#i tried running outside instead of treadmill / icing / stretching different. nothing worked
lux-astrorum · 1 year
update, the zit on my chin is back YET AGAIN so I get to try out the new extra strength microdart patches from zitsticka. in slightly better news, finally figured out what was causing my hip flexor pain from running and it was the FUCKING SHOES so I went out and got new ones which will be hopefully better for me
#catchup for those just joining us: back in college I ran a handful of distance races (10 mi and half marathons)#its been 5 years since my last one - I wanted to do one in 2020 but obviously that didn't work out#so here we are and i am almost 2 months into training with a 10 mi race in 1 month and a half marathon in 2 months#and when i started this training i was at nearly the heaviest body weight ive ever had and also the least in shape ive ever been#and i didn't have any running gear so i had to make do with old clothes etc until i could get new ones#including shoes#so when i started training i was using these skechers walking shoes ive had for a couple years#and then about a month in i ordered some new running shoes. didn't pay too much attention when i bought them#they just looked similar to shoes ive used in the past so i thought theyd be fine#first thing I noticed when i put them on was the heel was a little higher than what im used to but didn't really think anything of it#within like a day of wearing them i started developing this hip flexor pain#and i was like huh that's weird i must have been too aggressive with my hip stretches#i'll ice it and change up my stretching routine and it'll be fine#well it was not fine#it just kept slowly getting worse#i tried running outside instead of treadmill / icing / stretching different. nothing worked#meanwhile trying to think what the HECK is causing this bc ive never had this issue with running or dancing or taekwondo#is it my heavier bodyweight? is it the fact that i sit all day at work now?? those were my best guesses#finally the other night i was in a panic bc i didn't know what else to do other than take a break from running for a few days#and maybe do elliptical instead to still get cardio but take a break from the impact of running#but that's STILL a setback i really didn't want to take#so im going crazy trying to decide what to do and if ANYTHING else could be causing this and it hits me: the shoes.#i wasn't having issues until the new shoes and then it was a very rapid onset#so for shits and grins i ran 4 miles in my walking shoes on friday. felt a million times better#and i text my dad like you'll never believe this but i think the raised heel in my shoes might have been giving me hip pain#and hes like oh yeah you probably need a shoe with lower heel drop#and im like. excuse u. what the FUCK is a heel drop. so i googled it#turns out running shoes with lower heel-toe differential put the force of impact on your ankles and calves#and shoes with higher heel-toe differential put it on your knees AND YOUR FUCKING HIPS#how was I supposed to know this???!?!?!?
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thefinalcinderella · 4 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 3 - Practice Begins (Part 5)
This chapter took a lifetime lol
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Students who were earnestly tackling long-distance ran at least six-hundred kilometers in a month. When it was time for the final stretch, it was common for some to run more than a thousand kilometers a month. Kakeru did long training runs, aiming for that level. He wished the residents of Chikusei-sou success, but that didn’t mean he intended to match his own training to the level of a newly-formed team.
“Kakeru, you ran a little too much.”
Kiyose, who was checking the training diaries, told him that after the main training. It was when everyone was working on leisurely cooling down while changing clothes and stretching on the grass of the field.
For the first two weeks, everyone struggled to make it through the regimen, in dire straits with muscle pain, blood blisters and awful foot blisters. However, the members had potential from the beginning. Now, it seemed that their bodies were adjusting little by little: running was becoming a bit more fun, and they had managed to assimilate the regimen written on the training table.
Inwardly, Kakeru was surprised at the high adaptability of the residents, but it was ultimately just beginner’s training. He was pursuing running on a whole different level. Unless someone stopped him, he tended to run for as long and as far as he liked.
“Even at your age, your body isn’t fully matured yet, so you can’t push yourself too hard. What will you do if you overwork your body now and injure it?”
Lately, Kakeru’s body felt very light. He felt that the more he ran, the stronger he got, and the more his speed improved. That was why in actuality, Kiyose’s warning didn’t hit home for him. Even so, he obediently answered, “Yes.”
“On the other hand, Prince is running too little.”
In Prince’s training diary, the word “treadmill” was written once every two days instead of “evening jog”.
“I thought that honesty was one of your best points but…this is actually just ‘I skipped jogging and read manga’, right?”
Even if Kiyose invited Prince to jog with him in the evening, Prince had built a barricade out of manga and stubbornly refused to open the door to his room.
