#i think the funniest thing about this is that hugh's just like “i dont really get it.” like. hwhwhwho does????😭
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084392 · 2 years ago
"Hugh's sister mentions that she has been having dreams about a Zoroark on Victory Road calling the player's name (hinting at how to access N's Castle)." girl what???😭
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thequeenb · 5 years ago
"Goodbye Poppy" Angst Pleaseee! Thank you
you asked for it anon
Poppy x MC
Never in a million years i would thought that i would actually have to leave my dream University but here i am packing my bags because reality hits harder than untouchable dreams. Zoe couldn't handle the sight of me packing, she is in her room crying, i mean who wouldn't? We have been through so much together
I can still hear her stupid laugh, i can still see her sarcastic smile, the hideous yet amused look she gave me when i lost, her words still ringing through my ears
"Have fun back in pig town Hughes" everyone laughed, everyone clapped except a few, within the large crowd i could spot some sad faces knowing well i have to leave
What's the point? This year has been hell, i was so focused on winning a stupid crown instead of expanding my academic knowledges and in the end all i am left with is nothing
I suddenly feel the walls consuming me, the T shirt i was folding is long forgotten as i grip tight at it. Flashbacks of each semester come crushing down like a thunderstorm on my mind. The Kick-off day, the halftime show, the frat parties, the endless nights i spent with Zoe and of course all these wasted hours i sat alone thinking about Poppy.
Tears form in my eyes and i try to blink them away. I have a lot of things to pack because my father will come pick me up soon. Gathering all my strength i finish packing and i decide to go for a walk and get some steam off of my body
The night air hits my face as i wrap my arms around my body protectively. What the fuck am i even doing? Its just a stupid university, except its not. I have so many memories here. I walk past the Zeta building and a shiver runs through my body
In my surprise i see Poppy sitting alone on a bench nearby and i turn around wanting to run for my life but i freeze when i hear her shaky voice call for me
"H-Hughes?" I sigh as i turn around walking towards her
"What do you want Poppy? rub your victory on my face? Its all over the T everyone knows no need to put on a show"
"I read on The T that you are leaving" she says returning back to her usual bitchy tone
"Yes i am going back to pig town, i hope your one braincell is satisfied" i scoff folding my arms as i feel my cheeks go red from anger
"Gosh you are annoying stop talking" she now buries her face in her hands. Wow wont your expensive make up get ruined Miss Min-Rich?
"I don't understand your frustration, you got what you wanted since day one and here you are being a bitch about it. If you honestly think i will feel bad--"
"Agh shut up! You don't understand!" Her tone now changed, but she looks at me in the eyes and i can see them shine under the moonlight
"Are you crying?" Without hesitation i approach closer tilting her chin up so she can meet my eyes, she doesn't pull away as i run my fingers across her face, yes she is crying
Poppy Min-Sinclair. The person who wanted to destroy me since she first laid eyes on me, the same person who wanted to murder me too many times during this year. Am i dreaming?
"Oh wow at least you have some humanity left in you" she pulls away from my grip and i sigh sitting next to her. I am so tired, i was packing for hours, confronting Zoe, reading all the hideous comments people left under T's update
"Something got in my eyes dont get so--"
Oh hell no. She made your life a living hell and you will sit here confronting her when she should be the one doing so? I dont think so Bea
"Ha! Do you think i actually care? I am leaving damnit! This was my dream University, a way to change my whole life and now what? I have to leave because of you!" These words come out of my mouth without realising and now i stand up running looking at the sky hopelessly
"Dont raise your vo--" she tries to speak but i cut her off again
"You don't get to talk. You tortured me, you made everyone turn their back on me and you have the audacity to cry?"
I pace in circles as i feel my anger flow through my veins. This is it, this is my reaching point. One more second and i will explode, Tic tac tic tac..
