#i think they generally balance it a lot better? or at least try n balance it? idk
grecoromanyaoi · 3 months
hm i was wondering. do u prefer british or american humor (as represented thru comedy shows/movies)? (feel free to elaborate in the tags and/or reblog for sample size)
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism: "If you die tomorrow, would you have any regrets?"
G/N. Jake, Goo, Gun, DG, Ryuhei, Sammy. Reminder that Gun is canonically a gamer lmao.
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Jake looks up at you in surprise, the morbid question catching him off guard.
"Why?" he asks, tilting his head.
"It was just a question I read."
"Hmm," Jake rubs at his chin and gazes off somewhere in the distance, no doubt thinking about all that has happened in his life. "Yeah. Loads."
Oh. You weren't expecting that-
"A lot of things I've made my peace with," Jake shrugs and you know he means Sinu and Samuel and Big Deal.
The mess with Workers, the falling out with Samuel and end of the Golden Era, the arrest of so many of his crew. He knows his mom is disappointed that he is so much like his father, his time in juvie, and Jake thinks if he tried better in school instead of fighting then maybe things would have worked out a lot differently.
"But-" he tugs on your hand, pulling you off-balance and falling straight into his lap.
"I'd regret not spending more time with you. All the time trying to be a good boss rather than a good boyfriend."
You open your mouth to argue that he is a good boyfriend but he continues on-
"I'd regret leaving you on your own. Even though I know you'd find someone easily," And Jake manages a small wistful smile, "I'd regret not being there for you."
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"Me?" Goo blinks, looking up from his manga.
"Yes, you. The only other person here."
"Just checking, Cupcake." Goo thinks briefly for a moment before making up his mind.
"I'll regret not seeing how this manga ends," then he narrows his eyes, stabbing angrily at the page, "And not going to Japan to hunt down this asshole for killing my fave off-screen."
"Goo!" Maybe this is on you for expecting a serious answer.
He gets up and makes his way to you, peppers kisses all over your face as you roll your eyes. "You're not planning on killing me are you, Sweetheart?"
"Yes. Tonight. There's a knife under my pillow."
"Make sure you don't wake me, do it quick," he grins mischievously then-
An unpleasant thought pops up and he pulls a face. "Once I'm dead, you better not fall in love with anyone else. My ghost will haunt you, y'know."
"Fine, I'll just be sad and alone and mourning over you forever."
But what would Goo actually regret?
What's the saying? You can't take it with you.
Goo has such fun plans once he retires from all this crew shit. Neither of you have to work another day again, you can just spend the rest of your lives terrorising the general public instead. Travelling the world, swimming in a pool of money together, sleeping on a bed of cash. All that fun stuff.
Goo doesn't regret the time amassing his fortune, his little safety net for the future. But if he was to die tomorrow, he would regret not having that future with you.
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Gun pauses the video game at your question, then turns to you with a brow arched, "Why do you think I'm going to die?"
"It's hypothetical. Like in a fight or something."
An arrogant smile spreads, "And who's strong enough to kill me?"
You click your tongue in annoyance at his response although you hate to admit that damn, you find his attitude sexy as hell. There's just something about him being able to back up his confidence with his skills and talent.
"Just answer my question!"
"No I would not have any regrets," he says, already turning back and resuming his game.
Of course Gun doesn't. As if someone like him would have any regrets.
Eyes still on the screen and fingers clicking on the controller, Gun adds quietly. "But you will be taken care of."
If Gun were to die tomorrow, he would regret not being able to take care of you. Being by your side. In his line of work, it is always a possibility no matter how strong he is. The least he could do, and has done, is make sure that at least no harm or hardships befalls you after he is gone.
Money, protection, freedom. If he can't have a future, then he will assure yours.
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DG falters mid-stride, giving it the briefest of thoughts before coming to a conclusion.
"Nope," he says with a cocky smirk.
He has very little to regret. His life as DG is what most people dream of. Fame and fortune, power and influence.
As James Lee he has proven he's the strongest, he's the peak and untouchable.
There's very little left for him to accomplish. Why would he have any regrets?
But, he supposes, as he is later handled by the assistants and the stylists, then plasters on a fake smile for TV appearances before being ushered to some event full of schmoozers and fakers and having to make small talk as DG, the idol and CEO-
Is that maybe if he could do it again, he would choose something with more privacy. More freedom. That he could do what he wants, whenever he wants.
And most importantly-
That he can walk hand in hand with you down the street without rabid fans screaming and the paparazzi photos making headlines.
Without you being on the receiving end of death threats and unhinged letters, and his agent and company telling him that he needs to apologize for his relationship. Backtrack it. Single idols sells better, appeals to the public more.
If DG died tomorrow, he thinks that actually he would regret this. He regrets keeping you in the shadows.
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Ryuhei doesn't hesitate and tells you he wishes you were his first. For everything.
Even hand holding. Even hugs.
You pull a face at that.
"That's... Sweet." You say, lying through your teeth as Ryuhei looks at you with concerned puppy eyes.
"You wish the same, right?"
"Sure," you agree because where's the harm in appeasing this goofball.
In truth, and Ryuhei hates thinking about it, is that he does desperately wish that he met you first. Before Mitsuki, before anyone else.
Nevermind that it's a completely futile, fanciful dream because everything that has happened has led him to you.
But he thinks it would have worked out better. He could have been a better person, a better boyfriend. If he met you before he had a chance to develop his sex pest tendencies and obsessive behaviour that you had to stamp out.
It's pointless though. Not even worth dwelling on. What has happened has happened and he could only try to be better now.
Ryuhei considers the question again with a sigh. If he dies tomorrow, what would he regret?
Oh yeah! He would absolutely regret this!
"I'd regret that we can't bang anymore!"
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Samuel immediately feels defensive at your question.
He thinks about what he hasn't yet achieved. All his dreams of becoming King, being at the top, and yet he's no closer.
"Why?" he asks, eyes starting to narrow behind his glasses.
You hold up both palms, in a gesture to indicate you didn't mean anything by it and your face tells him to just chill.
"I dunno. I found it and thought it was an interesting question."
"It's not." Samuel says, effectively ending the conversation and eyes dipping back down to his phone.
But it doesn't just end.
Samuel spirals and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day, his shortcomings haunting him instead.
He drinks and he smokes and he spends even more time at work, trying to dull the ache of his inferiority.
The mornings and nights pass by in a blur, a string of toxic behaviours and self sabotage, until eventually - he comes to.
His failures and faults pushed to the back of his mind, rather than a constant reminder.
Then like a fog clearing, he finds clarity again. He sees your face, the worry, the trepidation... The guilt for asking an innocent question.
And Samuel knows that his biggest regret of all if he dies tomorrow is that you deserved better and he hasn't been able to give that to you.
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alienguts · 1 year
SPF (Ash Williams x f!Reader)
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Summary: Ash has fallen asleep in the sun. Oops.
Warnings: sunburn, sort of hurt/comfort
Request?: No
A/N: It's actually been raining every day where I live, but this idea popped into my head when it was still sunny. Consider this a PSA about wearing sunscreen.
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The sun had just started to set when Y/N realised that Ash was still out on the apartment’s balcony. Just after noon he’d told her that he was going out to sit in the sun for a little while, but she didn’t realise that ‘a little while’ would turn into the entire afternoon. And the entire evening.
Y/N looked through the glass doors to look for Ash and saw him asleep in the chair he’d taken out with him. At least he hasn’t fallen over the side she thought. She slid the door open as quietly as it would let her and stepped out onto the balcony.
There wasn’t much room to begin with, but with Ash’s folding chair she was reduced to standing half in and half out of the apartment, holding onto the back of the chair to keep her balance. He sat with his legs stretched out and his head resting on the wall behind him, his lips slightly parted as he slept peacefully, his bare chest rising and falling. 
She didn’t want to disturb him since he looked like he’d been asleep for a long time, but something was bugging her: he was completely red. Not just sunkissed, but burnt. If she didn’t get him back inside and covered in aloe soon he would likely start to blister.
“Ash, wake up,” she said and gingerly shook his shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t jolt awake like she’d expected him to.
“What time is it?” he asked groggily, his eyes still closed.
“It’s almost 10, you’ve been out here the whole time,” she said as she slowly sat up, wincing as his joints moved for the first time in hours.
When Ash’s eyes fluttered open, he saw her looking at him worriedly, her lips pressed into a hard line and her brow furrowed.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked as he stood up, taking up almost the last of the space on the tiny balcony.
“It’s better if I show you,” Y/N said and took his hand, trying to not hold it too hard.
She led him back inside and across the living room to the bathroom, listening to him wince as he tried to roll his red shoulders out. He walked stiffly behind her, none the wiser to how badly his skin had been damaged. Y/N wanted to scold him and tell him he’d been stupid for sitting out for so long without any protection, but she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He looked like he was in so much pain, and she could see how his red skin turned back to white under her fingers.
“Okay,” she said as she held open the bathroom door for him and turned on the light. “Take a look”.
Ash shot her a confused look for a second before turning his gaze to the mirror. Y/N could see his eyes go wide in shock as he took in his burnt form.
“Jesus Christ!” he yelled in shock. “Babe, you could have woke me up!”
“I didn’t know you were still asleep out there,” Y/N said as she squeezed around him to get a bottle of aloe vera gel from the medicine cabinet. “Even so, I didn’t think you’d burn up this badly.”
“I look like a lobster,” Ash whined, frowning at his reflection. “God, I hope I don’t blister too.”
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Y/N guided him to sit on the side of the bathtub, squeezed a generous amount of gel into her hand and rubbed her palms together before slathering Ash’s shoulders in it. He winced when the cold substance touched his hot skin but immediately relaxed again once it worked its magic.
“How’s that feel?” Y/N asked, her voice soft as if she was trying to soothe the burn by talking to him.
“Feels nice,” Ash sighed as she worked her way down his arms and chest. “What would I do without you?”
“Probably be in a lot more pain,” she said bluntly. “Or worse. You could have ended up with skin cancer.”
“Nah, I’m not that stupid.” Y/N briefly stopped and shot him a look. “I’m not!”
“I know you’re not, you just have your moments,” she said as she continued to massage the gel into Ash’s skin.
When she’d finished with his torso, Y/N squeezed more gel onto her hand and started to rub it onto his face, but was stopped when he caught her wrist.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss it better?” he asked, shooting her that coy grin of his.
“Ash, you’re a grown man, not a child.”
“Please? It’ll help me feel better.”
Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes before giving in.
“Alright, fine,” she said and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. “Better?”
“It still hurts in other places too.” He pointed to the bridge of his nose. “Like here.”
Another kiss was planted there. He pointed to his cheek, another kiss there. His chin, another.
“And here,” he said, pointing to his mouth.
“Oh, I see,” Y/N said. “This is all just for some attention.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m just saying that my mouth hurts from being burned.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned into Ash, trying to keep her balance without grabbing hold of his sore shoulders. She softly kissed him and was about to pull away when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his body. And also the tub. She knew the feeling of his skin hitting the plastic was bound to hurt, but he wanted a kiss and a kiss he would get.
Ash whined against Y/N’s mouth, trying to return her touch but in too much pain to do much. Eventually, he pulled away from her and tried to get back up, groaning and wincing with every movement.
“Okay, that was a bad idea,” Ash said through gritted teeth once they were back on their feet.
“Y’think?” Y/N said and reached around him to pick up the bottle of gel that had been knocked over. “Ugh, I’m all sticky now.”
“Want me to help you get unsticky?” Ash purred as he tried to hug her again, only for Y/N to push him away.
“No, you’ve caused enough trouble for one night,” Y/N said and grabbed a wad of toilet paper to wipe as much of the gel off her arms as she could. “I’m going to have to change now.”
“I can help with that too,” Ash said.
“You can help by letting that gel settle into your skin, that’s an easy enough job for you.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said and gave a mock salute before going to leave the bathroom.
