#kinda using all the old ideas for Labyrinth before they settled on modern times
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 months ago
The Goblin King's Huntsman
Ok so, I have been unable to draw or write for a few weeks now, so here's an old thing for the sake of feeling like I'm sharing something :/
Ages ago, I had a dream where Sarah went back to the Labyrinth with an older Toby, and got chased around by a masked figure sent by the Goblin King to capture her and take her prisoner. But eventually, as one does in dreams, the sense came that this persuer was just as much a prisoner of the Labyrinth, and when I woke up I started trying to craft a story for how he ended up as the Goblin King's Huntsman (I think I actually ended up headcanoning he was also the guy with the Muppet Blind Pew type mask at the Goblin Ball who keeps showing up watching Sarah and Jareth)
Long ago, when the mountains we know were no more than mole hills, and our mole hills were taller than the tallest mountains, a king’s daughter lay abed, wasting away from Melancholy. Her one true love had gone away to war, and had never returned. Now it looked as if she would soon follow him. 
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Her father, the king, was distraught with grief and worry. He called all his wizards and wise women to help the princess, but none could discover a spell to cure her. They tried all manner of  weird and worrisome things, slime and snails, puppy dog tails, thunder and lightening. But nothing they tried worked. The princess grew paler and paler and weaker and weaker each day.
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Finally, her father could bear it no longer, and in his grief, made a rash bargain. Now, this kingdom bordered that of the Labyrinth, ruled by the fearsome Goblin King, who would grant you  a wish if you said the right words, but never without a price. It was to him that the king turned. If the Goblin King would help his daughter, he promised to give him anything his heart desired. And the Goblin King agreed.
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"But you must keep your word”, He warned, or terrible things would befall the king’s house.
 That very night, the Goblin King flew to the castle, entering the chamber of the princess in a beam of moonlight, as she lay motionless upon her bed. Taking her by her cold hand, he asked her what would be the first thing she would do if her heart was light once more. Thinking that she dreamt, the Princess replied that if the cause of her sorrow were taken away, she would dance away the night until the sun filled the sky.
With that, the Goblin King lifted her right out of the bed, declaring that they would do just that. And in the blink of an eye the Princess found herself in a beautiful ballroom, dressed in a gown made of tears and moonlight. There, amid a throng of strange and wondrous people, she danced away the night in the arms of the Goblin King. This went on every night for a month, and each day the Princess’s eyes grew brighter, and her cheeks more rosy, and she began to smile more and more.
The court was delighted, and none more so than the king, who had quite forgotten he still had yet to pay the Goblin King’s Price.  The day soon came, however, that the Goblin King presented the glowing Princess to the court, as fresh and lively as she had been before her One True Love was forced to leave her.
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“Your daughter is well once more, neighbor.” said the Goblin King, “And now I would name my price, and I ask for the Princess Seraphine's hand in marriage.”
A cry of shock rang through the court, and none were more stunned by this request than the Princess herself. For though she was grateful to the Goblin King, and now considered him a dear friend, she did not love him,and could not think of anything she had said or done to make him think otherwise.
 “Sir, I will always be your friend, but I cannot marry you. My heart still belongs to Prince Meander, and ever shall until the day I too shall die, and be with him again.”
“ But the Prince is gone, my lady,  never to return. And besides, your father promised when he sought my services to grant whatever request I should ask of him. In my kingdom, you will never die, and as my wife, you  have to ask, and I will turn the universe upside down for your sake.”
Again, the princess repeated her assurance of gratitude and friendship, but stated that no matter what her father had promised, she had made no such bargain, and was not bound to uphold it. She did not love him, and would not marry him. At this second refusal, the Goblin King grew angry, and might have done something in his anger that he would have regretted, but at that moment, the doors to the palace burst open, and a stooped and haggard man stumbled into the hall.
His hair had grown long, and a patch covered one eye. His clothes were tattered and torn, and his armor had long since rusted. But the Princess knew him at once, and rushed to his side before he could fall. It was her One True Love, come back to her against all odds. 
