#i thought oh just a simple little right hand man. this should be fun
dinodaweeb · 1 month
Surprise, Bub | ᡣ𐭩
Deadpool x Gn!Reader x Wolverine
summary: You break into Deadpool’s house to confront him only to find a mysterious man who’s kind of your type.
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— ᡣ𐭩
Breaking into Deadpool’s apartment was almost too easy. You’d expected more—laser tripwires, explosives, maybe a pit of rabid raccoons. Instead, there was a simple lock, easily picked, and now you were standing in his living room, clutching your gun with a mix of tension and adrenaline.
The place was as chaotic as you’d imagined: mismatched furniture, a clutter of weapons and comic books, and the faint smell of old pizza lingering in the air. You glanced around, your eyes narrowing as you prepared to confront the man who had been causing you so much grief lately.
But before you could locate your target, a deep, gravelly voice interrupted your thoughts.
“You lost, bub?”
You spun around, gun aimed and ready, but the sight that met you was… unexpected. A man stood in the doorway, arms crossed over a broad chest. He was ruggedly handsome, with wild hair and piercing eyes that seemed to cut through you. There was an air of danger around him, something primal that made your heart beat a little faster.
“Who the hell are you?” you demanded, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Logan,” he replied, his voice carrying a low, rumbling growl. “And I could ask you the same thing.”
Before you could respond, the familiar, obnoxiously cheerful voice of Deadpool echoed through the room.
“Hey! Look who decided to drop in unannounced!” Wade exclaimed, popping up behind Logan. He looked between the two of you, a mischievous grin spreading across his masked face. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”
You shot Wade a glare. “I came here to settle things with you, not—”
“Not to get distracted by my handsome, hairy friend here?” Wade interrupted, waggling his eyebrows. “I mean, I don’t blame you. Logan’s a catch. But hey, we can all play nice, right?”
Logan let out a snort, his eyes never leaving yours. “You got some guts breaking into this place, kid.”
“I’m not a kid,” you retorted, feeling a little braver than before. “And I came here to—”
“To kick my ass?” Deadpool interjected, bouncing over to you with an exaggerated pout. “Aw, you shouldn’t have. I’m flattered, really. You know, peanut over here tried the same thing one time.”
Before you could even begin to respond, Wade wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leaning in close. “But I gotta warn ya, if you’re gonna take me on, you gotta deal with him too.” He jerked his thumb toward Logan, who was now smirking at the both of you.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected when you broke into Deadpool’s apartment, but this was definitely not it. Confronting one was bad enough, but both of them together? The thought should have made you uneasy, but instead, there was something thrilling about it. The tension in the room was thick, charged with an energy that was both dangerous and alluring.
“What’s it gonna be, bub?” Logan asked, his voice low and challenging. “You gonna make a move, or are you just here to gawk?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked between them. You could feel Wade’s eyes on you, feel the heat radiating from Logan’s presence. This wasn’t what you’d planned, but maybe plans were overrated.
You squared your shoulders, smirking back at Logan. “Maybe I’m here for both.”
Wade let out a delighted cackle. “Oh, I like this one, Logan. Can we keep him?”
Logan just chuckled, shaking his head. “We’ll see about that, Wade.”
“Besides, you already got a pet.”
Before you knew it, the tension shifted from dangerous to something else entirely. Wade’s hands were on your shoulders, his masked face inches from yours, while Logan stepped closer, his presence towering and imposing.
The confrontation you’d come for was far from over. But as you stood there between them, you realized that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly where you wanted to be.
You stared at Logan’s chest and grinned.
Definitely where you wanted to be.
“Now time to stop the one-shot or we’ll end up forcing the author to write a threesome.” Wade implied.
“Ugh.” You and Logan both groaned at his comment.
a/n: I would apologize but im not sorry.
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New Homes | Platonic Yandere Tweels x Child Reader
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“From today on (Y/n), you’ll be hanging out with the Leech family so please…be on your best behavior.” 
Your father was always a little timid. Always speaking with a little quake in his voice. His eyes were always wide darting around. His softer hands like to shake as well. Always wavering even when he held you tight. 
Your father is timid. which is why he warns you when he leaves you with the Leech family. Babysitters always make him nervous. It must be because there are two this time—two babysitters with lopsided haircuts and smiles filled with sharp daggers for teeth. 
“Hello little (Y/n), we’ll be sure to take good care of you.”
“Oi (Y/n), you a swimmer?”
The twins were nice…for teenagers. Other teenagers you knew would sooner shove your head underwater than help you tread it. Other teenagers also didn’t jump at the chance to fight people but that was other teenagers. Not the Leech twins. 
“(Y/n), I told you not to look at Floyd when he’s doing that.”
“But that guy is still holding onto our ice cream.”
“We’ll have some at home. Don’t point at him it’s rude.”
Jade is the twin with his bang on the left side of his face. He’s proper and polite, always doing his best to keep you on schedule. Helping you with your homework when he notices you’re struggling or reading to you when it's time to sleep. 
“Let me blow your nose.”
“Mmm okay.” 
“Good job. Are you ready to go over the edible mushrooms again?”
“Mm okay.”
Floyd is the twin with a yellow left eye and a pitchy voice. He’s loud and silly, always doing fun things that make the day exciting like running in the halls of the manor or playing tickle-monsters when you’ve been working too long.
“I just have to finish these sheets and then I can play!”
“Boooriing!  Let’s just play now!”
“B-but Jade said–”
“Jade can make you catch up later! Let’s get our water guns!”
They were always so much fun to be around, even work wasn’t so bad with them around. They made a place for you in their giant home. Giving you a room as big as your living room back home, which you slowly filled with the larger souvenirs from your days together.
Speaking of home, it was becoming harder to recall. Trying to remember when you thought of your home if the bathroom was to the left of your room or your father’s. It was an odd feeling that sat at the back of your mind when you looked at the glow-in-the-dark ceiling art. Consciousness fading in and out it didn’t stop your brain from planting the seed of curiosity.
“Why…am I at their house so much?”
Usually, the answer would have been simple. Your father worked late so you had babysitters. But you didn’t go to their house usually. They also didn’t feed or play with you as long as they did but that was beside the point. 
“(Y/n), you’re playing with your food.”
“Oh sorry Missus Leech.”
You made quick work of the beans on your plate, enthusiastically scarfing down what you could. It didn’t feel right to disappoint Missus Leech, while she never once yelled; there was just this feeling about her. One that called for respect. 
“Take your time, (Y/n). I was only worried you’d drift off to sea.”
Looking up at her, tilted your head in confusion.
She let out a giggle. The adult kind that made you feel embarrassed. Looking at Jade, he had an amused smile too, “She means your mind, (Y/n).”
“Oh, I guess a little.”
“What’ya thinkin’ about elver?”
Floyd spoke between bites of food, reminding you to do the same. 
“I just think I miss my home a little bit.”
Taking another hefty bite you missed the disdain on someone’s face. A purposeful cough brought your attention up to the patriarch at the head of the table.
“How are those new shoes we bought together?”
Lighting up at the memory of your new shoes, you barely finished chewing. 
“So cool! Everyone at school thought they were nice too! And I got so many compliments.”
The older man laughed, nodding his head. “Good. Good. Maybe we should go shopping again soon.”
Dinner went on like usual with dessert ending your time at the dinner table. Letting Jade and Floyd lead you to your bathroom to begin your nightly routine. You fought off the urge to yawn while Jade helped you brush your teeth, failing when he told you to spit. 
“It’s always nice when Mama and Papa come back from trips.” 
Floyd spoke with his back lying on the giant bed, filled with stuffed animals and pillows. He was tossing your clowned fish stuffy in the air catching it with ease. 
Jade still smiling continued buttoning up your pajamas, “Yes, it seems like the trip went well.” 
He looked at you, reminding you to follow him to your bed. “What about you (Y/n)? Did you miss them?”
Your eyelids were feeling heavy. You rubbed them to try to wipe the feeling away.
“Uh yeah.”
Helping Jade shuffle your stuffies around to make a place for you a knock at the door was heard. Floyd must have opened it because by the time you turned Missus Leech was there.
Rubbing at Floyd’s head she waved to you and Jade.
“Hi there! I was wondering if I could join you for bedtime?”
You couldn’t tell if The question was for you but if it was Jade answered anyway.
“Of course, Mother. We were just about to read their bedtime story.”
Tucked in next to Missus Leech you let yourself lean against her as she flipped through the pages of the book. Letting her words soothe your mind with the familiar words. Jade and Floyd were close by too making you comfy enough to go to sleep.
When the story was done, everyone gave you goodnight kisses before heading for the door. With the last of your energy, you remembered something important.
“Floyd, are you picking me up tomorrow or Daddy?”
The teenager was squeezing the fleshy cylinder shape with an intensity strong enough to bend metal. The crunching and squelching of a man’s neck barely brought comfort to Jade as he continued to squeeze his hands.
“There there Jade, these things take time. It was optimistic that they’d forget by now.”
Unfortunately, the words of his father didn’t calm him down. He headed over to his next target, this time allowing them to throw a punch. Dodging the punch he cradled their hand, maneuvering his arm around until it snapped in the opposite direction. The screaming that followed would have curdled blood for most but it was a lesser result to Jade. Who ended it quickly with a firm kick sent backward and into the skull. The crunch that followed and the abrupt cut to the scream allowed the Leech twin to breathe. 
“I knew they wouldn’t forget. Despite all the work we’ve done. But they still expect him to come.”
His father stepped forward, avoiding the bodies to place a comforting hand on Jade’s shoulder.
“Perhaps he still does…to them.”
Jade’s eyes widened, the implication bringing a stark realization. He turned to his father, his yellow gaze answering the unspoken question. 
To think that with all the work he was saddled with, the sniper still hadn’t abandoned his child. The likelihood was slim but possible. There were quite a few blind spots when it came to the school. Jade had previously ignored them because of the promised security of their contract with the one who wanted him dead. But it seems that wasn’t all they needed to worry about.
“Do you think he plans to take them again?”
“I’d hope not,” entering the warehouse was Fiona Leech having traded out her evening dress for a jumpsuit and shoving a receiver of a baby monitor in her pocket, “our little elver is just about to be settled. It’d be cruel to try moving them again..”
“I don’t think he cares at this point,” Jasper Leech suggested. Pulling out a revolver, he casually aimed and shot the two people tied in the back of the warehouse. He continued, “I hear he’s been getting sloppy with the jobs that one has so graciously allowed him to fix.” 
Jade balanced himself wiping his shoe clean with a rag, chiming in himself. 
“Now he’s trying to go back on his word. Absolute scum.”
“I’d hate for us to pull them out of school, more change is not what that kid needs.”
“I wouldn’t mind limiting my club activities to partake in homeschooling.”
His mother held his face patting his head fondly as she cooed,” You’re a good boy Jade but you have your new job and all those plans I wouldn’t want you to give that up.”
Jasper sighed, scratching the well-groomed stache on his face. “Guess that means we’re ending our contracts early.”
“Seems so…..Now Jade go on get to bed you have school in the morning.”
“Yes, Mama.”
The shade was nice on sunny days. The coolness that came with the blackened space near the fence was like heaven. The spot was farther away from the plastic playground and the other children running all throughout. Minutes ago, you were just like them running wildly at a more loose game of sharks and minnows. 
Past the wood-chipped ground was the back of the school building where the teachers were chatting. Disappearing between the rectangular windows, their attention was on something inside. Distracted enough not to scold you for stepping away from the others. The triumph of your expert timing was the true prize. Relishing in the leaves of the trapezoid-shaped bushes pushing through the fence. Crunchy, tickling, and overgrown the feeling against your back was a minor trait of this sacred place. 
There was also the oddly pressing poke of something warm coming through the hole of the fences. Turning to confirm your suspicions, you smiled.
“Hi, Papa.”
“Hello, my Starlight!”
Turning around to mirror his position you laid on your tummy to look him in the eye. His tactical glasses were off and his hair had changed. His longer hair was gone, traded out for a faded cut. Different but still your father. You let his larger gruffer fingers hold your own through the fence, his hands for once not shaking. 
“Can I tell you all about my adventures?”
“Of course.”
He let you rant, smiling and nodding all along to all your different adventures. You even took off your shoes and showed him the flickering lights in its soles. He waited until you were out of breath before asking the question again.
“Would you like to come with Papa, this time?”
You hesitated kicking your feet against the wooden chips of the playground. 
“Are we going back to our home?”
Tilting your head,” Then are we going to the Jade and Floyd’s?”
The names made him shudder as he hurriedly shook his head. 
“W-we’re going someplace new….”
“Where are we going?”
He rubbed at his eyebrows. He was getting annoyed. But you knew you had to ask otherwise you’d be brought somewhere you hated. Like that one time.
“(Y/n) you’re curiosity is great but—”
“Does where we’re going have a bed? Does it have a kitchen? Are we going to be only eating the gas place’s sandwiches?”
He scrunched his hands into his hair, grasping for his non-existent flowing hair. His lips were quivering and his eyes were watering. It made you nervous, sitting up from your tummy and on your knees. You sent a look over your shoulder at the window–the teachers were still occupied. Looking down at your father, you silently sighed as you got into character.
“Hirano wherever you're taking that little Starlight, it better be the best place for a kid. Those Leech’s are makin’ sure they're on time at school, they're well-fed, and I haven’t gotten a call from protective services for a good while.”
“I know! I know Mama but they won’t let me leave. I screwed up! I screwed up really bad! If I don’t do another job for that guy, he’s going to have my head! B-but I want to go back to normal! I want to spend my days helping (Y/n) with homework and coming home and watching those silly cartoons with my Starlight–”
Your heart was aching and your eyes were getting watery. You waved a hand at your eyes and cleared your throat sticking your hand through the hole to hold his. 
“Y-you’ve got to get your ducks in order before you take your Starlight back–”
“But Mom!”
“Don’t but me…Starlight is safe. You’ve got to make sure you are too before you take them back.”
“But the debt I owe…it’s so big and their patience is thin. I don’t know if I’ll be able to come back….”
Taking a deep breath, you went back to your original position on your tummy. 
“Papa, I’m always going to be here. Safe and waiting for you. So you can go on your work trip I don’t mind.”
He smiled at that reaching through the gate to affectionately bop you on your nose. 
“That’s right…I’m just on a work trip. I’ll be back before you even notice. I’m gone!”
He began to scooch away but you stopped him calling for him to come back to the fence. You kissed his forehead and he kissed yours.
“I’ll….see you when you got back Papa….”
“Yup! You know it! If you need anything just ask your grandma, okay?”
Like that, he disappeared. 
You were left to stare at the disfigured leaves and dying branches. Burning the memory of his face into your mind.
“(Y/n)! Your brother’s here to pick you up.”
It took you a minute before you stood up again. Frantically wiping at the water streaming from your eyes, you waited until your throat was no longer croaky to finally respond.
It was all a blur, saying goodbye to your friends and packing your backpack. The memories of the sweet older lady you used to spend so much time with. She taught you how to help your father, explaining the work he was in. It made your head hurt. Thinking about it now, you can say that’s why you stay at the Leech’s house so much.
“Ready to go little elver?”
“Yeah,” you stuck your hands up while he brought you up higher supporting you with his arms. You didn’t want to but you let your gaze fall on the disfigured spot in the bushes behind the playground fence. 
Floyd glared at the spot.
“What’s over there, (Y/n)?”
Visualizing him one last time. You’re glad you could say goodbye. Curling your head into his uniform’s collar, you blinked your extra tears away. 
“Nothing anymore…let’s go home, please.”
You missed the smile on Floyd’s face, laughing to himself as he made his way to the family car. 
“As always, little elvie!”
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navstuffs · 1 year
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: Leon catches a particular item on your stuff.
Warnings: cute, two idiots in love, FLUFFY FLUFF, comedy, domestic!leon
Author's Notes: inspiration for this came from The Simpsons obvs and this amazing artwork from @emahriel. thank you so much giving me the honor to use it for my little fic! you should all check her blog, she has amazing artwork! i hope this fills your day with joy as much as i had fun writing it!
my leon's masterlist
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"What is that?"
You and Leon have been cleaning your bedroom. The idea came from you: to let the energy flow around the house by donating and throwing away old items. Well, you were, at least. Leon is lying in bed, still wearing pajama pants and a shirt, although it is 4 pm. He deserves his rest, he says, and you agree. Because only Leon looks gorgeous in simple grey pants and a white shirt with a hole in the armpits. No complaints on your side.
"What is that?" Leon asks as you sit on the floor, surrounded by old stuff "That. Right there," Leon points, and your eyes follow. It is just your old collection of mangas.
"No, behind it. That small little glass frame. What is on it?"
Small little glass…oh, crap. You immediately realize what it is, your stomach twisting. You thought you threw away that long ago before you and Leon moved together. It was a cute piece you made for yourself when you met him, feeling like a teenager in love again. It was never in your plans for Leon to see it.
"No-nothing. It's probably an old art project of mine," You try to place the frame with its face down, thinking of a way to get rid of it, before Leon, faster than you, is at your side, pulling from your hands. "Wait, Leon!"
When Leon turns the frame around, he paralyzes. It is his face. There are numerous pictures of him smiling, looking seriously at the camera, and even admiring the background scenery. There were a few of his younger self as well. And behind it, written in your handwriting in big black bold letters, DO IT FOR HIM. Leon looks at you, a smile appearing on his face, and he feels his cheek heat up.
You don't see that, your face hidden behind your hands. It was just a silly thing you did to help you during work. You placed it on your table to remind yourself to stay strong, even when things got hard.
You peek between your fingers to see Leon isn't in there anymore. Well, there you cringed the man of your life, and he probably regretted marrying you. Or, knowing Leon, he left to give a good laugh without embarrassing you.
Leon comes back, his wallet in his hands. You wait until he sits by your side and hands you the wallet.
"Open it."
You do as you are told, feeling Leon's gentle stare. You hadn't seen anything special in his wallet before besides cards and ID. You look up, and he motions for you to open his wallet. You do it, finding a small folded piece of paper.
"What is this?" You ask, cautious.
"Unfold it."
You wrinkle your forehead, opening the paper and looking at him surprised. It is one of the first pictures you took together after Raccoon City, and you just started dating. Although it was supposed to be a selfie together, Leon accidentally cut himself almost entirely out of the picture, focusing on you and your big happy smile. The paper seemed to have been folded and unfolded plenty of times. When you look at Leon, his face visibly red now, he confesses, his voice low.
"Helped a lot in dark times, believe me."
"Why this one specifically?"
"It was the first time you told me you loved me. I like to remember that."
Without being able to control yourself anymore, sniffling, you throw yourself in Leon's arms, hiding your face on his neck.
"Are you crying?" Leon wonders with a smile. When you don't answer, he rubs your back, whispering in your ear, "I still love you as much as that day."
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alwayscorvus · 1 month
Your little things... - Part 1 - WuWa Characters (separated)
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Your little things... - Part 1 - WuWa Characters
malereader x Jiyan/male!Rover/Baizhi (separated), fluff; just some things that you often do to your partner and they are high over heels for it. Habits. Mainly related to their appearance; mxm or mxg; Part 2 (Calcharo, Mortefi, YangYang, ...); warning! not 100% family-friendly;
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Being Jiyan's boyfriend, you couldn't ignore his earrings. Those tassels were so tempting… You just had to touch them. Even though you were afraid of his reaction.
And when you did it once, you couldn't stop afterwards. You were enjoying yourself like a little kid who just found a new toy.
Most often it happens, when Jiyan (whether sitting or lying down) lays his head on your chest and his jewelry is within reach of your hands. Theoretically, Jiyan should feel calm and completely safe in your presence, but it's not really the case with his earrings. I mean, after many times he got used to your "harassment", but at least not at the beginning of your journey.
At first, without any drastic movements, you slowly bring your hand closer. Your fingertips gently brush his neck, triggering a wave of shivers as he closes his eyes tighter. You wrap your free hand around his body and start to softly caress his exposed cheek. Drawing great attention to his sharpened jaw.
When Jiyan loses his guard and starts to drift off, you firmly grasp his earring. Teal tassels tickle your hand nicely. And your playing has no end.
At the beginning, Jiyan wasn't happy with your idea. Especially when you made a joke and compared his earrings to decorations that tie up the curtains. He even furrowed his eyebrows in a fake offense. Maybe because their meaning was deeper than you thought.
But, in the end, you didn't mean any harm and your behavior was purely out of admiration. When he saw how much fun you were having with such a simple activity, he couldn't take it away from you.
When you're stressed, bored, or your head is busy with too many thoughts, Jiyan purposely leans towards you. He angles his head so it falls into your field of vision, which allows you to involuntarily raise your hand and engage yourself in play.
During your first encounter with his green dragon you were truly mesmerized. Jiyan saw that too.
Therefore, from then on, when he releases his energy, that wraps around his arm, he intertwines his hands with you and passes his impulse on. Little dragon begins to joyfully surround your body. In close contact teasing you with a tiny warm sparks, as if conveying Jiyan's deep feelings.
Man looks at it embarrassed, unable to quite control it, especially with the increasing distance. At that time, he often turns his face away, unable to look at it, as his cheeks cover themselves with a slight raspberry blush.
Whole process leaves a hint of refreshment. In the end, this dragon's path ultimately involves feeling of a gentle, cool and oh-so-pleasant breeze of wind.
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When making a stop, you often crouch down. Whether it's for a little rest or tying your shoelaces. You then glance at your company from below. For them, this sight isn't too surprising. They are used to your lazy approach. However, it's only what you do at the very end which brings them into pure awe.
When it's time to resume your walk, you grab your boyfriend's right hand with a great confidence. Stopping him in his tracks and causing him to turn towards you once again. You change your position and get down on one knee. Bring his hand closer to your lips and, while standing up, with a steady movement, place a tender kiss on his tacet mark.
It doesn't matter if you are alone or have an audience. You do it all the time. It's almost like your little routine.
At the first time, Rover was truly shocked. His eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened. He didn't even know what to say. But nowadays he always looks at you with a smile and slight blush, appreciating your gesture that symbolizes love and devotion.
Not gonna lie. You are down bad for this straps on his thigh that hold a bag on his leg. The longer you know each other the more your gaze drops downward. You do this in passing time when attention of others is occupied with some activity. You try not to show it, but you can't help it. Your boyfriend is just so hot and you are really proud to be able to call him yours. Sometimes you have to bite your lower lip to stop yourself from thinking further. Thankfully, you quickly shake off from your trance and come back to reality.
Especially when Rover turns towards you and calls your name with an innocent voice, wanting to ask for your opinion.
At the mere sight of this you melt. He is just so adorable. You immediately beat yourself up for all of your previous wrong thoughts.
But when you are alone, in a closed room, situation takes a completely different turn.
In split seconds you find yourself between his legs. Rover leans against the wall or clings to a desk top, tilting his head back with his eyes closed.
He throws his right leg over your shoulder as you slide your fingers under his straps. Pulling them even tighter and pressing them even further into his thigh.
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When you first saw the creature that accompanies Baizhi you were slightly startled. After all, it's not every day that some unknown creature, almost twice of your partner size, jumps out at you in the middle of town.
At some point, your concerns turned into appreciation. Fact, that Baizhi always has someone with her to help and rescue her, even when you can't be around, is soothing for your nerves.
Besides, thanks to You'tan, you could even call yourself a father. Both you and Baizhi take care of this (not so little) creature. And it repays you with the same. Healing you in time of need. It took You'tan a long time to accept you and trust you. Even longer than Baizhi. But now, You'tan seeks help from you by itself and lets you know when Baizhi is in trouble.
In addition, You'tan often lets you pet them. That is, not only "let" you. Rather demands it. You'tan starts playing with you on its own, puts its head under your hand and starts poking. Even when you have better things to do or are too tired to pamper the creature. You'tan won't give up until you get to the point. And if you ever decide to not obey its commands it will happily complain about you to Baizhi, striking an offended pose in front of her.
You are really ashamed about your… not so pure actions, but what can you do about them?
And considering that they don't intend to lead to anything more, then there's probably nothing wrong with them..., right?
Baizhi's tacet mark is just begging to be touched. After all, cut in her dress reveals it perfectly.
It's as if your girlfriend is sending you a silent invitation. Especially when she activates her power and brushes her thigh on her own. You can't help yourself.
You don't know if you can call yourself possesive. But you really enjoy showing others that Baizhi is yours. Just like you are hers. And that's why, her tacet mark is a permanent location of your hand. Especially when you sit next to each other.
Baizhi never particularly reacts to this. She is now quite an older woman that developed a rather calm approach to life over many years of living. And she definitely isn't someone who would openly share her feelings in public.
In reality, however, she has a pack of butterflies joyfully dancing in her stomach. Your hand just radiates such a pleasant warmth…
after I saw Jiyan's earings I just had to write that ngl and when doing so I only looked at them as fashion choice. although i also did some internet research after. just to be safe. and... lesson time! it turns out that tassel earrings by some people can be interpreted as "amulet against evil" or religious symbol or they can also represent social status of a person. so maybe one of that is also a case in jiyan's life
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multi-fandoms-posts · 13 days
Distractions and Dynamics
X Men Masterlist
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It's another morning at the X-Men headquarters, and the sun is shining through the large windows of the meeting room where Charles, Erik, and Y/N are preparing for today’s mission. They sit together, the tension before the upcoming operation palpable, but in their love triangle, there is always room for lightness even in serious moments.
