#i think it would be cool to have nat go off on her own a bit after she's finally cleared by shield.......
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smallblueandloud · 1 year ago
note to future self: PLEASE write the soulmate au's laura barton fic, i Need it
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roosterforme · 11 months ago
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: The collection of letters that Bradley received from the fourth grade class provides him with entertainment while deployed. He takes the time to answer their questions and send a package back to the United States via air mail. But he has your email address. He also has a bit of a crush and some questions himself.
Warnings: Fluff, language
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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A few days later, when Bradley was done with his training protocols for the day, he returned to his bunk with a different mission in mind. While he unzipped his flight suit, he eyed the box which was taking up most of his nightstand, and a smile found its way to his lips. He managed to find a notebook that nobody wanted along with a thick, padded envelope, and he was going to take the time to respond to the fourth graders who wrote to him. 
He'd spent hours poring over the letters, laughing at some of the questions from the kids and frequently picking up that one photo. He couldn't stop going back for more. For another look at you. Just one more look. Okay, this really was the last one. He had to toss it across the small room toward his duffel so he could focus on something other than your smile and the fact that he might have a tiny crush on a fourth grade teacher who knew absolutely nothing about him. Yet.
The note from Jayden was on the top, and Bradley opened it up and started to jot down a response.
It was so nice to hear from you and the rest of your class. To answer your pertinent questions, I am currently stationed on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The most disgusting food in the mess hall is easily the cabbage rolls (which taste nothing like cabbage... or rolls). The best food in the mess hall is surprisingly the meatloaf. And yes, I would love to see a photo of your Cocker Spaniel. Please send one next time. I hope you're studying and doing your best in school.
Lt Bradley Bradshaw
The next note he decided to tackle was the one from Violet who had the tiniest handwriting he'd ever seen. The page had at least fifteen questions written out, but he decided to answer just a few for her. He had to squint as he skimmed through them again.
You seem very inquisitive. That's a great quality to have, especially if you want to be a pilot someday. No, I did not attend the Naval Academy. I went to the University of Virginia. Yes, the Navy is way better than the Air Force. Yes, I can hold my breath underwater for three minutes. Yes, they actually made me do it. No, I don't think I could make it as a Navy SEAL. Yes, I have been staying hydrated and getting enough sun, thanks so much for asking. Keep studying hard, because you have a lot of school ahead of you before officer training.
Lt Bradley Bradshaw
Okay, so this was actually a lot of fun. Up next was a response to the note from Oliver, which made Bradley laugh every time he looked at it. 
Thank you so much for drawing the different Naval aircrafts for me. I hate to break it to you, but I actually do not fly the F-35 Lightning II. Yes, I know they look 'sickeningly cool'. Yes, I know it would be like 'slam dunking off the back of a dragon'. I guess I never knew I was jealous of those pilots until right now.... But I fly the equally cool if not quite as sickening looking F/A-18 Super Hornet. And yes, I would be more than happy to draw my own version of one for you. See below.
Lt. Bradley Bradshaw
The ten minutes he spent replicating his own aircraft to the best of his ability for Oliver churned out a pretty damn good result. He fished his phone out of the nightstand and took a picture to email to Nat when he had time, because she would find this whole thing amusing. Then he reached for the letters from Harrison, Nia and Jackie. He wrote his responses, and after a bit, he had a decent sized stack of letters all ready to go back to the fourth graders.
After a few more days, he worked his way through the entire class, and each kid would soon have a handwritten response on the way. He just needed to figure out what he wanted to say to you. The pretty teacher from the class photo that he now kept tucked in with his personal items. He worked on that one last, writing your full name at the top of the page and wishing you didn't go by the very non-specific Ms. which gave him zero clue as to whether or not you were married.
The package you sent was the nicest piece of deployment mail I have ever received. Thank you. I'm lucky it ended up in my hands. I'm impressed by how much all of your students have learned about aviation this year. I just hope I did them justice in regards to the questions they had for me.