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They fell into each other arms, and kissed as only those who have walked beneath the shadow of death and come back into the sunlight can. And their kiss was so pure, and so true, that though they did not know it, the Goblin King’s claim upon the King and the Princess was utterly broken, for this kiss had healed her far more than any of his magics had.  For a long moment after, the Prince and Princess simply held each other, overcome with joy upon being united. Then the Prince’s eye fell upon the Goblin King.
“Ah! You dare show your face here villain?! You whose fell creatures aided the ranks of our enemies, and you whose dark fogs of forgetting spread out across the fields, ensnaring those trying to return home after? Many a dark and dangerous road I’ve traveled to find my love again.  I know not what mischief you do here, but it ends now!” And he drew a rust cankered sword upon the Goblin King.
The Goblin King did not move, or speak, he simply stood, staring at the lovers. The half-blind prince, with one arm around the Princess, who was holding the shivering, shaking man up as best she could. Her eyes had grown wide as she heard the Prince’s tale, and now they were dark and cold as they looked upon the Goblin King. Finally, with a sweep of his cloak, he bowed to the couple, sneering.
“It seems your ladyship need not wait till Death’s embrace to reunite with your lover. As you’ve made your feelings quite clear, I shall respect your wish, and pursue my suit no further. However, remember this--” 
And in a flash quicker than a strike of lightning, he was by the Princess’s side, whispering into her ear, with all the spite and malice he possessed:
 “The Price is still not paid…”
And then, he was gone.
The kingdom did not see nor hear anything of their worrisome neighbor for many a year, and by and by the unease left by the Goblin King’s threat was lifted. The reunited Prince and Princess were soon married, and in time, the Princess, now the Queen, gave birth to a healthy son, who grew into a fine young boy. He loved nothing more than to wander the fields and forests that lined his kingdom, making friends with all he met, noble or peasant, animal or fae. He was a kind and gentle boy, loved by all who knew him, so that he was never without a friendly eye watching over him, which eased his parent’s worries.
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And then one day, when he was seven years old, he wandered farther than was his want, as though drawn by some strange and silent music. Past the orchards and fields, past the forests and falls, up the airy mountain, down the  rushing glen, into a strange waste land of bracken and gorse, until suddenly, he came upon a gate, bound to a stone wall that seemed to stretch endlessly out across the horizon. 
There was something odd and foreboding about the place, but the young prince was not afraid, for he had never before had need to fear. All the world was his friend. And so without hesitation, he pushed upon the heavy gate. It swung open easily, and the prince skipped inside as it shut silently behind him.
And from that day, his grieving parents never saw the young prince again.
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zefurrwrites-blog · 7 years ago
Commission - Horns of Lynel
“I can’t believe Halloween is only a few days away” a young woman said hopping onto the sidewalk. She was trailed by two of her friends, both of them coming back from the gym while she, from work. “Yeah, it’s crazy how fast the year has went by” the young man coming up next to her said. “Hey Leon, we still on for games later? I gotta go home and change” he said to the blonde haired young man. The boy in question fixed his glasses and adjusted the gym bag on his shoulder. “Yeah sure Chris, I have to shower and stuff anyway. By the way, have you guys gotten your costumes for Caitlin’s party yet? I totally forgot” he asked them. Chris groaned and face palmed his forehead. “Hell, I forgot all about that thing. What about you Miranda?” he said nudging the young woman next to him. “Sorry boys, some of us are proactive” she said winking at them. “I finished my costume weeks ago.” Chris snorted at her. “Guess being a perfectionist fashion major helps huh?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You bet your ass it does. I didn’t spend all those sleepless nights just to sew for the rest of my life.” Chris continued to laugh and provoke their friend and bicker. Meanwhile, Leon was lost in thought wondering what he should wear to the costume party. Knowing Caitlin, he’d have to go all out since her parties are always over the top. “Leon!” Chris said bringing out of his thoughts. He friend slung an arm over his shoulder grinning at some idea he cooked up. “Since you and me don’t have costumes yet, I was thinking tomorrow we can go costume hunting.” Miranda rolled her eyes. “This late into the Halloween season? You two will be lucky to find costume ears around here.” “Aw, ye a little faith Miranda, I’m sure there’s still something