#i think thats probably all he ever wanted since the beginning
for the baby genderfluid tips!!
this could just be me lmao, but DO NOT donate your fem clothes if you feel masc for longer than usual. or vice versa.
keeping a gender journal is something that can be really helpful to actually look back on and see how it changes (and also have proof of fluidity for when you begin to think "hmm actually im just a trans girl. nothing else." no, you probably aren't. you felt completely boy/nonbinary/etc just a month ago, and thats okay.)
basically it can be really hard to embrace that your gender is not static, especially if your gender stays stable for a slightly longer period. it took me so long to stop rotating between "im a girl always" "no, im a boy always" "actually, im nonbinary always" to just admit im genderfluid.
also, make genderfluid content. you don't have to show it to anyone, but sometimes it can really help to make poetry or art or write a story about being fluid and your experience in particular. i have an easy avenue for this since i write fanfiction (haven't published any of it yet lmao) and i just hit my favorite characters with my genderfluid beam and go nuts
follow people who are genderfluid, read genderfluid books, maybe join a genderfluid discord server (there are barely any, so actually maybe make one), try to make genderfluid friends. you are not alone, even though it sometimes feels that way.
if you have plushies or anything similar, make them genderfluid. i have a genderfluid squishmallow who i use she/they pronouns for, and a little husky that switches between he/she. idk it just helps sometimes lol
some of us change gender daily, or multiple times a day. some of us change gender only a couple times a year, or even less. we're all different and that's fine.
tips for presentation:
if you have a day when you can't figure out gender, go neutral clothing-wise
take little things to ease dysphoria if you switch when you're out somewhere (ex. lipgloss, eyeliner, leather bracelet, etc)
if you can, get pronoun pins. seriously, get pronoun pins (or a colored bracelet for subtlety or if you're not out). you can wear multiple at a time, you can switch them whenever you need to. you aren't a burden if your pronouns change. you don't have to stick to they/them to be easy for people.
if you can, get a versatile hairstyle that you can make suit your gender no matter what. if you cant, try to get a hairstyle that makes you the least dysphoric overall.
if you are organized enough, separate your clothes based on gender/what you feel comfy wearing on different days. do not pressure yourself to fit stereotypes. some people can only feel comfortable in skirts when theyre boys, so they only wear skirts on boy days. do what works for you.
it's kinda complicated, but if you can expand your vocal range to sound more fem or masc depending on how you feel, it can help. alternatively, vocal train to make it more androgynous.
keep makeup wipes with you in case you need to take it off part way through being out. basically, make it as easy as possible to be able to change/tweak your presentation if necessary.
this could just be me, but having lots of hoodies in different colors and styles will save your life
sometimes you might have "blender days", which is what i call it when your gender feels like its in a blender in a bad way and you can't tell at all what it is, everything feels wrong, it's changing like every 10 minutes, etc. tbh on these days all i can do is put on sweats and a hoodie and feel dysphoric. listen to music if it helps. do a hobby.
non-clothing items can help a lot. a blue tshirt and jeans can be whatever you want it to be based on what you wear it with. (ex. sneakers/ballet flats, leather bracelet/sparkly necklace, baseball cap/eyeliner)
and lastly: YOU ARE AMAZING. keep being you, keep being incredible, and know that being genderfluid is a gift. be proud to be who you are, have fun, know that you are unique and special and wonderful!! we're ever-changing, and that's awesome. you are precious. i love you.
dont wanna link my tumblr, but my name is kiley if you want to attach a name to this!
Okay this is a lot more than I was expecting LMAO /pos
Thank you so much for this Kiley <33 I’ll start working on a masterpost with links to all this.
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drxmxss · 6 months
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Hole in One | Taeyong x Fem! Reader
a/n: 🤭 my first little one shot yay!! i hope y’all like it hehe.
notes: taeyong is bored and rich, reader is a cart girl at a country club, fluffy and smutty, overuse of the word hole lol
warnings: smut..thats abt it !
word count: 2.6k
Enjoy!! Tysm 🩷
“You really need to stop staring at her. It’s weird.”
Johnny’s voice breaks Taeyong out of his trance.
“I’m not staring.” He grumbles. “I’m trying to think of what I want.”
“Is he staring at the beverage cart girl again?” Mark asks, standing up straight again, holding his golf club like a baseball bat over his shoulder.
Taeyong doesn’t know why he goes with the two to play the absolute most boring game he’s ever heard of. Golf was terrible. They had to wake up at ass o’clock and dress like they were going to church to get drunk on hot beer. All the while trying to hit the tiniest balls into holes a mile away and stand in the sun for 6 hours. He had no idea why he agreed to go with Johnny and Mark to a country club in the first place. It just wasn’t his style.
Then along came the little golf cart with drinks and snacks driven by you, the beautiful beverage cart girl. Two months and a ridiculous amount of club fees and a set of clubs he didn’t even know how to use later, here he still was.
“If you wanna talk to her so bad stop making me go buy shit from her dude.” Mark says as they get into the cart to go to the next hole. Taeyong sighs, pulling at the itchy white collared shirt he bought specifically to come here.
“It’s not that simple she’s probably just gonna think I’m like these old dudes who play here to creep on her.” Taeyong says. Mark and Johnny share a look. “For starters” Johnny begins. “You don’t look like you have one foot in the grave. She’s probably happy to see us here since we are most likely the youngest members of this stuffy club.” Taeyong shrugs. “Okay what’s your next point?”.
“Second of all, whenever she sees Mark walking up to the cart she immediately scans the field for you and whenever you aren’t paying attention she’s staring just as hard as you do.” Johnny smirks as Taeyong feels his face get hot. You stare too?!?! God that’s hot. Or weird? Embarrassing? Taeyong doesn’t know.
As the boys park the cart near the next hole, Taeyong hears the sound of another cart pulling up behind them. Before he turns around he hears Mark shout “Hey Y/N!”
Taeyong feels his blood run cold.
“Hi Markie! Hi Johnny!” You shout back, waving excitedly from the front seat of your cart. Taeyong wants to die from how pretty your voice is. “I came up here to see if you guys needed to get anything? It’s hot today!”
Taeyong can’t help but stare, still sitting in the golf cart. You just look so cute in your uniform. Perfectly white cap with a tank top and tennis skirt to match. God he feels nauseous.
“Yeah Taeyong wanted something I think.” Johnny says, throwing an evil smile at Taeyong who is plotting on how he can blow up his head with the power of his mind. “Y-yeah right.” He says quickly as he gets out of the cart and walks over towards you.
“Oh so you’re Taeyong! I see you with the boys all the time but I’ve never got to talk to you.” You smile as he stands in front of your cart. “I’m Y/N.”
Taeyong feels sweatier. You can’t be real.
“What did you want hon?” You ask him sweetly, and he feels like he’s melting into a puddle. “I’ve got some chips and sandwiches and I have some chocolate in the ice chest in case you want something sweet? Theres plenty of beer and water too!”
Taeyong stares blankly, too nervous to even breathe and then says shortly “Beer. Please.”
Yep, he’s already fucked up. With any luck his mind magic worked and Johnny will burst into flames at any moment now.
You smile and nod as you turn around to grab the beer from an ice chest. Taeyong tries to be a gentleman but can’t resist sparing a glance at your ass in the pristine white skirt. Nice.
“That’s gonna be $6.” You smile, handing him the drink. Taeyong realizes he didn’t even tell you what brand he wanted at that moment and looks to see you already knew his favorite. He finally manages to smile as he hands you the cash, only to walk away awkwardly to sit in the cart again.
“Okay you boys be careful! I’m gonna circle back around later to make sure you guys have plenty of water!” You wave to Mark and Johnny and beam at Taeyong again. Taeyong’s chest hurts. You are just too sweet.
Taeyong waits to hear the turn of your cart engine, but it never arrives. He turns to see you groan.
“Damn it’s dead.” He hears you grumble.
“Everything okay?” Mark asks you, and you sigh. “No my stupid cart died. I knew it was on it’s last leg but..” You trailed off. “God now I have to lug all this crap back to the clubhouse.”
“We can help you take your stuff back!” Johnny suggests. Taeyong takes back every bad thought he had against him.
“Oh are you sure? It’s kinda far and I don’t wanna interrupt your game!” You reply. Johnny shakes his head “No it’s alright, it’s too hot today anyway we we’re thinking about leaving early anyway.”
In that moment Taeyong knew there was a God and his name was Johnny Suh.
Once everyone had all arrived at the clubhouse, Taeyong helped you bring the ice chests inside.
“Are you usually this quiet?” You ask suddenly “I don’t mean to ask in a rude way but after seeing how loud Johnny and Mark are it’s surprising to see how reserved you are.”
Taeyong feels his face get hot again. “Oh um….Not really. Just when I’m tired. It was pretty hot out there.” He chuckles, trying to seem light.
“Ah that makes sense.” You reply. You both leave the ice chests in the main office of the club house just as Taeyong’s phone begins to ring. You signal to him that you’ll be right back as he picks up the call.
“Take Y/N home.” Johnny whispers. “This is your chance man. You take her home or to your place or whatever in your car me and Mark will just catch a cab.”
“Have you lost your damn mind?” Taeyong whisper yells “She’ll definitely think I’m a creep!”
“She’s always complaining about using a cab to go home, if she brings it up just offer! Worst thing she’s gonna say is no!”
Taeyong sighs as the call ends. Time to be a man he thinks. Johnny is right the worst thing you can say is no.
He turns around to ask you if you needed a ride and finds you standing there in a regular shirt and shorts. Somehow it makes all the more attractive to him.
“Oh um. Johnny had mentioned you complain about taking the cab alot so..” Taeyong begins. Come on be a man! A man!! He thinks. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go get dinner or something and then I can take you home if you want?”
You stare at him briefly. You think to yourself it might be weird to accept and offer from a stranger, but you also know he’s super handsome and you’d be dumb not to.
“I’d love to!”
Things continued to go well for both you and Taeyong. You had suggested he pick something up to go after you discovered he lived in such a nice apartment and you wanted to see if he really got away with drawing on the wall. Hearing this made Taeyong almost drive off a bridge, but he obliged.
As Taeyong drove up to his apartment complex, the only thing running through his mind was you. Your laugh your smile your voice. You were so perfect in his eyes.
And now you were going to be in his apartment. He was going to have to think of some way to repay Johnny and Mark one day.
“Wow! This place is great.” You said as you both walked inside. Taeyong smiled at your enthusiasm, setting the food down on the kitchen counter.
“Where’s you bedroom?” You asked, turning to face him. “I wanna see your drawings.”
Taeyong nodded and led you down the hall of his apartment and unlocked his bedroom door to let you in. Immediately you were greeted with neon lights and drawings that littered the wallspace.
