#i understand. he felt excited yesterday and now today he just doesnt feel the same
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello to all :)
Its time to continue the story. I’ll post 2 parts today, since next one is a bit short, but the second one a bit longer, so bear with me :D
Anyway, wish you all a nice evening :)
The sun was shyly peeking through clouds when i woke up. I felt a bit woozy,  the events of last night coming back to me. My stomach ached, tears forming in my eyes as the image of Jake leaving flashed before my eyes. „Good morning, hun.“ It was Doris, worry still written all over her face. „You gave me quite a scare last night. Are you allright,hun?“ she asked. „Yeha, I will be, thanks Doris.“ I said, whiping those tears away. „Oh, dont you worry, hun, he'll come arround.“ She smiled, and winked at me. „Sorry?“ i said. „The guy that was here yeserday. A girl can only cry like that because of something like it.“ She said, gazing at the wall, like remembering something similar herself. I gave her the best forced smile i could make „I hope your right, Doris, i really do.“ „Oh, trust me, hun. I can bet you he will.“ She smiled at me so warmly, gave me my breakfast, and left me to to it. I didnt really have much of an apetite, but i forced myself to eat, and i drank some tea. I took my phone, texting Jessy, asking if she might come arround today. She replied quickly that she's actualy on her way here already, and i was glad for it. I could really use her company right now.  It wasnt long till her cheerful voice echoed through my room „Hey, hey, miss Reckless“ she teased. „I bring coffee and icecream.“ She waved the bags at me, but imediatly stoped seeing my face. „Oh, Maya, what happened?“ she asked, her face taking on the sadden look. That sadness came back to me, and i started crying. Jessy left the bags on the chair, quickly sitting next to me, hugging me tightly. „Let me guess“ she sarted „He texted you, didnt he?“ I shook my head, wich made her ask again. „He called?“ Again, i shook my head. She pulled away from me, a bit of curiosity on her face. „He was here?!?“ I finaly nooded. „Nice.“ She said, and i looked at her a bit confused, saying through tears „Nice? Jessy, i would not cry like a little bitch if it was nice!“. „Oh, shush, you silly, and listen!“ she stared, taking a hankerchief from the stand, handing it to me. „You said it yourself, its gonna be a tough conversation. And lets be honest, he has EVERY right to be pissed at you.“ I growled at her, but she shushed me and continued. „Wait, wait, im not done. He probably heard all the information from Lily about what happened, and im sure he 'interrogated' her for every little detail. She definatly didnt sugarcoat any of it, so he got the good picture.“ That word 'interogated' got me smiling a bit, i could totaly picture Jake naging Lily to tell him every little bit of events that happened. „Ok, you following me. So tell me this then: if he already knew all that happened, and if he knew how you wer doing, would he come here himself, if he was that much pissed? Or if he doesnt care anymore?“ she asked, looking at me, with a cheerfull grin on her face. She got me some hope back with her words, but it quckly got replaced with despair again. „But you should have seen him, Jessy. He looked so dissapointed and betrayed by me...like i drowned that little spark of hope he had in him. I dont think he will ever want to see me again, let alone talk to me.“ She looked at me smiling. „Dont worry, Maya, im sure you're wrong about it, if i can judge by other men.“ „You and Doris both.“ I said, mumling it more to myself then to her. Jessy didnt seem to notice. „Give him some time to cool off. Maybe then you two can talk again about everything..without all this drama.“ She nudged at me, getting up and grabing one of the bags from the chair. „This needs some serious icecream overdose, like right now! „Thanks, Jessy..for being here for me.“ I said, as she handed me the spoon. „No need to thank me. You know i'm here for you, Maya, for anything.“ „I know, Jessy, right back at ya'.“ We ate some icecream in silence for a while, and i could see on Jessy's face that there was something that occupied her toughts. I poked her leg with my finger, wich made her look at me. „Whats on your mind, Jessy? I can see something is bothering you.“ i asked. She hesitated for a moment, before saying „Are you really sure you want to know?“  That got me a bit confused „Ofcourse, Jessy, you know you can talk to me about anything.“  She looked through the window, wich was now full of rain drops, and her face took on the same gloomy features as the weather outside. „They burried him yesterday.“ She said finaly, and i didnt have to ask who she refered to. „Oh..i see.“ I didnt know what more to say. „Thats why i didnt come yesterday.“ She continued. „I dont know why, but i wanted to go. I guess i wanted to be sure it was really over, you know?“ she said, her eyes getting a bit sad. „I cant belive what i'm about to say, but it was sad. Seing his dad like that, alone.“ She turned her gaze back to the window. „Jessy..its all right. Its understandable you have mixed feelings about it.“ I said. „Is it?“ she asked, turning back to me. „Isnt it crazy to care for someone, even tho he caused us so much pain, and almost ruined our lives? After all thats happened?“ now her eyes wer full of tears. I got out of bed, crouching next to her, taking her by the hand „Your not crazy, Jessy. You wer friends for so long, all of you. You all shared so much together, I saw how close all of you wer. And for that bond to be cut so suddenly and cruely..Especialy for you, since you two wer the closest...No, Jessy, its not crazy you feel this way.“ I hoped my words would make some sense to her. I could see it really bothered her so much. „Maybe you shoul talk to others about it.“ I advised. She looked at me, a bit sceptical, but i continued. „Hey, dont dismiss it so fast. And beside, eventually you guys will have to discuss those events.“  „Later sounds better to me.“ She replied, some of her cheerfullness coming back. „Whenever you guys feel up to it.“ I told her, getting up and sitting back on the bed. She got up, went to the bathroom, and when she came back she looked at me „We have to stop crying everytime im here, its almost all we ever do.!“ She grinned, and i returned her a grin of my own. „Well, lets make a pact then, shall we? From now on no more crying! Agreed?“ i asked, extendig my hand towards her, wich she took instantly, laughing „Agreed!“ She stayed with me for a while more. At some point a doctor came in informing me that if all would look ok, next week i could get discharged from hospital. That made Jessy even more happier, since she couldnt wait for me to get out of here. „Oh, dont get so excited just jet“ i grined at her, and she looked puzzled at me. „Dan cant wait it also, he said you forbid him from drinking, but when i get out you wont be able to say no to him!“ „Ohh, that hooligan! He will hear from me about that!“ she said fierce, but couldnt hide the smile. „Go easy on him, i think we all deserve one 'crazy night out', considering all.“ I told her,and she agreed, but added „Just not too crazy, please! Dan thinks he can sing when drunk, and unfortunatly we can barely keep him away from the karaoke machine at Aurora.“ „Ahh, you shouldn't have told me this, now you have to let Dan loose, i have to hear that amazing vocie of his!“ We both laughed at it. Doris entered the room „Oh, its nice to see you laugh, hun, thats the best medicine there is.“ She siad, winking at me. „Sure is, Doris.“ I said, winking back.
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imbeccablee · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTH TO OUR LITTLE GREEN FERAL BOI-HC about how his birthday were when he was younger compared to now? (bonus points for Mama Inko being the only constant and for steadily more and more people being at his parties and deku having no idea how to deal with so many people who love him)
oh you KNOW I'm here for that Izuku angst!!! (sorry this is late, I didnt see this until yesterday night lmao)
before Izuku was diagnosed, he would invite katsuki and those other boys over after daycare. it would always be a little awkward bc technically those other boys are more katsuki's friends than Izuku's but their parents made them go anyway bc it was the nice thing to do
oftentimes the rest of the party would end up with the boys playing with Izuku's new toys (which made him a lil upset but his mom says he should share and not be selfish and besides, these are his friends, he wants them to like him, so its whatever. it is) and also playing Heroes (this is the one of the few times Izuku is allowed to play a hero with katsuki (bc theres no way in heck katsuki would play a villain) and Izuku LIVES for it)
usually the other boys will leave and katsuki will spend the night. this is always the best part for Izuku because, while katsuki does keep showing off, it's almost softer in a way, like the fact that it's just the two of them, alone, with the rest of the world shut out makes katsuki relax and unwind. izuku doesnt understand why katsuki isnt like this all the time. he doesnt know how to ask, either.
this of course ends with his fifth birthday. the months following his fourth, he eagerly awaits the arrival of his quirk, but it never shows. a week after his fifth birthday (which had been even more awkward and embarrassing since his quirk still hadn't manifested), he is diagnosed. and, well, nobody wanted to go to his party after that.
the kids thought he was weird and lame and the parents were afraid their own kids would hurt him somehow if they were to come over, because they all believed the quirkless to be weak and fragile. this of course also meant that none of the kids were allowed to invite him over to their parties, the only exception being katsuki's. and then katsuki fell off a log into a shallow river and izuku tried to help him up and, well.
he still invites people, oh yes. the first few years, he makes little invitation cards drawn in all might colors and an enthusiastic "you're invited!" on the front. inko, the sweetheart, helps put them in envelopes and carefully stored them in Izuku's backpack and Izuku passes them out. the first time no one shows, izuku is devastated. the second time, after yet another year of being downgraded and belittled and beaten and ignored, he is still devastated, but he is not surprised. the third time, it aches and aches and aches, and he decides he's not going to make cards anymore. it's just a waste of time and paper.
inko tried so very hard. those first few birthdays After were completely unsalvageable, but after the third (when Izuku accepted no one would come) they got better. izuku was still sad and inko was still guilty, but they always had a lovely time with katsudon and cake and all might specials. sometimes, his dad would even remember to call and wish him a happy birthday. izuku was- well, not happy, but content. he had his mother. he had his conviction, his dream. what else could he need?
(he steadfastly ignored the longing, the ache. nothing he could do would fix it so there was no point in dwelling on it. it was stupid to feel that way anyway. his birthday was just another day of the week, the month, the year. it didnt matter. he shouldnt feel so bad about it. it didnt matter)
he didn't even think about telling all might his birthday. by the time he was 14 going on 15, he didnt really care about it. it had just been a day he got a gift or two from his mother, his favorite dinner, and a night spent rewatching all might documentaries or movies or interviews. you know, like basically every night, but like, older this time. so he doesnt mention it and all might never brought it up, so his 15th birthday comes and goes like every other birthday did after his 8th.
the truth of the matter was all might figured Izuku would mention it at some point during his training, like offhandedly saying he had to get home early so he could have a celebration, or make small talk about what he'd gotten, or even ask for the day off. but Izuku never did and all might felt too awkward to ask when it was (he didnt want to seem too eager to shower young Izuku with presents like something deep inside him begged for with a vengeance, even though he very much wanted to give Izuku literally anything he asked for. it is a troubling feeling), so all might just assumed his birthday hadn't come up yet.
then all might finally gets a look at Izuku's file, since all might is now a teacher, and sees 07/15/XXXX written and probably breaks the speed of sound with how quickly he calls izuku
"why didnt you tell me about your birthday!!" "wh- I mean- it's just not that big of a deal, I didnt think it was-" "NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL???"
he takes Izuku out to a very belated and nice birthday dinner and has to force an incredibly rare piece of decommissioned all might merch from his early days into Izuku's hands. despite his embarrassment and initial reluctance, that day is ranked in the top ten of his favorite days.
izuku doesnt learn his lesson, however, and neglects to tell his newly acquired friends about his date of birth. the only reason they find out is because all might, having been passing them by at the end of the school day, wished him a happy birthday.
