#i think we all know it's when he doesn't see perry but okay
banmitbandit · 28 days
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Pots 'N' Picks Week 2024: Day 7: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snacks/Dessert/Family/Goodbye
[Dungeon Meshi spoilers (with a big amount of canon divergence) and a long, long caption beneath the Keep Reading]
November 20th, 1484 Dear Senshi, It's been a little over eighty two years since you've been gone. In that time, Merrywinn, the newborn baby you held in your arms days before you passed, became a great-great-grandmother, and her funeral last week was as rancorous as every other half-foot funeral we attended. Soon, it will be my one thousandth birthday, and I can only hope that, like you and Marcille, that's when this curse will finally be lifted, and I can see you again. If that's true, then that means I'm the beginning of an end. Instead of twenty one years, Laios will only have to wait three until he dies after me, and Falin will only have to wait three after that. In twelve years from now, Izutsumi will pass on too, and the six of us will get to share a meal together once again. I've missed your cooking, sure, but most importantly, I've missed you. Do you remember when we first shared that bottle of wine in my new house in Kahka Brud, over nine hundred years ago, before we had the slightest idea that something was wrong? I told you that I didn't want to make you feel the way I felt when Fayfinn left me. You said you didn't care, that it was worth whatever small amount of time you had me. Obviously, it turned out that fate had different plans for us, that the Winged Lion had cursed Marcille too, that we'd each live as long as she would. It's been hard, but since then, you've been there for me every step of the way. When Fayfinn passed, when my girls passed, when their children passed, and theirs too. You've been there for everything, and I'm thankful for it, from the bottom of my heart. I knew I wouldn't be prepared to lose you, and I wasn't. But no matter how much I hurt, Izutsumi was worse, even if she'd never admit it, and I had to be strong for her, too. She's strong and independent, just like she's always been, since the day we met her, but you were the closest thing to a father she ever had. She loved you, Senshi. She said so herself at your funeral. I just hope she doesn't miss me enough to cry at mine. I don't care what dwarves or tallmen or elves think, you and I both know funerals are supposed to be celebrations. Fun is in the name, isn't it? I haven't been okay in a long time, but these days, I feel somewhat peaceful. I have lived my life to the fullest, like any good half-foot should. My birthday gets nearer and nearer with each passing day. Tomorrow, Lochlee, Merrywinn's great-grandson, is helping me collect my things so that I can return to Merini for Laios and Falin's birthday in a few days, and I plan to stay there at the castle until my time is up. I've packed the cheesecake recipe you perfected, and I'm going to sneak it to the cooks whilst Laios isn't looking. I'm sure he'll end up eating yours and Marcille's portions too, but I know you won't mind. After that, it's Marcille's birthday. Then Izutsumi's. Then mine. I'm looking forward to it; like funerals, birthdays are for celebrating. Even elves know that. I can't wait to see you again, Senshi. Yours, -Chilchuck Tims
An AU I proposed back in the Chilshi Nation server a while ago seemed to be a good way to break my heart when rounding off Chilshi week. A lot of people bring up the tragedy of Chilchuck and Senshi's lifespans being so different, and it makes me wonder what it would be like if Marcille's misguided wish had long term consequences.
This wasn't intended to be seven pages long with the lyrics to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri shoved in, but that's what it ended up being. The song seemed a little too perfect not to include.
All of my Chilshi posts were drawn up on the day, and I used them mostly as an excuse to experiment, whether it be posing, body types, shading, comic layouts... My later entries got to be a little more ambitious with what I wanted to do with them, so they're maybe not as polished as I would like them to be, but I hope you can enjoy them anyways.
Whilst I'm here, I'd like to extend a special thankyou to @dumblilracoon for dealing with my awful brainstorming and struggling all week. Couldn't have done this without you. And of course, the Chilshi Nation discord server for being so lovely! :)
If you reblogged or liked or commented on even one of my Chilshi week posts, thankyou so much! Chilshi week has been a blast and working on it and seeing all the lovely art and writing that's come up from it has been a treat.
Happy Chilshi Week, everybody!
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homely-lunatic · 11 months
one of the things I think is rly interesting about the usher kids' deaths is that there's a clear linear pattern in how much influence verna has on the way they die, starting with virtually no influence and ending in a death 100% orchestrated by her.
like okay. perry's death? completely his fault. the only influence we see verna have on him is in her attempts at convincing him to call off the party and not blackmail people. the acid was already in the tanks, he made the negligent decision to hook up the tanks to the water system without testing them. if he'd never met verna, the party would have gone on exactly as planned and he would have died via acid rain anyways.
then there's camille. her death is similar to perry's in that there's a clear cause -> effect of her breaking into a lab full of chimps hyped up on adrenaline -> being mauled by a chimp, but there's also little hints at verna's interference. camille talks to verna right before she dies, its implied via the photo she takes that the chimp that killed her appeared to her as verna for a moment, and there's also the question of how the chimp got out in the first place. yes she probably would have died in this manner anyways based on her own decisions, but there's slightly more of a direct influence from verna than perry got.
with leo, we know that him initially killing pluto was a hallucination thanks to his drug use, but I get the impression that everything that follows is a blend of verna messing with him and further drug-induced hallucinations. the pet store he visits is actually an abandoned building full of rats that verna alters his perception of, and his visions of her in his apartment definitely feel more verna-induced than drug-induced, yet there's also kind of the implication that all the stuff with the hammer leading up to leo's death is drug hallucination-related. we also see verna appear to him multiple times; she's not just a single mysterious figure at a party or a lone security guard, she's now running a store and coming to his house and talking to him on multiple occasions.
vic is similar to leo in that her death is caused by a slow descent into madness, but the way in which this plays out is directly caused by verna. yes vic was planning on going forward with human trials, but verna is the one who shows up and poses as a test subject. there's still ambiguity when it fully comes to the question of supernatural influence, and verna's insertion into vic's life was more specific than leo's but also broad enough that its reasonable to argue that things might have played out the same had she not been there. would everything with ally dying and vic spiraling have played out the exact same way if the human trial had happened later, or if another test subject had showed up? maybe, but the actual course of events that transpired only happened because of verna's direct influence on them.
but tammy was terrorized for weeks by verna before she died. verna shows up as a replacement escort, then continues to show up in the background of tammy's life. she shows up in her apartment, appears to her in a supernatural-ish way at the goldbug launch, and when it comes to tammy's actual death she's in there fucking with her through the mirrors. I guess you could argue that she still wouldve gotten super paranoid over the launch and maybe started to hallucinate the original escort following her? but unlike the rest of them (except vic, who I feel also falls into this category), her death doesn't feel like it would have necessarily played out the exact same way it did had verna not been there. she only dies because she smashes a mirror that verna is taunting her from.
and then finally frederick, who didnt get a choice (not that he deserved one), verna steps in and 100% causes his death in a very specific way that wouldnt have happened had she not directly interfered with his life.
and then you look at the fact that the siblings died in reverse order of age, which is also in the order of shortest amount of time spent as a member of the usher family to longest, and the fact that the two who objectively had the most interference from verna in their respective deaths were the only two who were actually alive when roderick made the deal..... idk I feel like there's something there.
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kobunnie · 26 days
the one that got away
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ft. fushiguro megumi
⤻ summary ; katy perry's song
⤻ word count ; 2.8k
⤻ genre ; angst, (there are fluff moments)
⤻ cw ; none
⤻ pronouns ; she / her
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Your first mistake was getting attached to someone the summer after high school.
"You are so cooked, y/n," Nobara sighed, watching you lay on your stomach as you stared at your phone expectantly.
"Shhhh," you shushed, tapping your screen to see if you had somehow missed his notification. No notification. "Why isn't he texting me back, Nobara?"
"Maybe he's busy."
"Or he's ignoring me!" you wailed, throwing your face into your bed, muffling your defeated groans. "He must've seen the preview of my message and decided that I was crazy for even asking!"
"I can barely understand you."
You raised your head, eyes watering. "He doesn't want to hang out with me!"
Nobara rolled her eyes. "I don't understand why you're so down bad for this dude you've only known for like what, a month?"
"Two," you corrected. "We've known each other for two months."
"Barely known each other. You met him by accident through Itadori at a party. And subsequently, after that, you had only talked to him in person two other times. You've only just started actually talking to him three weeks ago."
You pouted. "Yes, but I like him, Nobara. He's cute and funny and just seems to get me."
"I think he's quiet and rude."
"You don't know him like I do."
Nobara screwed up her face in disgust. "You have issues."
You laughed and sat up. "I really do like him, Nobara. I don't know why, but it's so easy to talk to him. We get along really well. I want to go out with him."