“Oh, wait a second,” Y/N said before opening the medicine cabinet again and digging out a bottle to give to him. “Here.”
“Sunscreen? But it’s dark outside,” Ash said as he took the bottle.
“Not for now, for tomorrow,” she said and ushered him out of the room so she could get ready to take a shower. “Trust me, you’re gonna need it.”
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spookysweettooth · 3 months
I'm posting the aspect of. Family next as I have yet to have time to work on the combo aspect of cataclysms! I have mostly been busy with many side projects and wanted to at least get another analysis out while I have a creative mind set, again all of these combos belong to @superxstarzz so please go and check out their blog! They are a amazing artist!!
The aspect that is up next is family!
The family aspect is a combo aspect of rage and blood! Now let's break rage and blood down into key words, emotions, and other things so we can understand them better!
Rage: negative, positive and neutral emotions. Mental stability, emotions in general, emotional issues, pessimistic, tough love, hard outer shell and distance, hate for lies, values the truth more than anything.
Blood: bonds, loyalty, friendship, relationships, Platonic, neutral and romantic feelings. Sometimes literal blood, kinship, leadership, therapist friend, fatherly/motherly/older sibling like energy, protective of people they care for.
Much like the space aspect I see the blood aspect having a motherly/fatherly/oldersibling like energy to it. Blood is the aspect dealing with the relationships of not only the player but of the people the player, to make this a little more detailed let's bring in karkat and only karkat because I don't know much about kankri lol
Karkat is our beta troll blood player, he is a knight player as well which tells us a lot about his session, while semi success it still lacked in the end.
Karkat being a blood player naturally made him feel like he needed to be the leader (he was in his own sense even if the rest of the trolls made fun of him for being a try hard and being up everyone's ass) he made himself the leader even though a leader in the eyes of the other trolls wasn't really needed or they just didn't give a shit. Karkat is somewhat protective of his group from what I remember, he is always there to give advice to the other players that need it as well as everyone usually flocks to him for advice n such weather they like it or not, he helps his friends by helping them with their bonds to his best ability. He uses his knight ability mixed with blood aspect to protect the others and build their bonds while maybe not with him but helps them build it with the others and he slowly builds a bond with himself if I'm. Correct
Now for rage, the only rage player I think I have a little info on is kurloz as he is a prince of rage I believe?
Kurloz is a prince of rage for the dancester trolls session which had failed if I'm correct? I think the only ones to God tier was areena and kankri I think correct me if I'm wrong.
Kurloz in the session before death and the dream bubbles had accidentally let out a screech of emotions and deafend mulin(? Can't remember how to spell her name) making her deaf, as a response of the destruction he cause to his matesprite (idk if that is cannon) he sews his mouth shut to join mulin in her now silence, he destroyed a piece of his lover with his negative emotions and then destroyed a piece of himself with the same emotions in hand.
Now onto the aspect of family.
Family: I can see the aspect of family being a balance or imbalance of emotions and relationships, a player of family can either have little to no emotions, a overwhelming amount of them where it's unbearable even for themselves, little to no relationships or many many many relationships. People who become hero's of family usually take on the patental/sibling like role in their own or their sessions lifespan as they are natural family bound people, they care to deeply or care not at all, as a hero of family you may be bound to also being the therapist friend as well, caring for others while you care for yourself, hero's of family value honesty and loyalty to a fault and are either enforced leaders or natural born leaders. Heros of family can also be over bearing with concern or worry for their friends and may even forget to care for themselves as they care for others much like a parent would a child.
Powers of the aspect of family
Words of encouragement: depending on class words of encouragement can be used to heal the mental health of a person or yourself in session or during strife, the stronger the encouragement the more powerful you become.
Human shield: depending on class you can make a shield out of yourself or the fallen side of the enemy to protect other people on your team or you yourself
Manipulate: being a person of family you can easily find a way to manipulate the minds of. Others so you can stay the main protection or provider of your team, coming up with ways for you to make your teams life easier can be to. Much of. A issue right?
Backfire: when someone finds out in your session that you lied about certain things you can manipulate the negative impact of emotions for the benefit of the team.
I hope this turned out okay, sorry cataclysms isn't the second aspect on the list I originally planned for it to be but I had this drafted up already and had no time today to really do cataclysms yet, I promise it will be soon tho! Please do enjoy everyone!
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duha54 · 1 month
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You got Akaashi keiji !
Match up for @isadollie !
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Your perfect match is Akaashi Keiji !
Like you he wouldn't want anything extra for a date . Yours usual hangout spot are his house , a nearby cat café ( it suits his vibe soo much ) and the park nearby .
For your first date, he'll bring you to a bookshop . He chose it for three reasons : for noting your taste so he could surprise you later on ,getting to know you better for confirming if both of you would be a great match and the final one is just for seeing your pretty happy and exited face .
Don't you ever worry about the bill it's on him
It'll take him a lot of time to fall in love and to confesses . He was just so hesitant.What if you rejected him ? What if you just want to stay friend ? Or worst ,what if it ruins your friendship ?
Bokuto had to butts in for him to stop.Btw, he's his n°1 supporter .He just want his bestie to be happy ...
Will take things slowly with you .It's his first relationship so he still have to get used to it .
Will a 100% use romance novels and books with general advice ( thinks it is more reliable than using internet)
He doesn't mind you being hyperactive. ( he dealt with bokuto afterall )
In fact it is endearing to him
He'll quickly notice if you're feeling down .But before having a little talk with those who did this to you he'll make sure that you feel safe , loved and go back to your normal bubbly state .
Even though he've been through this kind of situation plenty of times ,with you he'll process differently .He'll be more attentive ,sweeter ,whispering everything he loves about you .Holding you gently in his warm embrace while placing from time to time kisses on a your forehead.
After you calmed down a bit he'll bring you to a cat café .
Low-key jealous about how much attention you give to the cats .
Will introduce you to Bokuto .Of course .
You both got along super quickly which made him happy
Had teased you quite a bit about how much you two are similarYour's (mood swings )
Called you the twins .
He's definitely the type to wait at least a couple of month before talking about the future he planned with you.
Bro already planned your entire wedding .
Beamed when you said you were okay with it .
Your personality balance his in a healthy way
He loves how you can cheer him up when needed, and how you're by his side when he feels down .
Sometimes after a long rough day at work he wants just one thing being next to you ,feeling your warmth and venting about all of his worries so he could finally take this weight off of his shoulders .
Not only he likes all the cat posts you send him but he'll send you some back .It's mostly very cute ones .One time he send you a video of two twin kitties acting the exact same way at the exact same time and tagged Blaire and bokuto.
He'll try to avoid crowded places as much as possible though if you have to get to one in order to arrive at a your next date , he'll hold your hands so he won't lose you .
If you go shopping or just get groceries ,as the gentleman that he is he would insist on carrying your bags for you .
Buy you a bouquet of flowers quite often . Before he'll be on his way to your home ,he'll keep one of the flowers for him so that he'll know when to buy you a new one .
Makes sure to bring you each time one of a different color to prevent this habit from becoming monotonous .
I strongly believe that he's amazing at any domestic cores, including cooking .
Before dating you he just knew a few recipes just for health purpose .But then you came along, and he found himself wanting to spoil you ...And this is how he became your personal cook .
He won't tell you directly however one of his favorite moment with you is in the kitchen .It feels just so natural ,staying in comfortable silence only broken by the sound of the kitchen utensils that you're both using . And he can't help himself but to imagine if it would be this way when you'll be married ...
He silently prays for these moments to never ends .
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
Night Moves
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Walter Marshall x OFC (Alexandra Pierce)
Series Summary: When Walter Marshall is called to investigate a homicide by the railroad tracks, he quickly uncovers an unsettling pattern. Alexandra Pierce just wants someone to find out what happened to her friend. She has some secrets, too. And Walter’s going to uncover them.
Word Count: 1422
Series Warnings: In general, this series will depict assault, murder, stripping, hooking, rough sex, make up sex, fingering, oral (m and F receiving), p in v sex in various positions, self-loathing, failed relationships, smoking, drug use, drug addiction, general violence, and maybe some comfort. +18, Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: Smoking, mention of stripping, mention of hooking, a dead body, grumpy Walter
Disclaimers: I do not own Walter Marshall, Night Hunter (Nomis), or any other characters from that movie, but I do own this OFC (Alexandra Pierce) and these words. Do not repost as your own. Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are more than welcome. It’s how I get my nourishment.
Header made by me, with pics found from Pexel.com and the internet. Dividers are not mine, but check out the masterlist for credit.
Playlist: I’ll be adding to this Night Moves playlist with each chapter. Songs 1- 3. I really hope you check it out, at least "Low" - Chet Faker. Whatever you think Walter's taste in music might be, these words hit home about him for me. Direct Spotify link here.
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Don't look at me
I'm the bus stop boxer
Going down by the railroad tracks, where
People know that they better not relax
I'm the man, baby, I am the man
This is where I can make you understand
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“Trixie, wait up!” Sasha called from the club entrance. She was just tucking her stilettos into her shoulder bag and trying to cross the parking lot as quickly and gracefully as she could in her regulation heels, thankful for the unseasonably warm spring evening. 
That was just one of the amazingly ridiculous club rules designed to toss women off balance, literally and figuratively. Augie’s Cabaret couldn’t actually tell a dancer what to do outside of work, no matter how much they tried to entice women into extracurricular jobs. But the parking lot was leased to them just like the building. So performers showed up and left in the “outside uniform.” Tight fitting, preferably low cut crop tops and hip hugger minis with as much skin showing in between, above, and below as possible. And though dancing took place in much higher heels on the stage inside, two inches was the minimum height for the lot.
Sasha caught up just at the sidewalk where Trixie had stopped to light a cigarette. She offered the pack and Sasha snagged one gratefully. Everyone’s nerves were stretched tight and if a few smokes could shave off some of the edge, Sasha wasn’t going to feel bad about it.
Trixie smirked and waited while Sasha pulled her flats from her bag, replacing each heel one at a time before nodding they could head off.
“Did you hear about Angel?” Trixie asked.
“No. Oh shit!” Sasha exclaimed, turning to watch Trixie’s face. “She get roughed up, too?”
Trixie took a long drag and nodded, tapping the ash off her cigarette.
“Fuck, that’s like three we know of right? All around here?” Sasha asked.
“I’ve heard of a few over near Glenwood, but yeah. Angel, Sheri, and Magda - all here near Hennepin.”
“Dating?” Sasha asked, using the euphemism the women preferred.
Trixie inhaled and nodded slowly again. Sasha looked away before her face betrayed her concern, just in time to spy the large crack in the sidewalk. She stepped gingerly to be sure her foot didn’t get caught and mentally patted herself for insisting on changing shoes for the walk and bus ride home. If she hadn’t been trying to keep as much info about her personal life from the club owners as possible, she would have just driven. But the shared walks and rides gave her an opportunity to get to know her co-workers better and it kept the bouncers from knowing her license plate number. 
“I do not know how the fuck you walk home in those heels,” Sasha said, tossing her butt to the ground and pulling her long windbreaker out of her bag. “Your feet have to be killing you. I saw they scheduled you for two extra stage dances tonight. You okay with that?”
“Girl, I asked for it. I am so far behind with them.” Trixie took another drag and exhaled the smoke slowly. “I still have last month’s rent to work off and the first is coming up again soon. I’m so fucked.” 
“Do you know what you’re gonna do? Not…” 
“I’ll do what I have to do,” Trixie interrupted.
Sasha knew what that meant and fought every urge she had to remind her how dangerous it was. How there was no security down by the tracks like there was at the club. How anyone buying there wasn’t exactly gonna be rolling in cash, so she couldn’t quote club prices. How even if the club takes a larger cut of that illegal income than they do stage and floor work, at least she wouldn’t be isolated and without security.
