#i think the elounor bua just showed me again
aquarri · 2 years
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has-bg-ended-yet · 1 year
Since we’re sharing theories I wanted to share mine. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I think Eleanor and bbg are linked in some aspects - since the news about Louis being a dad came out Eleanor was was repeatedly brought up despite her and Louis being broken up and there was that article saying how Louis met up with her in person to tell the news and her being devastated (lmaoo) because she always thought her and Louis would be have kids together. I know Eleanor has not been involved in bbg at all, like at all. No pictures of her with Freddie and Louis unlike with Danielle, in fact when it was known Louis was travelling to LA to be with Freddie Eleanor would make sure to post to show she’s in London or literally anywhere else just not LA. Since she came back in 2017 we have no content of her with Freddie and with the way Louis has talked in interviews it sounded like he split time between Eleanor and Freddie and he didn’t spend time with them together. Also I think bbg was involved in the end of Elounor 🫣 during ltwt whenever Louis had a break from tour he would fly to LA and the only time he went to the uk it was for Glastonbury not for Eleanor lmao. And even though she was at Glastonbury as well from the pictures and videos we got it seemed like he was already checked out lmao she was trying to talk to him (guessing she was trying to “save” their relationship???) there was no evidence of a ‘relationship’ between them and in the bua they said the split was because of tour (same excuse as 2015 🥱) and then said “other things went down between them” and that made me go 👁️👁️ when I first read it and idk why but my mind immediately went to bbg and the way she was during LA night one when Freddie was there… she did not interact with him at all despite him being in the same section as her she stayed with her friend and didn’t even smile and wave at her boyfriend of 5 years kid… 💀also Christmas 2021 Eleanor didn’t spend it in Doncaster as she usually does and the only thing that was different was the fact that Freddie was there… she posted herself in Louis’ house to show she was still in London and then wished him happy birthday and called him baby and mentioned him which she hasn’t done before but still didn’t go down to Doncaster. Once again publicly showing she wants nothing to do with Freddie and has no interest at all being around him. So that and then her behaviour during LA night one plus the footage from the documentary showing Louis being only focused on Freddie backstage leads me to believe Freddie was a massive reason for the end of Elounor. I have no proof of this and nothing to back this up but I think Eleanor doesn’t think Freddie is Louis’ biological son 🧘🏽‍♀️ and I think that might be brought up once bbg ends but I don’t think Eleanor will be directly mentioned. So to summarise I think Elounor ending means bbg is ending sooner rather than later. Alsoo when Freddie came to Doncaster for Christmas in 2021 I told my friend within the next 2 years Elounor is going to be done and I was right lmao so I think with bbg it will end within the next two years as well
Despite all of the proofs about the kid not being his, one of the thing that would make me go ‘maybe??’ if I believed in it it’s the fact that Eleanor, his girlfriend for so many years, didn’t care for his son at all.
There was a moment I thought they were ending both things months apart. An article would appear about Elounor break up with some rumours of ‘Louis is heartbroken since his girlfriend didn’t accept his child and has been telling him to take a pat test, which caused them to break up’ and them the article about bg ending. (I mention articles a lot because famous people use them to announce something/say something without saying it, so a close source is mentioned.)
And I don’t know if they’ll mention people telling him to take a dna the past years or they’ll end it without giving context, but it’s an option! But yes, I agree with you ending it in the next 2 years!
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thatblueshade · 2 years
Theory on the beginning of the friendship narrative
It is closer than we think and everything is starting to line up perfectly for it to start this year.
Okay, so due to all of the things that have been going on lately, I was talking to one of my cousins who I accidentally turned into a larrie and we realized that things are starting to line up a bit too perfectly to officially start the friendship narrative this year.
To clarify, I do not think they are coming out this year (maybe Harry but not both of them together)
Keep in mind this is just a fun theory that would be, in my opinion, a great way for them to start this reconnection in the public's eye.
Also, my first lenguage is not English so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes here.
Let's start!
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April: The brake up
This one is simple, I (and a lot of other people) think that by the end of this month, the Elounor BUA will be a reality. Why? simple, the pattern is repeating.
About a week ago (April 6th) we got these pap pictures of Louis all by himself in Paris. Some would say he looks upset, sad even, and maybe just a little bit hungover.
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The last time we had gotten pap pics of him was when he was in New York with Eleanor for his LTWT shows there.
Also, in case you didn't know, it is illegal to take paparazzi pictures without the artist's permission in Paris, so these were definitely planned.
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Now, our poor baby was alone in Paris the city of love, and coincidentally, it was that day that all his family decided that it would be a good idea to surprise him going to watch his show.
Mind you, of course, they all posted about it.
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There were even some articles (written by the dailymail itself) that came out about it that talked about Lottie's baby. These articles used paparazzi pictures that were taken inside the venue in which Louis did his show. Which again means, planned.
Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10690061/Pregnant-Lottie-Tomlinson-attends-brother-Louis-concert-boyfriend-Lewis-Burton-Grandpa-Len.html
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Some would think it's a bit unnecessary because they are still going to watch him on his shows in England so why go so out of nowhere? I guess you could say that his sisters only found the perfect excuse to go shopping in Paris, or maybe they wanted to go and console their poor heartbroken brother, because if El and Louis were still together, surely she would've gone that day too, but she wasn't there.
In conclusion, I am sure that at some point this month we are finally getting a BUA.
May: Harry's House comes out.
Obviously, this month we are getting (finally) the album, and it will definitely be loud as hell. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream. We might also get another single but we'll see.
Over all I don't think much is going to happen this month (Larry related). Louis might get extremely loud on his Doncaster show and maybe, who knows one can dream, he could for the first time hold up a pride flag.
We'll see.
June: The reconnection.
This is the month that Harry starts his European leg of the Love On Tour and also the month that he will have his Wembley Stadium Shows, and this is where my theory starts.
Louis will have just a few shows this month, he will be finishing his center and south America leg of the tour but his last show will be on the 17th in Mexico city. After that, he doesn't have any shows until the 10th of July because his Ukraine and Russia shows have been canceled due to the conflict these countries are having. That would mean an almost one month long break in between the dates.
As we all know, Louis seems to love Mexico so it wouldn't be surprising for him to stay there for a while right? I mean, why would he want to immediately go back to London when he could just take a vacation? Well usually yeah, he would probably stay.
BUT, there's something we have to consider here. By this point, Lottie, his sister will probably be very close to give birth, that is if she hasn't done it already.
On Christmas of 2021, Louis tweeted:
Hope everyone’s had a good day! One of the best Christmas’ in a long time at our house! Sending love!
And on February 11th of 2022, Lottie announced her pregnancy to the world.
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We believe that it was on that Christmas that Lottie and her boyfriend told everyone they were having a baby. And if we do the math it will be around this month that Louis will become an uncle. I'm definitely not crying.
He would definitely wanna be around when that happens, especially considering he's already missing most of her pregnancy, which makes me think he could go back to the UK as soon as possible.
So with all this considered I was thinking, what if now that Harry is doing two shows in Wembley all by himself (which is one of his biggest achievements as a solo artist yet) some of his band mates including probably Niall (who is in the eyes of the public the one he gets along the most with) and Louis go to see him?
Try to picture it, Harry is doing one of the most important shows of his career and Niall who is a close friend of Harry convinces Louis to go to the second show. Harry and Louis aren't really close obviously, but they have mutual respect for each other and Louis is free so, why not? This could be the reconnection.
Also I don't think Liam would be there because all four of them being in the same place at the same time seems impossible to me but who knows.
Clearly articles would come out because of Harry's ex band mates being there to support him and everyone would be excited about it, but there wouldn't be too much attention on the “reconnection” part yet. That will happen later on.
I can see Louis talking about it on an interview a few months later saying something like:
“Harry's show? Oh yeah. I wasn't even going to go! It was great though.
A few days before that I finished my south American leg of the tour and immediately came back to England because my sister was about to give birth to my beautiful nephew/niece and I wanted to be there.
When I got to London though it was way too late for me to drive all the way to Doncaster so I stayed there. Niall texted me and was like “oh you should come to Harry's Wembley show! It will be amazing!”, and I didn't really have anything else to do so I went.
I got there a bit late and missed the begging but it was really fun, and at the end I got to talk to him a little before going back to me house to sleep so I could leave to Doncaster in the morning.
Pretty cool yeah, good times, good times”.
It'll be super casual and almost accidental.
This is also pride month so yeah things will get Loud, Louis could post something relating to it which just thinking about it makes me wanna cry but let's not focus too much in that.
July: Not so much calm before the storm.
This month will be complete chaos.
At some points, Louis and Harry will have shows the same day so it will definitely be a lot for us but I don't think anything more than the common Larry chaos and casual bluegreening will happen.
The frenzy of an almost one direction reunion will naturally die down with other celebrity gossip ocuping the general public minds, but this will just be the beginning.
August: End of the stunt and beginning of a not-so-new beautiful friendship
Okay, now THIS my friends, will be a hell of a rollercoaster month, it could definitely mark history on the Larry organization and we we'll be having breakdowns almost every day.
During this month Louis will only have two shows for LTWT, and Harry will be taking a break to do the ‘Don't worry, darling’ press tour but that doesn't mean we we'll get a rest.
A lot of people have been theorizing lately that Harry and O will brake up in the middle of the press tour for the movie, why? because marketing speaking, it makes sense.