Pursued by Kiyose, Prince desperately explained himself. “That’s true, but I really do read manga while using the treadmill. Lately, I feel like I’ve been gaining some muscle on my legs.”
“Let me see.”
Kiyose touched Prince’s calves to confirm. Seeing that, Yuki warned him, “Haiji, you should really stop that leg-touching habit of yours soon.”
Kiyose got up with a “hmm”.
“It’s true that you’ve made some progress in morning jogging and main practice. But working out on a treadmill while reading manga isn’t a good idea; it’ll ruin your form and it won’t help you develop the sensation of running on a road. I hope that you’ll join the evening jogs every day as well.”
Before Kiyose’s quiet, forceful power, Prince had no choice but to swear, “I will join.” As for Kakeru, he was relieved: he wanted Prince to run outside as much as possible. The treadmill was installed in his room, which was already bearing a lot of weight, and every time Prince trained there, Kakeru’s ceiling creaked like it was going to burst open.
“Unlike our honest Prince, there’s a king who is submitting a diary that’s filled with lies and embellishments.”
At Kiyose’s words, everyone looked at King and laughed. “You found out?” King asked, picking at the dirt with the toe of his shoe like he was embarrassed. “It’s because I can’t run at all and my times aren’t getting any better. I thought that was bad, so I showed off a little in my report.”
“It’s still only two weeks since you started training. Results won’t show that quickly,” Kiyose told King gently. “To become the quiz king, you need to steadily build up your knowledge and skills to hit the buzzer fast, right? It’s the same with track; cheap tricks won’t work. The physical strength and skills are acquired through daily training. Then, the courage to look at your true ability straight on is what will save you in the end in the actual event. I know that you’ve been training seriously, so you can just write down the truth.”
King nodded. “I’ll do that.”
“There’s no particular problems with anyone else so far. But, Nico-chan-senpai.”
“Yeah?” Nico-chan, called by Kiyose, stopped fixing his shoelaces and looked up.
“You haven’t been eating a lot lately.”
“That’s not true.”
“Don’t lie. Who do you think is making your food?”
It was Kiyose. Nothing could be hidden from the master of Chikusei-sou, who not only made the training plans but also the residents’ food.
Nico-chan explained himself while scratching his cheek. “Look, I’m stocky, you know? I need to lose some weight.”
“There’s no need for that,” Kiyose cut him off flatly. “You work your body during training, so you’ll lose weight even if you continue to eat the way you have until now. An unreasonable diet can cause your body to break down, so please eat a balanced and proper diet.��
“Got it. But if I can’t tighten up my body well in training, then I’ll go on a diet.”
“I’ve calculated that you should be able to tighten up over the summer for sure,” Kiyose conceded. “If it looks like it’s not working out, then we’ll think about it then. Don’t do anything reckless on your own.”
 “Is it advantageous to be lighter?” Shindou, who was listening to the conversation, asked, tilting his head. “Won’t you have less energy if you lose weight?”
The theorist Yuki answered his question.
“Of course, unreasonable diets are banned. You’ll get anemia, and if you have that, it’ll be dangerous for your heart since that’ll put a burden on it. But fundamentally, you should tighten up your body—whittle away the extra fat and improve your cardiopulmonary functions. Even racing cars have their bodies as light as possible to make their engines more powerful. It’s the same as that.”
“I see.” Shindou withdrew in understanding.
“It’s just as Yuki said.” Kiyose looked over everyone. “Just like racing cars, where the body’s balance is confirmed and the engine’s performance is enhanced through repeatedly doing test drives, a runner also builds up their body by running every day. The backlash will be big if you seek a sudden change, so I want you all to be careful.”
Icing your muscles immediately if they seem to be staying hot after training, even just a little bit. Never missing stretches and massages. Taking supplements for iron and other nutrients which people tend to lack.
After teaching them the various ways of preventing injuries and maintaining their health, Kiyose said, “Now, you’re all dismissed.”
On the way back to Chikusei-sou, Kakeru ended up running next to Nico-chan by chance. Nico-chan was worried about his weight and currently abstaining from smoking, and he didn’t seem to be able to relieve his stress well. He looked somewhat somber.
At times like these, one should provide a fun and lighthearted topic of conversation. However, Kakeru tried thinking of all sorts of things, but couldn’t come up with anything.
“Kakeru, what’s for dinner today?”
In the end, Nico-chan was the one who started talking. I really am no good at anything other than running. Kakeru was dejected indeed.