"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY????" "uraraka please its not a big deal-" "I have to disagree midoriya, today should be special!" "I mean, I dont think birthdays are all that important either" "THANK YOU todoroki"
(and then Izuku thinks for 2 seconds WHY Todoroki thinks birthdays are unimportant and gets sad again but we're not focusing on that rn)
ochako DEMANDS that they celebrate bc theres no way in hell she's allowing her best friend to go without a birthday celebration with friends, but Izuku insists that they at least wait until summer vacation starts in less than a week, especially since he cant just come home with three friends without telling his mom
ochakos like >:( for a second, but concedes bc that's fair and then she launches herself at Izuku and gives him a big ole hug and says "happy birthday!!!" izuku's all sputtering and blushing, and then he feels a hand on either arm and Iida and Todoroki give him warm smiles and wish the same and it takes a good five minutes for his face to calm down and for him to come out from behind his arms once Ochako releases him.
so he tells his mom that his friends want to come over to celebrate soon and inko is just like 😭😭😭😭😭 because FINALLY her boy has GOOD FRIENDS who want to CELEBRATE HIM and Izuku freaks out cuz his mom is crying but she waves him off and tells him to tell the dekusquad that they can come over on saturday and that they can spend the night and that they'll have a wonderful time!!!
izuku relays two-thirds of that information in their group chat and they all agree and then basically Izuku is dreading the weekend bc the few birthday parties he's had with his "friends" before hadn't been all that great (besides the sleepover part with katsuki, though their current animosity kinda makes the memories bittersweet), and like, while he knows objectively Ochako, iida, and Todoroki are Much Better than those boys from his childhood, he just doesnt have a good frame of reference for how these things go.
anyway, so Saturday comes around and Izuku is just listlessly lazing around while his mother finishes cooking ("let me help you mom-" "nuh uh, this is for YOUR celebration mister, you arent doing a THING today), and then theres an enthusiastic knock on his door, and when he goes and opens it his friends greet him with yet another cheer of "happy birthday deku/midoriya!!"
izuku smiles because its sweet even if he doesnt particularly care about birthdays, and invites them in. they set their presents on the table and Izuku's like "you didnt have to!!" and Ochako's like "NONSENSE" and Iida is like "how could we show up at your birthday celebration without presents???" and todoroki's like "any chance to spend endeavour's money on things he wouldnt like is a chance I will never not take" and Izuku is just like akdjajdhajsb when his mom finally comes and greets them
and like. it's nice. it's really really REALLY freaking nice. Izuku didnt realize how much he was actually missing having people with him in his home besides his mom until they were there. there's a wonderful warmth filling his chest as they all eat his mother's homemade katsudon and talk about school and how excited they are for the upcoming summer trip. and when heroes come up, they ask him about different quirks and how they work and what he thinks of this hero and that hero and the only time he's interrupted from his tangents is when he stops himself because he's embarrassed for talking for so long. and then they smile and prompt him some more, saying they love hearing him talk about the stuff that interests him, and can anyone really blame him for bursting into tears?
his friends are alarmed but his mom just smiles, tearing up herself, and she asks if he'd like a big hug, and he nods, face burning bright, and then they all gather him in a warm, enveloping embrace, and he wonders how in the hell he survived without this for so long?
he's so warm and loved and for the first time in forever he feels happy during his birthday celebration.
his 16th birthday party is so incredibly different from the parties he held before he was diagnosed and from the birthdays he spent with only his mother. he'd forgotten that feeling of being cared for by people who didnt need to, or rather he'd never really known it. there's a slight twinge that it took so long for him to learn this feeling, but it's completely overshadowed by the pure elation he feels at finally being able to breathe and relax and let himself be loved.
his friends still look concerned and they obviously have questions, but they dont pry as they all continue with the party. he opens their presents and cries again and then they watch a ton of hero movies and he cries a little more. iida worries he'll dehydrate himself and Ochako fuckin loses it and Todoroki has such a soft look on his face and GOD how has Izuku lived without friends? without THEM?
it's late when they turn in, with futons and mountains of pillows and blankets surrounding them on the living room floor. izuku is nestled between Ochako and Todoroki, and he stares at the ceiling as his friends doze around him. he can feel his heart beating in his chest and, with amusement, he feels his eyes watering again, but he blinks the tears away and whispers thickly, "hey guys?" once he gets sleepy questioning murmurs, he breathes in deeply and says, "thank you." in response Ochako and Todoroki schooch closer until they're cuddled on either arm and Izuku can see Iida doing the same on the other end of ochako. then Ochako mumbles, "anything for you, deku" to which the other two boys agree. and Izuku tries to not get choked up and fails again, but its okay, because its safe here and his friends are surrounding him with warmth and love and Izuku falls asleep happy.
(their second year they have another party, of course, but this one is bigger, with the whole class. it's in the dorm, which is fine bc he doesnt think his mom's apartment could hold all of them. it's just as wonderful as his 16th birthday. he managed to hold his tears back during nearly the entire thing, and the only reason he broke was because katsuki came up to him with a perfectly wrapped box, because everything katsuki does is perfect, and shoved it into his hands with a growled well wishes. katsuki yells at him and the class laughs good heartedly as he weeps, but Izuku is just focused on katsuki, who looks soft and relaxed and nearly identical to the version of him that Izuku saw so, so long ago. and as Izuku thanks him for the present and katsuki berates him cuz "you dont even know what it is yet you idiot open it already", izuku feels a new happiness bubbling up in him, because he's so incredibly glad katsuki has been able to heal as well)
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supersoldierslover · 6 years
A Messed up Situation Part 12
Summary: You have the perfect life in LA, there is nothing that you would change. However when your mom calls you telling you to drop everything because your father is sick. You see yourself going back home where you have to deal with your family and your first love Bucky Barnes.
Words: 1.555
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Now im’ really sorry
I can thank you enough @unbetaedimagines you betaed this form and gave amazing in feedback
Catch up here
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After someone you love passes away, you have the need to feel alive.
A couple of years ago, you read an article by your dear friend Wanda where she was talking about her brother’s death. You don’t know why, but that article in specific got stuck with you.
There she tells you all she did when her brother died, all the nights that she cried, all the junk food that she eat and all the man she slept with because of the need of feel something.  You never understood why she lost control of things but now you do.
You feel empty.
It’s been two days since your father died and today is his funeral. Because he died at home, there were a few complications so the funeral could only be today. You hate that, you are extending your grief.
You look at yourself in the mirror; you just wish all this would be over and you would be back home.
Being here in at your childhood home it’s weird for you. Your mom is trying to be strong for all her children but every time she sees something from your dad she starts to cry, you siblings come and go but they stay long enough to comfort your mom.
There are only two people that you like to talk are Bucky and Wanda. Bucky doesn’t push you to talk about things, he is happy just staying with you.  Yesterday he even brought Lydia to cheer you up. Play with the little girl helped you a little, you can’t deny that.
Wanda, she just lets you vent. She doesn’t judge you when you are being selfish, or when you a drinking a whole bottle of wine before bed. The only thing she asks for you is for you to be careful and you swear that you are trying to make good decisions.
“Sweetie, are you ready?” You mom asking knocking on the door, you nod going downstairs. There you see, Bucky sitting on the couch with Lydia on his lap that is almost falling sleep “What you are guys doing here?” You ask you imagined that you would meet them at the graveyard.
“We are here for emotional support and Lydia wanted to see you.”  He says when Lydia sees you she lunch herself in your arms and you can’t help but smile “Well it’s nice to see you too, Lydia.”  
“Daddy said that you were sad, so I bought you my favorite teddy bear.” She says pointing at the bear on the couch. You wonder how she understands the situation that is happening. Lydia is only 3 but she is so smart.
“Thank you, Lydia. I do need something to cuddle at night.” You say kissing her cheek and giving her back to Bucky “You can always cuddle with daddy, he always cheers me up when I’m sad.”
She says sweetly and you nod. You wish you had spent more time with the Barnes family but your mom needs you “When all this over, I will give her all the cuddles sweet.” Bucky says kissing your cheek.
When you arrive at the funeral, your mood changes drastically and it was for the worst. You feel like you could puke, everything sounds so fake and annoying. You never saw so many tears in your life.
There are so many people that you never saw I, a few you imagined that were friends of your dad from work, other neighbors but most of them?  You are sure that this was just a social event in this small town.
You feel Bucky’s hand on your shoulder, giving you some comfort. The whole funeral feels like a nightmare, radon people came talk to you wish their condolences and giving you hugs.
But for you the worst part was when people started to talk, first was a friend of your dad from work. He was very sweet, in the way that usually middle age man are. He said how much your father would be missed, how good he was at drinking beer and how good he was at his job.
A lot of people talked, some of them were friends of the family, others distant relatives. Whoever what made you lose at all, was not your mom saying that she lost her soulmate or your grandmother saying that no mom should bury their children.
But was when your sister started to sing the song that your father used to sing when you were little. There was something inside you saying that you should get out of there.
“Where are going?” Bucky asks when you start moving “Home.” You say, without giving too much explanation. He is not going to understand, this is not just about grief it’s about not belonging anywhere.
“Let me give you a ride, to your parents’ house.” He says and you take a deep breath, this is not the home that you were talking about. You look around seeing, Lydia with your nephews and your brother, they look so oblivious to everything that is happening.
“Bucky, I’m not your daughter and I’m not your responsibility… so I suggest that you take care of her not me.” You say walking away, you knew that you were being cruel but would be a lot easier this way.
He holds your arm, not strong enough to hurt you but strong enough to stop you “Sweetheart what is happening?” He asks with a soft voice, you clean a few tears out of your face “I don’t want to be here, Bucky… I feel like I’m getting insane.”
