#i think shadowheart was the first person he made one for tho other than himself
miraculan-draws · 6 months
I see your "elves need earmuffs in winter" and RAISE YOU those knitted or fuzzy headbands that go over ears BECAUSE Astarion would look very cute in them and it would keep his growing hair out of his eyes. He made it himself. I was going to say "bring him yarn/fabric of your desired color and he will make you one" but I realized he would be choosing the colors himself with childlike glee and would not entertain any arguments on the matter. Interrupting conversations that do not involve him that way he can measure someone's head. Once he learns he can make them out of fur it's all over. Don't have big sensitive elf ears? Irrelevant, you will be cozy as well, sha'tel'quessir, and it will be both fashionable and practical.
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teaffrogy · 5 months
Hi! I saw you were looking for ideas so I'm going to submit a couple if that's okay! Feel free to ignore if not lol
First idea is for Gale (he needs more attention in this fandom!!) Tav who's kind but completely oblivious when it comes to flirting getting hit on and just not picking up on it, how would Gale react or not react? Would his reaction be different if he saw it from afar, up close, or just heard about it? Can be pre-relationship or during :)
Second idea can be for any or all companions (personally tho I think it'd be interesting for astarion, halsin, and gale) Their reactions (separate) to Tav realizing there's mutual attraction so they take them aside and nervously confess that they're asexual and would understand if they don't want to be partners after knowing this about them and that they wanted to tell them before things got serious.
Sorry for rambling in your inbox but I hope this was atleast somewhat helpful :D
Omg yes both I love sm omggg okay imma work on one first then the other. And I totally agree! Gale deserves more attention! I adore that man sm😭❤️ also so sorry it took me a while I have been taking care of my cat who got surgery
Oblivious Tav
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Gale x Reader(Tav)
I honestly believe Gale immediately Knew Tav was super oblivious to people Flirting on them And he first found out About it when Lae'zel made the first move. Instead of falling for her words, you just gave her a puzzled look. “I'm sorry Lae’zel. I don't want to fight with you.”
The second time he saw it was with Astarion at The tiefling party. Of course he put his Vampiric charms on you but it just flew past you. And Astarion had this look on his face that made Gale burst out laughing. Some of the tieflings gave him a puzzled look.
Another interaction was when a tiefling was flirting with you. She rubbed your hand up and down softly that he himself even felt the shivers. She had tried to tell Tav how gorgeous they are and how even better they would look under her. But that left you confused. “Why do you want me to lay down?”
Like always, he found it funny because what you say and the other is the person's reaction. But Gale wouldn't lie, he had fallen in love with you the day he taught you how to cast spells just so you could feel what he feels, the magic of it. It was just the way your eyes shined as you looked around you. The moment you Two had made him realize how much he wanted you in his life, read a book beside you, be on his balcony, have a cup of tea or coffee, whatever you like to drink! And just read a book with you, watch the sunset, see the boats sail away, watch the waves of the sea. And just be with you. He loves you.
After that, he did try to make some moves.
Gale didn't know if he should feel bad or
embarrassed for you.
No matter how many times he tries to flirt, it simply just flies Over your head. You two were in the shadowlands and he took so much time and dedication to say those words to you that it simply flew past you. Astarion couldn't help but let a Laugh. Shadowheart was holding hers in. He knew you were obviously but not that much!
He tried it again, a small pick up line and you just stared at him and gods he loves you but oh my god he also is embarrassed when you simply don't get it. He had to actually say those three words.
“What I am trying to say is that I am in love with you. I love you.” Gale says and your eyes go wide at those words. “And I have been trying to make you get the hints that I am really in love with you but it just flies by you. I was thinking it was the tadpole wiggling those words out but that's just how you are.” He says and you feel embarrassed. “Oh.” You say and Gale holds your hands. “I'm in love with you Tav.” and he brings your hands close to his lips, kisses each one hand and looks up at you. “I love you too Gale.” You say and he's more than happy to hear those Words come out.
And even now that you two are together, it simply flies by you. From times you do get his little pick up lines, but there are those other times where it flies by.
But Gale loves that about Tav and finds it cute.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
I'm a notoriously slow RPG player and have had kind of a busy day besides, but I have made it as far as the Grove and doing most of the side quests there, and man, they've changed a LOT from early access!
I like Gale a LOT more this time around, they really toned down his superiority complex, he seems more excited to explain things because he's special interest infodumping, rather than like, lecturing you because you're stupid and you need someone to explain these very simple things to you.
