#i used to go to dance classes for like 5 years and then I left because they weren't as good
crispnebula · 2 years
do you like to dance? or maybe sing?
So I don't have a good singing voice but i can definitely carry a tune
And i can dance it's just I'm out of practice I last danced around 2 ish years ago at my graduation party thing
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Tim Through the Years - Meet the Class
Series Masterlist
Summary: Tim meets your class of 25 five-year-olds. 1.2k+ words.
“Hey, can I run something by you?” you asked Tim while you were having lunch at his desk.
Tim looked up at you mid-bite of his shared sandwich. He chewed quickly and asked, “Of course, is everything okay?”
You softly bit your lip. “Yes. I know you aren’t a fan of community outreach, but will you come to my class and talk about safety and what to do in an emergency?”
Tim gave you his million-dollar smile “I’d be more than happy to come and talk to your class. I get to spend a whole morning with a beautiful lady.” He leans over and kisses you. “I also get the added bonus of being away from Lucy, too.”
You shoved him slightly. “I think you like the latter more.”
“Hey, that’s police brutality. I might have to handcuff you to this desk all day and then you’ll have to hang out with me.” Tim smiled as he spoke.
“Aw! You two are just so cute!” Lucy said when she walked up to the desk.
“Hi Lucy, how are you?” you turned and asked her.
“I’m doing well! Do you think we can have a girls night with me, you, Angela, Nyla and Bailey? We could go paint pottery or watch a movie or go laser tag or…." Before Lucy could finish, Tim sent her a glare.
“Can I help you with something, Officer Chen?” Tim growled out.
“Our suspect is ready to talk,” Chen said to Tim.
“I’ll see you later,” Tim told you as he kissed the top of your head.
“Bye Tim! Bye Lucy! We definitely have to get together soon!”
You wave them off as you pack up and leave. 
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You paced back and forth before school started, waiting on Tim to arrive. You were extremely nervous because your students, while awesome, were very protective of you. They’ve stopped a presentation before because the man who was talking about his job told the class that they could do better than being a teacher. The poor guy got booed and slightly bullied by the group of 5-year-olds, so you just hope that today goes over well. Tim texted you to let you know that he would be a little late due to the fact he saw a crime being committed right in front of him.
When the bell finally rang, your group of students walked into the classroom all chatting away with each other. They put their bags up and sat down in the respective seats (it took a while for them to get down). 
“Good morning everyone!” you tell the class when the second bell rang.
“Good Morning Miss. Winchester!” they responded. 
You started the morning off with doing some freeze dance to get the kids ready to start the day. When that was done, you picked up right where you left off from yesterday. Some students still shouted out answers, but others would remember and raised their hands. You found it adorable how much they enjoy getting to learn. Soon, there was a knock at the door. 
“Class, we have a very special guest today who is going to talk to us about safety.” You walked up to the door, you let Tim and, to your surprise, two more officers in.
“IS THAT A DOG?!?!?!” a student named Ashley shouted.
All the students erupted in excitement, and you had to use your quiet hand gesture to try and settle the class as Tim, a K9 officer, and a small dog walked up to the front of the class. 
“Class, Meet Sergeant Bradford from the LAPD,” you announced to the students.
“Good morning, students, as you heard, I’m Sergeant Bradford, and today I’m talking about safety. Firstly, I brought two special guests with me, Officer Stan with his K-9 Officer Fuzz.”
Officer Stan smiled and greeted the students as Officer Fuzz, a small dachshund, barked excitedly as a greeting.
“I brought Officer Fuzz in today so you can understand what a K-9 is used for and when to approach one,” Tim explained.
“Officer Fuzz is used like any other police officer; he helps us find bad guys and can catch bad guys faster than we can. Officer Fuzz can run up to 20 miles per hour, so we typically send him in to run after someone. Officer Fuzz also helps smell out bad stuff for us to take away. You can approach a police dog at any time with permission from the Officer. If you do see a police dog chasing after someone or he looks angry, do not approach. He could accidentally hurt you because he’s trying to protect his fellow officers or trying to stop someone,” Officer Stan explained. “Any questions?”
Lots of hands flew into the air, so you called on a girl named Hanna to ask the first question. “Does Officer Fuzz stay at the station all the time?”
“That’s a great question! No, Officer Fuzz is technically my dog. So, when I get off work, he gets to go home and be with me. He also goes in when I do, so just like me, Officer Fuzz gets to be a normal dog when he’s not working,” Stan said.
The students continued their questions about Officer Fuzz and his handler. Before Officer Stan had to leave to go back to work, he released Officer Fuzz so he could run around and receive pets from everyone. Officer Fuzz ran up to you last and laid on his back for belly rubs.
“Aren’t you the cutest?” You bent down and gave the tail-wagging dog belly rubs.
“You might have some competition, Bradford,” Stan said with a smile and slightly nudged Tim. Stan called back Officer Fuzz and they both left with waves of goodbyes and a huge “Thank you!” from your students.
“Hello again! I want to tell everyone what to do if they feel unsafe or lost. If you get away from your mommy or your daddy, find a store worker or an officer to help you find your mom or dad. If you are in danger or hurt, call 911 and we will do everything we can to help you. Do we have any questions?”
“What do you do as a Sergeant?” Logan, a young student, asked.
“I am everyone’s boss; I tell them what to do and make sure their job is getting done. I am currently training someone to become a police officer, they are called a Rookie,” Tim explained.
Your students asked as many questions as they could until the lunch bell rang, and the class let out a collective grown in disappointment. 
“Can we have lunch with Sergeant Bradford?” Wade asked, and the other students jumped in to agree.
“I don’t think Sergeant Bradford can stay any longer, he does have to leave at some point,” you said softly.
“I can stay for lunch,” Tim said with a smile. The class cheered and you sent them to get their lunches and to have a private moment with Tim.
“You didn’t have to stay,” you said to Tim as you looked up at him.
“I’m more than happy to. Your students are wonderful,” Tim said with a smile, and kissed the top of your head.
“Did Miss Winchester fix your heart?” Johnny asked Tim, startling both of you. 
Tim smiled and looked at you. “Yeah, she did,” he answered, which caused you to blush.
Johnny’s eyes got all big and he quickly ran out to the other students.
“Guys!!!! Sergeant Bradford is Miss. Winchester’s husband!!”
You then hear a loud scream of joy and all the students running in to ask the both of you a million questions about this new revelation. It was going to be a very long afternoon. 
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cdragons · 4 months
Fuck Everything, But Mostly Fuck You - Part 5
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Previous Chapter, Masterlist
Summary: You have never, EVER, in a million years hated anyone the way you hated Felix fucking Catton. And if you end up murdering your English Professor for forcing you to be paired up with him, WHO COULD BLAME YOU???
Warnings- MDNI 18+, Mention of SA/SH, BDSM (sex dream), M/M/F sex dream, Felix is a pig, Reader claws Oliver's face, Michael loves Reader so much y'all, Farleigh is on Team Michael, Oliver is delusional and awful, alternating POVs between characters, and author has spent too much time researching Oxford crap for this mess for a crack fic to be a crack fic.
Author's Note: Finals are a BITCH, but I'm finally done...except I have to do my summer classes soon. But I really wanted to put this chapter out since it's been a while. Thank you all who've been reading this fic and sharing wonderful comments! They really help push me to become a better writer!
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Michael’s head was about to explode in the next thirty seconds if fucking Farleigh Start didn’t stop digging his paws through his closet and drawers. No amount of clinking and clacking from tapping on his keyboard would be enough to dull out his shirts shuffled in his chest and hangers shrill screeching against the metal bar in his wardrobe.
“Dear God,” the Yankee, stick-figured giant groaned. “How many math pun shirts do you have? Don’t you have any normal ones? Oh my god, are all the pants you own khakis or Oxfam jeans? Do you seriously not own a single pair of corduroy slacks?”
He slammed his laptop shut. God-fucking-dammit, he was going to kill this asshole if he didn’t shut the fuck up.
“Maybe,” Michael gritted out, “if you just focused on the presentation we’re supposed to be working on, it’ll not bother you.”
Farleigh Start clicked his tongue. “Now, now – it’s not nice to be so testy. Most would consider themselves very lucky that I’m providing my services for free.”
The blonde-blind nerd balked when the word ‘services’ entered his ears. Immediately his mind thought of all the rumors that latched to Felix Catton’s mysterious American cousin – who apparently sucked off every teacher in England. Not that he was homophobic or anything – kiss, fuck, marry whoever you wanted, but he wasn’t interested in that sort of thing.
“Services – are you trying to suck my cock so I’ll do your work for you?!”
“…First off, ew,” Farleigh began. “Second, if I left you to do my side of the work, I’m about…86% confident that you’ll end up tanking my grade.” He strolled to Michael’s closet, pulled out a blue gingham-checkered shirt, and grimaced. “Thirdly, I am referring to how I am going to turn–” he nodded towards Michael in disgust “–this, into an actual suitor for our dear (Y/N). Or are you two still doing this little dance of being nauseatingly following each other around like sad puppies and giving each other bedroom eyes without actually fucking?”
Don’t take the bait, don’t take the bait, don’t take the bait, don’t take the–
Michael slammed his laptop shut and tiredly rubbed his eyes. With a loud and audible groan that he dragged out, he rubbed his eyelids until he could see the kaleidoscope of stars and squiggles in the dark.
Fucking damn it.
“How many fucking times do I have to tell you?” he damn-near shouted. “It’s not like that between us!”
Farleigh quirked a brow. “The bedroom eyes or the not-actually-fucking? Because if it’s the former…yes, it is, but if it’s the second,” he brought his hands together in a slow clap, “then well done, Gavey!”
Michael shot up from where he was sitting and ripped the shirt in Start’s hands before throwing it back in his silky oak wardrobe and slamming it shut. Was it so necessary for him to be so fucking insufferable? Was he born this intolerable, or did his fucking cousin, Felix fucking Catton, infect him because being a coked-up narcissist was contagious via proximity or blood?
He heard a few clicks behind him, and the scent of Marlboro Gold cigarettes filled his room.
“So what are you going to do about it?”
Michael turned around and stared at his completely useless study partner for this stupid project for his Classics course that he needs to fulfill his fucking “General Education” requirements. Farleigh Start was leaning against his dresser and staring at him with the most judgingly empty gaze ever worn – all while holding a cigarette between his two fingers and getting ash on the floor.
Great – like it wasn’t a bloody fire hazard to cover his carpeted dorm in hot ash.
He shrugged. “What’re you on about?”
Farleigh took a long drag on his lung cancer joystick before exhaling deeply. His disappointed look made Michael’s eyes twitch in irritation.
“About a certain mutual friend we share and adore,” he drawled. “Whom just so happens to be in my dear cousin’s room right now…at night…on a weekend…alone.” He paused to take in Michael’s reaction and smiled. “Ohhhhh, so you do care.”
Michael shook his head. “Nothing’s gonna happen between ‘em. (Y/N)’s too smart for that.”
“Yes, you see – I know that…and you know that. But my cousin?” Farleigh scrunched up his face and made a wish-washy motion with his hand. “Ehhhhh…he’s more the type to think a giant, glaring red-neon sign with blinking lights saying ‘STOP’ is another giant, glaring purple-neon sign with blinking lights saying ‘Come Hither’ in porno studio 69 font.”
Michael Gavey rolled his eyes and reopened his laptop. “Whatever, I’m not worried.”
“You’re telling me that it doesn’t bother you that our friend is currently in the lion’s den with Oxford’s king?”
“Of course it bothers me,” thought Michael, “but I trust her more than I trust you.”
But Michael wasn’t going to let his forced-upon acquaintance know his thoughts, so all he said was…
“She’s not in the fuckin’ lion’s den, alright? They’re in the Bodleian. I’m going to pick her up from there in like thirty minutes.”
Farleigh cocked his head to the side. “Don’t trust our girl to make smart choices?”
“I trust (Y/N) just fine,” Michael bitterly retorted. “It’s your fucking cousin I don’t trust.”
Because he does – he trusts you so much. He knows how sweet and kind you were to everybody you thought deserved the benefit of the doubt. ‘Deserved’ being the very fine keyword in the detailing because there was no fucking way in hell you were dumb enough to think Sir Felix Catton of fucking ‘SalTbURn MaNor’ deserved your kindness.
Mary, Jesus, and Joseph – he wanted to strangle the old kook when he announced the assigned pairs.
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It was Classics English taught by Professor Radcliff Michael Charles Douglas. He droned on about what materials would be on the end-of-term examinations. Everyone in the classroom, save for you and a few others, was either passing notes by throwing them across the room or staring aimlessly at the air with red-rimmed eyes.
“Ya’ ready, partn’r?”
You pursed your lips as a groan fought to escape. You would regret introducing John Sturge’s 1960 American Western masterpiece, “The Magnificent Seven,” to Michael Gavey if he kept up with that god-awful Texas accent.
You turned to your left and shot a blank glare at Michael. “Listen, Billy the Kid, we don’t know if we’re going to be assigned together,” you said.
“Come on, Professor Douglas always pairs the people sitting together as partners so far in the entire term. If it’s not broke, why fix it?”
“Melanie Brown…paired with Bryce Landon…Kemi Brown…paired with Amelia Sanders…”
You leaned on your elbow to whisper in Michael’s ear to drown out your professor’s blasé voice.
“Can we do our project on Hercules?”
He leaned back. “Why him?”
“I want to present on the glorification of toxic masculinity in mythology, and he’s the prime example.”
Michael chuckled. “You just want to piss off old Douglas up there.”
“Katie Caldwell…paired with Oliver Quick…”
“Is that so wrong?” you asked with a smirk. “You can either be one jump scare away from seeing Jesus or a product of institutionalized glorification of misogyny – but you cannot be both.”
Michael stifled a laugh. “You realize that takes away pretty much half of the English, Math, Science, and every fucking department on campus, right?”
You innocently tilt your head to the side. “Does it?”
“You’re terrible,” Michael snickered. “Completely evil.”
“Oh, please,” you swatted his arm. “You love me anyway.”
“Michael Gavey…paired with Farleigh Start…”
You and Michael turned to the front with disbelief. Wait…if Michael was paired with Farleigh…then that meant…oh, no.
“(Y/N) (L/N)…paired with Felix Catton. That will be all – no changes.”
Michael watched with wide eyes as your head slowly turned to the back of the lecture hall. He watched your face pale in disgust and horror when your eyes stopped at Felix Catton. Michael’s blue eyes narrowed at the lecherous grin Felix shot to you before he puckered his lips to blow a little kiss with a wink.
Your body involuntarily shuddered at the predatory implications. Michael watched as his best friend buried her face in her hands. He heard her say the exact same thought he was having.
These are going to be the worst few weeks of my life.
To say it bothered Michael that Felix Catton was making the moves on you, so to lure you to his sex dungeon of a dorm was an understatement. It was killing him to know that you were essentially forced into a vulnerable position, but when he brought it up to your professor, the old cunt-rag didn’t give two flying fucks.
“Professor Douglas, please,” Michael pleaded. “I really think it’d be in everyone’s best interest if you could make this exception this one time. I promise it has less to do with me and more for (Y/N)’s sake–”
But the ancient windbag wasn’t interested. “Whatever accusations you and Miss (L/N) intend to throw at Mister Catton, I am uninterested. Honestly, Mister Gavey, I expected this kind of nonsensical drivel from your friend, but to see you being caught in her schemes disappoints me greatly.”
Michael bit his tongue to choke down the tongue lashing he wanted to give. He wanted to tell this wrinkled ballsack about how the ‘fine Mister Catton’ basically assaulted you. He wanted to scream how worried he was when he didn’t see you for the rest of the day. He wanted to shout how when he knocked on your dorm and entered, he froze and paled at the sight of you crying your eyes out until they were red and puffy. He wanted to roar out the fury he felt when you revealed to him the incident with Felix Catton that morning in the empty lecture hall. The very same one where Professor Douglas taught.
“I couldn’t do anything,” you whimpered. “I felt like…like such an idiot! I just froze and stared and did nothing!' You started to cry all over again, and Michael wiped your tears with his thumb before holding you close to his chest. “Hey, hey, hey – it’s okay. Freezing and doing nothing are two different things. You were stunned by what happened, and your body reacted the same way – anyone who tells you differently is a liar.” You shook your head. “I couldn’t even speak…it was like my body – it ju-just shut off on its own. My brain kept screaming, ‘Let go,’ ‘Get off,’ or ‘Stay away from me!’ But I…the words and my voice just failed me when I needed them the most.” Michael blurted out the first thought: “(Y/N), you need to report this.” Your eyes shot open in fear. “Michael, no–” “Look, I know you’re scared, but this is assault. He touched your inner thigh, and you clearly didn’t consent – that’s sexual assault, or at the very least sexual harassment! If you report it, at least the campus police know about this and keep an eye out for you.” But you weren’t listening. “Nononononono—Mikey... that’s not how it’ll go down. Even if I report it, they won’t believe me.” “You don’t know that!” “But I do!” you cried. You shot up and started pacing across the room. “I do know because I’ve seen it happen! Almost every girl I knew growing up—it happened to them! At school, on the trains, some at their own homes! Whether they knew every detail of their assaulter or just saw just a patch of skin – it didn’t matter!” You weeped. “And if I tell the cops, they’ll just throw away the report because they’ll think that ‘all he did’ was touch my thigh. Consensual or not, I’ll be labeled as some fucking crazy man-hater who’s grasping at straws to ruin a fine young man’s life and reputation.” You collapsed back on your bed. “I just…I can’t deal that kind of shit right now. Not with…” you took a deep breath, “Not with everything that’s happening right now.” “…What can I do to help?” Michael hated how his voice cracked. He hated how completely useless he felt at that moment. More than anything, he wanted to march to the campus police and report it. But he knew that by doing so…he took even more control away from you by going behind your back. And then he would be a no better monster than Felix Catton. The idea of him going beyond the point of no return made him clench his fists until his knuckles turned white. But when you touched his hand, all the tension flowed out of him like a creek. “You already did the best thing anyone could do for me right now,” you reassured him. “You listened to me. You cared enough to look for me when you felt something was off. You reached out to me and stayed and listened. And most of all…you believed me.” Michael felt his throat go dry. You looked at him with so much trust, as if he were the safest place in your world. He wanted you to look at him that way forever. “I’ll believe you,” he swore. “I’ll be there for you – no matter what. I promise. Whenever you need me, I will be there.” No words can describe the relief you felt from hearing Michael’s promise. When you entered Oxford's campus, you never expected to meet someone as endlessly loyal and trustworthy as him. You were prepared to keep your head low and remain friendless for the next four years. You were ready to spend the next 1460 days crying your heart out from homesickness and imposter syndrome. But somehow, near the beginning of your first term here, you met Michael. And you were so grateful for him. You leaned in and lightly kissed his cheek. “I know. I know you will.” And you believed that with all your heart.
Michael promised you – gave his word – that he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. But, fuck, this asshole was making it hard to keep that promise.
“Mister Catton is a fine young man…”
No, he’s not.
“…one whom I have full faith will end up as remarkable as his father and grandfather before him.”
They probably pulled that same shit, too.
“A man with a future as bright as his does not need some upstart with delusions of grandeur to dismantle an institution as fine as Oxford blatantly spewing out trash about him.”
It’s not trash.
“Unless it was something with proof and worth my time?”
Michael looked at his Classics professor with empty but enraged eyes. “…No, professor. It’s just a personal matter between me and Felix – (Y/N) has nothing to do with it. She’s just…protective, I guess.”
This surprised the sagging skin suit. “Hmm, well, that sense of loyalty from such a strange girl is surprising, to say the least – especially when you take account of her…troubling background as an American from that horrible city. But perhaps there is a chance of decency in her, after all.”
Michael’s right eye twitched slightly. “And what do you mean by her…background?”
“Oh, come now, Mister Gavey. She’s a New Yorker. That city is full of…of…gang-bangers and drug addicts.”
“Her dad’s a professor at NYU, and her mum works for the buildings that host Broadway shows.”
Douglas scoffed. “HA! New York University – what a joke. A campus that’s filled with hippies and no class. And Broadway? Of course, Miss (L/N) is connected to the theatre community. Now, if that’s all, Mister Gavey, I have an important meeting to get to with the chairman of my department. I trust that this matter is settled?”
No, not even close.
But all Michael could do was clench his fist over his backpack’s strap. He forced an unconvincing smile and tersely nodded.
“Yep, won’t get any more problems.”
When old man Douglas replied with his patronizing smile, Michael wanted nothing more than to knock out the rest of the tenured professor’s teeth with a fire hydrant.
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So…no, Michael Gavey was not at all okay with the fact that you were with Felix Catton. He was not OK with the idea that you were within ten feet of that depraved vampire.
All he could do was be reassured you were in a very safe and very public space with lots and lots of people who could serve as potential testimonial eyewitnesses if Catton tried anything.
…Provided that Catton Sr. wouldn’t be able to pay off everyone, their third cousin, and their dog.
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You wanted to die. You wanted to literally sink into the ground. You wanted there to be a sinkhole to open under you, swallow you whole, close up, and you would never see the light of day again.
…Actually, you wanted all those things to happen to your useless fuck of a project partner.
“Y’know, if you’re bored here, there’s a party going on at one of my mates’ flats not far from here.”
Felix moved to the seat right next to you and limply swung his arm over your chair. “So why don’t we–”
You shot up and moved one seat over. “Considering how we’ve been working on the research for almost two hours, and you haven’t gotten any work done,” you bit out. “Getting wasted and losing more brain cells isn’t the right call.”
Taking your open hostility as a challenge, Felix continued to move closer to you. “Exactly! We’ve been at this for two hours, and nothing got done!” His face was inches from yours, and you could smell the rank stench of craft beers and rancid cigarettes on his breath. “So, what’s the harm in having a bit of fun?”
Oh my – this is getting fucking ridiculous.
You started to pack your bags and gather all the borrowed books. “Parties aren’t my idea of ‘fun.’ And I already told my friend to meet me–”
“So bring him too! The more the merrier!”
You took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten. “Our presentation is due in a week, Felix. One week to hand the paper in and present our topic to the class.” 
You swung your backpack over your shoulder. “I take my coursework very seriously, and to say it’s frustrating to have a partner who doesn’t take it as seriously as me would be a supreme understatement.”
“I think from now on–” a swift *RIP* echoed between them as you took a page out of your college-bound notebook. You quickly jotted down instructions for topics so simplified a child could figure it out, “– it’d be best if we work separately.”
Felix shot up from his seat with a panicked look. “Wait, now hold on – let’s not get hasty.”
“I already have a basic outline for the paper - I’ll type up the paper,” you continued while not looking at him. “All you have to do is find the books I’ve so nicely labeled on that sheet of paper I’ve given you.”