“It’s probably curry. Haiji-san asked me to go to the shopping district to buy curry powder before the main practice.”
Something flickered at the back of Kakeru’s mind. That’s right, the shopping district. Didn’t Musa invite me to go and see his evening jog? Maybe it could be a diversion for Nico-chan.
“Nico-chan-senpai, would you like to run with me tonight?”
“Why are you talking like you’re picking me up all of a sudden?”
Yuki, who was a bit ahead of them, turned back. “Where are you taking me, darling?” he teasingly cut into the conversation with an expressionless face, as though he was wearing an iron mask.
“The shopping district,” Kakeru answered seriously. The three of them were the members who jogged on their own. It was perfect, so they decided to take a look at the “interesting thing” happening to the group jogging together.
As expected, dinner was curry. Kiyose’s personality of not cutting corners was demonstrated in his cooking as well. Before the main training, he boiled the onions until they were soft and tender, and adjusted the taste by uniquely blending the several commercially available curry powders that Kakeru bought.
But no one noticed the depth of the flavor of the curry sauce; everyone seemed more joyful at the fact that the curry contained a lot of boneless pork ribs. Even the colorfully arranged salads were devoured in an instant without a single chance to be visually appreciated.
“It wasn’t worth making this.” Kiyose, with an expression that was halfway between resentment and sadness, put the empty plates in the sink. 
Nico-chan, who seemed to have decided to eat properly, said, “I’ll just have a little more.” He stood before the rice cooker. “More than taste or anything else, just let these guys eat meat.”
The kitchen didn’t fit a table for everyone to eat at. When the dining table was filled, the people who came to eat later would get out a small tea table and sit in the hallway in front of the kitchen.
Shindou and Musa arrived when Kakeru was still eating his curry. The dining table was completely filled, and though the twins were nearing dessert, they didn’t attempt to clear their seats. They were currently in a fierce argument over whether to cover strawberries in condensed milk or milk and sugar.
Kakeru, who was mindful of hierarchical relationships no matter what, held his spoon in his mouth and picked up his curry-filled plate, about to give up his seat at the table. Shindou hurriedly stopped him. “It’s fine, Kakeru.”
“Senpai-kouhai relationships do not matter in Aotake,” Musa said. “That is why it is so comfortable, right?”
Kakeru sat back down at the table and ate the rest of his curry. For him, who had spent his three years of high school in his track and field club’s dorm, the fact that the upperclassmen ate in the hallway and the underclassmen ate at the table was unbelievable.
From his experience, as an underclassman he had to attend to his seniors’ personal needs, such as washing their shoes and doing their laundry. And of course his turn for the bath was near the end. That was the extent of it, and he didn’t really mind it as long as he could devote himself to practice without his seniors getting jealous of him.
Conversely, when he became an upperclassman, Kakeru didn’t want to let his underclassmen wash his shoes; they were important objects that were required for running. How his former senpai could so easily leave their shoes in someone else’s hands, he had no idea. His teammates in the same grade as him gossiped about him behind his back, saying things like “He’s messing up the order of things” and “Don’t try to look cool”. Kakeru ignored it all. No one could catch up to his speed, and if he could run without reservations when he became an upperclassman, then he was satisfied with just that. He thought he would let them say whatever they wanted.
Within the club, Kakeru had come to be kept at a distance, treated as an aloof and solitary existence. To put it another way, he was somewhat isolated.
But in Chikusei-sou, it was easy to breathe. Nobody cared about the difference between the years of their birth. They said what they wanted to say to each other. Even now, Nico-chan had just put an end to the twins’ fight. It was done forcefully by throwing both condensed milk and milk and sugar into the two’s strawberry bowls.
“You’re awful, Nico-chan-senpai! I wanted to eat it with milk and sugar!”
“I put it in for you, didn’t I.”
“I definitely prefer condensed milk.”
“I said I put it in, didn’t I.”
Leaving the exchange between the twins—who were far from reaching an agreement—and Nico-chan aside, Kakeru helped Kiyose in cleaning up. They stood next to each other at the sink, washing the dishes.
“Haiji-san, what time do you run near the shopping district?”
“Around eight. Why?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
Musa, who had come to put his plate away, winked at Kakeru.
Kakeru, Nico-chan, and Yuki went to the children’s playground at the entrance to the shopping district. Running in circles between the sandbox, swings, and slide was monotonous, but there was no other way to keep an eye on the shopping district while jogging.