I also hope you don't mind that I replied to each kid individually. They had some very amusing stories and questions, and I wanted to acknowledge all of them. But there was one question in particular that I was asked so many times, I thought I'd answer it here instead. My call sign is kind of a silly one, so it's okay if you all laugh. I go by Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, and my helmet is mostly red, yellow and black.
Your kids seem like a fun bunch, but I bet they keep you on your toes. Feel free to let them know they can write back to me again, but please include my name on the package this time. I don't know that I'd be lucky enough to have it fall into my hands again by chance. I'll just be here somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for a few more months, ready to answer any questions you throw at me. Hope to hear back from you soon.
Yours Truly,
Lt Bradley Bradshaw
The following day, he packed everything up and dropped it off with the rest of the ship's outgoing mail. There was a rumor that a helicopter would be coming to pick it up in the next day or two, and he wanted to make sure it got back to California and those fourth graders as soon as possible. On his way back to his bunk, Bradley stopped by the lounge to see if there was an iPad free, hoping to send a quick email or two. He was in luck. He also happened to have your email address memorized.
You yawned at your desk and checked the time on your computer. Within the next ten minutes, your classroom would go from silent solitude to mass chaos, so you took a minute to clear out your email inbox. You had a few messages from some parents and a reminder about Spirit Week from the superintendent. And a random piece of junk mail that must have slipped through the spam filters. You didn't know anyone with a US Navy email address, and you didn't know anyone named Bradley Bradshaw.
As you closed your laptop, you gasped and tried to pry it back open again as quickly as you could. The Navy! The package you sent a few weeks ago! Maybe it was someone writing back to your class! Of course it could just be someone saying they were sorry that they didn't have time to engage with your students, but you figured even that was better than nothing. 
"Come on," you whispered, entering your credentials again before your inbox reappeared on your screen. The email was just a few lines long, but it was addressed to you by name. You were smiling immediately as you read it.
I just wanted to let you know that I got the mail you sent to a deployed Naval Aviator. There's a package on its way to your school for your class. It should arrive in about a week or two. Your fourth graders provided me with several hours of entertainment, and I hope they find my answers to their many (and amusing) questions useful. Thanks for the laughs, and thanks for the photos, too. Can't tell you how much I've been enjoying them. Hope to hear from all of you again.
Yours Truly,
Lt Bradley Bradshaw
You squealed and pumped your fists in the air. Someone actually got the box! And he actually responded! The other, older teachers thought you were just wasting your time when you deviated from the lesson plans a bit. Literally all of them said there was no way anyone would write back, even though you took the time to go through the proper channels at Top Gun on North Island. But now you could rub it in their faces, all thanks to Bradley Bradshaw who sounded like he'd had as much fun with this whole thing as your class had.
Then your day really started as Violet and Oliver burst into your classroom, calling out your name with excitement in their voices. The rest of your kids followed behind them, already asking about the plans for the day and what kind of adventure you'd be taking them on in each subject. 
When you clapped your hands twice and said, "Good morning," they all clapped and replied with their own greeting, and then they sat quietly with their gazes fixed on you. "Guess who I just got an email from!"
"The president!" 
"My grandma!"
"My Cocker Spaniel!"
"Oliver's grandma!"
You just shook your head and tried not to laugh as you said, "None of the above. But do you remember when we wrote and packed up those letters for a real aviator in the military to read?" Most of the kids nodded, so you added, "Well, he emailed us! And he sent us some mail that should arrive in about a week!"
And telling them that was a mistake. Because you didn't know a moment of peace after that. Every morning, you had kids rushing into the room to see if the promised piece of mail arrived yet. Every day you had to disappoint them, but you were finding yourself a little disappointed, too. You wanted to know what this Bradley Bradshaw guy sent back. 
You'd responded to his initial email letting him know you and the kids in your class were delighted to hear from him and that you would let him know when the mail he sent arrived at your school. He didn't respond, but you figured he was busy. Too busy to constantly muck about with your class while he was thousands of miles away on a deployment. 