“Wha-what happens after I find them?” Felix stammered; his heart broke from how his time with you was so cruelly cut short.
But your tone and body language remained as rigid as it was apathetic. “You have my email, you have a laptop – figure it out, genius. We’ll meet up at a specified time and place; you hand me the books, and we move on with our very separate lives.”
You walked out of the crowded library and toward the nearby bench where you and Michael agreed to meet when he picked you up. You barely had time to sit down before you were bombarded with the presence of a much worse pest stuck to your shoe.
“You get off on bein’ a downright bitch?”
God, was every asshole trying to piss you off tonight?
You turned around with a prominent scowl that further deepened as your eyes took in the insufferable bastard who was clearly trying to pick a fight with you. You don’t know why you bothered to look for confirmation. You immediately knew who it was just by the sheer arrogance oozing from his tone.
As an artist, you had a special relationship with the color blue. In the summer, there was a point in the early mornings when it felt like the world was bathed in it. There was even a period when you were downright obsessed with it. You loved anything and everything blue: the sky, the ocean, hydrangeas, the Obrina Olivewing butterfly – but eyes, you loved painting blue eyes.
You thought of them as these warm, magical rarities that belonged to the stuff of fairies and Disney princesses. Of course, you also knew the popularity of the usage of blue with winter and death, but you never felt that duality…until now.
Because as much of a slimy bastard Oliver Quick was, you had to hand it to the guy…he was one of two people with some of the bluest eyes you’d ever seen.
Which gave you all the more reason to hate him. He made blue eyes look so cold.
 You clenched your backpack strap. “I’m not in the mood, Quick.”
Oliver scoffed. “I’d disagree – you’re always in a mood.”
“So stop talking to me,” you snarled, turning around. “And go away, Michael’s meeting me here soon.” You started to walk away when you heard Oliver speak again.
“I’m surprised he hadn’t dropped you left,” he maliciously quipped. “With you and Felix and all that.”
Your nails dug deeper into your backpack strap. “There is nothing between me and Felix – nothing at all.”
“Yeah, for now,” Oliver shook his head. “But you’ll be crawling to him with your hands and knees on the ground, worshippin’ him like he’s Hercules or Apollo.”
He leaned in closer from behind you. “And you’ll compare Gavey to Felix and look back and wonder ‘how the hell could I have missed being with Felix Catton over some pathetic’–”
Stop it. *clench*
Shut. Up. *dig*
“– know-it-all –”
I hate you. I hate you. *pierce*
“– nobody.”
You turned around and dug your nails into his face as you poured every bit of rage and disdain for the single most insignificant person you’ve ever met in each word that came out of your mouth.
“Enough,” you roughly whispered. It was taking everything inside you to stop lashing out even further. “I don’t want to hear another word from you.”
“What? Plan to –” Oliver winced as you cinched onto his skin.
“Of all the mind-bogglingly,” *clench* “douche-like” *dig* “and despicable” *pierce* “crap you’ve spewed out,” you rasped. “Implying that I would ever choose as dull as Felix Catton over someone as rare and wonderful as Mikey has got to be one of the worst.”
“Do not push me any further, Quick,” You felt him tremble as you slowly released him from your grasp. “I’ve tolerated too much from you and the object of your obsession for far too long as is.”
You stepped back and gave the boy before you a good, hard stare. You never felt rage so deep, so demanding.
It was exhausting.
But you heard your name being called out from your left as you turned your head to see Michael waving to you with his arm high in the air. Had it been anyone else calling out your name, you wouldn’t have felt so quickly eased. You were about to move ahead to meet him halfway in the distance before Oliver’s voice stopped you.
“…What could possibly make him so special?” Oliver pathetically whimpered. “Why would you ever choose him when someone as bright as Felix is begging for you? Do you know what being with him means for you? What it gives you?”
…Was that it? Was that his best shot to get under your skin?
Looking at Michael, you answered him without meaning to.
“There’s no point in explaining it to you,” you calmly stated. “And I think you’ve wasted enough of my time.”
You picked up your stuff and left him alone with his thoughts. As you walked away to join your friend, you could feel his icy sapphire eyes digging into your back. Michael could feel how tense you were and asked if there was anything he could help with – but you waved away his concerns, stating that you had already wasted too much of your time with Felix and Oliver and didn’t want to waste anymore. Slipping your arm over his, you snuggled closer to his side and let the familiar scent of old math textbooks and coffee comfort you.
Oliver would make you pay for what you did – you’d be naïve to assume otherwise. He won’t do it directly, but it will happen. He’s the type to drink poison and expect you to die…only to learn too late that it worked as you lay on the ground bleeding and screaming your throat raw for help.
But right now, you were with your best friend; you two were going back to his dorm for a best friend sleepover, and it’d be enough.
…Yeah, it’ll be enough.
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Oliver needed to make a plan – and fast.
Getting into your good graces was no longer a viable option for him; you made it annoyingly clear of that by the way you attempted to maul his face off. He gingerly touched the claw marks you imprinted on his cheeks as you tried to dig for his blood and bone with your nails. A corner of his mouth went up as he remembered your viciousness. He could practically taste the blood that nearly trickled down his cheek after you pierced his skin.
He hadn’t expected such a blatant display of violence from you, of all people, let alone on the campus’ hallowed grounds so near an establishment as ancient and crowded as the Bodleian.
For you, sweet, innocent (Y/N), to show such open hostility…to know he urged that beautiful, dormant impulsiveness to emerge…it thrilled him like nothing else. At that moment, he so clearly saw it. A darkness that was hidden deep inside you – bursting open from your carefully stitched seams. A deep desire for more in the dull, dull life God cruelly set upon you. Why else would a sweet, little all-American girl such as yourself travel all across the Atlantic to one of the most prestigious universities?
No, you were like him – exactly like him. Your reaction to his goading only proved that to him.
You weren’t used to it – that much was obvious…but that meant little to him. If nothing else, Oliver was resourceful. He’d learn more and more about what makes you tick before plucking you piece by piece into what he needed you to be for him. He’ll watch you explode before making you fizzle.
The idea of you at your fiercest – only for him to break it down bit by bit until all that was left was a more…subdued version of the hardheaded American girl from the Big Apple who loved to aggravate him during her first-year days at Oxford.
The thought alone made him salivate.
He could only dream how you’d be in bed. Your tight, hot little body would be squirming and writhing from the pleasure he and Felix bestow upon you. You, helplessly lying on your back while being fucked dumb by the two of them.
God, he felt himself getting hard at just the image alone – to make it a reality…that sort of victory, along with having Felix, would be nothing short of heaven for him. He unbuttoned his jeans as he took out his hardening cock into his hand. Not wanting to bother himself by starting slow, he immediately stroked himself with a rough and unforgiving pace. He wanted the pleasure from the fantasy to overwhelm him.
You looked perfect—replete, ethereal, and effervescent. Your entire body twitched as your eyes were blown wide, and drool dribbled down your chin. You put up quite the fight; the scratch marks on his and Felix’s chests proved that. But seeing you on your back on red silk sheets with your wrists and ankles tied to the bed posts made the struggle worth it. The red and pink bite marks that begin from the column of your slender neck down to your plush and tender inner thighs made for a prettier picture you could ever paint. “Oliver,” you pitifully rasped. “P-please, m’sorry – AH!” Your body jolted, and your back arched as he slapped your swollen clit. He struck his hand down one, two, three more times and watched as you thrashed and cried before another peak was forcefully ripped within you and came gushing out. God, how many times was it at that point? Three, four? It must have been quite a high number, judging by how tightly your cunt clenched onto his fingers when he thrust them inside you. “Look at her,” Felix cooed from behind Oliver. The Saltburn heir’s hulking frame towered over his lover as they watched their pet beg for mercy. “You almost feel sorry for her.” His hot breath panted into his ear as Oliver shivered in delight. The Quick boy gasped when he felt Felix’s large digits begin to enter his tight, puckering hole. “Take your fingers out,” he ordered. “And stick your cock inside her. You’ve been so good to me that I’ll let you fuck her sloppy cunt while I finger-fuck your arse.” Oh god, yes. Oliver took out his fingers and immediately positioned his hard cock at your leaking pussy as he spread your legs apart and forced your knees to press against your chest. “Wait,” you slowly blinked. “Wha…what’re you do–” Your back arched as Oliver pushed into you before thrusting into your cunt at a brutal pace. Tears were streaming down your reddened, flushed face as ecstasy-laden sobs filled the room. “Good boy, Olly,” Felix praised as he continued to push his fingers inside Oliver while the nails of his other hand dug into his hips. He let out a ragged gasp from how Felix deliciously stretched him out. He started out slow before moving his fingers at a faster and steadier pace. “That’s it, Olly. You’re so good – so good to me.” God, the contrast between the firm grips and harsh thrusts with gentle whispers of sweet nothings was like nothing he had ever experienced. And it only made the pleasure of Oliver plowing into your weeping pussy while you cried like a bitch in heat feel too good to be true. “Oh, you’re getting so tight,” Felix groaned. “You wanna come, don’t you? You wanna spill your cum into our pet’s little cumdump hole, right?” “Yes,” Oliver rashly answered before snarling to you. “You hear that, you dumb slut? I’m going to cum in you, and you’re going to take it.” “N…not i-inside,” you begged despite your walls clenching tighter around his cock. “P-please not inside!” Oliver just laughed. “You want it – oh, yes, you do.” He released one of your legs to grip your jaw and forced you to stare at him. “Don’t bother denying it. Your body knows how a whore like you is just desperate for me.” He chuckled as he thrusts into you even harder than before. “Well?” “Yes!” you cried out. “Yes, Oliver! Let me be your cumdump! I want your cum so badly!” Before Oliver and Felix permitted you to do so, you spilled onto Oliver’s cock, and the tightening of your walls, mixed with how deep Felix pushed his fingers inside him, made Oliver’s mind go blank – and soon, all he could hear was white noise.
Oliver slumped into his chair as a coat of sweat covered his entire body. Thick, white ropes of cum were still spurting out of his softening cock despite it coating his right hand. He ran his left hand through his dark curls as reality settled back in. Cold, bitter loneliness engulfed his body as he realized that you and Felix were not with him, and he remained as alone as before. A newfound determination to make his fantasy a reality soon took place.
His vision will be a reality. Felix will love him. And you will be their pet whose sole purpose in life is to take load after load of their pleasure.
But such things were too early to think about with how you were now. No…no, no, no…you were far too raw in your current state…too volatile…too stubborn…too American. He supposes it shouldn’t be too surprising that you latch onto fitfulness and inconsistency.
You were an artist, after all, and such was the fate of your kind to be destined to forever claw their way from the bottom as a means of survival.
But, however charming your unpredictability may have been in your concrete-paved, urban paradise that you call ‘home’ – that simply won’t do for him. He was more than confident that he could make you see things his way, but there were…problems needed to be resolved.
Namely, one in particular that came in ill-fitting apparel and bulky-framed eyewear – Michael Gavey.
Only an utterly blind idiot would miss how you pathetically secure your entire emotional well-being onto him. Oliver watched in total desolation and disappointment at how your glorious rage dissipated at the sight of him. But a part of him was equally as impressed at the mask you so expertly paraded, going so far as forcing your body language to adapt to the circumstances.
But…it wasn’t a mask, was it?
You looked at Michael Gavey the way he looked at Felix – complete and total worship. Michael Gavey, for whatever reason, was your sun, moon, and stars. The way you protected and so ardently adored him made the conclusion all the easier to reach.
Suddenly, it all became clear.
Of course…how did he not see it? The answer was so obvious. What better way to force you to his and Felix’s side…than to separate and condition you?
Isolation was a cruel and sadistic thing to thrust upon anyone – let alone who had so few friends in a foreign country like yourself. But he knew how much of an effective tool it could serve for him. Oh, it would be arduous initially – yes, it will. But it would all be worth it in the end. After all, in a way, this was your fault. If only you had complied with him when he was being nice, he wouldn’t have had to resort to such drastic but necessary measures.
Oliver darkly chuckled to himself.
Yes…everything would turn out in his favor. He’d make sure of it.
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Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @arcielee, @asa-do-your-thing, @aphroditesmoon, @axelsagewrites, @the1999kid, @poolnoodlerescuer, @aemondsbabe, @winterblu2, @abaker74, @whereismymindno, @agustdeeyaa, @iamavailablesstuff, @bonnieblue0606, @st-eve-barnes, @nyxthoughtss, @immyowndefender, @ilovemydinoboi, @ahristata, @cxp1d, @jinsoulorbitzen12, @temptation-waits, @bollzinurmouth, @jcngw0ns, @seababehh, @destinydestnation, @lankyboi4, @mindless-rock, @cassavacakes, @paradisepoisons, @pansexualpamandabear, @erikasurfer, @lissamans, @cookielovesbook-akie, @thesmutconnoisseur, @izzyisstuff, @lariisouz, @ma1dita, @jeondeluxe111, @itszzmoon, @wolfeginny, @mioshasworld, @bre99
Let me know in the comments your thoughts and if you want to be tagged when I update!
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go pray to my ancestors and beg for their forgiveness for writing Oliver's POV 🥲
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lostcherise · 1 month
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Summary: In which Jesse Pinkman grows some balls and finally asks you out to prom.
Warnings: high school (they're both 18 ok), use of marijuana, piv sex, finger fucking, dry humping, cunnilingus, car sex, Jesse pinkman!!!
word count: 6,177
A/N: it's been like 5 years since I've last written anything so bear with my rusty ass. I thought I'd get back to it with a bit of Jesse Pinkman, cause there's not enough of him around to satisfy my needs, so I took matters into my own hands. This is also posted on ao3 so if you see this there, that's me!! Hope you enjoy!!
Jesse Pinkman was no suave ladies man. 
Sure, he could talk his way into a girl's pants every now and then, but that was only when there were no feelings involved. That wasn't the case with you, though. He was crushing and boy was he crushing hard. So hard it clouded his mind whenever you were remotely close to him, be it in class or passing him by in the hallway. 
He never heard the end of it from Skinny Pete and Badger too, always on his ass about the way he acted at the mere mention of your name. He was a goner. He even got himself in embarrassing situations by his infatuation with you. Like that one time during Mr. White's chemistry class when he was caught ogling at you from the table on your left. 
"Pinkman." Mr. White's stern voice broke him out of his trance. "How boring does this class have to be that you opt to continuously stare at miss Y/L/N?" 
Blood rushed up to his cheeks, embarrassed he bore his gaze into the jagged corner of the table. A couple of muffled snickers echoed behind him, he didn't even dare to lift his gaze up and look over his shoulder to cuss them out. 
He was brave enough to look up in your direction, though, and his breath hitched in is throat. You were looking at him. That was the first moment you ever both locked eyes with each other and it was at his fucking expense. The first time you looked at him and it was when he was fucking caught staring at you like a creep. 
Maybe he was delusional, but he swore he saw the faintest hint of a smile gracing your glossy lips. And shit. Were you blushing? 
His heart fluttered. He was officially a goner. 
"Shit man. We can't go to prom by ourselves like a bunch of losers. Again." Badger whined, giving his locker a harsh shove. The echoing sound earning a glare from Jesse who had been lost in his train of thoughts just moments ago. 
"Speak for yourself, yo. Already got myself a date." Skinny, smirked and rolled his shoulders back in a more confident stance. He earned two shocked stares from his friends, with Badger letting out yet another raspy whine.
"Stop bluffing, yo." Jesse scoffed and smacked his chest. 
"Nah, man it's true. I'm going with Jennifer Stine, yo." Skinny smirked at his friends shocked faces, his smirk widened when Badger started stomping his legs like a fucking two year old. He hung his head low in defeat, shoulders slumped. However, that only lasted for a couple of seconds, his head snapped up and a shit eating grin graced his face, he was looking directly at Jesse. That couldn't be good. 
"I'm gonna ask Y/N to pro-" Badger didn't even get to finish his sentence before Jesse pushed him into the lockers and grabbed him by the collar. He was seething, his icy blues were glaring up at Badger, but in his mind all he could picture was his friend's grimy hands on your waist as you were slow dancing. There was no way in hell he could let that happen. 
"Back the fuck off, she's off limits." Jesse seethed through gritted teeth. 
"Why, man? You won't even talk to her." Badger riled him on even more. Sure, he was right, Jesse didn't have the courage to go up and talk to you, but in his mind you were unofficially his. Plus, if he couldn't have you, no one else could. Out of his friend group any way, he could think of a hundred boys better than himself that would be deserving of your attention. But it wouldn't hurt to dream. 
"I'm going to ask her out to prom. Today. At lunch." The words came out of Jesse's mouth way faster than his brain could process. Though, the minute they slipped out of his lips, he regretted it, but there was no way he was going to retract his statement. It was time to man up and stop being a fuckin' coward. 
"Right on, brother." Skinny slapped his shoulder blade encouragingly, to which Jesse silently nodded, unsure of himself. There was no backing out now. With a deep inhale, he let go of Badger's shirt, he desperately needed a fat blunt to ease his nerves. 
"I'm skipping class, see you at lunch." Jesse mumbled seconds before the bell rang and scurried of to the parking lot. His brows were scrunched with worry, his eyes quickly scanning the premises, he couldn't afford getting caught hitting a blunt at school. Again. Not if he wanted to be with you there, he just had to be extra careful this time. He reached into his pocket with trembling hands, cursing under his breath when he couldn't immediately find his keys amongst the pack of cigarettes and various gum wrappers. He finally fished out his keys, along with a loose screw, he couldn't even remember what that was for, let alone what it was doing in his pocket. Shaking his head he threw it over his shoulder and quickly got in his Monte Carlo. 
Once inside, he reached over the console and opened the glove compartment, grabbing a small ziplock bag containing a few rolled up joints. I need a better hiding place for this, he silently thought to himself, but he'd have to worry about that some other day. He snatched the lighter that was thrown on the passenger seat and lit one up, the stench immediately filling up the car. 
His mind was racing a thousand miles per second, how was he going to approach you. Hey you probably don't know me but I've hard a raging crush on you since 8th grade, please go to prom with me? He groaned into the steering wheel, there was no subtle way to approach the matter. He had to be fast and to the point, like ripping out a bandaid. Yeah, that would do. 
With a sudden surge of confidence, he put out the joint and got out of his car. Maybe smelling like weed before asking you out wasn't one of his brightest moments, he must've had some forgotten cologne in his car somewhere. After spraying some on, he now smelled like weed and cologne. He paced around for a few minutes waiting for the next bell to ring so he could go to the cafeteria and set his plan in motion. Well, there really was no plan, maybe he would think of something along the way, his main concern was not to be a blubbering mess in front of you and your popular friends. 
He strutted with confidence, but with each step that he took closer to you he was losing it bit by bit, till he reached out a shaky hand to open the cafeteria door. 
Here goes nothing. 
You shook your head once more, a breathy laugh escaping your lips. 
"Wha- no!?" Your friend Maddie shrieked. "How could you say no to Matt?" She asked indignantly. "Just so you know," Maddie pointed a manicured finger at you, "if you keep this up you're gonna end up going alone to prom." 
"Then so be it!" You giggled, pushing your soggy green beans to the side. "It's just I imagined senior prom a little different that's all." With Jesse Pinkman, is what you really wanted to say, but you knew it wasn't going to sit well with your friend that you had a crush on your school's weed dealer. Plus, there were rumors going around that he was into harder stuff too. So for that you opted to take your secret crush with you to the grave. 
"Oh, come on with you and always being a stickler for following plans. Live spontaneously, for once." Maddie sighed, she hated that about you. 
"Am not!" You threw a bean at her, it landed on the side of her mouth. You held in your laughter as Maddie sputtered, spitting at nothing to get rid of the disgusting taste and feeling.
The cafeteria door swung open, catching your eye. You smiled faintly, it was Jesse. Although, it was short lived, once you noticed he was walking your way. He was fidgeting and he seemed to breathing fast. Was he on something? 
"H-hi, Y/N." He squeaked once he reached your table. The whites of his eyes were red indicating that he was in fact high, he also smelled faintly of weed, he had done a piss poor job of concealing that with his cologne. 
Maddie scrunched up her face and opened her mouth ready to tell him to buzz off, but you were quicker. 
"Hey, Jesse."  You smiled sincerely, albeit a little confused, you've never even spoken to him before. 
"Well, shit. You know my name." He voiced his thoughts out loud with wide eyes and you watched him visibly cringe at that and although you wanted to laugh at how cute he was, you decided to spare him the added embarrassment. 
"Fuck, I d-don't know how to, uh, say this," he fidgeted with his beanie and scratched his brow, he seemed... nervous? You couldn't help but wonder what for. "Do you- Do you wanna go to prom with me?" He grimaced, poor boy looked like he was in pain. 
You blinked up at him dumbfounded, God knows for how long that was, until your trance was broken by Maddie's snorting. "As if, buddy." She dismissed him for you. 
"Yes." You interjected, shocking both Maddie and Jesse. "Yes, I will." You added with a genuine smile. 
"What?" You asked once you took notice of the way Maddie was staring at you. "You wanted spontaneous, this is spontaneous." You lied with ease. This wasn't spontaneous, this was all you ever wanted, but no one had to know about that. 
"Here, gimme your phone." Your reached out towards Jesse. "I'll type in my number and we can discuss the details later?" You asked hopefully. 
"Yes!" He exclaimed a little to eagerly. He cleared his throat and reached into his pocket, "here you go." He said in a fake confident voice.
Your fingertips brushed momentarily and the sensation was electrifying, it sent jolts right down to your toes. You hoped he had felt it too. Silently, you typed in your name and number in his contacts and handed him is phone back. 
"I'll be happy to hear from you." You said with the best flirty voice you could muster in your nervous state. "See you around, Jesse." You smiled sweetly up at him. He was a mumbling mess and fled with a barely audible goodbye. You didn't see him for the rest of the day that day.
Four days straight. That's how long you kept dodging Maddie's questions about the Jesse situation. You tried to be as vague as possible but it was proving to be extra hard when she was on your ass every minute. Meanwhile, you'd been exchanging text messages with Jesse, it started off with basic details about prom night, mainly how you wanted to match your red dress with him. After that it bloomed into a lighthearted conversation, neither of you being overly flirty over text, on your case you were just so shy. Prom was tomorrow and you still couldn't believe that you were going with Jesse, the thought alone had you squealing like a 5 year old. 
You jumped up on your bed, landing on your back. Tomorrow was your only shot at achieving that something more with Jesse Pinkman. Sighing contently you closed your eyes and daydreamed various scenarios of you and Jesse, slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep with a smile on your face.
The next morning went by like a blur and by 3pm it was time to get ready for the full on routine. Hair, legs, exfoliating, masks you name it, you had to be pampered all the way down to your toes, you had to look perfect. 