Nobara grabbed your hands in hers. "Okay, but you guys will leave for university in a little over a month. And you guys are going to opposite sides of the world. What happens if it goes really well, too well, and you get too close? Wouldn't it suck to leave? How would you deal with that?"
You pursed your lips. "But wouldn't I regret it if I didn't hang out with him?"
"But you could also end up regretting doing anything with him at all."
"So, is it worse to regret something that did happen or something that didn’t but could have?"
"I don't know, y/n," Nobara said defeatedly. She smiled tightly. "Just think about how this will affect you in the future."
Your phone pinged and you quickly pulled away from Nobara, swiping it up and scanning the screen.
Fushiguro Megumi: Ok
"What did he say?" Nobara asked, noticing your expression.
"Just 'Ok'." You flipped your phone towards her. "I don't even know how to react to that."
You hated to admit it, but his answer bothered you. It was dry and discouraging. It's not like you had expected him to send you a message like, "Yes! I would totally like to hang out with you ASAP" but still.
"At least he didn't say no?" Nobara offered.
Your phone pinged again.
Fushiguro Megumi: Let's get dinner
"He said ‘Let's get dinner'," you read aloud.
"Okay, dinner date, a classic. And he suggested it, I guess that's a good sign."
You nodded in agreement. "This is true. Maybe he's just a bad texter?"
Two days later, you bounced on your heels at the train stop, waiting for Megumi to show up. The two of you had decided to get ramen together at this new build-your-own-bowl place downtown. You were nervous to meet with him, but also excited. You got along really well when texting, how different could in person be?
“Hey, y/n.” You turned and saw Megumi walking towards you.
You smiled. “Hi. We have to go this way.”
The two of you walked towards the restaurant, engaging in simple small talk. He asked what you had done that day and you asked him how his train ride was. You also talked about Itadori, reminiscing about how ridiculously funny the boy was at the end-of-year party in May where the two of you had met.
“What kind of noodles did you get?” you asked, leaning over the table to see into Megumi’s bowl.
“Udon,” he said. “What about you?”
You tilted your bowl. “These skinny ramen ones. But udon sounds good too, Fushiguro.”
“You can call me Megumi,” he said, dropping his gaze to his bowl. He stirred his noodles.
You smiled. “Okay then, Megumi.” You were happy that he thought the two of you were close like that, but at the same time, your stomach turned at the thought. Nobara was right. Maybe you were going to get too close.
The conversation came easy, and you were smiling and laughing more than you had ever had with any other guy you’d ever hung out with. It was weird, but also pleasantly surprising.
“I like talking to you, Megumi,” you blurted, pushing aside your finished bowl. You dropped your gaze to the table, realizing what you had just said.
“I like talking to you too, y/n.” You looked up and Megumi smiled softly at you. Your face flushed a pink color.
You cleared your throat. “Maybe we should hang out again?”
“I’d like that.”
Over the next three weeks, you hung out with Megumi a total of five times more. You wished it could have been more, but it seemed that each time you wanted to hang out someone was busy or someone had an appointment. The two of you got brunch where you found out that Megumi was a blueberry pancake person which seemed all too perfect in your head. You also once went shopping, where you bought a pretty new dress after getting lunch together. At one of your last hangouts, you invited him over to bake cookies and watch a movie where you found out that Megumi was a pretty decent baker. 
“You didn’t tell me you were a baker, Megumi,” you laughed, watching as he rolled the cookie dough into little balls.
He shrugged. “I guess there’s a lot of things about me you don’t know.”
“Trying to be mysterious or what?” you teased.
He laughed. “Of course.”
You stared at him, thinking that he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen when laughing and smiling. It almost made you forget about how he would be leaving soon.
Meeting Fushiguro Megumi had not been on your bucket list for summer. His presence in your life was a wrench in your plans and you couldn't even begin to explain to your friends why he mattered so much to you. After all, you two had barely had a month together and nothing lasting that short was ever truly that serious.
Fushiguro Megumi: What are u doing today?
Fushiguro Megumi: I wanna see u
You stared at the messages on your phone, thinking of how to respond. Of course, you wanted to see him too, but he would leave the next day. You were afraid that if you saw him, you'd break down and he'd realize how embarrassingly much you liked him.
Fushiguro Megumi: What's wrong?
What was wrong was that you didn't want to humiliate yourself in front of the guy you had foolishly developed real, deep feelings for. You typed back your response: Nothing. Just busy.
Fushiguro Megumi: Too busy to hang out for a few hours?
Yes. But really, no. You called Nobara, hoping that she would be able to give you advice.
“I don’t know what I should text back to him,” you explained. “I mean, I want to see him. But is it worth it?”
“Do you remember when I told you this wasn’t a good idea?”
You frowned. “That’s not exactly what you said.”
“But you know it’s what I meant.”
“Come on, Nobara. Help me?”
Nobara paused. You heard her sigh through the receiver. “Do you think it’s better to regret something that did happen or something that didn’t but could have?”
“I get it, Nobara, you’re throwing my words back at me.”
“Yes, but no. I’m serious. It’s a good question to think about. Honestly, you’re already in way too deep, so why not just see him? At this point, you’ve got nothing more to lose.”
You nodded. “Yeah, okay, I’ll text him back then. Thanks, Nobara.”
“Yeah. And I’ll be here when you crash out when he leaves!”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, but you also knew that she was right. You probably would end up crashing out.
You: No
You met Megumi in the park by your house. The sun was getting low and you guessed that in a few hours or so, you’d be able to watch the sunset with him. It was an almost too perfect place for a goodbye.
“Hi,” you said, sitting beside him on the grass.
He looked up and smiled, raising a box of strawberries. “I brought a snack.”
“I love strawberries!”
“I know.”
The two of you sat together on the grass, bathed in the dimming glow of the sun for hours. You talked about everything and nothing. He asked about your life and your friends, listening intently whenever you delved into a tangent. You talked to him about your favorite movies, and the two of you easily found common ground. But you didn’t talk about the future, or what was going to happen the next day. You couldn’t even bear to ask him if he was excited to leave. You were afraid. When the sky turned purple-pink and the edges of the sun began to dip below the tree line, you felt a stab of anxiety, knowing that your time with him was about to end.
Do you tell him how you feel? No. But, yes? Maybe you should. Your chest seized at the thought. But what if you were wrong about your entire relationship? What if you were really just friends? You would be okay with that, right? But also, he was leaving anyway. Maybe you should get it off your chest.
You thought about what Nobara would say, how she’d throw your words back at you again: is it worse to regret something that did happen or something that didn't but could have?
Before you could say anything, Megumi said, "I wish we had talked more before.”
You nodded but didn't say anything, scared that if you did you'd start crying.
Megumi stared at the ground. "I wish I had gone up to you when I first saw you in October."
"Wait, what?" You turned to him. The two of you had met in May. "October?"
He shrugged. "It was Halloween and Itadori had dragged me along to someone's Halloween party. He was dressed as Phineas and I was Ferb from some TV show he watched as a kid. I didn't want to be there at all. I didn't know anyone and parties are overrated; too many people with too little space. Plus, I wasn't enjoying the outfit he had put me in. When Itadori started talking to people I didn't know, I decided to leave to find us some drinks. When I found him again I saw him talking to a princess."
He looked up to meet your eyes. For Halloween that year you had been a princess while Nobara had been a dragon. It had been Nobara's idea and she had shimmied you into a too-small pink princess dress that she had gotten from the clearance kids section at the costume store. She thought it was hilarious.
Your breath hitched and Megumi dropped his gaze back to the floor. "For a second, I thought you were a real princess. You were certainly beautiful enough to be one. When I got to Itadori again, I remember that I had asked him to introduce me to you but by the time the opportunity had presented itself Itadori had forgotten and was in a deep conversation with that friend of yours, the one who was the dragon. I didn't want to interrupt, it seemed pointless. I told myself that there would be other opportunities. Besides, Itadori was pretty drunk at that point and I was the designated sober to take him home, so I just concerned myself with taking care of him. When we were leaving and Itadori had sobered up, he asked me why I didn't go up to you myself. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was nervous. But I regret not going up to you. Because as it turns out, I didn’t see you again until that party in May."
You didn't respond for a long moment, unsure of what to say or how to react. You were angry at him. You were angry at Itadori. You were angry at yourself. You were simply angry. You whispered, "Why would you tell me that?"
"I don't know."
Part of you wished that he hadn’t told you that. If he hadn’t, then your brain wouldn’t be filled with a million “what ifs”. What if he had gone up to you in October? If he had, then maybe, you could’ve had more time together. Maybe you would’ve actually been a couple for a little while. Or not. You didn’t even really know how much he liked you now. Maybe it wasn’t enough. Maybe he was saying all this because he was just really going to miss your friendship. You realized how complicated your relationship with him was. You flirted and went out and there was obvious attraction. But neither of you had ever really said anything to each other that alluded to something deeper. You knew that you felt it, but what about him? Maybe you guys said nothing because of the fear of how little time you knew you had left. So who really knew how many things the two of you were keeping from each other?