They ran around thirty laps beneath the dim outside lights in the park, and just when they were feeling pretty dizzy, Kiyose and the others from Chikusei-sou appeared. They turned the corner and entered the large shopping district that led to the station. Their running abilities varied, so the procession was long and stretched out, but Prince somehow managed to keep up.
“They’re here.”
“Let’s try following them secretly.”
Kakeru and the others left the park and entered the shopping district.
There were many private shops lining both sides of the narrow street: the bakery, which had its shutters down after finishing a day’s work; the fish dealer, shouting loudly to sell the last of their wares before closing time; the snack bar, where customers were starting to come in for the night.
Lamps that imitated paper-covered lanterns cast an orange light over the street. People walking home from the station and shoppers aiming for limited-time sales crowded the shopping district.
“No matter how you look at it, Prince is too slow,” Yuki grumbled. “It’ll be hard to run without passing him.”
Kakeru and the others hid behind the passersby and slipped past Prince. When King’s back became visible, they also managed to pass him without being noticed.
“It’s Haiji.” Yuki indicated forward with his chin. Kiyose was running towards them.
“Why’s he coming back?”
“It’s too soon for him to have turned back from the station.”
The three tried to slip past by looking down, but Kiyose didn’t fail to notice them.
“Why are you guys sneaking around?” Kiyose turned and ran next to Kakeru and the others, who were running towards the station, to accompany them.
“What are you doing, Haiji-san?” Kakeru asked.
“I came to see how the guys running in the back are doing,” Kiyose answered.
His management abilities were flawless as usual. Kakeru wondered just how far he was running to keep an eye on everyone. He was a bit worried; his legs weren’t even fully recovered yet, apparently.
Meanwhile, Kiyose was carrying on the conversation with Yuki.
“Kakeru said something interesting was happening with you guys, so we came to see.”
“Oh, you mean that?”
Kiyose pointed straight ahead, where Shindou and Musa were running side by side.
“What are they doing?”
It was understandable that Nico-chan was puzzled. Shindou and Musa were wearing white T-shirts, but there were words written on their backs in jet black permanent marker. Kakeru strained his eyes and read the words on the two’s backs as they were running through the middle of the shopping district.
We’re aiming for the Hakone Ekiden!!
Supporters wanted for Kansei University Track and Field Club
“…That’s some proper lettering,” Yuki commented.
“Apparently, Shindou did it by hand,” Kiyose explained matter-of-factly, his breathing not even disturbed. “I told him to stop since it’s embarrassing, but he insisted that we needed it to raise funds. He actually made enough for everyone, supposedly.”
I’m definitely not wearing it, Kakeru thought. Shindou was always quiet and calm, with an air of aloofness like he wasn’t connected to this earthly world, but he seemed to be quite practical.
“That’s surprising. To think that Shindou-san would collect money so actively.”
“Through running, you can see unexpected sides of people,” Kiyose said with a smile. “Shindou, Musa,” he called out to the two running ahead.
“It seems that these three want to cooperate with your business activities.”
We never said that, we never said that! Kakeru and the others shook their heads in unison. Musa raised his hand a little towards Kakeru, who joined them.
“I will give you one of Shindou-san’s handmade T-shirts as well, Kakeru. Also, please take a look at that person.”
There was a bicycle weaving through the crowd of people in the shopping district. The person riding it was a girl around the same age as them. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was peddling her bike with all her might, her eyes fixed on something. Even from a distance, it was clear that her profile, which could be seen occasionally, was refined and beautiful.
“That’s the daughter of the owner of Yaokatsu,” Kiyose said.
“How do you know her?” Kakeru, who was preoccupied with the girl’s profile, moved his gaze to Kiyose running next to him.
“I’ve been coming here to buy food to cook for everyone at Aotake for a long time now, so I’ve seen her around.”
“Then have you ever chatted with her?”
“Just stuff like ‘these daikon have very nice leaves’ and ‘here’s your two-hundred yen change,’” Kiyose laughed from the corner of his mouth. “Are you curious about her, Kakeru?”
“No, not really.”
He returned his gaze forward. The bike was still heading for the station, popping in and out of the crowd.
“We’ve become a bit famous thanks to this.” Shindou pulled at the hem of his T-shirt. “Every day, we form a line and run like this, and the shopkeepers who recognize Haiji-san call out to us. ‘You’re a student staying in that shabby apartment, aren’t you? Looks like you’re starting something interesting,’ they say.”
