#i try to be nice about disliking moves/shows but i cant find it in me to be nice to build new world ever
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kamenridergaysex · 4 months ago
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i'll post this here too from twt. a very trustworthy visual guide for my kamen rider build watch order by yours truly i
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intotheficsofit · 1 year ago
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MDNI💀 +18 Only
My Roommates Brother
Alright everyone be nice it’s my first fic.
We gotta classic trope today, the MC & Todo have an apartment together. Todo-Choso-Yuji all brothers vibe modern au style. Todo & MC were classmates/sparing buddies when they both ended up needing a place around the same time, they are platonic and goofy/very bro/sis vibe but the MC finally meets Choso and is smittttten.
Use of she/her pronouns as well as more feminine styled pet names, obvi this is a Reader X Choso smutty mess of a fic! Advanced apologies for any typos, I hope you find some enjoyment out of this piece💗
Oh and minors GTFO!! This ain’t for y’all 👏🏼
The hot water soothed my aching muscles after an intense training sesh with Todo. I bopped around slightly to the beat of the ‘This is CORPSE’ spotify mix as I sudsed my sweat away. I thought I heard Todo’s voice from outside the door, I pulled back the shower curtain to pop my head out and keep my body shielded by the dark colored material.
More mumbles, the running shower and my loud music muffling whatever he was trying to tell me. I’m not particularly worried about Todo seeing me like this, he’s very open with his own body and we usually didn’t mind walking around in our undies around one another. It wasn’t a sexual thing, he’s not my type and I’m not his - to which looks suspicious to some people considering we live together but that’s not any of our concern.
A click and turn and Todo swung the door wide open, someone was behind him that I only recognized from photos.
His eyes widened as he closed it only enough to have his head in the room. I saw his brother behind him hide his face before the door cut off his sight of me in the shower.
“My brother came to visit! We’re going to pick up dinner what would you like!”
I laughed and shook my head.
“That’s what you were trying to scream through the door about? God Todo, just get me whatever you get. Thanks bud.”
“OF COURSE! Enjoy your shower!”
He closed the door and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself, he was a big sweet dummy. I did love him like family, even if he wasn’t the brightest at times. My mind wandered to the blushing and hidden face that stood behind him…Todo had shown me many photos of both his brothers and Choso was super cute…he told me about how he’s kinda kept to himself and that they really only see one another when Yuji insists on it. Both of them were wrapped around the sweet pink haired boys finger, and I can’t blame them. Yuji was a good boy and always smiling, if anyone disliked him I’d be surprised.
I might have searched up Choso’s socials a bit after Todo and I moved in together…he was hanging up photos in his room and needed my help…I made sure to ask all the important questions. Choso was a drummer who smoked a fuck ton of weed and liked to watch anime, so in other words my perfect match. He wore dark red or purple eyeshadow a lot and liked to paint his nails…the Gerard Way type as I like to call it. I wasn’t too embarrassed about him seeing me after taking note of his reaction…it’d be nice to finally get to know him over dinner…test the waters a bit.
After getting out of the shower I half blow dried my curls so they looked somewhat neater than usual. Donning a little bit of mascara and smudging out my leftover liner, I threw on a white cropped tank top (that slightly showed my nipples and their piercings) and a pair of black leggings. I made my way down the hall towards Todo’s booming voice and the shuffling of bags.
“So what’s for dinner boys?”
I said as I toked on a blunt and approached them, a trail of smoke lining my previous path. I smiled sweetly at the two, Choso’s eyes widened and he grinned slightly as his cheeks turned pink. Todo of course gave me an ear to ear grin before explaining what he had ordered for us. I hovered over the counter and inhaled the delicious smells, humming in satisfaction. I took another hit from the blunt then held it out to Choso.
He chuckled and took it from my fingers, after inhaling sexily through his mouth then nose he passed it back to me.
“Thanks..{Y/N} right?”
“That’s me.”
I winked at him as I inhaled deeply then passed it to Todo.
“You’re Choso right? It’s about time I met your other brother Todo.”
I playfully slapped at Todo’s arm, that was easily bigger than my head. He chuckled and passed the blunt across the counter to Choso before shoving me jokingly and making me stumble.
“You already kicked my ass earlier was that not enough you big oaf?”
A roar of a laughter erupted from Todo’s chest, he hooked his massive arm around my neck and pulled me to him lovingly like he would’ve Yuji. I clawed at his forearm, he was slightly choking me out.
“You’ve come so far in our spares, but you’ll never beat me little sis!”
I gagged slightly as I laughed.
“Out of everyone here I don’t want you to be the one choking me, let go!”
I jabbed my elbow into his toned gut as I struggled for freedom, not noticing how Choso reacted to my comment. He continued to laugh heartily and tussle my hair roughly before releasing me from his grasp. It wasn’t til then that we realized Choso choking on the weed smoke and poorly attempting to hide it.
“Are you okay baby brother?”
“D-Don’t…*cough cough*…don’t call me..*cough*..that I’m older…*cough cough*”
I grabbed a bottle of water from our fridge and came to Choso’s side to swap it out with the blunt. As he raised his head to drink the water he glanced at my concerned expression, his face was bright red from coughing so hard and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“You gonna make it?”
I chuckled and rubbed his shoulder gently. He choked on the water…
“Goodness brother!”
Todo ran up behind him, I saw the fear ignite in Choso’s eyes as he knew what was coming next.
“Todo maybe don’t-“
My concerns were voiced too late, Todo smacked him on the back a couple times trying to help. Choso coughed a few more times but surprisingly, it did help him stop choking.
“God you brute..”
Choso mumbled as he regained his breath. I couldn’t help but giggle, covering my face in the process as he glared at Todo. The blunt was out and our food was getting cold at this point so we all convened in the living room to chow down. I snagged the remote before Todo could, we always argued on what to watch so the rule was whoever touched the remote first got dibs. Naturally, I turned on one of my comfort shows -One Punch Man- to which Todo groaned once I hit play on the first episode of season one.
“You told me you liked this one why are you moaning and groaning?”
“It’s always a different cartoon.”
“It’s anime.”
Choso and I barked at him in unison, to which we looked to one another and grinned as we found a common interest. (That I definitely didn’t already know about psssh)
“What’s this one about again?”
I proceeded to stuff my face and overdump the lore of the series, complaining about how more isn’t animated because the manga is so wonderfully complex. Todo then compared himself to that of Saitama with godlike strength, I didn’t deny him only to get him to continue to the next episode to see what would happen next. Choso ate quietly and watched us converse, I would glance to him now and then with a ‘you know what I’m trying to say’ or ‘you understand this more I’m sure’. He would smile and nod as he took careful bites, slowly clearing his plate. After a handful of episodes our bellies were full, Todo collected our trash and took it out, leaving Choso and I alone.
“Wanna smoke? I don’t know what he’s told you, but I smoke a lot so if it bothers you I can go to my room.”
“Oh no it’s fine, I do too..”
His voice was deep, slightly raspy. It made me feel the butterflies fighting in my stomach as he spoke. I smiled, standing from the couch I watched the way his eyes trailed down my body.
“Cool, I’ll go roll up real quick then. Obviously make yourself at home, you know where the bathroom is already.”
I giggled as I spoke to him, turning on my heels to head to my room and retrieve the smokeables. I heard Todo reenter our home and have a much more quiet conversation with his brother. I tried to peer down the hall to hear them but was unsuccessful. I threw on a cropped sweatshirt jacket and lit the blunt between my lips. As I tip toed down the hall, still trying to listen to their hushed conversation, the floorboards played against me as I neared the entrance of the room. The creaking made the two men dart their attention backwards towards me, I strolled in casually and tossed a blunt in front of Choso and a joint in front of Todo.
“Talking shit about me while I’m rolling up for you two?”
Choso nervously shook his head no while Todo laughed.
“Yes little sis, I was telling him how much you stink after training.”
“Oh I won’t deny that, but it’s still not as bad as when you get back from sparing with Yuji.”
I chuckled back at him as I tossed him a lighter. I nodded to the back door, that lead to our small balcony patio, while toking heavily. Todo nodded and rose from his seat, motioning his brother to follow us. The back door would stick shut now and then from one time when Todo ran into it and fucked up the frame, so I always had to have him open it, I was not strong enough.
Upon Todo yanking the door open, his arm swung backwards aggressively and caused me to stumble…directly into Choso. His arms wrapped around my waist and torso as I fell, his fingers accidentally brushing over my chest. For a split second I felt a tinge of fire inside me.
“Shit..are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry for almost taking you out with me.”
“It wasn’t your fault, dumbass doesn’t know his own strength.”
We chuckled as I stumbled to my feet, Choso grabbed the dropped blunt and held it out to me with a smile. Todo hadn’t even realized what he’d done, proceeding to walk out onto our balcony and take a seat in his chair.
“You have got to be more aware of your surroundings dude.”
I spoke as I walked out and leaned against the railing to face him. He was puffing away on his tiny joint and already had some J-pop video pulled up on his phone. I scoffed and shook my head, turning to face the city and toke. Shit it went out. I went to turn around but Choso’s shoulder met mine as I spoke.
“Who has the-“
He was already holding the lighter out and wearing a beautiful smile.
“Oh, thanks ChoCho.”
He giggled as he inhaled on his blunt, leaning over the railing beside me.
“I don’t know it just came out, that okay?”
“Yeah, thats fine. Sounds like something Yuji would say.”
He shook his head as his grin widened, I tried not to stare too long but he was very…pretty up close like this.
“He’s a sweetie, I love that kid.”
“You’ve met him?”
“He comes over a couple times a week, I school him in smash bros every time.”
He covered that gorgeous smile, laughing and turning over his shoulder to Todo before looking at me. His big brown eyes were shining with flecks of gold in the sunsets glow.
“Thanks for taking care of them..it’s not an easy task.”
“I think they’re good for me,”
I sighed, feeling the haziness settling in my eyes from the weed…maybe also from staring at the pretty emo boy.
“They remind me to not take shit so seriously all the time.”
We stared for a little too long in a sweet silence, I couldn’t help but take in all his features…I found my gaze darting to his lips and back to his eyes. He grinned, doing the same in response. Should I be doing this? That definitely ran through my head for a moment, but once he bit down on his bottom lip and looked out over the city again I felt myself pooling.
I reconnected my gaze to the horizon and puffed some more, my mind wandered to darker places..
“So what’s your favorite anime?”
“That’s a loaded question.”
I giggled, nodding in agreement.
“I’ve got time if you do.”
Spoken softly with a high smile, I peered to him from the corner of my eye. The blunt hung from his lips as he grinned, flashing me a similar look. We ended up getting into deep conversation about all our favorites and why they’re good in their own ways, all of which Todo was annoyed at. Mainly because he wanted us to play video games but we simply weren’t done discussing.
The sun had set, the chill of the night air began to nip at my skin sharply. I wasn’t sure when Todo had gone inside, but apparently we had been talking for a while. Thank god he left the door cracked at least, we trailed inside to escape the cold and to no surprise at all, Todo was passed out on the couch with some girly music mix playing semi-loudly on the tv. He could never hold his smoke, which is why I would usually give him a joint or a bowl instead of blunt or a dab. He must’ve been extra exhausted today.
We giggled at the sight, I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture, motioning a finger to my lips and a ‘shhh’ to Choso. He covered his mouth to muffle his laughter, I nodded my head for him to follow me down the hall. I led him to my room and closed the door behind us, finally letting out an audible laugh as I tossed my jacket onto my desk chair.
“I didn’t think he even smoked, I was surprised to see him with his own.”
“That is why he doesn’t often, he always passes out. I give him small stuff or a hit or two now and then when he’s in the mood for it.”
“Funny, that’s the first time I’ve ever smoked with him.”
“Have you not smoked with Yuji?”
“Yuji smokes?!”
I covered my mouth as I stood with wide eyes.
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you that I guess.”
“I don’t care that he smokes, but I thought he’d at least come to me for it.”
“He brings his own over here and asks me to roll for him.”
“That little shit is stealing my weed.”
I erupted in laughter upon his realization, he shook his head and chuckled. I plopped down on my bed, the plush purple comforter poofing up slightly around me. I pat the spot next to be before reaching for the rolling tray and mason jar of weed on my nightstand. He gently took the seat beside me, our thighs a few inches apart, I got a whiff of his cologne when the blanket poofed around him. He smelled so fucking good…
He watched me quickly roll four more blunts and pass him one, dusting off my hands and putting the supplies back in their spot. He looked to me with a shocked expression.
“You’re really good at that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time a man’s told me that.”
I chuckled as I lit my blunt and passed him the lighter, once the smoke cleared I noticed the pink staining his cheeks.
“Should I be worried about your boyfriend walking in or something?”
He held the flame up, the warm glow illuminating his chiseled features.
“If I had one maybe. Kinda impossible when they find out I live with that muscle head.”
“Why’s that?”
“No one believes we aren’t fucking. Been that way since school.”
“And…you two haven’t?..ever?”
“God no, did he say otherwise?”
He shook his head profusely, worried he’d made an accusation that could get Todo in trouble.
“No, no. He told me you were pretty kept to yourself aside from training with him.”
“He say anything else?”
I leaned closer, peering into his doe eyes to question him further. He sucked in the smoke sharply as his eyes bounced from my chest to my face.
“Um, not that comes to my head..nothing bad..”
He stuttered as I studied him, my lashes fluttering at him innocently.
“What did you ask him about me?”
I grinned, reading him like an open book. His face turned red as he inhaled, coughing slightly as he released the smoke cloud.
“Just, who you are..stuff you like..”
“But you did ask him about me?”
I giggled, he looked nervous.
“Yeah..that okay?”
“Only if it’s okay that I asked about you too, a long time ago though.”
His anxiety eased and expression softened back into a half smile. He nodded his yes as he toked.
“How long ago?”
“When we moved in, I saw a few pictures of the three of you and I don’t know…you piqued my interest.”
“Any reason why?”
Fuck, alright. If living with Todo has given me anything it was confidence so let’s see where this goes, be smooth. I inhaled slowly before putting out the blunt. Leaning back against my headboard, I stretched my legs over Choso’s lap. As I exhaled I grinned and tapped my chin in thought.
“Hmmmm….dark hair, bedroom eyes, nice chains..I’m a sucker for a musician. Really if you just looked in the mirror it explains my type pretty well.”
He was looking down as his hand on my knee and smiling, smoke trailing from his lips. I swayed my knee side to side to pull his attention to my gaze.
“What about you?…What’s your type?”
His eyes connected with mine, he smiled and leaned over my body to put his blunt in the ashtray on the nightstand. His body hovering over mine he brought his face an inch away from my lips.
“Seems like you already know..”
His voice was low and hushed, my heart was racing.
“Can I be honest?”
I barely spoke above a whisper, his eyes trailed slowly along my features as he nodded.
“I want you.”
He cut off his own hushed tone by pressing his lips to mine sensually. He bit at my bottom lip lightly as his tongue found its way to my own, the fire inside me building rapidly. I pulled at his shirt, trying to bring him closer. He took the hint and placed himself between my legs, pushing them to the side with his knee as he leaned into me. He was muscular, but not overdone like his brother. A strong arm hooked under my waist brought my hips to his, his other hand quickly latched onto my throat as we feverishly nipped and kissed at one another. As he squeezed his fingers around my throat and the cold metal of his rings stung my flesh, a small moan escaped my lips.
He released my lips and chuckled, the pieces of his hair not tied back framing his face seductively.
“So you weren’t kidding about that?”
He squeezed tighter and watched my eyes roll back and my mouth fall open, he hooked a finger in my mouth and pulled my gaze to his, still tightly gripping my jaw and chin; his hands were massive. I whimpered at his dominant motions, his eyes piercing into my darkest desires.
“You think we’ll get in trouble for this?”
His husky tone paced with heavy breaths make me desperate for everything he was willing to give me.
“S’worth it if we do.”
He smiled devilishly and plunged his finger further into my mouth, I obediently sucked and swirled my tongue around it as he pulled it out slowly. He groaned at my actions, I felt him begin to rut against me as he kissed and nipped along my neck and down my chest. He made heavenly sounds in between light licks that trailed to my breasts. He lightly tugged at the already low neckline of my shirt, he watched my plush chest spring from the tight top, admiring the jewelry that adorned pretty pink buds. His tongue teased at them as his fingers pinched lightly at my flesh, I tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer, attempting to hush my moans.
“..so pretty baby…”
His low and seductive voice hummed against my skin, sending cold chills through my body. His hands and lips continued to travel further down, he reached the waistband of my leggings and bit down on my hip, sucking and licking in a feverish attempt to leave a mark. He leaned back to review his work, satisfied and smirking at the purple mark he’d left behind. He chuckled and kissed it once more, mumbling under his breath.
“..mine now..”
He peered up to me as he hooked his fingers into my waistband, I lifted my hips for him to shimmy them down, leaving me in a pair of purple silk panties. I leaned up to grab at his shirt and yank it over his broad shoulders, feeling a little too exposed and alone. I took my top off the rest of the way after and pulled his face to mine once more, kissing him in a heated need. I pushed him backwards and fumbled with his belt, our hands both rushed to remove his pants as I realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His thick cock slapped up against his toned abdomen, the noise caught my attention as I pulled away from his lips. My eyes grew wide, I felt my face run hot and the pool between my legs increase. He chuckled and flipped his hair away from his face.
“You still want to?..I can eat you out if it’s too much…”
I connected my gaze with his, concern lacing his expression. I couldn’t help but smile bashfully and crawl into his lap, attacking his neck with sloppy kisses and bites.
“I need you Choso..”
I whispered as I nipped at his earlobe and rolled my hips against him. He groaned as his hands met my ass, squeezing and pushing me into him more, feeling the wetness that had already soaked my silk panties. His head rested in the crook of my neck as his voice vibrated against my skin.
“..fuck baby…mmm..need you so fucking bad…been teasing me since I got here..”
I giggled as his words, leaning back to peer down at him in all his glory.
“I knew you liked it..”
I rolled my hips against his pulsating member, precum soaking into the fabric of my panties. He groaned and bit his lip, eyeing me up and down as his hands roamed my body.
“Course I did..you’re fucking hot..can’t believe he gets to be the one to see you all the time…”
“Come visit more..”
Oh god, was I even sure what I meant by that? I definitely just confirmed that this wouldn’t be a one time thing..
“Yeah?..might have to..”
His lips attached to my chest again, fingers trailing down between us to my sopping core. I whimpered as he dipped below the thin fabric and plunged two fingers inside me, twirling them around my fluttering walls. I bit down on my lip and furrowed my brows, trying not to make much noise but he worked small moans and whines out of me rapidly.
“..so wet for me already…fuck…such a good girl f’me..”
“..please what baby?..”
I could hear the smirk in his voice as he fueled the fire in my core.
“..please fuck me..god I need you inside me…please…”
“..cum for me first pretty..wanna see you come undone…”
His thumb rubbed against my clit, shooting waves of pleasure through my veins. I rutted into his hand and whimpered as he bit down on my chest, his other hand attached to my throat and squeezed tightly. I clenched around his fingers as he pumped in and out of me, I couldn’t keep ahold of the knot inside me any longer. My eyes rolled back as my hips shook, I squirted into his lap and hand as his motions kept pace to ride me through my high.
“..god yes baby…that’s it keep going..fuck that’s hot..”
I began to whimper and whine at the overstimulation, he milked my juices from me aggressively causing another orgasm to take over my senses.
“..shit I need to be inside you..”
He tossed me backwards onto the mattress, propping one of my legs up on his shoulder and aligning himself at my entrance. He held my other thigh out, displaying my soaking cunt for his view. He licked his lips and rubbed his long, thick cock up and down my dripping folds collecting my wetness. He slapped my clit with the tip of his member, I squirmed and squeaked in pleasure to his delight.
“You ready pretty baby?”
God he sounded so fucking sexy, his voice raspy and lust drunk.
“Yes..please Choso..”
He smirked and began pushing himself into me, steadying himself with a hand gripping my thigh. I felt him stretching me, the pain mixing with pleasure made my eyes gloss over. I gasped and tried to grip at the sheets at the overwhelming sensation. He pressed a hand to my lower stomach, feeling himself bottom out inside of me as I panted and whimpered. He held himself there, throwing his head back and letting me engulf his throbbing member.
“..fuck you’re so tight…”
He slowly began moving, pushing in and out slowly as I clenched around him. Moans spilled from my mouth as his pace increased. He rhythmically thrusted into me, hair falling into his face as his mouth hung agape panting for air. Whimpers and low moans began to drip from his kiss swollen lips as he mumbled dirty praises.
“..oh my god baby…feels so fucking good..mmm…taking me so well..nnggh..”
I stuttered through his thrusts, his pace increasing rapidly as he chased his high.
“..you’re so fucking pretty…letting me stretch you out like this…mmmm…such a perfect little pussy..”
I have never been fucked like this..he was so vocal and showering me in filthy praise..all while pounding into my sweet spot so perfectly…everything about him was making me writhe in pleasure.
A hand attached to my throat while the other bruised perfect fingertips into my thigh, he was filling me up relentlessly. His grip was much rougher this time, the metal of his rings scraping against my skin as he choked me harder, I felt myself clenching around him tightly; my end nearing.
“..you love that don’t you baby?…I can feel how close you’re getting for me..”
“…s-so b-big..unngg…ch-chos…yes…yes…”
“..awe you’re taking me s’good pretty baby..c’mon you can handle a little more..we’re just getting started..”
He pumped into me furiously, my senses were fucked as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I screamed in pleasure. His large hand quickly covered my mouth, he leaned down, my thigh now squished against my chest giving him a deeper angle as his pace slowed.
“..shhh..don’t wanna get us caught do you baby?…want me to fill you up right?”