around here.” Leon laughed at his friends. “I’m with her on this one dude. It’s even too late to order anything online I bet.” Chris pouted. “Aw come onnnnnn man. Pleeease? I’ll be your best buddy” “I thought you were my best buddy.” “Yeah but now I’ll be even better than that” he persisted. “Besides, you know how Caitlin gets. If everything isn’t perfect we’ll catch the coldest of shoulders and pay later on.” Leon shuddered at the last time they dropped the ball on a Caitlin related event. He still remembers the ice burns. “Okay fine, we’ll go costume shopping tomorrow then” Leon conceded. Chris’ eyes lit up. “Sweet! I’ll just spend the night then haha.” Miranda shook her head at the two of them. They got to her house and she waved goodbye to them. “I’ll see you guys at the party on Saturday. Don’t be late~” she said and closed her door. Luckily they all lived relatively close to one another. Miranda was by the gym where Leon’ car was parked. He loaded his stuff in and got in the car with Chris following. *** That evening, the boys played a variety of video games cycling through various gaming systems. “Well, this game really is worth all the hype” Chris started. “Right!? It’s an awesome Zelda game” Leon said excitedly. Breath of the wild was currently his favorite in the series. “Gliding, climbing whatever the heck you want, tons of eye candy, and taming the horses.” “How crazy was that last shrine dude?” Chris told him taking another handful of popcorn. Leon almost flailed his hands in frustration just remembering. “It was insane! That damn labyrinth with that storm? Was cool that it gave a lot of cool stuff though.” Chris nodded at that. “Was worth the hell we had to go through with those guardians. Luckily, we knew to shield before being weegee’d to death.” Leon spit out his soda at that laughing. “The barbarian headdress item is pretty awesome. Gonna add to the randomness of my character’s outfit.” Leon looks over at the time yawning. “It’s getting pretty late, we should call it a night. Gotta get up tomorrow to go ‘Halloween shopping’ right?” Chris punched his shoulder. “Smartass, but yeah we should head to bed.” He said packing up his switch. Leon turned off the living room and lights and headed for the stairs to his room. “Night man” he called down. “Night dude” Chris said settling in on the couch. *** “Ugh that was the third costume place. It’s like a tornado of wannabe cosplayers came through here” Chris said slumping against a brick wall. Leon sat down next to him and shrugged. “Well, it is like Halloween in 2 days so what’d you expect?” “A lot more than this at least. Even the lame costume are gone!” Leon laughed. “Well I guess we know better for next year right? Ready to call it a quits?” Chris stood up dusting himself off. “Screw that, we’re gonna find something. Just gotta find the right shop.” Leon sighed. “Dude, we’ve been at this for hours. I’m pretty sure we’ve hit every costume place around town. No one has anything. Face it, we’re 50 shades of screwed over.” Chris narrowed his eyes at his friend. “With that defeatist attitude we are. Where the heck are we anyway?” he said looking around. “Ummm downtown somewhere? I’ve never been to this part of town though. Everything’s kinda run down or old” Leon said looking at the old buildings. Some of them have seen better days. They looked to be still usable but others looked half destroyed. Mold and graffiti littered the places around them. Not many people were around either. “Internet says this used to be the old downtown before all that renovation. The city just kinda left this place to rot” Chris stated reading his phone. “Knowing the mayor, she’ll bulldoze this district for some fancy apartments no one in this small town needs anyway.” Leon said continuing to walk along the old, cracked sidewalk. Chris followed after him. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll get a new mall or something.” “Yes, cause that’s just what this place needs” Leon laughed. The two kept walking along the sidewalk for a few more blocks. Leon was about ready to call it a quits again and go back home. Caitlin could just do whatever unspeakable things she wanted. Chris pulled his out of his thoughts stopping him mid step with a hand to his chest. “Whoa dude, look at that!” he said pointing to an old, slightly decrepit building. The sign outside read ‘All Hallows Eve Wardrobe’. “Dude, this is it. Come on” he said pulling Leon towards the place. “Is this place even open? It looks super old.” “And probably has the coolest costumes too.” The boys walked up on the wooden porch to the shop which creaked under their weight. “Is this place even open?” Chris said peeking through the window. Just then, the door flew open shocking them both. Chris turned tail to leave. “Nah man, I’m out” Chris said before Leon grabbed his arm. “Oh hell no, you dragged me all across this city all day. We’re going in” he said pushing his friends towards the door. Once inside, they could see how old yet modern the inside was. It smelled like closed-up room. Costumes were all around