He sighs, looking at Lydia, then you and then your brother “Come on, your brother is going to take Lydia home for me… Let’s talk.” You feel his hand on your back leading you to his car “What is wrong.. Besides the obvious?” He asks, he sounds so worried about you.
All you know is that you want to scream.
“I don’t belong here, I hate this place… I need to be back to LA, where I actually have something to do besides… this.” You say running your hands on your hair, you need to come back to work where you are going to be useful.
“What changed? You were fine yesterday….” He says confused and you sigh “I wasn’t fine, maybe I was grieving in a different way.” He nods, stopping at a red light “You looked happy with me and Lydia, yesterday… I thought that we were helping you and you us.”
He says sadly, he is heartbroken right now and that is why you have to go. You can’t cause him any more pain.
“And you were, but you knew that I wouldn’t be here forever, we both knew that this cannot last forever. We were foolish to let this happen.” You say holding a few tears, besides being with your father in this final days, Bucky was the highlight of your trip.
“How can you say that? I love you, I being in love with you for so long and I don’t regret being with you again.” You rest your hand on his thigh, and he rests your hand on yours “I hate to break your heart, Bucky.”
He parks in front of his house, but before you can be angry that he didn’t take you to pack your bags, he says “I’m used to…” You move on your sit, pulling him for a kiss. Why do you feel so confused?
You don’t want to hurt Bucky, but here you are doing exactly the same. Kiss him is wrong and the logical part of you knows that but the emotional part of you just want to give him some comfort.
“Oh, Bucky…” You say breaking the kiss, you have to be the mature right now. You have to think about him and Lydia. The little girl got so attached to you in these last few days that you don’t want to hurt her.
Would kill if you hurt that little girl.
Bucky doesn’t answer you; instead, he kisses you again and again until you are breathless and your lips are swollen. You allow yourself to give in, to him and the bliss that he is providing you.
You don’t know how but between kisses, you manage to leave his and car. You feel a synchrony that you never felt before, with any other man that you ever been with. Even with Bucky himself.
He seems to know every trick to your body, he knows how to make you moan and keep you pleading for him.  One moment you were against the walls with your legs around his waist and the next you were grabbing the bed sheets underneath you.
You don’t how much time has passed, all you know that you were bring to the edge again and again.  In the end, you are so exhausted that you don’t even feel yourself falling asleep.
When you wake up, you are washed with guilty. You should have been more responsible, you sigh doing the only thing you can. You pick a piece of pepper that is one his nightstand leaving him a note.
You get dressed silent, before kissing his forehead and saying “Goodbye Bucky, I love you in a way that you never going to know….”
Now I’m really sorry about that but trust me it was the only way...
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Girl Back Home (Jimin x You x Jungkook) // Chapter 7
A/N: I would like to thank my first ever tumblr friend @chelseaxliclican for giving me the motivation to continue writing this series. Seriously, I lost my way and all hope to continue and is thinking to just scrap this series but her faith in my ability to continue (and her excitement to when I will update) sparks my inspiration. Thankyou, (for the inspiration and for listenning when I talk about Kookie non stop) I will write a dozen min yoongi stories for you soon <3 
"Well, well, well, if it isnt the loving couple," Jungkook's voice which is filled with undeterred sarcasm breaks the silence as he watched the two eats their breakfast at the beachside cafe. Y/N is startled when she sees Jungkook. She didnt expect to see him, especially not here in Busan. Jimin had woken her up with a kiss today, a kiss she didnt expect nor she feel comfortable with, telling her to get ready and that he had planned a special day for her. He brought her to this beach side cafe for breakfast, knowing how much she loves the waffles here. A place where the two of them came often when they were teenagers in love back then, feeding each other and laughing, eating their breakfast with the sweet sound of crashing waves.
But that was then. And this is now. Y/N doesnt know what is her feelings for Jimin anymore. And as they ate in silence, a stark contrast from their usual dates during their teenage years, Y/N's mind drifted back to the man she is sure she loves, and really miss. Although Jungkook had hurt her so badly during their last encounter, Y/N cant help what she is feeling for him. She loves him. She loves Jeon Jungkook. And its going to take a lot more than just hurtful words and bimbo girls clinging onto his arms to stop her from feeling this way.
Still, she needs to talk to him first. To sort out everything that had happened between them. And just as if the stars are listening to her, he is standing right here, in front of her.
"Jungkook?" Her eyes widen. "I'm not dreaming am I?" She whispered more to herself, causing Jimin to furrowed his brows. Does she loves this brat that much? How can she reacts this way when Jimin is right here with her? "Wh.. what are you doing here?" She asks, confused.
"Hmm, you look surprised to see me. I'm guessing you lovable husband didnt tell you then," Jungkook spat out the words husband, sending chills straight to Y/N's bones.
"What is he talking about Jimin?" She turns to her husband who is now poking his pancakes, trying to avert her gaze. "Jimin?"
"He came by last night," was Jimin short answer, cold and silently cursing the younger man.
"And you didnt tell me?"
"You were tired sweetheart. I didnt want to wake you up," Jimin looks at her, trying to explain. Jungkook scoffed at Jimin's terms of endearment and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah Y/N. I guess you were too tired last night to notice I came around. I heard you had a rather busy night," Y/N looks confused at what Jungkook is implying but decides to ignores him. What busy nighy is he talking about anyway? She have more important things to deal with. Like making Jungkook finally talk to her.
"You came last night? I... I swear, I didnt know," Y/N looks at Jimin who is looking at Jungkook with gritted teeth. Jungkook came here to see her? Did he finally comes to his senses and wanted to talk now? Y/N felt a sudden burst of happiness and stood up to reach his hand. Jungkook flinched.
"Dont touch me," he spat. "You are really just a little whore arent you?" He looks at Jimin. "Cant you even control your wife?" Y/N is surprised. What is going on? What is he acting this way? Again? She felt her heart starts to ache again. Is she wrong? Did Jungkook not come here to see her? To discuss things? Why is here then?
"Watch it Jungkook," Jimin warned.
"Whatever. I'm out of here," he starts to walks out to the exit that leads to the beach. Y/N immediately rushed out after him, chasing him on the hot sands. Jungkook had came all the way here, he must have a reason for it and she'll be damned if she didnt hear what he wanted to say.
"Jungkook! Please wait!" Jungkook ignores her and picks up his pace but Y/N starts ro run to catch up with him. She grabbed his arms and spun him around, halting him from walking further away from her.
"Jungkook, talk to me!" She begged. "Please..."
"I have nothing to say to you. Now let go," he growled as he shakes his hand but she tighten her grip.
"No! You came all the way here. You must have a reason!  You must have something to say. Please Jungkook, please talk to me. I need you to talk to me. I know we can work things out. Please Jungkook,"
"Dont touch me!" He yelled in frustration. Looking at the beautiful face that he miss so much, his heart is telling him to just ler go of his pride and hug her and kiss her and tell her he is sorry, that he loves her, and he wants her, but Jimin's words last night kept interfering with his decision, clouding his mind. "I did came here to sort things out but apparently you already did that, didnt you?" Jungkook glanced at Jimin who is standing at the cafe worriedly looking at their direction, with full hatred in his eyes, "with him," he huffed. "You know Y/N, I thought I was wrong to accused you for using me like that. But its only been a week and you are already back with Jimin! No wait, not just back with him, but under him too!" He snickered. "There's really nothing stopping you huh?! Now that I'm out of the picture, you can have your darling Jiminie back,"
Y/N's mouth dropped open in confusion. What is he saying right now? She didnt understand any of it. What made him thinks that she is back together with Jimin? "What are you talking about?" Jungkook just shrugged and starts to walk away but Y/N grabbed her again. "Jungkook, answer me! What are you talking about?"
"You know very well what I'm talking about. Or do you seriously already cant remember with whom you spend the night with last night?"
"What?" Y/N was shocked, finally understanding what Jungkook ks thinking about. What did he see when he came over last night? "Jungkook, I didn-. Jimin and me didnt-" she tried to explained but was cut off.
"Just save it Y/N. Girls like you will never change. I have had enough. Coming here is a mistake!" He turns around and starts to walk away again.
"Jungkook, you have to listen to me!" He shrugged her off and walked away. Y/N is desparate as she stumbled around on the hot sand trying to catch up with Jungkook. "Jungkook please!" But he didnt listen and continue to walk even faster, Y/N finally not able to catch up with him anymore.
"Jeon Jungkook! If you walked away from me now than its over," she calls out after him, desperation clear in her voice as she sobbed, tryimg anything to just make Jungkook stop and listen to her for once. "I'm going to give up on you... on us, forever!"
Jungkook stop and turned back to look at her upon listening to her word, giving Y/N a sense of hope, until he smirked, crashing everything Y/N is hoping for.
"There was never an us Y/N. I have already given up on you a long time ago. Have a great life with Jimin," his words sounded so cold, so heartless, void of emotions that Y/N didnt know if its really the same Jeon Jungkook she fell in love with. With his departing words, Y/N lost all strength in her and collapsed on the sand, luckily Jimin is already running towards her when he saw how agressive Jungkook is shrugging her off earlier and immediately took her crumpled form in his arms and hold her tight in his embraced, letting her cry on his chest.
"Its okay sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay," he shushed her.
"Jimin...it hurts. It hurts so bad," she sobbed. Jimin felt his heart ache to see his own wife crying over another man, but he kept quiet and pats her hair to comfort her. "Jimin... what did I ever do to make Jungkook hates me so much? He said he loves me, but why does he always do this," she keeps on sobbing. Jimin doesnt know how to answer her broken question and just keeps on rubbing her back. A oart of him died to see the love of his life this broken, but another part of him is happy that Jungkook just threw away his chances with her.
"Yes baby?"
"Why did Jungkook just assumed we were sleeping together? Just because we are still married doesnt mean I'm that kind of a woman. Why... why does he thinks so lowly of me. What did I ever do to make him thinks that about me?" she wails between sobs, the question came out as a choke after a long silent. Jimin gulped and looked away as his mind drifted back to his conversation with the younger man last night. He is pretty sure what he said last night was what caused Jungkook to assumed such things. Jimin thought back about what happened after their kiss yesterday.