But Trixie had already warned her months ago when Sasha had started at the club: Be careful how you talk to the other performers. They aren’t children and they don’t need your judgment. 
Trixie knew her from the clinic where Sasha had done some volunteer work and was shocked to see her at amateur night trying to hide behind a bombastic neon pink wig. Sasha recognized Trixie, too, and cornered her afterwards, begging her not to say anything to anyone about who she really was. She just wanted to see if she could actually get up on stage and put her old dance lessons to use before she asked for a job.
Trixie was wary, but liked her from the clinic and gave her the benefit. Sasha explained that she hoped to learn a little more about the circumstances that tended to lend themselves to starting a career in adult entertainment and what, if anything, women who found themselves here might need to either stay safe, both physically and emotionally, or get out altogether. Trixie agreed to help her navigate the waters. But she also made sure Sasha remembered to treat them like human beings. Not that Sasha would have ever intentionally done anything other than that, but when you don’t come from the life, there is always something to learn. Or rather unlearn.
Like the fact that they aren’t all strung-out coke-whores and very few of them actually have the daddy issues everyone thinks they do. Which Sasha was gradually learning as she made efforts to befriend and chat with all the women she met on her shifts.
And so, against all her better judgments, so many of which she’d willingly pushed aside these past few months, Sasha let Trixie go once they reached her bus stop. 
“Be careful. Please. Do you have your cell? Your panic button?” Sasha asked, trying to mask her true concern while she donned the dark coat and covered up for the ride.
“Yes, mom,” Trixie stuck out her tongue. “Look, I get it. I know things have gotten a little scary out there, but I’m stuck, Sasha. I can't borrow anymore from the club and I need to get them paid back. This is my only option.”
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Walter Marshall shifts into park and grabs the dark blue windbreaker from the passenger seat before stepping down from his Ford extended cab and heading towards the line of cops and yellow tape marking the scene. He swings the jacket around his shoulders with ease, slipping his arms through the sleeves and marking himself as someone who belongs behind the lines. A few uniformed officers step aside, one picking up the tape to let the Lieutenant pass under as he nods curtly in thanks.
It’s a grizzly mess. Or it would be if the responding units hadn’t already covered the body tossed carelessly a few yards back from the tracks.
Walter makes his way to his new partner, Mick Jonas, nodding towards him with the same grim reserve he showed the rookies. The CSI unit is still snapping photos of the surrounding area and scouring the ground for possible evidence as he squats low and lifts a corner of the police blanket. It takes all his nerve not to drop it again just as quickly.
“Jesus. Fuck.” It never fails to hit him hard.
“Yeah,” Detective Jonas agrees, fidgeting with the cigarette pack in his coat pocket and grateful he hadn’t lit up like he wanted to just as Marshall appeared. He didn’t need another dressing down about preserving the scene.
“Looks like someone went 12 rounds with her and she was on the ropes the whole time. This track with anything you’ve seen lately?” Walter asks.
“Not with bodies, no.”
“Something else then?” Walter questions, standing once again and leading Jonas back over the line.
“My girl, Lila. You know, she’s an ER nurse. Says there’s been a rash of girls coming in, beat up.”
“Girls?” Detective Marshall stiffens, curious about the ages and whether this is something Faye could get caught up in.
“Well, you know … I mean…,” Jonas stammers.
“Right, street workers then. You can just call them women, Mick.” He didn’t like to think about the fact that sometimes they really were girls. 
“Okay, yeah. And, well, strippers, too. I mean, that’s what she said.”
“But no police reports filed?” Walter opens the driver’s door and nods toward the passenger side. “You need a lift back to the station?”
“Yeah, I do, thanks.” After climbing in and closing the door, he continues. “And no, yeah, police reports were filed. Want me to see if I can grab ‘em when we get back?”
“You do that.”
Chapter 2 
Anything: @kittenofdoomage @mayloma @sillyrabbit81 @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @summersong69 @mollymal (I can’t tag you two, sorry) (Also throwing in a few from the old days for old times sake ;) @littlegreenplasticsoldier @anotherwinchesterfangirl @sebbytrash @feelmyroarrrr​)
Night Moves: @luclittlepond (I can’t tag you, sorry) @enchantedbytomandhenry @kingliam2019  @henryownsme @geraltsyenn4eva
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faussila · 2 years
Don't You Want Me, Baby?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Six
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader, Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Somewhere in the middle of high school chaos, you have managed to lead a peaceful existence. When a new boy arrives in Hawkins, life in general and the relationship between you and your best friend, Eddie, are thrown off balance. The stranger is obnoxious, and aggressive, and demands all the attention. Your attempts to ignore him soon prove to be unsuccessful.
Warnings: 16+, mild bullying, mentions of alcohol, smoking and drugs…
A/N: Oh boy, it's been a week since I impulsively started writing this fanfic. It has been a way of getting back on track with writing, something I missed doing for a long time now. As I started it, I was more focused on the Billy idea, but now, along the way of typing some stuff down, I became more interested in exploring the relationship with Eddie as well. I'm just going with the flow, not wanting to restrict myself too much as I am rediscovering something I like to do, and being a complete sucker for both of the characters... All I hope is that it will somehow make sense and that some of you happen to like this slow-burn story, as I do. Please, don't hesitate to leave some feedback or suggestions. I would love to hear from you guys. Lots of love xxx
From the hallway, you can already hear the animated voices of the Hellfire boys in the drama room. The sound of it just offers you a feeling of comfort. You are hesitant to go in as you need a moment to think about what has just happened. You are totally confused, irritated, and downright offended by Billy's behavior. His annoying questions, his smug look, and his downright dirty remarks riddle through your mind.  Everything that comes out of his mouth has the sole purpose of getting under the skin of the person for whom it is intended. You just know it. That is always his intention. Just because he can, and because he enjoys it.  And the worst thing about it is that it works. In addition, you are also left with many questions. Why was he at school? On a Friday night? And alone? And above all, how come he was alone on a Friday night? That in itself is weird. He doesn't seem to be the kind of boy who spends his evenings off by himself. This guy is nesting himself in your head, and you’re letting him.
Suddenly, the door slams open. Eddie is stopped in his tracks when he sees you standing in front of him. Your gaze shoots upward, to his.  “(Y/N)!? Where the hell have you been?” he asks with a tone of genuine concern in his voice. You didn’t realize it has been taking you so long. You immediately decide it's better not to tell him about Billy. “S-sorry, my dad was acting difficult," you stammer. "You know how he can be sometimes."
Eddie frowns at your explanation. He knows your dad. He has a peculiar personality, to say the least, but holding you back from going out to share his thoughts and displeasure with your actions, just seems out of character for him.
His eyes reveal that he doesn't believe you.
“It’s just stupid,” You laugh, trying to smooth things over.
You thought of yourself as a better actor, but you didn't have enough time to come up with a proper scenario.
"Whatever... Let's just start the game," he says slowly and suspiciously while making way for you to enter the classroom.
Before he can say another word, you enter the room, going under Eddie’s arm as he holds the door open.
The rest of the night, you guys spend playing D&D. It is amusing for you to see how the others are absorbed in the game. It’s not that easy to jump in on this activity that they are so familiar with, but you don’t care too much about that.  You just enjoy the evening. Despite the suspicious looks Eddie keeps giving you from time to time, that is. It surprises you how seriously he appears to be taking this. Clearly, he is not going to let this go by quietly. In between your attempts to avoid his stares, you try to think of how you will have to explain the situation to him further. He's obviously not going to let it pass in silence. Lying to Eddie fills you with guilt, but you try to appease yourself with the idea that you simply didn't have time to think it through earlier this evening.
After the game, the youngest group members decide to bike home together. The rest also drop off after half an hour. You are left alone with Eddie cleaning up the last things. Naturally, you begin to help.
 "Sooo," Eddie begins. You spontaneously laugh at the way he wants to bring the conversation back up. He turns to you.
“Sooo,” You drag on.
He cocks his head to the side in an expectant manner, looking only half as intimidating as he is trying to be. You mimic his actions. He looks rather pretty in this light, and it shows how his features have become more manly. Yet his eyes will never not resemble those of a lost puppy.
“Okay… you have to promise me you’ll stay calm as I tell you what has happened.”
He sighs, “I promise I’ll try…”
You smile and decide to be satisfied with his compromise.
“I ran into Billy Hargrove in the parking lot.”
Eddie knits his brows.  “What was he –“
“Beats me...”
“Right, go on…”
You start rattling on: “Well, he started talking to me, asking me what I was doing at school, wanting to know if I was meeting up with you, and then he said some offensive stuff about you, and me, and I just decided it was better to walk away, so I did, and then I came here, and yeah…”
Various emotions mingled on Eddie’s face. But it is one of confusion that predominantly takes the stage.
“What did he say about me, and you?”
His glare intensifies, and your eyes shift around the room in response.
“Okay… Uhm… He said you look like a cheap Van Halen,-“ Eddie interrupts you with a resentful scoff,
“And uhm… then he made like a really vulgar comment about you having sex with me or whatever, and-“
“Be more specific, (y/n)!”
You clear your throat before continuing. "He said that you aren't fucking me right and that I probably don't know any better… stuff like that…”
"He what!?" At this point, Eddie has reached his boiling point. He paces in short motions in front of you.
“Eddie, please,” You step closer to him and put your hand on his shoulder. He stopped pacing and turns to you abruptly. Your hand drops again. “How dare he make such comments to you?” His eyes soften again, but anger lingers. “You know… He is a cheap bastard for insulting me (y/n), but he is a downright dirty creep for saying such things to you. What's wrong with him?” Eddie’s eyes have just gotten a gloss of anger.
You know he’s right, but Billy’s comments actually didn’t get to you in that way. They are just cheap, dumb attempts to provoke you.
“He doesn’t even know us… And even he would, it’s still fucked up. He can’t talk to you that way.”
Although you know Eddie to be a decent guy, you are still taken aback by how he is especially angry about Billy's transgressive behavior toward you. Rather than about the insults toward himself.
“I told him you’re doing all right.”
The anger turns into genuine surprise within a heartbeat. His eyes have never appeared wider. You just stand there, awaiting a follow-up reaction, but before you know it you burst out into laughter.
It takes only a few seconds for Eddie to reciprocate.
After you regain your breath, he asks, "Why did you even say that?"
"I couldn't stand his smugness, and how he talked about you like that, and also how he insinuated that he would do so much better.
Eddie shakes his head as he smiles.
"He's just such a jerk."
You let out another small chuckle.
“Can we please just go to your place, smoke some, and laugh about this whole thing?” You beg him.
Now he lets out another chuckle, as he brings up his eyes to meet yours. He nods his head in the direction of the door.
“Let’s get out of here!” He says.
As you walk next to him, to the school’s exit, he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
Outside, you unlock your bike again and manage to put it into Eddie’s van. Seconds later, you are driving off.