"You weren't crying when you were trying to humiliate me Infront of the whole university" i now pause sitting next to her. Her bittersweet perfume is filling my lungs and for a moment all i can do is stare at her messy hair and her weak posture. Maybe it doesn't sounds like something big but seeing Poppy like this? It kind of worries me
"When you were telling me how worthless i am, how i need to go back to my town, how i dont belong here..you never ever cried" i throw my hands in the air frustrated
"So why now huh? Or are these happy tears? If yes then Excuse me for interrupting your stupid celebration"
Taking a deep breath i can sense how tense she is just by looking at her body and hearing her shaky breaths, maybe she is the one on the verge of a meltdown
"I like you..i really do Hughes" she doesn't dare to look at me in the eyes, instead she stare at the night sky and time seems to stop
She likes me? Since when? All i can remember is all the awful situations she has put me through and BOOM, I can't handle my pain anymore. I stand up again looking at her with fury
"Oh you like me, yea awesome that makes so much sense!! If i knew fighting and bullying turns you on i would have made my move earlier"
"That's why i didn't want--" but once again she is cut off
"Oh don't you dare even say a word. Since i got here all you ever did was to manipulate me and every god damn student and do you know what i did?" I raise my voice intently, and before i can stop myself i continue
"I kept thinking..why is Poppy behaving like this? Who hurt her? Where did it all go wrong? I even felt bad for you, for who? For the most awful person that exists!!" Wow maybe i am going off way to hard but its either now or never
"And do you know what's the funniest thing of all? I like you too Poppy, i really do even after everything you have done"
This is the first time that she meets my eyes tonight and i can see fresh tears running down her face. Vulnerable Poppy is something rare, so i take a deep breath trying to calm myself down
"Why did you have to be so cruel?" My voice breaks as tears take over me. How could we let this escalate to something so terrible? How could we both hide our feelings so perfectly masking them behind hatred?
"You don't have to leave Bea" this is the first time she ever said my name. She always referred to me with my last name or other nasty nicknames her and her circle were thinking about
"The Dean already reached out, seems like your charm worked as always" i sigh wiping away my tears
I look at the sky again, noticing that it slowly changing colours. I am leaving today, i leave everything i have ever felt passionate about behind me, all because i lost at her game and got burned
"I should really get going, my father will be here 7 am sharp, I don't want the whole university watching me leave while cheering"
Poppy stands up with me adjusting her clothes. She might have not spoken a lot but her silence is actually enough for me to understand that this bothers her. I expected her to jump from happiness or throw a giant party to celebrate my absence but instead she looks like a mess
Before i can turn around and walk she stares at me for one brief second before crushing her lips against mine. Her strawberry flavour lip gloss mixed with her bittersweet perfume make my senses dizzy and i get lost in the sensation.
She pushes me away and i see now her mascara running "no waterproof mascara Miss Perfect?" I tease and i earn a little laugh off of her
"Shut up jerk" she leans in again giving me a soft peck on my lips and i melt against her. How can i possibly leave her behind?
So i lean in again giving her one last breathless kiss and once we part i whisper against her lips "Goodbye Poppy". My breath ghost her face and with all my willpower i push her slowly walking away.
Before i can turn my back on her i stop to take her in. Part of me will miss her attitude, her comebacks, the little fights. I scan her from head to toe making sure i will never forget such an enemy.
And then i turn around and i can feel the tears dropping uncontrollably. What happened to me? I was so mad and now look at me i am a mess for her. Despite the urge to turn around i can feel her eyes burning my back and i try pull myself together.
