#i think—like edwina—you miss the initial presentation of your season
suguwu · 8 months
Who notices her first? Suguru or Satoru? (Or both at the same time?)
satoru does!!! however it does not take long for suguru to notice you—because satoru immediately turns to him and asks who you are. because suguru knows everyone in the ton. he watches them, his night-sky eyes flicking across the crowds, and he catalogues them. pieces on a chessboard.
but he doesn't know you.
and that alone makes you interesting.
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aspoonfuloffiction · 2 years
'leave your husband at home' asfghjsfd i'm imagining edwina finding some hot rich guys and introducing them to kate right in front of anthony like 'isn't my sister gorgeous and perfect why don't you touch her hand for like 3 secs my bastard-in-law will cry it'll be hilarious'
Lol I present 1815 Edwina in her second season:
Random suitor: I hope you don’t mind my forwardness but Miss Edwina you are quite beautiful.
Edwina *looking past him at Anthony not having a good time because Kate is dancing with Fife*: …oh yeah…that’s nice…
Random suitor: May I have your waltz for this evening? If you are not otherwise engaged?
Edwina *still looking*: uhh I’m sor-
Edwina’s brain:💡
Edwina * now scheming*: …actually I would be honored by a dance…but…
The well intentioned fool: but? Can I help?
Edwina *batting her eyelashes puppy dog eyes laying it on thick*: Oh it would be too much to difficult…
This shmuck of a suitor: No nothing would be too difficult Miss Edwina please name it. I shall do it.
Edwina: Well after the dreadful affair last season, my sister has been very worried about my prospects and has taken to vetting my dance card. I fear she will not let me dance with you unless you dance with her first. To help her determine if you are agreeable. You must convince her. Over her next dance! Kate does not like inefficiency.
This poor idiot: You need me to dance with Lady Bridgerton…so she may discern…
Edwina: …if we can be allowed to dance yes. If you do not I fear she will not allow us to speak at all.
The guy who’s only crime was finding a pretty girl pretty: Then I shall seek out your sister for a dance immediately!
Edwina *watching him rush off cutting Anthony’s rushed walk back to Kate* : Do not let her think I sent you she will not like that! She likes initiative! And she likes firm handholding no dangling hands!! Also bonus points if you can make her laugh.
Anthony: *is deeply aggrieved because his wife has now taken two dances in a row with random men that aren’t him. And this one was too animated while talking to her. And then she giggled?!*
Edwina *smirking over her coupe watching him turn shades of red she’s never seen before*: …finally some entertainment
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