#i think we've officially passed how long it too me to get through s past karkat wake up...............
niemernuet · 2 years
The new prompt for the of-season winter sports fandom challenge was:
Dancing out the per-season nerves 💃🕺
There's actually very little dancing in it. It's more implied. 😅
Heavy Heart
rating: T pairing: Justin Murisier/Mauro Caviezel characters: Justin Murisier, Mauro Caviezel, Gino Caviezel, Daniel Yule length: 2'000 words
The call came at the end of a long, gruelling week spent in the gym, just as they drove past the lake towards their parents' home for a short visit.
"You're on speakerphone, and there are innocent souls present, so you better behave," Mauro began, and slowed down to let a group of pedestrians cross the road.
"Does that mean I have to stop touching myself?" Justin's voice sounded through the car.
Mauro laughed. "Depends on what you're touching."
"Take a guess. I'll give you a hint: It's very sensitive, usually hidden under clothes, and it grows when I…"
"Dude!" Gino exclaimed.
"…when I hear your voice," Justin ended. "I was talking about my heart, you perv! Stop interrupting me!"
"Yeah, right," Gino scoffed while Mauro wiped away tears of laughter.
"How can I help you?" he asked when he could speak again.
"I wanted to know if you'd be up for a fun night out tomorrow with your sexy, big-hearted boyfriend."
Gino rolled his eyes, and pretended to throw up.
Mauro grinned at him before he answered. "Always. And where would we spend that fun night?"
"In Sion. There's a concert in the park. We could go for pizza first, and then head over."
"Sounds lovely."
"Great!" Justin laughed. "I knew you'd come. I'll ask Daniel when he…"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Mauro interrupted, and lifted one hand from the steering wheel, as if Justin could see him. "Daniel's coming too?"
"It was his idea. Some members of the band are from his old school, and he wants to support them."
"Okay but…does he know I'm coming?"
Justin paused, and heavy silence filled the car for a second. "Of course he…why would he…" Justin began. "He knows you're with me."
"Yeah but, did he invite me too?"
Again some time passed before Justin continued.
"What do you mean?"
Mauro sighed, and set the blinker. Gino threw him a confused look.
"I just think he intended to go with you alone," he said. "He doesn't really like me."
"What?" both Justin and Gino asked in the same second. Mauro shrugged.
"Where did you get that idea?" Justin exclaimed. "Of course he likes you!"
"I don't know…" Mauro hemmed. "I never realised it before but ever since we've made things official and I spend more time with you, he's been really curt with me."
"Nonsense!" Justin said firmly. "You're imagining things. He likes you. Believe me!"
Mauro pressed his lips together, and took a deep breath. "Yeah," he eventually conceded. "You're right. I'm probably just being stupid."
"You're not stupid," Justin answered, "except in that regard, yes."
"Hey!" Mauro threw in with a tender smile.
"You said so yourself! You'll see, it will be a great evening. I'll call Daniel about the details."
Mauro stopped the car in front of the house but left the motor running. Warm light shone out of the windows, and they could see their mother move between the kitchen and the living room. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Can't wait," Justin said. "I won't stop touching my heart until then."
Mauro laughed. "But not too much, I should hope, because I also want to touch your heart when I get to you."
"Okay, that's it! Bye!" Gino declared, and jumped out of the car.
The grape harvest was in full swing this time of the year, and the steep mountainsides glowed golden in the last sunlight of the day. A refreshing breeze cooled the car through the open windows s as the car flew through the valley.
“You’re doing it again,” Mauro piped up after a while.
With a sigh, Justin took his foot off the gas pedal. “Killjoy.”
Their eyes met in the rearview mirror, and they both smiled. “I am,” Mauro said.
“Why can’t you be more like Daniel, and accept it as part of my charm?” Justin asked, and pointed his thumb at Daniel sitting in the passenger seat. He was looking out of the window, and snorted softly.
“You’re mistaking acceptance for resignation,” Mauro answered.