I nodded profusely, he removed his hand and gripped my jaw tightly, an evil smile plastered across his face. Holy fuck he’s so hot…
“..I’ll make you scream my name next time I promise…bite..”
He placed his thumb in my mouth as he spoke, I gazed at him with a fucked out expression and did as he said. He had me in the palm of his hand, melted and ready to bend to his will. His paced steadily increased at the new angle, I wasn’t able to form words as my body quaked beneath him, another orgasm gushing from me. His darkness took over as he relentlessly pounded into me, my legs shook as I bit down harshly on his thumb, we were being drenched and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. His own whimpers and moans became louder and strained as he spoke.
“…oh fuck…yeah baby just like that…ugnnh…fuck fuck…s’fucking wet…all f’me…hmmm…”
His arms wrapped around me, his chains dragging and bouncing across my chest as he rutted into me, face buried in my neck peppering sloppy kisses and rough bites.
“..pretty girl…mmm….gonna make you mine baby…”
I clenched around him, my legs going numb at the overstimulation.
“…fuck that feels so good…cum on my cock again baby girl…mmmm…make a mess for me…”
He pulled my hands up, pinning them to the pillows with one hand while the other trailed between us and rubbed skilled circles on my clit. I gasped and whimpered at his touch, my body shaking again. I could feel him throbbing inside of me as his thrusts became rushed and sloppy, I clenched around his pulsating cock, cumming for the fourth time.
“..mmmmm that’s my girl…”
He moaned as his brows furrowed and his breaths became sharp, soft whimpers escaping his lips.
“..Ch-chosoo…feels s’good..ah!..”
“..oh god baby I’m..fuck fuck….ohhhh!”
His steady pace became staggered as he pumped thick hot ropes along my walls, he whined and moaned as his hips twitched against me riding out his high. He slowed and collapsed on top of me, both of us sweaty and covered in cum. His strong arms wrapped around my petite form and held me tight as his placed gentle kisses along my chest trying to catch his breath.
“So…can I visit again soon..”
I giggled at his innocent mumblings, sounding much softer and bashful compared to a few moments ago. He peered up to meet my gaze questioningly.
“I wouldn’t mind, how long you give it before he finds out?”
“Surely a while, he’s not that smart. Long as you stay quiet.”
I pulled his grin to mine, tangling our lips together once more softly. He hummed into the kiss, his hand coming to cup my cheek and deepen the sensual moment.
“You make it hard to stay quiet.”
He chuckled and thrusted into me once more, causing me to moan, before pulling out of me completely. We both gasped and whined at the lack of sensation, taking careful breaths to regain our senses.
He rose to his knees, placing my thighs on either side of him as he began massaging my tender muscles and taking full view of the mess he’d made of me. He smirked and bit at his bottom lip.
“You’re so beautiful baby…”
I blushed at his sweet actions and gentle tone, he had flipped a switch quickly and the butterflies swarmed once more within me.
Once we were cleaned up, (as much as we could without a shower) we clothed ourselves and ripped the soaked comforter off my bed to toss in the wash later. He leaned back on the bed, I lit a blunt and crawled on top of him, placing it between his lips. He lifted the bottom of my baggy t shirt and toyed lazily with the waistband of my fresh panties as he inhaled and stared back at me.
“What are you thinking about?”
He slightly furrowed his brows at my love struck expression as he passed the blunt back to me.
“How pretty you are..how big your cock is…”
I giggled and toked away, thick clouds rising from my lips. He smiled and lightly smacked my ass.
“S’all yours babygirl, whenever you want me.”
“Whenever I want?”
“Anything for my pretty girl, whenever she wants.”
I put the blunt between his lips and peppered kisses down his neck, we both would have some marks to cover up this week..
“I like the way that sounds…”
We smoked the other two blunts and talked before realizing how late it had gotten…I offered for him to stay and sneak out to the couch, forgetting that Todo had fallen asleep there. Around 5am when our eyes got heavy, we exchanged a few last kisses and sweet words before tiptoeing out to the living room. As we came out the hallway entrance, the goddamned floorboards creaked again. A dim light was on in the kitchen, barely illuminating the towering form we both knew well. *flick* The overhead light came on, our heads snapped to the side in unison…caught. Todo was in his workout gear stirring a cup of tea and staring at us, an eyebrow raised and smirk growing. I sighed and dropped my shoulders, covering my face in embarrassment and bracing myself. Todo chuckled lightly before sipping his tea, letting us be tortured by this awkward silence for a few more moments..
“Go to bed. We have training in a few hours.”
I looked to Choso, sad I couldn’t kiss him one last time. He peered back to me with a similar expression, he lightly touched my hand as he turned towards the front door and took a step.
“Both of you.”
Choso stopped and looked to me then his brother, confused.
“You should stay brother, it’s dangerous to drive after staying up so late.”
Todo sipped his tea casually, peering into us innocently. I couldn’t help but let a smile creep in, I extended my hand out to Choso. He looked a bit scared to take it, but did it anyways, cautiously eyeing down his brother.
“Thanks Todo..”
I mumbled as I began to pull Choso back down the hall.
“Keep it down…and use protection!”
Choso and I giggled and scoffed as Todo’s voice echoed down the hall.
Okie dokie, hope y’all enjoyed😉❤️‍🔥
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cowedeakamatsu · 3 months ago
I have to come to term with the facts I'm really, REALLY not made for manwhas. its insane, no matter how many I try, no matter the genre, I either like it but end up loosing interest (happened twice, girls of the wild's (not half bad but ultra slow)) and GoH (which i liked for some time ? but after a while I got bored, and i disliked how everything felt filler because they put on way too many characters only for them to be defeated ultra quickly and replace by others. but hey the 3 main characters (well more like 4) were nice to follow. and the power system based around summoning / borrowing powers from god was cool, but felt kinda vague after some time.) Outside of that I legit disliked all those I tried and theres like, a dozen. from wholesome to serious to comedy, the writing NEVER works on me. I also tried the most famous ones, like tower of god (which there is undeniable qualities but its not for me), solo leveling, which i disliked and troll about on a daily basis, glad the fans are eating good with the anime they seem to like tho, albeit I wish they stop saying bs like "its deeper than one piece". Also tried lookism and viral hit cos they had animes so I was like "i can start the manwha, and if I dont like the format move to anime if thats the issue", but the issue was the writing for both. And gave bastard a chance some time ago but honestly forgot all about it. also tried the boxer and couldnt get bothered at all, like legit I remember reading it a bit, and then stop, and then read star strike it rich. (if you havent, check star strike it rich, its DOPE @plaindangan validates for real) And about the "its deeper than one piece", havent tried yet the most glazed manwha ever, omniscient reader's viewpoint, I know its great, heard it like, a billion time (or so it seems) and it feels to me like its treated like the berserk of manwha in terms of cult. but the synopsis, look, and some stuff people showed me really dont make it for me. i'll give it a shot when the anime drops, just to see if maybe. it's insane to me How i'm such a fan of a lot of genre, and shonen demographic series especially, but I cant seem to get into the writing of ALL a media. is it the format that tickles my brain the wrong way ? honestly I have no idea.
feel free to give me your opinion on stuff you read you liked (manwhas, mangas, @plaindangan , personnaly i like @plaindangan a lot ;p )
no but like, really try star strike it rich, same author AND artist as the kengan (kengan asura, kengan omega) but with girls, and they build a free fight business from the get go all the while having to find regularly good fighters for their own champion to fight cos say champion was the daughter of a cult leader and has tons of bombs she'll make explode if she doesnt get good thrilling fights (because she LOOOOOOOOOVES fights). If you know the author you know its absolutely bonkers and very passionate and knowledgeable about fighting and muscles, and the artist SLAPS.
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naokiscoffee · 1 year ago
What makes Itazura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo so special?
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This is probably my twelfth thousand re-watch of this drama, but this is not like all the other rewatches. I have decided to make this one special by using it to analyse the drama in more depth, and attempt to uncover why I love it as much as I do, despite all it’s flaws. I am writing this as I watch the episodes, so it might be considered somewhat of a commentary.
Season 01 Episode 01
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Starting off with the first episode, the opening scene is fantastic in my opinion. I love how we are getting introduced to Kotoko in the comfort of her own room, and getting a peek into her hearts deepest wish. I honestly think that this might be what made me like this version of Kotoko from the get go.
However, technically, the actual first scene of the story is the iconic confession scene (if you would even call it that). I am going to go on a tangent here and just say that I am an absolute fan of her letter, but I will get back to that in a later episode.
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The way she is nervous and excited before confessing and the way he flat out rejects her before she even has the chance to confess always makes me feel crushed for her, and is the reason why I initially disliked him. But now that I am actually analysing it, it is less harsh than how I’ve always perceived it (or this might just be me trying to explain it away).
Hear me out, consider the implication that he has a whole queue of girls that like him, drool over him and confess to him in school, his reaction/rejection is really not that surprising. Imagine receiving confessions from a bunch of girls, when you just want to live your life in peace … that must get old and tiresome fairly quickly. Additionally, the fact that the whole entire school is talking about the rejection might explain why he didn't accept her letter; had he accepted it (even if he rejected her afterwards), the whole school would probably assume that they were dating. On the other hand it makes me think, why would the whole school be interested in someone confessing? are we back in kindergarten?
We see later on that she still has that card with her. I think that for her, getting rid of it would feel like getting rid of her feelings for him, which is why she holds on to it.
Anyways, I find it quite ironic when Kotoko’s friends tell her “you and Irie are from different worlds” . Their worlds are literally going to forcibly merge under one roof very very soon.
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Another random thought I got, like a lot of my thoughts are, was why did Kotoko like Naoki, and not like Kinnouske? I mean he might not be handsome, he might not be smart, he might not be rich, but he is hardworking, talented and most importantly, he liked Kotoko, and was always nice towards her. This version’s Kinnouske has always been my favourite one. I think this version does a good job at portraying him as a three dimensional person, rather than a comic relief kind of personality *cough* Itazura Na Kiss 1996 *cough*.
When I started to pay more attention, I realised that although I do love Kinnouske, I do find him to often do things based on his own feelings, and does not consider what Kotoko wants. For example, I cant help but feel that he is a bit insensitive for being happy when Kotoko is sad after deciding to ‘give up’ on Naoki. This is a small detail, and perhaps I am reading too much into it, but I do feel that Itazura Na Kiss is all about the details. He sort of redeems himself for it by asking his friends to come and help her move, but soon it goes to shit again, which I will come to later on.
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I really like — at this point, everything really, but anyways — the reoccurring mentioning of “less possible than getting hit by a shooting star”, which is a kind of teaser to what is to come later on in the show. Although I’ve always thought that the reason for their house being destroyed in this version to be a bit dumb, I admit, I do like the thought and metaphor behind it, so I will turn I blind eye to it. I also find it hilarious how it ended up all over the news.
Kotoko’s extremely optimistic outlook despite everything that happened is perhaps her most charming personality trait. It makes me feel that her optimism is somehow what everything work out for her in the end.
Now, to one of the scenes I dislike most in this story. I am always tempted to skip the first episode altogether to avoid it. And that’s the scene where Kinnouske is collecting donations for Kotoko. Here we see Kin-chan’s good intentions having not so good results. I get the feeling that he does what he thinks is helpful for her, and never once stops to consider her feelings or ask her opinion on it, and the way she gets annoyed with him tells me that she’s not that fond of this either, despite what his intentions were.
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Back to Naoki. Looking at the size of that entrance, he could have 100% just walked around Kotoko and Kinnouske and gone in. Heck, following the little pattern we have so far, wouldn’t he purposefully avoid them to maintain a quiet and peaceful life? Now, he did just the contrary and approached them. Considering the fact that by the end of the episode he already knows about the arrangement (of her going to his home to stay there with her father), it would be safe to assume that at this moment in time, he already knows that she would stay in his house. This is supported by his response to her “preferring to die over taking his money”; “are you sure you want to tell me that?”. Therefore I assume that he approaches her out of curiosity.
If you pay close attention to this interaction, you will notice that Naoki did not say one thing that was wrong or out of line. Naoki giving Kotoko the money was not very nice. But more than anything, it was quite confusing. He told her “If I donate this money, you won’t argue with me anymore”. Now, Kinnouske was the one arguing with Naoki, so why would Naoki tell Kotoko that? Is it because he sees her as the most reasonable one, or rather, is it because they’re ‘her’ friends (thus making her responsible for them)?
Kotoko was the one with an explosive reaction in this situation [although she was in the wrong, I like how she stood by her friend eventhough they were fighting a few moments ago (if she realised the previously mentioned point that is).], and was more than a bit mean when saying “do you even have friends?”. Here we see just how much of an opposite to her he is. Instead of having an explosive reaction like Kotoko had, Naoki just finds her reaction amusing and leaves calmly.
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Now to when she goes with her father to the Irie household. Naoki’s mother’s (Noriko’s) comment of “you and I seem like we were meant to meet” and the fact that she knows that she’s in the same school as Naoki tells me that he told her about Kotoko; which in turn makes me think that she left a memorable impression on him. Kotoko’s reaction to seeing Naoki is Hilarious, especially te part where she’s too shocked, and is not shy to say “I’m just do surprised … because Iri-chan-san and Irie-kun don’t look alike at all” (I really am starting to realise and understand why Naoki finds her amusing).
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Another one of those small details; the way her father scoots away right off the bat when he saw Yuki asking her a question about a kanji character, and pretending to look at a random décor piece kills me (It’s nice to keep in mind; despite how similar Kotoko might sometimes be to her dad, he still has more awareness of his own ‘stupidness’ than her).
I recently watched one of @Machitsuki2 ‘s analysis videos, and like she pointed out, I did in fact notice how Kotoko was going straight to the food and cakes, while Naoki was mainly only sipping coffee (even during breakfast). This will become really important later on.
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Lastly, I love the interaction between Noriko and Kotoko when she takes her up to show her her room; Kotoko found a mother she never had, and Noriko found the daughter she never had. They are the first puzzle pieces that fit into each other perfectly.
When Naoki comes in and tells Kotoko that she took Yuki’s room, I get the feeling that rather than an insult it served to make Kotoko understand why Yuki disliked her so much. I might be a bit delulu, but I kind of feel that Naoki did this on purpose? anyone?
When Noriko asks Kotoko “do you like(suki) Sukiyaki?” and Kotoko looks at her (in Naoki’s direction) and confidently answers “I like it! (suki-desu!)” almost feels directed at Naoki. It is in fact the first time he hears her say it. This next part I had to go back and watch once more; Naoki only starts being mean to her when she pulled the bag from him (not wanting his help) and he saw the letter she wrote him drop out of it. I do wonder if he is mean to her because of that letter, or maybe because he thought she was rude towards him?
To be continued…(maybe)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
It’s A Match Chapter Two
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Summary: as you and henry become closer he lets his family know there may be a new woman on the scene. And you surprize him by moving a little quicker then he had thought. Not that he is against it. He is all to eager to move along to the next step.
Warnings: RPF, Swearing, Angst, Heated Discussions, Fluff.
A/N: here is chapter two, this will only be a short fic maybe there or four chapters but i hope you all like it. This is just me writing down my fluffy fantasy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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'Shes a big fluffy teddy bear, and loves hugs, even if Shes crushing me~' henry froze hands quivering nervously over the keyboard. You replied? You actually? Holy shit! He bit his lip sitting up straighter with a grin and smoothed his hair back. He wasn't sure why it made him so happy but? He had a reply, and actual reply from a person! A woman!
Now what?
He wracked his brain and frowned. What does he say? Does he ask questions or just talk about dogs? He didn't know all he did know is that he had messaged a complete stranger and she had messaged back.
'I can imagine moving her must be hard work if she's comfy'
'Yeah but on the plus side she's always warm~ a huge hot water bottle'
'A numb but warm set of legs then😂'
'Absolutely! That sounds like the talk of a man who's been there?'
'Yes I have an American Akita, a very snuggly boy that gives me atleast one dead leg a day😅'
'Aww I love Akita's, I was going to get one but them Amii sort of fell into my lap, and has stayed there ever since'
'Big or small a lap dog is a lap dog'
'Definitely😂' Henry paused. Shit what does he do now? Does he just ask questions? Explain a bit more about himself? Both seemed a little too juvenile... And it was scary... Awkward he wants a nice chat, for conversation to flow naturally. He didn't want to fuck up. There was another ping as you typed another message.
' I have to say I'm surprized I got a message on here, only been on here for a few days😅' henry was thankfull, you wasn't going to judge. You were both in the same boat. Both nervously talking to a stranger in the hopes of there being something more. It made replying a little easier, he hoped that things would get less awkward after breaking the ice.
'Really? I made mine today... not sure about all this new online stuff but will figure it out'
'Well I'd say your doing alright,  at least you had the courage to message someone, i made the profile then chickened out😅'
'I almost did, your the first profile that caught my eye'
'Was it Amii?'
'No, as cute as she is you lacked a duck face selfie, and you look very sweet and have kind eyes' henry froze after sending the message. Shit, shit! That was fucking cheese! Cringe and just a fuck up! He quickly wracked both hands through his hair and cursed trying to think of a way to get out of this but nothing came to mind... And then he saw it the tiny y/n is typing... At the bottom of the screen, he winced dreading the reply he was going to get. He bit his lip worried he hopes he hasn't tripped at the first hurdle.
'Thank you that's kind of you to say. And is a missing duck face that strange?🤔'
'Every woman has a duck face'
'Well I do not have a duck face'
'Well not a good one 😅My duck face is sub par more a fish face, call me guppy😂' he chuckled, you did have a sense of humour which was good. He liked making people laugh and not having them take everything so seriously, it meant he could relax and let loose. To just have fun! He heaved a big sigh unconsiously petting Kal as he sat up and leant on his leg. He quickly began typing once more finding it easier chatting with a stranger with each message.
'🤣🤣 I got to admit I'm not sure what to talk about, this is my first time🤔'
'Well that makes us both online virgins😅lets start with the important things shall we?' Henry froze panicking. 'Oh god! Oh god! What ere you going to ask?!' He thought watching the little dots on the screen holding his breath dreading you'd ask for picture or something. He was put out of his misery with a tiny ping sound and your message popped up. He threw his head back and laughed outloud seeing the all important question.
'Who's your favourite superhero?' You were definitely a geek girl, just like he wanted. He bit his lip and typed without needing to think of the answer.
'Superman, afterall he is the grand daddy of all superheroes. You?'
'Oh your not gonna like this~ I love batman🤗' henry smiled at the screen and leant back wiping his mouth trying to massage the ache from his cheeks. He really was grinning ear to ear just from speaking to you so... Unguarded he was just being himself and it was freeing!
'Oh no!😱can I ask why?' He typed quickly not wanting you to think he was going to keep you on read? Was that what they called it nowadays?
'He proves that at 30 you can have a dramatic goth early midlife crisis and that regular assholes can be heroes too, all you need is money🤗🤗'
'🤣🤣 oh god! You know I never thought of it like that!' henry shook his head laughing out loud as he replied
'But you'll be happy to know supes is number three on my list'
'Well he makes the top three so that's salvageable😆'
'Yeah... Two is Captain America though'
'Rich goth with issues, man with an expensive tea tray, then supes got it 👌👍'
'Omg yes!😂that's sums it up beautifully🤣' after that the conversation moved on which he was a little thankful for. Not that he disliked geeking out but... it'd be easy for him to slip up on that subject. Luckily though he didn't have to think of a change of topic as you began chatting away casually about your day and he did in return before long the conversation was over too soon as you stated you really had to get on with filling out these payslips. So the chat drew to a close with promises of speaking tomorrow.
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And you kept your promise. For the next week you both spent your evenings chatting away at one another becoming fast friends. That was when he decided to let his family know in the new weekly face time zoom chats.
He looked to the screen fidgeting as his family spoke amongst themselves trying to find the right moment to break the news. But his mother had noticed and asked him out right, leaning closer to the screen watching him worriedly.
"Henry? Are you alright your looking nervous?" The others stopped speaking at the question and henry heaved a sigh nervously twisting his fingers.
"Yeah yeah I... I just have some news... Is all" he said swallowing trying to find the words. He was worried, it had been a while since he'd tried to introduce someone new into his life and his family. He didn't want to alarm them but... he wanted to forewarn them that he was on his way to hopefully sharing his life with someone.
"News? Oh its nothing bad is it?" His younger brother asked, but his oldest paused straightening up with a smile already guessing his brother had taken his advice.
"No nothing bad... Its really good actually... I'm sort of... well I'm speaking to someone online... A woman"  he stuttered rubbing the back of his neck and called Kal onto the sofa with him stroking his fur trying to calm himself and fend of the huge grin that seemed to spread across his face everytime he thought of you.
"You did it?" His eldest brother called out clapping his hands excitedly. A ripple of confusion washed over the others and they frowned looking to one another unsure what had happened between the two.
"Did what love?" His mother finally asked not understanding what her sons were talking about
"I made an online dating profile" he said plainly drawing gasps from everyone.
"Oh gosh love are you okay? Your not being hounded are you?" His mother jumped immediately concern etched deep in her features. His father looked uncomfortable-hell they all did! Each worrying over him. He wasn't surprized they had seen fans both love and hate on him and his partners.
"No mum its fine-better then fine I'm really carful... I've covered my ass and no one knows its me, she doesn't know" he said trying to placate his family but instead he was rewarded with disappointed faces, tutting and small, cringing hisses. Fuck.
"Oh god Henry you haven't made a fake profile? Tell me you didn't- please tell me your not lying to this poor woman" his father scolded sternly. His dad may not be up to speed with all this new age online dating shenanigans but he did know that it was wrong to lie to a potential partner. Just thinking that one of his boys were doing just that left a bad taste in his mouth. If he could he would clip his son around the ear!