“You’ll have a great time in college,” you said, trying to ease the awkward silence.
He nodded. “You too.”
“Did you know that statistically most people meet the person they're going to marry in college? So who knows who you'll meet," you blurted. You pinched yourself, why did you say that?
He stared at you, his face unmoving. You couldn't quite make out what exactly his expression meant. "I guess so."
You smiled tightly and turned away from him, suddenly self-conscious.
Megumi was silent for a while. "In another life, it would've been different between us. This wouldn’t be the end of us; we would work out."
You couldn't hold the tears back any longer. Teardrops spilled out from your eyes, splattering onto your legs in quick succession of one another. You hiccuped and buried your face in your hands, unable to stop the tears from flowing. You felt an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. Megumi didn't say a word as he pressed you to his chest, holding you. You could hear his heartbeat: fast but steady. The two of you sat there against each other for what felt like an eternity but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. Your breathing steadied and the tears stopped. But still, neither of you moved. You knew the moment would end if you did, and you weren't ready for that yet.
When the moment did end, both of you continued to not say a word. It wasn’t awkward, but you were afraid to speak and you guessed that he probably felt the same way. What do you say after everything that just happened? The sun had long since disappeared and the street lamps turned on, casting shadows across the park and engulfing the two of you in hazy dim lighting. The two of you stood and gathered your things in silence. Once done, you hugged one another once more. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. He hugged your waist so tight you thought you might pop from the pressure, but at the same time, you didn’t mind.
You stood together for another minute before reluctantly beginning to pull away. You pressed a hasty kiss to his cheek and whispered, “Goodbye, Megumi.” You pulled back, averting eye contact before turning to leave, not even waiting to hear what he might’ve said. It hurt too much to think about. Part of you hoped that he would call after you; stop you from leaving. But no such thing happened. You thought of turning back to look at him but you didn’t do either.
Part of you believed what he had said: that in another life you two would’ve worked out. In another life, maybe you would’ve even been his girl. But there was only this life. And in this life, he was the one that got away. You walked away only hoping that at some point, some part of him had liked you at least half as much as you liked him.
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
How would the Ro's react to finding out Mc is hiding their injurie? 👀
Very fun question, let's go!! Answers below the cut.
Beck: "Fuck, are you okay? You should have told me sooner--we need to get you to a hospital or something!" Beck is decent at keeping her cool during an emergency, and blood and wounds don't bother her. That being said, she's scared of MC dying or being badly injured, and that would make her panic.
Croft: "Come on, why hide it? I can help. Come here--let's fix this mess" Croft doesn't really panic, but seeing MC hurt would unsettle them. They'd do what they could to tend to MC's wounds and help to the best of their ability, lecturing them all the while.
Jay: "That doesn't look good...but it's okay. I'm here. I'll bandage that up, and then we can get you to the hospital. Hold tight. I'll take care of you." Jay would be right there ready to help. They'd straight up carry MC to safety if necessary. As part of their S&R training they know first aid, so they'd patch MC up as much as they could. They'd do their best to comfort MC all the while.
Perri: "Uhhh that d-doesn't look too good. Are you, like...okay??" Perri's voice would hitch up, They aren't great with blood or injuries, at all. Even worse because it's MC. They'd honestly have a panic attack ngl. Especially because they couldn't figure out why MC was hiding it.
Ravi: "It isn't wise, hiding your injuries. What happens if you drop dead and nobody knows the issue? You need to actually think." He'd lecture the MC, all the while he'd pull them to the side and check out their wounds. He knows when wounds are serious, and he'd do what he could to help. Ravi would be incredibly calm--almost to the point of coldness--but you could hear the worry laced into his words.
Yasmin: "You think you're being brave, huh? It's cute, but you're being stupid. Give me a second and I'll put you back together." She spent a few years studying to be a doctor. She's not an expert, but she can do simple first aid. She'd be chiding and playful, trying to be lighthearted about it. All the while she'd be incredibly focused on making sure the MC is alright.
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glimmerlofsea · 4 months
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Billy Hargrove x Ghost!Reader
Warning : Angst¿ Since you're a ghost :(
WC; 3,5k
#TALKISSA; After Billy almost died at the Starcourt mall, he experienced a weird things, or you could say he saw a spirit walking through other people. He thinks he's insane, since they don't talk and only go through people, but not after you ask him to get to know each other.
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Through cruel events a year ago, wild events occurred in Billy's life. He almost lost his mind when he was possessed by a demon or whatever the name of that monster. Max was there, but she didn't have much influence, Billy became quieter and just stayed in his room playing his music. He thought that the craziest incident in his life was over, but not when he walked out of the house and saw lots of people walking past other people. By 'through' we mean those that easily penetrate into another person's body without hitting them.
He really lost his mind, but seeing them not talking at all made Billy think it was just his imagination and everything would pass, but not when he accidentally collided with you.
"Sorry." He said in a hurry.
You widened your eyes and looked at him, following him like a pet,
He looked at you in surprise, looking at you alternately with the road in front of him, "I said I'm sorry."
You nod enthusiastically, "Yeah, I know! That's insane! I barely can't talk to anyone in here, and then you saw me! We even touched!" You exclaimed then touched his shoulder tracing it with your hand, making him shiver and throw your hand away gently.
"Okay, just tell me, how did you die? Or are you alive?!" Your emotions become more passionate when things are related to 'alive'.
Billy frowned, then he realized that many people were looking at him in surprise as if he was the center of attention because of something weird. Then he realized... He should have realized when you asked how he died.
"Don't talk to me. Again." Press him then speed up his steps to leave you.
You didn't give up and continued to follow him, "That's just amazing! You see me, you talk to me! Imagine if we were friends!"
"That would never happen." He replied without even looking at you.
You relax your facial muscles and curl your lips, but it's okay, maybe he's just hard to reach, but you know for sure deep down he has a soft side, he just doesn't know how to express it.
"You're a little... Stiff, I got it. Don't worry, we're the same age! I'll try to make friends—"
"—The problem is that I don't need friends!" He shouted, Billy realized that people were already looking at him, but he took his steps towards you, he couldn't stand it, he had been through something hard and had to go through this nonsense? What's the term? Seeing a ghost? Well, fuck that shit.
"Why don't you just go and bother other people? Besides, you're dead, we don't know each other, so go away. Stop bothering me, my life is already troublesome."
For the record, ghosts can feel too. They still have feelings, you still have feelings, your eyes are sore, you already feel two tears about to come out, but instead of showing it to that rude guy you choose to disappear. Using 'abilities' that only ghosts can use.
When you used your vanishing move, Billy cursed himself, at that time he was in a bad mood, he had been rejected for a job application for the umpteenth time because he had lots of scars all over his body. Number one looks when it comes to work, and how much he hates that terms. He also hated himself, he used to be very proud to show off his body to girls when he was still a lifeguard, but now? Even wearing half-buttoned clothes, he didn't dare. Too many scars made him feel... Insecure.
And the words he said to you? He knew it was cruel, and would make him heartless. He didn't care what others thought about him talking to himself, he was already considered 'different' anyway.
Max knows about Billy's ability to see ghosts. She thinks it's cool and thinks Billy might be able to become a psychic for his job but that idea only makes Billy's mood worse.
"Besides, you're dead," You imitate the way he speaks to you, you whine, let out a cry, "I know! I know I'm dead, I didn't ask God to end my life, I'm not even ready and don't want to die. I still have dreams."
You are literally in a very quiet alley and definitely the perfect place to hide and mourn your own life.
You just want to have a friend. You used to be a Hawkins student, excelled and admired by many boys, and it all ended in death when you came to a party and accidentally fell into the swimming pool. You can't swim, the students think it's a 'joke' so they just laugh and you just die. Stupid. Sometimes you just laugh at the way you died, but on the other hand you are also curious why you don't move on to the next world, you have accepted your death, what is holding you here?
"Do you have any new friends to talk to?" someone asked.
You wiped your tears and looked the other way, seeing Mary—a powerful ghost in the Hawkins area who was respected by other ghosts.
You stood up and approached her, "Yeah, but he doesn't want to talk to me. Hell, he doesn't even want to be friends with me."
Mary is the mother of the ghosts here. She is the one who usually explains the circumstances when a new ghost lands in this mystical world. And she is a good advice giver!
Mary chuckled, "Young girl, not everyone here can see us, rarely even them, the guy was just shocked and had a hard time accepting the fact that he could see us. Trust the process."
You sighed, "Why don't other ghosts want to socialize?"
