#i think its because his hair is S O fluffy this season
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stevethehairington · 7 months ago
no because season four is the best evan buckley has ever looked
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ladytauria · 1 year ago
tauria!! 9, 14, 21, 74, 80, 84, 104, 122 from the book rec ask game please <33
ahhh thank you maya!
9. your favourite book of 2020
ahh, i'm actually going to answer this for---last year, because i remember it and also bc i hit my reading goal last year!!
so my actual answer would be nona the ninth, but as i have already rec'd gideon to bean and mentioned harrow in this list, i shan't count it.
s o.
i think i'm gonna go with The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski, which is part one of a duology. the first is a retelling of cinderella, the second of sleeping beauty.
the first, to me, was much more enjoyable than the second, although i deeply enjoyed both. the first is singular pov, the second is split (i liked the LI's more!)
the book takes place on an island which is segregated into three classes / rings, each of which enjoys a vastly different quality of life than the other. the protagonist lives in the lowest class, where, if you're charged with a crime, no matter the severity, the guards can take any tribute they ask---from a few strands of hair to some blood to an eye, etc. she works with her guardian to help sneak people out of the lower ring and into the upper rings, and has always yearned for a taste of them hersellf. after spending a night in prison, she meets an outsider--the first on the island in many years--who helps her achieve just that.
also the plot twist in this book is. amazing.
14. a book that made you trip on literary acid
like. in the most positive way possible.
Harrow the Ninth.
look. i wasn't going to rec sequels. i wasn't.
but oh my god.
i walked away from this book with a headache and i said thank you ms. muir <3
(runner up answer would be the stars are legion, bc. oof. that book was a mind-fuck. again? best way possible. but also. damn.)
21. a book with a red cover
literally the first book that came to mind was Eldest, of the Inheritance Cycle.
(i was going to answer with "witches of ash & ruin by e. latimer" but my kindle cover is now blue -.- and uglier, imo. whatever.)
but, uh. The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett!! i started the discworld series with the tiffany aching series, and i highly recommend <3 the nac mac feegles make me giggle so much <3
also i deeply love tiffany and all of the things that pterry conveys through her <3
74. your favourite love triangle
i didn’t forget to answer this before i clicked post wdym
this is hard!!! ngl i actively avoid love triangles in books after being so inundated with them during some of my peak reading years lmao
ahhh but
i actually didn’t mind how the love triangle was handled in the early throne of glass books!
i don’t necessarily recommend those but i was. obsessed with them for a time xD
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
i technically answered this on bean's! that would be "a girl of the limberlost" or "the secret garden" bc they both remind me of my mom.
also almost any murder mystery will remind me of her, as those were her favorite genre.
u h m. but to name a different book; i think of my brother every time i see a riordanverse book, particularly the Percy Jackson <3 i let him borrow my copies (i've. mostly forgiven him for their now beat up / falling apart state) and watching him develop his first otp / devour them was so sweet <3
104. a fluffy, sweet read
so i didn't technically rec it on bean's list, i just mentioned it.
Legends And Lattes - Travis Baldree! cozy, slice of life fantasy with a sapphic romance. an orc retires from adventuring to open a coffee shop in a city that's never heard of coffee. (its a gnomish thing.) has a lot of dnd-like setting things and so much found family <3
also it made me hungry, so like. have ur favorite warm drink & pastries on hand when you read it bc you may also end up wanting them <3
122. your favourite winter read
okay so first! um. when i think winter / autumn / summer / spring read i don't necessarily think about season in the book itself, but rather like... how i feel during those seasons. so! autumnal reads i prefer spookier vibes; summer i want lighter books i don't have to focus too much on bc the heat has melted my brain; and for winter i want books that are good for spending a long time under blankets, so. chunkier the better. (i don't know what a spring read is to me.)
i am going to answer this one with two books!
the first i have not actually read -- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, which is a fucking beast of a book. i am... about 20%? through it? i think? but i had to put it down bc i couldn't give it the full attention it deserved. however, i think, due to its size, it would be a lovely book to devour over a handful of snowy days, curled up in blankets <33
the second i have read, and i actually wouldn't call this one chunky, but. i dunno. it's made for a nice evening read, i think. anyway! The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A McKilip.
[ book rec ask game ]
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aphrodite-would-be-proud · 4 years ago
Anon said: tried to read through all your request rules, but I didnt specifically see which Characters you write for. If you do, could you write for Porco helping his S/o sleep? I have super bad insomnia most days, and I just really want something fluffy with Porco...just cuddles or stories or something. If you dont write for Porco though could you switch it with a AoT character you do write for, I'm not really picky. Thank you so much in advance! 🥺💗
Porco helping you sleep
{Porco x reader | tw:none | sleep help, fluff | canon }
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{ "The Night School" C.1660-C.1665 By Gerrit Dou 1613-1675 }
Unmoving shadows cast into the empty white walls, slightly flickering with the flame on the white candle sitting on the nightstand. Half lidded eyes observe their small movements for they're the only interesting thing in this empty hotel room you've been assigned. 
Your beige uniform tucked into the small closest with a single hanger inside, the armband hanging on the closest door for easy reach. The squeak of the spring mattress chirping up whenever you moved to flip your too stiff pillow. 
Judging by the amount of melted wax collecting on the bottom of the candle, you've been awake for far too long. 
This isn't the first time this has happened, you're used to getting acquainted with the room's walls and shadowy furniture.
Sleep has abandoned you long ago, its friend insomnia visiting you daily instead. Only leaving every week or so to remind you of what you could never have, taunting almost.
You've tried to force yourself to sleep really, did every known trick in the book, you even tried mediation like Zeke has been preaching to you about, but to no avail. so you've started making peace with the thing, you know at least using the night time to get things done since you're not getting rest either way.
Books were your first friend, for staring at the walls could only be entertaining for so long, but now with your stash of books miles away back home, you're left with nothing else to do.
The nightstand drawer only contained an emergency gun with several bullets inside, and the pocket knife under your pillow wasn't interesting enough.
Getting up from the bed, you picked up the candle before slowly inching the creaky door open. Maybe a glass of water could help, who cares that this is your third time going for water in the last hour? Well hydration is important after all, or so you tried to bargain for an excuse to stretch your legs.
Attempting your best to glide through the old wooden boards without as much as a squeak, you headed towards the kitchen, passing through several other bedrooms in the process, probably all deep in dream land already.
Everything was too quiet, the sound of water filling the glass was the only thing interrupting the silence, its cool feeling going down your dry throat helped you a bit.
Drinking down what you can, you decided to take the rest with you back, a good excuse for a trip to the bathroom later. Although as you turned, a figure was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and staring at you.
"Isn't it too early for breakfast?" Porco said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned, "you should get some rest while you can, we're getting thrown in the front trenches tomorrow." 
Just the mention of it made your stomach roll at the thought of staying in a muddy hole for days, the smell of gunpowder and yelling of soldiers, not to mention the crowded train rides back home.
"I know, it's just…" you stared at the water moving inside your glass while tilting it, "one of those days, you know?" 
eyes narrowing with his eyebrows pulling down in concentration, even Porco's sleep clouded mind could recognise the heavy bags under your eyes. The ride here used all of your energy and now you're too tired to even sleep.
Feeling an unpleasant weight on his chest, he wasn't sure what to say as he approached you, awkwardly leaning against the sink, a heavy sigh left him.
"You know, you should bother me more often, I don't mind it." His gentle tone was followed by a melancholic smile, "let's just...go to bed."
With that his hand wrapped around your wrist, loosely at first like he was reluctant about it, before it got more secure once you didn't pull away.
The old door gave out a creek as it closed behind you, the room dimmer than you left it with the candle you're carrying almost burning out. 
Looking at the small bed with a single pillow, you wondered how the two grown people would fit in it and judging by the frustrated look Porco was eyeing it with, he must be thinking the same.
Looking at him, your mind wondered back to all the battles you've fought together. For some reason the superiors always seemed more strick and harsh with him, especially after the paradise mission was launched.
Belitting and nagging, carelessly throwing him in risky situations.
Your grip tightened around the water glass, feeling growing thickness in your throat. "Hey...it's okay you can go to your room, you need sleep." You said moving past him to sit on the bed, "I'll be fine."
"Should've thought of that before waking me up, now scoot over." He said, rising an eyebrow and stepping closer.
"I didn't wake you up, you're just a light sleeper." Laying down, you stretched your limbs filling the bed, "there's no room, it won't fit."
Silence filled the room for a while, you could feel his eyes roaming over you, "Oh really? Well…"
One second, you were laying on the mattress while staring at his stubborn expression in confusion, the next a pair of arms was lifting you up as he stole your place before dropping you on him. His arm circled your waist not trusting that you won't pull away
"I made it fit." he looked at you with smugness in his eyes
His warm skin felt comforting against yours, contrasting with the cold room air, you could hear his slowing heartbeat with being so close to his chest, your legs slowly tangling to fit under the blanket covering you.
Apparently that's as far as his genius plan went, because after that an awkward silence filled the room.
"So...you made it fit huh?" You couldn't help but say, a grin slowly spreading on your face. 
Porco blinked in response, tilting his head, before his eyes stilled as his ears flushed. "Fucking god, you're such a-" his attempt to scold you was interrupted by a chuckle escaping mid-sentence.
Having a contagious laugh, soon enough you too joined him.
After it died down, the atmosphere was replaced by a much more relaxed one as his hold on you softened, more intimate than the previous one. 
"When I was a kid, i used to have trouble sleeping- well more like i was too stubborn to fall asleep." Porco said, trailing his finger up your back soothingly, "and since Marcel was stuck sharing a room with me, he'd tell me stories to get me to fall asleep."
"What kind of stories?" 
"...if you tell this to anyone I'm reporting you to the higher ups you for treason, they were flower stories." Clearing his throat, you could feel his heartbeat rising under you, 
Closely watching your reaction, Porco continued after some seconds. "now I'm not calling you a kid nor do i think it's as simple, i just think...we should give it a chance." 
With the heaviness of the blanket above you and warmth of his body underneath you, it was hard to refuse his request, especially with the way he looked at you so earnestly. 
You agreed, and felt his other hand reach to pull up the blanket more, tucking you protectively between his body and the soft fabric. 
"This first one is called...well i don't remember what names Marcel gave them, but it's about poppies."
Crimson red bringers of eternal sleep, their crumbled petals and dark centers often found in the ancient tombs of soldiers.
As the mother of nature, Demeter, mourned and grieved from the betrayal of Zeus, it wasn't only the mortal realm in which death loomed at every corner, for her own mind was a tormenting prison of never ending suffering.
And so a droplet of her blood sprang and flourished to create a six petaled flower, easing her heartache if only for a moment as the poppy put her to sleep, numbing the pain.
Following in her trail was a red carpet of poppies, soon enough death and sleep themselves wore the flower, red crowns resting on top of Thanatos's held up head and one almost slipping from Hypnosi's leaning one as he dozed off. for eternal sleep was only another name for visiting the underworld. 
A symbol of peace in resting and condolence for the loss of a loved one, became the poppy's role. 
"This is why you'd often see them in people's front pockets whenever we return home." Porco said, the light slowly vanishing from the room as the candle burned itself out, the flame snuffed.
You've never questioned why a delivery of poppies would always be on the requirements in each returning celebration, it's just always been there. 
Slow and easy breathes flew through you, lazily stretching your arms up till it met something soft. Porco seemed to tense as your fingers loosely combed through his hair, leaning into the touch after a while.
"Don't stop." He murmured, sleep clear in his voice as another yawn left him.
"Do you have any other stories?" Drowsiness sweeping through your mind, you buried your hed deeper against his neck, eyelids fluttering shut.
"Yeah just…" his hand stilled from behind you as he looked into space attempting to recall a memory, soon enough the soft stroking returned. "This one is about peony."
Named after none other than Paeon himself, these flowers lived up to their reputation of healing and honour, for they have their own story to tell.
How the peony came to be declared king of flowers.
During the Tang dynasty, empress Wu Zetian strolled through her garden. Frowning at the empty field of green covered in thick white blankets of snow, the harsh season not showing mercy for the plants.
With a new goal in mind to flip this dreadful looking graveyard of a garden, she set to defy nature for she is the ruler of the land and her word is law.
Per her majesty's order, all flowers shall bloom in the midst of winter's visit.
As the word travelled far, all the fairies in the land couldn't believe their ears, how could such delicate fragile petals grow amidst the storm and snow. For flowers only bloom in spring, how could we go against mother nature?
While merciless mother nature was cruel, she couldn't compare for the empress's strong rule. For the fairies feared for their wings as their knees shook in her presence.
When the sun shined again, it welcomed colourful fields of different flowers in full bloom. The empress was pleased with their sweet smell and proud colours, each one rivaling the other.
And yet, she stood still near one flower bed, eyes wide. The peony deified her words and stubbornly refused to open, only sticks and brittle leaves left in their place.
In a fit of rage, the empress banished the flower to a far away city, striping away their status.
Living up to their stubborn nature, the peony bloomed that spring the most beautiful flowers humans have ever seen, turning the city of Luoyang into a heavenly soft land as their petals danced through the wind.
But their beauty couldn't last long, for a hungry fire swallowed them all, under the order of the empress who turned their green to coal.
And yet to everyone's surprise, when the earth circled the sun again, the peonies were back in bloom. Springing from the ashes were their mesmerising big petals and soft colours. 
In their respect, the fairies crowned them for their bravery as the ruler of the flowers, for wasn't it for their sacrifice the flowers wouldn't have been freed.
"They stayed on the right way, even if it meant going against the world." Porco's slurred words were half muffled against the pillow, head buried in it, his eyelids seemed to get too heavy for him to force them open again.
Turning his head to the side, you felt his lips press a light kiss against your forehead before whispering a goodnight, his hold still comfortably secure around you as if you might slip away. 
Soon enough, you too drifted into sleep as only his soft snoring filled the room. The moon watching over both of you through the windows as her light barely reached inside. 
And at this instant, you didn't think there was anywhere else in the world you'd rather be. Thoughts of what the future holds were pushed to the back of your mind next to the past, for the present is now and what a waste it would be not to bask in these rare moments of peace in this horrible world
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sobercoffee415 · 4 years ago
Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya with their s/o cuddling!
Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya x poc!reader(separately)
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🐻 When you two cuddle together you would alternate being the big spoon and little spoon.
🐻You would try different positions but your go-to cuddling position is spooning.
🐻 Depends who had the bad day or who was the most tired.
🐻 But most if the time he'll be the big spoon
🐻While you cuddle together there would be soft music in the background bonus if it's Dark Academia.
🐻If it is Dark Academia you would be cuddling or you would both be swaying to the music.
🐻 If you can't dance then its fine Bakugou would hold you close as you sway to the music.
🐻 Either Bakugou would sneak into your dorms or you would sneak into his
🐻 Aizawa caught you both on occasions
🐻 I could see Bakugou having some Teddy bears.
🐻 But I can see one Teddy bear he really loves is the one that is the color of your hair or just your favorite color.
🐻 Bonus if you gave it to him he would love it even more.
🐻 If you could sew and you made a Teddy bear for him...He would hug you and kiss you and ask you to marry him.
🐻 When you do cuddle together you would stroke his hair but when you stop he'll whine.
🐻 If your the little spoon your going to be spoiled
🐻 He'll have a pink blush on his cheeks while your cuddling.
🐻 I'm talking about movies, hoodies, hot cocoa, the whole fluffy package.
🐻 When you fall asleep on him he'd rub circles on your back and kiss your forehead.
🐻 If someone walked in on you two cuddling he'll yell at them and threaten them with their death.
🐻 If someone walked in on you two cuddling but your asleep that's a different story.
🐻 He'd most likely glare at them and since he can't yell he's most likely planning on how to blow them up.
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❤️ I can see you two when cuddling, you lay on top of his chest.
❤ You would caress his cheeks and give him small smiles.
❤ You would bury your face in his chest, when he flusters you or just to smell his scent.
❤ He would play with your hair while you cuddle.
❤I know for a fact that he would let you wear his hoodies or any of his clothing when you ask.
❤ This boy would be your personal heater and cooler when the seasons change.
❤ If you bought him anything that matches yours and you love it so much that you always have it like a key chain that contains a picture of both of you. He would always have his near.
❤ Also he would always call you 'Baby' when cuddling.
❤ If you had a bad day pray that there isn't a person caused that caused it. They won't live long or if they did then they have either severe hypothermia or severe burns.
❤ If you two cuddle after a bad day he would do anything to make it better.
❤ I mean anything! You want that plushie? Now its yours, You have a head ache? The man will be your caretaker.
❤ You would rub circles on his chest
❤ He would love it! He is very touch starved and loves when you give him affection
❤ You would tell each other stories about what happened when he wasn't around.
❤ If you fell asleep he would hug you tightly and hum.
❤ He would play with your hair, kiss you, and over all daydream of both your futures.
❤ If someone walked in then he wouldn't care.
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💚 👏Sofa👏Cuddles👏
💚 I can see while your cuddling he would let you hug a small green puppy stuffy or his all might plushie because we all know he has one.
💚 If you can sew or just like crafts and you give him something soft to hug when your gone.
💚 He would love it, the very fact that its from you makes him happy and you gave it to him makes him happier.
💚 If you don't think its good enough he'll still love it.
💚He would card his fingers through your hair
💚There would be music playing in the background
💚 Or if there isn't he would hum to you
💚 If you had a bad day bet you will have amazing cuddles and a good time with him to forget about it.
💚 If he's busy or just studying and you want cuddles the man could probably do both.
💚 Oh Oh Oh he would also call you 'his puppy' or 'puppy'
💚 If someone walks in on you two cuddling... He is a tomato now.
💚 He would like it if you trace his scars on his arms.
💚 If you like hot beverages or something to drink he is on it.
💚 When he gets back he also has a few snacks too.
💚 When you fall asleep he'd be blushing and smiling.
💚 He would most likely to give you forehead kisses.
A/N: I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote this idea, and while I was in class I couldn’t stop thinking about the Bakugou Teddy bear version of himself and I decided to draw it. I thought it looked cute.
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alolowrites · 5 years ago
Cuddling Through the Seasons
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Summary: Fatgum’s cuddles never go out of season
Author’s Note: This is my third story for the @bnhabookclub​’s Hero Camp Bingo event. This was also a request from @bnha-homeroom​ (sorry it took so long!) 
