone-white with how hard you gripped the carved wood. Hitoshi and Katsuki moved in tandem with each other. Katsuki’s rough hands palmed your breasts. His groping was harsher than Hitoshi’s, but you liked the feel of being so nicely abused like this. His teeth grated your stiff nipples. Katsuki pulled one into his mouth and sucked hard.
You tossed your head back. Hitoshi’s hands ran up and down your sides and all the way down your thighs. He grunted against your shoulder, murmuring how tight and wet you were for them. Grabbing some part of you, they began moving faster within you. Tears and sweat comingled on your face as you rode them both. Your ships could barely keep up with their powerful thrusts sending you into heaven. You clung to the headboard for dear life.
The sound of wet flesh slamming together resounded in your ears along with their compliments. Never had you heard such lewd things whispered or shouted at you in the heat of passion.
“There you go, Y/N. Just like that. Taking it like a pro,” said Hitoshi as he nibbled your ear. “Your first time too, I’m honored, kitty.”
Katsuki stopped suckling on your breasts long enough to groan himself. He played with your tits some more and pumped himself harder into you. His hot length reaches your cervix, making you scream.
“Oh, fuck, yeah. I love all those pretty sounds you make,” Katsuki grunted.
You couldn’t speak. At least, nothing that would be comprehensible. Words came out as a garbled mess. Your vocal cords were more preoccupied with moaning and screaming as you were rammed in both directions. Your hips moved faster. You were no longer in control of your own body, but it moved towards one goal without you. Hitoshi and Katsuki matched your speed then surpassed it. They both gripped your hips to pin them down and take full control.
“Be a good girl and let us finish you off, okay?” Said Hitoshi, and he pecked your cheek.
“Let us take care of you like a good slutty princess that you are,” said Katsuki, bruising your hips while Hitoshi grabbed your thighs.
You didn’t move but allowed them to do what they pleased. You were pressed, squeezed, and bounced on their cocks with more enthusiasm than you thought they could muster. An erratic pace was set until both of their cockheads brushed against that secret spot inside your body. You couldn’t tell which one came first, but the result was the same. As ropes of cum filled your insides, you basked the warmth of it. Searing white-hot pleasure speared down your back, reached down into your lower belly, and exploded. You could bare scream as your walls clenched around the two cocks.
Hitoshi kissed your shoulders as he pulled out with all gentleness in mind. “Very good. Yeah, just like that. Good job,” he praised.
Katsuki carefully did the same. You hissed at the emptiness after having been stretched so wide that your womb might burst. Slick cum seeped out of your cunt just like Katsuki promised. Hitoshi fetched a glass of water, and he and Katsuki helped you drink it without spilling it all over your front.
“Drink slowly, dumbass. You don’t want to make yourself sick, do you?” Katsuki griped.
After such rigorous activities, it was no wonder that all three of you landed in a sweaty yet sated pile on Katsuki’s enormous bed. Silken covers were pulled over you, while your eyelids drooped closed. Two sets of arms snaked around your waist. You were too tired to tell the boys to share. There was plenty of you to go around.
“In other news, pro-hero Ground Zero is once again under fire for yet another controversy. He was seen at the nightclub Supernova, arriving with underground hero Mind Jack. Ground Zero and Mind Jack were seen by witnesses dancing with a young woman. Some witnesses state that Ground Zero put his hand inside the woman’s clothing and performed an explicit act with her in the middle of the dance floor…”
Retired UA professor, Shouta Aizawa, stopped listening to the news report. He pinched the bridge of his nose while he wondered what he had done in a former life to deserve this.
“Goddamit,” he sighed.
EDIT: I realized just before posting there is one small continuity problem. Bakugo told Kaminari to tell Shinsou to meet him at the nightclub, but I wrote that they arrive together in Bakugo’s car. It’s going to stay like that because I’ve been trying to write this thing for hours and I’m too lazy to worry about something like that. Forgive me. Let’s just pretend that Shinsou has a car break down or something.Also, I wouldn’t necessarily label this as Bakugo x Reader x Shinsou, as that implies Bakugo x Shinsou. Not that there’s anything wrong with that ship, but I feel like they’re both Dom’s in the fan fiction canon. I’d have to see or write more interactions with them before labeling an entire chapter as previously stated. That being said, you can interpret it as polyamory anyway. I’m not going to be mad if you do.
Original found here
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killmongerkink · 5 years
Behind Closed Doors - Part 2.
Summary: Erik, your roommate and friend, comes home from work drained and sick. After heading off to bed, you awake to strange noises and follow them back to his room. Little did you know what you would find behind closed doors. 
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens X Black!Reader
Warning: if you read part one then you already know, that’s all i gotta say.
Length: 6.3k
BTW: please don't hate me, i know this is long overdue, but i really didn't expect people to enjoy part 1 so much. this took me forever to write because i kept overthinking and putting it on the back burner, but here we are! i really hope it lives up to your expectations! enjoy! and sorry for any typos. 
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Every time you closed your eyes, the image of Erik sitting in that damn chair was behind it. It had been over a month and since then, you had been avoiding him like the plague. Were you being childish? Yes. Did you care? No. That night ended with Erik making a mess of himself and you as you made out heavily and as amazing as it was, you couldn't help but feel awkward and weird about the whole situation. A line had been crossed and there was no going back. There was a time where you prided yourself on not being another notch under Erik's belt. It made you feel good to know that you could resist him, while others lost their mind as if he was some rare artifact. Now, all that was gone. You were now lumped into the same group as all the other girls you used to shake your head at.
As much as you regretted it, you had continuous dreams of that night. Waking up in a cold sweat with damp underwear had become your new norm, fantasizing about him during class was starting to mess with your grades and staying up all hours of the night in hopes that you’d hear those same thumping noises again was most definitely fucking with your sleeping schedule.
Something had to be done or else you were going to lose it.
It was currently 7:30 am on a Sunday, which meant Erik was already working out. Since he was a maniac and found staying in the gym for hours “light work”, you knew you would have enough time to relax and walk freely throughout the apartment. It was a shame that you had been walking on eggshells in your own place, but it seemed easy compared to actually having to face Erik. You knew the time would come someday; you both did live together after all. There was absolutely no way of avoiding the conversation when it would inevitably come up, but you were content with holding it off for as long as you could. Knowing him, he probably wouldn’t want to talk about it either. Hopefully he would just act like everything is normal so you could follow suit.
After getting up and doing your morning routine, you hopped back into bed and threw your towel off to the side. The sun trying to fight through your black out curtains casted a sweet glow around your room, setting the mood for what was to come. It wasn’t long before you were scrolling through one of your favorite sites, the videos showing a slight preview as you scrolled past them. ‘Not enough ass, way too much ass ... why does his dick look like that?’ you thought to yourself as you clicked to the next page. Beginning to get frustrated, you were about to give up and just use your imagination until a particular video caught your eye.
‘Girlfriend Gets Fucked Silly in Chair’
Your finger hovered over your screen nervously, thoughts of that night once again rushing back to you like a flood. It wouldn’t hurt to watch it, just to refresh your memory since you didn’t really get to see it the first time. You decided against grabbing your headphones, the excitement of being able to listen to it loudly filling you with excitement as you flipped over onto your stomach. With your phone propped against your pillow, you clicked the video and then proceeded to press the play button. As the video started, you got into position. One leg bent, hand resting under your mound. Things started off slow in the both the video and your bedroom. You watched on as the couple proceeded to make out, the man’s hand rubbing on every inch of the girl’s body until he got to her ass where a loud slap hit your ears. Between hearing her whine and watching her jump, you slowly began to grind down on your palm, your clit getting rubbed perfectly by your hand.
They touched each other as if it was their first time. Both of their hands exploring as they continued to kiss, the girl grinding down onto the man's lap as he palmed her ass in his large hands. All you could think about was Erik and you in that same position. A shaky breath released from the back of your throat as you moaned quietly, your lower half rocking into your hand harder. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. The sounds of the video and the images in your head was enough to do the job in all honesty. 
“Fuck...” You mumbled to yourself, your hips having a mind of their own as they moved involuntarily.  
Maybe it was your pent-up frustration or maybe you were just horny as hell, but you could feel your build up approaching fast which caused you to move quicker. You had to force yourself to stop and breathed heavily as you flipped over onto your back, your knees raising towards your chest before your hand was slapping against your pussy a couple of times. You were imagining yourself in Erik’s room, in this same position in his chair. With your eyes closed, you could see Erik standing to the side as he stroked himself over you. Moving your fingers in a circular motion, it didn’t take long for you to continue where you left off. The video was still playing loudly next to you and your hazy eyes met the screen, the girl bouncing up and down in a steady rhythm while the man held her tightly, a look of concentration on his face as he forced her to take all of him. The power he had over her body was evident, her constant moaning and vulgar language causing you to follow right behind her.
You didn’t care that you were being loud or that your bed was creaking loudly under your weight, all that mattered was how close you were. Your hips were moving on their own, your hand trying to mimic the pace you had used on him that night. It wasn’t the same at all, but it was doing something and the drawn out “fuck” that your throat released was proof of that. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you immediately stopped, a whimper trapped in your mouth as you denied yourself from finishing. You physically and mentally weren’t yourself, that was the only way you could excuse your behavior as you snatched up your phone and ventured out into the apartment naked.
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Walking into the apartment, Erik locked the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen. AirPods blasting Welcome to The Party, he pulled out a water bottle and chugged it down. He pulled off his Nike Pro shirt, discarding it on the barstool without a care. Usually he would spend a couple hours in the gym, but today just wasn't his day. He slept horrible the night before, tossing and turning as if he was going through withdrawl and the headache that he was met with when he first opened his eyes just made everything worse. Instead, he drove around and tried to clear his head. When he was leaving this morning, he was tempted to send you a text to let you know that he was heading out. He didn't really have to since you knew him like the back of your hand, but it would've given you a reason to respond to him. It was a shame he had to do all that just to get you to talk.
Things between the both of you hadn't been great since that night and he was worried that he pushed you too far. That's why he decided to give you your space for a couple weeks. He had no regrets about what happened and honestly wanted to do it again, but he could tell you were beating yourself up about it. That's just what you did. He leaned against the kitchen counter; arms crossed over his chest as he debated on what to do. He was getting tired of your shit to be honest. Either you guys were going to go back to being just friends or you guys were going to fuck and get together. It was simple as that. He was generous enough to give you time to process whatever the fuck you needed to, now it was time for you to face him. Calling out your name, he removed one AirPod from his ear and stayed in place, the loud beat now filling the empty kitchen. When you didn't answer, he called again.  
Erik froze in place, heat rising up his body until he could feel it in his ears. He had to be hearing things because there was no fucking way you had some other nigga up in his crib. His headphones were left discarded on the kitchen island, his phone right next to them as he marched down the small hallway to your door, hands threatening to break as he clenched them with newfound strength. Steps faltering slightly when he noticed your door was cracked open, he had to mentally get himself ready for the scene before him. The last thing he wanted to do was commit a sin on the Lord's Day. He took a deep breath, his eyes black as he glared through the small crack into your bedroom.
"The fuck?"
A look of pure confusion filled his face as your empty bed met his eyes. He had just heard you, he could've sworn ....
Erik's neck snapped towards the other side of the apartment when your hushed voice met his ears. He had to be tripping. There was no way on God's green earth that what he thought was happening, was actually happening. He stepped away from your door and took his time walking towards his own. As the indescribable noises got louder and louder, he found himself inhaling a sharp breath as he walked in front of his open door. The scene before him was something he'd only imagined late at night. Nights when you would unknowingly say or do something suggestive without even realizing it. Nights that would without a doubt have him masturbating in his room like a horny teenager.
A look of pure ecstasy passed over your face as your mouth hung open, your fingers working together over your clit in a quick pace. You weren’t letting up as your head thrashed back against the chair, eyes still set on your phone that was propped up against his computer. It was crazy how after living together for almost a year, this was the first time Erik had caught you in the act. Your moans and facial expressions brought him back to that night, his dick hardening as he absentmindedly began to tug on it through his sweatpants. He couldn't understand why you had resorted to all of this when he could've been giving it to you without a problem. The background noise finally caught his attention, a small smile causing his golds to peek through. It was slightly muffled due to your whines, but he had those sounds damn near memorized by now. And knowing that you were playing the exact video he had shown you made him feel some type of way, no longer giving a fuck as he discarded the rest of his clothes before walking in.
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You were seeing things. That had to be the reason. One minute you were hearing his voice, the next you were seeing him by the doorframe. Although you were starting to get tired, you couldn't stop rubbing yourself. Your leg that you had thrown over the armrest was shaking slightly, while you other one was set on the floor as your toes dug into the carpet. He walked closer to you and you almost lost it, eyes straining to stay open as you stared at him, scared that blinking would make him disappear. He looked like he was out of it, but you didn’t have much time to dwell on it because his presence taking up his room had you seeing stars, a rush washing over body as you finally came. Unable to speak, you stayed still with your mouth open as you bucked your hips slowly and you rode out your high, body going numb for a moment. When you came back to yourself, you could feel something licking long stripes along your slit and when you looked down, Erik's dark eyes were on you. You blinked once, he was still looking at you. You blinked twice, his hair was all you saw as he began to dip his tongue in and out.
Eyes bouncing from wall to wall, you tried to come to terms with what was going on. He was really here, in between your legs, tongue working overtime to lap up the wetness that was left behind. He repositioned you in the chair roughly, you blindly following his twists and turns until you were positioned to his liking. Your body was turned on its side, one thigh pressed into the seat and the other hovering over his head as he ate you sloppily. Your hips started to rock against his face and you craned your neck in order to see him past your bouncing breasts, both sets of eyes meeting except yours were brimming with tears while his were glaring.
Cloud nine.
That's the best way you could describe the moment. The entire room was blurry, you felt like your body was going to give out at any moment and the vibrations every time Erik groaned or spoke against you had you lost for words. Your mouth hung open in ecstasy as he allowed you to hold his head in place as he literally tongue kissed your pussy. This was real, this was happening and now all you could think about was his dick choking you as he guided your head up and down his shaft. There wasn’t any time for you to overthink or be shy, all you knew was that it was time to stop denying yourself of something you needed.
Trying to get him to stop didn't take much convincing once he was pleased with his work, you vocalizing how much you needed him down your throat had him up and assisting you out the chair. He didn't say a word as he moved to make his way towards his bed, but you pulled him back, a hazy look in your eyes as you pushed him into his chair. The force had him rolling back a bit as you descended down to your knees. The position brought you back and you remembered how you were only given a taste, time not permitting you to actually show him your skills. Finally having him at your mercy was a beautiful feeling and knowing that you had a few tricks under your belt, it didn’t take long for you to really start getting into it. Drool was coming out of your mouth like a fountain, a long trail of it running down his dick and to his balls, your hand working over them lightly as his head continuously met the back of your mouth. You released him briefly, hand gliding along his length as you admired how much precum his tip was leaking.
The words "fuck it” were whispered under your breath so lowly that you yourself barely heard it over your heavy breathing, but of course Erik caught it, a deep grunt from him making you grin. You rested your palms against his thighs as his hips began to piston upwards, head bobbing wildly from the sheer force of him fucking your face. Forehead wrinkling as you cried out, you could feel yourself clenching as you tried to deep throat him to the best of your ability, his thick member defiling your innocent throat. No longer having to imagine what he would feel like, you weren't too sure if you could go without him being there at least once a day. Erik pulled you off of him by the back of your frizzy ponytail and you wrapped your hands around him without missing a beat, a trail of spit running past your bottom lip as he bent down and began to kiss you. The entire act was so wicked and impure. Almost like he was trying to devour you, trying to turn you out and make sure that you'd always be left feigning for more. His plan worked because you were shamefully leaning up and trying to capture his lips once again when he pulled away and sat back. A look of concentration was set upon his face, his breathing becoming more uneven as your hands sped up.
You couldn't believe this was Erik. The same Erik that would ignore you whenever you begged him to kill whatever little critter you ran into when you were minding your business. The same Erik that would eat your food and claim he didn't, as if he wasn't the only other human being in the house. That Erik was the same one that fingered you in the most amazing way a couple weeks back. The same one that other girls were willing to do anything it took to get his attention. The same Erik Stevens that just had his dick so deep in your throat that you could still feel it even though it was no longer there.
"You somethin' else, you know that? A real trip." He grunted his first words to you in weeks, hand still holding your hair. "You been avoiding me all this damn time and now you up in my room fucking yourself. What type of freaky shit is that?"
Erik moved closer to his face, his nose nearly touching yours as his dreads rubbed against your skin.
"You wanted me to catch you bustin' it wide open? See you with ya pussy all on display and leaking all over my fucking shit like you own it? Huh?"
He jerked his hand suddenly, your head forced to follow and the motion making your neck snap back.
"And what about it? Huh?" You mimicked his tone.
Maybe you should've thought twice before getting smart because soon enough you were being manhandled to your feet, Erik towering over you until his body moved swiftly behind yours and pressed against you, impelling you forward. Your knees met the cushioned seat and you spread them as much as the chair permitted you, one hand holding onto to the back of it as your other one pulled apart your right cheek. He shuffled behind you, breath tickling your ear and making your eyes flutter as he bent down. With his large frame practically shielding you, you could feel his body heat engulfing you. Your fingertips met his abs before trailing down, his short pubic hair grazing your fingertips before you were holding onto his dick. You were happy he was letting you do your thing for now, his slick skin moving back and forth as you stroked him lightly. You quickly released him and grabbed him from under you, wiggling your ass up in the air and pressing him against your folds, his head separating them gently as you aimed it towards your hole.
You lowered your face into the headrest in an attempt to hide your grimace as he pushed forward. It took a while for you to get used to him, so much that you had to stop for a while to get yourself together. Erik's hand wrapped around your stomach, lips leaving light kisses from your back up to your neck and revealing a side of him that you didn't think was there. He was handling you with so much care and precision that you almost didn't believe it was him standing behind you.
You finally started to move back and forth slowly, circling your hips as you closed your eyes and basked in the feeling. Erik pushed forward every time you pushed back, a little more of him entering each time until your ass was pressed against his lower stomach. When he felt like he had given you enough time to get comfortable, he rested his hands on your hips and quickened his pace, a steady rhythm found between your bodies as your walls were forced to accommodate his size. He was still gentle but was exerting enough force to remind you that he was the captain now. His skin was on fire and your hand, still beneath you, rested over your mound as your index and middle finger split wide, palm stimulating your clit and fingers stroking his length simultaneously. It was hard trying to not lose yourself while you basked in the feeling of his dick stretching you out. And to think that you had been missing out on this treatment for so long, what a damn shame. Erik's hold on you was tightening with every other stroke and when you felt his footing falter a bit, you jumped at the chance to push him overboard and started bouncing back on him.
"What's wrong? All that talk and now you stumbling?"
He was trying to keep up and regain his authority, failing horrible when you started showing out by adding an extra jiggle every time he sinked back into you. A series of teasing purrs emitted from the back of your throat, ass slapping against his skin so abruptly that your performance had the wheels jolting beneath you. Erik was unexpectedly pulling out minutes later, painting your ass with a fresh coat of cum and leaving an empty feeling in your gut.
Without even thinking, you gathered some on your finger and popped it in your mouth. You didn’t know if it actually tasted good or if the fact that it came from him made it ten times sweeter, but either way it had you sucking your finger clean and sticking your tongue out at him.
Erik tried to hold himself back, he really did, but damn. He was annoyed that you had him nutting this quick. And the cocky look you threw him as you took a taste both turned him on and pissed him off. He grabbed a random shirt he had laying on his dresser and wiped you off hastily, discarding it on the floor before speaking.
"I got more for you, don’t worry. Assume the position." He ordered and the quick command had you up and on your back in seconds. He seemed pleased that you were privy to what he wanted without him having to explain, but his words had been stuck in your head ever since that night.
“Dreamed of fucking you in this chair, your ass hanging off it as your knees press against your chest, big ass titties bouncing for me.”
Erik stood silently before you with his dick twitching on its own, your inner devil fighting to come out at the sight. You had executed his dream position swiftly: hands behind knees that highlighted your breasts as they were forced to lay plump and high in between your legs. He was even nice enough to even adjust the seat, making it more comfortable for your back and neck.
What a gentleman.
You couldn't stop yourself from clenching around nothing, your pussy tightening and releasing by itself just from him standing in front you. He was teasing you, that much was obvious. The both of you had been staring at each other for what felt like eternity. He refused to make a move and you were scared that if you did, he'd just make you wait longer so you obeyed, the cool breeze from the air conditioner tickling you places you wish he would defile.
He used his hands to grip the handles of the chair and pull you up to him, hovering over your body and accentuating those muscles of his. The sudden jerk once the chair stopped caused your chest to bounce, Erik's right index finger raising and tracing the outline of each areola. You stayed still, both nipples already painfully hard since you walked into his room. He softly brushed against your bud, the sensation bringing you some peace as he was finally touching you, but the sudden rush of him dipping his head down and sucking on it harshly made you cry out. You couldn't begin to even explain how hot it was. His thumb bared the weight as his four fingers laid splayed out on top, circling around the sensitive button before licking it lewdly with the flat of his tongue. If that he wasn’t enough, he teased you further by blowing against your skin, the coolness making you ache.