Walking away i let the memories brush away. I will never forget how much fun and adventure i have been through this university. Everything will now be a memory and i know fully that right now i am not just leaving a building behind, but friendships, a great future and do you know what else i leave behind? Poppy. I will miss you, but i hope you know that you are unforgettable.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @dumb-jock-lesbian @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing
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theclampdown · 5 years ago
fma makes me go bonkers long rambly essay under the cut. emily this has spoilers for the finale but its based off ur theory about who pride was so if u wanna read it go ahead ig
I stole this theory from my sister sorry but i went nuts. i also havent watched the promised day episodes in a while so im going completely from two year old memories here what if hughes was pride, not selim. he was obviously insanely proud of his wife and daughter and while he didnt show it the same way he was proud of roy and riza I think and maybe the country at large despite its flaws but i think he definitely saw the flaws....
it would go one of two ways. one way it would be a la Bradley where he was a homunculus and evil all along and he faked his death to discourage the gang from seeking after the philosophers stone (which obviously wouldnt have stopped them) and he gets merked at the end like all the other homunculi. I think in this tl riza and ed teaming up would have killed him, riza’s the only one ruthless enough to do it to her ex best friend I think and ed’s the only one strong enough alchemy wise. i think roy would have a breakdown if he had to fight pride in this state and get injured so riza would have to defend him. he gets it together in the end though, and roy having that break down isnt necessarily in the promised day arc but its probably the only time it would fit in the tl -in canon kimblee is making fun of pride for taking the form of a human which gives ed the opportunity to kill him so i imagine in this kimblee would be calling him out for feeling proud over ‘lowly humans’ aka his wife kid friends etc. but pride Is still proud of his family/friends which i would imagine is a homunculus’s way of loving. sort of like how greed simply wanted friends i think that pride would just want something to be proud of. -maybe in the end he would end up teaming up with the gang against the army bc his family and roy and riza and he wants something good to be Proud of. i think in this case bradley would kill him bc wrath did have his own wife and son (selim would be a normal kid in this au) but wrath didnt ‘love’ them i think like pride would love his family and friends. so parallels. and he would be able to say that he did truly care about his family and roy and riza because i really think he would. something to be proud of...
in the other tl when he "dies" he gets turned into a homunculus like lin. hughes i think would be strong enough to keep part of his ideals but they would end up mixing into more-or-less one mentality like wrath and bradely did, simply because i dont think hughes has enough determination and will to keep his own self, like since lin could stay seperate because he was trying to get immortality so his clan survives and Made the choice to be a homunculus, while hughes didnt ask for any of this. in the end as its leading up to the finale it would be a mix of the two. its mostly pride with his ruthlessness and his loyalty to Father, but he would still have hughes’ care for the people in his old life. for the most part he follows the same actions as pride did in canon like he possesses al like that (sidenote that would be the funniest fucking thing when al and pride are trapped together in the dome) and he would still eat kimblee and gluttony etc, but theres also occasionally conflict between hughes and pride. we would get to see how the two slowly morph together which would be sad to see hughes warp into pride like that :( -i dont even remember when pride was revealed to the gang in canon but riza and roy would know before the promised day. they go tell hughes wife together because riza would convince him that she needs to know. she is right but roy has trouble with that sort of thing as we saw when hughes died in canon. he has a mental breakdown because hes roy fucking mustang, riza handles it a little better. also winry freaks the fuck out :( -also at some point grin and pride meet, since hughes was turned into pride long before grin came along. i think grin (lin, specifically) would make some sort of jab at pride for hughes losing himself also to establish that Parallel baby. were all about parallels in this fma rant essay -i think in this tl though ed wouldnt kill him it would be riza and roy. not sure how they would get to that point because of how the canon promised day goes but im not too worried about that. i think that when they see each other none of them would want to strike (by now they know that hughes was turned into pride) bc riza and roy still want to believe its their best friend and pride still has a bit of hughes in him. but eventually pride strikes first because kimblee is goading him along, and roy fucks pride up like in the lust fight. riza takes the ‘final’ shot but roy’s alchemy is what makes the stone start falling apart. when pride is dying he asks them to tell his wife and daughter that he loved them and he also says that riza and roy were his best friends YES i know its cliche  i dont care. hughes loved his family. -hughes does not come back. he and pride were too fused together for hughes to have survived. they hold his funeral again.
