#i think that the luxury real estate agents of los angeles want us to believe that they are action heroes for some reason
physticuffs · 2 days
by far the funniest thing about reality tv is when one character says something like, "she better not come for me, or i'll destroy her!" ma'am. please. you are not going to shoot her, you are not going to punch her, you are not even going to engage in elaborate psychological warfare. you are going to yell at her at a party where everyone is wearing clothes they can barely move in, and then she is going to yell back, and then you are going to do it all over again next season but with more botox.
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Why hire Richard Morrison Realtor for buying and selling properties in Vancouver
Richard Morrison Vancouver Realtor
Chances are you may be looking at a few realtors, and have selected Richard Morrison Realtor in Vancouver as a short list of potential agents. There are lots of properties we can easily find around us, but when it comes to buying or selling the same, it is not an easy task at all. You might be a person looking for great property to live for yourself or your family, and you may not be aware of all the costs associated with property acquisition, or how to search for the best location using artificial intelligence, and you may not be fully aware of the due diligence involved to ensure you do not end up with a troublesome property. Of course, these are just some of the issues and important aspects when purchasing real estate in Canada. There are many other issues at hand.
One of the main reason why someone searches for a professional agent is to mitigate these risks and gain strategic advantages. Then why don’t we go and hire the best property dealer to help us in knowing everything about the property, negotiate for us and offer us amazing solutions? The answer is not so simple. With some many real estate agents in Vancouver, it is not an easy solution. It is therefore prudent to make a careful analysis of the real estate agent you are going to hire. It is important to look at the accreditation, experience and knowledge of each realtor you are thinking about selecting. Richard Morrison Realtor, who is a renowned realtor in Vancouver can help you to crack the best deal no matter what you are looking for exactly- condos, great single family home for you and your family, a commercial space or anything else, just connect with the Richard and his team to gain great benefits. There are a number of reason to choose Richard as opposed to other agents. Let’s explore them below:
Why Richard Morrison Realtor?
This is the personality you can’t find anywhere else and has 17+ years of experience in the very same domain and can impress you with the best property ideas. You can also check Richard Morrison Realtor reviews online to know how effective and amazing personality he is and how he has offered great solutions to the people who were looking for buying and selling a property. He and his group can easily meet the requirements of all and that is why the firm is approached not by the national clients, but worldwide clients who are looking to invest in Vancouver, love to connect with him.
So, you can also go with the Richard Morrison Vancouver Realtor and find out the best deal will be there for a lifetime.
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Richard Morrison Realtor Reviews
Richard Morrison realtor in Vancouver is a family owned business. He was formerly an accountant with Deloitte, and it is where he learned the art of selling and buying properties.
The investment industry, he explains, is the only industry that will be around for some time, he says, and while most people today understand its importance and value, there is still a need to learn more about this field. And since Vancouver has become the second largest metropolitan area in Canada, the demand for buying and selling real estate is not shrinking as fast as other cities. In fact, it is expanding.
As a Vancouver based realtor, Richard Morrison is in a unique position to make a living doing what he loves. But as he and his family take in two new additions to their four-bedroom home, and two well-kept horses for sale, his focus is less on helping people buy and sell real estate. He's thinking about it more like a business. He will have to decide how much time to devote to that part of his life.
It has been over four decades since Vancouver's and BC’s economy began to boom. Since then, more people have flocked to the city, attracted by its tax rebate on income, its second largest social program (after health care), and its excellent schools. People want to live here, work here, and raise their families here.
That's not to say the financial state of the Vancouver economy hasn't had any effect on Richard Morrison Realtor's career as a consultant. Vancouver was one of the first Canadian cities to use municipal bonds as collateral for loans. Since it does not use the full faith and credit system as it does in most states, it has to trust the banks that borrow from there. They have seen many a bank collapse over the years, and today, with all of the uncertainty in the country, they are even more cautious.