Now you had two wet spots and your second one was still begging for attention so you sneakily released the hold on your left leg, maneuvering between the both of your bodies and wasted no time with massaging in circles before pressing down and moving upwards, the pressure against your clit turning you into a moaning mess. He moved onto the other one, a deep "fuck" vibrating your ear drums before he was back to it, leaving tiny bites and kisses around the entire span of the area before making his way back to your nipple. The feeling and sight of his mouth paying such close attention to you had you in another world, your fingers now picking up the pace. Your sloppy mistake caused Erik to snap his head up, eyes digging into yours before he wordlessly slapped your hand away. You listened and for a moment, sweet Erik made an appearance by pecking your lips randomly. The quick kiss only lasted for a second before he was back to normal. And his ability to change in the blink of an eye had your feelings in limbo, not knowing if you found it more sexy or scary. He stuck his tongue out, nodding his head towards you and you listened, sticking yours out and welcoming his middle and ring finger. You sucked down on them, moving your head back and forth, almost as if you were giving them head before he took over, forcing his fingers in the back of your throat and causing you to gag before he was pulling them out, a wad of spit following.
"You just couldn't sit still. You always been so disobedient?"
Nodding your head quickly, you couldn't even think of a response fast enough before Erik was acting. A light tap met your second lips, causing you to twitch suddenly. He had a devious smile on his face as he roamed his thick fingers over your entire pussy before he was delving his middle one inside, only playing for a few seconds before adding the ring finger, his large palm covering your upper half while his other two fingers pointed upward. He wasted no time moving them at high-speed, giving you no time to get aquatinted with their intrusion. Between his fingers fucking you and his palm rubbing your clit, you felt as if you were on a high. Heavy breaths and loud sobs raked over your body as he relentlessly continued, no remorse in his eyes as you stared up at him in awe. You couldn't even fathom how he was moving so fast, this was the type of shit you only saw in porn. He kept his pace as he walked beside you, his other arm coming around and groping your chest roughly before he was holding onto your ankle, forcing you to stay splayed open.
"So fucking wet." He kissed your forehead before pressing his against yours, his dark gaze pulling you into a trance. "You hear that pretty pussy talking back? She got a nasty lil' mouth on her, just like her fucking owner. We gon' fix that though. You hear me? We gon' fix that."
Your stomach tightening was a tell-tale sign that you were close and as much as you wanted to push his hand away, you knew that wasn't going to fly. It was too soon for you to be cumming again, but with the way he was going, it wouldn't come as a surprise. You clenched your teeth, attempting to hide your cries and grabbed his wrist, a vice grip on it as you tried to form words. So many emotions were racing through you at once. You were trying to talk to him, your drunk babbles sounding like actual words in your head.
You gasped in a large breath shortly after, your head banging against the back of the chair as you soaked the chair and carpet, your juices splashing as Erik kept going without a hitch. You were writhing so much that Erik had to force you to stay in place, your head shaking from side to side as you tried to tell him to stop without words.
The room seemed to have gotten darker, your eyes barely registering your surroundings anymore. You felt as if you could finally breath once his fingers left you. Your breathing was jagged and harsh, the last remnants of your wetness dripping down to your ass and tickling you slightly. There was no time to show how embarrassed and shocked at the fact that you had squirted, not when Erik's loud grunt had you lazily turning words him and blinking lazily, a pleased sigh leaving your mouth. The same hand he had used on you was wrapped around himself, your wetness coating him nicely and causing him to shine. He made sure to avoid his head and only paid attention to his shaft, walking back around in front of you and the vein popping in the middle of his forehead was a telltale sign that he was itching for it just as much as you were.
“You good?” Head still fuzzy, you couldn't do anything but stare. He offered you a bottle of water that he had sitting on his desk and pressed it against your lips, holding onto it for you as you chugged it like a child. Saving a bit of water for him, you watched him polish the bottle off before discarding it back on his desk. You really didn’t know how much you had left in you. You wanted to show him that you could keep up and that you weren't some newbie, but Erik seemed as though he was on a mission to make up for lost time. When you saw him moving closer to you in an attempt to get things going again, you stopped him by pressing your foot against his chest and decided to earn a little time by talking your shit.
"1 to 1." Your voice went in and out, the breathy tone of it making your fatigue and nervousness clear. “You came once, I came once."
Erik tsk'd evilly, his tongue poking through his cheek.
"2 to 1. I had you grinding on my face like you were in heat, or did you forget?"
“Are you really taking credit for work you didn't do?" You arched your foot and dragged it down to his bellybutton. "Don't be a colonizer." Traveling down further, you tapped your foot against his dick and watched it bounce. “That first one doesn’t count seeing as how I pretty much did all the work, but thanks for cleaning up my mess maid.”
The way his faced morphed from a smirk to a full-blown scowl was priceless. He grabbed your thighs roughly, pulling you closer towards the edge of the seat and you eyed him cautiously in hopes that he wouldn't let you meet the floor. He held his member over your mound, rubbing it against you for a few seconds before he was sliding in. Physically feeling yourself open for him had you shuddering, Erik’s hands now behind your knees and you put yours to use by attempting to touch every inch of his upper body.
Skin that glistened to a glow as he perspired, abs that continuously tightened each time plowed into you, veins along his forearms that protruded as he held you open.
It felt like you were dreaming as you watched Erik stare down at you hugging him and when you followed his line of sight, you understood why he was so focused. It was addicting watching him dip in and out of you with such ease. He was taking his time, making sure he was feeding you properly and you found your breath getting caught in your throat when he made it a habit of slipping out completely before using just his hips to guide himself back in, slamming into you each time without a care. His slight curve had him hitting your spot just right and you found yourself fighting to keep your eyes open. You already knew that he was aware of how good he was making you feel, but that didn’t mean you wanted to boost his ego anymore. Resting one of your hands on top of his, you used your other stroke his neck as an idea popped into your head.
“Do it. I dare you.” He mumbled, already knowing what you were thinking.
You honestly didn’t know what the hell you were getting yourself into. This was your first time and while a part of you was a little scared that you’d look like an amateur, you knew that you weren’t strong enough to actually cause harm so fuck it. Nimble fingers wrapped around his thick neck, your thumb finding a small indent on the side and pressing down lightly.
“Weak ass hands. Do it like you mean it bitch.”
Glancing into his eyes quickly, you pressed down a lot harder and dropped your mouth open when he paused, his eyelids fluttering before his thrusts started to get more powerful. Who knew his rude ass would get turned on by getting choked? You let out a breathy laugh, a loud curse following afterwards when he started drilling into you. It felt like he was literally trying to break you in half, a burning sensation in your thighs causing you to grit your teeth and hold back your pleads. He was trying to get you back, you knew he was, and you purposely squeezed your hand harder in order to match the energy he was giving to you.
"That's it baby. Choke me like you choking this dick.”
Erik leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, not letting up as he kissed away at your face. Slow and sweet, the stark contrast between his lips versus his dick had your head in a fog. When your hold on him started to falter, he made sure to remind you of the task he had set upon you, your hand trembling slightly as you tried to focus on not cumming.
“Look at my big girl, my big baby.” He chuckled deeply when you tried to push him away, your pout masking the butterflies swarming your stomach. “I mean you always been my girl, but now you my girl. You feel me? Yeah, you feel me. You feel this dick too, diggin’ you out, bustin’ you wide open.” His head followed yours when you tried to look away, a small game of follow the leader ensuing as he continued until you finally surrendered, a satisfied look in his eyes when begrudgingly looked at him.
He kept his comments coming, talks about the different places and positions he'd have you in by the end of the day, how he'd fuck you wherever and whenever in front of whoever. When you egged him on by confessing how this wasn't the first time that you had sneaked into his room, the combination of your blunt confession and his roaring grunt in your ear had you tightening around him and milking him hungrily. Feeling him pumping into you was something otherworldly and knowing that it was you that had him losing his grip on reality had you patting yourself on the back internally. He continued, fucking you slowly and the motion caused his cum to squelch loudly, the indecent act turning you on more than you would like to admit. Your hand that wasn’t still wrapped around his neck slipped down to where you both were still one and grazed him lightly, his chest expanding from his heavy breathing and hips jerking on their own. When he pulled out slowly, he was still convulsing and you hummed lowly to yourself when you felt him still expelling from his tip, fingers lazily dancing across your lips as his substance coated your fingers. You watched him watch you play with yourself, his eyes stuck on your hand even after you brought them to your lips and swirled the taste around your palette, your show provoking another physical twitch from him.
You weren’t surprised when he pressed his lips against yours, but you definitely were when he forced his tongue into your mouth as if you hadn’t just treated yourself to some of his kids. When you felt as though he was trying to get you started again, you pulled away and felt a string of spit slap against your chin, his own lips wet and glistening.
“Nasty.” You both spoke at the same time, his soft chuckle filing the room as you smirked at him.
“You good?” He questioned again. “Wanna shower with me?”
Nodding your head, your eyes spoke for you as they widened at him picking you up with ease, your heart beating out of your chest as he bounced you happily in his arms all the way to the bathroom.
You didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, nor were you really worried about it. You liked Erik and after taking a moment to realize all the things he had done for you since day one, you could tell he liked you too. Now, it was just up to you both to take it day by day and see where you’d end up.
the end 💕.
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taglist: @lostncrowned @honeytoffee @marvelmaree @iamrheaspeaks @janelledarling @thehomierobbstark @madamslayyy @hidden-treasures21 @missmohnique @killmoncoochie @thiccdaddy-mbaku @shay-iamiam @journeytomeee @theblulife @yoyolovesbucky @queenflaws @chaneajoyyy @killmongersbaby @blueoz @nickidub718 @wakanda-inspired @raysunshine78 @marvelmaree @pananegra @eye-raq @itsqu33n @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @caramelbunn @smuts-toriess @unholyxcumbucket @l-auteuse @supersizemeplz @savagescorpion @hey-taylor-hey @bidibidibombaclaat @thighsof-betrayal @mrs-thompsonnn @curls-and-crosses @endlessmockery @vickyfortes @soulsparker @ladymac82 @loosewindmill @shalynn-m @palmstreesallday @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @cosmogyrl​
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heartbrokenct · 4 years
the summit - n.jm
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pairing na jaemin x reader
genre a bit of fluff but also angst ig uh-
word count 1.7k
warnings uh this is not a happy one :,)
summary feelings are so hard. haing them not be returned is evben ahrder. when the perfect confession moment comes along for him to confes and all the buildup has led to this moment, there doesn't seem to be a way to fix the mess he created in your heart.
There is not a single feeling in the world that can compare to this moment. The feeling of finally holding a diploma after four years of grueling work, next to your close relations, your family, and your best friend, Na Jaemin.
  “Let’s all go out!” someone suggested, and everyone strongly agreed. After a bit of confusion, everyone was finally shoved into a car and the group that came to celebrate your graduation all huddled into a small korean café not too far from the venue. 
   “Yah, what are you getting?” You hear a soft voice ask, and your attention is drawn away from the menu and towards none other than Jaemin himself. The relationship between you two had always been a bit of a rollercoaster. When the two of you had met in your first year of University, you despised him. He seemed so energetic and somehow that gave you the impression that he was egoistic, and arrogant. Within a few months of his continuous badgering to be his friend, (and with many eye rolls on your part) you finally gave in. Slowly but surely you found yourself falling for his soft eyes, and his bright smile. The way his face lit up whenever he was laughing, and the way he just carried himself. You fell for the way his mood seemed to influence everyone around him, and how he could make everyone laugh with just a single gesture. Everything about him piqued your curiosity until he surprised you by bringing you to meet his new partner. The shock was so intense that you basically avoided him for the 3 months they dated, and continued to pine for him. After a few rounds of dating and breaking up with a slew of lovers, and the sadness that came with each one, it dawned on you that you and Jaemin would most likely never have any sort of romantic relationship. Begrudgingly, you managed to get over him. But now, as you looked at his smiling face you couldn’t help feeling a familiar tug in your heart. 
   “Hey, did you hear me? Why are you staring at me like that?” He questioned, a confused and slightly flustered look on his features. You shook your head with a start and took a deep breath. 
   “Uh- yeah, I might get the milk tea with boba.” 
   “Sounds good. I’ll probably get my usual.” 
   “Ah, yes. Na Jaemin and the famed 6 shot dark roast espresso.” 
He laughed, and looked at you with a look that seeked approval. You dismissed the look, hoping it had been your imagination and gave a laugh in return. 
   “Just don’t blame me when you can’t sleep again tonight. I won’t be up to keep you company like I usually make the mistake of doing. Ask Chenle or Jisung." You retorted, and he chuckled. 
   “Well, no one forces you to, it’s not my fault you’re obsessed with me” he jokes, pretending to flip his hair and you roll your eyes, scoffing.
   “You wish. More like you’re the one obsessed with me,” you said, and walked up to the counter smugly without even waiting for a response. What you missed was his panicked face watching you, as if you already knew his secret.
A few weeks had passed since your graduation, and you’d moved out of your dorm and into an apartment a few towns over from Jaemin and most of your friends. Job searching had become increasingly more stressful on top of the whole moving thing, and each prospect was less exciting than the one before, and you grudgingly applied to another place that might hire you on. A knock at your apartment door drew you from your wallowing, and you sighed, getting up to answer the door. You flung it open, and upon being greeted with Jaemin’s bright smile, you found yourself mirroring him.
  “What’s the occasion Jaems?” You said, letting him in. He held up two bags of takeout and raised his eyebrows. 
   “Well I was… in the neighborhood and I figured I’d stop by, we could have some food and catch up. You haven’t talked to me for weeks!” He complained, and elicited a laugh from you. 
   “I’m trying to be an adult and apply for jobs, not everyone has rich parents like you.” You counter, and wait as he unpacks what he brought. The delicious smells suddenly remind you how hungry you are, and you go rummaging in your drawers for some utensils. Jaemin studies you while you’re turned away, and wonders how exactly he should go about saying what he came here for. When you turn around, holding the utensils as if they were some sort of weapon he jumps, and laughs, snatching them out of your hand. 
  After the meal and hilarious company, you sit back in your chair with a hand on your stomach feeling full. A few moments later, Jamein also tosses down his utensils and mirrors your position. 
    “Thank you for lunch… and for thinking about me. It’s been a while since we’ve talked. I can’t believe I really missed that much! Did Haechan really end up getting that clean up job? I'm surprised he didn't take something in his field” You rambled, but with a genuine smile on your face.
 After some more back and forth, he stands to grab the dirty utensils and garbage, putting them in the sink and bin, respectively, before coming back to sit across from you. 
   “You know, I always think about you. Sometimes I want to call you, but I never know what you’re doing since you decided to move away…” He continues, but you frown slightly, still dwelling on ‘I always think about you’. You shake yourself. There is no way that you could possibly have feelings for him again. Not after the debacle of 3 years ago. Something draws you out of your reverie, and after a bit of blinking and clearing your throat you focus on Jaemin's curious look. 
  “Earth to y/n, are you there? Stop spacing out on me! I'm much more important than whatever it is."
  “Sorry Jaems! Just thinking… you know.”
  “Thinking, about what? I didn’t know you could do that.” At this, you scoff, and reach over the table to smack his arm. He tries to pull away, but to no avail, and ends up jabbing his elbow into the armrest of the chair. While he whines about hitting his funny bone, you’re overcome in a fit of laughter, “That’s karma for you Jaems, watch what you say!” 
   "Yah, y/n! How can you be so mean but right at the same time?" He whines once more, and you stifle your chuckles. You look down at your phone that just pinged with an email, and he studies you once more. The curve of your nose, and the soft angles of your jaw. Your lashes, which frame your eyes so beautifully, and those sparkling eyes that he always seems to get lost in.
 As you light up with joy at one of the many job interviews you went to, he stands and grabs his phone quickly. The pure joy and happiness on your face was something he had to capture, and he did just that. 
 You noticed, but chose to ignore, and instead focused on the words in the email. 
"Dear Y/N. We are pleased to announce that we have considered your resume and interview, and would love to have you join our team!" Another squeal left your lips and you stood, jumping around crazily. 
  "Jaems, Jaems! JAEMS, I GOT THE JOB!" You shrieked, and he stood, coming over with a huge smile plastered on his face. His arms enveloped you into a hug, and you returned the hug, unable to contain your excitement. He congratulated you, and promised to get you something nice to celebrate. 
 He knew he should be happy for you but the disappointment that the moment may have passed him by was evident on his face. He tried to brush it away, but stopped you and took your hands into his. 
   "Y/n look at me. I really don't know how to start this but I seriously need to tell you before I completely lose all confidence." He starts, and you try to control your breathing as you focus on his serious tone. 
   "It's been weighing on my heart for so long… and I know I'm not perfect, and definitely far from what you deserve… but I cannot keep ignoring how much I love you." He finished simply and you froze. Your eyes locked on his, unable to comprehend what his words meant. They replayed in your mind over and over as you stood there looking at one another, you confused and him holding his breath for an answer. 
  "Jaemin, I'll admit this is unexpected. Especially from you, my best friend. Jae I loved you. I did. Back in university I knew it and I was going to tell you but then suddenly you introduced me to dozens of people who you got romantically involved with and suddenly I realized maybe there wasn't anything between us. I realized that you and I were not meant to be more; that this wasn’t some fairy tale where two best friends slowly fall in love. But here you are three years later telling me you love me?" You say, and slide your hands out from between his. Taking a deep breath, and a few steps back, you frown. 
  "Y-You… in sophomore year?" He said, now being his turn to feel shocked and confused, "Well if I had known then…" 
   You cut him off, "Then what? Huh? What, you'd have dropped everyone and dated me?" 
   "I'd have thought about it… And yeah I probably would have run to you over all of those mistakes. It was always you, always people who reminded me of you. Always me trying to find someone to occupy my thoughts rather than you. Always me trying to stop loving you because I was scared it would break us apart. I didn't want to lose you, and I wasn't sure if confessing back then would have backfired." He says, and reaches out a hand towards you. You shake your head and look up at the ceiling, tears threatening to pool over. 
   "Well Jaemin, you're too late. Too many years of broken promises have led to this and I don't want to go through the process of… un-loving you again." You say, and the tears finally spill over onto your cheeks. Jaemin's heart lurches in his chest at the sight of your tears and he closes the gap between the both of you, gathering you into his arms. You don't even fight him, and just stay there, having finally overcome the summit. 
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
How to write a five paragraph essay
This is going to be my third and last of these posts, unless people have questions that arise from them (at which point I am more than happy to make more - just let me know!) You can find my post about writing thesis statements here, and my post on essay conclusions here (both imbedded). Unlike my previous posts, this is going more in-depth about five paragraph essays, though I imagine you can take the tips here and apply them elsewhere. 
Alrighty guys. Strap in because this one’s gonna be a bit long.
1) Prewriting
Okay. Since I hate prewriting as a concept (seriously. You do all this work and you don’t have any essay to show for it? what is this?), I tend to keep it pretty short and sweet, but it is necessary. 
What do do?
Read through your source material, and get an understanding of what you’re going to argue about
As you’re reading, make sure you write down your sources or else doing your bibliography is going to be a pain (just copy/pasting urls should suffice at this point)
Create an argument (generally, what is the point you’re trying to get across)
Write your thesis. It’s important that you do this AFTER reading the material, as you won’t know what to argue if you come up with a thesis before doing the reading. Constructing your thesis is also important to do before you actually get to writing, as it informs a lot of the structure of the essay. For more info on how to construct a thesis, I made this post as part of this mini series not too long ago (same link as above). 
Outline your essay. This can be detailed if you like it like that, or it can just be a few words for each paragraph. As I personally find outlines to be both necessary and a pain, I tend to go with the latter of the two (described further in the example below). However, experiement with both - some people work better when they have detailed outlines with all of their sources and arguments listed under each paragraph heading.
How to outline
(How to outline, as well as how to write the intro paragraph, body paragraphs, a link to how to write conclusion paragraphs, and general tips all under the cut)
As you may have guessed, there are a number of ways to outline. The most basic looks like this:
Paragraph 1: Intro Paragraph 2: [insert topic 1] Paragraph 3: [insert topic 2] Paragraph 4: [insert topic 3] Paragraph 5: Conclusion
From here, you can make things more and more detailed if you like. Some common things people put in outlines are:
evidence presented
points made
relevant sources for each paragraph
their topic sentence
My advice is to play around and see what works best for you. If you’re like me and really really hate prewriting, you may go with a simpler approach. Or, if you find drafting to be hell on earth, maybe put more time into prewriting to make drafting faster.
2) Introduction
This is arguably the most important part of your essay (at least, that’s what my middle school teachers always said). The common difficulty is that everyone seems to be saying how important it is, and how cructial it is, and how [insert synonym for important and crutial] it is, and all that jazz. Which means after a twenty minute lecture of WHY you should write an introduction, there never seems to be enough time to teach people how to actually WRITE it. 
Here’s the thing. The point of your intro is to ease your reader into the topic. You don’t want to blind side them with something hyperspecific out of the blue. At the same time, you don’t want them to loose interest because you’re taking too long. 
The trick is to use the funnel method.
