#i think this must have been sent a week or more ago i just found it!
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Could you do number 9?? 🤞
Guess who's back from the dead?!
I apologise, you sent me this prompt like weeks ago at this point, and I've just been slowly working on it whenever I felt motivated.
I hope this can get me back to writing and posting more frequently.
9. "My head hurts."
Prompt taken from here.
Read on AO3
“My head hurts.”
It was more of a mumbled exhale than actual words, but it caused Chloe’s eyes to snap open. She practically jumped out of the chair, her phone clattered to the ground as it slipped off her lap.
She’d been almost asleep seconds ago, but she was wide awake now.
“Beca?” Chloe said. “Beca, did you just speak?”
Beca groaned in response. She attempted to lift a hand to her head, but the heavy cast on her right arm made it impossible.
“What happened?” She asked as she blinked against the brightly lit room.
“An accident, we think,” Chloe said. “A neighbor found you at the bottom of the stairs in our apartment building. You must have tripped.”
“I don’t remember,” Beca said, her uninjured hand pressed against her eyes.
“God, Beca, you scared me half to death. I thought…” Chloe trailed off as tears filled her eyes.
Beca let her hand drop and finally turned to look at Chloe. “Is my Mom here?”
Chloe froze. “You… You want me to call your Mom?”
It was Beca’s turn to look confused. “Isn’t that, like, the default move? Isn’t she my emergency contact, or whatever?”
Chloe swallowed and felt something cold settle in her stomach. “Beca, I’m your emergency contact.”
“N-no…” Beca said, slowly shaking her head. “Aren’t you a nurse or something?”
Chloe looked down at her scrubs. She had rushed there straight from work. She hadn’t moved from this spot in close to 24 hours. “You know I’m not. Beca, do you… Do you not know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?”
Chloe felt like she’d just been pushed out of a plane. Like she was freefalling with the sound of wind rushing in her ears.
This couldn’t be happening.
“I’m your girlfriend, Bec,” Chloe said, her voice shaking.
Beca’s widened. She shook her head rapidly before wincing. “I-I don’t even know your name. And I’m not… I’ve never…”
Chloe could tell she was getting upset, so she held up her hands. “I’m gonna get a doctor,” she said.
“Call my Mom, please.” Beca said. “She must be worried.”
How old do you think you are? Chloe wanted to ask. What year do you think this is?
How can you not remember me?
“It’s likely a result of the TBI,” the surgeon said to Chloe after exiting Beca’s room.
Traumatic Brain Injury, Chloe told herself. Beca has a traumatic brain injury.
He talked to Chloe about the part of Beca’s brain that had been injured. About how they had repaired the bleed in surgery, and that they were confident in her full recovery.
But there was only one question on Chloe’s mind right now.
“Is it permanent? The amnesia, is it permanent?”
Will she ever remember me and what we are to each other?
“It’s impossible to know,” he replied. “It can be, but I couldn’t say for definite one way or the other at this time. Let the swelling go down, and give her time.”
“She, um, she wants me to call her Mom and I… I don’t know what to tell her.”
“If she wants you to call her Mom, you should call her,” he said.
“Beca and her Mom don’t talk,” Chloe said, glancing through the glass in the door to where Beca was lying in bed. Her eyes fixed on the view outside, her uninjured hand fiddling with the edge of her blanket. “Her Mom hasn’t spoken to her since Beca came out.”
The doctor sighed. “I see. Maybe you should tell Beca that.”
“And break her heart all over again?”
Despite Chloe’s efforts to keep her voice low, it still carried into the room. And despite the gauze and bandages wrapped around Beca’s head, she heard.
So she had been right then, about her biggest fear. Her Mom had disowned her after she came out.
It made her stomach hurt and her chest feel tight, and did nothing to ease the throbbing in her head.
And despite this revelation, she still wanted her Mom there.
She was scared and confused and hurt.
She didn’t want to do this on her own.
The door to Beca’s room opened again and Chloe stepped through it.
Beca thought she looked exhausted. Her eyes and nose were red, and there were still tears shining in her eyes.
“Don’t worry,” Chloe said, “I’m gonna go. I just came to get my bag and to, um, say goodbye, I guess.”
Her voice broke on the word goodbye and she quickly turned away.
“Can you prove it?” Beca asked, suddenly feeling terrible for this stranger standing in front of her.
“Can you, like, prove what we were to each other? Can you prove you aren’t some crazy stalker?”
Not are.
“Yeah,” Chloe said, clearing her throat. She unlocked her phone and moved closer to Beca. “You’re everywhere on this thing.”
“Damn, cell phones got crazy,” Beca mumbled, watching as Chloe began swiping through photo after photo of them together. “We look happy.”
“We are.”
Chloe showed her text messages between them, played her voicemails she’d saved, and all the embarrassing Instagram posts that Beca used to tease her for.
“We were supposed to have dinner tonight,” Chloe said, as she scrolled through her phone. “Or last night, I guess. Somewhere fancy, your treat. They found a bunch of flowers near you.” Chloe cleared her throat.
They found a ring in your pocket.
“They called me at work and told me what happened and I… I thought I was going to lose you, and maybe I have but… I’m so glad you’re still alive, Beca. Even if you aren’t mine anymore, the world is still better because you’re in it.”
“This must be awful for you, Chloe. I’m really sorry.”
Chloe sniffed and shook her head. “It isn’t your fault.” She wiped her eyes. “If you want I can come back tomorrow. I can help fill in the gaps, tell you about college, your career, and our life and-”
“No,” Beca said, her eyes focused on the blankets covering her legs. “I’m sorry, but no.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I heard what you said about my Mom. About why we don’t speak.”
“The thing about coming out is that you don’t get to undo it. Once the cat’s out of the bag, you can’t get it back in. I… I have a chance to put the cat back. I have a chance to get my Mom back.”
“You would do that? You would go back in the closet, pretend to be someone you’re not, just so your Mom will speak to you again?”
“She’s my Mom-”
“And she treated you terribly. She made you miserable, Beca.”
“Well, she won’t this time. Because you’re going to tell her that I can’t remember, and that I’m asking for her, and I’ll just… I’ll pretend. And she’ll pretend. And I can… I can have my Mom back. I need my Mom, Chloe, I can’t do this on my own. I need family.”
“I’m your family,” Chloe said, wondering if it would be possible for her heart to break anymore.
“You’re a stranger,” Beca said.
Yes, Chloe thought. It is possible for my heart to break more.
“Is this really what you want?”
“Yes. Please. Please just call her.”
Chloe let out something between a laugh and a scoff. She rubbed a hand against her tired eyes. “She’ll hang up the second she hears my voice. I’ll have one of the nurses do it.”
“Do you need me to give you her number?”
“You don’t have it,” Chloe said. “I have it, but you don’t.”
“Look, I’m sorry,” Beca said. It suddenly seemed important to her that Chloe didn’t leave mad at her. “But I’m doing what I feel like I need to.”
“I know,” Chloe said. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’m not mad, I'm just… My whole world is ending right now.” Chloe wiped her eyes again and picked up her bag from the floor. “Even if you don’t remember me, I would have stayed. I’d have gotten you to fall in love with me all over again. But if you need your Mom then… Then this really is goodbye.”
“Goodbye, Chloe,” Beca said. “Thank you for, you know, waiting with me.”
“Of course I waited with you,” Chloe said. “You should get some rest.”
Before she left the room, she hesitated at the door. “If you change your mind, my number is in your phone. The screen is cracked to all hell, but it still works. Your passcode is 0607.”
“Oh, okay. Why is that my passcode?”
“It’s my birthday.”
“Ah, right, I guess I should change that.”
Chloe left before she could hear anymore.
She didn’t want to hang around while Beca erased what was left of her from her life.
She couldn’t go back to their apartment so Chloe spent the next few hours walking around the city in a haze.
It seemed impossible to her that yesterday morning she had woken up beside the love of her life. Beca had pulled her back to bed when Chloe had tried to get up for work.
“Don’t forget about our date tonight.”
“I’m not the one who’s always getting caught up at work.”
Yesterday morning they had eaten a hasty breakfast while they manoeuvred around each other in their tiny apartment - Beca having made them both late for work - and Chloe couldn’t even remember if she’d said ‘I love you’ as she dashed out of the door.
What was she meant to do now?
Where was she meant to go?
Yesterday her future stretched out ahead of her, so clear she could almost see every milestone.
Now it was like staring at a brick wall.
She didn’t want a future without Beca in it, yet she wasn’t even given a choice.
She wondered when she should tell the Bellas. They didn’t know about her fall - Chloe had been waiting for either good or bad news before contacting them - and now she had no idea what to say.
Bad news, Beca fell down the stairs. Good news, she survived. Bad news, she doesn’t know who any of us are.
It wasn’t a conversation she was ready to have yet.
Chloe went back to the apartment with the intention of grabbing spare clothes and her phone charger before heading for a hotel.
But then she walked through the door and saw another cruel joke from the universe.
Their apartment was spotless, when Chloe knew it hadn’t been when she’d left.
On the table was a bottle of champagne, sitting in a now melted ice-bucket, along with a sprinkling of rose petals on their bed.
Beca had been so certain of Chloe’s answer, Chloe almost wanted to laugh at her cockiness.
Beca was right, of course, Chloe would have said yes before she’d even finished asking the question.
The only thing out of place was the scattered shoes by Beca’s half of the wardrobe.
She’d clearly tried on a few pairs before settling on the unsteady heels that were higher than she usually wore.
Had that caused her fall? Chloe wondered. If she’d worn the flatter shoes would I have a fiance now, instead of an ex who doesn’t remember me?
Chloe had been given the late shift, so she’d planned on getting ready at the vet’s office and meeting Beca at the restaurant. She’d gotten the call just as she clocked off.
Had Beca been running late? Had she hurried down the stairs instead of waiting for the slow, clunky, elevator?
Chloe couldn’t look anymore.
She grabbed what she’d come there to get, and left for the hotel.
Once there she would shower, and sleep and then…
And then she’d figure out how to move on with the rest of her life.
Chloe wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it was still dark out when the buzzing of her phone woke her up.
“Hello?” She mumbled, eyes closing again as she held the phone to her ear.
“Ms Beale?”
“Speaking.” She desperately wanted to go back to sleep. She had dreamt of Beca and wanted to go back.
“I’m calling from the hospital, it’s about Beca.”
Oh god, what now?
“Is she okay?”
“They’ve taken her back into surgery, a CT scan found another bleed that they missed last time.”
The woman’s voice on the other end of the phone was calm, but it did nothing to ease the fear ratcheting up inside her.
“But she’ll be okay, right?”
“They’re very confident that she will be, yes, but we think it’s a good idea for you to come in.”
“I… I can’t. Beca doesn’t remember me and her Mom hates me, I don’t want to make this harder for her. She asked me not to come back so… I’m sorry.”
“Beca’s mother…” The woman on the phone trailed off, and Chloe heard her professionalism slip from the first time. “We called her, like you asked, but she refused to come. She said that Beca may have forgotten, but she certainly hasn’t.”
Chloe felt too angry to speak. Her hand was gripping the phone so tightly it was a wonder it hadn’t shattered.
“Ms Beale,” the woman said, her voice firm again, mistaking Chloe’s silence for hesitance. “Beca will need someone, and you’re still her emergency contact.”
“I’m on my way,” Chloe said. Heartbroken and exhausted as she was, she knew she could never turn her back on Beca.
“My head hurts.”
Chloe got a rush of deja vu as she looked up from her phone. Hours had passed and sunlight had once again begun peaking through the window. Chloe had lost track of what day it was.
“Hey,” Chloe said. “Welcome back?”
“What happened?” Beca said, wincing at the lights in the room as she tried to sit up. “You look as bad as I feel.”
Chloe swallowed. “They found another bleed,” she said. “But they fixed it. And I know you said not to come back, but they called and-”
“What are you talking about?” Beca asked, closing her eyes and letting her head rest against the pillows again. “Bleed where? What’s going on, Chlo’?”
Chloe thought her heart might have stopped.
“What did you call me?”
“Oh my god, start talking sense, please Beale. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the head by a horse.”
“Beca, do you know who I am? You remember me?”
“Like I could forget you,” Beca snorted. “Can you tell me what’s going on? I mean, it must be something bad if I’m in the hospital and you look like that.”
I must be dreaming, Chloe thought. I’m still asleep in that hotel room and I’m going to wake up any second and be alone again.
“Chloe, you’re freaking me out.”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
Beca closed her eyes, a crease forming between her eyebrows that she always got when she was concentrating.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Leaving work early, I guess? No, I remember cleaning the apartment.” Her eyes remained closed as she thought. “Shoes,” she said, opening her eyes. “I was trying to decide on what shoes to wear.”
“You fell down the stairs,” Chloe said, hope filling her chest like a rapidly rising balloon. “We think you fell down the stairs. You hit your head really badly.”
“Shit,” Beca said. “How badly?”
“Like multiple surgeries to repair brain bleeds bad,” Chloe said, tears brimming in her eyes once again. “Like… Like you forgot who I was bad.”
“Oh,” Beca said. “That’s why you look like that. Baby, I’m so sorry. That must have been… I can’t even imagine.”
Chloe shook her head and tried to wipe away the tears that wouldn’t stop forming. “It wasn’t your fault.”
The tears kept falling and Chloe eventually broke into a sob.
“I thought I lost you,” she said, holding onto Beca as best she could without hurting her.
“I’m sorry,” Beca said again.
She waited for Chloe’s sobs to die down before Beca spoke again. She didn’t want to cause Chloe anymore pain, but she still had questions to ask.
“I didn’t remember you at all?”
“No,” Chloe said, wiping her eyes and sitting back in her chair. “I was a total stranger to you.”
“What year did I think it was? How much time did I lose?”
“I don’t know,” Chloe said. “A lot of time, I think. Pre-college based on the stuff you were saying. You…” Chloe trailed off. “We don’t have to do this now, you know? I can fill you in on all of this when you’re doing better.”
Beca was quiet again, and Chloe could practically hear the cogs turning in her head. “You said I told you not to come back.”
Chloe sighed. “Yeah,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” Beca said. “I don’t know why I would have said that.”
“You… You wanted your Mom, Bec. You didn’t know you weren’t speaking, and then when you heard… You wanted to pretend. Wanted me to call her and tell her you’d forgotten everything and that you wanted her there.”
“Jesus,” Beca said. “She disowned me when I was 19.”
“I know,” Chloe said. I was there. “But you were scared and I was a stranger. You must have thought you were still a teenager, and here’s some woman in her 30s saying she’s your girlfriend. I’d have probably asked for my Mom too.”
“Shit, wait, did you call her?” Beca asked, suddenly looking alarmed. “Is she going to burst into my room any second thinking her daughter is straight again?”
“No,” Chloe said. “I know she wouldn’t have spoken to me, so I asked the nurses to do it as I left.” Chloe swallowed. “I guess they didn’t get around to it before you had to go back in for surgery.”
She was never very good at lying to Beca, so she avoided looking into her eyes.
“She didn’t want to come,” Beca said. “They called her, and she said no, right?”
Chloe nodded. “I’m sorry, Bec.”
Beca let out a soft laugh and shook her head, before wincing and stopping. “You don’t need to apologise to me for anything. After what I put you through, you don’t have to apologise to me ever again.”
“You have a brain injury, Beca. I don’t want you feeling guilty over this. I thought you were going to die. And then you woke up and I was so relieved and then… You’d survived but I was still losing you. I thought I’d have to spend the rest of my life figuring out how to stop loving you, and now I have you back. It’s… I’m treating this as a miracle, Bec. That was a bad dream, and now I’ve woken up and you’re still here and you love me again, and that’s all I care about. Okay? No guilt over what you had no control over.”
Beca smiled. “Okay.”
They talked for a little while longer before Beca fell asleep again.
When she woke a few hours later, Chloe was still at her bedside.
“Dude, you can go home you know?” She said, trying to adjust herself into a more comfortable position.
“I’m not leaving you alone in the hospital,” Chloe replied. Beca took hold of her hand again, and Chloe rested her head on the rails on Beca’s bed. “Though I should probably go shower at some point.”
Beca brushed her thumb across Chloe’s hand before coming to rest on the spot just above the knuckle of her ring finger. “Have you been back to the apartment yet?”
“I have,” Chloe said.
“Well, there’s that surprise out of the window,” Beca said, and Chloe laughed for what felt like the first time in days.
“I can still act surprised,” Chloe said. “I’ll pretend I didn’t see it. Pretend I don’t know that there was a ring in your pocket.”
“Damn, can’t a girl have any secrets?”
Chloe laughed again. “I can’t say it was a total shock,” she said. “You had me get my nails done and everything this week. You booked a table at my favourite restaurant, and I know you made sure I was on the late shift so I couldn’t get back to the apartment until after our date.”
“Okay Sherlock,” Beca said. “I guess I’m not as sneaky as I thought. Did the ring survive?”
“I think so,” Chloe said. “I didn’t check. I wanted to wait for you to ask.”
“Can you go get it?”
Chloe nodded and pressed a kiss against Beca’s cheek.
She retrieved the little black box that was in a bag of Beca’s belongings and passed it to her.
With Chloe’s help, Beca sat up a little higher in bed.
“Well, this wasn’t really the way I was planning on doing this, but Chloe Beale will-”
#bechloe#bechloe fanfic#bechloe fanfiction#bechloe fic#bechloe hurt/comfort#bechloe angst#pitch perfect#pitch perfect fanfiction#pitch perfect fanfic#fanfiction#fanfic#beca mitchell#chloe beale#beca#chloe#bechloe prompt#no matter the timeline
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fave lyrics this week?
"he stole her youth and promised heaven, the men start wars yet troy hates helen" from history of man by maisie peters (I'm reading the iliad so I have helen on my mind lol)
simultaneously can't get enough of adam's ribs by jensen mcrae which I consider a twin to history of man and particularly: "this heartbreak quietly rewired me, my world is ending now, don't tell me to calm down. this love letter begins to adam from your ribs, so-called intelligent design, without you I would die"
#i think this must have been sent a week or more ago i just found it!#answered#anonymous#lyric posting
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a year ago, i was celebrating simchat torah when my rabbi interrupted the services to let us know there had been an attack on israel. we didn’t know how bad yet, but we prayed everything would be alright. the rest of the service went on as planned, but there was a chill in the air, like we knew something had changed. something big. but we didn’t quite understand it yet.
a year ago, i watched people i’d followed for years celebrate a gruesome massacre of over a thousand human beings before we even really knew what had happened. i watched anons pour into my inbox, demanding i condemn israel even though israel hadn’t even retaliated yet.
a year ago, i talked to my nonna on facetime for her birthday. she was in her 90s and wasn’t as present anymore, and i could barely focus because my thoughts were thousands of miles away. i promised her i’d call her the next day but my next day became scrolling past horrific photos and videos i didn’t want to see, posts celebrating the attacks, posts telling people that if they didn’t celebrate the attacks that they were bad people. she died two weeks later and the same people sharing the posts celebrating the massacre sent me messages telling me it was good my nonna was dead, or extremely crude and disgusting messages about what they wanted to do to her dead body because she was “probably a zionist.”
a year ago, i worked at a synagogue that started getting dozens of calls and emails from people, across the spectrum from neo nazis to evangelical christians to radical leftists saying the most horrific things, telling us it was our fault, that we had to do something, that it was on us. we were responsible. an anon told me i was a zionist because i had a zionist language on my blog (hebrew) and worked at a zionist institution (synagogue).
a year ago, i started losing friends one by one after many of them started to share posts justifying or celebrating the massacre or memes created by neo nazis, some of which didn’t even bother to sub out “jews” for “zionists” but they shared them anyway. i was pushed out of an activist group after months of begging them to stop using antisemitic language because i had the audacity to tell a white gentile in the group not to say racist things about a black indigenous jew behind her back, and said gentile told me he didn’t have to listen to me and that he could “claim” the holocaust too because his ancestors were from eastern europe.
a year ago, i watched in real time as the world i thought i knew, the world in which jews had a future and safety in the united states, crumbled day after day. people that previously went out of their way to take care of me and support me decided that because i didn’t feel comfortable marching alongside pictures of hitler i must be a zionist and therefore no longer belonged. the person processing my government aid didn’t want to approve me because i worked for a synagogue part time and argued that the synagogue should just pay me more because “they can afford it.” my synagogue, which has been involved in social justice since its founding several decades ago, along with its rabbis who have been just as involved, were abandoned by the communities they had put their blood, sweat, and tears into advocating for when they had the audacity to grieve for the dead of october 7th.
a year ago, i learned the hard way that we are not special in this time. antisemitism is a river that has ebbed and flowed for thousands of years, and i felt like a fool for thinking a dam could be built overnight.
a lot of people say that every day of this year for them has been october 7th, but for me every day has been october 8th. the day after the initial shock, when reality started to sink in. the realization that all the people who had shared “happy rosh hashanah” posts or complimented my kippah or pretended to care about harry potter goblins were quickly dropping the facade. that my token minority card had expired and now having a jew in their group didn’t look diverse, it looked “sympathetic toward israel.” every day has been a painful reminder that no one else is grieving like we are, and a large number of those people are angry that we are grieving. they don’t understand that we’re not just grieving the lives lost and the hostages. we’re grieving for the world we thought we knew, a world where we might have a chance to thrive like we did in the golden age of spain. but those golden years are ending. and that is one of the things we are grieving.
a lot of people also say that they wish they could go back to who they were on october 6th, but i don’t. i’m glad the illusion was shattered, that i can see more clearly who will stand with jews even if they face backlash, who will challenge their antisemitic biases and do the hard work to unlearn them, and who did not have to be asked twice to share literal nazi rhetoric if it meant feeling like a hero. i’m glad the masks are coming off because it means you can’t gaslight us anymore and tell us it’s all in our heads. we can see you for exactly who you are now. and we will not let you break us.
i don’t want to be living forever in october. i don’t want the blissful ignorance of october 6th, but i also don’t want the bitter anger of october 8th. i want to stand up for what i believe in, to celebrate my culture and my people, and no amount of intimidation or harassment will keep me from loving my jewishness. you have shown me i can no longer live in october 6th, but i refuse to let you keep me in october 8th.
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Playing with fire's only gonna get you burned. Unless you're, like, into that kinda thing.
kai parker x reader
summary: things have been disappearing from your room lately, but never would you think kai is the one to blame.
tags: 1994 prison world, friends to lovers, snooping (it's very 'fuck around and find out'), mild argument, sexual tension, touch starved, kissing, touching, playful sex, teasing, fingering, vaginal sex, relatively mild smut, overstimulation, cuddling
word count: 5.5k
a/n: this fic is sponsored by wellbutrin... kidding. but that's the only reason i've actually been able to sit down and focus / write lately. this was requested eons ago, and with the greatest guilt, i'm just now posting it. also, i wrote it in a day. as in, today. i hope it's okay. <3
It started out innocently. A curious snoop in a big, almost-empty mansion, inhabited by two abandoned people left here by their families.
He hadn’t expected her to go digging around in his stuff, and she didn’t think he’d come home early. Both were wrong. And as the thin material slips from beneath her fingertips in shock, he gives her an indescribable look. His nails rap on the wood of the doorframe and she stands, speechless.
“Hey, princess. Like what you see?”
The Salvatore Boarding House is where you found him. You wandered for some time before running into him and finding his company relieving.
Of course, getting to trust Kai took some time. You found common ground in the fact that you both were hated by the Gemini Coven. Both had been sent here by them; Kai, sixteen years ago, you, only one, and both had been frowned upon by their families. But while you shared the same enemy, you were afraid for a while that Kai would be an enemy, too, considering what he did to be sent to the prison world. Apparently, as reported by his own tongue and the daily paper, he had slaughtered four of his siblings in an attempt to kill the youngest two. He didn’t feel much sorrow, nor regret, over his actions, and explained his methods of killing with a rather monotone voice. When asked if he’d kill you, he shrugged.