And that was what left you standing at your desk with your mouth hanging open in awe when the padded envelope did finally arrive one morning. Because when you carefully cut it open, you found not just one letter to the class but individual handwritten notes, one for each child.
"Wow," you whispered, pulling the note with your name written on the top out of the stack. This man seemed humble and sweet, and his letter made you laugh in more than one spot as you read through it. Then you read it again. He sounded apologetic about responding to each individual kid, but you felt like your insides were melting. Who would do that? Who would take the time to give individual attention to a bunch of nine and ten year olds besides you? And you were technically getting paid to do it. 
Bradley Bradshaw seemed willing to continue to engage with your kids, and you weren't going to stop him. Because starting that morning, he became something of a legend to your class. A celebrity. A real lieutenant in the Navy replied to all of their silly questions, and their love of aviation just grew from there. You figured you were going to have to keep your lesson plans going a bit longer while their faces lit up as you walked around the room and handed them each their notes. You had taken the time to skim them beforehand, often laughing at his sense of humor which seemed to jump off the pages.
"Can we write back to him?" Jayden asked as everyone read their notes from Lieutenant Bradshaw. "I have more questions."
You smiled and nodded. "Yes, you may write back to him." Then you postponed your geology lesson until the next day and let them spend the next forty minutes writing some followup letters. You took some pictures of them diligently toiling away at their desks, excitement on their faces. Then you bit your lip and sat down at your own desk.
As you started to construct an email letting him know the envelope had arrived, your thoughts drifted to what he might be like. Humble and sweet, for sure. But he also made it a point to tell you that the box from your class was the best piece of mail he'd ever received while deployed. Maybe he was a little bit lonely. Maybe he was single. Maybe he was stationed on the west coast. Your thoughts started to get ahead of you, and it was hard to reel them in when you imagined him excited to see another email from you. Smiling when he was handed another box from your class during mail call.
Dear Lt Bradley Bradshaw,
We got the envelope from you today, and my kids are absolutely thrilled! I'm not sure if you know how hard it can be to wrangle eighteen fourth graders all at one time, but they are currently sitting quietly and working on new letters for you to read. Once again, please don't feel obligated to continue correspondence if you're too busy. I'm sure you have other people you could be writing to who want your attention as well. I just wanted you to know they are overjoyed that a Naval officer took the time to answer their questions about aviation.
I have attached some photos as proof that they are sitting still. Thanks again for making their day.
You signed your name at the bottom the way you always would from your work email account, and then you attached the photos. After a brief debate about adding the selfie you took with Violet where most of your face was visible, you decided to just go for it. Adding it to the mix wouldn't hurt anything. It wasn't like this semi mystery man would be up all night thinking about you. 
But you found that you were still thinking about him when you went home to your silent house and made dinner that evening. Maybe he was a little bit lonely, but maybe you were, too.
It was amazing how infrequently Bradley found himself thinking about Vanessa. He was busier now with his duties picking up a bit more as his deployment wore on, but even when he was tired and in his bunk at night, his thoughts seldom settled on her like he was afraid they might. He didn't miss her or her half-hearted emails, and he wasn't craving the connection of reunion sex with her. 
Instead, he was thinking about what a group of fourth graders were learning about this week and what their cute teacher was up to. It had been a few days since you emailed him, letting him know that his package was delivered to your school. You made it sound like the kids were excited that he sent it in the first place, and when he really thought about it, he supposed some officers would have just eaten the snacks and tossed the notes in the trash.
He didn't reply to the email yet, still thrown off a bit by the pictures you attached. Your classroom was vibrant, and the kids were absorbed as they worked on more notes for him to read whenever they happened to be delivered to the carrier. But the photo with you in it held his attention longer than it should have. The fact that you were working at a school that was just a handful of miles from his damn house made him feel warm.