"Most banks are reluctant to make loans to any business," Morrison says. This type of lending may be temporary, he explains, but the interest rates have fallen drastically. With this more relaxed lending criteria, more local buyers and sellers are finding their way into the Metro Vancouver real estate market.
A Vancouver realtor, like any other person or business, needs to know where to go to sell his or her property. "People find it difficult to come here and buy because they don't know where to go and who to talk to." Vancouver's property listings on the MLS (multi-level list) are huge. There are now almost as many listings in Vancouver as there are listings in Los Angeles.
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One of the biggest advantages to buying and selling properties in Vancouver is that there are so many different kinds of people who call the city home. There are new immigrants, retirees, single parents, stay at home moms, realtors, lawyers, doctors, accountants, nurses, executives, tech professionals, artists, musicians, college students, people who are single and are looking for work, and plenty of others.
Many of these different hobbies and careers come into play in the home. For example, a single mom might have an executive office with a work desk and a computer for her professional work. She has her children in the play room with computer game systems and television sets, and in the bedroom, she has her "office," a coffee table, side tables, computer accessories, and her "work space" of clothes, jewelry, and shoes.
Many of the world's elite live in the luxury style housing that is available in Vancouver. There are homes on award winning streets, beautiful master suites, sprawling gardens, and access to the local beaches and parks. And the price of these homes is affordable, with prices starting as low as $800,000.
There are people who can't help themselves, as they move into this "new town," and they bring with them their different cultures, tastes, ethnicities, and lifestyles. and most of the people are happy to mix with all of them.
As a Vancouver realtor, Richard Morrison believes his job is to give buyers, sellers, and renters in Vancouver, and Canadians across the country, as well as the rest of the world, access to the different homes, properties, and services that are available for sale. - and he hopes to do this for a long time to come.
Questions to Ask a Realtor Before Committing to Their Services
A Vancouver realtor's job is to find you the best properties for your specific needs. One of the things you will want to be sure to ask about before you commit to a buyer is if the home is fully furnished. If you do not like the look of the home, you do not have to be in a hurry to move in, but you want to be sure you have a place that you can call your own. This is why Richard Morrison Realtor has placed a few guiding queries below to answer your questions.
Once you do find a home that you feel is right for you, having a good Vancouver realtor will ensure that you get the best price from the seller. In addition, a good Vancouver realtor will guide you through the entire process of buying and selling. They are great at helping you avoid common mistakes, as well as ensuring that you are on the right track in making your purchase.
There are many places to look for a good Vancouver realtor. The most obvious one is the phone book. When you do go to their office, make sure that they have an online presence as well. This will help you find them quickly should you have questions or concerns about how to find them.
Another source of information for finding a good Vancouver realtor can be the local MLS listings. When you use these, the agent will have access to more options. Since this is their area of expertise, they will have all of the listings that they can find.
The Internet is also a great way to find a great realtor. With the advent of social media, you will be able to see the realtor's previous clients. You can then go online and check out other listings in your area to see if you feel comfortable dealing with them.
A third resource to use when looking for a good realtor is the Better Business Bureau. Here you will be able to look up complaints against them. This will give you a great idea of how the realtor you are interested in handling your purchase has been. Not only will you want to be sure that you are dealing with a reputable company, but you want to be sure that you are dealing with a company that is going to work hard to make your purchase go smoothly.
So, now that you know where to look, what questions should you ask? First of all, you want to make sure that the home is listed with MLS. This is where you will get access to the different properties that are listed for sale. You will want to see if the property is currently for sale, or if it is just vacant. This will help you determine the asking price.
Secondly, you want to ask about the selling process. How long does it take to sell the property? Will the seller come out to view the home? These are all great questions to ask.
Third, you want to check to see if there are any liens on the property. This is something that should never be overlooked. If there are, they can be something that you need to work out with the seller. For example, a mortgage or a tax lien could prevent the seller from being able to come out to inspect the property.