“No point in doing that, really. It’s not like you can die, anyway.”
And that was that.
For weeks, you feared him, but he got better as the days passed. Kai’s actually pretty funny and can cook well. And though you’ve never said it out loud, he’s pretty cute, too. Over time, your companionship turns into a friendship. You swap stories about your past and come to understand each other better. As cold as life has made him, you don’t think he wasn’t always that way. The more you grow to trust him, you start to see a side you’re not sure he’s even seen in himself for years. Sometimes you forget you’re all alone in a prison together, save for the fact you’re the only ones there. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like a sentence for a punishment you both may or may not deserve.
But lately, something’s been off.
It’s not that anything’s changed about Kai, but more so that it just feels… different. The young witch is the same playful, unserious boy you’ve known for months, but a few times, you’ve caught a glimmer in his eye you can’t quite decipher. He’s a troublemaker for sure, and though you’ve never seen malicious behavior, your head is filling with questions if he’s capable of some other kind of behavior you haven’t considered.
Basically, things have been disappearing from your closet. Your favorite bracelets, a few lip balms, and clothes, even some you know you threw in the laundry bin. For a bit of time, you blame it on the same-day repeating thing. Maybe the gloss you stole from the department store has just been returned to its original spot to be sold. Maybe yesterday’s pair of underwear went back to the bottom of your drawer. Maybe the shirt you wore when you entered the prison world got swept through some portal back to the real world, because you hadn’t worn it here yet, so it must not be able to exist.
One morning, ruminating thoughts swirl in your mind as you try to mentally explain the disappearances. It’s a rather new thing - within the last few weeks - and nothing like this had happened in the first couple months you were still roaming the empty earth.
At the kitchen counter, you must seem lost in thought, because Kai shuffles a pancake off his spatula and onto your plate then nods. “What’s up?”
“My clothes are disappearing.”
“Have you ever had that happen to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Out of my room. I’ll toss a shirt in my hamper, and it’s gone. My favorite chapstick isn’t in my nightstand drawer anymore.”
“You’ve never lost anything?”
“I mean… misplaced things, yeah. But I know I just put them somewhere where I can’t remember where I put them, y’know? Maybe that’s it.”
“Maybe.” You take a bite of the food and smile up at him. “Ooh, perfect! Thank you.”
He returns the smile with a wink that makes you shyly look down. You eat in a comfortable silence, omit the CD player beside you being just barely audible; Billie Joe Armstrong whispers uncharacteristically rather than shouting into your ear at nine in the morning.
He starts to speak again while gathering the dishes. “Hey, I need to take a quick trip to the store today, want to come?”
“Wait, why? We just went?” You ask, frowning.
“That house down the street had a cookbook I’m borrowing-” you chuckle at the word choice, “-and I’m gonna try one of the recipes in it, but we need, like, half the things in it.”
You think about it. Going grocery shopping with him is always an entertaining experience, but you were planning on flipping your room inside out to look for your stuff instead. The most recent thing to disappear was one of your favorite underwear sets, and if you don’t find it, it’ll drive you crazy. Explaining this, though, sounds ridiculous, so you make an excuse. With a shrug, “don’t really feel like being cold today.” Despite no one around to operate it, Bell’s refrigerator section stays cold.
“You have a jacket. Or you can borrow one.”
“You always take, like, ten years in there, and the cold seeps through eventually.”
He gives you a sassy look, but it’s true, so he knows he can’t really argue. “Alright.”
“Plus if you’re trying a new recipe, it’s going to take even longer for you to find everything you need. And then the recipe won’t have enough detail, so you’ll sit there for five minutes, debating if you should use brown sugar or light brown sugar.”
“Okay, you’ve made your point!” You smile in satisfaction. “I’ll go by myself. Won’t take more than an hour.”
“Two, maybe.”
He glares at you, but you only laugh. Kai, by now, is harmless to you. You can poke and prod him all you want and know he won’t hurt you. Maybe if his family put a little trust in him, they would’ve known that, too.
“I’m leaving in ten.”
“Okay. Be safe from any vortexes that could contain aliens coming to invade our planet.”
He stares at you, then gives a playful roll of his eyes. You laugh.
It doesn’t make sense. You’ve flipped your room about a thousand times in the last hour and nothing, not a single one of your lost items have appeared. It’s actually driving you insane. On second thought, you might be going insane. You know internally that stuff doesn’t just disappear in this world. Some things might return to the way they were before - the Dookie album annoyingly starts at “Burnout” every morning that Kai presses play; the grocery store is always fully stocked, no matter how many bags of chips you take in a single day - but things don’t just get lost. The prison world has structure, in its own extremely aggravating way. If something’s missing, you lost it.
But you’ve flipped your room three times to no avail. If something’s missing, it must not be in your room at all. You sigh, sitting in the middle of your now-messy room, and think. It is possible that they got mixed up in the laundry with Kai’s stuff and neither of you noticed. Of course, that doesn’t account for your two missing chapsticks, but maybe those were in pockets that ended up in the laundry, too. You crinkle your nose at the thought. If that’s the case, that chapstick and the hoodie it’s in are definitely ruined.
With the new idea in your mind, you head to the laundry room to check it out. It’s a rather long walk down the hall and to your left, making you wonder, again, whose house - sorry, mansion - this is in the present day, and could they be living here now, in the real world? You and Kai have talked about it before, made bets on the residents’ identities and personalities. Kai thinks it’s the mayor’s, and that he’s some oldish rich guy with a trophy wife, who needed to live far away from his “village” to exude “dominance,” as if this were the middle ages. That, or a thousand year old witch who moved out here to never be bothered. You swear it’s vampires, but he always shakes his head, “that’s not a thing.” You think otherwise.
But regardless of who lives in the house, you can both agree it’s an insane amount of house for anyone. Though, neither can complain about the dungeon in the basement. It’s a nice touch. In fact, every house should have one.
The laundry room checks out to be clean. There’s not a single sign of anything missing or out of place, and by this point, you just feel like giving up. Maybe the laundry ate them in the way it always seems to eat one sock. Oh well, because the constant search is only stressing you out. You stand there bored for a moment while trying to think of something to do. You could read; the library downstairs must have a thousand different books. Or, you could snoop the mansion. Kai’s shown you tons of stuff he’s found over the years: diaries, letters, secrets. Whoever lived here has quite the story to tell, but those things aren’t always easily found. The letters had been hidden in books, and between closely stacked books, and the most telling diary he’s found was in the floorboard of the furthest room on the right. Surely there’s more that Kai hasn’t discovered yet.
You decide, then, that the best entertainment will be to snoop around the old Victorian home, because… why not? You can’t settle down enough to read, and when has anyone not had fun digging into other people’s business? After all, that’s what got you sent to the prison world in the first place.
A part of you is most curious about the dungeon, so you decide to start there when something in the corner of your eye makes you pause. A lock, uncharacteristically on Kai’s bedroom door. It’s odd, considering the openness between you two; you’ve never felt the need to hide things from each other, and you’re not sure when he started feeling differently. You stare at it, curious and a bit hurt, before inserting your nail into the hole on the bottom. Again, you ended up here by pissing off one Parker, what’s stopping you from egging on another? And what would Kai possibly do to you that would hurt you? Like you told yourself earlier, towards you, he’s completely harmless.
In a couple minutes’ time, you finally free the lock of its duty and push the door open. Inside, it looks normal. He’s always been clean and his room is no exception. You’ve seen it before, when he didn’t feel the need to put a suspicious lock on it, and it looks the same then as it does now. Still… that little weasel is hiding something, and you’ll be damned if you don’t at least peek. You step further inside, leaving the door wide open so you can hear if he comes back.
To your displeasure, a five minute search yields no secrets. You’ve looked under his bed, in his drawers, and everywhere else that’s definitely invading his privacy, but hey, you were under the impression that there was no privacy in the prison world. You start your way back to the door, but then open the closet you had previously ignored, just in case. It checks as normal, but then… up high, in the corner, sits a little box out of reach. And by out of reach, you mean even for Kai, who’s rather tall, meaning even he would need a stool to retrieve it. Curiosity quickly gets the better of you and you fetch the nearest stool to grab it. Something this well hidden must be fun. And who knows, maybe it’s the residents’ mystery box, and Kai doesn’t even know it’s there? At least, that’s what you tell yourself to excuse your nosiness.
Though, immediately upon opening it, that’s proven to definitely not be the case.
A whiff of perfume floods your nose the moment you take off the lid. It’s familiar, and warm, and quickly, you realize it’s yours. Then, your heart drops at the first thing inside - something he should not have, and frankly, shouldn’t even exist - which is a polaroid of you. Specifically, of you on your side, asleep, bare chested, with your comforter just barely covering your hips. Your spine is the main focus of the shot, but a little bit of your exposed breast shows. You drop it with a gasp. It flutters down and lands in a different place than where you had picked it up, revealing more. Each polaroid in the stack shows more and more of your body in every shot. Sometimes, your breasts are covered by a thin, lacy piece, but more often than not, your top is completely bare. Your comforter, luckily, stays at your hips, and the one or two times it slips further, you’re covered in your favorite floral set, but then you pause. That particular set disappeared a while ago, and now, you think you know why.
Dropping the polaroid, you remove all the photos from the box to reveal what’s hidden underneath, and oh, does it shock you. Instantly, you eye your favorite set, causing you to swallow hard. Your perfume’s also in the box, alongside all your missing items: your chapsticks, bracelets, and three more pieces of your clothes. That rat. He’s been taking your things the whole time! Then giving no more than a shrug when you bring it up. Kai has been sneaking into your room at night, taking pictures of you and stealing your things, then acting none the wiser in the day. You try to feel angry, but you’re more shocked than anything.
Hesitantly, you pick up a pair of your underwear, inspecting it as if you can’t believe it’s really there. You roll your eyes in disbelief as it slips off your finger, back down into the incriminating box.
A knock raps on the doorframe. You freeze; you hadn’t heard anyone come in.
“Hey, princess,” Kai says, standing there, “like what you see?”
Your mouth falls open, a thousand words rising up your throat, but none of them coming out. You were shocked before, but then his sudden entrance and his laidback reaction makes you angry, and when he stands there, waiting for your response, you only find yourself shocked again. Surprised, that he’s found you digging through your stuff, yet doesn’t seem to care.
That is, unless, the anger is bubbling underneath his fond smile. You know that Kai has an unpredictable edge to him. Sometimes, he’s quiet in his anger and lets it stew before exploding. You’ve only been on the receiving end of it once, ages ago, when you were still getting used to each others’ routines and you got too much in his way. You’ve seen it since then, but not directed at you: his father, mostly; his lack of magic; his misguidance about the world. But sometimes, oftentimes, he’s short in patience and snappy in reaction. He responds to disruption the same way his father does: suddenly, mercilessly. It’s all he knows, after all.
But the Kai standing in front of you now, watching you, is neither of those things. He doesn’t seem angry or agitated. Caught off guard, certainly, but while that look is interpreted through his eyes, a small smile counters it. You stare a bit longer. Amused is more like it. He’s amused by your reaction. By you finding your clothes in his room and having no idea how to react to it. Initially, his posture held some indignation, probably because you were going through his stuff and had picked the quite secure lock to do so, but any ill feeling dissipates at the look on your face you’re sure is amusing to him.
You try to replace your shocked look with a stern one. He only laughs.
“Want to tell me why my stuff is in a box in your room, which was locked, by the way, not sure if you’re aware. Since when do we lock our rooms, Kai?”
He looks surprised by your sudden snap. Good. Unfortunately, he recovers quickly.
“Want to tell me why you’re going through my stuff in the first place?”
You scoff. “I think the more pressing matter is the fact that you’ve been stealing my clothes! And- and- not only stealing, but look at this-” you toss a polaroid at him as if he hasn’t seen, taken, them himself- “how long have you been lurking in my room while I’m asleep?! Taking pictures of me sleeping? Not caring if I’m literally nude in half of them?!”
“I’d argue the nude ones are the best ones,” he says with a shrug.
You scoff again. “What would possess you to do this? Why are you taking my stuff?”
“Y’know, princess… What’s funny to me is that your questions are just questions.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You’re asking questions simply to know the answers. A playful curiosity. There’s no anger in your tone, no spite in your words.”
“Oh, I’m angry, Kai. I’m pretty fucking pissed off right now.”
He only chuckles. “Still not hearing it. See, I know anger. Anger’s my father, who has a harsh bark but a nastier bite. You, my angel,” he crouches down in front of you now, “have no bite.”
“Fuck you.” You push his shoulder. He barely sways, but you were kind of hoping to knock him over. You wait a moment, then try again.
Kai, though, easily predicts your actions and grabs your wrist as soon as it comes within his reach. He holds on with a tight grip and you almost lose your balance.
“Let go,” you grumble, raising your other fist. It only makes it halfway before he grabs that one, too. “Kai.” You struggle in his hands. “What the fuck? Let go of me.”
“Ah, ah.” He tilts his head to the side, a look that means nothing but trouble. “You were a bad girl to go through my stuff.”
“It’s my stuff, actually.”
“It became mine the minute it crossed the threshold of this house. You became mine.”
“What the fuck does that mean? This isn’t even your house!”
“But it is my prison world. Built for me when I committed a crime so heinous, they felt the need to lock me up. But you… what are you in here for? Stealing a book?”
“It was a grimoire, you fuck. Your father’s. So clearly my crime was equally heinous and they sent me here, too. The moment I got dropped here, this no longer became just your world.”
“You raise a good point. But still, I was here first. And I’m the oldest of my siblings, so I can tell you what to do.”
“You have a twin,” you counter, “who’s probably older than you by now, considering neither of us have aged, and you’ve been here sixteen years already. She’s probably… thirty-eight by now? Probably married, has some kids, a nice house.”
“Stop talking,” he snaps, tightening his grip on your wrists. They burn, but it doesn’t bother you. Egging him on is more fun. The tight cord of his control is breaking.
“I’m just saying. Oh, and your younger twins, the two you didn’t get to kill. They’re, uh, twenty, now, I think. I saw them, actually, when I broke into your father’s house. They’re both blonde, wherever that gene came from.”
“Jo wasn’t there. Not sure where she went. Probably does have a house somewhere. Somewhere far, far, away from fucking Portland. Good for her, that place is a shithole.”
His grip tightens, his body almost shaking with anger now. “Stop. Talking.”
“Or what? Are you gonna attack me?” You put on your best puppy eyes. “Show me your bite’s worse than your bark? Because I’m just proving to you that I can bite. Don’t like it, do you? Yeah, well, I didn’t like finding my lingerie in a box in your room, but I guess we all can’t get what we want.”
Whether it was your words or the sass in your tone, he finally breaks. With a sudden force, Kai pushes your fists into your own chest, knocking you to the floor. You gasp a little as your head hits the wood, but you have no time to dwell on it as he climbs on top of you, pinning your fists now over your head.
“You want to see me bite, is that it? Don’t think I have it in me because you’ve never seen it for yourself? I can be ruthless, Y/N, I can make you regret-” he pauses, jaw dropping as he realizes you’re giggling.
“Regret what?” You urge. “Were you saying something?”
“You’re playing with fire, Y/N.” His eyes are dark, but not in a way that scares you. Instead, his pupils are dilated so much they look dark. He stares into you desperately, gaze fighting between your lips and your neck, as if unsure where to attack first.
“And yet I’m just a girl, laying under a boy, asking to get burned.”
He doesn’t get the quote. It’s after his time. But the message is clear: you’re under him and you’re not fighting to get up; you provoked him enough just to send him off the edge; you were never really that mad about the pictures or the clothes.
He pauses. Okay, maybe you were a little mad about it. He did go out of his own way to creep across your boundaries. But still… had he not, you would’ve never ended up in this position. You should probably thank him for that.
You swallow, with difficulty because of the way you’re laying, and his eyes drop to the bob in your throat. He snaps out of a daze.
It happens before you know it, his lips on yours. He starts soft, waiting for you to reciprocate, and the moment you do, he gets rougher, more confident, as if this is something he’s always wanted, but he’s so unfamiliar with being able to touch, that he holds back at first.
You’re much less hesitant, though. You offer kindness to him through your words, but you’ve never touched him much, knowing how foreign it is to him. You’ve wanted to give in, to hug and hold him and kiss his cheek before you go to bed, but you were never sure how to bring it up. He’s guarded in his emotions. They’re there, but they’re locked away with a key you haven’t been able to pick. But this, maybe, is the first step.
You’re not sure when you stood up, or if he picked you up, but in a second, you’re off the wood and plopped down on his bed. The pillow beneath you smells like your perfume and you raise an eyebrow at him. He tilts his head again - no comment. He’s kissing you again before you can say anything, effectively distracting you from the whole thing. One hand props himself up over you, while the other lightly grasps your neck. Both of your hands are tangled in his hair, scratching and pulling gently. You break the kiss, out of breath, and he trails his lips down your neck instead. Your back arches instinctively, and a giggle escapes your throat at a sweet spot. In a matter of seconds, he sucks a bruise into your skin before moving down further. Your shirt, very much in the way, is pulled up and off, followed by your shorts. You copy the action, pulling his own off him and immediately letting your hands explore his chest. It’s only fair, you think, considering all the times he’s welcomed himself to the sight of your body.
Distracted, you miss him pulling off your underwear until they’re dangling on one finger in your face. You tilt her own head in confusion, then feel your jaw drop as he throws them in the box.
“Mine.” He winks.
“No! Kai-”
You’re cut off by your own moan, provoked by the feeling of his touch on your bare body. He smiles, clearly pleased with himself, and touches again.
“Those are mine,” you try to argue.
“Are they?”
With a new bite, you lunge forward and surprise him, bringing him pause. You take control for thirty seconds, unbuckling his belt and sliding off his jeans and boxers. A gasp escapes his throat, the cold air hitting his cold, now exposed body, in addition to you seeing him for the first time.
“These are mine then.” You toss his jeans on the floor, but keep his boxers like a prize in your hands.
His look is unimpressed. “You wish.” He tackles you easily, prying the material out of your hands to ball up and throw, laying you back down, crawling over your body, licking his lips, eyeing you like prey. It happens too fast for you to react, and before you know it, you’re forced back into submission, him dominating easily.
“Y’know, for someone not used to touch,” you pant, relishing in the feeling of his lips around your nipple, “you sure seem to know what you’re doing.”
“Instinct, baby.”
“Oh, really?”
He shuts up any further remark by meeting his body to yours, erect cock rubbing against your clit in a way that turns your brain to mush. “Yeah, really.” You don’t fight back this time. “So easy to please,” he mutters, his fingers moving to your clit at the feeling of precum rising up.
“Stop teasing,” you whine, growing desperate.
“Not teasing, princess. Just getting you ready.”
Pressure builds like a coil low in your stomach. You squirm, arching your back and shivering in pleasure, at the same time you mutter, “don’t stop.”
“Don’t move, then, baby.”
You try your hardest to listen, but it’s almost impossible with the way he’s touching you. The long fingers you’ve always admired rubbing in perfect circles. The lust in his eyes as he draws you closer and closer. The wetness on your thigh where his aching cock drips with its own need.
“Kai-” you cry for a second as he stops. He spits on your clit, then laps it up with his tongue, sucking now, while his fingers open you up below. “Fuck.”
“You okay, princess?”
“Mhm,” you nod weakly.
The coil’s so close to snapping. You won’t survive much longer, not with the way his tongue works so beautifully against the sensitive spot, and especially not when he looks up at you from his position, eyes still dark with lust, yet focused, as if this is the most important thing in the world.
“Mhm?” He asks without detaching. The vibration that it causes is what finally breaks you. With an eager moan, you finally come, the force of it shaking your legs and core. Kai sucks you through it and only lets up when you start begging, “please, please, please, I can’t-”
He ceases, and immediately crashes his lips onto yours, letting you taste yourself in his mouth.
“You okay?” He asks between wet, open-mouthed kisses.
“Alright, good girl. Ready?”
Of course he can’t deny you when you ask so politely.
With a deep kiss, he distracts you enough to push in. You take him well until you’re almost full, gasping into his mouth and sinking into the mattress. You squirm a bit more, body reacting to the sudden intrusion, but settle around him soon enough.
“We’re good?”
“Let me know if you need to stop.”
He starts slowly, pulling out a little ways and pushing back in, kissing you sweetly as he does. But then as your body adjusts and clenches around him, he picks up the pace to an even speed. His mouth drops from your lips to your neck, sucking more bruises into your delicate skin. You keep your hands tangled in his hair, pulling, grasping, moaning more as the pressure starts to build again.
“Y’know,” you stutter, trying to speak as he thrusts. “Making me come once isn’t going to make up for you stealing my underwear.”
You can feel his smile grow against your skin. “Oh really?” He presses a kiss to your neck. “How about twice? Three times? Four?”
The color drains from your face at the thought of coming four times in one day. You really need to learn to stop challenging him. “I-”
“Yeah, four sounds good. Let’s try for that.”
He has slowed down a little to make conversation, but as soon as his mind is made, he picks his pace back up. His troublemaking smirk stares into you, waiting to see if you’ll challenge him again, then falls back on your neck once he sees he’s won.
In the end, Kai holds true to his promise and coaxes three more orgasms out of you before his hips stutter. He pulls out and releases on your stomach, panting hard. You lay beside each other, completely exhausted and overstimulated, until he finally drags you up and into the bathroom. In a way, you do win, because he dresses you in his own clothes - boxers and a hoodie - before pulling you downstairs with him. You’re still determined to get your clothes back somehow, but as your eyes flutter sleepily still, you decide to table that for another day.
That evening, when you settle down for your usual nightly movie, you find yourself laying against his chest with his arm around your waist. He seems more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him, and the noticeable difference makes you smile.
“If you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just asked,” you half-tease.
“I like you, too, y’know.” He finally looks away from the tv, eyes dropping to you instead. “Way before all of this. I’ve had a crush on you for ages.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Fear of losing you?” You shrug. “Not only are we the only people here, but… you’re also the only person I’ve felt ever close to in my life. I didn’t want to do something that would make you uncomfortable, or make you hate me.”
“I could never hate you,” he admits. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips. “And I think I’m the one who crossed the ‘uncomfortable’ boundary.”
You laugh. “Yeah, you did. You crossed a very big boundary.” You tilt your head and run your tongue across your lips. “But… it doesn’t make me uncomfortable with you. Nor angry. Maybe in the moment, but certainly not now. Actually… it’s kinda hot, now that I think about it.”
Despite his passing nervousness, he can’t help but laugh. “I did say you’d be playing with fire.”
“Guess I should’ve headed the warning.”
You curl closer into him, adoring the way he responds so quickly, running a hand through your hair and dancing his fingers on your skin. It’s easier than ever to relax around him. Right now, this prison world feels like anything but a prison.
In the night, you sneak into his room, polaroid in hand. It’s rather easy, the lock is gone now and his door is cracked open, practically inviting you in. You tiptoe up to his bed, focusing the camera on Kai’s shirtless form and snap a quick photo, snickering to yourself. But then, as the old machine whirrs in action, your target opens an eye. You back up, glancing between the boy in the bed and the door. He groans, laughing on the tail end of the tired sound.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Karma, baby.”
“Mhm, good try.” He eyes you in a way that sends a shiver up your spine. “Y’know… the way I got so many of you is because I was quiet.”
“Uh-” You look at the door again - big mistake. The moment your eyes are off him, his arms around your waist. “Ah, Kai!” You screech, head hitting his pillow for the second time that day.