Your mom leaned on your bedroom's doorframe, "So you're not going to tell me who's the guy that's taking you to prom?" She peered at you with crossed arms and a quirked eyebrow through the mirror reflection. "I mean he will be here in a couple of hours, don't I deserve to know something about him?"
"No..." You trailed off, focusing on your hair, fighting with a certain bobby pin that you were trying to safely secure on your head. Half of your hair was tied up in a deliberate messy bun, with a few face framing curls hanging down. Once you were done with the last bit of your hair, you gave your mother's question another thought, if you were being honest with yourself, you didn't really know much about Jesse. Your heart faltered at the thought, what if this was a bad choice? 
"Help me with the zipper, please?" You stood up and motioned at your back. With two swift steps your mom stood behind you and carefully pulled the zipper up. You flattened the non existent wrinkles on your dress, it hugged your figure perfectly, the burgundy red fabric falling all the way down to your ankles. It was topped with a black sheer layer that created a beautiful contrast, it also had a modest slit that stopped a few inches above your left knee for easier movement. 
"When is he coming to pick you up?" She asked, resting her hands on your shoulders, giving them a comforting squeeze, she could always sense when you were feeling off. 
"In like ten minutes? I think." You replied glancing at the time, 6:30pm. With a quick once over in the mirror, you touched up your make up and adjusted your hair when the doorbell rang. 
"Shit." Your eyes widened and you ran over to your window, moved the curtain on the side and peered out in the driveway. Sure enough, a glaring red Monte Carlo was parked on the sidewalk in front of your house. "Shit, fuck." A string of curses fell from your lips, despite your mom's judgmental stare. "He's early. Go get the door before dad does." You pleaded. 
"Okay, okay." Your mother waved you dismissively and sauntered down the stairs, a pair of faint voices could be heard from down the hallway, from what you could make out your dad was already bombarding Jesse with loads of questions. That was your cue to step out and save him from the torture. 
Jesse was mid sentence when you reached the bottom of the stairs, his words dying on his lips. His blue eyes held your gaze in silence until your dad cleared his throat and spoke up "You, uh" his voice cracked a little "you look gorgeous sweetie." He complimented you and came by your side to place a loving soft kiss on the top of your head. 
Your mom was standing next to Jesse with a camera in her hands. "Oh, honey you both look so beautiful, come on Jesse go stand next to her so can I snap a picture of you both." She ushered him excitedly. After the mini photoshoot your mom directed, you were both free to head out. Once you both were in his car you broke the silence. 
"You got here early." You commented simply. 
"Shit, yeah." He let out a breathy chuckle, turning the key in the ignition and his car rumbled to life. "Actually, I was sitting in my car for about 20 minutes before I decided to come in. That old lady neighbor of yours was getting suspicious and I didn't want the cops called on me." He glanced at you and you both laughed, that wouldn't have been ideal. You weren't naive, you knew what Jesse was into and God knows what they could have found in that car of his. You admired him silently from the passenger seat, his dirty blonde hair fell shaggy in front of his forehead, just above his eyebrows. The suit he was wearing seemed to be one size too big for him, however you had noticed that to be a pattern, given his every day clothes were just as baggy on him. His skinny frame accentuated the difference even more. He was matching you with a burgundy tie and fake rose in his pocket. 
"You look handsome, very..." your voice trailed off as you tried to tried to find the right words. His pointed gaze didn't do any favors in easing your nerves. "Presentable." You winced, that was not it. 
"Oh." Surprisingly, he was smiling. "Are you saying I normally look like a bum, yo?" His tone was teasing. 
"Yes. But I kinda dig that, just so you know." 
"That's comforting, good to know." 
Soon you came to a stop and you barely had time to unbuckle your seat belt, the passenger door flung open. Jesse's chest was moving rapidly, his hand outstretched towards you to help you out of the car. His touch was electrifying, his fingertips surprisingly soft as they brushed the back of your hand softly. Your hands was probably disgustingly sweaty from the nerves, if that were the case then he made no comment about it. You mumbled in thanks and silently made your way to your school's basketball court. It seemed as you had arrived a tad early,  not a lot of people were there. Maddie and the rest of your friend group were however and she had noticed you. 
Reluctantly you made your way over to them, dragging Jesse along. A few awkward hellos were exchanged and the conversation died there. Each second that passed became even more unbearable until Jesse attempted to break the silence. "Anyone want some punch, yo?" 
Everyone lifted their red cups, already full. "I'll be right back." He cleared his throat. 
"I'm coming." You tailed him. 
"I'm sorry for making it awkward with your friends." He apologized in a low voice once he was out of earshot. 
"It's not your fault."
"Everyone knows I'm slingin', so yeah kinda my fault here." He filled his cup and reached inside his suit, pulling out a metal flask. "I stole it from my dad." He answered your silent question. "Want sum?" A mischievous grin found its way on his lips and urged you with a nudge. 
"Sure, hit me up." You didn't need much persuasion, if you wanted to make it through tonight, buzzed was the only way that seemed right at that moment. 
"Alright, yo!" Jesse cheered you on as he poured clear liquor in your punch. You hadn't even asked what it was but at that point the damage had been done. "To a most memorable prom." He toasted, tipping his cup in your direction and you mimicked his action. 
"To a most memorable prom, indeed." You agreed and took a healthy gulp from your cup. "God," you choked out, suppressing a gag. "What's in this?" 
"Tequila." He laughed at your distaste. 
The music flowed through the speakers and more people started rolling in, a few already dancing on the makeshift dance floor. Maybe a bit of tequila was exactly what you needed to muster up the courage and drag Jesse with you to dance. Despite his best efforts to decline, he ended up awkwardly dancing with his hands on your waist. You stared directly into his eyes, with the heels you were wearing you were about one inch taller than him, which you found cute. As much as you tried to get him to move by moving your own hips, he remained fairly rigid. 
"Come on." You shook him. "Move a bit more." You whined as you bumped your shoulders along to the rhythm of 'Murder on the Dancefloor'. With one step back, you let go of him and attempted to disco dance, left hand on your hip while your right moved from the left side of hip and up to the air. His lips were pursed as he tried to suppress a laugh that was dying to come out, until he gave in and joined you. At that moment you both felt free, not caring about anyone else around you. In that moment, it was just you and him, maybe it was fast but it felt so real, you were falling for him. 
"Hey," he moved on the side of your face, his lips inches away from the supple skin of your neck and the urge to mark you was real, but he restrained himself. "Wanna ditch?" He asked. 
"Go where? You're not having fun?" You asked innocently. Honestly, you were too pure for him sometimes, he felt almost guilty as if he was going to taint you just with his presence. 
"I am, I just wanted us to have fun without all these people." His voice drifted off. 
"Su- uh, sure." You stuttered and silently let him guide you out of the court, your friends were all looking at you curiously but there was no time for goodbyes to be exchanged. 
"Where are we going?" You decided to break the silence, already cruising down the highway on his Monte Carlo. You were getting antsy, you blindly trusted him but that didn't mean that you knew him all too well. 
"Was thinking, Sandia Foothills. Enjoy the view, ya know?" He shrugged to which you simply nodded and remained silent on the rest of the drive there. 
You couldn't hide the serene feeling that came over you once Jesse parked in a beautiful spot that overlooked the city of Albuquerque. The shimmering lights of the city sky somewhat resembled a starry sky. Although it was June, it was admittedly a bit nippy up there, but some fresh air was much needed. 
"I usually come up here to sit alone and think. Get away from the world for a bit." He confessed, staring directly ahead at the Albuquerque skyline. "And light a fat one, of course." It was now that he looked at you with a devious glint in his eyes. 
"I want to try." You blurted. 
His smile faltered and you noticed his icy blues widening just a bit. "Are you sure? I didn't bring you here to peer pressure you or any of that shit, yo. Just clearing that up." He replied, voice defensive. 
"Relax." You exhaled out of your nose. "I wanna try this, I want to try it with you." You reassured and reached over to place your hand on his, hoping it would convince him more. 
Jesse leaned over and reached for the glove box, grabbing the all too familiar ziploc baggie. "Why don't we take this outside?" He suggested with a nod of his head to which you agreed to by getting out. He followed suit, taking a seat on the hood of his car, motioning you to do so as well. You slid over, just a couple of inches away from him and observed in silence as he took the rolled joint, enclosed his soft lips around it and lit it up. He expertly took a long drag and passed it on to you. It felt foreign between your fingertips, you hadn't even held a cigarette before and you wanted to try weed, for God's sake. Bringing it up to your mouth, you mimicked Jesse and took a drag and let the smoke out and he just shook his head. 
"You gotta inhale it, you know." 
"Oh." You tried again, drag, inhale, choke. You pushed the lit joint at him as you struggled for air. "Jesus, that's nasty." You croaked. 
"You'll get used to it, yo." 
And you did, after three more times and as time went on you really felt the effects kicking in. It felt like you, but free. Your head was rested on his shoulder and you giggled at something stupid he said, you didn't know how long you guys were sitting out there talking but it didn't feel like long enough. Hell, eternity didn't feel like long enough time to spend with Jesse Pinkman. 
With a sudden surge of confidence, you moved up to grab the side of his face and pull him in a kiss. You didn't know if it was the three spiked drinks Jesse had given you or the weed or a combination of the two, but you kissed him. And boy, oh boy, did it set your entire body on fire. Even Jesse was stunned at your brazen move, but soon that feeling was overcome and he reciprocated the kiss with equal fervor. 
An involuntary whine escaped your lips, only to which Jesse replied to with a moan. The kiss was messy, needy, his tongue exploring your mouth. He was kissing you like a man starved. You snaked your right hand at the nape of his neck, gripping and pulling at his hair slightly. The groan he let out, sent a new wave of neediness down to your core, it was carnal. You moved to straddle his hips, thankful the slit in your dress allowed you freer range of motion. His hands were down to your ass cheeks in an instant, grabbing and squeezing the soft flesh. 
You broke out of the kiss, moving your head to the side, something he took advantage of and began his sweet attack on the side of your neck. Something Jesse was dying to do since before you ditched prom with him. With another squeeze on your ass, you involuntarily ground your hips down on his crotch. 
"Shit. Fuck." He moaned into your skin, the sound of his voice only egging you on. His dick twitched in his slacks, the feeling of your warm clothed pussy on him sent blood pulsing right to his tip. A soft gasp fell from your lips as you felt him harden against you and your walls clenched around nothing. You couldn't remember the last time you wanted someone this badly before. His hands kept guiding your hips to move against his growing cock. Your pussy ached through your drenched panties, God you had never been that wet before.
"Jesse." You whispered into his mouth. "I want you." You added and placed a soft kiss on his swollen lips. "Give it to me."
"What?" He breathed, he thought he didn't hear you properly, his ears were buzzing and he felt dizzy, all of his blood had drained out of his brain and went straight up to his dick.
"Please, Jesse. Please, please, I need it." You begged breathlessly, not once stopping your hips against his. No one had begged for him, let alone so needily. He had to give in if he didn't wanna come in his pants like some inexperienced twat. 
"Backseat, now." 
In seconds, you were on your feet scramming to get back in the car. Your knees were wobbly and almost gave out, but you steadied yourself on his car before going in. With clenched thighs you watched as he opened the passenger door and rummaged through the glove box frantically and after a few seconds, he finally got what he needed. Quickly, he jogged over the other side of the car and the door flung open, he grabbed your left calf and dragged you closer you him in a laying position. Now, your left leg was over Jesse's shoulder and your right was awkwardly hanging out of the backseat, you had to throw it over the driver's seat to be comfortable. 
"Fuck." Jesse groaned at the sight in front of him, you were so open, so ready for him and he needed to make every second count. With the pad of his thumb, he rubbed soft circles against the wet patch of your underwear, circling his thumb around around your sensitive nub. He almost came at the sight of you writhing beneath him, mewling his name. But that reaction wasn't enough, he wanted to get you screaming, pleading for him to stop. He moved your underwear aside, exposing your swollen cunt at him. Jesse toyed with your slick entrance with his middle finger, enjoying the way your hips jolted at his touch, it was riling him more just how needy you were for him. He added his ring finger to the motions gathering up all of your juices and gently pushed two fingers inside. 
Automatically, your muscles clenched around his slender fingers and his name fell out of your lips in a breathy gasp. Your hands reached down to grab a fistful of his hair, tugging as he worked his way with his fingers. 
"God, you're perfect." He held your gaze with his, eyes hooded and red, glazed over with the high and lust. He picked up his pace with his hand, pushing his fingers in and out, the wet squelching of your pussy filling up the car, he curled his fingers at the spongy part beneath your pelvic bone and you clenched around him. 
Jesse bent down, now his face aligned with your pussy. Soft, warm lips circled around your clit and you screamed at the contact, your hand shooting up to your mouth to muffle the sounds of pleasure that ripped out of your throat. No one had ever went down on you before so it was a totally foreign sensation. Your eyes rolled back as Jesse continued fucking you with his fingers and now with the addition of his tongue rolling lapping at your clit, it felt like too much to handle. 
"Jesse, I-" your words were caught in your mouth and another moan came out when he gently sucked on your clit. "I'm gonna cum." Heat pooled at the pit of your stomach, it felt like a ticking bomb ready to go off any minute now. And with a final clench around his fingers, you came crashing down like a dam breaking, coming all over his fingers and face. 
"Fuck that's hot." Jesse groaned against your cunt. "I want to feel you clench around my dick." He breathed against your inner thigh, planting a soft kiss before ushering you to sit upright. He got in the middle of the backseat and motioned you to straddle him. You attacked his mouth I'm a hungry kiss, it was boozy from the spiked punch, tasted of weed and faintly tangy from all of your juices. Your fingers worked on his tie, loosening it and you fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, you were halfway there when his hands stopped yours. 
"No time for that. I need you, now." He mumbled against your mouth, his kisses trailing down your jaw and all the way down to your neck and collarbone, where he sucked on the skin softly, he wanted to leave his mark on you. Let everybody know you were his. Slender fingers slid up your shoulders and pushed down harshly on the straps of your dress, your breasts spilling out. His dick twitched against you, you weren't wearing a bra. One hand moved down to your breast, cupping, squeezing, while the other one groped your ass, urging you to grind on him. 
Without saying much, you went on to unbuckle his belt, quickly moving his pants along with his boxers down. His hardened cock sprung free and it laid there in all his glory, thick and hardened, the tip angry and red, already leaking with precum. You longed to get a taste, feel his weight against your tongue. As if being able to read your thoughts, Jesse spoke up.
"Another time, yeah?" He reassured you, reaching down to his pants that were pooled against his ankles and dug around in his pocket and pulled out a condom. You watched in silence and anticipation as he ripped it open and rolled it down his shaft. 
Jesse's mouth felt dry, heart thumping angrily against his ribcage. Your face was flushed, lips so plump and red, tits sitting perfectly on your chest. You looked like a dream. Maybe he was dreaming. You grabbed the base of his cock and aligned him with your entrance, to which Jesse closed his eyes, he was almost sure that just before you sank down on him, his eyes would fly open and he'd find himself sleeping in Mr. White's class. 
But that never happened.
You both moaned in unison, once you bottomed out, his balls touching your asscheeks. You both sat unmoving for a second, taking in the feeling, a tiny thrust upwards from Jesse is all you needed and you started moving. It was like nothing you'd ever felt before, he filled you up just right, your pussy easily stretching to accommodate his girth and size. 
"Shit, that feels amazing." You whined as you slightly picked up your pace, moving your hips up and down in a sloppy figure 8 motion. Jesse's mouth found solace in your breasts, taking in a hardened nipple, suckling on it softly. Shit, he was sure he could make you come just by sucking on your nipples alone, given how responsive you were when he was having his way with them. He took that mental note and made it a goal for another time, for now he was too focused on the way your pussy stretched around his girth. You were made just for him.
"You're so tight." He praised, grabbing your exposed ass and giving it a slap. "Keep going, baby. You're doing so good." He groaned and you started moving your hips faster in response to his words, the grip on his shoulders tightening as you struggled to keep up with the pace you had set. The burning sensation in your quads was catching up to you and he could also sense you were growing tired. 
With a steadying arm around your waist, he took over, thrusting up to meet your hips mid air and setting up a new pace, one that had you reeling with new waves of pleasure. 
"Faster, please." You begged, to which he happily obliged without any second thought, fucking into your sopping pussy faster and harder, bringing you closer to your second orgasm. His brows were furrowed as he concentrated so hard not to come too soon, before you did at least. 
"I'm so close Jesse." You moaned and buried your head in his neck, biting down hard on his shoulder to keep yourself from screaming out. 
"Me t-too." He rasped out, reaching down between your bodies, he found your clit and began his assault on your hardened nub, edging you closer to your release. "Come on me." His command was gentle as the combination of his fingers and cock brought you to your release. It came and washed over you like a tidal wave, even harder than the one he had given you minutes ago, you moaned as you gushed all over his cock making a mess on the backseat. 
Jesse was about to lose his goddamn mind at how hard you had just come, it was like nothing he had experienced and the feeling alone sent him closer to his own orgasm. With two last sloppy thrusts, his hips stuttered against your own and he spilled into the condom, hard. 
"Wow." He breathed. 
"Yeah." You agreed breathlessly and rested your forehead against his. His eyes locked with yours and you could see a sea of emotions dancing around in them. God, he was beautiful. You bent down and placed a soft, slow kiss on his lips to which he immediately responded. It wasn't like the ones you shared previously, it was full of unspoken emotion. Jesse struggled so hard not to open his mouth and say something too hasty, he didn't want to scare you off with telling you how he felt. Any chance he had to keep you close, he had to take it, even if that meant keeping his emotions a secret for now. Little did he know, you felt that way too. 
"I think it's time to head back." You winced, hating to ruin the moment but it was getting late and you didn't want your parents getting too suspicious. Silently, you cleaned up after yourselves and got dressed. The night was quiet and the highway was empty as you rolled into the city. All too soon, you were parked in front of your house, neither of you wanting to part ways. 
"Thanks for being my date tonight." Jesse broke the silence, he sounded a bit shy, a wild contrast to how he was when he was balls deep inside your pussy. 
"I had a great time, Jesse. So, thank you too." You smiled up at him. 
"Maybe..." He trailed off, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel nervously. "We should go on a proper date sometime?" 
"Definitely." You moved to peck his lips quickly but before you could move away, he grabbed your head and pulled you back into a passionate kiss, his tongue moving in sync with yours. 
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Jesse." 
He watched with a smile as you climbed up the stairs of your front porch. 
He really was a goner.
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letstripdotcom · 8 months
cold- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
a/n: i’ve looked at my first fic so many times that i’m starting to hate it so i’m gonna try and change up my style a little bit!
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summary- due to the freezing weather, the triplets have to stay with you until the weather lets up
warnings- smutttt🤷‍♀️ kinda longgg but i rly like a good build up so bare with me
i have known nick matt and chris for as long as i can remember. our parents were best friends all throughout highschool, so growing up we spent every second together. I have a single mother, who raised me and my twin brother nate, so she always said marylou was just another parent for us.
they were there for all my birthday parties, they were there when my parents fought, they were there when i broke my leg for the first time, my first crush, every first day of school, and so much more.
nick was my all time best friend, i told him every detail about my life. he knew every one of my secrets. he knew all of my crushes, all of my fears, he was there when i got my first period, i called him after i had sex for the first time, and he was there when i cried in his arms after getting my heart shattered for the first time.
nick was basically the male version of me, so it was no surprise to him when i told him i had a crush on his triplet brother, matt. “it was obvious when you asked him to teach you how to ride a bike instead of me” he said popping candy into his mouth “nick i was like 9” i laughed. “the truth always unfolds” he says in a singy-songy voice “plus you’re the only person who laughs at his stupid jokes”
nick was right, every time matt would tell a joke it was like everything in the world was so funny. it was always like that around matt. every time i saw him it was like i had no control over my actions. i was just as close with him as i was nick and chris, but it was just different.
i discovered i had feelings for matt the summer before 8th grade. we were all at that age where you’ve just hit puberty and everything changes. we were out by the pool hanging out like the 5 of us always did when matt suddenly came up behind me, picked me up, and jumped in the water. after i got back up he made sure i was okay before laughing at me, and i laughed with him. he looked me in the eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. my heart fluttered
matt had always been so sweet to me, but this summer it was different. we spent so much time together. we were attached at the hip for the rest of the summer. that was until school started back, and we didn’t have any classes together so we never had time to talk
one day a new kid came into my class and he was super cute. the teacher sat him in the empty desk next to me and we immediately hit it off. “hey i’m derek” he spoke as he sat down. “y/n!” i replied flashing him a sweet smile. we sat by eachother for the rest of the semester. one day he needed help with the work, so i gave him my number to talk to me after school. that night we stayed up on the phone for hours.
he finally asked me out on valentine’s day. i knew that deep down i still had feelings for matt, but i had to put them aside and focus fully on derek. we dated all the way from eighth grade to the middle of sophomore year. he broke up with me after the homecoming dance, and for a while i thought my world was going to end.
i left the dance early with nate and the triplets, and cried with them by my side for hours. once they went to bed, nick stayed in my room with me and i cried in his arms for hours. the next morning when i went down stairs, there was a basket of all my favorite candies, a blanket, and a card that read “i’m super sorry about the breakup. i love you so big and hope you get better soon. love, matt” i called matt and thanked him for the basket.
fast forward through sophomore and junior year, and now it’s winter break of our senior year. nick and i are still best friends, but me and matt aren’t nearly as close as we used to be. and just to clarify, winter in boston is terrible. it never gets above 20 degrees, and it occasionally gets higher than 10. right now, we were currently in the middle of a snow storm, so we were trapped inside. my days consisted of watching my favorite movies while occasionally being bothered by nate.
it was getting late, so i decided to get in the shower. i grab my usual sleep wear, a small tank top and whatever pajama shorts i have in my drawer. i was home alone, but about 20 minutes into my shower i hear ringing at my doorbell. i hurry up and get dried off and dressed, when the doorbell rings again. “coming!” i yell as i hurry down the steps
i open the door as i’m greeted by a strong gust of cold air, and my 3 favorite faces. “hey guys come in!” i said as i stepped out of the way “our pipes are entirely frozen until the ground defrosts, nate said we could stay here for a bit” nick said explaining the sudden visit. just as matt walked through the door, he leaned down close to my ear and whispered “you must be so cold in that outfit.” i looked down at ny chest, my nipples clearly hard from the cold air. fuck. i quickly ran upstairs to cover myself before coming back downstairs.