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The prompt used was Cuddles and this is my first story for Fatgum. Hopefully I’ll do more stories for this guy because he’s deserves the best. 
Word Count: 1.6K+
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High in the sky rests the glorious bright sun. It’s golden rays shine through the vibrant pink flowers blooming on every tree, emphasizing their natural beauty. Two birds playfully chase each other in between the branches, their lovely chirps in harmony with the soothing sounds of the gentle stream below—Mother Nature is simply a lady with many hidden talents.
Although the grass maintains a healthy green coat, it too is covered by fresh cherry blossom petals blown off the trees—it adds a beautiful pop to the land. Few people arrive and wander through the peaceful park. Some snap a couple of pictures on their phones, their bodies bent in odd angles to capture that perfect Instagram-worthy shot. Others silently take in the whole scenery with their eyes and save the mental image deep in their memory jar—that’s how you are enjoying today with Taishiro.
Both of you sit under a tree that is different from the others; it’s branches are abundant, and some hang charmingly over the water. A quick wind blows through the park, tugging the delicate petals until one slowly falls to the stream. Everything is serene, almost like an abstract landscape painting on display at an art museum.
Closing your eyes, you sink in deeper into Taishiro’s plump chest. A relaxed sigh escapes his lips as you enjoy your massive pillow. His large arms wrap around you like a snuggly safety belt—they are protective and warm. Your fingers affectionately glide up and down his sweater to the beat of the stream. You hum, “Everything is so beautiful.”
Taishiro leans back on the thick tree trunk and glances at you; he cheekily grins, “That’s ‘cause you’re here, darlin’. The cherry blossoms are a nice touch, though.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re such a cheesy guy, you know that?”
“Yeah, but that’s what you love ‘bout me.”
“That is very true,” you playfully tap his arm, smirking up at him. Another cherry blossom falls and lands on top of your head. Taishiro raises on hand to carefully pluck it off your hair and holds it high against the sunlight. The flower is so soft and just the right shade of pink. He thinks it’s perfect, just like you.
Taishiro shows the sakura petal to you, “Here’s a little present.”
Your heart swells, a tiny blush dusting your cheeks as you reach for the flower. You take a whiff of the sweet aroma and lean back against your living pillow. Squeezing the hero’s hand, you look up to flash him a faint smile, “Thank you.”
You never let go of the cherry blossom petal.
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Far in the distance lies the vast calm sea. Ocean waves creep steadily toward the fine white sand, kissing the land hello before returning outward. Light puffy clouds float along the peaceful cerulean sky, morphing into different images at the hands of your wild imagination. It’s a fun way to pass the time and relax the mind.
You inhale the fresh, natural air—it smells like freedom. The city’s chaotic and bustling streets are an afterthought. The prying eyes of paparazzi and other media hounds are thousands of miles away from your paradise home. The avalanche stress tied with Taishiro’s hero lifestyle vanishes when the two of you step on the warm sand.
“Whatcha’ thinkin’ about, darlin’?” His voice is loud but soothing at the same time. You feel the gigantic teddy bear stand behind you. It wasn’t long until Taishiro traps you into his loving embrace, giving you a quick squeeze. Your toes wiggle into the smooth sand as a sharp wind whistles by; the waves hear it and crash against the shoreline.
“How a place like this,” you nod toward the dancing water, “somehow exists. It’s almost as if I’m dreaming—” You yelp at the slight pinch, and Taishiro roars with laughter. You crane your neck up to glare at him, “What was that for?”
“Well you’re not dreamin’, that’s for sure.” You elbow into his stomach knowing entirely well it did not phase him at all. Taishiro retaliates by hugging you harder, enjoying the delightful squeals ringing into the semi-deserted beach. Other tourists linger around, but the land is so spacious that you barely see them. It’s easy to think you two are alone with all the privacy in the world, an idea that doesn’t exist back at home—a small price to pay while being a pro hero.
In a way, Taishiro is glad this moment is not a dream. It won’t fade away once he wakes up, but will stay in his memory for a long time. Just as you calm down, a mischievous grin crosses the hero’s lips, and his grip tightens around your waist. You had a bad feeling about this and clenched his hands, “Hey…what are you doing—”
“Hold on!”
“Don’t you dare!”
Your words fall on deaf ears as he effortlessly carries you in his arms and charges toward the sea that is waiting to greet you both.
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Bright yellow lanterns glow above the narrow streets, gently swaying back and forth without a care in the world. Luscious pampas grass decorate the roofs, the creamy-white feathery plumes waving hello to everyone passing through the area. A chubby hand reaches upward; the baby is determined to grab the mesmerizing fluffy grass until something else catches their eye.
An elegant pyramid of tsukimi dango neatly sits on a black plate. There are fifteen white dumplings, each perfectly round and white as the precious moon gleaming tonight. A crowd grows around the delicious display, making it nearly impossible to squeeze through the sardine bodies. Fortunately, the group departs when they see Fatgum approaching with his hearty smile, and you follow closely behind—sometimes being a hero has its perks.
Taishiro greets everyone until a middle-aged man freaks out from his stall, “It’s an honor to meet you, Fatgum! Thank you for keeping our streets safe!”
“It’s no problem really—”
“Please take these dumplings! They’re on the house!”
Taishiro gives you a side-glance, and you shrug. Who were you to deny some free food, especially if they are those moon-like dumplings? You grab the plate from the man’s trembling hands and bow. The hero safely guides you away from the crowd and spots an empty grass field. Plopping down, you dramatically groan, “That was so much walking!”
“Sorry, darlin’! Guess I got a lil carried away,” he chuckles while scratching his forehead. Taishiro takes a seat behind you.  
“I think that’s an understatement, but,” you gleefully raise the plate that barely reached his eyes, “we got free dumplings!”
“They do look good,” Taishiro hums and takes one round treat. You plop the tsukimi dango in your mouth, the rice flavor surprisingly strong, yet pleasing to your tastebuds—it’s a chewy delight. The pyramid crumbles in seconds, and you scoot back to rest your head against the gentle giant; out of instinct, he cradles you in his arms.
A chilly air blows by and makes you shiver despite wearing a cashmere sweater. Taishiro notices and shifts his posture to shield you from the cold—a small act that melts your heart every time. You gaze at the luminous moon until your eyes struggle to stay awake; it doesn’t help that Taishiro feels like all toasty like a fleece blanket.  
It definitely was all that walking, and you yawn before dozing off in his arms.
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Snow showers rain down on your quiet neighborhood. The bare tree branches scoff at the fluffy cotton balls falling from the sky; they barely weighed more than a feather. An hour later, the branches are slouching under the heavyweight and weeping for mercy—but the snow never stops.  
A thin white blanket hides the dull, gray streets and vibrant decorations flourish to their heart’s content. Tiny bells chime once Jack Frost blows a chilly wind down the sidewalks. Thick garlands covered in elegant ribbons stretch for miles on some apartment balconies. And others hung colorful Christmas lights that flicker to a very jolly tune.
In a way, the snow ties everything together to bring out the pleasant holiday mood—it’s simply magical. Two pairs of footsteps, one small like a mouse and the other the size of a giant, imprint themselves on the powdery sidewalk. You waddle toward the apartment with arms bundled around yourself; you’re craving for something warm. Any minute longer outside and your legs will permanently turn into icicles.
“O-open t-the do-or, p-please,” you chatter through your teeth while bouncing nonstop. Taishiro chuckles and you glare at him, making his grin widen more. You barge in once he unlocks the door and dust off the snow on your coat. Hasty footsteps rush to the kitchen so you could warm the teapot as quickly as possible.  
Taishiro shakes his head—you quickly get cold. He relaxes on the couch, not bothering to change out of his Santa costume; if anything, the clothes are comfortable and roomy. You wander into the living room and shiver up a storm. A gloved hand beckons for you, “Come over here, darlin’.”  
Shuffling toward the mellow hero, he pulls you on top of him. Without hesitation, his arm wraps around you to keep you steady. One ear sits above his chest, and you focus on the faint sound of his heartbeat. Not even the Santa costume could mask Taishiro’s alluring honeydew scent, which drives you crazy. You contently sigh, “You made so many kids smile today, hun.”
“I’m glad,” he answers while stroking your hair, “Those kids at the hospital deserve all the happiness in the world, ya’ know?”
“Yeah…” A finger lazily draws out imaginary lines along Taishiro’s red velvet coat. An involuntary shiver runs down his spine. Only your charming touches could make him react like this, and he savors them all. You raise your head and squirm closer to the hero’s face. With loving eyes, you whisper, “You make a fantastic Santa Claus.”
“Fantastic enough to get a kiss from Mrs. Claus?”
“Sure,” you giggle and pull down his fake white beard. As you plant a sweet kiss on his lips, you decide that you no longer needed that nice hot cup of tea.
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Third prompt is crossed off. Which one will be next? Stay tune! Thank you for reading!
Previous prompt: Betrayal
Hero Camp Bingo Masterlist
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joon-ipersgirl · 4 years ago
“let it snow!”
genre: fluff
pairing: yoongi x reader
word count: 928 words LOL
warnings: some cursing
summary: the second fluffy holiday “drabble” where yoongi and his s/o have a snowball fight
a/n: i feel like you can feel how much i miss yoongi in this. i hope he’s still recovering well and resting. this was fluffy and fun to write. def wrote too much to be an actual drabble but oh well. i hope you enjoy it anyway. let me know what you think!
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full masterlist // scenario masterlist
“I just don’t understand how you’re not freezing!” you exclaim, teeth chattering, as you stamp your snowy boots on the train platform. Yoongi stands beside you, sheltering you from the cold that none other than Jack Frost could have sent.
“You’re the one who wanted to go and see the Christmas lights on the eve of an impending snowstorm,” Yoongi chuckles. You huff as you shuffle from side to side in your heavy boots, no doubt frozen to your feet from the sub-zero temperature.
“Because of the holiday spirit! Hello! It’s Christmas time, babe,” you argue as the train approaches. Yoongi only hums an acknowledgement as he tugs you onto the train. Though the air is stale, you welcome its warmth.  
“There was no talking you out of it anyway.” You don’t comment, knowing he’s right. “And you had a good time, no?” You nod. “Alright then. That’s all that matters. And when we get home, we’ll get you warmed up with some hot cocoa and cuddles.” You smile gratefully.
Yoongi always knows how to make you feel better. Though a man of few words, his actions never left you questioning where you stood with him. His presence made you feel safe - like coming home after a vacation and sliding into your own bed. If there was anything to be grateful for each holiday season, it was Min Yoongi.
As you exit the train and the station, you see that the snowstorm has already started on your side of town. It’s starting to stick, creating a thin blanket on the sidewalk. Already you’re dreading the walk home. You groan as a few snowflakes settle on your eyelashes and cheeks.
“What? It’s not that bad,” Yoongi chuckles while holding your hand. “Plus we’re almost home, just a few more blocks, babe.”
A few more blocks your ass. In weather like this, it felt like you were going on 15 blocks versus your usual 5. You tug your puffy coat closer as a gust of wind blows past you and Yoongi pulls you along. It’s at that exact moment that you pass under a store awning and a small mountain of snow falls on your boyfriend’s head.
“Yah! What the fuck?!” he yells. You can’t help but laugh at his scowl as he dusts himself off. “Oh, it’s funny is it?” You pause as he looks at you.
“I - no, babe. It’s not funny!” you say while holding your hands up in defense.
“No, I’m pretty sure that was you laughing 5 seconds ago.” Yoongi sends a playful glare your way as he bends down.
“Yoongi no!” you plead as he begins shaping a snowball in his frostbitten hands. “Baby, please don’t -!”
He gives you no warning and launches his snowball at you, hitting you square in the chest, a few flakes getting caught in your hair. “You didn’t!” you gasp.
“Oh, but I did,” he shoots back with a lopsided grin.
“Min Yoongi!” you scream with a laugh as he takes off running.
Gathering as much snow as you can, you chase after him, the two of you cackling like mad men. The streets empty in the late evening, you have a snowball fight using anything and everything as cover. The snow is falling harder now but you’re more focused on getting your boyfriend back than the biting chill in your bones. He really did have impeccable aim.
“Are you done?” he calls from behind a car.
“Are you?” you counter from across the street, also shielded by a car. Your teeth are chattering but you’re not giving in that easily.
“Yeah, babe. It’s cold as fuck!” Peering around the side of your car, you see Yoongi standing on the sidewalk doing a similar dance to yours in the train station. Your heart warms at the sight. Dropping your icy weapon, you attempt to cross the street.
“Be careful!” Yoongi says while reaching for you. No sooner do the words leave his mouth are you slipping and pulling him down with you into a much larger pile of snow with an oof!
“Shit! Are you okay?” he asks, fingers gently prodding the back of your head. “You just couldn’t help falling for me, huh?” he grins after finding no serious damage.
You roll your eyes. “I think it was you falling for me. Both times.”
“I think you may be concussed,” Yoongi snorts.
“Are you saying I’m holding you here against your will?”
“Hey!” You scoop a handful of snow onto his head. “Am not!” you pout.
Shaking the snow from his already damp hat, Yoongi leans down and kisses your lips. “You’re so cute. Of course I’m here on my own free will, baby. I love you,” he tells you and kisses you again.
“Hmm. I guess I love you too.”
Yoongi laughs. “Come on. You can pout inside while I make you that hot chocolate and prove how in love with you I am.”
“With the mini marshmallows?” you ask as he pulls you to your feet and brushes off your coat.
“With the mini marshmallows.”
“And a Lindor chocolate?” you bargain.
“And a Lindor chocolate,” he chuckles. “Can we go now? It’s freezing!”
“Oh? Are you cold? I thought you said it wasn’t that bad,” you joke and push his shoulder.
Yoongi pulls you into him, tucking you under his arm, and brushes a kiss across your forehead. “Nothing is ever that bad when I’m with you.”
You can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. Yeah, you were definitely grateful for Min Yoongi.
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full masterlist // scenario masterlist
joon-ipersgirl, 2020
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lovely-teeztaetae · 5 years ago
i have this idea that san or yunho (they seem to be big gamers) go up against their s/o in a game and they just get WRECKED and now they're being clingy because they lost, could you please write something based on it?
Requested by anon~
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♡ PLAYER 2 ♡
I sat comfortably on the living room floor and watched San in adoration as he got everything set up for our one on one game night. It was the way he was so determined to get everything perfect that made it so cute.
“Alright baby, I know you don’t play video games too often but-”
I squinted at San before speaking.
“I’ll still beat your scrawny little a-”
“Hey guys what are you playing?” Seonghwa asked looking at the t.v. that displayed a loading screen with exotic animals straight out of a dream.
“It’s called The Last Kingdom of Fantasia.” San exclaimed while he loaded a brand new game for the both of us to play.
“Oh, that game.” Seonghwa laughed, going into the kitchen and preparing a snack for him and the other boys up stairs.
I furrowed my brows,
“What about the game Hwa?” I asked while San looked over at me with a cocky grin.
“Oh nothing, besides the fact that I’m a pro-”
“Eh, no not that.” Seonghwa retorted, making his infamous painful smile. San on the other hand looked genuinely pained at the comment from Seonghwa, and the look on his face earned a laugh from me.
“Just that he won’t stop playing, and he claims to be the best, but how true is that statement?” He questioned while gathering all of the small snacks.
“We’re about to find out.” I said looking over at San with a silly look.
We were now in maybe 30 minutes and it wasn’t going too great for me.
San was already too familiar with the game and where everything was, and it’s like he even knew about the creatures hiding spots and spawning points, which he would always lead me right into.
“Wow, you’re actually a lot better than I thought you’d be babe.” San joked.
I didn’t even have time to think of a smart remark because of the situation I was currently in, being surrounded by multiple dragons and mythical creatures I couldn’t even decipher.
“Oh yea, you just watch Sannie.”
He only laughed at my response and generously helped me kill off the remaining creatures, disregarding the fact that we were on different teams.
“Wow, you’re really nice, I would have left you by yourself.” I said with a big smile.
We were now getting into a darker area of the game, with multiple jump scares and surprises, some that San didn’t even seem prepared for.
I peeked over at him and saw how he was visibly becoming nervous as we went further into the forest.
“What is it babe?” I asked with a chuckle.
“it’s just that I- I’ve never been able to reach past that last checkpoint.” He stammered, making sure to keep his small eyes wide in case of a sudden attack.
I on the other hand was thrilled.
“So you mean to tell me, I have a chance in winning against a pro?” I exaggerated, looking for a reaction but only being met with an uneasy looking San.
“Hahaha so funny, and no, you’re still not gonna win, there’s no way I’d let you-” He got cut off by a quiet growl in the bushes and we both stopped, scared by the sudden noise.
“What- was that?” I questioned, slowly walking into the woods while San stood behind an old dinosaurs fossil.
What we saw made both of our eyes go wide.
There was a ginormous creature that could only be crafted by the most creative mind. The way that the eyes were hazed over, and the fact that I couldn’t tell if it were a dinosaur, dragon, or a mix of both.
“What is that.” San stated rather than asking.
“I have, no, idea,” I started,
“But I’m gonna get it before you!” I exclaimed, quickly running up to it which was not the best idea, but I was thankfully able to slip past it’s legs and hide behind it.
Once the creature turned, they saw only San, and this gave me the perfect opportunity to climb onto its leg and begin going up its back.
I watched happily as San was trying his best to run from the creature, but simply couldn’t get away from it.
I laughed, but I immediately got worried as I began slipping down the monsters slimy back.
“CRAP!” I screamed, and soon after my outburst, the boys came down the stairs to see what the commotion was.
They were now all watching intently and getting just as worked up as the both of us, but no one was quite as nervous as San was.
I could nearly taste victory but was lost as to what I wa supposed to collect from the monster, but Yunho’s outburst saved me.
“Her eye Y/n her eye!” He jumps, pointing towards the creatures eye that held one of the seven crystals of Fantasia.
My eyes went wide as I stood on its head, and if it weren’t for San tripping her while running, I would t have won, this easily at least.
“I got it! I got the crystal!” I yelled, sliding down it’s back and running to the closing portal.