He positions himself on top of you, practically sitting on you, and takes the camera from your hands. “Tip number one, snap the picture and leave before the camera starts to sputter.” He sets it on the nightstand. “Tip number two, stalk someone who’s a little less obsessed with you. That way, they might not be able to hear your every move.” Before you can reply, he’s kissing you again, with as much passion as he had only hours ago.
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fresh out the slammer / theodore nott

PAIRING ex!theo nott x divorcee!reader
SUMMARY post divorce, you decide to move back to england to move on from your late husband. america reminded you far too much of him, but you don't know anyone in england to take you in until you find a flat. other than your ex-boyfriend, theodore nott.
QUOTE "now pretty baby, i'm running back home to you, / fresh out the slammer, i know who my first call will be too," - fresh out the slammer by taylor swift
WRITTEN 7.18.2024
you didn't know who else to call when you came back to england. it was expensive to room at a hotel or something similar, so you called an old . . . friend. or maybe more than friend. definitely more than friend.
as you exited the interior of heathrow airport, you made your way to arrivals. your eyes searched the crowd of families and couples happily greeting each other as they departed on their journeys. you felt like a bundle of nerves - you hadn't seen theo in years, not since your regretted post-break up hookup. one that had been humiliating and embarrassing and so shameful for the both of you that you hadn't spoken since. but he was your only friend in england who had responded to your messages.
your eyes fell upon him, finally, looking as well-dressed and collected as ever. he leaned casually against his car, watching you intently. as your eyes met his, he sent you two-fingered salute in greeting, pushing himself off the vehicle to approach you.
"hi," you said breathlessly, nervously, a chuckle leaving your locked lips. you couldn't seem to find much more to say, a bombardment of old emotion overtaking your psyche.
"hello," he responded, his tone nothing but gentle and nostalgic. the both of you shared a look, filled with old memories of the moments you shared, flickers of memories that are now light with the weight they once carried.
the both of you quickly snapped out of it.
"i should probably put this-"
"let me take your bag and-"
the both of you laughed as you stumbled over each other's words. theo took your bag and suitcase, loading them into the trunk before opened the passenger-side car door for you. always the gentleman, he was.
the start of the car ride was filled with awkward smiles and brushes of hands. as theo pulled out the airport, you found a radio station you liked and sat back in your seat, trying to get comfortable despite how tense you were.
"so . . . you were married?" your shocked glance spoke more than the broken sounds leaving your mouth. you had never told him that. "i know, you didn't tell me, i noticed the tan line on your ring finger. your skin is lighter where a ring would have been. so either, you were married or you're married but separated."
you cleared your throat, sitting straighter. "divorced. the papers went through about a week ago. i'm not suprised you noticed . . . you always had a very keen eye, theo." his old nickname rolled off your tounge like smooth, rich honey. it was like trying on your favorite pair of pants - they were molded to fit you and you alone from the years of use. just like that little old nickname.
"i don't mean to pry," he mumbled, diverting his eyes from the road to send you a worried glance. "i'm sorry, that must have been . . . difficult."
"it was," you whispered softly. it wasn't so much that the divorce was difficult, that was perhaps the easiest part for you. the marriage was the issue - he never treated you right. never liked you wanted, never like you had been. maybe that's why you had never loved him entirely. maybe that's why it had been so easy to separate, to pack your bags, move back home, with - well, with your ex-boyfriend. who you had to admit, you had never stopped thinking about, even if he was only a lingering smell or sight within the depths of your memory. "but i've moved on. i like to think moving home will bring back some of my old self . . . as well as a new start. thank you for letting me stay while i look for a flat, i really really appreciate it."
"please, it was no problem," theo responded humbly. "anything i could do to help . . . you."
"your flat is colossal!" you exclaimed, letting out an envious groan at the breathtaking view of london from his flat. your eyes wandered the dull, copy-and-paste monochrome room which theo somehow made feel homey with his choice in warm, wooden furniture. his stylish choice of leaving books on practically ever surface also aided in the apperance of making his apartment feel like a home. it suited him, you thought. "you've made quite the life for yourself, theo. i'm proud. i'd always knew you'd do well in life."
"yes, well, as much as i adore my flat, life is not all about luxury pools and garden roofs," he responded with a simpleton's smile. he made his way toward the staircase and gestured for you to follow. he showed you to your guest room, where he had already taken the initiative to leave out a variety of towels, bath necessities, snacks, and more.
"aw, you made me a welcome basket without the basket," you said jokingly, clutching your heart with mock sympathy. "thank you," you told him, with much more sincerity in your voice this time around. "really, you didn't have to go out of your way to do this for me."
"really, it was no problem. besides, it's nice to have company . . . for once." he awkwardly knocked on the dresser by the door and took a step back. "well, i will let you unpack. i'm cooking dinner soon and no, it is not a big deal, i cook dinner everyday anyways. i'll let you know when it's ready. all right? sooo... just relax."
theo poured generous amounts of wine into two classes, one for each of you. he say across from you at his charming dining table, taking a small sip of his drink and shutting his eyes as he appreciated it's unique taste. letting out a content sigh, he returned his gaze to you. "are you doing all right, considering . . . well."
you felt awkward discussing this with him. your divorce. as though it were rude or inappropriate to do so. "i, um, i already know it was ending long before the relationship ended so by the time it was all over, i think i got over most of it. i'm just happy to be back home. home being england - not that this doesn't feel like a home, it does, it's just not . . . my home and now i'm blabbering and this is really weird," you said with a chuckle, digging into the beautiful meal theo had cooked for both of you.
"you always do that when you're nervous," theo said lightly, an affection to his tone. "there's nothing to be nervous about." with a few taps of his phone, the room was bathed in the smooth saxophone and jaunty piano of 50s jazz that you both loved so much. "relax. it's all right."
"how have you . . . been? i hear you're making your way up in parliament. they talk about you in the news now. i remember when the only way i'd hear about you was during uni, when your best friend would run to my dorm to tell me you'd gotten black-out drunk," you recounted with a reminiscent chuckle, taking a sip of wine.
"ah yes, blaise," theo grinned widely at the mention of his best friend. "he'd always have my back. and if he didn't, he knew you would."
"do you remember that one time you both had taken shots of fire whiskey and stole every whiteboard marker from all the classrooms in the humanities building and hid them in secret locations, and then when you woke up, forced me to come help you search all across campus to find them and put them back before class started on monday?"
his expression softened, his eyes crinkling as he remembered his university days of tomfoolery and shenanigans. "i'm suprised you remember . . . university was so long ago."
"it was when i was happiest," you replied with a soft smile, meeting his eyes and glancing away from him uncertainly. you let out a nervous chuckle, taking another bite of your food. he was still . . . just how you remembered him. it didn't matter that he was some important government man now, he was still the same theo you knew.
"have you found a job here yet?" he asked. despite our small talk and the music flowing through the room, it somehow felt completely silent.
"erm, no, not yet. i've been looking, but you know how hard it is."
theo stared at you for a long moment before wiping his face and standing up from his chair. "get up," he said to you with that signature grin of his - it was obvious in his eyes, he was planning something.
"what?" you asked with a laugh.
he approached you, grabbing your fork from your hand and placing it delicately beside your half-eaten dinner. he held out his hand to you. "up. we're going to dance, loosen up a bit. like old times, yeah?"
the phrase like old times brought back a number of memories, all from the time when the two of you were still together. the late nights wrapped in each other's arms, tipsy and laughing so hard you'd fall to the floor. later, sitting on the windowsill and discussing deep topics in great length. early morning, the sun rising over the horizon just as your back arched, slumping back into the sheets. the smell of moscato and cigarettes.
you tried to remind yourself, that was a long time ago, as you took his hand.
he swept you off your feet, twirling you around until you were wrapped in his arms, your back against his chest, as he swayed you to and fro. his head rested against your shoulder, his breath tickling the very edge of your collarbone. "small talk is all so . . . needless, isn't it?" he asked, scrunched his nose up.
"yeah," you responded with a chuckle. he spun you back out and grabbing your hand, pulling you close so you were face to face, waltzing across the kitchen floor. "this is much better."
you didn't need to talk. you only needed to feel. theo hummed to the tune of the music and you closed your eyes, swaying with him. "you're still amazing at dancing - i'm afraid i've grown clumsy out of practice," you told him as you almost tripped over his foot.
"yet i still somehow seem the same elegant and sophisticated woman before me," theo responded with a grin and an arch of his brow.
"i wouldn't use those two words to describe me in university." you grimaced as your mind was filled with images of all your most embarrassing university moments.
"well, you smart and beautiful and had this moxie." he had such passion in his tone - it felt like university again with each passing minute. "like the leading lady of any black-and-whife film. like . . . hedy lamar!"
"you flatter me, theodore nott," you said, waving him away with an embarrassed flush of your cheeks. the music swooned through your ears, the artist singing about true love, and the both of you fell into silence. your eyes somehow always found a way to meet up again, but quickly they separated like two schoolchildren in love. "you're not so much different either. just as witty and polished as the day we met."
"you mean i haven't grown handsome in my old age?" he questioned in a dry, mock sense of hurt. "you wound me. i really thought this peppered look was working well for me."
"it is," you sputtered out, both to comfort him and to be honest, but once you said it, it felt much more like an admission of feelings than anything. you blushed and stared down at your feet. "i mean, it - um - you look really great."
"you look great too." when you raised your head, finally meeting his eyes once more, something electric passed through the both of you. the awkward tension from the past day had finally built up against a dam, broke through the wall, and exploded into a river of unexplored territory.
before long, he was leading you to his bedroom, hands desperately clutching your cheeks as he rougishly pressed his lips against yours. clothes were discarded, glances were shared, and by the end of the night, you were tangled in each other's arms. like old times.
"this makes things complicated . . . doesn't it?" theo asked, trailing his finger across your bare back.
you stretched your neck to turn and observe him. your hand outstretched, you placed it upon his cheek and rubbed it soothingly. "it doesn't have to be complicated, theo. i . . . i want you."
"i want you too," he replied, leaning forward and pressing a not-so-chaste kiss to the interior of your collarbone. "in every way i can have you. sleep here tonight?"
"for you, theo. only for you."
#— [ glizzy posts ☆ ]#theodore nott x you#theodore nott x y/n#theodore nott x reader#theo nott x reader#theo nott x y/n#theo nott x you#my writing#fanfiction#my fanfiction#my fic#writing#fanfic#slytherin boys
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Pairing: Wonho x Male reader
Genre: Smut 18+ (sprinkle of plot)
Summary: Bunny_hunk_lee is the top OF performer in your state—he’s also the hottest man you’ve ever laid eyes on. You’ve been subscribed to his channel for months, and when a rare opportunity to breathe the same air as him presents itself, you leap at it.
Word count: 1,960 (about 2 pgs)
T/W: Forced urination, para-social relationship and power imbalance
“Bi_sexiboi93! Thanks for that generous donation. Much appreciated babe.”
You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at the sound of your username leaving Bunny_hunk_lee’s lips. You never missed a stream and tonight’s was spectacular. You shared an orgasm—through the screen of course.
Bunny_hunk_lee toweled the cum off his abs with a smirk and the sight alone was enough to push you over the edge once more. But you controlled yourself, and instead sent him another donation—double the amount of the last one. “Whoa, thanks again Bi_sexiboi93. You really love me don’t you baby?”
He spoke like this to all of his subscribers—it was nothing special, you knew well. But that didn’t stop the heat from spreading through you at the mention—at the acknowledgement.
After flexing his triceps and giving his cum-slick cock a few more pulls, Bunny_hunk_lee ended the stream. You sighed and cleaned yourself up, then slipped in bed, pulling out your phone for one last doom scroll before resting.
A new post from Bunny_hunk_lee appeared on your feed. He was wearing the same clothes he had on during the stream, except it was daytime. He must have snapped it beforehand. It was a shot of him face down on his bed, in a hoodie and shorts—plump muscular ass taking up most of the frame. You commented: wish i was under you👅
Already drowsy from the orgasm, sleep came as easily as breathing, and you drifted.
The next morning, you woke twenty minutes after your alarm had gone off, and that meant that you had to rush through your shower and breakfast to avoid being late for work. Thankfully you made it there in time for the weekly meeting. When it was done, you caught up on some emails and before long, your lunch hour rolled around. You took it at your desk and whipped out your phone while you ate.
You nearly choked as the notifications filled your screen. Bunny_hunk_lee replied to your comment: oh yeah? What state you live in babe?
He had liked all six of the photos on your profile grid. Most were selfies you’d taken at the gym and a few blurry food pics. Your heart began pumping faster when you saw the icon indicating two unread messages from him in your inbox.
ur hot.
wanna bottom for me on OF?
You stared at the words with your mouth hanging open. You typed out four replies, deleting each one. Your initial reactions were too cringey to send. As you tried for a fifth time, a green dot appeared next to his profile pic. Then:
Fuck. Why was your heart beating so fast? Before you could steel yourself, another message popped up.
forgot to add, it’s for pre-recorded content, not a stream so can blur ur face
Anonymity and a chance to be with him? Who could ask for anything more? You took a deep breath and wrote:
I’m down. When and where?
Your hands were shaking as you exchanged messages back and forth, arranging the time and place for the shoot. He sent you his health details and a clean STD panel. You did the same, luckily having just gotten your results back from your last physical a few days ago. The timing was perfect. And you even lived near his address. All this time, he was just a twenty minute drive from your apartment.
The rest of the day was a blur. Hell, the rest of the week. You were riding on a high—one you didn’t want to come down from. The man you’ve been jacking off to every night not only thinks you’re hot, but he wants to fuck you too. You could hardly believe it.
Later, he went live and you tried watching the stream but found that it made you jitter with nerves and so for the first time in two years, you skipped it.
When the day of the scheduled hook-up finally arrived, you could hardly take steady breaths. You wished the drive up to his place took longer so you could gather yourself. But you were there in a flash.
Once you showed up, he stood on the other side of the door, smiling down at you. He was taller than you by more than just a few inches. You hadn’t expected that. In person his muscles were more defined—his complexion even richer.
“Don’t look so nervous—I won’t bite until you ask me to, come on in.”
He opened the door wide and you slipped past him with a shy chuckle, catching a whiff of his cologne. Tom Ford, expensive stuff.
“Nice place,” you said, taking inventory of his spacious, luxury condo.
“Thanks. Bedroom’s just through there. Need anything before we get going. Water? Bathroom?”
You shook your head and made for the room. It was three times the size of yours. A camera was pointed at the bed. He came in and stood behind it, fiddling with the settings before peeling off his shirt.
“Should I take mine off too?” you asked.
“Whatever makes you comfortable, baby. Speaking of comfort, got any boundaries? Anything off limits?”
“You can do whatever you want to me,” you blurted out in excitement before thinking. He chuckled.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
He stepped from behind the camera and began palming your cock over your jeans, breathing minty breath over you all the while. He had you out of your clothes in seconds.
“You gonna be a good bottom and stay hard for me the whole time?” he whispered as he gripped you, sliding his hand from base to tip and back again. You nodded, unable to find the words to form a reply. A small, helpless whimper escaped you as he tipped your head to the side and kissed the length of your neck. He made his way to your mouth. His tongue swirled around yours, warm and soft between your lips. The embrace was so intense that you had to pull away to catch your breath. As you panted, he put a hand on your shoulder, urging you onto your knees. He reached inside his pants and his thick cock sprang free. Quickly he took hold of it, slapping it against your face.
“Open your mouth for me,” he cooed, bottom lip caught between his teeth while he stared down at you. His head fell back as you swallowed him. “Just like that,” he added, groaning and fisting your hair. He let you give him head for as long as you wanted, praising you the whole time. The taste of his clean skin had you leaking onto the hardwood floors. He noticed the growing micro pool of it as he pulled you to your feet. “Crawl on the bed, all fours, ass to the camera. Gonna spread that hole and get you dripping even more.”
Once you assumed the position he’d asked of you, he struck an open palm across both of your ass cheeks. You gasped at the sting, then moaned long and hard as his tongue circled your entrance. He ate you for what felt like ages, teasing you here and there with tugs and strokes. You almost came as he pumped your rock hard cock from behind. Suddenly you jerked with the beginning of what would have been the most intense release of your life, but he abruptly drew back, sensing your orgasm and robbing you of it.
“Not yet, baby. Haven’t even given you my pipe. You want it don’t you?” You nodded, then he chuckled and slapped your ass cheeks again, driving away the sensation of your building orgasm and somehow, making you even harder than you had been.
He took a break from spanking you to adjust the camera angle, leaving you feeling bare and exposed without the warmth of his body near yours. When he returned, you looked over your shoulder at him and caught a glimpse of his sculpted body. He was like an Adonis carving as he hovered over you. He winked before depositing a generous stream of lube onto your hole, spreading it around with his finger. He pushed one inside and you arched as it slid in.
“You’re tighter than I’m used to. I’ll take it slow,” he said.
He was true to his word, and took his time entering you. The stretch was like nothing you’d ever felt before. He had you fisting the sheets, tears spilling from the corners of your eyes as he gave you deep strokes.
Over and over again, he buried his length inside you. Sounds of him pounding you echoed throughout the space. It went on for long, glorious moments. Soon, he slowed his pace, and the tip of his cock curved against your prostate as his balls hit your ass. He lingered there, grinding. The motion made your eyes roll back while he pressed himself deeper, rubbing his engorged head against your spot and making you leak all over his clean sheets. It took you a moment to realize he was getting close. He emptied a hot burst of cum inside you the next instant, prompting your release. It swept over you like a storm—you weathered it beneath him, ass stuffed full of his cock.
The ropes came one after another, followed by sharp cries. You shuddered there under all his weight, until he wrapped his arms around your waist and chest, then lifted you off the bed. You hadn’t realized how much stronger he was than you. It was like you weighed nothing to him, despite being pretty stocky and muscular yourself.
“What are you doing?” you asked through heavy breaths as he lowered you onto his lap, both of you were at the edge of the bed now, facing the camera.
“Buying time,” he whispered into your ear, “No one’s ever made me cum that fast.”
Before you could beg him to give you a minute or two to recover from your high, his hand was around your softening, sensitive cock. He pumped hard. You shrieked, bucking and jerking against his firm body. He stilled you with even harder strokes and you stopped fighting as a strange sensation overtook you.
Before long something began building up—a sharp pressure, not unlike the feeling of almost pissing your pants.
“Please s-stop,” you begged between shivers and breaths. “Feels like I’m gonna—gonna—”
“Piss all over yourself and my floor?” he asked, pumping you even harder, “I know—that’s what I’m betting on. It'll look great on camera.”
Your eyes rolled back for the second time in one night as he pinned you tighter against him, one hand stroking you, the other cupping your balls—which were empty. It was your bladder that wasn’t.
“Shhhh, it’ll feel good. Even better than the orgasm I just gave you, and you'll probably cum a little more beforehand too. I Promise. Just relax, let it happen. You’ll see, there’s nothing like it.”
You were too overstimulated to protest—to speak—to do anything outside of let your body be led by his influence. He guided you along the path of your second high. You didn’t think it was possible to feel anything as intense as the orgasm you just had. You were wrong. You came again somehow, just like he said you would.
Then, without warning, he slipped a finger inside you. You clenched around it uncontrollably and braced yourself against him as the contents of your bladder came gushing out, hard and fast like a fountain. He milked you for every drop as you squealed and writhed in his lap with your back against his chest, panting and on the verge of collapse.
“That’s it sexy. Let it all out for me like a good bottom.”
More tight-fisted strokes sent you arching and spraying. You had never felt anything like this. The floor beneath you was soaked. Both of you were drenched now. He didn’t seem to mind, and pressed kisses into your neck. The wetter you made the place, the more he praised you. You poured like a water hose for a full thirty seconds (you watched the recording once it was posted and timed it).
When at last he drained you of everything, you lay sprawled on the bed, limp and tender as a noodle. He helped you clean yourself, then lay beside you.
“Fuck that was good,” he said, tucking both hands behind his head. “You down for another round. Maybe later this week?”
You rolled onto your side and rested your head on his chest. He stroked your back.
“Yeah,” you said, “I’d love that.”
#kpop fanfic#kpop smut#lee hoseok#lee wonho#wonho imagines#kpop x y/n#kpop x you#lee hoseok smut#monsta x wonho#monstax smut
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The Goblin King's Huntsman
Ok so, I have been unable to draw or write for a few weeks now, so here's an old thing for the sake of feeling like I'm sharing something :/
Ages ago, I had a dream where Sarah went back to the Labyrinth with an older Toby, and got chased around by a masked figure sent by the Goblin King to capture her and take her prisoner. But eventually, as one does in dreams, the sense came that this persuer was just as much a prisoner of the Labyrinth, and when I woke up I started trying to craft a story for how he ended up as the Goblin King's Huntsman (I think I actually ended up headcanoning he was also the guy with the Muppet Blind Pew type mask at the Goblin Ball who keeps showing up watching Sarah and Jareth)
Long ago, when the mountains we know were no more than mole hills, and our mole hills were taller than the tallest mountains, a king’s daughter lay abed, wasting away from Melancholy. Her one true love had gone away to war, and had never returned. Now it looked as if she would soon follow him.

Her father, the king, was distraught with grief and worry. He called all his wizards and wise women to help the princess, but none could discover a spell to cure her. They tried all manner of weird and worrisome things, slime and snails, puppy dog tails, thunder and lightening. But nothing they tried worked. The princess grew paler and paler and weaker and weaker each day.

Finally, her father could bear it no longer, and in his grief, made a rash bargain. Now, this kingdom bordered that of the Labyrinth, ruled by the fearsome Goblin King, who would grant you a wish if you said the right words, but never without a price. It was to him that the king turned. If the Goblin King would help his daughter, he promised to give him anything his heart desired. And the Goblin King agreed.
"But you must keep your word”, He warned, or terrible things would befall the king’s house.
That very night, the Goblin King flew to the castle, entering the chamber of the princess in a beam of moonlight, as she lay motionless upon her bed. Taking her by her cold hand, he asked her what would be the first thing she would do if her heart was light once more. Thinking that she dreamt, the Princess replied that if the cause of her sorrow were taken away, she would dance away the night until the sun filled the sky.
With that, the Goblin King lifted her right out of the bed, declaring that they would do just that. And in the blink of an eye the Princess found herself in a beautiful ballroom, dressed in a gown made of tears and moonlight. There, amid a throng of strange and wondrous people, she danced away the night in the arms of the Goblin King. This went on every night for a month, and each day the Princess’s eyes grew brighter, and her cheeks more rosy, and she began to smile more and more.
The court was delighted, and none more so than the king, who had quite forgotten he still had yet to pay the Goblin King’s Price.�� The day soon came, however, that the Goblin King presented the glowing Princess to the court, as fresh and lively as she had been before her One True Love was forced to leave her.

“Your daughter is well once more, neighbor.” said the Goblin King, “And now I would name my price, and I ask for the Princess Seraphine's hand in marriage.”
A cry of shock rang through the court, and none were more stunned by this request than the Princess herself. For though she was grateful to the Goblin King, and now considered him a dear friend, she did not love him,and could not think of anything she had said or done to make him think otherwise.
“Sir, I will always be your friend, but I cannot marry you. My heart still belongs to Prince Meander, and ever shall until the day I too shall die, and be with him again.”
“ But the Prince is gone, my lady, never to return. And besides, your father promised when he sought my services to grant whatever request I should ask of him. In my kingdom, you will never die, and as my wife, you have to ask, and I will turn the universe upside down for your sake.”