But what would he do about it? What could he do about it? Nothing. He didn't want you to think he was creepy. He still knew essentially nothing else about you. The only thing he could do was keep it friendly if not professional. Unless of course you did something to push the boundaries of conversation into a more personal realm. God, if you did....he didn't think he would be able to handle it. 
The next day, when he was heading out on deck to talk to the mechanics who were doing regular maintenance on the aircrafts, he took his phone. "Hey, you mind if I take a few photos of some of the engine parts? I want to send them to a class of fourth graders who will think it's cool."
"Go ahead, Lieutenant," the head mechanic replied. Then he smiled and asked, "You dating a teacher?"
Well. Wouldn't that be something? Bradley would never run out of curious pen pals. He would always have some fourth graders to take interesting photos for and to send notes to. He'd always have a classroom to visit as soon as he got home from a deployment.
He couldn't help but picture you as the teacher.
"Nothing like that," he replied, his voice a little gravelly. "Just writing to some kids who are learning about aviation."
After dinner, when he had a chance to use an iPad in the lounge, he did his best to put together a response to your email that would at least hint at the curiosity he felt. 
If all it takes is mail from three thousand miles away to get your class to sit quietly, then I should probably be writing to you every day. But I'm sure you're a great teacher. That's a given considering how much your students learned and shared with me. And I can assure you that I'm more than happy to take the time to write to your class. And you. Please don't think I feel obligated, because I do not. I want to.
I have attached a few pictures of some F/A-18 engine components as well as some of my cockpit controls. Each photo is labeled, but please let me know if you have any questions.
It was nice hearing from you.
Yours Truly,
Lt Bradley Bradshaw 
As soon as he hit send, he wanted to kick himself. Should he have included a photo of his face like you had twice now? Or did he already sound too desperate to hear from you and your class again?
"Shit," he muttered, looking around the lounge as if there was going to be someone here proficient in the art of getting to know a fourth grade teacher without sounding stupid. But it was too late now. All he could do was wait for the next mail call or hope you decided to write back to his ramblings by the next time he checked his email. 
You were going to have to scrape your jaw off the floor. You had no idea what this man's face even looked like, but his hands were... something else. And his thighs... well, they were pretty great, too. It must have been too long since you got laid, because you were sitting at your desk in your classroom staring at the set of photos in your inbox, currently unable to look away from his right hand. It was wrapped around the throttle of his aircraft. It was elegant with attractive veins and rough calluses. You were sure that you were supposed to be focusing on the cockpit controls, but all you could see was that hand and his thick, muscular thighs below.
The next photo was no better for you. He was holding up his helmet with his call sign Rooster emblazoned across the front, and you were able to see his left ring finger. There was no wedding band. There was no evidence of an outline where a wedding band would belong. There was just his big, strong hand.
You whimpered softly while your students worked on their math tests. You couldn't help it as you took one last look before logging out of your email account. And now you needed to know if his face matched the very attractive image you had in your mind. 
When Jayden called your name, you rocketed to your feet like you'd been caught red handed. "Yes?" you squeaked, your voice sounding higher pitched than usual.
"I'm done with my test. May I have the hall pass and use the restroom?"
You handed it to him as the rest of your class finished working through the math problems. A few minutes later, when you collected the papers from them, Violet asked, "When is Lieutenant Bradshaw going to write back to us?"
It had only been a few days since you mailed him the second box of notes and some more snacks, but it made you happy that they were all so invested in learning more from him. 
"It will probably be a few weeks before we get anything in the mail. However... he did email me some pictures of engine and cockpit parts from the aircraft carrier for me to share with you guys." When you looked around the room, the kids were on the edges of their seats, excited expressions on their faces. With a laugh you added, "I was going to wait until tomorrow and use the projector to show them all to you, but if you're very well behaved for the rest of the afternoon, maybe I could pull them up on my computer for you to see them today."