i made myself tear up typing this out actually anyways i love hughes and this is such a cool au. idea credits goes to my sister for trying to figure out who pride was before the reveal when she was watching it through
apologies for grammar spelling etc etc. this is fueled by my love of fma and also hughes
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loveyalikethedevil · 8 years ago
You said you'd answer all the concert asks so i challenge you to answer all the concert asks
(edit after answering: this was actually kind of interesting to do and could potentially be fun to read if you’re interested in my show bullshit) (follow up edit i tag @joshshomme​ and this isnt even a tag ask thing but im making it into one have fun)
How many concerts have you been to?
honestly i really don’t know off the top of my head, too many to count (though i do have a doc on my computer with every show i’ve been to/band i’ve seen, i just dont have the energy to count them all up rn)
Have you been to any festivals?
Which artist/band have you seen the most live?
off the top of my head its either queens of the stone age or eagles of death metal, i think its eagles of death metal now since qotsa havent done anything show wise nearby in a while
First concert you went to?
the b-52′s
Last concert you went to?
eagles of death metal
What is your next concert?
foo fighters at the end of may, unless something randomly pops up before that
Which artists/bands would you love to see live?
i want them crooked vultures to reform as a band and then play a show
The farthest you’ve traveled to go to a concert?
a couple hours? i’m not sure about distance but the hardest one was to go from LA to san bernardino to see eodm and black rebel motorcycle club at this biker festival, it was so fuckin hot on the way there we wanted to die but it was so fun
Best opening act you’ve seen?
it’s hard for me to remember who i saw as an opening act, but off the top of my head: jd mcpherson, the kills, hacienda
Worst opening act you’ve seen?
honestly i cant think of anyone at the moment that i saw and was like really not into
Have you met any bands/artists at a concert?
for some reason i always meet famous people at eagles of death metal shows (including my homeboy jesse hughes, who i met for the first time at an eodm show in 2015) (also greatest hits of people ive met at eodm shows include: duff mckagan, jon theodore and troy van leeuwen yes im bragging)
What’s one thing you have to bring to a concert?
my phone bc i always wanna take a few photos but also it’s important to have that if i’m going by myself
What’s the most you’ve paid for a ticket?
outside lands tickets are expensive as fuck and im sure that was the most expensive 
Best concert you’ve been to?
its hard to pick one experience but i think there are cool experiences that stand out to me: seeing queens of the stone age at a venue with like 600 people in 2015 (i still dont know how the fuck i got lucky and got a ticket to that), every time i see them is the best and every time i see eodm its the best
Worst concert you’ve been to?
i honestly dont think ive ever gone to a show and not had a good time
Have you been in a social media post an artist posted after a show?
yeah dave catching (eodm touring guitarist) likes to take crowd pictures and im often in the front so ive been in those before
Funniest concert memory?
@beastiegals​ saying “that dude looks like a GTA character they force you to have” 
Do you buy your tickets as soon as they go on sale, after, or the day of?
i prefer to do it as soon as they go on sale
Have you ever been noticed by an artist at a concert?
yeah at that aforementioned san bernardino eodm show jesse blew me a kiss, and had sang to me at previous shows, other than him i dont think ive been noticed. though i have a picture of josh homme in which he was either noticing me directly or noticing someone behind me, i cant be sure
Have you met any internet friends at a concert?
not that i know of
Which concert that you’ve been to has had the best stage setup/production?
honestly my chemical romance knocked it out of the fuckin park with that shit
Have you ever caught a guitar pick, drumstick, got a setlist, etc.?
i have 2 picks that are currently displayed on a shelf with the tickets from the shows
Favorite concert venue?
easy: teragram ballroom in LA
Least favorite concert venue?
this is harder but i’m not a fan of huge outdoor venues when i’m far back, when i’m close i dont mind them
Which do you prefer: indoor or outdoor concerts?
either are fine as long as the sound is good
Which do you prefer: clubs, theaters, arenas, or stadiums?
i guess clubs? is that the right word? small venues
Have you ever missed school or work to go to a concert?
yes (dont tell my mom)
Have you ever been surprised with tickets from someone?