Again, the princess repeated her assurance of gratitude and friendship, but stated that no matter what her father had promised, she had made no such bargain, and was not bound to uphold it. She did not love him, and would not marry him. At this second refusal, the Goblin King grew angry, and might have done something in his anger that he would have regretted, but at that moment, the doors to the palace burst open, and a stooped and haggard man stumbled into the hall.
His hair had grown long, and a patch covered one eye. His clothes were tattered and torn, and his armor had long since rusted. But the Princess knew him at once, and rushed to his side before he could fall. It was her One True Love, come back to her against all odds.

They fell into each other arms, and kissed as only those who have walked beneath the shadow of death and come back into the sunlight can. And their kiss was so pure, and so true, that though they did not know it, the Goblin King’s claim upon the King and the Princess was utterly broken, for this kiss had healed her far more than any of his magics had. For a long moment after, the Prince and Princess simply held each other, overcome with joy upon being united. Then the Prince’s eye fell upon the Goblin King.
“Ah! You dare show your face here villain?! You whose fell creatures aided the ranks of our enemies, and you whose dark fogs of forgetting spread out across the fields, ensnaring those trying to return home after? Many a dark and dangerous road I’ve traveled to find my love again. I know not what mischief you do here, but it ends now!” And he drew a rust cankered sword upon the Goblin King.
The Goblin King did not move, or speak, he simply stood, staring at the lovers. The half-blind prince, with one arm around the Princess, who was holding the shivering, shaking man up as best she could. Her eyes had grown wide as she heard the Prince’s tale, and now they were dark and cold as they looked upon the Goblin King. Finally, with a sweep of his cloak, he bowed to the couple, sneering.
“It seems your ladyship need not wait till Death’s embrace to reunite with your lover. As you’ve made your feelings quite clear, I shall respect your wish, and pursue my suit no further. However, remember this--”
And in a flash quicker than a strike of lightning, he was by the Princess’s side, whispering into her ear, with all the spite and malice he possessed:
“The Price is still not paid…”
And then, he was gone.
The kingdom did not see nor hear anything of their worrisome neighbor for many a year, and by and by the unease left by the Goblin King’s threat was lifted. The reunited Prince and Princess were soon married, and in time, the Princess, now the Queen, gave birth to a healthy son, who grew into a fine young boy. He loved nothing more than to wander the fields and forests that lined his kingdom, making friends with all he met, noble or peasant, animal or fae. He was a kind and gentle boy, loved by all who knew him, so that he was never without a friendly eye watching over him, which eased his parent’s worries.

And then one day, when he was seven years old, he wandered farther than was his want, as though drawn by some strange and silent music. Past the orchards and fields, past the forests and falls, up the airy mountain, down the rushing glen, into a strange waste land of bracken and gorse, until suddenly, he came upon a gate, bound to a stone wall that seemed to stretch endlessly out across the horizon.
There was something odd and foreboding about the place, but the young prince was not afraid, for he had never before had need to fear. All the world was his friend. And so without hesitation, he pushed upon the heavy gate. It swung open easily, and the prince skipped inside as it shut silently behind him.
And from that day, his grieving parents never saw the young prince again.
#my writing#the labyrinth#labyrinth#jareth the goblin king#the goblin king#backstory#short story#was trying to kinda envoke the cadence of The Storyteller in this#actually at one point I had the idea of Sarah actually meeting the Storyteller while in the lands beyond the Labyrinth#and learning the Huntsman backstory from him in the story above#there was also an idea for how the book the Labyrinth was written in universe in the first place#that would have been about a Victorian girl who ended up there#kinda using all the old ideas for Labyrinth before they settled on modern times
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when will we get a new chapter for minnie 🫶🏼
a/n: now! ˙ᵕ˙ this was a request sent to me through my Google form, so thank you to whoever wrote it🤗 I hope you guys like the quick little chapter!
series masterlist
warnings – pregnancy scare, short mention and implications of infertility, jokes and mentions about sex
word count – 4.6k
summary – minnie gets a little scare and there’s only one member she can think of to call
pairing – minnie & vernon (mentions of wonwoo x minnie x mingyu)
Better Safe Than Sorry 🌷 Minnie

Minne was in a panic. For the past two hours, the girl hadn't found a second of rest, pacing around the apartment, trying to keep herself busy before the thoughts running through her brain could catch up with her. Vernon was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, only adding to her anxious state. Wonwoo and Mingyu were at the gym, thank God, she thought to herself.
The past few days, or more so even two weeks, had been... interesting. It started with a headache spanning over multiple days, only for it to turn into a migraine. Or so she thought. Throwing up, going to bed as early as possible, and sleeping in for as long as she could. Something was not right. Add the random heat flashes she had experienced the week before and Minnie started speculating. The moment she realised that her period had been a few days late made her shut down.
It was so secret that women in the industry encountered irregularities with their cycles as stress and diets dominated their lives. But Minnie and the entirety of Seventeen were in a good place. None of them was totally overworked at that point, thanks to their new contract. Diets were, thanks to the need to fit into the impossible beauty standards, still a topic of discussion but they were doing fine. Right?
It was one night out that made her mind spiral. Rapidly.
Minnie was enjoying a dinner with her closest friends from school, having made a reservation in one of their favourite restaurants a week ahead to make sure they'd get a private room. Food and drinks were passed around the table, discussions and conversations were flowing and laughter filled the room. Everyone was having a good time. When it hit that point of the night where people were slowly starting to leave, say their goodbyes and make promises to meet up again soon, the female singer was left with her two closest friends from that group.
Léon, once a boy too afraid to show his true colours, is now a proud man with a husband waiting for him back in their new hometown in Spain. And Hana, the legend of a best friend who had gifted Minnie her first vibrator, and now the owner of one of the most-visited clubs in the nightlife of Hongdae.
The two were well tipsy while Minnie had held herself back a bit. They were still giggling at one of their friends who had stumbled through the door as he exited, the multiple shots of liquor clearly taking over his body.
"You look a little paler than usual," Léon suddenly commented, glancing at the idol with a slight frown, "Are you okay?"
"She probably just got a new IV infusion for extra light skin," the other girl joked, getting a chuckle out of the singer. Hana had never been a fan of the idol life.
Minnie shrugged, her finger circling the rim of her glass, "I've been feeling kinda off."
Her friend downed the last shot on the table before turning to her in confusion, "How off?"
Minnie sighed, "I've had a headache for like... a week now. And two days ago I was throwing up all day. Even yesterday and today when I woke up I felt like I had to puke..." The two friends were eyeing her carefully, letting her speak freely. "And then I had some random, like... heat flashes?" She glanced up to meet their eyes, "I don't know what the hell that was, but... yeah... something's going on, I don't know. But I don't want to provoke it with alcohol."
"That," the guy of the group leaned back, eyes now wide, "does not sound good."
"Yeah, but it must be something with my immune system. My period's also God knows where."
"You missed your period?!" Hana gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Girl-" Léon eyed her with a surprised expression, but Minnie was quick to stop them.
"No, no, no," she waved her hands, "It's not like that. I've missed it before, but it... it's a weird coincidence."
"What do you mean 'not like that'? That sounds a lot like being pregnant to me!" The tattooed girl hissed at her.
That was the first time she had heard the word out loud. Of course, it had crossed her mind. Just like every other woman. The moment her period was late, the first thought to come to her was 'shit, what if I'm pregnant', only to dismiss it a second later at how ridiculous it sounded.
"No, I-... we have the tour and we're preparing for a new album, and it's just... stress or something."
"But you've been stressed before. Way more stressed," the guy in front of her commented. "I don't want to scare you, but... you know..."
"If there's anyone that could be pregnant, it's you, Min," Hana casually told her, leaning back against the cushioned seats.
Minnie frowned as she glanced at her. "What the fuck do you mean?"
"No one's getting laid like you," she laughed, making the other two at the table chuckle and Léon threw his head back in glee.
"Oh, shut up!" The idol exclaimed, "You've got a line of men waiting for you to call them back after leaving their apartment in the middle of the night. And that's just from last week."
"That's not true!" Hana pointed her finger at the girl. "You get two dicks on a regular! Every day, I bet!"
"It's not every day!"
"Every other day then," the only guy quickly commented before their discussion could get any louder.
Minnie shrugged, "Yeah... so what?"
"My God," he chuckled with a shake of his head, "I'm jealous. Honestly." Making the girl laugh out loud.
"No, but seriously," Hana stopped the two, letting silence wash over the table once again. "Have you thought of it?"
"No! Because..." Minnie went quiet.
"They're not using condoms. Don't lie to us," Léon glared at her, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Hana faked a gasp, "You slut."
"You're not even using them on strangers!" Minnie pointed out, only for her friend to slap her hand away.
"This isn't about me!"
"Whatever..." the singer mumbled, her eyes back on the glass. It was still half filled with the mix of Soju and beer she decided not to finish.
"Okay, but seriously," Léon started again, "Could there... be a possibility?"
"For one, I'm on the pill," she explained, noticing her friends opening their mouths to argue, so she continued, "I know! I know that's not 100% safe, but it's... very safe-"
"I don't know about very safe, to be honest," Hana went back to nursing a glass of water. "My mom was on the pill and look at me now," pointed at herself with a proud grin.
"Don't make me scared," Minnie mumbled as she fell back onto her chair with a sigh.
"We don't want to scare you," her guyfriend explained, letting the other girl continue,
"But take a test, just in case," Hana shrugged. "You know how many pregnancy scares I've had? Still, better safe than sorry." She ended her speech by finishing her water.
Minnie's gaze had landed on her lap, where her thumbs had already started fidgeting with each other. "I...," she started with a sigh but stopped herself again right away.
"What?" Léon wondered, keeping a close eye on the singer, but she just shook her head and brought the glass of alcohol up to her lips.
"Nothing." And downed the last bit.
Four days later Minnie was still fighting her stomach each day, going out of her way to try and get as little food and water into her system as possible, knowing it would only trigger her and make her run to the toilet. On the other hand, the lack of nutrition was most definitely also adding to the nausea. There seemed to be no way out for the female singer.
On the verge of tears, overwhelmed with emotions, she had texted Hana in the morning, begging her to go to the store to buy her a pregnancy test. She was still very much in denial of the possibility of her being knocked up, but there were too many signs... But then again, she remembered the conversation she had with her gynaecologist two years ago. The doctor had only let a few words fall from her mouth before Minnie realised what she was trying to tell her.
At the sound of the front door's bell, the idol's head perked up, a second before she was rushing to the door. Once she pressed the camera button, she came to face with the young rapper she had called and pressed to open the door downstairs.
"Thanks!" Came through the speakers as Vernon disappeared into the building.
For the next minutes it would take him to come up, Minnie tried to pretend to have to do something, just praying the time would pass by quicker. The tests, yes multiple, were already placed on the counter of the main bathroom's sink. Hana had arrived with two in her bag, along with chocolate and prosecco to celebrate in case they'd be negative. The alcohol was chilling in the fridge while the sweet treat was waiting for her in the cabinet, with her definitely enjoying it either way of how the tests would come out.
Another doorbell sound rang through the apartment, notifying the female member of his arrival. With a few big steps, she stopped in front of the door, pulling it open in a swift motion. A wide-eyed Vernon standing right in front of her.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know," she mumbled, catching him off-guard as she pulled him in.
With a frown, the younger member stood right in front of her, shuffling his feet out of his shoes before he followed her down the hall.
"What's going on?"
She continued to walk in silence, only coming to a halt in the middle of the living room. Vernon stopped at the corner into the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"Alright," Minnie sighed, bringing her hands up in front of her, "Look..."
"Oh," the '98 Liner nodded, understanding this was going to be even more serious than he had expected. As if her call, asking him 'Can you come over? Like now? Just for a bit?' with zero explanation didn't alert him enough already, her stance certainly brought his heartbeat up.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question, taking a seat on the edge of the couch, not daring to lean back in comfort.
The girl pressed her lips together, nodding as she avoided his gaze. "I-... I think so, yeah."
"That's not a yes, so that's alarming."
"No, wait-" she stopped him, "Just-... listen, okay?" Making him nod, so she could continue. "I called you because I know- or, at least I hope, you... won't judge me," his frown made her rush her words out even quicker. "And you won't overreact, because I- I don't even know if I really should be concerned, and honestly, I don't think I should be and if you ask me, I think it's impossible, and I'm overreacting, but some other people have made me think otherwise."
"Oh...kay?" Pure confusion was still written across his face. A beat of silence washed over the two as Minnie thought about what to say next. She was looking around the room, knowing there was no way out and she had brought herself into this situation.
She took one deep breath before blurting out, "I need to take a pregnancy test," pressing her lips tightly together again as she waited for a reaction.
Vernon's eyebrows shot up the moment the words tumbled from her lips. He closed his eyes for a split second, trying to take in what she had just said to him.
"Ehm... for... what?"
Minnie looked at him perplexed, "What do you think people take pregnancy tests for?" She knew sex ED in South Korea wasn't good, but she had hoped it wasn't that horrible.
"Well, I hope you're not gonna take it for the reason I think you might be taking it," he glanced up at her.
He called himself lucky to get to have her as an older sister despite only being born two months apart. Vernon and Minnie had been close ever since he became a trainee under Pledis, the older girl taking him in as a little brother in an instant. Over the years, she had realised that the lack of an age gap was starting to show as she found herself looking up at him more and more, mentally and literally physically as he had shot up in height. She had found herself looking for comfort in him, asking him for advice or even just listening to him. While some members were more physical when it came to showing their appreciation and love, Vernon kept himself in the background, choosing quiet acts of kindness as his love language, which she sometimes appreciated even more than anything else. But even with all the love the two had for each other, their sibling-like relationship was no secret and not kept behind closed doors.
"And what is the reason you're not hoping for?" She had crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes still unsure of whether or not to lock with his.
Vernon sighed and shook his head before glancing back up at her, now finding her gaze. "Do you seriously think you're pregnant?"
"No," she was quick to answer.
The '98 Liner rose from his seat. "Then why take the test?"
"Because!" Minnie started pacing around the room again, fixing her hair along the way.
"Because?" He nagged her.
The girl to a stop. "Better safe than sorry."
Vernon couldn't help but sigh again, "Minnie..."
"There's a 0.01 per cent chance-"
"Don't say 0.01 because if it really was 0.01 you wouldn't even think of taking one!" He pointed a finger at her, quickly realising the rude gesture and putting his hand down again. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"Okay, then maybe a slightly bigger chance... I don't know..." the female member bit down on her lip as her voice quieted down. Her gaze was back on the floor. "I'm scared."
Her confession made the rapper look back at her. He understood the seriousness of the situation, yet he had never seen the girl that way before. On a night out with the group, they had found out about the first pregnancy scare she had had years before, but she acted differently about it then. Took it with a lot more humour. But now, the woman in front of him just confessed to being scared. And he was the one she had trusted to confront about it.
Vernon glanced around the room. He couldn't freak out. He was supposed to help her here.
"Don't be scared," he tried to assure her, getting up from the sofa to take a step closer to her. "Are you serious though?"
Fallen silent, the girl just nodded. After not getting a verbal response back, she spoke up to explain, "I just... I've been feeling kinda... off. It's weird," she brushed it off, "and I really- I don't think I am, but... what if I am?"
Vernon accepted her answer, taking a second to himself. "Okay," he took a deep breath in and out. "It's okay. You have a test?" He asked her.
Minnie nodded.
"You went out and bought one?" Not even trying to conceal the concern in his voice.
"No," she told him, passing him as she made her way to the bathroom. "Hana got two for me."
"Where's she?" The younger member was hot on her feet.
"At work," Minnie explained. "She bought them on her lunch break." She stopped in front of the door, turning around to come to face with the rapper.
Vernon lowered his voice. "Why did you call me?"
The female idol shrugged.
He was desperate at this point. It felt like the wrong situation to be in for him. "Why not... Minghao... or... Shua, or Coups-"
"Coups would have me on a leash and drag me to get me castrated the moment he heard the words 'pregnancy test'!" She defended herself, getting a slight chuckle from him in return.
"Don't know how that would work but you're probably right. He'd do it at the word 'pregnancy' already," he mumbled.
"And... Shua would be way too emotional and... I don't know... Hao too. They'd be so... careful around me and try to comfort me-"
"You don't want to be comforted?"
"Not right now," she shook her head and gulped as he met his eyes. "I called you because you're the only person I know who can just sit there and be there for someone. Without overreacting... or... freaking out. And I'm kinda freaking out, so I need someone with a cool head right now."
"Not gonna lie," Vernon confessed, "I'm freaking out a little though."
"But you're hiding it well."
"Ditto," he nodded at the female member.
Another moment of silence washed over the apartment. Minnie took a quick look into the bathroom, her eyes immediately on the two pink packages by the sink.
"It's basically impossible that I'm pregnant," she admitted. The wheels in Vernon's head started turning, thinking that it was never truly impossible, unless... but he decided not to question her further.
"But I had weird... signs, I guess. And Hana and Léon made me scared. I just wanna make sure."
The '98 Liner nodded along to her words, shaking his head even harder the moment she looked back at him. "Do that. Take the test. Or tests," he dramatically pronounced the plural form.
Minnie nudged her head after a second to take a breath. "Can you come with me?"
Vernon immediately frowned. "Wh- Into the bathroom?"
The girl nodded.
"Ew, no! I'm not gonna watch you piss, bro."
She rolled her eyes, "Don't watch me pee. Just sit next to me," pointing to a stool they had in the bathroom for whatever reason. "Hold my hand?" She batted her eyes at him, mostly to lighten up the situation, while holding a bit of seriousness behind her ask.
"Absolutely fucking not," he shook his head. "Go. I'll be right here."
She eyed him up and down, scrunching up her face. "You're not a real one."
Vernon's eyebrows shot up. "If that's the requirement, I'm good," brushing her off and pushing her to finally get into the bathroom. "Weirdo," he mumbled, getting a last glare. At least she hasn't completely lost her spark, he thought to himself.
The moment she disappeared into the room, Vernon was met with the silence of being by himself. It was only then he realised that he hadn't even asked her about Wonwoo and/or Mingyu. Thinking, if anyone should be there, it would be the two men in question. He passed the thought after a moment of debating, coming to the conclusion that she'd have her reasons. Even after her explanation, he was still slightly confused as to why she'd rather have him than them here with her. He decided he'd rather stay in the unknown rather than pester her with more questions. Right now, she needed a friend, not an interrogator, by her side.
Vernon cleared his throat awkwardly.
The duo had found their way onto the couch with the two tests placed neatly on the coffee table ahead of them, facing down so neither one of them could even dare to get a glimpse of the results before the timer went off.
"And... ehm...," he tried to pass the time, hoping to somehow soothe the nerves rushing between both of them. "So... if you were though, like... pregnant," he carefully wondered, seeing her almost flinch at his words. He turned to look fully at her, finding her already staring at him. "Would you... w-would you... you know...," Vernon let out a chunk of air, "know whose it is?"
The time he had to himself let his mind wander to places he didn't even want it to go, but he couldn't help it.
Minnie stayed quiet for a few seconds, the words hitting her clearly hard as her eyes drifted off him.
"Ehm...," she took a deep breath. "I... I- eh... I... no?" Lowering her head, her gaze was back on her hands intertwined in her lap. She gulped, "I don't- I don't think so, n-no..." The confession appeared in the form of a big lump in her throat.
While she was able to have her fun with the two men in her life, it was only now that she came across an obstacle like this. Of course, they had had conversations about protection, being careful instead of mindless, and consent. Yet, the topic of a possible pregnancy while still taking precautions seemed to have passed them.
Vernon nodded, his lips tightly pressed together. "Alright... damn...," he raised his eyebrows. "That- that's... wow, impressive... I mean- g-good for you. That's... good for you. And I- I mean not good good for you if you're pregnant, but, you know... good as in good for-"
"Yeah, I'm shutting up."
Not the time or place for a conversation like that, nor did she want to go into more detail about the couple's constellation in the bedroom with one of her closest friends, whom she considered her little brother. Neither did Vernon. But the silence had become dreadful.
Any other day, the duo would have no issue sitting next to each other in complete silence, yet, at that very moment, both wanted anything but to stay quiet. And finding a topic of conversation seemed more challenging than ever before.
The '98 Liner could see her shaking leg in the corner of his eye, unsure of how to comfort her well enough since it was the first time in a situation like that for him too. In an attempt to help her, he reached out and placed his hand on her knee, hoping it would calm her.
"It's okay," he quietly told her, turning his head to meet her clearly frightened gaze.
"Is it though?" She kept the conversation going.
He retrieved his hand again to turn the rest of his body to face her more clearly.
"You said it's... very unlikely." He continued to choose his words carefully, not trying to overstep and drag her into a hole she might not get out of.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah...," she whispered, hugging herself as if she was freezing. "Very unlikely, but... never impossible, right?"
Vernon shrugged his shoulder, "I think only you'd know that. If it's possible or not."
Whether they were talking about the act of conception or possibly rather the chances of her fertility would stay between the two.
The girl gulped. "It's unlikely. Very, very unlikely."
A quiet pat on her back gave her the validation and comfort she craved and asked for.
"That's why I called you," Minnie confessed after a short few seconds of quietness.
"Hm?" Vernon glanced back at her after his eyes had been fixed on his phone.
"You can just sit here. Accept it, without a big reaction. And I still feel comforted. You... your presence is very comforting."
The question as to why him and not the men that lived with her was still burning his tongue, yet he didn't even dare to let it fall from his lips. Maybe another time.
"I still don't think I'm the right person for something like this-"
"You are," she quickly reassured him. "I didn't even think of anyone else."
The truth was, were the first people to pop into her head her lovers? Yes, of course. But in a moment of panic, in a situation that could affect either one of their lives immensely, she didn't want to confront them. Not with 100% certainty of a result. She wanted to avoid the unnecessary anxiety and hysteria spreading to other people involved in this. Not if there's nothing to be worried about in the first place, she kept on convincing herself.
In addition, as they had talked about before, knowing the rest of her members, there was a group of them that would try to be as emotionally available as they possibly could, their arms around her during the entire process, trying to console her while she just needed someone next to her. The other part of them would turn it into the headline of their tabloid, running around frantically, trying to make sense of the situation, while freaking out, scaring her even more.
And then there was Cheol, the oldest of them all, she shook her head as she didn't even want to think of a possible reaction of his. Yes, he'd support her no matter what, but the image of disappointment on his face was something she couldn't stomach.
Silently, Vernon leaned back, a tight smile on his lips. He appreciated her honesty.
Their sweet moment of companionship was interrupted by the sound of the teeth-shattering, chill-sending sound of his alarm. Vernon didn't even think of changing the ringtone, just opting to go with the standard iPhone one, making the girl shudder as he turned it off.
"Alright," he sighed. "You ready?"
Minnie nodded, pushing herself up to sit further on the edge, her knees close to hitting the coffee table.
"I do one, you do one?"
"Dude, you peed on that, I'm not touching it!" His exclaim made her look at him dumbfounded.
"I peed on that part," she pointed at the end covered by a plastic cap. "You won't even touch it."
But Vernon just shook his head. "You do it."
"Real supportive," she mumbled at him with an amused glare and nudge of her head.
Rushing down the number from three to one in her head, with a deep breath, she turned one test around, wanting to rip the bandaid off quickly and get it over with. Carefully, she looked at the small electronic display, ready for the worst to hit her.
"Not pregnant," she read out loud with a big breath of air. With a quick move, she turned around the second one, a content smile on her lips as she found the same result.
"Not pregnant," Vernon nodded, looking at the coffee table ahead of him before turning towards the female member. "You okay?"
Minnie pressed her lips together tightly, looking at him with a somewhat smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah..."