“You’re just gonna leave me here?!” San asked, now stuck in a corner while the monster thrashed around looking for its missing eye.
“You’re a pro baby, you’ll find a way out!”
The game has finally ended and, not much to my surprise, I was able to make it though the portal with the stone, resulting in San’s automatic death.
Everyone in the room was cheering for me and jokingly teasing San, seeing as he was in complete shock at his loss.
I had tried to leave it open in time for him to pass, but the creature had captured him before he could make it.
“You know I, I kind of let you win.” San said, looking up at me innocently.
I smiled down at him.
“Is that so?” I questioned, running my fingers through his hair.
“I swear! It’s just that, I would have felt too bad letting you lose.” He whined, slightly tracing my thighs.
“Well, if I may say so myself, you were really good baby.” He looked up at me with doll eyes and started to smile.
“But not as good as me.~” I cooed, kissing his nose. He let out a groan in response.
“You know what, I still have time to get you, there’s six chapters left in this season.” He said while pouting.
I laughed at his childish behavior and held both of his cheeks.
“You, are so adorable.” I cooed once again, but this time San let it happen, and blushed at my actions.
“Now come on you big baby, let’s go to sleep, the winner’s gotta recharge for tomorrow.”
And while we slept, he had staryed cuddled up to me the whole night, but it was the cutest thing ever to me.
- Player 2
I hope you all enjoyed~
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poge-life · 5 years ago
fluffy alphabet jordan??
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A= Affection( how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
going off of how Jordan posts about Jinjara, I wanna say, he shows his appreciation and love for you anyway he can. Whether it be with flowers, or making you breakfast, he’s very affectionate.
B= Best Friend(what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
You guys would probably meet on the Riverdale set. Going from Jughead’s sister, you weren’t a regular character on the how, only popping up here and there during the first season. But season two came along, and you got bumped up to a series regular, now that they started showing the Southside a little bit more. 
You guys would probably meet at the table read first, but not officially meeting until you guys start running scenes together. Over time, you both grew close. Both of you messing around with Drew and Vanessa in the trailers and both of you hanging out together in either of your trailers. He would instantly notice when something was off with you, being able to tell your mannerisms over the time you both spent together. 
He always knew when to cheer you and knew exactly what to say when you were feeling down.
C= cuddles(do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
Yes. Jordan absolutely loves to cuddle. Despite him being a fucking skyscraper, he would be the little spoon sometimes. He would lay his head on your chest and ask you to run your fingers thru his hair as he would tell you about his day.
D= domestic( do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning)
Absolutely. Jordan knew he was gonna marry you from the day he met you. After being together for three years, he took you out on a trip and popped the question after you both got back to the hotel. 
He’s amazing at cooking. He would constantly wake you up with breakfast in bed and would surprise you with dinner after you would get home from work. Now cleaning on the other hand. He would leave his clothes everywhere; on the floor in your bedroom, in the bathroom, right next to the hamper.
E=ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I feel like with Jordan, he would sit you both down, and just get straight to the point. He knew for a while, you guys weren’t going as strong as when you both first started dating. With you being a regular on Riverdale and traveling a lot for the show and him not being on it so much and doing his doctor show and Looking for Alaska, you guys were barely with each other.
You both were crying at the end of the break up. You guys would say you would try later on in life, when you both had time, but for now, it just wasn’t your time to be together. 
F=Fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Jordan had no problem with commitment. He was fine waiting to marry you. With both of you being busy with other up coming productions, he knew you both would wanna wait until you and your friends and family all had time off to have the wedding.
G= Gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally)
For me, I feel like Jordan is always gentle. No matter what situation. It would probably take a lot to make him mad. I just don’t see Jordan really being the aggressive type of person. Unless the situation calls for it. If you know what I mean ;)
H=hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
Ugh. Hugs with Jordan would be the best thing. He would wrap both of his arms around your shoulders as you would wrap both of yours around his waist and bury your head into his chest. He absolutely loves picking you up when he hugs you.
I= I love you (how fast do they say the ‘L’ word)
I wanna say a few months into the relationship. He would just blurt it out when you both were just sitting together. You would both be in his apartment, laying on the couch, binge watching a netflix show. He would be running his fingers thru your hair as your head was on his chest and he would be thinking about how much you mean to him and how he would do anything for you.
J= Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they get jealous?)
They only time Jordan would get jealous if you ran into an old ex in public. Despite you constantly telling him, he was your one and only, he couldn’t help it. He would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and place a kiss to your head and just stare at the guy.
K= kisses (what are their kisses like?)
His kisses are very passionate. He lets you know that he loves you with every kiss. With him being the jolly green giant, he likes to place kisses on your forehead. You usually place yours on his jaw or his neck since you can’t reach his lips without bending down
L= little ones (how are they around children)
Seeing how he is with his dog, I wanna say, he’s really good with little kids. Your nieces/nephews/cousins/siblings love Jordan. And he absolutely loves them. They run right past you and straight to Jordan when you guys go home for the holidays.
M= Morning (how mornings are spent with them)
You are not a morning person whatsoever. Early morning shoots on set are your kryptonite. Everyone knows to not talk to you until you’ve had at least two cups of coffee
Jordan was always up before you. He would always shut your alarm off before it woke you up and would instantly start making you coffee. He would wake you up by placing kisses on your shoulders and would let a smile make its way across his face as you looked around at the room in confusion
n= nights (how nights are spent with them) 
Depending on how your schedules were, you guys would sit and eat together. Then you both would shower and go lay in either your room on the couch and binge watch whatever netflix show you guys were currently watching.
o= open (when would they start revealing things about themselves)
I wanna say it would be when you guys were sitting in one of your trailers after a late night shoot. You both would be sitting there after getting takeout.
He would tell you all about growing up in Canada and how he would talk to his mom and sister for hours whenever he was missing them. He would tell you how nervous he was about playing a role like Sweet Pea and how he was really happy you both were working together.
p= patience (how easily angered are they)
Going off of gentle, I would say it takes a lot to make Jordan mad. I wanna say, he would only get mad when he felt like he did horrible at whatever scene they were filming that day. He would snap at everything and you. But he would come by your trailer later and apologize after he had cooled down.
Q= quizzes (how much would they remember about you)
He remembers everything about you. Hell, he remembered what you were wearing during the table read for season 2.
He remembered how you color coordinate your clothes in your closet and how you alphabetized your movies. He remembered you didn’t like being woken up before 11 every day, how you like a butt load of creamer with your coffee. He could always tell when you would start to panic or get overwhelmed because you would start with either play with your necklace or play with your earrings. 
He thought it was adorable how passionate you got when you guys would run lines together and get really excited when you guys would do really good in a scene together.
r= remember (what is their favorite moment in their relationship)
Probably when you both kissed for the first time. You were both running lines in your trailer and it was a scene where your character, Stevie aka Jughead’s sister, was yelling at Sweet Pea for how he treated Jughead. Jordan threw his script to the side and grabbed your face in both of his hands and just laid it on you.
s= security (how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Jordan did everything in his power to make sure you were always safe. He even went as far as buying you pepper spray. Much like his character, people found Jordan intimidating due to his height. That was until he smiled.  He would make you text him whenever you would get to wherever you were going. He even made sure you texted him when you would get to your trailer.
t= try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts. Everyday tasks)
Jordan went above and beyond for dates. He was the perfect gentleman. He would bring you flowers every few weeks, along with buying you a charm bracelet for valentines day. He would go above and beyond for anniversaries. He would buy you a new dress, take you out to a fancy dinner place, and then would just take you out for a drive. He would end the night by giving you a charm for your charm bracelet.
u= ugly (bad habit of theirs)
He would leave his clothes everywhere. Even after you would constantly remind him that his hamper was literally right there.
v= vanity (how concerned are they with their looks)
Not really. Jordan knows he’s good looking. But he doesn’t really care about his looks that much. Except when you guys would go on dates. He would be freaking out over if he looks good enough or not. Even tho Drew would constantly reassure him that he looked good. Other than that, I don’t think he would care very much.
w= (would they feel incomplete without you)
Probably after you two would either break up or be apart from each other for a while. After being with each other for so long, it would feel weird being apart for so long
x=xtra (a random headcanon for them)
One thing jordan loved doing was always scaring you. Whether it would be on set or just by yourselves.
You were standing with Vanessa and Cole, getting ready to film the scene at Southside high where Sweet Pea and Jughead first get into it. You had your back to the door with the two standing infront of you. With you having your back to the door, you didn’t see or hear Jordan and Drew coming up behind you. Jordan signaled for the two to be quite as Drew was filming him walking up behind you. 
He grabbed your waist and called out your name as you screamed Bloody murder and turned to face him, “Jesus fucking christ Jordan! I told you not to do that anymore!”
All he did was laugh and pull you into him.
y= yuck 
No idea what to write
Z=Zzz (what is a sleeping habit of theirs)
Jordan would always sleep with the fan on. Even when it was freezing outside. The first night he stayed over at your apartment and turned the fan on, you stopped what you were doing and turned to look at him like he had three heads. All he did was shrug and climbed into bed and opened his arms as he waited for you to come to bed.
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emotionalsupportfiction · 5 years ago
We need warm soft fluffy things… I’ve been writing so much angst and that Critical Hit request really really hit me in the feels (I’m weak… I cried while writing them okay?) My birthday’s passed (It was last month) and this for all my readers who have or will celebrate their birthday soon. (Also myself for self-indulgence)
RGB celebrating their S/O’s birthday
·       He straight up pretends he forgot or will give a simple “Happy Birthday” greeting with a little kiss
·       He’s actually preparing a surprise for you later on in the day
·       He’s made a mental list of all the things you’ve pointed out and mentioned you wanted in the past. With his little savings, he’s bought a few of them, the ones he could afford at least
·       Python’s not gonna risk ruining your cake because he made it himself, he’ll opt to get one from a baker. Nothing too fancy but nice enough to show his most favourite person he cares
·       If you get a bit irritated with him because of his lacklustre greeting, that’s all part of his plan. Gives him ample time and space to get everything ready
·       Python’s preparing a little private celebration for two (definitely not in his quarters or your own. So you don’t prematurely find the surprise) a few gifts from Python, some food, and small cake
·       He’ll find you and blindfold you so he can take you to the surprise
·       “Blindfolds? Really? If you’re trying to block out the angry look I’m giving you…” “I know I messed up sunshine… lemme make it up to you m’kay?” He cut you off and you gave him an irritated nod, if he’s trying to apologize might as well let him right?
You feel him lead you to a room. “ Aight, you can take off the blindfold…” was that nervousness in his voice? But you weren’t going to let him off easy. “Py before I started dating you I knew you were a simple guy. Not one to do anything extravagant or fancy but I was hoping maybe my birthday was an exemption? Nothing grand, maybe a small gift or a cake..” you pulled the blindfold off your face and was greeted by Python’s “little”surprise
The room was candlelit, a table at the center decorated with simple yet elegant cloth. There were a few gifts on the table and  food you loved.  Touched, you covered your mouth in awe then you laid your eyes on your cake. It was simple and small, partially covered with cream and topped with in-season fruit. Python hugged you from behind and kissed your temple. “I… had to act like a bit of a jerk to get this all ready for you.” He gave you a light squeeze “Sorry if I made you feel unimportant… you’re… the best person who’s ever come into my life. Always remember that.” He felt you shift in his arms, then you turned to face him. The smile and tears of joy on your face turned his insides into goo. You cupped his face “Oh Python… This is… all this. I would’ve been happy with just the cake but this is above and beyond! You’ve set the bar too high for yourself…” he knew you were trying to add some humour to the situation but he was feeling too sentimental. He planted a deep loving kiss on your lips. “I’ll do it every year to celebrate your birthday sunshine…” he whispered against your lips.
·       While he doesn’t mind planning a surprise for you, making your birthday a covert operation isn’t really his style. He’ll mention he has something planned but won’t go into specifics as to what he intends to do
·       You’ll realize that as you go through your day most of your chores are finished or you’ll notice Lukas’ token care packages hanging around. Attached to those care packages are notes “I thought I’d ease your burden, considering its your name day” “Can’t have the celebrant hungry/thirsty, treat yourself my love.” “I cannot believe I’m saying but I’m actually excited to celebrate with you later tonight.” “Today is truly a special day. For it is the day the person who gave me warmth and happiness was born.”
·       He might not look it but Lukas gets very romantic and mushy with you. Just like Python he has trouble expressing it. Although Python is more on at a loss on how to express his affection, Lukas is overwhelmed with the emotions and ideas on how he can show you he cares deeply about you
·       It takes him some time to sort out his feelings and be organized with how he wants to express his feelings
·       Lukas had planned a intimate dinner with you to celebrate your birthday, all the food he had cooked himself. He anxiously sat himself at the table waiting for your arrival. Lukas thought you were taking longer than expected, had he not done enough of your chores for the day to free up your schedule?
The sound of someone knocking on the door snapped him out of his reverie, “Lukas! Sorry I’m late, I picked up something to add to our celebration.” he perked up as heard you let yourself in. “No need to apologize…” he positioned himself to the side of the dinner table.
As you entered you noticed the spread on the table, quite the feast for just a party of two. You couldn’t help but pull Lukas into an embrace “I hope you’re alright with this, I know how you are with touchy-feely things…” you felt his body relax into your arms, slowly Lukas returned the warm gesture. Nestling his head into the crook of your neck “As long as its from you… To be honest, I’d want nothing more that for you to hold me. But shouldn’t I be the one showering you with gifts and attention? It is your name day.” You gave him a quick peck on the temple “The celebrant must also give party favours to their guests.”
Lukas lead you to the table and pulled you a seat. You couldn’t help but hungrily eye the dishes he had prepared for you though the more you looked at the food the more you realized a certain theme to them. You pointed towards one of the dishes “Isn’t that… That’s the first recipe we tried together!” A small smile crept onto Lukas’ lips “Yes, before we started dating.” You then focused your attention on another dish loaded with a fond memory “Oh! This is the one from our first date!” He nodded then pointed his hand towards another plate of food “You taught me how to make this one.” You propped your elbows on the table and rested your head onto your hands, recalling that memory. You had mentioned it was your favourite dish so Lukas wanted to learn it.
One particular dish caught your eye, it was unfamiliar, no treasured memory attached to it. “And this one?” You pointed towards it. “That’s a new dish for a new memory my love.” He pressed a soft kiss into your hair. “A traditional dish, cuisine from a faraway land. Specially made on name days. The lore behind it says that a celebrant who eats it will be granted a long and happy life.”
You hugged your lover, burying your face into his side. “Oh Lukas… As long as you’re with me I’m sure I’ll have a long and happy life.”
·       Forsyth has way too many ideas on how to celebrate your birthday. His idea board is just… messy. Lukas and Python have to step in and help organize things
·       He follows Lukas’ suggestion of a home-cooked dinner celebration but Python knows all too well that his best friend’s areas of expertise are being Clive’s #1 fan and the battlefield
·       His friends offer their help but Forsyth refuse, this is something he feels like he should do alone or else it would diminish the sentiment and intimacy of the gesture. So Lukas writes a detailed recipe on how to bake a cake
·       He’s too excited to keep the surprise a secret. Forsyth’s pretty much blurted it out to you (Much to the other two’s dismay) but his excitement is a gift in-it-self
·       Forsyth showers you every day with attention and compliments so he thinks its time he does something for you. Or in this case, make something for you
·       He hastily finishes all his chores for the day so he can head into town to buy any other ingredients he might need. Once he’s done with that, he starts working on your birthday cake
·       Ever since Lukas gave him the recipe and instructions, Forsyth had diligently read and re-read it back to back. Memorizing and fully understanding every instruction and detail. In his mind as long as he followed the instructions to the letter, he could not fail despite being… not so adept in the kitchen.
Forsyth shook the doubt out of his mind and began preparing the ingredients. Measuring and sifting the dry ingredients, and readying the wet ingredients. He then proceeded to mix everything in a bowl until well incorporated. After that he poured it into a buttered cake pan and into the oven it went. Now it was time for him to prepare the cream to top the cake, he vigorously whipped the cream. Bobbing the whisk up and down to check the consistency, it should be just shy of “stiff peaks”, as per Lukas’ instructions. He moved on to preparing the berries for decoration, that was done quickly. Far too quickly, now he had to wait for the cake to finish baking, torture in other words.
He pulled a chair and seated himself in front of the oven door, anxiously eyeing the metal door knowing the fruits of love and labour were on the other side. Forsyth was tempted to open, just for a quick peek, just to make sure it wasn’t burning inside. Lukas’ instructions said not to open the over door as it would mess up the heat and the cake might not bake evenly. Forsyth twiddled his fingers nervously, what if the oven was too hot? What if the batter had overflowed? Perhaps it baked faster than anticipated? The thoughts were killing him, he tentatively reached out to open the door. “AH-AHEM.” He stopped abruptly, his eyes darted to the door of the kitchen.
Lukas stood at the door way with Python right behind him. “Told ya he’d get all fidgety and try to open the darn thing…” the archer shrugged. “I DIDN’T MEAN TO DEVIATE FROM THE INSTRUCTIONS LUKAS! I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE THE CAKE WAS BAKING PROPERLY!” Lukas motioned a calming gesture “Its alright Forsyth, we were simply checking up on you. It looks like you have a good handle on things so we’ll leave you to it.” And with that his friends left.
The specified time had passed and Forsyth pulled the finished cake out of the oven, his whole being tingling with excitement. This might be the first successful dish he’s created and his personal victory would be all sweeter since it was an effort for you, his most beloved.  He looked at the cake, it looked dense. It wasn’t fluffy or spongy as the instructions described. His excitement turned to panic and he promptly called his friends to assess what had happened.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAH! Leave it to you to over mix the batter eh ol’ green bean!” Python hugged his sides, hysterical with laughter. All the colour had drained from Forsyth’s complexion, the day was coming to a close, you’d be home from duties and yet there was no cake to celebrate with. Lukas covered Python’s head with an empty bowl to silence the man. “Seems like you’re pressed for time Forsyth, let me help and I’ll leave decorating the cake to you. Would that be alright?” Lukas knew how much this meant to his comrade. It wasn’t how he planned but at this point if he didn’t get help from Lukas there would be no cake and Forsyth would feel responsible for ruining your birthday. He begrudgingly accepted Lukas’ help, pouting like a sad puppy in the corner. Once the batter was in the oven, Lukas and Python once again made their exit while wishing Forsyth good luck.