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It works like this: each sentence is a layer, and how wide the funnel is represents how broad your statement is. Your first statement is going to be huge - something that encompases a lot. Each sentence should encompass less and less, until you get to your thesis, which is very narrow. 
A formula I frequently use (depending on if it’s applicable) is:
Intro: Sentence about humanity as a whole (establishes basic concept)
NS 1: Sentence that establishes that Intro thing applies to certain time/place (establishes the what/where)
NS 2: Sentence that specifies how, exactly, Intro thing applies to time/place (establishes how)
NS 3: Sentence that specifies relevant groups within this time and place
Thesis: the specific thing I am arguing. 
In this (very generic, and also very fake) example, I’m going to bold every other sentence so they are easy to distinguish from one another. It’s the same pattern featured above.
Conflict is one of the universal truths of life. Throughout the ages, individuals and groups have found themselves on opposing sides of a disagreement, but few could compare to the 1789 B.C. Battle of the Frogs in what is now modern-day Tatooine. Dissention had been brewing for years, but when the Narnians finally stole all of native unicorns, the civillians of the sandy outer-rim planet finally hit a tipping point; they were prepared to sacrifice anything if it meant being free. Despite the epic proportions of the Battle, a few individuals were able to record the events of the conflict in journals that have survived to this day. In his journal “Of life on the Desert,” Percy Jackson describes the effects of war, including the impact it had on his family, his work, and the state of his village.
3) Body Paragraphs
These three paragraphs are where you will be backing up your thesis statement. This is a fair bit of space, to work with if you do it right, but it’s also not a lot of space, so you do have to make sure to use it wisely. An easy way to make sure you’re doing this right is to.....
Follow yet MORE paragraph formulas
Seriously though. Using formulas in your essays will set you free, and it makes it look like you know what you’re doing.
Sentence 1: Topic Sentence
This is usually going to start out with some kind of transition phrase such as “in addition to [previous thing]” or whatever. Then it’s going to introduce the thing you’re actually going to talk about in this paragraph.
Sentence 2 - Second to Last: Evidence and Analysis
For each paragraph, you’re probably going to want between three and four pieces of evidence (as two looks like there’s not actually solid evidence, and five becomes tedious). 
For this structure, you’re going to want to spend a sentence introducing a piece of evidence, making sure to include the proper in-text citations (which I am not going to cover here, but I can cover in another post if someone asks me to). 
After your evidence citation, you’re going to want to write at least one or two sentences of analysis, either picking apart just that piece of evidence, or linking that evidence to other pieces of evidence. For beginners, many teachers will expect about one line of analysis, from about sophomore year of highschool up, teachers begin to expect two or more. 
Make sure that your evidence and analysis flows together - that is, organize your evidence into a logical order, and use transition words (there’s huge lists out there - google is your friend) to go from an analysis sentence to another piece of evidence. 
Sentence 3 - Conclusion Sentence
This is one of the harder sentences to nail, but the idea is that you want to restate what your topic sentence is.
If you can’t think of a good conclusion sentence, you can write a transition sentence instead, and on the topic sentence of your next paragraph, leave off the transition. 
4) Conclusions
I already did a post on conclusions, which is linked here (imbedded). 
5) Miscellaneous Tips!
Never use “you” statements. This is because you can never be sure of your reader’s background, so it wrecks some of the credibility of your argument! If you’re describing something and you feel a burning urge to write “you might do X” or something along those lines, switch “you” out for the word “one”
Similarly, never use I statements. They make things look like opinions rather than facts. NOT GOOD. A good fix is to not use personal experiences that would force you to use I statements (unless explicitely asked to), and to cut off all phrases such as “I think” or “I researched.” These are implied, and you make your argument look stronger without them.
Avoid using the word “that.” If you can cut it out and the sentence still makes sense, cut it. It’ll make your narrative voice stronger.
If you need to make your essay look longer, find places where paragraphs end at the end of a line. Then, throughout the paragraph, un-abbreviate words that can be sensably un-abbreviated. This will push a few words onto the next line and give the apperance of a longer essay. 
Similarly, if you want your essay to appear shorter (if you have a page limit or something), look for places where a paragraph just barely makes it onto a new line, and cut extra words so that the words move back until that new line isn’t there.
Keep track of all new sources as you go - it saves so much time.
Make in-text citations as you go, rather than trying to put them in after the fact. 
Run spell check before turning in your work
Make sure your grammar is correct, and understand how to use colons and semi-colons (they will save your life)
Now, here are 1000 awesome points for reading until the end, and good luck with your essay!
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kcatta-wodahs · 4 years
Hello! I saw you were doing match ups and was seeing if I could get one! Thank you in advance!🥰🥰
Here are my answers to your questions!
1-she/her, makenna 2- single paring 3-romantic 4-aries 5-a bit of both and yes 6-a bit of both
9- after a bad day I am most likely avoiding people until i calm down then i want to cuddle and watch tv/movies.
10-after a argument I'll probably wont talk to anyone and will be mad for a couple hours but once I cool of I'll probably be the first to apologize.
11-I will laugh at almost anything, I find myself laughing at memes and vines most of the time I also like dark humor.
I pair you with... Satan!
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It seems to me that Satan would share the most in common with your way of life. You want a lover who is able to understand the intricacies of emotion - and Satan has spent his whole life working towards understanding exactly that. He may not believe in his own perception, but it is actually quite astute after a couple millennia of practice. He can usually tell when you need space, and he is not offended by it. At the same time, he is a very attentive partner. He will hold you tight for as long as you want, and is almost always happy to make space beside himself for you. The fact that you are able to apologize first after arguments makes it far easier for him to reciprocate. He hates admitting when he's wrong about something, but the way you handle yourself with grace in those situations inspires him to rise to your level. He will always apologize right after you do, and try to find a compromise to make you both happy.
More Below the Cut!
Great insights and predictions for your shows! He enjoys discussing your favorites with you.
He loves to cue you in to his pranks on Lucifer, after learning that you have quite a few ideas gathered from various vines.
Prepare to be swept off your feet. Once he knows you would allow him to court you, he will court you.
He will take you to the most lavish restaurants, he will buy you clothing for the event if you're unsure of what to wear. He will book out the entire place if you're afraid of being seen by other demons.
At the same time, he knows nothing can beat the days you spend simply relaxing around each other. Your rooms become almost always open to each other. He even loves cleaning days with you, because every moment with you is a treasure.
You find flowers on your pillow more than once. Usual a single bloom, accompanied with a loving note. 
One bit of knowledge that he's picked up is the language of flowers. He makes use of it. The language is slightly different for demon breeds, but each note he leaves describes its symbolism to you.
He makes sure to tell you exactly what about you deserves this present, and the depth of his feelings. He is upfront about them, and has read so much that apparently he's learned to become a damned poet.
The notes he leaves you will sometimes leave you completely flustered with emotion, sometimes completely smitten.
He even takes the extra mile to bring you flowers from the human realm when he is able to get them. 
The front door to the House of Lamentation was heavy. Unless careful, everyone in the house would know when someone came in. If you didn't take the effort to catch it before it closed, then the force of it would shake the whole front room. It was something that the brothers had come to forget about after so long living in the home, except for when expecting someone. 
Except for when waiting for Makenna as Satan was. He had nothing special in mind, but knowing that she had a special group meeting for one of her classes left him a little on edge. He didn't know how the other demons in the classes would treat her when not immediately next to him or one of his brothers. And sure, Simeon was also in the group, able to protect her just fine - but that didn't ease his fears as much as it should have. He barely knew Simeon compared to his brothers after all.
When the door closing announced Makenna's arrival, he let out a sigh of relief and put down his book in order to go and greet her. Instead of having to go far, he found her already in the hallway, practically running to her room. A sharp worry pierced his chest when he couldn't decipher the look on her face, but he watched her retreat without saying anything.Things must not have gone well.
However, instead of following her, Satan turned the other direction.
About an hour later, a light knock sounded from Makenna's door, quickly followed by Satan's head peeking in. "Makenna?"
She turned to him, looking tired, and that same worry nagged at his heart. "Yeah?"
"I made you dinner," he began, opening the door wider to step inside. He was holding a plate of food, beautifully arranged like it was ordered from a fancy restaurant. He always thought presentation helped. "Your favorite."
He watched her expression for a sign, and the way her shoulders relaxed soothed him. At least he had been able to take one thing off her mind. "Thank you.." she murmured as he handed her the plate. 
"Let me know if you need anything else," Satan told her after a short silence. He stepped back towards the door to give her time. "I'll keep my D.D.D on loud."
"Wait.. Satan?" Makenna called to him before he could go far. "Would you.. be willing to stay and watch a movie with me?" 
His heart almost jumped for joy. Yes, of course he would. All he wanted was to make sure that you were happy. He would watch movies with you all night if it would bring your smile back. "Always," he answered, letting the evidence of his happiness bleed into his expression. Putting his hands gently on her cheeks, he put a soft kiss to her forehead.
"What would you like to watch tonight?"
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sebthesnipe · 5 years
The Dreamer by Whatwashernameagain an Analysis? Chapter 2! Part 3
All portions:
Chapter 1: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Chapter 2: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
The Dreamer
As always, Spoilers under cut.
Also, I am currently sick so bear with me….
We left off with Logan’s first kill and the difference between The Utilitarianist’s vs. The Dreamer’s views. The thing is, The Dreamer isn’t his own hero, but rather the vision of a team with their own agenda. Still, Roman, despite the attempt to control him, has his own passions.
“Roman could barely be held back. The man who’d been killed, Richard Snyder, had owned the largest chemical production company in the world and had been blamed for the death of a large amount of people in Vietnam due to a herbicide that had leaked into the phreatic water. He’d also been a father of three girls and felt behind a grieving wife” (Whatwashernameagain).
This paragraph gives a bit of background into Logan’s first kill, the first indication that he is becoming too cold, too focused on his work that he is losing his humanity. Logan may not care for the individual as he works but taking a man’s life is something you don’t come back from. The fact that he has finally done so pushes him into an entirely new level of villainy. I think that Roman sees that. He may not know Logan on a personal level yet but as we learned in the first chapter Roman has a love and caring disposition for everyone whether it is the man responsible for countless deaths in Vietnam or a villain responsible for his death. He shows no remorse for Logan at this point but as a reader I think we realize that this is the first step Logan takes towards losing himself in his own darkness.
Eva goes on to talk about how he was upset about the deaths due to the chemical leak and how he grieved for them and their families. However, we also see his ignorant optimism that has become his trademark quite quickly.
“Accidents were a terrible thing and he was sure Mr. Snyder hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. People were good and cared about each other in his opinion. After the public blame the terrorist had put on his shoulders before – there was no other word for it – lynching the poor man, the media reacted to the crime in a manner that deeply shocked the sensitive young man. Instead of condemning the horrifying acts harshly, they discussed the accidents that had caused the unfortunate deaths in Vietnam and demanded consequences to avoid such accidents in the futures!” (Whatwashernameagain).
He convinces himself the Snyder never meant for any of the deaths to happen, which, for those of us who know how the real world works; we know that the more likely reality is that Snyder probably cut corners and didn’t care much that he ruined so many people’s lives and even paid to keep it quiet. Still, Roman states that he believed people were good and cared about each other at their core and maybe that is true for the individual; after all, that is how Roman sees people: individually. So… There is a lot I can say here… and when I say a lot, I mean a LOT. I will attempt to keep this section a bit brief, but I did want to touch on some philosophy and sociology here.
In 1995 a book by Howard Bloom called The Lucifer Principle was published (Bloom, Howard). For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it has nothing to do with religion. The Lucifer Principle poses the idea that good and evil, right and wrong, its all a construct of our need to fit everything into a box. Nature does not see things as good or evil. When a lion preys on a wounded animal it is just nature. When a hurricane levels a major city, we don’t view it as evil because it is apart of nature. When a lightening bolt causes a good portion of a forest to burn down it is nothing but a way to regrow. Yet, despite the fact that we are simply an over evolved species of animal, we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We view things as good or evil but there is no such thing in the natural world. (Keep in mind I am not stating an opinion, I am simple describing the principles of the book). The book explores that the social groups that we create as humans, not us as individuals, are more inclined to do things that we consider ‘evil’ when we have something to gain from it (Bloom, Howard). It argues that “evil is a by-product of nature’s strategies for creation and that it is woven into out most basic biological fabric” (Bloom, Howard). Violent competition is the center of the creation of the superorganism we consider society (Bloom, Howard). It is difficult to argue with this theory when you consider that we really only advance through war. The discovery of vitamin C, disease prevention, tourniquets, X-rays, blood transfusions, vaccines, lipoamides, penicillin, anaesthics, chemotherapy, antibotics, frozen blood products, antiseptics, Gatorade, the recognition of PTSD, discovery of cardia arrest, (weather) radar, walkie-talkies, night vision, duct tape, nuclear technology (including powerplants), Jet engines, digital photography, satellite navigation (GPS), sanitary napkins, Drones, microwaves, computes, superglue, jeeps, canned food, wristwatches, Epipens, the space program, ambulances and even the Internet and so much more have been the result of the wars we have waged throughout the centuries (Pocket-lint) (“Science Museum. Brought to Life: Exploring the History of Medicine”). There are very few things in this world that a social group (not an individual) has not built with greed in mind; whether it be wealth, land, or power, generally speaking there is usually an ulterior motive to man’s creativity. It is hard to argue that we do not strive on being inherently ‘evil’ when there is so much evidence against that.
Once again, I feel as if I need to reinforce a few things: 1. I am not speaking about individual people. I am talking about humanity as a whole. 2. This is not necessarily my belief. This is a concept written in a book that I have read and that has a very well researched scientific basis. So, before anyone drops a mean or horrid anon ask in my box (and proves my point) please try reading the book. You can learn a lot about the world and yourself as well. Now, back to the analysis:
I bring this up for a number of reasons. This argument reinforces Roman’s naivety. He sees humanity as inherently good (if there really is such thing as ‘good’ and ‘evil’); or rather he believes that ‘people’ are good which can both imply an individual person which is probably a correct statement, or ‘people’ as a whole which is perhaps leaning on the outside of ‘not good’ (We are killing our planet, endangering species, committing mass genocide, polluting outer space, and allowing people all around the world to starve, or ignore the fact that 40 years later we are still killing innocent people (including) children in Laos, Vietnam). It also brings into question The Utilitarianist, and the contrast between he and Roman once more. Logan sees the world in a similar light as The Lucifer Principle paints. In fact, I’d be surprised if Eva hadn’t read it. He is also one for intense scientific research which could lead him to the same conclusions as Bloom: That humanity is inherently what we consider ‘evil’ though evil itself is a construct we created and therefore he has no remorse for being labeled as such.
Am I getting too philosophical on you guys? Perhaps it would be best if I moved on….
“Of course, people needed to be protected, every life had value and had to be treasured, but to besmirch this victim’s life work, so soon after his execution – it left Roman angry and terrified for the state of the world he loved. He needed to stop this man, right now! He was strong enough to do it, why must they keep holding him back?” (Whatwashernameagain).
Once again, we see Roman’s compassion for every individual. We see him try and be understanding for those he disagrees with and for those he deems innocent. He is a man of honor after all and feels that the dead should be honored as well. It is almost as if he feels personally attacked, that Snyder’s name is being dragged through the mud after his death. Though it could be that Roman isn’t just thinking about the man, but his family as well; the shame they must feel as the media makes a mockery of their father, son, husband etc.
We also see a glimpse of his frustration at having to wait; of being forced to focus on glamour and speeches while others are moving in the shadows. He is getting his makeup done while Logan is murdering a man! In the next paragraph we see his frustration grow. He talks about his need to prevent such deeds and even pleads to be allowed to do something. But he is still bound by his need to win his father’s approval. He won’t go against him. He even attempts to justify it all but reminding himself that his team is “intelligent, professional experts hired specifically to make him the best possible hero he could be” (Whatwashernameagain). There is always a justification for those in denial… always a reason…
The next para is heartbreaking. We see him waking in pain after he has been cut open, we see him suffer from withdrawals after failed experimental drugs that corroded the lining of his throat and stomach… Pain that is probably unimaginable. Pain that he is probably enduring simply to be ‘useful’ to his father, to do good for the world… to gain the love he has always been denied and can not find it in him to give to himself. He will never be good enough, intelligent enough, useful enough for him to love himself… but maybe… just maybe he can be useful enough for someone to care for him…
Still, he states that none of the pain or experiments were quite as difficult as the waiting. C.S. Lewis said something once that comes to mind when I read about Roman’s mental struggle with waiting, compared to his physical anguish: “Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: It is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.” Some might argue that Roman’s heart isn’t broken… but perhaps they are mistaken. Here sits a man who has never truly known love and now he has a chance to obtain that which he has never known… He has a chance to gain the love of his father and of the world and yet he is being denied. He is being turned down the chance to gain what he has always wanted and with each passing day his heart cracks and the fissures only grow… Sure he hasn’t been turned down by an individual that he fell in love with… but there are other types of heart break. Such as the kind you feel when you see your lifelong goal, the one you have worked for forever, fought for, hurt for, dangled in front of you and you can’t reach out to grab it… at least… not yet.
When he does finally reach his goal, we are presented with the contrast of the Pre-Dreamer Roman and the Post-Dreamer Roman:
“Finally, after more than a year of changing and preparing him, of whittling away at the inadequate shell that had been Roman Prince, the odd, weak disappointment of a son, a new man was revealed to the world. A man who was confident, brave and kind. A man who spoke clearly and showed the frightened society the way to a better world. A hero” (Whatwashernameagain).
In the next para we see Roman’s naivety once more, along with the lies that his team is no doubt feeding him. He vies the military factor that has been selling weapons to dictators as ‘producing military equipment for the protection of their brave soldiers overseas’; no doubt another picture painted by his father which Roman is more than happy to lap up. The next paragraph however, says a lot about Logan.
“It had been the day the terrorist had stepped from the shadows into the light of the cameras to blame his victims in person before they met their end. He’d exposed their alleged crimes against the helpless, suppressed minorities the weapons were used against – lies and exaggerations as his team had assured the young hero – and had finally shown himself to the world. Part of him, at least. Like a true villain, his body had been clad in a skin tight, black suit and his face had been masked from the light of truth and justice. He’d named himself the Utilitarianist” (Whatwashernameagain).
This is Logan’s first personal appearance. A bold move for his career. This is significant for a number of reasons; firstly, it shows yet another step Logan has taken towards his downfall (at least in his humanity). Logan has already killed a man, and obviously plans to do so again, but now he appears in person, obviously confident enough that there would be no one to stop him. Perhaps the power is going to his head. Logan is human after all and that much power tends to corrupt, even when people mean well.
“Yet, at his greatest moment of triumph, a hero rose to meet him. Stepping from the ashes of the detonated building, the Dreamer emerged, leading out the disoriented victims of the Utilitarianist’s terrible plan. Showing his handsome, young face to the camera, unmasked and alight with his passion for the defense of all that was right, he’s faced the other head on and finally gave the just and good Americans a hero to believe in. The time of fear and helplessness was over. He had risen from the dust of his nemesis’ destructive acts to beat him” (Whatwashernameagain).
I will get to Roman’s flashy entrance in a moment. For now, we are still on the subject of Logan. You see, Logan has shown that he has begun to lose himself and his humanity in his work. If he is not careful he will become the very type of person he works so hard to wipe from the Earth. Luckily, someone has come to oppose him, to pull him back from the edge. I have mentioned that Roman is both Logan’s Hope and Humanity and that is true here as well. Roman appears just in time to save what little of Logan’s humanity is left. Perhaps he is a bigger hero than either of them realize.
As for his entrance, the contrast between the two is obvious once more. The over dramatized appearance is nothing if not expected from Roman but fact that him being unmasked is brought to the readers attention while Logan hides behind is own is an indication of not only the good vs. evil dynamic that has been apparent throughout the story but also of Roman’s cockiness.
A battle ensues. The Utilitarianist is far more difficult to defeat than Roman had accounted for and narrowly escapes. Roman is left felling defeated as he considers it a failure. I feel as if this is a fantastic symbolization of the fact that good and evil are a balance. The Utilitarianist which represents Roman’s concept of evil and The Dreamer, representing the concept of good were fairly evenly matched. One didn’t over power the other it was a fair balance.
We see his caring side once more as he mentions his disappointment and what the world deserves. Though we also see the socially imposed concept of ‘masculinity’. “A hero must never show his inner struggles” (Whatwashernameagian). Eva always has a way of bringing out subtle issue inadvertently that astounds me. Society engrains in most men that it is not alright to show your emotions, that they must be contained. I suppose that in special cases such as first responders this is accurate. If you asked an officer or a nurse, or a medic, how they do what they do most would explain something similar to a concept I call ‘a switch’. When faced with a situation in which an officer knows it is best not to react or feel they flip an imaginary switch. This switch controls their emotions. The catch is, that in order for this switch to work properly they need a constant supply of either work or adrenaline; basically, anything that does not allow you to analyze the situation you are in. It is one of the that many police academy’s have such extensive training/drills; that way, you react in the proper manner without thinking. But I will tell you something they don’t tell you… When the day is over, and hours have pasted since they finished washing the blood from their hands or shoes… When their driving home and its quiet… or when their changing into their pajamas… Everything that they saw… Every mistake they made… every life they couldn’t save… Its going to hit and when it does… it hits hard. The switch doesn’t work forever, you see… Its on a timer and when that timer goes off it determines who is strong enough to make it and who isn’t because no body is able to pick up the pieces for you.