Finally, you want to ask about pricing. What price are they asking for the property? Are they in need of a down payment? In addition, you want to ask if the listing agent has any special deals, and whether or not they will be taking on any financing.
All of these questions are important part of the process of buying and selling. All of them will give you a sense of whether or not the seller is as serious as they say they are. Be sure to pay attention to the answers you get and make sure that you are working with a person who really wants to find you the right property for your needs.
Richard Morrison Real Estate: Reliable and Professional Realistic
Richard Morrison Real Estate is the real estate brokerage offering properties in all urban center’s and suburbs of the Province of British Columbia. Richard Morrison has over the years been helping buyers, sellers and the whole community to realize their dream property. For more than one hundred years, Richard Morrison Real Estate Company has been making sure that the buying and selling process are smooth.
Richard Morrison Real Estate Company has been operating since 1888. Their reputation in this field of real estate has become well-known among sellers and buyers. Now they are famous as the leader in Vancouver real estate.
For years, this company was known for its dedication and pioneering work in buying and selling properties in Canada. In this regard, they were the first to take the initiative and set up a headquarters in this country. Their business activities have helped many people to get their dream house.
In Canada, the real estate industry is based on the chain of property offices. This means that this firm was among the first to open a real estate office in Vancouver. Richard Morrison Real Estate is now known for its achievements in Vancouver real estate.
Richard Morrison Real Estate is now recognized for the quality of services it provides to the sellers, buyers and tenants. In addition, they offer its clients the comfort of convenience when dealing with a reputed and established firm. Richard Morrison Real Estate is also famous for its innovative ideas in land development projects and methods in commercial property leasing.
Richard Morrison Real Estate Company has given its name to its business because of its philosophy. It strives to give the best services for its clients depend on the reputation of this firm. This is why, Richard Morrison Real Estate is one of the most trusted and well-known real estate firms in this city.
Richard Morrison Real Estate Company has become more popular because of its efforts in the investment process and its close association with the community. Its clients not only have the advantage of a wide selection of properties, but they also have the satisfaction of living with the support and expertise of this real estate company. Through its close association with the community, they are able to come up with innovations that would help boost the life of its clients.
Richard Morrison Realtor is now leading the way in Vancouver real estate. Because of its efficient and trustworthy services, this company is now established as one of the leaders in the real estate market. Richard Morrison Realtor is also known for the flexibility of its concepts and methods in buying and selling properties.
Richard Morrison Realtor Reviews has been opening its doors to the clients from all over the world. So far, this firm has welcomed people from Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, USA, United Kingdom and the rest of the world. Because of their popularity, the firm now offers free appraisals to its clients.
These services would not only make sure that the buyer or the seller will find the property he was looking for, but it would also help to give him an idea of the cost of the property that he would be investing in and the price range it would have. This is why, the property appraiser would be giving his suggestions about the costs.
This is why, the expert would be asked about the amenities of the property. The rooms of the property, the characteristics of the property, and the condition of the property would all be questioned. Also, it would be talked about the cost of improvements that the owner wanted to make to the property.
Many a times, the clients are not informed about the price of the property before the sale of the property takes place. This is why, they would need to check if the seller is really being sincere with his estimates. In any case, the appraisal can be used as a reference for future negotiations would also be helpful in getting a good deal for both the seller and the buyer.
Check Out the Market For Metro Vancouver BC Real Estate
Richard Morrison’s Vancouver realtor who is well known in the industry. He is a member of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver and was recently featured on the local news with a story about an extremely high value of one of his homes. Morrison is also the Vancouver Branch President of the National Association of Realtors and was recently nominated for the "Vacant Store Of The Year" award.
Morrison works with different properties from private buyers to those looking to invest. He has also worked with commercial properties. He believes that there is a great market for buying homes and businesses both. Here are some tips that Morrison offers to those who may be interested in investing in Vancouver real estate.