“Wow…I really thought you were joking!” You giggled. Sitting on his bed, you admired more of the drawings on the wall.
Taeyong was suddenly aware he was still wearing his stuffy golf clothes. He started to change before he caught you staring at him shirtless. Cracking a smile at you he said “Can I help you?”
You quickly blushed and looked back toward the wall, embarrassed. “Oh I’m sorry for staring..”
Taeyong felt a wave of confidence overtake him as he walked to kneel in front of you, trying to make direct eye contact. “Honestly…it’s okay. I stare too.”
You faced him now, confused. “What do you mean?” Taeyong smiled softly at your expression. “I mean the only reason I even go to that stupid country club is to stare at you in your pretty little uniform all day.”
You stare into his big dark eyes waiting for some sort of change, but it doesn’t come. He’s serious now. You feel your face get even hotter.
Fuck it Taeyong thinks, and leans forward to kiss you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you forward. You gasp at first, and then melt into him. He deepens the kiss and you moan softly, bringing your hands up to his dark hair.
Before he gets carried away, Taeyong pulls back. “I-is this okay?” He whispers softly, kissing down your neck to make you shiver in his grasp.
“Yes yes.” You whisper back. “I know it’s quick but I know I’ve wanted you ever since you started coming to the club.”
Taeyong feels lightheaded, and laughs as he pushes you down on his bed. “That’s good to hear.” He says, laying on top of you to continue kissing you harder.
Taeyong pulls away again to lift up your shirt and bra, revealing your bare chest. You feel yourself grow shy, but before you even have a second to process your thoughts you feel his mouth on your nipple.
“Fuck” You moan. Taeyong pulls away again and kisses the nape of your neck. “Everyday.” He whispers. “Every single day I was at that stuffy old club all I could think about was your cute little face and how badly I wanted to just flip up your tennis skirt and play with your pussy.” His words make your face feel impossibly hotter and you feel your panties start to stick to your gushing core.
“Taeyong…” You moan again, this time moving your hand down his warm chest and stomach to feel his hard bulge. “Please fuck me.”
“I will baby don’t worry.” Taeyong replies. “I’m just so happy you feel the same way.” He finally stops his ministrations on your neck to sit up and move your hair out of your face to get a better look at you.
“So pretty..” He muses, making you blush even more. Finally, he pulls down your shorts and admires the wet spot on your panties.
“Aw honey I barely even touched you..You’re so cute.” Taeyong says slowly rubbing your clit through your panties making you moan louder. “Hurry up please.” You whine to him.
“I know honey.” He whispers, pulling your panties off making you shiver as the air makes contact with your wetness. Taeyong slowly pushes a finger into your hole, making you whine at how easily he slips in. “Fucking hell.” He curses, amazed at how turned on you are. (And how turned on it makes him.)
“Taeyongie please give me more.” You moan out. Taeyong pushes in another finger quickly scissoring you open after hearing his new nickname. “You are so impossibly cute baby.” He whispers again.
Finally after deeming you ready he pulls off his shorts and underwear in one go. Your eyes widen at the size of his hard cock.
“Baby do you wanna turn around for me? Just for a minute?” Taeyong asks you softly. “I wanna see your pretty ass bounce on my cock first.” His words make you hotter, and without even thinking you’re laying on your stomach with your head in one of his pillows.
Taeyong slowly caresses your back and the moves his hands to grip your ass softly. “So fucking pretty.” He mumbles, lining up his cock with your hole finally.
You both moan when he sinks into you perfectly. Not even sparing a second he starts thrusting slowly, making you moan louder and louder.
“Fuck your so fucking tight around me honey. It’s crazy.” Taeyong babbles, obsessed with the way your ass bounces against him. You can only muster up a half groan in response to him. “Aww has my pretty girl gotten herself cock drunk already?” Taeyong teases you, going faster and harder, making you scream out. “That’s it baby let it out.” He says.
After a few minutes, you feel yourself getting closer to your peak. Suddenly Taeyong pulls out of you, almost making you sob in response.
“I have to see your pretty face when you come baby flip over for me.” Taeyong says, rubbing the small of your back before you quickly move onto your back. He leans down again to kiss at your neck and face before grabbing your cheek kiss you roughly, making you whimper.
Taeyong leans back to line himself up again and slowly pushes in, watching your expression change and once he’s bottomed out he starts of hard and fast, moaning in unison with you. For a moment you think about the shy person he was just a few hours ago, and this change makes you all the more wetter.
You feel yourself reaching your peak quickly, barely making out the words. “Taeyongie…m’gonna come.”
Taeyong leans forward to rest his fore against yours to ask “Where do you want me to cum honey?” The question pushes you further to the edge as you say “Inside.”
This makes Taeyong nearly burst at the thought of it. Soon enough, you feel him getting sloppy as he whispers in your ear “Cum with me baby I know you can my pretty girl.”
Moaning loudly you feel yourself squirt around his thick cock right as he finally explodes inside you, riding out both your orgasms before quickly flopping in the bed next you. He rolls over again to lay his head on your chest as you fight to control your breathing.
“God damn.” You finally say. Taeyong just laughs as he lays on your chest, snaking his arms around your torso to pull you even closer to him.
“Hey I just realized” He says “Our food is probably super cold by now.” You both look at each other for a moment before bursting into another fit of laughter.
As he watches you get up slowly to put the takeout in the microwave and begin a movie marathon Taeyong thinks maybe golf isn’t so bad after all.
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
For the 100 follower event can i request the pocky game hcs like the dorm leaders but with the vice dorm leaders this time? If thats okay
I’m very down, vice dorm leader requests = bat daddy requests Story: When visiting you in your world, you introduce him to pocky and say you have to play the pocky game since it’s pocky day! * This is female reader, but I generally don’t use many gendered terms in my writing..just know that I’ll opt more for feminine ones if I add any (aka, probably good for anyone, but the occasional gendered term will be female) Tw: lots of kissing and intimacy, Lilia's is a bit spicy as always, ORTHO IS INVOLVED BUT HIS HAS NONE OF THE PREVIOUS THINGS MENTIONED HIS IS WHOLESOME AND PLATONIC AND THERE IS NO PHYSICAL TOUCH INVOLVED
Pairing(s): Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho (platonic I promise), Lilia x female reader playing the pocky game (separate)
He’s heard of something like pocky before, but he’s never tried making some
Probably asks if you want to make some with him so you two can try it out and see how it goes; ends up being pretty fun!
After making sure they tasted okay, you told him about the pocky game and it had him curious, he asks you to tell him more
After your explanation, he smiles kindly and asks if you want to play it
You both bite your respective ends and muffle a “three..two..one!” Thus, the race begins
As you almost reached the halfway mark, Trey took a big bite and beat you to it, looking at you with a mischievous gaze
Your pouting only made him feel more accomplished, and he quickly agreed to a rematch
You put a piece of pocky between you both and continue the rematch
This time he got as close as he could before pulling back suddenly and laughing a bit, saying you won
Every turn after is a mixed bag of reactions from him, but he definitely keeps you on your toes
This little shit- don't expect anything fair..
He's honestly not too interested in the idea of a pocky game, he doesn't think you should play with food
That said, he did get kind of curious when you explained it to him
He would agree to only one round, but he wouldn't do anymore (for free)
You put the pocky between you both and both of you bite down on your respective ends
Then no one moves- you both just stare at each other while holding pocky between
You decide you'll go for the kill, but figure out you actually can't move
Ruggie laughs at your puzzled expression
He uses his unique magic to just make you give him the stick of pocky and he eats it quickly before you could do anything
Pecks your lips before getting up and leaving with the rest of the pocky
You ask if he's ever had pocky, to which he says he's heard of it but never had it
You then make a terrible mistake by asking it he wants to try it by playing the pocky game
You have his curiosity, so he asks you to explain the roles; he listens intently with a calm smile
He requests that you demonstrate what you're meant to do, his smile grew as if he was talking about his beloved mushrooms
You go ahead and set the game up between you two
You start taking slow bites towards the center, but notice that Jade's not moving at all
He stayed like that for a bit longer, just watching you chew closer and closer
At some point, he puts his head on your chin and gently pull you closer, giving you a short kiss
He smiles innocently when you pull away, saying he thought it was an interesting game and that you two should play more
Sits silently like a menace as he "innocently" watches you stumble over yourself
He doesn't usually have much time for games, or himself..or you for that matter-
But anytime he can be around you, he wants to make sure you're satisfied
Kind of concerning, between worrying about Kalim's need and worrying about your needs he doesn't seem to have much time for himself
So you decided that this would be a good way for him to let loose a little
You both sat under a tree, his head laying on your lap as you both shared a box of pocky
You asked him to just hold one in his mouth, so he did while looking at you with curiosity
He lowkey got flustered when you leaned closer and ate at the pocky, he almost choked on it, but he kept in that position
You made it to his lips and kissed him sweetly, he returned the gesture but was a bit confused on your approach with it
You told him he should have more time to just be, and not have to worry about satisfying people
He was slightly embarrassed about being called out, but he let you take care of him a bit more afterwards
He was on board as soon as you mentioned that there was a game
No hesitation, he put a pocky in his mouth without even hearing the rules
When you asked if he wanted to know them, he shook his head and stared at you expectantly
He watched as you started to eat the pocky, but he didn't move
When you were about to touch his lips you pulled back, which confused him
You laughed at his thoughtful reaction and proclaimed victory, making him think even more
In the end he just laughed and congratulated you for your victory
Endless praises as he asks in a chivalrous way for a rematch, which you accept
It essentially was the same as the first round, which made you feel a bit bad since in your mind he clearly didn't understand the rules
Head went empty when he pulled you into a kiss before you were able to back away, though
He noticed you always talk about pocky with Idia, so he found a way to make some for you!
Brought out his (slightly burnt) homemade pocky sticks during one of your binge nights with him and his brother
You ate them regardless of their faults, but felt a bit bad that Ortho couldn't indulge in his creation too
So you asked him and Idia if they wanted to play a game with the pocky!