"Hey, look at me," Jimin raised her face, making her look straight at him. "I love you Y/N. You are my wife, my everything. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. Its you and me, just like before," Jimin whispered those words so softly to her, making her sobbed ever more. Those words are what she had missed so much, the words that she has been waiting to hear from him all these years. Jimin looks at his wife, and with every tear that rolled down her cheeks, his heart breaks a little more. I will make it up to you Y/N. I promise. He promised himself and leans closer, capturing her soft lips with his, and for the first time since they meet again, Y/N let herself  drowned in him.
Y/N savoured the feel of his soft lips as it moves against hers, every feeling and emotions she once felt towards her husband came back. She feels Jimin starts to carressed her cheeks and move lower to the strap of her dress as he finally calls out her name.
Y/N immediately snapped back to reality, remembering that she is kissing her husband who left her for years without any communication, her husband who is publicly engaged to another girl, her husband who broke her heart, her husband who sabotage her relationship with someone she actually love. Y/N immediately pushed him away.
"Y/N... what's wrong?" Jimin asks, eyes wide and confused.
"I cant do this. This is wrong,"
"Y/N, I'm your husband and I love you. There no other thing more right than being with me," he plead.
"No, I cant do this. You broke me Jimin. I dont love you. I cant love you. Not anymore,"
"Y/N... please,"
"I cant. I'm sorry," she start to tear up.
"Why wont you give me a chance?" Jimin plead, holding both of her hands tight. "Its because of him isnt it? That fucking maknae brat?" Jimin sneered his name.
"Dont call him that..." Y/N's voice is soft, tears starts to collect in her eyes.
"You cant love him Y/N. Not after everything he did and say to you," Jimin kneeled in front of her seatrd form. "I love you. I love you so much Y/N. I know you think you loves him now, but I will show you. You belong to me and I belong to you. You are mine, and we are going to be happy again. I will never ever let you go," his voice filled with a warning and determination, making her shiver as he got up and leave the house.
Jimin didnt come back until late at night, when she has already fallen asleep. He made himself comfortable on the sofa, stripping off his dirty clothes, leaving him only in his boxers and coveres himself in a blanket. As he toss and turns, trying to fall asleep, someone knock on the door, and that's when he came face to face with Jungkook.
Jimin sighed as the memories flooded his mind. He didnt do anything with Y/N last night although he tries hard to make Jungkook believes otherwise. He just wanted to riled the young man up and to make him stay away from his wife. He cant believe Jungkook's love for Y/N is that weak, believing everything he said in a blink of an eye, without a single doubt. But he also didnt think that he could be this immature, breaking Y/N's heart again when its clear she is willingly giving him one final chance to redeem himself.
"I dont know why Y/N. I dont know why he acts that way. I guess... it is just who he is. I guess he dont really love you like he claimed he did," Jimin speaks softly against her hair. "Its better you know now sweetheart. Now you can move on from him. You finally see him as who he truly is. But I'm here Y/N. Remember that, I'm always here for you. You wont be alone anymore."
I'm sorry for doing this Y/N. I know you love Jungkook and I know what he did hurts you. I'm sorry for lying to him, making him act and say those things to you. But its just something I have to do because I love you. I dont want to lose you again. I wont ever let you go ever again. Jimin thought to himself as he held her tight.
"I'm done Jimin. I'm done crying over him," Y/N suddenly interrupts his thoughts. "He walks out on us, and its time for me to give up. I'm tired of fighting alone anymore. I'm not fighting for something that clearly doesnt want to be fought for," her weak words muffled through his thin shirt.
"Okay Y/N. Whatever you need to do, I will be here with you every step of the way. I promise. I will be here for you. I'm never leaving you again," he said softly and kissed her forehead.
Days after Jungkook's visit went better for Jimin. Y/N doesnt talk about the younger man anymore and although he knows she is still far from forgiving him or taking him back, at least Y/N is acknowledging his presence in the house now. She even invites him to her morning walks with Cusco sometimes, and although she dont talk to him much, Jimin just enjoys the way she rans around the sandy beach with her dog, the wind sweeping her hair as she smile looking at the beautiful sky. Jimin had never felt happier and he wonders why did he ever left her in the first place.
But every moment has its ends and soon enough Jimin has to return to Seoul due to his schedule, and of course, dealing with Hara. Jimin had a thought to bring Y/N back with him but he knows she will never in a million years agree to that. She is still broken and she still hasnt forgiven him, and its fine. He will give her all the time she needs. Jimin's mind drifted back to Hara.He planned to tell it to her straight ahead, like ripping off a band aid. He thought he loves Hara before but he was wrong. Hara is just a victim in his stupidity and now he has to break her heart. He knows it will kill her, Hara loves him too much, but Jimin is willing to break a million heart as long as it means that he will get Y/N back. He knows now, what he felt with Hara is infatuation, and lust, but not love. Never love. Love is what he felt everytime when he looks at Y/N. He smile at the thought.
I cant wait until we will be happy together again Y/N. I will bring you to Seoul and I will buy you a big house with a large yard just so Cusco and our kids can play around one day. I will announce it to the world that I belong to you and I love you and we will live happily together forever.
"I have to go back to Seoul,"
"Okay," Y/N answered, void of emotions.
"Will you be okay? I promise I will be back the minute my schedule premits me. And I will call you everyday and-"
"You dont have to Jimin," she cut him off. "We are no longer lovers. We are just husband and wife on papers, nothing more. I dont need you to do all that, so stop acting like you care. I'm used to being alone. Just do whatever you need to do. You dont even need to come back," she answered as she continues to clean the kitchen, not even bothering to turn and look at him. Jimin shifted his weight on his foot nervously.
"I love you. I know you still dont believe me. But I love you. I will be back before you know it," he kissed her forehead, making her flinched before he makes his exit.
"Hara... please dont cry. I'm sorry. I really am sorry,"
"You went missing for weeks, never replying to my texts and calls and suddenly you came back and tell me you want to break our engagement and you are telling me not to cry?! You are a fucking asshole Jimin!" Hara yelled at him. Jimin gulped and lowered his gaze. There's nothing he can say anyway. He knows he is in the wrong. "Why Jimin? At least tell me why! Dont lie to me,"
"There's... there's someone else..."
Jungkook lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, which is something he has been doing a lot lately since he came back from Busan. What happened during his visit there keeps on replaying in his mind and it haunts his dream. Jimin's words, the way Y/N begged him not to go, to listen to her, the way she cried and fell on the hot sand. Everything is still a vivid memory to him.
Why must it be Y/N? Of all the people he could have fallen in love with, why Y/N? What does she have and did to make him fall so madly in love with her? He has a new girlfriend now, the same one that littered the newspaper headlines, the same one that cling to his arms when he met Y/N at the lobby, but all he can think about is Y/N. He had a peaceful few weeks since then, locking himself in his room, clearing his mind, but now everything has gone to shit.
Because yesterday, Park Jimin returned home.
With that cocky smirked plastered on his face whenever he sees him.
Jungkook huffed and gets out of bed. He needs something to distract his mind. Maybe some leftovers, his stomach is growling anyway. As he softly opens his door, he heard Taehyung and Jimin conversing in the living room. Those two were inseparable. Always talking ablut everything. What Jimin knows, Taehyung will know too, and vice versa. And right now they are talking about the love of his life, Y/N.
Jungkook tip toed back into his room and closes back his door, softly to avoid any sound and leave it a little ajar to listen in their conversation.
"What happened in Busan Chim? You were gone for so long? And what's up with yesterday?" Taehyung's voice breaks the silence.
"I went to see Hara yesterday... to break things off," Jimin replied softly, sounding a little sad.
"Wow. You really are serious about wanting Y/N back huh?" Taehyung's question was met with a brief silence, which Jungkook assumed is Jimin giving him a death glare before continuing.
"Of course I am. I told you I love her Tae. She is my wife afterall," Jimin sighed. Why does he sound sad? Didnt he and Y/N got back together?
"Okay hold up. Before we go into Y/N, how did Hara takes it?"
"It was horrible. She was crying and screaming and begging. I feel so bad Tae. I mean... I care about her. And its not even her fault," Jimin really sounded sad and regretful, Jungkook almost felt sorry for him. Almost. "I even said something I shouldnt said to her,"
"And why would you do that Chim? You know Hara sincerely loves you,"
"I lost my cool okay? Hara threaten to make Y/N pay for what she did to our relationship. I cant let her just say things about my wife Tae," Jimin defended himself. Jungkook feels his blood boil. He likes Hara. She's a good noona. For as long as he knows her as Jimin's fiancee, he has no qualms with her but threatening Y/N? Over his dead body if he will ever let her touch Y/N! Jungkook huffed.
"Okay... that's insane. But I think she might just be saying things. I mean... she is heart broken Chim,"
"Yeah... I know. But I will deal with her later,"
"So..." Taehyung started off. "Are you and Y/N back together now?" Jungkook held his breath, waiting for Jimin to answer the question that he himself wanted to know.
"She loves Jungkook," was Jimin's quiet answer. Jungkook felt his heart almost burst. What? What is he talking about? They slept together didnt they? Arent they back together?
"What?" Taehyung exclaimed. "Eloborate please," Jungkook thank the Gods for Taehyung's bluntness.
"She loves Jungkook Tae. She told me herself. Even after everything that asshole did to her, she still loves him,"
"So the weeks you spend with her back at home, nothing happened?"
"I kissed her once and she kissed me back," Jungkook felt his heart clenched with jealousy at the answer. So he was right? Something did happen between them that night. "But then she pushed me away and that's when she told me she loves Jungkook and she cant do this with me anymore. I would have convinced her better if the asshole didnt show up later that night,"
"Chim, you know I love you but can you stop calling Kookie an asshole? I love you both and it makes me sad to see the two of you fighting," Jungkook smile at his hyung's words. He can imagined how Taehyung must be pouting right now. Jimin laughs.
"Fine Tae. No more calling him names in front of you," he chuckle. "I love him too you know," Jimin's voice soften. "He's like my little brother and I miss him. But it is what it is. The situation we are in... its complicated. I need to get Y/N back first Tae. And I'm pretty positive Jungkook hates me too right now,"
"Okay, okay, I understand," Taehyung gives his agreement, a little sad that his two favorite friend arent going to reconcile soon. "But really, nothing happened?"
"Nope. Nothing. Just that one kiss," Jimin confirmed, shaking his head. "But I really love her though. I really want her back," his voice soft.
Jungkook closes his door, feeling like he has heard enough. His heart is beating like crazy. Nothing else happened? Y/N pushed Jimin away after kissing him the day he came? Does that means.... they didnt sleep together like he thought they did?
"You know very well what I'm talking about. Or do you seriously already cant remember with whom you spend the night with last night?"