Charles is reading the mission data from a tablet while Erik leans against the table with his arms crossed, listening intently. Y/N, on the other hand, is more relaxed, her eyes fixed on Erik and Charles, grinning as she absorbs the atmosphere.
“We need to focus,” Charles finally says, casting a warning glance at Y/N as he notices her thoughts drifting elsewhere.
“I’m right here with you, Professor,” Y/N replies, deliberately letting her gaze travel down Charles' face. Her eyes sparkle mischievously. “Right here.”
Charles raises his eyebrows slightly, but a small smile tugs at his lips. He’s used to Y/N breaking the tension with her words. Erik, however, remains serious, looking at the mission map in front of them.
“We can’t afford to take any risks this time. They’re dangerous,” Erik murmurs, but Y/N just grins wider.
“Dangerous? Oh, Erik,” she says, her voice a little lower, “I love it when you’re so serious and focused. It’s kind of… hot.”
Erik, who rarely reacts to provocations, raises an eyebrow slightly, but Y/N can see she’s struck a chord. Charles shakes his head with a smile. “Y/N, this isn’t a game.”
“It’s not a game, but a little fun never hurt anyone, right?” Y/N leans closer to Erik, her voice softer. “I mean, how am I supposed to focus on the mission when you’re sitting here looking so dangerously good?”
Erik tries not to react, but she notices the slight twitch at the corners of his mouth. “You know I’m serious, Y/N,” he says dryly.
“Oh, I know,” she replies with a sly grin. “But I also feel like I could make you smile anytime.”
Charles gently interjects, “We really should focus on the mission.” However, his blue eyes twinkle slightly as he looks at Y/N. “I know you can do it, even if Erik here is stealing your full attention.”
Y/N sighs dramatically. “You two are just too perfect. How am I supposed to concentrate?” She glances between them, her eyes full of playfulness. “I mean, one man is already a distraction. But two?”
Erik furrows his brow, but Y/N can see he’s trying not to smile. Charles gives Erik a knowing look as if to say: *Let her be.*
“It would be better if you don’t forget that we’re soon entering enemy territory,” Erik says in a quiet voice, though it still carries a certain edge. “There will be no time for jokes.”
“No jokes, but maybe a few suggestive comments?” Y/N winks at him, then straightens up, ready to go. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But only because I love you both. And because I’d like to see you both in action. Somehow… erotic.”
Erik rolls his eyes, but Charles laughs softly. “You’re impossible.”
The mission takes the trio to an old factory on the edge of town, taken over by hostile mutants. The plan is simple: Charles will mentally distract the guards while Erik manipulates metal supports to clear the way. Y/N stays in the middle, ready to react if anything goes wrong.
As they silently move through the corridors, Y/N keeps glancing from Erik to Charles and can’t help but whisper to Charles. “You know, once we’re done here, you really should consider taking off that shirt. It’s distracting.”
Charles stops and gives her an amused look. “This isn’t exactly the right time, Y/N.”
“Oh, I know,” she whispers back. “But now that I think about it… maybe Erik should also take off his shirt. You know, for… freedom of movement.”
Erik, having heard the whisper, also stops, his jaw clenched. “Y/N, focus,” he hisses, but she can see the slight sparkle in his eyes as if he’s slowly giving in to her playfulness.
“I’m focused,” she retorts. “But perhaps focused on the wrong thing.” She briefly closes her eyes and imagines the two men actually taking off their shirts. “Ah, what a pleasant thought.”
Charles can’t help but laugh quietly. “Erik, I think she’s figured us out. She knows how to drive us both crazy.”
“She does,” Erik murmurs, his voice rough, but he remains seriously focused on the task.
When they finally encounter the enemy group, the fight quickly spirals out of control. Guards rush at them, and Erik unleashes his powers, sending metal flying through the air. Charles focuses on influencing the opponents' thoughts, while Y/N uses her own powers to push their enemies back.
Despite the intense confrontation, Y/N can’t help but throw a comment into the quiet of the battle. “You know, Erik, the way you’re manipulating the metal…” She breathes heavily as she ducks to avoid an attack. “It’s really… sexy.”
Erik, just finishing off an opponent, glances at her quickly. “Focus on the fight, Y/N,” he calls out in a rough voice, but she can see he’s internally smiling.
Charles, also busy, can’t help but smile. “We should talk about your timing after this.”
Y/N dodges another attack before shooting back and throwing her enemy to the ground. “I think my timing is perfect. Didn’t you know adrenaline can increase desire?”
Erik groans softly as he hears this, while Charles just shakes his head, a laugh in his voice. “I wonder how you manage to confuse us both so much while we’re fighting.”
“Talent,” Y/N replies before she diving back into the fray.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 11 months
10 from your kinktober list please! 🥰🥰
Plan B
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Kinktober request: 10 Fuckboy Mingi, Breeding
Pairing: Fuckboy Mingi x Fem reader
Summary: You and your best friend Hongjoong go to Wooyoungs annual Halloween party, when you're alone you spot your ex and run into a new person instead.
Word Count: 5K
Kink: Breeding kink
Warning: Breeding, toxic guy behavior, plan B mentioned.
A/N: Idk why I made this super long but enjoy lol, I wanna finish up my kinktober request!
Minors dni
"'Scuse me, what kinda candy is in that box? My mommy says I can pick whatever candy for da trick or treaters!" A cute little girl dressed as a princess asked you. You looked down at her slightly startled by her when she tugged your jacket. You stood awkwardly and looked at her and back at the small blue box in your hand, and it definitely wasn't candy, it was a plan B.
"O-oh no... um it's a special adult candy you take after an oopsie with a boy they should have never oopsied with." You said, why on earth didn't you just say no? Your brain was just scrambled after the party from last, while it was amazing there was absolutely some mistakes made in the process of living your best life.
You got a text from your best friend Hongjoong about making sure to be ready by 10pm so he could pick you up to go to Wooyoungs annual Halloween party, the best party of the year everyone at your college raved about it. This year you wanted to be sexy but cool and chose to be D.va from overwatch, the bodycon spandex suit showing off your perfect ass and plump breast, you were bound to catch someone’s eye. Your phone rang at 9:43pm and you answered knowing exactly who it was. "I'm coming out now." You said then hung up, you grabbed your jacket and put on your boots and met Hongjoong at his car and got in the front. Once inside you saw him dressed a simple vampire.
"What the fuck Joong, I thought we were being sexy and cool." You said taking off your bunny ears so you could comfortably fit in the car.
"Vampires are sexy and cool, what the hell even is your costume?" he asked as he pulled off.
"I'm D.va from overwatch, thank you." You rolled your eyes.
"What the hell is overwatch??" His eyes darting around in confusion.
"Whatever it doesn't matter if you recognize me, as long as the hoes get it."
"Oh god here we go again with this hoes thing, you've been saying you were going to do a one-night stand with someone and never do cause you're still all hung up over Jongh-"
"HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED." You interrupted him and said, you didn't want to spend another one of your nights sad about your ex Jongho.
"Fine, we're here anyways." Hongjoong parked a bit away from the packed party, you two exited the car and walked to the house party ready for an eventful night. Once inside you paid the entry fee and looked around to see everyone in their costumes and having fun drinking, dancing, smoking and socializing.
"Hongjoong, Y/N, you made it! " A familiar voice said, you both looked over to see the man of the hour Wooyoung dressed as a very sexy Harry potter, fuck if Hongjoong didn't make you follow his new dumb rule of not being allowed to date his friends after the break up with Jongho you would have fucked Wooyoung right then and there. He patted Hongjoongs back and hugged you leaving a pleasant smell of his cologne in the air, his eyes traveled up and down your body. "Lemme guess, D.va? Overwatch?”
Your face got hot, and you felt a bit shy under his gaze. “Yeah, do you play?”
“Kinda, my bro San plays more than me but if hot girls like yourself like you or online then I’ll absolutely be getting on more often” he said winking at you. Hongjoong looked at you two and noticed the tension and rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, anyways bro we’re going to grab a drink.” Hongjoong started pulling you away and Wooyoung giggled and waved.
“Bye Y/N.”
“Bye Wooyoung” you gave him a goofy little smile and continued to be pulled to the kitchen.
“Remember the fucking Rule Y/N! I want friends that have never seen you naked.” He pulled you two in front of the punch bowl of jungle juice and started making you both a cup of the mix of liquor and juice.
“I know Hongjoong I know.” You took the cup from him and started to drink with him you both pulled the cup from your lips and made a face.
“Jesus fucking Christ is that just sugar and liquor” Hongjoong said as his face was still twisted you both laughed.
Another person laughed and you both looked up to see Seonghwa dressed as Tom Nook from animal crossing.
“Hwa hey!” You walked over to hug him.
Hongjoong just smiled a bit and waved. Seonghwa was Wooyoungs friend from high school that you and Hongjoong met a few times and Hongjoong had the hugest crush on him. You smirked at him averting his eyes and his ears turning red.
“You too look adorable by the way.” Seonghwa said after hugging you back.
“Thank you Hwa, I think Hongjoong makes a very handsome Vampire, amiright?” You looked over at him shooting you daggers.
“Oh absolutely, you look really good in a cape Joong.” He smiled at the shorter male.
Hongjoong averted his eyes again and rubbed his neck. “Ah, thanks you look nice too…”
“I hope I don’t look nice enough to bite.” Seonghwa bit his lip then looked up at Hongjoong while taking a sip of his drink. You had a cocky grin because you’ve been trying to get Hongjoong to make a move. Hongjoong awkwardly laughed and you covered your face with your cup to hide your 2nd hand embarrassment.
“Well, I’m gonna go scout the scene.” You said trying to be anywhere but there and to give them some space.
“Oh, I’ll come with-“
“No! I gotta be alone to find the cute guys Joong, you’ll scare the hoes” you and Seonghwa laughed, and you walked away and deeper into the party. As you scoped the scene you noticed a pretty good variety of guys but no one that caught your eyes. But then your heart dropped at the worse possible scenario when you reached the back rooms. In the sea of people, you saw a purple head of hair that made your chest puff in and out with anxiety, why him and why here? There Jongho was dressed in his normal clothes with bear ears, he wasn't big on dressing up for Halloween or parties so to seem him standing in the corner with his arm around the waist of another girl. Your heart pounded and your breath was short, you wanted to escape him, wanted to escape this room, escape feeling sad and crying about him. Watching him flirt and touch girls hurt you a bit. You bit your lip to hold back the tears but started to fail. Jongho looked up from his conversation to see you fighting back your emotions and stealing glances of him. He told the girl to give him a second and started making his way over to you. You panicked seeing him coming and quickly wiped your eyes and ran out the room.
You pushed pass the party goers just looking for somewhere to go, you went upstairs into one of the bedrooms and quickly slammed the door. You back away looking at the door hoping that he didn't find you then you bump into something. When you turned around you jumped seeing you didn't bump into something you bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, is this your room ?" you said apologetically.
The tall silent man dressed as Gojo from jujitsu kaisen just stood there and chuckled.
"You're good, yeah this is my room, did you need something? You know you're pretty far from the party, I even turned my light off so no one would find me." The man said.
Now that you checked your surroundings you realized the bedroom was dark and only lit by the moonlight outside, the party music could barely be heard since the room was in the back of the house. Once you finished scanning the surroundings you finally get a good look at the man whose room you invaded. You got a bit shy when your eyes panned up his tall frame to notice the fairly handsome man with grey hair and black glasses sitting on his forehead to complete his cosplay.
"I hope you're staring because I look good and not because you think I look lame." he said shaking you out of your thought.
"No! You look good, like really good, you're Gojo right?" you asked.
"Oh, I love a woman that knows her anime, and video games." His eyes traced over your figure as he studied your costume along with the way the cosplay hugged your body in all the right places. "Yeah, you'll absolutely do for the night." he whispered to himself lowly. "So, what brings you up to my room?"
"Well, it's kinda dumb but I was running... from my ex." you said embarrassed now that you heard how ridiculous that sounded.
"Damn I get that, I'm Mingi by the way." Mingi said reaching out his hand.
"I'm Y/N" You shook his large hand.
“I was just about to head down but since I have someone with me now you wanna stay in chill with me? I got some real liquor here." He smiled slyly then took a seat on his slightly messy bed he reached next to him and grabbed the bottle of tequila sitting next to his bed, your heart thumped a bit but then you remembered you were here with someone.
"I think I have to check on my friend though, let me text them to see where he is." you pulled out your phone to text Hongjoong then realized he actually texted you 10 minutes ago.
Hongjoong: Hey, Seonghwa wanted to see my studio I built so I took him. Tell Woo to give you a ride home and don't fuck him. Call me when you're home.
You chuckled at the text knowing that Hongjoong was going to have a nice long night. "Never mind, I guess I can hang for a bit" You sat down on the bed a bit further then him. He looked over to see you sitting far and laughed.
"I won't bite unless you tell me too doll, sit closer." He waved you to come closer with his two long fingers and you inched a bit closer, not moving by much. "Some more" you got a bit closer again. "More." he smiled as he grabbed two solo red cups to pour shots for the both of you. When you still barely moved Mingi decided to take matters into his own hands, he put the cups on the floor and hooked his arm around your waist to pull you in. You were sitting thigh to thigh at that point, your face was hot. "Much better." He grabbed the cups again and handed you yours.
"I-I didn't know you meant this close." You said shyly.
"Of course, pretty girl like you I would want right next to me, lucky I didn't pull you in my lap." he winked then held his cup next to your to do a quick cheers to take the shot. You tap his cup then you both chugged down the alcohol. The burning in your chest was strong as the bitter taste sat on your tongue and throat. Mingi took out his phone and played some hip-hop and RnB at a low volume. You both took more shots and sat and talked more as the night progressed. The party downstairs was still going but it started to die down as more chill music was playing downstairs as well. The more liquor you drank the more you remembered why you didn't drink tequila straight. Your pussy was throbbing and sitting alone with this beautiful man, his deep voice and his plump and soft looking lips didn't help. You've known Wooyoung a whole year and was wondering where he was hiding this fine ass man this whole time. The burning between your legs got worse the more you listened to him talk and you tried to rub your thighs together a bit to cool it, your eyes kept drifting to his lips and Mingi noticed you losing attention and fidgeting.
"You okay Y/N?" He smiled at you, and it fueled the fire burning below.
"You're like... really sexy Mingi." You both laughed at your sudden remark.
"Oh really? What's sexy about me?" Mingi said in his deep voice as he finished what was in his cup.
"Your voice, your face, anime, video game knowledge, I bet you get lots of girls."
"Nah not really. People look at Woo and the rest of our friends but not really me." Mingi replied, that was a lie of course, no girl in their right mind would pass up a 6'1 man that has Mingis face, but you didn't need to know that.
"Whaaat? No way you're so damn sexy Mingi I would be all over you if I was them." You said also finishing your cup, the liquid courage you had was getting you in some trouble tonight.
"All over me doing what exactly?" He grabbed your chin and brought your face closer, the smell of tequila fresh on both of you, Mingi had an agenda tonight for sure, He was going to go down to the party after pregaming with a few other girls that just left his room but once he turned off his desk light and was about to head down you came in. No need to go looking for pussy when it walked right up to him.
You both looked into each other’s lustful eyes as Mingi bit his pillowy soft lips. "Whatever you tell me too." was all you could say, a cocky grin spread across Mingis face, he had you right where he wanted you.
"Oh, really baby?" he asked, you eagerly nodded as you got closer to him wanting to taste his lips. Mingi saw how needy you were and decided not to make you wait anymore, he brought your lips closer until they connected, the kissed tasted bittersweet from the liquor and chasers you both had been consuming in your time spent together. The kiss was literally intoxicating, your head spun as he took the lead, his large hands moving to your thighs to grip your flesh in your spandex suit, you could feel the heat between your legs getting more needy for his touch. You decided to do the same and palm Mingi over his black cargo pants he was wearing to get a feel of his hard member. You couldn't really believe what you were feeling, you assumed it was either his pants or Mingi was hung, his steadily growing dick was already thick but as it got bigger in your pants your heart started to race in excitement. Mingi pulled back from the kiss and smiled at you.
"How about you get on your knees and feel what your grabbing baby." He said, you nodded again and moved to the floor, Mingi spread his long legs so you could slot yourself between them. He pulled his pants down a bit then his underwear until his dick happily sprung out in front of you. You were stunned, this easily was the biggest dick you've seen, it was girthy and had an overly generous amount of length to it.
"Holy shit you're big everywhere." You said to yourself by Mingi overheard you and laughed. He gripped your hair with one hand and gripped his dick with the other hand.
"Well let's see how much you can fit in that pretty little mouth baby." he pulled your head down on to his length and you immediately gagged, and he let your hair go to allow you to do what you want. You held the base of his dick and bobbed your head up and down it. To say that it was a mouthful was an understatement, it felt like your mouth was stretching from his girth, the saliva and gagging was a beautiful sight for Mingi.
"Taking my dick in your mouth so well baby." He hissed as you continued to drool down his shaft uncontrollably, you were only able to reach a little past half his length before his tip hit the back of your throat, Mingi dropped his head back as he whispered curse words while you struggled to stuff your little mouth full of his fat cock. You looked up at him and he was even more gorgeous while he fell apart from the feeling of your warm throat, he brought his head back up to meet you gaze and smiled.
“You’re so pretty with my dick in your throat baby, let’s see how pretty you are with it in your pussy.” He palmed the top of your head to remove your mouth from his dick, an audible popping noise following your lips. “Stand up and take your suit off for me baby, I don’t wanna ruin anymore of your costume.” You wondered what he was talking about until you glanced over at the full body mirror in his room to see the tear and spit stains that made your eye and cheek make up smear, not to mention your lipstick was almost completely gone. You reached your hand up to the zipper in front of your suit to slowly pull it down to reveal your soft body underneath. Stepping out of your suit you had on just panties since the suit was bodycon and made your tits sit nicely on their own, you were a bit shy standing in front of Mingi in just panties and covered your chest.
“Aww c’mon pretty don’t get shy on me now, come sit right here.” Mingi said patting his lap after he removed the remainder of his outfit. You decided to take off your panties and took a seat on Mingis bare lap facing the same way as him, the feeling of his throbbing hot dick just waiting to destroy your pussy made you scared but excited, he replaced your hands on your boobs and started to mush your mounds around, being sure to rub gentle circles on your hard nipples. He kissed up your neck while quietly breathy moans left your lips, the liquor still floating in your system was definitely on his side. His lips made it up to your ear as his lips kissed the shell of it, then he whispered softly. “Can I fuck your pretty pussy raw baby?” The thought of taking Mingis thick dick raw made your pussy pulsate, but it definitely was not a good idea to fuck a guy you just met a college party raw.
“Are you clean?” You ask bluntly, better safe than sorry.
“Of course, baby, I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.” His lips continued to explore your neck and shoulders, one of his hands slid down your body to rub between your legs, coming dangerously close to where you needed him most.
“Well if you say so…” you said still a bit skeptical, his long fingers ran through your folds and rubbed circles on your clit, your eyes rolled back for a second from feeling the relief of his touch.
“You’re so wet already baby let me stuff you full of my cum.” He spread his legs which made your legs spread. “Stick it in for me baby.” You obeyed and connected the tip of his dick to your entrance and slowly sunk down on it, you usually could take dick like a porn star, but you never fucked a porn star dick like Mingis. The abundance of pleasure came with a slight stinging pain, but it was worth it once you took him all in and adjusted to his length.
Mingi gripped the underneath’s of your knees and bounced you on his length slowly to make sure you were comfortable and sped up the pace more and more.
“Oh my fucking God Mingi please you’re already fucking me too good.” You said between moans, you couldn’t even think straight with his huge cock pounding into you in this position.
“You like the way I fuck you baby? I gotta fuck you nice and deep so I can fill this pussy up with my cum.”
Okay this was the second time he has mentioned coming in you, though it was hot, and it was unlocking a secret breeding kink you didn't know you had maybe you should mention you're not on birth control.
"M-mingi, I'm not ah~ on the pill..." you managed to squeal out. Mingi lifted you knees more and continued to pound inside of you.
"That's fine baby we'll get a pill later."
Oh fuck he was serious about this, and it was turning you on more seeing how badly he wanted to cum in your pussy. Your walls started to tighten around him, wanting to milk his dick dry.
"You're tight little pussy wants my cum so bad baby, you must want me to get you nice and pregnant." he said in your ear, his words were going directly to your cunt as it throbbed harder, you moaned louder, the people that were still at the party and in the area for sure knew what was going on in that room as you yelled strings of curse words and Mingis name not caring who could hear you.
"Please give me all your babies Mingi." You were fucked out and just talking, Mingis huge dick was mixing your guts and hitting your cervix and that's all you could think of, you want, no, needed his cum to fill up your womb.
Suddenly Mingi pulled out and you whined at the lost friction, he put you on your back and slotted himself between your legs, then placed both your legs on his strong shoulders. He lined himself back up and plunged deeply in your pussy with no hesitation, you yelled out feeling his monster dick deep in your pussy again.
"Gotta breed you nice and full baby, this is the perfect position to get my cum deep in your womb." He said before he started to drill into your needy cunt, you couldn't help yourself from yelling out the obscenest things to come to mind. "I want you're cum so deep in me please" "I love your dick so much." "Please keep fucking me like this." and you felt no shame in the things you said. A dick has never had this much control or power over you, but you loved it for some reason.
"Mingi 'm gonna cum please." Mingi slowed his pace a bit then leaned forward pushing your legs to your chest as he laid in the crook of your neck then he started to deep dick fuck you, the head of his cock beating your cervix in the best way possible, you started to see stars. You wrapped your arms around his neck but couldn't stop fidgeting so you found yourself digging your nails into his shoulders, he squeezed your body closer to his large frame assuring that you had to take his entire load.
"Cum on my dick so I can make your belly full of my babies. I want your pussy to take every last drop of my seed." He pounded into you so fast and deep the bed frame shook violently, you stood no chance and coated his thick dick in your slick, feeling your walls squeeze him tightly made Mingi groan, he lasted a few more strokes then filled your walls and womb with his hot cum. Such a big dick of course his load would be just as big, you swore you felt your tummy bulging as he laid on top of you while his dick continued to shoot inside of you. Once he finished Mingi dropped on the side of you, both of you were sweaty and out of breath, Mingi didn't offer to clean you up or even attempt to move so you asked him for some spare clothes to go to the bath room to do it for yourself, you assumed he was too tired. You put on one of his jogging suits with nothing under neath and headed to the bathroom down the hall.
Once you washed your face of all make up and the rest of your body you headed downstairs, it was now 3:46am and the party turned into a chill hang out with still quite a few people around. You wanted to get a non-alcoholic drink for your dry and sore throat, once in the kitchen you grabbed a bottle of water and turned around to be met with your ex.
"Oh...Jongho, hey." you said awkwardly.
"Y/N, I've been looking for you, I saw you earlier and wanted to talk to you." He said looking over your outfit. "You're not wearing you're costume anymore, what happened?" he questioned.
"Well, I-" as you started to come up with an excuse or lie a large arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you into his t-shirt covered chest.
"Y/N there you are, I was waiting on you to come back baby." Mingi said pulling you in to a kiss, then his eyes looked over to Jongho. "Yo, names Mingi." Jongho’ s eye twitched a bit.
"Well, I see you're occupied, I'll talk to you later Y/N." Jongho said before walking off.
You and mingi looked at each other then laughed, Mingi took you back to his room to cuddle and sleep (And go for a few more rounds). The next afternoon you finally woke up at 12pm with a pounding headache and Mingi not in his bed. You figured he had something to do and collected your costume, texted Hongjoong to come pick you up then headed downstairs to do the walk of shame alone. Luckily it was only Wooyoung and one other male there, they noticed you walking down the stairs and you walked over to them.
"Well good afternoon gorgeous, I see someone had a good night." Wooyoung said smiling at you. "Who's the lucky guy?" He said as both the males looked at you.
"Um, I actually never met him, but he was one of your room mates, Mingi, he was super nice and said he was going to text me so he could take me out later." You had such a sweet smile on your face while Wooyoung and the other man’s face was quite the opposite.
"Weeelll um, I wouldn't hold my breath on that Y/N, but I'm glad your optimistic." Wooyoung said.
"Woo be straight up with her, Mingi isn't exactly, how can I say this, the dating type." The other one said.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"This is San, I was hoping to hook you guys up but looks like Mingi snagged ya first." Both the males chuckled.
"Anyway, Mingi is what most girls call a fuck boy, he tells you everything you wanna hear but never delivers." San said.
You thought about what they were saying, no way was the guy that talked to you for hours and cuddled you so warmly just a fuck boy right?
"Whatever you guys are just mean! My rides here I gotta go." They both laughed at your temper tantrum and waved you goodbye.
You walked out to the car to see Hongjoong in the driver seat and Seonghwa in the back, you smiled and got in the car.
"Well, well, looks like I'm not the only one that had an eventful night." you said teasing Hongjoong.
Seonghwa giggled and Hongjoong blushed "Shut up! Why did you need me to stop at a pharmacy before I took you home?"
"Well my night was SUPER, eventful if you get my drift." you said raising your eyebrows so Hongjoong would pick up on what you were saying.
"Ew, you let one of those guys hit it raw AND finish in you, I taught you better than this Y/N." He rolled his eyes in fake disgust and drove off.
"So how was it Y/N?" Seonghwa asked.
"It was fucking amazing, I've never had a huge one like that and god I couldn't even think straight." you replied, excited to tell someone about your endeavors.