If they're smart, and they want to get the best out of this stunt, things could go like this:
Press tour starts, they do interviews and get asked about their relationship, “what was it like to film the movie while dating your co-star?” “how did you fall in love?”. They'll do all the juicy questions for good headlines.
They brake up in the middle of it, everyone is surprised and they could even fake canceling or doing some last minute changes on interviews because of it.
The second part of the press tour happens and they both seem sad, they get asked questions and act all sad about it or whatever.
Movie premier happens and either they look distant and try to avoid each other or they are amicable and everything is fine. let's hope it's the second bc if it's a messy break up they will most likely blame it on harry and we don't want that.
The movie comes out and it does great because of all the drama surrounding it.
Now, I don't think Harry will say much. At the beginning he might just use the excuse of “I don't like talking about my private life” or find a way to avoid the questions as he always does. And then when the break-up happens he'll say they are on good terms while acting all sad or whatever and everything will be fine.
Moving on from Harry, some people seem to have forgotten the fact that the AWFHF wasn't a one time occurrence.
Last year, Louis mentioned that it would be an annual thing and that it might happen in a different country this year.
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It is most likely that the date for this year's festival will also be on August since he doesn't really have time to do it any other time before that and doing a festival in winter is not really a good idea. Remember how cold he was during the show? yeah, it is not happening after august.
So, what if Harry goes to this year's AWFHF? now that the pandemic restrictions are technically over, it wouldn't be too crazy to think that he might invite some of his friends to go watch him.
Here again we could have another 1d member going so it's not only Harry there, it could also be Niall or Liam.
If this happens, that's when articles about them reconnecting back in June when Louis went to Harry's show in Wembley could come out.
Just imagine it.
“Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson reconnected back when Louis went to Harry's show in Wembley.
Harry styles and Louis Tomlinson haven't been close friends, as one would say, since the One Direction hiatus started, but sources say that Niall Horan convinced the Walls singer back in June to go watch his ex band mate on one of his most important shows. Since then, they have recovered that strong friendship they had at the beginning of the band [insert here some article that talks about how they were incredibly close at the beginning of the band].
Proof of this is the fact that the As it was singer attended Louis' self made festival “The Away From Home Festival” in [insert country name] with his other ex band mate [insert one of the other boy's name] to support Louis.
Harry recently broke up with director O Cockburn and is just about to appear on the upcoming film “Don't worry, darling” [blah, blah, blah]”
It is almost perfect, they could subtly mention the fact that Harry broke up with O around the same time he reconnected with Louis and then use that on their favor when they want to talk about speculation of them being together in the future (this i don't think will happen until a few years but yk still)
In conclusion, antis will be fuming this month.
The friendship narrative.
Of course, I think we all know what the friendship narrative is.
After august the narrative will start slowly and it will take a long time for it to get somewhere else but that's just how it goes.
Here's a list of things I think could happen to help maintain this narrative.
They wish each other happy birthday. Harry probably won't do it bc he usually doesn't use social media but he could still like a post about Louis' birthday or reply to a tweet from Louis with a “happy birthday, mate” or something like that. Louis could tweet something.
Harry meets Lottie's baby. Harry and Lottie always got along and that's a known fact so maybe at some point he could go meet her child and maybe she could post some stories about it. it will show that he is still close to Louis' family or whatever.
They support each other's project's. Louis could talk about Harry's movies especially my policeman and ofc they would support their music.
Interactions at award shows. Next year they will both have most probably already released stuff so when they get nominated and go to award shows they could interact and take pictures and all that.
Note: I think Harry could “come out” at some point soon but I don't see a world in which Louis comes out this year and less if they are both single and publicly “friends”.
What I think could happen is:
Harry breaks up with O and has some kind of “come out” this year. They start being friends and Louis is single but still in the closet and publicly a father.
Harry gets a boyfriend so they can be friends when Louis comes out.
Lou “finds out he is not a father” and is “absolutely heartbroken” about it while simultaneously Harry “breaks up” with his first public boyfriend and is also “heartbroken”.
“They help each other in these tough times and become each other's rock, eventually falling in love and the public noticing it happening”.
Everyone ships the hell out of them and “it is a bit difficult at first”, maybe with some drama involved to feed the tabloids before but “in the end they get together”.
The fake boyfriend thing helps “killing the rumors” of larry actually being a thing all along and just making everyone think that, while they have been shipped together since the beginning of their careers, they didn't really got together untill recently. They could say they kind of “always liked each other and never really did anything about it”, but they can not say they have been closeted this whole time.
Anyway yeah, this was my theory, it is a narrative they could follow. It might not be perfect and it won't happen exactly like this but it might go something like that.
Thanks for reading and don't forget that, no meter what happens, Larry is real and they love each other very much. Stay pressed antis.
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Edit: Someone asked me to detail my thoughts on Harry's coming out and it's relation to my policeman so here it is if you want to read it!
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