Idia was a bit on the fence but asked for you to explain the rules
You distributed an even amount of pocky to each of you, saying that whoever makes the best creation (via Magicam poll) with the limited amount of pocky in 30 minutes wins
Both brothers seemed interested, so you set the timer and all of you rushed to stack pocky pieces
It wasn't the easiest, since pocky didn't exactly like to stay in the positions you put it, but you gave it your all
Ortho had the advantage, as he could use a small laser to melt the chocolate enough to stick them together
Magicam agreed, as Ortho's cute little pocky cabin got majority of the votes
He was incredibly curious about pocky since it's not something he's experienced
In all his travels, never once had he heard of it, so trying the snack from your world was something he was very invested about
Especially with how much you seemed to gush about it
As you pulled a box out and toward him, he noticed a cute slyness twinkle in your eyes, and you mentioned a game
He asked for the rules, so he knew what he was getting into; it was inevitable that he'd accept the challenge
He made sure to run his fingers over your scalp and behind your ear, attempting to fluster you as you took your positions
Otherwise he played fair for the round
Playing fair doesn't mean going easy, he gave it his all and it payed off
He won and gave you a celebratory kiss
You probably don't play anymore rounds after, he'd rather take the intimate opportunity to make out with you
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regular-gnome · 7 months
I adore your Archivists and the lore you make for them and their personalities and relationships between each other and Collector! You don't paint them as Good but misunderstood or cartoonishly evil.
They are god-like entities and their morality system and values are way to different for mortals to easily relate and understand. And good luck for them to not grow up with an issue or two and then proceed to raise a young collector with no problems =3
Also a question if you don't mind👉👈(sorry if you already answered it, my memory is bad TT) So all five of them are collectors(and they are the only ones of their kind), the siblings have a different name for their group why? And our Collector's name is the same as species or will he have something his own later like others when he is older?
The empty, uncaring void filled with extinction and destruction is not a place where kids grow happily without any lasting issues and from a mortal point of view - a weird perception of good but they are trying
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I don't think anyone has asked about this one yet! Their names are related to their identity and that connects to their history; they don't really use individual ones, but rather what describes who they are.
I've put the reasoning and my stab at the lore under the cut since I thought it might be a bit long and not everyone into it (and I just figured out how to add the read more cut so im gonna use it)
They are not the only ones in existence; they are just in this part of the galaxy we see. In the beginning, when the universe wasn't as expanded, the Children of the Stars were closer to each other, exploring the young galaxy together and living among other living creatures - mortals.
After the extinction event that left the children alone on the barren world, they decided not to let it ever happen again. They began collecting life from the surroundings and spread it to uninhabited systems, later establishing the first archive to help with it. Thats when they started call each others collectors, and after creating archive those collectors connected to it that cared for and used it were archivists. It didn't go fantastic, they were young figuring things out on the way, the lessons they learned got contained in the Guidebook everyone took. At this point, they also realized that everything they were doing was not enough. The galaxy was too vast, with too many worlds facing their ends too far apart. They separated making own archives, now too far away to ever really meet and find each other.
On how it realates to names. Collie is a kid, they are a collector so The Collector, they live around the archive but it's not their responsibility at this point -it's The Archivists. As Collector grows up and becomes an Archivist they can take a specific set of tasks and be associated with them taking on a title. However, this also means that titles can change.
The first sibling in the story, after establishing their archive, was just named The Archivist. When another collector grew up to help, they divided roles, with Curator handling organization inside the archive and Naturalist handling "ground work". Later, the tasks of the Naturalists were divided, now becoming Anatomist and dealing with the living environment and Architects handling the unliving aspects . Following Archivist became The Wayfarer, responsible for keeping track of every collected place and noting any changes they undergo. They scout out planets that are to be added to the archive.
I'm not certain what Collie would want to do in the future. I think they might be inclined towards tasks related to being around mortals as they are pretty social, so they could probably take on some responsibilities from Anatomist and Wayfarer. But, I can't say for sure what title they might take
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And here's a fun little aspect: the universe didn't stop expanding. The places their archive reaches keep getting further away and more advanced systems, so planets that are more than basic fauna and flora are more prone to collapsing. At some point, probably when Collie is an Archivist, the archive might have to split, and the names will shift again
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Okay, so can you do like a day in a life for child reader and bayverse tmnt (okay so I kinda want to see how they would react to y/n being the same height as the turtles
Also have a good day / night absolutely love your work 😄❤️👍
I actually really like writing sibling reader, I always giggle to myself while I'm writing this stuff, thank you for the request @bubbathebuzz 💕💕
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Where do I even begin to describe the chaos?
Every morning you are the first to wake up,
No matter what.
You even wake up before Leo.
How, none of them can figure out.
You beg to have a poptart for breakfast, and while you do get them occasionally, someone will ususally make you eggs and toast.
It's just not healthy for a child your age to have poptarts for breakfast everyday.
After breakfast, the boys have training, depending on how Splinter feels that day determines the type of training.
Your favorite type of training is posture or balance training because Splinter gives you a stick and your job is to hit your brothers on the ankles with it.
That's why Splinter only has balance training on weekends,
Since you have school the rest of the week.
Speaking of, Donnie makes it a point to tutor and help you with your school.
Which is definitly part of the reason you're the smartest kindergardener your teachers have ever seen.
(My little sister came up with a headcanon and I just had to share it, Donnie gives you a broken keyboard just to make you think you're helping him with his work, and you won't realize that it was broken untill you're like, 17, and you'll realize your whole life was a lie.)
If you aren't at school, one of your brothers is always keeping you busy,
They found out the hard way that leavinga bored toddler to their own does not end well.
It will forever be known as the "Paintball Incident" and I refuse to elaborate any further on the subject.
Mikey likes to play video games with you,
Leo won't let you play any 'mature' games until your older, stuff like Call Of Duty or Tomb Raider,
So you guys usually play games like Mario Kart, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft.
As it turns out, you are incredible at Mario Kart and are currently the house champion, and no one knows how tf you keep winning.
The entire fam goes into slight denial when you start growing up.
They kinda forgot you wouldn't stay small and wholesome forever,
So when you get to the age of, well, angstyness, shit gets wild.
Backtalk, sneaking out, rolling your eyes, Leo does not appreciate the attitude.
You not directly a jerk to any of them, just alot more sarcastic than you used to be,
But most of the time you're a really good kid.
Good grades, you do good in training, always have your chores done,
The whole nine yards.
(You are Splinter's favorite by default)
You are decently close with April,
You have sleepovers at her apartment, and she'll take you out shopping sometimes,
She's like a breath of fresh air compared to the chaos that is the Lair.
Casey is like that cool uncle that lets you do stuff you probably shouldn't be doing,
Like try beer.
One time, you were spending the night at April's apartment during hockey season, and Casey was there so you could all watch the game together.
April got up to use the bathroom, and Casey used to opportunity to do cool uncle things and let you try some beer.
You did not like it.
You choked slightly as the taste caught you off guard, "That taste like shit." you coughed out.
Casey scoffed, "It's an aquired taste, smalls."
"Thats code for, 'It taste like shit'."
Kareoke night is a regular thing on Fridays.
It usually ends with you passed out on the couch and one of your brothers carrying you to bed.
But it's your favorite part of the week.
If you end up growing to be around the same height as the boys', they will literally hate it,
You used to be so small 🥺,
They think it's unfair that you didn't stay that way.
It hits Splinter particularly hard when he realizes you grew up,
Because the same thing happend with the boys'.
But no matter how old you are, he is more than willing to be your person to go to,
Even if you are grown up, he's still you're dad.
(He still sings you to sleep if you have a nightmare.)
When you start patroling with your brothers, they are fucking terrified.
You can get hurt, alot easier than any of them can, so it's only natural that they're nervous.
You don't have a protective shell like they do after all.
If you ever get hurt after a fight, they are fa-reaking out.
Donnie's got the med-kit and starts checking you for everything from a concussion to lung cancer,
Mikey's panicing in the backround, while Leo just paces dramatically,
And Raph is currently beating the shit out of whatever poor idiot decided to hurt you.
Word spreads quickly amongst the criminals of the city to not go anywhere near you should they encounter the turtles,
Lest the be in mortal danger.
All in all,
It's chaotic,
It's fun,
And you know for a fact you have a family to back you up in anything you do.
Fun fun. I love writing this stuff, it's makes me giggles lol
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teddie-bear420 · 3 months
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Swap Au!! I call it “cold hazbin hotel”
Emily moonstone wants to redeem sinners and get to heaven with the help of her butler lute!
Lots of doodles and ramblings under the cut,
if you have any input or jokes or questions send them to me!!
So this swap starts at the very beginning! Lucifer is a big goodie two shoes who doesn’t express his real feelings and is kinda just heavens doormat. Sera on the other hand is driven by fairness and when she sees Adam mistreating Lilith she intervenes. This gets her sent down to hell with Lilith and they start ruling hell with all the sinners. At some point both Lilith and sera stop caring about the state of hell and the sinners establish the overlords that rule territory’s and all that. Around the time that Emily is born sinners like alastor and husk are well established overlords.
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Back in heaven, corruption spreads to leadership and Lucifer (as head archangel) kinda just lets it happen. He still runs the show but he doesn’t stand up for what he believes in anymore. Very weak man, thin wrists… dainty even. Adam is still the general of the Exorcist army and nobody holds any one accountable in heaven and the requirements to get into heaven are raised to in unachievable amount!
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Sera and Emily are very close, they talk almost everyday, when Emily starts to grow into an adult sera kinda panics and strains the relationship (Emily’s got mommy issues). Emily’s time spent in sin city leads her to starting the hotel with the Dino chick to hinder the overpopulation in hell (jk she just really wants to see heaven)
So Emily is the heir to a stolen kingdom
Lucifer still has Charlie in heaven and she fills Emily’s role of keeping everyone happy. In this swap he shelters Charlie for any hardships or even having her work for anything, so Charlie is a nepotism baby (in the normal show Charlie went no contact with her dad and built the hotel ground up) her job is to keep everyone joyful!
Charlie is ignorant to the horrors
Vaggie and lute are a little harder to explain cuz I still have no real idea how to approach making lute a sinner cuz uhh.. she already is one. I do know I wanna keep her antennae bangs…Pink to blue….Bug motif…Transition allegory?? You decide
Lute will probably have butler butch vibes, she’s very servant like
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But! I see vaggie getting to second in command and becoming a beast. The most ruthless demon slayer ever man, she fights the biggest demons she can find just for the fun of it. She still bulks up (you can take buff vaggie from my cold dead hands)!! She is assigned to protect the arch angel Charlie from quote…
“naughty individuals” -Lucifer (he means Adam)
Their dynamic is very silly, vaggie has to keep Charlie safe from things like assassins, perverts, technology and a goose. We all know that lute struck vaggie down cuz she was gay right? Well that still happens, but vaggie wins the fight (also being egged on by Adam) and ever since she’s looked for a fight so bad she ends up joining lute (warriors bond and all that)
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Basically she wants to change the heaven standard the lawful way (sera was a court judge after all) think musicals like legally blond, that one Hamilton song, and the death note musical.
She and Charlie get along well enough, it does gag Emily when she finds out that Charlie doesn’t know what a minimum wage job is.