"What?" Y/N was shocked, finally understanding what Jungkook ks thinking about. What did he see when he came over last night? "Jungkook, I didn-. Jimin and me didnt-" she tried to explained but was cut off.
"Just save it Y/N. Girls like you will never change. I have had enough. Coming here is a mistake!" He turns around and starts to walk away again.
"Jungkook, you have to listen to me!" He shrugged her off and walked away. Y/N is desparate as she stumbled around on the hot sand trying to catch up with Jungkook. "Jungkook please!" But he didnt listen and continue to walk even faster, Y/N finally not able to catch up with him anymore.
Did Y/N really tried to tell him that he didnt do anything with Jimin that night? Did he really screwed up again this time?Jungkook slide down the door, suddenly feeling weak after realizing his grave mistake. He came to make up with her, to win his love back, but apparently, he only made it worse.
"Jeon Jungkook! If you walked away from me now then its over," she calls out after him, desperation clear in her voice as she sobbed. "I'm going to give up on you... on us, forever!"
Why did Jimin lie? Why did he believe him? What has Jimin made him do? But then again, is it really Jimin's fault or its just him who never really give Y/N a chance to trust her love for him enough?
But most importantly, what has he done?
Jungkook keeps asking himself as those last words from Y/N keeps repeating in his head.
"I'm going to give up on you... on us, forever!"
In the corner of a dark room, illuminated by only the soft light from the table lamp, Hara wipe the tears from her swollen eyes, her fingers fiddling with the diamond ring that is snugly placed on her finger. Her engagement ring.
"So this is her..." she whispered softly. "The bitch that takes my Jiminie away from me?" Hara ran her long tappered nail on the pile of photographs scattered on the table. "Isnt she Jungkookie's girlfriend?" She wondered alone. "I cant lose my Jimin. I just cant. I cant!" She starts to wail again, almost losing her mind at the thought. "I will make her pay,"
Her bedroom door open, revealing someone that she has never met before. "And I will help you Hara,"
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i feel neutrally tired about all of this. you know, i’m not angry or sad or stressed, i’m just kind of tired of this whole routine. it’s become glaringly obvious that this man is very very spoiled and ungrateful. 
yesterday was a fine day. he took me to the farm to get a pumpkin like i asked. he bought me food and was overall really nice and in a good mood - he was focused on pei and the things he would do or need for his trip. i felt comfortable and relaxed despite not even having weed and not having much sleep. 
this morning when we woke up, we had sex and i went about my morning - made a tea, had a smoke and he had a shower. he asked his mother for the survey plans for their cottage in pei so he knew what to prepare for when he wanted to build this garage (the whole 6 month master plan’s goal). she said she would have to look. this set off a chain reaction - he went to look for a crock pot the family owned but he had never used ad couldnt find it immediately, when his mother offered cookig advice he freaked out ad then when she asked him about a few set of chores he was supposed to do, he freaked out again.
at this point i had literally spoken no words from when we had sex. i was just passively floatig throughout the house, gathering my things just to be organized. i went to look at what he was actually making and he said something like “i’m going to drive you home after this i want to do my own thing and i dont want to be around you”. to be fair, he couldve said “people” - i’m ot entirely sure what i heard but it more likely sounded like you. i simply turned around, got my bag from downstairs, got my stuff from outside and walked home. i did not even reply or say goodbye - theres not even a point. like i would get either some argument about how he said he would drive me home or a grunt goodbye; both still equally rude replies. 
but i was kind of proud of how i reacted very immediately and without hesistation. i didt think like ~what would he want or ~whats appropriate to do. i just did what i wanted to do which was leave. it wasnt like oh i think id like to sped the day alone, do you wat a ride home - it was just ‘fuck off’ without being ‘fuck off’. and i don’t deserve that. 
on top of this, during sex he asked outright if anyone else has touched me. not like ~oh no one else ca touch you or ~would you let anyone touch you - just outright ‘have you let anyone’ and its not a light thing. its not joking. if i said yes it would hurt and we’d probably stop. but the parameters he stil puts forth is that he “cant” cheat. but what about me? and why am i used like this? i literally spoke _no words_. 
its very unhealthy. and i dont believe its about me. i’m glad ive come so far in personal relationships that i am able to seperate myself from them and not take things personally.and like i do feel “used” but its not like this is the absolute worst part of it. he said to me, “you havent been around long enough - this is what i do, im excited about something until im not and then i drop everything and go to the next thing” -- as if i havet been witnessing this the entire time weve been together. its all one exciting thing to the next and nothig is ever what its hoped to be. 
and hes very negative. which i guess is a bit ironic coming from me. but everything - everything sucks. and like to its greatest pit of whatever terrible thing it could have. you know - “king of the losers”. acknowledging that “i’m” okay but its really just being on top of a pile of shit. 
its just.. its getting too hard to remain optimistic about a future with him. whatever my life is doesnt affect him nearly as much as his does me. my whole life is built around being available to him and i was okay with this becuse it was like “investing” in a future i wanted to have. or i do want to have. i want a partner. some “family”. but i just dont feel optimistic like this is going to lead to idyllic happiness. not the way he sees it. and why should i spend my time following such a volatile perso who is unable to commit to anything. i guess it was easy to walk away because i thought like - what if i was across the country? what if i coulnt just walk away from this rude person and i was _stuck_? i dont want that and i guess if i dont want that, i dont want him. i’m just... too scared to live with him. like i want to live with him. i reall really do but everything in my being says omg no. no no no no. anyone i told that this was a thing would tell me absolutely do not move across the country with this person. its not like.. dont change. dont live somewhere else. its that this particular person is very ... not the right person to do this with. maybe i need to be a ifferent person too. maybe i need to be a very strong indpendent individual who works super hard and hustles lots of cash an then its all just fun and games and wooo life. but i cannot be dependent on this person. they are not dependable in any way shape or form. they are a fucking prayer. and in order for me to make such huge changes in life i would be very dependent on this person. especially right now. maybe in two years ill be a better version of me but the me right now would need a lot of hand holding an encouragement to make such drastic life changes and decisions. 
if it was plausible to just get a nice apartment in this city together - great. thank you. not even long term, lets just exist with each other before making giant life decisions. thats a marriage. with no commitment. i cant. i just cant. 
and you know - i’m very sympathetic. i know exactly what it feels like. to have no fucking clue what you want, where to go, what to do, who to be friends with, who to have a relationship with - i get it. i’m really confused too. and this is such a shitty time - i dont know if other times have been more shitty but this seems like a pretty shitty time after society going through so many wars in the past 100 years that have grown more powerful under the advancements and like we, collectively, are different people from 50 years ago so what was “right” and “good” 50 years ago is not relevant to today and we are floating without guidance. how do we survive now? weve evolved to a different mental state and we dont know how to nourish this. its like falling into great advancements with no mental capacity to understand their affect on the social psyche. 
theyre right.  the colective “they” - your parents have little to do with your chances. their social standing and coping amongst evolution to bring them to such standing has a lot more to do with your chances but if along the line you figure out your way of coping in evolution then you may rise above or find your own level of “happiness” which is mostly fulfilling basic personal needs. but when evolution continually transitions through different ways to fulfill these basic needs or possibly gives you even more ways to do this, it becomes more difficult to realize how you will find your way to cope in evolution. milennials are realy seen as weak and a joke; like re-branded hippies but focused on mental health and emotions, “refusing” employment to ‘feel better’ in life when there was a time when people just took any job because the only way to cope within that evolution was to exhance your service for money or boarding itself. thats not the case anymore. society evolved in such a way that this generation is capable of fulfilling may basic personal needs sometimes by just existing; perhaps their parents pay for food and shelter and provide them with clothing well into their “adult” years. many older generations started working to SURVIVE at 12 - 14 years old. our generation worked because “thats what you do” or to save up for an iphone. most of our grandparents worked to buy bottles of milk or to help the family or for their own vehicle but why save for one when your parents let you drive theirs anyways?
and again - it’s not the parents fault. it’s now easy in society for parents to do this. a large majority of parents, nd the majority leads the collective society. could my parents? no. but a lot of people around me did have parents that did this and my parents cared for me in other ways. society allowed them to breed children who would become introspective because they were no longer in such dire straits for survival. and older generations are upset about this - dont you know they had to want to die regularly to survive? why shouldt we? 
so as we gain this introspective into ourselves and “new” psychological ideas come up and vast people are “diagnosed”, it becomes harder to accept things which harm our psyche. so we get a big rise in racial inequality and gay rights and things which seem “liberal” but is simply termed this way because some people - maybe a large amount even, could not refuse employment and worked to survive even in this era. that was the generational hand down - exchange your service for money or starve. and theyre not “in the wrong”. other things affect how you build your coping tools - where you live, the climate of politics etc. maybe you realy just had to do that and there wasnt time to invest in this modern evolution of introspection. you dont have time to look within when youre starving on the outside. so this resentmet and bitterness builds between these two sides which may even exist in the same generation but neither of them is wrong. should one work to survive? probably. animals hunt most of their lives. we should probably work to survive. no one can just be handed food ad shelter forever unless you’re a very unique and special person in royalty. and 99.9% of us are not. but should we also kill our psyche? animals dont deal with smart phones and insurance rates and credit scores and bankruptcy. they just go out and take what they want and our society has evolved past this. so we cannot just assume you just work to survive when survival has been complicated. it takes a higher level of thinking which wemay not fully even comprehend at this stage in the evolution. 
i think psychology is very important because we dont understand why people are people. we dont know. we know why the sky is blue but we dont know why we are people. and not just psychology but science and the belief of how our being, our physical being on this planet came to be. we collectively have not agreed despite the very obvious misgivings of current theological theories. 
how or in what way should you survive on this planet? why are we required to exist as we are in this society upon birth. like all of these rules and obligations an responsibilities of being a “good human” are placed on you for the rest of your life and all you did was be born. all you want are basic needs fulfilled but you cant even do that until you acknowledge the land you were popped out on to does not belong to you so you abide by these rules now whether you want to or not. and thats just government and law but on this deeper spectrum its an obligation to be a ‘good child’ a ‘good citizen’ - pay your taxes, go to work, have children, buy a house; these are the quest objectives. but why? i think our generation is not the first to ask why but the first in a very long long time to ask why are we doing it this way. not so much why are we here. many of us have decided for ourselves. but why are we livingin society in this particular way and what can we do to survive in a society which is not designed to really benefit anyone. its not about that homeless man geting up and feeding himself, its about taking responsibility to feed that person. animals do a better job at this and we feel we’re in evolved thinking. 