This time the cake came out fluffy. PERFECT. Now all that was left was to decorate and Forsyth got to that straight away. It was growing dark and you’d be there soon, he quickened his pace.
“Oh~ I can’t wait to taste the cake my boyfriend made just foooor me~” he heard your approach, he’d only covered one side with cream, he hadn’t even topped it yet with any berries! You peaked your head into the kitchen and behold the sight of your boyfriend frantically icing a half-naked cake. For some reason that made you feel all fuzzy inside, how worked up and passionate he was trying to make your birthday special.
Should you call his attention? You opted to. In a gentle voice you asked him “Hey Fors, whatcha doooing?” Making it sound as soft and cutesy as you could make it. He looked up to you on the brink of tears, then looked back to the cake. “Oh…” was all he could say, he looked defeated. You entered the kitchen and gave him a tight hug “Look at you my personal baker! You did amazing!” You felt him slump into your arms, eyes looking down on to the floor. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he rested his forehead onto yours. “I just… wanted to make you special day even more special… I can’t seem to do that though. Forgive me.” You shook your head, rubbing it gently against his. Giving him a quick peck on the nose as you cupped his face and looked him sincerely in the eyes “Oh Forsyth, any day I spend with you is extra extra special! You go out of your way every day to make me happy and you do just that plus so much more. Don’t beat yourself over it.” He took your hand and pressed a tender kiss into your palm. “I promise to apply myself and become a better cook… I want to do these kinds of things for you.” You pinched his cheeks “I know you will. You’re a dedicated soldier so I’m sure you’ll be a dedicated student to the culinary arts. I want to try the cake~!”
You took a bite-sized slice of the cake, it was still warm from the oven, hence the cream sliding off it but it was light, fluffy, and delicious. It was the thought and effort that was the best gift you got from Forsyth.
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onepunchmiss · 6 years ago
OPM s2e12 Live Blog
“The Wiping of the Disciple’s Butt”
The season finale. I’m nauseous. Lets begin. 
As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read the manga and webcomic. 
Right where we left off. Again I love the music. I’m just like, really calm right now actually. hhhhhhhhhhhokay. OOF oh god all the crunching sound effects oh no, this is already so weird watching Garou get his ass handed to him since he’s pretty much curb stomped every other hero in battle thus far, or at the VERY LEAST avoided taking so many hits. This. is so uncomfortable to watch. WOAH ????? THESE SHOTS WERE ONLY THERE FOR A SPLIT SECOND BUT??? HOLY SHIT???
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Oh god oh god Bang is relentless this hurts please stop guys GUYS PLZ  HAS NO ONE REALISED THAT NOT ONE HERO HAS DIED CMON PLZ IT HURTS calm down stop trying to kill him plsplspls OH
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oh god damnit him legit running on all fours right there just looks goofy tho F “preposterous style” Bang you aint lying asdfghjkl really though OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS DRAWN SO BEAUTIFULLY THIS IS SO BLESSED 
NO OPENING THEME???????????????????? WHAT?????????????????????? WHY????????????????????????? ONE, I WANTED TO SEE THE CHIBI OF THE WEEK AND 2 
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I WASNT PREPARED FOR MY FAVORITE DOPEY BIRD MAN THE FUCK PHOENIXMAN PLS NO ILY I know people hate him a lot but I just really dig how he feels like a fleshed out character compared to most other monsters, like he’s legit lookit him being all smart and stuff plz I just,,,,,,,,,,,, want to hug dumb fluffy birb ;-;
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Woah again I’m being blown away by the animation??? Garou getting smacked around is really fluid and this just looks really cool in general?????
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LIKE???????? I got kinda a comedic vibe watching him comment on it in the manga but the slow music and shit is just FUKKIN ME UP RIGHT NOW I HATE IT THANKS IT HURTS
oh god his face he has the seething thousand mile stare of quiet rage and its burning a hole STRAIGHT THROUGH MY ENTIRE BEING “But me I was the loner kid. Always gloomy and without friends” STOP. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT THIS INSTANT. IM CRYING AT U RIGHT NOW STOP
NO DONT HOLD HIM LET HIM GO S T O P OR SO HELP ME i can’t watch this what the fuck “I was always the loser” SHIT this legitimately hurts me “I dont want to be the monster anymore” GArou hey did you hear that part?? hEY GAROU DID YOU HEAR YOURSELF THERE??? 
oh my god it keeps getting worse. I mean. I already knew garou was being disproportionately reprimanded for what he supposedly did, but watching this scene just fucking kicked me in the teeth. As if my stomach wasn’t already in knots. The fuck . why does this hurt so much more watching than reading the frustration in seeping into me ffffff.
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This looks really cool but, i can barely focus on that because im pretty much being exsanguinated on the floor over here by this whole sequence look at him crying. do it for me cause I sure as hell can’t 
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“I want to strike a blow for the little guy”
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Garou flailing in the air in Phoenixman’s grip is … really adorable oh my god. “It’s your fault for not finishing them” ooooooo that shut him up didn’t it oof. Also nice cameo by Tatsumaki there 
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Genos’s eye static, The brother’s fists swirling, THE FUKKIN CARAPACE SHATTERING 
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oh god ok the face coming out of the face was pure nightmare fuel alright then
oh no 
oh no
im crying oh no
this animation is beautiful first of all and the music like im just here this is where I’m at and I’m crying oh no 
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He’s an angel. A literal angel. Look at that and tell me he doesn’t look like a fucking angel in the sky with the rays of light casting shadows around him. 
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Genos you are too good and pure for this world but that DOESNT MEAN TRY TO GET YOURSELF KILLED 
Shit they really made it look like he was gonna self destruct there for a second which MADE HIS LAST STAND EVEN MORE INTENSE OH MY GOD SWEETHEART Y’all ever get into a show because you keep seeing one character that catches your interest, and you keep seeing them pop up on your dash or wherever until you finally decide ‘well fuckit, this is the asshole that’s gonna get me to finally watch the show’, cause you’re already invested in them anyway? Genos did that for me with OPM. If this fool didn’t exist Who knows how long it would’ve taken me to get to watching OPM, if ever. And shit like this is why I STILL love him. I usually move on to new faves 90% of the time but nope. Genos earned his spot and is keeping it. Look at this insane shit. My heart. Uhg
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Enough gushing asdfghjkl ok but Genos, you just went INTO THE DAMNED THING’s STOMACH,,,,, and you’re SURPRISED that there’s STOMACH ACID?? But real talk. What the EVERLONG FUCK is that thing’s insides made out of? How did it NOT DIE. the FuCK
asdfghjkl Phoenixman’s chuckle???? I love 
Oh Bang no, this is wrenching my heart like I know that he doesn’t actually use his power but its built up so intensely like,,, would he be ok if he did??? and actually more concerningly since it even WAS brought up that he has some hidden true strength, will we EVER get to see that??? Oh Shit well when they word it as “All the power left to me in this life” then yeah, that seems pretty life or death ish???? THE FUCK 
Oh thank god comedic relief is here I feel like i’m about to have a heart attack my chest is so tight hhhhhh ok breathe WAIT THIS ISNT COMEDIC THIS IS BADASS AS HELL JEEZUS witht he flashbacks to the Saitama encounter and THIS LOOK
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The Anime is really fucking with the audience huh??? Making it look like KIngs about to throw hands like???????????? OH SHIT AND THIS MUSIC IS DOPE AS HELL TOO IM JUST laughing I have so much excessive energy right now???
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The REPRISE oh no oh NO OH NO OH NO NO ITS NOT OVER im not ready its not I cant no no no i dont want to press play cause if I press play it will end soon no no no Oh my god and at the end there isnt gonna be a title card for the next episode because THERE IS NO NEXT EPISODE no non o nonononon on on on ono no no no 
HEY IVE BEEN RIPPED OFF. WHERES THE FACE WITH HIS HAIR BLOWN BACK??? ASDFJKL fine I cant even be mad everything else was tooo  ofdbghjfshkggfhsjgbfhjka
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fkin cliffhanger no please no 
I.. I’m kind of at a loss for words. I’m. That’s it, huh? It’s really over. It doesn’t FEEL over. There’s so much unfinished business. Well, the only way to really neatly wrap everything up as neatly as S1 did would have been to get ALL THE WAY through the Garou arc, which obviously wasn’t going to happen, but this is not a great spot to leave off if we’re going to endure another few years hiatus. My hope is that, with biweekley manga updates, we should wrap up the Monster Association/Garou stuff (assuming it doesn’t diverge from the web comic too much) some time next year, and I’m HOPING that s3 is already being planned accordingly along side manga publications. So MAYBE it will at least be announced around that time 2020. That’s my wishful thinking at least. I don’t think I can survive 3 years. anyway
You could really tell JC Staff poured their hearts and souls into these last 2 episodes. Absolutely gorgeous, paced well, so completely satisfying and making every second of s2 worth while. For me, at least. I’ve already seen people still complaining and I’m just sorry they didn’t have as much fun as I did. 
Seriously, thank each and every one of you guys. This has been a wild ride, I’ve barely had this blog a few weeks before season 2 started airing (and honestly just got into opm maybe a month before that?), so I owe a lot of the success on the blog to the anime I bet. This was the first series I’ve never tried live bogging, and I honestly can’t believe that they were as popular as they were? Especially since I never have any idea what I’m doing but yall listen to me ramble anyway?? Yall are crazy thank you so so so much. Now my tuesdays are gonna feel really empty… next week is gonna be weird as hell. Though I’m gonna get mad nostalgic good vibes rewatching this season in the future in no small part from sharing my experience with everyone who's stuck around. I can’t say see yall next week this time, but, see you next season whenever it may be for sure.
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spiffysixxsense · 5 years ago
Hello annoying best friend here to fulfill my duty by asking you to answer all of the cute asks
angel; do you have a nickname?
not really. my name is already short and I don't have a prominent quality to nickname me after. The only person who refers to me as anything other than my name is my boyfriend, but I don't think “babe/baby” really counts as a nickname lol
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
dark teal (blue-green? I've never found a good name for my favorite color)
bloop; spirit animal?
so because I didn't have a good answer for this, I decided to google a quiz to find out, lol. My answer was a deer. here's why;
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach.
The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
i don't really have a favorite book, i don't read much outside of school (I wish i did)
movie: A Beautiful Mind
song: oh dear lord i cannot pick just one, but all-time favorite band of mine is Shinedown
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
a little stuffed dog that looked like Kipper from the TV show, I still have him :)
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
lmao what came to mind was when i pledged to never drink, smoke, or say bad words. two out of fucking three ain't bad i guess. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?
(honestly neither but) fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
given the asker, i would say yes :) also i am lame and my boyfriend is also my best friend 
buttercup; showers or baths?
S H O W E R S. hate baths!
butterfly; dream destination?
I've never had a huge desire to travel honestly. like sure i could say Italy or Greece look beautiful, but the actual act of traveling overseas really stresses me out lol. so i would have to say more like upper midwest, like Maine, in the fall time for all the pretty trees.
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
i am neither
calm; favorite scent?
anything fruity - pineapple, mango, berries, apples. at least in terms of what candles i like lol.
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
i do not remember anything from last night - the last dream i remember involved my boyfriend, dad and i being lost up north lol
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
hazel / brunette 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
the 1970′s for the fashion
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
love me a good succulent
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
well this last birthday was amidst quarantine, so I got some candles and granola (my boyfriend knows me well lol)
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
i have no idea? what an odd question? probably some stuffed animal?
cutsie; what makes you happy?
picnics, alone time, my boyfriend, my cat choosing to cuddle with me.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
I really cant think of a time I've ever felt truly free. maybe when i drove myself to school earlier this year & didn't have to wait for someone to pick me up? 
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
as a light in others lives. happy, bubbly. things i currently am not
daylight; favorite album of all time?
gosh these dang music questions. well, Nickelback - All the Right Reasons was the first album i ever bought myself. then maybe Shinedown - The Sound of Madness (i cant pick one OKAY)
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes? this question makes me feel old, lol. 
dobby; dream job?
criminologist. some way to be reducing the mass incarceration rate in the US. 
doll; how do you like to dress?
comfy, v necks and leggings. As i have gotten older i have slowly wanted to be more feminine i think, because i really want some sundresses for summer lol
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
one! when i was 12ish, i swear i saw a reflection of a uniformed man (like old school soldier uniform - blue blazer with gold cufflinks) behind me in the glass of my snakes tank at the time. it was weird because the only reason i even looked that way was because my snake started shaking his tail against the glass, something that corn snakes do when they are scared, but also something that in his entire life had never done unprompted ever. 
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
want yes, have no
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
100%. no way we are alone in this universe
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
he makes my days so much better :)
fairy; do you have a pet?
I have one little old kitty :)
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
to vacation, ocean. to live, mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?
the secretary of state? lol
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
I've never owned a plant lol
garden; how many languages do you know?
one :(
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
sepia photography/old books that have yellowed into sepia. or fresh greenery on white marble. 
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
i don't really get any anymore, but as long as they are nice or just questions/venting, im down. don't be offended if i never answer though, for some reason i never get Tumblr notifications lol
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
im compassionate
im empathetic (which is similar but im struggling to get to 5 lol)
im goal-oriented
im determined (once i have said goal. again, related lol) 
i guess i like my lips/lip shape
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
tea. iced, black or green really, with sugar. 
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
bird watching because it means i am probably alone and in nature as opposed to somewhere in a crowd of people. and i wont feel creepy for watching the birds lol
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
white noise, a fan running. if that's not enough, i enjoy asmr. if i am really struggling/having anxiety, i will look up sleep stories from the headspace app on youtube (life hack to not have to pay for the app lol)
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
to be outside, i enjoy just warm enough to be comfy in pants and a t-shirt (so like 65F-ish) and sunny.To be inside, i love when it is cooler (like 50F?) and raining. I love the look, sound, and smell of rain but it is usually just inconvenient to be in. 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
well now all days are the same for me, #quarantine, so the same thing i do every day, just about nothing, lol
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i guess laugh loudly because i am a loud person in general. i have a deep voice
kinky; do you blush easily?
i don't think so, my embarrassment turns into sweat, not blush, lmao
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
i guess being proposed to someday? but i don't have a certain dream way of it happening, just the fact that its happening is enough for me lol. id enjoy if someone (cough Elle or also maybe Michael lol) were secretly filming and/or taking photos of it? I am not sure how you'd manage that though
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
late at night when everything is quiet
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
old school three days grace (one-x album in particular)
love; what is your favorite season and why?
i always gravitate to fall for the leaves and pumpkin patches. but honestly, i think my favorite season is spring. i love the newly budding trees and flowers, the feeling of renewal, the release from the horrible Michigan winter lol, but most importantly, spring time for my whole life as of yet has always meant that school is over for the semester! as opposed to the fall when the semester starts. this is very long winded but spring final answer lol
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
I've never had a macaron and blue moon ice cream 
magic; what are five flaws you have?
ooooo boy
im short tempered/angry too much 
im unmotivated (which is confusing maybe because i said i am determined earlier. you see, once i HAVE a goal i feel determined to finish it. but i am unmotivated to create said goals, lol) 
im nonconfrontational to a fault where i always put others’ feelings before my own
i let fear of change stop me from ever taking risks/ am anxious
i am stubborn and sometimes have a hard time admitting i am wrong
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
this depends - screw pastels. warm neutrals for makeup purposes, but cool darks for aesthetic or decor purposes
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
someone who feels like home. I am not entirely sure how else to explain that. you just feel peace and content with them. 
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
something that allows you to only be with your date - so like a picnic or hike or just a walk even. my boyfriend and i liked to walk around in the fall for me to take pictures of leaves while he played pokemon go (man i miss the pokemon go summer and i have never even PLAYED it, it was just so fun to be with him while he played)
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
on youtube usually
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. if your family is toxic for whatever reason, you do not owe them your time strictly because they are family. 
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook, im not super into sweets & i want to enjoy the final product
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
normal? like its legible but its not pretty or cute
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
no:( wish i could play bass or drums
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
i don't :)
i really don't have an answer other than solving whatever is stressing me out, lol. i wish i had more mechanisms to calm me down but nothing i have tried has ever really worked
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
you know these favorites questions are hard for me lol. right now, i am loving watermelon, but i also love most fruits. kiwis! vegetable, i feel like i have to say potato lol
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
lol the last thing i read had to be some academic text, so that's boring
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
meeting Alex i guess, it changes my whole life path to have someone you want to do life with 
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
quarantine? lol
shine; art or music?
music is art.
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
i think so. Elle’s dog griffin loves me for some reason lol
smitten; do you collect anything?
not really
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
jolly ranchers 
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Spongebob probably. unless we are talking like really tiny, toddler age, then Winnie the pooh
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
i live in a 2 bedroom apartment, there arent any spots. lol. my bed i guess
soothe; digital or vinyl?
i mean digital for convenience but vinyl for aesthetic 
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
i mean the only person i really actively miss ever is Alex. @cy-ne-fin sometimes, but i have also grown used to living away from each other
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
loyalty, honesty, & humor
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
if i must pick, practical. 
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
absolutely not. i feel like a burden with my feelings even though i shouldn't 
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
honestly not really. am on the fence still about ever having any 
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
not really
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
i am as average as they come man, nothing is unique about me lol
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
like a background friend? like i am not very social, so we do not have to talk every day to be friends. so like im here if you need me, but i enjoy alone time. 
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
the way my boyfriend looks at me, & as i was working on this my cat came to cuddle, which i gave as an answer earlier before he jumped up here :)
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owlllllll
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
the power to heal those who are hurting (including myself)
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home home home home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
not anymore, i did in high school/early college years. not I've stopped caring
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
messy? kinda in the middle really. 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
my state, sure. my city in particular is definitely pretty boring
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
I've never seen one :(
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namjoonchronicles · 6 years ago
s o f t  s k i n | jk
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↳ notes Special thanks to @bloodyspell for the awesome fluffy moodboard she made (that has failed to convince her how cute it is, but it’s so fluffy) and @fangirlaholicxx for being the absolute best in everything she does. :)
The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please try again later--
The clock is ticking. Jungkook hasn't confirmed yet if he was going to make it to the cinema. This is the second time he cancelled plans this week. He wasn't a bad planner, but his work had several run-ins nowadays, causing him to be overwhelmly over-occupied. He didn't even have time for himself, so you forgave him. You forgave him often.