First, one of the reasons that the market is so good for investors is that there is a lack of inventory in Vancouver real estate. Most investors want to purchase their first property and have access to the types of properties that they are looking for at very low prices. This is great for those that are buying or selling, but may not be ideal for private developers.
Another reason why the market is so strong is because of the desire for families. The rates in this market are much lower than other areas of the United States. There are many properties for sale for below market value, which appeal to people looking to build equity for their children.
Another reason why the market is so good for families is that there are more properties available for the young couples to buy. Also, there are now more options for those looking to buy a condo than there were when this market started. For people looking to rent out their Vancouver condos, this is another reason that the market is so attractive.
Morrison also says that this is a good time to buy real estate because the economy is slowing down. Though, most realtors agree that it is still a good time to buy or sell real estate because the economy has not hit rock bottom yet. This means that there are plenty of properties available for people to purchase.
One of the best benefits to buying a property in Vancouver is that the properties will increase in value. It is almost like having your own piece of property right in the heart of the city, that you may spend a lot of time in. The trend seems to be upward and so buyers are able to get a better return on their investment.
One of the reasons that the market is so strong is because there is a lack of inventory in Vancouver real estate. Most people that are looking to buy properties are hoping to get a bargain. This is especially true for those that are looking to sell their property in the downtown core area.
Another reason that the market is so strong is because there are more properties available for the buyers to buy. There are condos available in the area that people are not able to purchase in the past. This gives those who are purchasing to buy properties a great option to choose from.
Morrison says that there is a great demand for homes in Vancouver as the market is still very competitive. There are many buyers who are in the market for a new home and they are not going to wait until the last minute for it. This is great for those that are looking to buy a home.
If you are looking to buy a home or sell a property in Vancouver real estate, this is an excellent time to do so. There are a lot of properties for sale. There are also many opportunities for investors to make money if they are willing to work hard and put forth the effort to get their business off the ground.
For a new home to be built, the federal government does offer tax incentives to encourage people to build new homes. There are other incentives that can be obtained from the city of Vancouver to improve a property that is not up to code. standard, so it is in the buyer's best interest to look around to see what options are available.
Luxury Homes in Vancouver, BC
Vancouver luxury homes are excellent examples of world-class architecture. They have the look and feel of a home in Europe, as well as the distinctive charm of the great cities of Europe. They are called Vancouver condos because they are residential properties, like apartments or houses, which are available to people living in the surrounding area, without the need for them to be tied down to one location. Condos are a great way to invest in the future of your home, whether you want to rent it out, live in it for years, or even build your own little village on the property.
Homeowners in Vancouver enjoy living in a beautiful city that has been described as "The Beverly Hills of Canada". It is also the dream setting for many young couples who are drawn to the beautiful sandy beaches, world-class entertainment venues, and peaceful ambiance of the city.
For these reasons, Vancouver homes and condos are the perfect investment for those looking to move to Vancouver, BC. In addition to the fantastic value in the market, there are also a number of facilities and amenities in the area, including international hotels and shopping centres.
In addition to homes in Vancouver, you will find many other types of luxury homes. One of the most common in the area is the high-rise condo. These properties feature larger, more lavish suites, and they are popular among the wealthy and well-to-do.
With hundreds of thousands of square feet of space, these high-rise homes are truly luxurious, and the open floor plans allow for business and leisure spaces. Many of these residences have swimming pools, fitness centers, private landscaped yards, and other amenities that can make even the busiest of executives and business owners very happy. If you are searching for a luxurious home to call your own, you will be hard-pressed to find one with more amenities than this variety of luxury homes.
If you are looking for the American dream, you will be happy to know that you are in good company when you move to Canada. The Canadian cities of Toronto and Vancouver, BC are both world-renowned for their astounding diversity, creative culture, and vast national parks.