"Well no not exactly- its me and I'm myself on there I just... changed my name to Hank... And crop my photos so she can see me but not recognise me that's all! I swear I'm not lying or-or anything!" he explained willing then to understand but with the deep sighs and unimpressed looks he got it would seem they didn't understand or approve.
"Are you sure about this? What will she think if things get serious and then this young lady finds out you've been lying?" he father spoke up again wanting to hash this out. Henry faltered for a moment, he worried about that too. He was frightened that you'd get angry and leave him without even giving him a chance!
"I'm not lying, I just? just omitting certain details about my life, I'm being me I'm showing her the real quirky geeky side of me- this is? Its my one shot! The only chance I'm going to get to have someone look at me, not what they can get out of me... I'm not going to blow it or hurt her... if we get to that point then I will explain things- she'd understand she's really thoughtful and is logical" henry pleaded trying to convince both himself and his family. He cant ignore it, he was worried and had been telling himself over and over you'd understand. But he also knew it could really shake you up. But what he was doing wasn't wrong! It couldn't be helped, he thought they would understand!
"Well I hope so because you could break her heart son... And I want you to understand that, this woman could fall for you. You could really upset her when she finds out" his father finally spoke drawing the issue to a close not wanting to argue, but he still wanted henry to know what ever happens was his own fault good or bad. Not everything ends with a happy ever after, but he didn't need to voice that out loud. Henry knew, they all did.
"I know dad, I've only been speaking to her just over a week anyway, for all i know she will ghost me or something" henry nodded calming a little not wanting to fight but still it was clear to everyone henry hadn't appreciated the lecture.
"Ghosting?" he mum perked up trying to diffuse the situation not wanting this to blow up. Tensions were high and no one needed a family spat at the moment.
"Its when someone stop talking to you and ignores you for no reason" his brother revealed explaining the term to his parents. They both ahh'd in realisation but were still a little tense. So his younger brother spoke up deciding to try and be more supportive to him. And henry was thankful.
"Well how about you tell us about her henry. What's you lady freind like? What does she do?" henry quickly grinned forgetting the irritation. His family watched the sudden change as henry got the chance to boast about the woman who had caught his fancy. It was sobering to see, he was glowing with pride and excitement, overjoyed from just thinking about this mystery girl.
"She's just? God where do I start? Shes amazing and funny and wholesome... She doesn't live too far away- Shes pretty much on my doorstep! Shes really funny and nice we talk everyday and have soo much in common its amazing we like the same music and tv and just- everything! Its like talking to a female version of myself! And Shes a fan too" his family all seemed to warm to the idea of this woman until his final remark. Everyone paused. And so did he, what was so wrong about her being a fan? Why was that a red flag for them and not him?
"A fan? Henry... are you sure she doesn't know? If she's a fan she might know and be... making her answers more favourable" henry bristled at that and visibly leaned back brows furrowed and eyes glowing, showing as much anger as he dared show his mother who had spoken out against you.
"What? No! No she doesn't mum she hasn't got a clue- Shes not a fan of mine per say but? She likes my work, she's a huge lover of DC and fantasy so has seen the Witcher and she loved it! Shes really just like me! Is that really hard to believe? That there are women like me? That enjoy the same things?" what had started as a panicked explination quickly became heated and sour. His words slowly becoming uncharacteristically venomous. But Marie Ann new it was just him getting defensive, he was frightened. He had this silly belief he was an abnormality, that his interests will make him forever alone. The thing that did stand out was just how defensive he was about you. A woman he'd probably not even met yet, someone he was only chatting to. It wasn't like henry to take to someone soo quickly. It made her hopeful, that he really had found someone, found his soulmate. But she was a mother and couldn't help worry over him, no matter how old or huge her boys got they were just that. Her boys. And she will always feel the need to look after them.
"Henry please don't get angry, I didn't mean to upset you but... I worry" she said slowly trying to calm him before he got himself into a tizzy. She could see much more then he wanted her too. And right now he was anxious, probably questioning himself over this woman and the way he was approaching her. She could only hope her son was right and had covered his ass and that this woman was as understanding as he said. Otherwise henry was about to get a wakeup call like never before. It wasn't everyday a well known actor fakes a dating profile. It'd be a media shitstorm that he may not recover from.
"I.. sorry I didn't mean to- y/n isn't like that I... I just know alright she isn't after anything" henry apologized smoothing back his hair taking a huge breath and leant back once more relaxing.
"So why don't you tell us a little more about her son? You've been speaking for a week so must know a little more then her name and were she lives?" she said moving on wanting to coax more information about the woman.
"Well she has her own successful business that caters to dogs, walking, grooming and rehoming and is a kc registered breeder. Shes thirty years old and... Absolutely stunning- and no she hasn't filtered any photos either...wait here! See?! Isn't she beautiful?" Henry gushed quickly bringing up your profile picture he had saved on his phone and holding the phone to the camera. He heard a few compliments but could still see the worry in his family. He understood but he just new. He new that you were real, that you were honest and everything you said you were. You were blunt and didn't have time for games, you said life's too short for that crap. And he agreed.
"You have a photo saved already?" henry faltered at the question that had followed a round of compliments and quickly pulled his phone back flushing embarrassed he hadn't even thought of how that would look
"I.. w-well yeah... I'm gonna ask for her number soon and want a photo for my phone... We decided to stick to messaging for a while first and" he tried desperately to dig himself out of the hole he'd just unceremoniously swan dived into. But his brothers burst into laughter making whipping motions making him flush and shrink further. They were definetly going to busting his balls for this. But with a quick shake of his head he continued to gush about you wanting to side step this whole premature photo saving incident.
"she doesn't have Instagram or snapchat... she's just... I can't explain it she's just funny and sweet and genuine... I really like her.. I could easily fall for her" silence reigned after his admission and everyone saw just how serious and devoted henry was to trying to make this relationship work. His mum nodded with a smile, this was just a watch and wait scenario. This woman would either make or break her son, and all she could do was hope to god it was the former.
"Okay then love. I'm happy for you henry just be careful okay?" she finally drew the curtain on the subject and everyone sighed in relief.
"I will, I promise but you have nothing to worry about, I just wanted to let you guys know that i might have someone for you to meet in a few months" henry said eagerly, like a small boy waiting on Christmas eve. He was full of life and enthusiasm. It was nice to see this side to him again, she'd dare say he was well on his way to being loved up! Smitten.
"And we look forward to it henry, but take your time. There's no rush just enjoy yourself" one of his brothers spoke up jumping in on the conversation wanting to make it clear they all had his back whether this ended good or bad. For now they were happy for him.
"I will, we decided were wont meet for a while and just see how things go for the time being but... I have a good feeling, she's everything I've been looking for I'm really excited" henry preened trying to pace himself, he didn't need to be daydreaming in a family face time. Luckily he was pulled from the edge of his own fantasies by another question.
"You said she had a company?"
"Yeah here I'll send you the link its called Puptown! She's actually handled Kal a few times, I send him there for his nails and teeth" henry said quickly sending the link to his brother. He wasn't stupid they were going to look you up, they were worried. He might aswell sent them the link. There was a tiny bio on there of you- the owner on the staff page that had all the staffs qualifications and roles on there.
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You moved through the groom room Amii was curled up under your desk fast asleep as you began taking a stock list. Recently you'd been getting more and more white dogs in for their groom so needed to top up on the bright white shampoo and it was tick season soon so had to double check you had all the tick removal forceps, and ear powder- lots of ear powder the poodle clients had doubled over lock down after all the new puppies bought in lockdown. Every dog deserves a professional groom. But poodles needed them.
"hey boss! You doing another check?" Mandy called as she hoisted a tiny black poem into the bath. Bella a regular and very few people could actually groom her out of the five staff only two of you dared to try. And you didn't blame them this dog was a tiny savage, but the trick was not to show fear.  
"yeah, trying to prepare for summer already, you know i think this will be our busiest yet especially with lord whiskey." you muttered nibbling the pen and moving a few bottles about. Flea treatment and some dry skin conditioner were quickly added to your growing list.
"lord whiskey?" Mandy asked louder over the sound of the shower instantly Bella began snarling like the hell demon she was. On walks and about the place she was a little soppy loving lap pup, but when it came to bath time? Different dog. You cant help thinking she had a bad experiance before she came here. You sighed and placed the pad and pen down standing along side the bathe and began petting the tiny dog.
"yeah they are the vet clinic for lower incomes... They want to set up a new clinic and have reached out" you explained you had to admit the request came out of the blue and you hadn't had chance to tell everyone yet. The staff meeting was on Friday.
"that would be good!" she said slowly wetting the snarling prom that was trying her absolute hardest to frighten you both off. But alas she was no great wolf, but a teeny cute little raging fluff nugget, and to her utter dispair neither you or Mandy found her scary at all. Even if she was trying to foam at the mouth.
"yeah that's what I thought, having a vet on site... We're still talking but if everything goes acording to plane we will have the mobile vet out front while setting up the small clinic... I was thinking in the old groom rooms? They had water and electricity already and its a littl out of the way so the unwell puppets can be separate from the healthy customers" you shrugged moving around Mandy to help tend to your most vocal customer.
"so business will be booming?" Mandy said moving to rinse underneath the small feral beast. You giggled and stood Bella on her back legs as she seethed but in between her savagery she was actually licking at you, showing a hint of the sweet girl she really was. You pet her praising her promising chicken treats and snuggles afterwards. You might even pop Amii in with the others in the small day care pen. Bella liked laying on her using the huge dog as a fluffy bed.
"yes hopefully, i mean were not taking anything for them, they are a charity but hopefully we will get a few visits in the shop? And the more people know about us the more likely they are to use us!" you said you had been weighing up the pros and cons about the new venture. More people visiting the premises, more footfall in the shop and hopefully you can draw enough people to have a little pet café. Your business was right on the edge of the huge woodland park you'd always wanted a small café that serves both animals and people you want a little empire to become a franchise company and give the little guys a chance.
"And how about you? Any luck on the online dating front?" she asked with a small smile. You sighed you half regretted telling her about it. Mandy has been with you since the beginning, she was your first employee and most trusted freind. And she has been hounding you about your love life for a while now. She wants you to take a step back from Puptown and find some time for yourself, and now that the business was established and ticking over nicely it was the time to do it.
"Ooo! Oh my god your blushing!? Bitch spill!" she squealed excited as you flushed and looked away not answering her. And by doing so answering her at the same time.
"I'm talking to someone~ Hank.. He is... Funny and charming we've been chatting each night for about a week" you revealed quietly making her beam at you. Thankfully Bella chose that moment to make a mad dive over your shoulder but you managed to catch her and pop her back into the tub.
"ooo yes get in girl, you have been pouring too much into this company! Its about damn time you focused on yourself" sandy began as she washed Bella lathering the pup with a rather expensive de-sheading anti tangle shampoo.
"Please don't start, I'm doing it now and that's what matters. He is... He messaged me first and things are going good and that's where I'm going to leave it okay? I will update you as we go... I promise" you said releasing the now wet pup as Mandy began rinsing her down. You stepped back to the shelves full of half empty bottles of product. needing to change the topic to avoid daydreaming and fucking up your orders. As great as the wholesaler was this was still expensive stuff and you didn't want to unbalance the books and get more then you needed.
"Oh Bella?~ baby girl its so bad isn't it? Being brushed and washed and massaged? Then getting yourself a blow out and having a nap in the nice cosy play room?" you called over your shoulder condescendingly at the pup who was still snarling out her displeasure. She really was a little brat in the bath.
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Another week passed and you were lazing around the house having a duvet day, snuggled in bed with Amii on your lap. Normally your days off were all housework and finalizing orders or paper work but this week was different. With lord whiskey agreeing to taking the old groom room you decided to finally get an extra set of hands in management to take care of paperwork. It was strange at first but worth it. You now hade someone else to rely on, not that you didn't have managers to help out before but now you had a full time employee that's whole role was to take care of the business side and alleviate the pressure. So instead of the normal made rushes and mountain of paperwork you were in bed chatting away with henry.
He had just finished his work out and was relaxing, having a cool down before having yet another painfully boring sounding meeting with his own bosses. You sympathised. Practical work was the bomb! But the theory and paperwork kicked everyones asses. Risk assessments can eat shit! I'm a person and can asses the risk and decided to do it, why answer to a tick box system? But then again everything needed a tick in a box nowadays. You shuffled about grunting as Amii played dead on your lap so you couldn't move her from the comfy slump she was in over your thighs pinning you down.
'Soo you said you game?'  was the message that changed the subject, thankfully choosing to move on from speaking about work.
'God yes, when I can'
'What do you play? Sims and stuff?'
'depends if I'm on pc or xbox I'm more into fantasy and historic rpgs, but if I'm on my switch its little farming sims sometimes I branch out to things like shooters but not often, I like the big immersive fantasies!'
'So you really do mix and match are you playing anything atm?'
'I'm doing a re-run of skyrim with a load of mods just to spice things up. And just restarted Witcher wild hunt again'
'You like Witcher?'
'I adore it, Witcher skyrim and dragon age are my all time favourites, do you? Sorry I realise I'm just takeing over, I just get excited, I never really talk about this stuff 😅😅'
'No, no its fine I'm the same, I never really get to geek out anymore with work and stuff. I'm happy to have the chance, and I do love the Witcher too fantasy is my thing😄' henry paused for a moment. Should he? I mean you just said you were replaying it... Would it be big headed? To ask what you thought of the show? Of his performance... I mean it'd be an unbiased view, you wasn't going to try and butter him up you still didn't know it was him.
'So you've watched the show on Netflix I presume?' he typed and pressed send quickly before he lost his nerve.
'Absolutly, I binge watched it a few times.😅'
'You liked it? I know a few people didn't' henry couldn't help but dig a little deeper, he desperately wanted you to have enjoyed it.
'I loved it, but I think it was easier for me to watch bc I new what was roughly going on before hand. Most people that struggled thought it was going to be an easy watch? Like got'
'Oh come on, there must be something you didn't like?🤔🤔'
'😞okay you got me, I was a tad disappointed with geralts eyes you can do the toxic eyes and cat eye potion at least give me a teeny cat eye just a smidge🤏🥺'
'Yes I see what you mean, their could have been a little frame of it but there are always sacrifices when going from books to the big screen 😅'
'But henry's portrayal more then made up for it! That man was on point! I was so happy when they anounced it was him playing Geralt there was no way he was going to fuck it up!' henry stopped breathing. You liked it? You actually like him playing Geralt? His heart swelled and he laughed out loud for some reason you enjoying his work just... It meant the world to him! He was over the moon. Quickly his attention was drawn to his tablet again as another message pinged on screen.
'And I have a little fan theory over the whole eye issue😏'
'Hit me with it I'm all ears'
'Geralt has complete control of his eyes right? And is a softy deep down so my idea was he is always holding his pupils open so he doesn't scare anyone'
'🧐that is brilliant! It makes so much sense! 🥰🥰 its also nice to know I have a little conspiracy fangirl on my hands😁'  henry frowned heart clenching as you went quiet, he waited and waited minuets seemed like hours. His mind immediately jump to conclusions terrified you had caught him, that you'd figured out just who you were speaking to. Sweat formed on his brow as he frowned praying he hadn't got a little to close to home and given himself away. Then the dots appeared. You were typing.
'So I was wondering I know we agreed not to at first but since we've chatting every night I thought we could maybe exchange numbers? Only if you want to! No pressure. I'm just excited' henry slumped, melting into his seat. Thank fuck for that! His relief quickly became excitement at the prospect of hearing you! Actually speaking to you properly having an actual phone call? Fuck yes!
'😊😊I was actually trying to find the time to mention it myself, i know its only been three weeks but it feels much longer.'
'Omg thank god! I thought you would think i was rushing you😅here xxx xxxx xxxx' henry was quick to pull out his phone and type the number in, not wasting any time in creating your contact info into his phone book. And whislt doing that also replied to you putting you at ease.
'No not at all, I'm excited I cant wait to hear you🥰'
'Oh god don't build your hopes to high I don't have the most attractive voice it may be the deal breaker😅'
'I doubt that anything could put me off you love, your gorgeous, smart, funny, kind everything I could of dreamed of and soo much more'
'I'm glad its not only me Hank, I have to say I was frightened by how quickly we have become friends, but I suppose it makes sense we are two peas in a pod' henry grinned reading the message and nodded to himself pressing the small green call button and held the phone to his ear feeling confident as he re-read your last message.
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You hummed nibbling your lip, chewing it nervously after giving out your number. You couldn't help your mind dredging up all the horror stories of Ted bundy-esque creepy ass psycho killers, luring in prey on the internet... Fuck you were a bigger girl so easy to sweet talk. You whined and snuggled into the massive furry lump on your lap, lacing your fingers into the dogs thick fur. Petting her as your over active imagination conjured scenario's that could end up with you in a eight foot hole in someone's basement ,being told to 'put the lotion in the basket'. Jesus Christ. But it was fine right? He wasn't weirded out or anything? He seemed happy. You were sensible, or at least you thought you were.
You yipped at your phone suddenly vibrated in your hand, you almost threw it across the room. The screen lit up with 'unknown number' you swallowed eyeing the device then nodded answering the call heart beat thundering in your chest your breath picked up you made to speak but couldn't quite make sounds, unable to force the words to roll off your tongue. There was a deep chuckle, gorgeas and rumbling even if it was quiet.
"You have no reason to be frightened darling I'm just as eager to move on" you gasped as the thick voice spoke in slow syllables, calling you by the nick name he had taken to calling you. You'd asked a few girls at work about it, worried things were going to fast. But they had calmed you down saying it was his way of avoiding being freind zoned. You had to admit the cute little names always made you grin and blush, but this? God this was better then anything! His low timber and slightly more eloquent accent uttering the name sent a shiver up your spine.
A surprizing reaction in all honesty, you'd never really thought about voices much, never had a voice kink or really thought anyone could have an attractive voice. Well not a real voice anyway, sometimes characters on tv with low raspy voices got you going Geralt and Alcide to name a few. He almost sounded like the former if you thought about it... Just more refined? A regal soft lilt.  It was definetly a voice you could listen to all day, this man could read you a bloody take away menu and you wouldn't even gruff at the extortionate prices. You wet your lips and dug your fingers into the warm dog in your lap breathing deep, filling your lungs with air trying to ease yourself and draw in some courage.
"O-oh your? Really there? Really.. real?" you stuttered slowly. You chided yourself for sounding so silly, so childish. But you couldn't help it you felt completely unprepared. Which irritated you because it was you who'd offered your number, what were you expecting him to do with it? Use carrier pigeon? Of course he was going to call you.
"I'm most definitely real love" he spoke again with a small chuckle, he was clearly amused by your flustered question. You blushed and squirmed on your seat trying to breath quietly, you didn't want him to hear just how on edge you were.
"Oh gosh that's.. wow I cant even, I don't know what to say" you huffed trying to think of something- anything else you could focus on rather then the absolute sex that was his voice, then he spoke once more
"Now, now don't be shy love, I want to hear you, your voice is just as I thought it'd be" henry tried encouraging you wanting to hear you and revel in your sweet voice, wanting to commit it to memory.
"Oh? And what's that then?" you asked trying to be playfull but in all honesty you wasn't hitting the mark, you were to nervous. You'd never really thought about your voice, was it attractive? Or too high? Deep? I mean you were normal, you spoke normal and if anything sounded common.
"Pure and delicate, playful and charming all in one just like the woman it belongs to" henry's breathing hitched as you giggled. The sweet tinkling laugher warmed his heart and made him huff out a chuckle himself. He was so happy he could have cried. It was just so overwhelming to hear you finally, to put a voice to the amazing woman he was slowly falling inlove with. He sometimes grew wary thinking you were too good to be true, that you were a catfish yourself. But here and now he knew. You were as real as him and all it did was solidify his resolve, he was doing the right thing. He was falling for a genuine woman. A real woman with no strings attached, and with any luck you were feeling the same.
"well I think I just found my mans flaw~" you giggled once more blushing under the weight of all the compliments. He was really smooth, smoother then you'd thought and that was saying something.
"really darling? Care to enlighten me?" he quipped playfully you usual banter and teasing between you both flowing just as effortlessly as it had when messaging each other.
"your clearly deaf! Well have no fear, i will talk a little louder and learn some sign language for you~" you laughed out loud he joined you low echoing chuckles that sounded as if they came from a deep wide chest. It was enough to drive you mad with lust, but that may be the new found voice kink brewing.
"well its nice to know you are so committed to your man and his disability love" suddenly you froze and trembled panic and anxiety washed over you clogging  your wind pipe at his words... Fuck!
"oh god- no I? Your not really deaf are you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun-" you began apologizing not quite picking up on his sarcasm. Henry was quick to cut you off and stop your guilty rambling.
"No love I'm not deaf I was just pulling your leg" his voice was strained as if he was trying not to laugh at you, but you couldn't really say anything. You were the one nervously crack jokes then immediately trying to take them back. Stumbling your wat through the very first real conversation with a man you were crushing on. God you were such a dweeb!
"oh Jesus you scared the crap out of me" you heaved a sigh wanting to bury yourself into the covers and hide despite knowing he couldn't see your glowing face.
"I apologize darling, I have only the purest of intentions... Well maybe not that pure~ but I don't want to scare you" he grinned when you gasped at his little flirtatious comment. And he wasn't kidding, he found you incredibly attractive and wanted to do all manner of very filthy things with you. It didn't help when you were sending him photos of you drenched nipples hard and drawing him in like a moth to a flame. You probably hadn't even noticed that and he was thankfull for it because you wouldn't have sent it otherwise. It was his favourite photo, apparantly it had been a husky escape from the bath as you switched his lead to another hook.