Jungkook had initially taken a 10-minute nap that turned 2 hours.He was awaken by the sound of the water bottle rolling off the table and hitting the ground. He knew that he was exhausted, but as always, tried to forget the fact that he is human. He often chewed on more than he could swallow. It wasn't Jungkook if he didn't overdo anything. The man of many talents and skills. Stretching his arms towards the narrow ceiling of his studio, sitting in his gamer chair, he groaned and cracked his neck. His eyes felt droopy despite the nap. His shoulder and neck begin to sting, being strained for two hours straight. Jungkook loosened his jaws. Seems like he he had been sleeping with them clenched tight, every night nowadays.
He took a deep breath and slid down the chair to crawl on all fours where his phone was charging. For some reason, the charger only worked when it's on the floor. He was supposed to get a new one but he didn't have time. A solemn knock on his studio door made him jerk his head up and around. Namjoon poked his head through the gaps. "...the guide?" The tall dude with dimple cocked his head to the side and Jungkook took 5 nano seconds to decipher what he meant. Once it registered , Jungkook shot to his feet and scrambled for a USB he remembered putting on the table, creating a small rummaging sound. Namjoon casted his eyes down on the messy table and put out a fond smile, "You've been working hard..."
Jungkook finally grabbed the said USB and handed them to Namjoon before he even got to the senior producer. "Is the movie date, cancelled?" Namjoon asked with an absent-minded smile directed to Jungkook.
Oh shit.
Jungkook grabbed his jacket and sprinted out before sprinting back in to grab his phone, almost tripping on the circle mat on his way out. He didn't let it stop him. Namjoon was wise enough to keep himself out of his way.
"Jungkook...! The recording session begins as planned! In two hours!" Namjoon voice resonated through the hallways not as a scolding but as a reminder. He tips his head down after Jungkook flashed a frantic 'ok' sign with his fingers and disappear to the right.
"Relationships are tough," he paused and twisted his wedding ring finger, smiling, "I know." He blinked in the direction of where Jungkook headed once more and smiled again.
The sight he was about to shoot himself with, Jungkook had come unprepared.
There's hardly anyone outside the cinema. The movie had begun. One young lady sat on her own, accompanied by her iced mango milkshake, munching on ice chunks with a wandering pair of eyes, unsuspecting. You checked on your phone every once and awhile, for what Jungkook could guess, waiting on his replies or his calls. He felt his throat dry up from the thoughts in his head that died in his lips before he could even make up what it was. He expected disappointments from your side. And he hated himself for it. He had to face it.
The aura changed when he stepped in. His shadow casted over you and you turned around to see him. Guilt washed over his face and you wanted to take the frown away from him, and bring back that big smile you know he can give. The edges of your lips curled into a small, gentle, forgiving smile. You stood up and tug the middle of his black sweater towards you. He stumbles forward in uncertainty but loosen up when he felt you nuzzled your face into his clothed chest and took a deep breath in.
"We have to compromise, Kookie," you sounded like you were drifting into relaxation the moment he came and it eased him.
"...I miss your cologne, I imagined several times that you'd take the day off and give your girl a time to play..." you looked up at grazed your chin on the big Mastermind lettering on them and he returned a fidgeting sight, unsure of what to do.
As if you've read his mind, you went on to ran your hand from around his hips to his upper arm, down his wrist to collect his larger hands in yours and kissed its knuckles, thumbing his little nails while talking in whispers,
"...two whole days to make up for all the times loss," you suggested,
"we cook, we dance and we do all the things couples do. Are you in?"
Jungkook stares blankly at you, stunned for words that you didn't lash out on him like he imagined you would. You were never verbally offensive, hardly vulgar and he didn't know why he'd think you would throw chairs at him when he steps here but he somehow did. He nodded, slowly. Tugging his sleeve so he leans over, you whispered in his ear, against his piercings, "See you." He was granted a chaste kiss on the cheek before you ran off with your mango milkshake, walking backward, tilting your head to the side, grinning ear-to-ear. Jungkook stood there, watching you as if you'd dissipate into thin air if he blinked. Well aware that he has the studio recording in twenty minutes, and he might be straining his vile talent for it. But it will all be worth it. Because of the smile you gave when you heard him sing, it will all be worth it.
Intricate, is his soul. He kept speculating his initiation, his drive and his direction, forever worried about the things he did, what he should be doing, and how he does it.
And then he met you, a careless, carefree soul who seem to float when she walks, like butterfly. You were the picture he couldn't quite capture, a moment he'd like to relive everyday, the scent he couldn't quite describe, and the prayers he never stopped chanting, in the darkest of nights and the brightest of day. You stood between the thoughts in his head, and the words he said. The only thing his skin understood and are familiar with, in between this sheets. Occupying his head and his heart, becoming a permanent resident. He thought he was in quite deep.
Today, he fell even deeper.
Jungkook went silent for three days straight. And then,
A surprise text. From him.
"It's this weekend." Heart emojis, heart emojis, heart emojis.
Fast pair of sneakers speeding through the halls, bag strap around one shoulder, fluffy black hair bouncing with every lunge. Jungkook halted in front of your apartment, straightened his grey shirt, fixed his varsity jacket, took a deep breathe in with a lingering smile, wearing the cologne and tapped his knuckles on the main door.
"Who is it?" He heard you called.
"It's... it's me!" He said, shyly.
He likes how it sounded, he likes how he knows that you know him by his voice alone.
"Oh!" You gasped and yanked the door open, to jump into his arms, clasping your arms around him, pulling him into a rib-crushing hug.
"Please tell me you got the garlic," you gritted your teeth and smiled as you slowly unravel yourself from him. He returned the same expression with a little shake of his head.
"I got us some tortilla chips too," he giggled.
He handed you the bagged garlic and chips, before taking out his laptop.
"...if you do your work on our weekday, I will eat you," you warned him, placing the garlic on the chopping board. "I won't, you'll see..." he gurgled.
Setting the skillet on the stove, you heard the sparker click but no flames came out. "Am I running out of gas?" You talked to yourself. Jungkook snapped his head in your direction, worried. "Is everything alright?"
He asked, softly.
Jungkook was next to you in a second. His hand trailed to the gas hose and opened the lower shelves where your gas tanks were. Carefully, he turned the initiator off, and took them out. You watched him carry the otherwise heavy tank with one hand.
You both gave each other a look that spoke a million words.
In a minute, Jungkook had his phone against his ear, calling for a replacement tank to be sent in an hour, but because of the rainy season, no one was opt to work on the weekends. That means, no one is able to send you a new gas tank today. "Thank you so much though, sir. That's alright," his eyes followed you as you hoisted yourself up the kitchen counter, feet dangling several centimetres up from the floor. You hung your head low. Jungkook clicked the end call button, glanced over the garlic he bought, all the prepared materials and the cold skillet on the stove. The cabinet door left open and the empty gas tank by the doorway.
He gave you a lopsided dimple smile that you were oblivious to.
"Maybe we don't have to cook... let's have pizza instead," he suggested, moving towards you and settling himself between your knees and tucking your hair behind your ear. He leaned his face down to see yours, etching you to look ahead, whispering melodically, "It's not the end of the world, we can still have the movie, and we can dance while we wait for the pizza to arrive..." he cooed softly. You gave him a small nod and he kissed your pout by instinct. It's not the end of the world.
Jungkook carried you down with one arm and only let go when he felt your feet touch the ground, gently, and chivalrously.
Of course he had speed dial for pizza delivery. Although he had to explain the new address to the pizza store, he knew that it would be worth the wait. He leaned down to you when you tiptoed to reach his ear while he was ordering,
"Onion rings?" he mouthed at you and repeated the order to the person taking his call, "Yes, that will be a large pepperoni pizza, with extra cheese and cheese crust. Onion rings, cinnamon rolls and caramel sauce, chicken fingers with barbecue dips for sides. And one bottle of soda." He never looked away from you while ordering and you kept smiling encouraging him that he was doing a good job. "That will be all," Jungkook ended the call. The day didn't go as planned for the cooking part, but he promised there would always be next time.
To you, he didn't have to deliver those promises.
Just the idea of him wanting to do this again, was enough to rain confetti in your heart.
In this tiny apartment with no partition and one bathroom with no tub, he accompanied you to the laundry downstairs, took the clothes out the dryer, helping (more like, watching) you fold your clothes and arrange them into the basket while he assisted in carrying, wordlessly.
You talked on and on about your ordeals with some friends or foes; about your recent fued about time management with your mom and your dad's impossibly unhealthy diet while Jungkook followed you up the stairs. "And you know what he said to me?" You glanced over your shoulder at Jungkook who was carrying you folded laundry. You didn't wait for his reply and resumed in a clipped and what Jungkook thought was a funny impersonation of your father's voice, "I shall eat whatever I want because I'm old and don't have a lot of time to live."
You digged for your keys into your apartment, and held the door open for Jungkook to come in with your basket of clothes.
"Just place them next to bed couch, baby," you passed and shut the door with ease.
Jungkook's phone vibrates because the pizza store notifies him if their delivery man is close. You sat on the floor and pull out the bottom drawers first. Your lingeries, socks and panties go here.
Jungkook was digging the fridge for a quick soft drink hunt that ended with banana milk.
"You have banana milk!" He exclaimed from the kitchen.
"I bought it for you," you have moved on to the second last drawer to place your blouse and the jeans on the drawers above it.
Jungkook sat on the dining chair watching you.
"You're so organized," he passed, mumbling with his lips around the straws still.
"I tried, I cleaned up a bit, knowing you were coming," you smacked your lips together.
He put out a smile directed at your shoulder, taking the chance of your front turning away from him to let his expressions free, because he was too shy to show them openly to you. He could easily imagine having you as a wife. You were effortlessly gorgeous in his eyes, and he tells it often through the way he stares, that lingers longer than it should. He could be himself around you and he wants the world to know that you'll be with him. He wants to hurry up, get his money right, and spent 105 years with you, calling himself as your husband and the father to your children.
But his daydream was cut short by the knock by the door from the pizza delivery man.
Jungkook changed into simple tee and black shorts he purposely left at your apartment before he gets on the bed couch with you.
You have the pizza on the tiny table so it won't stain the sheets. Jungkook shut the lights readily, had the curtains drawn even though it was daylight. He had a Harry Potter movie marathon in mind, today. In sequence, all the way to the last movie. Munching on the pizza, his eyes glued to the screen while he laid in between your knees, his head rested on your chest, Jungkook directed  your free hand to play with his hair.
"His pyjamas remind me of the selca you sent me. The white one with black buttons," you talked in hushes.
"Which one?" Jungkook tilted his head to one side but never peeling his eyes away from the movie.
"You said you want to wake up next to me every morning, did you mean it?" you spoke to his hair and he shot his chin up so he could look at you from your jaw view. He nodded like a child and puckered his lips to fish for a kiss that you delivered without question.
Movie marathon continues.
He had one arm around your knee, head right underneath your chin still. You fed him tortilla chips and he munched them down. Even when he was still chewing the last one you gave him, he kept taking the ones you placed in front of his mouth which eventually made him choke. You wordlessly handed him the soda that he desperately chugged on. Followed by another half an hour of complete silence. When Hermione punched Draco, Jungkook chuckled through his nose.
"Which picture of mine did you use as lock screen?" Jungkook suddenly asked. "The one with the black tee on the hotel bed, with the pouty lips and coconut hair," you blinked to the screen.
"I took that one after you left my apartment," Jungkook sat up and switched places with you, so he could be the one you leaned against, but you settled next to him, hugging his arm and resting your head on his shoulder.
"I still don't get why Harry ended up with Ginny," you scowled. "Maybe because she sacrificed herself in Chamber of Secrets," Jungkook passed.
"She almost got Harry killed," you monotonously said. "You almost got me killed once," Jungkook snapped his head to your side.
Playfully, you slapped his thigh and he snickered. "Stop being dramatic... I just told you to get the thing in the microwave..." you mumbled.
"Yeah with the tin foil inside. There was smoke, even. The smoke detector went off," Jungkook talked to your hair, biting his smile at the end of it when you squeezed tighter to his side.
"I didn't know that aluminium foil can set the microwave on fire..." you mewled and rubbed the tip of your nose on his chest, sniffing him all over.
"I almost died," Jungkook looked away, his collar bone showing.
"I can never use a microwave my whole life, as a result from that traumatizing event, thanks to you," he kept biting his lips while you shrink to his side and giggled because you admit. Admit that it was your fault. He gets a panic rush everytime he hears the microwave beep now. Feels like its going to go off, anytime.
The movie marathon ended with Jungkook sleeping in a very corpse-like pose. You put away the tiny table and washed his hand with a wet tissue. The duvet is pulled up to his chin and you spent as long as you could to stare into his beautiful face before life takes over and take him away from you again. It wasn't long after that, that you drift into a well-deserved sleep. You slept better this time, with him around.
In the middle of the night, Jungkook realised that he had turned away from you and you were facing the other side too. He placed one arm around your waist, pulled you so your back was against him. He passed a sleepy kiss on your shoulder and spooned you till morning came. It was a well-spent day even though you spent the whole time indoors. It was nice to have each other around after a long time of being apart.
Because you could have sworn that everytime Jungkook steps outside your apartment, he was already too far away.
This addictive soul you chose to love, finds the world amusing and graced this land with his wondrous eyes, his keen intuition of wanting the people to see his perspective, his views of the universe. You almost always questioned how such a  young heart had such a decadent and old spirit when it comes to appreciating eveything around him.
How he took in every hurdle, every action, and his thirst for his musical ambition, and how it never waned off no matter how long it took.
That's how you knew that you would be lucky to know him.
It began with just wanting to understand, to being able to understand, and to be able to be a part of his dreams.
Not in a million years have you imagined to be able to have a man a great as this to love you. But his resilient nature, and how passionate he was, reeled you in like a magnetic field.
You were astonished by the fact that he waited patiently for you to order on that first date, putting your utmost thoughts in your choices.
You apologized that you took too long to decide and his replies was something you didn't expect coming from someone like him and his cold surface,
"It's okay. It means you are careful with your choices, and I'm lucky that I get to be the result of one of your thoughtful considerations."
And he said it with those crinkles in his eyes and soft voice.
He woke up before you did. The sunlight poked through the gaps. Your hair were messily gorgeous. He could hear the birds chirping faintly in the background. He leaned on his elbow and raked your bare shoulder with his eyes. He landed his lips on them after a quick thought and made loud kissing sounds, earning a small moan from you.
"Wakey, wakey sweetie. Jungkook wants to play,"
He sunk his teeth on your shoulder cap with a mischievous glint in his eyes and you smiled sleepily back, knowing that you're in for a delicious ride, in compensation of those hours away.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 years ago
Never Will We Ever Have Kids!
Never Will We Ever Have Kids! by ImmortalDesire
Izuku looked down at the large wicker basket placed on his desk mere moments after Amori-sensei passed on to his next victim. The swaddled form was entirely motionless, and the white blanket was wrapped so tightly around his head that the chubby cheeks bulged outward. Although the face was completely still, the color of the flesh was all too real for Izuku, and its lightly-freckled-face gave him the shivers.
“I think it has your hair.” Izuku jumped at the sudden opinion but in all honesty, it was really the tiny—yet prominent—light green curl sticking out the top of the wrap that gave him the biggest scare.
Kaminari was right: this was going to be the worst semester of his life… — In which UA has a required Childhood Development course for all tracks, with the hero course's aim to show the students that heroes can have families too (if they can learn to balance it right), while also intending to scare them away from teen pregnancy—heroes-in-training shouldn't be popping babies, after all.
Words 1596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Heroes Can Have Kids Too...!
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Original Male Character(s), Midoriya Inko, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Fuyumi, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: all other relationships are so minor, like I cant tag them as official yet, so i'll put them under here instead, Minor Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Minor Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, fake babies, robot babies, childhood development class, totally normal high school class, still canon-centric, just before hero licensing, because I dont want to deal with that yet, spoilers up to season 3, comical to a point, Comedy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, you know you love those lol, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, slight angst, Fluff, Fluffiness, fake pregnancies, Shenanigans, Class 1-A Shenanigans, "adulting" sucks, I promise this fic is serious!, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, i still love that this is a recognized tag, which reminds me about endeavor now, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, class 1-a - Freeform, Class 1-B - Freeform, tododeku - Freeform, imagine if yaomomo could actually create babies O O, some heavy make-out scenes, but it never goes there guys, dont get your hopes up lol, there may be implied intercourse though, Supporting OC, he's minor guys, Minor Original Character(s), but i hope you like him at least, POV Midoriya Izuku, POV Todoroki Shouto, only once though, POV Third Person Limited, wow this is a literal wall of text now...
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/18401972
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mistleto-3 · 7 years ago
Awakening: Part 10
When another crisis looms, Mikoto has to learn to navigate a world of Kings as a regular man.
AU in which Mikoto and Tatara survived the Colourless King incident.
Pairing: Mikoto/Tatara
3,255 words. CW for canon-typical violence, mentions of depression and other mental health issues. CW especially for anxiety attacks/PTSD in this chapter.
Apologies for the delay in updating - I was busy with Mikototsu week, and then busy over Christmas, and then January deadline season was kicking my ass.
Previous part  | All parts | Next part 
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It hadn’t been long since Anna’s birthday, but it felt like all of a sudden, the lull after the opposition to Homra reforming had shattered, and it seemed there was some new commotion every few hours. Rumours were that the Blue clan had it worse, but the change of pace had still been somewhat jarring. At the moment, though, there was a brief period of calm, and the Red clansmen had gathered to chill out in the bar as they had done so often before Homra had dissolved. Being busy was kind of nice, though - things almost felt like they were getting back to how they’d been before Homra dissolved.
“Hey, Yata-san… Looks like Anna and Tatara fell asleep,” Rikio pointed out. The two of were curled up together on one of the couches in the bar, with Anna’s head resting on Tatara’s arm.
“Guys, don’t just stand there, put a blanket on the little lady,” Yō interjected, picking one up to drape it over the sleeping pair.