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tacroyy · 1 year
first week of school. also want to add that ill try to do content warnings better for these! haven’t done a good job of that at all. mentions of racial and ableist slurs, discussion of stressed kids, food insecurity, institutional neglect and harm, general discussion of trauma
ok, thursday and friday weren’t bad other than me being beyond exhausted. i truly couldn’t have functioned without my adhd meds. the seventh graders are fucking amazing and we had The Best discussion, totally out of the blue, about prejudicial language, specifically the n-word and the r-word (both are problems at our school 🙃). i basically don’t have classroom management over them rn (or at least am not bothering to Exert It) bc their other teachers are Overreacting and being Too Intense bc it’s the start of the year so since they already know me it’s all steam blowing off in my class but honestly that’s fine. they don’t have to be non-feral until next week bc i just want them to Relax right now. the sixth graders just got lockers and are Going Through It emotionally so there’s a lot of “breathe, try again” and “nobody is doing tardies right now” bc some of them literally haven’t developed their fine motor skills enough yet and our locks and lockers are, no lie!!!!!, forty years old and Cranky. so that’s a lot of unregulated stress to channel off. i think i say this twice a week but i Do Not Understand how ANYONE teaches elementary school. makes No sense to me. beginning of sixth grade is often too young for me, really; so many of them haven’t developed that, like, independent rationality yet, and it’s A Lot when there are So Many of them.
the ideal way to end this first week would have been to have like a half day for prep so we could meet w teachers, contact parents/guardians, do sped referrals, seating chart upheavals, etc. there’s a lot of “ah, okay, here’s what This batch needs” even 3 or 4 days in, and it would just be so lovely and useful and productive and overall good for everyone to have that. for example i overheard a convo that made it clear that a family hadn’t signed their kid up for free lunch this year and so the kid didn’t get lunch so i had to run around and tell the right people (teachers don’t have access to that info) and make sure they got fed and all but it took my whole prep, and im obviously delighted to do that, but then i didn’t have any prep time and did my last three classes on the fly. not that this kind of thing doesn’t happen most days. it’s just that more prep time is imo the number one thing we need as a profession. i cant begin to express how much it would help everyone.
plus there are, as always, the kids that i just want to have a four hour productive meeting about every single day, where we hash out an Actual Plan. with a social worker, a reading specialist, a developmental psychologist, a pediatrician, a therapist, a sped expert, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a case manager, a para AND an ea and a secretary for notes. instead it’s me and the counselor who has a 250 kid caseload for ten minutes in the hall.
ive had a dream for a while, since grad school actually, of studying the affect of referred trauma on kids’ peers and school faculty and staff, especially peers and faculty and staff who also have trauma. the amount of shit that slides off of me now because you Have to grow the most perfectly balanced shield of “i will Act on this and Not ignore it” and “i must Remain Calm” and “I’ve just heard the Worst Thing Ever and have to teach for another four hours”. what does it do to you long term? what about the ones who get inured? and the ones who don’t? how can we actually help people handle this well? i know there’s So much stuff out there about secondary/vicarious trauma, and trauma informed education, and i want to be able to know if it’s at all useful or if it’s too tainted to use, like i now expect from basically all educational academia. to be clear i have already done a lot of work in this area but not for a while, and i wanted to reframe the fundamentals.
so glad we have a three day weekend now.
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addysfandomdump · 2 years
This might be a little bit of a ~spicy take~, or not idk, but a lot of the teammates in Coroika, especially the ones on major teams like Blue Team, the S5, Team Emperor and the X-Blood, feel like backup dancers for the leaders rather than actual characters with their own unique personalities. A lot of female characters in particular are often just background fodder or sometimes just a genderbent version of a male teammate. I get that it's a boy's manga, but boys deserve kickass female characters just as much as girls do.
Edit: removed Omega's section since I made a very uninformed take there. Sorry.
Blue Team especially suffer from this. Headphones and Bobble, as much as I love them, really do just feel like girl versions of Glasses and Goggles in the manga. Headphones especially I feel is given the least significant development out of the four. She doesn't feel all that different from Glasses. They have practically the same character roles in the group: the straightmen who react to the funnymen. They even have the same reactions 80% of the time!
There are ways to have them keep the same role and still do it differently. The Headphones in my mind is more assertive and stern than Glasses. She is the tired eldest sister trying to keep the rest of her unruly siblings in line. She contrasts Glasses' "what the shell!? why are you doing that!? stop!" with a more confident "you better cut that out right now or you're going in timeout." With the authority she seems to have, you'd think she was the leader of Blue Team lol (actually... that would be a cool idea... we haven't really seen any female leaders in the manga, have we? apart from the School Cardigans). She is the team's rock who keeps them grounded and focused.
Bobble is a less severe case I think. She seems less scatterbrained and more mischievous than Goggles. In my mind, Goggles creates unintentional chaos while Bobble is intentionally chaotic. She does whatever makes the joke funny I think. She also imitates her friends a lot, usually imitating Goggles the most.
Practically all the teammates on the S5 suffer this fate the worst. They get little to no characterization and mostly just exist to fill out the team. They often just feel like watered-down versions of the leader. The later Splat2 teams suffer this case a little less I think. More teammates are given more unique personalities, like Half-Rim's dryness balancing out Gloves' overconfidence, Double Egg's arrogance and Red Sole's slightly unhinged personality.
Also never going to forgive how Nana was handled, she should've been accompanying Hachi and Goggles and kicking ass. Also I don't think Blue Teams should've gotten involved in Octo Expansion, it feels too crowded with them there. In general, Justice for the Female Coroika Characters.
Once again, though, female characters are still left in the dust most of the time with N-Pacer. N-Pacer looks so regal and cool, and maybe there's a bonus chapter I'm missing but she does absolutely fuck nothing in the story apart from being the sniper on Emperor's team. Going off of appearance and vibes alone, I read her with a Blaze the Cat/Satsuki Kiryuin type personality: regal, independent, ruthless, a commanding presence to be respected. She is Emperor's closest confidante, quick and precise in doling out her orders.
I'm not saying every single character needs to go through a complex arc— the story would get too crowded and cluttered otherwise. I'm saying give them some semblance of a personality that isn't just a watered-down version of the "important character." It can be the most basic shit, just make them feel like they're an actual character living in an actual world.
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jonathankatwhatever · 6 months
Okay. Now it’s getting weird. I’ve had a thought bubble up a few times now and I realized I can’t fight hearing it and that suddenly allowed me to see Legendre’s conjecture, which is that there’s a prime between squares. I don’t know why. Maybe we can figure it out. I guess I see it as 1-0-1 where the squares are a specific form of 0. Not quite sure how to complete that thought. It’s the square of n and then n+1, so it’s the grid square expansion, meaning each grid square expansion is also a 1 and the prime is the 0 when we look at the processes which count as the 1, meaning the value of that prime and the processes which construct it.
I think we did this before, but I had so little confidence in the work that I buried it.
Constructs grid squares and these are the 1 that is the 0 in 1-0-1. A prime fits between the grid squares layers. More than 1 prime. Again, constructs grid squares in pure LayerView and the question is whether a prime is in the new layer. The idea is that at least one must be because that is essential to LayerView. Say that 11 and 13 are between 9 and 16, and then we later see L11 and L13, which are CM144 and 169.
Come on. We spent a lot of time thinking about this. It’s fundamental that there’s an L-count, which also expresses as the szK count. So when I count L7, that’s actually szK4, and thus CM16. So 11 appears as L11, which is szK6, which is CM36. And then we can count to szK11, which is CM121 and L21. I think what that’s trying to say is that these structures intertwine, so there’s identification from say szK6 to szK11. BTW, the generalization of szK is simply K. That indicates it’s counting by gs, so along any K-axis. I use szK mostly because I didn’t think to label sK for the longest time, and I have trouble forgiving myself for that.
So, we have a link from the L-count of a prime to the K-count, which counts grid squares, which is fCM, so L11 is CM36 while K11 is CM121. The way I remember seeing that is we count up or down. If we count up, then when we get to L11, that connects to the K11 processes as one of the natural expansions of 11gs. Same occurs on the count down. This is the same as within the L-count: like L9 is (4+(1)+4), in that favorite glyph, so the 5 Attaches in balance all the way to the exact szK, more or less. Asymptotically.
I can see the log part show up. But think. Like it’s IBM. All primes are L-counts. The evens are the xK and yK minus the szK. Or plus depending on direction.
So, the point becomes that at least a prime is necessary for the stretches to be uniquely identifiable. That is the answer, but we can do better.
The strange thought is this, in crude form: what if your origin complements mine from the other direction? Rather than a descent toward, a rise from? Fear of failure then has a character I can grasp. This idea is part of the ring which flips attributes and roles.
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griffintail · 3 years
You can either take this as a request or just brainrot with me, whichever you want but: Thinking about Winged! Child! Reader whos like the youngest in SBI Family Au where whenever they see Dadza they rapidly flap their wings because they're really happy seeing him (mostly because of the bird qualities) and they also like chirp a lot. And then here's also just a small event i see happening: Reader is sitting on like a play mat playing with whatever and then there's Tommy just sitting on a couch not to far away. Philza comes from upstairs and asks for Tommy to bring reader to him because he's either about to go on a walk or smth with them (idk). Tommy walks over and picks up reader and starts walking towards Philza. As they're approaching him reader notices Dadza and just reacts like "Father! :D" and starts rapidly chirping, flapping their wings repeatedly, having their hands out reaching for him. As they're flapping their wings, the wings are just constantly slapping tommy in the face. Wilbur and Techno are just somewhere off to the side wheezing at Tommy getting slapped by reader unintentionally. AND to make it slightly more funny / wholesome, the siblings just have this game where like: "If dad asks you to bring y/n over, do it as quick as you can or else you get slapped by the child." If you do ever take this as a request, could you make it a oneshot where its just a day in the life of the family where they struggle getting through the day with reader constantly being happy seeing Dadza or whoever they like? - Bird Anon :> Remember to eat food, drink water, and sleep!
Just Another Day
Pairings: SBI x Reader
Warnings: None :D
“Boys! Breakfast!” Phil called from downstairs.
Wilbur rubbed his eyes in annoyance before Phil shouted up once more.
“Oh! And someone grab (Y/N)!”
From across his room, he could hear Tommy practically falling out of his bed to scramble up so he didn’t have to get (Y/N). It was the rule between the three of them, whoever was last downstairs in the morning, had to get the small child. Wilbur huffed trying to get up quickly enough to at least beat Techno but as he stepped out of his room while putting his beanie on, Techno smirked from the stairs, Tommy long ago downstairs.
“Damn it,” Wilbur muttered.
“Be quick.” Techno chuckled as he went downstairs.
Wilbur sighed, before going into (Y/N)’s room where they were sleeping soundly in their crib.
“(Y/N),” Wilbur whispered gently as he carefully picked them up. “Time to wake up.”
(Y/N) chirped softly as they grabbed onto Wilbur’s shirt as he held them close to his chest while their wings gave a soft flutter. Wilbur chuckled softly at how adorable they were before going for the stairs.
“Come on songbird, breakfast.” He told them.
Slowly, (Y/N) woke up as Wilbur made it downstairs. It’s not that any of the boys didn’t like the small child, they were simply too adorable to dislike in the slightest. They just got a tad bit overexcited when…
“There you are kiddo.” Phil smiled at the winged child in Wilbur’s arms.
Quickly, Wilbur went to put them in their high chair as they chirped excitedly seeing Phil. He grinned in triumph as he managed to put them in their chair with only getting smacked in the arm by one of their wings. It was no secret (Y/N) loved their father.
Tommy was the first to find out the hard way how much (Y/N) loved Phil. Phil had been building (Y/N)’s room to finally have them move out of his room and was going to take a walk with (Y/N) for a quick break. He told Tommy to bring them to the front door as he quickly got changed. Tommy had picked them up from their blocks and waited by the front door until Phil came over. (Y/N) gave an excited chirp and all Tommy then saw was wings as they quickly flapped their wings against his face.
Techno and Wilbur had laughed their asses off at the time but had then since fallen victim to the same attack. Now it was always a fight to bring (Y/N) to Phil.
“Ok little crow. Calm down.” Phil chuckled gently running a hand over their head before handing out plates.
Though the reaction was very cute when they were alone in their chair, chirping as they tried to leave their seat to get to their father.
After breakfast, Phil took them on his own to spend some time with them. He played for a while but of course, he had to eventually work. So, Tommy sat on the floor with the small child as Phil worked in his office till (Y/N)’s nap time.
“Alright, I need to get a drink. Stay here.” Tommy told (Y/N) before going to the kitchen.
(Y/N) watched him before looking at their toys, making little noises as they did before they spotted one of Phil’s crows flying from the window and into the house. Making noises, their wings flapped as they tried to stand up. They managed on their feet but with their wings flapping, they quickly became unbalanced.