"your fine, I'm just a little nervous is all" you huffed finally somehow managing to sort yourself out and think clearly overcoming your excitement and nerves.
"I understand but just remember its just me love. So have anything else planned for today?" henry hummed sweetly before giving you a chance to change the topic, you'd never know it was because he was barely holding himself together. He was almost bursting at the seams wanted to laugh and cry and shout all at once. He was completely overwhelmed with joy and relief and wanted to listen to you as much as he possibly could.
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Both you and henry then began the nightly ritual of phone calls and texted all day. He even had a new nick name. Puppy. And he couldn't be more thrilled you'd said it was because he made tiny cute puppy whines when you teased him. But he didn't care, he would happily be your puppy anyday!
The weeks became one month, then two and before you knew it you were one week shy of three months. And that was when it happened. Those fateful words left his mouth as he spoke to you just before bed. He had asked to meet, he was certain and confident he wanted to meet you and take this further, and he hadn't really planned to ask it just happened.
"So your really letting lord whiskey in your old groom space? That's incredible, I'm so proud of you for letting them in love. It says volumes for you and your business, that its not all profit driven" henry spoke down the phone as he stirred his tea getting ready to go up to bed.
"I mean it just seems right... No matter the income everyone should be able to get medical care for their animals. And I'd be lying if I didn't hope some people will come into the shop or realise that we are here and come back for our facilities." he smiled at that. You wasn't just trying to make a great profitable business, you cared and wanted to give everyone a reasonably priced alternative to pooch care. And he was right behind you, he loved that you were trying to give owners the chance to spoil their fur babies without breaking the bank. In slashing your prices you'd attracted more customers and been making a great profit, so much so that you could afford to just give away your old groom rooms to the charity for free.
"shop? You have a shop?" he pondered padding about the kitchen giving Kal his nightly biscuit treat and motioned for him to take it upstairs. Which he didn't need to do, Kal new the jig and was already carrying the treat to the stairs.
"yeah it opened last year? The year before maybe? Its small but here with food and treats a few toys and leads... I try to use smaller businesses the brands that you wont see in the bigger shops" you said slowly and he heard a small yawn and rustle of paper. You had said you were packing up and heading to bed for the night soon.
"I may have to pop over with the bear~" he teased coyly humming to himself as he sipped his tea.
"pop over? I.. Well you could I suppose?" you hummed quietly, henrys eyes almost popped out of his head were you inviting him to ask you out? He coughed quickly trying not to choke on the mouthful of tea and then rocked his head from side to side. I mean he could come over and see you.
"I'm only ten minuet's away darling, Kensington... I've actually used your grooming service once or twice getting the bears nails and teeth done"
"oh?! I didn't know that." you said trying to picture the owners of the akita you saw, but honestly? You had soo many customers now it was hard remembering everyone, that and you wasn't really front of house now, you had more and more to deal with back of house, even with the new manager.
"well you do now sweetheart... So? Do you want to meet up tomorrow?" he asked placing his tea down in favour of crossing his fingers hoping he had read your signals right.
"Yeah of course I'm covering for walking duty tomorrow... So I can't really do anything in the morning or early afternoon" henry fist pumped and grinned faking a silent shout of victory as he managed to wrangle a date.
"That's fantastic actually... I could meet you in the park? I'll bring the bear with me and we could walk the dogs and grab a coffee or something?" he said somehow managing to quell his excitement enough to arrange the date properly, placeing a hand on his heart as it beat wildly. The realisation that he could see you- meet you face to face!
"Yeah that sounds like a brilliant idea, will noon be alright? That's when we do a switch over and go back to feed the dogs in day care so I'll have an hour lunch break" you said stuttering a little when it began to sink in that this was happening!
"Its a date I will see you tomorrow at noon love" Henry anounced eagerly suddenly tomorrow couldn't come soon enough!
"See you then puppy, good night sweet dreams" you said needing to hang up and squeal into a pillow or something.
"sweet dreams love" as soon as he hung up he was already scrolling his phone selecting the number he was after and called in a tizzy.
"Piers?! Piers! I'm? Oh god- were meeting tomorrow and fuck- I'm freaking out already! What do I say? What should I wear- kal's coming too do I put his halti on or just his collar- fuck I don't know what to do!? Please help!" he yelped down the phone to the unsuspecting man drawing a deep sigh from him before he began talking him down.
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nasaty · 4 years ago
Student Aizawa x (she/her) student reader, so much angssssttt and grief and a bunch of fluff. (Do not bring any pedo shit into my presence or I will fucking destroy you)
MANGA SPOILERS until episode 107 comes out. - also this requires context that I am not providing from MHA manga and the arc with Aizawa in Vigilantes. TW: death. 9 part series.
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Ch. 1 here | Ch. 8 here
Ch. 9
Uncertainty hung in the air the next morning. You peeled yourself off of your bed and patted it down, trying to find your phone that you fell asleep using.
Direct Message - Aizawa
Y/n- (2:03AM)
Shouta….I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just really surprised at what you said. I know that took a lot do you to say…I’m so sorry.
Aizawa - (read at 2:04AM)
Y/n - (4:27AM)
I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore, I was just in my own head and I wasn’t thinking straight when you told me… but please, at least talk to Hizashi. I don’t want you to just fall off the face of the earth. I’m worried…
Aizawa - (read at 4:29AM)
Y/n - (4:30AM) please go to sleep, you shouldn’t be up this late. you’re already overworking yourself.
Aizawa - (read at 6:45AM)
You hoped that the time stamp meant he got at least a couple hours of sleep. Contemplating how to explain to him how you felt, you got ready for school. You didn’t really even know how you felt. You had a crush on Shouta for a long time, but you didn’t want to lose him or ruin the friendship. He meant so much to you, but you didn’t know how to show it. It seems that his inability to express emotions somewhat rubbed off on you.
Once again, you drifted through your classes in a stupor, only thinking about your lunch hour today. When the bell rang, it jolted you back into reality. You hesitantly made your way to the roof and gently pushed open the door.
No one was there.
Direct message - Aizawa
Y/n - I missed you at lunch today
A couple days passed without hearing from Shouta. You had reached out to Hizashi and Nemuri to see if they had heard anything, but they had no idea what happened. Nemuri pried it out of you.
“HE SAID THAT TO YOU?! Holy shit did you fuck him or something??”
“WHAT no! We’ve been doing the same thing for a while” you explained.
“You mean constantly watching movies together on the couch and snuggling?” She smirked.
Your pulled your palms to your face as you blushed. “No…. I mean…. Kind of… but it wasn’t like cuddling it was-“
“I knew it. You need to talk to him. He’s being a shithead”
“No he’s not,” you defended him. “He’s..fragile. I don’t think he knows how I feel about him…”
You attempted to match her volume, “I CANT FIND HIM.”
“Girl what the fuck. He’s probably in the training gym. He hardly ever leaves that place. Only for yoOOoouUuuU.” She sings.
You scoffed at her, but you ended up taking her advice.
The next day when lunch hour arrived you made your way to the basement, to the training gym, to search for him. Surprisingly quickly, you spotted him leaving the restroom, and throw away a brown paper bag on his way out. Was he eating his lunch in the bathroom to hide from you?
You ran up to him and grabbed his forearm, startling the hero for the first time. You were too stressed to be proud of yourself for making it past his senses.
He turned to you and seemed to be astounded that you reached out to him. You stood with his arm in your hands as he froze, and you fixated on his eyes giving him pleading look.
“Shouta…why…are you avoiding me?” You said, looking distraught and almost shaking.
His gaze bounced back and forth between your eyes in silence
“I….don’t understand, I thought we had a great time together….isn’t that what you said? And all the sudden you disappear on me? Did I imagine our whole friendship?”
His voice cracked, “you didn’t imagine it… I’ve had a wonderful time with you. I just thought you felt…differently.” He lightly slid his arm out of your grasp.
You racked your brain trying to comprehend what he meant. “What do you mean differently? Do you think I dislike you?? After all of this? I’m the one that invited you over!”
“That’s uh.. not what I meant..” he retreated into his hoody a bit which made you realize your tone. You were agitated, almost shouting. You took a bigger breath and continued.
“What do you mean, Shouta? I’m so confused and I miss you.”
His see his pupils widen as he looks at you and then turns away. “I’ve been feeling differently for a while… like… in a more than friends way….” Your jaw dropped, “but…I understand if I read into things too much… I promise it won’t happen again”
You moved without thinking, placed your hand on his cheek to turn his face towards you.
“Shouta…. When I met you, I knew somehow that you would be incredibly important to me. I had no idea how or when, but I’ve been drawn to you forever. I have been convincing myself that you were just being nice, and that I was imagining feelings this whole time…. What you’re telling me is- “
“I’m in love with you.” He confessed an grabbed your waist to pull you into the most saccharine, captivating kiss. As he pulled away, you noticed his eyes were so beaming so much it was blinding. You almost had to squint.
“I’m in love with you too, Shouta.”
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phoenixhalliwell · 4 years ago
Waking Up In Vegas
Pairings: Benny Miller X Gender Neutral Reader (I have given them a call sign ‘Tink’ cos I love that nickname lol)
Word count: 2490
Author’s Note: Tumblr is being a wee weirdo and I cant find the link for this fic and my other frankie one for my masterlist so I have to report again *cries*
Archnemesis Benny and reader wake up the morning after a wild night in Vegas with the boys to a surprise revelation.
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 It takes a second to realise that the noise isn’t just your head pounding but in fact someone knocking rapidly at the door. A whimper leaves you as you try not to throw up. You wiggle around the bed, trying to get loose from the heavy blankets but fail miserably.
“Please, stop….too loud. Dying” is all you’re able to croak out. Your mouth is drier than the desert and a one man band is marching in your head. Looking down you realise that it is not a blanket weighing you down but an arm. An arm that is now pulling you backwards to firmly press you against their warm chest. A groan comes from behind you and a face  nuzzles into your throat. You can feel the panic starting to build in your chest.
'Oh god, oh god. What the fuck!’ You are brought out of your freak out by a familiar voice.
“Are you going to open the door willingly Tink? Or am I going to have to come in there myself!”
Frankie! Relief rushes through you at your saviour. Frankie is a good guy, he won’t give you shit for this like the other boys. It’ll be swept under the rug and no one else has to know. That’s why Frankie is your favourite. The person behind you suddenly makes their displeasure at being rudely woken known.
“Will you shut the fuck up Fish, some of us are trying to sleep”
A coldness rushes through you. NO. FUCKING. WAY. Not him. Please not him. Slowly turning in the arms that have you in a death grip, you let out a low moan. Benny Miller is lying there in all his glory. He looks almost angelic with the way the morning sunlight hits him just right, making him glow. But you know the truth.
That man is the fucking DEVIL.
To say you and Benny dislike one another was an understatement. There is a long standing feud between you and the younger Miller that goes so far back you can’t quite remember how it started. You were originally a medic under the command of his brother Will, but over time (with Will vouching for your skills) you’d been pulled into other little jobs that involved his old army buddies and his dipshit little brother. You were welcomed into this little make shift family with open arms (well by most people anyways).Will, Santiago and Frankie - you thought the world of.  Benny…. let’s just say you wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire. There was just something about Benny that just irks you. The way he calls you names and winds you up until you explode and end up being separated by Will who is sick of both of your shit. That god damn cocky grin rubs you up the wrong way. The way he thinks he’s god’s gift to mankind and struts about. Sure, he is a handsome man and is talented at his profession.He can be kind when he wants to be. He’s loyal and he’ll have your back if the situation calls for it,  but it doesn’t mean he has to show off all the fucking time! He’s a god damn pain in your ass!
So to wake up this morning and find out you two have evidently slept together causes a small part of you to die inside. This bastard is never going to let you hear the end of it. You try to cast your mind back on what actually led you to your current predicament.
You and the boys were spending the weekend in Vegas for Santiago’s bachelor party. The wild stallion had finally been tamed and he wanted one last hoorah with his family before the new chapter of his life. The original plan was to have a nice dinner at the Bellagio before hitting up the tables in hopes of winning some cash. That part you could remember, it is the rest that comes in drips and drabs.
The chant of “Shots! Shots! Shots!” echoes in your mind and there is still a faint taste of tequila in your mouth. 'That explains why I can’t remember jack shit. Did we do Karaoke?’ You can see Frankie and Benny screeching “I want to know what love is ” with Will swaying along and Santi throwing money at the them from the front of the stage. 'Why can I hear bells ringing?’ There is also a familiar body ache you know the exact cause of. More flashes come to mind that make your heart race : Stumbling into walls, the desperation of trying to undress quickly, a hot breath on your neck, hands gripping your waist, filthy words being whispered into your ear….
'I’m never drinking again’
The banging at the door starts again, Frankie is clearly pissed at being kept waiting.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your marital bliss but check out is at 11 and I know for a fact neither of you fuck heads have packed”
Marital bliss? Who the hell is married?
You eyes drift down to your left hand and its suddenly hard to breathe. There is a nice new addition to your ring finger. A gold band that sure as shit was not there yesterday. This seems like the perfect moment to start screaming. Benny is up in an instant, scanning the room for the unknown threat. Once he realises it’s just the two of you, his body relaxes and he scrubs his hand over his face. It takes him a moment to notice the feeling of cold metal on his skin and he stares down at his hand, an unreadable look on his face. You are just able to hear him whisper
“Fuck, its real”
This whole situation is suddenly too much and everything becomes blurry as tears fall from your eyes. You can feel yourself start to hyperventilate and Benny is at your side in an instant trying to console you.
“Come on sweetheart you need to calm down. Feel my chest and breathe with me yeah? In… and out…. It’s ok I’ve got you.”
He repeats his reassurances over and over again. You try to focus on the sound of his deep voice, try to follow his instructions to help regulate your breathing. Gradually it returns to normal and you slump forward into Benny’s arms suddenly exhausted. He rubs his hand up and down your back, somewhat soothing you. You  feel him sigh before he turns his face into your hair and presses a gentle kiss to your head. It suddenly occurs to you that Benny has never been this gentle with you and your heart clenches a little. You feel him pull away from you and have to stop yourself from squeezing him tight.  You stand there for a few seconds in silence before you hear the door opening behind you. Frankie must have found the spare key to your room.
“Are you guys still alive in here?” he asks timidly, glancing between  you and Benny,  eyes zoning in on how close the both of you were.
“Yeah man, we’re good.” Benny  replies, moving to stand on the other side of the room.
“Look I am really sorry to rush you’s but Will’s anxious to get on the road and he might end up murdering Santi before the wedding if we all don’t hustle” Frankie says apologetically.
“I’ll catch you guys downstairs. I won’t be long” Benny grabs his things off the floor before making a break for the door, leaving you and Frankie to stare at each other awkwardly.
“Not a word Morales” you threaten.
“Wouldn’t dream of it Tink. Let’s pack your stuff and get the fuck out of dodge yeah?”
Like you said. Frankie was always your favourite.
Awkward doesn’t even begin to cover breakfast. Those little shits planned it so you and Benny are forced to sit side by side in the booth. Frankie is looking somewhat sympathetic when Santi slides a piece of paper over to you with a shit eating grin. It’s photographic evidence of the worst decision of your life. You still weren’t sure how you guys ended up in the little white chapel saying the big 'I Do’. None of the boys seem to remember either or were just refusing to give up any information about it in case they incriminated one of their brothers.
'Bet you it was all that bastard Santi’s fault’
Sighing, you finally look down at the photo in front of you. It was the 5 of you all lined up. You and Benny stand in the middle of the photo, clinging to each other. You were snuggled into his chest as he gazes down at you in awe. You swallow sharply and tear your eyes over to Will who is off to Benny’s left and appears to be crying? (I was just so happy someone took the little shit off my hands) Obviously Will stood in as Benny’s best man, that was a given. On the far end of the photo on your side stood Santi who looked dishevelled and pissed off. Was that blood on his shirt? Between him and you stood Frankie who (unusual for him) was sporting a Cheshire grin. Confused, you looked up at the two men in front of you and suddenly noticed real life Santi had a black eye.
“What the fuck happened to you?”
The two men glanced at each other in embarrassment before Santi quietly admitted that he and Frankie had got into a fist fight over who was going to be your right hand man. Will snorts into his hand in the corner.
'God give me strength not to kill these stupid bastards’  Sighing and rubbing your temples you shot them a glare which has the 3 men across from you cowering in their seats.
“So at no point did any of you guys think to put a stop to this madness?” You growl.
“Is the idea of being married to me really the worst thing in the world?” You hear Benny asks quietly, still not looking at you.
The boys have the good grace to look a little ashamed before Santi decides to pipe up and make his defence.
“Well how could we? Benny spent the best part of the night proclaiming his undying love you. Fuck he even serenaded you at the Karaoke bar.” There is a loud thud and Santi’s face  twists into a grimace. Apparently someone had kicked him under the table.
“Yeah right as if Benny would ever say anything like that! He hates my fucking guts. Right Benny?” You scoff and nudge him with your elbow. An uncomfortable silence washes over the table and Benny refuses to look at you. It’s good old Will who breaks the silence, abruptly standing up.
“Why don’t we go sort out the bill yeah?” looking to his brothers.
Santi squawks in outrage and throws up his hands “But it was just getting to the good part!!!” Will grabs him by the collar of his shirt and drags him out of the booth, muttering furiously into his ear before marching him off to god knows where. Frankie reaches over and gently squeezes your hand before sliding out and giving Benny a pat on the shoulder on the way by.
“Good luck hermano” he calls over his shoulder. You wait for a beat before turning to Benny gearing yourself up for a fight.
“Are you fucking serious right now. Or is this all an elaborate game that you and the boys have cooked up Huh?” you hiss.
“You really think I’m that cruel?” he fires back.
“I don’t know! Ever since I met you, you’ve made my life a living hell Benny! So why wouldn’t this not be the next step in the ’ terrorise Tink’ grande scheme?” The remark clearly hits him hard as he whirls round to finally face you.
“You really have no clue do you.”
“What the hell are you talking about Miller?”
Benny scoffs bitterly and takes a deep breath.
“I don’t hate you Tink! I never have. I’m so far gone on you that Will threatens daily to kill me if I don’t shut up about you. Ask him or any of the guys for that matter”. There’s a look of pleading on his face as though begging you to believe what he is saying that leaves you completely floored. Without waiting for a response he barrels on, the dam broken, clearly needing to get everything off his chest at last.
“Do you realise how intimidating it is to talk to you?. You’re amazing and so fucking beautiful Tink that I feel like I can’t breathe every time i look at you. You are hella smart and watching you work on the job blows my mind every time. And that mouth you have on you, no one else ever calls me out on my shit like you. I know I have a sense of humour that people don’t always get. I know I can be a complete asshole and I don’t really have much going in my favour but  I’m not a bad man Tink I swear. I’ve been sweet on you since the day I met you. For some reason though you just seemed to dislike me from the start so it was easier to play up on being an asshole. It hurt less that way.” He trails off.
What. The. Fuck.
You stare at him. Dumbfounded. You’d been wrong the whole time?
“I remember most of last night Tink. We had been drinking and betting at one of the craps tables. You were on a winning streak and kept saying if you rolled a hard 8 you would do this and that. You were having the time of your life Tink. I’ve never seen you look so free. So Happy. Any time you’re around me, you’re always so closed off. And it kills me. But you were looking at me different last night. And i was so caught up in the game I bet if you rolled a hard 8 one more time that we should get married. And you took me up on that offer. I’ve never felt so fucking happy in my life. I know it was a stupid idea and that we were drunk, but you finally chose me and if anything happened to me after that I could die a happy man.”
He gently brings both his hands up to cup your face and leans in close, not enough for your lips to touch but close enough for him to whisper to you.
“I know this whole Vegas thing has been crazy and I’m not asking you to stay married to me. That would be unreasonable. All I’m asking is that you choose me again. That you give me a chance to show you how much I care about you. Please”
You stare into his eyes for a second, looking for a hint of deception. Finding none, you make your decision. You close the gap between you and feel Benny sigh in relief into the kiss.
I  guess there’s a fine line between love and hate.
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festivegrant · 4 years ago
You said 4A finale fell flat and I agree but I’m just curious in which ways did it fall flat for you? To me, I guess I was expecting some type of cliffhanger. Didn’t have to be scary or intense, I just expected something. And yeah that could have been Maddie going into labor. And I know people can debate until the end of time about Eddie and Ana but personally I have no problem with them like overall, if you stand back and look at the big picture. Eddie is trying to move on and Ana seems sweet and smart and nice but when you step closer and look at it, Eddie to me seemed so out of character in that episode. He was doing things that he wouldn’t normally do. Like, ok you went on maybe 2 or 3 dates with her and even after your son throws a fit you still think it’s ok to introduce her to him that soon? And also in the middle of a pandemic?? When his son is high risk and his son hasn’t even seen his friends or other family (I’m assuming). It just seems out of character. And before anyone comes for me, I’m fine with Eddie moving on and getting into a relationship. He could literally date anyone and I wouldn’t care as long as he’s happy. And maybe that’s the point of all of this- to show he’s trying to move on but Ana isn’t the one. Maybe she is and I’m a clown but I don’t personally see it. She’s lovely but I don’t see it. Buck and Taylor was interesting though. I’m all for them being friends because both of them seemed to have matured
glad you asked! my response ended up longer than i’d anticipated so i’ll put it under the cut:
i FOR SURE expected some sort of cliffhanger. i mean, tbh overall the episode didn’t really stick in my head that much? the most cliffhanger-y thing we got was hen and karen not being able to adopt nia (heart-wrenching but good narrative choice) although i would have liked for them to really dig it in and indulge us in more wilson family moments before ripping it from our grasp. i love to suffer <3 and i just think that if we had had a scene where the madney baby is born that would have been such a bittersweet contrast?? like actually watching it would have destroyed me and i probably wouldn’t have liked it bc it would have made me sad but since im playing god on this website it WOULD have been fantastic narratively and i WILL pretend i wouldve liked it.
buck and taylor was cute (and I LOVE their banter), but i kind of feel like the sudden friendliness came out of nowhere?? @benjji2795 made a post about this a little bit; taylor never apologized for what she did to bobby, so it doesn’t totally make sense for buck to be so nice to her?? however i love taylor and im glad she’s on the show. one of two things should’ve happened: she apologizes to bobby and wham bam now her and buck are besties with a fun dynamic (note FRIENDS, not romantic partners, because they have different priorities and are canonically not romantically compatible!! and thats okay!!) OR her reoccurrence on the show is established as some sort of antagonistic ally. i think that would be so fun.
okay okay i have my own thoughts on eddie and ana and that whole situation. let me split this up to make it legible:
on eddie being out of character:
something was definitely wrong this episode. him introducing ana to chris does not sit right (for ALL the reasons you mentioned, which I completely agree with). As far as i’m concerned, there are two possible reasons:
eddie was just plain ooc and it was due to bad writing. it makes me disappointed, but i think this is the one that’s most likely.
eddie was in character, but he was jsut the worst side of his character. someone made a post about it that i found pretty interesting. idk if i completely agree with it bc to say that eddie introduced ana to chris so she could fill what eddie thinks is an empty space in their lives sort of undermines the whole talk he had with bobby the scene prior. 