Mary dropped her smile, "Most of them... Have you ever heard of energy absorption?" You shook your head, "That's when ghosts who have just died have their energy absorbed because at that time in their lives there was too much pressure, which pushed them to keep quiet."
You're still confused, "Does that even make sense?"
Mary put her arm around your shoulder and took you for a walk on the quiet street that night, "Yes, honey. There are also lots of ghosts who talk a lot here, it's just that they haven't had the chance to meet you."
"Can't you just bring them to me?"
Mary chuckled, “That's not how it works, Y/N, you know that.”
"I feel lonely. Like... I'm the only one left here, and seeing that guy, I had a glimmer of hope of having a friend."
Mary gently stroked your shoulder, "Maybe you want to fix something with him? He's over there."
Mary's words made you furrow your forehead and turn your head towards where she was directing her gaze,
You see the guy you met a few moments ago. He is throwing away his trash and notices your presence.
You turned to look at Mary but she was gone, you wanted to use your ability to disappeared but—
You heard him scream, making you stop and freeze looking at him.
"Can we talk?"
"You realize people will only see you talking to the wind, right?" You asked raising your eyebrows.
"Just... Come into my house."
You squinted your eyes to figure out his plan.
"I owe you something."
Owe. Surely he owes you an apology, you walk towards him, and he starts leading you towards his house, before he opens the door you have already penetrated through the wall. The sensation when doing that is always hilarious, you feel a touch of electricity all over your body, but still, it's a cool thing about being a ghost!
You explored the house, penetrating every wall there was, "You live here alone?" You asked curiously.
"No. With my sister."
You nod in understanding.
"Do you want some..." Hearing his conversation made you look at him, curious about his next words. He scratched the nape of his neck, "Some tea?"
You stifled your laugh, "I can't barely feel anything in my body. And tea?" You let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, my bad, sorry."
"But it's worth a try. May I have some tea?" You asked while spinning your body to enjoy every corner of his house. Makes the white dress you wear expand by itself when it spins.
You died at the prom, wearing a beautiful, sparkling knee-length white dress.
"Sure. Wait here."
You sat on his soft sofa, trying to reach his television remote but couldn't. Carrying other objects for ghosts is a difficult test, you have to use 100% of your energy.
Billy put the tea he made on the table. You took a breath to take the cup of tea, when you could actually reach it, you let out a small chuckle and then sipped the tea. You feel... Nothing. Mary said that whatever taste a human feels will not be the same as what a ghost feels, the ghost will only feel bland.
You sighed, "I don't know if it's good or bad, I can't feel it."
Billy smiled, "But at least you can touch the cup."
You looked at him and smiled, "What was your intention in inviting me here?"
Billy cleared his throat, "I want to apologize for what I said earlier. It was heartless. I didn't know ghosts had feelings—"
"We have." You reply cutting him off.
He nodded slowly then continued speaking, "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I was just in a bad mood and let them get to me."
"Apology accepted. Now, will you be my friend? You're the only one who can see me."
"And you're the only one I can talk to. Let's be friends." He replied with a smile.
You exclaim happily, "HOORAY!"
You approached yourself with him and took his hand to shake it with you, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you! What's your name?"
He looked confused by your enthusiasm, you were supposed to be older than him but your attitude was far from representative of your age.
"Billy Hargrove, call me Billy."
That's when the history of your friendship begins. You started to get to know him closely, and started to get to know Max, even though it was difficult to communicate, you always found a way to communicate with her. Like she is talking and you will write something on paper with the pencil provided by her. It was hard but you had fun getting to know her.
Billy's house is like home to you too, you sometimes sleep in Billy's bed if he comes home late, usually he will move you to Max's room, but not this time.
You see the sight of his good looks awakened by the sunlight shining through the window.
You correct your position and look at him while admiring him, he is a good friend, sometimes he will take you to the edge of the lake, even though it is bad for your memory because you died because of the water but he is the one who helps you get rid of that fear by always being there. Beside you. But you're not sure you'll always be there for him.
Mary said, what keeps us here is the trauma that caused our death. If the ghosts' trauma is gone then they will also disappear along with their trauma which has finally been successfully treated. Therefore, if Billy invites you to the lake, you will often refuse him. You didn't want to be separated from Max, especially not Billy, you weren't ready.
You tucked his curly hair behind his ear, he had a scar near his ear, or more precisely on his cheek. Often you find him staring longer at the scars left all over his body, you can feel it, he is tense and feels insecure about the scars he has.
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You entered his room, found him not wearing any clothes, just showing his whole body freely, that's where you saw the big scars on his back and stomach. There were scratches on his neck and chest.
Billy, who saw you, immediately raised his voice, "What are you doing here?! Get out!"
You knew he didn't mean to yell at you, it was hard to read the emotions he was feeling.
At that moment you communicated with Max, taking the pencil she usually provides for you when you want to communicate,
"Why does Billy get angry easily when it comes about his scars?"
Max pondered, taking a deep breath, "It was a bad memory for him, for me, and for us. He almost died from that scars. I don't know but maybe he was sensitive because he felt embarrassed? He was scared, Y/N. Afraid of himself and maybe that has the effect that other people will be afraid of him too. Sometimes he's not the Billy I know but I'm grateful, he's more sincere and loves me, and I love him."
With that, you immediately approached the front of Billy's room, peeked through the door hole and saw him curled up on the side of the bed. You walked in and heard his sobs, you landed yourself next to him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." You said.
Billy took a breath and looked at you with his puffy eyes,
You felt sorry for him and cupped his cheek with one hand to wipe his tears, "Why are you crying?"
"Every night, I see them, Y/N. Traces of that creature mumbling that it won't leave me for long and will return. It will come back to corrupt me and turn me into a monster again and hurt Maxine."
And... Billy wasn't wearing his clothes yet, allowing you to get a closer look at his scar.
"You're not a monster, you know that, Billy."
“Yeah, Y/N, I was scared it would happen again.”
You pulled him into your arms, trying to calm him down but apparently that would only make him cry, you didn't mind, after all your white dress was already dirty.
You gently stroked his back, tracing the scars and trying to comfort him, "It won't happen again, I'll make sure of that. It's okay, Billy. Everything will be fine. And I will stay by your side until everything is really okay."
A few moments later, when you felt Billy had calmed down a little, you sat on the edge of the bed. Just keep quiet,
"I hate crying in front of you, it makes me look like a coward."
You chuckled, "Why? Just because you're a guy?" Billy nods, you take his fingers and hold them, "If ghosts who aren't even alive are allowed to have feelings, why can't men? You're human, Billy, you have feelings. So, it's okay to cry. My shoulder is always willing to dry the air from your eyes."
Billy couldn't help but chuckle at your words, as did you, "How tacky."
You roll your eyes.
"Making you a friend is an opportunity I will never regret in my life, Y/N."
You smiled, "I'm happy to be your friend too."
"Can you stay by my side? Forever?"
You were a little hesitant, but didn't want to worry him, "To see you as just an old man?"
Billy chuckled, you let out a small laugh.
"But I was going to ask something." he said.
You cleared your throat, loosening your grip but he didn't want to let go.
"You're not afraid of me? Of this scars?"
You smiled sincerely and cupped his face with your other hand, "They're beautiful. I love them."
You nod, "A little cool too, I like them anyway."
Billy smiled slyly, "Do I need to always be shirtless so you always see them?"
You held back your laughter, "See if you can stand Max's screams."
He smiled one last time before asking the question you didn't see coming, "Can I kiss you?"
You dropped your smile, "What? You know I'm a ghost, right?"
"Then you know we don't stand a chance, Billy."
"But if, if we had the chance would you do it with me?"
You held back your tears, "But I don't think we have a chance. I'm just a ghost, unable to do anything except penetrate, disappear, or—"
"But you have feelings, Y/N. Tell me how you feel about me."
You sighed, not wanting this to hurt, “Billy—”
You looked into his eyes, "My heart does say I love you. More than a friend, always thought you wouldn't think the same of me because there are many other real human girls. Meanwhile me? For you maybe I can be felt and touched, but for them I'm just a passing wind that they don't even care about, Billy, they can't even look at it. We don't have a chance, don't make this hurt any more."
"Who cares what they say? Y/N, you're the safest place I have, the most comfortable place I have," He squeezed your fingers gently, "I love you too. God, I love you more than I thought."
"We can't."
"We can."
You sighed, and kissed Billy on the cheek, "Let's forget about this, okay? Get dressed, I'm going to get some fresh air." With that you disappeared somewhere, leaving Billy alone in his room. You assumed that your relationship wasn't working, but Billy still had hope.
"But... I don't want to forget about this."