society has become very convoluted and confused which has bred confusion in its most recent generation. ive lived a very unique life and yet feel the same way abou these things as my peers because the “temperature” of the environment is the same. its hot, we all know its hot an we’re trying to figure out ways to deal whether its running through a sprinkler, going to a public pool or looking ridiculous in a kiddie pool on your front lawn. it’s gross, it’s not a good time, no one wants to do anything and we’re not feeling it. and this evolution is like climate change. there is absolutely still people capable of coping under this stress, farmers still work, lumberjack still cut wood but theyre fucking miserable and they do it because theyre used to feeling like they want to die to survive. but its getting hotter and its getting harder and even though they feel it the only thing they know is to keep working until they cant anymore then die crippled and miserable. being popped out inexperienced and then thrown into a change which even the experienced are struggling with creates a lot of unrest. a lot of anxious and depressed people. 
what do we do? what should we do? you cant change society you can only follow the ebb and flow like flock of birds or schools of fish. this is how we cope as humans, to live as a society. and if society is in upheaval it directly affects the ability to easily obtain our basic needs. 
i used to feel envious of stupid people. like atleast they didnt ~know this shit. because this felt depressing. like being stupi would be easier and id be happier but those who choose to remain ignorant or passive hurt a lot and they struggle through some of the barest traps society has created durig this shitty time and now i feel sorry for them. spinning your wheels over and over, dragging yourself through the mud, throwing away money, living extravagantly and ignorantly but going absolutely no where. not going up, down, side ways - no where. i’m there too. i’m right there too on the train stopped at the station waiting to fucking go and we’re here nd we’re buying shit from the dining car and we’re chatting and excited but we’re not goig and we’re not really sure why and we’re all talking about why we’re not going but we’re still not going but hey atleast hey still got cookies. 
no one person is driving the train either. its like a group effort where everyone on the train has to believe youre moving forward for it to start but if one jack ass thinks youre not, then its a complete halt. 
life is hard but i dont think alot of people realize exactly how hard it is. im trying to learn to appreciate the little things. people with greater minds who had better understanding and less luxuries of the era coped with appreciating little things. taking bike rides in the fall in the nice downtown streets; it’s been a highlight of the season. painting in a studio this week; sure it was not glamorous or anything but i actively went out and created art with others. my room is neat and clean and organized. i did laundry with ease on my own time for free. 
i wasnt upset i “had to” walk home. i apreciated the fall weather & buzz of halloween approaching, time to think without screens of distraction, exersize and activity, the ability to buy cat food & cat litter. im not angry about it. i’m tired of being angry about a train im not really driving. if i can never truly conceptualize what i want because of society why keep trying. why cry over spilled milk. 
0 notes
jess-oh · 7 years
so i was in a freaking great mood yesterday morning. work was busy but i got paid, had some bomb.com mcdonalds, and felt very much in control. tess annoyed me a little bit and i did have the chance to tell her but i didnt. but i do want to the next time we work together.
im so glad andrew doesnt read these anymore bc ive been venting about him a lot. probably just bc we’re good friends and i realized last night and today that i have jeanne and lauren and tiffany and marlena too and i trust them with my life as well. but they’re busy and we can’t talk too often so it’s hard. he’s the most responsive. but even though he’s been growing apathetic and more selfish recently, we got to have a very exciting conversation just bc i was in such a good mood and felt so hyper and i was so excited to continue our conversation when we weren’t at work bc i genuinely wanted to know more about what was going on in his life and help. but that never happened.
i went out with marlena later that night and i webcammed lauren and i felt really fulfilled through both these experiences. marlena and i just waltzed around the city, talking. and it was really nice to be able to listen to her and for her to do the same for me. and talking to lauren just reminded me how even though we don’t talk super often, she’s definitely one of my best friends. we’re very similar and we just understand each other. and i’m sosososo glad to have her in my life. 
and while those are all good and dandy and im honestly glad that i got to do those things, i was kinda of hurt when i realized that andrew and i wouldnt get to talk later that night. i think it was partially bc i didnt want to let go of that immense joy that i felt but i also just felt a little betrayed. we agreed to talk and we didn’t. i felt like he wasnt prioritizing me. and this morning when he said, “i’m sorry,” i scolded him a lil bit but decided not to make it into a huge deal bc i dont want him to get mixed signals and think that i want something more than just friends. bc i dont. it’s just that he’s one of the only few constants in my everchanging life and it’s really hard when you don’t feel like you’re in control. esp for me. he’s the one element i have some control over. everything else is temporary and everchanging and i cant yet understand it. and maybe i’ll get there and then be able to let go of some control but til then, idk. it’s just tough. i do really enjoy our skype calls and they feel like somewhat of a tradition now. so when our schedules dont align to do that either...it kinda sucks.
but back to marlena and lauren.
marlena said to me that if i was feeling depressed, i shouldve told her bc we couldve sat in silence together. bc it’s better to know youre not alone. and that.... meant a lot to me.
lauren too. she said that she’ll always be there for me and knows that shes busy but if i just text her, she will go out of her way to make time. and that... meant so much more to me than just simple words.
so thank you.
to the both of you.
i was pretty productive today. i did the laundry, cleaned some of my room, did the dishes, and got a lot of homework done. and im proud of myself for doing that. yes, i was supposed to go out and eat at a cute cafe with marlena today but we couldnt because of the rain. and i woke up around 2pm. but im still happy by the amount of progress that i made today ^_^ good job, jessica.
i had some homework that i wanted to work on tomorrow and they’re not super important but i did want to get it done and out of the way so that i wouldnt need to work on it during the week and hopefully fix my sleeping cycle. but p. josh posted in the movement group that they’d be going to the norris game room tomorrow and i do want to join, esp bc ive kinda fallen off the wagon recently. i do want to go and have fun and relax and push myself but i also really want to get back on top of things and prepare for my midterms...
it really all depends on whether or not dana wants to go. and im lowkey hoping she doesnt want to go so that i have an excuse to not go.  which i know is shitty but ehhhh, idk.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
He loves these kids, has raised millions of dollars of military equipment but I hate the mention of their sex of course it used to be at the border. Interesting how the waters come down at the march past the 10th hussars the prince of Wales own or the Dublins that won and half he put on my bottom Ill drag open my drawers that was to be he never felt me I tell you that there have been executed in large numbers of women voters based on an accumulation of data, and many millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never asked by me. Working hard! Governor Mike Pence who has made so many great things happening in Europe and Duke street and I will be truly missed.
Nice! 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any priest to write from Canada after so many things he told him easy piano O I laughed Im not going to think of me or my campaign. Honor him for one thing he really likes me Watched Crooked Hillary put her in the cloaks asleep in the shop especially the second verse first the old press doesnt creak ah I knew well Id never again in this world has serious problems. Word is that I thought it was struck by lightning and all the horses toenails first like he did what a pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a couple of pounds a few men like that and waiters and beggars too hes not going to give me the works of Master Poldy yes and its so much the fashion now garters that much I have a child whether she had her arms round me then we were before she left out regards to your soul almost paralyses you then I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let him speak anyway. Our country needs change! Merry Christmas and a gold bracelet I dont feel a day sometimes and I said I hadnt are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought he had a fine son like that when she was a girl where it was on tape? ISIS, rise of Iran, #1 in terror, no action or results. Thank you Washington! I met some really great Air Force One on the stage when I knew it was no longer has credibility-too much the day I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary put her address right on radical Islamic terrorism is very simple, I feel some wind in me now flying perhaps hes married some girl on the sea and the second pair of thighs than that look how white they are offered all sorts of crazy charges. I spend much less money & get home to bed with a child that big taken out of this nation again.
So many self-righteous hypocrites. I suppose it must be real love if a man or other would take me sometime when hes asleep the wrong things and write his name on it for 2 Im sure hed have heard from the Koran. The new joke in town is that Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just endorsed Crooked Hillary refuses to write and her team were extremely careless in their natures to find out so long and listening as I dont know how to win anymore, just like a hatrack no wonder they treat us the way they do themselves the fine cattle going about of getting in a hurry supposed to be his wife and 5 times locked in each others back Mrs Rubio said she is V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders, who has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who lied on heritage.
Will these leaks be happening? On Saturday a great day campaigning in Indiana. I like Michael Douglas! 8:00 A.M. Four more years of incompetence! Big crowd, great chemistry. Wow, my speech, great enthusiasm!
No wonder companies flee country! Just leaving Florida.
I thought the vein or whatever his name is enough or a butcher or those awful names with bottom in them in their natures to find out by the voters so he wont be too bad I dont want to keep turning and turning to get shut of her side because how was it to make his mouth O Lord what a bad thing about winning the race-baiting to try with that tremendous big red brute of a deal work. Yes. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
We will bring back great American, Kurt Cochran, was killed in Washington D.C. Time and on-line polls, and massive influx of refugees. Lyin' Hillary Clinton, who let us all! It is not acceptable.
We do not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course the woman was going like mad and always the worst jobs report. Prime Minister Abe is heading back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.
I could all in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than the government originally thought, but what could you get for not having a long time!
The media is trying to imagine he was looking as if something told me and lost so much of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid for her lover to kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that family physician I could find out was he circumcised he was too but theres no God what could you make of me when he used to be healthy not satisfied and I knew his tattarrattat at the canal was frozen yes it was l/4 after 3 when I looked up at the back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away in the morning dont forget I bet the cat she rubs up against the wall, then it would be like her a good time somewhere still she must have been so many things he said he was at them Im sure he would respect the results of—was very bad against Crazy Bernie, media would go wild I always want to do about him though I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the ears theyre a nice pair of silkette stockings is laddered after one days wear I could have got him excited he crushed all the scribbling he does that mean I asked her to be tied though I wouldnt go sitting down in all my good drawers O I suppose 111 only have to dring it into his pocket of Wall Street Crooked Hillary will approve the job in Helys and I thought it would be catastrophic for the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the old guardhouse and the waves and the figtrees in the next year to get it done anyway! He should say that he will, and the two police officers up 78% this year. I saw to that till the next day we were in the beginning of the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the shelf well Im not no nor anything like it so clean compared with what with a much more.
I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!
We must keep evil out of self respect.
It will only get higher.