“nice hoodie” is all i hear then i look up to see matt staring at me. i look down to see the hoodie i was wearing. it was one matt gave me last winter when i didn’t have anything to wear one night at their house. i smile back at him and say “yeah i got it from this really weird kid on the side of the road once” “he must have good taste” he said matching my energy.
that was the thing about matt. i could go forever without talking to him and still feel like it had only been a day. as the three got settled on the couch. i grabbed blankets from my basket and distributed them. “aww no way you still have that!” chis said referring to my blanket. i looked at it and noticed it was the blanket matt gave me after my breakup. i know it’s old, but it’s always been my favorite blanket. i used it on every occasion, and it’s seen many tears.
as the movie started i couldn’t help but stare at matt when he wasn’t looking. the way the screen lit his face so perfectly in the dark light of the living room. then he opened up his phone and began typing. i few minutes later, i hear my phone go off.
matt: you seemed so cold earlier i’m glad my hoodie and blanket can keep you warm.
me: i’m glad too 😛🥶
matt: i almost forgot how good you looked in my hoodies.
me: matt what?
matt: you know how i feel about you.
just because you changed in 8th grade doesn’t mean i forgot about us.
i put my phone down and ran to my room. all it took was one text from matt and now i’m all hot and bothered. i sat on my bed trying to catch my breath. once i my hands stopped shaking so dramatically, i started typing up a text for nick.
before i could hit send, i heard footsteps coming up my stairs. “nick?” i said my voice obviously trembling. “sorry it’s just me” matt said entering my room. “look y/n i didn’t mean to scare you i jus-“ i cut him off my smashing my lips on to his. after a second i pulled back and immediately felt regret
“matt i’m sorry” i said “don’t apologize” before i had time to speak again he was kissing me hard. eventually the kissing turned into a very heated makeout. he sat down on the bed and i straddled him on his lap. both of us were clearly very needy. our teeth clashed and we groaned into each other’s mouths. i had my hands running through matt’s hair tugging on his brown curls.
he squeezed my ass and pulled me closer to him causing me to moan. i grinded on his lap steadily as we kissed eachother making him groan several times. his hands gripped my waist as my hands trailed up is shirt. i then ran my nails down his sides which caused matt to wince a little.
in one swift motion he let go of my waist and tugged my his hoodie off of my body, leaving me in the tiny tank top and shorts i was in earlier. “you must be freezing” he teased then stuck his hands down my top and cupped my bare breasts causing me to moan. matt saw that as ammunition and continued to massage my boobs.
“fuck matt don’t stop” i begged. i sounded so needy but i didn’t even mind. i had always wanted this moment with matt. he stopped and removed my top leaving my chest exposed. he then attached his mouth to my nipple, swirling his tongue around, then he moved to the other nipple and repeated those motions.
when he got up i ripped his shirt off then he attacked my neck leaving wet sloppy kisses. i dug my nails deep into the skin on his back which made him let out a slight whimper. he moved his hands down my body then he grabbed the waistband of my shorts. he looked at me in the eyes asking my for my permission.
“please matt” i whined almost a little too loud. he pulled my shorts down leaving me in just my panties. he lowered his head down to my waistline, leaving kisses all over. “fuck matt don’t tease” i whined. “just be patient, i’ve had to wait all my life for this” he demanded, his hoarse voice turning me on even more.
i rubbed my legs together hoping for some kind of friction. he gripped my thighs holding them still. he began to massage them as the continued to kiss my waist. the then made his way to my thighs kissing up til he reached my underwear.
he took them off tauntingly slow. the second they were off, he stuck his head between my legs and immediately latched his mouth onto my clit. i bit my lip hard trying to silence my moans. he sucked and licked and nibbled so well sending me into a euphoric state.
he started to finger me with one finger while he ate me out. my back arched so high off the bed i thought i could snap. my stomach tightened and i moaned his name “matt i’m bouta cum don’t stop! pls don’t stop!” all he did was hum, sending vibrations all up my body causing me to release.
he sat up with a corny smile on his face and looked me in the eyes. he grabbed my waist and quickly flipped me onto my stomach causing me to gasp. he lifted me so my ass was in the air “how do you wanna go about this?” he asked.
“fuck me like you mean it” i demanded, needing him right then and there. with that being said he removed his pants and his boxers in a flash, exposing his inches. i winced at the size, but i didn’t let it get to me.
“if you need me to stop just say ‘pink’ okay? it’ll be our safe word” he said. i nodded my head frantically becoming impatient.
suddenly he rammed into me at full speed causing me to almost scream, disregarding the people downstairs. he shoved my head into the pillow muffling my noises as he rammed ruthlessly into me.
this was a completely different side of matt. normally he was so sweet and gentle, but right now he was tearing me apart. not that i’m complaining. he thrusted into me with so much power i swore i could feel him up in my chest.
i screamed into the pillow and arched my back upwards causing him to get a better angle, hitting my g spot repeatedly. “fuck y/n you feel so good” he moaned. my legs shook once again. i clenched around matt causing his jaw to fall open as we both came. he fucked me through our highs never losing pace.
“remeber if you wanna stop now the word is pink” he said signaling he wasn’t ready to stop, but i wasn’t either. no matter how overstimulated i was becoming, i just couldn’t get enough. “please don’t stop matt” i begged.
he flipped me on my back where he can look me into my eyes and fucked into me slowly this time taking in every detail of my face. i had tears running down my eyes, my hair was a mess, and i couldn’t control the muscles in my face. i was an absolute mess under him but i didn’t mind at all.
he thrusted into me slowly as he dropped his head in the crook of my neck. “fuckkk. just like that. oh my g-god you feel amazing. i could do this forever.” he whispered praises in my ear sending me over the edge. i bit down on my swollen lip, causing it to bleed just a little as i released.
matt smirked as he pulled out and released thick white strings of cum all over my chest. he then licked it completely clean and smiled at me. “god you’re so beautiful, i’ve wanted you to be all mine forever” he said looking in your eyes.
“god matt i’ve loved you since we were 14” i admitted. he smiled at me and kissed me sweetly “ i knew you would be mine the second i laid eyes on you” he said “matt we were infants.” i joked “that’s besides the point, y/n. be my girlfriend?” he asked. “of course dummy” i kissed him.
kissing matt was so addictive. i just couldn’t stop once i started. “okay now let’s get you cleaned up and get to bed i’m so tired” he said standing up. he then picked me up bridal style and carried me into the shower.
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stayconnecteed · 10 months
❪⠀🪐. cappuccino⠀𓏔⠀lee know⠀❫
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☆ customer!lee know x afab!reader ( i wanna be yours oneshots )⠀★⠀8.1k words
( i am extremely sorry for the delay of this one shot ♡ )
synopsys: after a bad run you are forced to look for a second job, and you end up covering the first shift at the campus café. every morning you find the same guy waiting for you to open, leaning on the wall, looking flawless, and it gets on your nerves. until one day you see him leaving the dance academy where you teach, getting on the same bus as you. warnings: in this one she's the barista, guys. a part from that, we have mentions of reader not having enough money, lee know with his misterious aura but being a literal sunshine, also he's insecure :(( unusual hopeless romantic minho too, he's a softie (and whipped) reader's insecure too 😔 mentions of overworking and skipping meals. minho saves the day!! let me know if i missed something.
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If life as a college student was hard, life as a broke college student in a country completely different from your own was pure hell. You had never let it get to you when you said your dream was to make it as a choreographer in Seoul and everyone laughed in your face, so you certainly weren't going to let anything stand in your way now that you had gotten a chance at Seoul's famous arts university, JYPU. The plane ride had been a challenge, because you kept wondering if you were really doing the right thing, but when you landed and saw you had messages of encouragement from your sister and the few friends you had left in your hometown, their words had filled you with determination.
A couple of years had passed since that moment, and perhaps the circumstances were still not the best, but you were still determined to achieve everything you set your mind to. The language barrier had not been a big problem, because you had learned some Korean while you were in high school, but it had only helped you to find that tiny room you were living in and get hired at the dance studio a couple of blocks away from the faculty. You were earning enough to pay for food, rent, and the materials you needed for class. But when understanding your classmates became a little more complicated, when the language used in the lectures became more technical, you had to pay a personal teacher to help you improve your Korean. And since you didn't have enough money, you were forced to fit a second job into your busy schedule, getting a little bit of extra money to live slightly more comfortably.
A friend of a friend from the Music Production department had recommended you to the owner of the most famous café on campus, and after hearing your story, he had hired you right away. This Chris guy had been very nice, and had taken an interest in your schedule to find the shifts that suited you best, even waiting for you after one of your classes to have lunch with you and talk about everything in peace and quiet. You had never met a boss so concerned about his employees, and he made it much easier to have to get up before dawn to be the one to open the café, because he always left you some candy hidden in your apron pockets or a note encouraging you to start the day with a smile.
However, the first time you had covered the morning shift, the 5.30 am shift, there was a guy waiting at the door. You had arrived, exhausted as you were every day, the laptop and your college books weighing like heavy bricks in the backpack on your shoulders, along with the sports clothes you wore for the afternoon classes. Chris had told you to be there at the normal time and he would show up to explain some of the details and give you the keys. After all, it was your first day. But instead there was a tall, slim guy leaning against the metal grille, his slightly long bangs covering his eyes, though that didn't stop him from scrolling lazily on his phone, headphones hanging around his neck, and looking flawlessly put together. Certainly not how someone should look on any given day at 5:30 in the morning.
You flashed a shy smile as you reached his level and he lifted his head to find out who you were, his sharp cat-like eyes sparkling from the reflection of the light on his phone screen, and you grabbed your own in a hurry to send a message to the cafe owner.
You 5.32am Hi, Chris I already arrived, where are you?
Chris 5.32am Hi, sorry Still in the subway Like... 2 minutes away
You 5.33am Yeah, no worries It's just There's this guy...
Chris 5.34am OMG wait Dark aura, looks like a cat and gave you a dirty look when you showed up?
You 5.35am Yeah, quite accurate
Chris 5.35am Oh, that's Minho Don't mind him, he's inoffensive Most of the time He's there for his morning coffee
You 5.36am Okay, then See you!!
Chris 5.36am 👍🏼
And then he showed up, out of breath, in a hurry, around the street corner, phone still in his hand, unblocked. You smiled unconsciously, trying to ignore Minho's gaze weighing on you while Chris approached, flashing his dimples as he stopped in front of you to catch his breath, breathing some kind of greeting that you responded to with a nod. He pulled out a dinosaur-shaped keychain, a very adorable doodle version, and bent down to unlock the metal grille, pull it up ーgiving a little jump to get it all the way upー and unlatch the lock on the door. Minho hadn't bothered to greet him, you guessed it was a common thing between them, and he didn't look up from his phone screen either, a bored gesture plastered on his face. You followed Chris as he entered the café, leaving your backpack on the counter, and standing awkardly in the middle as he went to switch on the electrical panel.
"Get his coffee ready while I finish up in here," he instructed you, stepping into what you thought was the kitchen, "I'll be right out to help you."
You nodded, grabbing the apron from the rack that already had your name on it, and stood behind the counter, Minho having rested his forearms on the surface, again with the phone in his hands. If he was reading some article or playing some online game it must have been interesting, because except for the few furtive glances he had given you, his eyes had been glued to the screen the whole time. Clearing your throat, making just enough noise to get his attention, you flashed your best customer service smile, "What'll you have?"
"Cappuccino" he mumbled, sitting up and stretching absently, "grande, to go".
You made a small affirmative noise, turning on the coffee machine, and picked up the cup in the size he had asked for, with its respective lid.
"Chris, where's the milk?" you asked, walking into the kitchen, stifling a laugh when you caught him wrestling with the flour, staining his dark blue t-shirt white.
"'Storage room'" he muttered, his ears taking on a reddish hue, "If there isn't any under the counter, Jisung must have forgotten to restock it last night."
You hurried into the kitchen supply room, after grabbing a scoop of coffee powder and put it in the machine to make some espresso, and came out with two packs of milk, setting them down on the floor to place them as soon as Minho left, but grabbing one of the bottles to make the steamed milk and creamer.
It wasn't your first time working as a barista, and not in the hostelry industry either, so really the only thing you had to get used to was the café distribution. Luckily, Chris seemed like a pretty neat guy, so you didn't think it was going to be much of a problem. You set about pouring the milk into the necessary containers to heat it to your liking and get the effect you were looking for, as the coffee dripped into the cup you were using to measure the amount, the chestnut-colored liquid falling, first in drops and then in a small stream of caffeine, flooding the white porcelain.
You mixed it on the counter, in front of Minho, so he could see how you did it, although you hadn't seen him look up from his phone at any moment. Actually, he had been watching you. He always did 一observing his surroundings, that is一, but with you his eyes flashed with curiosity. Chris was known for rescuing stray souls in need of a job, a quality through which he had met most of his friends, and he wanted to find out why a girl like you would have caught his eye, or would need extra money. Usually JYP University students had wealthy parents, and if that wasn't the case, they had at least gotten a temporary job that allowed them to live comfortably. But you had arrived, with your worn converse and patched hoodie, your backpack full of safety pins and big dark shadows under your eyes, screaming to anyone who could see that you didn't quite belong there.
He had wanted to take care of you. It had crossed his mind for an instant to give you a friendly smile, to introduce himself, to ask you about you; he had felt the need to approach you and engage you in a conversation that would allow him to get to know you better. Because as soon as he laid his eyes on you, he knew that despite being two strangers, you were going to be the one who, only with the sweetness of your voice and the kindness of your gaze, would break through all that was and what was remaining of him once you left him, would turn his unleashed fire into a warm hearth. But he wasn't good with words, and you had rushed to grab your phone to busy yourself, watching his chance fade before he could even realize it. It had bothered him how comfortable you seemed to feel with Chris, even though he knew his friend had that effect on people, and how you'd smiled when you'd seen him show up, like he was saving you from someone 一from him.
But at the same time, he had struggled not to curl his lips as he realized how strange you felt in the situation you were in, standing at the entrance of the café, as if waiting for instructions. It wasn't that you were a contradiction, but that you caused him too many dilemmas. Like having to repress that electricity that ran through him the only time you looked into his eyes, when you looked up to check how much his coffee cost and he already had the money in his hand. He had tried not to brush his hand against yours, dropping the coins onto your palm at full speed and picking up his cup, leaving the place, with you still on his mind. He couldn't concentrate in class that day.
Unfortunately, you had no other choice but to focus. The scholarship you had been given depended on your grades, thanks to which you had obtained a place at the university. If you dropped below your grade point average, they would take it away from you, and that was something you couldn't allow. But some thoughts had slipped in your mind about the boy you had met that morning, remembering the shape of his eyes, sharp and rounded at the same time, and his slender figure. You had allowed yourself to smile at the memory of him, even as you hurried to stuff your backpack and boots into the locker at the academy where you worked, your jeans exchanged for a leotard and the most comfortable sweats you had, always arriving a couple of minutes earlier than required so you could get ready.
But even if you wanted to stop thinking about him you couldn't, because soon what you had considered an isolated event became a habit that every day was harder to break. The next morning, after barely five hours of sleep, you got up again, crawling as best you could to the outside of your cramped room, your body trying to feed on the freshness that the shower had left on your skin, your heavy backpack digging into your shoulders. And when you managed to reach the café, the keys tightly clutched in your fist, he was there, again, his long figure leaning against the grille, again, and his gaze fixed on his phone, again.
When he heard you, your stifled pants revealing your presence, he sought your eyes, separating himself from the wall so that you could open. You bent down, sitting back on your heels, to undo the lock on the grille, and accompanied it with your hand as you stood up again, mimicking the hop you'd seen Chris take the day before to get it all the way up. Unfortunately, it only got halfway up, and you felt your cheeks redden with embarrassment, fearing that Minho had seen it. Still you pretended nothing had happened, trying to straighten your shoulders under the weight of the backpack, unlocked the door, leaving it open behind you, and stepped inside.
You repeated the steps that Chris had indicated to you the previous morning, going directly to the electric panel to turn on the power, and then you entered the kitchen, crossing it until you reached the room reserved for the staff, leaving your backpack on one of the chairs, and taking the apron that had your name on it before leaving. You hung it around your neck as you undid your steps, and by the time you got behind the counter Minho was already pinning his catlike gaze on you.
"Grande cappuccino to go?" you asked, your fingers tapping on the surface like a piano in a nervous gesture that Minho found adorable.
He merely nodded, averting his gaze to his phone screen, as if he had somewhere more important or urgent to be and was checking the time to make sure he had enough minutes left to get there. It was a somewhat pretentious gesture on his part, without stopping to think whether it would make you feel better or worse, but he couldn't help it. He was torn between absorbing every detail you could offer him, and trying to delay the moment when you would reject him, when his feelings would be too obvious to be denied. And even if he had mentally chosen the second option, he let his gaze follow you as he performed a graceful dance with the sole purpose of making his coffee.
He had noticed a difference from when Chris made it to when you had made it. Minho didn't know if it was your expert hand or some ingredient you had used to make it, but it tasted slightly sweeter. And since he had tasted it he hadn't been able to stop thinking about what your lips would taste like, if he got to kiss them someday. Minho kept telling himself that it was a silly crush, that the butterflies he felt in his stomach when you handed him his glass were the effect of hunger, of thirst, of any excuse he could think of but the ghost of the feel of your skin on his. Or maybe you were a witch, and had used his cappuccino as a love potion.
However, it didn't matter anymore. If you had wanted to have him trapped in your web, he wasn't going to be the one crying out for help to be rescued. Not when he felt his heart falling off a cliff every time you looked at him, adrenaline racing his pulse, not knowing for sure when it would stop. At least until he handed you the money, turned around and walked out of the café, the bite of the cold winter air bringing him back to reality, leaving behind the pleasant warmth of the place, and also of your smile, which he could still feel in the palm of his hand thanks to the coffee you had made for him.
And meanwhile you watched him walk away, the coins still in your hand, until there was no trace of him left. Then you sighed, coming out of that strange daydream in which you were interacting ーif you could call what you were doing thatー and put the money away, leaving the apron on the counter and taking a chair. Your problem wasn't being short, it was not knowing how to jump high, you decided, as you leaned the chair against the street and looked up, more than willing to climb the grille to the same height Chris had left it the day before.
To your surprise, it was in place, even though you knew perfectly well that you had left it halfway up only five minutes earlier. You shrugged your shoulders and went back inside, leaving your chair in place and hurriedly putting on a black shirt before tying on your apron and starting your day.
The next morning, you went to work with your heart in a fist, expecting to see him leaning against the grille, letting out a small sigh of relief when you saw that he was. You hid the smile that struggled to appear on your lips, and frowned as you looked at him, refusing to let the mere presence of a stranger affect your mood that way.
This time, Minho greeted you with a quick glance and a small nod, a display that made you blush, hiding your reddish cheeks from him as you bent down to lift the grille. You figured that this routine between the two of you would be repeated quite often, since you weren't planning to quit your job and he was going to need his coffee every morning, so you decided to put all your effort into maintaining a cordial relationship with him.
You soon realized that he was the type of person who also got up early on weekends, since you still had to cover your shift and he was still at his usual 5:30 am spot. You had no idea what he was studying ーor even if his major that was the reason he was getting up so early. And it wasn't like you were going to ask Chris either, you didn't know him well enough to figure out if he would tell Minho or not.
In fact, he kept making stupid excuses for why he had to go to your unofficial morning appointments. He told himself you wouldn't have anyone to climb the grille for you. What if the lock on the door got stuck and you couldn't get in? His coffee addiction had nothing to do with it, although he would probably develop one just from drinking so much cappuccino, and if he didn't feel like getting up one day, just the thought of knowing that he would be able to see you before going to class made him wake up instantly.
And somehow he ended up going on the weekends as well. The first Saturday just to see if you were also working those mornings, stuttering his order when he saw that you had already opened and he hadn't been there, but after taking the first sip from his cup he had to sit for a long time on one of the benches in the nearest park, feeling sick at the fixation he had developed with you.
Could he consider it a crush when he tried to look for you with his eyes every time he leaned to wait for you, pretending to use his phone? When he walked through the corridors of his college and thought he recognized your beautiful hair in the crowd, only to end up being a random girl? When his heart stopped for a few moments as soon as he entered the café that morning just because he heard you laugh? 
That Sunday he was on the verge of not going. But every minute that passed and it got closer to the time to open the café, his anxiety increased, so he dressed in the first shorts he could find and a shirt he had lying on his bed and decided to go for a run. He wasn't a big fan of doing sports, but he liked the feeling that flooded his body once he finished, exhausted, knowing that it had been worth it. He had jogged towards 5STAR, towards you, ready to drink his morning coffee.
Until that moment the only thing that kept him from murdering anyone who bothered him as soon as he woke up had been the caffeine shot, but he had lately been smiling only thanks to you for a week, and it was much healthier that caffeine. That Sunday you had looked at him, surprise on your face, probably because he had changed his normal outfit for a slightly more revealing one, and you had had to clear your throat before asking if he would have a cappuccino. He had smiled shyly and asked for a pastry to go with his coffee, since he wasn't willing to go running on an empty stomach, and had waited as long as it took while you put the first batch of croissants in the oven.
He had pretended not to notice, too, when you stole glances at him from the kitchen, blushing when he couldn't help himself anymore and made eye contact with you. After all those days he still wondered why you kept asking him if his order was still a cappuccino, when his answer had always been yes, but he would never dare to find out, because hearing your sweet voice was a hell of a lot better than all the alarms on his phone. What he didn't know was that you adored the look on his face, his lips curving slightly and nodding adorably, and that you weren't willing to give that up either.
The mornings went on, each and every one of them with the same repressed interaction, and the same warm feeling in your chest as you said goodbye to each other until the next day, neither of you making the first move. You had grown accustomed to his presence, almost inherent in your morning routine, and he had learned to soften his attitude in front of you, but never without exchanging more than three words in a row.
The first time you said something different, a few weeks later, was when you mustered the courage you needed to thank him for raising the grille for you every morning. At first he had done it slyly, taking advantage of you coming into the kitchen to make a little jump and push it up. Then he hadn't cared if you saw it or not, realizing that if he wanted you to notice him he would have to be a little more obvious. And now he was doing it without any kind of embarrassment, waiting for you to pull it up more or less to your height to take the leap, in front of you.
"Thanks for helping me with the grille" you had whispered, pouring the milk into the glass, while the coffee was being made behind your back.
He had made a nonchalant gesture, as if it wasn't that important, or if he had done it for anyone, and he had seen you smile, embarrassed, but his ears had turned red.
That same day, taking advantage of meeting up at Han's apartment with the group of friends, he followed Chris into the kitchen when he offered to go get more beers and tried to ask some sly question about you. Chris was no fool, evidently, but he let Minho get the information he wanted. It was most adorable to see his gaze light up at the mere mention of your name, or how he drank in the words Chris whispered hurriedly about you, fearful that any of the others would walk unannounced into the kitchen and interrupt them.