When you move to Canada, you will find that there are so many other possibilities for an outdoor adventure that you probably won't even know where to begin. It seems that wherever you look, you are guaranteed to find the perfect spot to enjoy the great outdoors. If this is your first time moving to the country, you will be delighted to discover that there are endless opportunities for outdoor adventure.
In Canada, there are literally thousands of acres of undeveloped wilderness that offers a thrilling experience. Whether you would like to fish, hunt, hike, bird-watch, bike, climb, ski, snowshoe, play tennis, go boating, or simply enjoy the stunning scenery and fresh air, you are sure to find an experience that is enjoyable and that will not cost a fortune.
In Canada, there are mountains that are nothing short of stunning. From towering peaks and majestic valleys, the mountains of the Canadian Rockies are absolutely breathtaking. To see these majestic mountains is to know that you are a part of something that cannot be forgotten.
Travelling can be an exhausting and expensive proposition, but once you travel a long way in comfort and style, you might not even remember that you did it. This is the beauty of life in Vancouver, BC, where there are so many luxurious homes for sale that you can find any combination of lifestyle you could ever want. You will never have to sacrifice the good life for anything less than what you deserve.
Vancouver, BC is definitely a unique city in Canada. It is just as unique to its residents as it is to the people who live in it. There is simply no way to get from point A to point B in this fabulous city without being amazed at the rich culture, rich history, and, of course, its amazing architecture.
In fact, if you wish to live in a region of the world that is as culturally diverse as Canada, the Pacific Northwest might be the ideal place for you. Vancouver luxury homes, in particular, are built to perfection to accommodate the high standards of style and comfort expected of luxury homes in Canada.
For more information about Richard Morrison Realtor, contact them today. They can help you find the right property for your budget. and take the stress out of buying and selling.
Name: Richard Morrison Vancouver Homes Address: 3103 Kingsway #209 Vancouver, BC V5R 5J9 Phone: (778) 900-2235
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halsteadproperty · 6 years
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Want to level up? Become a wealth manager, not just an agent.
When catering to wealthy clients, one way to ensure repeat business is to become a wealth manager rather than simply a real estate agent.
At Inman’s Luxury Connect event in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hills Wilshire Hotel, top agents and industry leaders shared the key to making sure luxury clients not only buy their first homes but their fourth and fifth as well.
Make it personal
Making the conversation about more than real estate is a tact many in the industry already apply, but it’s especially important if you want to continue that relationship beyond the closing date.
“The conversation is not about real estate,” said Michael Dreyfus, a real estate agent with Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty. “It’s about life and where they are.”
Dreyfus used an example of a client he had that had kids in college. He saw a house that he thought would be perfect for one of the kids and knew there was no way the kid could buy it, so he approached his client about buying it. While the client ultimately decided against it, Dreyfus said that client appreciated that Dreyfus was thinking about him.
Diane Ramirez, chairman and CEO of Halstead Real Estate echoed Dreyfus, explaining that becoming a trusted advisor is all about making that connection.
“What are their life interests?” Ramirez said. “Do they have children going to school? Let’s introduce them to someone that can get them to the headmistress.”
“We’re so focused on the real estate information, but it’s the life component that really gets you to be the trusted advisor and gets you selling them their fourth property and their fifth property,” Ramirez added.
Be confident in your advice
Realtors are experts in their field, so they need to have confidence when they are telling a client what to do with a large amount of money, Dreyfus said. He believes you have to be confident that you know how best to advise clients.
“I think most Realtors lack the confidence to say, ‘hey you should do this,’” Dreyfus said.
Nela Richardson, formerly the chief economist with Redfin and now an investment strategist with Edward Jones, made a similar point earlier in the day. She compared it to giving investment clients counterintuitive advice: sell stocks and buy bonds when prices are high and when things are crashing it’s a buying opportunity.
“That’s what a real estate agent has to do,” said Richardson. They have to convince a client to do something that doesn’t feel comfortable because it’s the right thing in the long term.