the store. There were racks of clothes, shelves of items, and display cases full of trinkets and masks. Leon and Chris walked around the shop looking at all the stuff. “Wow, some of these costumes are surprising up to date given the…décor” Chris said motioning to the outside. “Can I help you gentlemen?” a voice said making Chris jump and Leon shout. The man behind them laughed. He was older, could be about their parent’s age in his 40s. He was tall, had short white hair and sideburns wearing a grey buttoned shirt and slacks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you boys” he said apologetically. “It’s fine” Leon began. “The door just flew open and we didn’t know if anyone was here or not.” “Ah yes, I must get that old thing fixed. But please, feel free to browse. We don’t get many visitors these days after the renovations.” “A lot of these costumes are really well made mister….” Leon trailed off. “Norman. Call me Norman” he said offering his hands. Both Leon and Chris shook it introducing themselves. The boys browsed around the costume shop more at ease now. Chris found a realistic Dracula costume he liked and ended up buying it. Chris came across a display case with the coolest thing he saw. “Is this..is this a lynel mask from Legend of Zelda?” he called out to Mr. Norman who was behind the counter at the register. The man smiled a wicked smile not lost on Chris who raised an eyebrow. “Ah yes, yes. One of my best creations. Hand made with some love.. and a touch of magic” he said winking and chuckling. Chris didn’t pick up on the creepiness too mesmerized by the mask. He picked it up and observed it up closed. It reminded him of a Japanese oni mask. It had the horns and everything. Lion-like face with a scar across the left eye and a bit of a white and black mane behind the face mask part. “I’ll take it!” Leon said excitedly. “Excellent choice” the shop keeper smiled. *** Leon kept the mask in its case all that day until it was time for the party. Caitlin rented out a local park for the evening’s festivities. There were tents around and caterers serving food. The part seemed to be in full swing, music playing distantly in the background. The rest of Leon’s outfit was in the back he brought with him. An authentic looking barbarian’s vest and pants to go with his faux weapon. He was going to change in the bathroom to not ruin it beforehand. Chris and Miranda were already there mingling. Some were saying how Chris was acting a little bit “too” into character. Leon took the mask out its case and exited his car. He put it on heading for the park bathroom when he felt his entire body rumbling and he struggled to stay uptight and fell to his knees. He felt as if the ground was shaking underneath him. He grabbed his head in pain unsure to what’s suddenly come over him. The hands holding his head were quickly darkening. The skin turning greyer before settling on a dark grey. The same grey was trailing down his body. He felt little pinpricks along his skin that was fur growing out. The grey fur turned whiter on the backs of his elbows where it grew out thicker than the rest. His nails were lengthening and sharpening into claws. He grit his teeth that were also becoming sharper. The seam of the mask once visible was disappearing more and more before no trace of it could be found on his skin. Leon’s forehead hurt as it felt like something was drilling into his head. In actuality, the horns from the mask were fusing and becoming a part of his head. They grew out taller and curved slightly before the change stopped on his head. Once blue eyes opened back up to reveal glowing red ones. Leon felt his mouth and nose stretch out to join the empty space between the mask and his changing face. Soon he could smell and see through the nose and eyes of it as if it were his own. Leon’s hair also was growing out at an astonishing rate. His once blonde hair was becoming lighter and lighter going from bleach blonde to pure white. The grey hair from the mask mixed in with his new mane forming grey streaks along it. So much of it grew down his back tangling into messy braids. The young man felt the rumbling start up again in his lower body and fell onto his butt. He watched as his clothes ripped. Shirt straining where new muscles were forming. His upper body and abdomen becoming more defined. His pants were torn to shreds as his leg muscles expanded. Leon felt an uncomfortable pressure in his feet that bubbled until he felt relief when his shoes popped off. What he saw was not his feet however. He saw hooves. Black hooves with fur trailing up his ankles where his feet should be. The fur was thick around his new hooves. It reminded Leon of a Clydesdale horse. He felt a slight a slight discomfort feeling the joints in his new legs pop and his leg bend inwards. That subsided however once he felt a pain in how lower abdomen. He lifted his the remnants of his shirt revealing two new appendages growing out at a fast rate above his thick navel hair. They were the same color as his normal skin before they started darkening and growing