You, on the other hand, had begun one of the most difficult periods of the term: when your exams were combined with the recitals of the girls you were teaching, limiting your time even more and drowning you in due dates, subjects to study and two jobs you couldn't afford to loose. You couldn't complain about how lucky you had been to find jobs that matched your preferences, but you did say, without hesitation, that the one at the café was much better than the one at the dance academy. Not only in something as obvious as the salary, but the conditions were nicer with Chris as the boss than with that man who had assumed that because you were a woman and beautiful you would surely be better at teaching ballet and dealing with the little girls.
That was what you had confessed to Han, since his shift was the one after yours, while you took advantage of the brief ten minutes he managed to save for you, arriving earlier than he should have, and you spent by having a coffee. He had nodded, giving you to understand that he was listening to you, while he stored all that information to be able to communicate it later to Minho. All the co-workers you had dealt with had been very nice to you, but Han was your favorite. He compensated for your introversion with witty and funny comments on his part, which made you burst out laughing and the mood relaxed. He always paid attention to everything you said - even if he had hidden intentions to do so - and you had several hobbies in common.
Besides, he was the only one who would talk to you about Minho without having to ask, and even if you pretended to be disinterested, he could see the way you nodded at his words, and your lips tried to avoid curling up at the silly anecdotes in which you were utterly oblivious to this different version of the gentle Minho who said good morning to you. He would brighten up your breakfasts, at least until you realized what time it was and rushed off to avoid missing your morning classes.
Because the classes were also demanding enough. It may not have been as difficult as a science degree, but the exams on music history and dance, along with all the physical sessions and dances you had to prepare for the end of the semester not only tired you mentally, but you would arrive home at night totally exhausted, with just enough energy to take a shower and go to bed. You would also skip a meal or two due to lack of time, resulting in quick snacking whenever you had a second. More than once your belly had growled in the morning, in front of Minho, and you had formulated a quick apology, without even turning around, too embarrassed.
They weren't the best conditions for a healthy life, even less if you were a teenager trying to survive, but it was the only - and best - thing you had. At least you had your mornings at 5STAR, with the opportunity to see Minho every day without fail, and the hours at the academy with your girls, who were immensely fond of you. Seeing their excited faces when you proposed to change the typical play based on the Nutcracker or Swan Lake for an invented version with all the Disney princesses made the two nights you had spent almost without sleep planning the story and the choreography worthwhile. That way everyone would have a starring role, and not just the one who got the main role, which was something you had missed in your childhood, so you were happy too.
One morning, however, when Minho came to your not-date, the café was already open. It wasn't that the fact itself was strange ーyou had sometimes arrived early because you hadn't been able to sleepー but that the grille was all the way up, and you always left it halfway up no matter what time you arrived. When he entered, the door bell ringing behind him, the one who came out to greet him was Changbin, another of his friends, who flashed a mischievous grin at his confused face.
"Looking for your girl?"
"YN is not my girl" he protested, slipping his phone into the pocket of his jeans.
"Ah, but you took it for granted I was talking about her" the boy replied, winking at him, starting to make his coffee.
Minho missed your sleepy voice as you murmured good morning to him, and the graceful way you moved behind the counter, in and out of the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients and utensils you needed to prepare his breakfast, which although varied in pastries, always consisted of a cappuccino. He pulled out his wallet, preparing the coins he always counted out before handing you over, and the movement caught Changbin's attention.
"So you're not going to ask?" he said, rephrasing, still with his back turned.
"You seem to be eager to tell me," he replied, rolling his eyes, "so go ahead."
"Oh, you're no fun" Changbin complained, his face contracting into an adorable pout.
"I didn't mean to be" Minho said, cracking a sarcastic smile.
"You know what, I'm sure you wouldn't have responded to her like that" he muttered, pouring the milk into the cup. "Anyways, I'm sure Han will text you as soon as he finds out, but Chan hyung convinced her to ask for a couple of days off."
"Chan hyung?" Minho couldn't help but frown, not understanding.
"Apparently, YN has been pushing herself more all month" Changbin explained, picking up a cup-sized cap, finishing his friend's order, "and you know how Chan hyung is when he sees someone overworking."
"He gets all protective" summed up the dancer, paying for the drink.
"Exactly" he stated, crossing his arms once Minho had his coffee in his hand, "and she must have been having a really hard time. I guess Chan hyung asked her about her schedule to find out which days would be better for her to rest, and yesterday he asked me if I could cover her shift."
And it had been that way. Just the day Chan had decided to stop by to see how you were doing, he had found you passed out on the kitchen floor. You had made him promise not to tell anyone, and he had sworn to keep his lips sealed, only if you let him make sure you were okay. He had woken up one of the other employees, and then had taken you to his house. You had been somewhat shocked by the seriousness with which he had taken it all, but you had let him do it, rambling about everything you had to do and how little time you had, while he prepared a very nutritious breakfast for you.
"You should quit that job at the academy" he had advised you, his gaze fixed on the chicken frying in the pan.
"I can't" you had protested, whining, "there's less than a week until the Christmas performance. I couldn't let the girls down like that."
"Are you willing to quit after that, though?"
"If I find a better job," you had supposed, shrugging, trying to avoid yawning.
"What if I offer you a double shift at a higher salary?" he had proposed, filling the plates with food and setting them in front of you, reaching for a clean set of chopsticks, "I can even switch you to the afternoon, so you'll get more sleep."
"That's very kind of you, Chris," you had murmured, "but I don't know if it would be a good idea. Or legal, at this rate. You're already paying me more than my fair share."
"You could find a roommate, then" he had continued, not giving up, "I know a guy who..."
"Thank you, really," you had tried again, feeling somewhat uncomfortable at his effusiveness, "but I'd rather sort it out myself."
Chan had looked down, blushing as he realized he had gone too far anyway, and had apologized, leaving you to eat in peace. You couldn't thank him enough for how much it had meant to you that he had accepted you into his house and fed you, but he had more surprises up his sleeve. He had told you that he was going to give you two days off, and also that he knew someone in your class who could get you the notes of what you would be taking that week in the main subjects, so that you could spend the next few days resting. Before saying goodbye, you had given him a big hug, almost crying, and you had returned to your little room, more than ready to faint from exhaustion.
But Minho didn't know that. For him it was the first time you had been absent, and the first notice that you were really that unwell. Not that he hadn't noticed the dark circles under your eyes, but you had always looked so cheerful in front of him in the mornings, with that bright smile that lit up the café when you saw him, that he hadn't realized the real gravity of the situation. And he blamed himself for it, for his lack of attention to detail, for having been so absorbed in his feelings that he hadn't realized your own reality.
That's why the next day he didn't go: it didn't make sense, since he knew you weren't going to be there. And in any case, he wasn't in the mood to get up so early. He didn't go to class either, his mind too absent-minded to attend to three straight hours of long, monotonous explanations. But he didn't miss his daily appointment at the dance academy, one of the few places where he could let himself go, it's physical exertion and music taking him away from all the buzz he had in his head. He would go to practice the dances he had to present in his subjects, but also to memorize choreographies he found on the internet or create his own from scratch.
The mere fact of putting the bottle of water and the change of clothes in his sports bag for later made a slight curve form on his lips, wishing that the subway would move at the speed of light so he could arrive as soon as possible, and nodding as a greeting to one of the owners of the place, who was always sitting at the reception desk, heading straight to the studio he had booked.
That evening Yewon was not in her usual place, but running back and forth, somewhat stressed, having exchanged her usual low heels for ballet slippers.
"Hello, Minho!" she greeted him, waving some papers with a hurried gesture. "You have studio C10, as usual, but I will have to change it tomorrow!"
"What's all the fuss about?" he asked, securing the strap of his bag over his shoulder in a nervous gesture.
"Two of our teachers couldn't make it today, and it was unexpected," she explained, not bothering to use the comfortable office chair to type something quick on the computer. "Jisoo took maternity leave after a little scare with the baby, to be at home and rest. But Jinyoung has finally quit."
"The one who wanted to set up his own academy?"
"That same one," she replied, trying to stifle a complicit laugh. "I'm covering his ballet classes, but I'm short of someone to take over Jisoo's hip hop classes. You wouldn't be willing to volunteer, would you?"
"With kids?" Minho tried not to let his panicked face show too much.
"Yes, but only today," she replied, letting out a melodic laugh. "You can wipe off that scary face, don't worry. My sister is in Jeju, sorting out some family issues, and she'll be back tomorrow. She'll take care of it until Jisoo and her baby are healthy and the happy mom can continue working."
"Huh" he knew he couldn't refuse, not when Yewon had always been so nice to him, even if he was late on one of the months' payments, always greeting him with a smile. But children made him panic. Those little humans who judged you without a filter, always bursting his eardrums with the screams they made, and so wild that they deliberately ignored any orders they received. He realized it sounded like he was describing real demons, but in his experience, it was totally justified. "Right."
Yewon clapped her hands in excitement and led him to one of the studios reserved for afternoon classes. They always put the children in the larger rooms, so they could run around freely. And if you were able to teach ballet for whole afternoons to children, surely it couldn't be too bad for him. After all, he was pretty good at hip hop, and he had a couple of easy choreographies he could teach.
Luckily, the group was small ーfour boys and three girlsー more than willing to learn, half of them with dreams of becoming idols, and all of them with wide eyes watching him dance for the first time. It wasn't the first time people had complimented him, but the fact that eight-year-olds were looking at him with such admiration made him die of embarrassment, and also made it seem much more real than any empty words they could ever give him.
When the time came to an end, he had gotten as much exercise as any other day, had laughed a lot more, and had not been alone, like the vast majority of his afternoons, though unfortunately he had not found a solution to your problem. Yewon left the ballet studio, sweating but smiling, waving goodbye to his students, thanking him again and again after Minho high-fived all his children. It was only after a quick shower that he knew what he should do.
The break had been wonderful for you. You had dedicated yourself to sleeping and eating, without worrying about anything but going to your ballet classes on time, and you were afraid that getting used to it would be easier than breathing. You kept telling yourself that what you were experiencing was a temporary hiatus for a couple of days, something Chris had managed to do but it wouldn't last forever, and that you should be grateful. Although you should also try to figure out what was going to be your life after that, because going on as you were was not an option.
But you were tired of looking for a job and the options getting worse. If the pay was perfect, the schedule was bad for you. If it fit with your classes, it wasn't worth it because it was too far away or the salary wasn't enough. You were definitely going to keep the job at the café, but you also wanted to keep the job at the academy. You were totally lost. Maybe you could stay the same for a couple of months, asking for fewer hours and saving a little more at home. Cut back on showers to the academy bathroom, and try to ration your meals. It could work.
After the established time had passed, you came back. And you were looking forward to it. You got up energized, grabbing a couple of pieces of fruit while you packed your stuff in your backpack, and even noticed it less heavy on the way to the café. When you arrived, you didn't see Minho in his usual place, but since it wasn't the first time either you shrugged your shoulders and opened the grille, leaving it halfway and going in, following the routine that by now, you knew by heart. You busied yourself with the trays of croissants and brownies that some co-worker called Felix was leaving ready on his shift for the next day, waiting for Minho to arrive. You had the milk ready, the coffee powder already in the machine. All you needed was for him to show up to press the button and serve it to him.
Only he didn't show up.
It was the sound of the grille going up that made your heart race, and you left the staff room totally hopeful. But although you expected to see the young man with the mischievous smile and gentle gaze, you found a guy you didn't know at all, looking lost, and a little nervous tic in his hand. You took a big breath of air, forcing a smile, and stood behind the counter.
"Good morning," you murmured. "What will you have?"
"Oh, hi" he said to you, trying to avoid your glance. "I didn't know if it was open yet...".
"Yeah, yeah" you affirmed, the shy curve of your lips reassuring the boy, "don't worry. I usually have a friend of mine come over to help me with the grille, but he's not here yet."
"Then I was right to put it up, wasn't I?" he asked, his fingers still drumming on the surface of the counter.
"Yes, of course," you confirmed, your hands fiddling with the edge of the apron, trying not to let your disappointment at the boy's presence show too much, "thank you. What will you have?"
"A macchiato, please."
Similar to a cappuccino, you thought, unable to get Minho out of your mind. You didn't know why his absence was affecting you so much. You didn't even have that much of a relationship. Outside of your greetings, and small conversations here and there, you didn't interact much else. Even if after all this time you felt you had known him all your life, even if seeing him in the mornings made your day, even if you wished you could spend your whole life mixing espresso with milk if it meant Minho smiled the way he did.
Your shift took forever, each coffee making lasting longer than necessary, and perhaps too short, customers coming and going and none of them being who you expected. You understood that the shock must have been the same for him ーin case his feelings for you were remotely similarー on the days you had been absent, and you feared that he had grown tired. That so many shared mornings would have been for nothing, and yours would have been a relationship by proximity. It wasn't the first time you had maintained such a friendship with people, because you were forced to go to the same place together every day, and not because there was actually any bond.
Maybe he thought you were not coming back, and had decided to look for coffee somewhere else. Maybe you had misinterpreted everything you had experienced, and had taken cordiality for friendship. Maybe nothing of what you felt was reciprocated, and again you had been daydreaming.
Despite all your efforts, you couldn't concentrate on your classes that day. You took the lunch break you had promised Chris, pulling out of your backpack a container of a small salad you had made yourself in the morning and a piece of brownie Han had slipped in when he thought you weren't looking. After retiring to the library for a couple of hours to study you went to the academy, ready to go over the dance with your girls.
You wore your leotard under your jeans, so, as usual, you only had to put on your sweatpants and ballet slippers, locking yourself in the studio half an hour early to dance by yourself for a while, and at five o'clock, letting it fill up with energetic and joyful girls, ready to become their favorite Disney princess for a few hours. You always had a great time, and in your heart it made up for everything it meant in your private life.
After the shower, as you were coming out of the changing room with your hair still slightly damp but back in your normal clothes, your backpack slung over your shoulder, walking down the hallway towards the lobby, you stopped when you heard Minho's voice. You couldn't make out what he was saying, but you could hear the angry voice of your boss, and you peeked your head around the corner, trying to see without being seen, in time to see your boss hit the table lightly and Minho frown in an annoyed gesture, turning around.
You hurried out, ignoring the exclamations of your boss calling you, and followed Minho. He was carrying a cup of coffee that wasn't from 5STAR, and for a moment you feared it was over altogether. That he had found somewhere else to buy his cappuccino. That maybe your friendship had broken down without you realizing it. That it didn't mattered if you thought you didn't care if it never evolved into something more ーsomething you longed forー, you were content with whatever it was that you had. You noticed also the jacket he was wearing, the logo of a dance academy that wasn't yours drawn on his back, and tried to match his long steps to reach his pace.
He was heading in the direction of the bus stop where you usually caught the one that dropped you off near where you lived, and you got on after him, sitting down next to him, still frowning.
"YN?" he mumbled, taking off one of his earbuds so he could talk to you, turning his body slightly to try to face you.
"What were you doing talking to Mr. Kang?"
"Huh?" he asked, as if he hadn't understood anything you had said.
"I've never seen you outside the café before," you told him, propping your backpack between your feet, "and just the day you don't come in the morning I see you in the afternoon at my academy, when you don't even come here."
"Well... It has an explanation" he tried to defend himself, his ears turning red. "Han had said... Ehem, since you didn't come to work these days... I..."
"I was resting" you told him, leaning your back against the backrest, "I had been having some complicated days, and Chris has recommended me to change jobs, but I don't know..."
"I know" he interrupted you, "I know. That's why I was talking to your boss."
"He told me that next week is the performance you've been working on for the past few months" he summarized, avoiding looking at you, not feeling ready to find out if he had taken too much of a risk or not. "I wanted him to make your work conditions better, and maybe I told him that the academy I go to they have an opening for a ballet teacher so he should watch out how he treats you. They pay like a normal job, not a part-time one, and the schedule is the same."
"Really?" you stifled a cry of excitement, covering your mouth with your hand, "Oh my God it's perfect! It's literally the miracle I was waiting for! I'm so happy I could..."
"You could...?" he repeated, urging you to finish the sentence.
But you couldn't finish it. You didn't know if you should. It would be crazy, in fact.
"Whatever," you solved, seeking to change the subject, "it doesn't even have to do with dancing."
"And what does it have to do with?"
You cleared your throat, mumbling an answer you knew he couldn't hear, too embarrassed to let it sink in, hoping he had heard it, and also hoping the opposite at the same time.
"With you" you repeated, this time louder, looking into his eyes when he asked you to say it again.
"With me?" he breathed, his heartbeat increasing its speed, roaming his gaze all over your features.
"Yeah" the worst thing it could happen was that he rejected you, and he never came againg to the café. And you already thought that was what had happened, so there was no point in not trying it. "I was going to say that I'm so happy I could kiss you right now".
"Kiss me?" unable to think straight, he was only repeating what you voiced, watching your lips moving and your cheeks slightly blushed.
You flashed a bright smile and caressed his cheekbone, the pad of your finger gentle and soft against his skin, and his breath got caught in his throat, swallowing hard, and confirming your crazy theory of him liking you back. He tried to touch you the same way, his hand twitching with anticipation, but it fell to his lap when you kissed him, his eyes closing down immediately to focus on the way your lips moved over his, lazy, slowly, enjoying every single second.
Minho knew that he had fell first, and harder, and then he had waited patiently for you to reciprocate his feelings. And when you did, you understood that his heart was so full of love and adoration you couldn’t stop yourself to love him in the same deep, absolute and fathomless intensity.
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☆ series masterlist !!
taglist: @sseastar-main · ( happy super late birthday @queen-in-the-shadows !! ) · @anaiii27 · @hanstarrs · @starsandrqindrops · @ivaneedssleep · @bbokari711 permanent taglist: @feybin · @jazziwritesthings · @rylea08 · @lixielovesme · @starlostastronaut · @lvlnijiro · @adestayskz · @manuosorioh · @nappynapnaps · @kpopmenace143 · @skzms · @ylixbok · @darkypooo · @pochaccomin
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© stayconnecteed 2023 · do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 as your classmates
genre: fluff, comedy
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: what i think zb1 would be like as a classmate
friendship vibes for most, some have romance, members that are classmates with each other are specified (regardless of age), inspired by a tweet i saw here, bullet points plot, lowercase intentional
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
everyone has a crush on jiwoong
even kids from other schools have a crush on jiwoong
but he's literally known to be unattainable
he always says that he likes someone else
you guys are so lowkey that no one knows that you two are in a relationship until the end of the school year
literally, the last subject of the last day
the teacher asked him to distribute the final graded tests to everyone in the class
the only reason people find out is bc as he's handing yours to you he accidentally says "congrats on the 99 babe"
you hear everyone in the room go "baBE????"
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
despite his quiet nature, hao is loved by a lot of people (teachers included!)
people trust him and they don't think he's capable of spilling any secrets
your friendship starts when he overhears you gossiping about some dumb relationship drama in the library
and hao interrupts you with a "no no no, THIS is what happened"
from then on you'd spend free period talking shit about people and gossiping about the drama that's currently circulating among the teacher crowd
he texts you sometimes with a "lol i just found something out, i'll tell you at school tom"
and you're always begging him to tell you now
but he insists that he doesn't want a digital footprint of it
you respond by sending him the dancing videos he has all over the internet
"digital footprint my ass, hao"
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
he wakes you up every time you fall asleep during class
he tries to do it discreetly but because he sits in front and you directly behind him, it's quite obvious what he's trying to do
ends up drawing attention to you anyways
5 out of 10 times the teacher gets mad
hanbin always makes an "oops im so sorry" face
he lends you his notes for the classes you do sleep through tho
starts bringing you coffees from his cafe
from then on you are so so so productive
hanbin jokes that your grades are thanks to him
you agree
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
never brings his own things to school ever
sometimes he shows up with just a water bottle
and you're like?? where are your books? your pen?
every time he needs a pencil or eraser he turns around and asks if he could borrow yours
you have gotten so used to it that you end up preparing two of everything anyways
so whenever the teacher says "pop quiz bring out a sheet of paper", you're already passing him one before he even asks
you always get a ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) from him which is "thank you" in matthew language
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
taerae is always humming in class
or like tapping his pencil against his desk
sometimes both
and it drives you insane
but every time you turn to your left to tell him to stfu
he kinda just smiles at you like ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
so you face front once again and mind your own business
taerae's humming ends up becoming your white noise
sometimes while studying at home, you find yourself missing it
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
he sits behind you so when he stretches his legs he sometimes accidentally kicks your chair or the things you have on the floor
you always turn around expecting him to ask you a question or smthn
but he just stares back at you in confusion??
one day you were brushing your hair during lunch break and you accidentally left your brush on his table instead of yours
you found him using it the next period before gently placing it back on your desk
he also says stuff like "you look dead today" and hands you a slightly tinted strawberry chapstick
matthew teases the both of you about your "indirect kiss" (chapstick sharing)
ricky tells him to grow up
but he's blushing lol
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
the both of you are literally always snickering
gunwook tells you guys to shut up at least 10 times a day
whenever he does that you both end up mocking his "be quiet" face
he drops things often too (calculators, books, his laptop - you name it!) and it makes a loud sound that resonates throughout the room
he also brings way too many snacks, his backpack is like 80% food and 20% school
he passes you notes when he's bored and it's usually dumb prompts like
"if you could turn all the people in this classroom into an animal, what would each person be and why?"
when you don't wanna respond he bribes you with a snack
you laugh at least once a day thanks to gyuvin
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
he's the class president and it's so annoying because he sits right next to you
you literally feel like you're being watched by a hawk 24/7
one time you forgot to do the homework and since there were only 2 minutes left til the bell rings, you think you're in the clear
but you see gunwook about to raise his hand and YOU JUST KNOW he's going to bring it up to the teacher
in an act of desperation you reach for his hand and hold it down chanting "gunwook no pls no pls no pls no pls" in your head
his mind short circuits and he doesn't know why you're holding his hand, but he just stares at it
that effectively distracts him until the bell rang
when class is over you remove your hands from his and go about your day
he's stuck thinking "so, what are we?" in his head
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
most peaceful deskmate ever
when he comes back from family trips he always has a souvenir for you
you help each other with homework often too
in fact you're partners with him in just about every project
invites you over to his house to work on said projects together
his mom makes snacks for you guys
one day gyuvin tags along and is like how come there's so much food??? there's never any food when i'm here???
yujin's mom likes you the most, therefore feeds you the most
A/N: i didn't go to a high school with boys so i really don't know what it's like lol
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist
✉︎ request
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eras-mus · 9 months
♪Silver x Male Reader
★Y/n, in a past life, loved fairytales as a kid, and his favorite was always Sleeping Beauty
★First Person POV
Everything felt so familiar about him, from the way his sleepy eyes traced the room, to how his voice was just like a lullaby. He felt like a dream; beautiful, warm, gentle. Do I know him? Surely I would remember someone so perfect.
I must've met him once upon a dream.