"Wow, who was it with? Was it Wooyoung? He always says you're pretty but off limits, or did he finally introduce you to San?" Seonghwa said intrigued to know the answer.
"Neither, it was his other roommate, Mingi." You said smiling, Seonghwa made a face.
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself at least." He said it in a specific voice that you and Hongjoong picked up on.
"Why did you say it like that Hwa?" Hongjoong asked.
"It's just that Mingi is well... a free spirit, kinda goes where he wants and does what he wants."
"Oh god did you fuck the house fuckboy Y/N?" Hongjoong asked bluntly.
"No! Why does everyone keep saying that I know how to clock a fuck boy." you did however start to get nervous since you did text Mingi when you woke up saying how much you enjoyed last night and asking him for the money for the pill and all he replied was "GM" and only sent $23.
"Dammit Y/N how do you get involved with a fuck boy right after getting your heart broken." Hongjoong said as he pulled into the pharmacy.
Now there you were, standing in the pharmacy, holding a plan B, telling a child not to talk to fuck boys and having to have your male best friend send you the remaining amount to cover the pill. About a week had passed and you accepted that you had been fucked over and that you weren't getting that date after the 5th unanswered text, you sat in your studio apartment late that night since you stayed up to binge a show, it was around 2am then your phone buzzed, you checked your phone assuming it was Hongjoong.
Mingi: Hey baby u up?
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oceanlipgloss · 2 months
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+ warnings: implicit suggestive themes.
+ my mc is the heroine, so the pronouns are feminine.
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She was his dream girl.
Everything about her seemed to be synthesised from the thread of his dreams: her voice, her face, her body, the way she looked him, even the way she teased him and made fun of his little antics and endless troublemaking.
Old love. That was his love for treasures and the expensive things in life. When he cherished her more than everything else, though, could his feelings for the material parts really be called the greatest ‘love’ of all?
There was no need to wonder. It was so obvious, the answer: ‘no.’
He loved gold, but the threads that wove her organs and spirit together, they weren’t golden at all. They were all sorts of rare colours—a jewelled relic—because that’s just what she was: irreplaceable, rare, unforetold.
He could never meet anyone else like her in this mystic world. He would never find anyone like her again. So for once, he was so lucky. He had won the best lottery. Luck had glazed his stars.
She was the one. She was his one, his beloved.
...wait a minute. ‘Beloved’ sounds hella old-school and sappy for someone modern and stylish like him, doesn’t it? Almost like something a certain ancient, proud tyrant would say.
Damn it. Never had he imagined there would come a day in which currency and riches confronted their rivals in his heart, their rankings at stake, but here he so happily was. His credit card should just come to terms with the fact that this stunning woman was now his number one darlin’, then.
“’S not that I like ya or anything,” he had still told her once and again in the past, repeating himself over and over like a parrot, stuck on the dumb lyric like a broken record, until saying something so atrocious and false became impossible.
No one could believe such a lie, even if they had ever tried to or wanted to.
Because everyone knew.
They all knew how he would die for her if need be. They all knew that what lit his heart wasn’t simple attraction, or mere infatuation, or a sweet temporary crush.
It was a lifelong love.
He was madly, hopelessly in love with her.
She knew that, too.
His heart was on display for all of them to see. They could see it glowing inside him. They could see it burning in the dark.
She saw it, too.
Really, he adored each aspect of her. How was it possible that his Father had made someone so perfect for him?
Well, maybe not specifically for him, but still. What was his Father thinking? Hell, was He even thinking at all? Hadn’t He known that this particular wild child of his would fall head over heels in love with her like a maniac overdosed on romance?
It was surreal, how right she was for him. It was dreamlike, how sweet they were together. What did they call people like them in the human world again? Other half, twin flame, soulmate?
Each of her lashes, her big eyes, her glossy lips, her soft hair, her smooth skin, her delicate hands, her—well, everything. Every inch, every melody, every word.
Often he finds himself thinking about her voice when she talks to him, her gaze when she watches him, her lips when they meet his, and...
...other things, other things.
Crazy. Oh, he’s crazy about her.
He was a fallen angel, a devil, a traitor, but he thought that he would worship her. He could. He did. He had tender faith in her heart, in her mind, in her very soul.
She was, after all, his dream girl.
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+notes: a rare easter egg spur-of-the-moment fic. There’s a scene in the first game in which Mammon says that he loves everything about MC or did I hallucinate it? and I just remembered it and immediately thought, ‘the sweetheart of his dreams, the one made for him in every way.’ Also, this is approximately 50% word-vomit. My brain took time to throw it up, and I glossed it—albeit lightly—as well, so I’m not going to label it 100% alphabet puke, no. But I’ve been so uninspired, man. Writer’s block and whatnot MDD OCD GAD stress hehe. Even on the few occasions when I do get sparks of sentences and write them down, it’s radio silence next, and I end up abandoning the WIP for a time. Actually, there are WIPs I’ve buried likely for forever now, and that’s pretty unusual for me, since whenever I start a piece I often finish it (even if that’s months later) and put it up despite how it may not be of the quality my perfectionism and standards demand. Because I mean, meh, why the heck not? It’s already there, isn’t it? And I already poured in the time, thought and mental strain to do it, didn’t I? So I’ll merely tape it on my blog and AO3 page either as is au naturel or polish it as per I deem necessary. Anyways, I turned my notes into a rant of sorts there, but that’s really the point and what I actually had in mind for this section of my fics when it’s present: jot down inspiration particular to the fic in question, babble about my experience writing it, stuff it with tiny rants, things like that. If you went ahead and read this exquisite newspaper column, I offer you thanks for helping yourselves to a slice of my annoyance, I suppose? lol And I want to write a Mephi fic so bad aaaah I have a rotting WIP and a few decaying ideas scribbled down, so now I have to debate if I should complete the WIP, choose one of the ideas and make it into a fic, or write something new with the naughty abstract theme my mind is currently craving. Hmm...what to do indeed. Now watch me probably not even try to write a single fic for a long time
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67 notes · View notes
byeoltoyuki · 1 year
✴︎ Time is all we have ✴︎
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↳ Pairing: Wooyoung x reader
❧ Genre : fluff, angst, demons
❧ Words : +19k
❧ Warnings : stalkish behavior, violence, oral
❧ Summary : You never believed in ghosts or demons but when a terribly attractive man starts messing with your life, you’re forced to reconsider.
Sequel : For Eternity
A/N: I haven't written anything for so damn long and of course when I get back to it I can't make it short. Damn, I feel rusty. Definitely gonna be more active. Enjoy!
You knew there was something wrong with you.
Well, maybe not completely with you but definitely with your life. You weren’t a believer per say; you didn’t believe in an afterlife, nor did you believe in God or demons and even less in ghosts. But and it was a big but, you couldn’t deny that the past two months made you think that maybe there was something out there. Something that had been playing with you, messing with you. Your normal, peaceful life had gone from calm to shit crazy and there was no rational explanation to it, leaving you with no other choice but consider the impossible. What if something was haunting you?
Impossible, ridiculous were your initial thoughts and till this day a little voice still told you that, but another part of you whispered to you, warning you that something dark and dangerous was lingering in the darkness, watching you closely. You didn’t want to believe, really, but you couldn’t deny it any longer. Not when you were standing in the darkness, in the middle of your living room and that a silhouette was standing by your window, arms crossed over its chest. As your eyes adapted to the lack of light, you realized it was a man.
You blinked, once, twice, your heart missing a beat as slowly fear crept over you. “Who are you?”
Despite your fear, you wanted to sound as confident as possible. You wanted whoever was in this room to know that you were not weak but your voice had betrayed you.
He chuckled in response, sensing your fear, discomfort and attempt at being courageous. Clearly, you were an amusing little thing. He took a step closer to you, knowing well that in this darkness you wouldn’t be able to see him, to recognize him.
“Stop!” You ordered putting your hands before you to shield you. It was dumb, you knew that very well but did it nonetheless. “Don’t come any closer.”
“Or what? What can possibly the little human do to stop me?”
The term ‘human’ made your blood run cold. Here was the proof your relational side needed to confirm that something unnatural was going on in your life. Or maybe he was just a psychopath.
‘Who are you’ was once again on the tip of your tongue but you stopped yourself.
His voice. You knew this voice, not only from that night at the club but also from your dream.
It couldn’t be. There was no way.
Your heart leapt into your throat at the realization. You knew exactly who was in the room, hiding himself in the dark. The thing that you did not know was what he was and the simple idea of voicing your guess terrified you.
“What are you?”
Instead of answering you, he took another step closer and then another. A little voice was screaming at you, telling you to run but your feet stayed glued to the floor. You watched him getting dangerously closer to you and then you saw it. Red eyes glowing in the darkness.
“I think you know the answer, doll.”
You were not a believer. But this man made you believe. Because right before your eyes stood an inhuman being.
A demon.
“This is ridiculous.” You groaned in pure despair as you all took seat around the table in Soojin’s living room. Why, oh why, did your friends decide that a good, fun night should end in some horror and ghost stories? You weren’t particularly scared since you didn’t believe in spirits but it didn’t mean you enjoyed the game either. It freaked you out. Always had.
“Don’t be a party pooper, Y/N.” Soojin nudged you with her elbow. She put the Ouija board in the middle of the table and you couldn’t help but shiver at the sight of it. It was old and dusty and looked just as ominous as in your memories. Or maybe it was the atmosphere in the room. Soojin wasn’t playing around when she suggested to use the board. She lit as many candles as she could around her living room, setting an almost mystic, eerie atmosphere.
“Ouah! It looks old!” Mingi moved the board closer to him to have a look. “And not handmade. Clearly, you’ve got it for a while.”
“Yep! Found it at my grandma’s place long ago and kept it all this time.”
“And did you use it?” Mina seemed not as thrilled as the three other and you could almost guess why. Dealing with ghost stories, she could, in fact in the past she used to tell you the best stories ever that would make you shiver and gasp in surprise. Now, an Ouija board? Communicating with spirits? That was a whole other level of crazy considering what had happened in her life recently.
“Yes, with Y/N!” She was definitely too excited.
You rolled your eyes in response.
“Let me guess, you scared each other?” Seonghwa eyed the two of you with a knowing look.
“She,” You pointed an accusing finger at Soojin, “tried to scare the shit out of me. Too bad it didn’t work.” That was obviously a half truth. Back then, Soojin swore it wasn’t her doing and a spirit really did communicate with the two of you. The rational part, or maybe the scared part of you, refused to believe it and rather wanted to blame Soojin. However, the little voice inside your head told you another story, a story you would rather not think about.
Soojin scoffed but chose to ignore your remark. For the better. You had been friends for more than ten years, she knew everything about you and of course, she knew exactly how you felt about ghosts.
“I suppose, everybody knows the rules? I think we all watched enough horror movies to know them by now.” Soojin said
Mingi clapped his hands, excited to ‘play’.
“Be polite.” Seonghwa remembered the rule and at the same time glanced at Mingi who was his main concern. He loved his friend but whenever he was too excited about something he could forget the basics. “And always say goodbye.”
“Good, good. Do you know what you’re going to ask?”
Everybody nodded except you. You accepted being part of it which was already a huge miracle, but that didn’t mean you have to think about questions. Luckily for your group, they all had questions on mind.
Soojin nodded, satisfied. “Well then, let’s begin.”
The moment your put your finger on the planchette, a shiver run down your spine. Ten years later and you still had that dreadful feeling. There was some bad energy emanating from the board and apparently you were the only one bothered by it.
“Hello. Is there any spirit with us?” Soojin started, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
Just like ten years ago, nothing happened at first. No movement whenever it was from an actual spirit or your friends. Nobody talked, barely breathing as all of you waited for something to happen.
“Maybe they don’t want to talk to us.” Mingi commented
“They definitely don’t want to talk to you.” Seonghwa replied, rolling his eyes at his friend’s impatience. Not like he was surprised.
“Hush you two.” Soojin ordered, eyes sending daggers. “Please, ignore my friends. Is there anybody?”
You closed your eyes for a moment, a chill running down your spine. You couldn’t describe how you felt; a mixture of anxiousness, of uneasiness and maybe even fear. There was definitely something in the air, and you felt a surge of energy from the board that forced you to open your eyes and look at it. Once more, it appeared you were the only one to notice that there was definitely something going on.
“Soojin, I-“ you started saying but was cut short as the planchette started moving. It went straight to the ‘yes’.
“Oh shit.” Mina gasped in surprise.
“Who’s doing it?” Seonghwa asked. Finally, someone was as skeptical as you. “There’s no way-“
“Oh come on. Please don’t be like Y/N!” Soojin almost begged which earned her a kick under the table from you. She couldn’t expect all of you to believe that there was something in the dark, watching them.
“It’s okay, Seonghwa. Let them play.” You gave him a reassuring smile.
But your smile vanished as soon as the planchette started moving again. You watched it, letters after letters until you could have the full picture - a picture that made you squirm with uneasiness in your seat.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. Your first reaction was to glare at Soojin. She was the only one who knew about it, who had experienced it with you. Ten years ago, when you believed your friend was the one playing trick on you, the ‘spirit’ had said the same thing: hello friend.
Soojin looked back at you. For someone who was so excited about the whole thing, she didn’t look so thrilled any longer. Her face looked paler and her hand, the one on the planchette, started shaking.
If for a moment you were convinced, she was the one messing with you, now you weren’t so sure. Soojin was a terrible actress, there was no way she could fake her uneasiness.
“He-hello.” She stuttered, cleared her throat and looked around her. “We have some questions for you. Can you please help us?”
This time around it didn’t take long to reply. It moved instantly on ‘yes’.
“Can I ask?” Despite her initial enthusiasm, Mina looked somehow sadder and you could easily guess why. Her dad passed away six months ago and she didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. It was a sudden death that nobody could have predicted which made things much more complicated and worse. You bet she wanted a chance to say goodbye even if it meant to believe in ghosts.
Soojin understood it too and so did the boys.
“Go on. You can do it.” Soojin encouraged her.
“Can you please tell me if my dad is in peace?”
Your heart clenched in pain for her. Mina was a sweet girl, cheerful, honest and so loyal to her friends. It hurt you to see the pain and the sadness in her eyes, she didn’t deserve such trouble in her life. So when the planchette moved to ‘no’, you felt your blood boil in your veins. Whoever was messing with you deserved a good punch in the face.
“What do you mean no?” Mina asked louder than intended.
“Guys, it’s not fun.” Seonghwa was not amused either.
You were about to let go of the planchette when you felt a warm breath on your neck. You froze, unable to move, to speak. You glanced behind you but there was nothing and nobody. Of course, there wasn’t. You were slowly losing your mind. This whole ouija board was a bad idea.
It moved again.
It took Mina a lot of willpower not to let go of the planchette just because of the stupid rule but tears were gathering in her eyes. None of it made sense.
“Why” she whispered to herself
“Why would any of you do it to her?” This time Seonghwa sounded angry and ready to flip the table.
But none of you got the chance to defend yourself as the planchette moved once more as if to answer his question. Taunting him.
Heart racing, you grew uncomfortable with every passing second, with every answers. You didn’t want to believe that something was really answering you, but you couldn’t ignore the sick feeling in your stomach nor could you ignore the feeling of being watched. Just like ten damn years ago.
Before any of your friends could react to the last answer, you leaned closer to the board, ready for the only question you could come out with. “Are you the one from 10 years ago?”
Deep inside you, you already knew the answer, you just didn’t want to admit it.
It left you speechless and shaking.
Luckily for you, Soojin decided to take the matter in her hands. She took a deep breath and with a steady voice spoke again. “Thank you for your help. Goodbye.”
None of you spoke for a moment, still eying the board, almost as if you expected the planchette to move on its own. But it didn’t and you started breathing again.
“So. Who thought it was a good idea?”
You were late. Like very, very late. And you couldn’t explain it. If there was one thing you were well known about it was that you were never late, you made sure of it. Whether it was to meet with your friends or work related you were either on time or you would come up earlier than intended. But today, somehow you were late.
You didn’t hear your first alarm. Or the second or the third. No matter how loud it rang, you just didn’t hear it and you couldn’t explain it either. You checked your phone twice before going to bed, just by habits and to make sure that you had them all activated. They were. So what happened?
You felt stressed and angry with yourself. If only it was the only problem. You could, eventually, get over the fact that you missed your alarms and that you were running late but apparently it wasn’t enough. To add to your misery, you couldn’t find your keys. You knew you have left them in the hall, like every day since you moved in.
And yet they were missing.
“For fuck’s sake!” You groaned in frustration, ruffling your hair in pure despair. You were losing precious minutes and it was absolutely driving you crazy. 
You went through your bag one more time, in case you had somehow put them back in (that would have been odd). With no luck.
“Fine.” You told yourself, resigned. “Breathe, Y/N, breathe. It’s okay.”
There wasn’t much you could do at this point and you couldn’t lose any more precious minutes. You quickly typed a message to Soojin, asking her to bring the spare keys.
You grabbed your bag and your jacket and left, slamming the door a little too hard behind you.
You swore you heard a chuckle.
By the time you got to your office you were one hour late. To say that your arrival didn’t go unnoticed would be an understatement. Some of your colleagues joked about your lateness, some simply stared and some completely ignored you which you didn’t mind at all.
“Rough morning?” Minhyuk interrupted your thoughts by putting a cup of coffee right under your nose.
The combination of coffee and Minhyuk made you instantly forget about your shitty morning and made you smile. How could you say no to a coffee brought by your crush?
“My savior.” You beamed at him. You grabbed the warm cup and brought it closer to your face. “I need it so badly.”
“Yeah, you look like you do.” He said with a smirk, teasing you.
“Are you trying to tell me I look like shit?” You feigned being offended. You and Minhyuk had been friends for more than four years; he was the one that welcomed you in the company and showed you everything. It wasn’t hard to like him when he was so friendly and considerate. Actually, you didn’t know a single soul who didn’t like him.
“I would never.” He defended himself but then his smile turned into a frown. “What happened?”
“That’s actually a good question.” You sincerely told him as you took a sip of your hot coffee. “I slept through my alarms and then couldn’t find my keys.”
Minhyuk hummed in understanding. “Oh how we love this kind of morning.”
“Cheers to that.” You raised your cup and chuckled.
“Y/N? Sorry to interrupt guys.” Minji, the best boss in history, called for you. She gave the two of you a small, knowing smile (you wished she would stop playing the match-maker). “Quick question. Did you finish the preparation for the presentation?”
“I did. I’ll forward it to you.” If only things were that simple.
“Hold on.” You told Minhyuk.
What were the odds that your day could actually get any shittier? The folder that you had prepared last week was empty, all files erased. Your face paled as you double checked and still couldn’t find any trace of your files. “You got to be shitting me.”
Minhyuk leaned over your shoulder to have a look, a glance was enough to understand your problem. “Call the IT, maybe they can recover the files for you.”
You weren’t a believer but you dared to hope that someone would hear your prayer.
You woke up screaming, body covered in cold sweat, heart roaring in your ears. It took you a moment to calm down, to reassure yourself. You were in your room, in your bed. There were no spirits haunting you, following you wherever you went. There were no spirits trying to talk to you while looking dark and dangerous.
No. you were safe. At home.
Hand on your chest, you closed your eyes and concentrated on your breathing. Inhale, exhale, repeat. You didn’t know how long it took you, every time you thought you had regained control over your body and your emotions, images of the ugly ‘thing’ chasing you, screaming at you, would pop in your mind.
From the moment you fell asleep and started dreaming, you knew it was just another nightmare, nothing unusual. At least you thought so until you couldn’t wake up. No matter how many times you told yourself to wake up, you couldn’t open your eyes.
You checked your phone, only to see that it was three in the morning – you still had plenty of time to get back to sleep. You could, but the memory of the nightmare was still too fresh and you were scared to have another one.
“What should I do.” You pondered out loud, ruffling your hair in frustration.
A chuckle echoed in the room. It was faint which made you pause. Either your tired mind was imagining things (and you hoped it was the case) or someone had broken in while you were sleeping (unlikely). With shaky hand you reached for the lamp and switched the light on.
Just like you expected (or more like hoped) there was nothing wrong with your room and there was definitely nobody watching you from the corner of your room. Clearly, it was better for you to go back to sleep.
Before you go crazy.
There were people that were naturally clumsy and then, there were those who were just unlucky. You were neither. Or at least you believed so. But after a week of very unlucky and upsetting events, you wondered if maybe you were actually part of those people.
The incidents with your keys happened a few more times, except this time you didn’t bother looking for them, deciding that maybe you were just too distracted and moved them without actually remembering it.
Spilling coffee all over your white blouse, tripping over on the stairs and almost breaking your leg, a guy trying to steal your bag (and got a nice punch from you in return), you could go on with the list of incidents that happened in just one week. You should be terrified but all you could think about was ‘thank god, it was finally Friday’. No more incidents, no more work, you could finally stay at your place, safely and relaxing.
But not now. For now, you had other plans. When Soojin suggested to go clubbing you almost yelled your ‘yes’, way too happy to have a drink, or four, and dance. Better yet, Minhyuk chose to tag along. What a reward after such a week.
But maybe you shouldn’t have been so happy about his presence after all. No less than twenty minutes in the club and Minhyuk was gone, talking to some pretty brunette. Despite him being a good friend, Minhyuk was also a flirt, you knew it and yet you couldn’t help but feel jealous whenever he went for someone else.
You sighed in defeat and took a sip of your mojito.
Soojin nudged you playfully with her leg. “Maybe you should talk to him. You’ve been friends since day one.”
“I think it will be a waste of time.” You admitted as you glanced at him and the girl. He liked her. Well, maybe not like like, but he definitely intended to leave this place with her and judging by how touchy she was getting, you had no doubt it would work.
“He cares for you.” Soojin protested
“That he does, I know it. But he doesn’t see me as anything more. I’m not blind.” That was why Minhyuk was just a crush; a person you could have around and yet couldn’t have at the same time. There were days it bothered you, like tonight.
You glanced one more time at the couple. Nope, you refused to let your jealousy get the better of you, you refused to mope when finally, you could enjoy yourself and maybe find someone with who to leave. Maybe.
You emptied your drink and went straight for the crowd, mingling with people. You closed your eyes, a small smile spread on your lips as you started moving your body, forgetting all about the day, forgetting about your troubles. You let the music guide your moves.
Soon enough, a guy joined you, hands on your hips, he pressed your body against his. You didn’t mind, at first, it was after all your goal to find yourself a man for the night, but quickly he got too touchy, touching places he shouldn’t without your consent.
“I don’t think so.” You told the guy as you faced him, frowning and ready to punch him if needed.
“Oh come on.” He laughed, unfazed by your annoyance. “You were asking for it.”
The urge to punch him was getting stronger and stronger. You scoffed at his reply. “Get lost.”
Apparently, he didn’t like your answer. He took a step forward, hand outstretched ready to grab your wrist. He didn’t get a chance.
Despite your annoyance and your full attention on the man before you, you couldn’t ignore the sudden presence behind you. Not simply people dancing, but someone standing right behind you. Someone wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against a firm torso. You blinked, confused.
“I don’t think my girlfriend likes your attention.” A very nice and charming voice echoed from behind you.
“Your girlfriend was asking for it.” The man snickered and eyed the two of you.
Despite his remark (that annoyed you deeply), you noticed how he took a step back, ready to flee. Whoever was holding you made a rather strong impression on the man which made you only curious about him.
“Fuck off.” Your savior growled. A deep and menacing growl.
It worked.
You almost laughed at how quick the man left, mumbling under his nose. Didn’t need to be a genius to guess what he was saying.
“Better?” The man let go of your waist and took a step back, giving you some space.
You turned to face him. You didn’t know what you expected to see after hearing his voice but clearly not that. The man, the savior was ridiculously hot. There was no way this man could be human. Pretty eyes, sharp jaw, definitely kissable lips, black hair. And damn the lovely mole under his eye. To say you were mesmerized would be the understatement of the century.
You cleared your throat. “Thank you.”
His smile turned from gentle to devilish at the sound of your voice and the look on your face – you felt exposed as if he could read your mind. “You’re welcome, my lady. Now shall we?” He outstretched his hand, inviting you to dance.
How in the world could you say no?
The moment you placed your hand in his, he yanked you with so much strength against him, you almost fell in his arms. He didn’t let go of your hand for a moment which seemed like eternity to you. You almost forgot where you were, almost forgot you weren’t alone in the room. It certainly felt like it.
Being so close to his face felt intoxicating.  You didn’t want him to let go of you; you didn’t want to move. In fact, more you looked into those dark, beautiful eyes, more you wanted to press your body fully against him and kiss him. Those stupidly, inviting lips.
His smile grew wider, once more you had the sensation that he knew exactly what was going on in your pretty little head. But instead of actually giving you exactly what you wanted, he spun you in his arms and pressed you hard against him.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sensation of his warm, strong body. Despite your clothes being in the way (and oh how much you wished it wasn’t), his warmth completely enveloped you.
One hand on your hip, the other on your stomach, he started moving in the rhythm of the music, guiding your body. You closed your eyes to fully enjoy the music, to enjoy his touch. Without fully realizing it, you pressed yourself a little harder against him which earnt you a groan right near your ear.
“Easy there.” He warned you, his fingers gently digging into your hip.