fur to match his new form. The growth forced him to stand although the position awkward. This changed once he felt his legs start to grow further and further away from his body. He was confused for a second looking behind him to see how much larger his lower body has becoming. His new front hooves supporting him as the hair grew thick around his ankles. He felt his tailbone, or at least that’s what it felt like, start to move away from his spine. Growing out inch by inch before the flesh was covered in the same hair color as his mane. Leon thought the changes were finally over til his saw parts of his body lightening to a luminescent white in striped patterns across his new body. The changes stopped along his new tail. “Incredible!” he boomed in a much deeper voice. He stumbled a bit trying to use his new legs but worked up a trot to join the other party guests shocking them all with his realistic his “costume” was. Caitlin pouted being outdone at his own party. Norman watched from the trees of the park nearby laughing to himself. “Two more satisfied customers.” END
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ginchowgoestomarket · 8 years ago
Main plot will be Emina coming to reconcile the differences between her modern life and the history of her ancestors learning new and useful things from Fudo, and tanuki… I’m thinking Tanuki is always a Tanuki, as folklore states that they are an animal that shape shifts in to humans so when he eats the ramen he isn’t ‘turned into’ a tanuki he’s just stuck in his natural state and that’s how Maris keeps him hooked in he wanted to be with Emina but in the end, he remains a tanuki and they defeat Maris together she dies, never breaking the spell on him
so he’s just tanuki forever
they develop a cute relationship/friendship
maybe we’ll just add a bowie i nthere as one of the ghosts okay, so maybe Tanuki and Maris already know each other like when you’re at a certain level of sleaze, or in a certain field yaknow whose who
and Tanuki meets/sees Emina as written when she arrives and is escorted away by Goro but then he goes to Maris intentionally for like a love potion or something but then she just renders him magicless and forces him to do her bidding I think that’s the most logical premise so far on that scene Emina and Tanuki could have a small interaction that causes him to fall in love or maybe even just a smile from Emina as Tanuki shyly hides in a bush
yeah I’m in to that maybe like it’s classic rom com bs she doesn’t see him but he sees her slo-mo shot of her like flipping her hair as she turns but only instead of it being a budding romance tanuki begins reciting poetry it’s just a reality check from Maris he’s reciting it while he’s talking to Maris and she’s not havin it so is there still a relation between Maris and Fudo?
yes I think that’s important okay so small villages and regions, just like the land around the labyrinth, everyone knows who is who :I think they’ve gotta have a solid history though like siblings or schoolmates or something
she retreated to the woods and he stayed in village with society he sees the greed and the excess of society and he leaves gah I don’t know i think that fudo stays with society bc he values people despite their short comings even though he lives in a village surrounded by people less giving or intelligent as him, he stays and watches over them because they are people and he cares for them where as maris does not she goes out to some shanty in the woods and cuts off a finger and brews up a companion which is really just herself a little metaphor for insanity and delusion and never accepts or understands why fudo stayed with the other humans and of course her hob-goblin will always agree with her because it’s her maybe it’s gonna be like a big event celebrating Fudo in the village for all his years of service or something and she comes to crash the party and wreaks havoc and of course it’ll be a ramen celebration with chef rp balloons and an announcer in a giant chef rp hot air balloon for comic relief who pops in now and then, and at least once commentates on the best taste crew
yes! the hot air balloon circles the event at low altitude
maybe grandma died awhile back
and Emina is coming for the celebration and to stay for the summer? I think we could get a little more real with it and have mom and dad get divorced or something and they don’t have 'time’ for her over  the summer so they send her away [11:38:03 PM] zachary ledbetter: perfect
instead of her being an orphan but then we’re sorta gettin a little Hook esque I want it to be relatable to the modern mutt ah the poor kid yeah, we could have a little scene in the beginning with them arguing but not too deep I think in to their problems just enough so you get a feeling maybe a scene where they ask her to choose who she’ll stay with for the summer and she’s all “later foolz, I’m going to Grandpa’s”
she looks out the window to see a train passing by in the background and suggests traveling to the countryside to stay with gramps
Tomoko and Momoko are siblings then?