HOWEVER this interpretation also gives ana the opening to have narrative agency and set boundaries for herself and tell eddie she likes him but she didn’t sign up to be a mom. but i don’t think the writers (or r*an, because he sucks and is also not that great of an actor) are thinking that deeply about his character (but maybe they are. who knows).
on ana:
i’ve said this before and ill say it again. the way she’s set up to be both disliked by the audience (because she’s so blad) and disposable to the narrative (because she’s so bland!!) makes me upset. she literally doesn’t deserve that and it’s disturbing to watch (both onscreen and in fandom reactions). i don’t know what else to say except i hope she either gets a well-written, significant story arc or she leaves the show soon. i don’t want to see her being a romantic accessory anymore. 
also i think she’s cute but that’s just gabrielle walsh kjdsfl
on eddie and ana together:
okay i agree that a relationship is necessary for eddie to be able to move on. like i get that. i agree. it’s part of his growth. here’s the problem with that though. 
the WAY the show handles eddie moving on is very blatant. it is very streight forward. ‘oh, he’s moving on? new girlfriend!’ the thing is, they kind of forgot to give said girlfriend a personality (see above). and BECAUSE OF THAT (or, at least, it’s a contributing factor) they have no chemistry and are terrible to watch onscreen. 
i tried to like them. i really did. i tried to frame it as ‘hey, theyre jsut two people who have crushes on each other and we can watch them flirt and yadda yadda and itll be cute, right?’ ive made posts about their dynamic together and trying to find an angle to make it fun. but i cant. i literally cant do this anymore. i actually cringed at nearly every scene they had together. it was unpleasant and boring and i would love it if it were over soon. if the creators are seeking to both produce a good/entertaining and moving show AND keep eddie and ana together, i’m curious to see how they do it because i truly have got nothing for them. 
anyways. In conclusion, I’m only emotionally investing myself in the wilson family, the grant-nash family, the buckley-han family, and fanfiction-based buddie :) <3
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kendrixtermina · 5 years ago
The Team Dynamics of the Three Houses
Essay time! =D
Part One: Team Makeup and Thematic Framework Blue Lions
Overarching Theme: Classic basic fantasy archetypes but with a dark twist (We have Prince Charming/ Guilt-ridden softboy standard-issue JRPG protagonist, Handsome Lech/Idiot Friend, Standoffish Rival, Gentleman Thief, Lady Knight, Sweet nice healer, Adorable spellcaster Girl, the Gentle Giant etc. )
Composition: Has the most people with crests, and the one guy with a naturally occurring major crest. Foreshadows how the crest obsession is particularly bad here, due to Faerghus’ harsh environment and a society that’s both religious and has a serious element of hero worship
History: Notably the most tight-knit group. Everyone knows each other already. It’s basically Dimitri, Dimitri’s longtime best friends, the daughter of Dimitri’s former instructor who heard lots of stories about him and her super nice BFF who gets along with everyone... and Ashe, who didn’t know the others until the academy, but since he is a honest sweety who loves cooking and knight stories, he hits it off with the others right away. 
Atmosphere: Everyone has kind of the same hobbies (cooking, handicrafts, weapons collecting, knight stuff) and a lot of history, some posters have remarked on missing the “family ambiente” in the other routes but since the bonds are stronger they’re also more charged, it’s also been said that it’s the group with the most inter-team drama, especially when you feature in their relatives - You have Dimitri’s whole character arc, all the family drama between the Fraldariuses and the Dominics, Ingrid’s hangups regarding poor Dedue etc.
As expected if you recruit any of them they’ll kinda have a hard time going after their old home, even the tsundere ones. 
The Leader’s position: For all that Dimitri’s friends refuse to drop his honorifics they really are his friends. They’re just all kinda polite with the obvious exception of Felix, and he’s largely tsundere. Despite the afore mentioned drama we see plenty of Dimitri just hanging out with his friends and even coming to them for help, he’s really just one of the bunch . 
Since Faerghus is in chaos everyone’s pinning a lot of hopes on Dimitri and it’s not like he’s completely unaware of that or doesn’t have the corresponding sense of duty, he’s always torn between that and his revenge plan which eventually just takes over. He pursues this entirely on his own, too, with not even Dedue knowing what he’s sneaking around the library for. 
How this “flavors” part one: Gives it a very “personal” touch. Faerghus, it’s culture, recent past and current state of chaos are fleshed out a lot (we learn plenty about the Alliance and the Empire but Claude and Edelgard have greater scope plans) and since a lot of the part I missions concern the instabilities in the kingdom they affect the characters directly. Basically since they’re more “regular” fantasy protagonists we gotta hit em all with the Drama hammer to keep things fresh. And that’s how it continues - They follow Dimitri because of personal loyalty (both toward him specifically, and because it’s in their culture), and Dimitri just wants to protect (or avenge) the people he cares about. 
How this Ties into The Themes: The Kingdom route eventually becomes very much a Power of Friendship story where they all stick it out with Dimitri in his time of need because he’s their friend and they want to be there for him and that makes a lot more sense if there was a big emphasis on friendship/ found family before that, and of course their friendship is what eventually helps him turn his life around. 
How does Byleth fit into this: Dimitri, like Hubert and Leonie, can be filed into the box of those who aren’t immediately awed by their heroic charisma. He doesn’t really get people who aren’t as outwardly expressive as him (eg. Edelgard) But unlike, say, Leonie, Dimitri has no settings between crushkilldestroy and stilted politeness and seldom expresses or responds to overt hostility most of the time. On the one hand there’s a side to him that’s a bit judgemental and vindictive, but that extends to himself too so he’s very ashamed of his flaws and is afraid that he won’t be accepted, so he projects outward that same acceptance that he likes to receive.
So the end result is that he goes out of his way to befriend Byleth, he encourages everyone to speak with them in a familiar manner, insists that they join the victory celebrations etc. Then of course he gets to see that they’re actually quite supportive and so in time they become, as Dimitri puts it “the heart of the group”.
By the time they find out that Dimitri ever disliked them, that’s long past. He’s a very high-empathy, emotional person so once he likes you he really likes you and will regard your troubles like his own. Some ppl might say that maybe the bond feels more special since it took longer to “earn”. He’s practically ready to swear a blood oath with them once Jeralt dies.  There’s an unappreciated Symmetry here like he goes through the trouble to ‘defrost’ them, and then they return the favor by supporting him through his difficult times when they perhaps get to see the ugliest side of him.
Further Dynamic Notes:
So you have a dynamic of working past/ understanding and accepting each other despite one’s flaws and differences. (whereas Claude and Edelgard are interested in Byleth right away, because they’re unusual, but in slightly different ways - Claude can kinda relate to the experience of sticking out itself but is still stumped by being unable to read them, whereas Edelgard sticks out in the same way  so you’re actually on the same wavelenght to begin with)
“opposites attract” specifically in the way that they balance each other out. A cool steadfast leader type certainly has a grounding effect on Dimitri as a very reactive person, but he also pulls them into the ‘normal’ world a bit after they spend all this time just wandering the world like all places are the same to them. They basically put the magic destiny on the backburner to help him out. They still become archbishop and all to fit the standard fantasy look of it all but not like full messiah like on the church route
Even after the timeskip Byleth kinda plays the mentor role or at least that of the dominant person/ big spoon in the relationship (though Dimitri ends up waaay taler than them especially fem Byleth), “Excuse me this is my emotional support mercenary”
If you go the platonic route you very much stay at „mentor“, Byleth is basically the brains of the operation post timeskip ‘cause the old Mitya can‘t come to the phone right now and Gilbert and Rodrigue would follow him off a cliff
Plot wise, their contribution is to stop the revenge trip when it gets to be a too obvious kamikaze stunt, which they, as a relative outsider to Faerghus and experienced, pragmatic fighter, would do when someone like Gilbert would not
Character journey wise, they refuse to give up on Dimitri and still see the good in him so that he eventually comes to a point where he could envision his own redemption/ come to accept/forgive himself and learn that its okay to move on and live his own life
Byleth can be said to somewhat even out the flaws in everyone‘s leadership styles (while the house leaders help Byleth find their own direction – i didnt come up with this alone there was a brilliant post a while ago that i cant find rn) – In Dimitri‘s case, he has authority/credibility/integrity („Pathos“), being the rightful king with many loyal followers,  and emotional/ personal leadership as an emphatetic person who inspired respect for his character („Ethos“) but is lacking in plans („Logos“)
Golden Deer
Overarching Theme:  Ragtag Bunch of misfits /Unlikely Heroes (let’s see, we have trickster turned lying politician, upper-class twit turned opportunistic conservative, lazy rich girl,  shy glasses boy and his best friend dumb muscle, cursed werewolf girl, stuckup teen genius and the mean money obsessed one )
Composition: Has the most honest-to-goodness commoners - and they largely got in on their own merits, too, while almost all the others had connections. You have a few peeps from the Alliance’s prominent merchant class and one completely ordinary village person whose father was a simple hunter. 
History: Bar the two merchant kids none of them know each other and even they’ve been a little estranged since the demise of Rafael’s parents. There are a few backstory connections (Such as Lorenz’ dad basically having murdered everybody’s dead relatives, or Leonie’s village being in his territory) but they’re largely indirect. They come from a range of different backgrounds and life experiences. Even Claude just showed up the year before and doesn’t know anybody. Of course this is all so you can watch them grow into a team on-screen all leading up to Claude’s epic speech about how they got along despite being from different backgrounds (or be surprised if they show up as one post-timeskip)  
Unlike Dedue or Hubert, Hilda can still be napped early on because she doesn’t really become Claude’s right-hand person until halfway through part oneIf you recruit any of the deer they’ll say that they didn’t have that much ties to their homeland anyways. 
Atmosphere: These are definitely Garreg Magh’s party animals.  Or like a bunch of theatre kids. They’re tremendous fun. “Less complicated” as Claude puts it though some have missed the intensity/drama of the other bunches. The Alliance itself might be full of political intrigues but this younger generation is fairly chill with the important exceptions that are Leonie and Lysithea but Leonie’s lack of chill is largely Byleth-specific, she’s plenty chill in her other supports, and though Lysithea probably donated all the extra chill for the other deer and hence doesn’t have any left, the others  love her anyways wether she wants to or not because try as she might she can’t really get an argument out of them. 
This certainly jives well with Claude’s “friendly surface level extrovert” gimmick they all get along on a surface level and you’ll be hard-pressed to find an ounce of social skills in the Black Eagle house, and the Lions have the Drama Moments, but some have also perceived the deer as not quite as open. 
At the same time they’re not superficial. We have a large abundance of Artsy Ones, we have Ignatz, Claude and Lorenz both write poetry, Leonie isn’t good at it but she does draw etc There’s enough insightful ones for depht and insight to be a significant undercurrent in the group dynamics. They all have different sortts of insight - Hilda can read people well, Ignatz has this sort of intuuitive thoughtful understanding, Lysithea is observant and logically astute, Leonie has street smarts etc. 
The Leader’s position: Precarious. No one knows him, no one trusts him. He just showed up one day, very suspicious timing, not long after his uncle dropped dead (that was Lorenz’ dad but it’s not like anyone knows) and then he’s a shifty weirdo who cannot help being slightly unnerving despite his friendly extroverted demeanor. 
Still he’s a big believer in teamwork, appreciates the value in everyone’s perspective and he can do the friendly extroverted charm well enough to eventually win over most people based on that, though its not until waay after the timeskip that he even considers letting anyone past the soft outer layer.  (In Recruited, Raphael remembers him mainly a lover of feats and merriment)
The longer the story goes on the more the Deer transition to being “Claude’s jolly detective bureau” in which he pulls on all their individual insight for maximum info collection. 
How this “flavors” part one:  It’s taken up largely by Claude’s search for information with the various events being seen in that light.
Claude’s first reaction is often to ask questions and be curious with the emotional response hitting him somewhat later, though it’s definitely also that he keeps up a cheerful face for the team. 
Ironically he’s the only one who came to Garreg Magh for it’s intended purpose: To get a ruler’s education and do networking. Dimitri and Edelgard were already onto Thales courtesy of his having killed their families, him searching on his own, her making preparations for her takeover, and Claude doesn’t know - it’s probably a game balance thing because Claude is the smartest person in the game and if he started out with all the info there would be no plot. 
How this Ties into The Themes: It all builds towards Claude’s big speech about people from different backgrounds coming together. It’s like a microcosm for what he wants to do with the world, to bring people from different places and backgrounds together and have them understand each other.
Lorenz takes until halfway through part II to come around, but come around he does. (markedly, this happens only on Claude’s route, otherwise he sticks with the empire out of self-preservation and opportunism, though he gladly jumps ship to join the kingdom. )
How does Byleth fit into this:  Now I‘ve seen some people saying that Claude initially didn‘t like Byleth or just wanted to use them, but I don‘t think that‘s true. I do think he actually liked them, found them interesting and wanted to befriend them. But Claude, on principle, doesn‘t trust easily, and will in any interaction look at how he can use it.
It‘s a habit born out of both natural curiosity and intelligence (What the 12type eneagramm calls a „Mercury“ Personality type) and the need to survive in a hostile environment where people tried to kill him as a child, and as such it‘s automatic second nature. He has a strong overruling self-preservation instinct.  Claude is suspicious and will interogate people completely independent of how much he likes them. No amount of like makes him trust implicitly.
He doesn‘t have a bad impression like Dimitri, but he doesn‘t immediately click like Edelgard and the curve is pretty nonlinear: With Dimitri we have a clear progression from dislike to like and then the reversal where Dimitri had defrosted Byleth and now Byleth must defrost Dimitri. With Edelgard she likes them immediately out of similarity (like Felix likes Byleth, or like Edelgard likes Lysithea and Petra), and the difficulty/drama only comes later when Byleth‘s connection to the church and Edelgard‘s plots become apparent, but mostly she‘s sad that she‘s „destined“ to be enemies with this person she likes, her level of like never goes down. Claude meanwhile – you might compare him with Dorothea. He‘s used to being able to charm people as well as read them, and Byleth is not only a brick wall, but remains one upon closer examination. They really don‘t know about their past – but Claude takes that as evasions and becomes more and more suspicious.
A big turning point here is the Jeralt situation, where Byleth finally opens up and tells him everything, and Claude realizes they‘re not hiding. And that‘s something I really love about their dynamic – Byleth tells him all and Claude is so interested in them and looks out for them.
Though you could assign each of the three a „turning point“ after which they open up - The diary for Claude (which shows him that Byleth really isn‘t hiding anything) Flayn‘s dissapearance for Dimitri (which convinces him that Byleth cares) and the holy tomb scene for Edelgard (which shows her that Byleth won‘t betray her)
Further Dynamic Notes:
Claude and Byleth relate because they both stick out, but it‘s notably about the experience of sticking out in and of itself, whereas in Edelgard‘s case they stick out in the same way. They’re also alike in that they only found out some secrets about themselves when they were already young adults, Byleth’s magical destiny, and Claude finding out he was related to the ruling house. From how he mentions “not being raised in the lap of luxury” and how his royal connections in Almyra are also “distant”, he might in fact have been raised in a normal village and not known he was the king’s bastard son for some time, though once the secret was out he definitely got some princely instruction like training with Nader. 
The dynamic both interpersonally and as an action duo is very much a complementary one. Dimitri is very different and has that sorta morality chain dynamic going on. And though they each have their specialties that the other is lowkey jelly of Edelgard and Byleth actually fill a fairly similar niche as the charismatic superhumanly powerful field commander. Meanwhile with Claude there’s a division of labor: Claude’s the planner and Byleth’s the enforcer. He repeatedly observes that his plans would be way less effective without someone of Byleth’s caliber to carry them out.
Out of the three lords Claude is the only one where you get the sense that Byleth works for Claude post-timeskip or that Byleth becomes his subordinate. Dimitri’s lost without them, and while Edelgard offers them a formal position as royal advisor after the mock battle and gets this line about how they can’t yell orders at her in public now that she’s the emperor, but it’s phrased in such a way to suggest that she just wants them to yell orders at her discreetly. They certainly balance out Claude’s presentability/trustworthyness problem the way that Hubert quickly puts them in charge of morale to patch Edelgard’s PR shortcomings, but Hubert pretty much says this to Byleth’s face whereas Claude is the only one who knows where the ship is going for the majority of verdant wind. And in the end he’s like “Babysit fodlan for me while I finish world peace” He’s also the dominant one on an interpersonal level, he gives Byleth this speech about how they should use their position more confidently and promise to detective out their mysterious past for them. He also tries dropping hints that maybe Rhea’s not to be trusted though Byleth’s dialogue options are written to suggest that they bought her maternal act and want her back – some ppl said but this way really expositions that „well meaning deception“ aspect of Claude‘s character. He frequently steers ppl toward something they don‘t want but with the hope that they‘ll want it eventually. Perhaps he could be said to have a very fluid/dynamic view of things and people; The other two lords view them more as fixed, hence „I respectfully disagree… lets settle this by stabbing each other“ 
The platonic end result is your basic Epic Friendship, tell each other everything, very supportive, look out for each other, take down a zombie warrior together in an epic team attack, what more could you want I think I‘ve made a whole post about what a good friendo Claude is, initial ulterior motives nonwithstanding… He certainly had strategic advantages in the back of his mind but I don‘t think he ever faked liking Byleth
Plot wise, having The Messiah on his team gives Claude a bargaining chip to seize control of the church with its greater influence. On the other routes, he wisely refuses to touch that particular hot potato with a ten foot pole.
Character wise Byleth‘s influence largely serves to mitigate his jaded cynism. He starts to actually believe his far-flung dreams might happen, so he plays far less defensively than on the other routes.
Claude is smart and charismatic („Logos“ and „Ethos“), his main problem is that nobody trusts him. This is a bit more dimensional than just a flaw though, because he hides his real goals (though they are not truly sinister) both to avoid fights with people who would oppose these goals (contrast Edelgard who declares her intentions openly and deals with the fallout, so she has to fight the knights whereas claude manipulates them) and get the chance to gradually convince them and reveal the truth once ppl agree, also he‘s more a tactician than a strategist and often changes his plans in accordance with what he thinks is doable under the circumstances, and not telling what his plans are gives him the freedom to do that – either way, a downside of that is that no one trusts him. He lacks credibility and, having shown up out of nowhere, has less loyalty and support. Byleth, as a chrch-sanctioned charismatic figurehead, naturally mitigates that.
Black Eagles 
Overarching Theme: Subverted Villain tropes. We have Emperor Evulz / mad science supersoldier, Black Mage classic,  Seditious Chancellor Junior, Sexy Mage, Eccentric Scholar, Pretty Barbarian, Fighting Obsessed Blood Knight and Antisocial Sniper
Composition: It‘s nobles all the way down, even the one commoner used to be famous and is from the capital where all the wealthy ppl live (as opposed to the decentralied alliance and the very spartan kingdom nobles) – The capital‘s a heaven for culture and sophistication but you also see the evident elitism/corruption/inequality problem going on. In keeping with Adrestia being more secular, Ferdinand‘s the only one who‘s explicitly stated to be a believer (in the Marianne support) and he‘s not even super devout
One should also appreciate the irony that the side with the ‚saintly‘ crests is now against the church whereas Faerghus, ruled by the descendants of Nemesis‘ former allies and where he used to have his stronghold are now fighting for the church. But should you go with the church route it also makes a kind of sense as they‘d be goig back to the empire‘s distant origins in a sense.
History:  They all vaguely know/ have heard of each other due to their parents being co-workers or living in the same town, many have at least met each other but at the same time they‘re not BFF like the Lions and many take a bit to warm up to each other.
Another thing of note is that while many of the Lions‘ families were also friends and have been associates since the days of Nemesis, many of the backstory connections for the adrestian studenrs would seem to predispose them to being foes rather than friends, half their dads‘ essentially dethroned Edelgard‘s and are various degrees of complicit in what happened to her siblings, Petra was basically taken hostage by the previous administration, Dorothea has good reason to have beef with the local rich people etc
Atmosphere: I‘ve seen some ppl who played the other routes first say things like how they were struck by how individualistic they are and how there‘s far less team cohesion, or how they „all seem to hate each other“ - I don‘t think that‘s correct assesment but they definitely are quirky, independent-minded or both. They scamper off in all directions when introduced and definitely don‘t bother with formal politeness or friendly facades, if they‘re annoyed with you most of them will probably say so. Even Bernie gives Ferdinand a lecture once XD They‘re basically goth. Though I do think it‘s sorely underappreciated that there definitely IS friendship and admiration between them esp. later in the story, admiration & appreciation being key factors especially since they‘re none too easily impressed.