You shuddered in response. You were too aware of his fingers, of his lips near your ear. You wanted to feel his lips on your skin. Desperately.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time a guy made you feel this way. He hadn’t even properly touch you (yet, hopefully) and yet you couldn’t ignore how uncomfortably wet you got. You wanted him, badly.
Without even knowing his name. 
“There you are!” Minhyuk’s familiar voice brought you back. It was almost like his gentle voice broke a spell.
Your savior instantly let go of your body; you almost whimpered at the loss of his heat, cursing silently your friend for interrupting.
“I was looking for you everywhere. One moment you were by the bar and then nothing.” He eyed you with a frown, almost as if he was worried for you.
It was funny how at the beginning of the night you would have been delighted to hear him, to see him worrying over you. But now? You were almost annoyed.
You glanced at your new partner. He smiled at you, cute dimples showing. Could he get any handsomer? His smile, however, faded the moment his eyes landed on Minhyuk. Oh how quickly his face transformed; he didn’t look like a nice guy any longer. His eyes were hard, face dark and if you didn’t know better, you would have thought he was about to pounce on Minhyuk.
“I-“ You faced Minhyuk, unsure of what you wanted to say. Did you want to explain yourself? Did you want to tell him to leave the two of you alone?
“Do you want to leave?” Minhyuk asked instead
You glanced over your shoulder only to see that your savior was nowhere to be found. That was quick.
You knew you were dreaming because you found yourself in an empty dark street. All the lights were out and the town was dead silent which simply couldn’t happen if it wasn’t a dream.
Your city was always full of life whether it was day or night, it didn’t matter. Therefore, you decided that it was another of those weird dreams. You almost expected this dream to turn into another nightmare; maybe another monster would pop out of nowhere and start chasing you. You almost laughed at the thought. How could you be so ready for another nightmare?
It didn’t happen.
You looked around the street. Your only source of light happened to be the moon which would have been romantic if it wasn’t for the silence. It was too silent. No honks, no animals, you couldn’t even hear the wind. The town seemed simply dead.
Uneasy, you started walking down the street, maybe in hope to find something that made sense with this dream, maybe in hope that eventually the dream would change or maybe you would simply wake up.
None of it happened. No matter how long you walked (which felt like hours), nothing changed. Your surroundings stayed exactly the same. Same street, same gloomy atmosphere.
Until it did.
You halted in your track, body turning cold. There was definitely something wrong with the dream. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint why it suddenly felt like you were in danger but it did. You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself, trying to reassure yourself, to keep your mind clear. Whatever was about to happen, you could deal with it.
And then, you felt it. A warm breath caressed your nape causing goosebumps all over your body.
“Hello friend.”
That voice, you knew it, yet at the same time it sounded different. You forced your body to come out of shock and move as far as possible from the person behind you.
The man that stood in the middle of the street looked just as beautiful as in your memory except for the fact that he felt completely different. You gawked at him, hands shaking, you couldn’t stop yourself from feeling like you were in danger and you needed to run.
Whenever he could read your mind or not - he smiled wickedly, eyes glowing bright red. He licked his lips, eyes never leaving yours. You were a prey and he would not let you leave so easily.
“Who are you?” You finally found your voice and asked. A part of you didn’t want to know who he was. It couldn’t be the same man; the one you met at the club didn’t look or sound that dangerous, the one before you on the other hand felt like pure evil.
His wicked smile only grew at your question. Instead of answering you, he got out of your sight for a second, only to reappear right in front of you. He grabbed your arm, tightly, his hand burning your skin.
“Don’t worry, doll, you’ll find out very soon.” Was the last thing you heard.
Your eyes snapped open; a scream of pure terror left your lips. Heart hampering in your chest, you panted, badly, unable to control your breathing. You shut your eyes tightly and counted till you regained some calmness.
And here you thought dreaming about spirits was terrifying. This dream felt too real. The fear, the pain, even now that you were fully awake you still felt it. At the memory of the pain, you switched the light on and quickly rolled your sleeve; there was no way any of it was real. And yet a bright red handprint was there.
“No, no, no, no.” You repeated to yourself while rubbing your arm. It wasn’t real. You were completely fine. Or maybe, you did hurt yourself but only because the dream was so intense.
You took a deep breath, your gaze locked on the bright mark.
You were not losing your mind.
Thinking that after a long weekend of resting and relaxing your awful dreams and episodes of hurting yourself would stop was a mistake. You hadn’t gotten a proper sleep for a week and it was slowly driving you crazy. You didn’t know what was the cause of those nightmares. No, that was a lie, your life took a tragic turn from the moment you used the Ouija board.
For a while, you refused to think about that night, for the sake of your sanity. However, with the past events it made it harder not to think about it. Something was definitely going on and your brain was trying to make you understand.
You sighed for the hundredth time this morning. You were tired, dizzy and in big need of sleep. You could barely concentrate on your work. Talk with people? Hardly possible; you heard them and yet couldn’t fully process what they were saying.
Soojin pulled a chair beside you and faced you, a scowl on her face. “Want to talk about it?”
Despite her sitting close to you, you barely heard her. “What?”
“You look tired as hell. I think in all our years of friendship I’ve never seen you like this.”
This simple statement brought tears to your eyes. Soojin was right, you had never felt this exhausted in your life.
“I can’t sleep.” You finally admitted.
There were plenty of disadvantages with not being able to sleep. Obviously, the tiredness was the main problem but it wasn’t the only issue. No, being deprived of sleep made you cranky as hell, unable to concentrate on anything and the worst was probably you seeing things that couldn’t be real therefore weren’t really there.
“What do you mean you can’t sleep? As in insomnia?” Soojin leaned closer and touched your forehead. “Girl, you’re burning.”
Fever? Oh yeah, another problem to deal with.
“I keep having nightmares. I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming and sweating. Sometimes I wake up with wounds on my arms.” You rolled your sleeves to show the different handprints. Not all of them came from the man that looked like your savior, but oddly enough his stayed when others faded, eventually.
Soojin gasped loudly at the sight of the different red marks on your arms. She grabbed your hands, gently tug to get a better look. “This is insane.”
“You tell me.”
Back to present
‘Move’ you told your body. You had to move, to put some space between you and the demon. So, you ran and switched the light on, almost as if you expected the man to disappear, to prove to your tired brain that it was all a hallucination. And to your surprise, as soon as light came, he was nowhere to be seen.
Should you have felt relieved? Definitely. Were you relieved? Not really. Rightfully so.
“Boo.” A voice came right from behind you.
You shrieked, startled which only made him laugh as you stumbled. A hand on your heart, you didn’t think for a moment you would survive the night with his presence – he was driving you crazy and not in a nice way.
“You can’t be real.” You muttered half to yourself half to him. Despite all the evidences right before your eyes, you still couldn’t come with terms that all this time it was him and he was not human. It just didn’t make sense.
“Oh, but I am, love.” He purred, clearly satisfied with your reaction. He was patient, for a demon at least, and now that he had finally showed himself to you, he couldn’t help but enjoy the moment a little too much. “You’re such a sweet little thing.”
“No, no, no.” You shook your head in denial. “I refuse.”
He chuckled and took a step forward while you stepped back, refusing to let him come any closer to you. As if you could stop him. He smiled wickedly at you; he kept walking towards you, unbothered by your lame attempt at staying away from you. You realized too late that he had you trapped between him and the wall.
“Nice attempt.” He mocked, leaning closer.
His face was inches from yours and despite your initial fear, you couldn’t help yourself but admire his handsome face. A demon was supposed to represent a sin and the ‘man’ standing before you was definitely a walking sin. It shouldn’t be allowed.
You pressed yourself even harder against the wall, wishing it could swallow you whole and help you escape from the demon.
“You know, I didn’t expect you to play again with an oujia board. Not after last time.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“Why? Because it’s fun!”
“Fun?” You repeated, irritated. All this time you thought you were losing your mind, only to find out that your problems were all because of one person. Just because someone thought it was fun.
Outraged, you forgot for a moment that he wasn’t a simple man but a demon, and pushed him as hard as you could. “Fun? I’m not some toy you can play with! Don’t you ever dare mess with me again!”
Your little outburst took him out of guard. He saw fire in your eyes; you weren’t scared of him any longer and were ready to fight him with all your being if it meant to get your life under control.
He was tempted to push your buttons, to see just how much you could endure before losing yourself.
“Get out.” You ordered
As much as you wanted him to leave you alone, you didn’t believe that he would actually listen to you, he just didn’t seem like someone who would listen to other’s wishes.
But he did.
You woke up this morning feeling refreshed and suspiciously at peace. No weird dreams, no nightmares and no demon waiting for you. It was refreshing. You wanted to believe that it meant it was over, no more troubles, no more weird incidents. Was it too much to ask?
For the past two days, you tried not think too much about the demon, the terribly handsome demon but you quickly realized it was impossible. You couldn’t simply erase his face from your memory and even less forget how warm his skin felt against yours. You hated yourself for thinking about him in this way, from being so affected and seeing how your treacherous body reacted to him. Instead of despising him for how vulnerable he made you feel by haunting you, you found yourself wishing he had done something else.
“You’re crazy, Y/N.” You told yourself
You sighed and closed your eyes to enjoy the last drops of water. A good night of sleep and a nice warm shower and you felt like you were ready to fight the world. You hadn’t felt this way for days – it felt good. 
You stepped out of your shower, humming to yourself and stopped. Leaning against the door was the demon. His arms, and damn those muscular arms, crossed over his chest, he was openly staring at your naked body, smirking.
“The hell!” You screamed and grabbed your towel to hide your body. “Get out!”
Your anger didn’t faze him as he remained against the door, his eyes roaming over your half-hidden body. His eyes lingered on your legs and then slowly moved to your face. He licked his lips hungrily. You were definitely a sweet thing he wanted to play with.
You gulped nervously under his gaze. You wanted to hold onto your anger and outrage but his eyes and the way he licked his lips made it almost impossible. Your body warmed up instantly, reacting to him in a way it shouldn’t.
“I said, get out!” You repeated but even to your ears you didn’t sound convincing.
He chuckled and of course didn’t listen to your order. Not this time. Instead, he walked towards you, a predator getting closer to its prey.
“Why should I when I have such a nice view?” He stopped inches from you.
He was too close; you could feel his warmth. Or maybe you were simply too aware of him. Instead of trying to get away from him like you should, your feet stayed rooted to the floor, eyes locked on him.
“Why are you here?” You managed to ask, your grip on your towel tightening as if your life depended on it. Your life certainly didn’t but your sanity definitely did.
The man before you smiled wickedly at your question. He put a finger under your chin and tilted your head up. “Why? Isn’t it obvious, doll? You wanted me here.”
Your gasped at his touch. “I-I didn’t.”
“No?” He sounded amused as he leaned dangerously closer. His absolutely kissable lips so close, all you needed was lean in and you could taste them. “You little liar.”
It was unfair how enthralled you were with him. He didn’t do anything to deserve this kind of reaction from you, in fact you should be screaming and kicking but no, you let him control you.
You wanted to defend yourself, excuses on the tip of your tongue and yet no words left your lips because deep inside you knew he was right - you were a liar.
“What do you want?”
“What do you think I want, doll?” He hummed, his finger moving slowly, feather like touches, from your neck to your collarbone.
‘Me’ you wanted to say but that would be playing his game and you didn’t want to. Not so easily.
As his finger was getting dangerously closer to the edge of your towel, you tightened your grip in case he tried something.
“Why are you trying so hard to resist me?” He asked, his fingers halting on your towel. “Is it because of that guy? Do you think he can fuck you better than me?”
The mention of Minhyuk was what broke the hold he had on you. You scoffed and pushed him away from you.
“You need to stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Controlling me.” You refused to elaborate, to admit that you felt a strong attraction.
He chuckled at your assumption. “Oh doll, you think I’m trying to control you? I don’t need to.” He eyed you from head to toe, “My presence enhances your feelings, that’s all. I can do nothing about it.”
He had to be lying, you told yourself. It was easier to think that he was the origin of this attraction but judging by how calm he was, you had to come with terms that maybe it was your own fault.
You bit on your lips, frustrated with him and with yourself.
“What’s your name?” You finally asked. You couldn’t keep calling him ‘the demon’ and considering how often you had been seeing him (and you guessed it was just the beginning) you might as well know his name.
“I have many names,” He started
“Spare me with that.” You interrupted, not caring any longer if you sounded rude or that you were provoking him. You just didn’t care anymore.
He rolled his eyes in response. “Wooyoung. You can call me Wooyoung.”
You liked his name, but that, of course, you kept to yourself.
“Great, Wooyoung. Now get out and please don’t come back.”
When Minhyuk invited you to his birthday party, you expected it to be small with his group of friends. How wrong you were.
His flat was crowded with so many unfamiliar faces, it made you pause for a moment and wonder if you were in the right place. You knew, of course, he was a social butterfly but not to this extent.
For a moment you tried to look for Minhyuk, he was the birthday boy after all, but with the dim light and the crowd, it made your mission impossible. With a long sigh, you chose to go to the improvised bar instead, judging that you would eventually find him. Or he would find you.
Luckily for you, you didn’t stay alone for long. Without surprise, you found Soojin sipping her beer by the bar, watching people with her typical judging gaze (you smiled at that).
“I knew I’d find you here.” She grabbed another bottle and handed it to you. “Thanks babe.”
“You’re finally here! I’m bored.” Soojin whined and wrapped her arm around yours.
“You? Bored? Now that doesn’t sound like you at all.”
She nudged you with her hips. “I didn’t expect Minhyuk to turn his flat into a night club, too many people and they look all dull.”
“Oh come on, you can’t be sure of that. Have you tried talking to any of them?”
Soojin completely ignored your comment (but stuck her tongue out) and instead observed your face. “You look better.”
That you did. Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen which resulted in you sleeping like a baby. No more nightmares, no more hallucinations, it was great. “Yeah. Back to normal.”
Or almost.
“There comes my favorite girl!” Before you could even react to Minhyuk’s voice, his arms were already around you, bringing you into a big, warm hug.
“Finally!” Soojin raised her bottle, “Happy birthday, asshole!”
“Lovely, as always.” Minhyuk let go of you but only for a moment, he had one hand on your hip, rubbing gently as he faced your friend. “But thank you. I’m glad you came.” And then he looked at you. “Especially you.”
Soojin rolled her eyes, disgusted with the sudden display of affection (that took you of guard). You, on the other hand, were simply confused at his rather odd behavior. Yes, you were close and of course you were happy with his comment, but he had to be drunk to suddenly be so touchy.
“Minhyuk, are you drunk?” You nudged him playfully, putting some space between you two.
It was odd how weeks ago, you would have let him touch you freely, and yet tonight it didn’t feel right. You blamed Wooyoung for this too, he had completely fucked up with your brain.
“No!” He protested too quickly and giggled, “Okay, maybe a little.” He cupped your face between his hands and leaned closer. “You look so pretty, Y/N.”
“Oh my god. I should definitely film him. That some nice blackmail material.” Soojin laughed
However, before she could do that, Minhyuk’s hold on your face tightened making you wince. His eyes were no longer on your face but at something or someone behind you. You had a sick feeling that someone was indeed staring intensely at you – a cold shiver ran down your spine.
“What is he doing here?” Minhyuk groaned more to himself than to you but you heard him nevertheless.
His question got you curious. Who was behind you? And especially, who could turn the sweet and drunk Minhyuk into a frowning, upset guy?
“Did you bring him with you?” He asked you
“Wh-what?” It took you by surprise. You removed his hands from your face and glanced over your shoulder.
At the sight of Wooyoung standing by the window, your heart missed a beat. He looked terribly attractive in all black; black jeans, black turtleneck and rolled sleeves revealing his strong, veiny arms. He smirked at the attention, clearly unfazed with Minhyuk’s glare.
You were in trouble.
“No.” You finally answered, averting your eyes from Wooyoung. “Why would I bring him? I don’t know him.” Oh Y/N, you were such a little liar, Wooyoung was right.
“The hell.” Minhyuk muttered under his breath. He ignored your response. Eyes on Wooyoung, he left both you and Soojin, walking straight to Wooyoung with clenched fist.
“Minhyuk, no!” You thought you knew drunk Minhyuk, but apparently you didn’t. If he was looking for a fight with someone ‘normal’, you would have let him (maybe not) but you worried for him since he was picking a fight with a demon, without even knowing it. “Bloody hell.”
“Well, what a surprise.” Soojin commented. She put her now empty bottle on the table and got by your side. She followed your gaze and whistled at the sight. “I’m not going to comment on Minhyuk’s behavior, but damn the guy he’s facing? He’s hella hot.”
Yes, he was but you didn’t say it out loud.
“Oh shit.” You gasped as Minhyuk grabbed Wooyoung by his collar, bringing him closer to him.
Without even realizing it, your body moved on its own in their direction.
“Y/N!” Soojin quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you back, worried of what you were about to do. “Don’t.”
Your eyes went back and forth between Soojin and the two men. You bit on your lips, unsure of what you were supposed to do. Did you want to watch them fight? Did you want to save Minhyuk from Wooyoung? Or did you just want to make sure nothing happens to Wooyoung? The later seemed so impossible, and yet your heart was beating crazily.
“Let them be.” Soojin advised you and shook her head. “Men.”
For a second, you caught Wooyoung’s gaze, he seemed completely unbothered with Minhyuk’s display of strength and anger. The moment his eyes met yours, he smiled, a devilish smile. Oh he was up to nothing good.
‘Please don’t.” You mouthed hoping he could get your message.
Wooyoung got effortlessly rid of Minhyuk, one swift move and he was free. You expected Minhyuk to fight back but he took you off guard by walking away.
Wooyoung glanced at you one last time before vanishing from your sight in a blink.
“The hell.”
“I wonder what people would say about you if they knew you let a demon play with you.” Wooyoung chuckled before planting another kiss on your inner thigh, enjoying the contact with your skin.
You whimpered at the touch, desperate for more. He had been toying with you for what felt like hours. Hands traveling down your body; every touch setting your skin on fire. If you were in your right state of mind, you would have been embarrassed by how whiny and wet he got you. Instead, you tried to wriggle under him, to get closer, to make him stop playing.
“Wouldn’t they say that you’re a little whore, hm?” He hummed against your skin, lips slowly moving from your knee back to your inner thigh, getting awfully close to where you needed him and yet never giving you what you wanted.
“I don’t care!” You snapped, patience wearing thin. You tried to grab him, to push him against you but Wooyoung was faster and so much stronger. With one swift move he was back, hovering over you with your arms completely pinned above your head.
“Don’t think so, doll.” He smirked at how fucked you looked without him doing much. You were completely at his mercy and he knew he had little to do before you would start begging him to take you. Wooyoung leaned closer, lips so close, so tempting – you wanted him to kiss you, so you tried to move but he pulled back, toying with you. “Tsk, so impatient, doll.”
“You’re an asshole.” Wouldn’t it be so nice to kick him just to get rid of your frustration? It would be, but of course, you did none of that. Instead, you groaned. “You can’t keep doing that.”
Wooyoung smiled in response, watching you like a prey, squirming under him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You would have punched him if you could, instead, you nudged him as hard as you could with your leg to make a point (sadly, it only made him laugh; a very cute and annoying laugh).
“Wooyoung, I swear-“ He didn’t let you finish, instead, he, rudely, interrupted you with a kiss. A hot and needy kiss. For all his talk, and his self-control, you found out he was just as desperate as you judging by the strength of the kiss. He let go of your wrists and immediately you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you, pressing your body against his to deepen the kiss. You let your fingers rake through his hair before pulling at them harshly (he deserved it) making him groan against your lips.
“Know that you’re going to regret that, doll.” He warned you, biting your lip.
“You’re all bark and no bite, babe.” You mocked, fully realizing that pushing his buttons would either get you in trouble (because come on he was a demon) or you would finally get what you wanted.
Wooyoung’s pulled from you but his fingers found your chin, thumb caressing your lower lip. His eyes glowed brighter than ever at your daring words. “You’re so going to eat your words, love.”
And just like that, he slid slowly down your body, eyes never leaving yours. He took it slowly, gently, too gently considering how threatening he wanted to sound, but maybe you should have paid more attention to his eyes, to see the mischievous glimpse.
Nestled between your thighs, he bit harshly your thigh, making sure to leave a mark. A complain was already on the tip of your tongue (because come on, how long was he planning on playing with you) before finally, as if he sensed what you were about to do, you felt the press of his lips on your clit. It was so soft, you could barely register and yet you felt a wave of pleasure. Finally.
Something that started softly quickly turned into something else. Mouth working between your legs, he was ruthless; sucking, lapping, he knew exactly what he was doing, turning you into a moaning mess. You grabbed his hair, tugging at his locks and pushing his head closer to your heat.
“Wooyoung,” You moaned
“All mine.” Wooyoung growled, a very animalistic (that got you even wetter if it was possible) growl. “He will never have you.”
Feeling completely overwhelmed, you couldn’t proceed his words, not his claim on you nor the mention of ‘he’.
“Look at me, doll.” He suddenly stopped and hovered over you. Gently, he stroked your face, almost lovingly, if he was capable of that. “Now, look at him. Look and tell him he would never have you.”
Puzzled, you followed his gaze only for your eyes to widen in shock. Minhyuk was sitting in the corner of your room, unmoving, with his fists clenched. Your eyes locked for a second and you knew, deep inside, that you should be ashamed, you should push Wooyoung off you, but you couldn’t. You tore your eyes off him and looked at Wooyoung, staring at this odd demon.
“If you stop, I swear I’m going to punch you.” You warned him
You couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear, not wanting to flatter his already big ego, but your words and your eagerness seemed to be enough. He glanced at Minhyuk; a triumphant smile plastered all over his face – he had won this round.
Wooyoung spread your legs wider as he went back, lips around your clit, sucking hard. Your legs started to shake with all the attention; you arched your back as you felt so close to your release. So close.
Until he stopped.
You jolted in your bed, sweating and feeling incredibly hot and sticky. No wonder, considering your dream. You knew beforehand that you having a wet dream about Wooyoung meant he was back with his games and you weren’t sure how you felt about it. Frustrated? Amused? Scared? All at once.
“Fuck you!” You finally let out loudly, confident that he was hiding in the darkness of your room, watching your misery with amusement.
Oh how right you were.
Wooyoung appeared right beside you, laying on your bed, completely unbothered with your cute, according to him, outburst.  “Hi doll.”
“You!” You pointed an accusing finger at him, “Stupid demon! Stop messing with me!”
Wooyoung chuckled in response, shifting on the bed so he could face you better. “You know, doll, you’re the first human who dares to insult me and yet is still alive.”
This sentence alone should have shut you up and shrink away from him, however, considering your level of frustration, you forgot all about the fact that he was a sinful creature that could probably snap your neck in a second.
“So what? How does it feel?” You snapped back instead.
Wooyoung quirked a brow at you. He had to admit he was pleasantly surprised with your sudden confidence. He took all his time to answer your question, eyes roaming your half-exposed body; from your exposed legs, to your exposed shoulder (since your long t-shirt refused to stay on place), to your lips. Those sweet lips. He licked his lips, eyes not leaving your lips.
“Aroused.” He admitted, smiling shamelessly
Whatever witty comeback you had, died the moment he confessed. The little shit surely knew how to leave you speechless and confused. How much you hated him (that was half true but he didn’t need to know that).
Realizing all too late how exposed you were, you grabbed your blanket, in panic, and pulled it over your body. It was stupid and completely pointless but it still made you feel safer. Just a tiny bit.
“Really, doll?” He laughed and grabbed the blanket. You gripped it tightly, preparing for him to tug at it (as if you had a chance in winning). Without surprise, he yanked it from you, exposing your body once more to his eyes. He licked his lips, admiring the view. “You’re so sweet.”
Wooyoung moved slowly, maybe on purpose or maybe to give you the chance to push him away or to scream at him. You did none of that, hypnotize with his predator-like grace as he got closer to you. His hands found their way to your thighs, featherlike touches that sent an all too familiar wave of pleasure. You shivered in both fear and excitement. Fear, because your body was too responsive to his touch. Excitement, because you wanted to see how far he was ready to go with you.
Gently, he pulled your legs apart to nestle between them. He inhaled sharply; with just one look he knew how, embarrassingly, wet you were. “Sweet. I wonder who got you this wet, love.”
“Definitely not you.” You stubbornly commented. “But please, do touch me.”
To your utter surprise, a genuine smile spread on Wooyoung’s face and you had to admit that to see such sincerity on his handsome face terrified you way more than his usual expression.
“Not today, doll.” He kissed your forehead and then, everything turned black.
“Okay, what’s up with your cranky ass?” Soojin plopped on the chair in front of you, frowning at you.
It was finally lunch break and you chose to meet at your favorite restaurant near your work place. It was crowded, like always, but luckily for you, your favorite table was free (in fact, you suspected your favorite waitress reserved it especially for you). You had the perfect view on the window, watching people go on with their lives.
Soojin’s voice brought you back to reality; averting your eyes from the street, you looked at your friend who clearly was concerned with your state of mind.
“Nothing.” It was obviously a lie and Soojin didn’t buy it.
As much as it pained you to admit it, you were indeed cranky, borderline annoyed with everybody but also with yourself. And Wooyoung. Especially with him. The little shit.
You couldn’t believe he used, whatever power he had, on you. Worse yet, he dared to leave you alone and frustrated, after making sure you were so wound up. Every time, the dream crossed your mind, it made you grind your teeth and clench your fist (and maybe a tad bit excited). You promised to yourself that the next time you see him; you would make him pay (as if you had any power on him).