“why would you want to stay out there? Tokyo has everything you need, he doesn’t even have wifi” they could be Goro’s kids? I’m thinking that Emina is an only child
I sorta like the idea of Goro as a neutral no bonerz kinda guy ah okay hmm maybe they’re the orphans or magic little beings that live on the farm? yeah, Fudo took them in and Goro helps out Fudo and Goro find them wrapped up in the woods [11:43:12 PM] zachary ledbetter: add to their wild child element
So far we have Emina leaving her divorcing parents to stay with Fudo, arrives and is fawned over by Tanuki. Tanuki goes to Maris, Maris sees her in to finally settle things with Fudo.
She takes Fudo’s celebration as her opportunity to gather all the villagers in one place and make her presence known Terrible things happen, but Maris is banished for a period by the flabbergasted Fudo Fudo is reluctant to show this world of magic so opposite of modern society to Emina, his somewhat estranged granddaughter
Eventually Emina begins to learn and build her abilities and her relationship with Tanuki
Gotta work in the feeding of the hungry ghosts I think maybe just a little re-arrangement of that and we have our entire plot so taking up from Fudo’s celebration
maybe it’s like his golden jubilee of Ramen coinciding with Obon
and Maris takes this moment to destroy all their shit yeah I think maybe people just think it’s a custom
but it’s actually real
and all this time Fudo’s been taking care of shit
and then that idea we talked about before of having tanuki eat all the ramen like crying while he eats it and then the ghosts go hungry and Maris commands them to destroy the town and starts to harvest a soul army maybe we do keep the cauldron in play the ghouls dragging people in to a dungeon or lair of Maris and throwing them in pits
the ramen sacrifice is put out at the beginning of the celebration, tanuki sneaks his way to it and eats it all(unwillingly). then as the celebration progressing, hungry ghosts start to appear?
yeah I’m not sure about the order yet I think we need to get insight from someone with first hand knowledge on that point maybe the cauldron keeps producing maybe it’s like “eat to the bottom of the cauldron” competition but it never ends but Maris figures out like the gem or something that gets plugged in to it to make it go and has tanuki steal it while she waylays Fudo He’s getting ready to die so he’s like downloading himself in to a physical object, of knowledge and power to literally pass on so when it gets nabbed he’s useless then I can use my Fudo line I’ve been rolling around in my head “I’m an old tired dog, I have no more tricks, new or otherwise.” yes! and get knowledge blasted with the stone/amulet/spoon or whatever we decide on maybe a chef hat! fudo dies at the celebration? turn that mofo into a ghost chef hat definitely keeps it fun yeah, Fudo puts it in a place he thinks no one will find it i love the level it gets to with fudo dying at his own celebration, the whole village having to see it happen and Tanuki steals a bunch of the wrong stuff from their house god, yeah, that’s heavy like killing someones god the hat is casually resting in the kitchen when emina returns to see it ransacked yeah totally yeah, it’s like the only thing left then it talks to her 'hey whats up’
Tanuki and the hob goblin ransack it together but Tanuki gets caught and hobgoblin grabs the bag of loot and ditches him and Emina saves Tanuki from Fudo
I like the idea of the hobgoblin having no lines and basically being greed incarnate Fudo comes home and does some quick thinkin wizardry and Tanuki has the bag of loot and hobgoblin runs up like he’s going to help lift the trap off of him but only lifts it hight enough to snatch the bag out of his paws and then runs out the window zachary ledbetter: maris could leave a mark on fudo that gives him a ticking clock and he knows that he will die very very soon still caught on the watching their god die part though
For many souls have I been the gatekeeper. Now, I hope you will see that there are no greater riches on this earth, than your own pure heart.
#For many years I have been the gate keeper. Now I hope you will see that there are no riches greater than a pure soul.
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