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I didn't know how it was possible to fall so deeply into a trance just by looking at someone.
I never believed in love at first sight, but there was just something so... Enchanting about him.
Something so warm.
Something so comforting.
Something so gentle.
We made eye contact. It was just for a second. But I could've sworn it lasted a thousand years.
I lost all thoughts as I admired him waltz across the room with such ease.
That feeling turned out to be addicting and I began to look for him, my gaze would wonder in hopes of finding whoever had put me under such a curse.
Hoping that I would get to talk to him. Feel his gaze. Relive the comfort he gave me.
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Then I saw him, sleeping so peacefully under a tree.
It was right after I had left my last class, it unfortunately ran longer because of a potions incident. At the time I thought of it as a curse but as I stepped into the empty courtyard and felt the sun on my face I began to wonder. It was almost like an invisible force pulled me to the edge of the school grounds.
I couldn't bring myself to wake him but I couldn't let this moment pass. I reached into my bag and found a piece of paper and a pen:
From the moment I saw you I felt like I
knew you. The way your took every step with
such grace and every look with such care.
I knew I needed to talk to you.
It wasn't long. It was written poorly. And I probably shouldn't have signed my name. But I needed to know him, have him know me, so I left the letter next to him.
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"Do I know you?"
I looked up from my food to see him.
"No, I don't think so."
His expression didn't change.
"What's your name?"
The question came out quicker than I would've liked it too.
He nodded, gaze not leaving mine.
We stayed like that for a moment. One peaceful moment.
A voice cut through the lunchroom like a knife
"I should go"
He sighed, before walking away.
After that day I saw more of him. We always shared a smile but never traded words.
But how I dream of him.
We would go dancing together in a perfect world. Dancing in the forest. With nothing to accompany use but the birds and bugs of the night.
His skin would sparkle under the moon light.
And I would kiss his perfect lips.
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It was a normal saturday. I did homework, chores, and scrolled through my phone.
At about 5:00 I went on a walk through the greenery on school grounds. The evening air was chilly and the sun was close to setting as I made my way back.
I stopped dead in my tracks. I heard talking. Not a conversation. Just talking.
I follow the sound to see a familiar boy talking to several animals. Racoons, birds, rabbits, and deer alike were gathered around him, almost like they were listening.
"Oh, but he's a stranger."
He spoke.
"We have nothing to talk about"
Birds chipped back.
"Yes, I suppose your right."
He really was talking to animals. Not just talking to them, but having a conversation with them. This boy truly amazed you.
I whispered.
He jumped, as he turned I could see his eyes go wide.
The animals scattered.
"What are you doing out here?"
His question was calm but frantic.
"I was walking"
"I see"
I got the feeling that I should go, like I was intruding.
"I never got your name."
He interrupted the still silence.
I watched his eyes go wide.
Like on que, the memory of the note came back to me.
We held each others wide-eyed gaze.
"I should go."
I broke the silence this time.
"Please don't."
He stepped closer.
I didn't move.
We continue to stare into each other's eyes.
"I don't know you, but I know your presence."
He seemed to nod in agreement to this.
I finally closed the gap between our faces. For one more perfect moment, I could feel the feeling of his lips on mine.
Then I ran.
I didn't know if I wanted him to follow or not.
But the feeling of his lips still lingered on mind.
And I knew he would danced through my dreams that night.
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bat-gwuck · 4 months
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I FINALLY got round to making red dead OCs 💀 been meaning to do this for ages, I just kept forgetting to do it
so this is Georgia and Ethel, as well as their respective horses, Moonlight and Stardust!! now let us proceed to me yapping endlessly about them 😼👍
Georgia is your run of the mill, street-rat turned outlaw - her parents owned a ranch but it ended up failing due to drought, supply/financial issues and an influx of livestock fatalities. Unable to care for her, Georgia’s parents left her in the care of a nearby orphanage (spoiler alert: it was awful!) and went off to perhaps find greener pastures elsewhere. At age 12, Georgia ran away and ended up hopscotching between different towns for a few years, before being picked up by a large, somewhat cruel, gang when she was 16. Despite the hostile environment, and harsh treatment by most of the gang members, Georgia stayed with them until the age of 21, when she deemed herself fit to strike it out on her own - and so she did. In the dead of night, she stole a large amount of the gang’s savings and rode like the wind. Yada yada, stuff happens, about 5 years pass and she ends up meeting Ethel.
Ethel is a street performer/dancer. Coming from a wealthy background, Ethel was trained in various dance forms, primarily ballet, and was set to become a prominent ballerina. However, Ethel, somewhat of a dark horse among her family due to her “beliefs” (namely women’s rights and social/class reform) had become disillusioned with the life of the elite and sought a more real and fulfilling life outside of the city. At age 15, she set out on her own into western country, eventually joining a rag-tag group of travelling street performers. During her travels, Ethel’s troupe stops in the same town Georgia is staying in for a while. One night, whilst exploring the town, Ethel is accosted by a pair of men in an alley. Luckily for her, Georgia happens to be nearby and intervenes and tries to diffuse the situation, which goes about as well as you’d expect. Riled up, the two men go to attack Ethel and Georgia but Georgia ends up shooting one of them dead. The remaining man, enraged by his partner’s death, manages to pin Georgia down and would’ve killed her if not for Ethel jamming her hair pin in the man’s neck, killing him.
Panicked, as the sound of yelling and gunshots would’ve surely drawn attention, the two women flee the scene, with Georgia offering up a spot in her nearby camp, as Ethel could hardly waltz back to her troupe shaking and covered in blood.
Yada yada, stuff happens, the two end up bonding over the night 😏😏
Upon returning to the town, they discover that they’d been spotted fleeing from the two men’s bodies the night before, and that the whole town was searching for them. Taking pity on her partner in (literal) crime, as she was now unable to return to her troupe, Georgia proposes that Ethel come with her - after all, she could use a partner and Ethel seemed more than capable to her. Amongst other things…
And they end up smooching each other and ride off into the sunset, hand in hand (sort of…they are still kinda wanted for murder)
SO that’s kinda all of what I’ve got for them so far but I hope you like my silly little lesbians!! I love them so much
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en-whims · 1 year
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the fifth instalment from the "Narratives from the Walkman: a 90's love collective" series
genres: fluff; ex rival!jay; ex fubu!jay; enemies to lovers (?); angst if you squint | wc: 2k | pairing: jay x fem!reader | warnings: non-explicit sexual themes; mentions of the words synonymous to ‘sex’ | tagging: @yenqa @yjjungwon @sophialosthercardigan @saucyjaeyun
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°❝ won't find the answer in anyone else
will be a secret song for ourselves
i'll write you a letter to read when you're down
you'll be the promise that i want to keep. ❞°
[ 🎧 ] SIDE B ; TRACK 5 ㅡ fall into you by devinta trista
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Turning up at your college friend’s wedding reception was one of the unexpected things you did tonight. You were drowning in paperwork lately, and you just wanted it all to be finished by the following day.
But here you were in a body-tight, velvety black dress, champagne glass in hand, and a throbbing heart with a mind full of what-ifs. You impulsively thought of the things that could go unplanned tonight. What could go wrong, right?
The colorful lights glimmered across the hall as the disco ball gradually turned itself around. You weren’t sure why you came at first, but now that you were feeling the vibe, it made you want to go back to the graduation ball of ‘95 when you spent it with your best friend turned lover for the night turned best friend again in his flat after a few wine and chaste kisses.
It’s been a while since you last saw Heeseung. A good seven years to be exact.
Unlike Ni-ki and Sunghoon, Heeseung sent you messages of comfort and even flirting at times, until he got himself a girlfriend in the same place he had been working at. You would find yourself smiling at random, thinking about him finally getting the love he deserves.
You walked further to where some of your old classmates were huddled at. A glint of happiness flashed upon your face when you saw Jungwon— a close friend of yours since college. He was always reserved and there were oftentimes when he just disappeared from your side and you would find him in the library the next instant.
You got used to it, after all, you were always assigned next to one another in seating arrangements for the whole course of your college years. You felt like you knew him pretty well.
He’s just… always there. But you’re not that comfy with each other compared to your best friends, the ones that left you. Jungwon’s got a squad of his own where people called them ‘nerds’ or ‘geeks’. Of course, at one time you were a part of it, but after the whole shenanigans with Jay during your sophomore year, people started looking at you like a different person.
To them, it was a good thing, but to you and Jay, it never was.
But Jungwon’s another story for another time.
“Hey, there cutie!” You gently nudged him on the side.
“Y/n— h… hi,”
“Not gonna lie, you look way more handsome without the glasses. Dude, when did you get rid of them?” Jungwon ran a hand across his nape as he smiled sheepishly at your compliment. “I thought maybe getting rid of it would help me from being too dependent on them. I guess it worked.” He shrugs.
In the midst of your catching up, a slow, romantic song played through the speakers hanging against every corner of the hall. You hang your lips on the brim of your wine glass as you look around, slowly feeling the awkwardness between you and your friend. You were never this loud and chatty with him.
The things you would often talk about were mostly centered around your course— mainly the subjects you’re taking and the advanced classes he took.
“Y/n?” You quickly shot him a look of surprise when you felt the warmth of his breath against the back of your shoulder blades. “Do you… can you… would you like to dance with me?” You always find it cute when he nibbles the inside of his lower lip and he knits his eyebrows together in contemplation.
A habit of his when he stutters and finds it hard to rephrase his words. “I would love to.”
He gently grabbed your hand when you locked your fingers with him, guiding you to the center of the hall together with a few other couples slowly swaying their bodies to the ballad. You thought it was very manly of him to dominantly put your hands on the back of his neck and gently pull you closer to him, giving you two a fair distance as he rested his gaze upon your lips.
But far from the slow dancers and the gradual turn of the disco lights, stood another man with a hand tucked in his pocket and the other slowly swirling a wine glass, carefully squinting his eyes in observance at an oddly friendly pair.
With Jay's mouth agape and eyes opened wide, he knew he must keep himself very still while he waited for a chance to longingly look at that familiar face for utter proof. But there was no use in waiting when your name bounced off the room in repeated cheers and awe.
He walked towards the direction of where you and Jungwon were with a plan in mind until your dance partner twirled you around, making Jay stop in his tracks and look at how genuine your smile was with another guy. Everyone cooed and whistled at Jungwon's little stunt, but the latter wasn’t one to let his guard down.
Jay walked further to where you were and knowingly cleared his throat just for everyone to look at him in awkward silence. “Can I have my girl back, Jungwon?”
You stood there for a long while until you leaned in closer to Jungwon's ear for a whisper that made him walk away from you with a forced smile etched on his face.
Everyone then went back to what they were doing, and you walked closer to where your former rival was. “Nice way to steal everyone’s attention.” Your fingers brushed against his dashing tux with a smirk plastered on your face.
“There’s an art to getting your way and twirling you around like that isn’t one of them.” You could only blush at him with the thought that he still knows you so well. As the slow, sweet song continued to play, he took the chance to slowly pull you closer to him as he rested his hand on the small of your back with his cheek leaning against your temple.
“I’ve been checking you out.” He whispered with a deep voice that made your heart throb faster than before.
“Let’s see, you slightly embarrassed me this evening by telling everyone I’m your girl, only to tell your old foe you’ve been checking her out.” You say to his face as you click your tongue. “The way you flirt, Jay, is so shameful. You haven’t changed at all, have you?” He could only chuckle. “But it’s okay. I mean, I told Jungwon you were my date tonight so,”
“Oh yeah? You really told him that, didn’t you? Wow, Y/n. You never changed.” You felt proud of yourself for a little while before Jay slowly pulled you into a tight hug and hid his face in the crook of your neck. You recognized this little trick of his as it’s his favorite among his many ones because he can easily put you at ease with just one snuggle.
And you did. You felt so good and relaxed in this state that you almost, almost whispered an 'I love you’. But you gulped down the deafening thought thinking he’d never look at you the same way.
You two have always drawn a solid line between romantic attachments and fooling around. Impulsively telling him your feelings would only make things worse, you thought.
You were holding Jay very close, close enough that you can smell his hair. You sniffed on it and whispered, lips too close you’re both almost an inch away from a peck. “I don’t like your new shampoo.”
“Still not over my sage-scented one, huh?”
The memories were still vivid up to now; of how you two used to screw each other a lot but at the same time, kept the rival reputation stable in the public eye.
Jay would never admit it, but he genuinely loved spending time with you, especially without the screwing part. There was just something about you that made him feel so safe and still is.
“Do you hate me, Y/n?” Jay mumbled under his breath, but audible enough for you to hear.
“I could never.” He only sighed in relief with that pretty smile on his face.
“Why? Do you hate me or something?” Jay moved away from the comfort of your neck and turned to look at you. He moved a few strands away from your face to put them behind your ear and slowly brushed his thumb against your rosy cheek. With an intense gaze shooting straight through your hazel orbs, he replied.
“Or something,” he chuckled. “I’m actually quite in love with you, really.”
And that’s when you realized that Park Jongseong had been knowingly walking the faint line in balance all along, just waiting for the finest moment to finally declare his almost a decade-worth of adoration for you.
You suddenly closed the gap between you two by smashing your lips against his. And for the first time, your kisses weren’t rough and sloppy, but slow and passionate as he took his time to explore your lips and their every curve like how an adventurer would familiarize himself with a map.
Your hands slowly crawled from his nape to his hair as you gently tugged it on impulse. Jay just let out a breathy chuckle under your lips before diving in for another one.
“Funny, I used to be very in love with you too.” You whispered under breathy exhales.
“Used to?” he chuckled. “What went wrong?”
“Everything.” His eyes stared up from your lips to your sincere eyes.
“To be very honest, you gave me a really great time, Jay.  Screwing or not, you were my favorite person at one point. I could still remember the mornings when my head didn’t hurt from crying too much the night before, and you were there to hold me so close because I was losing my shit. I will always thank you for those times, the most.”
“Why do I feel so nervous about what comes after that statement?” You softly chuckled, and it felt relieving to hear him return the favor.
“What we had was mainly temporary, we both knew that too well. Things were never gonna end with us, Jay. You and I screwing with each other was just for the fleeting pleasures and satisfactions. Love is far too different from lust, I’m afraid.”
“I know. But at some point, I was really in love with you. I got it bad and until now, you still brought a fire in my heart like it was just yesterday.” Jay found some loose strands almost covering your other eye so he slowly tucked them at the back of your ear while taking the time to run his fingers against your scalp. You sharply inhaled at his slightest touch.
“It was really comforting to see you again. I kinda missed our little yesterdays, but I don’t want to think that sleeping with each other would be the sole reason that could lead us to what could have been if we tried harder.”
“You will always be my favorite muse.” Jay planted a soft kiss on your forehead and remained there for a whole minute until the song ended. It would be wiser, you thought, if you finally gave each other the needed closure.
He was a playboy after all and up until now, you still think he is. Jay covering his traces of broken hearts with new tattoos was utter proof. You remembered finding your overused line on his shoulder blade that says ‘temporary’.
And you knew that if the both of you happened, you’re only going to break his heart, over and over again, and he will too because that’s something you both have in common; something that ignited the weary fires in your hearts when you both agreed to something that night, something you never expected to last longer than your other friendships.
With Jay, it will always be fairy lights on dim nights, chasing stars, and dancing silhouettes on white walls. Just when he thought he was getting closer to knowing where he belonged,
you break his heart for one, final time. —
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svt-nari · 1 year
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birth name: hwang nari (황나리)
english name: julie hwang
nicknames: nabiran, nabi, riri, maknae noona, eternal nabi, seventeen's yeobo, the forever teenager, kpop's bestie, nation's passion, pledis' girls last survivor
birth date: 1996/05/30
birth place: jeju-si, jeju island, south korea
residence: yongsam-gu, seoul, south korea
nationality: korean
languages: korean (100%), japanese (90%), chinese (70%), english (70%)
blood type: O+
family: mom, dad, older brother and younger brother
sexuality: pansexual
physical traits:
faceclaim: seola / kim hyunjung (wjsn)
height: 165cm
weight: 45kg
tattoos: five (both arms, right rib, left wrist and nape)
piercings: 5 (each ear)
stage name: nari (나리)
positions: main vocalist, lead dancer, visual, face of the group
representative emoji: 🦋
group: seventeen (세븐틴)
debut date: 2015/05/26
debut album: 17 Carat
solo debut date: 2023/05/25
debut album: 꽃 'kkoch' (flower)
social media:
instagram: @ mynabiran
weverse: 피는 리~ 🪷 'blooming ri~'
— along with coups, she's the member who has the longest training period in seventeen. she started training at sm and was supposed to debut with f(x) but didn't due to her age, then, she traded to pledis right after, still in 2009.
— she was actually supposed to debut in a girl group that still didn't have any plans to happen, but, pledis saw a lot of potential in her and decided to put her on Seventeen TV for her to get along with the audience and the members. she quickly got accepted and became a sweetheart to everyone who met her.
— she's the 4th oldest member in the group, she's the oldest 1996 liner and one of the aces of the group. anything you put her to do she will ace it perfectly without any obstacles.
— nari's number one nickname, used by almost everyone who knows her, is nabi. since she loves to make friends and is easily outgoing, the members started calling her that, which quickly spread around and now everyone calls her that.
— she was literally everywhere in 2018/19 due to a famous fancam of her dancing to exo's love shot during an award show. her talent and visuals stood out to a lot of people, and her fanbase triplicated due to it. she gained the nation's passion nickname due to this masterpiece.
— nari is close to all of the boys, especially the younger ones whom she loves to spoil and give attention to. she tends a lot to seungcheol too, since she knows how hard he works and how little he cares for himself. she's known to be seventeen's mom along with jeonghan, in which fans make jokes about them fighting over the title.
— nari's biggest fear nowadays is the day seungcheol and jeonghan enlist for the army. she's really not prepared for this, and she's been dreading the subject ever since the year started. fans make sure to try and not mention it too much because they know she goes through social media quite a lot.
— during their trainee days, nari used to go out of her way of school just to drop the younger ones at their own school, most of the times she would arrive late for her own classes, but she says it was worth it.
— she has one of the highest iqs in kpop, she's really smart, but sometimes she just forgets it and acts like the stupidest person on earth — which may seem like it but it isn't purposeful.
— she's openly pansexual, which made her receive a lot of backlash in which was quickly turned down due to a lot of people standing up for her. nari is really grateful for them and never forgets to thank them whenever she has to give a speech or something.
— she's also known to be hybe's groups mom. she loves to say that she adopted enhypen, newjeans, lesserafim and txt. she's also really close to fromis_9 members and says that jiheon is her adopted baby.
— even though she's not a part of the performance team, nari practically begged to go to i-land with her members. she was so happy that she was allowed to go that you could see it just by her face. nari says that, on that day, she knew that ni-ki, jungwon and sunoo were going to be a part of her babies.
— nari's also an actress, she has been in some k-dramas and movies. her members love to tease her because of it and whenever one of her new dramas gets released, get prepared for a weverse thunderstorm of posts teasing her.
— she has a dog, who lived in the apartment she used to share with wonwoo and mingyu. now, she moved out to her own apartment in yongsam-gu and also adopted a cat.
— her number one hobby is cheating on games with jeonghan.
— she's currently in a relationship with a male idol, people now that she's taken but they don't know who it is because of her members exposure of her life that she doesn't really care.
all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
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New oc alert! ^v^ getting more used to painting first and then lining so this came out more detailed than Tunas LOL
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TAG : #twst Mitchell
Name : Mitchell / Mitty Class : 2-E (Student no. 5) Birthday : July 31st Age: 17 Height : 171 cm Dominant Hand : right Best Subject : Music Hobby : Idol Dislikes : Clutter & tight spaces Favorite Food: Potato Kabob Least Favorite Food : Spaghetti Talents : Dance (Ballet Specific)
Quick Summary: Mitchell or Mitty, is a micro-celebrity idol. Covering popular songs and trending dances, Mitty is determined to follow his childhood idols footsteps! Even though he couldn't join auditions to be in a group, Mitty has created a good following on his magicam and magitube accounts. As Flamboyant as he is, he still gets shy when complimented or meeting people he looks up to. Overall this peacock beastman is slowly learning step by step how to brainwash everyone to be his fan! (/j... unless?) ^o^
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A peacock beastman with bright purply-pink hair and eyes. He has an ahoge that is not normal hair, turning blue towards the end. Above his left brow and below his left eye he has beauty marks. His overall body type is thin, toned and with hip dips. Very often Mitty applies red eyeshadow and lipstick as well as applying mascara and contact lenses to make his eyes appear larger. He has lobe piercings, but rarely wears earrings due to his hair covering or getting tangled easily. As for fashion he prefers deep reds and dark cool colors usually in lolita styles. For more casual looks he prefers loungewear like cardigans and loose pants.
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As a child Mitchell was extremely influenced by anime idols and cute idol groups alike. Going as far as performing his favorite songs and dances in school talent shows. However, his obsession with making the crowd feel "awe-inspired" he often used his UM to his advantage. This didn't do well with many of his teachers and other parents... so surprisingly enough Mitty had many detentions in their early years. This record left him in dim lights for group auditions. Mittys mindset got a bit skewed and began to think... I will just have to try harder to rule the crowd! Overtime their hope to inspire morphed into wanting the world to love him (through mostly any means).
Upon entering NRC Mitchell had begun seeking attention online and decided a "debut concert" was most necessary. After the entrance ceremony Mitty went back to the mirror chamber, set up his phone camera and began to perform one of his favorite routines! Thus started his online career! While he is not as popular as others, he does have a few hundred supporting him and in his mind that's the first step to his domination!
Personality wise, Mitty is pretty dense when it comes to anything besides his interests and doesn't take no for an answer. No literally it will go in one ear out the other. Despite this he does take everything surprisingly seriously, ok not rejection, but everything else! However compliments? He will grin from ear to ear, go red and just absoluetly adore you! He can be a bit clingy when he's like this, but he's just happy some one likes him. When it comes to friendship though... well he's not a terrible friend, but he does tend to only think of himself most of the time... at least he will buy you things to make it up to you;; Just don't ask him for emotional advice too much he really isn't good at it. Overall he's a bit of an annoying person, but his shy and bashful bursts at compliments may be something redeemable.
Academically he is average. He does amazing is music but that's about it, everything else is passing at least. He struggles with history most due to his disinterest in remembering about people who aren't his idols.
In his free time, Mitty practices dance and song covers from his favorite medias. Posting them as often as he records and of course running to Cater for help very often. If they're not doing that, he's grooming his feathers or sewing new outfits. Occasionally he will tour around campus and invade dorms to take photos in his newest creations as well as show them off.