“Is it about Minhyuk?” Soojin wondered
“Who?” You blinked, taken aback by how quick you answered and realized your mistake. “No.”
Soojin arched an amused brow at you. There was no doubt, she was surprised with the idea of you having another guy on mind. “There’s another guy I’m not aware about?”
‘Shit.’ You bit on your cheek, forcing yourself not to slap yourself. If only you weren’t so distracted, then maybe you wouldn’t find yourself in this situation.
“I can’t believe you kept it to yourself!” Soojin whined and playfully slapped your arm. “I’m your best friend! How dare you?”
You sighed in defeat. She was right, you weren’t the kind of people who kept things from her best friend, and definitely not a guy. But really, what could you tell her about Wooyoung? ‘Hi, I’ve been haunted by a demon ever since we had a séance at your place. He’s annoying but actually hella hot and I want to fuck him.’ You couldn’t tell her that.
“I’m sorry. I just-“ You started to say, trying to find the right words to justify yourself. But really, you had no valid excuses.
“Come on, I’m listening.” She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look as stern as possible but her eyes were glowing with mischief. She was ready to laugh and tease the hell out of you.
You took a deep breath, answer on the tip of your tongue and then, forgot all about it the moment your eyes landed on the person standing outside, on the sidewalk. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Just when you thought, you couldn’t get any angrier, Wooyoung proved you wrong.
“Oh you piece of shit.” You groaned under your nose.
Without giving any explanations to Soojin or even giving her time to react, you ran outside. Eyes locked, you forgot all about the people around you or the fact that crossing the road without looking was probably the dumbest thing you had ever done, but your annoyance silenced the rational and reasonable part of you. All you could think about was getting to him as fast as you could (and before he could vanish) and share a piece of your mind (and if you could punch his smug face, it would be a bonus).
But were you lucky? Not when the stupid demon was concerned. Before you could reach him and express your annoyance, you tripped. Like a damn fool. Before your pretty face could meet the rather dirty pavement, Wooyoung caught you. One hand held your forearm while the other was pressed against your back.
“Someone’s too happy to see me.” Wooyoung chuckled
You should be appalled by how quickly your treacherous body responded to him; a laugh and a touch and you felt your insides melt. There was definitely something wrong with you. Instead of punching him like you initially planned, you found yourself staring at him, lips slightly parted, you were completely hypnotized and there was no saving.
“Cat got your tongue, doll?”
You cleared your throat, embarrassed with your own reaction, and punched his chest. Lamely.
“Lovely as always.”
Wooyoung’s smile was terrifying. Not because it was actually ugly and horrifying – far from it. But as a demon, he shouldn’t be allowed to look both cute and handsome while smiling; wide smile with absolutely adorable dimples – you had to fight the urge to poke his cheeks.
“You’re staring, doll.”
‘You too’, you wanted to say but no sound left your mouth. His closeness was making it hard for you, to think, to breathe. In fact, all you could do was stare and wonder what it would be like to kiss him.
“Y/N.” For the first time since you met him, he called you by your name and to say that you didn’t die a little inside would be a lie. You liked it. A little too much.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Soojin’s familiar and sweet voice echoed from behind you, causing you to jump and put some distance between you and Wooyoung. You looked at her, half dazed half guilty. You were in deep shit.
“Here.” She handed you your bag with a wicked smile that was definitely as evil as Wooyoung’s, promising you a very slow death if you dared not to call her later to spill the beans. “Take your afternoon off.”
You had to admit that spending a whole afternoon with the person that used to haunt you was the weirdest thing you had ever done in your life. You should have been worried about your sanity for actually liking it, but instead of worrying about it, you chose to fully enjoy the moment and forget all about your anger.
Wooyoung, despite being a demon, an evil thing, was not what you imagined a demon to be. He was a natural flirt (you stopped counting how many times he made you blush), fond of pickup lines (and you were a big sucker for it), funny and sounded and acted like a normal human being. It was disconcerting but you enjoyed it too much to complain.
This was how you found yourself at your place, nestled cozily in your couch, watching Netflix and eating pizza. A normal, friendly activity you would say.
“I wonder,” You started as you shifted to watch Wooyoung. “How come a demon showed up when we were trying to talk to a spirit? Like, is it normal?”
Wooyoung, who was about to take another bite of his slice of pizza, halted. This was not a question he expected from you. He cleared his throat and quickly regained his composure. “I did not expect that.”
That made you smirk. “Did I take you off guard?” You were a tad proud, you had to admit.
“Wipe that proud smirk, doll.”
“Or what?”
Wooyoung pinched your arm in response, making you yelp and put some additional space between you, just in case he would try again. “Not nice.”
“Never said I was.” And just like that he took you once more by surprise as he stuck his tongue out. “As for your initial question, I felt a strong pull, almost as if I was being summoned. Obviously, I wasn’t. I was shocked to see two kids with an Ouija board.” He laughed at the memory.
Wooyoung could still picture your face, so stern and half annoyed with the actual game; one look at you and he could guess that you didn’t believe in spirits. Your friend, on the other hand, was so excited, waiting for something to happen. “You looked so stern; I could tell you didn’t believe in any of that.”
You snorted at that. Not so long ago you still didn’t believe in ghost and yet now you got all cozy with a demon.
Wooyoung grabbed gently your hand, playing with your fingers. “It was so tempting to scare you. And then imagine my surprise, ten years later, I felt the pull again and I just knew it was you.”
Hearing him talk about the pull made you feel a kind of way. You should feel annoyed that he had been messing with you, but instead you almost felt special.
“So, instead of talking to me, you decided to mess with my life.” You gave him your best stern look (but really all you wanted was to laugh).
Wooyoung smiled sheepishly at you. “Guilty. I couldn’t resist.”
You found yourself smiling back at him. “I have something else I want you to ask about.”
Wooyoung arched a brow, clearly someone had been particularly curious tonight – he didn’t mind. But once more, you took him by surprise; you moved swiftly from your spot only to get on top of him, straddling his thighs. Confident and with a playful smile plastered on your face, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one who could play, you could too and judging by how tense he got, you won this round.
“You keep provoking me but you never really touch me.” You thought about the night he got you all bothered only to leave you alone. You thought about it over and over and you just couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t touch you.
Wooyoung closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. He should have guessed you would actually ask this question. He leaned closer to you and gently stroked your cheek with his thumb. “Because I’m a demon. It will leave a mark on you, taint you and I don’t want that for you.”
Your body reacted on its own by pressing your face into his hand. His words made your heart flutter; you had a handsome demon in your flat, sitting on him and instead of being evil like he was supposed to, he was being sweet and considerate. Honestly, you didn’t know whether you should cry or laugh. Were you growing fond of him? Absolutely.
“Don’t think I don’t want you, doll.” He grabbed your hips, grip so tight you were sure it would leave a bruise. He pressed you harder against him, making you feel him, making you understand just how much he wanted you. He was hard. Damn hard. You couldn’t stop yourself from moving, grinding against him.
Wooyoung’s eyes turned red as a groan escaped his lips. “Doll.”
Despite his warning, he didn’t stop you. He watched your every move, every little whimper that left your pretty parted lips. He watched the way you closed your eyes to enjoy the friction and how slowly you were losing yourself. It took him all his willpower not to flip you, get rid of those clothes and just pound into you until you were begging him to let you come.
“You’ll be the death of me, doll.”
When you came to work this morning, you swore to yourself that you would concentrate on your work, finish everything on your to-do list so you could get home earlier and maybe have a nice night with your favorite demon. Unfortunately for you, despite all your willpower, it appeared your body wasn’t the only traitor in this story, your brain too. Every single time you tried to concentrate on something, images of Wooyoung would pop into your mind. Images of the two of you, cuddling, laughing – you were completely smitten.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. My sweet Y/N.” Soojin’s familiar voice brought you back from your dreams, back to reality. “Don’t think I forgot about you. You have so much to tell me about!” She plopped on the chair and grabbed your hands, her sweet smile turning into a wicked one – you gulped, nervous. You should have prepared yourself for your best friend’s question but clearly, your mind was somewhere far from here.
“I-“ You cleared your throat, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh now you don’t know? Should I refresh your mind then?” You didn’t really want her to remind you but that was not negotiable. “You, middle of the street and a hella handsome guy that looked kinda familiar but I can’t remember from where.” She paused, thought about it for a moment, “Does he have hot friends?”
You forgot all about the pressure just like that. You burst into laughter and ran your fingers through your hair. “I met him at a club.”
Despite all your talk about being efficient today, you were anything but which resulted in you staying way too late at work. Sadly, for you, all your plans for the night seemed to be far away now.
You sighed, tired and half depressed. You loved your work, you really did, but sometimes, especially at busy times, you got easily overwhelmed. Because you loved your work, you would forget about yourself and would, without even realizing it, overwork yourself.
It was past nine when you found yourself walking from your work; the weather was lovely so instead of taking the bus, you chose to walk and enjoy the moment.
Without surprise, your thoughts quickly turned to Wooyoung, wondering if he would visit you tonight – you hoped he would. It worried you how badly you wanted to see him, to touch him, you shouldn’t be so attached to him for so many reasons. Being so close to him was dangerous and you were pretty sure nothing good would really come out of this odd, yet so heart fluttering relationship.
But could you really stop yourself? The answer was simple: no.
“Hey miss!” A man’s voice interrupted your trail of thoughts. Annoyed, you glanced at the group of men sitting on the stairs, looking like a they owned the world. You knew they were trouble with just one glance.
“This dress looks amazing on you.” Another commented
You closed your eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Inhale, exhale, repeat. ‘Keep walking. Ignore those idiots, you don’t need a fight.’ You told yourself, when really, all you wanted was to walk towards them and share a piece of your mind. With a nice punch. You did none of that, of course. For once in your life, you listened to the little voice that told you to walk away. Fast.
“Oh come on.” One of the men jumped from his place and quickly blocked your way. “Don’t be like that.”
You glared at the man before you, angrily. The audacity. You were growing more and more annoyed; fist clenched, all he needed was to make a step towards you and you wouldn’t hesitate to punch his face.
You still refused to answer him and apparently, he didn’t like it judging by the frown on his face. His friends quickly joined you, surrounding you. So maybe, you didn’t feel that confident anymore. It was one thing to deal with one idiot, but it was a whole other story if others were involved. You could fight, but not so many of them at the same time.
If from outside you managed to look tough, inside you were worried.
“What’s wrong, missy? Cat got your tongue?” The man before you mocked and took a step towards you, getting slowly closer and closer to you.
As he slowly was getting closer, you weighed your options. Trying to run seemed like the best option and yet with the three other men surrounding you, it didn’t seem possible. Fighting could be another option but it seemed like the worst one – you would not come out unhurt.
‘Fuck it.’ You told yourself, fist curled, you were ready to punch the guy and then run for your life.
None of it happened. Before the man could even think about reaching you, a dark silhouette appeared right in front of you, lifting the man from the ground by his neck. A little yelp of surprise escaped your lips. You knew the person before you. A little too well. Wooyoung had found you and he was not amused. You couldn’t see his face but you could tell he was pissed; his body tensed, the aura surrounding him was pure rage.
To your utter surprise, the three other men didn’t try to help his friend – feet rooted to the ground, they were both taken aback and terrified with how easily Wooyoung lifted their friend.
“Give me one reason. One good reason not to kill you.” Wooyoung growled
Oh yes, he was furious. His voice was darker than ever and even if his fury wasn’t directed at you, you couldn’t help but shiver and cower behind him. Those guys just didn’t know with who they messed.
You bit on your lips, torn between the wish to see how far he was ready to go for you (you had little trouble to imagine him killing for you) and to save those men from a fate probably worse than death.
“Wooyoung.” You called for him. No success. He didn’t even flinch at your voice, too lost in his own feelings. You got closer to him and put your shaky hand on his arm. “Wooyoung.”
He grunted but complied. He looked at you, eyes red and glowing, filled with anger and hatred, but at the sight of you, for a brief moment his eyes softened.
Honestly, there was definitely something wrong with you. Instead of cowering under his gaze, you found yourself getting hot. And apparently, Wooyoung felt the shift too. He inhaled sharply, scenting you.
“You’re terrible.” He whispered only for you, a smirk forming on his pretty face.
You chose to ignore the fact that he could read you so easily or the fact that he could sense your arousal. “Let them go. They’re not worth your time.”
If Wooyoung had to listen to his demon’s urges, those men would be dead, souls sent straight to hell – he loved the idea of making them suffer for eternity. But you, you made everything harder. He couldn’t resist those pretty eyes, looking hopefully at him, smelling so good.
“As you wish.” He threw the man on the ground few meters from you. With a blink of an eye, he had his arms wrapped tightly around you and the next moment you found yourself in the safety of your house, pressed against a wall.
“How long are you planning to drive me crazy, doll?” He pressed his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. No matter how much he tried to resist the urge to take you, he found it harder with every passing day.
You ran your fingers through his hair, enjoying his proximity and his breath on your skin. “Excuse me, but as far as I’m concerned, I’m the one suffering. Not you.” With that, you tug at his locks – Wooyoung bit on your neck without hesitation in response, leaving a bright red mark.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Then, shut up and take me?”
So maybe after the incident with the bunch of idiots in the street, Wooyoung started acting more protective. And maybe you found it both endearing and annoying. You would roll your eyes at him every time he would show up at the step of your workplace; of course, he knew every time when you would be finished with your day as if he felt it. But could you blame him? Definitely not. He would smile sheepishly at you, looking so damn adorable – you melted every single time.
Maybe, after giving in your desire, you finally came to terms that you weren’t simply attracted to this demon. There was something more, something deeper and it scared you. What if you gave him all of you and he would use it against you one day? What if, despite all his human trait, it was a charade? What if you were wrong?
‘Oh well.’ You told yourself with a long and tired sigh.
It was finally Friday night and after a two hours long trip to the countryside you had finally reached your parents’ place. It was isolated, a small village surrounded by a huge, dark forest. It was a nice play to visit when you wanted to escape the noisy town and when you needed to reconnect with the nature and yourself. Better yet, you could come and spend some quality time with your family.
You looked for a moment at your old house. So many generations had lived in this house, in fact, your parents still lived with your grandmother. They could have left, they tried even, but the peace and calmness of this place brought them back. You couldn’t blame them. Now that you were back, you felt all your exhaustion leave your body. This place was magical.
A fond smile grew on your face and you hurried to the door.
“I’m home!” You shouted, excited.
Your mother was the first to join, her pink apron on her; the moment she saw you, she couldn’t hold back. She screamed your name, excited and jumped at you for a bear like hug. Yeah, you were home.
It was a well-known fact in your village that your grandmother was an old witch. A real witch who casted spells, who could see things that others couldn’t. Of course, your parents always told you that it was just a silly rumor that some ladies created because your grandmother could act odd from time to time. As a good daughter, you believed them and never questioned it. You witnessed some of those odd incidents that happened with her but you brushed it off. Now, however, it made you pause. What if it was true?
While talking to your parents, you noticed how your grandmother would stare at you and shake her head in disapproval. You frowned, wondering what about your life could possibly make her frown in disapproval. But maybe you already knew the answer.
“We missed you! When was the last time you came back? It feels like eternity!” Your mom complained, wiping a fake tear. Such a drama queen (but so were you).
“I think we haven’t seen her since Christmas.” Your dad added but with a gentle smile. He missed you, of course, but he understood why you didn’t come back.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You winced, feeling bad. You wanted to come back earlier but somehow, every time you thought about coming back, you would get simply busy, whether it was with work or your personal life. “I’ve been busy.”
“Busy with her boyfriend, yeah.” Your grandmother snorted and grabbed her glass.
You chocked, taken aback at her statement. There was no way it was just a remark, just a guess. Your eyes widened in shock; your eyes locked and a knowing smile grew on her face. Oh yeah. She knew.
“Oh come on, mom! Y/N would have told us if she got herself a boyfriend!” Your mom came to your defense.
If only she knew.
“I wouldn’t bet on that.”
Your mom’s eyes darted back and forth between you and your grandmother. Without the two of you talking, she understood what was going on and she didn’t like that. “You’re seeing a man?!”
Oh boy. You were in trouble.
“Y/N, dear?” Your grandmother called for you. “Come here, I have something for you.”
Your grandmother sat by the fireplace with a little box resting in her hands. She looked at you more gently now which eased your mind. Maybe you were finally imagining things. Maybe you were simply too tired with the week and the trip.
You sat on the carpet, inhaling deeply. The warmth coming from the fire and the smell of wood brought back memories of your childhood and so many good times. It reminded you of nights of you sitting by the fire, resting your head on your grandmother’s knees while she would tell you stories.
“It feels really great being home.” You admitted with a fond smile on your face. “I should have come back earlier.”
Your grandmother hummed in approval. “You should.” She paused to have a good look at you. “But I understand. You’re different from us in so many ways.” She outstretched her hand and gently patted your head. “Look at you. Such a lovely woman. But you’re attracted to dangerous men.”
“He’s not that dangerous.” You whispered your lie. You knew better than to qualify Wooyoung as ‘not dangerous’ because he definitely was. But was he really a danger to you? You weren’t that sure.
Your grandmother sighed in defeat. “It runs in the family.”
“It’s a long story. For another time.” She averted her eyes to the box in her hand. “I have a gift for you. Here.”
In the wooden box, you found a pretty, vintage necklace. You had seen it before, a very long time ago – your grandmother used to wear it.
“Consider it as a lucky charm. It had protected me for a long time.”
In all honesty you hated how your brain worked. Despite your exhaustion, sleep wouldn’t come. You laid in your bed with your eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling, in the darkness of your room, playing with the necklace your grandmother gifted you. You tried everything to fall asleep; you tried to empty your mind, to count, but nothing worked.
In the darkness of your room, you thought about your grandmother and how you started to believe that the rumors about her weren’t just rumors. You thought about how much you missed Wooyoung and wondered how come he still didn’t show up. Of course, you had no way of warning him that you wouldn’t be at your place this weekend, but he always knew where to find you. So what was different this time?
With a sigh, you threw your blanket off you. There was no way you would find any sleep soon, instead, you grabbed a black hoodie and put it on. If lying in bed, did you no good, then maybe walking would help. You used to do it back when you were still living with your parents. In fact, you spent many nights walking through the forest, resting by the lake.
The night was lovely with a cool breeze caressing your face. You hummed in contentment, enjoying the moment fully as you walked through the small path leading to the lake. You didn’t need to check your surroundings; your feet remembered the way.
The moment you stepped into the clearing your smile widened at the sight of the lake. The sight of the lake brought back so many memories, you felt in peace and so light.
“I’m home.” You whispered happily
Your peace was however quickly interrupted by a very loud and angry “Where the hell have you been?!”
Startled, your heart missed a beat. Wooyoung appeared right before you, looking incredibly pissed, his eyes glowing red and you swore he growled at you. That was definitely not how you imagined meeting him. Without answering, you simply stared at him, confused with his reaction.
Wooyoung took a step towards you, fuming with rage, he tried to control himself. He didn’t want to scare you with his attitude (not that he really believed he could scare you), but his own fears got the best of him. “I’ve looked for you everywhere but no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t find you. I couldn’t feel you. It freaked me out.”
“What?” You blinked confused. “It doesn’t make sense. You-“
He interrupted you by wrapping his arms around you, crashing your body against his.
“I was scared something had happened to you and I had no idea where to look for you.” By the end of his ranting, he was shaking. You felt bad for worrying him this way, even if you didn’t understand half of what he explained.
You pushed him gently off you, only to cup his face and smile softly at him. “I’m fine, you’re fine.”
He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes, leaning further into your touch, letting you calm his nerves.
To say that you didn’t melt at his reaction would be a big fat lie. Your heart fluttered; he was too adorable for his own good and he didn’t even know that. You pecked his lips, once, twice until you saw a pout form on his face – he wanted more than a peck.
“Y/N,” he pleaded and who were you tell him no? Without hesitation you captured his lips. It wasn’t that long since your last kiss, but the moment your lips connected you sighed in delight, your body melting against his. There was no denying that you were addicted to him.
One arm wrapped tightly around you, Wooyoung lifted you from the ground bringing you as close as he could. The moment of bliss didn’t last. The moment your body collided, he hissed in both surprise and pain.
“What-“ You looked at him, taken aback. “What’s wrong?”
Wooyoung frowned, confused. He glanced at his chest; the burning sensation lingered even with you two being apart. “The hell.” But despite the shock that came with the burn, Wooyoung recognized this sensation, from a very long time ago. He looked at you, observing you, trying to find what was different with you. It didn’t take him long to figure it out. His eyes locked on your necklace; his frown only deepened.
“Where did you get that?” He pointed at your neck
“That?” Your fingers wrapped around the pendant. “It’s a gift from my grandmother.” You couldn’t help but smile but then you remembered his reaction. “What’s wrong with it?”
Wooyoung bit the inside of his cheek, pondering whether he should tell you what this pendant represented or if he should just shrug it off.
“Don’t.” You warned him, seeing the struggle in his eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’re getting too good at reading me.” Wooyoung sighed and shook his head. “I know this necklace; I’ve seen it before.” He outstretched his hand, fingers brushing your neck gently but halted. “There’s a spell on it preventing demons from getting too close to you.”
You should have been shocked by his statement but you weren’t. The whole evening you had been wondering whether your grandmother was a witch or not – his words only confirmed your doubts.
“Should I take it off?”
“Your sweater? Yes, please.”
You slapped his arm playfully in reply which made me chuckle. “No, keep it.”
“But it hurt you.”
“Only because I got too close to it. I’ll just avoid touching your neck.”
“No!” You complained. As if you would let him do that. You liked him touching your neck whether it was just to rub or plant kisses or choke you.
He laughed at your pained expression and wrap and arm around your shoulders. “Don’t pout like that. It gives me ideas.”
“What kind of ideas?”
“A kind that would make you blush, doll.”
Bloody demon. But you adored him.
“Walk me home?”
When you suggested for Wooyoung to walk you home, you had on mind that you could slip him inside the house, unnoticed and maybe spend the night together. Your plan, however, went to hell the moment you got closer to the house. Your grandmother was, to your utter despair, perfectly awake, sitting in her favorite rocking chair on the patio, smoking a pipe. She watched the two of you getting closer, unfazed with Wooyoung’s presence.
Wooyoung let go of your hand. He put his hands in his pockets and tried to look as nonchalant as he could, but as you observed him from the side, you saw how tensed he actually was.
“So you’re the demon.” Your grandmother said. She stood up, stretching her limbs, she winced at the pain in her back.
Your grandmother, at least in your memories, was sweet and always looked gentle. Now? She looked intimidating. It was a wonder Wooyoung didn’t try to run away because you would in his shoes.
“And you’re the witch.”
She smiled, pleased with being called a witch. “What’s left of it, yes.”
Your eyes darted back and forth between the two of them, your thoughts running wild. “Hold on. Does it mean I’m a witch too?”
“You could be, if you wanted.” Your grandmother nodded which made Wooyoung winced. “Don’t make that face, demon. We’re not all bad.”
“Excuse me if I’m having a hard time believing this.” But as Wooyoung observed your grandmother, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of knowing her. He let his power wander around the place, trying to reach for her magic, only to be meet with a wall.
“Bloody witches.” Wooyoung cursed under his breath.
“I have a question.” You interrupted their little silent exchange. “My necklace? Earlier-“ you glanced at Wooyoung, trying to find the right words without getting embarrassed, “It hurt him.”
Your grandmother hummed in understanding. She was young once so she could only imagine how it happened. She winked at you (did you blush? Absolutely).
“Because this necklace is supposed to protect you from demons. Especially those trying to get too close to you.”
“I felt him on you. His scent is all over you. I figured you’d need some protection. This necklace won’t save you if things get out of hand, but it can help.” Your grandmother explained.
Wooyoung who stayed oddly silent for the past few minutes, finally remembered where he had since this necklace before. “I’ve met you before, haven’t I?”
Now that was unexpected.
Your grandmother smiled. “Took you long to figure out.”
“You’re old.”
“And you’re still as rude as ever.”
“Do I want to know?” You asked, confused at their interaction. It got you curious, obviously. Especially because your grandmother looked delighted with how uneasy Wooyoung looked. “Wooyoung?”
He raised his arms in defeat, cursing. “Your grandmother was a very curious little witch. She summoned me when she was twelve.”
“Twelve?” You glanced at her, amazed. No wonder there were rumors about her.
“Yeah. She was curious and annoyed me to no end.” Wooyoung explained, face pained at the memory.
Your grandmother scoffed. “You were just impatient.”
“Was I? She pestered me with questions and I snapped. I tried to attack her but she wore this damn necklace.”
She nodded at the memory. “Demons are impatient and dangerous creature. And no matter how cute the two of you look together, I don’t think this relationship is a good idea.”
Angry, Wooyoung took a step forward and you had to grab his arm to stop him from getting closer to your grandmother. You didn’t trust him when it came to you and your relationship.
Your grandmother, brave woman that she was, didn’t even flinch at his display of anger. “You know I’m right. You put her in danger.”
“I can protect her!”
“I don’t doubt that but you won’t be always by her side. Moreover, you seem to forget that you’re immortal. She’s not.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll find her again.”
Fuck. You were falling in love.
Ever since you got home from your parents’ place, Wooyoung had been showering you with so much love it was almost disgusting (according to Soojin anyway). But sweet. You bet if it came from someone else you would have hated all this attention but with Wooyoung it only made you feel loved. A kind of love that you had never experienced before. It was intense and heart melting.