“I’d call it ‘trust’,” Daniel threw in, almost too quiet over the blowing wind. Silence fell after his remark. Once they reached the outskirts of the city, Justin left the motorway, and turned towards the park with the small lake.
“You haven’t even told me who we’re seeing tonight,” Mauro said as they crossed the river. “You’re friends with the band, Daniel?”
Justin threw Daniel a look when he did not continue. “From lycée, right?”
Daniel nodded. He played with the button of the window, and the glass slid up and down.
“And are they playing…pop? Rock?” Mauro continued.
“Rock,” Justin answered in his stead. “Very danceable, too.”
Mauro smiled at his boyfriend. “Oh god.”
Daniel closed his window, and the noise from the wind softened to a murmur. “It’s ska, actually,” he said. They reached the parking lot, and Justin turned into one of the few remaining free spots.
“Ska?” Mauro laughed.
Daniel shrugged. “I guess it’s not what you’re used to. But I thought Justin told you.”
They climbed out of the car, and walked towards the restaurant at the other end of the lot.
“Oh, no complaints from me,” Mauro said. “I’m sure it will be great.”
The waiters turned on the lights on the patio as they finished their meal. From across the park, they could hear the band warm up their instruments. A constant trickle of people wandered past them and towards the concert ground, though by no means as many as during the big festivals in the summer. Justin wiped the rest of his dessert from the plate, and with a contended sigh put the empty spoon back on the table.
“That was heavenly.”
Mauro grabbed the wine bottle, and distributed the rest of the wine evenly between the three glasses.
“Just like the wine,” he said, and inspected the bottle. “I can’t believe I’d ever say that about a Pinot Noir. I think I’m turning into a Valaisan.”
“Yes, you are,” Justin smiled. “One of us.”
Daniel raised his glass, and eyed the dark-red wine. “I think a Valaisan would know it’s called Dôle,” he muttered.
Mauro’s smile did not waver, in stark contrast to Justin’s. “Maybe I still need some training,” he said, and put his hand on Justin’s thigh under the table, sensing the change of mood in his boyfriend.
Justin ignored him, and slammed his napkin down on the empty plate. “Can you excuse us for a minute?” he asked Mauro while staring hard at Daniel.
“Justin, why don’t we…” Mauro tried but Justin put his hand on Daniel’s shoulder.
“Just a minute,” he said, and pulled him out onto the street, back towards the parking lot.
“I didn’t believe him,” he growled when they were out of earshot. “He said you don’t like him, and I didn’t believe him.”
“Did he say that, now?” Daniel asked with raised eyebrows.
“What is your problem?” Justin spat at Daniel. They reached the first cars, and stopped behind a black sports car.
“Nothing. Everything’s fine,” Daniel answered, and crossed his arms.
“No, it’s not! You’ve been snippy all evening. So either you tell me now, or we’ll leave, and you can get home by yourself.”
Daniel eyed Justin with a cold look. “You’d like that, right? Just cut the evening short so that you can go home with your…”
“No, I don’t!” Justin exclaimed. “I want to have a nice evening with my best friend and my partner but you’re being impossible!”
“Well, I also wanted to spend an evening with my best friend,” Daniel said quietly.
Justin stared at him, expecting to hear more, but Daniel remained silent, his lips pressed to a thin line. “Why don’t you like Mauro?”
“I don’t…it’s not that!” Daniel burst out. “I just thought it might be just the two of us for one evening. Like old times.”
Justin shook his head. “Right. That would still not explain why you make him feel like shit the rest of the time.”
Daniel scoffed. “I don’t. He’s just imagining this.”
Justin threw up his arms, and turned away from Daniel. He walked a few steps, and eventually turned to look at him.
“I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“I am!” Daniel said sharply.
“You knew how hard it was for me during the injuries.”
“Are you saying I wasn’t there for you?”
“No! Just the opposite! I wanted to help him just the way you helped me. I never thought it’d become…this.”