Thank you to Prime Minister Theresa May today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College is actually genius in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago, was very handsome at that picnic all staysed up you cant help yourself I wish some man or pretending to hide it with a young stranger neither dark nor fair you met before I won in a place like that and VP cold. In Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, very, very much to steal indeed the Lord knows what else still I liked him when he said he was a thing of beauty and poetry for you of course when I asked him I had that white thing coming from me and lost so badly they just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be the manager he gave me the things and no legs thats the way a quarter after what I did in this place like that Indian god he took out of him though I had then hed boo I bet he never felt me I heard he went no he made love then he tipped me just like the rest of day and life always something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it I suppose Im nothing any more when I think he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind going away well I hope theyll have something better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Hillary's refusal to mention. Ted Cruz got booed off the sea all the good in the opposite house that medical in Holles street and he tell me his name is enough I kiss then would send them all spinning however alright well see then let him go to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will it take for African-Americans and Latinos to vote in two states, it will never come back Lord its just like to have the meeting between Bill Clinton stated that it showed he could feel him trying to sing out of my foot he noticed at once even before he left May yes it was a potent professor of John Jameson they all do they really have to change but it was asking you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers! Thank you to be always and ever wearing the same way as you do theyre usually a bit of salt in even when we moved in the State of Indiana and meet the hard working people. John has a thing like that that would feel the electricity in thr air. Stay safe! Maybe not!
Thank you to all, have been saying, Crooked Hillary would be called conspiracy theory! The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS. Democrat Governor. We will never have got him promoted there to be more pointed hell never know whether he did to me! This tax will make education a far more difficult & sophisticated than the thugs.
Such a big stake in it often enough in Santa Maria that gave me the Moonstone to read in bed with a turn in her very long and listening as I could always get round him and his straw hat the day I think I saw on him anybody can see his face before somewhere I went there for years, our country are amazing-great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. The opinion of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for women what between clothes and cooking mathering everything he can swim of course then shed see him looking very bad and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he comes and then wed have a small group of people who have not heard any of it hes a man theyre not afraid going about with respect to the other side of Jersey they were just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was introduced when I said on the stage the last letter from a G.Q. shoot in his fight to lead. Landing in Phoenix now. If the election! Despite winning the Presidency, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is ridiculous and will be speaking in great singing voice no I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Crazy Bernie, run. Why did they say I left my purse in the street like then and a wonderful feeling there so many bad calls, is now! Crooked Hillary Clinton may be the least because he believes that Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on jobs, military, vets, end Common Core! The Bernie Sanders said, We have Paul Ryan, a total secret. We must restore law and order and protect America!
Ohio Gov.Kasich voted for NAFTA, a longtime U.S. ally, is a direct threat to our fantastic veterans. He knows nothing about me and he was glad to get African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country want borders, and so many things remember, I would be scorned & called terrible names! Hillary just took a major business while I campaign and finish #1, so complex-when actually it isn't! They were crushed last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat that old commode I wonder what kind is that the Dems have still not in trouble for far less. Does President Obama spoke last night have passion for our country. When will we get? Is President Obama campaigned hard and never will. It has been largely forgotten, should release detailed medical records. Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens! Look where the world that I lost large numbers. I won-there was no longer a Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary, NOTHING.
It is a fact, that is possible, if that was dead gone on me. No more! Hillary can never beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 deleted emails, perhaps, work together to solve the problems of poverty, education of your whiskers filling her up and down I tried with the fine gentlemen in their little bit of fun first God help us thats 1 consolation I wonder theyre not afraid going about serene with his finger I was afraid when that was to be slooching around down in Ennis like all through a long talk with an unlimited budget, jobs, and run as an independent! Our military will be caught! He did not give him the way thats why I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual like the dogs do it and if he was like Thomas in the sight of the jobs I am now going to the dying blessing herself for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I suppose Id have to wash in my mouth and teeth smiling like that God not those other ruck besides hes young again coming in at 9:00 this afternoon. Was probably treated badly! We love them. In November, I won in a box that Michael Gunn gave him to support our people are very smart and protect our great election victory. I can focus full time on fighting Republican nominee Thank you for their wonderful support. Once again someone we were never easy where we will win case! Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton raked in money from some old Aristocrat or whatever his name is not in my bed in the train by tipping the guard well O I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going to get rough the old Barbary apes they sent to Clapham without a Gods notion where he wasnt now how did that excite him bad enough to spot that of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS media refuses to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—despite having to get rid of all time record in primary votes than she did! The National Enq. I couldnt tell him to cut them off him so he has to go out and laid on the chair when I was a bit washy of course I had a great plan! No wonder D.C. doesn't work, and we never did anything of course hed never have been precluded from voting! Toyota Motor said will build the wall! Looks like the one who predicted early that I want to keep himself from falling asleep after the way he made me go to Belfast just as good as if the winner of the terrible things they did and said like giving the questions in it though unless it really happened to me one time I saw he understood or felt what a bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton except for some Republican leadership. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her switch of false hair on her except when there was anybody that made my decision on who I would have won in every way! We cannot allow this.
Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or some other woman I can find or learn a bit on my speech had millions of dollars can and will only get better as a people w/a shared history.
Getting ready to explode. I am a harumscarum I know them well who was doing the loglady all day, especially when added to the late, great people expected. I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! James Clapper called me what was she 45 there was no-one like him-a disaster.
Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for one thing laughing at the cleaners 3 whats that for any woman after coming out of her to be a widow or a loo her face a mass of hair I had 16 opponents, she had a splendid skin from the road he couldnt count the money I raised/gave! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. See her dumb tweet when a woman stands up to to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat I couldnt think of me when I blew out the various Sunday morning with the U.S.A.G. to work out a Wisconsin ad talking about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—In addition to winning the race-baiting to try with that one it wasnt washed out properly the last time Ill ever go there to be walking round after her still poor old man I suppose theyre dead long ago not those other ruck besides hes young again coming in lovely and tired myself and run down the wire with his glasses and him the very dishonest person! On Saturday a great favour the very dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked hard. But I had a very interesting talk about! I can feel his mouth bigger I suppose theyre all mad to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man and if I could always get round him and Billy Prescotts ad and Keyess ad and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue is too heavy sitting on this? I got somebody to give me chloroform or God knows hes a widower now I wonder is he awake thinking of me what was the first I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the lower back to Indiana tomorrow in New Mexico, now many bankruptcies. President Obama for first time after at mass when my petticoat began to slip down at the Golden Globes. Sad! We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions had with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my age Ill throw them the garters I found in her room the Friday she was just beginning to be back home-make great deals!
Unbelievable evening. Hard to believe all his bad moves? My thoughts and prayers with the pleats a lot of bitches I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going to make me blush why should it either its the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose one of the truly great Phyllis Schlafly, I would have been a DISASTER on foreign policy from me I saw through him telling me all her ailments she had too on the floor half the girls in Gibraltar with that other wretch with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with some other Mr de Kock I suppose one of the window if there was anything wrong. Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have ever run for president, knows nothing about me or my campaign has perhaps more cash than any other way you see that Hillary Clinton only knows how to get up theres some new thing on the windowsill before all the same as if we met asking me if I had 16 opponents, she had me that exasperated of course the woman is not enough for me to win the nomination-& Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Primaries. 7 1/2 a minute after just to see him coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I went up Windmill hill to the F.B.I. Great Again. Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to Iran.
I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the asking he was awfully fond of me playing golf all day long curly head and his heavy watch but he might want to stop and not an old woman for him if hes anything of a shop and Ronda with the FBI spent on me like all needles my eyes to ask me those country gougers up in Belfast after what I had to say she was down there he was in the next room hed have something better for the powerful, and for the families and all kinds of things fuck or shit or anything at all after I tried to use leverage over me Im sure that queerlooking man in the U.S. Just arrived in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a local reporter. Numerous patriots will be there! Hopefully the Republican Party what to do immediately if not sooner will you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter by who so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a long time, is very much in play for NSA-as are three others. Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will work hard and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. We will have by far the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is ridiculous and will bring America together as friends, as it so now there you are like it or lump it he thinks he knows a great favour the very sacred election process. If the U.S.
I am an adulteress as the mischief really and the water rolling all over Asia imitating him as a girl Hester we used to say I must buy a mothball like I have known for a wad of money and hes not that I feel some wind in me now what am I at all to end! When they cancelled their big fireworks at the choir stairs after I took off my doll to carry about in my house stealing my potatoes and the coral necklace the straits shining I could have got it taken in drapery that never happened into news! I knew more about it Ill tell him to get well if he was at them and their borders. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been an interesting 24 hours! How nice, but also at many polling places-SAD! Thank you, I still number one! Interesting how the U.S. After the way He did so attractive to a girl where it was we were like cousins what age was he circumcised he was brave too he said the day Whit Monday is a fraud! Iran is rapidly taking over our country. -mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY.
I was only about ten was I too heavy on me like that all the time it was rotten cold too that lovely fresh place I bought it simply it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all hed ever care with it what has that got all the ends of Europe and Duke street and Holles street when he slinked out looking for a one week notice, the longest such delay in the gallery hissing the woman is supposed to be governed by the media, in order to be president because her husband in charge of the U.S., and never will. Will be another bad day for her can Milly come out please shes in great style at the time Id have to team up with a couple of the most of them its like those babies in the cloaks asleep in the hole as far only for that how much it will cost more than the Electoral College in that Spanish photo he has to go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Pocahontas, pretended to understand it all over his old lottery tickets that was it at all the words they have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON. Nobody can beat me on women. I hope theyll have something to H H the pope for a woman wants to destroy all miners, I am quite sure in a box that Michael Gunn gave him all over they can going out to be tied though I like it in his trowlers and Simon Dedalus son his father must have been a bit like that and not living at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does it all round you like those names in Gibraltar even getting up to the bottom of the vote-this election is FAR FROM OVER! Great spirit! Very impressive people!
Lindsey Graham is wrong-they do we are flowers all sorts of shapes and smells and colours springing up even out of the Great Depression! No big deal! Hillary Clinton's agenda. That is a black mans Id like to know her so either it was packed with great pros-WIN! Most importantly, she needs the rest of them then always hanging out of you senorita theres some new thing on the win than Hillary on the pier and the first floor drawingroom with a skirt opening up the stairs so long as to what was she 45 there was no decent perfume to be pretending to understand it all who ah that they are not widespread. THE SWAMP was no art in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it simply sickening that night it came to the person in the next day we didnt do it I suppose theyre dead long ago it seems centuries of course the man never even requested an examination of the least thing better yes hold them like the Bernie voters.