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Now you admire him in the light shining on his face, Billy opens his eyes, you smile and take your hand away from him, "Morning,"
He just cleared his throat.
"You didn't move me to Max's room, did you?"
"You look tired from whatever adventure you had yesterday."
You stifled a laugh, "Ghosts can't get tired."
"But they can snore? That's great."
You widened your eyes and got up from the bed, "I snore?!"
Billy woke up from the bed and sat up trying to collect himself, "Don't worry, I'm not bothered."
You covered your face with your hands, “Shit, I'm embarrassed.”
Billy chuckled as he pulled your hands covering your face, "Don't be, I'm really not bothered. Now accompany me in making breakfast, okay?"
You sighed but still kept your mouth in a curl, Billy ruffled your hair randomly before getting up from the bed. You were about to land yourself on the floor but suddenly something inside you made you hurt until you fell on the floor and you held your chest. Surprisingly, ghosts shouldn't be able to feel pain.
You groaned, making Billy lay in front of you and make sure you were okay, "What's wrong?!"
You took a breath, “I don't feel good.”
"Do you want me to call... Your friend, you know... What's her name? Fuck..."
"Yes, Mary! Wait here, I'll look for—"
You shook your head, you knew this day would come when you felt your body which was very tired from yesterday. Your trauma has disappeared, which means you will also disappear.
"There's something I want to tell you."
Billy cleared his throat, he pulled your body gently and laid you on the bed, while he knelt in front of you, "What's wrong, Princess? Please tell me."
"You know I died because of the water, right? That's stupid." Your words ended with a small laugh.
Billy nodded, still paying close attention to your words.
"And you're trying to fix what I'm afraid of. It's kind of bad, but I don't blame you, okay? Mark this words. I just remembered Mary said when the ghost's trauma goes away and so will they—"
"No." Billy chirped.
"No, Y/N. You can't just say that, it won't happen."
You see the twinkle that appears from your body, not to mention the sunlight shining on you makes it look clearer,
Billy grabbed your hand, “No, you're being mean, please, no, no. You promised me!”
You held back your tears and cupped his cheek, "It wasn't my will."
"You promised you wouldn't leave me."
“I know, I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry."
"And tell Max thank you for wanting to be my friend. And you Billy, you're the best gift I've ever got, the best ever, I will always love you. Don't think this is the end of everything, maybe you can still see them and can't see me again, but I'll still be by your side, whether in animal form, or whatever. I haunt you with love, Billy Hargrove."
You kissed him, giving him the chance he always longed for one last time. It goes beautifully but not when you actually turn into twinkle. Billy didn't feel anything anymore, he didn't feel your lips which were as soft as cotton candy anymore.
He cried uncontrollably, because he couldn't do anything about it, and he shouldn't do something he didn't know the consequences of. But at least you're in a better place, right?
He couldn't do anything, he could only cry.
A few weeks later he only felt lonely through silent ghosts, unlike you who really colored his days when everything became dark for him. In another life, he promised to really take care of you and not let anything happen to you. But the question is, can you even be together in another life?
You really haunt him with love as you promised, sometimes he walks on the street when you first meet and he sees a white butterfly stuck to the window of a clothes shop which shows a white dress too, just like your clothes, but the difference is that the dress has an inscription that says 'I love you from the other side.' Just looking at it made Billy cry, which was weird because he wasn't usually like this.
However, he will try to move on, even though he still hopes that the term 'reincarnation' or whatever it is really happens so that you can actually realize the real 'chance'.
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Author Note : so..how was it?? I was just idly writing at 2 in the morning, and I can only revise it now, I hope you like it, if you think about it, this is the first time I've written a story that really angst because they can't be together... Do you want me to write more angst? ┬┬_┬┬
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multiuniversefangirl · 4 months
I’m getting really tired of the overwhelming MJF hate and comparisons, but moreover getting tired of the toxicity of the iwc
last night while watching dynamite, i was looking at the twitter hashtag and 85% of the tweets were about how everyone hates this version of mjf, how jack perry is better at promos, and even saw a tweet saying that it wasn’t fair for him to skip to the front of the line for a title shot… which he only hinted at. some of these tweets even had antisemitic comments and references in them, while others were blatantly anti-neurodivergent. i personally have many issues with this, so i wanted to vent in what i HOPE is a safe space:
not EVERYONE is going to like EVERY gimmick. it’s okay to say that, but to promote the idea of turning this already tense community into an even more turbulent space isn't cool (for lack of a better word)
jack perry IS good... but he has improved throughout his career (especially since returning from his UNFAIR sabbatical and njpw run). that's not to say that mjf has always been as good as he is right now, there has been a noticeable improvement in jack VERY quickly. they may be two of the "pillars" but don't compare them. they're different people, with different careers and different backgrounds.
i'm really annoyed at people saying he doesn't deserve a title shot, as if almost every other champion who was injured and lost their title didn't have another shot almost immediately, including jon moxley and rey fenix (twice including next week's dynamite). as much as he toots his own horn, mjf really is very, VERY good. plus mjf vs swerve is a banger waiting to happen, so stop acting like you wouldn't enjoy it.
i don't know how many times people need to be reminded of this, but ANTISEMITISM ISN'T OKAY. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS JEWISH DOESN'T GIVE ANYONE LICENCE TO BE HATEFUL. there is so little mainstream representation in sports for Jewish people, so to see someone who is openly and proudly representing the community being unjustly targeted is heartbreaking.
for as little representation there is for jewish people, there is even LESS representation for neurodivergent people. the fact that mjf and will ospreay (as well as other aew wrestlers) are being open and vocal about their diagnoses is inspiring and amazing and to see people making jokes about it is disgusting.
lastly, can we all just like what we like about wrestling and not shit all over others who don't agree with you? so you don't like goofy wrestlers? great, have a roh pure rules match! think deathmatches are a little too much? think about watching a battle royale! you can even find different companies with different feels. there is something for everyone to enjoy and of course, that means that there is also something for everyone to hate. but keep an open mind when talking about these things.
tl;dr: just let people like what they like and don't be hateful about it. and whatever you do, don't target things that wrestlers share about their personal lives. thanks for looking at this and taking a few minutes to read my mini-article.
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mjfsupremacy · 6 months
Today has taught me we need more women in wrestling media period but also because all these dudes are way too okay with like legit violence.
"CM Punk told the truth! This made AEW look like chumps! He barely even touched him! He got fired for this!"
Punk's Version.
1) CM Punk said Jack Perry initiates the conversation and then tells him to "do something about it"
2) Punk says he turns to TK and says "Are you going to do something about this?" And TK throw his hands up and ignores them.
3) Punk says this leads to him having to put Jack in a 'light' headlock to keep in restrained.
1) We will never know what was said.
2) What we do know is Punk initiated a conversation. During that conversation, Jack looked uncomfortable but at no point appeared aggressive physically toward Punk.
3) TK was behind the computer closest to the camera and does not appear to be involved in the conversation. Punk does look his way very briefly.
4) After a few moments of conversation, Punk then pushes or punches Jack and attempts to take him to the ground in an incomplete headlock while Jack Perry has his hands up adjusting his hair.
5) Several wrestlers and backstage staff step in to separate. TK's hand can be seen over the monitors that Punk pushes the altercation into resting on Punks shoulder briefly.
6) Jack Perry doesn't strike back.
7) When Punk is dragged back past TK, whose hands are on the monitors, he moves towards his aggressively and appears to be shouting.
8) Chris Hero (in the Red/Purple shirt) gets in between Punk and Kahn and pushes him away with Jerry Lynn.
This made AEW look bad.
It did. But I really didn't see any outcome where they came out of this as a winner.
Yes, he did get fired for this....
he was violent with a coworker no matter how little you think the altercation was, what wrong with you?
No, this did not make CM Punk look good...
Again, what is wrong with you?
- The only person who looked good in this was Hook for his commitment to being an unbothered king.
- Jack Perry didn't deserve to be assaulted at work
- Neither did Tony
- Everyone at AEW deserves an apology
- Let's never talk about that loser again in regards to AEW 😌
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
It's karaoke night. What songs do you think each of the hacketteers would sing?
I love this ask and I spent entirely too long thinking about it! Thank you!
Nick: “American Girl” - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. He’ll dedicate this one to Abi and play a whole lot of clumsy but enthusiastic air guitar during the instrumental breaks. He’ll also do really on-the-nose inside joke choices like “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon (he'll change 'London' to 'Melbourne' because he's really lame) or “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” by Great White.
Emma: “Style” - Taylor Swift. She just reads as a Taylor girlie to me and this one’s a classic. She could do "We Are Never Getting Back Together" but Jacob might cry. So, "Style" it is. Not too tough in range and it doesn’t require her to do the cringey rap-talking part she’d have to do if she picked “Shake It Off” (although that one would also be fun and maybe if Abi gets drunk enough she’ll join Emma onstage and do that part for her).