Daniel shook his head. He could not look at Justin anymore, and blinked hard. “This is going nowhere,” he muttered. “You don’t want to be here, so you should go home. I’ll find someone, or I’ll take a cab.” He did not wait for an answer, turned around, and left towards the park.
Justin looked after him for a while before he hurried back to the restaurant. When he arrived, Mauro just stuffed the receipt into his wallet.
“No, you shouldn’t have!” Justin said. “That was not the deal.”
“It’s okay,” Mauro answered. “My pleasure. Did Daniel walk ahead?”
Justin pressed his lips together, and held up Mauro’s jacket for him. “We’re…I’m sorry about all this. It’s better if we just went home. Daniel will take a cab.”
Mauro put on the jacket, turned around, and gave Justin a kiss. “No,” he said. “We’re not going home yet.”
The trumpet squeaked a solo over the thrashing drums as they reached the stage. A few dozen people flailed around in front of the band while the rest of the spectators used the music as backdrop for their conversations. Daniel stood in the very back of the area, fully focused on the music. He flinched when Justin stepped to him.
“I’m sorry,” Justin said before Daniel could even open his mouth. “You said you wanted to support your friends, and I thought three people is more than two, and they might appreciate it…” He paused, and looked to the stage. “And they better appreciate the shit out of it.”
Daniel grinned. “You called it ‘danceable’.”
“Because I can’t call it ‘good’.”
Daniel laughed but Justin remained serious. “I haven’t asked how you are in quite a long time, have I?”
Daniel’s smile vanished, and he looked down on his feet. “I’m fine, same happy old me as always.”
Daniel took a deep breath, his shoulders hunched over. “I guess I’ve just been going through it these past few…weeks.”
Justin waited patiently while Daniel fumbled for words.
“It’s probably a culmination of things…I don’t mind being an unlovable hermit cursed to stay single forever…it just gets a bit hard when your best friend suddenly gets a friend who lives at the other end of the country. What if…” He did not finish the sentence. “Also the past season wasn’t exactly how I wanted it and as of now I don’t really feel as if I made enough progress for the coming, and…I don’t know. I just need to pity myself for a while, I reckon, until I’ll feel better.
Justin shook his head, and put his arm around Daniel’s shoulder. Daniel laughed as Justin pulled him close, and ruffled his hair.
“You’re not unlovable, you stud! There’s someone out there for you, you’ll see. Also you are reaching way too far ahead, I’m not leaving you here alone. Not for a long time.”
“I know, I said I was just…” Daniel tried to say but Justin did not let go of him.
“Also you’re on the right track for the season, I saw the videos of your trainings.”
“Yeah, but…”
“No but! Not tonight! Let me distract you. I know you want to dance.”
Finally, Daniel managed to wrench his head out from under Justin’s arm, and he smiled at him as he flattened his hair again. “Maybe,” he said softly. “But I think we should go after Mauro. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.���
Justin shook his head, and pointed towards the small cart selling beverages at the other end of the park. “He didn’t leave. He’s over in the queue for the beer.”
“He wants a beer?”
Justin shrugged. “I think he mostly wants an excuse not to dance.” He grinned at Daniel, and grabbed his hand. “Thank god I’ve got you for that.”
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superskaian · 2 years
oh my god this still isn’t the end of the flash....karkat’s area is explorable....holy fuck
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imperial-martian · 5 years
Protective vs Possesive {Mycroft Holmes x Reader} [Part 2/?]
A/N: Sorry that it has taken me so long to get done, but I’ve finally gotten inspiration with the help of @kye06. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I was a bit iffy with it until the end, which I really love. Let me know what you think and if this should be the end or if more parts should be added!
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Mycroft x Ex-Wife! Pregnant! Reader
(Mentions of Divorce, Pregnancy, Fainting, Hospitals, Mentions of Llightly Unhealthy Weight Loss, Soft! Mycroft)
Sherlock was sat in Bart's hospital sitting room, his hands interlaced and his chin resting upon them as he waited and waited. Each second that past felt like hours, each minute felt like days. The ticking of the clock at the corner of the room was slowly driving the man crazy.