“The landlord is a regular at the go parlor here,” Kiyose said. “Apparently, he’s going around spreading word that the ‘residents of Aotake are aiming for the Hakone Ekiden’.”
It was probably a strategy to get the locals involved in the plan so they wouldn’t be able to say “I quit” so easily. Kakeru was impressed with Kiyose and the landlord’s abilities to steadily remove the obstacles in their way. Since he was the first to announce his participation, it seemed that Shindou also intended to take the initiative in doing publicity. The carefree and easygoing residents were rapidly getting carried along by the flow towards the Hakone Ekiden. Will it be okay? Kakeru felt uneasy. However, it was nice and heartening that the people outside of Chikusei-sou showed interest in Kakeru and the others aiming for the Hakone Ekiden.
“She has been showing up when we are jogging recently,” Musa lightly pointed at the daughter of Yaokatsu who was riding her bike. “Her goal is…”
Drawn in, Kakeru, Nico-chan and Yuki’s gazes looked further ahead of the bike. The person who was running there was…
“The twins!?” Kakeru shouted in shock.
“Which one!?” Nico-chan also moaned. Musa shrugged.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“It doesn’t matter, they’re identical,” Yuki coolly pointed out.
I’m sensing love in the air, Kakeru thought. Jouta and Jouji, running next to each other, didn’t seem like they noticed at all. He would have to advise them to take a proper bath as soon as possible.
For now, it seemed certain that the residents of Chikusei-sou, who worked hard to jog every morning and evening, were becoming familiar to the people of the shopping district.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Everton’s Michael Keane shows Sportsmail what pre-season is really like for a top-flight footballer
The Premier League returns Saturday but the preparations for the big kick-off are long ago started . It raises the question: how does a top football player prepare for action?
To find out, Sportsmail overshadowed Everton and England defended Michael Keane from when he returned to work to the last heat-up fixture.
He gave a frank insight into how he brought himself to a climax thanks to – among other things – spinning classes, science and white water rafting …
Michael Keane van Everton showed Sportsmail what the season is for a top football player
to train Keane relaxed two weeks before on his way to LA and then Mykonos (photo) to train
Keane went to the Greek island with his brother Will and ex-teammate George Boyd
Keane missed the first week of Everton camp because he had played international football in June. It meant that he did not go on the two-day trip to Kenya, where his teammates played Kariobangi Sharks in Nairobi.
I had three and a half weeks off after the Nations League. The first two weeks I have done absolutely nothing. I don't get fatter easily, so I don't have to be afraid of anything to come back. There will be times when I have a strange takeaway. The ultimate treat is a Chinese and it must be a sweet chili chicken. I also like a cake … I like a dessert, to be honest! But I like to stay active and there comes a time in the short season when you pick things up slowly.
I was first in Los Angeles. To go back to it, I have done several things. There is a place called Soul Cycle that follows spinning lessons. I also went to a few boxing lessons, things to get you started. It's pretty hilly there, so you can't run outside.
After LA, I went to Mykonos with my brother Will and George Boyd, with whom I played with Burnley. There is a special gym called Mykonos Performance and we trained every day for a week – running, cycling, uphill sprinting, fitness work, a lot.
On the first day back at Finch Farm, Everton players underwent a series of medical tests
What happens on the first day back?
Tests! The power of your hamstrings, the power of your groin. You do different exercises and all numbers are on machines in the gym.
The medical staff compares what they see with where you were at the end of the season and where you were on the first day of the last pre-season.
You do everything – stretching, eye tests, blood tests, heart scans. They do everything to ensure that everything is as it should be. It is a full morning, from station to station when you are poked and punctured and checked.
How do I differ from other managers?
When I came here in 2017, Ronald Koeman had the VO2 max test. You run on a treadmill with an oxygen mask and the speed keeps rising until you can no longer run. I had a little injury when I first came, so I escaped! Now I would have feared that.
That said, I know what Sean Dyche does. He has something like & # 39; Gaffer Day & # 39 ;. You are out for a maximum of three hours, there is football and you just run. And I mean run.
He has all kinds of exercises, one called & # 39; Doggies & # 39 ;, which is essentially a five-man relay. It becomes so difficult that people want to be sick … Dyche made sure that the chatter flowed in to push you through. Under Marco Silva, 95 percent of the session is with a football. Don't get me wrong, it's still hard, but it's so much more fun.