“Shit!” Tommy swore as he came back out and dove quickly catching (Y/N) as they fell over almost landing on their wings.
(Y/N) clapped their hands as Tommy groaned in slight pain from his quick save.
“Tommy, you better not be swearing around (Y/N),” Phil called from his office.
At the sound of Phil’s voice, (Y/N) once more flapped their wings and Tommy quietly swore as they hit him in the face.
“No, never Phil,” Tommy called back as he held (Y/N) from him as he sat up. “Alright, knock it off.”
Naptime came and eventually went as Phil was off to trade in a close-by village. (Y/N) woke up before he got home though and they whined in their crib. Tommy had gone to visit Tubbo and Wilbur had left to play a few new songs out in public, leaving Techno at home where he stayed to read. He sighed quietly hearing the small child and got up, going into (Y/N)’s room and carefully picking them up. Their wings flapped in annoyance, hitting Techno’s arms and chest, that Techno wasn’t Phil.
“Come on kid. Phil will be back in a little while.” Techno told them as he went downstairs, back into the living room where he had been reading.
(Y/N) wings still flapped and Techno hummed as he sat down.
“Now, I know you’re just trying to get a story out of me.” He said carefully balancing the child as he picked up his book. “Alright, here’s the story of Nemesis.”
He started to read the story and (Y/N) slowly started to relax before the flapping stopped and before long, the tiny winged folk was asleep once more in Techno’s arms. He nodded as he closed the book before laying back on the couch. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep as well, both siblings napping soundly.
When Phil came home, he came in as quietly as he could, going towards the kitchen to put down his trades but awed softly seeing pair asleep. Phil put down his things before trying to carefully pick (Y/N) up but the young child woke up and fluttered their wings happily as they saw Phil. The older man winced as their wings hit Techno’s face and the piglin hybrid grunted as Phil moved back with his child.
“Sorry, mate,” Phil said.
“Eh, it was time to get up anyway.” Techno rubbed his eyes.
“I’m very glad you’re always happy to see me little crow, but we do need to practice your control over your wings,” Phil told them as he went to have them sit in their playpen.
“That’d be nice I think for all of us,” Techno commented and Phil chuckled softly.
It was just another day in the Minecraft household.
General Taglist: @devilchicc @technoblades-sword
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kunikinnie · 3 years
Hello:D can I request Sigma, Tecchou and Jōuno dad hcs?
a/n: I honestly have NO idea if these are in character, but I want to believe they are :') Link to the same prompt for Akutagawa, Dazai, and Chuuya here
warnings: some profanity
being dads
featuring: Sigma, Tecchou, Jouno
"Everyone, stay calm!!" but internally is very not calm
He tries to maintain this "I've got this all under control, don't worry" facade just as he would at work, but since this is a more personal thing for him you can see "I'M VERY WORRIED" written all over his face
He wants only the best for his kids so he tries his absolute best
Like, he agonizes over the smallest things. Type of clothes, type of bed, type of food, etc.
But someone still needs to guide him every now and then since Sigma doesn't really know what being a dad means to begin with
That doesn't deter him tho. It makes him even more determined to give his children the best lives he could give them
One minor problem with that tho is that he is gullible to what his kids say lol
100% teasable and 100% adorable
He's the least "scary" among the three listed here when he gets angry, even if he is the "nicest" (he just doesn't have that viciousness in him even if the person he was confronting was literally about to kill his kids)
Tries to maintain a balance between playtime and work/study
I think he's the most chill about education, but he would definitely prefer it if they took it seriously
(don't ask him for help though he might not know the answers either)
When it comes to advice though, he gives good ones (although they can be quite general) and doesn't hesitate to help his kids navigate through their own existential troubles
He's probably the most chill when it comes to his kids' love life
He trusts them enough to know whom to be with and if necessary, when to break things off with them
But if it's a liiiittle too much for them, then he won't hesitate to "help"
Jouno Saigiku
Definitely leaning on the stricter side of things
He prefers if his kids would be a little more controllable
Which means that "bad influences" specifically Tecchou are kept as far away from them as possible
I don't think he'll let them live a sheltered life tho they need to learn the realities of life and the nature of people early on
But then again, proper guidance is key
I wouldn't say he'd have a moral code he'd want to instill in them, but certain values must be taken to heart (such as honesty - he KNOWS if they're lying and he detests it most if they do)
Jouno has quite the sharp tongue, but since becoming a father himself he has learned to choose his words better and soften his tone
But if someone tries to hurt his children? His cold sadistic will definitely dominate without him trying to hold back
I think his strengths as a father shine most once his children are of considerable age (young children just irritate him or confuse him)
Then again, some adults act like toddlers and unfortunately Jouno has a lot of experience on that field
Because of his sensitivity, he will do his best to make sure things are as "normal" in the house as possible: no strong or weird smells, no screaming or blasting loud music even if they're in their own rooms, no following Teccho's recipes or food combinations (dear God just not the last one, please)
But if somehow they don't listen no matter how many times he tries, once he has accepted his fate he will just give in lol
When it comes to school, he expects them to at least maintain a certain percentage (a bit above "just passing" is fine for him)
He won't shy away from an ass-whooping (whether literal or otherwise) if any one of them neglect their schooling
Oh he's DEFINITELY the "bullshit radar" when it comes to his kids' dating life
"Stop dating this person they don't actually like you" and stuff. Very blunt, but he doesn't mind if they feel terrible now than ten times worse later
Suehiro Tecchou
He's sweet but lost 80% of the time (or is he? that is a mystery)
I honestly think that Jouno would end up being "that uncle everyone can depend on" simply because this man's so damn unpredictable
But don't be fooled. Somehow, he still has everything under control (even more so than the previous two)
He's super nice and loves making his children happy. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't violate the law, then everything gets a pass from him
Like, think of the chill dad. Now make him ten times chiller. That's Tecchou
Ofc when he's serious, he's hella frickin serious
Definitely teaches them the value of justice and the like - he's the most adamant about it within the Hunting Dogs, after all
Linked to the "serious" things is school. He doesn't mind if his kids don't excel academically, but they should still do their best and learn as was the goal of giving them an education
I honestly think kids (especially the younger ones) love him so much. Jouno could never understand why
He's just great at playing with them, you know
I also see him as the type to unintentionally embarrass his kids. Goes to PTA and stuff wearing the strangest graphic t-shirts (without understanding what's written on it) or cheers them on with a sparkly signboard (which he made himself, ofc)
He really means well. He just doesn't know it's weird
This also means that if any of his kids enter into a relationship, their partner must be able to tolerate (or better, get along) with Tecchou lol (not because he's trying to be intimidating, but he wants to find another kiddo to bond with)
He's a super nice and supportive father so they have nothing to worry about - except if he finds out they hurt his kids in any way, shape, or form. He wouldn't do anything too rash or terrible, but it's terrifying enough for his victim to repent for the next four future lives
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
SW Suddenly-Omegaverse AU: Surrogacy, Worldbuilding, Obi-Mom
Truly the main irony of all this is that everyone considers Obi-Wan the Better Omega but Anakin is the one who's actually 👀👀👀 about pregnancy
Obi-Wan: I have the deepest respect for those who do it, but the idea of growing another person inside of me is weird and gross, no, thank you.
Meanwhile Anakin is like. Immediate baby fever. Someone actually approaches him like "hey... there are forms you can fill out to request an exception for pregnancy, and like... regulations" because he's that obvious about it.
I assume that if they've got safety nets for accidental pregnancies, then they're probably aware that there are people who want to do it on purpose? I feel like in an omegaverse where 'biological imperative to procreate' can be so much more intense, then maybe there's old precedent that stuck around even after suppressants got most of those hormones under better control.
Bit torn. Just know I want Anakin to Make Baby.
"Anakin, what are you--" "Do you think offering to be someone's surrogate would be acceptable to the council as a way to be pregnant without getting attached." "...what." "They'd probably accept that as a way to practice not getting attached, right?" "N...no, that's not... what?"
Anakin approaching Bail and Breha and being like “Do you... still want a kid? I would provide a kid. Do you want one here*?”
* in this dimension
Great way to give up the baby as a parent because he'd still be able to see them once in a while but also like... it's not HIS kid, technically. He can be a cool uncle who happened to give birth, which is distant enough to not be 'attached,' but close enough that his Tatooine-raised 'must ensure family is safe whenever possible' background doesn't flip out. It helps that 'Core World Royalty' is like... a top-tier family to be raised in.
(It would have to be post-war because he probably shouldn’t be risking his life while very pregnant. He needs to be reminded of that sometimes.)
Bail/Breha is an alpha/alpha relationship and while a pregnancy is still possible,* it’s a whole lot more difficult, and that's on top of Breha's canon medical issues that resulted in her heart and lungs getting replaced.
* AFAB alphas can get pregnant, and AMAB omegas can inseminate, but the success rate on that angle is much lower than the 'traditional' alpha/omega roles, as is any attempt at reproduction outside rut/heat. They're low-fertility overall for the non-dominant aspect of their reproductive system, which... ha, Anakin and Obi-Wan try to get explanations for why the senary system works the way it does, but it's a very longform history lesson that comes down to 'idk this got cemented so long ago that nobody really knows why anymore.'
AKA "why do you title these roles male omega and female alpha instead of intersex omega and intersex alpha since both parties have both genitals."
Anakin: I want to make babies. But I don't want to get kicked out of the order. But I don't want to give up my own babies for adoption. But I can't keep my own babies if I want to stay a Jedi. So basically I want to have someone else's babies? Anakin: ...wait shit that's just surrogacy.
Anakin, calling up Obi-Wan: Hey are the Organas still struggling to have a kid? Obi-Wan: ...not really your business. Anakin: You're friends with Bail again though, right? Obi-Wan: I am, but-- Anakin: Do you think they'd want me to be a surrogate? Obi-Wan: What.
I can't decide if it's funnier for the Order to be like "I mean... technically there's no rules against this?" or if this is a precedent set by at least three omegas every generation because that's just how a/b/o manifested for omegas in a biological and cultural sense.
Bail: Wait, your former apprentice is... volunteering... to be our surrogate. Obi-Wan, exhausted: Yes. Bail: He barely knows us. Obi-Wan: He respects you and you're the closest people he knows that want a child and would be good parents. Bail: And he's just... volunteering? Obi-Wan: Yes. Also, you did say your primary worry was that a surrogate might be targeted for assassination and you couldn't ask someone to risk that, right? Anakin is very much able to avoid assassins, and would be staying primarily in the Temple anyway. Very safe, and not particularly scared of assassins in the first place. Bail: Your words say you approve, but your tone says otherwise. Obi-Wan: Anakin considers me his father. I'm not old enough to be a grandparent. Bail: Ah.
Anakin is a surrogate and enjoys it and everything is fine and then like a year later he's accidentally pregnant with his own and Rex's kid, and nobody knows how to ask if it's actually an accident.
A suggestion from @gelpenss:
OH MAN i.... have to drive home. But I just had a thought about like. I always want to poke at Betas in A/B/O like are they “normal” or different from our standard or.... but ANYWAY assuming they have a pheromonal thing I just think it would be neat if betas had the ability to be the Bucket of Cold Water. Like if caught early enough, and with the caveat it’s not permanent, a beta could arrest a rut or heat in its tracks until a more ideal time. Like. They aren’t birth control. But they are the remind me later button.
Okay done driving I am Returned to bring up why I brought up betas and it’s this: well okay 1. It plays nice with a popular but inaccurate dog breeding urban legend that female dogs will like, delay heat cycles? so that the bitches above them in pack hierarchy have first choice of mate selection. And I think in omegaverse it would be cool if that was a Bio Fact, and also historically enforced by the third designation. 2. It gives me an excuse to have betas have the Most Sensitive sense of smell because it’s their “job” to pick up on things before they go too far to be put on pause. 3. I’m just thinkin ‘bout a beta clone [...] just hovering around Obi-Wan because they found out how much stress his heat cycle causes and they’re like “okay cool I will help make sure it does Not”
I want to like a/b/o verses but betas niggle at me. I want to give them a hat and a Function that woulda helped before modern medicine.