When you thought he couldn’t surprise you any more, he would pop at your work place with a cup of coffee and would steal a kiss when nobody was looking before disappearing with a wink. It startled you every single time but would leave you with a big smile on your face. He certainly knew how to brighten your day.
Wooyoung surprised you even more by bringing you what looked like homemade meals almost every day. For a while, you actually refused to believe that he was the one doing the cooking, it just didn’t make sense for a demon. He, of course, proved you wrong one night. You came home late, your place smelling absolutely delicious, making you drool on the spot; only to find Wooyoung in your kitchen, cooking. He should have looked so out of place – he didn’t. Let’s say it added to the list of things you loved about him.
Tonight, however, you enjoyed the peace that came with the night. Wooyoung was sleeping beside you, for once he didn’t leave, he didn’t have any demon-business waiting for him and you enjoyed every second of it. You watched him sleeping, admiring how beautiful he looked even in his sleep.
Smiling fondly at him, you moved a little closer to him, letting your fingertips trail over his chest, drawing invisible circles. You couldn’t stop yourself from gently touching him, you were just so drawn to him. Your hand moved to his jaw, tracing its shape before moving to his lips – lips that you wanted to kiss so badly. Wooyoung grabbed your hand and opened his eyes, staring right at you.
“You can’t get enough of me.” He wiggled his brows playfully at you which made you realize that he had been awake for a while now and was simply waiting for your move.
The little shit.
“Nope.” You didn’t even try to deny. You threw one leg over his and straddle his thighs. “I might be a little addicted.”
Wooyoung kissed your fingers in response. A slow and gentle press of his lips against your fingers and it was enough to fill you with both love and lust.
“I love you.”
“So you’re the reason he’s been so distracted.”
Finding a man, sitting on your coach like he owned the place should have made a strong effect on you. A logical reaction would have been to panic, to scream even and ask who the hell he was. You? You simply halted mid-way; your jacket half removed as you stared at the man.
One look at him was enough to tell you who he was. Well maybe not who but definitely what. There was this aura around him, dark and ominous, just like Wooyoung’s. Without a doubt you were facing another demon and from the frown on his face he wasn’t a friendly one.
A normal reaction, after realizing that a dangerous demon was at your place, would have been to pray for Wooyoung to show up and save your butt.
“Do I want to know why a demon is in my living room?” You finally asked and dropped your jacket on a chair, along with your bag. To say that your heart didn’t skip a beat at the sight of red eyes, would be a lie. Maybe spending time with Wooyoung made you a little fearless, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t recognize danger when faced with.
You were playing with fire but apparently your little antics amused the demon – he smirked. “I see the appeal.”
“What do you want?”
“I wanted to see where Wooyoung was spending his time instead of doing his job. Can’t believe he got himself involved with a human.”  He eyed you from head to toe, face filled with disgust. Clearly, someone wasn’t very fond of humans.
“Then, now that you’ve met me, can you leave?” You tried to sound as nice as possible just to avoid offending him even further with your ‘humanity’.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
One moment he was on the couch, the next he had you pinned against the wall, his fingers wrapped tightly around your throat. “You, humans, are so fragile.” He watched you, your every shiver, every breath, like a hawk. It amused him to see you not being so smug anymore, not being so courageous. He could feel your heart beating crazily; you were terrified of what he could do to you. After all, it would take him little to not effort to snap your neck.
“Do you think he would morn you?”
His hold on your neck tightened a little more, bringing tears to your eyes. You were going to die, there was no way you could escape him, not even if you tried. You whimpered at the pain as breathing was getting almost impossible. A little voice inside your head asked you to beg him to stop but you wouldn’t. It wouldn’t do you any good.
But just when you thought you were done for, a miracle happened: your necklace started shining brightly. The demon’s attention suddenly was not on you but on the necklace, eyes widening in shock. Just like Wooyoung’s before, he seemed to be familiar with it; he quickly let go of you and took few steps back, his eyes darting back and forth between his wounded hand and you.
“The fuck.” He growled, outraged that what seemed to be an easy target, wasn’t that easy to kill in the end. “Why do you have this?”
Too stunned to speak, you simply stared at his hand and pressed yourself a little harder against the wall in hope it would swallow you whole. You needed to get the hell out of here. You silently thanked your grandmother for the gift, if it wasn’t for her, you realized, you would be dead.
“Answer me!” He ordered, impatient, his rage growing stronger with every passing seconds.
Despite your state, despite the fear slowly eating you alive, you forced your body to move, to try to get away from him – you pushed yourself from the wall and run without looking back. Fortunately for you, your prayers had been answered: Wooyoung appeared in the middle of the room, a deep frown on his face. He opened his arms widely and caught you. The moment his familiar and comforting scent hit your nose, you felt your body giving up, falling in his arms, shaking.
“Y/N.” He whispered and tightened his hold around you. He didn’t need to observe you to know you were terrified and a quick glance at the other demon in the room made it all clear as to why. “The fuck you’re doing here, Hongjoong?”
Hongjoong scrunched his nose in disgust at the sight. No matter how close he was to Wooyoung, he couldn’t understand his obsession with you. “You finally show yourself.”
“I’m not going to repeat myself. What are you doing here?”
If Hongjoong was annoyed with Wooyoung he didn’t show it (which did impress you). Instead, he put his hands in his pockets and relaxed, completely unbothered with his friend’s anger. “Making acquaintance with your new pet.” His eyes locked with yours for a moment before looking back at Wooyoung. “You can’t be serious about her.”
For a second you thought Wooyoung would simply pounce on Hongjoong. You could feel his rage just by staying in his arms. Oddly enough, he controlled himself; Wooyoung took a deep breath, releasing a little his hold on you before looking back at the demon. Your eyes darted back and forth between them, realizing a little too late that maybe the reason Wooyoung managed to control himself was because this demon was actually a friend of his and he didn’t want to fight him.
“My intentions are none of your business, Hongjoong.” Wooyoung finally answered, calmer than expected. He looked down at you and smiled gently at you, reassuring you in a way.
Hongjoong, instead of making another snarky remark to push Wooyoung to his limits, only sighed in defeat. He ruffled his hair in frustration and groaned. “Why do you need to always make things so hard?”
Wooyoung actually chuckled at his remark. “You’d be bored.”
Yeah, you had no more doubts: they were friends.
More confident (mainly because you realized your life was no longer threatened), you pushed yourself out of Wooyoung’s arms and faced the other demon. Instead of looking at you with the disgust he showed you previously, Hongjoong smiled, a bitter one, but it was better than nothing.
“You better look after her. If I found out about her, it means others will too eventually. You know she’ll be in danger when the moment comes.” Hongjoong said before vanishing.
You woke up that morning with a sick feeling in the stomach – something was wrong. You sat in your bed, rubbing your eyes to fully wake up. The moment your eyes landed on the empty side of the bed; the bad feeling only grew stronger. Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen which wasn’t that unusual and shouldn’t worry you that much but it did. Maybe it felt wrong because of the whole incident with Hongjoong and his last remark before leaving. You couldn’t help but remember your own grandmother’s words, they were so damn similar, warning Wooyoung about the danger of being together.
“No.” You told yourself, scolding the little voice in your head that was messing with you, making you anxious without good reason.
You knew from the beginning that being with Wooyoung would be challenging but you could overcome the issues, you were a strong and stubborn woman – you were ready to fight for him. And you could only hope that he was ready to fight for you too.
Hopeful, you left your bed to check the others rooms – still no sight of him.
“Wooyoung?” You called for him, knowing all too well that he wouldn’t answer you.
Despite all your talk about overcoming all obstacles, your heart clenched painfully inside your chest. Feeling dizzy, you put a hand on the wall to steady yourself. He wouldn’t leave without a word, would he?
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and still no sign of the demon that had shamelessly stolen your heart. You would be lying if you said his absence didn’t affect you as much as it used to, you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt thinking about him. Because it did. Every time you found yourself alone, you thought about him, about your time together. You thought about his silly jokes, about the late-night talks, about the safety of his arms. You missed it.
But if there was one thing you were certain in life, it was that time could heal everything. You strongly believed in that. So when Wooyoung disappeared without a word, despite all your attempt at summoning him, you believed that you would get over it. Eventually.
For a while, you allowed yourself to be sad, to cry, to despair but then, enough was enough. You refused to turn into one of those people who because of their pain would become just a shadow of themselves. There wasn’t much you could do, except resume your normal life where you had left it. You worked just as hard and started spending again more times with your friends, going out and distracting yourself until the pain became more bearable. Until your thoughts weren’t plagued by him all the time.
When the time of your holidays came, instead of planning a special trip, an escape to another part of the world, you chose to come back to the only place in the world where you felt safe and at peace: your childhood’s house. Your parents were of course delighted at the idea of having you back for longer than two days. They didn’t ask about your ‘boyfriend’, they figured it wasn’t the right timing to introduce him to them. But your grandmother, it was a whole different story. The moment she saw you, you and your fake pretty, happy smile, she smelled the lie. Fortunately for you, she made no comment.
The night was still young and fresh, but you couldn’t dream about anything better. You sat in your grandmother rock chair on the patio, admiring the dark sky filled with thousands of stars. A warm plaid wrapped around your body, a hot cup of chamomile in your hand – a perfect set.
Coming to this place was probably your best decision.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Your grandmother stood by the door; she too had a plaid around her shoulders.
You glanced at her, smiling. With just one look, you knew why she was outside. In fact, it surprised you that she lasted so long without cornering you. “Just relaxing. I feel at peace here.”
Your grandmother hummed in understanding. “And not in town?”
“It’s,” you paused, thinking about the right word. You loved your life in town. You loved the hectic, noisy life but ever since Wooyoung had left without a word, you found yourself wishing for calm and to have time to reconnect with yourself. “Different and not what I need right now.”
Your grandmother joined you by sitting on the wooden bench beside the chair. For a moment, she didn’t talk; maybe because she wanted you to talk freely, maybe she was weighting her next words. She observed you for a while. Despite how badly you tried to conceal your real feelings, she knew exactly what was going on in your pretty head and she understood.
“He left, didn’t he?” She finally said
You knew it was coming, but her question (that sounded more like a statement) still stung. When you turned to look at her, you half expected to see the ‘I told you so’ look, instead, she reached for your shoulder and gently patted.
No matter how much work you had done on your feelings, the simple pat on the shoulder (and maybe because it came from your grandmother) was enough to bring tears to your eyes. You blinked furiously, trying to stop yourself from breaking down before her but it was no use.
“Come here.” She gently grabbed your hand and pulled you towards her. She wrapped her frail arms around you, gently rocking you, letting you cry in her arms.
Head pressed against her chest, you felt like a child. You felt loved and safe.
“You’ll be fine.” She whispered and planted a soft kiss on top of your head.
Whoever said that demons couldn’t love, clearly knew nothing about them. Of course, it was rare. Heck, Wooyoung wasn’t sure if he had ever witnessed it in his extremely long life, but he knew it could happen, just like he knew that usually nothing good would come out of those relationship. It was always the same story: they met, fell in love, went against the world, only for one, if not two, to die.
But despite knowing it, he convinced himself he could be the exception.
He knew that his feelings for you weren’t just an illusion. Some would say he was simply infatuated with you but it wouldn’t be right. If it was just an obsession, he wouldn’t feel the urge to be by your side every moment of your life. He wouldn’t feel the need to protect you from the world. But reality was, he couldn’t protect you. Hongjoong proved it to him with just one little, innocent visit. Hongjoong showed him he was still young (at least for a demon) and naïve.
That night, he watched you fall asleep in his arms, safe, protected, loved and he knew right then that your grandmother was right, that Hongjoong was also right: he couldn’t stay in your life and except you to survive. No matter how much it pained him to admit, he couldn’t always be by your side. All it would take for him was to arrive seconds too late and you would be gone forever. Wooyoung couldn’t take the risks.
So he left.
Wooyoung knew he was being a coward by purely ignoring you. He heard all of your calls. Worse, he saw how his absence affected you, how slowly your resolution crumbled. He heard your many cries, your begging – it almost broke him in return.  All he had to do was make his presence known and he would have you back in his arms – but he couldn’t. With all his might, he fought himself and resisted the urge.
But did it make him stop watching over you? No. Call him a masochist but he couldn’t stop. Just like tonight. After months of suffering, you finally chose to go out with your friends and have some fun. Of course, he followed you from afar, watching over you. While you were having a drink, laughing at your friends’ jokes, he stood outside, under the rain.
“You can’t stop yourself, huh.” Hongjoong’s voice echoed from behind him. There was no judgment in his voice but he could definitely hear some pity.
Wooyoung kept his mouth shut in fear of starting pouring his heart and reveal how he really felt about the whole situation. He glanced shortly at his friend before turning back his attention on you.
“She looks happy.” Hongjoong commented.
You did.
Wooyoung thought he had finally lost his mind. Instead of watching you from afar as he had done for the past few months, he found himself at your parents’ place, lurking in the darkness of the forest, watching. Your sweet scent still lingered in the air, it was faint but he still could catch it. You were no longer at their place but he had missed you only by days.
Your grandmother however was still there and just like when they first met, she was in her rock chair, humming softly.
Despite Wooyoung’s attempt at concealing his presence, she knew exactly where he was. She pointed a finger in his direction and smiled.
“I was waiting for you.”
Now, that took him off guard.
“Took you long enough.”
Wooyoung hesitated, only for a second. He wasn’t fond of witches – they were malicious and unpredictable. On the other hand, your grandmother had proved to be a very different kind of witch.
“You knew I would come?” He got out of his hideout and walked towards her.
“Just a hunch.”
Being a strong demon meant that there were very few things in this world that could terrify him, but Wooyoung had to admit that being observed so intensely by this old woman did spook him.
“You were right.” It bruised his ego to admit it but he felt the need to say it.
He didn’t think she could surprise him anymore, but she did.
“I wish I wasn’t.”
Her words, no matter how nice they were, hurt more than he wished to admit.
Wooyoung sighed, feeling exhausted and defeated. He plopped on a step and rested his head in between his hands. With closed eyes, and against better judgment, he inhaled sharply, concentrating on the traces of your scent. Hell, he missed you.
“What are you going to do?” The old woman asked, voice filled with sympathy.
Wooyoung turned his face to look at her, pained. “Honestly? I don’t know.” If he was being rational, he knew he had to stop looking for you, looking after you, it did him no good and it definitely did no good to you. Even if you couldn’t feel his presence, he was holding you back. “I know I should stop and let her go. But damn, it’s hard.”
Just like she did with you only few days ago, your grandmother reached for him and patted his head.
“For her sake and for yours, you need to let go.”
Slowly but surely, Wooyoung managed to let go of his bad habit. But not completely. At first, he kept visiting you, watching over you and making sure you were safe, with no other demon around you. Making sure that you were happy. But then, he managed to give you some space. His visits became less frequent, months, years.
He watched you succeed in your career; not like he doubted you. He watched you getting stronger and opening up to new people. He watched you falling in love once more, getting married, have a child. He wouldn’t deny that he wished he was the man standing by your side, sharing all those moments with you, but he knew there was much he couldn’t give you.
Hongjoong appeared by his side, wearing a worried look on his face which was unusual coming from him – that made Wooyougn pause. “What is it?”
“You should see her.”
“Why?” It had been ten years since the last time he had paid you a visit. Time was a strange thing. For humans, it meant death was getting closer. For him? It meant nothing. When he had last saw you, he came to realize how fragile you got, how your end was nearing. It tore his heart. He could deal with a life where you weren’t his, but dealing with a life without you was so much worse.
“Because it’s time.” Hongjoong hesitated for a moment. “I think you should say goodbye. And I think she will appreciate that too.”
Wooyoung thought that leaving was the most painful thing he had ever done. Wrong. To see you so frail, so fragile was much worse.
As he came to the hospital, he spotted your legacy; children, grandchildren, all preparing themselves for what was inevitable. But could we ever get ready for death? Demons, yes, humans not so much.
“Hi, doll.” Wooyoung whispered to your sleeping figure. He outstretched his hand, wanting nothing more than touch your face, to feel your warmth once more but halted. You were so close, yet so far. “I know, I have no right to say it now but hell, I missed you. So much.”
“I’m sorry for leaving you. I won’t ask for your forgiveness, but know that I’m sorry.” Wooyoung had never cried in his life, not even when it broke his heart leaving you, but now that he was finally confessing, letting everything out, tears were slowly gathering in the corner of his eyes. “I watched over you for a while – I just couldn’t let go. But when I saw you rebuilding your life, I knew I had to let go, to give you the space you needed to completely forget about me.”
“As if I could ever forget about you, asshole.” You muttered as you slowly opened your eyes and looked at him.
Startled, Wooyoung almost jumped from the bed and ran for his life. Ironic, considering he used to be the one scaring you.
Even in your state, you managed a chuckle. “Did I scare the mighty demon?”
“Nope.” Wooyoung cleared his throat. “Ok, maybe a little.”
“What took you so long?” You complained, “Do you know how hard I’ve been trying to hold back? I expected to see you sooner – especially since I saw Hongjoong.”
“You saw Hongjoong?”
“He thought he was being discrete or maybe he thought I was too old to notice, to remember.”
Wooyoung snickered at that and took note to remind Hongjoong to never underestimate a human. Even an old lady as yourself.
“Hey, Wooyoung. Do me a favor? Next time we meet, and I know we’ll meet again. Don’t be a coward and stay with me hm?”
Those words were all he needed to let his tears fall free. He took your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles one last time.
“I promise.”
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
Weeping Heart (part 2)
Part 1
Summary: An unexpected visitor arrives.
A/n: here you go children, my lil shawarmas. have fun 😉
The cold wind bit at Y/n's cheeks, and she had to wonder whether even all of the world's warm clothes would be able to ward off the cold that had seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her bones.
"Woah, look at you. I thought it was some beast coming out of your tent."
Y/n rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore that remark from her second in command, Herb. She did agree with him though. She did look like a bear, with the thick blanket she had thrown around herself over her jacket, under which she wore her armour and her clothes.
She walked up to her mare, preparing her for their trip to a nearby small town. The small party that had left from the palace on this mission included about a dozen soldiers who were all too happy to follow Y/n into the freezing hell, and they were camped just a mile away from the border of the town that harboured their next target.
The rumours of rebellion Y/n had left to inspect had been just that. Rumours. But it had taken a whole month to make sure that no one got any ideas. And after that it had just been travelling to every village and city on the way back and spying on all the people and their families who had helped Madoc.
It had been a long time since Y/n had last seen her best friend, and a part of her was glad, even if her heart hated her for running away.
Before leaving, Y/n made sure to inform Jude to keep giving her such missions, to keep sending letters if there were more such quests to ensure she could stay away and keep whatever was left of her heart intact.
"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side-"
Y/n was glaring at the handsome male before he could finish his sentence. He lifted his hands in a I'm a harmless little man gesture, the grin on his face wide and carefree.
Y/n turned back to her mare- one she had named Toad one drunken night- and continued to stroke her mane with a brush.
Herb came to stand on her side, stroking Toad's nose as he began humming a tune. Y/n put away the brush in favour of smoothing her hand down Toad's body, lost in thought.
"Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. We received a letter this morning from the Queen."
Y/n stilled, then resumed stroking the mare. "Oh?"
She felt him nod. "It has not been opened, though the men are dying to know if we get to return."
Y/n hummed, turning away from Toad to begin her walk back to her tent to discard the extra layers she had put on. And then she would lead her best soldiers to the village and get into positions as planned before.
Easy and simple.
Later she would want to laugh at her assumptions.
Herb, of course, followed her, but thankfully he kept his big fat mouth shut until right before Y/n's tent came into view.
"Oh, and also, someone is here to meet you."
Y/n glanced back at the fae, his skin the lightest shade of green, so light it was barely noticeable. His beady, completely black eyes shone in the early morning light as she rose a brow at him.
"Are you sure you are not loosing your memories? You should see a healer." He shrugged, his smile unwavering. "Who is this someone?"
Y/n turned back to look forward, and she got the answer to the question before Herb could answer.
There, standing right outside the flaps to her tent, was... him.
"The high king."
Y/n stopped midstride, her eyes trained on the male who looked around, rubbing his hands together for warmth before his onyx eyes met hers. He smiled his signature, careless and cocky smile.
"Herb?" He hummed happily, and Y/n's eyes narrowed just a little, and she whispered her next words only loud enough for Herb to hear. "You better hide and pray that I don't skin you alive."
Y/n began walking again, an after a moment, she heard the unmistakable sound of feet running over crunching snow, fading gradually to signal that Herb was not dumb enough to ignore her warning.
Good for him.
If only he had been smart enough to give her vital information before disaster struck, he would have had a higher position in the army.
Y/n ignored the warm feeling spreading through her chest at the sight of the grinning male, and walked right past him, nodding her head towards the tent for him to follow.
She saw his smile drop from her peripherals, but knew he followed nonetheless.
Y/n sighed internally.
It's going to be a long day.
General taglist: @bubybubsters @cassie6392 @harrystylesfan2686
Cardan taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @123345566 @mp-littlebit
Taglist: @dreamsarenicer @kennedy-brooke @123345566
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asksythe · 1 month
FGO Fes 2024 "CHALDEA Treasure Hunting" Oberon Edition Experience Video (Earphones recommended / Low volume recommended) Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dElTAHf0m0
Disclaimer: the translation is rushed, so there's probably room for improvement. I'm just posting this here for personal keeping since similar videos have been taken down from Youtube in the past.
Note: The context for this part of the event storyline is that Ritsuka is sent on a treasure hunt for a lost Holy Grail (as it goes) by Goredorf. She gets to choose one among several servants (Aesclepius, Takasugi, Tiamat, etc...) to go with her. Only one though. This video is the Oberon choice. Yes, it is very otome game-esque. 😁
Come on an unforgettable adventure with me, the Fairy King Oberon!
“It’s a steam town!”
You…you’re a 20th-century kid, aren’t you?
You should be used to this kinda thing, shouldn’t you?
Ah, well, I get how it can be so exciting. It’s just as consumeristic as your era, but this atmosphere does have a certain romance to it.
It’s an era focused on industrial design that exposes its mechanical insides.
It really is the strength of humanity to imagine such a contradictory world.
Ritsuka Choice 1: “Thanks for taking me here.”
Ritsuka Choice 2: “You really are a dependable partner!”
What are you on about? Of course, I am! With such an invitation as yours, I, Oberon the Fairy King, will spread my wings and come flying your way!
Ah, my time really has flown though. Would you be able to bend the rules a bit? What shall we do on this chance adventure! Gotta look your best though, eh! 😉 Now then, according to this steam clock, there happens to a Blessed Holy Grail located underground! If we find it, we’re bound to get a bunch of QP, am I right? Let me repay my debt to you!
However, for this city looking so mechanical, there really are a lot of stairs…Not a single elevator to be seen! Well, let’s just get over with and go down. If only we could fly, but as you know my wings are a mere decoration. Perhaps I should ask DaVinci to make me some, then? Ah no, [rest of question to self not very audible]
Ritsuka Choice 1: “Oberon…! Wait!”
Ritsuka Choice 2: “I can’t see anything!”
Uh…did you say something? Sorry sorry, my attention must’ve drifted elsewhere.
Oh…our faces must be close, aren’t they?
Are you alright?
Man, you should look at your face! It’s a shame it’s so dark. If I had a camera, I would’ve taken a picture. Oh no, I meant nothing by that. Really though, it’s just I’ve never seen your face like that. It’s not your nerves in battle, nor the fear of death! Don’t look at me like a child there…ah, never mind. Putting it into words just takes the fun out of it.
More important than that, it’s that the two of us are alone down here. No fearsome enemies to be seen. Just us two enjoying a trip on this road together. The path seems to get narrower from here. Grab my hand and let’s head in! Don’t get too far from me, okay? Come on, give me your hand.
It’s really dark now. This must be the lowest level. Just one way to go now. I think it should be quite simple now!
Mm? Hmm? That’s what? From the back? Oh no, something unexpected happened again! Quick, Master!
This is a stubborn one! And it’s gaining on us to boot!
Ah the light’s starting to come through! Keep going!!!
There’s no way forward!
Get down, Master! Your hand!
Master and Oberon hold onto each other as they fell down.
To the bottom of the deep, deep darkness they went.
Sigh…the artist drowns in his art. Good grief. Who would’ve thought the road would be destroyed. Well, guess I’m just used to falling. It’s just a little [something] more than usual now.
O-----www.. Ah Master, are you alright?
After all that, there are an unbelievable amount of flowers here, aren’t there? More than enough for a lifetime! Flowers are always blooming somewhere you know? Water. Sun. Flowers. Bugs… Green. It’s all a cycle.
Yep, that was me who set the grail there. Let me know when you go an adventure, okay? Ah, the request itself was true! It’s just…you weren’t as calm as I thought you’d be so it didn’t go exactly as planned. Today is a very blessed day for you. That’s import-
Marine Nemo: Captain! I found Oberon! [We found him!]
Prof. Nemo: I believe Oberon is continuing to reject our transmissions~
Capt. Nemo: Ah, we finally connected! Oberon, is Master alright? When you went down, our signal got cut off.
Oberon: Oh my, I didn’t know about any of that! Master is alright and has even taken a Holy Grail! It’s no problem at all!