Eva is talented enough to paint the subtle switch into her writing though, and I mean no offense in this, I do not expect her to know the severity of what the suppression can do someone… especially someone as kind hearted as Roman. I must applaud her for addressing it however, even if she doesn’t realize she is doing it.
Luckily, Roman’s efforts were rewarded. The mention of the newspaper’s tones changing, interviews being planned for him (though he was instructed on what to say, bringing attention once again to the fact that he his nothing but a puppet at this point). He painted the picture of himself that he was meant to, that he had always wanted to be. His dreams were finally coming true. There was one catch… The dreams he had achieved were based on lies.
“Despite his wish to brag with his father’s great plans and the selfless efforts the other CEOs, lobbyists and republicans had invested, they asked him to never mention the Conglomerate that had created him and steered his actions. The public needed a legend to put their faith in now, they said. Not a bunch of old men bumbling about. Though he felt selfish when he claimed to be acting by himself with nothing but the help of volunteering patriots, he trusted their knowledge more than his own. Though the Dreamer was a great hero, Roman would not forget that he was just a young man trying to be good enough for his father’s love he’d failed to deserve before” (Whatwashernameagain).
Roman isn’t allowed to mention his father, probably because if Roman is discovered for doing these things for his father’s benefit his father can pin it all on him. Yet, once again Roman’s naivety and self-worthlessness is used against him. JFC people! All this boy wants is his Father’s love!!!! That’s it!!! Just give it to him!! Christ!
Roman and Logan face off for the next few months; good and evil dueling to no avail. Though it does mention that Logan does the majority of his crimes over the internet where Roman’s ‘brute force’ doesn’t work; further painting the image of The Dreamer that Logan paints: A dim witted glamour seeking brute… At least the image he wants the world to believe he sees. Roman comments about Logan’s rude evasiveness when it comes to his demands which brings a little light-hearted humor back into the story. It is also quite amusing seeing Roman realize that Logan views him as ‘a fly buzzing about his head’ and being outraged by it.
I was really hoping I would get a lot more done on this one. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to break the Chapter 2 analysis into more than four parts… There is still hope I guess… Anyways, I’m afraid this is where I need to end this portion… I apologize if this was too dark for you. I am glad I got to end it on a light-hearted note and hope to see you in part 4 (hopefully the last part of Chapter 2 analysis)! Good Night!
     Bloom, Howard K. The Lucifer Principle: a Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997.
Pocket-lint. “28 Ways Military Tech Changed Our Lives.” Pocket, 31 May 2019, https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/143526-how-military-tech-changed-our-lives.
“Science Museum. Brought to Life: Exploring the History of Medicine.” Medical Innovations and War, http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/themes/war/innovations.
Whatwashernameagain. “The Dreamer - Chapter 2.” Hello Guys Gals And Non Binary Friends, 8 Sept. 2019, https://whatwashernameagain.tumblr.com/post/189407228487/the-dreamer-chapter-2?is_related_post=1.
18 notes · View notes
tortillaplanet · 4 years
Realty Stories that Show You How!
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Let's begin easing you actually out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! I'm going to slowly and carefully give you as many little sparks and insights to the not hard ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary outcome. Stories are the best spark plugs. They let you gently observe from a safe, secure and understandable view place. I will write to answer most of the questions that I experience I myself would ask if I was reading everything you are about to read. I want you to know something belonging to the very start of this report and that something is this unique: I care about you and I sincerely mean that. I seriously do want you to move to a new comfort zone, one that can be pleasurable and free from fear. A place where you realize you will have the power to achieve greater things than you currently can see right now. It's possible for you to start being a more powerfully directed purpose-driven individual who is well organized and on track to higher achievement. You are likely to change and grow, slowly and steadily with each page you read. With every thought and understanding you gain, your desire and courage will grow at the same time. Napoleon Hill wrote one of the greatest books of all time. It's referred to as "Think and Grow Rich. " The essence of these book, the secret it reveals time and again is this: you ought to develop a burning desire. Don't put this book downward thinking the previous statement is cliché and that you previously knew that! I am simply leading you to my then point, the next point being is - your hope needs a starting point. So to start developing desire, my technique is you must have a purpose. Why do you want to pursue real estate? I do know what you're thinking: to make money, to have security, that will feel useful and appear successful. Good points. I concur you can have all of that and more if that is what you desire. Currently here is something that comes before any of those things you desire. What's the purpose of all those things? Purpose, purpose, purpose... you need to very first define purpose before you get the things. My purpose, roughly I thought early in my career, was to move up to a nicer house and have my first house become my own first rental property. When I moved up to the next you, I quickly learned as soon as I rented it outside, I was in some way responsible for creating happiness and safety in the life of another person that was of no regards to me. It soon was evident to me how the selections I made in choosing that first property either could help me or hurt me in my quest to achieve the real estate investment business. All of it is cumulative, all you do and how you do it adds up. It compounds its own matters and it either makes your life easier or more difficult. My goal is to give you experiences that you can learn from that will make your life much easier; I am going to show you how. That is my purpose. The arrange that gave me the unknowing courage to take this first steps in real estate was a book labeled "How I Turned $1000 into $3 Million through real estate in my spare time" by William Nickerson. The person was a master storyteller and by osmosis, once reading his book, I found myself gravitating towards the home classified section of my Sunday paper. Eventually I jumped and my life had changed. It was an FHA property foreclosure, a two-bedroom, one-bath home with a built-in, screened-in group, with a Jacuzzi and a built-in sprinkler system. I bought the software for $46, 000 and used the HUD 203K rehab program to fix it up. I spent $16, 000 to update and make repairs. They then gifted me one loan for a total of $62, 000. It took me three months to complete it and Document was in; I had done it! My life changed, I realized, I took the leap. From then on I had confidence. I needed already had my first home but now I did two. Well, I was in the Coast Guard together with wouldn't you know, three months later we moved. Uncle Sam had me out of St. Petersburg, Florida and dropped others in Kodiak, Alaska, for my next tour about duty. Well guess what? I was armed with ambition, courage, confidence and just enough knowledge to be considered threatening, so I bought a duplex as soon as I came on land on Kodiak Island. Now I had three dwellings and additionally my relationships and responsibilities were growing with your new tenants counting on me to provide a clean, purposeful and pleasing environment for them to exist in. It seemed like this: My mother rented my first house in addition to an elderly couple rented the second one and a duplex came with an existing tenant who was a hospital officer, so I was lucky. I was able to ease myself towards the role of landlord without getting burned early into my career. I now had two houses and a duplex in the span of about one year. My brothers and some other sorts of family members took notice and were pretty well dumbfounded. Individuals couldn't figure out how I had, all of a sudden, become a real estate wizard. It all felt good to make that change in so quite short a time. I got that from reading a book! And also my friend is how you are going to do the majority of everything you achieve in real estate, by reading and taking steps closer to duplicating the success of others in a repeatable structure. The key is to understand that you can do it if you read the ideal books and apply the very basic formulas that are passed to you. There lies in: Magic Bullets in Real Estate This is usually a common man or woman's real estate manual. William Nickerson never gave me anything so easy as "Magic Principal points! " So I learned trial by fire and it has also been very gratifying. I've since went on to collect 17 real estate, 23 tenants, 2 real estate licenses in Florida along with Alaska, an assistant appraiser's certificate and over a one hundred dollars books on real estate. I just kept learning and maturing and gaining momentum for the last 13 years. I am however in the Coast Guard, too, and I work at Ak One Realty in my spare time. In two more numerous years, I will be retired at the ripe old age of 42. May sound like a sort of fairytale, doesn't it? Don't let me fool an individual. It's hard work and I'm still not a millionaire, yet I want you to have the truth, so I will be honest along every step of the way. I know why I am an excellent millionaire and here is why. I would periodically sell real estate that was going up in value and paying for itself because of the rent checks. But being in the Coast Guard would most likely dislocate me every four years, so I found ourselves selling out in order to avoid being what is called "an absentee landlord. " This is an important lesson for you. It has prevented me from becoming a millionaire up to this point. The tutorial is: find an area on this planet that you could and will inhabit, and stay close to it. Don't move more than 10 miles from your farm area. The farm area is definitely where all your properties are located. Long distance "land lording" might be tough! It can be done but you lose the ability to control your situation compared to if you were there. I've served my country and even saved people's lives, so for me it has not been in vain. I have no regrets but if you don't have to get away from your area of expertise, don't! The networks you develop and the contacts you build, in the process of "doing" property, are so valuable that when they are no longer at your disposal, it puts you at a serious disadvantage. Not to mention when you step you have to acclimate yourself to an entirely different market, build latest trust-based relationships and start all over again. It's like a treadmill you're going to be running and running, however it gets you nowhere. I had used it to my advantage. I have been forced towards accelerate my abilities to rapidly duplicate my achieving success whenever I am moved, but it is still an uphill combat. My point: Don't move too far from your farm or even your network of bankers, appraisers, carpenters, tradesman, housing, friends, tenants and so on. Once you have the skill you can redundant your success anywhere you go but if you don't have to be... enough said on that! I like to say, "Don't advertise the goose to get the eggs. " What that means is certainly if you need money to buy more property, use equity creases from other property to do it. You will get the same amount of cash or more by using an equity line as if you sold the idea. However , you get to keep the asset and the money! I go deep into this in "Magic Bullets, " so I won't drone on here. Just know you don't have to sell your property to see the cash out of them. So here we are. You know a little about me and you may have picked up a nugget or simply two. Let's find a few more. There once was men who wanted to buy some investment property, so what the guy did was look at growth patterns. You should do this at the same time, by going to your city's planning and zoning department. You will discover growth patterns and you definitely want to buy property that is an acronym in the way of growth. This is how he used what he discovered. He saw that city planners had decided which a new artery (highway) would benefit their city by just creating linkage to another city about 100 miles at a distance, so being a smart investor he only went in as much as a ten mile limit to be able to be close to your partner's investment. Now on average, new growth will radiate out from existing prosperous cities in the direction it is planned for a price of about one mile per year. So our smart individual had a 10 - 12 year plan to hard cash out in about 10 - 12 years. Exactly what he did was buy, I believe, 10 acres connected with commercially zoned property very cheaply because there was basically no demand at the time. He bought it, fenced it in, deal some lights and a gate, and held onto which usually little bugger. Now that new highway was coming this way and the good folks, through their taxes, was paying to have it built. It didn't take long for the heavy equipment to start cutting a swath when it comes to his fenced-in storage facility and when they got shut enough to him, he started renting out a good secure area for everything, from road cones in order to generators to backhoes. You name it - it had been stored there. This more than paid his land down. Now the men and their equipment eventually moved further down the trail but they left a completed highway behind them. And guess what? Low and behold, individuals started driving on it, and then started buying property to set up houses on to get away from the city. Since the new highway seemed to be a straight shot into town, ten miles through was breeze. Well, of course, here comes the herd and everyone is just populating the whole darned area. As well as within ten years, residential housing surrounds Mr. Investor, and will you guess what he's got? Yep, a prime part of commercial property, 10 acres large. So in accordance with her 10-12 year plan, he sells his storage option to make room for the new office/business park complex designed for over $2, 000, 000. That, my friend, is perception, and the sooner you get a clear picture of what it will be that you want to specialize in, the sooner you can retire to the of the islands. How hard was that? Don't tell me it's hard to do it, you can! I'm here to help you. I'm going to give you secrets and techniques no one else dares. Do you ever wonder why people will not tell you the secrets? Of course you already know this but I'm going to tell you anyway. It is because they are operating on a scarcity attitude, as though there won't be any left for them. Or whenever learn something and act on it, you will get ahead and possess a great life. Well, misery loves company and quiet oppression is the rule. Here's a little story that low quality real estate agents won't appreciate either but I'm going to tell that to you anyway. The reason I can tell it is because there are some amazing real estate agents out there who absolutely don't fear what Now i'm about to tell you and would let you know it if they happen to be in my position. Here's the deal: Some agents want to be for instance the Wizard of Oz . They want to create the appearance of selling and transacting real estate as being technical and very legal, a new deep dark mystery. Well, it's not! The truth be told, you possibly can write a contract on a napkin and it would give a presentation in court. I will emphasize here that you write for that napkin along with the terms of your agreement, "The words and phrases set forth on this here napkin are subject to my lawyer's approval. " An attorney will cover you completely for around $750. 00. Prices may vary, however that is an average home contract. There is a lot I am leaving out here but our point is this: If you own property, you can market it anyway you want. "Magic Bullets" will teach you. We will move on. Exposure is the key to finding buyers and owners in real estate. If a property is priced fairly not to mention everyone who is looking for that type of property knows that should be in the availability pool, it will be found and the transaction will probably proceed as advertised. Price it right, advertise the application properly and let the lawyer take care of the details. No fee, just a flat fee. Period. Now that I have that off my personal chest, I will tell you a story about Dan, a 21-year old friend of mine, and his wife and also their new baby. He's a hardworking guy who does an individual's work without complaint and all the other "workers" pick in him for working so hard. Can you believe this? The other guys are so insecure and lazy construct y make fun of a guy who is doing the work of two to three men, mainly of the three who are ridiculing him. Nicely, believe me, this doesn't go unnoticed by me plus I take him under my wing. Dan hopes to buy a house, so I begin the process of saving them years of trial by fire and save your man $25, 000 at no charge. That is because he deserved great help. Anyway, here is the story: I began with the pup by asking him what type of home he thought yet be comfortable with and a price range. He indicated a 3-bedroom for around $100, 000. Knowing what he wanted as well as knowing the area, I was able to take him shopping for the place he was looking for. Now I always go after the "For Selling by Owner" homes first because I know they won't possibly be adding any commission figure into their price, because they will never be paying one. So at 6% of $100, 000 he will get $6, 000 more "house" for his particular precious dollar. I also told him besides the "For Sale by Owner" homes, we would be looking at oddball discount companies that help distressed sellers further spend the their money and property. The mentality of a dealer who uses cheesy companies to help them sell their property is pennywise and pound-foolish. If you're going to use individuals, then get a professional. So off we go. After a day or so, we have found our house. Sure enough, El Cheeso Inc. has a sign on it. The screen doors are actually flapping in the breeze, the weeds are dancing within the lawn, but this house is indeed a 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1-car garage with a fenced yard and it's selling regarding $110, 000. Well, due to the fact that there is a divorce in progress, and a new girlfriend who doesn't like the place, and El Cheeso Inc. giving no representation, I settle for Dan and he gets it for $99, 000. What's so great about this deal is this very same floor plan in another house was for sale across town, on the same street, for $25, 000 more. The ethical of the story is good things come to those who deserve the item, and that is another key to real estate. You must work very hard so others will take notice of you and enable you to succeed. Here's a beauty for you. This is about being on real estate circles and keeping your eyes and hearing open and often times your "yapper" closed. This is the adventure of Brian and Julie. Here we have two industrious souls. They have been married for 20 years and they have weathered the storms of matrimony. Julie works at a real estate property office as an office manager. No real estate license, however she works at an office that sells plenty of waterfront property. So we are talking about location and staying in the right place at the right time, and below comes a seller in the door of the office documenting she is going to sell her older waterfront home. She is ready to take $180, 000. Julie tells Brian, they look at it and sure enough, this pearl is right on the water. She gets a gem waiting to be polished up, so Brian and Julie sell their condominium and move in. Very well, they aren't making any more waterfront property, so John goes to work polishing this jewel up. Now, they've bought this house under market value in an appreciating market. So about one and a half years later, the property is worth over $350, 000 and still climbing. Most certainly, Brian is no dummy, so he gets to know his / her neighborhood. He strolls, takes walks and notices, one guessed it, a vacant, neglected jewel on an within double lot. He tracks down the elderly lady, who's going to be living with her sister, through the county records office together with buys the house, including the extra lot, for a total for $120, 000. Now Brian can walk to his or her new "jewel" and he starts polishing it. Typically the neighbors start noticing and are amazed at his put up. He has offers of $180, 000, $200, 000 and additionally $60, 000 for just the lot. You name them. Now that the exposure is there, everyone wants a piece of it again. Well, this is what Brian did. He rented his 1st house out, moved into the second one and utilised plans that I gave to him to build a third residential home on the vacant lot, using the equity he accumulated from first house that went up so much. And listed below is how this thing shakes out: $180, 000 intended for his first house and it's value goes up to $365, 000; he picked up the next jewel for $120, 000 and he paid cash using the equity from the first of all house. Now he takes out a new mortgage on the second house for $120, 000 and builds still another. The value at last count was $815, 000 and she owed a grand total $300, 000. That's a 1 / 2 million-dollar profit in 5 years! Now what really does this story tell us? #1 - it says, "work hard"; #2 - keep your eyes open; #3 - use equity lines; #4 - don't sell; #5 - learn how to be a landlord; #6 - be in locales that appreciate; #7 - buy things that are constrained in availability; #8 - know how to research owners in addition to repair property; #9 - get your partner's help (spouse); #10 - use knowledgeable friends to help you see future (I gave him the plans and advised your pet not to sell anything! ). Can you get any more instructions out of this story? I'm sure you can. Just read it once more and think on it. Jot down your ideas and put the crooks to work. Real estate is not that hard, folks! You can do it. Along with a few magic bullets, some spark plugs and a great mentor to show you how, you can do it too! Let me you and me talk for just a minute here, OK! Have you ever long been really good at something and been able to step to come back and see the whole thing for what it is was? You just comprehend exactly how to do it and you can see the end result clearly mentally before you start. It's predictable to you. It's almost second makeup, so you are comfortable doing it. It's almost become unexciting to you; your comfort zone is such that you can do it into your sleep. I've gotten that way with certain types of properties and I see people everyday that are so terrified of taking the first step that they are literally paralyzed. They produce excuses and put it off, and rationalize and live any quiet life of desperation. They don't trust themselves and so of the unknown they can't trust anyone else either. This is a horrible cycle because the longer they wait the more it reinforces their beliefs. I just want to grab them by the back of the shirt, take them to the bank and make them tell the bank, "Pre-qualify me! " Then walk them out the entranceway and show them how to do something that will change their daily life forever, and that is to buy the first property, and then a second. Therefore their fear is gone and they grow to be of service to make sure you everyone who is ready for their assistance. Let me tell you this: When you have finish reading the rest of this report and you read the "Magic Bullets" book, your fears will be subdued and you will want to do something and your life will change. If you cannot succeed with what I am motive on showing you, then something is not right. I feel your desire would be your major obstacle, so in that case, read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Slope and come back to me then. Let's get back to real estate coaching, shall we? Do you know who the largest commercial real estate operator in the U. S. is? It's McDonalds Corporation. Yes, and on top of that, they also have the most valuable locations for their particular business. The research they do on demographics and website visitors counts is unparalleled! If you were ever going to clear a fast food restaurant, just put it near a McDonalds. You would survive just on the volume of people who flock or maybe pass by the location that McDonalds has already decided meets the critical data to support their restaurant business. Your eating place, if you had good food and service, would grow. Just sell something a little different than McDonalds. That's profiting someone else's expertise in evaluating a location for a certain types of real estate. Now that is a principle and principles are want natural laws. A natural law always works in every issue in its own way. It's like gravity - it all always works! Here on earth, anyway. So in realty it doesn't matter what type it is, whether it's commercial, residential, industrial as well as recreational. Look for signs that serious market studies have already been undertaken by major operators and buy things that can achieve the presence of those concerns. For instance, let's use Place Depot as an example. If Home Depot decides to build at a site, every residential lot within a mile of that brand new center will be bought up as soon as the Home Depot commits to build! Why? Because smart investors know that Home Depot has done the market study and the area will be a prosperous one particular. On top of that, it will provide jobs, it will pay taxes, it may provide materials to actually build the neighborhoods with, and the ones will shop there once their houses are built. An identical goes for Wal-Mart, Lowe's and other smart business concerns. You will or may not have noticed this but take a look the next time you are driving around. Here is what you should see. As you travel into cities from the suburbs, you'll notice donut boutiques, gas stations with convenience coffee centers, bagel shops, along with etcetera, on the side of the road that people travel to on their method into the city to go to work. These are morning activity enterprise centers. Now on your way home, out of the city, you will see places to eat that cater to the evening meal crowd: KFC, Taco Bell, Subway and Pizza Hut. That's because people will not go there for breakfast. They get it on their technique home, outbound from the city at night. If you put the restaurant on the wrong side of the road, you could be at home huge strategical error. Think! Location, location, location as they say, are the 3 most important things in real estate. That is a very true statement. With residential property, that boils down to safeness, security and convenience. So buy homes in decent neighborhoods, cul-de-sacs preferably. No noise or through visitors, no escape routes for thieves, and a private positioning, where kids play in the street without getting run down. Safety = close to hospitals, police and fire protection for the purpose of obvious reasons. Convenience = stores, gas stations, restaurants, enterprises, parks and recreation and access to major highways for you to circulate or evacuate if necessary. You might get a great deal about the piece of properly but if it takes you a half 60 minute block to get a loaf of bread. What kind of resale will which will great deal offer? Another great deal may back up to or possibly face a busy street. That's often a poor decision as well... noise, pollution, the loss of privacy and curb draw are all factors here. The two best types of property to obtain are: 1 . Property that no one else knows is ideal for sale! Why? Because you have no competition. 