yeah my birthday is in the summer so its prime concert time and ive got tickets as birthday presents before
Who do you enjoy going to concerts with?
i like going with friends, ive gone with my mom (look my mom is cool as fuck), but also i enjoy going on my own too
General admission or seated concerts?
ga all the way
Have you been to multiple dates for one tour?
i think so yeah, if i have its been a while
Have you been to concerts 2 or more days in a row?
not that i can think of recently
Have you ever received free tickets from a contest or an artist’s crew?
yes, in like 2011 i won some tickets from a radio station. idk if this counts bc its more like a free upgrade but i had a ticket to see eodm and mastodon recently and jesse was like “nah youre with me” so then i was technically a vip
Have you been front row and/or back row for a concert?
been front, have not been back
Have you ever gotten sick, bruised, or broken a bone after a concert?
ive probably been bruised
Have you ever had surprise guests at a concert you attended?
yeah for sure
Did you start listening to an opening act after you saw them in concert?
absolutely, i started listening to both hacienda and jd mcpherson after hearing them open
What’s the latest you’ve got home from a concert?
almost 3am but not even for any cool reason, literally LA just sucks and the freeway was closed and i was stuck in traffic
When is the earliest you’ve arrived to a venue for a concert?
i cant think of it off the top of my head but probably pretty early
Have you seen your favorite artist in concert?
hell yeah (i feel like this should be fave artists plural bc how the fuck can i pick one)
Longest you’ve waited in line for a concert?
not sure 
Have you ever attended a concert alone?
yeah, its awesome
What’s the best part of a concert in your opinion?
knowing all the songs and sharing that cool moment with the band and everyone around you
Have you ever heard/seen an artist soundcheck before their show?
yeah kind of
What’s the biggest venue you’ve been to a concert at?
not sure, but probably oakland coliseum or something
What’s the smallest venue you’ve been to a concert at?
teragram ballroom for sure
Have you ever had side stage seats?
yeah, only once, and it was super recently (see previous answer in which jesse generously was like ‘nah youre with me’)
Which venue have you been to the most concerts at?
fuck man i have no idea
Do you post a lot about a concert you’ve attended on social media or very little?
i’ll usually post a few pictures after the fact but i hate being on my phone during the show
Has a concert or tour you were planning on going to got cancelled?
not that i remember
Have you seen a band in concert before a member left the band / they broke up?
Favorite song you’ve heard live?
FUCK this is so hard, seeing qotsa play make it wit chu in 2014 might be up there bc its one of my faves of theirs but also at the time it meant a lot to me and somebody else
Have you ever seen an artist/band play an album in full?
Which artist would you refuse to see in concert?
idk, i wouldnt wanna see a band i didnt like?
What’s the craziest thing a fan has done at a concert you’ve been to?
i cant think of anyone doing anything super crazy
Which venue(s) would you love to go to for a concert?
i’d like to see a show at first avenue in minneapolis, i saw the outside when i was there but it’s the venue from purple rain and i’d love love love to see a show there someday. (for those that dont know prince was a pretty big deal in my life)
Have you ever been to a concert at a venue that no longer exists?
not that i can think of
Have you ever lost something/got something stolen at a concert?
if i did it must not have been important bc i dont remember
Have people made fun of you or laughed because of how you were acting at a concert?
Have you ever been kicked out of a concert?
please i’m not an animal
Has an artist thrown or spit water on you?
no but lets be real here pretty sure sweat has ended up on me
Have you ever seen a security guard dance to a song at a concert?
Have you seen any acts you don’t like at a concert?
not that i can think of
Have you ever passed out or thrown up at a concert?
nope but i think i almost passed out at a killers show once bc i was dehydrated
Have you seen any artists in concerts that you don’t like anymore?
again not that i can think of, there arent any artists i used to love that i now DISLIKE, but there are definitely bands ive seen that i just dont listen to as much anymore for whatever reason, but not like I DONT LIKE THEM ANYMORE
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