Not two hours later, you were just as excited as the kids were to look at the photos... again. As they crowded around your desk, you opened up the first one of the cockpit to a barrage of questions. 
"Is that really his jet?"
"Is that the throttle?"
"What do all the buttons do?"
"Was this right before he flew it?"
Once again you were distracted, but you managed to click over to the next photo, and the kids gasped in delight. 
"His helmet is so cool!"
"It says Rooster!"
"That's his call sign!"
"Red is my favorite color!"
You just smiled softly and laughed. "Should we go ahead and start working on another list of questions for him?" you asked as you slowly scrolled through the rest of the pictures. "He said we can write back to him as much as we want to." When everyone cheered, you handed Oliver a marker and pointed to the board at the front of the classroom. "Let's start making a list."
You listened to all of your students call out questions for Bradley while Oliver wrote them down. Then Violet asked, "Can he send us a picture of his whole jet? From the outside of it?"
You cleared your throat and added, "Maybe he could get someone else to take the picture so he could stand in front of it. For size comparison."
Violet nodded, but you knew you were a fraud. Sure, it would be great for the kids to understand just how massive the F/A-18s were compared to an actual person, but you were the one who wanted to see all of Bradley. You were itching for it now. 
Later that night, you drank most of a bottle of wine and did something you promised yourself you'd never do. You logged into your work email account after nine o'clock. You skipped over the handful of unread emails from parents and clicked on the icon to compose a new message. With your liquid courage goading you on, you typed up a response to Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw and hit send before you could think twice.
Thank you for the photos. They were very enlightening. We especially liked the ones where you were showing off your cockpit. Or I did, anyway. The kids liked all of them and started on another list of questions for you. Good luck getting rid of us now. 
We were wondering if you could have someone take a picture of you standing in front of your jet. For size comparison purposes. And also because my students would like to know what you look like. Hearing from you makes our day even better.
You couldn't believe how forward you were being with this man who you'd never even met in person, but you fell asleep thinking about his hands and what they might be capable of.
This Bradley makes me swoon. I've never wanted to be a fourth grade teacher so badly in my life. There is something that's starting to blossom between them even though they haven't even met in person. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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wandussyfantasy · 10 months ago
request (i hope its still open)
powerbottom!Wanda x Beefy G!P reader
(this is gonna be kinda long and dirty so be prepared)
Reader and Wanda are both college students who have been mutual pining each other, Wanda tells Nat that she likes reader and really wants to get down and dirty with them but doesn't know what to do Nat gives Wanda these chocolates (which is like those sex Viagra chocolate things) and tells Wanda to invite reader over for a movie night and share the chocolate, and that leads to hella sexual tension and they both can't hold it in anymore and fuck, Wanda rides readers abs and also handcuffs reader to the bed and she teases reader a lot and after a while reader just wants to touch Wanda so bad that they break the handcuffs which turns Wanda on even more and they fuck hard, lots of overstimulation and maybe some breeding (also maybe some fluff at the end as well as reader wants to live in this moment forever so reader uses Wanda's polaroid cam to take a pic of her naked and saves it in their wallet)
sorry this is long but if you do decide to write it just have fun with it and add your own stuff as well, love your fics <3
Study Date
Summary: Wanda and Reader have wanted each other for so long. Natasha, being the good friend that she is, helps the two speed things along and realize just how much they want each other.
Pairings: Wanda x NB!AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,767
smut, gn!reader shapeshifter, powerbottom!lwanda, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, fantasies, teasing, foreplay, and creampie.
“Hey Wanda, I noticed you weren't in class today. I thought I'd lend you my notes,” you say as you hand the pretty girl from your expository writing class your notebook. She smiles as she accepts your offering. 