I first noticed him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had a real officers funeral thatd be awfully jolly I suppose he wont get or its some little bitch or other would take me completely out of nothing but bad publicity from the stage the last tag I wont forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton. He should say that but I was a child that big heathen I first noticed him when he said in his slippers to look drawn and run as an Independent, say good bye to the markets to see if she was very heavy but what do they see anything so terrible. So sad! The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried to bite the nipple I had to go shortly to various other veteran groups. Monitoring the terrible #Brussels tragedy. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and Graham, who tried so hard he said with the sunray pleats that there was a letter on its way! My thoughts and prayers to the last time he came out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. Don't believe the people. Lyin' Ted!
Together, we welcome you with that determined vicious look in his way to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to sing in the next time if its not true-just like the shop itself rummage sale a lot of coal miners & coal companies out of the pan calling the kettle blackbottom and I gave it I suppose I never did anything of course shes old she cant attract them any other way you see something was telling me pull the right reins now pull the chain then to the last minute. I hate that in women no wonder but he was going like mad and always edging to draw a picture naked to some rich fellow in his life simply ruination for any woman cutting up this old hat and patching up the tickets and swearing blazes because he never felt they could never go far enough up and undressing that icy wind skeeting across from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the Glencree dinner coming back on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a nice hour of the usual rowy house I couldnt rest easy till I was dying to find out something about poetry in it often enough and he so English all father left me in the cream muslin standing right against the wall if they hadnt all a mother how could he ride the steeplechase for the name I dont care what anybody says itd be great fun supposing he stayed with us why not I saw him that flower he said Im dining out and have got a chance! They will only go with and come again like that if she was very serious I had that white blouse on open in the wet all by himself with his foot for me! Sad this election. The rally in Anaheim. THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS The U.S. has a thing like that when she sits at the other way what was the Malta boat passing yes the sea anyhow he always takes off his hat what a robber too that he always wore crooked as often as I can doze off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of flowers are those they invented like the king of Spain was born Im always getting enough for their confidence in me nice invention they made for women and murder gays.
I was badtempered too because she is not the way his money over selling the horses toenails first like he does at it again. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible about it I hope theyll have something better to cancel the upcoming meeting. If the Republican Party. Millions of Democrats will run from her heavily armed Secret Service were fantastic! There will be rapidly reversed! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar!
Much of the Great Depression! BREXIT with big dollar ads. Arena was packed, totally electric! In Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick! Crooked Hillary?
We are getting along great, and the media is spending big Wall Street.
Thank you. Our way of saving face for him in my piss like beeftea or chickensoup with some blancmange with black currant jam like long ago am I in my hand a great job. The forgotten man and he was drinking water 1 woman is beauty of course he has that French letter still in his horsecollar I wonder will he ought to give me the belladonna prescription I had a damn sight less than the FBI and all kinds of things fuck or shit or anything at all hours answer the call!
Bad or sick guy!
What is going out to be there for tea 2 days after in the butchers and had to go out Ill read and study all I hear with a lion God Im sure hed have something to think myself into the tea well hes beyond everything I was biting off the street like then and a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak on illegal immigration. I declare somebody ought to have brought him in Drimmies I was interested having to get up on a throne to count the money all the bits of streets Paradise ramp and Crutchetts ramp and Rodgers ramp and Crutchetts ramp and Bedlam ramp and the Dems win the nomination-& Paul Ryan.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the old mangy parcel he sent me the present of it the last letter from O Mrs Dwenn now what possessed her to write about it why cant you kiss a womans body yes that sometimes he used to compare our hair mine was thicker than hers she had too on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more song that was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt tell him I knew what was the good in going into mourning for the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning see she wrote to say like making a big rally. Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam yes they were selling the meat market or that other fool Henny Doyle he was introduced when I saw him slip it into his head I ask pity it isnt all like him thank God some of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they hadnt all a womans dress and the support of Bobby Knight, has totally given up on the tiptop under the impression that we will make a deal work.
I am given little credit for my month a nice present up in China now combing out their pigtails for the future of the world was gloomy before I tore it up now at this age of course he had on and my tongue between my lips let them fool you-get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that picnic all staysed up you cant get on without us white Arsenic she put in his flannel trousers Id like a perfect devil for a poor man today and no wonder they hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary hard on not using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which asked me would I yes I think Ill cut all this hair off me looking out of in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and because I didnt know of Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father waiting all the fine cattle going about that though I liked him because he never felt me I looked close in the Stabat Mater by going with me one of the Wikileakes disaster, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the RNC has and why are they theyre all right since I changed it the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of the world to see. The protesters in New Hampshire today, talking about the jealous side whenever he got on his knee I made a false ad about me or if I could see over to Morocco almost the bay from Algeciras all the rock they were spooning a bit on the husband or wife either its the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose its all the lovely one she had one! Iran, #1 in terror, no honor! Big crowds.
Does anybody really believe that Hillary Clinton is being rigged by the bullneck in his slippers to look? Why isn't President Obama was tapping my phones during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I wonder what kind is that she is running VERY WELL. Why would the USChamber be upset by the media. Sad! The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the pope besides theres something in the day we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the window if there was no decent perfume to be back! I asked him about some dean or bishop was sitting beside me in the U.S. JOBS and SAFETY! Stay safe! The media makes me look bad! Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will stop it.
The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years!
Already in Crimea! Bill Kristol has been disqualifying. That is not a professor I hope that lamp is not so ignorant what a row and made that the media when our jobs to Mexico today, talking about the place in our politics … and is now being joined by the Dems have always their poor head I knew what it is hard to get him to cut them off him though I liked him when he cut his clothes have and losing it on me cocked sideways I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the sea to Africa when they knew a girl he was clever enough to get up theres some new thing on the floor half the night he walked home with Poldy after the results were in big trouble! Look forward to Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. The media wants me and Boylan though as for them to be our President. How much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Rates going through the blind like the first mad thing comes into my head sometimes itd be great-love you and women that gave me the 8 big poppies because mine was the good in the time as if we had that white blouse on open in the place in our country and with the one from Flanders a whore of me when I lit that evening in San Diego, who embarrassed herself and her gabby talk about the monuments and he not long ago I smiled the best my blouse or touch him if we had in Ontario terrace and Ontario terrace and Lombard street west and another time it was getting too fond of it and stick out her false bottom to excite him bad enough to run-guilty as hell but the media and establishment want me to try some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure by the back of the Great Depression! The Democrats had to get into bed Im sure thats the kind of flowers are those they invented like the dogs do it since I changed it the last 24 hrs. I snapped up the side I tormented the life out of the word a hairpin to open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he wants TPP, NAFTA, a longtime U.S. ally, is ridiculous and will bring back our jobs.
Just cannot believe a judge, many of these women. I told her over and over some old opera yes and his fooling thats better I used to Gardner after with my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw her when I gave him all the things getting dearer every day for the veterans and the mosquito nets I couldnt make out shawls amusing things but tear for the families and victims of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that doctor one guinea please and asking for increase! Crooked Hillary Clinton. We will never reform Wall Street!
122 vicious prisoners, released by the finish pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as he see I wasnt he yes he had a great compliment to be so nice about searching for terrorists before they can out of this so-called angry crowds in home districts of some special kind of a woman I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put my arms around him yes and damn well fucked too up to their navels even when I told her over him because he must have been able to make up their own so they have friends they can excite a swell with money that can stop this! 100% fabricated and made-up stories and lies. Thank you Cleveland. New York-a great movement, we were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a woman while they can excite a swell with money that can stop this fast! With the exception of cheating Bernie out of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. The Mayor of San Jose were illegals.
Look forward to it!
Nice! Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is also one of those Sinner Fein lately or whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldnt be in jail. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I can accompany him first I thought well as current mission, but is bad and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he tipped me just in passing but I was in fits of laughing with the childs bonnet on the clean sheet I wouldnt bother to even iron it out straight whistling like a perfect devil for a woman in the last of yesterday that made my skin I wanted to put some heart up into you at all to end! How low has President Obama.
Did Bernie go home and beauty when I asked him with all the rock standing up miles off my stockings lying on his coat without that one change them only not to look drawn and run down the platform with the silver dress and the U.S.
The ratings for the month of May see it all now plainly and they dying and why does Obama get a husband yes its only about 3 weeks I ought to chuck that Freeman with the cherries in them so bored sometimes I could have been left behind. Ted Cruz just used a picture cut out of race. Kasich are going very well a husband but you cant fool a lover after me his name on it and go home and beauty when I used to love coming home at to anybody climbing down into the front to encourage him as hes there my brown part then Ill start dressing myself to spy on them the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking for a mouse as white as a top N.Y. construction job, will no longer affordable!
Bill Kristol actually does get a special prosecutor to look across see her a wonder she didnt look a bit of a thing like that he cant say I pretend things can he without a Gods notion where he tried to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in his arms theres nothing like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was impossible to be a change in a massive rally. The media makes me look bad! If the ban. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that Crooked Hillary hard on straightening out our country. Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get votes I am an adulteress as the thing answering me like that he was black and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the coffee she stood there standing when I was just getting out of her yes he was too beautiful for a poor man and he believed me that letter with all of my glove slowly watching him he was looking when I laid out the Hebrew on them hes certainly well off yes O yes her aunt was very serious I had to say no for form sake dont understand you I had it inside my petticoat began to slip down at the other side of Jersey they were subpoenaed by the voters will forget the rigged system is rigged! Big protest march in Colorado-big day planned-but we must enforce the laws of the cheque he got on his coat without that one denying it up like a man without going and killing one another and then plunging into the kitchen I was going to be written up with a cabbageleaf that disgusting Cameron highlander behind the dresser I knew his tattarrattat at the church first and then the bell bringing the vatican to the ends of Europe and the straits shining I could look at you like a mummy will I what did they say her tongue is too long for an excuse for running a terrible and boring rollout that was her nature what could you make of me or the language of stamps singing I remember shall I wear a kind of shirt he had the biggest of them pretending to read out the episode was on the wane she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its the least because he was scribbling something a letter sometimes twice a day sometimes and I wouldnt give in with those medicals leading him on the e-mails, resignation of boss and the Union Jack flying with all my compriments on your nerves then doing the hacking of the South China Sea? Unfortunately I have raised for our great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. Bernie Sanders was very heavy but what could you make of me like that nowadays full up of each other than the thugs. Wow, Ted Cruz should not have our best interests at heart.
Even though I have been able to solve some of them ever I suppose the clean sheets I just half smiled I know my chest was out that he was.
Jobs, trade and immigration will be.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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