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Ok so the main cast gets swapped with the over lords as you can see, the overlords I chose now look much younger, tho carmilla and Rosie are my milfs forever. Velvet is now an intern trying to get out of hell (she hates the heat) vox is now kinda just an obsessive fan boy, carmilla wants to go to heaven to see her daughters again. That Dino chick is the first guest, Emily wants to tame her inner fire (girl style)
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Emily has always wanted to see the garden of Eden, so when she comes up with a way to redeem sinners she hopes to visit heaven with them! I’m gonna doodle around with her demon bits,
Will maybe post more
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mrs-monaghan · 4 months
There's a jikook blogger here and I don't want to mention her name but she is saying that jikook might agreed to be in an open relationship...hooking up different people when they both are apart from each other for long bcz of work and that is why that woman was in his house in that leaked video..and that also may be why nothing between jikook seems changed bcz obviously jimin knew about it that his boyfriend was hooking up with someone bcz he was busy with his work.
So i don't have any problem with people who are in an open relationship if that's what it suits them but personally...i can't ever handle being like this with the person i love so much..and let them have sex with anyone they want if I'm busy somewhere for work. Obviously I don't know jikook personally at all but The things they have both said about love for years...it's hard for me to swallow to even read something like this about them..even if it's just an assumption.
Yes it can be possible that they both were never in a relationship to begin with and hooking up with different people but to think that they were and are in a relationship for years but having sex with anyone they want just bcz they're busy somewhere but still love only one another...i just can't imagine both of them like that.
It's my personal opinion and I want to know yours too Shaz!! Pls reply
...Thank you.
It is of my personal opinion that an open rlship is simply not in the books for Jikook. Not even something they would ever or have ever considered. In the past I've mentioned how I could see Jimin giving JK the option to go explore and see if Jimin is who/what he really wants (since Jimin was his first everything) but I believe thats as close as it came to involving other people on their rlship.
Other than that, I simply disagree with everyone who claims they're in an open rlship or have ever been with other people.
It simply doesn't line up with who they are as people and their possessive/jealous behaviour over the years.
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
Hi, can you write damian x reader (likely grumpy x sunshine) about reader being cuddly and all that stuff and shes like afraid to come as clingy. One night she's reading all the comments about her being like that and decided to reduce her affection and damian notices
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Pairings - Damian Priest x Fem!Reader
warnings - Reader feeling insecure about herself , Fluff at the end tho! , kinda angsty at the beginning
word count - 0.6k
Gif not mine !!!
You and Damian were the complete opposite. While Damian was mostly dark and gloomy , you on the other hand were sunny and energetic. You were the sunshine to his moon. And although you two at first glance may be opposite to each other, you two understood each other like no other man or woman could.
You often found yourself cuddling and kissing Damian very frequently. But Damian never had a problem with the way you showed love , as he often reciprocated it by giving you small gifts , kisses , anything he could do from time to time to show how much you meant to him.
But as time went by , you noticed how Damian could grow distant , and sometimes dismiss your touches. It didn’t affect you that much , I mean he had things ti do. He was a wrestler after all.  It didn’t affect you until now though. While scrolling on TikTok , you found a slideshow of someone expressing how annoyed they were at your touches with damian. Calling you clingy, and over all too much with him. You felt the tears roll down your cheeks as you read the comments. The words you read made you feel like you did need to stop being clingy towards him. And so you did
The following day , you hadn’t been and clingy towards him. Usually you were always hugging and embracing him , but instead you sat quietly as he did what he needed to do. He felt confused about your lack of affection, but thought you might have been tired. After all you had just had a  match against becky lynch.
It had been a week since you and given the affection that you usually do. Damian was confused but decided not to question it , thinking something had happened during the week that you might’ve not wanted to talk about it. Neither the less he was determined to figure out how to get you back to normal. He wanted his girl back.
Damian woke up to the sound of you talking to someone on the phone. He checked the time which read 3:14am. Why would she be up this late? He thought to himself. He walked to where he heard your voice which eventually led him to the bathroom. He went to grab the doorknob , but was confused when he heard the words that came out your mouth.
“Yeah I dont know Rhea I just feel too clingy for him , I mean , the comments and videos show that. Yeah…,” he heard silence until you spoke again.
“I dont know I feel like I might be too much for him— I just dont wanna scare him off thats all,” You replied back to her.
A couple minutes later he heard you say a quick goodbye as you hung up the phone. You opened the doorknob and expected Damian to be sound asleep in the bed but unexpectedly, you found him   On the other side of the door.
“Hey…” you said trying to ease the nervousness. “Calm down he probably heard nothing” you said in your head. But Damians facial expression said otherwise. He wore a frown  as his eyebrows were pushed together. Withought warning , he pulled you into a hug. Damn near suffocating you from how tight he held you. He finally pulled away from you after a long couple of minutes.
“I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re too much , I love you no matter how clingy you are. It doesn’t matter about what people say because all that matters is how much I love you , and that goes to infinity,” he spoke putting both of his hands onto your face.
“I love you more Damian , I just think im doubting myself too much. But it feels good to know how much you love me,” you spoke with a smile , giggling a bit at the end.
“Now lets head to bed, well talk in the morning,”he spoke to you pulling your hand and leading you to the bed. With one last kiss , you to fell asleep as Damian spooned you.
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mastermindmiko · 9 months
Pairing: Oliver Wood + gn!reader
Summary: the quidditch House cup final is close and tensions are high. To some more than others, so you help.
Warnings: growing up? Worrying. Thats it I believe
Requests are open!
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist
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"You better get up right now or I will smack you!"
"Fine. Fine. I'm going." I say, sitting up groggily as I rub my sleepy eyes. My roommates are glaring at me, and I huff as I look at the clock noticing how it's past midnight. The shouting continues and my roommate looks and me and goed, " Get up now."
I groan as I pull off the warm sheets from my bare legs and wear by fuzzy slippers. I grab a coat and wrap it around my body as tightly as I can. I can't deal with this today is the only thing I can think of as I hear the shouting begin to get accompanied with knocks or should I say slams.
I'm in the common room and I glare at him as hard as I can. He smiles sheepishly and grabs my hand. He's wearing his quidditch uniform, why is he always wearing his quidditch uniform?
"Oliver, no! It's past curfew and I want to sleep." I huff as he starts leading me to the common room door. He grins and opens the portrait. He looks at the fat lady and says, "Don't worry. No one will know, and the fat lady won't tell. Will you?"
"Of course not, Wood, as long as you bring the house cup this year!" The fat lady says with a smile as she looks at him. He gives her a weary smile then continues to walk. They hadn't won the cup since Charlie was captain, and this year they're the closest they've been since.
I would wonder where I'm being taken but knowing my best friend long enough I already know. Its even colder outside the castle. The stands are higher up in the air and it feels like I'm getting closer to the north pole. I shiver and I say, "don't you think we spend enough time here without coming after hours."
The quidditch pitch, the place where I'm certain Oliver spends more time in than classes practicing and I stay there watching him practice with a good book in my hands, only every once in a while giving him a thumbs up in encouragement. I don't really understand the game.
We reach the gryffindor stands and we sit in the middle, the best place to be if there was a match going on, but there wasn't. He sits down beside me and he would normally be going on about quidditch tactics and I would nod along like I understand anything that's going on when I don't. Today wasn't a normal day though.
"What's wrong?" I say, worried. I place ny hand on his shoulder. I feel like we worry about too many things this year, sirius black has escaped, our newts, the cup, graduating and jobs, it was all so new and scary. I was terrified and even more terrified that I would leave hogwarts without telling Oliver how I feel.
I have no doubt that he will go on to be in a big quidditch team, but how was I supposed to keep being best friends with a guy that was away all the time.
"Tomorrow's the match." Oliver says, and I can see him frown. Ah, yes. The match, the biggest match of his life, the big kahuna, the house cup final. He's been thinking about the day he won the final as captain ever since he was old enough to think about quidditch and by knowing Oliver, probably 2 years old.
Everyone has been building this big weight on his shoulders this year, even professor Mcgonagall, and even though I know they have good intentions, I think it's finally got to him.
"You're going to do great because no one's worked harder than you have. No team has had more 5 am practices than you, so I have faith that you're going to do amazing." I try to reassure him
"What happens if I get knocked out? There'll be scouts there!" Oliver panics, and I turn him to face me. I say, " I know that you want to be in puddlemore united, but if the scouts tomorrow can't notice how great you are at quidditch then I'm sure another team, just as great, will, so don't stress about it, and go get some sleep, you can't play, if you can't keep your eyes open."
I finish my speech with a large exhale and Oliver is finally grinning again. I feel the butterflies in my stomach erupt, and I grin back at him. I hold his hand and I stand up while tugging him with me. I say, "Come on."
He stands up and tugs me instead. I'm close to his chest, and he grabs my other hand. He looks at our intertwined hands and then looks back at me to say, "thank you."
"I'm only saying the truth Oliver, you're a great player." I say with a smile, encouraging him, though he could be a shit player and I wouldn't know really.
"It wouldn't hurt to be extra safe..." He trails off as he looks down at my lips and I start to panic instead of him this time. Was this finally it? I feel adrenaline course through my veins in anticipation and my stomach does cartwheels.
He presses his soft hips to mine, I let him. I press my lips harder against him, and sigh, happily. He squeezes my hands, and I feel him grin against my lips. He drops one of my hands to cup my face and pull me closer.
We part when I can't deny my body of oxygen anymore and I smile. The blush on my face is evident and I can't help but feel a slight embarrassment. I ask, "what was that?"
"A good luck kiss, and if you don't mind, I think I'm going to be having a lot more of them." Oliver smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. I, in turn, wrap my hands around his neck and I can't help but beam, "No, I wouldn't mind at all."
He kisses me again. 
An: I think I'm starting to like writing small one shots, what do we think about that? I think that they're cute and small which makes me able to write them faster and hence post more. Also, I Imagines the GIF, that's up before the cut as the way oliver looks at reader's lips before kissing them.