Eng. Nemo: ‘n that case, get yer ass back ‘ere already! After that, spill yer guts! Nurse Nemo: If either are injured, I can attend to you, so please feel free to ask.
Capt. Nemo: Everyone! Be quiet for a moment. Oberon, Master, above all else, I’m glad you’re safe. I really do want you to take your time to enjoy the town. If you would be so kind, could you take some photos for future reference? There must be so many vehicles in the Steam Town, certainly.
Oberon: Yep! We’re happy to bring souvenirs to you, Captain! After all, we gotta lift the engineer’s spirits too eh!
Eng. Nemo: I-It’s not like I’d want a motorbike or anything! Well…I have been thinkin’ ‘bout some extra parts for my Penguin Potter, so…
Oberon: Okay then! I’ll be right on the lookout for it! Well then, see you at Chaldea then.
Bakery Nemo: I’ll be baking a warm basket (of bread) for you then!
Oberon: Well right then. Let’s go back to the surface and let’s stroll around the town til the sun goes down! So messy and covered in grease and full of all kinds of shady shops it may be though. They’ll all become beautiful memories though. After all, as long as there are unknown worlds about, that means there are wonderful adventures to be had, right?
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secr3tlover · 1 year
if only we could stay like this forever
pairing: 1610!miles morales/fem!latina!reader
genre: fluff, and a little suggestive
warnings: coarse language, making out
The anticipation was killing you. You were sitting on your bed, Brent Faiyaz playing in the background, waiting for Miles to come out of the bathroom. He had gone to change in the bathroom while you changed in the bedroom, very adamant about keeping his costume a surprise. He certainly didn’t offer any hints whatsoever, despite the fact the curiosity was killing you. 
“¡Miles, apúrate!” You whined, eager to see what he had come up with. You had a thousand possibilities running through your mind at what he’d come out of the bathroom looking as, all more unlikely than the other.
“I’m going baby, calm down!” He sassed, probably annoyed by your incessant rushing of him. At last, the door to your en suite bathroom opened slowly. “Close your eyes!” He teased.
Rolling your eyes, you obliged, waiting for him not-so-patiently. You felt a presence in front of you, and wriggled in anticipation. 
“Open your eyes.” He whispered.
Slowly you peered your eyes open, your boyfriend standing in front of you with a shit-eating grin. He was dressed in a Spider-Man suit. Not his Spider-Man suit, you realized, one from a costume store.
You raised one eyebrow, “Seriously?” A smile was creeping up your face but you suppressed it. 
He burst out laughing, “Smart right? I didn’t use my real one ‘cause people might get suspicious you know, but still.”
“Oh my gosh, Miles que vago.” You clicked your tongue. 
He looked at you up and down, the expression on his face changing from a smile to something different, something you couldn’t pin point. “Miles? You good bubba?” You questioned.
“Holy shit.” He choked. He was looking at your costume, you realized. 
You were dressed as the joker, one of your favorite characters from the hundreds or so movies you’d watched. Your hair was painted green from a temporary dye you had found, and slicked back with some gel you stole from your dad. Along with that you had a white button up, the first couple buttons undone for fun, a purple blazer you’d ordered online, and some short black shorts. Your makeup was simple, some red lipstick that was smudged purposefully, and light purple eyeshadow. 
“Do you like it?” You asked shyly. 
“I- wow! You look- great. Te ves preciosa.” He praised. You smiled, and wrapped your arms around his neck. “You look good too, even if your costume is basic as fuck.” You teased. “You know there’s gonna be like a hundred million Spider-Man’s out there tonight, right?”
He puffed his chest. “Yeah, but I’m legit. They’re just posers.”
You rolled your eyes and grinned, pressing your forehead against his. He smirked, and went in for a kiss. His lips against yours were heavenly, making you forget about where you were, and everything around you. The kisses were light for a moment, before you tilted your head slightly backwards and his tongue teased your bottom lip, asking for permission. You obliged, allowing his tongue to graze yours, making your thoughts run wild. 
The kisses turned more intense now, Miles taking control now and slowly walking you backwards towards the bed. Once you reached it, he pulled away from you just enough to turn you both around and sit down. He patted his lap and you understood what he wanted. Straddling him, you saw his mouth quirk. 
“You good?” He asked.
“Yeah,” You panted. “Yeah.”
This time you kissed him, enjoying the change in position. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and he bit your lip in response, groaning. This continued for a while longer, his lips soft and plump against yours, the feeling bringing you euphoria.
After what felt like 3 seconds but was probably around 10 minutes, you pulled away to catch your breath. “Miles, we should-” You bit your lip. “We should probably...” 
“Yeah,” He nodded. “Perdón mami, I got a little carried away.” He said while running his hands up and down your waist soothingly. The mere feeling was enough to make you want to forget about your plans and just stay there the entire night, doing this. But alas, Gwen, Pav, and Hobie were waiting, and you couldn’t leave them hanging.
“No te preocupes, I did too.” You smiled sheepishly. You slipped your hands through the base of his scalp, scratching lightly, a feeling you knew he loved.
He hummed, and his head dropped to your shoulder. You stayed like that for a good five minutes, ones that went by too quickly in your opinion. “Cmon Spider-Man, we have places to be. Plus you love Halloween, you wouldn’t wanna miss out.” You coaxed. 
“I’d be willing to miss it for you.” He objected. 
“Pfft. Jódete entonces, yo si me voy.” You huffed playfully, getting off his lap and pretend walking away. He was quick to follow and slip his hand into yours.
“Just kidding, just kidding. Let’s go steal candy from random people.” He joked.
“Hell yeah.” You grinned, putting your head against his shoulder, still holding his hand as you walked out to meet your friends.
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chixkencxrry · 1 year
oh, baby
Summary: Miguel O'Hara x Fem! Reader; Miguel was a mystery you'd hardly began to solve. Too bad you were already in love with him.
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Two weeks. 
It had been two weeks since you last saw or heard from Miguel. Now, you tried not to feel abandoned — per se, but the emotion nagged to the corners of your soul. Miguel was secretive and cagey. You’d just sort of embraced that part of him. It wasn’t like the two of you were in a relationship or anything like that: a fact you have to remind yourself of constantly. You just slept together; sometimes. 
He was a mutant like most people in the city; like that Spider-Man kid. But he never got caught on YouTube or anywhere. In fact, if it wasn’t for the marks he left on your skin — you were quite sure you would have thought he wasn’t real.
“I’m tired of you moping around in your apartment.” Your best friend, Tia, had said when she called. “You’re going on the date whether you want to or not.” 
Tia’s solution to everything seemed to be getting dicked down. To you, this date wouldn’t even begin to scratch the itch Miguel left behind. Yet, here you were, putting on lipstick and wearing your good lingerie set beneath a new cocktail dress. 
“And where are you going?” Snarled a familiar voice, causing you to snap your lipstick in half.
Miguel stood by your window. Black and red suit on but maskless. His face looked worse for wear. Your heart clenched at the thought that he might be hurt.
You wiped your hands and grabbed your first aid kit, exiting the bathroom and jogging to him. “What the hell happened to you?”
He passed his tongue over his teeth; watching you scrambling over him in a little black dress. “Fight. Where are you going?”
“A date.” You didn’t have to answer to him.
You padded rubbing alcohol to a nasty scar on his chest. He didn’t even flinch as you cleaned it. “With who?”
“Not sure. Tia arranged it.” 
“Plan on fucking him?”
“What the fuck, Miguel?” 
“I’m just asking. That dress barely covers your fucking ass, your tits are all the way up to your neck —”
Angry, you poked the bruise until he flinched. “Don’t you fucking start! You disappear for what, two weeks? And just barge in? I don’t even know your last name, Miguel. So yes, I can go out and fuck whoever I want.” You threw the supplies at him and grabbed your bag. “You can clean up yourself you fucking asshole.”
The date went horribly.
You couldn’t blame the guy — he was nice, Peter Something was his name, but he was a little young to you and you weren’t in the mood for a bad decision tonight. 
So, you came home alone and cold. Miguel had long since gone. Your supplies had been returned and surprisingly, there was a note at your bedside with some sort of tricked-out cellphone. 
My name is Miguel O’Hara. You can contact me on this.
It took you two days to send a message. A bright, sunny June morning. And it wasn’t anything poetic or well-thought-out. A simple hey. 
You’d shoved the phone aside and gone on your laptop to teach a few classes. At lunch, when you opened it — you were surprised to see he had responded.
I’m sorry. It wasn’t my place.
Damn right. 
The reply came instantly; Did you have fun? 
Should you lie? No. That was petty. Biting your lip, you twirled your fork in your ramen. What the hell. 
Yes, I did. 
This reply came slower. Okay. 
Another text came in before you could respond. I don’t want you going on dates with other guys.
Your reply was automatic. Did he think you were some well-trained maltose? 
Then do something about it. 
I plan to, cariño  .
It seemed you’d underestimated what those texts had started. Miguel had honestly started to court you. He called you often, even video-calling and you spoke at great lengths about each. Then, the gifts came. 
The first was a bouquet of flowers. Carnations, roses and tulips. You had set them on your nightstand. Looking at them every night until they turned brown. 
Then, the Nat King Cole record. It was mint and sounded crisp when you played it. A perfect sound and echo. 
Miguel was determined. 
At least now you knew he was serious. Excitement coursed through you. You liked getting to know him. You liked the vulnerability he shared with you. You liked that you knew his favourite meal, his hatred for his father, his love for his mother – you knew he lost someone he cared deeply about, you knew his aches as well as you knew the curves of his back. The scars healed and were left behind. You cared for this man. You loved this man. That was scary.  
The two of you stayed over at each other’s homes on and off. Miguel’s home was clinical and lacked warmth. He had offhandedly said he lived at work and not really here, in this little apartment he showed you. 
“Someday, I’ll take you to where I actually sleep.” he’d promised one night, rubbing your feet as you queued up an old movie. 
You’d said nothing, not wanting to show him how eager you were for any scrap of information he had to give. You wondered if it was sane; to want someone the way you wanted Miguel. This craving hunger seemed to get the better of you. Was it foolish? To let him in when there was so much pain, so much secretiveness about him. 
Could you want something so much it killed you?
You’d taken a summer job when classes had closed down. Waitressing in the city, like you had when you were a grad student. The problem, however, came with getting back home during the night shift. The buses ran till midnight and sometimes, you had to walk home. It was lonely, sure, and you kind of regretted taking the shift. You preferred it being you – older, fewer ties than the other girls with families and who were now getting their degrees. Plus, the late-nighters seemed to tip better.
 A cold glock pressed itself to your side – pausing you from moving. Your fingers trembled. “Give me the purse or die.”
Twitchy fingers dug into your fanny purse for your cash, eager to get the fuck away from the psychopath. Then, a flash of colour popped before your eye and the feeling of the glock disappeared. The gun hit the floor and you turned slowly to see the attacker on the ground clutching his throat. Over him stood a familiar black and red, hulking form. Talons dripped crimson and in the shadow of the street light – Miguel appeared fearsome.
Your lips quivered. Words couldn’t wrench themself from your throat. But Miguel turned to you, leaving the man bleeding on the ground. 
“I’m taking you home, now.” His voice was a growl. Modulated and unlike the voice you had come to care for. His arms wrapped around you and soon, you were swinging through the city until you met your apartment. 
Miguel stripped you and bathed you, tied your hair in a satin scarf and laid you on your bed. You watched him, he seemed laser-focused on you as he tried to make sure you were safe and comfortable. He made that orange tea you liked so much, lit a pine candle and wrapped you in your favorite blanket. 
It was when he was half-way out your window that you found your voice. “Stay. Please, Miguel.”
Miguel turned. Removing his mask and suit until he was just in his footlong briefs. “Of course, mi cariño.”
In the morning, Miguel took you to HQ. And boy was that a mindfuck.
“Beef or chicken?”
Miguel opened the box, took a seat next to you on the park bench, and took a sniff. “Beef.”
“Oh. Yum.” you made grabby hands.
Your boyfriend relinquished them to you, smiling as you dug into one. “So good. I think we should keep coming to this universe just for the food.”
He hummed. “Highly unlikely.”
You licked your fingers and rolled your eyes. Your eyes caught an alley in dark corner and red flushed across your neck. It had been a while since you and Miguel fucked. He wanted to take things at your pace. Sure, he ate you out from time to time and you certainly couldn’t go long without deep-throating his cock but you hadn’t had him deep inside you for a while.
Wiping your hands on your jacket, you placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed a circle. “Mig?”
“Yeah, baby?”
You dropped your voice low and pressed your breasts against his large arm. “Wanna do a quickie in a dark alley?”
Miguel stopped what he was doing and flickered his eyes over you and then back to the alley. “Baby, don’t do this to me.”
“C’mon,” your hand went higher to his groin. “Fuck me like a whore up against a dirty alley wall.”
“Fuck.” Miguel rolled up his sleeve to show his gizmo and in a few taps, you were home.  
Your hands were pinned on top of your head by webbing. You showed your teeth and snarled. Though, everything about this was consensual. You liked making things difficult for Miguel. He was about to turn your pussy inside out and you were going to weep on his cock, anyway. 
So, yes – you liked making things a little difficult for him. It was your thing. You fought and acted like a bitch and he made you pay deliciously for it. 
A hand slapped across your heavy breasts, eliciting a whimper and drawing you from your thoughts. Red eyes flashed down at you, fangs hanging between pouty lips. “I must be doing something wrong if you’re so distracted?” 
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation. “You aren’t fucking me.” 
Miguel didn’t respond. His hand pinched a hard nipple, sharp talons tracing your skin and making your pussy grow wetter at his teasing. Cupping your pussy, he parted your folds and caressed it — sticky love coating his finger as his thumb rubbed your swollen clit. You buckled beneath his touch. 
“Look how that mouth disappears when I’m touching my pussy, cariño  .” Miguel kissed your neck; determined to make you come just by playing with your clit. Which wasn’t hard to do. Not when he was pressed against you like this. Kissing your throat and nipping at the swell of your breasts; sucking your nipples as if to draw nectar from them. 
You became a wiggling — snivelling thing under him. Fuck. Fuck. Your pussy quivered with the impending fall of your climax. 
Arching you back, your mouth hung open as your peak approached. Just as the crescendo reached its high Miguel pulled away from you. Tears burned your eyes as they snapped open to look at him. 
“What the fuck?” Your voice came out needy, weak and pleading. 
Miguel simply grinned at you, sucking on his fingers. “Are you complaining? Stop being such a whiny little puta.” 
Raising your hips, you demanded attention to your pussy. “If you’re going to tease me I might as well take out my vibrator and get the job done.”
“Neta?” The humour in his voice was dry and you felt as though your horny mind had just made a fatal mistake. “You’re going to pay for that.”
Miguel bowed his head and started eating your pussy slowly. Tongue lapping like a cat to cream, he licked from your clit to the end of your slit. Sucking and tonguing your weeping pussy at his own slow pace. Building you up all over again. 
He pressed his pretty lips to it, kissing your pussy like it was a precious thing. Then he pressed it to your aching clit. Sucking it slowly, making loud sloppy wet sounds as your hips worked desperately against his face. Miguel made pussy eating a gourmet art. 
His index and middle finger pressed into you, sinking into the depth of your carven. You shivered, moaning loudly at the combination.
“Miguel! Oh, please, baby. Miguel! Miguel!” 
Moments from it. You felt your release coming before he pulled away again. This time tears fully flowed. “Please, please, please.” 
Licking his lips, Miguel showed his fangs, brown eyes dropping to your dripping pussy. He set his hands on your thighs, then rubbed his thumb over your clit before slapping your pussy softly. “Oh. I wouldn’t want to put your vibrator out of business, cariño  .” 
You groaned. God, if only you’d kept your fucking mouth shut. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, baby. Just let me have it. Make me come, please baby. I’m sorry. Baby, please.” You were outright begging now. Your voice a pathetic, weak mewl. How the mighty had fallen already. 
But that pleased Miguel. He liked you pleading. Liked it when you wanted him so badly it made you insane. Writhing on his bed, tied up and weak for him and only him. 
Stretching his body over you, he let his hard cock rub against your wet core as he grabbed the aforementioned vibrator from your bedside. Flicking it on, the purple device vibrated. Then he clicked it up to the highest speed. 
You hit your lip; excited to see where this would go. 
Miguel went back to his meal. Kissing and sucking your pussy before focusing on your clit again. 
The vibrator slowly inserted into your pussy as he sucked your clit. You arched your back, whimpering and moaning as the vibrator went in and out of you. Miguel’s expert kissing and use of the toy had you collapsing in moments, spraying his face with your orgasm. 
You felt raw and overstimulated but Miguel kept the toy there even as he raised his head to kiss your breasts. Covering them in bite marks.
You are already mute at his work. He worked the vibrator deep into you so that it would stay there in you as he sat on your face — working the tip of his cock into your open mouth. 
“Relax your throat, slut.” He growled, working his cock in and out of your mouth. It was an awkward angle sucking his cock as you lay down. The salty taste of his velvet member was a favorite of yours still. You often told him it was your favourite thing to eat. 
The vibrator stayed in you even as you wiggled your hips to try and get it to slip out. The sensitivity of your pussy with its motions and the delicious feel of Miguel fucking your mouth had you trembling.
Looking up at Miguel felt like a religious experience. A god, looking down at you as his balls slapped your chin. 
“Look how pretty you look — silent and full of my cock. Fuck. Yeah, suck it like that. Fill up on my cock.” 
Miguel held your head, controlling the pace but you made your cheeks shallow and kept your tongue wrapping around him. His member jammed the back of your throat and slid down it, you gagged — naturally but Miguel kept it there for a few seconds before pulling out. He rubbed his head, coated in spit and pre-cum all over your lips. 
“Pretty puta. You like sucking my cock? You like being my fucking whore?” 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before slipping the tip in. He slid in and out before pulling out and cumming on your face. A spurt landed on your lips and forehead — barely missing your eye. Miguel slipped it back into your mouth and you sucked the head, swallowing the milk that came from it. 
You’d lied before. His cum was your favorite meal. His cock was a close second. 
Pulling out from your mouth, Miguel reached forward and sliced the webbing open with his talon. Your hands fell to your sides and automatically went to your face. He removed the vibrator from your messy cunt, planting kisses on the poor, trembling pussy.
Miguel wasted no time and plucking a wet-wipe up from his nightstand and wiping your face clean. 
“There’s my pretty girl.” He said with softness. You smiled, kissing his cheek and lips. “How’re you? I wasn’t too rough?”
“There’s my beautiful man.” Your hands trailed his body, all the way to his still hard member. Miguel let you lead, guiding his cock into your trembling pussy. You bit your lip and moaned as his thickness sunk into you. “You weren’t rough enough, baby.”
His head dropped, lips to your ear as he hummed against the familiar feel of your walls. You hissed as he pushed himself to the hilt, kissing your skin. You were sure by the end of the night you’d resemble a leopard. “Let me endeavor to correct that then, cariño  .”
Miguel’s hand settled onto your throat as he began to stroke you. His girth stretched you slowly, thickness digging deeper into he attempted to dissolve fully into your warmth. He was being kind to your sensitivity but that kindness ended quickly.
His fingers tightened around your neck, conjuring a gasp. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you sloppily as his hips picked up a harsh pace. His cock spreading you and burning your pussy with its fever. 
“You like stretching out this pretty little pussy? Like me making this a home for my cock, whore?” 
His teeth nipped your lips, tongue passing across your jaw before he bite your neck. 
“Yes, baby. I like you fucking your little whore’s pussy. Stretch me out.” You whispered, fingernails digging into his impossibly large back. You doubted you broke skin but mania overtook you when Miguel’s cock was inside you. 
His hips stuttered, ever so slightly, and you couldn’t help but squeeze your pussy around his cock, rocking on the member. 
Miguel placed a hand on your crouch, pushing you down. “Not so soon, cariño  .”
Staying perfectly still for a moment, he released your throat and sat on his hunches — forcing you to sit up. Miguel placed a hand at your back and another beneath your buttocks, keeping you up. 
The movement, and friction of your clit against his pubes, caused for a shutter of an orgasm to race through you. A little thing like that, made you coat his cock. 
Full of machismo, Miguel puffed his chest out and began fucking into you. Hard. “Miguel! Fuck, oh god. Oh god!”
“That’s right, baby. I want everyone to hear me fucking you.”
“Oh god, oh god!”
“That’s not my name baby. Fucking say my name!” 
And you did, over and over. Until his name became the only word that would fall from your lips. His thick cock dragged against the walls of your sensitive pussy rough and fast, fucking Miguel was holy. Fucking him was close to heaven.
“Love fucking this pussy, cariño  . My tight little pussy. Love spreading it open with my fat cock. Oh, take it baby. Roll those pretty eyes back on this cock. My cock dumb little whore.”
Still sensitive, you came wet and messy on top of him. Miguel followed after, chasing his orgasm with hard, burning thrusts until he came inside you. Laying you on your back, he made a few more jerky thrusts; just to get it all inside you and collapsed on top of you. 
He rested on you for a moment, before pulling out, cock bouncing onto his thick thigh. Miguel’s chest heaved, his dark eyes looking over your face. His hand found its way between your legs, rubbing his leaking cum all over your sore pussy — pressing some of it back into it. 
You couldn’t help it. You kissed his lips and cheeks. God, you loved this man.
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otakubimbo · 2 months
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.The Rabbit and The Wolf
Bad date and confessions
You’re still trying to get your not a date but a date with Iruka out of your head when you get some information that sends you into a spiral.
Ch 1 2 3 4 5
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OBN: okay so i realized that i uploaded chapter 4 twice so here's chp 5, it's a lil shorter than the regular chapters cause i cut the original into 2. hehe. mwah!
All night long Kakashi’s face plagued your dreams, tossing and turning with the thoughts of him. As you awake, if you could even call it that since you didn’t even sleep, you realize you’re covered in sweat and your bonnet has escaped you in the night.
“Fuck” You groan attempting to pull yourself from the entrapment of your sheets. It was a long day before it even began, dragging yourself to the bathroom to get a good look at yourself. Yeah, you looked exactly like how you felt. Like shit. Hopefully, a shower will fix you up a bit; the steaming hot water should put some life back into you.
After your shower, you hadn’t even realized that you were already running behind, you would have to go visit your sister after training or you would be late. Barley putting yourself together, you hurry to the training grounds, but you are still late to your standards especially since Sasuke was already there.
“You look terrible” He comments, noticing you as you walk up.
“Thanks, didn’t notice.” You say pushing your palm into his forehead for his rudeness.
“Must have been one hell of a date.”
You groan with an exaggerated roll of your eyes telling him to watch his mouth, “It wasn’t a date Sasu, first of all. Second, where is your respect for your sensei and her personal life?”
“I’ve known you for too long for that to matter,” he says casually which makes you roll your eyes even harder as you give your body the stretch that he needed. Unfortunately, he was right, he was like a little brother to you, and just like a little brother, he was annoying.
“Are you seeing him again?” His question throws you off guard. He wasn’t one to usually ask these kinds of questions.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you nosy today? I mean, Yeah, we are friends. We will see each other when ya know we all hang or whatever.” You respond with a shrug of your shoulders.
“So, it didn’t go well.” He comments chuckling to himself. You flick him right in the forehead this time.
“Please stop” You groan putting your face into your hands. The last thing you wanted was more reminders of last night.
Eventually, the rest of the team shows up, well besides Kakashi of course, and they immediately both start pestering you about last night. The vein in your head would explode at any moment if they wouldn’t stop bothering you about it, so you made them a deal. If they could land a hit on you before Kakashi showed up, you would tell them about your night. You assumed it was going to be easy, except the training that you had been putting them through was having them show actual improvements. There were movements that you could feel they may have to take them with some type of seriousness.
“Well better luck next time, kids” You chuckle taking a place beside Kakashi as soon as he decides to arrive, “Took you long enough.” You elbow him in his side.
“I was actually late for a reason today. We have a mission.” He states holding up a scroll in his hand. “We just must deliver this, simple enough. But there is a festival happening in the village we are going to so I thought it would be nice. A reward for all the hard work.”
Naruto and Sakura celebrate, of course, while you look at the man confused. You place your hand on the side of his face to check for warmth.
“You sick? Who are you and what have you done with Kakashi?” You question as you’re still trying to gauge his temperature. He swats your hand away. You have never known this man to do anything easy.
“Yes, I’m fine. There's nothing wrong with taking things easy for once.” He remarks casually.
“Hmmn, well y’all have fun with that.”
“Oh. You’re coming on this mission too.”
“Me?” You question and you can see him smirking under his mask.
“Yes, you.” He responds, bringing even more joy out of Naruto. “We can discuss the details of the mission. Everyone else go get ready, it’ll be a three-day trip.” He dismisses the kids, and you stand there knowing that there must be something else going on for you to also have to go.
“So, what’s the actual mission?” You ask him once the kids leave.
“Your favorite, a little recon, a little stealing intel.”
A huge grin spreads across your face. These were your favorite missions, and they were always your favorite with Kakashi because there would always end up being some type of bet involved between the two of you.
“Oh, this is going to be fun. Just like old times. I knew you weren’t getting soft on me” You playfully pushed him.
“There really is a festival and I do want the kids to enjoy themselves, that wasn’t a lie.”
“Awh you are getting soft on me in your old age.” You laugh at him while he just rolls his eye, and you stick your tongue back out at him in return. You were really excited for this. Back to what you were good at, what you loved. Maybe get to fight a bit, hopefully. You haven’t gotten your hands dirty in so long.