It had only been a month and a half since you've moved into Baker Street with Sherlock and John. Every day seemed to be weighing down on you more and more. There was no more waking up to morning kisses that, Mycroft so loved to greet you with, or the smell of freshly brewed coffee. No more late-night cuddles and silent reading as you laid in his arms, smiling.
With every memory came the ghost of his touch, and with that came the guilt. You should've cherished those moments you had with him, to thank Mycroft for always ensuring your safety. Now, you couldn't even do that. The simple thought of him made you want to cry.
Yet, you were unable to think about anybody at the moment. Not while you lied, unconscious in a hospital bed while doctors and nurses tried to determine what was wrong before finally, they did.
However, Sherlock was still waiting, and he was still slowly going insane with impatience. He let only a second pass him before he cams his older brother, his blue eyes shut as he listened to the ringing of the phone.
On the other side of London, in an office, sat Mycroft Holmes, a government official who was just scribbling down a note on a piece of paper. The moon was shining in through the window, having just crept past a cloud that obscured some of its light. The auburn-haired man let out a little grunt into the glass of scotch he had just raised to his lips. A phone call was the last thing he wanted to deal with at the moment.
Nonetheless, he grabbed the device, seeing if he recognized the number before feeling a sudden sense of shock and worry as he saw his brother's name. In a quick motion, Mycroft had placed down the scotch glass while throwing on his coat as he brought the phone up to his ear.
"Sherlock?" he said through the phone, moving around his desk to gather some things. If it wasn't an emergency then at least he'd be packed and have an excuse to head home.
Sherlock let out a small sigh as he heard his brother's voice, a sound he wasn't sure that relieved him or annoyed him. "Mycroft, come down to Bart's, Y/N's in the hospital," he stated, getting straight to the point and not wanting to waste time.
Mycroft was surprised for a moment, not because Y/N was in hospital but because he was being informed that she was. "Why am I being told this? And why am I being asked to visit her?" Mycroft asked, his tone airy and yet, somehow it sounded almost cold.
"Because this was your wife Mycroft! Because the person you once loved is now lying unconscious in a hospital room, and even I don't know what's wrong! That's why Mycroft, because if Y/N had even cracked a bit of that facade you've created, then you'd care enough to see her. God forbid she took her last breath in an hour and you weren't here to say goodbye or sorry, wouldn't you want to see her one last time?!"
Mycroft was shocked by his brother's outburst. He'd been yelled at plenty of times before by Sherlock, however, never for such a severe reason. A moment passed before he said, "I'll be there in ten minutes," and hung up the phone.
True to his word, Mycroft arrived at the hospital ten minutes later, walking towards the waiting room where Sherlock no longer sat. The government official walked up to the front desk, asking what room you were in.
"294," the nurse said before Mycroft said a quick thank you and made his way down the hall, his umbrella gripped tightly in his hand. He held it at the center, his leather shoes loud against the tiled floor.
He reached the room after a bit of walking, peaking through the window to spot his brother sitting at a chair beside the bed. Mycroft didn't bother looking around to see you, knocking on the door and waiting for someone to answer it. When the door was answered, Mycroft's blue eyes caught the ones of his brother who simply nodded and let him pass.
"Is she alright?" Mycroft asked, taking a step into the room and looking over at you. He placed the umbrella off to the side of the room and took a seat once he was finished.
He hadn't seen you properly since the ordeal that took place months ago. His heart ached at the sight of your s/c skin being much paler than what it usually is. Your body was a bit skinnier than he remembered and for a moment he feared the worst.
"Has she been eating properly?" Mycroft asked his brother who remained by the door.
Sherlock shook his head slightly. "She seems to be skipping breakfast every morning," he starts. "However, thankfully she eats her other meals."
Mycroft nodded, taking you over once more. "Did the doctors tell you what was wrong?" he inquired, his eyes never leaving your body.