Jacob: he wants to pick “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey but it has been banned because basic bitches like him just keep singing it. If he’s still moping about Emma, he might choose “Somebody to Love” by Queen. If someone else gets to it first, then it’s The Killers' “Mr. Brightside” all the way until the bar bans that one too.
Kaitlyn: she almost always picks a song you can scream-sing to. She has some rage to get out, okay? Her go-to is either "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" by Joan Jett or "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. If you get enough alcohol in her for her to get in her feelings though, she might do Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart," as a treat.
Laura: "Dog Days are Over" - Florence + The Machine. Is that another werewolf joke? Yes, yes it is. She can't help being overjoyed to say goodbye to the (meat)dog days. She'd probably also absolutely crush "Help I'm Alive" by Metric.
Max: I will never recover from the post that said Max and Dylan would know every step from the JustDance version of “Rasputin” by Boney M (which I think is completely correct) so I’m picking that one for Max. However, if he gets a second song or he’s feeling extremely sentimental, he might do the Michael Bublé version of “L.O.V.E.” for Laura.
Abi: I think Abi's actual musical listening tastes might be a little moodier than this, but for karaoke she wants it light and easy, and it doesn't get much lighter or easier than ABBA. "Dancing Queen" or "Mamma Mia." She'd really like it if Emma would come sing backup for her so she doesn't have to go up by herself.
Dylan: He never does the same song twice; he wants everyone to be surprised every time. He's done Lady Gaga's "Poker Face. He's done "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At the Disco." He's done Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream." Tonight, it's "Still Into You" by Paramore.
Ryan: He can't believe he got talked into this. Ryan hates attention and doesn't really love the sound of his own voice. He would prefer to sit quietly and watch everyone else perform. Beer won't be enough, Ryan will have to drink an entire pitcher of LITs to be drunk enough to sing. Then he will sing "Love You Madly" by CAKE and absolutely slay. Dylan will be facedown on their table pretending to have fainted when he gets back.
Bonus: Duets!
Laura and Max have perfected their version of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John and Kiki Dee. You should really see it. There’s choreo and everything.
Jacob and Kaitlyn will sing "I Believe in A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. Nobody knows why. Neither of them has the upper range to pull it off and they know it. It's awful. They're just screeching. Ryan has to go outside until they're finished. His nerves can't take it. They have fun though.
Dylan would really like Ryan to duet with him on Peter Bjorn and John's "Young Folks," he'll even do the girl parts and the whistling! But Ryan's one and done at karaoke, and even that is asking a lot. Instead, Dylan and Nick duet The Proclaimers' "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" in absurd and potentially offensive Scottish accents.
Emma and Abi end up duetting half the time when they're supposed to be doing their own songs anyway, especially when it's Abi's turn! Somehow Emma just ends up there too. But they do "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper together with some frequency and they're great at it.
Bonus 2: Group Number!
You already know what it is. You know what's coming. You get it stuck in your head every time you play the damn game (don't you? I know it's not just me.) How could they not all sing Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" together? Of course they do.
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okay okay yes i KNOW i should be writing my fanfic BUT
Community characters as AJJ songs bc it's my favorite show and favorite band :] (If you want anyone added, feel free to ask!) Jeff Winger - Brave As A Noun. Okay, hear me out. This song not only applies to him lyrically but also shares the energy he has in the later seasons. He's just forcing himself to be satisfied with a life he doesn't really want, but also doesn't hate, is very season six finale. That is very much BAAN.
Britta Perry - Dissonance. It really has her energy. From the pilot to the finale, it fits her consistently despite her major character change. She is not put together. She hates herself because everyone's told her to. Britta is the best, but no one sees that. Not even herself. The only people who treated her with respect were the people she spent the least amount of time with! Think about it, she's had - what? - One touching scene with Duncan and Pierce each? She deserves more.
Abed Nadir - Goodbye, Oh Goodbye. Just listen to the song and you'll agree. This is mostly because of Troy's departure or in Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. Whenever he has to confront his emotions, he has this distance between himself and everyone else. The opening lines, "I was thrown onto the ground/I was locked inside a basement/The guards went on vacation while I plotted my revolt." really, really, REALLY reminds me of 'Virtual Systems Analysis' when Annie's talking to Abed in the mind locker. It's a sad song, but it really fits him. The line "It's nothing like the nothingness that normally numbs one pain" is very clearly related to Troy. He got so used to Troy, and he never took him for granted, but Troy became a constant. He was Abed's anchor, and now he's gone.
Annie Edison - No one. This is Annie, particularly as the Ace of Hearts in 'A Fistful Of Paintballs'.
Troy Barns - A Big Day for Grimley. It's giving post-sea voyage Troy. He's changed, he's traumatized, and he's a little bit alone. He's proud of himself but is full of regret. What happened to Abed? He doesn't know.
Pierce Hawthorne - People Ii: The Reckoning. THIS IS PIERCE!!! Now, many of you know I love Pierce, so if you don't then you might not agree with this choice lmao
Pierce is sad. He is so sad. In Britta's words, he has spent so long looking out for himself, but he would give it all up for a shot at a family. He never gets that family. The study group never fully accepts him, despite his efforts and his becoming a better person with their help. Even Annie, the nicest to him in the group, seems to see him as a project or something. Like, he's just some old racist, homophobic old man, and not someone with 60+ years of trauma that he gradually works through with the help of his friends. He gains a brother. He defends the LGBTQ+ community. He wants nothing more than to be close to Jeff. And he dies alone.
So, yeah. "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson, people love you more, oh nevermind."
Dean Craig Pelton - Human kittens. No, I don't know why. Someone needs to give him a hug (Jeff).
Ben Chang - Dipping Things In Stuff. I don't know, he's batshit. He wants love though, just like the rest of us. This is very seasons 5/6 of Chang, I believe.
Buzz Hickey - Hate, rain on me. Tired, nihilistic, and praying for hope. I really like this song for him.
Elroy Patashnick - Normalization Blues. Don't ask me why. It works.
Ian Duncan - Fucc The Devil. Sad, distant, desperate, and hallow. But enough about Duncan. This song is the perfect example of, "I have what I want. Why am I still not okay?" which is what Duncan faces a lot. "I wanna go away for a while/Away for awhile/Because the things that I have seen/Are turning me into a shitty human being." Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Ian. This man deserves so much more then people will let him have. Don't get me wrong, he's awful. But aren't we all, just a little bit?
Frankie and Shirley are too sane for this band im sorry to them
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no-where-new-hero · 2 months
Emily of New Moon Catch up
Chapter 16: Check for Miss Brownell
We have a reversal of the account book burning here. Emily will destroy the account book, but that was younger Emily in a state of self-protection. Now, grown in confidence and self-assurance, she will defy Miss Brownell by saving her work and declaring herself a writer whose work is worthy of respect.
"Cousin Jimmy, in his grey jumper, was perched on the edge of the wood-box, whistling at the ceiling, and looking more gnome-like than ever." Jimmy 🤝 Barney Snaith: sympathetic gnomes.
I have always wondered whether Perry having his clothes off meant he was literally stark naked or if he had at least his underwear on. His subversion through obedience is really quite remarkable in any case.
Chapter 17: Living Epistles
"Mike is a smee cat. Smee is not in the dictionary. It is a word I invented myself." Emily "invented" this word 10 years before JM Barrie, I suppose. Although when I Googled it, it does appear in Old English, so Emily can't all the credit.
I am VERY surprised that Emily doesn't know basic punctuation and has to be taught this by Miss Brownell. Like?? Presumably she reads a lot??
Chapter 18 and 19: Father Cassidy and Friends Again
I CANNOT believe this is the first time we get actual Teddy dialogue. I know Batrachised pointed it out before, but I can't believe it took us this long. It is a good exchange and a rare time that Teddy is a supportive force, but considering how effective it is, you'd think LMM would give him more to do more often.
Okay, rereading this actually gives me more fondness for Father Cassidy. LMM writes him so surely, with such whimsy, and Emily does put him on the spot for his more condescending moments, able to see through his jocularity to what might be mockery. He's actually a fantastic appetizer for Dean Priest--the same assigning to Emily of elvishness, the acknowledgement of her writing, the religious connection, the subtle double-meanings in his kindness. Cassidy is also--like pretty much every other sympathetic figure in the story--marginal to the rest of the dominant society, in this case Protestant. He represents a nice bridge between Emily's fanciful world and the real adult world.
"She clasped her hands, she looked up through her lashes at Lofty John, she smiled as slowly and seductively as she knew how--and Emily had considerable native knowledge of that sort." This is one of those moments when its very clear that LMM is writing a century ago because no good children's writer of the 21st century would ever dare writing something like this about their 12-year-old heroine.