2 . Property normally wants! You just have to figure out why people don't want to buy. If you can turn that lemon into lemonade through numerous problem solving, that jewel may just shine because you employed the right magic polish. In real estate, you get paid if you solve problems. That is a fact! Here is a golden nugget available for you. If you do this, it will catapult your real estate investment career. That i guarantee you will gain more insight to real estate therefore one thing than just about anything else you could possibly do. The glowing nugget is this: Take a real estate appraisal course. It may fly by, a few weekends and it's over, but the perception and the information you gain from the class is priceless. The software gives you vision, ideas and understanding. You will have an edge through every other investor who has not done it. I had the instructor, who by some stroke of luck, I just was privileged to be taught by. His name is without a doubt Steven V. and he is truly a genius. This guy could create millions if he applied himself to real estate investment though he chooses to teach and give back to others in that way. He could be very comfortable in life and money is a by-product for Steven. When I finished the class, I had appraisers wanting to hire me to go to work. Now I won't want to work as an appraiser. I just want to think including one and that is why I took that four-weekend tutorial. That class taught me more than both of my best real estate licensing courses combined. The reason for that is real estate courses deal with state laws, contracts, regulations and ethics. Value determination focuses on evaluating real estate and that is what you want to learn as an real estate investor. A real estate license can actually hold you back as a result of being a savvy investor and here's why: #1 : You have to announce to every seller that you are an agent. It will be an ethics rule and a disclosure law. Well, currently the seller is on guard for all kinds of reasons so you waste precious time overcoming negative reactions. #2 - When you attend sell your real estate, the same things apply but grow that scenario the fact that if you make large profits regarding property that you sell, people can come after you, saying a person took advantage of them because of your expertise. And they be successful! So you don't need to go to college for 4 years and also don't need a real estate license. What you do need is actually a guy like me to convince you to go to value determination school and read books like the one you have at this time. Then go out and do it, using a lawyer to protect you will every step of the way. Again, here is a good indicate make. Simply weave into every agreement or deliver make the following statement: This entire agreement is subject to my attorney's approval. I can't stress that enough. It is one line of text. That covers it all. It presents time to investigate deals. It protects your interests and even keeps you from getting burned in this business. Right here are a couple more beauties that I use to protect myself and you ought to too. These are used with initial purchase offers: 1 . Ready to pay X amount of dollars or appraised value, any is less. (That says, "I'm only going to spend so much but if the appraisal is lower than what I proposed, than I am going to get it for the lower price. I don't get scorched! ) 2 . Subject to my partner's approval. (My mate was always my wife, and if she didn't like it, the deal was null and void, cancelled, over, kaput, finito. ) Now nothing says my partner wasn't the dog, so if there's no fire hydrant, well the offer could be off. Those are examples of escape clauses that may be abused to the point of being called "weasel clauses. " Do not be a weasel! They give you a short period of time to have the option to order something first with the right to cancel the deal, contingent on something or someone else's decision. I use them to protect personally and to get a little time to do my research on the building. Don't use them to unfairly tie a seller's hands. Possibly be fair and try to move quickly when you do utilize them. What you are doing is creating a short time, zero-cost option to buy real estate. Here is a little trick and I avoid the use of it very often but it can be used in a fair manner i really will give you the nugget. When you write an offer purchasing property, on the top line of the contract is a line the fact that indicates who the buyer is. On that line in a few cases, I will write my name plus the words and / or assigns, like this: Buyers: Dan Auito or assigns The things that word "assigns" does is this: it permits me to sell by assigning my right to buy the place to someone else. Dirty dealers will take advantage of people with who word if they can get away with it. Here's where We'd use it. In real estate, a lot of bargain hunters look for distressed property. You know, the fixer-uppers, the abandoned, condemned, fire-damaged stuff. I go a step further and look for affected sellers such as death, divorce, relocation, but a lot of times My spouse and i don't specialize in that type of property. That's OK if it's a steal and I get it for 40 -- 50% off, I will assign it to someone who does deal in that type of property and make a profit by determining it. I'll always ask the distressed seller should that is a problem and if it is, I will buy it downright, then flip it but it costs more to do that. Therefore I'll explain this to the seller and get their agreement to use it. I don't slip it in about them. You will have a miserable existence if you practice real estate by deceit. Natural law will crush you; play fair! Goal, passion and desire cannot be achieved or acquired by simply deceit. That's a quotable quote. I hope you remember the software. Let's get on with another story. This illustrates a second fine example for you. This story is about a family what person had business interests outside of real estate investing and as a result from the successes of their other businesses they had fairly large sums of money to play real estate like a monopoly adventure. Power can be dangerous in the wrong hands! So listed here we go. This flush with cash family perceives an opportunity to take advantage of an overlooked or left alone markets. That market is the old-fashioned trailer park, or shall we say Mobile Home Park. Anyway, the way almost all mobile home parks came into existence was this: Usually a person of integrity and strong work ethic coupled with a fabulous love for his fellow man would buy a parcel suitable to the placement of mobile homes. As people gone in, he and his wife would welcome individuals and the neighbors would greet them and the community may become established. The private owner would dig his own sewer lines and cut his own roads and scenery the park. Maybe put in the clubhouse complete with an important swimming pool, shuffleboard, pool table and meeting hall. Because time marched on, the residents bonded with each other along with a family-friendly community took root. Well this man in integrity had a problem. Since all of his tenants will be his friends, he is pressured not to raise the lot rent with inflation. So the rents over the years are kept suprisingly low in the park and now this man and his partner are getting old. Perfect timing for our investors to come bumping and offer our private aging park owner a three million dollar price for his 10 acres regarding mobile home lots. This is a once in a lifetime deliver and many park owners cashed out. What people didn't notice was these investors were systematically and methodically the process all over the place and once they cashed out as many mom not to mention pops as they could, they lowered the boom. At this time they the investors had control of many parks from the same areas and they started raising the lot rental prices. You see, they didn't have any emotional ties towards the residents and they didn't live there, so it was an easy business deal: either pay the new higher rent or perhaps move. The residents said, "To hell with you fresh owner, we are moving. " "Well, fine, go ahead, " they said. Now the residents started calling all-around to find another park with low rents but think who owned those? Yep, our investors did, and others lot rents were going up too. So the mom and also pops who didn't sell were full and it would certainly cost on average of about $7, 000 to relocate to a different one park even if they could find a vacancy. The old folks that had it so good for so long were faced with the latest reality and that was that they had no choice and yet to pay up or move, and moving, in many cases, wasn't an option. These investors exploited a complete segment of the current market and made millions and millions in profit and continue to achieve today. It wasn't long after this happened that you began seeing signs saying, "This is a resident owned group. " People eventually got smart and started selecting that little lot that their trailer was placed on and they began paying association dues for the club and security and grounds, maintenance and road fix. The good ole days are nothing but a fond storage. Life goes on but America did not change for the more effective as a result of these types of people. Their only purpose was to help with making money; I believe they will die alone and in anguish as a result of their way of life. So I ask you again, on earth do you be passionate and put your heart into purchasing real estate by investing the way our corporate investors does? I think not. Money is no good when you get it through deceitful ways. I encourage you to work at balancing your own objectives. Lease optioning, flippers... you are walking a fine series. Here's a flip side to communal living. This tale is a happier scenario, so let's have a little happiness here. I once lived in Key West plus I lived off base. Well, I thought When i lived next door to Noah, and it sounded as though the person was building another ark. All summer long, hammers and saws seemed to be making some type of racket, so of course being the neighbor I was, I got to know the person next door. He never went to work and I quizzed him one day, "Don't you have a job and he somewhat grinned and put his hammer down and this will be Mark's story. Mark and his brother were out of your Northeast and they had a 30-room boarding house pertaining to college kids there, at something like $300. 00 a calendar month. That was about $9, 000 a month and they made typically the parents responsible for the rent payments. Mark would commit his time with his family in the Keys for the on the lookout for months that school was in session. His brother was initially a local up North and he took care of your toilets, faucets, doors and windows. Yes, they had their very own animal house hold going on there, but Mark factored in the abuse as well as would spend 2 - 3 months a year, putting your pet house back together while the animals went home just for summer break. Mark only worked three months a year as well as house (ark) that he built next to us was the masterpiece; it was beautiful. He was a master craftsman and he loved his work and spent loads of his time with his family in a wonderful climate. Makes you kind of jealous, doesn't it? Well, don't let it books can do it, too, but you must get started. Mark was basically 45 when I met him. I believe he was twenty five when he got started, so my advice to your account is to get started now!
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nerdysakura · 6 years
Dearest, Jonghyun, my moon, my star
I must have written this letter over a thousand times in my head. And now that I’m here, it’s still so hard for me and I’m afraid I won’t be able to put my feelings into words properly. I’m not sure how long it’ll be so bear with me. To be honest, it’s been a such a hard year, I’m surprised I made it. All I can say is that like what Kibum said when asked how SHINee stayed as a group as long as 10 years together, “We’ve endured.” That’s basically how it is. I’ve endured this year. And I’m sure I’ll endure the rest of the years in my life as I have been. The days seemed to pass by excruciatingly slow in the beginning and yet, here we are already a year later in the blink of an eye. There were days that were harder than others, of course. The pain and denial are still here. I’m sorry I’m still crying for you when such a long time has passed. How I wished every day you were still with us. I’m sorry for always being so selfish.
I’ve had time to look back this year; to see where I went wrong, I guess. The first thing that comes to mind is the “feeling”. I can’t pinpoint what the exact day or time was, but I’m sure it was days or maybe a week or two before you left. I remember opening the door to exit through the staff side one day at the end of my shift (it must’ve been an afternoon because the sun was still out) and I was consumed with what I can compare to a panic or anxiety attack. This “feeling” I don’t know how to describe it per se, but I felt like the world was going to come to an end. Literally what crossed my mind was “the world is going to end” and I was hyperventilating, this feeling almost knocked me off my feet I had to keep myself up with the wall. I was panicking, I was scared, I started crying for no reason other than this feeling that consumed me. And then I stopped. I took deep breathes and said, “No. This is not 2012. We’re in 2017. This is still my year (year of the Rooster like Taeminnie). We’re still alive. We’re okay. We’re fine. Everything will be okay.” I went down the list of those I cared about, my mom, my sisters, my brother, my friends, we were all fine. And my thoughts went to SHINee. We were still waiting for Onew but you had all promised to be back together as five and you were all doing solo work then but I had hope that for your 10th anniversary you’d all be back as five as promised, and I repeated that until I calmed down enough to continue walking to my car. As usual, I put K-Pop on for my commute home. I haven’t felt that surging feeling of the world ending before other than the anxiety before 2012, but I remember, when my pet bird Patches passed away when I was in high school, I felt something, a sense of peace pass through me, like a soul touching my own, as if she traveled to where I was in school to bid me farewell. And I called my mom during a break to my next class to ask how she was doing. She said she was fine and was resting; it wasn’t until when I got home that we found out she had passed in her sleep.  As I looked back on that this year, I often wondered if when I had that feeling if that’s the exact moment you decided it was your time to go and made the preparations for it. I’m not saying I have this deep, profound connection to you or SHINee or anything like that, but it could be that my love for you and SHINee is so strong that when such a decision was made the weight of what it would feel to me was equivalent of the world coming to an end. The coincidence in timing...I can’t ignore it. I’m sure that’s what it was. And I wondered if I had taken that feeling seriously if I hadn’t dismissed it and consoled myself that everything was fine if what happened could have been avoided. I HAD that feeling, I should’ve acted on it. I’m sorry I failed you.
This year, I tried consoling myself yet again saying that there’s no way I could have known the implications of how true that feeling would come to pass. And maybe that’s true, but it doesn’t erase the guilt. I remember when the initial photos came out days after your INSPIRED concert, I wondered why you had such a look? You were looking out into the audience as if for the last time. Your eyes were twinkling as if to say you would miss seeing the pearlescent aqua ocean. You were trying to hide your tears from us, and I wondered why; you’ve never hidden them before. They were always tears of gratitude; after all, you were always sensitive and true with your feelings towards us even when you said in an interview you cry in front of others when you’re comfortable with that person, and we love and accept that about you. But this look was especially evident when you were in your white turtleneck and suit. I’m not sure why but I couldn’t bring myself to watch the videos other than the VCRs, maybe it was because of that look. You were cherishing each moment on that stage, you might have already known by then it would be your last time seeing us and wanted to take it all in one last time. Even in your upbeat songs where you were smiling and having fun, you were careful on stage and somewhat guarded, but I felt you were cherishing and savoring every moment. Even before this concert,  “Our Season” was a such a sweet song but one I wasn’t able to listen to, and I wasn’t sure why. Ever since reading the lyrics after the album came out I felt like you were saying goodbye with that song, and the fact that it was the last song on Story Op.2 didn’t help either. That song was one of the few stages I had time to watch and to see you with that look on you had me crying and again, it was like you were saying goodbye and sorry to us. The words you wrote, the way you sang the lyrics to that song in those days left me uneasy and crying and I wasn’t sure of the reason why until days later. That week I was busy preparing for a convention that weekend so although I felt all that, I didn’t have time to process it completely. And that weekend as soon as I got home I would pass out and sleep right away. Still, that weekend was the most fun I had. I remember driving home on the last day telling my sister how inspired I was, I was excited about the Korean Language classes I was about to take, learning more K-Pop dances was my resolution for the new year starting from the beginning with SHINee’s Replay, and perform it in the dance cover contest. I was sure it was only a matter of time before they announced Jinki was innocent and dropped of all charges and we’d have an amazing 10th anniversary year together. But then Monday came and it felt like the world was going to end when I heard the news. My world came crumbling down. Winter has come again, you who said you resemble winter came back. Now it really has become “Our Season.” I’m sorry, I should’ve figured it out sooner. 
The first song that came on shuffle when I decided I couldn’t let the happiness you brought me to disappear was Mono-Drama. It was the first song by you that I fully related to. The one in your first solo album I love the most since it’s a rare song to hear you in your lower register. At that time I was glad that was the first song that came up because it was a song I was taken aback by.  Often growing up, I never had to courage to tell my crushes I like them, so like in Mono-Drama I would create scenarios in my head of what our relationship would be like. Those scenarios became stories I write of my favorite anime. I was amazed at how someone I love and admire completely could understand me with just one song? Have you made Mono-Drama’s too? Now though, I wondered if you were telling me I’ve been living in a Mono-Drama this whole time. Have I really been so disillusioned? I know the happiness you’ve given us wasn’t a lie. I never imagined being with any of SHINee. All I wished for was to meet you and say thank you. Be there for you, be a friends with you all and share your concerns. Is there more I could have done? Was there ever something I could have done? Even now I feel so helpless. There are countless ‘what ifs’ I’ll never have an answer to.
You were never one to hide from us. We respected the privacy you decided to keep to yourself. It’s hard for me to say but I have the same condition as you did. “ Seasonal Affective Disorder “ you called it. And when you explained what it was, it was like a light bulb when off. “Ah, so that’s what it is, I feel that too Jonghyunnie. We can get through this, I know it,” I said to myself when I found out. It comes in the same months as yours too. Through your radio show, I found we’re a lot alike. And of course, I found comfort in your words like so many others. It’s hard for me to express myself, I’m very introverted. And I never voice my concerns to my friends or family. I’m their “rock”, you see. I drive my mom and older sister to work and on errands, I help with the laundry and dishes and housework, I take on most of the bills and keep track of their due dates, I help my mom navigate the ever-growing technical advances, I’m the lending ear and the one who always has to be strong for them. I can’t let them see me crack or else they might lose that pillar of support I try to provide. It’s hard sometimes to show a happy face when the pressure is consuming you, right? When “End of a Day” first came out, I cried to that song for an hour before even reading the lyrics. I just felt your words, without knowing their meaning. And once I did I cried to it again. That song comforted me more than I can ever express. It came out during a time when I needed to hear those words the most. It was then that you taught me, it’s okay to cry sometime when things are hard. “Just take a nice long cry in front of a mirror,” you once said. And I’ve used that advice. You taught me it’s okay to feel frustrated and cry and not be okay all the time. To take a day or evening for myself and Just Chill to watch tv, a drama, read a book or listen to music; that it’s okay to put something off Until Tomorrow when I’m in a better state. That’s why I always dreamed of meeting you one day, preferably in a fan sign event and tell you in person, “Thank you. You’ve worked hard, too. Thank you so much.” I wanted to sing that song for you at the Korean Festival in my town this year but didn’t make it in. I’m sorry, I wish I could have given a tribute to you but I’m still lacking. I’m sorry I couldn’t say those words back to you in person.
This first half of the year has been especially hard. All of  “You & I” was basically me during that time. The lyrics especially “My friends comforted me, So I don’t think I feel sad [...] I’m the only one hurting, I may look fine. I’m not easy, my feeling aren’t for decoration. There are countless stars in my heart. There’s one star that shines painfully. I don’t want to grab it, but I don’t want it to go out.” That song was one I found comfort in as well this year. It let me know that I’m not alone. There are a couple people I’m thankful to for helping me get through this year. First I’m so incredibly thankful to my two friends who stuck with me this entire year. I’d rather stay in my room like you, I’m not good in a social setting, but they brought me out to play games, play just dance, hang out, eat, vent, talk, comfort, really when I’ve been with them, I don’t think I felt sad. They kept me happy and smiling this year I’m so incredibly lucky to have them. They understood my feelings for you because they’re also fans of yours. It didn’t matter how much of a short while they were with you, we’ve been healing together. I wish I could do more and introduce them to more of SHINee but baby steps. We’re still hurting. I’ve never thought about leaving as you did as much as I did this year. And it’s been scary, to say the least, how many times I’ve considered it in the last twelve months. But I thought of the pain I’ve felt. I don’t want to put my loved ones through this. I don’t think I could move on if I did. Second, I’m so thankful to my sister especially. Even just seeing her at her desk, just having her alive with me kept me going. Honestly, if she left too I might just join her. She struggles with depression as you did so I’m always scared something will happen that will take her away from me. My world might literally crumble down if she left me too. Even if she’s always busy with projects, so we can’t always hang out, the fact that she’s here with me gives me the strength to keep going too. And of course, thirdly, you and SHINee mean so much to me. It must have been harder for your brothers who knew you so well but I’m incredibly thankful to the members this year. They gave us three amazing EPs, four beautiful title tracks to make one epic 10th-anniversary album (which I’m certain your vocals were in more than that one song). Taeminnie’s space filled Japanese full album and Key’s and Onew’s solo album have given me strength as the year wraps up just as The Story of Light did to get me through your 10th anniversary and your album Poet | Artist has at the beginning of the year. They didn’t have to come back, everyone would understand if they decided not to, but they decided met with us, heal with us,  and cried with us. Truly our hearts were one this promotion period. Have you heard our voices well? We’ll continue to sing for you, so your voices reach you wherever you are. There’s still a long way to go but I won’t give up. For me, there are always countless reasons of why I need you. The five of you are my words, my sentences, my entire language. The page in the novel has yet to end. We’ll keep writing it together. I want to stay together until the end.  I can’t thank SHINee enough for what they’ve done this year. Yes, we’re still hurting and mourning but we’re going through this time together. And I’m sure you’re supporting them just as much, if not more, from where you are now as you did here.
During one of your last insta-lives, you were searching for Korean Shawols to notice you. You were asking what to do to fight off your lethargy and depression. I and so many others knew of your Seasonal Affective Disorder, you weren’t hiding it from us, so I guess that’s why it’s been so hard trying to come out from this. I just wish I was able to help you then, but I, like so many international Shawols, don’t speak or understand Korean unless kind fans translate for us. I’ve been trying to learn before; Since my dream to meet you and SHINee and say “Thank you” I’ve slowly been trying to learn Korean for you. But I was too late in helping you. Every night I thought, “if only I understood what you were saying then, could I have said or done something to help? To still have you here with us? I had the feeling, I should’ve acted on it. If only I could express myself in Korean to you.” Which is why this year I’ve buckled down and found a Korean church that offers language classes. I’m moving on to level three hopefully next semester, but I’m still nowhere near where I want to be. I know a lot more now but I can’t always understand a full passage or when the teachers are talking to each other. Still, I promise to keep working hard to better communicate with the other members and you too, of course. Maybe next year I’ll write to you fully in Korean? You’ve struggled for so long. And even if there is nothing I could have done, I still wish there was. I miss you. There hasn’t been one day this year when I haven’t thought of you or missed you. I could see and hear where you’d be incorporated into the songs and choreography for The Story of Light. I know there are others who blame SM but I don’t. This was your decision. Your company supported you and trusted in you. You had the first solo album completely composed by the singer. They trusted you with writing for your group, for other artists, for yourself and expressing yourself in your music. They could have given you songs from other producers but no, they supported you and your music and gave you the freedom to express yourself through your solo career and as a radio DJ. I thought listening to your worries was enough since that’s all I could do. I wasn’t fluent enough in Korean to help you just yet, but I was wrong and awful to think that was enough, I’m sorry. 
