#i think they’re still incisions not scars it’ll take a couple more weeks at least for them to heal enough to start applying silicone gel
matoitech · 11 months
getting to take my incision tape off in a couple days will be sooo nice
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thatwritingho · 5 years
Momento Mori
Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
“So, how are you boys feeling about Olive? Any, ah, thoughts? Concerns?”
The band had reconvened in the meeting room after the spur of the moment autopsy demonstration(there was, luckily, always a dead body on hand at Mordhaus, what with the employee death rate), Olive having been dismissed for the remainder of the day to finish settling in, set to start her duties the following day.
“I dunno, dood, I mean, she seems kinda fahked in the head a bit,” Pickles was the first to comment as he popped the cap to a fresh beer, recalling how she had enthusiastically prattled on about different diseases and birth defects that were possible in each organ as she had removed it, “but in like, y'know, a good way.”
“Yeah, I’m, uh, pretty sure people aren’t supposed to be, like, that happy when talking about flesh eating viruses,” Nathan took a swig from his own beer as the rest of the band nodded in agreement. “But uh… watching her slice that guy open? That was, uh, pretty fucking brutal. And really hot.”
Murdeface crossed his arms and reclined back in his seat, eyeing all his bandmates before staring down Charles.
“Schure, schesch a babe and all, but isch sche really good enough to be the doctor for Dethklok? I mean, we’re talkin our health here, guysch! What'sch more important than that?”
Pickles scoffed at Murderace’s attempt to be devil’s advocate, giving him a skeptical sideways glance.
“Dood, since when do yeh care aboot bean’ healthy?”
“Ya, Moidaface! Yous just wants to bes a dick!” Toki glanced to Charles, nodding his head. “I likes her, I thinks she should stays.”
“Thank you, Toki.” The bespectacled man cleared his throat, “I can, ah, assure you, Murderface, that she is more than qualified for this position. I did screen her myself, after all. Her capabilities are on par with anyone else I would have considered, but she is the only one who met all of your, ah, selected criteria.”
“Yeh mean shes da only one who wasn’t some crusty old dood like our other dahctors?”
“Yes, Pickles, precisely,” Charles’ attention turned to the blonde busily plucking away at his guitar, the only one who had yet to provide any feedback. “Ah, Skwisgaar, anything to say? About Olive?”
“Ja, I woulds do hers, evens if she ams creepys.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Charles could only sigh as the conversation quickly devolved into Skwisgaar and Nathan discussing the do-ability of his newest hire.
“That’s, ah, not what I meant. At all. But I would like to go ahead and ask that all of you refrain from any attempt at a physical or romantic relationship with her, since she is your, ah, employee. It would make for a difficult sexual harrassment case, were anything to go sour, and we can all agree that we don’t need another one of those? Yes?”
Charles knew the disgruntled, grumbled agreements from around the room were the only affirmation he would receive.
“Alright then. Since we are, ah, all in agreement, I shall have her follow through with the two week trial as planned, and then you can make your final decision. In the mean time, I would like for her to conduct a routine physical exam on each of you to learn all of your, ah, various health conditions.”
“What!? A fuckin check up!? Didn’t we juscht have one of thosche?”
“Well, Murderface, that was, ah, last year. An annual physical is crucial for prevention of the onset of illnesses. And as I said, she needs to familiarize herself with your, ah, your… bodies.”
The immature snickering around the table at his last sentence was expected, as was Muderface’s continued outbursts.
“Scho we’re gonna have to take our clothesch off and get poked and prodded by thisch chick? And you exschpect us to not even fuck her? Isch sche gonna schtick her finger up our asschesch too?!”
“Pfft, like she woulds evens thinks about fuckings you, Moidaface.”
“Yeah, I uh, feel bad for her, y’know, having to see him naked and all. It’ll, uh, probably blind her. Scar her for life or… something.”
The bassist stood abruptly at the taunting, chair screeching back as he threw his hands up in exasperation.
“Fuck thisch!”
“Murderface, please sit down” Charle’s took a moment to close his eyes and inhale deeply through his nose as Murdeface plopped back down in his seat with a scowl. “I hired her to be the band physician, remember? What else did you expect if not a typical examination? Regardless, I have, ah, other matters to attend to. Any other questions or comments? No? Excellent.”