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okkos-ferrum · 7 months
gray and sharing screentime with himself
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in my current brainrot over a singular character, i decided to compile all the distinctions between gray and graham
looking at a very rough approximation of the screen time gray has throughout the show, the weird thing is that he is himself at the beginning and at the end.
graham takes many actions during s1 and s2 that differ from the gray we meet in the train in s1
Name: from found cut content from the original pilot of cs before netflix, it is carmen who suggests gray as graham's nickname. gray takes it without much care. graham, on the other hand, insists on his full name. seen in s2 ep7, both when carmen meets him up at the cafe and after FALLING FROM A PARAGLIDER. when asked his name during s4 ep3, his va emphasizes graham -- though i could be reading into things. guess brainwashing came along with a hatred with nicknames lol (probably to prevent carmen ever triggering gray's memories)
Life goal: we get gray's interview tape that showed his interest in vile, revealing not only was he a criminal before vile but he primarily "[wants] to be successful". (In cut content, during the detention scene where they all discuss code names, gray refuses sheena's suggestion of power failure because he didn't want to be thought of as a failure). gray joined vile because he didn't want to play within the system, believing he's deserving of success more than others due to his own skills so he's better off cheating the system. in contrast, graham in s1 ep6 declines being carmen's guide due to having to go to work early to fix something. He even declines carmen's payment for his work during s2 ep7, only stopped cuz carmen is good at dramatically disappearing. he is so diligent that within eight months, he was able to work up to be a lighting tech from just starting out as an electrician. meanwhile, he gave up being a junior electrican at the Sydney opera house as a teen due to disatisfaction (idk anything abt australia but isnt being a junior electrcian at the sydney opera house a big deal??)
Morality: most blatantly in his line "but we are the good guys" in s2 ep7 (i think he repeats this again during his interrogation with acme in s4), graham has a sense of morality that gray obviously would lack since he joined vile willingly. gray has no issues with stealing and has had a clear arrogance in his abilities ever since he was a teen. killing doesn't seem to be off the table for him, but he only does so if that compromises his mission. (for example, he gives chase a chance to leave during s4 ep 7, so he def isn't taking any excuse to take a life). graham's main act of "goodness" is risking his own life to save a kid in s4 ep3. while im sure gray is heartless enough to watch a kid die, i dont think he would be as ready to risk himself for a stranger. he likely would be more apathetic and would do so if it has some benefit to him or look the other way -- right after saving the kid, "crackle" steals the nameless kid's wallet with a smile. from his confrontation with carmen in the himalyas, he responds to carmen using his old words as him being an "innocent fool", dimissing whatever he believed then as not his own
crackle is another semi identity we get from gray during the fugue state he enters following regaining his memories from acme. it seems to be just due to how drastic the memories are for graham's mind to handle, the split is very direct, with "crackle" - all of gray's training and criminal instincts - being pretty non verbal (he does i think talk on the phone with vile once) and expresionless (he does have an evil little smile after stealing nameless kid's wallet but thats abt it). it honestly is dropped fast once gray is arrested (had to bolt the moment it faced consequences or whatever lol) but it def was entertaining to watch
overall it is just so odd how gray himself is barely in show and if u were to cut out the graham stuff, gray's arc of reconciling his relationship with carmen is largely unchanged. goes to show how wasted the cool amnesia plot stuff was (tho i like brainwashing angst, but i dont blame anyone for not enjoying it. it takes away a lot of the autonomy gray could've had in actually making his morally gray decisions). it honestly feels like they pumped the break of the brainwashing angst we were getting from gray and give it to carmen for the final arc tbh
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
He Loves Me Not. He Loves Me.
Pairing: Jake seresin x afab!reader
TW: ANGST, fluff, smut, piv, praise kink kinda, unprotected sex, swearing, think thats it
Summary: You and Jake have had a will they- won't they dynamic for years. Lately its looking like you won't, and you face losing your best friend.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: This is a wild ride but I absolutely love it.
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You and Jake have been best friends since flight school, always requesting the same assignments and practically living at each other's houses. Nothing has ever happened between you two, but you and everyone who saw you together always thought it would eventually grow into something more. 
You may not have the labels, but it sure as hell felt like you were a couple. You took vacations together, spent holidays visiting each other's families, you even went grocery shopping together every week. There was a certain level of domesticity to your lives together, and part of you always believed that he harbored the same feelings that you had for him. 
Even Phoenix and Rooster knew of the complexity of your relationship, always making jokes when Jake would pull you into his lap or when they'd find the two of you curled up asleep on the couch. You and Jake never really even dated outside of each other. Anytime you tried to introduce him to a new prospect, he ran the poor guy off within a week. 
Sure you and Jake slept with other people, but there was a deep intimacy between the two of you that no one else ever even came close to in comparison. Which is exactly why you roll your eyes and turn away when Jake walks in with his new girlfriend under his arm. 
Ever since he met her, it's like you don't exist. You had confronted him in the beginning when he blew you off three nights in a row, demanding to know why. He told you it was because Chloe wants to spend more time with him and that she finds your dynamic weird. 
You really can't blame her, you would probably feel the same way if you were in her shoes. She's just a girl who met a guy, it's not her fault. It's Jake that you're mad at. The two of you have been inseparable for almost 10 years and then all of a sudden it's like none of it meant anything. Maybe it never did to him but to you, it meant the world. 
Phoenix nudges your arm and wrinkles up her face when the two of them start in your direction and you consider making a run for it. You really don't like this girl. It's not because she's with Jake, it's because she's annoying and clingy. She's always trying to make out with Jake in front of you and inserts herself into conversations that don't concern her. 
Even worse, she's always complaining and Jake always has to leave early because she wants to go. She doesn't seem like Jake's type at all and no one can figure out why he's with her. Hell as far as the group is concerned Jake only has one type, and it's you.
You and Phoenix lock eyes briefly, communicating your distaste silently before plastering on the fakest smiles you can muster. The two of them stop in front of you and it pisses you off that Jake gives you a bright smile like nothing is wrong. 
Chloe clings to his side like he'll disappear if she lets go and looks between you and Phoenix. "Hi, Natasha." She says with a tight-lipped smile. She had tried calling her Phoenix or Nat at first and your friend quickly corrected her, telling her she can call her Natasha. 
She turns to you and her smile drops as she gives a curt nod. "Jake's friend." She greets and you see Phoenix stiffen in your peripheral. You don't even flinch, your smile only widening as you set down your beer. 
You see Jake give you a look telling you to play nice, but after months of being called everything except your name, you decide to be petty. You tsk lightly and frown, pretending to think. 
"I'm sorry, your name is slipping my mind. What was it again? Cancerous? Chlamydia?" You pretend to ponder out loud and you hear Phoenix snicker. 
"Chloe." She says through gritted teeth and you smile again. 
You glance at Jake and notice he's fuming. You shrug innocently before turning back to the bar and they walk off. As soon as they're out of earshot, Phoenix bursts into laughter. "Chlamydia? Really?" She cackles and you can't help but join in. 
"What? I can't help it that she reminds me of a disease you can't seem to shake!" You exclaim. 
The laughter dies down and Phoenix shakes her head. "I really thought you two would come to your senses one day and make it official." She says and you stare down at your drink. 
"Yeah, me too." You murmur and she squeezes your hand. "Is he bringing her to the officer's ball?" You ask and she sighs. 
"Yeah, as far as I know. Do you have a date?" She questions and you chuckle dryly. 
"Well, I was supposed to go with Jake but obviously that's all gone to shit."
Phoenix thinks quietly for a second before looking over at you. "Why don't you ask Rooster?" She suggests and your eyebrows shoot up. 
"Why would I do that?" You ask and she shrugs. 
"He's sweet and there are definitely worse people to show up with on your arm. Why not?"
You mull over her words for a second before nodding. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea."
You chug the rest of your beer and stand up to go find the curly-haired pilot. You spot him by the jukebox with Bob and make your way over. You met him at the same time as Jake, and the two of you have always had a friendly relationship. Hell, there's been a few drunken nights that it almost went further. 
Bradley spots you walking up and grins widely, immediately pulling you in under his arm. "Hey Cherry." He says while kissing the top of your head. You smile at the name that you received in college. It stemmed from a drunken night of truth or dare. You and Bradley got matching tattoos of cherries on your ass on a dare, and the nickname stuck.
"Hey, Brad Brad." You smile up at him. "Do you have a date for the officer's ball next week?" You ask and he looks down at you curiously. 
"No." He answers, confusion lacing his voice. "Why?"
You lean into him and he hugs you tighter. "I was wondering if you want to go with me?" You offer and he peers down at you. 
"Like a date?" He clarifies and you nod. 
"Yeah, if you want it to be."
A beat passes and you hear his voice ring out. " Alright, then it's a date." He confirms and you lean up to kiss his cheek before walking away. 
The week passes by quickly, and before you know it you're walking into the venue with Bradley's arm around your waist. He picked you up in his uniform and you'd be lying if you said you guys don't look good together. The two of you make an attractive pair and have the chemistry to match, but he's not Jake and Bradley knows this. 
He has no illusion as to the role he's playing in this. He's well aware that you're doing this because of Jake and he's happy to help a friend. He gets to spend the night with a beautiful woman by his side and he doesn't have to worry about any awkward first date moments. As far as he's concerned, it's a win-win situation.
The Navy went all out this year and your heels click loudly in the huge hallway leading to a ballroom. You come to the top of a grand staircase that leads down into the room below and look over at Bradley. He takes a few steps down before holding out his hand to help you descend.
You take it graciously and it feels like the entire room is staring as the two of you make your entrance. There's already a good amount of people here and you briefly lock eyes with Jake as you reach the last step. He's gawking and you notice an unfamiliar emotion flash in his eyes before looking away, and Bradley leads you to the bar with his hand on the small of your back. 
Jake can't seem to take his eyes off of you as you head in the opposite direction and he feels a knot in the pit of his stomach. As if seeing you walk in with Bradley wasn't bad enough, you're absolutely breathtaking. You look like sin in the deep red dress that glitters in the lights and he has to clamp his jaw shut when he notices a slit that goes all the way up to your upper thigh and the open back.
His attention is pulled away when he hears Chloe's voice asking for another drink, and suddenly everything about her is grating his nerves. He makes his way toward the bar, grateful for the excuse to get away for a minute.
Bradley has you caged in at the bar, his arms on either side of your body as you wait for your drinks. He leans down to your ear to make a joke about one of the higher-ups and you laugh loudly, your head leaning back into his chest. 
Jake hears you before he sees you, and as he takes in the sight before him he wishes he could pluck out his eyeballs. He misses you and your ability to light up the room. You always know how to make him laugh and he didn't realize how stuffy and boring these events are without you by his side.
Sadness is replaced by anger when you turn around and stare up at his teammate with big doe eyes that could bring an entire army to their knees. He turns on his heel and marches back to his table empty-handed, plopping down in his seat with a scowl. He vaguely hears Chloe ask where her drink is and he rattles off some bullshit about the bar being too busy. 
He didn't think you were here with Bradley romantically at first, but as the night wears on he's not so sure anymore. Phoenix had finally arrived and the three of you are laughing loudly as you leaned impossibly further into Bradley. 
Sometime between arriving and now, the line between friendly and flirty became muddled and you and Bradley are getting more and more touchy. He's kept you on the dance floor with a drink in hand the entire night and Jake hasn't crossed your mind once. 