Of course being independent minded makes it likely that they wouldn‘t blindly follow a leader who‘s up to no good, but it would make them just as suitable to participate in a rebellion
Another thing of note is that while the Kingdom nobles all learned to hold sharp objects in the nusery and many of the deer have street smarts or survival experience having had to live through tough circumstances most of the Eagles are complete greenhorns when you first deploy them – sure many have seen their share of effed up stuff but not in a warlike setting. And you have many of the sensitive/reluctant ones like Bernie, Linny and Dorothea. This of course could either make you think twice about the church sending them on missions or predispose you toward Flayns brand of pacifism.
Of course this just leads to Hubert and Edelgard (and to a lesser extent Petra) to clearly stand out as the experienced ones. El-chan and Hubie dear have most definitely killed a man before. The rest of them will definitely have to measure up to pick up the slack after the two of them leave.
The trajectory certainly goes differently, in CF they all return notably more confident after the timeskip (most notably with Bernie) perhaps in keeping with how Edelgard believes in & promotes self-reliance whereas in Silver Snow they never quite stop being like „AAAAA“ though I suppose the point is that they get their act together and do the deed regardless.
The Leader’s position: Absolute both in terms of power (sorry Ferdie) and dynamics. Definite ‚student council president‘ vibe, she largely interacts with them as a taskmaster/ to make them do their homework. She markedly doesn‘t like this and would like to be one of the bunch but genuinely finds it hard to step out of boss mode.
She does try her best to cultivate an equal atmosphere and for what it‘s worth most do drop the honorifics and tell her when they disagree.  
How this “flavors” part one: The emphasis is certainly on expositioning how much everything in the setting sucks especially on the church‘s horribleness, I mean in the end if she‘s essentially like „We‘ve all seen it this past year“ but of course there‘s also definite foreshadowing that sHE is up to something, there‘s certainly peeps who picked her ‚cause she‘s pretty and she looked more put-together/less obviously dodgy than the others but then didn‘t personal taste wise jive with her character. The whole scene after Jeralt‘s death is definitely a point where you either decide you hate her or love her forever; You get both „WTF“ and „I get it“ type of dialogue options.  
How this Ties into The Themes:
No matter what route yo pick you essentially get a story about going your own way and putting right what the previous generations done fucked up – wether they do this by leading Adrestia back to its holy origins, or by backing Edelgard‘s revolution.
On a political level they either go against their homeland or the previous administration, and personally they‘re all sorta expected to take over their parents‘s job and follow these expectations of proper nobility that they have no interest in and many of them renounce their titles or cut ties with their folks. Only Ferdinand particularly wants his fathers job and even them he means to do it very differently. The happy ending, for most of the eagles, is getting to choose their own paths
How does Byleth fit into this: 
Mostly, they shift the team dynamics from Edelgard as the absolute leader in a lofty, distanced position to her coming closer to being ��one of the group“ working under Byleth.
There‘s a reason she later names her elite troop the „Black Eagle Strike force“ in honor of their time at the academy. This is almost the bigger difference, because Byleth isn‘t there for the timeskip. The big change is caused by creating this situation where all the black eagles leave with Edelgard, so she knows she can trust them and having real allies needs the slithers less.
It‘s very hard for her to step out of boss mode for reasons ranging from her personality, backstory, monarch obligations and fear of vulnerability, but having Byleth be the boss for once helps. Some of her most formative experiences were a) Her family betrayed by almost all its allies including her own uncle b) being helplessly dragged around as a hostage. She wants to avoid being helpless ever again at all costs and thus grew to be a very proactive decisive adult which is mostly a good thing but can cause her tome come off blunt and unyielding at times. I mean when she‘s worried that Hubert, her best friend, is hiding some worrysome secret from her she‘s like „Tell me that‘s an order!“ and when he expertly sidesteps that (since he knows her well and understands that she wouldn‘t actually force it out of him) she‘s stumped and doesn‘t know how to tell him that she‘s worried about him – and this is a guy she knows since forever. With the other eagles she really looks out for them but can only really show it through her „leader“ persona, she has this one trick, and when it doesn‘t work (like with Caspar or Linhardt who don‘t really want anyone to boss them around or talk politics) she‘s stumped.
This is hugely mitigated when another person of her caliber shows up with whom she can share the responsibility or even leave it to them so she learns to allow herself to be soft and do stuff like admit her doubts, this starts with Byleth but also radiates into the other relationships. See Caspar and Linhard revising their bad first impressions of her later in the support chains
Further dynamics notes:
A recurring theme is being misunderstood (outright stated in the introduction and that one quote by ladislava – and also in the church route dialogues where Seteth says that „the people will never understand her ideals“ ) and finding someone who understands, which is different from Claude and Dimitri who ultimately want the world at large to understand and accept them. Edelgard has given up on that long ago - her version of the „pep talk“ scene implies she thinks its impossible to truly understand anothers sorrow – I like to think that after her siblings died she found great comfort in Hubert being „not much for condolences“ and talking plans rather than sympathies while everyone else was showing pity for something they couldnt understand. Dimitri is basically traumatized (he relates to Dedue about losing everything and thats why they‘re so tight knit), Claude is basically an outcast and relates to all that dont quite fit in, but Edelgard… yes her family‘s dead much like Dimitri‘s, but in addition to that, she has been through an indescribable science fiction fantasy thing that no one has any context for. She views herself as so altered that she considers herself a whole different person and her past self basically dead. Hence someone like Byleth or Lysithea who could relate to all that is very, very tempting to her – we‘re not told if that‘s the truth or just her perception though, Hubert doesn‘t note her being extremly different, and later on she kinda admids that she herself distanced herself from other people.
Likewise the ship dynamic is ‚birds of a feather‘. Edelgard tells you right away: She feels that she and Byleth are similar and is drawn to them because of that. It‘s not just the mad science background,  both are stoic natural leaders with a bit of a dorky side. This goes both ways – While others are often mildly stumped by Byleth, she can read them pretty well and gets a lot of dialoue like „wow you‘re telling the truth“ or „I can tell you‘re lying“ - that happens so often that it‘s even used to hint that she‘s the flame emperor.
If you had to name a dominant person it would probably be Byleth but overall this combination is disntinguished by being relatively equal and balanced. She likes having Byleth‘s support but repeatedly mentions wanting to support Byleth as well  - As she says after the big mock battle, „sometimes its better to have someone to rely on to support each other through the darkness“. Team dynamics wise they feel a similar niche – the abnormally powerful, stoic charismatic leader who inspires many followers and is a gifted field commander. When they‘re not allies they are foils after all. But as pointed out in their A support despite their similarities each of them have their own particular strenghts that the other envies – Byleth is a better tactician and ultimately better at moral support (though their time powers help). On the flipside, Edelgard is more proactive whereas Byleth struggles with that, and at least her 22 year old self probably has more raw strenght (judging by her stats total and how they‘re evenly matched in the church route reunion cinematic though she isn‘t using her preferred weapon)
If you don‘t marry her then the note the A support ends on would suggest that Byleth sorta gets adopted as a honorary big sister/brother with how El asks them to use her childhood nickname and just lampshading the sense of kinship between them – the platonic outcome is a family bond, which buils as much on similarity and alikeness as their romantic outcome
Plot wise, Byleth‘s presence gives Edelgard something that she wouldn‘t otherwise have: Reliable allies. This means not just Byleth themselves, but the other Black Eagles whom she feels are more firmly on her side as they never defended Garreg Mach from her assault. As she puts it when she tries to recruit you as the „Flame Emperor“, the slighterers will go around causinga strocities but with the sword of the creator on her side she could courttail that better and generally has less need to coorperate even for purely pragmatic reasons so she is free to weaken them ahead of time, kills Cornelia right away rather than work with her etc. Interestingly this is why the front lines are actually further back when Byleth returns than they are in the other routes, but then the war ends the quickest.  
Character journey wise, Edelgard goes from being convinced that she has to give up everything to be a tough leader to allowing herself to just be a person, cummulating in the ending where she pulls a washington/cincinatus, abdicates and gets a normal life.
In terms of leadership style, Edelgard has „Logos“ and „Pathos“ to spare, she‘s described as a remarkable leader who inspires remarkable devotion and has a cause/ rationale – but she‘s got her weakness with inspiring loyalty on an interpersonal level. The followers are loyal to the cause – Edelgard herself is perceived as unapproachable and shady/unsavory, see Dimitri‘s rant about how she‘s „strong“, or statements by herself and Ladislava that people tend to misunderstand her. As a superhuman science experiment she is by definition not a „relatable“ leader. So once Byleth proves trustworthy Hubert immediately puts them in charge of morale and of support/pep talking the reluctant recruits.
(In part II we‘ll get into decision making processes but I think here we have to separate by route rather than house since it’s most evident post-timeskip and dependent on plot events.)
Team Dynamics and Decisionmaking
Empire Route
Here, there is a very clear distinction between inner circle and outer circle. Edelgard and Hubert have their own thing going on and once you prove loyal, you’re in, and you get to see a whole different side to both of them, Edelgard lets down her guard, Hubert acts polite and sympathetic where he was previously suspicious and mocking, and they basically tell Byleth everything, including the unsavory pursuits that they keep secret from everyone else – but overall the secrecy, maintained for realpolitik reasons, never truly stops. Basically those three make all the decisions.
Notable is that if you’ve recruited Lysithea she hovers on the threshold between inner and outer circle. She was fed the cover story of the nuke being a church weapon (though she did’t buy it) but WAS told about the secret assault on Arianrhod. This is prolly cause Edelgard likes her, she can become her main advisor in their paired ending.
Kingdom Route
Dimitri describes himself as as someone who thinks change should come from the people and that the leadership should serve them, for all that he prefers to uphold the basic order of society, and this is reflected in his leadership style – though this also reflects that he is a ‚people person‘ rather than a planner, so the plans are left to his advisors like Byleth, Gilbert and Rodrigue. He is more the emotional/ spiritual lynchpin than the mind or will of the group.
In Azure Moon, especially later on, the decisions are really made by the entire group and you see them considering their next step together. Dimitri spills the backstory as soon as it comes up, telling everyone about his relationship with Edelgard for example.
In early part 2 this is at an extreme in that Byleth, Rodrigue and Gilbert are de facto making the decisions and Dimitri is at best a grumpy figurehead that they‘re putting up because they need him as a symbol, but at the same time he doesn‘t really compromise on his revenge obsession and is just dragging the whole team along/ not really reacting to how they are making him the lynchpin for their hopes. (though it is important to note that he didn‘t ask him too either – they decide to follow him out of friendship or loyalty to his house) yet inwardly Dimitri too is blindly following what he believes are his obligations.
A huge turning point is when he returns after the whole rain conversation and Byleth gets to ask him some variety of „What do you want to do“ in which Dimitri makes a step toward both inner and outer self-directedness, but precisely because of that becomes are more complete/better consensus leader.
I also want to stress that Claude and Edelgard LOVE togetherness and cooperation and equality as concepts every bit as much as Dimitri does they want to be one of the team but they find it difficult. And of course Dimitri’s style has its own flaws too
Alliance Route
While the Blue Lions decide everything together and either variation of the Black Eagles setup has an „inner circle“ that makes the decisions, in the Golden Dear that inner circle is basically just Claude.
Even Byleth doesn‘t find out his plans until part two, and it‘s later still till he comes clear with the team (and still doesn‘t reveal all but points to Cyril as a stand-in) Hilda and Lysithea are discernable as preferred right hand people, and Byleth and Marianne as special confidants, but in the end Claude rarely shows his real self and only he knows the plan. If Hilda and Lysithea pick up alot about him and his true self it‘s because of how observant THEY are and how much Hilda is basically a lot like him.
Claude does all the thinking and motivates followers (from Lorenz to the random merchans who support him) by promising them things they want – because even if he can‘t trust peopöle, he can trust their self-interest.
Church Route
Since you are with the church that is ideally a sort of benevolent parental authority under the supposition that people need guidance and that‘s a good thing it is perhaps fitting that though Byleth winds up the nominal leader, this is actually the route where they are more of a follower. They do watch Seteth says, who is doing what he believes is his duty and mission, and we have Flayn as an innocent, pacifistic voice.
They lost their dad, and the Nabateans are a sort of surrogate family. (wether its one that youre born into or marry into, the wiord „family“ is stressed) – they are the „inner circle“ making the decision and the empire kids, ragtag misfits estranged from their homes, follow. On the one hand they‘re going against their home country on the other they have the saint‘s blood and Adrestia USED to be church aligned so it also makes a kind of sense.
Among the Adrestian kids themselves, Ferdinand and Petra get a chance to shine as the ostensible leaders. They are stalward, competent leader-like people in CF too , but there they are more overshadowed by the much more experienced Hubert and Edelgard.  - Though when you think about it they are like „pure hero“ versions of them who were never forced to become as cold and pragmatic. Ferdinand, like Hubert, is a nobleman from a storied family who is proud of it but wants to fix its tarnished reputation from his corrupt father. Petra, like Edelgard, is a former political hostage who experienced hardship at a young age and worked her way up all on her own, being very serious and competent despite her young age. I prefer the version where they stay buds rly.
It‘s worth noting that Seteth, ‚Heir of Purpose‘, sees it as their families duty to protect Fodlan and is the only one really doing that – his brothers noped out, and Rhea, uneknowst to him, twisted „protect“ into „rule/subjugate“. One might question who gives him the right to decide things because his mom is magic but on the other hand he really is 100% benevolent and I see no sign that he has any greedy intentions especially in in Silver Snow, all the countries collapse and someone needs to keep order, he doesn‘t understand what the empire‘s doing and why just sees their agression and really is rising to the challenge of upholding peace because something needs to do something about the violence. He had withdrawn to protect his daughter but then in the end he‘s the last one who is really doing what Sothis would have wanted. He looks most like her too having the slightly darker, ‚spikier‘ hair.
Further Thoughts
I’m curious to see how Yuri, the Ashen Wolves, and Cindered Shadows compare/contrast to this and i theyll manage to make the dynamics sufficiently different so that its neither a carbon copy or a blabk mary sue ish superlative. 
I mean the other routes are so interesting to dissect because its a tradeof and all have their own flavor so really CS would do better to try to be “different” or, better yet,  “complementary” than “better” or “cooler”
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unravelling-the-world · 4 years ago
random thoughts related to kagepro (tw for depression?? death?? suicide ?? implied ?? im not sure and idk what else read at ur own risk)
well idk lately ive been thinking a lot and ik ive uh always (? since i can remember?) have been depressed (i mean...it started around age 12...i dont really remember much before that. most of what i remember are bad moments anyways. or very specific scenes. but they dont feel mine. if that makes sense. its like remembering the scene from a movie.  back on track i guess idk well lately ive realized i actually kin some characters and lately ive...been relating a lot to shintaro kisaragi fromkagepro. i mean its ok. there´s always been that specific similarity in us (after all, how many characters in anime are as related to coca cola as shintaro //and me,,im literally a coca cola addict lmao// well anyways. after some days, this lead me to thinking...to a hidden memory within my brain, i guess. I remember introducing my then best friends, to kagepro. one told me haha he´s like u bc the coca cola!! and i think i just laughed and smiled? i truly didn´t see it? i was sad sure, but i couldnt really relate to him. after all, i was the leader of my own little group of 12 year old weebs,right? (i was also 12 btw) i didnt personally dislike shintaro but i didnt rly see myself in him yknow? also i have loved ayano from ever since i have memory so idk like she´s one of my biggest comfort characters and its weird bc if she was ´´real´´ idk if i could date her or anything but im just glad she exists bc it somehow comforts me a lot yeah anyways ayano essay for another time lol. anyways at this age my favorite characters in kagepro were ayano and konoha ( i still love them a lot) thing is, at this point in my life i didnt know/wasnt aware i was transgender but i already kinda liked he/him pronouns so i roleplayed a lot. online. i roleplayed as konoha obviously lmao and actually one of my irl friends related to shintaro ?? and i think we may have roleplayed lmao and stuff.... she even had a facebook account named shin hikkikomori or smth like that. anyways fast forward bc after being 12 a lot of stuff happened obviously. and none of that relates to kagepro until quite some time. i will mention some items that dont really relate to kagepro but marked moments in my friend group that may be relevant later on. Around 2016)? Some of my closest friends changed schools (but we kept contact) yet i still had a big group at school. But it got fragmented along the way. 2017 i went to Japan and formed a new, different friend group with people that even today, are dear to me. When i came back, my friend group fragmented more. I kept contact with other members of the old group but one on one, not as a group anymore. 2018 we graduated, and i broke up my realtionship with one of my former best friends (2016-2018) 2019 was a year of change, and even though i was afraid and shit got weird, i was not doing too bad. i will skip that. Well. Im sure we all know 2020 was a trainwreck, shit happened. i had a villain arc. I lost my shit,definetely. Ups, downs, whatever. 2021 has not been too different. However, even through everything, in early 2020, i kept close relationships with my friend group. as the year moved forward and the restrictions started lifting ( thank you government very cool <3 //ironically obviously, this is the reason this shit wont go away//) some of my friends saw each other irl and stuff, or talked about stuff i didn´t understand/didn´t want to hear while on discord. I felt alienated. I felt empty. I got mad at a friend for the first time, for something he said. I ended up isolating myself. A friend celebrated her birthday. She invited me and never excluded me, asked me a lot of things and asked to virtually include me. But that would just make me feel more alienated, wouldn´t it? I told her it was ok, i didn´t go. Honestly, I felt like a bother. I didn´t want to bother. I wasn´t okay, but i didn´t want to bother anyone, so i isolated myself. I had a very bad breakdown. lasted weeks. When I recovered, it wasn´t the same. It felt like everyone else was closer, while i drifted away. I kind of recconected with some of my friends from Japan after this. In the vacations, i felt like i reconnected with some friends just to drift away again later. However, i never could reconnect with one of my best friends. She never really got mad at me or anything ( i think) but we don´t really talk much anymore. We used to talk daily, be it actual talking, memes, anything. I don´t think we´ve actually talked in weeks. There´s nothing I can do. This year, another friend had a birthday, but I was so disconnected from everyone I didn´t even care. I mean. It´s all broken now, isn´t it? The other day I just started wondering. When did I start relating to Shintaro so much? I had always been like this, hadn´t I? Who am I, actually? Why do I relate so much now? It´s not just about the soda. I had lost friends before, but I never really felt like that. Sometimes I feel like I´ve lost everyone. In a one year span I became a hikkikomori. About a month ago, when I entered classes, I was recognized as Shintaro pfp and I admitted to kinning him to people i´d never talked to before (on chat) // I decided to go apeshit idc anymore about what anyone thinks of me// I had fun. I think I must´ve posted on my stories, because two different people told me they were the ene to my shintaro. I appreciated it. i mean it´s kinda true bc now that i´m only on the pc they do bother me online and try to get me to open up or get better but sometimes the just annoy me lmao but also not bc they all have their own particular lives and they all seem to be doing better than me. Still, my classmates are very nice and inclusive. But it´s not like im close to any of them I guess. I´m just alone now. I´m fucked up man....I don´t feel real anymore. I don´t really know who I am. I guess that´s why I find comfort in seeing a part of myself in Shintaro? But when did i turn out like this? Why didn´t I relate when I was younger? Well, I hadn´t really lost any friends back then. I now know how painful that is. How lonely it is to be alone even when there is people around. idk. and i´ve always been quiet. introverted. shy. a loser. yet now whenever i meet anyone i try to idk connect? but i cant. i wish i could be more evil. maybe it´d just be easier if everyone really, truly hated me. maybe i´d get the strength to actually kill myself then. it´s weird. i really see myself in route xx shintaro. I know that´s fucked up because I know how it ends. but truly, i was trying. I was healing, i think i was going somewhere. and i was trying to keep my newly formed renovated friend group together. I really was trying to. I didn´t mind if we had sub groups on the big group, but we were all there for each other. I tried my best. I felt like i belonged. but now im alone again. and this time there´s nothing i can do. if something, i´ve made it worse. and i keep making it worse. it´s weird. when i first got into kagepro, both shintaro and ayano felt like adults. i thought they were really, really big. im older than them now. now i know theyre not really adults. i get it. i still feel 18. after all, these last two years have been taken away from me. i didnt waste them myself this time.  i feel like a rotten 18 year old...when i listen to lost time memory, i just...get it. i always liked the song. i thought the story was so cool. when it first came out.. i still remember. iwas there. i waited for it. i loved it. i still do, but back then, i just saw it all as some really great and cool song. now i feel like i really, really get it. i love it even more. im hiding away in all my memories. but what is my true heart? what do i really want? i don´t know, i don´t know... If I'm 'wise' then, I can't face forward; I have no reason to so, I'll rot away instead It would be nice if time could be turned back. Years may pass but I'll never die I repeat hopeful words to myself, even though I know I still won't be able to reach you. "It doesn't matter, just die already!" I said as I clutched my wrist, simply cursing it. Unable to do anything, I merely indulged myself in life. "If summer can show me dreams, then let's go to before you were taken away" The days where I hid my embarrassment are illuminating upon the atmosphere and burning my mind. If I'm wishing for a dream that can't come true, then I'll embrace this blurry past and have a dream which I don't wake up from and naturally seclude myself from the outside world. "But that means you can't even see tomorrow?" I don't really care 'bout that, so it's ok I stained my hands in order to kill these boring days I'm choosing "solitude" after all A rotten boy at 18 today too, prayed again while clinging on to your colored smile Underneath the blazing sun Asking "Somehow, please take me away instead of leaving like this!" and my murmuring breath was quietly stopped
I guess i just wish someone could actually help me. take me out of this hole. Maybe some kind of closure would be nice. It´s not the same, though. I don´t have enough bravery in myself to actually kill myself. Mostly because of guilt. I can´t take the guilt of dissapointing everyone. I don´t want my parents to get hurt. I don´t want my bunny to miss me. Yet i wish everyday for it to be over. Lately, half of my dreams have been in Japan, with many friends, some who i met there, some who have never been there. Yet my brain shows me the dreams before it was all taken away. I think one of my favorite parts of the day is dreaming. I like to sleep simply because I dream. And i sleep very few. mayb bc i hate myself? I still barely indulge in life. I do anything to stay distracted. If i think, it all goes to shit. it all does. like now. Heh. it´s funny. I guess no one is truly my ene, because no one actually knows how mentally fucked up i got these past months. No one knows how badly i´ve been treating myself and how badly i´ve been doing. Still, i can´t tell anyone but scream it into the tumblr void. No one has to keep up with my shit. No one has to take care of me. After all, it was I who chose solitude. It was me who kept them away. But I don´t get a second choice. I don´t get a change of routes if things go sour. And i guess I don´t get to get a mentally fucked up friend group where I belong for a second time. Once was good enough, wasn´t it? I.. Even when I wasnt as deep as i am now (again) into kagepro, ive always wanted to die on August 15. It holds meaning to me now as well. Every year I used to ask people to go out with me that day. I know im not brave enough to kill myself. I always hoped for a lil miracle i guess. Last year was the first year...I didn´t do anything. I just... I just hope this year i can make it. I hope the miracle happens this year....I can only hope......its too late for me to be saved, isn´t it? I never thought it´d be like this. I don´t get closure. I don´t get goodbyes. I am left behind on a world that keeps moving. I am nothing.