“Awe, you're so sweet! You didn't have to do that! Thank you, I'll type this up and get it back to you as soon as possible,” she says. You smile back and tell her to take her time. The conversation falls flat but you don't want to stop talking to her. You stand there awkwardly as you try to think of something to keep the conversation going. Wanda was doing the same, she didn't want you to leave. She wanted to keep talking to you. She always wants to talk to you. “Hey, I heard there is going to be a party this weekend. My brother is hosting it so I'm going to be there and so will other people. Because it's a party! And that's how… anyway are you going?” Wanda asks nervously as she fiddles with the notebook in her hands. Natasha tries her best to not be repulsed by Wanda’s bad attempt at asking you out. She had no idea that her friend was crushing so hard on someone, let alone you. 
“Nah, I have a lot of studying to do,” you reply without giving the invitation much thought. “Maybe another time? This semester has been kicking my ass and I might lose my scholarship if I don't get my grades up.” You admit as you shift on your feet awkwardly. 
Wanda frowns and looks hopeless. Natasha rolls her eyes and then cuts in. “Wanda is a fantastic tutor,” she says. “Maybe you should ask her to tutor you,” she spells it out for you when all you said was cool. 
“I mean. Um. Would you have time to? I would really appreciate it,” you say as you gesture at Wanda. 
“Uh,” she looks at her friend.
“She is available tonight,” Natasha offers up. “I have plans so she’ll be alone in the dorm.” Natasha scribbles down information on a piece of paper and hands it off to you. “Let’s go,” she grabs Wanda and pulls her away. 
“See you later!” You shout at them as they leave. 
Natasha shakes her head as they continue to walk away. “That was pathetic,” she says to her friend. “I know you’re new to flirting but,” she starts as she opens the door for their dorm building. “That was not flirting. That was just… sad.” 
Wanda shakes her head, “I know. I know. I’ve never liked anyone the way I like Y/n before. I want them in ways that I’ve never wanted anyone before.” She presses her palm to her forehead as she blushes.  
“Like, losinging your v-card type of want?” Natasha’s eyes widen as her voice lowers while they walk to the elevators. “You hardly wanted to lose it to your Vision! And you were with him for three years!” 
“I know!” Wanda says as they enter the elevator. “But gosh, there is something about Y/n that has me,” she stops as someone enters the elevator. She puts her hand on Natasha’s shoulder and sends her a mind message to continue the conversation privately. “I’ve had several wet dreams about Y/n since I saw them running around the track field shirtless.” 
Natasha looks at Wanda with wide eyes and thinks, “They had their titties out on the field?” 
Wanda shakes her head. “No, they have a shapshifting ability. It’s why they prefer they/them pronouns because they can shift their physical appearance to how they feel they that day. And that day it was a male chest and it was strong and sweaty and-”
“Ok! I don’t need to know anymore. But that is quite an ability, I’m sure a lot of gender nonconforming people would love to have an ability like that.” She said out loud as they stepped out of the elevator. Wanda agreed. 
“I think they can do more but I could hardly focus. I started to imagine the possibilities and I was just happy mind reading isn’t one of their abilities.” Wanda says as they enter the dorm. 
“I’m glad it’s not an ability of mine either,” Natasha says as she opens the mini fridge. She flips through the different types of chocolate bars that she owns and smiles when she finds the one she it looking for. “I’ve been saving this for a rainy day and honey, it’s getting pretty cloudy.” She hands the chocolate bar over to Wanda. 
“Oh, I’ve been craving chocolate all day!” Natasha stops her roommate from eating the candy.
“Woah, not so fast. Wait for your date tonight. Share it with Y/n,” she suggests. 
“Why?” Wanda makes a weird face as she tries to figure out what is special about the unlabeled candy. 
“Just trust me,” Natasha quickly puts on a special bracelet that prevents anyone with telepathic or empathic abilities from entering her mind and she smiles as she flashes it at Wanda. “The less you know, the better.” She starts to gather her belongings. “I will be out all night. I gave Y/n your phone number so you should be receiving a text or something soon.” She looks around the room to assure herself that she has everything she needs. “Good luck, Wanda. I hope it all goes well. Just please don’t use my bed.” 