Keane revealed that Sean Dyche would make players hard running but made sure that [lacht]
The next phase of Everton's preparation includes a week at height in the Alps . Some new additions – Andre Gomes and Fabian Delph – are now with the group and Keane has had his first minutes of play in the summer in a 0-0 draw with Sion.
To get to where we are train from our hotel, you must take a cable car – it certainly brightens up the morning compared to the M56 and the Runcorn Bridge! We do double sessions, we would have been the case at Finch Farm, but it feels so much harder considering how high we are.
One day, for a bit of fun, I, Theo Walcott, Gylfi Sigurdsson, Jordan Pickford and Mason Holgate decided to take a walk to Le Mont Fort.
The landscape at the top was incredible, but when we climbed the last few steps, we all blew like crazy. You didn't feel fun at the time!
You feel tight in your muscles after training, but it is completely normal. The great thing about working out in the mountains was that you had the river to hand … some guys jumped straight in instead of going back to ice baths and the pool. In person? I'm taking the pool.
The first match was good. I rejected a goal – hard! – for offside, but the clean sheet was the most important. You could say that it is only friendly, but you set standards. You treat everything as if it were a Premier League game and you are proud of a clean slate.
The landscape in the Alps was beautiful and makes a change in the Everyday Runcorn Bridge
Everton traveled to Switzerland for a camp in the preseason of the Alps and conf assembled Swiss side Sion
How crucial are these weeks for building a good rapport in the team?
Keep everyone in touch during the summer. We have a WhatsApp group and luckily Andre never left! We didn't bother him when he made his final decision, but we were always hopeful that he would sign after his borrowed year. He is a top player and he is great here.
It was the same with Delphy. We had seen the news that linked him to us and I hoped it would happen because I know from his presence in England that he is a top player. He arrived late Monday night, so it must have been quite an experience to have breakfast with 20 guys who wanted to talk to you. I know some teams have a night out when they are on tour, but we will do that once all of our signing sessions are in. We talk about what we want to achieve.
The manager has brought it up in the past – where do you want to be? Where can you go? We want to achieve our goals.
So what did you do for team bonding?
White water rafting in the Torrent or Cotterg river! It was a good laugh. There were four boats, 10 each. The manager and his football staff won the race. We were on the road for 45 minutes to an hour. Nobody tried to sink them!
As soon as the new signings came on tour and the staff enjoyed it of team binding
The defender and his teammates tried white water rafting in the Torrent or Cotterg River
[1 9459010]
Marco Silva and his football staff won the race because players tried not to sink them
An unexpected setback. The night before in Wigan, in a game that ended 0-0, Keane should have played 45 minutes. An air collision with striker Lee Evans had far-reaching consequences that completely changed his program.
I had an elbow and needed nine stitches above my right eye. I had to leave immediately.
Very frustrating. It stopped me from doing contact training for four days and meant that I missed matches against Sevilla and Mainz, which was so annoying. You may not think missing 60 or 90 minutes is a big problem, but it makes a difference.
All you can do in those circumstances is running. It means you have to catch up. It wasn't a big challenge. A small break at this point is not ideal.
Keane had a setback after a friendly season against Wigan
Everton draws 0-0 in their last game against Werder Bremen. A lack of goals – only three – has been a theme for Silva's team, who knows that the Italian striker Moise Kean is about to arrive for £ 30 million. They now have clarity about what needs to happen before they go to Selhurst Park for the opening match.
In terms of being physically ready, this game was huge. It was also important to work on my partnership with Yerry Mina, who came from Barcelona last summer. His English improves. He now knows the basics. Check your shoulder, go up … little things like that.
He is now trying to talk to me more, to be honest with him. It will develop. Shall I learn Spanish? I had thought about it, but of course I would, if it helped. I would like to say that he would learn Mancunian faster than I would master Spanish! He is a smart boy and he is doing well.
The English international missed two friendly matches but returned for the 0-0 draw with Bremen
Yerry wants to improve, but we all do that. We know we need to score more goals – nobody has to tell us.
We refuse too many opportunities to shoot, but you get these things out of the way in the preseason. We have occasionally shown how good we can be, but we need consistency.
We want to break into the top six and then focus on a cup round. There is no reason why we cannot completely go into one of the cups. Other clubs have done it, so why can't we? It has been too long since this club won a trophy. Way too long.
Pre-season is a new start for all of us. We are ready to go again.
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