“Yeah, it is getting pretty chilly these days,” Masaomi agreed.
“Chitose… I heard you and Dewa had a scuffle with the Blues last night,” Misaki asked.
Yō rested his arm on his friend’s shoulder, clasping a cigarette between his lips as Masaomi pulled out a lighter to ignite it for him.
“Oh, that was just a run-in with the pretty Lieutenant,” Yō explained.
“I guess they wanted to save face. But they were on our turf so we couldn’t back down. In the end, Kusanagi-san stepped in to bring things under control,” Masaomi added.
“I see.”
“Eric and I also came close to clashing with the Blues,” Kosuke interjected from the other side of the room. “At least it didn’t blow up into something bigger.”
“Those Blues had been on constant alert lately and keep poking around,” Eric said.
“You guys too?!” Misaki cried, exasperated.
Meanwhile, Shouhei turned to Saburouta, leaning over him and resting his hand on his shoulder to peer at the screen of the laptop he appeared to be concentrating intently on. “Hey, San-chan, what’re you up to?”
“Hmm? I’ve been noticing a lot of activity on the net…” Before he could elaborate on what exactly he meant, something appeared to catch Saburouta’s attention, and his brow furrowed. “Hey, what’s this?!”
Shouhei leaned forward, staring at the screen as he made a noise of apparent shock.
“What is it, Shouhei?” Misaki asked.
Whatever it was, it seemed to have him deeply perturbed. “Take a look…” he said, and the rest of the clan gathered around the screen of the laptop, muttering. They fell silent at the sight of the video on the screen, though.
Pixelated text reading “Homra is over” unravelled across the screen, then vanished, replaced by a Homra insignia, once again in a pixelated style, as though it was from some retro games console. It was accompanied by almost eerily cheerful-sounding chiptune music. Over the top, brightly coloured writing reading “the end of Homra” rose from the bottom of the screen, and then the screen turned briefly black once more. Immediately after, a short, video-game style animation played, showing the sprite of Tatara on the roof of a building, being shot by another sprite who was clearly supposed to be the Colourless King. Misaki glanced back over his shoulder at Tatara, who was blessedly still asleep.
“The weakest clansman really was the weakest…” the text appeared across the top of the video, and then the image changed once more to a sprite of Mikoto wearing a crown, approached once more by the Colourless King’s sprite. There was a flash and the Colourless King vanished, and Mikoto’s sprite flickered and got smaller like a character in a game who’d lost a life. The crown was gone from atop his head.
More text reading: “…But the foolish King became even weaker!”
The screen went black again, and large blue lettering reading: “KING HAS FALLEN, HOMRA IS DEAD” appeared, followed by the text: “GAME OVER.” The video finished on that screen.
There was a moment of quiet after the clip ended as the clan collectively seethed, almost too angry to speak.
Rikio was the first to break the silence, pulling out his phone and dialling Izumo. “Someone should go tell Mikoto-san,” he said as the phone rang.
When Izumo picked up, Rikio put him on speaker. “Kusanagi-san, we came across something…”
“Was it the video?” Izumo cut in.
“How did you know?”
“It was just broadcast across the city.”
“It was what?!” Misaki cried.
“Yata-san, you’ll wake…” Rikio started chiding, but as he turned to face the pair napping on the couch, he saw Tatara was already sitting up, and Anna’s eyes were open.
“Why does everyone have such serious expressions?” Tatara asked, still drowsy.
“Come see…” Rikio said gravely, and the two of them got to their feet and headed over to the screen of the laptop that Rikio was gesturing at. Saburouta hit play once more.
“I’m on my way back now, get Bandou on trying to track where the signal is being broadcast from,” Izumo said.
“On it,” Saburouta replied, waiting for Anna and Tatara to finish watching the video.
“Don’t do anything until I get back; we need to work out how to respond to this.”
The video’s end screen flashed up on the monitor as the clip finished its second playthrough, and Tatara sighed lightly, as though it was nothing more than a minor annoyance. “It seems like they’re just trying to get under our skin, like they want to provoke us. I agree, we should figure out how to deal with this in a measured way, otherwise we’re just playing into their hands. Does Mikoto know?”
As if on cue, the door that led upstairs to the apartment above the bar opened, and Mikoto stepped through. “Know what?” His hair was somewhat fluffy, like it’d just been blow dried, and it hadn’t yet been styled.
“Have you seen the video?” Tatara asked.
“It came on the TV.” There was a tension in his posture that betrayed his irritation with the situation.
Misaki, who appeared to have been stewing in his anger, finally reached bursting point and blurted: “We can’t just let them walk all over us! People have tried to make us mad before, and we’ve shown them that it’s a mistake, because when we get mad it ends badly for them, not for us!”
“It could be a trap,” Rikio pointed out.
“Our actions are up to Anna,” Tatara said gently.
She nodded, having remained in pensive silence since the video ended. “They want to provoke us, and we shouldn’t do what they want. We’ll pay them back for their disrespect, but we should wait for Izumo and decide what to do. We shouldn’t play into their hands.”
“I have the location,” Saburouta cut in. “It was really easy to find.”
“Isn’t that a bad sign? Do you think they’re trying to lure us into a trap?” Kosuke asked.
“It could be,” Akagi replied.
At that moment, Izumo opened the door, looking slightly harried, obviously having rushed to get there. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve located the source of the feed, but it was suspiciously easy,” Tatara said.
“Depending on who it’s comin’ from, it’s either a trap or they’re just sloppy. My instinct’s the former,” Izumo said. “I doubt it’s from any o’ the smaller scale resistance we got when we first started reforming. They don’t have the resources for this kinda thing, and they’ve quietened down since we taught ‘em a lesson.”
“Who else could it be?” Eric asked.
“Jungle, maybe. Sceptre 4’s Lieutenant says they’ve been having issues with the Greens. If it’s them, it’s almost certainly a trap.”
“Well, it’s the only lead we have…” Tatara pointed out.
“Anna, what do you want to do?” Izumo asked.
“We can’t ignore the lead. We should send a scout ahead,” she said, looking at Misaki. “But the rest of us shouldn’t be far behind, so we have the manpower to fight if it is a trap. Show them we’re too strong to be messed with, and if they provoke us, it will only end up burning them.”
“I can do that,” Misaki replied enthusiastically.
Anna nodded her consent, and he rushed to grab his skateboard as Saburouta sent him the address, and then she glanced up at Mikoto, as though to ask if he approved of her actions. He gave her a small nod of endorsement, and the clan prepared to leave.
As they headed through the doors of the bar, Mikoto said quietly to Anna: “Ya don’t need my approval for everything. You’re your own King. Even if you do things differently, maybe that’s better.”
“…You’re doin’ a good job,” he added.
Anna smiled faintly. “Thank you.” She paused, then added. “You aren’t weak.”
He lay his hand on her shoulder affectionately, and what could have been the ghost of a smile flickered over his lips.
When the clan arrived at the location, it seemed Saruhiko had also been sent ahead of Sceptre 4, and predictably, he and Misaki were already locked in a heated scuffle.
“Yata, that’s enough!” Izumo called as they entered the building, and at almost the same time, Seri’s voice rang from the opposite side of the foyer as Sceptre 4’s special forces squad arrived.
“Fushimi! Stand down!”
The two disengaged with discontented grumbles, and re-joined their respective clans. As they did so, Tatara noticed Mikoto looking around out of the corner of his eye.
“We’ve been here before. While you were in hospital,” he explained.
“My my, you all seem quite upset, aren’t you, Homra?” Reisi said from the other side of the room, adjusting his glasses.
“Damn right!” Misaki shouted. “Mikoto-san and Totsuka-san were slandered. We’ll make ‘em pay!”
“Kusanagi Izumo, we want you to back down,” Seri said. “We will deal with the Green Clan.”
“Sorry, Lieutenant Awashima, but Yata’s right. Those idiots have to find out the hard way that messing with any of us means getting burned. And I mean literally,” he replied, pulling his lighter out of his pocket and toying with it between his fingers. “That’s the only way Homra will be satisfied.”
“If you put it that way, we’ve been taken for fools too,” Reisi reasoned. “This choice of place is no coincidence, don’t you think?”
Mikoto chuckled humourlessly.
Suddenly, Anna tensed. “They’re here!”
Reisi rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. “Don’t watch from behind the lines; show yourself.”
As he spoke dozens of figures stepped forward, looming from the balconies higher in the building – the upper floors were teeming with men in black and green masks, who seemed to outnumber Homra and Sceptre 4 put together 4 to 1. Most of them held PDAs in their hands.
“The bait was so obvious, and you took it!” an electronic-sounding voice called down to them.
The ambush began muttering excitedly amongst themselves, something about points, and the names of Red and Blue clansmen drifted down to them. The two clans in the foyer prickled with mistrust, anticipating a fight.
Another distorted voice broke through the mumbling with a gleeful shout: "So anyway, we have nothing against you guys, but it's all for the points! So die for us, will ya?"
The masked men were laughing, almost jubilant, as they pulled what looked like green parrot plushies from their pockets. It was eerie how eager they seemed to try to kill dozens of complete strangers, all for the sake of points on some phone game? The realisation of just how twisted Jungle's philosophy was settled uneasily over the two clans in the foyer as the Greens threw the parrot toys down onto them. As they hit the ground, they swelled as though they were about to burst, but before any harm could be done, the Blue aura swept outwards to envelop the members of both clans, knocking the toys away and forming a protective cocoon around the clansmen. Dozens of ear-splitting bangs echoed through the room as the toys exploded, seeming to shake the very air in the building, and clouds of thick, grey smoke obscured everything outside of the protective bubble of the Blue aura.
The smoke cleared with a rush of air, and the Greens looked down in shock to see the two groups of clansmen standing unharmed.
"What's going on?"
"Why aren't they dead?!"
"Such a vile and disgusting sedition," Reisi said gravely. "Our lock-up is not what you would call comfortable. I hope you're prepared."
"I can vouch for that," Mikoto added.
"You said Homra is dead? Don't you know? We have a new King. A strong King who rivals Mikoto," Izumo announced as Anna stepped forward, holding her head high.
"You disrespected and laughed at my family." As she spoke, her aura blazed around her, filling the room with crimson light. Her Sword of Damocles rose into the sky above the glass roof of the building, just as Mikoto's had all that time ago. "I won't forgive you."
The sight of her gave Tatara chills.
"Shall we begin then? For our cause is pure!" Reisi announced, and behind him, Seri cried out:
"Men, draw your swords!"
As each of the Blue clansmen raised their blades with a flourish and their aura sparked upwards from their feet, Izumo said: "Time for us too."
"Don't let those Blues get all the credit!" Misaki cried.
The rest of Homra didn't need telling twice. As the Red aura swirling around them burned hotter still, they raised their fists and stomped their feet against the tiles.
"No blood! No bone! No ash! No blood! No bone! No ash!" The chorus of shouts echoed preternaturally through the building.
Mikoto normally didn't take part in the chant as King, but Tatara noticed this time, he was joining in - he didn't stamp and punch the air like the others, but he murmured the words along with them. Something about the gesture was heartening.
"Do not let the Red clan outshine us!" Seri cried, directing her men forwards. The sound shook Tatara from his thoughts.
"Leave this to me!" Misaki shouted, running forwards to initiate the counterattack.
Meanwhile, the Greens had recovered from their initial shock and were preparing their plan B, pulling sub-machine guns from their backpacks and taking aim at the clans below.
Tatara had just enough time to freeze up at the sight of the weapons before the deafening chatter of gunfire began. After a second, he felt Mikoto’s arms wrap around him, pulling him in tightly against his chest, but the sensation was hazy, like Tatara had been out in the cold and his skin was beginning to go numb. He felt cold; the terror that the sound, so loud and so close, instilled in him was like ice water dumped over him, seeping into his veins. His legs crumpled beneath him, until Mikoto’s strength was all that was keeping him from slumping onto the floor. He was vaguely aware of an aura surrounding the two of them, but not whose or even what colour, and its presence brought him no comfort. The scar on his ribcage ached, and the fear was suffocating him, and he was hyperventilating and felt like he couldn’t breathe all at the same time. He was more afraid than he’d been that night on the rooftop when he thought he was dying, because then he’d been resigned to it, but now…
I don’t want to die I don’t want to leave them there’s so much I still want to do I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die
The panicked, half-coherent thoughts were almost drowned out by the gunfire.
Tatara only barely registered the fact that he was suddenly outside, evidently having been ushered out of the building by Mikoto. He was only alerted to the change of scenery by the way the wind made the tears on his cheeks feel cold.
“You’re safe. You’re safe,” he vaguely heard Mikoto reassuring him, but it didn’t quite register beneath the clatter of the bullets that Tatara barely even noticed subsiding as, one by one, the Greens abandoned their mission as a lost cause, spooked by the way the auras of the other clans rendered their weapons ineffective. It wasn’t until the echo of the shots ringing in his ears finally subsided completely that Tatara really understood what was being said to him.
“Breathe,” Mikoto said.
It took a while, but Tatara slowly forced his aching lungs to inhale and exhale in time with Mikoto.
“I’m… s-sorry…” was the first thing he managed to say.
“It’s okay.”
“I e-embarrassed… Anna…” Tatara’s voice hitched on his tears every other syllable. “They th-think Homra’s weak… I proved them r-right…”
“They’re running scared in there. They don’t think Homra’s weak.”
Tatara sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. His hands trembled as he did so.
“Do you want me to stop carrying a gun?” Mikoto asked softly.
“I can’t ask you to…”
“Yes you can.”
Reluctantly, Tatara nodded.
“I f-feel… stupid…”
“It’s not your fault.” As Mikoto spoke, he rubbed Tatara’s arm comfortingly. Somehow, the tenderness of his voice and his touch was helping to soothe Tatara’s racing heartbeat now that the gunfire had ceased. There was something about the way someone normally so gruff and frightening as Mikoto handled him with such gentleness that was deeply comforting. Still, Tatara didn’t know if he quite believed what Mikoto said about him not embarrassing his clan. He was embarrassed with himself, at least – it was rare the rest of Homra ever saw him upset. He was so careful to keep up appearances as a cheerful and carefree person, but it seemed like he’d broken down in front of everyone more times in the last few weeks than he had in all the years since the clan formed put together. It was endlessly frustrating, and Tatara didn’t know why he was struggling so much to keep it all in.
After a moment, the door opened and Izumo emerged.
“Totsuka, you okay?” To Tatara’s relief, Izumo only sounded concerned – there was no disappointment or anger in his voice.
Tatara managed a shaky nod.
“How did it go?” Mikoto asked.
“They turned tail ‘n’ ran as soon as they realised their weapons didn’t work against auras, didn’t even get a chance to fight ‘em. They disappeared with their tails between their legs before we could even get up to the higher floors of the building. Couple o’ the clansmen are giving chase to see if we can catch any of ‘em and interrogate them, and I think the Blues managed to round up a handful.” As Izumo spoke, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Tatara. “No one blames you, ya know. I figure I’d’a reacted the same if I’d been through what you had.”
Tatara nodded slowly, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose. Somehow, hearing the confirmation come from someone other than Mikoto was more reassuring – after all, Mikoto was biased.
“Mikoto, there’s somethin’ else you should know,” Izumo continued.
Izumo gestured upwards at the two Swords of Damocles circling above the building, and the debris slowly crumbling away from Reisi’s. Mikoto’s brow furrowed.
“I figure you should talk to him about that,” Izumo said.
Mikoto grunted in agreement, a troubled look on his face as he watched the dust float down from the cracks in the blue Sword.
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browniefox · 7 years ago
Chills Running Down Your Spine
Pro No Evens of @trulymightypotato‘s Royal Expectations.
Gar, Snow, and cold.
Also known as four times Gar felt the cold and Snow didn’t, and one time that was swapped.
admittedly this was written pretty quickly but I still like it
--o o- o-o
Gar pressed his face up against the glass, breath fogging up the window as he stared at the fluffy of white just outside.
“The first one of the season.” His sister commented, also watching frozen water falling to the ground.
“Can we go out?” His sister couldn’t help but to smile fondly. Her brother was a teenager, but for a rare moment she could almost image he was a little kid again, not being trained for war. Not having too many responsibilities on his shoulders.
“Yeah, why not. Don’t forget to put on a cloak!” She called after him as he rushed off, but it was too late, Gar was already rushing out the closest door. Perhaps she should rush after him. It wouldn’t do for the prince to get a cold. But she had to let him have this. It would only be a matter of time before the harsh hands of death ripped the last of his childishness from him. So she had to let him have it, this moment.
Anyway, Gar ran back in on his own,.
“It’s too cold!” Gar shivered a bit, arms wrapped tightly around himself.
“That’s how you get snow.” His sister chuckled.
“I know.” Gar stared at the door, as if trying to decide whether or not to go right back out. “I just… you only get your first snow of the year once. I didn’t want to see it go by.”
He knew. She could hear it in those words. He knew that it wouldn’t be long until he’d have to leave everything behind, and he was trying to enjoy it.
“Let’s at least get something a bit warmer. The snow isn’t going anywhere.” The princess smiled at him. “It’s been ages since I last obliterated you in a snowball fight.”
“Hey! Now you’re not the only one who knows war tactics!” Gar shot back as they both went to grab their cloaks.
ooo -o --- o--
“Snow, you have to take off your cloak.”
Bluescale’s foot tapped the white-covered stones as she waited for the protector to leave the shadows. He had the thick fabric wrapped tightly around him as he left the relative warmth near the building and went farther out into the flurry of snow.
“I’m sure I can feel if I’m doing it from inside of my cloak.” Snow shot back, but his hands were already peeking out of the sleeves and fidgeting with the clasp.
“We already know you can do it against small bits of cold, this is the real trick!” Bluescale toed off her boot and very deliberately stuck her foot into a patch of snow.
“Okay okay.” The dragon watched as the magic cords in Snow seemed to brighten, coursing through him as he literally worked his magic. They’d been playing around with this for a while. Snow’s magic was so similar to Bluescale’s they just had to give it a try, see how similar they really were and what they could both do. Snow carried the cloak in his arms, face scrunched up in concentration. Bluescale waited a moment for a reaction.
“It’s… not too cold?” Snow offered. “Just a bit chilly.”