I'm not sure how I feel about betas being able to delay heats, but I do like the idea of them having a more sensitive sense of pheromone smell than most. Most aliens assume it's omegas with the best sense of smell, and betas with the worst, but it's more complicated than that because they all specialize: Alphas are actually less attuned to pheromone smells, but more attuned to things that were useful back when humans were still a hunter-gatherer species. Omegas tend to be heightened towards danger smells like fire or aggression, and pheromones relating to children/care. Betas, as suggested above, are very sensitive to pheromone changes relating to mood and behavior of the community around them.
I like the idea that betas were historically the ones that ended up taking care children, unmated omegas, and so on during people's heats and ruts, because they kept their heads about themselves long enough to do things like cook and clean while someone was reeking of hormones. The checks and balances work out that betas may have lower fertility, but it makes them better able to support the network around them.
It works in with humanity's general collective history of thriving the most when working as a community.
Given that I decided that this is Jangobi, the clones might all subconsciously view Obi-Wan as Mom. Not intentionally, but, you know... Obi-Wan the not-evil stepmother. He doesn't know how he got into this situation, but he sure is here, and he sure as hell doesn't know how to get out.
Obi-Wan "I don't need to get pregnant, I have three million stepchildren" Kenobi
I definitely love "clones all want to make Obi-Wan's heats less stressful" but like in a different way from Whatever The Fuck Anakin's Got Going On.
Obi-Wan using the force to dull the pain in a Shiny's broken leg while the medic works on it and the Shiny just mumbles "Thanks mom" and everyone gets very embarrassed and pretends it didn't happen.
But then it happens again. And again.
Obi-Wan asks for an explanation from Cody and gets a halting response that, since Jango is technically their father, and his scent has been all over Obi-Wan recently... and Obi-Wan puts in a lot of effort to take care of them all.......
Anakin overhears the clones calling Obi-Wan "mom" and just. The most judgmental eyebrow raise.... Mostly in the sense of "You never let me call you dad" "Thought you said you weren't anyone's parent." "Hey, hey, Obi-Wan. What the fuck."
Obi-Wan eventually manages to admit that he's uncomfortable with it at minimum because of the gendering the word has for him, can they at least use the neutral 'buir' instead?
Word spreads like fire, takes like two days max for everyone to switch.
(Anakin demands cuddles as compensation for not getting to call Obi-Wan any true parental term for years.)
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mionemymind · 3 years
Chapter 9: The Truth
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Fake Memories
Series Summary: After Y/n is caught cheating on Wanda with Carol, Y/n would do just about anything to get Wanda back into her life. But was it even Y/n’s fault that she cheated? Or was it the new enemy set on revenge?
Chapter Summary: The after effects of the attack on New York have changed everything for the Avengers, Wanda, and Y/n. 
A/n: I have managed to write this all within one day. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes but please let me know your thoughts love :) (Not my GIF)
Warnings: Fighting, Hydra, Blood, Mentions of Death, Anxiety, Curse Words
Word Count: 4.9k
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
Covered in ash, dirt, and dried-up blood, Steve was a walking disaster as he paced through the hospital waiting room. Well, if you would call it a hospital that is. It’s been less than an hour since the Avengers have controlled the fires in New York but the troubling news of Y/n and Wanda brought them to a halt.
They quickly rushed to the “hospital”, which was just an empty leased building before being revamped into a hospital for this emergency. The walls were made up of light green curtains. You couldn’t even separate the blood-curling screams from down the hall to the one next to you.
“Stop pacing Rogers. You’re making my head hurt,” Tony said as he sat next to his suit. He had managed to borrow one of the hospital’s tablets to see if there were any updates that could remotely be done to the tower. So far, no luck had been made to reboot F.R.I.D.A.Y or power up the building in general. “Don’t tell me what to do,” he bit back.
Before Tony could say anything, Natasha lightly elbowed him in the stomach to keep him hushed. Now was not the time to start fighting especially at a time like this. “Are you any closer to powering up the tower?” She asked. If Natasha was nervous, she sure as hell didn’t show it. While the assassin did have a similar beat-up look like Steve, her composure was almost too relaxed. However, if Steve cared to notice, he could quickly see how big of a lie that was but his mind was only focused on the two youngest Avengers.
On the other side of the building lied Wanda and Y/n. The only thing separating those two was the thin green curtain and the team of tired nurses and doctors that surrounded them. And while the two have been closer before, this was the first time in a while that they both slept peacefully by each other. It didn’t matter the circumstances of how they slept, but rather what they dreamt...and it was of each other.
“What do you think we would have been like if we lived normal lives?” It was a late afternoon on a sunny day in spring. Wanda and Y/n laid down in the grass under a tree that shadowed them from the sun. Today was one of their off days and seeing as the weather was nice, the two felt like it was a perfect time to go to the park.
“Well, we would obviously attend school.” Wanda was lying down on her back with a dandelion in her hand as Y/n laid on her side, using her left hand to support her head. “I can honestly see you as being the popular person or maybe even the President of some type of political club.”
“What makes you say that?” The soft breeze that covered them came once again, which blew the pappis away. The small frown on Wanda’s faced made it hard for Y/n to focus but she still responded, “You just have this powerful aura to you, Wanda. When you talk, people listen. But what you do better is how easy it is for us to believe you. That’s something not a lot of leaders can do.”
“You make it sound like I’ll be the next President of the United States,” Wanda replied jokingly. “I wish.” Wanda pushed Y/n back slightly as she laughed but all Y/n did was smile at the action. “But what about me? What do you think I would be like?”
Putting her finger to her chin, Wanda thought for a moment before saying, “Honestly, without your powers, you are probably a film nerd at heart. Maybe just a nerd in general.”
“Hey! Now you’re just being mean.” Wanda rolled her eyes as she threw away the dandelion stem. She turned her head to face Y/n. There was this adoration in her eyes that quickly made Y/n blush. “Who cares. All I know is if anyone decides to mess with you, they’ll obviously have to go through me.”
“Oh, so you’re telling me the President of the political science club is going to come to my rescue?”
“Duh! I’ll probably yell at them or something. If not, I’m not afraid to get nasty.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“How’d you let them get away?” Fury said as he walked into the hospital that Y/n was at. The man was not in his finest hour. First, the mass destruction of New York city was blasting on the news. Reporters and anchors are not looking in favor for the heroes regardless of the actions they’ve taken to try and minimize the damage. Many were angry at the mere fact that this happened at all.
“Someone on their team had quickly teleported them to safety,” Carol stated. The girl has been feeling nothing but guilt for the past hour. Although she did save Wanda and Y/n, the state she had found them in only did worse for her thoughts. “Even if I did try to catch up to them, the lack of response from Wanda and Y/n meant something. I probably couldn’t have faced them alone if I tried.”
Before Fury could have walked any further into the building, Carol grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to look at her. “Her ears were bleeding Nick...I think they did something to her head again.”
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Wanda woke up with a slight headache, the dream vaguely on her mind. As she started to grasp her surroundings, she only grew more confused. “Where am I?” She thought. The loud beeping beside her combined with screams and loud thoughts overwhelmed Wanda. Feeling the need to get out, she quickly started to remove the various wires on her as the recent events caught up to her. “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to lay back down,” the nurse asked kindly.
“Where’s Y/n?” Wanda almost lost her balance as she stepped off her bed. She used the nurse in front of her to regain her balance, before walking out of her “room”. “Ma’am, I’m not going to ask again, please lay back down or I will have to get security.”
The threat was the last thing on Wanda’s mind. All she could focus on was finding Y/n. Using her powers, she closed her eyes and tried to sense where Y/n was. Considering the girl was right beside her, it didn’t take long for Wanda to find out.
Quickly walking over to the side of her room, Wanda pushed the curtain to the side but the sight in front of her made everything stop. There was Y/n, battered and bruised. There was drywall dust on her face along with dried-up blood. “Y/n,” Wanda whispered in disbelief. Much to Wanda’s dismay, Y/n didn’t respond. She remained unresponsive on the bed.
Reaching out to try and hold her hand, Wanda was pulled back by the same nurse. “Ma’am, please let the doctors and nurses do their jobs while you go back to your bed.” Wanda shrugged off her hand, her eyes glowing red as she said, “Don’t.”
Wanting to be by Y/n’s side, Wanda tried to walk towards her again but Steve’s voice made her stop. “Wanda.” Turning back around, Wanda first noticed just how beat up Steve was. His helmet was off which made Steve oddly look like a raccoon. If times were different, maybe Wanda would have laughed. Instead, she stormed out of the room, feeling more overwhelmed.
“I’m sorry about her ma’am,” Steve said with a courteous nod.
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Wanda sat on the ledge of the roof. The slight breeze of the night was coursing past her as she mindlessly fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit she developed after her parents’ death. It was during a harsher breeze that Wanda touched her forehead where the slight open injury was at. She had left the floor just moments ago and somehow her feet led her here. Although she knew that she needed someone to look at the injuries she sustained, her mind was focused elsewhere. It was plagued with thoughts about the girl that was still entrapped in a room full of doctors that had no clue how to treat her. Wanda knew it was wrong of her to read their minds, but she hoped that at least one of them at least knew where to start. Panic and anxiety filled the redhead’s body the more she realized that no one knew how to help Y/n. Soon, the room felt as if it was enclosing on her. Before Steve realized she was about to break down, she left to sort out her thoughts and emotions.
Wanda had been so deep in thought that she hadn’t noticed Carol leaning against the entrance of the roof. The blonde was only a couple of feet away from Wanda wearing black sweatpants and a shirt. The girl was wrapping up a mission when she saw the text from Y/n. Carol didn’t know whether the drop in her heart was from the fake feelings Memory Man had created or whether she genuinely cared about the girl’s wellbeing. It didn’t matter though. What mattered was Y/n’s safety.
Carol leaned up against the ledge while surveying the view. They were a foot away from each other but it didn’t take a mind reader to know that both girls were thinking about Y/n. Ironically enough, they each had their separate thoughts about how they failed to protect Y/n. For Wanda, she felt as if she was the sole reason that Y/n got hurt. If she had only conquered her abilities more, Y/n wouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself again just to protect her. Not only that, but Wanda felt beyond frustrated with herself for being so frozen and paralyzed as the enemy hurt Y/n right in front of her eyes. There was nothing holding her back besides herself and that was something that will haunt her for a while. For Carol, she felt that if she were just a bit faster and maybe not a galaxy away, she would have reached them in time to help.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Wanda sidely glanced at Carol. The first thing she noticed was her attire. It didn’t take long for the dots to connect before she realized that it was Y/n’s clothes Carol was wearing. Wanda bit her tongue at the ounce of jealousy and resentment that decided to rise within her. This was no time to start arguments especially with the person that helped Y/n just in the nick of time. So Wanda had opted for a different but just as difficult route. “Thank you.”
Carol heard but decided to remain silent. Clearing her throat, Wanda continued, “I’m not sure what would have happened if you hadn’t found us.” Finally, the two made eye contact as Carol glanced at Wanda. “I’m only here for Y/n,” Carol deadpanned. Wanda choked at her words but still had a serious composure. They both looked back at the city but there was a more tense feeling in the air. Carol hadn’t cared if the words had hurt Wanda. What she cared for was Y/n. But the looming question in the back of her head was always if this was a genuine feeling or if it was forced. However, the way her heart overwhelmingly felt angered at the person beside her, she knew that at this time, the feeling was genuine.