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What the Poets are like in my DR!
this is a response to this ask! hope you enjoy!! posting it a bit earlier than originally intended bc i couldn't take the anticipation anymore :)
Neil Perry
my found family brother!!
always looking out for me
he was the first person i met when i started at Welton
we do bicker like siblings but it's okay
i love going to his plays, watching him perform is so much fun and he is so happy
seeing him like that is enough to heal the soul
we share books a lot
i do his stage makeup!
he makes the strangest little sounds sometimes
it will be dead silent and he'll make a silly little squeaky sound
always joins me and my dad (mr keating) for family time
Todd Anderson
he's so sweet and caring
he can be very sarcastic though
insert the "the one with the buck teeth?" situation 😭
he's super funny without trying to
we're both super anxious and it's nice to have someone around who understands that
amazing hugs!! not often, but they are healing
that time i was having a really stressful day and he hugged me and i immediately cried
he can be insecure about his relationships with people because he thinks people don't wanna be around him and just hang out with him out of pity
he needs reassurance but refuses to act for it
really good at painting! i got him watercolors for his birthday <3
he deserves everything. if i could give you the moon i would todd bb
Charlie Dalton
outrageous drama queen
he loves dancing
never said he was good at it though!
it's mostly just twirling
flirts with you to antagonize you but only if you tell him it's okay, he would never wanna make someone uncomfortable <3
my number 1 supporter since forever
superrrr competitive
can and will turn anything into a competition
massive cheesy nerd but denies it adamantly
he cares about his friends more than anything
very very affectionate
wants to be touching someone at all times
his love language is 1000% touch
very talented at music, he can play guitar, sax and a little bit of drums
doesn't sing often but definitely can
hates studying, not because he doesn't care about his education, but because it's not stimulating enough for his brain and he gets distracted really easily
i've said it once and i'll say it again, he is EVERYONES BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!!!
we're polar opposites but will match energy when needed
knows when to be hyperactive and when to be chill and quiet
sarcastic, always being a little shit
"hey charlie, will you pass me that?" "um, no" as he's passing it to you type of thing
gets me out of my shell, which i appreciate so much <3
i really benefit from the confidence he gives me and he likes being around someone who doesn't expect him to be going at a million miles an hour all the time
Knox Overstreet
my gossip buddy!
when we're bored we sit and people watch and make up life stories for the people we see
he has the silliest, most giggle
can and will lift you up
on his shoulders, picking you up and spinning you around, no matter what, it will happen
i watched him pick Charlie up and shake him and nearly peed myself laughing
very platonically affectionate, like little cheek kisses and stuff
it's his way of showing gratitude
hes also pretty sensitive and emotional
he read pride and prejudice and cried his eyes out
type of guy to kick his feet and giggle while twirling his hair
Gerard Pitts
hits his head off things at least once a day
so long and gangly and strange
like those things at car dealerships (affectionate)
he's so sarcastic and goofy
we always gang up on Charlie when he does/says something stupid
he takes his grades very seriously
but he isn't a stick in the mud about it
loves music so much
its one of the main things i hear him talk about
finds and keeps cool rocks
gives them to people when they're having a rough day
penguin behavior tbh
he is just a silly guy!
Steven Meeks
this is gonna be a long one, buckle up lovelies
we met and instantly clicked
inconsolably sweet, all the time
also kind of a chronic people pleaser but we're working on it okay!
we both have an affinity for latin
we have secret conversations in latin sometimes <3
about a week after we first met he asked Charlie if I was dating anyone but made him promise not to tell me (which didn't last long)
when we met i complimented his glasses and he blushed and went "thank you, i need them to see. i like your freckles."
he did not realize how hilarious of a response that was until later
falling asleep on his shoulder when we're up late studying <3
he always wants to carry me places. who needs legs honestly
flustering him is so easy and i love to do it because it's so funny
trying to teach him how to dance and he trips over his own feet
he has the softest most beautiful curls ever
tiny little ringlets by his ears!! my heart is melting!!!!
and his eyes.... cut the cameras
hes so pretty
him laying in my lap while i read to him
leaving lipstick all over his face and him not realizing.... the literal cutest
he is always the first one I run to when I get off stage after a recital (they all come to my ballet recitals in my dr)
us always getting caught staring at each other <3
writing poetry for each other!!!!
his love language is acts of service and quality time
his glasses are somehow constantly fogging up
he always offers me his sweater/coat/jacket when i'm chilly
my love im kicking my feet and giggling writing about him
he feels like the song 'let the light in' by lana del rey
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mikelogan · 2 years
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Okay. Someone hold my hand bc I'm about to get emotional.
This scene happens in 1x24, which is JD's last day as an intern. This episode is already finger-licking good (first JDox hug, anyone?), but this scene is extra important. I'm gonna just start with the dialogue:
JD: So I thought if you looked at Mr. Bober's chart and you agreed with us, you might be able to -- you know -- pull some strings... Perry: Yeah, I'll be more than glad to help you, there, Charlotte. JD (surprised): W-well, thank -- thank you! Perry: Don't ever be afraid to come to me with stuff like that. The simple fact that you actually seem to give a crap is the reason I took an interest in you to begin with. It's why I trust you as a doctor. Hell, it's... it's why I trust you as a person. JD: Are you dying? Perry: I've got a new shrink. JD: You know, Dr. Cox, I want to thank you for this whole year -- Perry: Oh, no, no, no...
Show me literally any other situation where JD says or does something that Perry wants no part of or is annoyed by and I can pretty much guarantee he does one of a few things: he cuts JD off with a whistle, he cuts JD off with another rant, he cuts JD off by calling him a girls' name, and/or he cuts JD off by walking away. I can't think of another situation similar to this one -- where JD is speaking from the heart and Perry doesn't cut him off in one of those other ways -- until My Fallen Idol when JD's at Perry's apartment.
Like. Perry himself just spoke from the heart, gave JD an honest rundown of how he feels. That alone is HUGE and, to me, marks a turning point in their working relationship (until Jordan drops her bomb). But JD can't resist doing the same (and because it's Scrubs, we did have that little "I have a new shrink" funny haha in between). Perry's reaction here is so much different than we've ever seen before and will ever see again for several seasons (oh, except for My Cake, but to be fair, Perry does sort of punch JD in the face first).
In my humble opinion, Perry's reaction to JD genuinely thanking him for all he's done over the past year is that of panic. Because now things are getting Too Real. If Perry lets JD say this, it'll mean Perry admitting not just to himself that he's worked his ass off for the last year watching over this intern who drives him absolutely insane for a multitude of reasons (and they're not all bad), but he'll be admitting this to JD, too. And that? That just can't happen, it cannot! Because if JD knows, then everyone will know, and how the hell is Perry supposed to stay miserable if he actually gets what he wants for once? It's so much easier to hate his life when he's continuing to hate-fuck his ex-wife because she's familiar (and yeah, maybe he does still have feelings for her) and he hates change than it is to admit his feelings and maybe have a shot in the dark at something with JD, whatever that might be. Plus, we all know how well Perry does at being honest and upfront with his feelings 🙃
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk about one (1) scene in an episode of a TV show that aired 21 years ago.
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midnightactual · 1 year
The Bleach Timeline
alright so I'mma drop some science on y'all
the Academy is ~2100 years old as of 2001. Renji, Kira, and Momo, were in the 2066th Class, graduating ~1956/1957. it's also repeatedly stated to be 2000 years old in CFYOW. Bleach takes place mostly in 2001, so that'd be 2101/2100 years as of then
when the Academy started running, Shinigami are already Shinigami, not Balancers, and Bankai are already Bankai, not Shinuchi, and we know this because Sasakibe has had Bankai for 2,000 years
QED the Gotei 13 already existed when the Academy was established, because you don't train new people for something that doesn't exist yet and won't exist for a thousand years as that just doesn't make any sense at all
for Shinigami to become Shinigami and not Balancers, they probably had to gain zanpakutō, because before then they were only using Zankensoki
we can therefore assign some arbitrary dates to the creation of these things for illustrative purposes like the Gotei 13 was founded 2,500 years ago and the zanpakutō was invented 3,000 years ago
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Yamamoto is talking about his last use of Bankai being in the distant past, and Shunsui is a kid. we straight up know Shunsui and Jūshirō are the first Captains out of the Academy because Yamamoto tells us:
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so it doesn't make any sense at all that Yamamoto is saying this after the war with Lichtreich, because then he'd be missing Captains for centuries. no, Yamamoto is telling this story to Shunsui long before the war with Lichtreich, which we know from the Kaiser Gesang must have happened in 1004 AD, over 1,100 years after the Academy was established. and so we come to this:
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now I want you to put on your Big Brain and actually think about what is being said and shown here
Yhwach is visually recalling the Gotei 13 he fought, the individuals he personally saw
however Yhwach is verbally discussing the Gotei 13 as an institution
do you notice something? these two things are not explicitly correlated
if I told you "The U.S. Navy has always been tenacious and resourceful," and I said that while showing pictures of Commodore Matthew C. Perry, or Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, would that automatically mean Perry and Nimitz were around in 1775 and fought alongside John Paul Jones?