“That’s part of managing a high-net-worth portfolio,” Richardson added. “Getting your clients confident in you to take that step that will make them money.”
Don’t just give them data, help them understand it
It’s not uncommon for luxury firms to put out data reports, but it’s one thing to show clients that monthly or quarterly data and it’s another to explain it to them, Ramirez said.
“What we do with our chief economist is we send a letter, explaining the market data,” said Ramirez. “We make sure we have an interpretation of any data we send out so they understand it.”
Halstead will also send its clients a daily email every morning with email links to about a half dozen news articles. It’s something that’s easy for them to click on and often relevant to what they’re doing in the moment, said Ramirez.
Give them tech tools
Panelists shared two new technology tools that can further empower clients with data as well: Homebot and CoreLogic’s ePropertyWatch platform.
Both tools provide report cards for clients that include property values, equity, principal data and information on reverse mortgage or home equity loans. CoreLogic’s platform is also powered by local property records and partnerships with certain multiple listing services so agents can see what other homes in the area are selling for, as well as rates for the top mortgage lenders.
“You guys are not only real estate agents,” said Ashlee Miller, the business development manager at Homebot. “You are helping people manage their retirement through their properties,”
(Source: Inman)
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topinforma · 8 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2muXzVL
Mega-mansions in this L.A. suburb used to sell to Chinese buyers in days. Now they're sitting empty for months
The mansion on Fallen Leaf Road in the secluded Upper Rancho neighborhood of Arcadia has all the trappings a wealthy buyer from China could want: a crystal chandelier in the entryway, marble floors, a home theater outfitted with a dozen reclining leather chairs and, naturally, a fortuitous eight bedrooms and eight bathrooms.
At $9.8 million, the recently built property is a relative bargain. A similar-sized home in Beijing would cost twice as much.
Yet two months after it was placed on the market, the house remains unsold. Not long ago, real estate like this would have been snapped up almost immediately.
“It would have been gone in two weeks with multiple offers,” said Dee Chou, the property’s listing agent.
Other real estate agents in the area report luxury homes geared toward Chinese buyers taking up to half a year to unload.
“All agents are crying that the money isn’t coming,” said Sanne Lee, an agent for A + Realty & Mortgage in Rowland Heights.
At the same time, high-end home seekers who plan to take out loans now have a fighting chance as they compete against a smaller pool of cash buyers.
Domestic buyers can now purchase here and not get blown out of the water.— Brent Chang, real estate agent
The turnaround in activity, industry officials say, is directly linked to policies in China.
The San Gabriel Valley, long the destination of Chinese home buyers looking to provide their families a better living environment as well as safeguard their wealth in American assets, is feeling the effects of Beijing’s crackdown on capital flight.
Chinese citizens, wary of a faltering economy, have been pouring money abroad, fueling a buying spree of overseas assets in recent years that has pumped up property values from London to Los Angeles.
Though Chinese policymakers generally favor diversifying the country’s wealth into foreign holdings, they were unprepared for the magnitude and speed of the outflows. In order to invest overseas, Chinese citizens must dip into the country’s foreign exchange reserves. Those reserves peaked at $4 trillion in 2014 but have since dwindled by a staggering $1 trillion.
That has left the nation’s cache of foreign currency at its lowest level in almost six years — troubling a government in Beijing that needs the money to stabilize its currency and maintain good standing with the International Monetary Fund.
To defend against capital flight, Chinese regulators allow citizens to take out only $50,000 a year. But that’s been largely ignored and circumvented, often by asking dozens of friends and family to exercise their quota on someone else’s behalf.
“It’s like ants moving rice,” said Helen Chen Martson, a San Gabriel Valley real estate agent for Keller Williams.
The deluge in Chinese money made it exceedingly hard for local buyers to compete.