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bouquetwrites · 5 years ago
AU I cant think of a title for part 5
Alfonse and Kiran get to know each other better the morning after he moves in.
Upon rising from his slumber that morning, Alfonse sat up in the bed, stretching his arms behind his back. He looked to find that both the other couch and the floor in front of him were no longer occupied, meaning that Kiran and Julian had already woken up. As he moved to stand from his bed, he heard some noise coming from the kitchen, walking in to find Kiran standing over the counter, seemingly working on something. Her dark brown locks were slightly more disheveled than the previous day, which made the purple ends stand out a bit more. In a strange way, seeing her in that state drew him to her more, and he was baffled by this feeling. Quickly, she caught his attention when she lifted her head and saw him standing there.
“Oh, good! You’re up!” She spoke, smiling. “Question: do you like coffee? If you do, how so?”
It was then that he saw her standing before a machine that had a mug sitting underneath it. The aroma of the beverage being made was quick to hit him once he realized what she was doing, and it was a welcome scent for him.
“Coffee would be wonderful. I’ll take it with just some cream. ” He replied.
“Your wish is my command.” Kiran affirmed, turning her attention back to the machine. “So, how’d you sleep last night? Rascal didn’t hog the bed, did he?”
“Ah, you saw him…” The Askran chuckled, a hint of a blush rising to his cheeks. “No, he was very generous with the space we were given. In truth, it was nice having someone at my side throughout my first night here.”
“That’s good to hear.”
The two were interrupted by the sound of the dog in question climbing off the bed, walking into the kitchen and sitting in between them, his tail wagging as though he were expecting something as he looked up at Kiran. When she didn’t acknowledge him right away, he let out a quiet sounding bark in an effort to get her to do so.
“Rascal, I’m glad you’re using your inside voice, but we’ve talked about this.” She laughed. “You’ll get your breakfast once I’ve finished making my coffee… well, and Alfonse’s, too…”
“Oh, would you like me to feed him?” Alfonse offered.
“Knock yourself out.” Kiran answered. “His food is in the blue bag in the top right cabinet. Pour until you can’t see the bottom of his dish.”
He looked down at his bandaged hand, wondering how exactly he was going to be able to carry an entire bag of dog food with just one hand. He supposed he would just have to try as best he could, and pray that this wouldn’t end in disaster. He stepped towards the cabinet, opening the door and finding the blue bag in question. He went to grab it, noting that it seemed slightly heavier than he anticipated, and set it on the counter before him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rascal stand and quickly walk towards him, the wagging in his tail significantly picking up in speed.
He promptly picked the bag back up, setting it on the floor in front of the empty bowl. All he had to do now was figure out how precisely he was going to get the food into the bowl. Perhaps tipping the bag over and then lifting it back up once there was enough food in the dish would suffice? There was only one way to find out. He proceeded to lay the bag down on the side with the hole in it, allowing the pieces to fall into the bowl before picking it back up.
“Oh fuck, I am so sorry. I completely forgot about your hand.” He heard Kiran from behind him, sounding as though she was holding back laughter. “And I’m sorry if I forget in the future. Also, I promise I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at my own forgetfulness.”
“Ah, there’s no need to apologize so much. I understand.” Alfonse assured her.
“At least let me put the bag back for you.” She offered, approaching him and reaching her hand out for it. 
As she went to pick it up, she felt something on her hand, looking down to find that his own had brushed against it. Unbeknownst to her, he felt it too, and they both wondered if the other person noticed as they hid their blushing from one another. Their thoughts were soon interrupted by Rascal barging in between them, startled by his determination to not let anything get between him and his breakfast.
“I know he looks grown, but at his age, he’s technically still a puppy.” Kiran remarked as she returned the bag of food to the cabinet. “I guess he still has an excuse for acting like one.”
“Some dogs maintain that personality well into their senior years. Although that won’t be for quite a while, that could be a possibility for him.” Alfonse told her, taking his seat across from the kitchen at the counter.
“Did you have any pets back in Askr?” She asked, handing him the mug with his coffee.
“There would often be stray dogs and cats outside of the castle, but no. My father never allowed us to have such a companion. The closest thing we had to one was our messenger owl.” He explained.
“Your father sounds like a buzzkill.” Kiran bluntly told him, taking him by surprise as he nearly spat out his coffee. “I’m sorry, but I’ve always seen even the toughest of dads be swayed by animals.”
“Not him. His mindset was not one that could be changed so easily. It’s part of why he hasn’t spoken to my sister and I ever since we joined the Order of Heroes… which was almost a year ago.”
Upon hearing that, it was Kiran’s turn to be taken aback and almost choke on her beverage. She had friends that had gone significant amounts of time without coming into contact with their parents before, but it was usually the friend cutting the parent off for something they did; rarely was it the other way around. It angered her to hear that someone could be so nonchalant about their own kin like that; especially for something that other parents would be proud of. However, she didn’t want to show that to him.
“You have a sister?” She questioned in her attempt to change the subject. “What’s she like?”
“Ah, she’s quite different from me, actually.” Alfonse replied. “Despite that, we have a very strong bond. I think she would really like you.”
“How can you be sure?” Kiran inquired, arching one of her eyebrows. “You don’t know that much about me yet.”
“Perhaps, but I don’t believe that would matter to her. She loves meeting and getting to know new people.”
“And what about you? Do you not like those things?”
“I don’t dislike them, but it takes me longer to open up to others.” The prince confessed. “However, I wouldn’t mind if you told me more about yourself.”
“Oh?” Kiran wondered. “What do you want to know?”
Ah, right. Now that he made it this far, he had to think of a question. Well, he did have plenty of questions that he could think of, but he wasn’t quite sure which one he wanted to narrow it down to.
“Well, to start…” he spoke. “You asked me about my sister, so I’m curious. Is Julian your only sibling?”
“He isn’t!” Kiran replied. “I also have two sisters, one older and one younger. The older one is actually his twin!”
“Ah, how intriguing.” Alfonse enthused. “The thought of what having a twin would be like has crossed my mind before. Tell me more about them.”
“Well, let’s see… my older sister is named Iris, and she absolutely loves animals. She’s a veterinarian, so it’s safe to say they’ve had a pretty big influence on her life. Oh! She’s also getting married next spring!”
While Alfonse was still hesitant to open up to Kiran or her brother about many of the details concerning his life before they met him, he found it rather easy to listen to her tell him about hers. For him, it was a relief that once he told her that it might take him time to divulge into his past, she didn’t try to force it out of him. It was also nice that she didn’t seem to mind being the one to do most of the talking.
“My younger sister’s name is Leah, and she can be a pain in the ass from time to time. But in her defense, most people are like that in their teens. She wants to be a dancer when she finishes school, and she for sure has the talent for it.”
“I see…” Alfonse commented. “And what is it you do?”
“Well, right now I’m a teacher.” Kiran answered. “Whether or not I’ll spend the rest of my working years being one, I haven’t really decided yet. I studied photography when I was in school, and as much as I would love to just to be a photographer, I haven’t been that lucky.”
“Photography is kind of like instant portraits.” She explained. “Rather than sit and wait hours on end for someone to paint you or some type of scenery, they point a camera at the thing they want a portrait of, push a button, and voila!”
“And you teach others how to do this?” He followed up.
“Well, not just how to do it. If it were that simple, I wouldn’t have had to go to school for it.” Kiran joked. “There’s different types of photos that a person can take, so I show them what those types are, and give out common examples of each type. I also teach them about the history behind it all. If you want, I can show you sometime.”
Before Alfonse could accept or decline her offer, they heard a tiny click from the living room, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. The pair turned their attention to Julian as he stepped into the kitchen, covered in a layer of sweat with the front of his hair soaked and clinging to his face.
“Coffee smells good.” He breathed. “Did you make me some?”
“You were up long before either of us were, Mr. The Grind Never Sleeps.” Kiran told him. “You could’ve made your own coffee. Now, go shower before you stink up the apartment.”
“Ouch. It’s “the grind never STOPS”.” Julian playfully retorted.
Alfonse couldn’t help but laugh at their banter. He could certainly relate, as while he and Sharena wouldn’t often speak to each other in such a manner, there had been more than one occasion where such responses had crossed his mind. He was certain it had been that way for her as well.
Later on in the day, he accompanied the siblings as they took Rascal to the park. It felt nice to get some fresh air, and it helped that it was a gorgeous day outside as well. The temperature was comfortably warm, with the sun shining down on the park and making it feel more lively. He learned more about this particular part of this world from Kiran and Julian, like how days like today were rare during the spring for this particular part of this world. It made him appreciate its beauty even more.
The prince couldn’t pinpoint why precisely he felt this way, but sitting at the picnic table chatting with Julian while they watched Kiran and Rascal play fetch put him at ease. Perhaps his time here would be an enjoyable one.
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the-worst-fe-player · 5 years ago
So after that tag game I wanted to talk about my oc more so here is my first three houses oc. I'm just gonna say some stuff about her as I'm still developing everything
Name: Ceres von Nestor
Date of birth: April 7th
Age: 16 pre time skip. time skip 21
Hight: 5'7 pre time skip 5'9 time skip
Sexuality: bi
House: golden deer
Class: dark flyer
Things shes good at: reason, faith and riding
Budden talent: flying
Crest: she has one but its unknown. Effect: often consvue the use of all magic and healing spells and after combat damage everyone (including unit)within 2 spaces by 25% of there hp
Were she lived before the adamy and what she did: were she came from originally is unknown but she lives in small village on the outskirts of the alliance. it has a large farm (think star dew valley, small town where everyone has there own thing with a massive farm that provides the food). before the attack her father made and fixed clothes and would trade with travelling merchants when they came so they lived a comfort quite life. After that attack which killed her father and burned her home she was adopted by the poeple who ran there farm were she learnt self defence magic and helped run the farm and when she got older she would sometimes ride out the merchants to sell the goods.
Things shes bad at: sword, archery and heavy armour
Supports: all the golden deer students, byleth, Petra, edelgard, ashe, hanneman and hapi
Supports that go to a: claude, Lorenz, Raphael, lysithea, Marianne, edelgard, ashe, hanneman, byleth
Supports that go to b: ignatz, hilda, Leonie, Petra, hapi
Romantic endings: claude, Raphael, Marianne, edelgard, ashe and byleth(male and female version)
Platonic endings: Lorenz and hanneman
And lysithea could be read as romantic or platonic.
Biological mother ~ ? ~ ? ~ ceres knows nothing about her not even if shes alive or not
Biological father ~ dead ~ commoner ~ killed when ceres was 8 during an attack on the village he blocked ceres from a sword attack which then hit him killing him instantly.
Mia Gloucester (adopted mother) ~ alive ~ commoner (former noble) ~ the younger sister to Lorenzs father she was born with no creast and didn't see a life of happiness if she stayed a noble so she faked her death when she was 20, telling nobody but her brother and her future wife what happend. because she had no creast and wasn't active in politics her house barley took notice. Thats when she and her wife moved to the Village and ran the farm. Later in years she took pity on the newly orphaned ceres and adopted her at first it was because she felt sorry for her and having an extra pair of hands around the farm was nice but she quickly came to love her as if she was her own child. She taught ceres both reson and faith magic for self defense but when they learnt about Ceres abnormal Crest she knew that they needed to find answers before she hurt herself or somone she loved. Using the money she had stolen before leaving her house and her brother she managed to get ceres into the offers academy warning her not to tell anyone that she is alive not even her cousin.*sorry I wrote so much about mia I got a bit carried away sorry*
April (adopted mother) ~ alive ~ commoner ~ a former knight in the Gloucester army she was injured in battle which left her hands to shakey to wield the bow like she use to and she became deaf because of this she was fired but before that she got close with mia and quickly fell in love she saw how unhappy she was as a noble so she helped fake her death and they escaped to the village on horse back and took over the farm that was left in her uncle's will. After Ceres was taken in she taught her horse back riding and tried to teach her the sword but because of Ceres trauma around swords she never pushed it.
Lorenz (cousin through adoption) ~alive ~ noble ~ you will have to wait and see what Lorenz and Ceres realship is like ;)
Likes: animals, clothes, flying
Dislikes: meat, swords, mysteries
Favourite tea: mint tea
What skills you need to recut her: res and horse back riding
Religious belief: follower of the church but has a complex relationship with it
Personilty: she is very out going and not afraid to speak up on her beliefs dispite that she holds many secrets and doesn't like people trying to get into her business. She quick to judge and to stubborn to change her mind but also trys to show kindness unless someone pisses her off. Hates violence to anyone but understands using it when needed but still would rather sort it out with words. Pre time skip she more extroverted but in the time skip she more introverted and doesn't let anyone in (meaning she cant start any more support chains and only grow existing ones). Incredibly curious about everything and will sometimes go over the limits to find out information.
What she looks like (made in picrew credit here )
On the left pre time skip on the right time skip
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Also please imagine the clothes on the left is the offers academy uniform. In the time skip she wears a plad shirt and black trousers with brown boots and in battle she wears the typical dark flyer uniform over the top. That mark on her face was caused during the attacked when she was young as she was hit with lightning.
So Idk if this is any good if anyone has anything to say postive or negative please let me know this was really fun and if anyone has questions about her please let me know I'm hoping to develop her more lol. But yeah thanks for reading ^_^ and if anything doesn't make any sense please let me know sorry
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keis-simping-disaster · 5 years ago
The Babysitter pt. 2
Hey, it's me. I'm sorry for the long ass delay
Warnings: I guess underage, starker, smut, mature language, whatever you might find offending? I guess I dont know nor care.
Let's get into it now
Link to part 1
The two turned and smirked at eachother once the door closed, they had no prior knowledge of eachother but they knew in due time that they would have eachother somewhere in the apartment, having a real pleasurable time. However, neither Peter nor Tony knew when, they had the whole weekend to themselves since May went on her trip.
Tony looking around the apartment checking what there was to do and make for food throughout his stay, before turning to Peter. "So Pete, what would you like to do?" The first thing that came to Peter's mind was you but his mouth just spewed out the words, "maybe something to eat?" Tony nodded looking kind of disappointed but he would never let Peter know that. He then picked up his keys and motioned to the door, "let's get going then, because I cant cook to save my own life without it tasting like trash or being burnt that it's just ash." Saying this caused Peter to snort, which caused Tony to look at Peter who was blushing and covering his mouth, "alright, whatever that was Pete, that was adorable." Saying that cause him to blush even more that it went below his shirt collar.
During their entire lunch at a diner, Peter and Tony talked about interests and dislikes. Tony mainly flirting wanting to tease and make him squirm in desire. When the two got home, Peter was rock hard in his jeans, luckily he wasnt to noticeable cause he wasnt too endowed in size in that department, nor did he really care, he was into dominant guys and rather bottom, which he had the best bubble butt for, but he never had a partner yet he knew what he wanted. When the two entered the apartment, Peter sensed the vibe around Tony had changed from the first time, it was more dark and hungry. When he turned to look at Tony, he only caught a glimpse of a big bulge in the ripped skinny jeans of the other boy before Tony's lips were pressed against his. The kiss was anything but sweet, it was rough with primal lust and the scratch of his goatee. Tony's hands started at his hips when Peter didnt pull away they moved to his ass that hes been eyeing since he met him. Peter, although shocked at first started immediately kissing him back just as rough, loving the feeling of Tony's facial hair rubbing his skin red. When he felt the older boy's large hands on his ass he moaned and pushed back against them, filling Tony's hands with more of that soft round flesh.
Tony felt how turned on Peter was by the way he was trying to hump his leg and press his ass into his hands at the same time. Pulling away from the kiss, tony murmured against his lips, "you want me baby boy? Cause I want you, gonna ruin you for anyone else with my big cock~" That practically had Peter moaning in want and almost rolling his eyes back, it was all so new, but he wanted it so bad. Just managing to speak, he looks at Tony, eyes blown with lust, "God yes"
With that, Tony picked up the 16 year old Peter, and carried him to his room, with directions. Once in the room he practically threw Peter onto the bed before climbing onto it over him. He pulled the push pink lips into another deep kiss and ran his hands under Peter's shirt, dragging his calloused pads of his fingers across the sensitive nipples. Causing Peter to gasp and arch his back, "fuck Tony, that feels good. Love your big rough fingers on my nipples." Smirking tony pulled away and pulled off Peter's shirt in one felt swoop, leaving Peter confused for a second before Tony starting kissing, licking and nipping and the boys sensitive buds. Once done with his administrations to both of them, he pulls away sitting up on his haunches. Below him he sees a panting Peter, hair messy from his own hands with hickeys on his chest, collarbones, and neck, his lips swollen and bitten and a deep blush down to his chest. Everything seemed perfect to Tony which turned him on more. He got off the bed to pull off his own clothes after removing Peter's pants and boxers, seeing luscious pale skin, practically hairless, a hard little cocklet leaking and pink, and perfectly kissable thighs he'd like to mark up a little later. Tony decided to tease peter by stripping unbearably slow, causing him to whine in need. "You need to use your words baby. Daddy cant possibly know what you want." Peter blushed impossibly more, and spoke gently but in need, "I want you to hurry up and fuck me daddy." Hearing peter refer to him as daddy made Tony even more hard if possible, and threw his clothes off as fast as possible letting his cock spring out before slapping him in the stomach. Seeing the length and girth of Tony's cock had Peter's hole clenching in want but his jaw went slack and eyes widening, "h-how big?" Smirking Tony replied, "oh just a nice 10 inches. I'll be gentle on you baby~" peter was left practically drooling and moaned just at the knowledge. Tony taking this as a go ahead got on the bed again and carefully turned peter onto his stomach and hiked up his butt so it was in the air. He saw his perfect bubble butt on full display, and pink virginal hole. Unable to resist Tony leaned in and gently bit onto the round mound of flesh and began sucking hickeys. After being satisfied with his art Tony decided to stop teasing a little bit and licked to Peter's hole, causing him to gasp at the new weird feeling of Tony's tongue against his rim. Moaning when he pushed his tongue in and exploring as far as he could.
After Tony deemed his hole was wet and stretched enough for his finger he pulled away and spit on his fingers, 3 to be exact, before pushing the first in. New to the intrusion, Peter gasped and moaned, he felt it be still for a moment before starting to move in and out and curling against his walls. Pretty soon after that a second finger entered Peter's little hole and he winced slightly at the small stretch but began moaning when the fingers thrust into him deeper and suddenly he let out a scream and came when Tony hit his prostate. Tony slowed his movements with his hand to keep him stimulated but not too much it would hurt, "such a good boy. Cumming on daddy's fingers" he smirked as Peter rode out his high. Once back in touch of reality Peter pushed back against Tony's fingers that were still inside him "keep going, p-please."
Tony still very horny kept going addthing the third finger slowly, he knew it felt good but wanted to make sure he didnt overstimulate peter. After a little while he felt that peter was stretched enough he lubed up his cock and lined up with Peter's hole that was clenching around nothing and slowly slide in, holding back on ramming in and fucking him like a bitch in heat. Peter let out a long moan when Tony's cock slide in with ease, immediately he knew he was addicted and practically drooled when he bottomed out.
