#i used to have the strongest generic american accent (vaguely southern) before i moved to the philippines
hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
I'm curious, how many languages ​​do you speak?
You come from a Muslim family, right? (If I remember correctly😭-)
Idk, I just remembered that and that doubt came to me 🦐
I fuckin love this emoji
Speak speak? Just two, which are English and Tagalog.
I converse through text, can understand, read, etc. in many other languages including two dialects.
languages being; arabic, spanish, french, japanese, korean, and chinese
dialects including; tausug, chavacano, and cause of my classmates im slowly learning visayan
i like studying etymology and the origin of some words so for a while i could also understand latin and other european languages that came from it/are similar to it but am severely out of practice now
side tangent but that shrimp is most likely male considering it doesnt have a saddle (?) female shrimps are larger at the abdomen area
and yes i come from a muslim family! i have a lot of respect for islam and other abrahamic religions despite their nature against homosexuality and whatnot. even with my theme and all.
hbu love?
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