Her gaze fell back on the white and blue plastic, her hands still cramped up in her lap as the younger rapper let himself fall further back into the blue couch. He let a moment pass, giving her the silence to herself.
"You know," he patted her back, gaining her attention, "If you were though...," she met his eye. "I'd drive you. Check-up... or...," with a motion of his hand, he pretended to cut his neck, getting a chuckle from her in return.
"I know," she whispered, not trusting her voice to become any louder. Too many emotions were rushing through the short moment, too many for at that time after coming close to what she'd describe as a heart attack.
In the blink of an eye, she had her arms wrapped around his torso, making the younger member smile softly as he returned the embrace. A comforting hand ran up and down her arm. It wasn't often he reciprocated the show of affection from her, but he'd let her for now, knowing she most definitely needed it.
With her cheek against his shoulder, he felt her tightening her arms in a pulse as she spoke up again.
"That's why I called you."
Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere
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Trouble After Paradise (Part 1)
Warnings: lots of angst, conflict, explicit language.
Summary of short story: Reader and Harry have returned from their honeymoon to a harsh reality and their first huge hurdle as a married couple.
A/N: This is 1 of 3 parts. Enjoy! Just a little short story idea i had and wanted to share with you all.
It’s been four weeks since you returned home from your honeymoon in Costa Rica and you’ve found yourself reminiscing constantly on that magical holiday.
To say the least, things have took a turn for the worst since you and Harry got home.
You were bombarded with mountains of piles of work to get through because there was no one to fill your position whilst you’d taken the month off leading up to your wedding, including the honeymoon.
Harry had started filming his next movie, one that was mentally draining due to his character being a very unwell mental patient at a psychiatric hospital.
You worked from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon in the office but always brought home some work to do which kept you busy until about eight at night when you’d get into bed.
Weekends were exhausting as well, you were catching up with friends and family after basically being off the grid throughout the week.
Harry’s shooting location, thankfully, was only a few hours away up north in Manchester so he managed to be home often between breaks but unfortunately meant that he wasn’t home with you for periods of times.
He tries his best to be at home with you on the weekends but his schedule doesn’t work that way all the time. On average you probably see each other a total of two days out of the week and it’s been this way the past four weeks.
You’ve both been so busy, you’ve barely had the time to live life together as a married couple. There’s a tension building full of stress and exhaustion on both ends of your marriage. You find yourselves bickering when you’re together and getting on each other’s nerves more than ever before.
You know it’s because you’re equally annoyed with yourselves and each other with the current situation.
It’s 8pm on a Friday night and Harry called you earlier that morning to let you know he’s coming home today at around 6:30pm and will be able to stay the full week until he’s off again. He asked for you to pick him up from the station because he had booked a meal at The Ivy for 8pm. You of course said yes. You were so excited to hear the news, you felt tears well up in your eyes. “I really can’t wait, I miss you so much.” You replied before you both said your goodbyes and I love you’s before hanging up.
What you didn’t know was that working would be busier than ever that Friday and now you’re still in the office trying to hurry up and finish off one last piece of paper work to be sent off to your client before the weekend. Your phone had died two hours ago and Harry hadn’t contacted you before it died so you weren’t too concerned that he would’ve tried to since then.
You could cry out of frustration. You purposely stayed back to get all this extra work done so you could book off Monday and Tuesday to extend your weekend to spend some time with your husband.
Half an hour later, you finally send the email and pack up your stuff. You race to your car and make your way home. The door is unlocked when you go to turn the key and your heart skips a beat when you realise that Harry must be home.
The lights are all off downstairs which is odd so you make your way upstairs to your bedroom to find Harry sat on the edge of the bed in just his underwear and his phone in his hands.
“Hi, baby.” You softly speak up as you walk through the door and put your bag and coat over the chair in the corner of the room.
Harry glances at you over his shoulder briefly without so much as a tiny acknowledgment of your presence before looking back to his phone.
You frown, thinking his behaviour seems a bit off. The energy in the room seems low and you can sense he’s not in a good mood.
You walk over to him, a hand on his shoulder and the other hand reaching to lift his head by tilting his chin in your direction for him to look up at you. As soon as you try to lean forward to place a kiss to his lips he yanks his head away from your touch and rolls his eyes, letting out a huff.
You step back, very offended and extremely hurt by his cold actions.
“Fuck you, then.” You throw your hands up and storm away to head downstairs to the kitchen. You’re literally trying so hard not to break down and cry right now so you’re pacing around your kitchen, breathing heavily for a few moments then deciding to pour yourself a large glass of wine.
You almost down the first glass. The second one being poured less than five minutes later. You’re just stood by your kitchen island with a glass of wine in one hand and thoughts racing around your mind as you try to figure out why your husband seems to despise you at the moment.
You soon realise it could possibly be the fact that your phone was dead and maybe he was trying to get ahold of you.
You start to feel a pit of guilt in your stomach when you take your phone from your pocket and plug it into the charger point next to your toaster.
You finish your second glass of wine once your phone switches on and your eyes widen when you notice the ten missed calls and five unread messages from Harry.
You read the texts carefully one at a time.
From Harry:
6:09pm - l’m fifteen minutes away from the station if you want to set off now. Love you. Xx
6:30pm - Where are you? I’m waiting near the security box until you’re here. Xx
6:53pm - I’ve rung you five times and you’re not answering so I’m making my own way home now.
7:26pm - Why aren’t you answering and why aren’t you at home? You do realise we have to be at The Ivy in half an hour.
8:03pm - cancelled the booking. If you read this before you come home - don’t bother me when you get in, I can’t be arsed with this tonight.
You heart feels like it’s going to stop. You have never felt more terrible in your life. You feel like a punch to the gut is what you deserve right now and nothing less. And to think, you literally just spat in his face and said fuck you to him, still not realising what you’d done.
You were so fixated on wanting to spend the week with Harry that you’d completely forgotten about picking him up and going out for dinner tonight.
You were a little drunk and very upset with yourself so of course the only thing currently you did was start to cry. You sat on a stool at your island, lent your elbows on the countertop, put your face in your hands and sobbed. Sobbed for your husband and how upset he must be feeling. Sobbed at the realisation of how much you hurt him and let him down. You felt like a failure.
After about thirty minutes of letting your feelings flow out of your system uncontrollably, you composed yourself and prepared yourself to go and apologise profusely. You’d gone over what to say in your head a million times and nothing sounded good enough but you know the least he deserves is an apology rather than an explanation or excuse right now.
Your face is puffy and red from the crying as you shakily walk up the stairs to your room and find Harry is now laying under the covers with the tv on, watching a movie with a deep frown on his face. As if he’s in deep thought rather than paying attention to the screen.
You push the door open gently and let yourself in. Basically walking with your tail between your legs, you can barely look at him as you sit on the bottom corner of the bed on your side. You couldn’t be further away from him on the bed if you tried.
“Harry, I’m so sorry.” You croak. Lips quivering as you fight the urge to break down crying again. You finally look at him after your first attempt at the beginning of a long apology. He’s ignoring you. Keeping his eyes fixed on the screen and his arms crossed over his chest.
You decide to keep speaking, “I completely understand why you’re angry and I don’t want to give myself any excuses for-.”
He reaches for the remote and turns up the volume to drown out your voice.
You let out a shaky sigh. A tear slipping down your cheek. “I didn’t ignore you on purpose- look, can you please just say something?” You beg pathetically and Harry’s head turns as his eyes look at you with anger.
“Told you I can’t be fucked with this tonight just leave me alone, please.” He sighs in annoyance before completely turning his back to you as he lays on his side.
You really don’t know what to say now. You didn’t expect this reaction from him. He’s never been this angry with you before and it’s terrifying you slightly because you really can’t cope with it. You don’t even care if he shouts at this point, you just want more of a reaction from him.
He has every right to feel the way he does, you know that. You hate going to sleep on bad terms though. You both agreed to always resolve conflicts before getting into bed because you never wanted to be that couple that gets into fights and makes one or the other sleep on the sofa.
It seems like it’s going to be that way tonight though. You don’t want to say another word because you don’t want to make it worse. Even though you know you won’t get much sleep, you decide to go sleep downstairs on the couch. You could go sleep in the spare room but you need a tv to distract you from your racing thoughts so the living room it is.
You get up from the bed, go take a quick shower and change into your pyjamas before grabbing your pillow from your side of the bed and walking towards the door.
“Goodnight, Harry. I love you.” You say to him softly before closing the door behind yourself and making your way downstairs.
You turn on a shitty reality show to fall asleep too. It takes a few hours but eventually you drift off.
The next morning you’re awoken by the sound of the blender rattling off in the kitchen. You feel at peace for a split second as your groggy memory clears up as your consciousness comes back, along with the awful events of last night. You grimace start yourself as you sit up on the couch and turn around to see Harry standing in the kitchen, making himself a smoothie, dressed in his running gear.
It mustn’t be any later than 6am because he only likes going running at the crack of dawn. He hasn’t noticed that you’re awake yet but you know he’s still fuming by the look on his face.
Now that you’re not intoxicated and knowing it’s a new day, you’re determined to resolve this issue very soon. You don’t want to waste any more of the short time you two have together for the next four days being bitter.
You get up from the couch and stretch before walking over to the kitchen island and taking a seat on the stool you were sobbing on last night.
“Morning.” You say with a tired voice as Harry still hasn’t acknowledged you whilst he’s cleaning up some dishes. You’re both facing each other on opposite sides of the island.
Harry looks up at you frowning and doesn’t reply so you take it as your queue to go in strong with all guns blazing.
“Can we please talk about this now?” You plead. Harry just deadpans and looks at you with a look that tells you no as he picks up his AirPods and puts them in as he makes his way to the door to go on his run.
“What the actual fuck! This is an actual fucking nightmare.” You frustratingly shout to no one but yourself after Harry closes the door on his way out.
#harry styles#harry styles one shot#harry styles x reader#harry styles smut#harry styles imagine#harry styles and y/n#harry styles angst#part 1
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Slightly unhinged/ yandere Gojo (x reader)
“Na-Na-Mi” you cooed.
“Again, no” he sighed exasperatedly.
It had been exactly 20 minutes since you began following the sorcerer from Jujutsu tech and you were already giving the senior teacher a head ache.
“Oh come on. What would be so bad about having lunch with me?” You contorted your face into the visage of a pout. Since childhood, this had been the face that broke Nanami’s resolve every time. His eyes danced across your face for a moment, and it almost seemed like he was going to crack.
“Just listen. I can’t. I don’t want to have to argue with him again. He’s just as annoying as you are”
Your face fell. He was always the wedge between you and anything you wanted.
“He doesn’t have a say in who I get to hang out with. Nanami you used to be my-“ the onset of your tantrum was stopped by a warm hand engulfing your arm. His grip on you was sudden yet firm.
“Who doesn’t have a say?” His voice was smooth like velvet and the soft hum of his voice sent a chill down your spine.
“And Nanami was what to you, again?” The grip on your arm tightened with every syllable that fell from his lips. You couldn’t form a tangible thought in his presence. His sudden intrusion left you feeling suddenly very unsafe. When did he get here? How did you not sense his presence?
The intel you received a few days ago said that Satoru Gojo would be far from jujutsu tech. He was supposed to be so far away that he shouldn’t even be able to sense you. How was he here? Did he ever really leave? Why did the informant lie?
Hearing Nanami’s deep sigh pulled you from your thoughts.
“I’m leaving. See you around, (y/n)”. The moment he turned on his heel to leave, your heart began to sputter. Panic began to rise in your bosom. You couldn’t be left alone with Gojo, not even in public.
“Na-nanami. Wait. Please”. The slight pitch to your voice must have coaxed him. He let out another exasperated sigh. It seemed that he was thinking deeply about something. He slowly turned back around to see you pulled closely to Gojo.
“You know. It would be nice to have a meal with you both.” he made sure to loudly enunciate the last word. Both.
If anyone knew of the possessive and obsessive nature of Gojo, it was Nanami. Since childhood he had noticed the way Satoru interacted with you. His gaze was always fixed on you a little too long and his hand always found some way to keep a hold onto you. It was no secret that Gojo had been unparalleled in his all consuming obsession with you.
Nanami was there the day young Satoru Gojo proclaimed to all of the students, although there were so few, that anyone who was dumb enough to get too close to you would have to get through him first. That day was the last real day of your individual freedom.
As the strongest son born into the family, it was clear that Satoru was going to be the next head of his clan. He never truly flaunted his status or threw around his influence. The day he proclaimed you as his, he was simply voicing what he considered to be obvious.
It didn’t seem that his message had the impact he intended because 2 weeks after his announcement, he saw you gallivanting around Tokyo with a new beau. Satoru didn’t even register what the boy looked like before he ripped you away from him. He said nothing as he dragged you away from him. The iron grip he had on your arm felt like he was truly trying to crush you.
Some part of you believed that was the day Satoru truly had lost his mind when it came to you. A week after that you realized that your family had been acting strange. Your father had more meetings than ever before and your mother seemed to be lost in deep thought at all hours of the day. The unspoken issue in your home came to a fever pitch when your parents finally broke the news. The Gojo clan had requested something from your family that only they could supply.
“Satoru wants you” your mother whispered, tightly grasping your hand. “H-he has threatened taking rash action if we decline” she continued, not even allowing you a moment to question her words.
“I’ve been meeting with the clan every day and it seems that he wants nothing else. There is no way to keep you from doing this, (y/n)” your father’s voice came out low and shaky. You realized you’d never seen him look so defeated. “I offered them many things, but they cannot decline a request from the next head of the family. He’s offered not only to take care of you, but the rest of our family as well. The only thing he wants in return is you. He’s quite adamant” he mumbled shaking his head in what looked like disbelief.
Time seemed to freeze as you took in his words. You’d been practically sold off to Satoru. You knew he had a powerful position, but you didn’t know he could just get his way like this. Every part of your body shivered in anger and disgust. He was like a plague or a natural disaster. He swept through a place and destroyed everything in its path.
Life was never the same after that. All of your things were moved to the Gojo compound and you began your life as Satoru’s ‘special guest’.
11 years later and you were still under his constant watch. There were days and moments when you felt like you were truly alone but those moments were short lived. The longest you had gone without being under those all seeing eyes was three months. Those were three of the most comfortable months of your life, but today because you were summoned by the higher ups, that comfort was surely over.
“(Y/n) can’t go to any meals with you today actually” if you didn’t know him, you’d think his tone was calm but that was quite the contrary. Satoru was seething. You’d been missing from his sight for three full months. He’d want everything from you now, including an explanation.
You carefully turned your gaze to his. “But Gojo I-“
A look of pure rage swept past his opalescent eyes and you knew instantly that you’d made a mistake. You were never supposed to call him that. It took him years to break you out of that habit and in only three months you were back to square one.
“We’ll have to take a rain check” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, “we have things to discuss”.
#x reader#jjk#jjk x reader#gojo#satorugojo#gojo x y/n#gojou satoru x reader#yandere gojo#unhinged gojo#yandere x reader#jujutsu kaisen
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Sugar daddy!aegon x reader au?
Authors note: Yeah sure I’ll definitely try! I kinda adjusted it so it’s still technically sugar daddy!Aegon but with a sort of relationship with it as well… it’s complicated. Also the plot is kinda similar to my onset patience, but we’ll just ignore that…
Taglist: @lovelykhaleesiii, @arcielee, @blue-serendipity,
Warnings: Sugar daddy stuff, allusions to smut, some angsty stuff, some fluffy stuff

The sound of your phones notifications made your heart pick up, and when you read them your face just instantly brightened.
You’d met Aegon on an official sugar baby app a few months ago. He was a little older yes, but he was honestly the nicest person when you’d begun to talk to him, and it helped he was somehow both the cutest and the hottest guy you’ve ever seen.
You hadn’t done anything like being a sugar baby before in your life, but the recent increase in the economy meant your life had gotten ten times harder, in every way that was possible. Soon, the pay you got at your simple job wasn’t cutting it, and the bills were piling up, as well as the worry of paying for your schooling.
One of your coworkers, a darling woman only a few years older who you’d confessed your money issues to, had recommended the app. Claiming she’d used it during her own schooling years and it payed well. All you needed to do was know who was a creep and who was actually a sweetheart.
When you had downloaded it, at first the app had just stayed unopened for weeks. Merely sitting there in your home screen, practically mocking you whenever you went past it. The bright pink colour of the icon effortlessly drawing your attention to it every time. You only opened it by accident, only after you went to go into your camera app to take some random picture, and yet when you realised you were looking at the log in screen for the app, you just couldn’t find yourself closing the app. Instead, you took a deep breath while staring at the screen, and filled out the necessary information with nervous breaths.
It’d been a couple days before you received your very first message. An ordinary looking guy at first glance, who according to his profile was in his forties and worked in a high position in a kind of security firm. Though when you opened the message, you found no helloes no asking how your day was. Instead, his first message was him just wanting to know if you would be interested in sending him some feet pics. To be honest, you don’t think you’ve ever blocked anyone faster than what you did then. Still, you didn’t get any more notifications from the app for a while, and even though you didn’t necessarily want the app in the first place, you must admit that your self esteem certainly went a little down hill.
However, a couple more weeks had passed when you woke up with a message request saying someone was interested, and when you looked at his profile, you honestly felt your cheeks become deep red with blush. He had a silvery-blonde hair colour that you’d never seen on anyone before, and his eyes were a gorgeous shade of purple that made them look almost lavender. When you finally stopped gawking at the profile and looked at what he’d sent you, silently praying that it wouldn’t be like the first time, you’d been so relieved to have been greeted with just a simple hello with a matching emoji. It was so simple, and yet you found it so easily adorable as well.
You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and it wasn’t long till you found yourself answering to him and actually talking to him. Again, you were nervous he’d try and sneak in questions on feet, but the relief hit you hard when no conversations like that even happened. In all honesty, it didn’t even feel like you were talking to a sugar daddy. If felt like you were taking to a friend.
Though that friend bubble needed to be broken, and soon the topic of why the both of you were on the app came up. You’d confessed how you were in money troubles, and Aegon told you about his desire to treat someone with a kind of kindness that he never really received. He said that he liked to feel like he was wanted, even if it was for money, which is all honestly made you quite sad for him, and when you told him your concerns about that he just brushed it off quickly, as if he was used to it.
Though soon, an agreement was made between the two of you. He’d take you out for all these nice things, get to parade you proudly at family events and in return, he’d pay you for your time generously and get to treat you every so often.
One of the guidelines of the app when you first signed up included answering whether you’d be interested in having sexual relations with your sugar daddy, and you’d ticked yes with the image of this gorgeous older man in mind. You were almost tempted to change it after the feet guy, but you were glad you didn’t. Aegon had made it clear he’d never force you to have sex with him, a fact you were grateful of. Yet even so, there was this sort of line between the both of you that every so often kept getting smudged and blurred.
If you could’ve, you probably would’ve blamed Aegon and his stupidly pretty face. The first time it happened, he’d taken you to some high class bar, and of course as Aegon did he bought some very expensive wine. You were never good handling your drink, and Aegons flirtatious words that you usually would just slyly answer back with a smile, became too much for tipsy you as your face began to go warm and flush a deep red as you began to heavily flirt back with a hand on his arm. Sober you the next morning, while you laid in bed naked under the sheets with your legs numb after cumming around five times, couldn’t help but feel an immense pride as the image of Aegons flustered smiles came to memory.
Though soon that line got crossed over again, then again, then again. Until nearly every time Aegon took you out for a meal with his family or some kind of business type of situation, it ended in him driving you home, then fucking you stupid either in the car or in your or his bed.
It was a similar type of deal today, as tonight was a family dinner that Alicent claimed was arranged months ago. However, unbeknownst to her it was also the year anniversary of when you agreed to be Aegons sugar baby, and if the both of you had been able to have your way then there’s no doubt of mind the evening would’ve been spent by ordering food in and putting on a random movie the two of you could make fun of.
After Alicent had called him to remind him, Aegon had made sure to let you know that he wasn’t forcing you to go to this, and that he could most likely handle the evening by himself. But to his surprise, you’d persisted and actually said it’ll be nice to see his relatives. “I swear I’ll pay you like, five times I usually do darling! Fuck I am so lucky to have you!” He exclaimed pecking at your forehead with small kisses in gratitude. You can’t deny the slight twinge in you guy that you felt at the reminder of him paying you, but it didn’t matter to you at that moment. Only Aegon currently mattered.
The piece currently laying on your bed in front of you was something Aegon had suggested. A little thing he joked would help get the both of you through the no doubt soul sucking dinner with his family. It was a basic piece, just a red lace set of a matching bra and panties. Yet when you showed him what they looked like on you in the store, you could see it in his eyes that he was on the very edge of being brought on his knees from the sight alone.
When you put it on and posed with it in front of the mirror just now, you could’ve help but feel slightly excited for what’ll possibly happen later. You pare the piece with a deep blue dress that Aegon always compliments you in, and when you get the text to let you know that he’s waiting for you downstairs, you can’t help the smile and the slight blush from appearing.
As you step out of your building and look around, it’s not hard to spot the near comical looking gold painted car that Aegon had affectionately nicknamed Sunfyre. It’s a ridiculous looking thing to see you have to admit, but it’s such an Aegon car that you can’t help but secretly adore it.
When you get in, Aegon gives a small teasing whistle while he looks you up and down in appreciation. “Fuck baby… gonna make me wanna stay in and have you for dinner…” he grins. “Did you wear the piece?” You choose to not directly answer, and instead you simply pull the sleeve of your dress down slightly to reveal the contrasting red fabric with a cheeky smile. “Good girl” He smiles before placing a possessive hand on your thigh and starting the car before driving in the direction of the restaurant.
When you get two eventually get there, you’re both greeted with Alicents smiling face. It’s sort of funny that Alicent doesn’t know how you and Aegon really met, or the real contact of the two of yous relationship. If she ever did find out how you met, she’d probably lose her mind.
For the rest of the night, you play the part of the loving and doting girlfriend to perfection. You make sure to talk to Helaena about her current affairs, and when Alicent attempts to inquire more about your and Aegons early relationship before he introduced you to them all, you make these stories sound so real that there’s even an almost wistful tone in your voice. You can even see Aegon looking at you out of the corner of your eyes with an almost saddened look, yet still you choose to ignore it and continue on with the night.
By the end, Alicent makes sure to let you know that she loves you, and talks all about how much she looks forward to making you an official daughter of hers. As much as the idea makes your stomach twist, you have to awkwardly laugh it off and move backwards towards the car while Aegon makes quick work of distracting her while she begs for some more grandchildren. When you get in, you turn the radio on to some random station and wait for Aegon to get in and start the car.
“I’ve transferred you the money, you wanna stay at mine or stay at yours?” He asks as he starts the car and drives off.
“I got an early class tomorrow, so mine please Aeg.” You smile, turning to him to speak before looking back out of the window to the scenery.
The rest of the car ride is filled only with the sound of some cheesy pop song playing on the radio, while you attempt to pass the time by variating between looking out the window and scrolling aimlessly on Instagram. You can still see Aegon peeking over at you every so often, and still you just pretend like you don’t see it.
Though when Aegon places a hand on your upper thigh, you can’t deny the warm feeling you feel in your lower belly, and in turn like a reflex you place your own hand on his, and lazily stroke a finger on the warm skin.
It’s late that night, when you find sleep eluding you can’t help yourself from tossing and turning in your bed. A couple times you even find yourself reaching out for Aegons warmth, and feel even more miserable every time when your hand makes contact with the cool sheets.
It’s around half eleven though when there’s a strange knock on the door, and when you answer it in your silk nightgown, you can’t even hide surprise on your face when your eyes make contact with Aegons.
“What are you doing here?” The breathless tone you speak in surprises even you.