Sherlock made a small hum. He knew that this should be something told to his brother, as well as yourself, by a doctor, but he knew it'd eat his brother alive if he didn't tell him. "She's pregnant Mycroft," he paused for a moment, expecting to see a reaction from Mycroft. When he didn't he continued, "they said she had fainted due to stress. They suspect she doesn't know she's with child yet."
All Mycroft could give in response was a weak nod before he asked his brother to leave for a moment. Sherlock obeyed Mycroft's wishes, taking a step out and moving back towards the waiting room before leaving altogether. He knew it was best to leave them both for some time.
Mycroft had leaned back against his seat, his mind seeming to bark questions at him, some that he didn't know the answers to. He looked back at you for a moment, taking in your h/c hair and familiar features. His hand was trembling as he brought it up to brush the strands of hair that cling to your face behind your ear.
Mycroft felt guilty at that moment. Guilty for leaving you when he could have been taking care of you, holding you close and protecting you. He was angry at himself that this entire situation was caused simply because he wanted to keep you safe, and yet, of course, he was the one harming you. It was always like that.
He'd never felt such a strong urge to hold you in his life. To whisper to you softly, letting you know that he couldn't wait to be a father and that you'd make an amazing mother. Yet, you were no longer his. He'd asked for the divorce.
The sudden feeling of warm, soft skin brushing against his arm caused his blue eyes to snap up towards you, his hand moving to clutch at your instinctively. "Y/N," he breathed out softly.
You felt emotional seeing Mycroft beside you, but you did not cry. All you did was smile back before facing the heart rate monitor. "Mycroft, what's wrong? W-why are you here?" you asked, scared and confused.
Mycroft tried his best to give you a reassuring smile. It was clearly forced and strained. He was about to answer you when a doctor entered the room, both heads turning to look at them.
"Ah, Mrs. Holmes-" you'd both tensed at that, but you couldn't blame the doctor. The divorce had yet to be finalized. "I'm glad to see you're awake. We've run some tests and nothing looks to be too worrisome. As a matter of fact, the cause of your fainting, although partially due to stress, is caused by pregnancy symptoms. Congratulations," the doctor explained.
Your eyes widened as you looked at Mycroft, fear written all over your face. How would this work now that you weren't with Mycroft?
Mycroft caught onto the fear quickly and gently ran a thumb over your knuckles, trying to assure you it'd be alright. Once the doctor left the room, Mycroft turned to look into your e/c eyes.
"Mycroft, wh-what are we going to do?" you asked, your hands trembling just as much as his are.
He took in a sharp breath for a moment, looking at you. "Y/N, I-I'd happily call off the divorce if you're willing to do the same. I... I'm not sure if I've truly ever wanted it. Ever since I've said it all I've felt was misery," he stated, his voice shaky. Mycroft's never had to say something like this. He's rarely ever let his emotions be spoken so freely.
You'd brought your hand up to his cheek when a single tear slipped from his eye. It wasn't a tear full of sadness, it was one of anger and guilt... and of the loneliness he tried so hard to get rid of only to welcome it back with open arms. Now, all he wanted to do was take you into his arms.
"I'd want nothing more than that, My," you whispered, and hearing the nickname- the one that used to bring him so much warmth -nearly caused Mycroft to cry more. He didn't, instead, moving to sit on the edge of your bed before taking you into his arms and adjusting himself so that he wouldn't hurt you.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, the warmth of your body against his cool skin causing him to feel safe and at home. "I've missed you," he whispered, placing a kiss against your shoulder.
"I've missed you too My," you whispered back, carefully running your fingers through his hair. "You'll make a great father," and just the thought of it caused you to smile because you knew it'd be true.
Mycroft lifted his head a bit to look into your eyes, a soft smile on his face. "And you'll be the best mother anyone could ever have, my dear," he replied, leaning down to give you a sweet, but passionate kiss against your lips. He'd only broken apart to murmur a soft, 'I love you,' before kissing you again.
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