You turn around and stare up at Bradley through long lashes and he reaches up to move some hair out of your face. 
"I'm going to the restroom, I'll be right back." You tell him and he leans down to kiss your forehead before you walk off. 
Jake watches you closely and practically jumps to his feet when he sees you going back upstairs. He waits a couple minutes until you're out of sight before following, not bothering to tell Chloe. He tries to remain calm but takes the stairs two at a time to reach the top quicker. 
He assumes you went to the bathroom and walks down the long hallway before stopping outside the door. He waits patiently and finally, you walk out. You nearly slam into him as he steps in front of you, and scowl.
"Move, Jake." You bite, trying to step around him. He sidesteps and moves forward, and your back slams into the wall. Your eyes widen slightly as he broadens his stance to block you and places his hand next to your head to lean forward. 
"Why are you here with him, dressed like that?" He asks bitterly and your frown. 
"Dressed like what?" You question and he chuckles lowly. 
"Like a goddamn piece of art come to life. I've had to watch you with him all night, and you haven't even glanced my way." He growls and you scoff. 
"Well I could've been here with you, but apparently pussy is worth more than 10 years of whatever the fuck this is." You snap and his eyes soften. 
"Is that really what you think?" He asks softly and you turn your head to look away from him. He grabs your chin between his finger and thumb and gently makes you face him. His heart shatters when he sees tears gathering on your lash line and he reaches his thumb up to swipe them away. 
"I can't pretend anymore." You whisper, and you feel hot tears spill over onto your cheeks. "It's not easy for me to see you with anyone who's not me. That might be selfish, but it's true. You're my whole world and you left me like I was nothing." You sniffle and Jake has never hated himself more. 
"Y/N…" he starts but he's interrupted by footsteps. 
He jumps away from you like he's been burned and his skin crawls when he hears Chloe's shrill voice. 
"Jacob?" She calls and he visibly cringes. He hates being called Jacob, and at that moment he's painfully reminded that she doesn't know him like you do. No one does. She's almost to you when Bradley calls your name. 
He noticed Chloe stomping up the steps and followed her when he realized you and Jake were nowhere to be found. His long legs carry him to you much quicker than Chloe and he glares at Jake when he sees mascara running down your face. 
Jake looks back at you and you stare straight into his eyes, letting him really see how much pain he's causing you. Chloe presses herself into him and scrunches up her nose at the sight of you. 
"Can we talk about this later?" Jake asks and you let out a watery chuckle. 
"You are unbelievable Seresin. I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?" Your voice is cold and emotionless and it sends a shiver down Jake's back. He's seen what you can be like, but he never ever thought it would be directed at him. 
You turn to Bradley and step into him. "Let's go."
He doesn't ask any questions, he just sends Jake one last glare before guiding you away. You hear Jake call for you but you don't stop walking until you're in front of the bronco. Bradley drives you home and you sit outside in his car for a few minutes. It's starting to rain and you don't want to make the trek inside yet. 
"Do you want me to stay with you?" He offers gently and you shake your head. 
"I'm okay. I'm just going to change and go straight to bed. I'll call you tomorrow." You reply and you press a kiss to his cheek before stepping out into the storm. 
Bradley waits for you to get inside before driving off and the second the door closes, the dam breaks. Your throat burns as you sob and you stumble your way to the bedroom while trying to unzip your dress. 
"Goddamn it! Get the fuck off of me!" You yell before giving up on the zipper and just clawing the gown off in a fit of rage. You chuck it across the room before doing the same with your heels and collapsing onto your bed. 
You stay there for a while and let the anger run its course before standing to put on pajamas. Another cry rips from your lungs when you see one of Jake's old t-shirts and you slam the drawer shut. You end up grabbing blindly from your closet, not wanting to see anything else that belongs to him, and shuffle into the bathroom. 
You haphazardly take off your makeup, not bothering to get the last remnant of mascara smeared on your eyelids before climbing under the covers. 
You're in the middle of crying yourself to sleep when you hear the doorbell. You don't make a move to get up, figuring whoever is at your door at 11 pm can go fuck themselves. You throw the covers off when the doorbell keeps ringing and stalk toward the front door. 
You rip it open to yell at whoever is interrupting your pity party but the words die in your throat when you see Jake standing in the pouring rain, drenched to the bone.
"Why are you here?" You demand and he takes a step forward. You see his hand twitch at his side and you know he's fighting the urge to reach out for you. Jake has always hated when you cry and knowing he's the reason almost makes him collapse. 
"I needed to see you." He yells, the raging storm almost drowning out his voice. 
"Well, you saw me. Now leave." You shout, but he only moves closer. He's almost within arms reach and when he sees the severity of your swollen eyes and splotchy cheeks, he closes the distance. 
You don't resist when his hands come up to cup your face, fully knowing that while he's the one that broke you he's also the only one capable of putting you back together. His eyes rake over your face for a minute and you're about to pull away and slam the door when he speaks.
"Please. Please just listen to me." He begs and despite your brain telling you to walk away, your heart is screaming to let him in. You nod just barely, but Jake catches it. You stay in place, watching as the rain rolls down his face and you can't help but think he looks beautiful. 
He leans forward and presses your foreheads together, letting his eyes fall shut. You do the same, enjoying the closeness while it lasts. His cologne and minty breath completely engulf your senses and you're incapable of forming any thought other than 'Jake'.
"I can't imagine my life without you in it." He croaks and you're taken aback by the raw emotion In his voice. " The way I feel when I'm with you… it's like the rest of the world melts away and I can breathe. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I am so in love with you that it scares me." 
You feel fresh tears gather in the corner of your eyes and you whimper. "What about Chloe?" You whisper and he shakes his head. 
"It's you, Y/N. It's always been you." He breathes and in split second, everything changes. Time stands still as his lips meet yours and ten years of love and pining is poured into a searing kiss. 
Your hands come up to grab his forearms as his thumbs trace your cheekbones and everything is forgotten. You melt into him completely as your lips move together and your knees almost give out. 
He bends just enough to pick you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you into the house. His foot kicks the door shut and you run your fingers through his hair as he walks toward the bedroom. 
He sets you down gently on the bed, the kiss never breaking as his body covers yours. You carefully unbutton his uniform and push the jacket off his shoulders before setting it neatly on the nightstand. 
The two of you move slowly, taking each other in as you explore the new territory. You eventually get him stripped down to boxers and he slips your shirt over your head. You opted for an oversized t-shirt with nothing underneath and Jake groans. 
"So beautiful." He mumbles into your neck, kissing the exposed skin softly. Finally having Jake like this after so long is overwhelming and you try desperately to memorize every little detail. Your hands run down his back, feeling every muscle that moves as he roams about your body. 
The two of you stay like this for a few minutes, just discovering what each other likes and pulling soft moans out when you find a new sweet spot. Jake licks up the valley between your breasts before stopping at the base of your throat and his hand entangles in your hair at the base of your skull. 
"Please." You whine and Jake peppers your face with kisses as eases into you. After a minute he bottoms out and both of you moan loudly. 
"God, I've wanted this for so long." He rasps and you clench down around him. He sets a slow and steady pace, wanting to feel everything. His hand stays in your hair holding you still while his other arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer. 
You grind down to meet his hips and he gasps in your ear. "Fuck baby, keep doing that." He hisses and you match his rhythm, pushing both of you closer to the edge. He's filling you in all the right ways and as many times as you've thought about this, nothing could ever do justice to the real thing. 
His hips snap forward harder and your back arches into him. "Oh my god, Jake." You sob and he repeats the movement. 
"Say my name again, baby. I want to hear you chant it like a prayer." He pants and you can feel the knot in your belly growing tighter. 
"Please, Jake." You beg and he pulls his head back to look at you. Your eyes are squeezed shut and your mouth is dropped open as a mixture of strangled moans and his name falls from your tongue. It's the most beautiful thing Jake has ever seen. 
"You're doing so good, honey. Look at me, let me see those pretty eyes." He cooes and you force yourself to pry your eyes open. The sight before you is one you never want to forget. Jake is covered in a light sheen of sweat as his chest heaves with heavy breaths, and his face is contorted in pleasure. 
The knowledge that he’s absolutely wrecked because of you is almost enough to make you come. Jake can feel your legs shaking as you draw closer and closer to your high and he shifts your legs up around his waist so he can fuck into you even deeper. 
You scream out as he hits your sweet spot and he makes a mental note for next time. He can tell you won't hold out much longer and with the sounds your making, he's going to be right behind you. 
His head drops down into your neck as he slams into you over and over again and his hips start to stutter. 
"Let go, baby. Let me feel you come all over my cock." He grunts and that's all it takes. Your body convulses in his arms as he coaches you through your orgasm and white-hot fire consumes every nerve ending. You claw at his back as your eyes roll back and your ears start ringing, trying desperately to root yourself to something. 
"I got you, baby. You look so pretty like this." Jake praises and he feels himself come undone as you spasm around him. He jolts forward with a loud groan as he spurts into you before collapsing onto your chest. 
You both stay there for a few minutes, your bodies hot as your hearts race inside your chest. Once the two of you have come down, Jake stands up and starts searching for a towel. You're glued in place, every muscle in your body already sore and aching. 
He cleans you up before kissing you softly and pulling you under the covers with him. Your limbs are like jello and Jake chuckles as you flop wherever he puts you. It feels like a matter of seconds before you start dozing off cuddled into his side and he presses his lips to your temple. 
"I love you." He whispers and you hum in acknowledgment. You mutter a soft 'I love you too' before falling into a blissful sleep, finally right where you belong.
@drakelover78  @manyfandomsfanvergent @ssprayberrythings @disturbedbeautywrites @desert-fern @one-sweet-gubler @callmemana  @luckyladycreator2 @bookchik26 @taytaylala12 @michalkasimp @xoxabs88xox @loveless-simp @withakindheartx @formulapierre @ccristata @shanimallina87 @chair-things @k-k0129 @izz-ayes-world  @kajjaka @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @phantomxoxo @rosiahills22 @gspenc @benhardysdrumstick
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hii could you please write a hurt/comfort fic with jake sully ? maybe the reader overworks themself during training (and in general) because they feel like they arent good enough and jake has to reign them in lol.
tysm ! and if u dont get around to writing this it's ok haha
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➜ Pairing: Father!Jake Sully & Child!Reader
➜ Warnings: Gn!reader, self degrading talk, mentions of reader overworking themselves, fluff
➜ Word Count: 0.7k
➜ Notes: None
Aᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“Thats enough for today,” Jake announced, emerging from the trees and stepping between your bow and the crooked ‘x’ you’d carved into the tree. You lowered your bow, gesturing with it as you replied.  