“I couldn’t sleep…” Aegon mutters. He’s dressed in casual clothing, but he obviously didn’t dress himself with style as an intention, cause if you weren’t as tired as you were you’d joke he looked like Valyrian Adam Sandler. His eyes are drawn to the floor, and when you look down too you can’t hide the amusement when you realise he’s actually looking at the skin of your legs. “Needed to see you, as I missed you…” You can’t deny the warm feeling in your chest and the small smile you can’t resist when you hear Aegons confession, cause it’s just what you were feeling half an hour ago yourself.
You can’t deny it for both for him and yourself as you step aside and motion for him to come in. Aegon trails in as you shut the door and lock it behind him, and yet he does’t take much time to drag himself to your bed and strip himself down to his underwear and get under the covers.
When you walk back to your bedroom to join him, it’s almost as if it’s automatic when he opens his arms to welcome you in a cuddle, and when you do give in and let his arms surround you in a hug, you can’t help but smile in the comforts of his chest as his body heat seems to completely surround you, and you just get this feeling of safety rushing over you.
When you signed up to the sugar baby app, you never thought you’d meet a guy like Aegon, and as you feel yourself become sleepy with the mixed sound of his light snores and his heartbeat, you honestly don’t think you’d change or willingly drop this agreement for anyone else.
#sugarbaby#sugardaddy#sugar daddy!au#sugar daddy!aegon targaryen#modern!aegon targaryen#modern!aegon x reader#modern!aegon ii targaryen#modern!aegon ii#modern!aegon targaryen smut#modern!aegon targaryen/reader#modern!aegon#modern!aegon targaryen x reader#modern aegon targaryen x reader#modern aegon ii#modern aegon targaryen#modern aegon#house of the dragon#modern! house of the dragon#modern!hotd#modern house of the dragon#modern!au#hotd modern au#modern hotd au
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I like to think the bitten vampire that finds Dream in the cave is Techno :3
He was just...passing by really. Kinda.
Bit more of world building was going on in my head and I have it where bitten vampires do go investigate cases of rogues. While there are hunters that are usually called if a town suspects a rogue vampire, a lot of seemingly normal towns have bitten vampires(humans being none the wiser) and would rather not risk an encounter with hunters...So they try to take care of it on their own...(as much as humans claim that killing vampires are a mercy and bittens look down upon that stance...unfortunately, the same kind of thinking goes through bitten when it comes to rogues...)
Maybe Skeppy sent Techno a letter about the weird rogue vampire they had recently. The townsfolk spreading rumors there must be a vampire who bit the brat who went rogue. He doesn't really think the kid who was turned would've been an unbitten since they were a rich asshole...so he's thinking the town may be right on this one. The rogue is dead though. Found mangled at the edge of the forest and he heard that it was maybe a wolf who got to the thing...
Unfortunately, nor he or Bad were able to check the body for a bite or for a scent. The townsfolk pretty quickly cremated the body as soon as it was found....aaaaand....Bad miiiight have found a runaway fledgling that he took in and it's really taking both of them to settle him in....so they really can't go investigating themselves.....
Be a pal and check it out pleaseeee!!! You aren't that far from us!! And end of springtime is so nice here!!! I know you wanna get out of the meetings Phil is always dragging you to!!
Just...to make sure there isn't some scent out in the forest!! It could be a one off thing, of course, but you can use the vacation!!! Thanks!!!! :P
And well, alright. The forest IS nice during this time of year...right before it gets too hot with the changing season, taking in the breeze.
He can tell there's two humans hunting around here. Normal. Better to avoid them. But. There's something....else?
It's not...a rogue? The scent of madness isn't there....not really, maybe a note of it? It's definitely a vampire though, the scent of death is clear enough...but its so...young?
Fuck. Is it a fledgling? (No, no. Stop screaming baby in my head!!)
Maybe Skeppy is right and there's just some whacko who was here and causing some trouble..Ughhh
So he continues deeper into the forest. Back of his mind wondering how long has this fledgling been abandoned(can't be too long since its here in the forest and not causing terror in the town)...why there is no other lingering sent of a Sire....why is this scent so... strange? (A fledgling shouldn't have madness coming from them, that's an unbitten Only scent...)
And before Techno makes his way to the cave, Dream already is panicking. His instinct going crazy for the past few minutes and he doesn't know Why. The last time this happened was over a couple weeks ago already and Sapnap and George were in trouble but...but this is Different...he can't...he can't /move/. Frozen in fear. Something Dangerous is approaching. He thought when that rogue appeared it was bad but this is a /complete/ other level of threat....He needs! He needs his George and Sapnap...! He NEEDS his Sires!!
And once Techno finds the cave and makes his way to the entrance. Blood red slit pupil eyes(Dream: terrifying D:!!!) meeting widened green eyes, pupils pinpricks out of fear(Techno: hm. cute.)
Oh. Oh great, it's scampering away further into the cave...well...at least it isnt attacking him, but...this isn't going to be an easy rescue, is it...
Techno's own instinct immediately falling in love with this fledgling!! And Techno is like. No, we can't take care of a baby right now. No, we can't bring it to our own nest. /No/, we cannot be this guy's new Sire. Sighhh... (but it can be ours!!! Look!!! Yes, yes he can see the fledgling too and it's very adorable...but this fledgling is going to be more work than is probably worth...)
It's just, in his own thoughts it's like "Phil will kill me if I leave this baby alone, it's basically half starved too :/" pfft
And Techno is not....good with handleing fledglings, ain't his thing, that's Phil's thing. And the poor guy can't even chirp or vocalize yet and is barely able to hiss at him, oh my god did it even have a single drop of its sire's blood?? This poor guy that's gotta be rough bro :/!
Dream hitting the back of the cave and cowering, making himself as small as he can (instincts trying to show how vulnerable he is, hes just a baby, vampire cant be mean to me stop stop go away im just baby!!), his instincts are going haywire. He feels so panicked and he thinks he's going to hyperventilate and oh god oh fuck he needs his Sires, where are they!? He's in danger!!! Theres... an actual vampire here, like!! a REAL one!!!....oh god oh Fuck!! Dream can't even bring himself to speak and tell the guy to go away, it feels like his throat is closing up but also trying to make noises he cant even comprehend...there's supposed to be no danger in the cave(nest), it's all wrong wrong wrong!!! He hates it he HATES it!
So Techno is not. The most gentle with Dream. Though tbf. He's grabbing Dream's wrist to pull him up but this fledgling is NOT cooperating. (Tbf Dream's legs are like jello and he can't even stand up himself..) It is....really struggling! For a half starved new fledgling! Surprisingly not still droopy from the recent transformation ...odd...must be a survival instinct thing....? He doesn't know, he rarely does rescues himself.
"Bruh. Calm down I'll get you blood, hold still." Dream...doesn't know what that means!! Blood is from his Sires only!! and this vampire is NOT his Sire!!!
Dream's baby instincts are just screaming in his head to run away run away runawayrunaway RUN AWAY!! (A little late for that dumb voice!!!)
Techno will release one of his wrists (Dream thought he was a large man but he's nothing compared to this vampire, he could've crushed Dream's wrists. He can hurt Dream! He needs to let go of Dream's other wrist, let go let go let GO!!!) and will instead grabbed his...cheeks?
"Alright, alright. Yes you're fussy, ok ok... Let's calm ya down. Just givin you a little alright? Just a little. So don't be greedy, I'm not gonna be your Sire, kay? That's gonna be my friend Phil, he's good with babies like you."
.....What the FUCK is this guy talking about??? Dream taking his free hand and trying to pull of this guy's giant hand off his face, what is he doing??
"Alright, let's see. I'm sure it's around here..." What weird vampire torture is this?? He's just squishy around his cheeks and jaw an- Ah?
"Ah! There ya go. Got a feeling yer gonna be difficult drinking too, hah."
Dream can't. Close his mouth?? There's a slight pressure that this guy is pressing on with his hand and he can't close his mouth??? Dream actually....can't move at all...? ?????
(His inner baby voice /is/ screeching like crazy)
Then the big scary vampire will let go of Dream's other wrist...? Both hands are free...? But he's just...sitting there limp?? HELP???
Dream does start. Tearing up at basically being the equivalent of vampire scuffed lmao..He doesn't know what's happening, he's terrified beyond belief, this...vampire saying and doing weird stuff to him...>:'(!!! It's been very difficult ok!!
"Geez...please not the waterworks, hold on. I know you probably miss your Sire (HE DOES!! WHERE ARE THEY???) but this will make ya feel better..just.. just give me second-"
And Techno needs his OWN instincts to calm down. Cause like...he's starting to realize the appeal of having a fledgling with them screaming at him of how cute it is and how amazing having a fledgling in the nest would be and to be more gentle, stop making the baby cry >:(!!! (No wonder Phil can't resist the urge for these...)
Techno will take his free hand, bring it to his mouth, and with his own fangs, slice his wrist. Blood starting to leak out.
Dream. Has never smelled anything so amazing before....all the blood from the animals George and Sapnap bring never really smelled like anything, even lacking the metallic tinge it used to have. This. this is is nothing like that. He suddenly feels very /very/ hungry.
Techno staring and seeing it's eyes dilate, pupils no longer pinprick, but large round saucers. Feeling the fledgling lose the tension it had and going limp in his hand.
Techno grins. Pleased. Satisfied. Him and his instincts in agreeance for once. Seeing the fledgling finally relax for Techno. (Conjuring images in his mind of this fledgling in his nest, holding it tight and close. It rubbing up into his chest seeking protection and love...)
Maybe bringing this one home wouldn't be so bad....would be a better excuse to get out of all those meetings.....hmmm.
Techno finally bringing his wrist to the fledglings mouth and let's his blood drip in. He really only needs to let it drink a small amount for it to completely calm down. This fledgling should be asleep really, and hopefully his blood can have it doze off long enough for him to return home with it. (To the nest!! Where it's safe for the baby!!)
But. Giving it a little more than necessary wouldn't be...so bad. Just enough so he can bond with it....so he can make sure its...content......yep!
Dream. Has never tasted anything so delicious before. He can't describe the taste. Just something inherently in his mind saying /Yes. This is good. More more more./
But Dream let's it pool in his mouth. He wont swallow(as much as his instincts have changed their mind and insist to consume it, swallow it greedily and to keep drinking more and more..) because he's good. He knows he needs to wait....
Techno realizing the damn thing isn't swallowing. Still being difficult. Well, Techno is always up for a good challenge. His fledgling will be a little fighter, and he can feel himself preening at the prospect of raising someone to be like him now...(ok, he gets it Phil, he really does...damn bastard isnt going to let this down...)
Techno let's go of it's face, and it immediately clinging to the arm that's feeding blood into it's mouth. Strange. The fledgling Does want his blood (good good ours only ours) but isn't swallowing it...
"Whats wrong, hm? Drink as much as you want, until your full," Techno resting his free hand on top of the mop of curls. Tangled and dirty (he can take such good care of it when they get home, it just needs to drink), but still managing to scratch it's head, eyes turning droopy, but still gripping tight onto his arm.
Dream's instincts whining that this vampire is so mean to him >:'( His Sires never taunted him like that, never makes him wait this long. His Sires are so much nicer and less scary!! (Are his Sires blood this good? Will they let him feed from them?)
"Go on, you ca-"
Oh right. THIS is why he doesn't want a fledgling. All his instincts hyperfocused on the baby and not even realizing the two humans(humans!! Not even another vampire!) from before just waltzing up to this cave. How EMBARRASSING.
Techno will turn his head and look at the two humans, he can tell they're scared, doesn't even need to smell it. But he does and oddly. This fledgling's scent is all over them too...
That's George! His Sires are back :D! But. Oh right. This vampire is still here. Thats...that's bad..? His head is so cloudy and heavy. The blood still in his mouth and he's being good he's being good. He's not swallowing! Just like they taught him!! Oh but he's being bad right now he can't go scent them!! Oh no, oh no!! (Dream is Not really liking how this baby voice is in front of the steering wheel right now!)
"Let him go."
Great. Like this is fantastic! Both humans already aiming their bows at him. Which really is nothing but...there's like a baby here?? And well...he eyes the dead rabbits they have hanging from their belts. He can already tell it's meant for the fledgling, not for themselves. Oh, he gets it.
"Fellas fellas! Surely we can come to an understandin. I know you don't want your friend getting hurt and I don't want it getting hurt, so like. Mutual agreement there, yea?"
"What are you doing to him?"
They still didn't put the bows down. Annoying.
Sapnap sounds mad...is he mad at him? Dream hopes not. But he can't go see them, he's feeding and he doesn't want to waste cause that's bad too!! But he missed them so much!!
Techno can sense the fledgling becoming restless. If only it would swallow his blood this would be SO much easier.
"Alright. I know you guys just wanna help your friend. Real sorry he got bit and all that. But like, I'm just gonna take it off your hands now, yea? Would hate to have to hurt you two considering I can tell it likes you two as well."
They aren't making a move. Tense.
"Dream, come here." Oh, Dream. That's a nice name.
"Your friend is kinda busy, unfortunately. Being really difficult actually. You guys have any idea what that's about?"
Okay. Maybe he shouldn't be dragging this conversation. If the fledgling doesn't swallow he can always try and feed it again once they've made it back home. He'll have fresh blood in him after this anyways. He hates for his fledgling having to watch him drain it's friends but. They'll have plenty of time to get over it.
"You're feeding him blood?" "Can you help us?"
Now they're lowering their weapons.....Heh???? Where'd the fear go? What's happening?? They're just walking up to him, what's happening, what are they doing?? There's no malicious intent....maybe some hesitation? But nothing that's triggering his instincts to kill these humans. This is weird. This is Weird!
"Whats wrong with him?" "Are you helping him?"
They're both just on either side of him and looking at the fledgling. What is this. He's never met humans so casual with him before. Even when he's pretending to be a human(Phil says he's Awkward.)
"Whats wrong Dreamie?"
The fledgling whines.
Oh. "It's not swallowing."
"Dream, swallow."
The relief that floods through Dream at finally being able to drink. And he gulps and gulps. And it's delicious and he loves it and he just wants to drink it forever. Until. Until..
"Sorry, we taught him that so in case he goes all crazy he won't just be sucking everyone's blood, ya know?"
Techno is staring at the human on his right. He's got brown hair and is petting the fledgling's hair. They. These humans trained this fledgling like a dog. Huh. He's heard stories of humans able to control vampires as weapons but....this is clearly not that...?
Though Techno isn't able to ponder any further as he can already feel the bond forming now with the blood connecting them. Despite these...bizarre humans, he's still bringing this fledgling home (maybe he needs to bring these two humans as well....no. NO. NOT 3 FLEDGLINGS SHUT IT.)
Fledgling? Fledgling?
Who? Confused. Who?
You. Fledgling. Young. Thirsty. Full?
"How much does he have to drink?"
Techno startled from the forming bond. This is. strange. Usually this is an Intimate. Thing. Feeding a fledgling. His own instincts still on the whack and just cooing at the baby, so happy it's finally drinking from him. (Stop suggesting to turn the other two humans. He is Not doing that.)
"Uhh...Just enough to form a bond....?"
"Whats that?"
This is too much for Techno. Why is he explaining this to humans. Why are they so nonchalant???
"Ya know. Usually humans are screaming and running away from me."
"Yea, but you're helping Dream. Right? And we've never seen another vampire act like...Dream before. He usually knows when something is bad anyways. And he looks pretty relaxed right now."
....he wishes Phil was here right now.
"Right...I'm gonna- you know what. Once it's done you we can all have a little Q&A session."
"Alright." They both say. They're. Strange.
No. More more. Hungry. Good.
Enjoy Sire's blood?
Sire. Your Sire.
Techno sends authority through the bond, his fledgling still fighting. But instead of submission....he feels panic coming through the bond now. Too much panic. That's not-
Dream rips himself off Techno's wrist. He's gasping and whining. Holding his head and yanking at his hair.
"Dream? What's wrong?!" The two humans are trying to comfort the fledgling. But it just keeps whining.
Then. Suddenly the bond is just. Cut.
Dream vomits.
So like.
That kinda was getting away from me pfft. Anyways Techno gets covered in blood and bile oops. Very gross. Very upsetting. It's George and Sapnap yelling and being grossed out. Dream, in true baby fashion, is crying. (He does hate he gets like that)
Anyways once they get settled again (Techno is waiting for his top to dry out in the sun, the three of them are NOT ogling)(Techno is wondering how he got himself in this situation), it's the four of them sitting in this dingy lil cave and snf talking about Dream to Techno. (Techno witnessing Dream scenting the two. Oh. Oh no. This fledgling thinks those two are his Sires..his own instincts ramping back up in anger and want and-.)
Dream's instincts radically quieted down now that snf are back and he's happily drinking from his rabbits (he much rather the bland tasting blood than whatever Techno's blood was doing to his head. He didn't like it!!)
Snf eventually going "oh yea no he wasn't bitten he just died and became like this. Lmao."
Techno. Mind boggled. That's not. Normal.
It's a lot of exposition, a lore drop if you will, explaining to snf the difference between bitten and unbitten.(kinda) How unbittens are more like vampires with rabies and he's never seen one before who is....like Dream. Snf trying to explain their town has a lot of old vampire knowledge and were just following the stuff they heard growing up. Along with doing their own research and going through some dusty old books. Which really consistent of warnings on how not to turn into a vampire and that a lot of blood is needed to keep them satiated. But they never really knew vampires are usually sensible. They thought Dream was unique in that aspect. (which he kinda is in this time period, for an unbitten)
Tbf. Bitten vampires themselves don't really have a lot of unbitten knowledge, they know some legends like how they came to be because of unbittens but believe it was purely chance that it happened. They know unbittens are usually caused by people who had it rough in life ("oh...so Not cause Dream was a troublemaker." "Bruh how does that make any sense" "how does your reasoning make any sense either" "...can't argue with that."), and that unbittens usually have a bit of clarity for a couple days before going mad and even trying to prevent it is fruitless, at least to their knowledge (not that bitten have tried very hard to help unbitten, mostly cause they never really have the chance to)
"We call it a madness scent. That's how we can tell which vampires are going rogue from lack of blood or because they're an unbitten. We can always help a vampire recover after giving them some blood. Unless it's an unbitten. There's no coming back after that from what we know, they need a constant supply of blood, as you guys know, but I only need to drink every so often and not that much either as we get older. I have no idea what my blood could do to Dream honestly. Probably why he threw it up."
They all look at Dream. He releases his rabbit and starts to explain himself that the blood actually tasted really good! But he didn't like the voice in his head, his body just vomited out of reaction to get it to stop.
"You didn't like the bond?"
"I. Didn't mind it at first? But..." He can still feel the echos of Techno trying to establish himself as his Sire, he feels queasy..."I didn't like it after."
Hm. Odd. Techno doesn't exactly have the best fledgling knowledge either, just what his instincts say (which are currently whining that their fledgling rejected them!! They have to try again!!!)
Oh well...This all does lead to a very weird Human and "Acutal" Vampire friendship between him and snf. Which snf are totally chill with (more fascinated that not all vampires are just blood thirsty monsters) and Techno. Has human friends who knows he's a vampire too, so he guesses this isn't new....it's just....
"So. This is gonna be awkward. But I'm still have to take Dream with me."
The three of them wildly confused and Dream almost choking on his rabbit blood. Sure, now snf were given the base knowledge of what a fledgling needs to grow up healthy but...they've been fine as it is!
"Bruh. You won't be able to satisfy him forever, he's still an unbitten. You guys give him barely anything everyday (hey!), what happens when winter comes and there's no more game hm? Also going by fledgling standards, he's not getting any vampire blood, a stunted fledgling is gonna lead to all sorts of issues too."
"We'll figure it out."
George is insistent, Sapnap is fidgety.
"Could we come along if you really do have to take him?"
Techno can feel the start of a headache with his instincts chanting '3 fledglings!! 3 fledglings!!'
"Sure. Fine." (Yayayayay!!! ....Shut UP.)
The 3 of them staring at Dream. He looks like. He's about about to cry again...
Sapnap and George already crowding around Dream(Techno prickles at how close they are to his fledgling) and asking him what's wrong, why can't they go? He'd be healthy and these are friendly vampires to us, it'll be fine, they can help take care of you. We can finally move on for a better life yea?
It's not helping. Dream trying really hard not to cry. He really is. Sapnap and George are right!! This is the best opportunity theyve ever gotten!! But his instincts are so overwhelmed now!!! They want him to leave the cave(nest)!! He can't leave!! He just can't!! (Just a baby, baby can't leave nest. Left nest too many times already, it's bad and dangerous and can't leave!!)
"Well if Dream doesn't want to leave, you can't take him."
George says it so matter-of-factly. Like Techno doesn't have the power to just rip the fledgling away from them and force himself as Dream's new Sire. It wouldn't be hard forcing the fledgling to not throw the blood back up, to keep it inside until it's all absorbed. Forcing the bond. (His instincts say Yes yes. Anything to bring the baby home. Make it ours. Make the fledgling ours.)
But Techno will look at Dream's watery green eyes one more time...
He sighs. There's no helping it. If he were able to re-Sire Dream earlier this wouldn't be an issue but Dream is apparently freaked out by bonds (Techno suspects its cause he imprinted on humans instead of a vampire). And he wouldn't want to make his fledgling so stressed out, he wants Dream to come to him. And Dream will. Techno just...needs to do a little more research (and make his nest big enough to fit three fledglings for no reason at all).
"Fine. But I'm going to return to make sure you three aren't all dead. I need to ask a friend about all of," he motions to them, "this thing you guys have going on. An unbitten fledgling with two human sires. I sound ridiculous just sayin it out loud."
Techno is coming back :0!! Dream's instincts aren't too displeased by that! (Actually hoping he might stay forever now that this is a nice vampire. Be part of the coven!! Forever with George and Sapnap :D!!)
"I can't believe I'm leaving this fledgling homeless..." Phil is gonna kill him....
"HEY >:0!"
Before Techno leaves Dream does end up scenting him too. Which. Makes it very hard to actually leave. But this cave is dingy and he needs more info from Phil (without Phil actually coming here too or they're gonna be fighting who gets to keep the baby) He leaves as the sun is just starting to set and Dream does ask if maybe Techno can stay :(!!! (He knows his Sires will be leaving soon too....he doesn't wanna be alone...) (Techno knows if he stays the night he Won't be leaving ever, instincts Will root him here too) Techno declines. He'll be back before mid summer surely.
George and Sapnap. Aren't very pleased seeing Dream rub up against Techno. That's their new thing Dream does to them Only. Sure Techno says that's actually vampire behavior and not Dream suddenly being very cuddly. Were they vampires there would be fighting happening right now. They're just mildly affected by Dream's baby aura lmao It'll get worse as time passes :)
There is a lot snf don't end up asking Techno cause they are focused on this topic of bitten and unbitten and some sparse fledgling care knowledge(which snf cant really provide unfortunately). Techno also isn't a fountain of information here either, written knowledge is for humans cause they forget and die and need to tell their descendants whatever they gotta. Vampires can just. Remember. And live basically forever. There is common knowledge amongst all vampires(typically) but a lot of it is just word of mouth, sharing knowledge with each other. But vampires aren't really the traveling bunch either. Leaving the nest is probably the only time a vampire will travel to find their own place to set up a home, but even most vampires don't do that. The years that a fledgling is supposed to be in a nest is when they're learning everything from their Sires too. Very key developmental period yes yes
Techno does know more than the average since he does go traveling town to town to help out, but it isn't much help to Dream's situation. It's also strange to be delving this knowledge to humans, kind of taboo. Don't want that info getting to hunters.....(not foreshadowing)
Anyways the friendly encounter snf have with Techno will 100% make them believe all bitten vampires are cool. This will lead to future issues :).