Wanda rolled her eyes at the bracelet and smiled at her friends departing words. The hug each other, “Thank you.” Natasha leaves the room. Wanda flops onto her bed as she waits for you to text her. She thinks about the times she’s seen you half-naked and sweating. How she’s wished to have your body on top of hers. Wanda bites her bottom lip as she fights the urge to slip her fingers between her legs and imagine that they are yours. 
Her phone pings with a notification and she springs up to look at it. It’s you asking what time you should arrive. She licks her lips she tries to make a flirty response but she ends up cringing at everything she types. She settles on just telling you to meet her an hour from now and flops back onto her bed with a sigh. She needed to get it together because in anhour you would be in her room and you needed tutoring. And some how she needed to work in sharing the mysterious chocolate bar with you. 
Wanda changed into something a little more suggestive and flashed on a set of lingerie underneath, just in case she became brave enough to try something with you. She cleaned up the room a bit and lit a candle that was enchanted to keep sound in any room that it was lit in. She doesn’t know why but she has a feeling she’s going to get her way and she won’t be quiet about it when she does. 
“Smells nice in here,” You say as you enter Wanda’s room. She shuts the door behind you. 
“Thank you, it’s a new candle I made. I kind of got into the trend,” she says sheepishly as she stands behind you. There wasn’t room for a sofa in the dorm room so there isn’t one. There was only beds and desk chairs as seating options. “You can sit at my desk,” she points to the desk that is between the beds. 
“Thanks,” you say with a blush, “Um, if you’re selling your candles, I would love to buy some from you.” Wanda’s cheeks flush bright pink as well as she sits on her bed. 
“I think I have a couple that I can gift you,” she smiles as she gets comfortable. “Alright, so what subject are we starting with?” She asks as you are pulling assignments out of your bookbag and setting them on her desk. She looks at the chocolate bar that was left on her bed and tries to think of how she can offer it to you without it seeming weird. 
“Um chemistry has been brutal,” you say as you organize yourself. You try to keep your eyes on the work in front of you because her shirt was tighter than the one you saw her in a couple of hours ago. It was hard enough to be around her when she had loose fitting clothing on. Now that it was accentuating her chest, you thought you might pass out. 
“Chemistry happens to be my strongest subject!” Wanda says as she leans over to look at your papers. She quickly gets into helping learn the formulas that you struggled with as well as a lot of the vocabulary that you had mixed up. Deep into the study session, Wanda starts to mindlessly break off pieces of the chocolate bar and eat it. 
You accept the pieces that she offers and by the time you've moved onto math, the chocolate bar is gone. You start to feel even hornier than when first walked in but you try to focus on the subject.
“It's kind of hot in here,” Wanda says as she fans herself with her hand. She doesn't know why but her body is on fire. Her clothes feel horrible on her skin but she can't take it off. Not with you here. Oh but she wishes she could convince you to take your clothes off. 
“Yeah, it um it is,” you shift uncomfortably as your eyes land on her glistening chest. Wanda’s eyes are glued to your chest as well. The sweat on your body was causing the white fabric of your shirt to become see through. The shirt was clinging to your abs, exposing your six-pack. “Maybe I should um-” 
“Fuck me,” Wanda gasps out as she bites her lips. “I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from I-” You cut her off with your lips. Finally kissing her after spending the past few years pining for her. Wanda responds to the kiss just as eagerly. She pulls on your shirt to pull you closer to her until you land on top of her. Your body against hers on her bed. She couldn't think of anything but your lips and your body. She needs you. She needs you now. 
“Are you sure,” you try to slow down your kisses. “We can stop at any moment,” you say as you try to catch your breath. Her lips start sucking on your neck and you let out a soft loud groan. 