“No, I need more practice.” You moved to step around him, drawing your bow once again and training your eyes on the target. Jake reached out and grabbed your arm gently to draw your attention back to him. You turned to look at him, glaring harshly.
“It’s almost eclipse, you need to get back,” he told you sternly. Your eyes flicked back to the tree for a moment, then up to meet his unbending gaze before you huffed in defeat and yanked your arm back. 
“Okay,” you grumbled, slinging your bow around you and beginning to walk back. He watched as disappeared behind the underbrush of the forest, before turning to take a quick look around the area you’d been all day. There were holes around the target you’d carved yourself from previous arrows you’d shot and a few scarps of food you’d eaten earlier sat on the ground where you’d been standing. Jake had not missed the way you disappeared for the day over the last two weeks, or the growing eyebags under your eyes. It was obvious you’d been overworking yourself and he shook his head; he’d make sure to talk to you after dinner that night. 
That night, Jake found you sitting up in a nearby tree, feet dangling over the edge as you picked at your hands and nails idly. His footsteps, although quiet, jarred you out of your thoughts that swirled with distaste for yourself. You pushed them aside, listening intently to your surroundings as he got closer. Although you didn’t acknowledge him as he sat down next to, or when he wrapped an arm around you in comfort.  
“What’s been going on?” He asked gently, watching as you paused playing with your fingers, before huffing and continuing.  
“Nothing, I’m fine.”  
“It's alright to tell me, I’m your father.”  
“Really dad, I’m fine,” you insisted, and he sighed wordlessly, letting the two of you fall into an uneasy silence for a moment before trying again. It was obvious that something was bothering you, and it was very likely that that something was the reason you had been overworking yourself. Jake hated seeing you like this, and he wanted to help you with it, but he needed you to let him help you first.  
“Please tell me what's wrong,” He pressed again, making you huff frustratedly. Why couldn’t he just leave this alone? But since he wanted to know so damn bad you’d decided to just tell him, letting the dam break and all your frustrations pour out in a ramble.  
“I’m not good enough! Nothing I do is ever going to be good enough. I can't shoot a bow like Neteyam, I’m a terrible hunter and I’m not learning to be Tsahik like Kiri either so I’m just... just useless! And you probably think I’m a massive disappointment.”  
He was a bit taken aback by your outburst. It broke his heart that you thought of yourself this way, who had told you those things, and moreover, what had made you believe them? All the parents he talked to had applauded your skills as a hunter, and he often caught younger children in awe as they watched you practice.  
“Is that why you’ve been overworking yourself? Because you think your useless.” He asked, and you answered bluntly, 
He shook his head, “You’ll never be able to shoot a bow exactly like Neteyam because you're not Neteyam, but that doesn’t make you useless sweetheart. Nor does it make you a bad hunter.” You wanted to believe him, but your mind was quick to make up excuses.  
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” you mumbled.  
“I’m not,” he said gently, continuing when you didn’t reply, “When I look at you, I see an accomplished person, someone the younger children look up to and aspire to be like.” The sincerity in his voice and words urged you to believe them, but a small voice of insecurity in the back of your mind would not allow you to.  
“It's not good to overwork yourself, it won't help you get better, only exhaust you. For now, you should get some rest, give yourself a break and in the morning, we can work on your shooting skills together.”   
“Okay,” you agreed, voice barley above a whisper as you stood. Jake new it would take some time for you to truly believe the things he was saying, so for now he would do everything in his power to get you to see yourself in the same light everyone else did.  
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cumulo-stratus · 9 months
“For Me?”
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Pairing: Spencer reid x Male!Autistic!Reader
Description: Y/n brings spencer an early Christmas gift relating to their shared special interest of the sci-fi fantasy series Dune
Warnings: fluff, possible swearing, spoilers for season 10, spencer being an insecure little cutie-pie
Flufftober day 10: Gift giving
A/N: Sorry it’s kinda short- and i know it’s not Christmas but i read a blurb a while back with a similar prompt/idea and i loved it so im remaking it here! bon journée!
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The snow drifted lazily down from grey clouds- but Y/n was anything but grey today. He had decided that on his lunch break, instead of you know- eating lunch, he would go out to find some early christmas gifts for his boyfriend. Since it was his first Christmas after prison, he wanted to make it extra special. And y/n was doing that by giving spencer as much love and affection as he could, without being inappropriate. Y/n had decided he was willing to endure the teasing from Derek and Emily if it meant he got to put a smile on spencers face. On this particular day spencer was eating his soup at his desk, reading a book when he saw you get up from your desk. Now spencer didnt think anything of it, it was lunch time- hes probably just going to the fridge in the shared kitchenette to get his helping of leftover minestrone soup from the other night. But what did catch spencers attention was when instead of making his to the kitchen y/n started pulling on his winter coat and his spencers scarf.  Spencer looked at Y/n- questioning his actions. “where are you going?” spencer couldn’t help but notice the slightly mischievous glint in his lovers eyes when asked the question. Y/n just responded with a simple “Oh nowhere- but I’ll be back before you know it!” And with that Y/n was gone- already walking through the big glass doors of the BAU after giving spencer a chaste kiss to the lips and sauntering out the door, leaving spencer clueless as he watched his boyfriends back stray farther and farther across the room.
Y/n walked into the bookstore, shaking the snowflakes out his hair and stomping the snow off the bottoms of his beat converse, as a little bell dinged quietly behind him. The sole worker of the quiet shop looked up from the register, throwing y/n a small smile before looking back down at their book. The man made his way to the back of the store first- as thats were the sci-fi books were. As he walked through the worn page scented aisles he ran his fingers across the spines of each book he passed. The uneven surfaces and textures creating a relaxing sensory experience- which Y/n needed especially after how many people had been in the office today.  When did he finally reach the far end of the store- Y/n realized he didn’t know what he was looking for- but he decided that he would know it if he saw it. And boy did he find the right thing. Both spencer and Y/n had just a little bit of an obsession with the sci-fi fantasy series Dune by Issac Asimov. They had read it together- watched the newer movies- and discussed it at length. And now Y/n had found the best gift ever for his boyfriend spencer. It was a first edition set of all 3 books- And one of them- was signed! Spencer was going to freak! Y/n was freaking! Y/ns hands flapped in front of him and he bounced from foot to foot in excitement. 
It took him almost no time at all to bring the set to the front and have the books wrapped in paper- he decided to even pay a couple extra dollars to have them put a ribbon on it. His train of thought was that spencer deserved only the best- obviously.
After walking out of the store- the small ding signaling both the beginning and the end of his time in the quiet shop rang out. The cold air hit y/n causing a shiver down his spine as his feet crunched in the thin layer of snow that coated the DC sidewalks. Y/n stood on the side walk for a moment, admiring the snowy environment- but the weight of the bag at his side reminded him of the job at hand. Y/n began walking again- making his way towards the bus stop. The man glanced down at the watch on his wrist (a Christmas gift from Spencer from previous years), he had 20 minutes to get back to Quantico.  It would take him ten minutes on the bus and 5 minutes to get through security and climb the many floors to the BAU, leaving five minutes to give Spencer his pre-Christmas gift. 
The bus lurched to a stop 1 street away from the FBI headquarters, and Y/n grabbed the paper bag at his side and skipped off the bus into the chilly December air, excited to give spencer his present. 
The big glass doors of the BAU swung open and caught spencers attention from all the way across the room- mainly because of the speed at which Y/n was bounding across the room at. He practically skipped across the bullpen, nearly crashing into spencer as he came to a halt. 
“woah Y/n- slow down!” despite his scolding words the rest of his demeanor betrayed him- he had a big smile and was trying not to laugh as he spoke. He pushed y/n back up into a standing position after catching him, blocking his boyfriend from crashing face-first into his desk. 
“i would’ve been fine dont worry about it-“ spencer juste sighs in resignation at his boyfriends antics. He then noticed the unusually excited look on Y/ns face and became almost immediately worried. This was Y/n after all. Said man noticed spencers worry and only became more excited before saying “look! i have a gift for you!” Y/n presented the small paper wrapped gift to spencer and his eyes widened, confused. 
“what is that?” y/n chuckled at his boyfriends cluelessness- despite being together for years spencer still never quite understood Y/ns caring actions.  
“It’s for you- it’s a gift!
“for me?”
“yes for you silly goose! go- open it!! your gonna freak.”
spencer looked at his partner slightly concerned at how excited he was- but still took the brown rectangle from his outstretched hands. The thick brown paper teared despite spencers best efforts. In Y/ns opinion it was an extremely slow way to open the present- and his intent and excited gaze urged his boyfriend on. spencer chuckled and sped up slightly- and when he finally pulled the worn book from the wrapping paper- his eyes widened. 
“y/n! is this what i think it is?”
y/n just smiled giddily and childlike at spencers equal excitement. Y/n gestured for him to open it and when he noticed the signature his eyes widened even farther. 
“Oh. My. God. Y/n? where did you find this?! its first edition and signed?! oh my goodness darling i love you so much!!” 
he pulled y/n in for a tight hug and spun him around before begging y/n to read it with him. Eventually hotch called everyone to the round table for a new case so unfortunately the couple had to pause their excited conversation about the series (much to the relief of derek and emily, whose desks were right near theirs), and make their way towards the round table room. But spencer snuck one more kiss in on his lovers lips before he bounded ahead to excitedly chat with emily about his lunchtime adventures. And as y/ns conversation faded into the background spencer quietly mumbled to him self;
“for me..”
With a gentle smile directed at the back of his boyfriend.