It took Veling Tsai, a doctor with a private practice in Alhambra, three years to buy a house after looking all over the San Gabriel Valley. He and his wife grew deflated after attending crowded open houses in Arcadia and San Marino, where Mandarin-speaking competition almost always made all-cash offers. The couple had five bids rejected.
“It was really frustrating,” said Tsai, 44, a Taiwanese immigrant who ended up paying $200,000 over asking price for a $1.5-million home in South Pasadena. “I think I make a good living. But even being a doctor, I couldn’t afford some of these houses because people were buying them like Starbucks coffees.”
Real estate agent Dee Chou stands inside one of the eight bedrooms of an Arcadia house listed at $9.8 million. It has been on the market for two months.
Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times
Real estate agent Dee Chou stands inside one of the eight bedrooms of an Arcadia house listed at $9.8 million. It has been on the market for two months.
Real estate agent Dee Chou stands inside one of the eight bedrooms of an Arcadia house listed at $9.8 million. It has been on the market for two months. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)
But starting in 2015, Chinese banks began scrutinizing requests for foreign currency to ensure transactions were being used for legal business purposes. Regulators also increased their enforcement efforts given the many creative ways money is siphoned out — be it by forging trade invoices, smuggling jewelry and luxury watches out or even faking legal disputes to get cash into the hands of overseas lawyers.
Then on Dec. 31, China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which swaps Chinese yuan for dollars, issued some of its strictest guidelines yet. Customers now have to pledge not to invest in foreign property and provide a detailed account of how foreign funds will be used. They also prohibited customers from taking foreign currency out for someone else.
The rules could have broad implications around the world for any city exposed to Chinese real estate investment such as Vancouver, Sydney and more recently, Seattle.
Few, of course, are as exposed as Southern California, where Chinese home buyers have expanded their reach beyond the San Gabriel Valley in the last decade to Orange and Riverside counties.
“Chinese policymakers realize that, without significant capital controls, the foreign reserves will continue depleting,” said William Yu, an economist at UCLA. “But those controls mean the Southern California real estate market, especially for luxury homes, will be less active because that money is stuck in China.”
Even before the new guidelines, signs were pointing to a slowdown in the kind of exuberant Chinese buying activity that sparked a frenzy in the San Gabriel Valley three years ago.
Cash purchases of homes — a loose proxy for wealthy Chinese buyers because they tend to pay in full — fell to 344 in Arcadia last year from 461 in 2014, according to real estate data firm CoreLogic.
In San Marino, cash sales stood at 86 last year, down from 103 in 2014. And in Alhambra, cash purchases have fallen from their peak of 208 in 2015 to 130 in 2016.
All told, cash sales in the San Gabriel Valley declined 17% between 2014 and 2016. In L.A. County, cash sales fell 12% over the same period.
The declines come even though all home sales grew by 5.7% in the San Gabriel Valley and 6.9% in L.A. County during that time.
Median home prices have dropped in Arcadia to $930,000 at the end of last year from about $1.1 million at the start of 2015. In San Marino, the median price for a home was $2.5 million as recently as the second quarter of last year before tapering to $2.2 million by the fourth quarter.
The master bathroom inside an Arcadia mansion that has gone unsold after two months on the market.
Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times
The master bathroom inside an Arcadia mansion that has gone unsold after two months on the market.
The master bathroom inside an Arcadia mansion that has gone unsold after two months on the market. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)
The slowdown isn’t necessarily a bad thing, said Ann Sung, founder of Chateau Group, a luxury developer headquartered in Arcadia, who believes the pace of sales in 2014 was unsustainable.
“Cash sales in two weeks with 15-day escrows is abnormal,” Sung said. “People were buying blindly. The market is now normalizing.”
The drop in cash sales has also allowed more traditional home buyers with loans to crack into exclusive markets such as San Marino, local agents say.
“Domestic buyers can now purchase here and not get blown out of the water” by Chinese money, said Brent Chang, who works alongside his mother, Linda Chang, a real estate agent in San Marino since the 1970s.
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