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UM- Focus on me! "Let me show you who's the main star!" -This unique magic allows Mitchell to take on his peacock beast-form. When showing off his beautiful feathers they act as a hypnotizing charm; causing dizziness, crossed vision, and luring people into a trance like state. If used with full force, Mitchell can force the afflicted to follow his movements. -Movement can not be fast or the afflicted will snap out of the trance. -strength of effects depends on the amount of magic used in this UM. Less input and you can expect a simple charm and lull effect, but with heavy input the effects will increase. -Small to medium blot manifestation; long term use at low levels is usually fine, but after a few hours blot formation rate will increase.
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Relationship chart to be made !
Notable Relationships:
Vil & Mitty : Mitty looks up to Vil and respect him so much! While he isnt into acting, Vils prowess and social media standing are impressive! Mitty is too busy fangirling and stuttering to speak to Vil casually. Vil doesn't seem to mind so long as it doesn't effect his work.
Cater & Mitty : Mitty joined the pop music club and immediately wanted to quit. It was quite contrary to what they expected. Cater and Kalim were quick to talk him into staying. Ever since, Cater has been a big help to Mitty in social media learning and Mitty may have taken to mimicking Caters speech online. Mitty says they're close friends, but Cater only see it as a casual friendship.
Riddle : Currently Mitty is trying to convince Riddle to form an idol duo. Riddle had been one of the first to "compliment" one of his dances, saying "Your dancing nice, however you are trespassing on Heartslaybl property!". Ever since, whenever Mitty visits Cater he doesn't hesitate to try and recruit the house warden. While Riddle does not hate him, he is often dumbfounded by Mittys inability to "read the atmosphere". It is not currently known why Mitty is obsessed beyond the nice comment.
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Thanks for reading about Mitchell!! I did not realize until after i made his nickname Mitty that Mitty can mean "a fictional character given to grand and elaborate fantasies" and I think that's very fitting for him LMAOOOO anyways!!! Thank you for the support and time <3 !
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Day 5 of Kinktober: Getting Caught With Maverick
pairing: pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x fem!reader
warning: protected sex, making out
A/N: this is going to be based on top gun 1 not the new one.
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We met a few months ago at a bar that the Navy goes to frequently. When Maverick found out I’m my dad’s daughter, he felt disgusted on seeing a picture of me on my dad’s desk one day. We’ve been sneaking around for a while now and my biggest fear is my dad finding out.
Maverick would pick me up from dance class and the dance teacher would tell him that he’s distracting the class, but the girls in the class would be giggling about it. One of my friends gets suspicious on what’s going on, so I lie about it. I told her that my dad told him to pick me up from dance but he wants me to go to the beach, or going somewhere private.
One night, I spend the night at Maverick’s apartment even though I told my parents that I’m staying with one of my friends. We talked about our personal lives and how Maverick became a pilot.
“Never knew that Viper is your dad.” He drinks his liquor.
“Yeah but, he’s so protective of me, I don’t even know that he’s going to kill me or you.” I said.
“I already know, he’s not going to kill his baby girl, he’s going to kill me within seconds.” He touches my left cheek.
I giggle.
“I love you Mav.” I touch his hand that’s on my cheek.
He just looks at me in lust, he leans into me to kiss my lips, I grab his cheeks to make him lay on top of me. We lay on the carpet to kiss each other. I try to take his shirt off but he stops me. I stop kissing him to look at him confused.
“What’s wrong?” I said touch his cheek.
“You want to go in the bedroom and continue this?” He smirks.
“If that’s what you want to do Mav.” I make us do nose-to-nose.
He gets on this knees and pulls me into his lap, I wrap my legs around his waist, to make him pick me up and took me to his bedroom. He lays me down to the edge of the bed, he takes off his shirt, I unbuckle his belt, he wraps his arms around my body and picks me up to go to end of the bed, which feels so comfortable.
“Mav, are you sure about this? I’m afraid that my dad might check up on you and sees us.” I stop him who’s about to kiss me.
“We just have to be quiet Y/N/N.” He whispers in my ear.
He kisses me again, I tug on his hair which made him moan in my neck, it made me giggle. He stops us from our session to get a condom from his nightstand and he begins to make love to me, I gasp and I scratch his back which made him go faster. I try to be quiet but Pete kept on fucking me too hard, I scream in his neck so it can be muffled. I can’t help it but scream his name, it feels so good I don’t want him to stop. Maverick puts his hand over my mouth so hopefully no one hears me. Fuck! He’s so good at this.
After a while, we lay on the bed heavy breathing. I never been fucked this good ever in my life. He takes the condom off of him.
“Mav, I can’t believe we did this.” I said still heavy breathing looking at him.
“I can’t believe it either, I love you Y/N/N.” He looks at me putting his hand on my cheek again.
“I love you more Maverick.” I smile at him.
After a couple weeks later, we made a deal if I’m at the Navel Base we have to pretend that we don’t know each other, which is going to be hard.
One day while I was at school, Maverick picks me up to go somewhere but he said to the front desk people that he’s my cousin picking me up. God he’s really good at pretending. We go to the beach walking around and he kisses me like we were dating for years.
When I got back home, I see my dad pretty pissed about something.
“What’s wrong dad?” I said getting my backpack off my shoulders.
“Oh, it’s from work, a couple of my students was playing around in the air, you know, getting into a F-14 and acted like cowboys in the air.” He says looking at me with papers on the table.
“Who was it?” I question.
“These new pilots, Maverick and Goose.” He said looking down at one of his papers again.
I hide my emotions, fucking Maverick.
“I have homework to do.” I try to change the subject.
“In what?” He looks at me.
“In American History, Geometry, and Photojournalism.” I said.
“My god, what’s the Photojournalism homework about?” He says.
“I have to interview on anyone who’s in anything, like you being a pilot at the Navel Base.” I said to him.
“Do you want to come to the Navel Base with me if any of my coworkers or students wants to be interviewed?” He suggested.
“Sure, if that’s okay with you?” I said to him.
“Yeah it’s fine but I need to tell someone at the Navel Base about this and do you have to get a permission slip to do this?” He said.
“Yeah, I have it in my bag.” I get my bag in a chair near my dad’s desk and gave it to him.
He signs the permission slip and I put it in my bag so I can give it to my teacher.
“Thank you dad!” I kiss his cheek.
I walk away with my backpack and my dad says behind me, “Do your homework!”
“I’ll be upstairs.” I said back.
It’s been 2 hours since I started my geometry homework, my teacher gave me to do, it is so hard and frustrating!
I hear pebbles on my window I go see what or who it is. It’s Maverick. I open my window quietly.
“What’re doing here?” I whisper yell at him.
“Came to see you.” He whispers.
“My dad is downstairs and he’ll actually kill you.” I whisper at him.
“I’ll be quick.” He smirks.
“Mav- I have homework to do and I don’t have the time to talk to you.” I said.
“I just wanted to give you this.” He kisses my lips.
“We’ll talk more sometime soon okay, I have a lot of work to do okay?” I whisper in his ear.
“Fine. You want me to pick you up at school again?” He smirks.
“I’m scared that the school will call my dad about me being absent from school and I’ll get in trouble.” I whisper in his ear.
“Fine. I just wanted to see you baby.” He whispers in my ear and climbs out of room.
I close the window and lock it and I go back to my homework. My dad doesn’t check up on me until dinner time was ready.
I eventually went to my Photojournalism teacher and she gave me a slip to give my teachers so they know I’m at my dad’s work. My dad told his coworkers that I’m going to interview anyone at the Navel Base and they all agreed on it.
My dad drove me to his work and I kinda get nervous, Maverick will be terrified if he gets anywhere near me when my dad is around. My dad and I go to his office and his coworkers tell me that they haven’t seen me in years. One man said that he hasn’t seen me since I was 9, god that long ago? When I went into my dad’s office, some pilots looked at me like they never saw me before, even though I met some at the bar when Maverick and I met.
“Y/N. Come with me.” I hear and it’s my dad.
I follow him to one of the classrooms, Pete is in there. I try to keep myself calm and went in with my dad. Maverick notices me but kept his facial expression the same.
“This is my daughter, Y/N, she’s needs someone to interview and I was thinking maybe one of you could offer the interview.” My dad says and a bunch of the pilots raise their hands.
I choose Maverick, I can tell he’s excited but kept that expression that he had when I entered the room.
My dad and his some of his coworkers made us go into an interview room. I notice there’s a camera, fuck! Now I’m just scared about what’s going to happen.
“So, Maverick? I have questions for you, if that’s okay?” I said in a voice that Pete has never heard before but went with it.
“Yeah, um, what’s the questions?” He said getting comfortable in the seat.
“I have a lot but if you want me to say a few questions you can tell me.” I look at the paper of questions and then back at Pete.
“You can ask them all to me.” He smirks, that fucking smirk from the night a few weeks ago.
“Alright, um, when did you decide you wanted to be a pilot?” I ask.
“I was about, 12 years old when I wanted to be one, I became obsessed with planes and on what happens to the planes, you know?” He says.
I write down what he said to me and asked him more questions and wrote them down as well. When we were done with the interview my dad took us out of the interview room and he said that mom is going to pick me up.
While I was waiting for my mom to pick me up, Maverick comes up behind me and hugs me.
“Maverick, you know that my dad will kill you.” I said to him.
“He told me to stay outside with you until your mom gets here.” He whispers in my ear.
“Are you telling me the truth?” I look up at him.
“I’m telling you the truth, he wanted me to stay out here and why didn’t you tell me that you were coming out here?” He looks down at me.
“Remember what our promise was? We can’t act like we know each other if I come out here.” I said making his arms release from me.
“You know I can’t remember that bullshit.” He sighs.
“Mav- I’m scared my dad might find out about us.” I said.
He looks at me with an expression that says ‘I’m sorry.’ I know he forgets about things, but I don’t want my dad to find out about us.
My mom picks me up and Pete opens the door for me and my mom and I drove off. I told her what I did at the Navel Base.
“That guy who opened the door for you, is he one of your dad’s students?” She said keeping her eyes on the road.
“Yeah, I interviewed him and I got good answers from him. Dad wanted him to be with me when you were picking me up.” I said to her.
“I think that’s the guy who was doing stupid things in the air.” She says.
“I believe so. I really don’t know, I think it is.” I said to her. Trying to cover my ass.
“Those are the type of men that I’m afraid of you dating with.” My mom says.
Oh god.
When I got back from school, I had to go up in front of the class and say who I interviewed and what we talked about. I did what I was told. Eventually I got an A on the interview and I’m so happy! I told my parents and they obviously were so proud of me, including my siblings.
I told Pete about it, he was so happy for me. He kisses me, which I miss so much. He wanted to celebrate me with the good grade so we had a little dinner at his apartment.
“I never knew that Mel’s had a good burger.” I said wiping my some food off my lips.
“I eat there all the time with Goose.” Pete says about to eat a fry.
I chuckle.
“I can’t believe that I got an A on that assignment, I thought it was going to be a, maybe a B-.” I said.
“Don’t say that Y/N/N, I think the reason why you got an A because of me.” He smirks.
I throw a fry at him playfully. He laughs at me.
“No wonder, I chose you Mav.” I giggle.
“Did you show a picture of me?” He says about to drink his drink.
“No, I wasn’t allowed, my teacher made me just talk about the interview.” I said.
“That’s kinda dumb.” He said.
“Most of the kids in the class are my friends and they personally know my dad so, they might tell him that they saw us together.” I made a good point.
“That’s a good reason.” He eats his burger again.
“Told you.” I said and Pete laughs.
“I’m stuffed, how about you?” He said lightly throws his napkin on the plate he has.
“Yeah I am.” I said.
“Can I clean the dishes for you?” I said grabbing my plate.
“Let me do it Y/N/N.” He takes my plate away from me.
“No let me do it, I have siblings, I do their dishes all the time.” I said grabbing my plate out of Pete’s hand.
“Fine. Tell me if you need help, okay?” He said giving me his plate.
“I will.” I said walking to his sink and started to clean the dishes.
I feel arms wrapping around my waist, I giggle. Maverick tries to help me but I try to stop him.
“Mav I got it.” I keep on trying to get him away from the dishes.
“You’re doing it wrong babe.” He wraps his arms around my body to try to kiss me.
I look up at him and kisses his lips. He moans in the kiss, I kinda giggle in the kiss. I turn around to face him to kiss him better.
“I love you Y/N/N.” He whispers in my ear.
“Make love to me pilot.” I wrap my arms around his neck.
He looks at me, he picks me up to put me on the counter. I wrap my legs around his waist and set my hands on his neck. Those innocent eyes looking into mine, I kiss him, we began to make out, he takes me to his couch. I still have my legs wrapped around him. He stops kissing me to do nose to nose, he makes me so happy it’s insane.
After making out on the couch he takes us to his bedroom. We made love differently this time, he gave me love bites, I gave him some love bites as well. He takes us to the nearest wall and he fucks me on the wall, which is so different from our fuck sessions.
We hear the doorbell rings so Maverick put a robe on and checked who it is, it’s my dad. Fuck!
“Have you seen Y/N?” My dad says.
“No I haven’t, I think she’s at one of her friend’s house.” Maverick says.
I run to his closet and shut the door, oh god! I can’t believe that my dad is trying to find me.
“Why is there two cups on your coffee table?” My dad says.
I whimper.
I hear walking around the apartment and I put my hands on my mouth to make me quiet. I see my dad in the cracks in the closet door. My dad approaches the door and opens the door and sees me naked.
“Maverick!” My dad screams.
I see Pete’s face, he looks terrified.
“Y/N-.” My dad looks pissed.
“It’s not what it looks like.” I said whimpering.
“It looks like my daughter naked in one of my students closet!” My dad yells.
I want to disintegrate right here, right now.
My dad looks at Pete and I, looking defeated.
“How long has this been going on?” My dad says to me.
“A few months ago.” I confess.
“A few months ago!” My dad said.
I try to cover myself with one of Pete’s shirts and my dad looks at Pete.
“My office at 8 AM and Y/N! When you get home, you’re going to be punished as well!” My dad talk yells at us.
When my dad leaves Pete’s apartment Pete and I looks mortified.
“I’m sorry Mav, I know that you being a pilot is important to you.” I walk over to wrap my arms around his neck.
“I think the most important thing right now in my life is you.” He softly rubs my right arm.
“I love you, if my dad is going to make you leave the Navel Base, I’ll leave with you.” I said.
“Y/N/N, you can’t leave with me.” He said.
“I want to.” I make us do nose to nose.
We stayed like this for a while and I give Pete a peck on his lips.
“I love you Y/N/N.” He says.
“I love you too.” I said.
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beomgyuslilracha · 2 years
the ceo's son ✧.* [ pt. 5 ]
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⊹ pairing: choi soobin x f! reader
⊹ genre: strangers to friends to potential lovers (?)
⊹ warnings: very mild swearing again. the absolute smallest of angst, i guess ??
⊹ wc: 3.3k
summary: you've been an intern at c company for roughly over four months now - directly under the ceo as his assistant. everything was going perfectly: you were saving up money to attend uni next year, and you knew that you were under the ceo's good graces to receive a great recommendation when the time came! in fact, he took a liking to you so much that he'd often joke that he wanted to set you up with his son.
at least ... you thought it was a joke.
the night already felt dreadfully long.
you had only been out of the apartment with chaewon for maybe half an hour, but you wished more than anything to just go back and hide yourself under your covers.
had it not been for your best friend's insistence, you surely would have been staring desperately at your phone all night - waiting for a certain someone to finally talk to you.
your hand reached to your back pocket ... then your other pocket ... then through your purse. where was your phone?? in a small panic, you began searching every crevice you could manage only to come to the realization that you had completely left your phone at home.
what if soobin was messaging you?! what if he wanted to see you like he said-
no, wait.. he didn't actually say he would. he said if he 'wasn't busy'.
"hey, y/n!"
chaewon's voice suddenly called for your attention, finally drawing you from the dark depths of where your mind was quickly leading you. you noticed a boy following beside her, and you assumed this had to be the 'great guy' she told you about.
"this is my friend, wooyoung! we met last year during a contemporary dance class."
you smiled shyly, shaking the boy's hand while chaewon introduced you both. you couldn't help but to note that he was most definitely more attractive than you had originally expected.
you figured maybe chaewon was trying to oversell her friend to raise your expectations ... turns out he surpassed them anyway.
"alright, you two go ahead and get to know each other while i go get the tickets for everyone!"
with that being said, leaving you two alone, chaewon walked off to the rest of the friend group that you all were here with tonight.
originally, chaewon had suggested setting you up with wooyoung for a date with only the two of you that night. after expressing how nervous you'd be if you were left alone with him, on top of the fact that you weren't entirely ready to go on a solo date, she changed the plans to a group movie date instead.
although, she still devised her own arrangements to ensure that you and wooyoung were alone together for the majority of the night.
"so contemporary dance, huh? that's interesting," you commented, hoping to strike a conversation before any awkward silence could settle.
"yeah, i'm really fascinated by dancing. believe it or not, i actually wanted to become an idol for a while, since i just loved the feeling of being on stage," wooyoung explained to you, his smile growing contagious as he spoke. you could tell that he was genuinely passionate about the subject and not just talking about it in an attempt to impress you.
"really? well what happened?" you asked him curiously.
"ahh, nothing, really," he shrugged, using one hand to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. "i auditioned and auditioned, but i never got scouted or picked up by any companies."
though you could tell that he was trying to remain nonchalant about the matter, you got a deep sense that the memory still saddened him as he thought back to it.
you opened up your mouth to speak, hoping to find something comforting to say to cheer him up, but was interrupted by chaewon calling to you guys.
"hey, so bad news," she started, though you could tell that she was so obviously fighting a smile. "we couldn't get seats altogether, so, if you guys are okay with it, these two seats in the back are up for grabs?"
you exchanged looks with wooyoung, both of you holding a silent conversation about whether or not the other was okay with the sudden conditions.
you knew that this was an all-too purposeful set up conducted by the mastermind, chaewon, herself, but you had to at least pretend not to know that in front of wooyoung.
"i don't mind, if you don't," he stated, looking at you for the ultimate reassurance before accepting the tickets that chae was still waving in front of the two of you.
"i don't mind," you finally smiled in confirmation, looking back to quickly and silently shoot daggers at your devious friend.
she, of course, pretended not to notice.
wooyoung took the tickets from your friend's hand before suggesting the two of you get your refreshments for the movie. chaewon made sure to flash you an exaggerated wink, sending two thumbs up while you and wooyoung walked away.
you made a mental note to smack her later.
"i can get the drinks if you get the popcorn," you offered, your hand reaching into your purse for your money.
"hey, don't worry about it! it's my treat," wooyoung was quick to stop you, pulling out his own card to hand over before you could even get the chance to look for your own. "you can get the next time, yeah?"
... next time?
you felt your cheeks warm slightly, a little shy at the insinuation that wooyoung already wanted to see you again. he was nice, yes, and definitely cute, but you didn't feel that the few minutes you've known each other was enough to already plan a second outing together.
you did with soobin..
you shook your head to quickly get the thought of him out of your mind, not wanting to think about him.
at least, not now.
"so what do you do?" you suddenly heard wooyoung ask, looking up to see him handing over an empty theater cup to you while he grabbed the large bucket of popcorn.
"oh, i'm currently interning at c company," you told him, walking together to the beverage fountains to get your drinks. "i'm trying to save up money to attend uni next year to complete my degree."
wooyoung then went on to ask you about your major and what you wanted to pursue afterwards. from there, he asked about any hobbies you were into. after a brief mention of music, he then began questioning about your favorite songs and artists.
you couldn't help but to smile while you spoke with him, genuinely flattered at how sincerely interested he was in learning about you.
unfortunately, you couldn't help but to feel a twinge in your heart, unable to help yourself from thinking back to the first boy who made you feel this way.
for not wanting to think about a certain someone, he sure knew how to keep popping into your head any chance he got.
trying to ignore all the thoughts swirling in the back of your head, you and wooyoung eventually found your way to the back of the theater, fully prepared to settle and watch the film together.
"don't forget to silence your phone," wooyoung whispered to you playfully, not wanting to speak too loudly over the previews so as not to disturb anyone around you guys.
"oh, don't worry about that. i forgot my phone at home," you pouted, watching as he pulled his own out to silence it.
you never realized how reliant on the device you truly were until you had to go an entire evening without it. not to mention it was also driving you mad that you couldn't figure out if soobin had eventually messaged you at all.
what if he tried to make plans after all and you weren't there?
suddenly, wooyoung chuckled and had slyly slipped his phone into your hands, causing you to look up at him pretty confused.
"here, then you should put your number in so i can call you later to make sure you got it back."
you were blushing profusely, yet you were still slightly hesitant. meeting his eyes momentarily, you eventually typed your number into his contacts - you figured it couldn't hurt to do so.
it wasn't that you didn't want to talk to him, he truly seemed like a great guy, but you couldn't help but hear that voice in your head yelling at you that it was wrong. everything about tonight just felt completely wrong.
you had to fight to push your thoughts aside, choosing to exchange smiles with wooyoung briefly before sitting back to focus entirely on the movie. you did not want to distress yourself thinking about anything or anyone else.
although, you realized at some point that if someone were to ask you what the movie was about, you would have absolutely no idea what to tell them. truth be told, you couldn't pay attention to a single minute.
all you could do was think about the boy beside you ... and the boy you wished was beside you instead.
as the two of you sat in the darkened room, you couldn't help but compare. you didn't feel the butterflies the way you had with soobin. you didn't feel the tension the way you had with soobin. you felt no electricity between the two of you .. the way you did with soobin.
you glanced down at wooyoung's arm taking up half the arm rest. there was no pull. you didn't want to hold his hand the way you had desperately wished soobin would hold yours.
you hit the back of your head onto the chair, having to refrain from groaning in sadness to draw any attention to you.
why did you want soobin so bad??
if today taught you anything, it was that soobin did not hold the same feelings for you the way you felt for him. in fact, you learned that soobin wanted absolutely nothing to do with you anymore.
you glanced back down to wooyoung's hand.
trying to completely distract your wandering mind, you casually placed your arm beside his. it took about 5 seconds total before wooyoung's fingers began to mindlessly play with yours, and perhaps about another few seconds before your hands were intertwined together.
it didn't feel the same. not even remotely close.
you missed soobin.
after the movie was over, you and wooyoung were walking down the theater stairs together discussing the movie - your comments remaining as vague as possible, considering you didn't pay attention to a single moment past the title screen.
you mainly smiled in amusement, listening intently as he explained to you which scenes were his favorite and what he thought of the ending. when he asked for your opinion, you merely just agreed with him so as not to have to go into specific details.
since your eyes were trained on the boy beside you, you only barely caught yourself as you ran into someone else exiting one of the theater pews.
"oh, shit, i'm so sorry," you quickly apologized, stumbling slightly and bumping into the complete stranger.