“I knew you could do it!” Bluescale wrapped him in a proud hug. “You’re growing up so fast!”
“Hey, I’m going to be bound soon! I’m not a kid!” And just like that Snow’s concentration broke, the cold hitting him like a hammer, and he immediately started shivering.
“Guess we’ll  have to work on it more.” Bluescale commented as Snow quickly put his cloak back on, snuggling up into it.
“Definitely. But hey, we’ve got it to work.” Snow gave her a smile.
“Just wait, before you’re out of here you’re going to be a pro at ice magic.” Bluescale promised as they walked inside.
“Hey, this is no fair.”
“You’re just saying that because you keep losing.”
Which, well, that was true. But Gar wasn’t about to tell that to Snow. Snow swiftly put his sword back in its sheath as he put out a hand to help Gar up. Gar’s pride didn’t let him take it as he got to his feet on his own, internally at the amount of strength he needed. Technically, even losing was good practice still. He’d never practiced fighting in winter armor enough, and the weather definitely called for it. The winds blew chilling air, and the normal armor left him absolutely frozen.
Which was where Snow was cheating. Cheating by still wearing the lighter-weight, non-furred armor meant for warmer months. He wasn’t even shivering. Just standing straight, waiting for what Gar would do next. They may be bonded, but for whatever the reason the ice between them was still having a bit of a hard time breaking.
“I think we should take a break.” Gar sighed, feeling like by saying that he was losing even more.
“Okay.” Snow nodded, waiting for Gar to take the first step back in. Gar reluctantly headed back in, a bit too aware of the protector following close behind him. Yeah, having a personal guard was still taking a lot of getting used to. They both removed their armor, Gar taking much longer than Snow as he slowly worked through all of the layers. And with winter coming, it was only going to get worse. He could only hope that he wouldn’t be called out to where the real fighting was going on until it was at least Spring.
They reached for the door handle into the main halls of the castle at the same time, hands brushing, and Gar quickly jerked his hand back. He had just touched such a freezing object, one that had obviously been chilled by the winds for hours. The object was, of course, Snow’s hands. Snow, who wasn’t even wearing gloves in an effort to warm them up. In fact he still didn’t look affected in the slightest.
“Alright, fine, I give, I’ll bite.” Gar set his hand on the door, stopping Snow from leaving. Snow on his part just looked a bit confused. “How can you stand it?”
Snow raised an eyebrow, and he opened his mouth before closing it again. Gar had the distinct impression a snarky remark had almost left that mouth. And Gar knew the guy could be more than the smooth monolithe of perfect guard he seemed to determined to pretend to be. “Stand what?”
“The cold! You must’ve been freezing out there! Is this all just a part of your act to prove you were raised to be a better fighter than me? Like I can’t possibly take care of myself or survive this freaking war without somebody constantly watching my back? I was raised during a war period too, I think I can at least make my way around the castle without being attacked and killed thanks.” Frick. Yep. That just spilled out. Gar felt his cheeks heat up as he looked away. Frick. He had to spend the rest of his life with this guy. He shouldn’t be causing problems. Snow gave what sounded like a small cough, then a louder cough, and then Gar realized the guy was laughing. He looked back at his protector to find an actual smile on his face.
“And here I thought you hated me.” Gar started to say something to defend himself, but Snow just swung the door open. “You do know protecting you is literally my job. Like, the magic would kill me if I didn’t. I’m going to go sneak some food from the kitchens.”
“O… kay.” Gar watched as Snow started to walk down the hall before turning around for a moment.
“And Gar? It’s just a bit of magic.”
“Snow. You should rest.”
Gar sat close to the fire, enjoying the warmth it offered. Snow didn’t move from his spot by the treeline.
“Somebody has to watch out for demons.” Snow answered back.
“We are in an entire camp of soldier who would be willing to take your spot for a while.” Gar tried to reason, but Snow still didn’t move.
“Gar. Let me do this. I can take the night chill.”
Gar stared at Snow’s back, at the tension in the shoulders, and sighed. He left the comfort of the flames to stand by his protector’s side. Yep. He was crying. Those were definitely tears running down his face.
“HE DIDN’T DESERVE TO DIE!” Several of the other soldier posted nearby, also watching the woods, looked over at the shout, but quickly looked away. They all knew what that crack in a voice meant. They’d all had their fair share of agonized screams into the woods.
“I know.” Gar looked back out at the darkness deep into the woods.
“He didn’t deserve it.” Gar had done his grieving, and it was still a gaping wound in his heart, but… Snow always tried so hard to act the part of a Protector, a Royal Protector. A leader that the others could look to. He bottled things up too much.
Sometimes Gar wondered what Snow’s life would’ve been like if he hadn’t been born. Snow wouldn’t be a protector. He wouldn’t have the terrible weight.
“It’s cold.” Gar stepped closer to Snow.
“Go back to the fire Gar.”
“No.” Gar stubbornly stood his ground. “Your hair’s a mess.”
“It’s been hard to manage it. You know, rumor has it there’s a war going on.” Snow self consciously lifted a hand to his head. To say it was getting shaggy was somewhat of an understatement. Something stopped being shaggy when you can pull it back into a ponytail. “You look exhausted.”
ooo -o --- o--
Snow stared at his hands.
He couldn’t feel them. Like they had been numbed.
“Why are you hands always cold?”
The small hand of Amarllys found it’s way onto his.
“I’ll tell you someday Ryl.” Snow closed his hand around hers. He ignored the pang it brought, like he was betraying Gar somehow by being able to spend time with the daughter he’d never even seen.
“Don’t you want to warm them up?” She put her other hand over his and rubbed his hand.
“It doesn’t bother me.” I don’t feel it. I’m dead. I’m not supposed to be alive.
“Why not?”
“It’s a magic I learned when I was young.” No. That wasn’t true. Not anymore. But he needed her not to freak out. To stay on this horse with him. She was a child, she wasn’t meant to go through this for so long. Such a long travel. Then again, the same could be said for most of the Protectors whisked away at a young age.
Not that there would be too many of those for while.
“Yes Ryl?”
“Can you tell me about my daddy again? What was his favorite color? Did he like horses? What did he smell like?”
She was so curious about Gar. A man he would someday have to break to her she would have to hope never to see.
And so the Protector told the Princess about the Prince as he brought her to be locked away in a place guarded by dragons.
ooo -o --- o--
The body was too exhausted to do much with.
The Body.
Much better than trying to figure out whether to refer to it as His Body or Gar’s Body.
And the exhaustion drained on Snow. It was taking every part of him just to stay alive. He couldn’t be bothered to even attempt to keep the cold off of him. It seeped down through the skin and into the bone, colder than he’d felt in a long time. Over a thousand years.
Breathing hurt. And while Snow knew - KNEW - it was because of what The Body had been through before he had been into it, he couldn’t help but to wonder if it was also just because he wasn’t used to doing it. Out of practice on how to use lungs.
“You should be asleep.” he said the words into the room. Molly had thought she was being quiet, perhaps thought that Snow as asleep, but he had heard her enter, tiptoeing to the bedside chair.
“S-sorry. I… I can’t sleep.”
“When this body is better, we’ll be leaving for the Guardians. And you’ll need to have enough energy to do it. Exhaustion will not help with that.”
“I know.”
“Is the necklace not helping?” The talking was already getting tiring.
“No, it is. That’s not why I couldn’t sleep.” Snow waited patiently. “I… Snow, I don’t know you.”
“Yes.” The guilt buried itself deeper. He wasn’t who she needed. He had failed to give her back that person.
“But you don’t deserve to be alone.”
Didn’t he? He had failed his royal so many times. He had taken things that weren’t his. A daughter, a body. A kind of fatherhood?
“I don’t matter.” He didn’t have the strength to stop the words from dropping from his mouth. He was a Protector. He was made to die, in a way.
Molly didn’t respond to that. Perhaps she knew she wasn’t one who could change his mind on that. Maybe she agreed. Or she was just too tired to argue this late into the night.
“Do you need anything?”
“... another blanket may be nice.”
--o o- o-o
It was his own face.
A stone statue with his curls and his eyes. A perfect replica.
Gar reached out as if to touch it, but his hand went right through the rock.
So he really was dead then.
Around his statue’s neck was his medallion, what he’d only had for such a short amount of time.
Gar had been in this building before. When he had first been in here, he had been so scared of having to go in a retrieve Snow’s medallion. To have that kind of life in his hands. What if he was never able to come back? Would Snow be stuck as a ghost? He’d never thought about the positions being somewhat reversed. Then again, why would a Royal think they’d be a Protector?
The halls had been so cold.
Gar couldn’t feel that unearthly chill anymore.
He couldn’t feel anything. It was almost like being in a dream, moving like he wasn’t really there. Everything around him seemed fake.
He hoped Molly would come and get him soon.
He couldn’t be trapped like this, just to his thoughts.
Thinking about all that he had done wrong in his life. How many people he’d killed and hurt. All of the terrible things he’d done.
How many people he had failed.
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forkanna · 7 years ago
WARNING: Sailor Moon and related characters ©Naoko Takeuchi. Story/plot © me! Mostly based on the first season of the original anime (esp. Rei's personality), also the manga/Crystal. Rated T for some light sensuality and language.
This is a series of five fluffy oneshots, plus a bonus sixth chap. Enjoy! See below for more notes.
Act 1. Ami: Solve For Why?
Poor Usagi Tsukino had been studying for hours. All her life, school had been something of a challenge; grade one was the last time she could remember being as effortlessly adept as her classmates. Year after year, her best friend Naru had very little trouble with their classload, and she struggled with even the simplest concepts. Nevermind how her genius-level classmate Umino did, but he was clearly a special case. She had no hope of ever getting the material to take root in her head at this point. As much as she really wanted to be better, it just wasn't sinking in no matter how long she stared at the pages. So she defaulted to one of her usual depressurizing exercises.
"Usagi…" Ami Mizuno's voice was less than enthused, but still managed to sound patient even while it also sounded exasperated with her short attention span. "While I appreciate the balance and dexterity it takes to hold that pencil on your upper lip…"
"Thank you," Usagi replied through her teeth as she stared at the ceiling, twitching the lips back and forth to keep said pencil from falling off. "It's a real talent!"
"But we really should get back to studying. The test is in four days!"
Whining, she finally sat up, catching the pencil. "Come on, Ami! I can't do this! Face it, my brain is a bowl of oatmeal and nothing's gonna stick in there except a spoon!"
"Oh, Usagi…" But she wasn't disappointed or angry, the way her mother would have been. The crease in her noble brow and the clarity of her blue eyes told a different story: one of concern. "You really need to pass this. Your grades are so low! I just… I don't want to move on to ninth grade, and look back at you still being in eighth. That would be truly unfortunate."
"I knowwwwww…" Slumping downward, she looked at the pages. "Just feel dumb all the time."
"You aren't 'dumb'. Which is an inaccurate word, because it means you are incapable of speech; we both know you're highly accomplished at talking." That did make Usagi snort, and Ami leaned down catch her gaze before she smiled at her. "You're actually a very bright girl, Usagi. I just think you need… well, I don't know. Confidence, maybe? Or focus. Maybe you could try ginkgo!"
Her head tilted slightly to one side. "Does that really work? I mean, I'd try anything if it made me smarter."
"Well, that isn't exactly how it works. But some scientists do claim it enhances one's powers of retention."
"Ohhh." Not that she understood the difference; it still sounded like 'smarter' to her. Her mouth twitched upward. "Ami, why are you so nice to me when I'm such a dope?"
As she turned a page backward in their textbook, she said easily, "You're the leader of our team. I have to be nice to you." But the slight smirk when she glanced up again betrayed that she wasn't serious, and Usagi relaxed. "Now then, back to problem four…"
"What team?"
It was a shock to hear another voice in the room. Ami and Usagi both blinked a few times before turning to where Naru Osaka was sitting with her pencil dangling out of her mouth. They both gaped, having forgotten she was there because she was just quietly reading through the material.
"Pardon me?" Ami asked.
"I asked, what team? You said something about a team. I didn't think you played any sports."
"O-oh!" Usagi burst out.
"Oh, what?"
"Well…" Instead of either trying to figure out how to explain the situation to their friend, or telling her the sad news that she'd been forgotten in lieu of their somewhat more intimate conversation, Usagi just laughed. "The team of Usami! You know, Usagi and Ami? Since we… well, we've both got… oh, we were just kidding! D-don't worry about it!"
Naru raised an eyebrow at the way both of them were fidgeting, but then shook her head and turned back to her book. "Sometimes, Usagi, I really think you're losin' it."
                                              ~ o ~
Not that she was kidding. Usagi really was the leader of their team. Every so often, having a secret identity was something that she forgot about. Understandable, since it had only been a part of her life for a few months.
She needed a moment to take stock of her positioning. Left boot forward, gloved fists upon her hips. Shoulders thrown back and chest forward, back straight. Long blonde pigtails trailing out behind her on the slight breeze — she loved it when the breeze could ruffle her skirt and her hair, it made her feel so much more heroic. Satisfied, she cleared her throat very quietly, then shouted down into the night.
"Stop right there, Nega-trash!"
The abomination with mottled fur snapped its face up to look at her from where it stood, crouched over a hapless citizen. Lips pulled back from fangs into a snarl as it readied to drain the metaphysical energy from her body. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ami getting into a similar pose, so she decided not to wait any longer.
"I am Sailor Moon! Champion of justice! On behalf of the moon…" Leaping off the ledge, she executed a quick flip in midair that seemed so effortless to her now. Even if she wasn't always the best heroine, the moves came a lot easier to her now that Luna had unlocked her potential; it was only too bad that she couldn't translate that poise and confidence into her civilian life.
"I will right wrongs, and triumph over evil. And that means you!"
That had gone according to plan. Once she had delivered her line, Ami stepped out and said hers: "And I am Sailor Mercury! You're through here, you rapscallion!"
Rapscallion? Maybe they should go over their superhero banter after this battle. But either way, it was time to go to work.
That particular enemy didn't put up much of a fight. Today, their defeat came easily, and Usagi was left with the odd feeling of having extra time on their hands and that she and Ami had cheated somehow. On other days, they would wind up running for the hills, or flung around by their hair, or tied up, or flattened… the possibilities were endless, and Usagi's least favourite part of being a Senshi. The victories usually made up for that. Fortunately, their powers kept them from sustaining any lasting injuries most of the time, but now and then there would be a little residual bruising that carried over into their 'daily lives'. Rough stuff. She was glad not to have to deal with that this time.
"Whew!" Ami panted once Jadeite had vanished, done with his grandstanding for the night. They were leaning back against a pillar in a square near Akihabara, both eternally grateful the fight was over. "I… I need to sit!"
"Here…" Usagi put an arm around her as they walked over to the steps of a building and took a seat. Today, Mercury definitely had to do the most flipping around between the two of them, so she didn't mind supporting her. Once sat down, she sighed and patted her shoulder.
"Thanks," Ami panted as she wiped her forehead clear of sweat on the back of her glove.
"No problem. We Sailor Senshi have to stick together!"
They simply stared up at the sky for a few minutes and caught their breath before Ami asked, "Usagi?"
"Well, I was just thinking… do you ever think we'll be able to stop the Dark Kingdom for good? It's awfully taxing, just the two of us standing against the forces of villainy."
Nodding, she leaned back to look at the stars as she pondered. How many were there above them? A hundred, a thousand? She didn't know anything about astronomy, and didn't want to ask Ami for fear she would actually answer. A brainy girl like her was too smart to bother trying to educate a dimwit like herself. Maybe that was part of why she felt herself wanting to give up so quickly when they studied together.
"We'll be fine. We're pretty strong, right?"
"Yes, but it would certainly be nice to have more teammates. Didn't Luna promise us that she would find the other Senshi eventually?" Ami's frown was more concerned than anything. "I don't want us to be defeated. It would leave Tokyo defenseless."
"Wow," Usagi sighed, hanging her head. "You're a way better leader than me. All I was thinking was that I don't wanna die."
That made the frown deeper, and she turned to look at her, laying a hand on her forearm. "You mustn't think that way, Sailor Moon. All we can do is our best to fight the enemy; if that isn't enough, then we have given our lives in service of others. Isn't that the most noble way to meet our fate?"
"Way to get all deep on me." Ami did smile a little with humour, though the topic was too dark for either of them to truly laugh. "But… yeah, you're right. It's just hard; we're kids, Ami. I want to fall in love, get married, get a job. Maybe see Paris. All that stuff before…"
"Oh, I do understand; so do I. And we'll do those things if we have time. And if we don't, then this is the most important use of that time."
She couldn't answer right away. Ami was right. She felt selfish for wanting to argue against her, especially when she didn't have a decent argument. "Yeah, true."
"Okay. Let's go home and finish studying for-"
Throwing up both hands as she stood from the steps and began to walk away, Usagi exclaimed, "GOD, Ami, not tonight! I need sleep or I really will kick the bucket way too early!"
"Sailor Mercury is right!"
They both looked over their shoulder to see a violet-furred cat perched atop a nearby wall, eyes gleaming in the relative darkness. Usagi groaned. "Should have known you'd side with her, Luna. But I'm so sleepy!"
"There can be no rest when you're handling both Senshi duties and your future on Earth!" Luna's paws made a soft tmp as she landed next to them. "It is quite late, but you can at least go over your books for a few minutes before bedtime! Now let's get a move on!"
She din't miss the way Ami snickered very softly into her hand as they went on their way. Privately, she wanted to trip the both of them for being so mean, but she was way too tired to even try. Maybe she could go crash at Naru's place…
                                              ~ o ~
The night before the test had arrived. Every evening before, as long as they weren't called upon to defeat the forces of the Dark Kingdom, she and Ami had been up cracking the books — or that is, Ami was cracking the books. Usagi was bouncing between reading random manga, fidgeting, snacking, pacing the room, and idly wondering what was on television. Naru had enough of trying to get the information through Usagi's thick skull and had given up to study on her own. Ami got impatient with her a few times, as well, and though Ami's "shouting" never really involved raising her voice or using unkind language of any sort, the night before had resulted in a teary breakdown that left the slightly-taller Senshi patting her leader and offering her a handkerchief.
Now was crunch time. Usagi was starting to get the most simple concepts, but it was as if her brain were stretched to its absolute limits instead of just gearing up for the tough stuff.