It was hard to listen to anything by you or with SHINee at first, I’ll admit, but when I was able to fully listen to SHINee again this year, I couldn’t feel sad, I just couldn’t. You’ve all brought such me incredible happiness with your music it’s like I’ve been conditioned to feel nothing but love and happiness when listening to you all. So that when the time came, those first initial feelings of what your songs made me feel came flooding back. I was surprised, I thought it’d be painful with the reality of not hearing you again sing all these songs and performing them together. But instead, the feeling when listening to you all together was of comfort and happiness just as it’s always been. I understand how hard it must’ve been for you to be in the spotlight for so long. But one thing I’m sure of is that you loved the stage, you loved your members, you loved Shawols, you loved writing, you loved composing, you loved music. And to not listen to SHINee or your work would be a dishonor to all the hard work you’ve put in over the years, the feelings you pouring into your songs, the hours of practice you put into before every performance. You are more than this day. SHINee is more than this day, and it’d be a shame to put all your work to waste. We can’t let you become a taboo subject. So I’ll keep supporting and loving 5HINee as I've always had throughout the years. You won’t be forgotten, I won’t allow it. To all Shawols, old and new, let’s continue as well, even if it’s hard, please keep listening to SHINee and Jonghyun. 
Of course, I’m aware there are songs that are hard for me to listen to, for me too. Though Story Op.2 is one of my favorite albums by you I finally understand that story you were telling us then. It’s an album I can relate to the most so it’s sad and hard for me to listen to it fully now that I know the ending. I was confused by the lyrics in Fireplace when I first read them, and now it makes perfect sense. I’m sorry. I was too absorbed in how well I relate to you I couldn’t say the words you wanted to hear most in the time you needed to. That being said, the songs in that album both hurt and comfort me, I know I’m not alone, but for you, I’ll keep going. Thank you for all you gave us, the smiles, laughs, jokes, tears of joy, words of comfort, happiness, your kindness, the memes. Thank you for letting us hear your voice, for sharing your talent, for opening your heart, for letting us love you, the real you, for giving it your all on everything you did be it music, variety shows, performing with SHINee or as simply Jonghyun, for taking the time to reach out and connect with us through Blue Night or your social media. Thank you for being you. I don’t blame you for leaving, I find I blame myself more though I know you wouldn’t want me to. You’ve struggled a lot, and I wish there was more I could’ve done for you. I never noticed how little of the moon I actually see until this year. But whenever the moon appeared I would smile because it felt like you were up there, poking out from a cloud to say hello. I could feel you’re still here in my heart and always I would give you a thumbs up and said you did well. I wish I could have helped you as you did me. But that’s just me being selfish again. I’m sorry, I still can’t send you off with a smile. All I can do is apologize to you every night. Writing this has been hard. But know that I love you and miss you always. You’ve done enough. Thank you for working so hard. I hope you are in peace and are happy. You’ve done well. truly you did well. You are my pride.
With love,
Forever a Shawol
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kilgore19just-blog · 6 years
Effects Of Blasts In Young people Sports May Final For Many years.
When a specific becomes adapted to a specific span, or even opportunity, in a long run/ride/swim after that this's very easy for the very competitive person to train those ranges at a quicker rate. I propose that you find one through Gray Chef's website Prepare is the country's leading sporting activities physical therapist; in the last Super Dish both groups were his customers. And a new bill introduced in your house as well as Senate in Could 2016 seeks making expiry days much easier to comprehend, which would certainly assist to avoid an approximated 398,000 lots of thrown away food items yearly, baseding upon a report coming from Harvard Educational institution's Food items Legislation and Plan Center. Una talks nights facing the telly along with a takeaway, body ideas and also why sporting activity is thus significant to her in the most recent Cosmopolitan Physical body, out right now in information brokers, or get the electronic edition. So a brand-new campaign is setting out to bring up recognition concerning the fantastic perks sporting activities can easily eat those along with mental wellness problems. While he as well as other offenders were actually provided things like a news from grits for morning meal, a bologna sandwich for lunch as well as a poultry leg for supper, that is actually light for a massive expert sportsmen. New dietary food items is getting even more costly about produced foods items. Lousy client service, deceitful charges for cancelling, the food items was actually never great and also the sections were small. There is actually very little savannah in Scotland, the cougars often tend certainly not to delight in Scots that usually and also the opportunities of me must manage, nude, from a cougar are actually slim, but IF THIS HAPPENS, I am better equipped in comparison to the stretch-markless who will go through a liony chomping. navigate here is actually just nearby, as well as you might be actually seeking a boost" when that comes to getting ready for pants, sunshine outfits and also swimsuit. This is actually interesting just how folks have it for provided to be able to enjoy their food. Considering that 2000, compared to a mark from total food prices, ice-cream as well as various other processed dairy items have actually climbed 11.5 percent lower than the surge in the mark in the final 6 years, as well as confectionary rates have actually climbed three per cent less. Con Stavros: Well our team just like with sporting activity the unpredictability of result the process from reasonable hostility, the contest and the physical facets of it, which's been around for over 2,000 years. That doesn't also visit till next full week, but we're phoning this the greatest Sports Illustrated Bathing suit Concern but. Considering that possessing to wash your food processor each opportunity is a problem) provide it a really good mix, along with a hand kept aerolatte (. Concerning Blog post - Psychoanalyst Georgia Ede MD offers evidence-based nourishment information and also surprising food truths you can easily utilize to enhance your mental and also physical health and wellness. I uncovered that Wendy's (junk food dining establishment) has a Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad that fits in to a really low-carb diet regimen, consisting of the high-fat mixed greens clothing. Most of people I work with demand some education regarding how you can take charge of their connection with food and also workout in a lifestyle that relentlessly alleviates our physical bodies as if they are actually commodities. When I dieted at an early stage I ate few veggies as well as nearly no fruit product since I wished to spare every fat for meals I liked since I reached consume therefore little from it." Yes this. Yet remember that this food will likely be actually incredibly healthy and the sportsmen would know just what they are actually consuming. Whether you are actually tracking your day-to-day food items (and internet carb) intake on an awkward note, cell phone or the online diary our experts invite our Area, this sort of obligation are going to assist you be actually much more prosperous along with your fat loss targets. It is actually no surprise to me that folks along with consuming ailments have actually experienced even more meals addiction signs and symptoms; higher levels of eating restriction are common in eating problems. Due to the fact that our body systems really hunger for range normally in the absence from diet restraint), it is actually certainly not concerning consuming junk meals all day/every day (. Eventually this year, our experts will certainly also set up a brand-new Platform involving both Participant States as well as actors in the food chain in order to aid determine measures needed to obtain the food refuse Sustainable Growth Objective. While my bingo airfoils magically disappeared, many thanks the crutches, the muscular tissues in my left lower leg as well as thigh had languished away. Lastly, I make a stock with the skin as well as bone tissues, shoot the last from the pork as well as make 3 litres from dense chick as well as vegetable soup for my spouse to take to work everyday rather than processed food. The main thing you don't wish on your vacation is anyone telling you just what to perform, as in Tower above there" and also Smile" as well as Straighten your tee shirt so this does not look like a meals child." This is actually much more than also Pinocchio would endure. Your reviews have actually motivated me to take a look at the seasonings display at the farmers market next Sunday:--RRB- I definitely wish to make my food tasty in order that others are going to wish to try it !! It is feasible to create really good selections in any kind of food atmosphere, however if our company are actually informed that slim excels and that the chick sandwich at McD might be good for us. Our experts only feel it. at that point our experts possess our diet coke and out low fat chocolate from Cadbury s and think that our company made great selections. Your lingerie breast support measurements and also sporting activities breast support dimension are equal, which implies that if you recognize just what you put on in lingerie, you need to be able to easily determine your sports bra dimension," Rebecca duRivage-Jacobs told our company. She is actually the associate product supervisor for Removaling Convenience, a brand name that supplies alpha dimensions (XS - XL) and also mug and band dimension (30-44 and cup measurements A-F) for a series of dimensions that match all body types. Let's assist children look into different sporting activities instead of inhibiting this This will aid them become well-rounded, well-conditioned, all-around sportsmens while ensuring the importance of a well balanced method to sports as well as lifestyle. About $2.4 billion a year currently happens the straight costs from handling overweight and also obese folks. At one factor when I goned on the reduced cal diet, my school possessed a blood drive; I was actually rejected eligibility to contribute given that the workers told me I wasn't eating sufficient food.
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angels-property · 4 years
Realty Stories that Show You How!
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Let's begin easing you actually out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! I'm going to slowly and carefully give you as many little sparks and insights to the not hard ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary outcome. Stories are the best spark plugs. They let you gently observe from a safe, secure and understandable view place. I will write to answer most of the questions that I experience I myself would ask if I was reading everything you are about to read. I want you to know something belonging to the very start of this report and that something is this unique: I care about you and I sincerely mean that. I seriously do want you to move to a new comfort zone, one that can be pleasurable and free from fear. A place where you realize you will have the power to achieve greater things than you currently can see right now. It's possible for you to start being a more powerfully directed purpose-driven individual who is well organized and on track to higher achievement. You are likely to change and grow, slowly and steadily with each page you read. With every thought and understanding you gain, your desire and courage will grow at the same time. Napoleon Hill wrote one of the greatest books of all time. It's referred to as "Think and Grow Rich. " The essence of these book, the secret it reveals time and again is this: you ought to develop a burning desire. Don't put this book downward thinking the previous statement is cliché and that you previously knew that! I am simply leading you to my then point, the next point being is - your hope needs a starting point. So to start developing desire, my technique is you must have a purpose. Why do you want to pursue real estate? I do know what you're thinking: to make money, to have security, that will feel useful and appear successful. Good points. I concur you can have all of that and more if that is what you desire. Currently here is something that comes before any of those things you desire. What's the purpose of all those things? Purpose, purpose, purpose... you need to very first define purpose before you get the things. My purpose, roughly I thought early in my career, was to move up to a nicer house and have my first house become my own first rental property. When I moved up to the next you, I quickly learned as soon as I rented it outside, I was in some way responsible for creating happiness and safety in the life of another person that was of no regards to me. It soon was evident to me how the selections I made in choosing that first property either could help me or hurt me in my quest to achieve the real estate investment business. All of it is cumulative, all you do and how you do it adds up. It compounds its own matters and it either makes your life easier or more difficult. My goal is to give you experiences that you can learn from that will make your life much easier; I am going to show you how. That is my purpose. The arrange that gave me the unknowing courage to take this first steps in real estate was a book labeled "How I Turned $1000 into $3 Million through real estate in my spare time" by William Nickerson. The person was a master storyteller and by osmosis, once reading his book, I found myself gravitating towards the home classified section of my Sunday paper. Eventually I jumped and my life had changed. It was an FHA property foreclosure, a two-bedroom, one-bath home with a built-in, screened-in group, with a Jacuzzi and a built-in sprinkler system. I bought the software for $46, 000 and used the HUD 203K rehab program to fix it up. I spent $16, 000 to update and make repairs. They then gifted me one loan for a total of $62, 000. It took me three months to complete it and Document was in; I had done it! My life changed, I realized, I took the leap. From then on I had confidence. I needed already had my first home but now I did two. Well, I was in the Coast Guard together with wouldn't you know, three months later we moved. Uncle Sam had me out of St. Petersburg, Florida and dropped others in Kodiak, Alaska, for my next tour about duty. Well guess what? I was armed with ambition, courage, confidence and just enough knowledge to be considered threatening, so I bought a duplex as soon as I came on land on Kodiak Island. Now I had three dwellings and additionally my relationships and responsibilities were growing with your new tenants counting on me to provide a clean, purposeful and pleasing environment for them to exist in. It seemed like this: My mother rented my first house in addition to an elderly couple rented the second one and a duplex came with an existing tenant who was a hospital officer, so I was lucky. I was able to ease myself towards the role of landlord without getting burned early into my career. I now had two houses and a duplex in the span of about one year. My brothers and some other sorts of family members took notice and were pretty well dumbfounded. Individuals couldn't figure out how I had, all of a sudden, become a real estate wizard. It all felt good to make that change in so quite short a time. I got that from reading a book! And also my friend is how you are going to do the majority of everything you achieve in real estate, by reading and taking steps closer to duplicating the success of others in a repeatable structure. The key is to understand that you can do it if you read the ideal books and apply the very basic formulas that are passed to you. There lies in: Magic Bullets in Real Estate This is usually a common man or woman's real estate manual. William Nickerson never gave me anything so easy as "Magic Principal points! " So I learned trial by fire and it has also been very gratifying. I've since went on to collect 17 real estate, 23 tenants, 2 real estate licenses in Florida along with Alaska, an assistant appraiser's certificate and over a one hundred dollars books on real estate. I just kept learning and maturing and gaining momentum for the last 13 years. I am however in the Coast Guard, too, and I work at Ak One Realty in my spare time. In two more numerous years, I will be retired at the ripe old age of 42. May sound like a sort of fairytale, doesn't it? Don't let me fool an individual. It's hard work and I'm still not a millionaire, yet I want you to have the truth, so I will be honest along every step of the way. I know why I am an excellent millionaire and here is why. I would periodically sell real estate that was going up in value and paying for itself because of the rent checks. But being in the Coast Guard would most likely dislocate me every four years, so I found ourselves selling out in order to avoid being what is called "an absentee landlord. " This is an important lesson for you. It has prevented me from becoming a millionaire up to this point. The tutorial is: find an area on this planet that you could and will inhabit, and stay close to it. Don't move more than 10 miles from your farm area. The farm area is definitely where all your properties are located. Long distance "land lording" might be tough! It can be done but you lose the ability to control your situation compared to if you were there. I've served my country and even saved people's lives, so for me it has not been in vain. I have no regrets but if you don't have to get away from your area of expertise, don't! The networks you develop and the contacts you build, in the process of "doing" property, are so valuable that when they are no longer at your disposal, it puts you at a serious disadvantage. Not to mention when you step you have to acclimate yourself to an entirely different market, build latest trust-based relationships and start all over again. It's like a treadmill you're going to be running and running, however it gets you nowhere. I had used it to my advantage. I have been forced towards accelerate my abilities to rapidly duplicate my achieving success whenever I am moved, but it is still an uphill combat. My point: Don't move too far from your farm or even your network of bankers, appraisers, carpenters, tradesman, housing, friends, tenants and so on. Once you have the skill you can redundant your success anywhere you go but if you don't have to be... enough said on that! I like to say, "Don't advertise the goose to get the eggs. " What that means is certainly if you need money to buy more property, use equity creases from other property to do it. You will get the same amount of cash or more by using an equity line as if you sold the idea. However , you get to keep the asset and the money! I go deep into this in "Magic Bullets, " so I won't drone on here. Just know you don't have to sell your property to see the cash out of them. So here we are. You know a little about me and you may have picked up a nugget or simply two. Let's find a few more. There once was men who wanted to buy some investment property, so what the guy did was look at growth patterns. You should do this at the same time, by going to your city's planning and zoning department. You will discover growth patterns and you definitely want to buy property that is an acronym in the way of growth. This is how he used what he discovered. He saw that city planners had decided which a new artery (highway) would benefit their city by just creating linkage to another city about 100 miles at a distance, so being a smart investor he only went in as much as a ten mile limit to be able to be close to your partner's investment. Now on average, new growth will radiate out from existing prosperous cities in the direction it is planned for a price of about one mile per year. So our smart individual had a 10 - 12 year plan to hard cash out in about 10 - 12 years. Exactly what he did was buy, I believe, 10 acres connected with commercially zoned property very cheaply because there was basically no demand at the time. He bought it, fenced it in, deal some lights and a gate, and held onto which usually little bugger. Now that new highway was coming this way and the good folks, through their taxes, was paying to have it built. It didn't take long for the heavy equipment to start cutting a swath when it comes to his fenced-in storage facility and when they got shut enough to him, he started renting out a good secure area for everything, from road cones in order to generators to backhoes. You name it - it had been stored there. This more than paid his land down. Now the men and their equipment eventually moved further down the trail but they left a completed highway behind them. And guess what? Low and behold, individuals started driving on it, and then started buying property to set up houses on to get away from the city. Since the new highway seemed to be a straight shot into town, ten miles through was breeze. Well, of course, here comes the herd and everyone is just populating the whole darned area. As well as within ten years, residential housing surrounds Mr. Investor, and will you guess what he's got? Yep, a prime part of commercial property, 10 acres large. So in accordance with her 10-12 year plan, he sells his storage option to make room for the new office/business park complex designed for over $2, 000, 000. That, my friend, is perception, and the sooner you get a clear picture of what it will be that you want to specialize in, the sooner you can retire to the of the islands. How hard was that? Don't tell me it's hard to do it, you can! I'm here to help you. I'm going to give you secrets and techniques no one else dares. Do you ever wonder why people will not tell you the secrets? Of course you already know this but I'm going to tell you anyway. It is because they are operating on a scarcity attitude, as though there won't be any left for them. Or whenever learn something and act on it, you will get ahead and possess a great life. Well, misery loves company and quiet oppression is the rule. Here's a little story that low quality real estate agents won't appreciate either but I'm going to tell that to you anyway. The reason I can tell it is because there are some amazing real estate agents out there who absolutely don't fear what Now i'm about to tell you and would let you know it if they happen to be in my position. Here's the deal: Some agents want to be for instance the Wizard of Oz . They want to create the appearance of selling and transacting real estate as being technical and very legal, a new deep dark mystery. Well, it's not! The truth be told, you possibly can write a contract on a napkin and it would give a presentation in court. I will emphasize here that you write for that napkin along with the terms of your agreement, "The words and phrases set forth on this here napkin are subject to my lawyer's approval. " An attorney will cover you completely for around $750. 