The two of you go your separate ways and you head to see your sister since you didn’t get to see her that morning.
The first thing out of her mouth when she sees you is about your ‘NOT’ date, which makes you immediately groan before you fill her in on everything that happened. By the time you were done, your sister was laughing her ass off at the whole ordeal.
“It’s honestly not that funny.” You grumble crossing your arms. Your sister was laughing so hard it was bringing tears to her eyes, which she wiped away before settling down.
“It actually is considering you didn’t view it as a date at all and then he had such confidence to kiss you. It’s hilarious.”
At the very least, you were glad to bring a smile to her face even if it was at your expense. She was looking better and healthier, she even was feeling better according to her. Maybe she would be able to leave soon, you hoped.
“Anyways,” You start, making her lay back down “I actually have a mission to go on tomorrow with Team 7.”
“They’re sending those kids on such a dangerous mission it requires you to go?” She questions, a bit concerned.
“Nah, it's mainly a mission for me and Kakashi, they’re just coming with us because the old softy wants them to go to this festival.”
“Awh, he really is a sweet man” She compliments, and you snort.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. It should be a fun easy mission though.”
“Good, I know you're ready to get back out instead of babysitting your big sister.”
“Don’t be silly, you always come before anything. You and me.” Your hand reaches out to hers, grasping her small fingers gently.
“You and me” She repeats back to you, using her other hand to pat yours, “I know.” Her smile is soft and gentle.
The two of you talked casually after that, about random things and whatnot until you had to leave. As you leave the hospital, you run into Kakashi.
“How’s she doing?” He asks as a greeting.
A smile sets on your features, your eyes softening with the thought of her “She’s doing really good actually, a lot better. I really think she could make it through this. Ya know, unlike our mom.” The smile on your face, wavering a bit.
“Well, she’s strong like you so I know she’ll be fine,” he says attempting to calm your thoughts, it’s as if he can hear the worried voice in the back of your head.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You say, pausing to look at him, realizing you had never thanked him for looking after your sister while you were away. “Uhm, thanks by the way.”
He looked down at you confused, “For what?”
“Ya know, checking on my sister and everything while I was off on all those missions.” You say avoiding his gaze.
“Of course, the both of you mean a lot to me, “he says so casually as if that didn’t make you stop breathing for a second.
‘The both of you’.
If you meant so much to him, why did he leave you alone after your night together and then immediately avoid you? If you were going on this mission with him, you would have to ask him. It had been hanging in your thoughts for too long.
“Thanks anyways. Can we walk and talk?” You ask nervously, not knowing how you would be able to approach this.
“Uh, sure.” He says and you immediately turn and start walking in the direction of your house feet moving automatically. “What did you want to talk about?” Your behavior was confusing him because you’re not one to act so nervous, hands fumbling with a shruniken with your lips pursed in thought.
“I was just thinking” You start not knowing where to really go with the conversation. He can tell there is really something on your mind so he’s patient and allows you to get your thoughts together.
“Ya know this is our first mission together since before my sister's wedding.”
“It is” he commented, assuming where this conversation was going. He just thought you were going to let it go by the way you had been acting previously.
“And then my sister's wedding happened.” You continue, even though you brought up the topic it was as if you were avoiding the main point.
“it did” His gaze follows down to your face as you steel your nerves to proceed.
“And then what happened after.”
“And then what happened after.” He repeated back to you, making you stop in your tracks to face him. You finally look up to meet his gaze on you. His expression is unreadable, but you knew you had to continue regardless of your hesitations. What were you supposed to be afraid of?
“Why did you leave and then disappear on me?” You ask, looking him dead in the face hoping your voice sounded stronger than you felt. There was a long silence between the two of you. His face is still unreadable, and you hoped he couldn’t see the small panic you were feeling. Luckily for you, your expression was as unreadable as his to him. Eventually, he’s the first one to break eye contact with a sigh.
“Because afterward, I realized I was in love with my best friend,” he confessed, lifting his head back up to hold your gaze once again.
 It felt like your brain stopped working for a second. The gears in your head are completely unmoving.
“I’m sorry. What?” You ask, as your brain finally comes back online.
“I said,” He took a step forward, taking your face into his hand. The rough pads of his fingers move along your cheek. “That night I realized I was in love with you. That I had been in love with you for so long. And that terrified me because I didn’t want to lose you.”
You just stare up at him, eyes big as saucers blinking.
“You were in love with me?” You ask barely above a whisper. This was not what you expected.
“I am in love with you.” He corrected. ‘Am’ present tense.
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 3
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Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Do you think that's his boyfriend?” Q asked.
“I don't think so,” Kitty said.
Right now you,Q, Kitty, and Min ho were sitting at the lunch table having lunch, you were too busy on your phone laughing to even hear what they were talking about.
“I don't see the problem, just ask if he is seeing anybody.” Min Ho said.
“If only it was that simple.” Q huffed. “What do you think y/n.”
You didn't respond, you were smiling at your phone not having a care in the world. Min ho thought it would be a good idea to throw a chip at you to get your attention.
“What the hell dickhead.” you glared at Min ho.
“Why do you keep smiling at your phone?” Min ho asked.
“Oh Derek was sending me pictures.”
“So what's going on between you?” Kitty asked
“Nothing really, he asked me on a date yesterday.”
“Wait what?” Minho looks at you in shock.
“You heard me.” “When's the date?” he asked.
“If you must know it's on saturday.”
“I'm so happy for you.” Kitty said.
“I don't get it.” Min ho said to Q.
“Get what?” Q sat up on his bed.
“Why is y/n going on a date with Derek.” “I don't know. What's the problem with it anyway?” Q asked, confused.
“Why would she choose him, that's all.” Min ho wondered.
“Maybe because he gave her his number.” Q said like it was obvious. Minho just stared at the wall thinking. “Listen man if he bothers you that much just tell her.” “It doesn't bother me.” Min ho said a little too fast. “You're lying, it does.” “I don't understand why I care so much.”
“Maybe because you like her.”
“I will not stop saying that.” Min Ho said, clearly annoyed.
“There's obviously something there, if it does bother you.”
“It doesn't, I was just thinking.” Min ho defended himself, but deep down he had this feeling about you and he couldn't figure out what it was.
“Q come on, open the door.” you said knocking on the door. You heard footsteps so you stopped knocking on the door.
“What are you wa- wait are you crying?” Min Ho asked.
“No” you swiped your tears. “Where Q” you asked.
“He's not here, he's sleeping at his friend's dorm tonight. What's wrong.” Min Ho asked concerned.
“Nothing, I'm going to go.” you turned around but Min ho grabbed your hand pulling into the dorm. He shut the door and looked at you.
“Just tell me what's wrong, I'm not going to make fun of you or judge you.” all you did was look at him, you were not believing that. “Pinky swear.”
“I'm not five Min ho, can i just go, it's not a big deal.” you explain to him.
“If you're crying, it has to be a big deal,” he says.
“Okay…it's my necklace my dad gave me.” you open your hand and show it to him. “I broke, and i don't know what to do, it was the last thing he gave me and-”
“Slow down y/n, its okay”
“It's not,” you said in a weak voice. “I can't tell my mom, she's going to be so mad, and i dont have the money to fix it.” Min ho looks at you not knowing what to say, he's never had a girl cry in front of him.
“I'm sorry for putting this on you.” you apologize.
“I'll fix it.” Min Ho said.
“Give it to me, I'll try to fix it.” you had no choice to hand it over to him, you didn't know what to do.
“I should go, it's past curfew.” you said.
“Stay here”
“I just want to make sure you are okay,” he says.
“What if I get caught?”
“Nobody is going to see you plus there's no class tomorrow. You can take my bed” he explains.
The next morning you woke up in his bed, then it hit you that you cried to Min ho last night about a necklace. You cringe at the fact that Min ho saw you cry. You get out of the bed and go into the kitchen and sit down.
“Good morning.” Min Ho says.
“What time is it?” you ask. “2pm”
“Oh my god, I have a date at 5.” “You have time,” he says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and hands it to you. You look at him confused but you open the box. In the box was your necklace that you gave him last night.
“Oh my god, you fixed it.” you smile. “How?”
“I went to a jewelry shop early in the morning.”
“How much was it? I will pay you back, I swear.” you tell him.
“Don't worry about it and I apologize.” “Apologize for what?” you asked him confused.
“Apologize for bumping into you at the airport.” “Who are you and what have you done with Min ho.” you joked.
“I'll take the apology back.” he smiles.
“I'm nervous.” you said to Kitty.” “Dont be you look good.” She says.
“He's supposed to be picking me up any minute now.” you tell her.
10 minutes go by and he doesn't text you saying he's going to be late. You text him ‘hey when are you going to be here?’ but you get no response.
Another 20 minutes go by and you finally get a message
From derek: Sorry but I can't do this, i dont think it's going to work out.
“What did he say?” kitty asked
“He says it's not going to work out.” you say quietly.
“Oh I'm so sorry y/n. He doesnt deserve you.” “Min ho was right, it had to be a dare.”
The next day you decided to not let it get to you. Kitty asked if you wanted to go to breakfast most of the time you skip breakfast but you were really hungry.
“What are your plans for today?” Kitty asked.
“Not sure.” you said. Kitty looks behind you and sees Derek walking towards you.
“Don’t freak out but Derek is walking this way.” “Oh my god.” you roll your eyes. He sits next to Kitty and gives you a look that's supposed to say ‘I'm sorry.’
“Save it, I don't want it here,” you cut him off.
“y/n i really wanted to go but Min ho-” “Min ho? What does he have to do with it?” you cut him off once again.
“He threatened me, he said he would release a video of me. I can't let it get out it would look bad on my parents company.” he explained “So he threatened you to not go on a date with me?” “Yes and a lot of other guys.” “What the hell, why?” Kitty asked.
“I'm not sure but he doesn't want guys dating you.”
“This doesn't make any sense.” you said.
next part
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
"Oh, but I was here the whole time, you're the one that vanished" DETAILS!!!!
Tattler, for the love of all things hole. I just get a job from 15 to 23 and decided that is a great moment to start the college (yes, I'm great making bad decisions). I don't have I life anymore and NEED some Trey kids/marriage hc so I can be happy again 😭
Hello 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to hear you're doing well, despite the busy schedule. Your presence is a delight to have. You should consider yourself lucky, as Mx Tattly was in a domestic mood themselves. While you're here, you might also enjoy the Heartslabyul part of the "Say hi to daddy!" series, since it is similar to your request.
The Way of the Chef Husband
Characters: Trey x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed children, Cater, Riddle, Che'nya
Warnings: food and cooking (trey's love language)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Trey Clover enjoys the simpler things in life
Despite the myriad of people telling him that he could aim highter than the simple, domestic path of life Trey settled on, he has always known what he wanted
You, as his partner, trusted his decision, and you never regretted it
Trey had all milestones for your relationship planned out in his head
After graduation, you'd move in together in his hometown, and he'd start officially working at his parents' bakery while you found your own job
You'd meet the parents, he'd ask for your hand, and you'd get married during spring, with Che'nya as his best man, Cater as his wedding organiser and Riddle as his officiant
Of course he introduced his plan as suggestions during your talks of the future, and he adjusted his plans accordingly
But despite any modifications in his mental checklist, he still ended up feeling accomplished as soon as his ring got on your finger and vice versa
It was a simple plan, right?
Simple doesn't mean easy however, and Trey's job as a baker at his parents' bakery is anything but easy
Trey has prepared himself for years for the hustle and bustle of their little Queendom of Roses bakery
And when kids entered the picture, Trey's patience and multitasking skills were really put to the test
He'd prefer bottle feeding for a baby, since it allowed the both of you to have a more adjustable feeding schedule and equal bonding opportunities
And you had to admit, Trey had a knack at dealing with any fussing baby
"I think the years I've had to deal with Riddle's temper came in handy more than I thought..."
He admitted it with a smile on his face, while also making you swear you will never tell him he said that
The moment your little ones were old enough to walk and talk, Trey would allow you to bring the kids to the bakery during the less busy hours
Just like their father, all of your kids are in their element in the bakery, looking at the sweet treats with starry eyes and playing together in the special play area his father made for them
Soon enough, word would go around the city about the young baker's cute little kiddos, and everyone would want to visit the sweet image of a dad bringing his kiddos to work
They'd also leave with a tart or two
Uncle Cater took credit of that "business idea", not knowing it was something Trey has been planning from the beginning
But Trey'd never admit that
And his parents, the grandparents of the kids, had nothing against spending a break or two with their grandkids
Things always get fun when uncle Che'nya popped up
At the bakery or at home, Che'nya takes the role of the fun uncle in stride, carrying all the kids around and playing along all their games, letting them braid his hair and tail while he tells them the most entertaining stories
And uncle Riddle, the weekly visitor of the bakery and consumer of their special strawberry tart, always gets dragged around by the kids, and is a delightful presence at their pretend tea parties
Seeing Riddle somewhat heal his inner child while interacting with the kids has always made both you and Trey feel fulfilled
As the kids grew older, their interest extended to helping Trey actually cook, and they'd often help Trey cook food at home
And they'd also instigate a lot of food fights
Cooking is an important bonding experience for the family, and Trey often uses his skills to bond with the family as a whole
Heartslabyul habits die hard, so he'd still order the whole kitchen around, instructing everyone on what to do
And he can't deny how his heart swells when he sees his little slice of pie standing on a stool, stirring carefully into the cooking pot of food, wearing oven mits way too big for their child stature
"Dad, it smells really yummy! Do you need to add anything else?"
"Not yet, we need to let it boil, then add the veggies your sibling is cutting later."
"Why does food need to be hot to be done?"
Your cooking duties were long done before you sneakily recorded Trey explaining cooking to his child
"Daddy! Look, I made star food!"
The little one showed off the misshapen stars they cut out of the food, and Trey wiped his hands before patting them on the head
"Those look great, good job!"
You laughed to yourself, catching Trey's attention
"I also finished my tasks, earlier than anyone may I add. Where's my praise?"
Trey rolled his eyes fondly at your teasing, and approached you, then gave you a kiss on the cheek
"Fantastic job, sugarcube. Couldn't have done it without you."
"Same for you, 1/2 cup of flour."
"Stop it."
He never wanted you to stop it
Trey enjoys his life as it is, and can't help but be grateful to you for helping him built the domestic bliss he gets to live everyday
And you're grateful to him too
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queerponcho · 7 months
Transfixed | part 3
previous part | part 4
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collage made by me with pictures from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: AHHH- Thank you all so much for reblogging, liking and commenting on my past chapters!!! I just reached 50 reblogs and it honestly means the world that people are embracing a newbie like me (✿◠‿◠)
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, (eventual smut, the chapters will be marked individually), inaccurate depictions of DID, egyptian mythology and religion (although I did extensive research I took liberty in changing some things to adhere to my plot...), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: Steven and Marc have a little...carfuffle when Jake finally lets them front again, after days of taking over. The date plans are set and both parties eager to meet soon but are we surprised when things don't go as planned..?
2,200 words
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Steven at home
‘I can’t believe this- how does this even happen Steven?’
‘Mate, I don't know! You were there weren’t you? You know how it happened…’
‘So you’re tellin’ me that any pretty girl can just sit there and you will literally tell them all about our personal business???'
‘How else was I supposed to find out about Jake huh?? Say that he’s my identical twin brother and then have to explain myself-'
‘Steven you would never have had to explain anything! Because this was supposed to be ONE conversation over a non-committal coffee- not a damn first date.’ Marc replies sternly. He looks at Steven in the glass of the fishtank and notices him looking deflated and guilty. Great- now he feels guilty for making Steven feel guilty. ‘I-I am sorry man, I shouldn't've gotten this mad, you know how I am about…personal stuff.’ Marc says sincerely. He really has been trying to be better at communicating, it’s been a feat to get here but he would do anything to make Steven's life easier. ‘It’s alright Marc..you’re right I should call off the date’ Steven says while looking at his hands, remembering your touch on his shoulder. The way you made him trust you so easily, even though he barely knew you. How desperately he wanted to get to know you an- ‘Steven, you know we share a brain right?’ Marc says trying to stop Steven from swooning any further. ‘Look- clearly you like her and she seems to like you as well, so who says this won’t turn out well?’ ‘well- you know: “we share a brain”’ Steven says, mocking Marc's previous comment. ‘Okay okay I get it-  I messed up. I’m sorry. There, will you let me help you now?’ Marc looks at Steven expectantly.
Days passed since they had returned home after you left them in the cafe. Steven was pretty sure Jake had taken over after leaving the coffee-shop but he was finally fronting again after a few days. Steven squints his eyes at Marc but relents ‘alright fine, I don’t know what to text her…I think she might be waiting for me to initiate conversation…’ ‘You realise we wouldn't have this issue if I had fronted and you wouldn't have had the chance to fall in love like a desperate teen-boy’ ‘I thought you said you lay off with the mean comments! And i am NOT in love-’
‘yeahyeah, you’ve never had a girlfriend have you? You must be reeaaally nervous…’ he adds in a singsong voice. Marc won’t let up, he’s being dragged into this mess so he might as well have a bit of fun. ‘Okay now I know you’re just takin’ the piss- are you gonna help me or not?’ Steven says fully aware of his embarrassing situation. ‘Alright, you text and I tell ya how to start, alright?’
‘Oh bollocks- uum okok I-I can do this..’ Steven is fronting now sitting on the office-chair and stares at his phone screen, starting with a simple introduction.
steven is typing...
‘Hiya- it’s me Steven!’
He had written, deleted and rewritten the message about six times before finally sending it.
You answered very quickly, you’d been waiting for him to text since you got home a few days ago. Processing everything that happened between you and steven- and well, Jake.
‘hi:) glad to hear from you. I wanted to apologise for leaving so abruptly, but it was all a bit much to process and i was running super late for work haha…i hope you understand’
‘Of course luv. If you’ve got any questions you can always ask, I hope you know that.’
‘i do’
‘i was actually hoping to ask you some questions on that date you promised me;)’
You seemed a bit more forward over text and Steven did not mind it one bit, since it was just the push he needed.
‘Right! I thought we could meet friday? There's this great vegan restaurant, I'd love to take you there?’
‘sounds great! could you pass me the address of the place?’
‘No need luv- I’ll pick you up.’
‘that works too’
You hadn’t realised the age gap until this moment. They were probably around 10 years older than you with you being in your mid-twenties. You did notice the wrinkles and silver strands when you first saw Jake but hadn’t really thought about the fact that he was about a decade older than you. Just now as he offered to pick you up did you realise the generational difference. You didn’t have an issue with it, you’ve always liked your partners to be a bit older so this definitely wasn’t a turnoff. If anything it only amplified your attraction.
‘I’d love your address’
‘Whenever you get the chance to send it:)’
‘right! sending it now…’
You send him your address. 
‘Thanks luv. Alright, I’ll see you Friday at 7pm then?’
‘yes! see you tomorrow steven<3’
He sat back, setting his phone on the sink. ‘Alright there's your date’
‘Thanks for taking over, Marc- couldn’t have done it alone’
‘Relax Steven- this was just texting. But you realise I can’t just take over during the date, right?’
‘Of course I know that…doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand by just in case…’ 
‘So- wait, what are we gonna do with Jake's notebook?’
‘I uuhm couldn't find anything besides drawings and sketches of her…I mean at least we had those, otherwise we would’ve never found out about him loaning that book.’
‘By the way…we know Jake likes her as well, by getting to know her better, we have a chance of actually luring Jake out-’
‘That might be true but that's not our goal! I- I actually like her…she might become my first proper girlfriend, I don't wanna mess this up.’ Steven is adamant on getting to know you, very hopeful of the connection he feels towards you. An almost magnetic pull he felt between you, one he has never felt with anyone before.
Marc chuckles at the reminder but reassures Steven, ‘And we won't, I promise, you will do fine Steven’
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It’s 4 am. You’ve been trying to sleep for the past four hours but the thought of getting to see Steven and possibly Jake later today was not letting you relax. If anything it was causing a very persistent tension…in places you really dont wanna delve into. In fact, you’re trying really hard not to think about that tension, which might be the exact reason as to why you can’t seem to find your way to a peaceful slumber. You try to distract yourself by thinking of how this all even started. The way Jake intrigued you since the beginning and had you speechless every time he appeared. And you think about steven- steven who's the polar opposite to jake and is this shy sweetheart that can’t seem to even look you in the eyes but somehow managed to bluntly ask you out on a date. You keep thinking about them and their differences and analyse them, not noticing your eyes slowly shutting closed and your thoughts slowly forming into vivid dreams based on your memories with the boys…you sit up in your bed abruptly remembering your texts with steven. Realising you had shared your private address with a fucking stranger…you hold your head in your hands and push your palms into your eye-sockets trying to calm down. You don't actually know shit about these men…you really should’ve told your friends about them cuz literally no one knows about these encounters. But truly it was all so bizarre and absurd that you really didn’t want your friends to spoil it for you by using anything close to logic or realism. To maybe argue that they could have anything untoward in mind with you. 
You lay back down and finally feel a wave of exhaustion hit you. You want to believe that they actually maybe even like you…of course there is a possibility that Steven only asked you out to find out more about Jake. oh and marc, was it? You wonder what he might be like and if he's anything like his alters. You turn from your clock having hit 5am and finally force yourself into sleep.
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You wake up to your alarm blaring and prepare yourself for work. You start the day groggy and tired due to only sleeping four hours. But just the thought of your date tonight has you motivated enough to hurry up and catch the next bus.
Moonboys POV
Marc woke up around noonish since Steven took forever to finally fall asleep. Lately he’d been better but last night he was as jittery as a six year old the night before christmas. Currently standing in the kitchen brewing himself a cup of black coffee and prepping his mug with two brown sugars. ‘So loverboy, what are you planning for tonight?’ He says while wearing an amused smirk on his face.
‘Okay well first off, cool it with the nicknames yeah? And secondly you literally texted it for me yesterday. We are goin’ to my favourite restaurant.’ Steven replies proudly while also ashamed for not even having the balls to text you himself. ‘About that…I don’t think that place is open right now- in fact I think all the restaurants are closed today, no?’ Marc remarks and pours himself the long awaited bitter brew. ‘Wha-Whatareyousayin mate??’
‘Well’ He clears his throat ‘when I woke up I saw today's date and remembered that today is that weird holiday, the only thing open are convenience stores and the 24-hour Tesco’ he says, his voice laced in an amused tone and takes a slow sip of his sweetened coffee. ‘Bollocks- what am I gonna do?...I could cook?’ ‘Steven’ ‘No, I-i can't even make a- a salad! How the hell am i supposed to cook for her if I can't cook marc?!’ he says panicked ‘Steven’ marc sternly interrupts, carefully putting his half empty mug on the counter 
‘I can help you. I may not be amazing at it but I can remember a few things from- from what our dad taught us.’ Marc and Steven rarely talked about their past but recently they were kinda forced to deal with it. Just the fact that they, let alone Marc, can mention anything from that time so casually is kind of a huge step for them. 
Marc and Steven spend the rest of the day planning, buying and preparing the food for the date. The time comes when Steven has to take over the body to get ready to pick you up. He finds a shirt in the back of his closet- same oversized cut as his others but a bit less casual and more sleek looking than the usual shirts he wears. His hair is as unruly and fluffy as usual despite Marc insisting on sleeking it back. He convinces him to use some curling cream he had found in the back of the bathroom drawer.
Steven applies it sceptically, coming to the conclusion that it does look pretty good. He makes his way to your address making sure to ring on the right door. Basically buzzing from anxiety, Marc is doing everything to keep him calm and rehearse with him what he was gonna do and say when you ringed him in and opened your door, knowing full well, that all the preparation would fly out the window when he actually met you…Jake is silently watching this all transpire and cant help but be amused at all this, not admitting that he was actually a bit nervous himself.
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You came back from work tired BUT extremely excited to get ready. You had to stay a bit longer than anticipated and thus only had about one hour to get ready. Hopping in the shower as quickly as possible you try to calm down under the warm streams of water hitting your body, melting all the tension out of your back, shoulders and sore legs. Work had been exhausting and this shower was proving to get difficult to leave. But the alarm you had set to remind yourself of the time, successfully cut your relaxation short. You quickly exited your shower wrapping your body in a fluffy white towel. Wiping the steamy mirror to see your reflection more clearly, you start getting ready. Adding whatever products you use to your hair and applying sweet smelling lotion to your body, basically doing any- and everything to make you feel as confident and ready as possible for your date, who was supposed to arrive iiiin…twenty minutes?!
You hurried your makeup routine and rushed to your room quickly picking out an outfit you felt sexy in but also had a grounding and comfy vibe. You threw on a beige knitted sweater, which had an oversized fit with a mini-jean skirt. Paired with sheer brown tights, thigh-high beige cashmere socks and brown leather knee-high, high-heeled boots. Finishing off the look with your favourite jewellery and accessories, you look over at the clock. It's 6.50pm and you are just adding the last finishing touches to your look and making sure you've moved all the important things from your ‘work-bag’ to your ‘going out purse’ when the door rings. ‘He's here’ you mutter to yourself, running to the door making sure it's him and pushing the button to the intercom. ‘Yes, hello?’
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a/n: hope yall liked this chapterrr- in the next chapter you'll be able to read all about the date and i am SO excited for yall to read about it *squeals* don't mean to toot my own horn but GURL it's so good i already wanna post it ♪(´▽`)
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