The End 
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
So I just remembered the hanahaki disease trope and I think it’s perfect for Jax (You could include Gangle and/or Zooble too, they’d be p interesting)
Jax is horrible with showing vulnerability and confessions are quite vulnerable… he can’t really die in the DC but he can still suffer
Jax and Zooble with Hanahaki disease !
not explicitly x reader but you can still perceive it as such and im still tagging it as such so those who want it uhuhuhuh this post sure is gonna be interesting :0! honestly between all of the cast, i think these two are the most likely to suffer from hanahaki, gangle is a maybe but i cant think of anything for her sob sobs and i can kind of see caine also possibly getting it due to not understanding romantic stuff but thats assuming he can sick and also assuming he doesnt immediately confess to the reader upon realizing his feelings shrugs
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just going to say it flat out, if this were the real world jax would likely die before confessing anything simply because he hates the concept of being vulnerable, as well as being the one to have to open up... god this wouldnt be so hard if it were the other person suffering; as terrible as it sounds... though, i dont think jax is the most.. emotionally mature of the bunch so he likely would have a mindset like that... in the beginning, after he notices the first petals he probably starts hiding them when he realizes whats going on.. probably legitimately starts swallowing the petals because he cant stand the idea of someone seeing him cough them up... and i dont know the health risks of digesting flower petals, especially ones that just spawned inside of you, but that probably worsens his overall health. thankfully (if you can even say that) he cant die in the digital world.... which... allows things to drag out for longer, and its going to take a lot for jax to just swallow his pride and confess something of this nature... even if it means hes in excruciating agony... though, i can also see him just wanting to get it out of the way when he finally hits his limit, as humiliating as it is
just saying, if hes ever cured and actually gets with the person hes in love with, theyre going to have to work on his fear of vulnerability
very similar to jax in terms that they also dont like being perceived as vulnerable. but for a different reason. jax doesnt like showing that kind of stuff off because he thinks love is gross and yucky! how dare he be flustered when someone calls him cute! zooble, on the other hand, more so doesnt like the idea of growing an attachment. especially in the digital world where your mental state is so vital to your physical state... nope too risky and they dont want to make the other person feel they need to keep going to spare them the hurt blah blah blah, stuff like that. though... this makes me wonder where the flowers come from, since zooble doesnt have a mouth... maybe they just... spawn out of where the mouth would be? i think that would make it easier for them to hide it for longer, until someone actually sees the petals actively coming out... less of a clean up too, since they cant bleed... but perhaps they are covered in a black residue, not too different from the stuff pomni throws up in the pilot.. shrugs.. between the two, zooble is more likely to crack and confess, though. jax has his pride to protect, but zooble isnt nearly as invested in their ego.. though i do think they try to play it off after the confession.. shrugs
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
My Hyperfixations about the topic Western Spaghetti and WOTFI 2023
My main focus on the 'SIMULATION' that might also have involve tv adware to be doing it all on purpose.
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Western Spaghetti and WOTFI 2023 seem to connect with the antagonist "TV Adware" that first came from ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT
I was thinking- since meggy lived in a simulation where One Shot Wren made I also thought from the other people's theories from youtube and also here- that- what if the whole SMG4 HAS ALSO BECOME AN ENTIRE SIMULATION RUNNED BY THE TV ADWARE TOO???
I'm just saying- just saying- if it were ever...
Western spaghetti movie is shown how Tari was self aware and is sure enough that she could tell it was a simulation since she is a human robot type.
And in the other of the episodes where tari is after western spaghetti, she seems to appear all scared and weak again. So this might have made me cost another theory- cuz tari got her development from western spaghetti-
Why not in the other episode after that? Literally smg4's new castle is shown where tari and luigi appeared to be scared again- where is her bravery?
And with that said to me- I mightve thought deeper after the ending on WOTFI 2023 TV adware shows up. What makes me rethink about- is that why are bob, boopkins, shroomy, luigi, any hell of the characters are inside of the building and works for Mario?
Why did it suddenly reminded me about how Bob and boopkins were criminals from western spaghetti and in wotfi 2023 these two work for mario- dont get me wrong here- I felt like some thing was weird from the very beginning after Mario stole SMG3's notebook.
All I could think about- was that WOTFI 2023 and Western Spaghetti NEVER existed to them- as in they NEVER knew NEVER been or NEVER have experienced and NEVER remembered.
That almost as if they return to their normal lives again to play on loop like they stayed in their usual characters, without the development they had.
I know you guys did noticed the hint they put in smg3's lair where SMG4's western hat is shown, well what if I tell you it was just a display that SMG3 didnt even knew it belonged to SMG4?
What if I told you that western hat didnt even made it to the movie? This western hat that belonged to smg4 belongs to him ONLY. And this hat is part of the 'simulation'
Breaking through after meggy's awaken from the pod- where everyone was... they didnt WEAR their western outfits after that.
The first ever time they both wore their western outfits is the first episode before western spaghetti called "Ready to ride?"
Knowing that its already been a simulation from the start seeming that tari knows and tried to break through the thick barrier.
The episode SMG3's bomb cafe showed smg3's lair that he had the western hat. Again. The western hat belongs to smg4. How? Its barely been shown from the episode nor even western spaghetti that smg4 gave him the hat or smg3 stealing it.
It's just right there. A hint. A hint that reminded a simulation they were stuck in.
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When SMG3 made this comment. I never thought much about it after my first time watching western spaghetti but now that I repeated it over and over again? I finally came into making a theory.
What if after wotfi 2023 SMG3 is his turn to be the one whose self aware?
Surely you guys know Mario is in prison with Marty (was it?) After getting locked up in jail, Mario doesnt know and he just follows basically anything what marty says. Until. It was shown from Marty's flashback that the notebook was deliberately sent to him on purpose by a printer that also happens to have the SAME exact logo.
Considerately the antagonist TV adware is sure to want and put SMG4's whole crew or lives in danger not by anyone noticing it but us who sees it.
So like during the movie of ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT thats where tv adware appears as probably his minion sent out to SMG4's pc to advertise him a seemingly sing but suspicious keyboard to where SMG4 needed it.
I might've thought about it. When the keyboard affected SMG4 he continues his editing non stop and even put a LIVE cam behind him seeing how many days was it? I dont remember. But the count down.
I may have think- hmm... what if just a single watch from the video while SMG4 is live the people have been hypnotized that their actual bodies were separated to them and that the Tv adware already HAD their bodies but stuck on the new so called simulation that would be on progress.
It may seem prettyyyt suspicious to me cuz
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When tari says THIS line? To wren?
I knew something was definitely up.
Sure he used the other minions of his own from the simulation bringing them into the living realm (aka where tari and meggy and rest of the crew were)
Wren knows to himself he cant control much of it since- it IS only given to him he doesn't CONTROL ALL. He CONTROLS THE PODS. And have his own virtual control where he's always number one.
So like probably. Tv adware did this on purpose to one shot wren. To get on to something more different. Cause Tv adware appeared when One Shot Wren was young and meaning Meggy Spletzer is still a small kid, meaning that was before SMG4 or even SMG3 existed/landed in the realm.
Tv adware knows it. They knew everything. They set up pods that were in the exact NUMBER of smg4's crew.
It looked like he NEEDED. Them for something more.
Than just a puppet with or without a string.
He's been there from the very beginning.
Observing. Every move.
I dont know what if SMG3 DID also realized at that moment- where he said it felt like hes been asleep for a 100 years is actually true?
What if he did remembered and broke from the simulation tv adware is holding onto- and started seeing it like how tari did?
Although its impossible it would be if he noticed a pinch of it. He cant just NOT forget about the notebook that mario STOLE from him and put him into jail. And immediately got busted out after wotfi 2023.
Again the simulation cant be brought to the real world. Meaning it has already been brought to the real world before this, and I think tv adware needed this as an opportunity to take hints and also let people notice this small topic.
As said, the simulation and the real world are too complicated. Meaning if the simulation is brought to the realworld it would probably mess up the time or cut its world like a fabric. This is what Tari is surely aware of. The simulation.
Just a wrong doing from messing it up, might lead everything into consequences from the future.
And what if we actually got a bad ending in wotfi 2023? Would there be more screenshow of tv adware? Or do we just keep watching the movie like it never even bothered much?
I just felt it- Tari never wouldve knew tv adware had control over hers as well because she IS living in the real world, like a puppet. And puppets also have temporary strings attached that also leads from her not knowing this is normal. And that nothing is wrong.
The temporary string may have not worked due to Wren's control but tv adware controls EVERYTHING.
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cybercore-creations · 9 months
All good things
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Summary: Life played him for a fool again, he was stupid for thinking he'd get a single good thing
Tw: Suicide, Kidnapping, implied Stolkholm syndrome
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He thought everything was okay. He thought you finally accepted this was where you were staying. Giving him a kiss every morning, helping Vincent with the sculptures, taking Jonsey on walks with Lester. You didn't scream or cry anymore. Didn't have to be locked up. Everything felt normal. A normal spouse, A normal family, A normal life.
But nothing ever went right for Beauregard Sinclair. He could never have a normal anything. Never had one normal thing in his life.
Maybe it was hopeful thinking or straight denial. Just playing pretend. But he didn't expect when he entered your shared bedroom to find you with bleeding wrists and one of his knives weakly clutched in your hands. There was no note. No closure. Not a simple thing to tell him it wasn't his fault.
You didn't have to say it, but he knew it was his fault. He shouldn't have kept you alive. Shoulda just threw you in the museum like everyone else, but he didn't. You were a spitfire from the beginning. That's what he liked about you. He never expected a victim to hot wire Lester's truck and try to run him over but there you were smiling as you pushed the old thing as fast as it could go. He laughed when you'd slammed your face onto the steering wheel when he shot out the tires. It wasn't even a sadistic one, he genuinely found it funny.
You saw the man. He was distracted, looking off into the distance, probably trying to find you but you hit the gas hard. The pedal slammed to the ground as you changed gears (He always liked someone who could drive stick) Bo heard the truck before he saw it. The loud rumble of the thing much too old to still be driven. It was like second instinct as he hopped out of the way, shooting out the tires. The truck spun out and all he heard was "FUCK" and then the slam of your forehead on the uncoushined wheel accompanied by a "ow"
His eyes drifted towards the now bloodied silver band on your finger. You were supposed to get married. You'd been in Ambrose for a little over a year when he popped the question and he remembers the bright smile before squeezing him tight. The memory would make him happy but instead he felt nothing but betrayl.
As the night draped itself over Ambrose, The two of you found yourselves perched on the rooftop of the old, weathered church. The stars above twinkled like glitter strewn across a velvet canvas. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, and the only sound that echoed through the quiet night was the faint chirping of crickets. Bo took your hand in his, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You know, Peaches, I've been thinking about a lot lately" You raised your eyebrows "And what does that thinking gotta do with Hun?" He fiddled with the ring in his pocket before taking a deep breath. For the first time in his life, he was nervous. "Our future together. How I wanna turn ya into Mx.Sinclair." "W-What?" You stuttered. "Peaches, the second I laid eyes on you went you came in for that fan belt, I was hooked. Every second since then I've been falling harder. So uh, will you be my spouse?" He pulled out the ring, hands shaking. You grabbed onto him. Squeezing him tightly, he could feel your smile against his shoulder. "Absolutely. I wouldn't want anything else."
He went soft and he absolutely hated you for it, well thats what he tried to tell himself when he ran to your side trying to find a pulse. It was obvious you'd been gone for awhile. Blood was already dried on some places and your body was cold to the touch. He was frozen in time like one of Vincent's statues as he stared before he dropped to his knees. Bo let out a scream. A noise so deep in his chest that it didn't even sound human. An animalistic sob that you could probably even hear the town over. The one good thing in his rotten life was taken from him
"I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU." He yelled. Tears now rolling down his face. "Why did you have to leave me?"
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