00. Prices may vary, however that is an average home contract. There is a lot I am leaving out here but our point is this: If you own property, you can market it anyway you want. "Magic Bullets" will teach you. We will move on. Exposure is the key to finding buyers and owners in real estate. If a property is priced fairly not to mention everyone who is looking for that type of property knows that should be in the availability pool, it will be found and the transaction will probably proceed as advertised. Price it right, advertise the application properly and let the lawyer take care of the details. No fee, just a flat fee. Period. Now that I have that off my personal chest, I will tell you a story about Dan, a 21-year old friend of mine, and his wife and also their new baby. He's a hardworking guy who does an individual's work without complaint and all the other "workers" pick in him for working so hard. Can you believe this? The other guys are so insecure and lazy construct y make fun of a guy who is doing the work of two to three men, mainly of the three who are ridiculing him. Nicely, believe me, this doesn't go unnoticed by me plus I take him under my wing. Dan hopes to buy a house, so I begin the process of saving them years of trial by fire and save your man $25, 000 at no charge. That is because he deserved great help. Anyway, here is the story: I began with the pup by asking him what type of home he thought yet be comfortable with and a price range. He indicated a 3-bedroom for around $100, 000. Knowing what he wanted as well as knowing the area, I was able to take him shopping for the place he was looking for. Now I always go after the "For Selling by Owner" homes first because I know they won't possibly be adding any commission figure into their price, because they will never be paying one. So at 6% of $100, 000 he will get $6, 000 more "house" for his particular precious dollar. I also told him besides the "For Sale by Owner" homes, we would be looking at oddball discount companies that help distressed sellers further spend the their money and property. The mentality of a dealer who uses cheesy companies to help them sell their property is pennywise and pound-foolish. If you're going to use individuals, then get a professional. So off we go. After a day or so, we have found our house. Sure enough, El Cheeso Inc. has a sign on it. The screen doors are actually flapping in the breeze, the weeds are dancing within the lawn, but this house is indeed a 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1-car garage with a fenced yard and it's selling regarding $110, 000. Well, due to the fact that there is a divorce in progress, and a new girlfriend who doesn't like the place, and El Cheeso Inc. giving no representation, I settle for Dan and he gets it for $99, 000. What's so great about this deal is this very same floor plan in another house was for sale across town, on the same street, for $25, 000 more. The ethical of the story is good things come to those who deserve the item, and that is another key to real estate. You must work very hard so others will take notice of you and enable you to succeed. Here's a beauty for you. This is about being on whistler grand circles and keeping your eyes and hearing open and often times your "yapper" closed. This is the adventure of Brian and Julie. Here we have two industrious souls. They have been married for 20 years and they have weathered the storms of matrimony. Julie works at a real estate property office as an office manager. No real estate license, however she works at an office that sells plenty of waterfront property. So we are talking about location and staying in the right place at the right time, and below comes a seller in the door of the office documenting she is going to sell her older waterfront home. She is ready to take $180, 000. Julie tells Brian, they look at it and sure enough, this pearl is right on the water. She gets a gem waiting to be polished up, so Brian and Julie sell their condominium and move in. Very well, they aren't making any more waterfront property, so John goes to work polishing this jewel up. Now, they've bought this house under market value in an appreciating market. So about one and a half years later, the property is worth over $350, 000 and still climbing. Most certainly, Brian is no dummy, so he gets to know his / her neighborhood. He strolls, takes walks and notices, one guessed it, a vacant, neglected jewel on an within double lot. He tracks down the elderly lady, who's going to be living with her sister, through the county records office together with buys the house, including the extra lot, for a total for $120, 000. Now Brian can walk to his or her new "jewel" and he starts polishing it. Typically the neighbors start noticing and are amazed at his put up. He has offers of $180, 000, $200, 000 and additionally $60, 000 for just the lot. You name them. Now that the exposure is there, everyone wants a piece of it again. Well, this is what Brian did. He rented his 1st house out, moved into the second one and utilised plans that I gave to him to build a third residential home on the vacant lot, using the equity he accumulated from first house that went up so much. And listed below is how this thing shakes out: $180, 000 intended for his first house and it's value goes up to $365, 000; he picked up the next jewel for $120, 000 and he paid cash using the equity from the first of all house. Now he takes out a new mortgage on the second house for $120, 000 and builds still another. The value at last count was $815, 000 and she owed a grand total $300, 000. That's a 1 / 2 million-dollar profit in 5 years! Now what really does this story tell us? #1 - it says, "work hard"; #2 - keep your eyes open; #3 - use equity lines; #4 - don't sell; #5 - learn how to be a landlord; #6 - be in locales that appreciate; #7 - buy things that are constrained in availability; #8 - know how to research owners in addition to repair property; #9 - get your partner's help (spouse); #10 - use knowledgeable friends to help you see future (I gave him the plans and advised your pet not to sell anything! ). Can you get any more instructions out of this story? I'm sure you can. Just read it once more and think on it. Jot down your ideas and put the crooks to work. Real estate is not that hard, folks! You can do it. Along with a few magic bullets, some spark plugs and a great mentor to show you how, you can do it too! Let me you and me talk for just a minute here, OK! Have you ever long been really good at something and been able to step to come back and see the whole thing for what it is was? You just comprehend exactly how to do it and you can see the end result clearly mentally before you start. It's predictable to you. It's almost second makeup, so you are comfortable doing it. It's almost become unexciting to you; your comfort zone is such that you can do it into your sleep. I've gotten that way with certain types of properties and I see people everyday that are so terrified of taking the first step that they are literally paralyzed. They produce excuses and put it off, and rationalize and live any quiet life of desperation. They don't trust themselves and so of the unknown they can't trust anyone else either. This is a horrible cycle because the longer they wait the more it reinforces their beliefs. I just want to grab them by the back of the shirt, take them to the bank and make them tell the bank, "Pre-qualify me! " Then walk them out the entranceway and show them how to do something that will change their daily life forever, and that is to buy the first property, and then a second. Therefore their fear is gone and they grow to be of service to make sure you everyone who is ready for their assistance. Let me tell you this: When you have finish reading the rest of this report and you read the "Magic Bullets" book, your fears will be subdued and you will want to do something and your life will change. If you cannot succeed with what I am motive on showing you, then something is not right. I feel your desire would be your major obstacle, so in that case, read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Slope and come back to me then. Let's get back to real estate coaching, shall we? Do you know who the largest commercial real estate operator in the U. S. is? It's McDonalds Corporation. Yes, and on top of that, they also have the most valuable locations for their particular business. The research they do on demographics and website visitors counts is unparalleled! If you were ever going to clear a fast food restaurant, just put it near a McDonalds. You would survive just on the volume of people who flock or maybe pass by the location that McDonalds has already decided meets the critical data to support their restaurant business. Your eating place, if you had good food and service, would grow. Just sell something a little different than McDonalds. That's profiting someone else's expertise in evaluating a location for a certain types of real estate. Now that is a principle and principles are want natural laws. A natural law always works in every issue in its own way. It's like gravity - it all always works! Here on earth, anyway. So in realty it doesn't matter what type it is, whether it's commercial, residential, industrial as well as recreational. Look for signs that serious market studies have already been undertaken by major operators and buy things that can achieve the presence of those concerns. For instance, let's use Place Depot as an example. If Home Depot decides to build at a site, every residential lot within a mile of that brand new center will be bought up as soon as the Home Depot commits to build! Why? Because smart investors know that Home Depot has done the market study and the area will be a prosperous one particular. On top of that, it will provide jobs, it will pay taxes, it may provide materials to actually build the neighborhoods with, and the ones will shop there once their houses are built. An identical goes for Wal-Mart, Lowe's and other smart business concerns. You will or may not have noticed this but take a look the next time you are driving around. Here is what you should see. As you travel into cities from the suburbs, you'll notice donut boutiques, gas stations with convenience coffee centers, bagel shops, along with etcetera, on the side of the road that people travel to on their method into the city to go to work. These are morning activity enterprise centers. Now on your way home, out of the city, you will see places to eat that cater to the evening meal crowd: KFC, Taco Bell, Subway and Pizza Hut. That's because people will not go there for breakfast. They get it on their technique home, outbound from the city at night. If you put the restaurant on the wrong side of the road, you could be at home huge strategical error. Think! Location, location, location as they say, are the 3 most important things in real estate. That is a very true statement. With residential property, that boils down to safeness, security and convenience. So buy homes in decent neighborhoods, cul-de-sacs preferably. No noise or through visitors, no escape routes for thieves, and a private positioning, where kids play in the street without getting run down. Safety = close to hospitals, police and fire protection for the purpose of obvious reasons. Convenience = stores, gas stations, restaurants, enterprises, parks and recreation and access to major highways for you to circulate or evacuate if necessary. You might get a great deal about the piece of properly but if it takes you a half 60 minute block to get a loaf of bread. What kind of resale will which will great deal offer? Another great deal may back up to or possibly face a busy street. That's often a poor decision as well... noise, pollution, the loss of privacy and curb draw are all factors here. The two best types of property to obtain are: 1 . Property that no one else knows is ideal for sale! Why? Because you have no competition. 2 . Property normally wants! You just have to figure out why people don't want to buy. If you can turn that lemon into lemonade through numerous problem solving, that jewel may just shine because you employed the right magic polish. In real estate, you get paid if you solve problems. That is a fact! Here is a golden nugget available for you. If you do this, it will catapult your real estate investment career. That i guarantee you will gain more insight to real estate therefore one thing than just about anything else you could possibly do. The glowing nugget is this: Take a real estate appraisal course. It may fly by, a few weekends and it's over, but the perception and the information you gain from the class is priceless. The software gives you vision, ideas and understanding. You will have an edge through every other investor who has not done it. I had the instructor, who by some stroke of luck, I just was privileged to be taught by. His name is without a doubt Steven V. and he is truly a genius. This guy could create millions if he applied himself to real estate investment though he chooses to teach and give back to others in that way. He could be very comfortable in life and money is a by-product for Steven. When I finished the class, I had appraisers wanting to hire me to go to work. Now I won't want to work as an appraiser. I just want to think including one and that is why I took that four-weekend tutorial. That class taught me more than both of my best real estate licensing courses combined. The reason for that is real estate courses deal with state laws, contracts, regulations and ethics. Value determination focuses on evaluating real estate and that is what you want to learn as an real estate investor. A real estate license can actually hold you back as a result of being a savvy investor and here's why: #1 : You have to announce to every seller that you are an agent. It will be an ethics rule and a disclosure law. Well, currently the seller is on guard for all kinds of reasons so you waste precious time overcoming negative reactions. #2 - When you attend sell your real estate, the same things apply but grow that scenario the fact that if you make large profits regarding property that you sell, people can come after you, saying a person took advantage of them because of your expertise. And they be successful! So you don't need to go to college for 4 years and also don't need a real estate license. What you do need is actually a guy like me to convince you to go to value determination school and read books like the one you have at this time. Then go out and do it, using a lawyer to protect you will every step of the way. Again, here is a good indicate make. Simply weave into every agreement or deliver make the following statement: This entire agreement is subject to my attorney's approval. I can't stress that enough. It is one line of text. That covers it all. It presents time to investigate deals. It protects your interests and even keeps you from getting burned in this business. Right here are a couple more beauties that I use to protect myself and you ought to too. These are used with initial purchase offers: 1 . Ready to pay X amount of dollars or appraised value, any is less. (That says, "I'm only going to spend so much but if the appraisal is lower than what I proposed, than I am going to get it for the lower price. I don't get scorched! ) 2 . Subject to my partner's approval. (My mate was always my wife, and if she didn't like it, the deal was null and void, cancelled, over, kaput, finito. ) Now nothing says my partner wasn't the dog, so if there's no fire hydrant, well the offer could be off. Those are examples of escape clauses that may be abused to the point of being called "weasel clauses. " Do not be a weasel! They give you a short period of time to have the option to order something first with the right to cancel the deal, contingent on something or someone else's decision. I use them to protect personally and to get a little time to do my research on the building. Don't use them to unfairly tie a seller's hands. Possibly be fair and try to move quickly when you do utilize them. What you are doing is creating a short time, zero-cost option to buy real estate. Here is a little trick and I avoid the use of it very often but it can be used in a fair manner i really will give you the nugget. When you write an offer purchasing property, on the top line of the contract is a line the fact that indicates who the buyer is. On that line in a few cases, I will write my name plus the words and / or assigns, like this: Buyers: Dan Auito or assigns The things that word "assigns" does is this: it permits me to sell by assigning my right to buy the place to someone else. Dirty dealers will take advantage of people with who word if they can get away with it. Here's where We'd use it. In real estate, a lot of bargain hunters look for distressed property. You know, the fixer-uppers, the abandoned, condemned, fire-damaged stuff. I go a step further and look for affected sellers such as death, divorce, relocation, but a lot of times My spouse and i don't specialize in that type of property. That's OK if it's a steal and I get it for 40 -- 50% off, I will assign it to someone who does deal in that type of property and make a profit by determining it. I'll always ask the distressed seller should that is a problem and if it is, I will buy it downright, then flip it but it costs more to do that. Therefore I'll explain this to the seller and get their agreement to use it. I don't slip it in about them. You will have a miserable existence if you practice real estate by deceit. Natural law will crush you; play fair! Goal, passion and desire cannot be achieved or acquired by simply deceit. That's a quotable quote. I hope you remember the software. Let's get on with another story. This illustrates a second fine example for you. This story is about a family what person had business interests outside of real estate investing and as a result from the successes of their other businesses they had fairly large sums of money to play real estate like a monopoly adventure. Power can be dangerous in the wrong hands! So listed here we go. This flush with cash family perceives an opportunity to take advantage of an overlooked or left alone markets. That market is the old-fashioned trailer park, or shall we say Mobile Home Park. Anyway, the way almost all mobile home parks came into existence was this: Usually a person of integrity and strong work ethic coupled with a fabulous love for his fellow man would buy a parcel suitable to the placement of mobile homes. As people gone in, he and his wife would welcome individuals and the neighbors would greet them and the community may become established. The private owner would dig his own sewer lines and cut his own roads and scenery the park. Maybe put in the clubhouse complete with an important swimming pool, shuffleboard, pool table and meeting hall. Because time marched on, the residents bonded with each other along with a family-friendly community took root. Well this man in integrity had a problem. Since all of his tenants will be his friends, he is pressured not to raise the lot rent with inflation. So the rents over the years are kept suprisingly low in the park and now this man and his partner are getting old. Perfect timing for our investors to come bumping and offer our private aging park owner a three million dollar price for his 10 acres regarding mobile home lots. This is a once in a lifetime deliver and many park owners cashed out. What people didn't notice was these investors were systematically and methodically the process all over the place and once they cashed out as many mom not to mention pops as they could, they lowered the boom. At this time they the investors had control of many parks from the same areas and they started raising the lot rental prices. You see, they didn't have any emotional ties towards the residents and they didn't live there, so it was an easy business deal: either pay the new higher rent or perhaps move. The residents said, "To hell with you fresh owner, we are moving. " "Well, fine, go ahead, " they said. Now the residents started calling all-around to find another park with low rents but think who owned those? Yep, our investors did, and others lot rents were going up too. So the mom and also pops who didn't sell were full and it would certainly cost on average of about $7, 000 to relocate to a different one park even if they could find a vacancy. The old folks that had it so good for so long were faced with the latest reality and that was that they had no choice and yet to pay up or move, and moving, in many cases, wasn't an option. These investors exploited a complete segment of the current market and made millions and millions in profit and continue to achieve today. It wasn't long after this happened that you began seeing signs saying, "This is a resident owned group. " People eventually got smart and started selecting that little lot that their trailer was placed on and they began paying association dues for the club and security and grounds, maintenance and road fix. The good ole days are nothing but a fond storage. Life goes on but America did not change for the more effective as a result of these types of people. Their only purpose was to help with making money; I believe they will die alone and in anguish as a result of their way of life. So I ask you again, on earth do you be passionate and put your heart into purchasing real estate by investing the way our corporate investors does? I think not. Money is no good when you get it through deceitful ways. I encourage you to work at balancing your own objectives. Lease optioning, flippers... you are walking a fine series. Here's a flip side to communal living. This tale is a happier scenario, so let's have a little happiness here. I once lived in Key West plus I lived off base. Well, I thought When i lived next door to Noah, and it sounded as though the person was building another ark. All summer long, hammers and saws seemed to be making some type of racket, so of course being the neighbor I was, I got to know the person next door. He never went to work and I quizzed him one day, "Don't you have a job and he somewhat grinned and put his hammer down and this will be Mark's story. Mark and his brother were out of your Northeast and they had a 30-room boarding house pertaining to college kids there, at something like $300. 00 a calendar month. That was about $9, 000 a month and they made typically the parents responsible for the rent payments. Mark would commit his time with his family in the Keys for the on the lookout for months that school was in session. His brother was initially a local up North and he took care of your toilets, faucets, doors and windows. Yes, they had their very own animal house hold going on there, but Mark factored in the abuse as well as would spend 2 - 3 months a year, putting your pet house back together while the animals went home just for summer break. Mark only worked three months a year as well as house (ark) that he built next to us was the masterpiece; it was beautiful. He was a master craftsman and he loved his work and spent loads of his time with his family in a wonderful climate. Makes you kind of jealous, doesn't it? Well, don't let it books can do it, too, but you must get started. Mark was basically 45 when I met him. I believe he was twenty five when he got started, so my advice to your account is to get started now!
0 notes
guessmonsta · 7 years
《Ok but speaking of, if any of you little trash bags compare Oikawa with Assmatsewer unfollow me》
- He found out he was bisexual when he was ten, when he not only had a huge crush on Princess Leia, but Han Solo as well. He cringes a bit thinking about it, but he thinks it’s a hysterical party story, nonetheless.
- When he was five, he visited his father’s hometown and had to witness the act of slaughtering a calf just five feet away from him. By that, he was scarred, eternally so, and to this day he won’t even look at red meat. Not eating red meat dwindled down to not eating white meat either. He’s a huge animal lover, and whenever he sees a chicken, or a turkey, or any animal deemed edible by society, he melts. Although, he’ll still eat seafood, mostly because his bougey Mediterranean aesthetic forces him to, and he needs the protein, but every so often he’ll look down on a shrimp and get a bit teary eyed.
- 99.9% of his casual clothes come from Forever 21. He either dresses like he has a meeting in twenty minutes, or a low-rated beauty guru. It’s dress pants or joggers, and he claims it all depends on how high his ‘bougey scale’ is for that day.
- His favorite animals are the really scary, heinous, deep sea fish that get documentaries dedicated to them. He thinks they’re all adorable, for some reason, although he’s sure he’d shit his pants if he saw a gulper eel in person.
- Instead of saying, “roasted” he says, “flambéed.” (ie. You just got roasted - You just got flambéed.)
- He works super, duper hard on keeping his facade up. At this point, everything he says and does is all one big, hysterical game. He catches himself being overly cutesy or overly flirtatious sometimes, and actually scares himself. From there, he’s dismal. He realizes his entire life’s an act, but once he’s faced with the harsh reality of it all, he wishes he never joined the play in the first place.
- He actually gets along really well with Tsukishima. They met once outside of the courts, at their optometrist. Oikawa’s a bit wary about his glasses, he’s near sighted and doesn’t really need them that much, so whenever he doesn’t need to wear them, he doesn’t. Although, every so often he’s forced to go to that hell-hole that is the optometrist and get a check-up, even if he swears his eyes are fine. He met Tsukishima there once, and immediately expected to get insulted. Instead, when they both crossed paths when they were looking at frames, Tsukishima dropped the question, “So, how much shit do you have against Kageyama?” That small question blew into a full blown conversation of shit-talking, whilst they got nasty looks shot at them by the receptionist. They text now, mostly about shit their teammates did or conspiracy theories. If asked, though, neither one will ever admit that they consider each other friends.
- His hatred from Ushijima is mostly fueled off the fact that Oikawa used to have a massive crush on him, but to avoid the negative nostalgia, he does everything in his defense to SWEAR that he hates the man.
- His natural hair is a shit ton wavier than his styled do, and any time he doesn’t blow dry it during the summer, when the humidity is at an all time high, he wakes up with hair that, if fluffed correctly, could resemble an afro. Although he’s been told it’s cute, he hates it with ever fiber of his being.
- As stated before, Oikawa really loves conspiracy theories. Although he doesn’t believe in the mass majority of them, he thinks they’re so cool to just delve into and ponder. (He’s a sole believer of The Mandela Effect, though, and he swears he remembers the words “Luke, I am your father” distinctly.)
- Oikawa can admit that Iwaizumi is practically the reason he’s still alive. Well, maybe not alive, but functioning, maybe. He’s sure if he didn’t have him to open up to, to be his real, deep, cynical self with, he’d be living this lie so fluently, he’d become it.
- He was diagnosed with borderline OCD when he was 13. It wasn’t surprising to anyone, he had spent nearly all his childhood worrying about germs and order and everything that it was evident. Although, what they didn’t know was OCD was more than just washing your hands and rearranging cups. It came with the skin crawling itch of perfectionism, and the absolute desire for everything to be in order. There’s been many times where he’s snapped, mostly at home, but sometimes at school. He can usually keep it under control, sneak into the bathroom and quietly melt and simmer down there, but every so often that’s not the case. He hates being touched, more than anything else in the world. Of course, his “Basic Bitch Armada” (as Iwaizumi fondly refers to it as) doesn’t know this, and never will, so they’ll continue touching. He snapped at a girl once, who couldn’t take the hint of a turned back, and tased him. At that point, he just freaked out, he remembers screaming a fuzzy mix of “Don’t fucking touch me!” and “Fuck off!”, and from there he was just shaking and sobbing until he found Iwaizumi. The girl never joined the group again, needless to say, and Oikawa couldn’t care less.
- Speaking of the Basic Bitch Armada, Oikawa hates them. He has a few girl friends, a preppy, modest lot, and he’s eternally thankful for them. They see through his facade, and accept it even if he still puts it up. They couldn’t care less who he was, and he’s sure if he asked any one of them out, or something, he’d get a laugh. They’re friends, who only see him as a friend, and that’s all Oikawa wants.
- He loves carbs and it makes him extremely upset sometimes. He claims it all goes to his thighs, and swears he’ll control it, but next minute he’s tearing apart a baguette muttering, “fuck body standards” under his breath.
- He’s been on a few dates with girls in the past, and they all either want to go to the mall or the park. He hates the mall, he’ll spend too much, and he doesn’t get why sitting around in sloppy, humid air for three hours is even considered romantic. He swears he’ll marry the first girl to suggest a date to the planetarium, or aquarium.
- He calls himself a narcissist, yet he cares so, so much about his friends. He’d die for Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, he really would, and no matter how many “I’m such a narcissist” and “I hate everyone” jokes he makes, they’re all blatantly false.
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ebrainy · 5 years
Is Using Your Smartphone or Tablet in the Kitchen a Food Safety Hazard?
A Conversation with Amy Lando and Michael Bazaco
Do you use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop to look at recipes while you’re cooking? Did it ever occur to you that you could be exposing your food – and yourself — to the bacteria that those personal electronic devices may harbor?
In a recent analysis of findings from the 2016 Food Safety Survey and related focus groups, scientists at FDA who study consumer food safety behavior explored this idea by evaluating how frequently consumers use these devices in the kitchen and how exactly they are using them. The next step is to determine if there is any danger of contamination from using these devices while preparing food.
Amy Lando, MPP, and Michael Bazaco, Ph.D., in the Office of Analytics and Outreach at FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), explain what they’ve learned, what they’re trying to find out, and what consumers can do to protect themselves.
Q: What gave you the idea to study consumers’ use of personal devices in the kitchen?
Lando: This issue surfaced when we were working with colleagues at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the questions for the 2016 Food Safety Survey (FSS), which FDA conducts in collaboration with USDA. As you know, smartphones, tablets, and other devices have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. We take them everywhere—work, the store, the bathroom, the gym, and many other places. It makes perfect sense to use them in the kitchen, and people are increasingly doing that. Why have 50 cookbooks when you can just look at your phone?
But we also know from previous research that bacteria that cause disease can survive on cell phones. So, this was a logical issue to include in the survey, which is conducted every three to five years to assess consumer attitudes, behavior, and knowledge about food safety.