Tony looked down at peter and saw a small bulge in his stomach showing just how deep he was in his boy now. Seeing it made him growl in possessiveness, "look at that pete, I'm so deep in your small body I can see it. I'll ruin you for anyone else~." Peter looked and blushed deeply seeing the bulge as well, "n-no dont want no one else." With that came a smirk from Tony who began to thrust slow but deep into Peter. Immediately peter clung onto the older boys shoulders and wrapped his legs around his waist, loving the feeling of being full and stimulated. Speeding up Tony let out a groan of pleasure feeling how tight Peter was still around him even after fingering him wide open, he knew he wouldnt last long especially when peter was making those high pitched cute moans which gave away how close he was already too. Without warning peter suddenly came having been sensitive from his first orgasm a little bit ago, causing him to clench around tony tightly. Tony moaned loudly at the feeling and started to lose himself in chasing his own pleasure, he started speeding up even more and thrusting even harder into Peter's prostate hes been gently grazing the whole time. Screaming in pleasure Peter's eyes rolled back as well as his head as he arches his back off the bed. Taking his chance as hes fucking into peter as hard as he can he bites his neck to leave a dark mark of teeth but not breaking the skin and cums deep in the boy who came for the 3rd time with him. Slowly riding out their orgasms none of them said a word and just mutually kissed and caught their breaths. Coming to a stop tony didnt pull out just yet as he panted against Peter's bruised up neck, Peter brought a hand up Tony's neck and into his hair to pet him with praise, his voice too broken to speak. Tony slide out of peter after a couple minutes and laid next to him, sweat covering both their naked forms and glistening in the dim light. Peter was the first to speak after a long comfortable silence to catch their breaths, "that was really good." Tony agreed with a hum already starting to doze off from using all his energy, Peter then spoke again cuddling Tony by laying his sweat matted head on his chest, "I think I'm in love with you already." Tony took a moment to answer as he wrapped an arm around peter to bring him closer even if he was hot, "I love you too, you're gonna be mine forever." Smiling peter closed his eyes and they both fell asleep, happy and together as boyfriends.
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lovingumi · 4 years ago
who are your top 5 faves and why hehe
oooo i’ve been waiting for this one! i’m just gonna do two top fives, one for haikyuu and one just overall! i feel like you’ll definitely see what kind of person i am because of these, so that’s pretty fun! it became pretty damn long and it’s a lot, to be honest. so i get it if you just skip this entire thing! and thank you for asking this!! when i say i love interacting with you guys </4
1. my lil baby bokuto kōtarō!!
i didn’t necessarily have a favourite in haikyuu until he showed up and i was like ‘yeah, he definitely has my heart’ i just kinda aspire to be like him? he has this endless positivity and works so hard to keep up with everyone and just go against the strongest! he enjoys what he does so much, and i hope i’ll be just as happy as him. his lil emotional outbursts always have me laughing and just 🥺 evertime and i just wanna tell him that he did amazing and i’m so proud of him!!! i could literally write an entire book about him right now and i’m really holding back, because there’s so much more to him than his lil mood swings!! but let’s just keep it at this, hm! 
2. miya atsumu
my lil misunderstood baby!! the second i saw him in the anime, before i had even read the manga, i was dead ass already head over heels with him. people dislike him and discard him being the best setter canon, just because he’s a lil threat? i don’t even know why people dislike him. this guy is a whole five year old with just lots of confidence. he genuinely does not care that people dislike him, because he knows his worth. another thing i hope to have. this lil baby starts making mistakes just because he started getting excited!!!! ain’t that just the cutest lil thing ever 🥺 i just find him so funny and amazing!! the sangwoo jokes are also kinda getting old guys, please
3. hinata shōyō
now this one right here- he’s overlooked even when he’s loved so much. he’s insanely versatile and just so much fun to watch. he’s the real definition of starting nowhere to ending up everywhere. i can only wish to have even a sliver of his determination and motivation, because i have none of that haha </3 but no, he’s pretty interesting! people kinda overlook the fact that he’s selfish, but selfish in a good way. d’you really think he helps all these other guys because he wants to be a lil nice? i mean yeah, that plays part in it, but he’s helping them so they can get better and he’s going against stronger people. he wants them to get better for his own reasons, and i think that that isn’t wrong at all. being selfish isn’t always bad, it can benefit you without hurting anyone y’know. and he’s just my lil baby sunshine who i can always come back to.
4. kita shinsuke
i genuinely don’t know how and why he’s in my top five- i’m just gonna improvise this one and just talk some bullshit. kita is someone who does what needs to be done and cares about the people around him. he shows respect and basically has no regrets. he’s a gentle soul and like i said before, he’s basically the word ‘serenity’ in my eyes. if you’re with him, then you’ll probably just feel at easy and so comfortable. being around kita shinsuke means feeling like you’re on a cloud with a gentle smile on your face. and that’s probably the reason why he’s one of my comfort characters.
cant choose, so- honourable mentions!
i know, i know this isn’t right. but i genuinely can’t choose another favourite, so for this one i’m just gonna do a few honourable mentions sjdndn. i think kageyama tobio is among my favourites. he’s just this little dork who only knows volleyball and believe it or not, he’s the one with the most back handed compliments and maybe even hate. my lil baby deserves none of that and i just wanna hug him all the time while he tells me about how important a first step is while setting <33333 udai tenma for no reason. kozume kenma has all the vibes i love. which is weird because he’s basically the opposite of bokuto in some way- he just seems like someone who would accept you, no matter how you look or act like sometimes, you know? if you pique this guys interest, then you know you’re in it for the long haul. goshiki tsutomu, semi eita, tendō satori, sakusa kiyoomi, komori motoya and iwaizumi hajime also join the list of ‘we don’t need a reason, we just make her feel 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋’
1. bokuto kōtarō haikyuu
he’s just- i already explained why partially but i’ll just add a lil more here! bokuto kōtarō is very much aware of himself. he knows that if something on the court happened to him, he’d just start hitting out of bounds or against the net, he knows his being coddled by his team, he knows he can be a bit oblivious and you know what! he doesn’t care!! he isn’t insecure about it and doesn’t feel bad, because there’s no reason to be! kudos to fukurōdani for that too, i love them for not trying to change bokuto <3 but i’m a very, very emotional girl, it’s kinda sad how easily i cry so i just bond to the characters who are emotional too. they make me feel like i can cry as much as i want, and they’d either cry with me, or hug me warmly and that just makes me so happy!
2. nakajima atsushi bungou stray dogs
god, the amount of love i have for this one- he’s one of protagonists that people love to call whiny, a cry baby, boring or useless. atsushi’s trauma might not seem big for you, but it is for him. he has been called these things for his entire life and has been used as an experiment, of course it’s going to haunt him for an insane long part. he’s just a realistic representation of how some people with trauma can be. but he’s trying to move on and trying to save people just like he was saved. he’s constantly trying to prove that he deserves to live, when there’s no reason for him to do that. and i kinda relate to that? i just want to give him all the love i have.
3. rengoku kyōjurō kimetsu no yaiba
this one- just twenty and i know that he would be the older brother to everyone in the anime universe, even if they’re older than him. he also gives me insane bokuto vibes he has such strong beliefs and always tries to protect the weak, no matter what. his father abandoned him, but that didn’t stop him from following his dream of becoming a demon slayer. he trained and taught himself into becoming the level of a hashira which is basically like the top 3 aces in haikyuu, simply said. he took care of his little brother when his father didn’t and told him things like when no one would support or believe in him, that he would be there and support whatever path he decides to walk. “stand tall and be proud. no matter how weak or unworthy you feel, keep your heart burning, grit your teeth and move forward. if you just curl up in a ball and hide, time will pass you by. it won't stop for you while you wallow in your grief.” the way he called me out with this one- no but i just admire him.
4. levi ackerman shingeki no kyojin
so basic, i know i know.. i don’t really feel the need to explain this one, it’s just pretty self explanatory. he’s seen everyone go and always survives alone. he’s called humanity’s strongest and last hope. do you know how much of a bagage that is to carry in such world? he had to make decisions, knowing that it would cost so much lives. he just deserves to go home, drink a cup of tea and close his eyes without feeling the need to always look around himself.
5. midoriya izuku boku no hero academia (contains spoilers)
now imagine seeing your role model in their real form, telling you, a quirk less kid who has been bullied to almost death, that you can be a hero. i would cry for days, honestly. let’s also not forget training for an entire year, moulding your body beyond its limits and getting a quirk that’s much bigger than you originally thought. and it’s not even one quirk, but around seven or eight you’re getting!!! you’re carrying so much responsibility along with all these things and people expect you to be this badass guy who carries no emotion. please- i fucking love my baby izuku and all his emotions included. i do not accept any slander for any emotional character on this blog <3
honourable mentions!
after reading the manga, i can say with confidence that bakugou katsuki is one of my favourites. i relate on another level to tamaki amajiki, my shy lil baby. khun aguero agnes, ah yeah, i love him. i finished the anime, but i have yet to finish the webtoon. kamado tanjiro is my favourite protagonist and no one can change that <3 hange zoë hange zoë hange zoë the love of my life!!!
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years ago
Charmed 02x02 Review
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Y'all part of me just can't. Like the excitement and energy over this last episode is too much to keep inside. I am super ready to burst and super excited for episode 3. But I am just gonna say that overall I thought this episode was superb 8/10 only because I am saving my 9 and 10. But if I could I'd give it a 9 out of ten. There was only like a couple things I was nitpicky about and it's pretty standard tv logic stuff that most people overlook so dont come at me for it. So I am just gonna start like I always do except I cant just pick 3 likes and dislikes so I am just gonna list my likes some of the nitpicks and then some episode highlights.
Things I liked:
1. Hacy development
So no secret I am a hacy fan and I pretty much love any hacy content the show will give us but I really thought the show did so well this episode.
Originally, I thought the show was going to explore Macy's feelings through Dark!Harry, and in a way they have revealed them using Dark!Harry (Season 1 ended with us not sure if Macy felt anything for Harry, but knowing he had some feelings for her). I was worried there may be less hacy moments because they would keep most of the interaction between Dark!Harry and Macy. Even had me scared that Macy may be falling for Dark!Harry and not Harry proper. But no, they gave us Genuine Hacy.
The awkwardness of the interactions after the dream. That car ride was hilarious with the map and the radio (harry is still super at comedic relief in club and in car)
Harry's concern over having done something wrong
The looks when checking each other out.
Making each other laugh and encouraging each other.
Harry trying to save that witch and Macy being concerned by what it would
"I know Harry"
I mean it wasn't just tension. There was some fluff thrown in. Harry telling her to celebrate the victories and looking at her proudly. Which brings me to item 2.
2) I love what rupert does with his eyes between the two Harrys. Real harry (as macy put it) is so harmless looking. Those puppy eyes are adorable and rupert makes sure to have then turned up all the way when being real harry.
The only time Dark!harry makes soft eyes (well sort of) is the first time we see him with Macy, the initial moment in episode 1, and then when Maggie goes for a hug in this episode. He is just so taken off guard by the affection that his pretending-to-be-Harry-face slips and his eyes kind of go wide and they arent so narrowed and focused. Which makes me think he has not been hugged often or at all . . . That's sad. Then the switch when Maggie backs away. The eyes narrow again and he gets all mean. Just love that rupert can do things like that to give both characters distinctive enough feels that you can tell that dark!harry is acting.
3) Mel and Maggie bonding
So I really do hope that we get some Macy and Mel bonding, but I am happy anytime the show can deepen the bonds between the sisters. Maggie and Mel have a bit of a complicated relationship even though they grew up together. I mean especially from this episode we see and remember that Mel was the big sister for most of her life. She protected Maggie and seems to have acted like a second parent. It is sad that there dad really just turned out to be a bad dad. No reason behind it no, issues with Marisol other than apparently the ones he created on his own (which I will get into on my nitpicks). The fact this was just a loss for Maggie, and not just a loss as in she was the only one to feel something when Ray died but a loss of memories she thought she had and an idea of who her dad (a piece of her past), was sad but it actually gave us further insight into mel and Maggie's dynamics. First season we knew the rift between mel and Maggie was over Mel's obsession with and Mel's expectations of how Maggie should have acted and behaved. I think a lot of us chalked it up to Mel being controlling and having the oldest child attitude, but I think now we see there is more there. Mel seems to have spent a lot of time protecting Maggie and biting her tongue about certain aspects of thier lives and in a sense making sacrifices for her. So it makes sense she would expect the same from Maggie, but at the same time Maggie didnt know, and even if she did thise were Mel's choices and Maggie doesnt owe her anything for them.
Knowing that we can see how it is so easy for riffs to form between them which make the start of this season make more sense to me. Because Maggie wants to live her life and is a trusting and positive person. Mel expects a certain level of loyalty and commitment and has a different idea of what that looks like compared to Maggie. On top of there general personality differences it makes sense they all that would culminate into a rocky relationship prone to communication difficulties and tifs. But I love that they are starting to acknowledge those things and rebuild. Last season it was them just getting over feeling abandoned by each other after the death of Marisol. This exposed deeper roots of the initial rift. I liked that.
4) I love that the Maggie and Mel still have Magic and even though though the active powers are gone they arent defenseless. They just need to be resourceful. I actually like this a lot and I feel gives the writers a lot of room to play with creative ways for the ladies to save other witches.
5) demon lore!!!! Okay so while season 1 seems mostly thrown out the lore actually explains season 1 demons better.
One of the issues I had was that there did not seem to be a synchronized front with the demons and they never explained why even though Alistair claimed to be a hotshot the only people he had working for him was his family.
In the OG in first season before lore got expanded) demons and witches werent organized. Demons sort of acted on thier own for thier own purposes and witches seem mostly solitary except for occasional get togethers on important events. Later on in the series demons got an organization system (triad) then later one ruler (the source of all evil). Witches seem mostly solitary except for now the elders who assigned white lighters watched over them and placed rules on magic. I dont think people really remember the drastic shift in lore and the plot holes OG had because we generally liked the places it was going. So I am kinda on that page fro the reboot.
It flipped the script. Witches are or were the organized bunch both self ruling and ruling over the magical community. Demons were at war with each other and all had different agendas so makes sense that the Caines were mostly on thier own.
I like this idea of there being different general types of demons and a hierarchy. I do wonder if that will limit then in the long run, but assuming they can be creative with the categories they have defined I am not too worried. I am excited to get more info on demons now.
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6) the new love interests. I love Mel's new love interest. So different from Mel and her previous love interests. I reserve judgment until we get more interaction but I am liking her so far. Jordan is interesting I am actually liking the build up of thier relationship and will be nice to see maggie start off slow and make friends with him first. I wasnt a huge parkerita fan but I did not dislike the ship. But one of my general blehs is love at first site between teens. The way parker and Maggie began was just off putting to me but they were nice together when they were together honestly. This will be a good venture into perhaps an adult relationship or at least on that doesnt begin with as much drama. That said she is dead and will have to hide her identity from him soo....
Now on to the nitpicks:
1) Ray's characterization.
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Okay so I dont mind that Ray turned out to be just a crap dad. It happens. But there are things we know that Ray probably didnt that makes us wonder why marisol even got with him and married him.
A) we know Marisol continued an affair throughout her marriage to Ray. Even assuming Ray was just a crap husband and father, why did marisol get with him and marry him if he was so good at alienating everyone he met. I wouldnt think he was just a one night stand that Marisol decided she would have to marry after getting pregnant. I would think she would be above that.
B) did he even know about magic. Was his whole relationship and life with Marisol and the girls just based on secrets, ignorance, and not being around?
I mean for B it is fine if it was I just would like to know for sure what it was versus just guessing. But I assume like Maggie I am just gonna have to move on from this
2) the house lights and the job application.
Okay how does the house have power and and water without the city noticing? How can maggie apply for a job with no social security number? I mean I assume because she is dead she cant use her real info. Or she could but wouldnt that make it easy for demons who may think to infiltrate government records to find them? I mean this is a nitpick and can be explained away by Magic, but still it was on my mind.
3) the mysterious figure at the end. Okay y'all, I assume it is Dark!Harry. But the more I thought about it, the more I got angry that they didnt show his face. Basically, that is leaving room that it could be someone else like one of the other new love interests or someone we havent met yet. I dont like that. If it is Dark!Harry we've already met him and know he is after the girls so most likely would be working with the demons. So showing him wouldnt be a big deal. But keeping the figure hidden means leaving that door of possibilites open. This has me paranoid now. Again nitpick. I'll get over it. Some people might like that.
Episode Highlights:
Comic relief Harry. Getting knocked down when orbing into the club and not being able to hold a map.
"I'll put a hex on you."
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"I'm formidable!" You tell him!
Harry's wonky orbing in general. so confused so turned about.
Maggie being able to tell that Dark!Harry was not Harry. "Those are Harry's charges and family you cant fool them ya creep!!!"
Invisible mel putting a shovel to the side of Dark!Harry's face. "Yess!!!!"
Harry's puppy dog eyes when Macy says all she needs is a look to know who the real Harry is
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First things first, I’d like to thank not only God but also Jesus. Secondly, I feel like I’m about to faint. Thirdly, hELL TO THE FUCK YEAH!!!
I’ll go in order of the team itself, that means we’re starting with Ruby!
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First thing I noticed is the fact that Ruby has gloves now. Not just any gloves, fingerless gloves. Call me a dork but I find that incredibly badass, and having them makes sense because, you know, Atlas is freezing. Secondly the baby has shorts now, thank GOD. Anti upskirt technology can only take you so far and now this is an actual practical combat skirt. Also belts. Lots of belts happen. Ruby’s wearing some sort of undershirt under her corset now! That’s awesome, she won’t get cold from that open section of her clothes anymore! Her boots look a lot more practical to, no more stupidly long laces that’d make taking them on and off really hard, especially in the snow. Also she’s wearing tights again like in V1 which is a nice callback to that! I do NOT however like how the shading is very heavy around her right eye because I have the feeling that implies something really awful since nobody else had shading that strong or concentrated. Ruby please keep both your eyes this volume I beg of you-
What I also don’t like is apparently her hair looks like that not because of wind but her hair does change this Volume which is going to kill me because due to either my Asperger’s or ADD (I’m not sure which is the culprit) significant changes in appearance give me headaches and/or anxiety, I felt it to some degree with the software shift but Ruby was the one that didn’t trigger this because she looked pretty much the same and her hair has been the one constant in design and now she’s Cloud Strife and it’s very upsetting to my subconscious
Ahem, anyways, onto Weiss!
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Okay there are a lot of more important elements then this but I’m weak so first things first; SHE’S REPLACED ALL THE SAPPHIRE IN HER OUTFIT WITH RUBIES
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THAT ISNT SUBTLE RT AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR IT The second biggest change is her hair which is now in a braid. This is gonna take some getting used to and is going to make drawing Weiss so much harder oh my god I CANT DRAW BRAIDS RT WHY DID YOU MAKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVEN HARDER TO DRAW?? Okay moving on, I find it interesting that she’s not wearing tights or leg coverings of any kind, then again she’s an Atlas native so she can handle that. Also I love her boots, you can’t see a lot of them ‘cause rose petals and Ruby but they look suuuper cool! I love Weiss’s puffy sleeves and ESPECIALLY love how her emblem is on her shoulder now instead of a target on her back, nice symbolism hinting at the direction she’s gonna go this volume. I’m not sure how I feel about the gloves, it’s probably the fact they’re black that’s making me feel a tad uncomfortable, those things give me war flashbacks of Iris Heart... Weiss has belts for days. Belts for weeks. Belts for millennia.  Where’s her Scarf? D:
Okay onto Blake
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Okay i’ll start with the elephant in the room, I’m actually not particularly fond of her haircut, I mean for starters it doesn’t make sense for her to get a haircut considering where they’re going is colder and she would need the extra warmth. I don’t quite know why I don’t like it, probably a combination of my natural dislike of significant change and the fact that it seems Blake has lost those adorable curls on the sides of her hair, you know the ones. 
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Most likely it’ll grow on me when we see it in maya, I mean they wouldn’t have made this design choice if it actually looked bad in show and some of the fanart has made me like the idea more and more, I trust the CRWBY on this one. Blake doesn’t know how belts work but that’s fine sweetie Weiss has enough correct belts for all of us Okay her shirt is actually gonna be a big problem for Cosplayers, not because it’s complicated but because the design is meant to have a broken zipper, if the bottom part of your zipper unclasps then that’s it, you’re stuck in that shirt for the rest of your life because you can’t unzip it, you can pull the zipped up bits apart to try and get out but that’ll just leave you with wherever the zipper pull is completely and utterly stuck forever and at that point you just need to cut yourself out of the shirt. Bottom line, Blake honey please fix your zipper just looking at it gives me anxiety. Okay that’s just Yang’s V5-6 collar. Moving on. Her bLEGS have evolved to the point that her shoes are also her pants and that’s concerning.
And last but not least, onto Yang!
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The first thing that set off alarm bells in my brain was SHE HAS THE OTHER HALF OF EMBER CELICA NOW?? HOLY SHIT???  The second thing that made the alarm bells get louder was HOLY SHIT HER BANDANA AND ORANGE GLOVE IS BACK BABY BEEHAW BITCHES The third thing that made my alarm bells explode was HOLY SHIT BOMBER JACKET WHAT She’s got her emblem as her belt buckle and honestly that’s genius since we’re leaning a lot more into the beehaw side of things and cowboy’s had big ol’ belt buckles Yang please don’t tell me you still have the semi boob window in the middle of Atlas honey you’re going to catch a cold Look at this new shirt and pants my dad got me- PSYCHE ITS A JUMPSUIT YOU WERE FOOLED HUH HUH HUH HA her pants radiate so much final fantasy energy its unreal. she can zip her pants into bootyshorts at any time. she spent too much time around tai. Tons of pouches and pockets for cosplayers which is awesome!
All in all, I have pretty mixed feelings about this, the only design that I love is Yang’s, it’s a really nice mix of her old look, her newer look, and a completely new style! Weiss’s actual outfit is really cool but it still feels super weird for her to have a braid, I love Ruby’s outfit but her significant hair change causes me significant discomfort, aaaand Blake’s outfit doesn’t really tickle my fancy that much. I’ll get used to all of it eventually but as of now it’s just... Yeah this is gonna be a difficult adjustment but it’s gonna happen.
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