I also like that they shortened up the Nautoloid section in the tutorial, they messed up the ship a lot more and cut out the thralls running the cannons. Really added to the stakes that you had to RUN to the bridge.
The camp clothes are adorable and apparently because I was an Early Access player, I got the digital deluxe version for free! So I got lots of fun DOS2 themed clothes and gear and whatnot. Look how cute Rose looks in it!
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Things I'm less sure on are Wyll's recast and retooled story. I think it's very compelling to make his goal a conflicting one with one of the other origin characters/companions, but it makes him less personally endearing for him not to care as much about the tieflings in the Grove. The new VA is great, he does sound like nobility this time around, less cocky and self aggrandizing, but I also liked how forced and put-on his bluster felt. You really got the impression before that nobody bought his hype, least of all himself as the man selling it. Idk. I guess I have to put that version of Wyll out of my mind because he seems like a VERY different character now.
I googled why the VA was recast, wondering if he'd gotten canceled for something or other, but apparently they completely reworked Wyll because he just "wasn't connecting with players." Which... is disappointing for a number of reasons.
I'm not very far in, but I'm already wishing they'd just stuck to their guns because we all
players were having a "hard time" """"connecting"""" to Wyll over any of the other characters, and it had nothing to do with his story or his VA. He worked fine as a character, he was internally consistent with plenty of plot hooks into the main narrative with an overarching mystery that would be solved by progressing his story. I'm sure this new version will work too, and he's far from the only character they've retooled personality-wise.
Shadowheart was kinda snide and hostile at first, now she's almost playful if still secretive. Gale was arrogant and condescending, now he's eccentric and excitable. Even Astarian who started out much more overtly salacious and cruel has been toned down to just, general hedonism and selfishness. Lae'zel has always been Lae'zel tho lol.
So like. Idk, I want to take it in good faith that Wyll's actual story has been the most noticeably retooled since his was the most complete narrative we got out of Act 1 from early access, but also, I can't NOT be suspicious when I've seen it happen so many times where devs will "rework" a black character who isn't "connecting" with fans.
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uldren-sov · 1 year
39, 35, 27, 9 & 1 (i can't remember which number the one with the party members is but also the dynamics with those party members!)
Hey thank you sm for the ask!!
1 was answered here!
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What does your Character think of Raphael? (39)
Despite what he says, there's nothing necessarily better about the devil you know versus the devil you don't. Synne does not trust him but is of a mind that there must be something at play that made a powerful devil reach out to them and make introductions, rather than wait until their little troupe be desperate enough to turn to the infernal as a last resort.
She IS charmed and intrigued as to the attention, but it's more of a puzzle to be figured out now, but she knows it will eventually be a trap they will need to save themselves from before long.
Has your Character done anything that they regret in Act 1? (35)
Literally almost everything. Especially early on in Act 1 she does not want to be here. She was snatched from the streets of Baldurs Gate to play emissary (and to potentially meet someone very important to her and her family...) and instead she's been thrust into adventure. Every step to help the Grove, to help the Tieflings, to be the one to figure out how to take the worm out? Is a step in the wrong direction. She would have much rather let others deal with this and been on her way (maybe after some revenge on the lingering Illithid presence.)
But she mourns her inaccessibility of her old life, she regrets not being able to go back to it now that she's in this adventuring party...
But it's growing on her.
Do you have a favorite member of the Tiefling Refugees? Is it the same as your Character's? (9)
I pershunally loved Mattis, the little hustler. Synne's favorite is Arabella. She adored that she was willing to break some rules to do what she thought was right, and it reminds her of a younger her back when she delighted in the exuberance and chaos of her burgeoning connection to the Weave.
Who ended up in your Character's most used party? (27) (And what are these dynamics!)
Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale! If we kill things fast enough we don't need to plan for longevity or survivability! In terms of dynamics! :
Astarion: He's the most familiar to her insomuch that she's used to foppish kind of rakes from the high society I imagine she comes from. So even in his casual cruelty he's a welcome familiarity and relief - and also he seems to have as much fun as she does when it comes to adventuring around. Meaning, not a lot at all. She flirts with him, he flirts with her, she's fairly sure the two of them both don't mean it but it's fine, it's fun, and it's once again familiar. But she doesn't necessarily care to see more until far later in the Act, but she moved past all that once the flattery got too on the nose with how little they really mean it.
She does like him but she's not sure if he actually likes her.