Subconsciously, Wanda felt the emotions that leaked out of the blonde. She didn't need to go in her mind to realize that. It felt like Carol’s guard was down leading her aura to be seen. It had covered the area surrounding the two in such a suffocating manner that Wanda felt like she couldn’t breathe. The two most compelling emotions were the anger she held for her and the love she had for Y/n. As she cracked her knuckles, Carol muttered, “It is quite ridiculous the things Y/n continuously goes through for a team that can barely return the favor.”
“You don’t get to-”
“Now listen here. I don’t quite care much for your team. Frankly, y’all don’t deserve Y/n.” The two faced each other with such intensity that one wrong move could cause a fight with two of the galaxy’s most powerful superheroes. “But if I’m being honest, you don’t deserve Y/n.” Wanda’s fists clenched at Carol’s words. It took everything out of the redhead to not fling Carol out of New York, because how dare she accuse her of such atrocities.
“If I were you, I would stop where you’re at,” Wanda said threateningly. The spiral scarlet glow in her eyes only made Carol chuckle. “You know you’re not the only one with powers.” Carol’s fist glowed with the same intensity as Wanda’s eyes. But the threats were pointless as the two had stopped at the same time.
“You don’t see it but you should feel lucky Wanda.” Cocking her eyebrow, Wanda responded with, “And why is that?” The redhead remained in a defensive stance as she crossed her arms. Carol walked closer to her and placed her hand on Wanda’s shoulder. Wanda was still tense but it slightly faltered when she saw how serious Carol was. “There’s a girl out there that loves you even when her mind and heart tell her otherwise.” And with that, Carol left Wanda to herself.
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The burning feeling in his legs shouldn’t have felt familiar but it did. It reminded him of the body that he held through New York’s streets. It reminded him of the blood all over his hands and clothes. It reminded him of that fateful night that he failed.
And as he stormed into the hospital with nobody in his hands, something in the way that the team looked made his blood drain. Before Bucky could ask about Y/n’s whereabouts, Beth had walked in. Seeing her familiar face caused Bucky to be slightly relaxed but still anxious about what she could possibly say.
“I have an update on Y/n’s health.” Carol had walked into the room and her attention immediately landed on Beth. “Tell us, Beth,” Fury said.
“As of right now, she will be fine. The doctors have her hooked up to a solution that is allowing her regeneration abilities to work. But-,” before Beth could finish her update, Tony had stood up and loudly commented, “- Great, now that we know Ms. Hydra is okay, can we get back to the real issue at hand?”
As Carol was about to advance to Tony, it was Beth’s words that made the room quiet. “Of course it would be the self-righteous billionaire that would talk shit.” Tony’s head snapped towards Beth. “Excuse me?!”
Beth glared back at Tony, not daring to back down. Her arms were crossed as she continued, “Don’t act like you can’t hear me, or is your ego too far high for you to actually listen?”
Walking towards Beth, Tony said, “Listen here you son of a-” Before Tony could get any closer to Beth, Bucky had used his arm to stop him. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Tony forcefully removed Bucky’s hand from his chest. He stepped away from Beth, not wanting to deal with what he thinks of as just some pathetic nurse.
“You know what the real issue is Tony - actually - all of you. It’s the fact that you seriously think of Y/n to be this villain.” Beth had let out a dark chuckle at the irony of the situation. “Or have you forgotten the shit you’ve ALL done? Let’s name them, shall we?”
“Beth-” Beth glared at Bucky. She didn’t care if this wasn’t the time nor the place for this conversation, because God was she so tired of them. “Tony, remember all the weapons that you’ve created for mass destruction and have yet to actually own up to the consequences of them?”
“I would stop there if I were you before-”
“Before what?!” Beth said as she threw her hands up. “Before you sue me?! Before you attack me?! Oh - that’s it, isn’t it? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Like how you did with Y/n?!” The room grew more silent as everyone besides Bucky and Beth digested her words. “It’s honestly sad how a bunch of adults has managed to push a KID to take their life away. All for what?! Because you thought she cheated on Wanda! News fucking flash - she didn’t even fucking cheat.”
“What?” Steve said. The shock of Beth’s words was still affecting him. “It was Memory Man. He had put fake memories in Y/n’s and mine’s heads. That was the whole reason we kissed - wait - did you not know about this?” The team was frozen while Carol and Fury impatiently waited for answers.
Not caring to wait for their pathetic excuses, Beth said, “It’s not like it matters what they have to say. They don’t even care for Y/n but for those that actually do. Right now we have no clue what her mind is going to be like. Memory Man has already given her enough damages before and considering we don’t know the full extent of his powers, we can only wait till she wakes up to see if she will actually be okay. Now if you don’t mind, I have a patient to take care of.”
Before Beth could leave, Bucky grabbed onto her arm. He gave her a look but Beth wasn’t having any of it. Ripping her arm from his grip, she stated, “Don’t Bucky. You know how much your family has hurt her. So don’t just stand there and act like they’re saints especially since you know how much Y/n needed you.”
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It’s been a couple of days since the attack in New York and Y/n has since woken up. She has barely spoken to Beth, Bucky, Carol, or Fury. Although Estell’s presence would have been welcomed, Beth has yet to tell the girl the news of Estell’s death. Unfortunately, during the attack, she was shot and killed on sight by Hydra. The only reason Beth knew was from the long list of deaths she read on TV.
“We need to transport Y/n to a different location,” Fury said in a small meeting that consisted of only Bucky and Carol. “I agree. Since Hydra has managed to infiltrate the tower once, who knows when they’ll do it again.”
“That’s why a different country will do her better than here.” Fury sighed at the decision that was laid upon them. New locations will always be hard to adjust to but that wasn’t all of it. “Wanda will remain as Y/n’s guard.”
Abruptly standing from her chair, the loud screeched filled the room. “Are you serious?!” Fury’s expression didn’t change as Carol only grew with rage. “She could hardly take care of herself during the attack. What makes you think she could possibly take care of Y/n?”
“The girl was simply outnumbered. We all were.” Moving to get the file that was beside him, he slid it on the table. Bucky grabbed it and had started to silently read it. “But I need the both of you on the front lines. After what Beth has said, I need you two to make sure that the team is actually doing their job. They were supposed to have found out about Hydra’s plans before the attack, now I’m starting to think they didn’t even try.”
Carol was still angry at Fury’s decision to which he sighed. “You will know of Y/n’s location at all times. I will let her have a remote that when activated should send you a signal. Since you’re back on Earth, you’ll get to her in seconds.” Carol sat back down in her seat. Although she was still mad at Fury’s decision, she felt better knowing that Y/n could signal her for help.
“Now, I need you to say your goodbyes for now. Y/n leaves in an hour.”
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Wanda stood in the foyer of the hanger as various agents loaded up the quinjet with materials that she and Y/n would need for the time they were gone. She was informed of the last-minute decision just moments ago by Fury himself.
“Please take care of her.”
The words echoed in her head as it had been the only time she’s seen Fury actually care deeply for somebody else. Before she could ponder more about it, Beth had interrupted Wanda’s thoughts. “Wanda?”
Turning around to the source of the sound, Wanda stood in front of a young blonde woman with intense eyes. “I’m Beth,” she said as she held out her hand. Wanda reluctantly shook it, not quite sure as to who this lady actually was. “I’m Y/n’s friend.”
“Great, another pretty girl I have to worry about,” Wanda thought. “Well, I’m also her nurse but I think she would consider me her friend as well.” Wanda stood awkwardly not really knowing how to respond.
Using this opportunity, Beth handed Wanda a bag full of medicine and vitamins. “I know this will be a lot to ask of you but could you please take care of Y/n?” There was no doubt in Wanda’s mind that this girl in front of her meant well. The nurturing feeling in her aura surrounded Wanda.
“That girl has been through a lot and I would know.” Confused by the intensity of her words, Wanda couldn’t help but ask, “How do you know this?”
“I’ve been her nurse for a while now.” This news only confused Wanda even more. “Was she injured before the attack?”
“What is it with you guys and not knowing a single thing about Y/n?” Beth thought. She started to get irritated at the thought of another Avenger hurting Y/n. She could only hope Wanda was different from the rest. However, Wanda heard Beth’s thoughts and said, “What do you know that I don’t?”
Beth scoffed at the question and replied, “The truth.” The simplicity of her answer made Wanda internally roll her eyes. Whether she admitted it or not, she had started to feel territorial over the fact somebody else knew Y/n better than her.
“Wanda let’s go!” Fury yelled from afar. The two looked over and saw Y/n hug Carol, Fury, and Bucky goodbye. Oddly enough, she looked emotionless when she did it. “Just please don’t fuck up again.” Wanda didn’t answer respond back to Beth because if she did, something bitchy would have probably left her mouth. Instead, she walked over and into the quinjet. She buckled into the seat closest to Y/n but the girl didn’t give any attention to Wanda. She remained silent and focused on her hands for the whole ride while Wanda thought more and more about what Beth meant.
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“Now that we’re all here let’s get started.” Fury turned on the projector and the first image the was on the screen was New York on fire during the attack. “So far, we’ve received word that there have been 125 casualties and approximately around 500 critical injuries suffered from the attack.” Click.
“However, we face a bigger number when it comes to those that are currently missing. Estimating from 600 - 1000 people are found to be missing. And since we have efficiently cleared the rumble from the damages, our sources have found out how they’ve gone missing.” Click.
Footage of the event was playing but in the location of the subways. One by one, explosions could be seen in various parts of different train passages. It didn’t take long for Hydra soldiers to infiltrate the train systems but all camera footage cut to black. “Hydra has effectively taken hostages of those that were on the train during that night. They have used bombs to blast any chance of us going after them in these tunnels.”
“Is there a way to locate the subways?” Steve asked. “Since New York hardly invests in their transportation department, they are unable to track any of their subways. More than likely, Hydra has already disposed of them in case they were to be tracked.” Click.
“What we need is to figure out where these people have gone. This many hostages taken is something we cannot allow. And considering we have hardly been able to figure out their plans before the attack, I can only assume the worse when it comes to this.” Fury turned the projector off and continued his speech.
“Bucky and Carol will be removed from their current missions to assist the team with this situation. There will be absolutely no complaints about this. Any signs of lack of cooperation, I will gladly remove you and ban you from missions indefinitely.” Fury looked around the team once more and felt disgusted at the people he has to work with. Giving them no time to reply, he left the room not being able to stand the sight of them anymore.
Since they were dismissed, part of the team left in a hurry until it was down to three people. Tony was about to leave when Steve said, “Are you going to apologize to Y/n?” The question was genuine and serious because ever since that night, Steve had been unable to sleep. All he wished he could do was apologize to Y/n but the girl refused to see him. Unfortunately, he understood why.
“Why should I? It doesn’t change anything.” Steve stood up and slammed the table with his hand. “We killed her Tony.” Tony walked in front of Steve. “I didn’t do anything,” he sneered.
“Steve. Tony. We need to calm down,” Natasha said as she watched the two go at it. “Don’t act so mighty Natasha. I heard you bullied the girl too.” This comment caused Natasha’s jaw to harden. “Aww, did I hit a nerve?” Tony childishly asked. “Oh fuck off Tony. There you go again bringing other people down when you can hardly accept what you’ve done. YOU took away Y/n’s funds. She couldn’t even afford anything.”
“But you watched me do it, Rogers. You could have done something too yet you let it happen. So don’t patronize me. Nothing of what she said changes anything.” Tony quickly left the room as he felt himself explode in anger. This didn’t even surprise Steve anymore. He was tired of keeping the family together when it was clear now that it was meant to be apart.
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“Here we are,” Wanda said as she dropped her bags in the living room. Looking at her surroundings, the flat was a decent size. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and accommodations on the floor below them.
“So what do you-,” Y/n hadn’t responded to Wanda’s question as she zoomed past her and walked into her room. Softly closing the door shut, Wanda sighed at her reaction. It wasn’t a surprise but Wanda still couldn’t help but feel hurt by it all. “I guess I should start unpacking.”