this neatly solves the "Original Gotei 13 Problem". maybe the OG Gotei 13 weren't around for 1,000 years, or even for 1,500 years or more. maybe the Gotei 13 that Yhwach fought were the originals, which would be confusing as to why they lasted so long when their successors did not
but maybe they weren't
Yhwach is not weighing in on that issue, he's just saying the Gotei 13 were always murderous bastards until the Lichtreich War
and think about it. Yhwach was conquering stuff for like, what, 200 years before that war? he's like maybe 300 years old when it happens or something? if he's born in 600 or 700 AD, why the hell would he care about stuff that happened before 100 BC in a completely different place? it'd be foreign ancient history to him
how many of you right now can tell me about how Qin Shi Huang unified the various warring states around him and created China in detail? okay, that was 2,200 years ago, maybe that's not fair. okay, how many of you can give me a detailed synopsis of the Mongol conquests?
do you see what I'm saying?
anyway the Gotei 13 was not founded 1,000 years ago because the Academy to staff the Gotei 13 already existed 2,000 years ago and Bankai already existed 2,000 years ago and Yamamoto tried to use his Bankai to do something or other only to make things worse and in the process he earned the epithet Shigekuni, 重國, "country-splitter" or "land-divider"
so hey if the Gotei 13 wasn't made to fight Yhwach and was made much earlier then why was it made? protip: it was Yamamoto's second attempt to handle whatever was going on at that time after his first solo try failed
what was that incident? I dunno. but all the evidence points to it having happened
we know from Narita and Matsubara in CFYOW that Kubo has a lot of supposedly interesting stories that he's never told, like how Yoruichi and Kisuke met. you should not presume that all events referenced in the series refer to other things you already know about, and that all events of importance have been covered (Tokinada and the Tsunayashiro being shoehorned into the narrative is also yet more proof of this)
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softshuji · 2 years
Mikey and Harley’s in Hawaii by Katy Perry.!!!! 😍
cw: none! just Manjiro being a bit soft and intimate, bonten mikey cos i have a bit of bias <3
It had been your idea, the trip had been and you'd thought it could so some good to change the scenery, to see the sunlight and come out from the shell that was his room, hidden beneath the weight of blankets and memories. Mikey is many things, but he knows he'd do anything for you.
It's hard for Mikey to feel anything that isn't indifference nowadays. Things have changed and really, he doesn't expect it to make a a difference to how he feels when he steps off the plane with you in tow and tastes the salt of the sea on his tongue, and the cool breeze lifts the hair that kisses at his cheeks.
'You okay Manjiro?' you say, your overnight bag held tight in your clenched fist. You have to admit, you're apprehensive and it could go either way, but you know it's worth the risk for the slimmest chance of watching the beginnings, or even less, of a smile on his lips. Maybe here he can feel a semblance of peace, short-lived perhaps but existing nonetheless.
'I'm fine, we should go to the hotel first. Are you tired?' And sometimes it helps that he doesn't think of himself at all, but about you, and your needs and the things which might make you smile, make you laugh, make you anything at all.
'A little, it's warm here isn't it? Drink some water.' You wonder at what point your purpose became this, making him happy, keeping him here and with you. You're okay with that, and he thinks, you know it, that you're here for the jewels, the money, and that after this long, he can't comprehend that it's a choice, that it's always been a choice.
He takes your bag from you, and his lips touch your temple, softly, gently, the caress of a whisper. It's the closest to intimacy he's capable of sometimes, real intimacy that is, out here in public with the sun on your hair, and he's out of his depth away from the offices and executives and guns and cloistered air of his rooms where his only company are the burdens he carries.
But maybe, he'll try for you, to make you happy. He'll smile, because you've done this for him and you're worth smiling for.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I dunno about you, but in MAwS, I feel like things are building up to a big confrontation between Lois and Clark where she calls him a liar, and he just straight up goes "look, when I said I don't know, I literally do not know where I came from. I'd know a lot more if I knew what my computer ghost dad was saying, but that is a lengthy work in progress."
--and Lois is just poleaxed because that is a lot more about himself than she was expecting to get out of Clark, but it also explains absolutely fuck-all, so Clark just bites the bullet and flies her to Smallville so she can meet his parents, and experience The Ship™ for herself.
I mean from the looks of the 'next week preview' I think Lois is concerned about trying to get Clark to feel comfortable enough to tell her on his own, because she knows Superman is uncomfortable and flighty, but she still has a lot of trust for Clark and like, now that she knows Superman isn't just this weird sketchy hot guy in a tight outfit but rather her deeply kind and caring coworker, she's coming to this understanding of, "Oh okay he actually really doesn't know and he's just trying to do good."
I honestly feel like she's going to push Clark to actually figuring out what the hell The Ship™ is and how it works and maybe recording samples of Jor-El's hologram for a cryptologist to figure out what the hell he's saying--or even try to recognize its patterns herself (maybe more Korean Lois content because Korean is historically a very consciously structured language??? But also what Kryptonian we have heard seems to follow a pretty western cadence so idk...I'd love to see the conlang notes on this show if there are any).
It would be interesting to see her like... pursue something and solve a mystery not out of crazed "I need to prove myself" journalistic instinct but rather because she deeply cares about Clark and is recognizing more and more how much not knowing who or what the fuck he is is weighing on him. Also, it would be really interesting if that ends up making her way more focused and patient as a reporter rather than her usual modus operandi which has been, "I need to prove myself so bad I actually end up self-destructing by never actually doing what Perry asks of me."
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
AAAAH WAIT (spoilers if you have watched the whole season)
I saw the ask about Rhett believing Perry is capable of murder, because let’s be real drunk or not — Perry has always had something against Trevor and could have killed him sober
And I brought this up to my mom the other day — in the kitchen scene where Rhett and Perry fight
Rhett says “you have no idea what I have given up to protect you!”
He doesn’t say ‘what we have’ — which would have included Royal and Cecilia
He says ‘what I have’ — referring to only himself
Now this can totally just be about him lying to cover Perry’s ass and Maria telling him that she can’t be with him because of it.
But I think this runs back to when they were kids and teenagers
Like what if Rhett lost out of a scholarship because he had to save Perry from a fight he was losing
Rhett could have gone on to ride bulls for a college rodeo team but because he got into a fight -probably a very public one- to save his brother, the took away his scholarship bc that’s a bad look
(I know this is long winded and a lil random so I apologize I just really wanted to tell someone about this)
listen... I am 100% certain that rhett has given up so much of himself for his family, and likely a lot due to perry.
I fully believe rhett is right to say "you have no idea what I have given up" because truly, what has Royal and Cecelia even given up? nothing! Royal goes a little bananas sure, but he's just obsessed with his fucking hole and his pseudo-grandchild-gone-poet girl? and cecelia is like "oh no, god hates me for hiding my murderous son please the old ladies don't accept me anymore"
whereas rhett???? for real might face murder charges, he has to give up on a lot of his dreams, and also stands to loose not only his freedom but also the chance of finally feeling loved and cared for by someone he likes and cherishes.
I have this headcanon that Perry's always had anger management issues, and part of Rhett's resentment towards his older brother stems from his getting to the ugly end of that rage towards him since he was young - always belittled and perhaps beaten sometimes - and still being seen as the 'lesser son'.
I've also been thinking about the fact that from like a viewer perspective, the show wants us to believe rhett is like the town whore, which might be true - but we only hear about this from people around him. he himself never shows us (the audience) that that is the case. no, he shows us hesitancy in approaching a crush, he shows us loyalty, he shows us fucking... picking flowers and asking what his crush needs him to be? shows us that he feels he doesn't bring much to the table, but at least he's better than that fucking jag weed he just punched... anyways... getting off topic but do you see where I'm sort of going?
tldr; in my headcanon, rhett has gotten the short end of shit since he was a child. I feel like he might've been a wild child, creative and thrill seeking, perhaps had problems sitting still long enough to learn 'the book way' and would much rather learn by doing, which made cecelia sigh and become exasperated with him, royal told him to shut the fuck up and not to cry, and perry would use him to get his anger out - and they all expect it of him, because they're family... I LOVE THE FUCKED UP COWBOY OKAY I CAN TALK ABOUT HIM FOREVER
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