Charles made for the door quickly, but turned back around and addressed the room before exiting fully, “And, ah, everyone, please be sober for your physicals tomorrow, ok?”
He knew it was a pointless request, as confirmed by their halfhearted agreements, but at least he could say he tried.
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmyGOD
The formidable wooden door to her temporary housing closed heavily behind Olive, and she leaned back against the hard wood to kept herself upright, heart pounding in her chest as she finally let herself be overcome by the pure, raw emotions she had kept at bay for the past few hours, a ridiculous squeal bubbling forth from her throat as she smiled a big, jaw-achingly large smile.
“Holy SHIT!”
With that exclamation, she hurriedly kicked off her heels and propelled herself onto the plush mattress, latching onto a pillow and burying her face in the fluff to muffle her thrilled screeching, feet kicking childishly in an attempt to relieve the tension caused by excitement-fueled adrenaline coursing through her body.
Once thoroughly satisfied with the amount of emotion released, she surfaced from the pillow for air, face red and hair wildly askew, and snatched her phone, sitting up to type a brief message to her twin sister, telling her of the good news and promising a more detailed phone call later that night, not trusting herself to be able to form coherent enough sentences to hold a conversation at the moment. Despite this, she was still bursting with the need to talk to someone out loud to organize her thoughts, and so turned to the only other being in the room, who was currently curled up and napping under his wooden tunnel.
“Sorry to wake you, Apophis, but I have to tell you about this!”
Said reptile lazy curled itself around her arm as she held the appendage in front of her, flat head resting on the back of her hand as he blinked slowly, paying as much attention as a snake could.
“I don’t even know where to start, they were so much better in person than I could have imagined! Fuck! They’re all so so cool, so beautiful, too! And Murrderface and Skwisgaar were totally checking me out, can you believe it? Oh my god, you were right about picking out this outfit, man. And they wanted me to do an autopsy for them! God, you should’ve been there, their faces when I made the Y incision were fucking priceless, like they didn’t think I’d actually be able to do it. Fuckers. Nathan seemed really into it, though, I think he said in an interview once that his favorite subject in school was, like, frog dissection or something fucked up like that.”
Sucking in a big breath after her long winded jabbering, a concerned look crossed her face as the long bodied creature shifted, raising its head to stare at her from eye level.
“Oh! Don’t worry, they don’t dissect snakes in school, just frogs. I’d never let anyone hurt you anyway, you know that.”
Seemingly abated, he settled back down, once more relaxing against her hand.
“Man, dude, there’s no way I can focus enough to unpack, damn. I’m supposed to give them my first physical exams tomorrow. I’m so nervous, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. What if I fuck up? What if they fire me before I even get a chance to know them? Oh my god why did I think I could do this?”
Her audience merely flicked his tongue at her in annoyance.
“Yeah, you’re right, man. Fuck it. Whatever happens, happens. I’ll be fine. It’s fine. I’m fine. Totally fine. The finest I’ve ever been. Yep”
The nervous laugh following her attempt at self assurance would have made Apophis roll his eyes, if such a thing were possible for a snake to do.
“Dude, are you drunk? Seriously?”
Olive, clad in your stereotypical white lab coat over a simple form fitting black dress, clipboard in hand, stared in disbelief at the massive front man sitting before her on the exam chair.
“Uh… I mean, I only had a, uh, a couple of beers. Not uh, not enough to get me drunk, or… anything.”
Dark eyes could only blink at him incredulously.
“Man, I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here, and it’s not just beer.”
Nathan at least had the decency to look a bit sheepish at that, averting his eyes to stare at one of the many anatomical diagrams on the wall.
“I, uh.. I didn’t think it would matter.”
The newly appointed physician could only sigh.
Damn he looks adorable.
“It’s ok. We can just, um, try this again tomorrow. But no drinking before, ok? I mean it. I can’t get proper readings while you’re intoxicated, yeah?”
A deep grunt was his only reply as he hopped to the floor, boots thudding loudly from the impact, silky hair flowing around his shoulders. As he strode past her for the door, Olive couldn’t help but shudder a bit at how much bigger he was than her, his broad frame casting a large shadow over her own small one, a shiver going down her spine at his deep voice when he mumbled a half assed “sorry” before slamming the door shut behind him.
There was only one word for the look Skwisgaar Skwigelf was leveling her with right now; dangerous.