I think that's it for now? There's a few things I wanted to expand on more since its really vague and this is all a pretty summarized interaction but meh another time lmao
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The English Client — Thirty-six
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: none
— TAGLIST: @esolean @localravenclaw @slytherins-heir @thiefofthecrowns
It wasn’t until the afternoon that she and Tom were free to leave the station. A few of the Baron’s closest friends, among them Signor Luce, had vouched for their presence at the shop the night before, although none of the parties would explain why they were there at all. From the looks exchanged between Inspector Bombulo and the sergeant, they must have suspected something foul. Human trafficking, probably… But nothing that they could accuse the Baron’s wealthy friends of. Caught in the middle of this cavalcade and seeming innocent, they were released.
The two went home together and stayed quiet the whole way. The morning trams had just started running, but they felt none of the exhaustion that they should have. Adrenaline ran its shrill course through both of them. Tom went with her to her flat without even asking and privately dreaded what she’d say when they were finally in the safety of her room, but she prolonged his suffering and continued to say nothing much at all. Every time he looked at her he could see her eyes wide with fear and dark with grim foreboding. She always did love to fret so much, his dear…
“Is my Italian really that bad?” he asked as they were taking their shoes off.
She looked up at him from beneath her lashes and finally smiled. “Not half as bad as your French.”
He was relieved to have even gotten an insult from her — something which only weeks ago would’ve been outrageous to him.
She undressed, then gently stripped the clothes off him as well. Donatien’s clothes. If Tom had much life left in him he would’ve blushed. Without even asking how he’d come to wear them — had she even caught him changing back from the Polyjuice potion? — she threw them to the side and hugged him, skin melting against skin. He read in it apologies and supplications for having kissed Donatien, but could only smile. He had been the one to tempt her, after all.
“It was a horrible night,” she muttered against his chest.
“Oh, I don’t think it was so bad,” said Tom with a thin smile, his arms wrapped around her tightly.
“Of course you don’t. You finally got what you wanted.”
Too proud to ask for her forgiveness, Tom said nothing more, and in the bright morning, they went to bed together. He found that he preferred the silence. If neither of them said a word they could pretend the night had never happened, that everything was just as it was before, and would keep being so without such a fast-approaching end to all of it. But he could feel her holding onto him more tightly than she ever did, and he might’ve done the same. With fingers intertwined, she clasped his hand in hers as if to dream was to risk being cast adrift.
They were woken up quite late, at around six in the evening, by the ringing of the telephone. She rolled out of bed like a clumsy little storm and picked up before Tom could even groan.
“Yes?” she sighed. “Hello, mother. Yes, I sound tired because I am. No, I —” A pause in contemplation. “No, you know what, yes, I did just wake up.” The ghost of angry chiding on the other end. “Because I came in late last night. Anyway, how are you?”
Tom, lying on his stomach and so sleepy he could hardly feel his body, turned his head to look at her. There was a different quality to her voice that day, an impetuousness, a sharpness, something consummately stronger. He knew he’d had no part in it but he still felt quite proud.
“No,” she sighed, “I can’t tell you why. Because I can’t. And actually, I don’t even want to tell you. That’s right. Fine then. Fine. Go ahead, hang up.”
She slammed the receiver down as soon as it began to beep. Then, like a naked warrior emerging from the heat of battle, she fell upon the bed and groaned. Tom chuckled as he watched her cuddle close to him again and opened his arms to receive her.
“Mmmm… What time is it?”
“Half past one.”
“I made tea.”
“Is it magic tea?”
“Shut up.”
“I’m serious!”
“Do you want it or not?”
“Yes, please.”
“Then sit up.”
“Thank you…”
“And to answer your question, yes, I did brew it with magic.”
“Careful! You’ll spill it!”
The whole day was wasted, at least from Tom’s point of view. He was stared at as if she could just by looking at him discover yet newer and more fascinating things about him. And the questions, the endless questions… She wanted to know where he’d learned everything and could hardly believe that it was in a school. Tom must have made it sound like the most ordinary thing — because, to him, it was. She was expecting, of course, that it was from some hermit living in a cave or a secret cult of witches, or from a book that she too could have found and read. Tom had to tell her with a secret little sting in his heart that it was not possible.
Then, quite reasonably, she wanted to know just what he’d done to Mr. Malfoy.
“I can’t tell you. But it’s harmless, I promise.”
He’d brought the book home as well, still in its decorative box. It amused him how although she’d handled it extensively the night before, now she was too afraid to touch it. She stared at it intensely though after Tom took it out. They made plans together on where to hide it. There was no indication that the Carabinieri would visit them at home but he wanted to prepare just in case.
“I’ll be damned if I let it fall into muggle hands again.”
“What’s a muggle?”
In the end, he decided to disguise it as a box of matches. It took several minutes for her to close her mouth after she saw him perform the simple spell, and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t cute.
“They’ll get suspicious if they see it and notice you don’t smoke, though,” she said once she came back to her senses. “Especially considering they’re investigating arson at the Baron’s library.”
“…Packet of chewing gum, then.” He’d never before been so happy to have such a clever girlfriend.
“So you can just… change something into something else?”
“Magic would be very dull if it couldn’t even accomplish that, wouldn’t it?”
“And people too?”
“And people too?”
“To be specific, that’s a potion.”
“OW!” he shouted as she hit him in the arm. He realised now whenever she’d done it before she was only playing at it.
“I knew he sounded strange!”
“The potion doesn’t change your voice, I had to — Ow!”
“And you made me feel bad about it!”
“You chose to feel bad. Ah, stop it!”
Fortunately, she was too distracted with hitting every part of him she could reach to ask what happened to the real Donatien. With any luck, she never would know.
Slowly, as they always did, they made up, and to wash all the unpleasantness out of her mind the faster Tom suggested they go out. They went for a walk, stopping for a quick meal at the first clean restaurant they saw, and by sunset, they found themselves before the Baron’s building.
There was still a little crowd outside and a police car that was empty, but they’d missed most of the fuss. The fire had been contained before it consumed the whole building, but the library was completely destroyed. The newspapers were reporting speculation that the blaze was the result of an occult ritual gone wrong, and by the time the two of them joined the onlookers the latest whisper was that the old man had tried to open a portal to hell. Tom couldn’t be happier.
“I won’t ask why you’re smiling.”
“But I know you shouldn’t.”
“Oh come now, don’t you find it at least a little bit amusing? And fitting?”
“You’re horrid.”
“You’ve only just noticed?”
She sighed but kept holding his hand.
“What happens now?” she asked as they started walking home.
“What do you mean?”
“Will you leave me?”
A lump formed in his throat and he had to force the words out. It was a struggle to speak calmly, smoothly, with no sign of a tremble in his voice.
“I have to.”
“But why?! You’re a… you’re a wizard,” she whispered, even though there was nobody around anymore. “You can live anywhere, do anything!”
“If only it were that simple…”
Her face was such a perfect melding of angry and sad. It was, in fact, perfect in every way.
“You just think I’m not good enough for you, don’t you?” she said, standing before him with heartbroken fury.
The thought had crossed his mind. It was actually one of the favourite things he told himself when he needed a reminder that he’d have to leave. But the longer he searched for an answer for her, the more he was confronted with the looming phantom of a thought — the truth was in fact the opposite: he’d never felt good enough for her.
“Tom,” she sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. “Just tell me…”
“Why? Would it give you great pleasure in hearing it?”
“No,” she said with a pained smile. Her voice wavered with unshed tears. “But I’d rather hear it than keep thinking it. Pull it out of my head and be done with it.”
Her voice struck Tom like a blade, like a talon, like a thorn caught somewhere between his heart and ribs that pained him with every breath. It would’ve been so easy to say it, just as he’d found it easy to think it, but the words got stuck along the way and choked him.
It started snowing just then, the first snow of the year. Neither of them cared to look at it. Her face was veiled behind her foggy breath and slowly stars of snowflakes gathered in the soft canopy of her hair. Tom reached to touch one and let his gloved hand linger until he could cup her face. She stepped closer, a lost doe seeking warmth, and pressed her hands against the lapels of his coat.
“Ask me to come along with you again,” she said. “Ask me one more time, just like you used to.”
He cocked a brow. That was the last thing he had expected her to say. Every time he’d offered she shot him down, and now? She knew just as well as he did that it would look suspicious, given the circumstances. But something in her voice was… desperate. Was she really as in love with him as she seemed to be, or was she just expecting him to get her out of trouble?
“Ask me,” she said again.
“Why? You’ve said no plenty of times.”
In truth, he’d only asked her to join him in England in an attempt to gain her trust — to get closer to the book. The Polyjuice solution had made her no longer necessary as he could get the book from Malfoy directly in a way that satisfied the protection spells around the shop. But standing before him she seemed genuinely hurt in a way Tom couldn’t comprehend — or didn’t want to. He had barely begun to comprehend his own feelings, fraught as they were.
Her jaw was tight, her eyes smouldered, and Tom remained silent and unmoving. Whatever it was she thought, she didn’t say it. Instead, she turned sharply on her heels and left. Or would have. Tom had gripped her elbow and he would not let her go.
“Why do you wish to leave with me? Why now?”
She threw a frown at him, so angry at his rejection that it clouded all her thoughts. She said nothing but it didn’t stop Tom from trying to read her mind.
“Why?” he asked again.
But she ripped herself out of his grip before he could read her thoughts and turned away, trotting through the soft floating snow.
He plated the book in front of him and it landed with a gentle thud. With the reverence of a bridegroom on a wedding night, Tom reached down and pulled the cloth away and saw the horrid face of dead dry leather, stitched up, shining in the candlelight. He had to convince himself he was worthy of touching it. It wasn’t every day he read a book written by the devil. He spent a few moments just contemplating the cover, the feel of it, the binding, the scent of an old corpse... Books like this should be savoured. It was like a whole new world one stepped in with their fingers, a mind cracked open like a shout of thunder crashing through the air.
What craftsmanship that had gone into it, what care… Going as far as selecting the right skin for it, the blood to make the ink, the parchment lacquered in black wax to make the pages shine. Someone had loved this book with all the fervour and the pain of a mother giving birth, and throughout its lengthy life so far, it had known many other loves. Obsessive, possessive love, yet reverent as well. It did not escape Tom’s notice that it would make a worthy Horcrux.
But, on the off-chance that it really was written by a demonic being, binding his soul to it might not be such a good idea.
He cracked it open. It groaned. The pages sighed upon being exposed and the front cover fell upon the desk like a foot tapping down. The same devil on the frontispiece waved at him in silence as that which Mr. Malfoy saw.
“Venetiae, apud Aristidem Torchiam & LCF,” he read out loud. Looking more closely, he noticed a thin writing on the foot of the demonic throne, almost less of a text and more of a clawed scribble. “Sic luceat lux… Thus let the light shine.”
#Tom Riddle#Tom Riddle x reader#Tom Riddle x OC#Tom Riddle fanfiction#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#sswallow;fanfics#sswallow;made a thing#fanfic;englishclient
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It Only Matters How You Look
Summary: It’s been six months since Shadow, the master thief, has thrown down the gauntlet against Fives. And he’s no closer to catching her now than he was six months ago. But he’s not going to give up. Not now, or ever.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 3713
Warnings: Reader is a thief, heated kissing, Reader called Shadow in some parts as a codename
A/N: This is a sequel to Knew You Were Trouble and the title comes from a Miranda Lambert song called "Mama's Broken Heart". I'm still very sick, but apparently having a fever makes me want to write lots, so here you have it.
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The small office that Master Nu gave him when he agreed to start hunting Shadow is no longer big enough to contain the investigation. And that’s only in part because his group has grown by several vod’e.
In fact, they are now a squad, five strong, serving under the orders of Master Nu.
Rex hadn’t been thrilled to lose Fives and Echo. And had been even less thrilled three months later when Jesse, Dogma, and Tup were also pulled from the 501st to work under Master Nu.
To be fair, Rex’s temper was nothing compared to General Skywalker’s temper when he found out that he lost both of his ARCs, and then his third ARC only a few months later.
Fives only found out about General Skywalker’s tantrum later, after it had been dealt with. He also only found out later that said tantrum got him removed from leading the 501st and sent to a retreat somewhere.
To help him decompress from the war, General Kenobi said kindly as he took both the 501st and Commander Tano under his wing.
Recently, Fives heard that General Skywalker is still at the retreat, so he supposes that NatBorns must be more sensitive to war.
Though, if he’s going to be honest, he hasn’t thought of the war much these last few months. The only thing he’s been thinking about has been Shadow.
She haunts him every moment.
When he’s awake, he’s thinking about where she could be and where she’s going to hit next, and trying to find a clue in the mass of evidence he, and his brothers, have collected over the previous months.
And when he’s asleep, he dreams of red-painted lips, thigh-high boots, and skintight leotards.
He is, in a word, obsessed.
Fives pushes his fingers through his curls, messing up his already messy hair, as he stares at the collection of stuff Dogma brought from a lead he and Echo have been following for the last week.
“What is all of this?” He finally asks.
Dogma looks up from where he’s trying to piece together a shredded piece of flimsy, “The hint we got from Dex panned out…sort of.”
“It looks like it was a safe house of some kind,” Echo continues smoothly as he lifts something gold and jewel-encrusted, “But it also looked like no one has been there in years. We took pictures—” He sets the item - a statue of a woman- down on the table and pushes some documents to the side to find a stack of photos, “Ah, here they are.”
Fives takes the pictures his twin offers him and flips through them. Everything in the photos is covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. Though, it doesn’t look like a safe house to him.
Take away all of the treasure, and it just looks like it was someone's home.
Fives flips to the first picture, the only picture that covers the whole room, and he frowns at it. Two beds, a larger bed with a worn blanket and an even more worn pillow, and a child-sized bed with an equally plain, but thicker, blanket and a less worn pillow.
The photo of the closet shows worn clothes for an adult man and then slightly less worn for a female child. The bookshelf has workbooks designed for young children sitting in a basket low enough for a small child to be able to reach.
“You know…” Fives says slowly, “I think this safe house is where Shadow grew up.”
Four pairs of identical eyes focus on Fives and then turn to the pile of evidence that Echo and Dogma collected from the shack. Tup digs through one of the boxes and pulls out a small jewelry box, popping it open with ease.
The jewelry box is filled with rings and bracelets covered in gems, but the jewelry that’s sitting in a place of honor is a bead bracelet made by a small child. The beads read “#1 Daddy”.
“If Shadow was the one who made this bracelet, then maybe she turned to a life of crime because she grew up poor?” Jesse asks, “Who does that shack belong to?”
“No one,” Echo says, and then he pauses and makes a face, “Well, no. It belongs to the Banker’s Guild. Has for over three decades. Before that, it was an empty lot.”
“I guess the Banker’s Guild won’t help us?”
“Legally they don’t have to keep records longer than fifteen years,” Dogma notes absently as he picks up a ring from the jewelry box and squints at it.
“...why do you know that?” Jesse asks.
“I read legal texts for fun.”
“...vod, we need to get you out more—” Tup says with a sigh.
“Fives,” Dogma interrupts, as he sets the ring down and picks up a pendant, “I think this is all costume jewelry.”
“What? Are you sure?”
“I mean, not 100%.” Dogma shrugs, “But all of this stuff that we collected from the safe house looks expensive, but they feel like nickel and colored glass.”
Echo stands suddenly and moves to another box. He digs through the bags for a moment and then emerges with a small bag with a delicate-looking ring. Fives recognizes the ring even from across the room.
Shadow mailed it to him shortly after he first met her.
Echo holds the ring he’s holding next to the ring that Dogma had been looking at, and the difference is as clear as night and day.
The ring that Shadow sent him is one of the most expensive rings found on Coruscant, made of rhodium and naturally formed pink diamonds, you would need to be royalty to be able to afford it.
Shadow stole it from under the nose of Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan. Luckily, House Organa is willing to allow them to hold onto the ring as evidence, especially since it’s housed in the Jedi temple.
“So, what’s the working theory?” Jesse asks, “Shadow became a thief because she grew up in poverty?”
“Her dad was a thief too,” Fives says thoughtfully as he picks up the statue that Echo had been examining earlier, “What if he turned to theft in an attempt to make a better life for his kid?”
“He wasn’t very good at it,” Tup says dryly.
“Right. He wasn’t a good thief, so he was never able to pull them out of poverty, so his kid became a master thief to make up for his failure?” Fives offers.
“So, do we think dad’s still alive?” Echo asks.
The vod’e share a look, and then they turn to Fives, “How old would you say she was, Fives? You’re the only one who’s met her face to face.” Dogma says.
“I dunno…mid-twenties, maybe? But she was wearing make-up, and General Nu said that make-up can make you appear older or younger, depending on your skill.” Fives shrugs, “But let's say she’s in her mid-twenties for ease.”
Dogma nods and makes a note on a piece of flimsy before he pins it to the corkboard behind him. General Nu is a fan of the classics, so they they a mystery board, with a grainy picture of Shadow in the middle.
Fives stares at the picture and then pushes his hand through his curls again, “How about we take a break for a couple of hours? I need some fresh air.”
Echo smirks at him, “You’re going to visit your bookseller, aren’t you?”
Despite his best efforts, Fives can feel a blush creeping up his neck, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Uh-huh. Sure you don’t.”
“Better hope Shadow doesn’t learn about the book girl. You wouldn’t want her to get targeted.” Jesse points out.
At that, Fives glares at his brothers, “It’s not like that!”
“Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I asked her out on a date?” Tup asks.
Fives glares even harder at Tup, “Only if you don’t mind me throwing you out a window.”
“So you don’t want her, but no one else can have her?” Jesse asks, “You know, maybe I’ll go and ask her out too—”
“I’m leaving now!” Fives interrupts, turning on his heel to leave the small room, “Maybe one of you can talk to General Nu about getting a bigger room to work in?”
“I’ll handle it,” Echo says with a grin, “Have a nice date.”
“It’s not a—You know what, forget it.”
Just down the road from the Jedi temple, squished between a liquor store and a lingerie shop, sits the Rainbow Connection Bookstore and Cafe. It’s not the biggest bookstore, but it is popular enough.
College kids like to order their textbooks through you because you don’t charge an arm and a leg, not to mention your cafe is good enough and fairly priced for broke college students.
Honestly, broke college students are your main customers.
It’s not like you need the money from the shop, your alternate revenue stream has already earned you enough money that you could retire right now and spend ten thousand credits a day for the rest of your life, and you still wouldn’t be able to get rid of all your money.
Who says crime doesn’t pay?
Your gaze drifts from one side of your empty shop to the other and then focuses on the news report playing on your datapad.
“That’s right, it’s been three weeks since the Museum of Coruscant was hit by the criminal known as Shadow, and none of the exhibits that were stolen have been recovered—”
Well, duh.
That’s because they’re not on Coruscant anymore. Your client had them shipped to the Outer Rim, so they’re long gone by now. Honestly, by the time the theft had been reported, the artifacts were no longer on Coruscant.
The bell over the door rings as the door opens, and you close the news site as you lift your gaze to the door, “Welcome to the Rainbow Connection~” You say in a sing-song voice.
“Slow day, Princess?”
Only one person on Coruscant calls you Princess, and a wide smile crosses your face as you focus your gaze on the man standing in the doorway, “Well, it’s early still, Fives.”
He looks tired, and you know it’s because he’s been skipping sleep to try and catch you.
Poor dove.
You feel bad about it. But not so bad as to stop.
“Can I get a caf, Princess?”
“Sure thing, extra sugar right?”
“And an espresso shot.”
“Coming right up, hotshot.” You walk to the back of the shop, where the cafe is, and start the caf, and then you lean on the counter, “You look tired.”
“I am tired,” Fives admits as he sinks into a chair, “I’ve been chasing Shadow for six months, and I don’t feel any closer now than I was when I first met her.”
“You’ll figure it out, Fives.” The caf machine stops brewing, and you quickly make his mug the way he likes it, then you walk around the counter to set it in front of him. You sit across from him, rest your chin on the palm of your hand, and watch him take a sip of his caf flavored sugar.
“I don’t know, Princess. I’m beginning to feel like I bit off more than I can chew.”
“Well,” You lean back in the seat, “I don’t know if you know this, but I am pretty clever.”
He grins at you, “Yeah? You fancy yourself a detective?”
“Well, I have read a detective novel or two.”
He laughs, some of the tension draining from his shoulders, “Alright Princess. Well, we got an anonymous tip and it led us to a shack on the lower levels, near the Works.”
“We think it was Shadow’s childhood home.”
They went to my dad’s home?
“Ooh? How exciting! It should be a simple thing to find out who lived there then, right?”
“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Fives sighs, “Turns out that the bank owns the property, and only keeps records for 15 years.”
Oh, thank the Force for minor miracles.
“Really?” You ask, “Only 15 years? That’s a…rather short amount of time, isn’t it?”
“I think so, but that might just be because their policies are ruining my investigation.” He pushes his hand through his curls, and you don’t bother to stifle your giggle, his hair is sticking up in odd directions.
He’s so cute.
He smiles at your giggle, something soft on his face, “How do you always make me feel better?”
“It’s my superpower.” You tease. It’s a shame he’d never look at the real you like this.
Everything about your civilian identity is a carefully crafted facade. The messy hair, the glasses, the massive sweaters, the calf-length skirts, and the sensible boots were all picked out to make you seem soft and harmless.
Your hair? Styled this way with hair gel and water.
The glasses? Fake, the lenses are glass.
The massive sweaters? Chosen to make you look like you’re hiding in them.
The calf-length skirts? Chosen to make it look like you’re not an athletic person.
The boots? Steel-toed for self-defense…and also designed to look a size larger than your actual shoe size.
“Well,” Fives says as he finishes his caf, “I appreciate your superpower.” He absently twists his mug in his hands, “I should get back to it, I think I’ll head out and interview around Shadow’s childhood home, see if I can get anything from the neighbors.”
Good luck with that. My neighbors growing up are all dead.
“Well, be careful,” You say, “The area around the Works isn’t safe after all.”
“Aww, worried about me, Princess?” He winks at you.
You huff and lift a single shoulder, “Well, I’m not anymore. Let me make some caf for you and your brothers to go. And maybe some sandwiches.”
“You are an angel among women,” Fives praises.
At that, you laugh. “Hardly. I just don’t like seeing people go hungry.” That might be the most honest thing I’ve ever said to him.
It takes you fifteen minutes to get the five sandwiches made up how the five men prefer and to make their travel cups. But you send Fives off with a bag of carefully labeled food and caf, and a warning to be careful.
Fives last comment to you before he heads back toward the temple is a reminder to lock up your shop before you head home for the night, and then he vanishes into the crowd.
You step back into your shop, and a small smile crosses your lips, “Well. If Fives is going to visit my childhood home, I should be there to greet him, shouldn’t I? It’s only polite.”
“What a miserable place,” Fives mutters under his breath as he kicks a piece of trash out of the road and over to an overflowing trashcan.
He’s been here for hours now, and so far he hasn’t met a single person who knows the people who used to live in the old shack down the road. Not even the oldest people living here know them.
He releases a heavy breath. Another dead end. Of course.
Fives turns to head back the way he came, then freezes when he sees the silhouette of someone sitting on the roof of the shack he had investigated.
Someone wearing a high nerftail and a long coat.
He knows it’s her before he can see any details.
Swiftly, Fives runs over to the shack and hoists himself up onto the roof. The building is sturdier than it looks, easily able to hold his weight. “Shadow.”
She turns her head, a secretive smile on her red-painted lips, “Soldier boy,”
“You’re under arrest,”
“Oh, darling, you haven’t caught me yet.” She leans back slightly and her heeled boots lightly kick against the side of the shack.