"You can do this!" Ami encouraged her. "Where does Y go?"
"Y bother?" she tried to joke with a hopeful smile. Ami's face didn't change from its stern-but-patient expression. That was starting to drive her crazy; she almost wanted her to snap at her again. "Okay… um, here?"
"Sorry, no." After a pause, she sighed. "Alright. We can take a break. If you don't need it, then I certainly do."
Letting out a long, slow sigh, she whined, "Ami, you should give up on me and go home. I'm a total reject! Like, I'm really trying and I just can't make myself care about a bunch of stupid numbers!"
"Think of it another way. This isn't about what you want to be doing and what you don't. It's a necessity. Like taking a bath, or doing your chores. They may not be the most fun of activities, but they're important for your life, aren't they?"
"Hate chores, too," Usagi muttered, lips pouting.
"Alright, alright." Thinking another moment, she held up a finger. "Imagine you're buying the latest Sailor V video game. You really want that game and have been dreaming about it since you read about it in Nakayoshi. But in order to get it, you have to save up your allowance for a few weeks. It's not easy because you like to eat sweets at Fruits Parlour, or buy hamburgers or other fun things."
She had to work hard not to grumble "Are you calling me fat?", but instead kept listening to Ami.
"But if you do the hard work, force yourself to save your yen and avoid the temporary pleasure, you can eventually get the reward. Your game."
"Yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying. But what's the reward here? Just passing a class? It doesn't matter. I'm not really good at anything; I'm not even that good at being a Senshi, I'm just the only one with the tiara. So even if I finish high school, what's next? University? I'm not getting into any of those with my grades! And if I did, what would I study? No idea, I can tell you right now." Sighing, she slumped down against the table. "Mom's right. Everybody's right; I'm just… useless, lazy, and pointless. So maybe I can do that thing you said and sacrifice myself for the planet. If I suck at life, at least I can do something with my death."
The room was quiet for a few seconds. Usagi finally spared a glance over at Ami, expecting her to sternly tell her to get back to work, because her whining wasn't helping. Which was very true. But instead…
She was crying? Why crying?! That was the weirdest reaction she could have! "Ami? What's wrong?"
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Usagi…" Her hand swiped at her eyes. "I just hadn't realised… how little you think of yourself. And it really isn't fair."
"What do you mean? I don't…" After an awkward second, she got up and moved to her dresser to retrieve a packet of promotional tissues from some new store in the neighbourhood, popping it open and offering one to her friend. She took it, blotted the rest of her tears away, then smiled up at her. It was so watery and laced with emotion that Usagi could only glance at it out of the corner of her eye.
"You're an absolutely wonderful person, Usagi Tsukino. So what if you aren't as w-well-read, or adept at arithmetic as some? That isn't a measure of your character. You're very smart in your own way."
"No way," she laughed softly, even though she did feel a slight warmth in her chest from the mild praise.
"Yes, way! Goodness, you have an innate sense of how to strike the Enemy that I can only hope to cope with through my strategising — and I can only do that thanks to years of chess matches. You've never played chess in your life, I'm fairly certain, and yet I never outshine you on the battlefield. Something's working in that brain of yours, even if you don't want to see it. And that's not even getting into… how kind and generous you are, how thoughtful. I've never had a friend so loyal as you in all my life, and if you think that's 'pointless', well then… you can just think again!"
By the end of that, Ami had hopped to her feet and begun shouting. Usagi felt an odd mixture of reactions, both chagrin from being scolded and her heart pounding from how sweet her tutor-and-comrade was being. Over nothing! Her own eyes were plenty wet by now, and Ami had stopped blotting the tracks from her cheeks.
So Usagi stood and took the tissue from her fist with a couple of tugs. Then she began drying the moisture away with gentle pats while Ami shivered.
"It's okay. Wow, I'm so dumb, I didn't think… I didn't mean to make you cry just because I'm such a whiner! Can you… can you forgive me?"
Her sob turned into a chuckle toward the end. "See there? I'm crying over n-nothing, and shouting at you, and y-you're apologising for nothing. You're so sweet…"
When Ami embraced her, she was caught completely unawares, and could only catch her and pull her in close, fingertips gouging into the back of her shirt, raking through her short bobbed hair. Somehow, even though she had known her less time than her previous best friend, Naru, this brainiac had become equally important. Crucial, even.
"Ami, thank you so much! I'm sorry for b-being so… w-waaahhhh!"
Of course Ami's first reaction to her bawling was to laugh. As often as Usagi broke down in a puddle of childish sadness, no one was ever surprised. But this time, no one was chiding her, or asking her to tone it down. There were only soft lips pushing into her forehead, gentle hands caressing the sides of her face.
"Shhh, shh. I didn't mean to shout; that was unbecoming, and probably didn't make you feel like you had any more self worth. You simply mean a lot to me, Usagi. More than you might expect."
"Why? I don't really understand… I m-mean, I know what you said, but I don't really see how being nice makes me different from anybody else."
"Because you don't have to be nice. You're a Senshi; you could use your powers for evil, and yet you do not. You use them to fight the true evil in this world. And that… is as noble as the policemen and armed forces. They get medals for their service; we don't even get to tell anyone we're doing it. More than that, you were already doing this before we met, and all on your own! So… I think you're very brave. Nobody could tell me otherwise."
"Brave? That's…" Swallowing hard, she looked up into Ami's eyes. "But you're much braver than I am! I've never heard you complain about going out on patrol, or having to fight Nega-dweebs!"
"I'm not brave. If I were… I'd…" Her words cut off.
"You'd what?"
"It's nothing." But when Usagi's gaze didn't waver, Ami looked down toward the floor between their bodies, at Usagi's fuzzy bunny slippers and the carpet beneath them. "You know… those things you've felt about Tuxedo Mask?"
"Tuxedo Mask? I mean… um, sure, but what things?"
"How brave and fearless he is. Beautiful to you, both because you like how he looks in a suit, and because of his heroism. It's not just one or the other, right?"
Usagi nodded without needing to think about it much. "Yeah, exactly. It's like, that Mamoru guy who keeps hanging around is cute, too, but he's a real jerk. I'd much rather have a chance with Tuxedo Mask, since he's the total package instead of… well, half a package."
That got Ami to giggle a little, at least, and Usagi chanced a tiny smile. "I've felt that way, too. I really have. Just… I'm not brave or I would have been able to say it. That's all I meant."
"Well…" The idea that they both were interested in the same man did throw Usagi for a loop. Jealousy was beginning to tingle behind her temples. However, Ami was her friend, and their friendship was very important. Much bigger than petty jealousies or worries about some guy she'd never said more than five words to. It was hard for her to do, but she forced herself to say, "Then if you feel that way, you should tell him how you feel. Like… I've tried with Tuxedo, but I keep getting tripped up on my words, and we're in the middle of a fight… but you shouldn't hold back! I might talk faster and more than you, but your words always come out a lot smarter! S-so… so I wish you the best of luck!"
This silence was longer, heavier. Ami crossed to Usagi's window, wiping her tear tracks away. Usagi followed, but didn't quite touch her; merely stood within arm's reach, to one side and watching.
"What if… he… isn't a 'he' at all?"
"I'm not brave. I merely do what my higher cognitive functions tell me to; self-preservation. Because admitting my feelings to myself means I ought to admit them to the other party, and I can't tell her or else I'll… risk everything. And that isn't anything like courage, it's just… protecting myself."
Somewhere in there, while doing her best to keep up with it all, she did catch that one word Ami might not even have meant to say: "her."
"Wait, are you… Ami…" The way her friend's entire frame tensed up and she gripped the window ledge sent a panic through her, so she hurried to squeak, "Sorry!"
"What are you sorry for this time?"
"No, I…" Clearing her throat, she tried again, "Do you have a crush on a girl?" No answer. Fidgeting, she whispered, "Do you… have a crush on… a girl I know?"
"Decidedly yes."
"Is it Naru?" Her head shook from side to side. By now, Usagi was beginning to feel lightheaded, but she persevered. "That only leaves me. But I mean, if you liked me you would have… said…"
Finally, Ami turned around with her eyes wet. "You already act like you're disappointed, s-so I'll get my things. This really wasn't how I meant to tell you! But now the cat is out of the bag. I apologise, Usagi."
The blindsided blonde watched her collecting her books for a few seconds. Everything felt like it was happening so fast, but seeing that made her drop to her knees and grasp both of Ami's arms.
"Don't go. Okay? Don't… I'm just… really wigging out right now, but I promise it's not- I don't think you did anything wrong."
"Never said I did anything wrong. Just… it isn't right for us, either. We're both Senshi, and it's such a bad idea-"
"Hey, whoa, whoa, that's not…" Realising she wasn't even sure what she had been about to say moments before, Usagi tutted and leaned in closer to Ami. "I mean, I've never thought about… girls… in that way before, but like, not everybody's the same. I've heard of this! I think… yuri? S-so if we have a word for it, that means it has to happen once in awhile, and if you're one of those people, then that's… that's great! I mean, good for you!"
At the last line, one of Ami's eyebrows twitched up and she had to suppress a smile. "Oh? You're congratulating me on being attracted to women? That's probably a first."
"Well hey, I mean, I just learned something new about my friend! Getting to know a friend is a positive thing, right?" Both of their cheeks were a little rosy now. "I just never… well, of course I like girls, but I don't know about like-liking them, it's… but I did think you were really pretty when I first saw you…"
"You did?" That seemed to shock Ami out of her self-loathing. "Oh no, why would you? I'm so plain…"
"Nuh-uh! You're mega cute!" Ami's blush only got worse, and Usagi realised she was basically hitting on a newly-out lesbian, so she dipped her head slightly. "U-um, if that's okay for me to say. But I… I don't know what to do with this information exactly, but you can bet I'm not mad, or uh… sad? I don't know."
Both of her shoulders rose and fell. "To be honest, I never gave much thought to dating either gender until recently. Even with these feelings, it's still less strange for me to think about women than men, but the whole idea of dating anyone seems… unattainable for me. Since my interests are so nerdy and uncommon."
"Well, I think your interests are cool. Just way over my head." She stuck her tongue out, and Ami giggled again. Then she leaned a little closer. "Do you, um, maybe want a hug? And like, to sit back down? Because you look like you might faint."
"Yes," she admitted with a weary nod, accepting the embrace. Usagi didn't hold back; maybe she was a teeny bit less comfortable hugging her, because now she knew what it could mean to Ami, but at the same time she also knew in her own 'higher cognitive functions' that nothing had really changed. She and her partner-in-crime-fighting were still friends, and could still study together. It just might mean a little more to Ami than it did before.
Once seated by the table again, Usagi didn't take her arm away from around her. And Ami laid her head on Usagi's shoulder, humming contentedly as they arranged the books to look through them again. Much to her own surprise, she didn't mind this. Ami fit together with her as snugly as Y fit into the equation.
Y fit into…
"OH! I got it — that's the inverse! Right, Ami?"
"Very good!" Ami laughed, and Usagi clapped her hands in triumph, then pumped both fists in the air which only made her laugh harder. "See? All you needed to do was stop overthinking it so much. Not that I intended for my sexuality to be the necessary distraction…"
Sticking out her tongue, she said, "It works as a pretty good one, I guess. This time. But hey, at least I'm finally getting somewhere! Go, me!"
"You are. And to the victor go the spoils!"
When she kissed Usagi's cheek, it nearly sent her scrambling away, but she managed to fight down her reaction to a mighty blush and a dopey laugh that made Ami grin even wider. "Th-those are definitely spoils! I feel spoiled!" She still wasn't sure about returning the affections; she definitely bore her friend no ill will for having them, but knowing whether or not she felt the same was another story entirely! After a second or two, she reached up to cup her cheek; that seemed safer. "Um… I'm not really sure what you want from me…"
"Oh, this is fine," Ami reassured her. She sounded so confident; it was impressive, given how vulnerable she had seemed when confessing. "Please don't think I'm requiring anything further. My feelings aren't your feelings, and assuming otherwise would be silly."
"But… I do think you're really…" What else could she say? At a loss, she kissed the top of Ami's head, and heard her cooing, which immediately made her giggle stupidly. "This is so weird, but it's also… nice? Does that make sense, or am I nutso?"
"Don't feel weird. I love it. Even if it's only temporary… it's very sweet of you to indulge me."
"Um… do you wanna try some other stuff? Like, I know I sound like I'm about to implode, but you're my friend, and like… I don't know, if this is just a 'Class S' phase thing…?"
"It isn't in my case," Ami assured her, though she didn't look offended that Usagi had brought it up. "I'm very comfortable in knowing that I find both men and women attractive. Some girls go through a phase like that of liking other girls before they become women, I suppose, but I'm at least reasonably certain my phase is permanent."
One hand behind her head, she laughed, "Hey, that's cool! You know yourself better than anybody else does!"
"Yes," she laughed lightly. "As for 'trying stuff'... I'm also not sure I'm terribly interested in those activities. Which made it difficult to be sure I like girls, to be fair, since I'm undecided on whether or not I want to have sex with either gender."
"SEX!" Usagi burst out. "I meant like, maybe kissing or holding hands or something!" They both giggled, more from relief on Usagi's part.
"Well… if you did want to kiss me, I wouldn't be opposed. In fact, I'd love that very much, but I wouldn't dare ask it of you if you aren't interested in trying."
Both of Usagi's shoulders rose and fell. "Why not? Even if I don't end up liking kissing girls, at least I'll get some practice before I kiss a boy."
"Mm. Then go on; practice away."
At first, Usagi wasn't sure what she meant. Go on? And do what? But when she got the sense that Ami was waiting for her to move, her slow brain fully realised — she was supposed to kiss Ami. Not the other way around. Was she really alright with that? Though it would be a bit wishy-washy to back down after she had made a point of telling her that she would try things out with her if she so desired. Which apparently, she did.
"Oh," Usagi breathed when she was cupping Ami's cheek. "This feels… I dunno."
"No way! I just didn't think I'd ever be… on this end." By which she meant, Ami was reclining just enough so that Usagi was positioned above her, looking down into her patient, canny eyes. How was she supposed to play the more 'masculine' role when she had no experience with that?! Ami's little bow mouth was parted very slightly, waiting, willing. She leaned down…
It was far better than she had any right to expect. Really, she had expected for it to feel weird, like kissing her brother or something similar, but Ami's mouth was so sweet and vulnerable, completely at her mercy, that connecting it with her own was just… easy. Even without knowing what she was doing! When she began to move her mouth a little, she heard a hum of approval that got her trying more, kneading her lips back and forth, breathing softly along her cheek as their heads tilted in opposite directions. Hands came to rest on her chest, and she slipped her own around Ami's waist, feeling that was somehow the best thing for her to do.
And she didn't hate it.
"Nhh!" she burst out when she felt a tongue prod her bottom lip, drawing away. "Whoa, what was that?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Ami piped up, blinking a few times and covering her mouth. "Was that too forward? My reading told me that was the next progression…"
"You've read about this?!" Then she shook her head and pushed her hands into her cheeks. "Wait, of course you have. You study up on everything. But wow… okay, that was… really interesting, and like, better than I thought…"
Those soft, properly-warmed lips pushed into her cheek again, and Usagi sighed. "What did you think it would be like?" Usagi didn't want to answer. Eventually, when no answer came, she nuzzled her jaw and whispered, "I enjoyed myself. And if you did, we could try it again sometime, but not tonight, I should think. You'll want time to adjust."
"Uh-huh…." Another cheek-peck. "Wow, Mizuno-chan, you're such a temptress."
"I am?!"
"Well… okay, maybe not. But you are super confident, and didn't seem scared at all, which helped somehow. Like, I wish I had that going for me!" This time, she was the one to lean over and kiss Ami's forehead, which earned her a closed-eyed coo that made Usagi's stomach do flips. "Oh my GOD, you're so cute!"
Again, she squawked, "I'm cute, too?! Goodness!" While Usagi was laughing, she cleared her throat. "We really should get back to studying… but… I also wouldn't mind incentivising our study habits with a new reward system."
"Yeah? You mean… if I get one right, I get a kiss?" When she felt Ami nod under her chin, where her head was nestled, she whispered, "And I didn't even think I would want that like, five minutes ago. Now I'm not sure! But… j-just for tonight… what if we just assume that I like it and I'll figure out if I was confused tomorrow?"
"Mmmhmmm," Ami hummed with clear and pronounced pleasure. "I find this to be an acceptable proposal, Usagi. Let's begin."
Which is how Ami somehow got Usagi to her first math score that was above a 70. Their "reward system" was going to lead to a period of adjustment, and they'd have to do continual assessments of the situation as they went along. But not everything could be solved with the scientific method. Sometimes, it was pure chemistry.
                                               THE END
                                              [Next: Rei!]
MORE NOTES: Basically, blame Yamino for pointing out to me several times over the years that Usagi can basically be shipped with anybody. She's such a hapless lesbian (Usagi, not Yamino, who is a very cunning lesbian). So my idea for this, rather than trying to balance a 5tp fic that would end up being WAY too long and cut into my other writing projects, was to do a series of one-shots depicting what I imagine Bun-head falling for each of her close friends would be like. Feel free to only read the one(s) that interest you!
First, a couple of notes:
1. Each oneshot is its own separate "verse". This isn't Usagi burning through each Senshi in turn, they are "what if?"s independent of each other. So if you're wondering why one character doesn't have strong feelings of jealousy about her hooking up with another in the next "chapter", that's why. (Also you're more than welcome to pick the one you like best and accept that one as canon, rejecting all others haha)
2. Don't forget that this is taking place in the early 90s, so a lot of the technology and references won't be modern. Also that I'm going to try to keep Japanese terminology to a minimum but also I'll try to italicise it so you at least can more easily spot the words you need to look up (if you don't know them). I left everyone's names in American order (IE: Usagi Tsukino would be Tsukino Usagi in Japan). Even though I was a big fan of the DiC dub when I was small and I'll drop quotes from it, no, Sailor Moon isn't set in America and they don't go to Crossroads Junior High.
Anyway, I hope you like it (or at least one of them)! I tried to balance the five ficlets to be of similar length and definitely gave them each equal consideration; none of them were "rushed", trust me.
Tsuki ni kawatte, oshiokiyo!
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