Shadowheart: Probably the most similar to herself in disposition. Which makes them butt heads. Out of the rest, she can appreciate SH's stoicism and control when it comes to her interactions; she plays her vulnerabilities and personal thoughts close to her chest and Synne appreciates that because it's what she does. Synne very much earns the title in Act 1 of ice queen, but I believe quicker than the others, she can see the similarities in SH and does not continue to let them be barriers to finding commonality and even a bit of friendship.
The zealotry is a big red flag tho.
Gale of Waterdeep: There was a spark in the initial meeting when she literally was knocked off her feet, trying to pull him out of the ruined portal, upon first meeting him. But then he announced himself to be one of the most cocky, headstrong, definition of wizarding hubris and she could not stand him when they set each other off when it came to their magical capabilities. Imagine championing that you have to work hard to make magic work, and being proud of that fact. Her pride as a sorcerer colored a lot of interactions with him until they both managed to stop belittling one another and instead find commonality in their love of magic...As well as some unanticipated (and first ever) connection to someone that made her understand when he said a "sudden heartbeat" could be worth more than kingdoms.
She was vindicated when she heard about his brand of Wizard Hubris, but finds herself still wanting to help...
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alister312 · 6 months
I saw in your stick of truth art you said you play baldurs gate? Im interested to know if you have any south park crossover ideas?
I have been playing lately!! well, not really 😅 a friend from d&d has been streaming it to me but once I have my own gaming PC I will be buying and playing it on my own a lot 😏 but since i can’t exactly access it on my own i don’t know the whole game’s plot so no spoilers please!! however i will say……. wyll my beloved 🥺
(putting further ideas below the cut in case anyone else wants to play but can’t and doesn’t want any spoilers at all!)
speaking of Wyll, i do definitely get Gregory vibes from him. like, the fact that he’s a runaway noble who was forced to run bc he sacrificed himself (or at least his soul via a pact)…. big martyr vibes. and now he just goes around helping the downtrodden for no reason other than that it’s the right thing to do?? ABSOLUTELY Gregory. but i will say that the way Gale talks is more Gregory’s vibe.
Christophe….. idk honestly. i will say I’ve seen that one foreign kids in bg3 crossover thing that has Christophe as Shadowheart and i think that is pretty much the MOST wrong choice lol. i know she has trauma with wolves and Christophe has trauma with guard dogs but that’s where the similarities end. Shadowheart’s a cleric. her whole thing about devotion to a goddess. Christophe’s arguably biggest defining character trait is his hatred for God. if i had to pick a main companion person to align Christophe with it’d maybe be Karlach..? but idk. maybe he’s not meant to be in a bg3 AU.
for general SPxbg3 and not just my two main SP boys tho, I really vibe with the idea of Stan as Halsin… strong, kind, loves animals 🥰 kind of the perfect fit! also the fact that he’s a bear and finn has all the art with post covid Stan as a big ol bear. for Kyle, my heart wants to say Astarion since i love vamp Kyle and for style/halstarion reasons BUT Kyle is not as mean spirited as Astarion is at first ofc so i think he’s sort of similar to Gale..? well meaning but comes off as kind of pretentious, bad luck in romance, and kind of a nerd.
Kenny is Karlach, no doubt about it. loves to party and dance, excellent vibes, but cursed in ways that involve destruction of their bodies. circling back to Astarion, honestly i think this could be Craig! i mean, Damien fits really well too but i’m trying to think of more major characters for this theoretically crossover lol. Wendy seems like an obvious choice for Shadowheart visually at least, but i think she’s a bit more like Wyll! assuming that it’s not Gregory haha. they both care deeply about issues of justice and are willing to fight for what’s right. Shadowheart then i feel could be Bebe… both perfectly bitchy but also badass. and tell me Bebe wouldn’t be the type to cut and dye her hair after a dramatic moment!!
then there’s Lae’zel who honestly I’m a bit stuck on 😅 to be frank she’s my least favorite character so far. the tav my friend and i have is a cleric of lathander who believed that the guardian in the prism was his god (before learning The Truth lmao) so the combination of the githyanki occupying the temple of Lathander and wanting to kill the guardian made me not like her much. but maybe she could be Red bc Red is my favorite SP girl so that will help endear her to me 🥰
i know nothing about Minthara bc my friend loves Halsin so we killed Minthara basically the moment we met her. doesn’t help that she’s a drow and personally as a D&D player I hate dealing with drow. come back to me about her when i play on my own and don’t kill her straight away.
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