“Yeah? We’re on a roof, where are you going to go?”
She laughs, and Fives kind of hates himself when his heart skips a beat at the sound. “Won’t you sit with me? I heard that you were poking around.”
Fives clenches his jaw. He should arrest her. Or shoot her. But even as he thinks that he walks over to her and sits next to her. She’s…tiny. Sure, he’s a decently big guy, but even compared to that, she’s still tiny.
“It’s the malnutrition.” She explains, almost as if she can hear his thoughts, “If you live in starvation for long enough, it has lasting side effects.”
“So, this was actually your house growing up?”
“Mm. I lived here with father.” She leans forward, and her long hair tumbles over her shoulder, “The houses are riddled with toxic mold, every single one of them. Not to mention toxins in the water, no heat, and gang violence—”
“You were just a kid! How could your father keep you here?”
She laughs again, though this time it is a bitter noise, “He did his best, but he grew up around here too. By the time I came around, heavy metal toxins had eaten holes into his brain. The fact that he lived as long as he did is, frankly, a miracle.” She pauses, “He died when I was six, if you were hoping to find him.”
Damn, busted.
“The Devoranian seemed to think that he was still alive.”
She turns to look at him, her smile growing, “Oh, silly man. Do you think six-year-old girls can live on their own?”
The information is like a punch to the gut, “Adopted. You were adopted. And your adopted parents are the ones who turned you into this.”
She shrugs, “Believe what you like. But this is the only hint you’re getting.” She pauses and then smacks the side of her fist into the palm of her hand, “Oh! Right! Did you like the ring?”
“The ring?” Fives blinks, and then glowers at her, “You mean the ring you stole from the Queen of Alderaan?”
“...no? The other ring.” She pauses, “Hm, maybe you haven’t found it yet. Oh well! I’m sure you’ll find it eventually.”
Fives stares at her, “You stole another ring?”
“Uh…I am a thief.” She pushes to her feet and stretches, “Anyway, time for me to go. So much to do, you see.”
Fives scrambles to his feet, “Wait! You—”
He’s not able to finish his sentence as there’s a flash of red, a ribbon wrapping around his wrist to hold him still. And then her lips, warm and impossibly soft press against his, and his heart stutters.
“Until next time, darling,” She whispers against his ear, and then he’s free and she’s gone.
He can still feel her lips against his, he can still taste her on his lips, and he wants to kiss her again. And he hates himself for that, too.
Fives pulls his comm out with a shaky hand and calls Echo. He starts talking before Echo can greet him, “I need you to search the Evidence room. You’re looking for a ring that isn’t in an evidence bag. A new one.”
“Sure thing.” Echo pauses, “You good?”
“No. Not really, but I’m not hurt. Just…do that for me and tell me if you find anything.”
“...can do. Be careful, Vod.”
Fives doesn’t answer, he just hangs up. He didn’t mean to worry his brother, but he just can’t right now.
Then he dials a second number, and waits.
“Hello?” A familiar voice, soft and warm, echoes across the line, and Fives feels his heart settle.
“Hey Princess, you busy?”
“Just doing some shopping, but I’m free to talk. What’s up?”
“I just…I needed to hear your voice, that’s all.”
She’s quiet for a moment, “Do you want me to come to you, Fives?”
“No. It’s not safe here. Can I come to your place?”
“Ummm…You can. I just…I haven’t cleaned in a bit—” She sounds so upset about that, that Fives can’t help but laugh, the weight on his heart lifting.
“I don’t mind. I just need to see you.”
She’s quiet for a moment, “Alright. I’ll send you the door code and address so you can get in. I trust that you won’t do anything weird.”
“Never.” Fives pauses, “Princess?”
“Thank you.”
45 minutes later, Fives is sitting on her couch.
His Princess’ home is so…her. There are bookshelves lining all of the walls and the overflow of books is piled on the floor. Not to mention cute little knickknacks sitting on open shelves and counters.
Her home is warm, cozy, and adorable. Just like her.
He stands when the door opens, and his Princess walks in carrying four bags full of groceries. “Here, let me help with that,” Fives says as he takes the bags and sets them on an open counter.
“Oh, thank you!”
She’s not wearing her glasses, but then he remembered her mentioning once that she normally wears contacts when she’s not working. It doesn’t matter, she’s still adorable.
“I’m not bothering you, am I?”
“You could never.” She reassures with a bright smile.
“Oh, good.” Fives watches her kick off her shoes and then turn to start sorting the groceries, and then he moves.
His hand comes out to cradle her cheek. She’s so soft. So soft and so warm.
Fives leans in and catches her lips with his. She tastes like strawberries, likely from the lipgloss she prefers, and Fives knows that he could lose himself in her kisses.
He wants to lose himself in her kisses if she’ll let him.
His tongue flickers against her lower lip, and she releases a faint whimper, her fingers curling around the material of his top. Then Fives breaks the kiss, realizing that he probably went too far.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, she’s still standing close enough that her breath is fanning across his face, “I should have asked if you were okay with that.”
She looks flustered, but she also shakes her head, “I didn’t mind.” She drops her gaze to avoid his, “I wouldn’t mind if you did it again—”
A relieved laugh falls from him, and then he leans in and kisses her again. All thoughts of Shadow rush out of his mind as he curls his arms tightly around his Princess and deepens the kiss.
#star wars#tcw#star wars au#arc trooper fives x reader#fives x reader#star wars fanfiction#x reader fanfiction#f!reader fic
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| a companion to 'Visiting Day' | contains sexual content |
Coriolanus can’t stop staring at it.
He’s been sitting on the edge of his small cot for the past five minutes just staring at the small photograph in his hands.
This photograph should be framed and put in museums.
He had gotten a letter today, which he expected, she always writes to him. But he hadn’t expected this particular photograph to be a part of the letter.
Being stationed in District Twelve has been less than desirable, but, Coriolanus often reminds himself of what's waiting for him back home in the Capitol. A diploma commending his time spent serving his country for starters, an extra credit towards his studies at the University, the fame and glory that will come his way since he's one of the only people in his year to take on this task, and of course, his loving girlfriend Soarynn Nightingale.
He saw her two months ago when she came to visit, six hours had never gone by so fast before. He has less than two weeks left but it feels like years now that the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. And this photograph is not helping.
Soarynn has sent him lots of photos before, photos of her and Petunia, photos of her and her friends, and more photos of Petunia, he's used to getting photos from Soarynn. He's got a drawer full of them.
But this photo will be taken to the grave.
It's a photo of her in white lingerie, beautiful lingerie at that.
The bralette pushes up her breasts while her hands press against her hips, giving him a peek at the panties she's wearing. This must be a part of some intricate set with garters and thigh highs and yet she's teasing him by cutting the picture off at her hips.
That little vixen.
He'd be lying to himself if he said that he didn't constantly think about their little reunion on visiting day, how tightly her cunt wrapped around him, how breathy her moans were, and how soft her skin was. Living with stinky men caused Coriolanus to find a whole new sense of gratitude for his girlfriend who was always so feminine and gentle.
No, six hours had not been enough time.
And the amount of comments he got about her after the visit was astounding. Men were absolutely floored at the fact that Coriolanus had the most beautiful girl they'd ever seen on his arm. Some of them couldn't believe that she was truly his but Coriolanus wasn't surprised at all.
To him, it made perfect sense.
Soarynn Nightingale is a beautiful girl, one might even say the most beautiful in all of Panem, therefore enabling her to pick whoever she wanted to be her future husband. So considering her wide array of choices, she'd want someone of equal status and importance, someone who was also attractive, who dressed well and was well versed in Capitol etiquette. Someone who could take care of her, shower her with gifts and expensive trips.
Someone like Coriolanus Snow.
Coriolanus prided himself in how well he took care of Soarynn, ensuring she was always safe, warm, fed, and properly fucked to her liking.
But this photograph might push him over the edge.
Coriolanus carefully sets the photograph on the bed next to him and his fingers fumble to open up the letter she sent him.
To my beloved Coryo, Not a day goes by that I do not think about you, my love. The penthouse feels so empty without you to fill it with your presence. Our friends ask about you constantly, and I assure them that you are still dutifully serving your country without fail. My studies have been faring well, my exams have been easier than I anticipated and I should finish this semester with excellent grades. I can't wait to have you back by my side while studying in the library or strolling through the University courtyard between classes. Petunia misses you dearly, just the other day I found her asleep with one of your socks in her paws. Should I bring her to the train station when I pick you up? Please let me know in advance. I must admit that our reunion all those weeks ago has left me longing for you more than ever before. No one knows my body like you do, including myself. I can't wait for you to come home so we can have a true and proper reunion, no sergeants or soldiers yelling in the background. I've sent a sneak peek of what's waiting for you when you come back home, I went shopping with the girls the other day and they convinced me to buy some new lingerie pieces. I hope this set is to your liking. This photo can serve as a keepsake until we're reunited. My heart is always with you my darling, please keep yourself safe. I can't wait to become Mrs. Snow when you return. Love, Soarynn
Coriolanus runs his fingers over his curls, remembering how it felt when she tugged at them while he ate her out. He remembers how sweet she tasted, how she whimpered so desperately for him.
This photo is going to be the death of him.
Coriolanus glances down at his wristwatch, twenty minutes until it's time for dinner which means he's just getting closer and closer to getting the hell out of here. But it also means that he has a little bit of time to take care of the problem that Soarynn has unknowingly created for him in his boxers.
Coriolanus sighs and unzips his pants, slowly reaching his hand to take hold of his hardened length. Never in his life has he ever had to do this himself, not when Soarynn always offered up her own hands, mouth, or cunt. He always prefers the last one.
But desperate times call for desperate measures.
He quietly sighs once his hand slips under the waistband of his boxers, finally skin on skin. He does his best to recreate how Soarynn usually does it but it just feels so much better when she does it with her dainty little hand and those blue-gray eyes batting up at him as if she's so innocent.
And he usually has at least two fingers lodged in her cunt while she's doing it so that always makes it more fun for him.
"Fuck," he mutters, increasing the pace of his strokes, grabbing the photo with his other hand to get a better look at it. He imagines what it'll be like to have that body on top of him again, to have her skin beneath his hands while he manipulates her body.
He tries to imagine her whimpers, her moans, and gasps while he fucks up into her.
"Oh fuck Soarynn," he grunts, giving his cock one last final stroke before he finishes in his hand.
His forehead is sweaty, and his boxers are now ruined.
Coriolanus takes in a sharp breath once he starts to calm down, settling back into the shitty reality that is living in District Twelve for two more weeks.
But that doesn't excuse him being late for dinner so he makes his way into the bathroom to wash his hands and change out of his pants and into new ones. He tosses his boxers into the wastebin and assesses his appearance in the mirror one last time before walking back into his small room.
He takes the photograph and tucks it beneath the pile of other photos she's sent him over the past few months, making sure it's out of sight for anyone who might dare to rifle through his things.
He'll have to write her once he gets back from dinner.
꧁ ꧂
To my darling girl, I can't wait to have you back in my arms my love, these next few weeks are sure to be sheer torture for my heart and me. Not a day goes by where I do not think of you and the joy you bring me, you simply light up my life. As for bringing Petunia to the train station, please don't. I would be lying if I said that the photo you sent me didn't have a large effect on me and my body, it's been so long since I've felt your touch and I can't wait to experience it again. I'm so proud of you and your studies, you've always been so inclined when it comes to your academics and I can't wait to roam the University halls together once again. I will be thinking of you every moment leading up to our reunion. Take care of yourself, my darling girl, for you are my entire future. Love , Coryo
꧁ ꧂
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
#coriolanus snow#coriolanus fanfiction#hunger games#the hunger games#ao3 fanfic#soarynn snow#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#slaymitchabernathy#wattpad#coriolanus smut#soarynn nightingale#coriolanus x soarynn#coriolanus oneshot#coriolanus fic#coriolanus imagine#original character#oneshot#coriolanus x oc#stay with me always#coriolanus drabble#drabble#possesive coriolanus#presidentssnow
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You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 2/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
He felt arms wrap around his chest, pulling him up and out of the water. He gasped as his head breached the surface, and he came face to face with a young woman.
“Sir! what is that creature you came on!?” the woman asked him. He turned to where she was pointing, and saw a tentacled creature rearing back to attack them. He grabbed a sword that had been lying on the ground, and charged forward, ready to defend.
“Daaaad,” Dani groaned, hanging off Danny’s arm as he flew towards Clockwork’s lair. “Can I pleeease go with you to see Batman? I’m an expert on him!”
“First of all, you’re an expert in Robins and the best way to annoy them, and that’s not the same as being an expert in Batman. Secondly, you and Jazz have been quizzing me nonstop about the guy, I think I’m prepared!”
Dani pouts, “I just think he’s super cool. Besides! I know you’re a coward and you’d never actually talk to the guy without someone pushing you.”
Danny stops to turn to face Dani.
“Sweetie, I know you have a lot of experience hopping between dimensions and multiverses, but this situation is a bit different. Clockwork’s said he specifically sent me because I’m more resistant to the ill-effects of dimension-manipulation magic as an Ancient of Doors,” he takes a breath, making sure Dani’s full focus is on him.
“I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
Dani is still pouting, so Danny reaches out to take her face in his hands.
“I promise when this is settled you can drag me to meet Batman or annoy one of the Robins– whatever you want.”
Slowly, Dani turned wide, watery eyes to Danny. He was only able to keep looking into her puppy eyes for a short while before throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Ugh! Fine! I’ll ask Clockwork if you can at least watch, but I don’t know how much you’ll actually be able to see due to whatever’s blocking him.”
“Yes! Good enough!” Dani whoops, before speeding ahead towards Clockwork’s Lair.
Danny chuckled before following after.
Mordecai had been set to investigate what witch lived in Gotham nailing bats to Church doors. But his eyes were not as clouded as his brothers’, for he knew witches were less common than they liked to believe.
For example, this bat was nailed to the door with a knitting needle Goodwife Tyler had been using just yesterday. Mordecai knew too that Matthew Tyler would often beat his wife and had gone missing not long ago.
Of course, when he brought this to the attention of his fellow witch-hunters and peace-keepers, Brother Malleus had just insisted that Goodwife Tyler must be a witch and sent her to be dunked in the river until she confessed or drowned. Until Mordecai stopped him, that was.
Frustrated with the events of the day, Mordecai set out for the woods to meet with Annie. Many suspected her of being a witch, but she was the only one whose company he found solace in.
They talked of many things together–the accusations of her being a witch, their mutual distaste of Malleus, and Mordecai’s struggle to remember anything before waking up in Annie’s cabin almost 2 weeks ago.
Annie told him too of losing her parents, and being shunned to the woods. Of feeling a bit lost in the twists and turns of life. Mordecai had said then, “We have something in common Annie… both of us lost in our way.”
Danny leaned against a tree, watching Batman and Annie embrace. While he had watched Batman walk around Gotham, using investigative techniques to uncover the lack of witches, he had been mostly impressed that Batman had stayed so committed to his morals even without his memories.
Danny was entranced watching Batman insist on finding a different path forward beyond just declaring anything odd as witchcraft. It was exactly the kind of behavior Danny sought to promote as Ancient of Doors.
But the conversation he overheard between Batman and Annie was like a bucket of ice water over him. The reminder that Batman was separated from everything he knew, and everything that made him Batman. While he knew he could not actually do anything in this situation, and that even trying would probably lead to something worse, Danny yearned to help the hero he had grown so fond of, both from his own observations and the stories from Dani and other ghosts.
“The dragon’s been sighted in the woods! All witch-hunters fall in!”
Mordecai climbs on his horse, preparing to follow. He may not believe in this dragon, but clearly something is going on. The witch-hunters head into the woods, in the direction opposite Annie’s cabin.
But when they arrive, there’s no dragon—only the bones of seven men.
Mordecai hops off his horse to examine the bodies.
“Do you say now that witches and dragons don’t exist, Brother Mordecai?” Malleus asks.
“No, these men were dead before their flesh was eaten. See there— Matthew Tyler, his head caved in with what was probably a kitchen ladle.”
“Enough! You blame a ladle for this? When there’s a witness?” Malleus turns to face a villager that had come with them, “Tell Brother Mordecai what you saw.”
“It was a great beast, with seven heads and ten horns, just as the scripture tells. Each head was feeding on a different man…but when the bats came out to hunt, it fled.”
As the man spoke, Mordecai felt a sense of familiarity. In his mind, the image of a maw surrounded by thrashing tentacles arose.
Malleus continued, oblivious to Mordecai’s mental turmoil. “I will protect this town, as is my duty to god! They say an eclipse of the sun will come tomorrow, and by then, we will be ready!”
“An eclipse? There was something about an eclipse…” Mordecai muttered.
Malleus kept talking, but Mordecai was no longer listening.
With nothing to hunt, the witch-hunters left back to Gotham. Mordecai left to find Annie, to warn her of what was coming.
“You’re not safe here Annie. Malleus is a fanatic, and he doesn’t care about logic. I fear it’s only a matter of time before he sets his eyes on you. There’s something else too… something in these woods. The creature that attacked me, that night you found me. I remembered a bit more when I saw the traces of its destruction. It wasn’t the Church that sent me here, Annie. And I remember a dead man was with us… wearing these clothes. You took them from him and gave them to me, didn’t you? These are Mordecai’s clothes!” He grabbed on to her arm to keep her from fleeing. She didn’t answer for a moment, but he held her gaze.
“I saw you rise from the water myself. You came when I called. That’s all I know.”
“Called? Where did I come from? I need you to take me there, Annie!”
“Fine. It’s private, hidden. It belonged to the Miagani who were here before us. It means bat-people.” She stood to lead him to the cave where she met him, “I’ll tell you more when we get there, but we’ll have to travel through the night.”
“Always bats…” He mutters.
“I thought Danny said you couldn’t actually see much of what was happening? This is actually pretty clear.” Dani asked from her suspended upside-down position in front of the gear that followed Danny and Batman.
Clockwork turned to her, a small but smug smile on his face. “Well, it’s not totally clear…”
Dani narrowed her eyes at him. “You have some ulterior motive here don’t you, gramps…”
Clockwork turned back to the screens. “Well, I doubt it’s dissimilar to your motivations in encouraging your father to try talking to Batman. He could do with some… companionship.”
Dani looked horrified for a brief moment, thought for a bit, before an evil smile spread across her face. “While I feel like I should be grossed out that you’re trying to set dad up with someone, I think it’d be hilarious to show up at the Robins’ house as their new stepsister.”
“Then, we’re in accord, young Dani?”
“Oh yeah, I’m excited to see where this is going, gramps.”
Clockwork turned to another gear, and pressed his staff to it, showing a different image. “If you’re interested, I might have a mission you can undertake that would make this more… ‘fun’ for you.”
“I’m in!”
The cave was dark, illuminated poorly by the torch Annie carried. And yet, he couldn’t help but note there was something about these caves that felt like…home.
“It was you, wasn’t it? You weren’t out gathering herbs as you told me. It was you who summoned the dragon that killed the real Mordecai, wasn’t it?” he asked, watching Annie.
“I only wanted to chase him away. They sent him to hunt me! All those witch hunters playing at saints, but they don’t shy away from destroying the land and slaughtering animals and other people. The Miagani who were here before us had the right of it, so yes, when Mordecai was sent to hunt me, I prayed to their gods and asked for someone to save me. And then, you came, riding on the back of that thing they call the dragon. If you want to say I’m guilty of being a witch because I worship gods that are not theirs, then I’ll confess to you. My gods are not their god or their devil.”
Mordecai heard something in the quiet after she finished speaking.
“Annie, we have to get out of this place right now. There’s something down there-”
On cue, the tentacled creature rose from the water to attack.
“Run Annie, run!” he yelled, pulling out his swords to fend off the tentacles. He managed to cut one off before he was pushed back by two more. He stumbled, and reoriented himself, preparing to charge back in, but was distracted by quick footsteps approaching. Fearing Annie had returned, he turned to tell her to run again, but stopped short at the sight of a white-haired man in dark leather armor running toward the monster with his sword drawn.
“Look out!”, the other man shouted. Mordecai turned and ducked under an incoming tentacle. He heard a slashing sound as the white-haired man fended off more tentacles heading towards them. The two quickly fell into a rhythm as they fought the dragon, green tentacles and water falling around them as they danced and wove together.
Finally, Mordecai saw an opening at the creature’s mouth. He launched himself forward, sword aimed ahead.
His head breached the water, and he could only splutter and scrabble to keep his head above the water. He made his way to the beach ahead.
“Can’t forget this time… Man of Bats…”
Batman was gone now, and so was the tentacled monster. The residual energy from Batman’s jump felt the same as before.
Danny stepped out of the cave, noting that the eclipse had occurred, and the sun was now peeking out again.
He opened a portal, stepping back into Clockwork’s lair, sighing heavily. He set his sword down, and stretched out his shoulders.
“So…” he started, staring at Clockwork’s back, nervous.
“I’m not mad, Danny. I think you did the right thing.” Clockwork turned to face Danny, smiling slightly. “Come here, and give me your sword.”
Danny came to stand next to Clockwork in front of a lab he must’ve set up while Danny was gone. Danny put his sword on the table. Clockwork got to work taking a sample of the monster’s blood that was still on it.
“I asked your parents to come, as I thought we may be able to make use of their expertise in figuring out what is causing Batman to travel through time. While we’re waiting, we might as well check to see how the monster might be related to what’s happening. I assumed you didn’t read the energy of the monster for yourself.”
“No, I’m sorry Clockwork. Everything happened so quickly, and I just-”
Clockwork put his hand on Danny’s shoulder to cut him off. “I think you handled everything just fine, Danny. It was a stressful situation, and you jumped in to protect Batman, which was good. In any case, we still have the blood from the creature, so we can still just examine that. You made the right choices in the situation, Danny. I don’t want you getting stuck thinking that you could’ve been better when you did what was needed. Now, we just need to focus on next steps.”
“Thanks, Clockwork.” Danny said, smiling slightly. He held out his hand for the blood sample, which Clockwork gave him.
“Now, focus, and see if it’s similar to the energy you detected off Batman before.”
Danny did as Clockwork directed. The energy from the blood felt faint, but Danny was still able to feel it. “It feels the same,” he told Clockwork.
Clockwork nodded, taking the vial and setting it down on the table. “Let’s leave this for your parents to study when they get here.”
“CLOCKY! GRANDPA! I’M BAAAACK!” they heard shouting from below, before Dani, in her human form, popped her head through the floor, her tongue sticking out.
“OH! Dad’s here! Great! Pops and Nana are on their way up too.” Dani finished pulling her body through the floor before running to squeeze between Clockwork and Danny.
They heard the clomping of Jack Fenton climbing the stairs, and a moment later they saw Maddie’s red hair.
“Dann-o! Clockwork called us to say you found something new and mysterious! Tell us everything!”
Clockwork chuckled. “How about we sit down for some tea and hot chocolate first. I see Mrs. Fenton brought fudge, and I should be able to find some cookies I got from an old friend.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Danny said, smiling.
I'm not exactly trying to shy away from "darker" themes, but yeah if I'm not in the mood, I'm definitely going to keep away from things I think are over a certain line.
On that note:
Deliberately didn’t include what happens to Annie in the end, because I felt like it would change the overall tone of this story considering how serious that matter is. Similarly, tried to cut out most of the bible talk, but honestly considering where my biases lie and also just embodying Annie when writing her great rant, I gave up cutting all of it out. I'm hoping it's not too bad.
Spoiler-ish of what happens to Annie if you are planning on reading Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne:
It's not good, but definitely not as terrible as I fear I'm making it out to be. Think 'typical violence against witches'
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