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It’s been a couple of weeks since Y/n and Wanda started to live together in the flat located in the small town of Edinburgh. While Wanda mainly kept the place tidy, Y/n remained in her room all the time unless it was to use the bathroom or to eat. The only time she would even dare to be close to Wanda was during dinner. If it was breakfast or lunch, Y/n would take what Wanda cooked for the day into her room.
But Wanda was stubborn. She always left Y/n little notes of her whereabouts anytime she left for an errand but a small compliment would always be at the end of it. Sometimes she would knock on Y/n’s door and ask if she would want to watch a movie with her. Obviously, Y/n never answered but Wanda continued to ask. Other times, Wanda would think of Y/n’s favorite foods and would cook them for dinner that night. And while Y/n had never said it out loud, the empty plate she left in front of her always made Wanda swell with joy.
However, tonight was going to be different. Usually, the two would sit in silence as Wanda would have the tv playing in the background but Wanda needed to hear Y/n’s voice. Not only that, but she was hoping that the truth would come out as well.
Trying to figure out a way to break the silence, it was oddly Y/n that had done it first. “Why don’t you hate me?” At first, Wanda was shocked that Y/n had actually spoken, but the girl regain her composure and said, “Why would I hate you? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Y/n was silent for a moment until she said, “But I killed your brother.”
Chapter 10
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Taglist:  @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog @sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @shadowybailiffdreamer-donkey @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @somewhatgreatexpectations @wandavixen @second-try-stevie @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me @ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha @itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff @haechanana @the-camilucha @severepeanutartisanhands @owloftheshadows @somewhatgreatexpectations @ywuen @mixed-fandom-mess @loomontoia @ilovemarvelwomen @isitallreallyworthit @coxmicbabygirl  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000 @prentisshoe @andrea-stark @simpforwandanat​ @abimess​ @randomshyperson​ @yourtaletotell​ @magically-queer-stuff​ 
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Boyfriend w/ Megumi, Itadori and Gojo
Request: hii I just read your jujutsu nightmares piece and oh my god I am indeed a very simple simp and your writing just makes my heart go uwu so may I maybe req a very soft, fluffy s/o for Megumi, Itadori Sato and maybe Sukuna if you write for him? I hope it's not too much, thank uu <3 - anonymous
I can’t get enough of the JJK content, I love them so much my heart can’t take it. Sadly I don’t write for Sukuna *I think I mention it in my rules but I’m not sure*, he pissed me off big time in the manga so yeah sorry about that. Really all the curses have kinda pissed me off but that’s a story for another day lmao. Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: boyfriend things lol, fluff, maybe some angst sprinkled on top but not a lot. 
Fushiguro Megumi 
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-Megumi reminds me of Suna from Haikyuu. 
-Like a lot. 
-He will put effort in the relationship of course but he won’t flaunt it around in everybody’s faces. 
-Yes he has a s/o and yes he is in love but in his book that should be mostly kept in between you two, no one else has to know. 
-So at first your relationship isn’t really acknowledged by the others. 
-It’s so subtle at casual that everyone around you thinks that you’re merely best friends and close to each other. 
-Only Makki knows that you two are a thing since she sees how you worry and take care of him after he has been injured. 
-It’s different from platonic concern and she knows what’s going on. 
-Plus she saw you steal a kiss one time and that sealed the deal. 
-Eventually the others figure it out and they are losing their shit, for completely different reasons though. 
-Nobara can’t believe Megumi got a s/o before she did. 
-Gojo is hurt because neither of you said anything and he has been trying to hook you up for the past two years now. 
-Itadori is just confused because he thought that you were like that to everyone. 
-Now PDA is non-existent with this one. 
-He doesn’t feel comfortable touching you in public even if it’s a small peck. 
-He prefers showing his love behind closed doors or through acts of service. 
-So expect to find multiple bentos waiting for you in the kitchen each morning or a hot bath on the ready when you come back from a long mission. 
-You are okay with the no PDA rule, your only request is that he at least hold your pinkie when you need it. 
-It grounds you and who is he to say no to that?
-During missions he doesn’t underestimate your strength and let’s you do your thing. 
-He only interferes when you ask for help or when he notices that you’re extremely overwhelmed. 
-He doesn’t smother you and you are eternally grateful for that. 
-Training sessions between the both of you are brutal. 
-Neither holds back and you're left a panting, sweating mess at the end, crawling to your respective rooms to change before you settle for a movie later that afternoon.
-If either of you gets injured it’s mama bear time. 
-You need to change your bandages? Megumi has already taken out the kit and all the essentials. 
-He needs to take some meds to calm the pain in his ribcage? You have the pills in hand. 
-He is a shy boy so even in private he hesitates to touch you. 
-Don’t get him wrong he loves holding you and feeling you close to him but he is also afraid he will make you uncomfortable or overstep. 
-So you will be the one initiating cuddle session during the first months of your relationship. 
-After a while he will simply pick you up and carry you to his bed for cuddles if he needs them without uttering a word the whole time. 
-Good morning/Goodnight kisses are a must. 
-It’s a ground rule that he follows religiously since day one. 
-It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple peck on his lips or a passionate kiss, he just wants to get a kiss before starting/ending the day. 
-Sleeps on his stomach with an arm always draped over your waist. 
-Isn’t really into the whole sleeping on each other thing but he won’t say no to being the big spoon or even better the little spoon. 
-He gets flustered when you kiss his knuckles or trace patterns on his palms. 
-He knows his hands are rough from all the training but after your touch they feel tender and gentle. 
-Prefers indoor dates rather than outdoor ones. 
-His favorite  is cooking dinner together and then cuddling on the couch *in hopes you won’t get interrupted by Gojo*.
-The only thing he dislikes about the whole relationship thing is the teasing he receives from Gojo. 
-He is ready to rip his ears off. 
-Boy has murder on his mind 24/7 and it is all directed to his mentor.
-Gojo noticed that Megumi had you as his wallpaper ONCE and now it’s game over for your boyfriend. 
-The thing is that you don’t get teased as much and he is *salty*. 
Itadori Yuuji
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-He is such a lovable boy, how could you NOT fall in love with him?
-Your relationship is naturally effortless. 
-Everything flows so naturally and without even trying you two have formed such an unbreakable bond that not even Sukuna himself can tether even if he tried. 
-Many MANY spontaneous trips to the nearest convenience store at 3 am.
-Oh you are craving some popcorn? Well go on, get your shoes, we are going grocery shopping. 
-Won’t hesitate to do anything for you and when I say anything I mean it. 
-He ditched Gojo once because you had bad period pains and said you needed cuddles. 
-What cruel creature would he be if he denied his beautiful girlfriend her cuddles??? 
-Sukuna has cockblocked you two and has ruined your cuddles on multiple occasions. 
-From weird noises to rude comments to interrupting Yuuji’s thoughts with random shit. 
-Real party crasher. 
-Yuuji’s love language is touch mainly so expect a shit load of hugs and kisses. 
-Won’t let go of your hand while you are out in public. 
-If he can’t hold your hand he will place his palm in the small of your back or wrap his arm around your shoulders/waist. 
-It’s a physical need. 
-He has to be touching you at all times because that reminds him that you are truly here beside him and that you are okay. 
-The sorcerer's life has already taken a toll on his mentality and he hates leaving you alone so most of the time you go on conjoined missions. 
-Unlike Megumi he tries to protect you during fights by all means. 
-He doesn’t do it because he sees you as weak and in need of protection it’s just an instinct that he can’t control at all. 
-He will put himself in immense danger, taking all the blows just so you can leave the scene unscathed. 
-You have scolded him on his complete disregard of his own life and the tears that pooled in his eyes as he explained that his body moves on its own when he sees anything darting towards you, breaks your heart. 
-If you kiss the little marks under his eyes all his worries fly out the nearest window. 
-He forgets about everything around him, about the looming threat of his imminent execution, the only thing on his mind are your lips on his cheekbones and your thumbs rubbing circles on his cheeks. 
-If you pepper him in too many kisses he will begin his own assault by first tackling you to the floor or the bed and capturing you in a hug before the smooches begin. 
-He has a tendency to leave hickies on your neck which you struggle to cover each morning and you are always real close to glaring at him when he beams like the sun itself at you in the morning but your mild anger fades the moment his lips meet yours. 
-You have your suspicions that he knows what he is doing with that, he knows his kisses make you weak so he uses them to his advantage. 
-Will never admit it but it always places a small smirk on his lips every time you clutch his shirt for balance or rest your forehead on his shoulder to regain your composure. 
-An I love you a day is required for good vibes. 
-Won’t hesitate to shout it even in front of others, he just has no filter and no shame. 
-Makes you turn tomato red and he snickers. 
-Fuck him, literally. 
Gojo Satoru
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-This fucking tease. 
-He has no chill!!!!!!
-How are you with him?!?!?!?!!
-My man fine af and he drinks his respect for y/n and y/n alone juice every morning. 
-That doesn’t mean though he won’t try to fluster you throughout the day. 
-It’s his main goal really. 
-Full blown make out sessions in the hallways of the school, ass smacks in front of others and trying to leave hickies on your neck during your lunch break. 
-It simultaneously pisses you off and turns you on so you can’t decide if you should smack him or jump his bones. 
-It’s a never ending debate and his chances of getting the quawk quawk 5000 are 50/50. 
-He respects your boundaries when you give him a sign that you really don’t want him to be like that on certain days. 
-He is a very observant individual in general so it’s not hard for him to take note of the signs of pure discomfort or awkwardness. 
-True he loves flustering you but the moment things get out of hand and you don’t feel okay with how he is acting, he is throwing his attitude out the window and becomes respectful Gojo in a flash. 
-Likes having his arm draped over your shoulder. 
-He is super tall so chances are he towers over you. 
-He has used you like an armrest several times which resulted to a trip to Shoko for a dislocated wrist/shoulder. 
-You make him bentos almost everyday and he waits for them like a lost puppy. 
-No matter the time, he doesn’t care if he is late, he will wait for you to make him a little bento to take with him. 
-Curses can wait, he needs to receive his first dose of y/n love of the day. 
-Brags to his student about you and to Nanami, much to the blonde’s dismay. 
-Talks everyone’s ear off. 
-He becomes super protective when an elder shows up or at the mere mention of them. 
-He will grasp your hand, keeping a firm grip as those pretentious fucks stare down at you. 
-They really don’t care about Sato’s happiness and they will never show you a fiber of respect despite being chosen by the strongest sorcerer. 
-You are not part of one of the three clans so you are worth nothing in their eyes. 
-Gojo hates them for that. 
-Deep rooted hatred that could turn into a mass murder if one of them call you a distraction or a slut one more time. 
-You are really grateful for him in those moments. 
-You are grateful in general but during those times when you are being bombared left and right with rude comments, he will remind everyone in the room that he doesn’t give a flying fuck about what they believe. 
-He fell in love with you because you are your beautiful self and not because you are a powerful sorcerer. 
-He wants to imagine your kids as a sign of your love and not as an item of power, as a weapon like many of these people see him. 
-He has ditched the elder meetings on many occasions just because he wasn’t in the mood of listening to their bullshit so he came home to you and spent the rest of his night cuddled up under the large comforter, watching a movie while peppering your shoulders with kisses. 
-Adores seeing you in his clothes. 
-They are so big on you that you wear them as dresses around the house. 
-He especially loves the sight of your bare legs peeking from underneath his black t-shirt. 
-99% of the time this ends up in you getting your guts rearranged. 
-Surprisingly remembers all the important dates and he makes it to as many dates as he can. 
-Being a sorcerer is difficult man, give him a break curses he has a date at 8 and he needs to get his formal glasses. 
-All in all he loves you to the moon and back and would do anything to keep you safe and next to him. 
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura  @angel6786​
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