“How’s does yous wants me, doctor?”
She had wondered for years, about how women could keep throwing themselves at this man, keep having his love children when they knew there was no hope for anything more than meaningless sex with someone probably riddled with STDs, destined to be a soon forgotten face among the hundreds of other who had fallen victim to his charms.
But that look. Like he wanted to devour her, make her fully and wholly his, devote his entire being to pleasuring her and only her. The way his voice dropped and sent chills down her spine when he spoke her title. It was a pull unlike any attraction she had experienced before.
Fucking hell. I get it now.
The blonde was standing just slightly closer than would be considered appropriate, towering over her, leaning forward slightly as he waited for instruction, a knowing smile curling onto his face as Olive cleared her throat and looked away.
Damn him.
“Just, um, on the exam chair, and take your shirt and pants off.”
He leaned back from from her and sauntered away, stretching his long arms above his head as he removed his shirt, making a show of it as he carelessly tossed the article of clothing on a nearby chair, glancing back at her over his shoulder as he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop as he hopped up.
Oh, you motherfucker. I’m not that easy.
Victory was claimed as hers when the obnoxiously attractive smirk fell from his face, replaced by an annoyed pout at her next words as she tapped her pen on the clipboard.
“So. Let’s talk about your rather extenisive history of STDs.”
“No fuckin way. You can kissch my assch if you think I’m gonna strip for you so you can jab at me like that schtiff from yeschterday.”
Olive sighed in exasperation, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Man, come on, seriously, you have to take your shirt off for me to do this right.”
Murderface crossed his arms protectively over his chest, turning his nose up and looking away childishly with a small ‘hmph.’
“Look, I’m not going to slice you open. You gotta at least take me on a date first before I’ll go that far with you.”
The brunette turned to her fully and raised his lip in an attempt at distaste, which was overthrow as he failed to fight off a smile at her lame joke, a soft pink blush creeping on his cheeks at the implication.
“Fine. But juscht don’t try any funny sctuff, or I’ll kick your assch.”
Her snicker made his face redden deeper.
The scars greeting her from Toki’s bare back were alarming, to say the least. But they were old, multiple years old, the skin long healed and morphed into a pale off white, with only a few remaining a light, almost imperceptible pink. He was tense and silent, breathing shallowly, probably waiting for her to ask, but she wasn’t going to.
No need to bring up bad memories. Just get the basics without being direct.
“Have you had any surgeries or broken bones in your life?”
“No skurgeries, buts a fews bones breaks when I was littles.”
“Were you medically treated for them? Did they heal properly? Ever have any pain in those areas, like when the weather changes?”
“Um, sometimes, whens it about to starts raingings. Deys ache.”
Olive nodded, scribbling the info down on his chart in her messy handwriting, not missing how he avoided the first two questions.
“Alright, you can get dressed, I think I got everything I needed.”
The guitarist exhaled a slightly uneven breath, muscles relaxing as he yanked his shirt back on, shooting the woman before him a thankful look and settling back on the exam chair.
“You’re in the best shape of anyone else I’ve seen so far, man. Keep it up.”
One congratulatory pat on the shoulder later and Toki was exiting the room, yelling to someone in the waiting area as he walked out that he was better than them.
A long, weary sigh snuck it’s way past Olive’s lips as she waited for her last patient of the day to arrive, mulling over her previous interactions with the band.
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
“Long day, huh?”
Chuckling tiredly, she turned to greet the redhead as he meandered in, bee lining for the exam chair and hoisting himself up without being asked, settling at the very edge of the cushion.
“Yeah, man, just a bit.”
Green eyes sparkled at her in amusement, pierced brow raising as he began to tap out a light beat with his feet, elbows resting on his knees.
“Yehp, the other guys can be real douchebags aboot this stuff. Hope dey didn’t give yeh too much trouble?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” the response was automatic and half-hearted as she scribbled a note about his fidgeting on the clipboard in hand.
“Dat so?”
She looked up at that and immediately regretted it. There was that damned side grin of his again.
“Y- yeah.”
Oh my god did I just fucking stutter?
It took all she had for her newly weak knees to not give out under her as he gave her a wink.
“Atta girl.”
This man is going to be the death of me.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Lots of dialogue in this, hope I didn’t ruin it. Comments are my life blood!
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