"you're fine, no worries," the stranger, a boy with a very attractive wolfcut, told you. "are you good?"
you opened your mouth to answer, but was cut off by wooyoung grabbing your attention. "y/n, come on, we're falling behind."
you smiled at the stranger and his friends, apologizing once more, before following behind your date, accepting the hand that he was reaching out for you. it still didn't strike the same sparks as it had with soobin, but you at least felt some sort of comfort from it nonetheless.
the two of you met up with the rest of your group outside the theater room - unable to help yourself from noticing chaewon's proud, mischievous smirk once she spotted your hands together.
"so we were all just talking about grabbing dinner together. are you guys in?"
wooyoung looked over at you, raising his eyebrows expectantly as he waited for you to answer first.
if you were being entirely honest, you just wanted to go home. you wanted to be in bed. you wanted to pathetically wait by your phone for the boy you really wanted to be with to message you.
"yeah, i'm in!"
you surprised yourself with your own answer, but, thinking about it, you remembered that chaewon was the one with the apartment key anyway, and she most definitely wasn't going to hand them over.
"great, then i guess we're all going," wooyoung smiled adorably, his hand squeezing yours gently.
yeah.. great.
after collectively agreeing on a barbecue place not too far from the theater, chaewon then suggested that everyone should split cabs on the way there. her reasoning being so that all of you didn't have to crowd a bus and risk annoying any of the other passengers.
to no one's surprise - or, rather, not to your own surprise - it was you and wooyoung that conveniently happened to be left out and paired to ride together.
"you sure you're up for going?"
you looked over at wooyoung in surprise, seeing him look at you with genuine concern. you were starting to realize that you probably weren't being as subtle as you hoped.
that's when you started to feel guilty.
you were acting so hung up on a guy that didn't feel the same way about you that you were ruining a wonderful evening with a great guy right in front of you.
"of course i am, i'm sorry," you apologized.
"i can take you home, if that's where you'd rather be?" wooyoung told you, opening the door to the cab that had just arrived for you both.
the rest of the group all took the first couple ones to the restaurant, which left you and wooyoung to wait a bit longer in order for another one to arrive. chaewon was not kidding when she said she had a diabolical plan to get you two alone for most of the night.
to be quite honest, you were truly impressed by how she could pull all of this off.
"i'm starving, actually," you tried to joke, wanting to lighten the mood and not personally sabotage the rest of the evening. "you can take me home after."
wooyoung's little smile grew even wider at your words, watching you as you entered the cab first and shortly following behind you. he gave the driver the address to the restaurant before looking back over at you with his bright smile.
if nothing else, you could agree that wooyoung was really sweet. he was kind to you the whole night, and he put so much effort into getting to know you. you felt horrible for having even compared him to soobin when he didn't deserve that.
the least you could do was continue the night with him and genuinely see where things ended up. whether the two of you ended up just as friends or maybe something more.
you couldn't possibly know until you gave him a chance.
a real chance.
"it's all part of the game! this just means-"
"screw your fucking game, yeonjun! your stupid plan made her stop talking to me!"
back at the dorm, soobin had been yelling at yeonjun for ruining his life for the past half hour. that wasn't without punching him for the first 15 minutes the second he arrived.
yeonjun had been casually lounging on the couch, not at all prepared to be attacked so suddenly.
"well, if she hadn't left work early, i promise things would've turned out differently," yeonjun tried to speak in his defense.
the two of them were arguing back and forth continuously - yeonjun trying to explain how everything was still 'going to plan' and soobin calling him all the curse words in the book for ruining everything he had built with you up until that point.
up until this morning, soobin had fully believed that his relationship with you was actually going somewhere great. he thought maybe there was a chance that the feelings he felt for you could possibly be reciprocated.
but what if he was wrong? what if he was reading the signs from you completely wrong?
then, to make it worse, he stupidly followed yeonjun's terrible advice to ruin, not only a potential chance of something more, but your entire friendship as well.
"now she won't even answer me," soobin sighed, throwing himself onto the couch in despair. "one day of following your advice, and now she won't even talk to me."
yeonjun had begun to say something, but quickly shut his mouth whenever soobin suddenly shot up and answered his phone after a single ring erupted throughout the room.
yeonjun rolled his eyes, wanting to gag at how obviously desperate his friend was.
"hey, soobin, quick question. what was your girlfriend's name again?"
soobin felt his entire body drop, never hating the sound of beomgyu's voice more than in that moment. he would've hung up on him then and there if he wasn't intrigued by the random question.
"she's not my girlfriend," soobin shot a murderous glare back over to yeonjun before continuing. "and her name is y/n. why?"
"see, that's what taehyun said, but it's funny because i thought it was-"
"just get to your point," soobin groaned, already wanting the pointless conversation to end.
there was a brief muffled sound before it was suddenly taehyun's voice that came through from the other end. "we ran into y/n."
soobin's heart began to race. his eyes were widened and he suddenly didn't know what to do with his hands, legs, or the rest of his body. "did you talk to her? did she say something? did she ask about me?"
"why would she ask us about you? she doesn't even know who we are."
he felt pathetic for the realization. taehyun was right. why the hell would she ask random boys she didn't know about someone she didn't even know they were friends with?
pull it together, choi soobin. seriously.
"well, what happened? why are you telling me this?"
a brief muffling sound later, and suddenly it was kai's voice on the other end of the phone. "we think ... she may be on a date right now."
soobin didn't quite know how to describe the feeling he felt just then. it was physically painful, for sure. he couldn't even feel his heart anymore, as it practically stopped. he was also pretty sure he was about to, quite literally, throw up. and had he not known any better, it felt like all of time stopped entirely.
he was drawn back to reality a minute later.
"i'm not proud of it, but beomgyu suggested we follow them. so now we look like complete freaks just for you. i hope you're happy."
and he truly was. suddenly he didn't hate his friends as much as before.
except yeonjun. this was his fault in the first place.
"send me the address, i'm on my way."
soobin immediately ended the call and began to grab his coat from where he had left it on the couch. had it not been for yeonjun physically stopping him, he guaranteed he would've been out that front door in seconds.
"woah woah, wait a minute! you're not actually going to her date, are you?" yeonjun questioned him, feeling every possible confused emotion there was. his lovesick friend could not be serious??
"yes, that's exactly what i'm doing. now let go." soobin had to practically pry yeonjun's hands off his coat before being able to put it on properly.
as he began to rush to put on his shoes, he finally stopped whenever he noticed yeonjun doing the same. "what are you doing?"
"i'm coming with you, what do you think?" yeonjun looked genuinely surprised at his question - as if what he was doing should've been the most obvious thing in the world.
if soobin had to have one say on who should and shouldn't go with him, he was more than definitely sure that yeonjun would be the absolute last person on this earth that he'd allow to go with him.
on top of that, he did not want your first time meeting his friends to be in a situation where three of them were stalking you and the other was the actual person you were messaging today.
"why would you want to come with me?" soobin found himself asking.
"oh, so the other three idiots can be there, but i can't?" yeonjun scoffed, crossing his arms and pouting.
"yeonjun, i'm sorry, but-."
"look," yeonjun stopped him. "if you're going over there just to embarrass yourself, then, one, i need to be there for you when you need me. and two, i also want to watch."
soobin rolled his eyes at yeonjun's last reason - almost having been fooled by the first half.
not even bothering to say anything else, knowing it would be pointless, he finally got to rush out the door to wherever you were.
it was true that he absolutely had no idea what he was going to do or say, but all he knew was that he needed to see you.
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OKAY SO much sooner update than normal, but it's a little day-after-valentine's gift! i hope you guys continue to enjoy my series <3 it means so much to me to read all of your love and support !!
also i kept fighting with who i wanted chaewon's friend to be, and i just want you all to know that a wheel roulette chose wooyoung for me.
personally am not too proud of this one... i don't think it's all that great, but i needed to get this out in order to work on what i really want to happen next.
(btw, a small secret: fluff is coming soon, i promise)
@sha-aesthic @wccycc @yjusei @ihrtgyu @strawberrydaichi @seodami @sparkswhoz @o934pm @dongmeiii @cannedturtle @intrrverted @fanfangying1304 @n0tprettybutt1red @human-misery
[ bold = couldn't be tagged :( ]
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Notes: so, English is not my native language so please don't be harsh on me. This supposed to be a one shot, I wrote it at 4am on my phone to avoid anxiety and in the morning I came up with some more ideas so, idk how long this will be, no more than 5 chapters for sure, I'll try to publish the second one soon. Also this is my first published fanfiction ever. I hope you like it.
⭐If I could be who you wanted ⭐
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem reader
Neville Longbottom x Fem reader
Word account: 2,484
Summary: Fred Weasley has been your crush forever and getting him is a real possibility but, what if it's not what you need anymore?
TW: swearing, virginity loss, fingering, slightly minimal Dom kink, breeding kink.
No Neville in this chapter, only smut Fred
Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5
Chapter 1: Use your words 💫
His hair, beautifully brushing his nose, his long delicate fingers touching his wand, always playing with it, provoking occasionally sparks without his knowledge as a perfect example of how y/n was feeling her stomach, watching his every move. "Red is the colour of the heart, just like it is the hair of the man who stoled mine". Y/n wrote that when she was 13 and she was full of embarrassment recognizing that she was about to send him a card with that horrid text inside but stopped as soon as she saw him and his twin mocking Ginny and other cheesey girls on valentine's. Love was as funny and unreal for him as his older brother perfect pin badge. So y/n managed to keep her love for Fred Weasley a secret, no one knew she loved him so bad she wanted to throw up every time he touched her hair, even in a playful way, she should have felt like a dog but her whole underwear was full of weird stains that could prove that she was totally soked for the man most of the time, it was ridiculous. When she found out he wanted to be on The Triwizard Tournament she cried the whole night thinking about what could happen to him, what if he died, what if he got serious damage, God how she cried, always on the verge of dramatism, always concerned about his grades and what if he got expelled?, how could she managed to survive without looking at his amazing outline, his beautiful eyes, his lovely lips mocking her whit that mischievous smile. Damn to re-read y/n first years at Hogwarts diaries is agony. She was delusional for the man... and then, the fantasy became real, but not at all in the way she expected.
So, yeah, they weren't super close but they were friends, since first year, she practically sat beside him and George at every meal and teamed up with them from time to time on class, they joked, they play, they sang out loud at party's, coping each others homework. But it wasn't like she was going with them to Hogsmeade on weekends, she was not taken in consideration for big pranks, she didn't even get the scoop in them, he certainly didn't talk to her about his girls or bring her anything from his kitchen rounds. But then, one night something changed.
The whole Gryffindor house was celebrating winning the quidditch match against Hufflepuff, Cherry Coloured Funk by Cocteau twins was playing in the old record player while every student left tried to understand what the singer was singing about, comparing her to Celestina Warbeck, drunk laughter's filling the common room, a nice soft red conjured light making everything dreamy and surreal, y/n wasn't drunk but certainly feeling funny, relaxed enough to dance alone in front of other people without being self conscious, and then, she felt a cold hand on her's, pulling with force, making her trip over the hand owners lap, Fred's lap. Y/n blushed so hard, she was immediately trying to stand, they were separated from the others, so that made him brave enough to do what he did. As Heaven or Las Vegas was filling the night, Fred's soft long slim fingers were caressing her skirt fabric, above her knees, his other hand grabbing her waist, eyes locked on y/n, his mouth slightly open, lips almost touching her's, holding his breath while his thumb finally reached her core and just for a second he touched her. Y/n jumped at the sensation and woke him up from his drunkness, he let her go and she went upstairs to wash her face, running through the whole staircase and finding her room empty, the other girls were probably around the castle kissing boys. As soon as she was alone she was full of regret, why did she run away? Why did he did that? Was that real or one of her daydreams coming to life courtesy of firewhiskey? Y/n finished washing her face when she hear some shy knocking on the door, it was Fred.
He looked embarrassed, something so unsettling to witness given the fact that he was always so confident and nonchalant. He stood there, red face matching his hair when he started speaking in a hurry, bumbling:
love I'm so sorry I, I want to apologize, I didn't mean, I, I don't know what happened to me, I wasn't sure what I...
She simply said: it's fine, it is really I don't, I mean It was nice.
She sounded so bloody stupid, but she did not want to make him feel as awful as he looked and besides she wasn't lying. Fred stood there in silence without a clue on what to do next, she was feeling the same way, but then he said
Are you... alone?
He got inside the room and closed the door with a locking charm and a silencing spell, then walked slowly to y/n looking relieved and more like himself
You know sweetheart, you shouldn't let anyone ever touch you like that, you seemed scared, maybe I was too harsh?
No! No, it was -
Nice yeah, you said that but, didn't look like you enjoyed yourself so much do you? I might be a little drunk but, I can recognize when a girl is not happy with my advances
Y/n was shocked, how could this be happening? The whole conversation was unreal, he was making her feel like a little furry creature, nervousness weakening her knees, her knickers almost dropping just by looking at him, Fred bloody Weasley in her damn room, eyes full of...desire? quidditch uniform still on, his classic mischievous smile coming up, him, getting closer and closer to her
He held her hand
Is it ok that I'm here?
Y -yeah, sure
Do YOU want me here?
Y/n managed to nod slowly but he immediately said
Use your words princess
He was gently touching her cheek, instantly making her close her eyes as he got closer to her lips, whispering
Do you want me here?
And releasing a sight she was holding since the first time she saw him on the train to Hogwarts she said
I do.
He kissed her.
He's soft lips were caressing her's so slowly and delicately while his scent filled y/n's head, he got his hands on her's, fingers interwined, guiding y/n slowly to the bed, his wet tongue licking her lower lip, making y/n whimper in surprise. She had never ever kissed a boy in the french way before which was her biggest insecurity given the fact that she was almost sixteen. Fred stoped.
Love, please tell me if I am wrong but, is this your first kiss?
She guessed it was her scared look what gave her away
She started to get away but he stopped her
Princess if I'm making you uncomfortable please tell me and I'll leave you alone forever, but kissing your beautiful lips before any man its my biggest achievement so far, so, tell me, I'm the first?
Y/n's pride was hurt a little when she quietly said
You are.
Y/n had never seen lust before, Fred's eyes were almost black and closed while he reached to kiss her more passionately than before, holding her face between his hands while she dared to put her hands through his long beautiful hair, immediately rewarded with a soft grunt fully delivered in her mouth. She could feel her core throbbing, head spinning, hormones screaming through her skin by the feeling of his tongue all over her's, he put her on the bed softly and then got on top of her, his long strong legs opening her's, y/n could feel his hardness through their clothes, pushing hard on her wet pussy, his hands were all over her legs and ass while her hands were fumbling under his sweater, reaching his bare stomach and hips. Fred was over the edge, the other girls he had before were much more experienced and older than him, he always ended up being their prey, this was the very first time he was in control and he liked it so much he was ready to cum just now. It wasn't just that. To be honest, he was absolutely turned on by y/n since he found out about her sweet crush on him in third year, he liked to pet her just to see her blush, but it wasn't until this night, with his confidence over the cloud's by wining the game that he had the courage to make his fantasy's real. Y/n eyes were full of adoration, he could feel his dick getting painfully hard as she lay beneath him, so horny and willing to give herself to him. She looked so beautiful he couldn't stop touching her skin while looking at her in the eyes just to see her reaction. She was so sensitive, that when he started to take her clothes she was full of goosebumps, almost drooling at the sight of him without his sweater and t shirt.
Y/n was totally sober by now because of the impression, was her first time happening? She was about to lose her virginity to Fred Weasley? How could she be so lucky? And then she started feeling worried, what if she didn't make him feel good? She didn't know how to give pleasure to a boy, and he looked so secure, in charge of everything... he must had read her thought because he suddenly said
Y/n do you want to stop? It's ok if you do, no hard feelings or anything, if you are not comfortable we can just hang and that's all
She was glad he didn't said he'll leave.
It's ok Fred, I want you
Jesus fucking Christ y/n had never said anything so direct and needy in her whole life, what was it about this man that turned her into a complete moron. She wished that it was more alcohol in her system to keep her relax and cool but the fire whiskey was long gone with all of her sweat and lubrication. That thought made her question, what if Fred was so drunk she was taking advantage of him
But ahm, aren't you drunk? Isn't this something you would regret tomorrow? What if I'm taking advantage of you? Your judgement is not right at the moment we should...
Fred laughed, he couldn't believe how sweet she was, he got closer to her ear and whispered
Love, I'm going to destroy your little pussy.
She was unable to contain a moan, Fred started kissing her neck, licking his way down on her, y/n's breath was shaking, she didn't knew what to do or what was gonna happen, Fred was pulling aside her little flowered pantys and without warning, he started licking her violently. It was incredible helpful that he put a silence charm on before because y/n's whimpers could have woken up the entire castle. She tasted so good he couldn't stoped liking her hole cunt and the fact that she was fully soaked for him before he even did anything was priceless. He wanted to put his fingers inside her but he managed to wait, he just had to see her face while he took her virginity.
Y/n was almost fainting, she didn't knew she could feel that much pleasure, that boy's could do that with their tongs, she was over the edge and without even thinking she said
Fred, fuck me, please, I need you
He almost came. Having her pleading for his dick while he eat her was just too much, he pulled apart from her and stood
What did you say princess?
Y/n was totally out of herself
Im, I- I want you, I want you inside me
Y/n's sudden shyness made his dick leak some pre cum and he unbuttoned his trousers. She was so freaking cute, he couldn't handle it, all of those years of watching her, so shy, so tender, and now he was about to make her his.
Y/n couldn't stop staring at Fred's amazing torso exposed, his muscly arms, long slim fingers, soft messy hair, smooth skin, and then his wonderful knob in all of his glory making her a little bit worried, he was all over the edge by the impression in her face
Love don't worry, you'll take me just fine
Fred got on top of her again, kissing every part of her body, sucking her breast, caressing her body with the tip of his fingers, causing goosebumps all over her...agitated breath anticipating the pain.
She felt it, his huge hard dick all over her fanny, so tasty it made them both grunt loudly, he's started swearing quietly while he rocked her, getting all wet and nice to make it fit, and then looked at her in the eyes
Last chance to run angel, are you sure you want me to...
Y/n kissed him and then she said
Fred I'm already yours just take me -
And he did. He knew for a fact that making things slowly just prolonged the pain so he did give her his whole cock in one exhibit while he scrutinized her face, her eyes, her lips. He wanted to memorize all of the perfect sounds his little princess was making for him, because of him. He kept fucking her, asking occasionally if she was alright.
Princess can I come inside you?
Y/n couldn't handle it anymore and came so badly she stopped hearing what he said after. She sensed her insides full of his delicious juices and felt happy that he understood and kept her eyes closed for a while, trying to conceive what had just happened.
Fred was freaked, he just told her that he wanted to filled her with his baby's. He had never ever said (neither thought) that before, wtf was going on with him. And the worst part was that he actually meant it? His dick was getting hard again just by thinking of it. Merlin, and she wasn't saying anything. What should he do?
Angel are you ok?
She was asleep.
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hresvelged · 20 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Credits to Neffi for making this!
Name: Tiff
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): December 2nd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? USA; Eastern Standard Time
How long is your roleplay experience? 12-ish years give or take some hiatuses I took and whatnot.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I am pretty sure it was due to some friends I had in high school at the time lol. Ironically they wrote on Tumblr haha. I wrote short stuff on DeviantArt before that as one-shot things but we don't perceive that.
How were you introduced to TOA? I saw a promo post for it on Twitter. I was in a multi-fandom rp group writing 3H there at the time but I was intrigued at the idea of getting to interact with more Fire Emblem characters and having a new setting for my 3H muse.
Do you have any pets? No, but I used to have birds when I was younger.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall because the weather starts to cool down lol. I also like the autumn cozy things.
What is your IRL occupation? Database Analyst.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Reading, listening to music, dance, cosplay, makeup.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Persona, rhythm games (right now just Project Sekai but I used to be very big into Love Live), and I've enjoyed mystery series like Danganronpa and RainCode.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I am saddened to say I know very little about Pokemon asFGHL but I am hoping to change this soon.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) Hmm. I am left handed, I am one of the fastest typists at my job, and I have had a few ita bags over the years for various characters- Eli Love Live, Kanan Love Live, Makoto Persona 5, and I've started an Edelgard one lol.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Three Houses was all over my Twitter feed when it came out and so I checked it out! The gameplay looked neat and the story seemed cool. And now I am here!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I have played or watched playthroughs of Jugdral, the Archanea games, Awakening, Fates, Valentia, 3 Houses, and Engage.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First: Three Houses. Favorite: Three Houses.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Probably Edelgard, Celine, Dorothea, Flayn, and Ivy.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Edelgard lol! I went in 3H blind and I chose BEagles first because I liked her character and I was not disappointed.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Hmm not really, but I think Alfred and Diamant are cool lol.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, still Chrom
Fates: I can't remember orz.
Three Houses: Edelgard, still Edelgard or maybe Hubert
Engage: Alfred, Alfred again or Diamant
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I've grown fond of the Armored classes over the years but I also like Gremory.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I'd probably be a healer lol and average stats.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Reason, Faith. Banes: Axe, Heavy Armor. Budding talent: Authority
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Firene is very pretty and I am slightly bias haha.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) To-Ah
Current TOA muses: Edelgard, Celine
Past TOA muses? Flayn, Annette, Dorothea, Elice, Yunaka. I think that's all.
If you have past muses, are there any you miss in particular? I enjoy them as characters but I don't want to write any of them right now. I prefer seeing them in other people's hands hehe.
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? My first muse was Flayn and I don't see myself writing her again. I wrote a lot of stuff for her both here and the previous MFRP group I was in and I feel satisfied with that.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) My muse type is still the same I think lol! I gravitate a lot towards stoic women- Something about these ladies having a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and, for some of them, a colder exterior but a kind heart.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Male muses never stick for me in general. Aside from that, I'm not really sure, but I guess maybe characters who's designs are neat but I don't have their lore as well-grasped.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I enjoy a mix of things! I like fluff as much as I like angst stuff- It depends on the muses and context. I like steering my muses towards certain arcs and I like them developing friendships as well as finding themselves in difficult scenarios.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I'd like to write more AU's! The 3H timeskip AU and Fell Xenologue AU's are two off the top of my head. Otherwise, I hope to explore more of Edelgard opening up about herself and Celine developing more knowledge on surrounding lands.
Favorite TOA-related memories? I enjoyed Fantom Loews and KKE a lot as two lore events that come to mind! I also really have liked every Ethereal Ball interaction my muses have had. The more casual setting allows them to meet both old and new muses.
Present or past tense? I switch around but I've written more in past tense overall.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I default to small text and bolded dialogue but I change it around sometimes and don't have a preference for other people when writing with me!
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Not really hahaha. I wouldn't mind trying another Engage character sometime but as to who, I don't know yet lol.
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