Bazaco: We used data from the FSS and from related focus groups to conduct what we believe was the first study to investigate how consumers use personal electronic devices in the kitchen. That study, co-authored by Amy and me, along with our colleague Yi Chen, Ph.D., was published in February 2018 in the Journal of Food Protection. Each of us brought a different perspective to this work. Amy is a social scientist on CFSAN’s Consumer Studies Branch; Yi Chen is a microbiologist; and I’m an epidemiologist. Each of these disciplines is an important component in assessing how these popular devices may harbor and transmit potentially harmful bacteria.
I teach a class on emerging infectious diseases at the University of Maryland and like to ask the students how many use their cell phone in the bathroom. About 90 percent usually raise their hands. I then asked how many used their phones in the kitchen and a lot of the same people raise their hands. That was eye-opening to me so we decided that we wanted to look more into this.
Q: Just to be clear, though: Is there hard evidence that such devices have caused foodborne illnesses?
Bazaco: No, and that’s what we’re planning to study next. We know that cell phones can harbor microorganisms, including the bacterial pathogens that cause disease. However, research on pathogen contamination on smartphones in a consumer household, such as a kitchen, is limited. We need more research to better understand the actual risk to consumers from using their devices while preparing food. This can be done by a targeted microbiological surveillance sampling of devices, their owners, and the kitchen environment. Sampling of the household environment during foodborne outbreak investigations could also identify potential risks. An assessment of the survival of foodborne pathogens on actual phones could help us better understand this risk.
Q: What did you learn in your initial study about how consumers use these devices in the kitchen?
Lando: We found that about half of survey respondents have used some sort of device while cooking. The most frequently used devices are cell phones, including smartphones. Only about a third of the respondents reported washing their hands after touching the device and before continuing cooking.
Bazaco: Focus group participants, who were chosen based on their use of personal electronic devices in the kitchen, told us that they use their device for many different tasks while cooking, such as looking up and following recipes, texting and talking, listening to music, and more.
Q: Did the survey respondents or focus group participants have any sense that the use of these devices while cooking could present a source of food contamination?
Lando: Most people don’t recognize this as a safety issue. People in both the focus groups and the survey were much more likely to report washing their hands after touching raw meat, chicken, or fish – foods that leave hands feeling sticky and are associated with bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli – than after touching their devices. Among food handlers who engage in each behavior, thirty-seven percent reported washing their hands with soap after touching their personal electronic device, compared to 85% who washed their hands after handling raw meat, chicken or fish.
Bazaco: However, there were some consumers who reported having developed their own strategies for minimizing cross contamination, such using pinkies, elbows, or knuckles to touch the phone; waiting until there is a good time in the cooking process (such as when they are only stirring things) to touch their device; and putting the device in a special location – such as away from the food and sink. Many also report cleaning their devices with wipes, screen cleaners, or cloths. Some of these practices are more effective than others, of course, and that is another area where further research may be needed.
What Should Consumers Do When Using Smartphones and Tablets While Preparing Food?
FDA’s Amy Lando and Michael Bazaco say the most important thing is that consumers recognize their device may be a potential source of contamination and treat it accordingly.
It is best to minimize contact with the phone or other device while cooking, and wash hands regularly during the cooking process.
And the researchers recommend that, in general, consumers always follow the core four steps for practicing food safety in the kitchen.
Clean – Wash hands and surfaces often;
Separate – Don’t cross contaminate;
Cook – Cook to the safe internal temperature; and
Chill – Refrigerate promptly.
Q: To backtrack a bit, how did you conduct your study?
Lando: The FSS study was a telephone interview with more than 4,000 survey respondents who were asked a sequence of questions about the use of personal electronic devices while preparing food, along with other food safety questions. The interviews were conducted from October 2015 through January 2016. To broaden the findings, we convened eight focus groups, with a total of 73 participants, in four cities: Alexandria, Va.; Atlanta, Louisville, and Los Angeles. They met in September and October 2016, with their two-hour discussions facilitated by a trained, non-FDA moderator.
Q: What can FDA do to reduce the potential for cross-contamination of foods from personal electronic devices?
Lando: As we begin to better understand the risk associated with cross contamination from device surfaces to food, we can develop more specific advice to help consumers minimize any risk of cross contamination between devices and food, and therefore create a safer food preparation environment. New voice activation functions on personal electronic devices have the potential to allow less manual contact with these devices and that might help consumers minimize contact with their devices while cooking.
Bazaco: If we find a link between these devices and outbreaks of foodborne illness, the question becomes: How can consumers stay safe without entirely avoiding using their phones and other devices while preparing food? Can we recommend specific safety measures? We’ll need to study the pathogens of concern in these cases to see how long they can survive and transfer to a food in the immediate environment.
Q: Lastly, do you use your device in the kitchen?
Lando: I do, but I am very careful in the kitchen and wash my hands frequently, especially after touching my phone or tablet.
Bazaco: I do too, but I’m much more careful about it now. I try my best to not touch the phone once I have started preparing food and wash my hands if I do have to touch it. You still have to live your life and these devices are everywhere. You just have to be aware of the safety aspect and think about that when you start preparing food.
© 2019 US Food Safety Corporation. No copyright claim is made for portions of this blog and linked items that are works of the United States Government, state governments or third parties.
from US Food Safety https://ift.tt/36se8t8 Is Using Your Smartphone or Tablet in the Kitchen a Food Safety Hazard? US Food Safety via 1best recipe https://ift.tt/3249bDz
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skinny-giirl · 6 years
Some Tips:
3 Main Rules:
* Dinner must be eaten by 7 pm, after that there is no food consumed until 7 am at the earliest. (Basically, it’s like a 12 hour fast, meaning that if you live by this rule for a year you have fasted half the year!!)
* Three hours must pass between the last time you ate and the time you go to bed. This ensures that you are actively burning calories while the food is initially digesting versus when you are sleeping and burning basically nothing.
* Weigh yourself two times a day. One at night before you go to sleep, and once after using the bathroom in the morning. (This is more a self-esteem booster, you are always thinner in the morning.)
General Tips
* B6 and B12 will speed up your metabolism.
* Purge in the Toilet, never the shower or sink.
* If you’re about to binge chew gum and look at your fat.
* Drink a glass of water every hour.
* Eat at least one meal every day.
* Take caffeine tablets.
* Brush your teeth.
* Always have Sugar-Free gum around.
* Sleep at least 6 hours, any less and it stimulates your appetite by 15%.
* When you sit, fidget. It might not burn a lot, but it’s more than if you are just sitting still.
* Fake allergies.
* Hit your stomach when it’s grumbling.
* Try to eat when people are around.
* Associate food with feeling sick.
* Never eat anything without nutrition labels.
* Save one dollar for every meal you don’t eat and buy yourself a present.
* Take a bath/shower.
* Always take your vitamins.
* Know when your trigger binge time is and avoid it.
* Drink water!!! (This is super important, okay.)
* Watch yourself eat.
* Listen to loud music.
* Spinning yourself in circles decreases hunger.
Additional Tips
* Eat more negative calorie foods like fruits and vegetables. they’ll keep your digestive system moving with fewer calories.
* Drink lots of water, as you already should be doing, this way your body will be well hydrated, and you will less likely become lethargic.
* If you’re eating a few larger meals each day, try eating smaller bits of food more often, so if your eating 1 meal then make it two smaller one etc. Changing your caloric intake does not always mean decreasing! if your metabolism has slowed down, it may need some more calories to speed up a bit. Don’t overdo this, just try to increase by 10%, and when you passed the plateau, you decrease 10%.
* You can also try a spike, this is when you eat regular meals for one day (should equal roughly 1500 cals) to jump start your metabolism, then simply return to your regular eating habits the next day.
* Okay, so usually when you use a new shampoo, your hair will be so soft and shiny you’ll keep using the shampoo…but after a few weeks it doesn’t do anything special. It’s the same with exercising; your body will get the best out of a workout when it’s being challenged. So the first time you run a mile you may feel exhausted, your muscles might be sore and all of that…but if you keep running one mile each day for a week or two, your body will build more muscle, use those same muscles over and over while neglecting others, and won’t be as challenged. You should change either the length of time or intensity of your workout so you can challenge new muscles.
Facts & Tips
FACT: You can only purge up to 80% of calories consumed.
TIP: Avoid high caloric binges, instead eat things with a greater mass and fewer calories. Fruits and veggies are always a good choice.
FACT: Carbohydrate digestion starts in your mouth. Our salivary glands secrete amylase, which is a digestive enzyme that begins the breakdown of carbs.
TIP: Avoid eating carbohydrates at the beginning of the meal, because you’ll absorb more calories. Save the carbs for dessert.
FACT: Fat is digested in the small intestines and therefore you feel fuller after eating a high-fat meal.
TIP: Eat the fat first because it takes a long time to digest, therefore you’ll absorb fewer calories than eating carbs first. Beware, fat has twice as many kcals as carbs and proteins.
FACT: Laxatives do not affect calorie absorption  Most food and calories are digested and absorbed in the small intestines and laxatives only affect the large intestines. Yes, you’ll lose weight, but the weight loss is from water and fecal matter.
TIP: Only use laxatives after a large meal that you did not purge afterward, this way you’ll see the real amount of weight gained instead of the fecal matter gained.
Hiding Your Habits
* If you find you must go to a family or somewhat thing, get something reasonable like a muffin, and just carry it around with you.
* Put dishes in the sink, leave evidence from what you’ve eaten.
* Don’t forget to get rid of food you were supposed to eat.
* Put your diet pills in a vitamin bottle.
* Don’t tell people you think you are fat.
More Hiding Your Habits
* Don’t raise suspicions, once people realize what you are doing, they’ll watch and monitor you every minute. Start hiding your habits and practices from day one, so no one has ever seen any of it. When one thinks your anorexic, there is nothing you can say to convince them you’re not.
* Check the fridge when no one is around. Get some food, prepare it, and then throw it away. For example, some eggs.. get three eggs and some butter, bake the eggs, throw them on a plate with some bread, and then dispose of them. Leave silverware too!
* Don’t ever talk about food with other people, they’ll think that your obsessed if you do this too much. And, talking about food may raise the question of you already ate. In case they do, have your excuses ready: ‘My stomach is upset’ ’ I’m to excited/nervous/busy etc. to eat’ ‘I don’t feel like….’ ‘I’m not hungry yet, I’ll get something later’
* Spend different meals with different groups of people, tell them all that you had a big meal earlier or will be eating something later on. Make sure the different people will not be comparing notes. Or plan your schedule so you’re too busy at mealtimes to eat then.
* Watch where you dispose of uneaten food or other “evidence”, make sure that it isn’t going to be seen or found by anyone. Wrap food up and throw it away outside the house. If you live alone, always take the trash out before anyone else comes over.
* Buy food. People are fairly predictable. If they see you buy food and come home with food, then they just naturally assume that you eat it as well. Get things like crackers and cookies, keep them in your room, and carefully pack them out again later to throw away. Careful, this can be a little dangerous if you’re prone to binging and have trouble keeping food around, or if you feel guilty about throwing food away. If the food’s something you don’t like and won’t binge on this may be easier to do.
* Don’t get angry. Don’t deny everything if confronted. People will believe a little truth with a big lie much easier than a huge lie. Act as if it’s no big deal instead of reacting emotionally and people will tend to believe you.
* Tell people you’re on a diet, you became a vegetarian, your doctor has you eating only certain things, whatever. Often people will be very helpful in keeping you from eating if they think there’s a socially acceptable reason for it.
* Don’t show off your weight loss until you’ve reached the weight you want to remain at. People will start to watch you more carefully and maybe ask questions, and you want to avoid calling attention to yourself.
Eating Less
* Drink lots of water. When your stomach is full of water there’s no room for food!
* Become a vegetarian, not just pretend. It gives you an excuse to not eat certain foods (helps with parents), and meat is high in fat anyway.
* Fat-free chocolate milk is good for sweet cravings.
* Set some rules for yourself.
* Diet pills. Might be dangerous, so don’t go overboard
* When you get the urge to snack. Start cleaning! Use chemicals for the gross smell to help curb hunger.
* Sugar-free gum is still your best friend.
* Don’t eat out!!
* Don’t eat anything you don’t know the nutritional value of.
* Drink lots of tea.
* Chew your food until it dissolves.
* Sparkling water, or Crystal Clear. It fills you up more.
The 2468 Diet:
* Day 1: 200 Calorie Intake
* Day 2: 400 Calorie Intake.
* Day 3: 600 Calorie Intake.
* Day 4: 800 Calorie Intake.
* Day 5: 0 Calorie Intake. (Fast.)
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shaledirectory · 6 years
Why Natural Resource Issues Are So Divisive and What to Do About It
Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc.
  A remarkable, baring of the soul, article from the former head of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association offers several lessons on natural resource issues.
One of our readers and supporters from Western Pennsylvania sent me a remarkable article the other day. It’s titled “Down the Fracking Hole” and is authored by Tisha Schuller,  founder and principal of Adamantine Energy who serves as Strategic Advisor to Stanford University’s Natural Gas Initiative. She is also the former the president and CEO of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association and has written a new book you can read about and buy here. The article bares Schuller’s soul on dealing with fractivist types and offers some great insights for all of us.
It’s a rather lengthy article, but well worth reading in total. Schuller talks about the difficulties of having a rational discussion when everyone has preconceived ideas and peer group relationships drive us all into competing tribes. What I found most interesting was her honest assessment of how many things simply don’t work to break down the barriers of communication, yet she ends on a hopeful note for having opened the mind of one person at least. That takes a degree of optimism that not only rings the bell at one of those carnival test of strength attractions but sends the bell itself into orbit.
y entire identity was based on traditional green environmentalism. Back in California, I had protested the early ‘90s “war for oil.” I registered to vote first with the Peace and Freedom Party and then the Green Party. I loved and took solace in nature. I still do.
In Colorado, I matured, got married, had children, and life became more complicated. I eventually worked as a consultant to the oil and gas industry and later ended up representing the industry in various forums and media across Colorado…
I spent years trying to create peace. Most disputes over energy development ended badly, usually in a highly charged stalemate. Much of the conflict was rationalized by each protagonist referring to their own body of scientific work. I came to understand that, in reality, we were each choosing to believe the science that conformed with our own worldview…
People must engage in building relationships built on empathy and trust before scientific explanations will have any effect…
Five years ago, I regularly found myself in contentious town meetings representing the oil and gas industry as the CEO of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, commonly known as COGA. The trade association represents oil and gas companies and their interests in the political, regulatory, legislative, and media arenas.
I went to COGA from my pleasantly busy but relatively boring job as a mid-level manager for an environmental consulting firm. I went for the crazy reason that I felt called to do so. I got to know oil and gas workers as my clients while permitting facilities and conducting environmental trainings. I thought I could help tamp down the conflict that was building over fracking throughout much of the West. That proved to be optimistic…
For me, going to work for COGA was a way of acknowledging my own consumption and our societal dependence on oil and gas. Further, as an environmentalist, I was excited about the potential for natural gas to be a meaningful part of curbing greenhouse gas emissions by displacing coal. Going to COGA was a strange compromise between joining the perceived “enemy” of my tribe and acknowledging that our tribe needed them.
Before I took the job, my husband and I discussed the risks and the implications in detail. We were both clear that if I ever felt I was compromising my values, I was prepared to leave. By my second year on the job, the fracking controversy was raging, and I regularly sat in community meetings explaining—or even debating—the merits and safety of oil and gas development. Communities had heard of fracking and were often certain that it would poison their groundwater. A furious debate ensued over which chemicals were added to the fracking fluids that were used a mile or so underground to create microcracks in rocks to release oil and gas. Many of the people who came to community meetings had never encountered oil and gas development directly before. And they were alarmed.
My hippy roots and background in environmental science and geology were not building the communication bridges I had naively anticipated. I was unnerved by the anger and fear I met in meeting after meeting, fueled by scary and misleading information, but also representing very real issues and concerns. I would metaphorically wave my research references as I presented to an agitated audience squirming in their seats. One by one, they would give public comment and ask angry questions referencing their own sources of frightening information about fracking.
I spent five years in that role, first focused on educating the public about fracking, and later, based on my trail of failures, convincing the industry that an education campaign alone would never work to build public confidence. Even the most thoughtful educational forum created a firestorm of anger and distrust…
We all seek harmony between our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. When we see evidence that creates a conflict with what we already believe, we preserve our values. For example, when I read a newspaper article about fracking that I feel unfairly and unconsciously casts an oil and gas company in a bad light, I immediately seek harmony by dismissing the fairness and underlying intention of the story.
Similarly, when I present myself in a community meeting as an environmentalist and mother who is explaining the science of fracking, it can create its own cognitive dissonance. An attendee may in fact feel that she is the environmentalist and mother, and she does not believe that fracking is safe. The automatic response is to find a reason to dismiss me and my underlying intentions, usually by saying that I’m a shill for the industry…
To prevent the emotional discomfort of cognitive dissonance, we surround ourselves with like-minded people. The informational echo chambers allow us to experience more day-to-day harmony. By feeding ourselves news and intellectual conversations that reinforce our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, we create a cycle that further exacerbates the certainty of our own perspective.
This makes the exploration of scientific information quite challenging, especially amidst our polarized national politics. Loud, soundbite-spewing voices are needlessly dividing conversations about our environmental, natural, and economic resources. With this backdrop, intelligent conversations about tradeoffs of energy development become nearly impossible…
I decided that COGA would create a voluntary baseline groundwater-sampling program. This was no simple feat. Under our voluntary program, whenever a company drilled a new well, it would take a groundwater sample from a nearby source before drilling, then take another sample one year later. It took months of work, but I ultimately got approval from my board. I then worked the phones for many more months until we had more than 98 percent of oil and gas operators in the state participating in the program.
The voluntary baseline sampling program was a clear success. It demonstrated that operators were willing to be proactive to assuage public concerns. A year later, the program would be codified as a state regulation with official COGA support. Today, tens of thousands of water sampling data are publicly available. The new mountain of data took the question of whether oil and gas development was systematically contaminating groundwater off the table. It was not.
The program, however, did nothing to resolve the conflicts around oil and gas development in Colorado. Public concern about oil and gas development quickly morphed into new issues. Initially, I was surprised. Each time one topic was resolved by a study or a new regulation, the next surfaced seemingly instantaneously. Now I understand the dynamic more clearly: Communities were concerned about fracking in their hearts and their guts, so they would find no shortage of new issues to worry about.
When I was in my early fact-splaining phase at COGA, a study from Cornell University came out declaring that gas was worse than coal in terms of carbon emissions. This study was a full-force slap in my environmental face. The tenuous ground on which I initially justified my defection to the oil and gas camp was the carbon and air quality benefits of natural gas compared to coal.
A research assistant and I went to work dissecting the study. We quickly ascertained that it was a wild exercise in hyperbole. The assumptions, methodology, and calculations were debunked by another Cornell scientist, a federal laboratory, and various other researchers.
That was 8 years ago, yet I continue to be told in both casual and formal conversations about natural gas that science has demonstrated gas is worse than coal. The long-debunked study is still loosely cited as the source of that information…
It’s hard to say who I continue my work for: the people in the industry who struggle to convey the importance and diligence of their work, or the people in Colorado who think the oil and gas industry is out to poison us all in the name of profits. I’ve gotten long letters from both. The most gratifying so far was a woman in her thirties who is a visible and vocal environmental advocate and opponent of fracking. She read the book I wrote about this topic, Accidentally Adamant. We share love for many things in our community, including my children, even as we have always avoided discussing politics.
She told me that the book put her in a quandary. She believed my explanation of energy requirements, tradeoffs, and the benefits of oil and gas. This alone had undermined a fundamental identity for her, a comfort that her tribe was on the side of righteousness. Not only did she need to look deeper at all her beliefs, she explained, but now she was also uncomfortable that she had been taking her previously held assumptions for granted, on which many tiny decisions are based.
Choosing to be open-minded and flexible, opening yourself to different sources that make you ache with discomfort, and finding commonalities with people you disagree with is not for the faint of heart. But whatever your tribe, whatever your starting place, whatever walls and rationalizations you carry, it is possible to move onto the uncertain ground of honest listening and learning that can result in lasting and meaningful change.
Read the whole thing but the message is that no amount of education by the best techs, or PR fluff approved by corporate counsel, ever substitutes for simply listening to the other side and hearing them out with an open mind. In fact, it’s been my experience that the changeable minds (as opposed to those of true believer types) have been fed a lot of malarkey financed by wealthy special interests who our opponents aren’t even aware are involved. The only way to break through that is to listen and patiently explain our own view while honestly respecting their’s and hearing them out.
Likewise, no amount of emotional ranting or use of meaningless slogans (e.g., “water is life” as if pollution was a given) accomplishes a thing in the end. Those with real responsibility seldom take that stuff seriously and the politicians only give it lip service for purposes of feathering their own nests. And, I’m still waiting for the fractivist who gives a damn about property rights or the economic struggles of landowners and rural areas. There’s a whole lot of listening needed in that arena.
Listening doesn’t mean many minds are going to be changed, and perhaps none will be in the moment, but over time things do tend to change and move inexorably toward common sense and the truth. And, yes, I’m absurdly optimistic, too.
The post Why Natural Resource Issues Are So Divisive and What to Do About It appeared first on Natural Gas Now.
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