“Why would I want to do that?” She says as she rips your shirt in the middle. You are surprised by her urgency. You didn't know that Wanda even liked you. “Wow,” Wanda gasps as she admires your naked chest. She unhooks your bra and her eyes grow hungrier at the sight. You get rid of the rest of the fabric of your shirt and toss it to the floor. You roll off of Wanda and lay next to her to start to get rid of your pants. You had most of your abilities down but when it came to sexual urges, there was one thing you couldn't control completely. That was the cock that is currently growing and will soon be straining against your jeans. 
But before you can unbuckle your belt, Wanda climbs onto your chest and kisses you on the mouth again. “I have an idea,” she says against your lips as she holds your face in her delicate hands. 
“Mmm, please share,” you say as you kiss along her jaw. She maneuvers you so that you are laying properly on the bed. Then with magic, she chains you to the bed. Wanda removes her tight shirt and short shorts to reveal the red lace bra and the black thong. Your eyes widen at her lingerie. You never thought in your wildest dreams that you would be here. 
Wanda straddles your hips and you groan at the contact of her skin against yours. Her thighs rest against your sides. Her pussy juices drip through her thong and land on your stomach as she starts to gyrate her hips on your abs. You watch her breasts bounce as she moves on your abdomen and you lick your lips as you think about touching her. About sucking on her breasts. Licking her smooth stomach. Wanda puts her hand on your breasts as she continues to use your abs to create friction. You moan as she plays with your nipples. She makes eye contact with you as she leans in close to you. She makes you think she's good to kiss you but then her hips slide down and her pussy starts to ride your bulge as her lips kiss your neck. 
“Fuck” you his as her lips move to your collarbone. She sucks on your skin lightly as she makes shapes with her tongue. You imagine her sucking your cock and it causes you to thrust your hips into her middle. She yelps and looks at you. Her pupils have taken over her emerald eyes as she takes your breast into her mouth. “Wanda,” you beg as you thrust your hips up again. She takes her mouth off of your chest as she sits up again. Teasing you by slowly removing her bra. You groan again as you fight against your magical restraints. When her breasts are exposed, Wanda drops her hands to your belt. She unbuckles the accessory and unbuttons your jeans. She pulls your zipper down and stops there. 
Wanda drags her fingers at the top of the waistband of your boxers. She is driving you crazy. When she slips her fingers into your boxers you can't take it anymore. With your super strength, you break the magic handcuffs off and grab Wanda and flip the two of you so that you're on top. “That was hot,” Wanda says as she kisses you again. 
You get lost in her lips as your hands touch her everywhere. You have them on her hips then on her breasts then on her ass. Her skin is so soft and you want to touch every inch of her. You begin to suck on her neck as you move to explore her body with your lips. She sighs and moans when you reach especially sensitive spots on her body. Her hands continue to trace the ridges of your chest. You drop her breast from your mouth and grin. “You like what you feel?” 
Wanda blushes as she grows a bit shy. “I’ve been dreaming about them,” she says with pink cheeks. “I’m sorry, I just want to appreciate them while I have them.” She reaches up and kisses your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she starts to suck on your neck again. Her hands start to trail further down your body. She starts to push your pants and underwear further down until your cock bounces out. You moan from the relief. Her eyes widen at the sight. Her ex-boyfriend was a super computer that looked like a Ken-doll in the private area. She’s only seen dicks online and none of them come close to what is laying against her stomach. She couldn’t imagine how it was supposed to fit inside her virgin hole. She is surprised that fear isn’t controlling her nearly as much as it has in the past. But she can’t keep the thought as you roll your hips and the base of your cock grazes her clitoris just right. Her lips latch to yours again. You are typically someone that likes to take it slow but something has your body buzzing with energy and taking over your actions. 
Wanda’s hand wraps around your cock and you roll your hips into her soft hand. You have imagined her jerking you off before. It was in a car or in a closet or at a movie and it was always after or during a date. It wasn’t this fast, or this amazing. Your hand doesn’t compare to hers. You have to pull away as you feel yourself near your edge. 
“I’ve dreamt about you too,” you whisper against her lips. You fall lower on her body until your head is between her thighs. You kiss her left thigh first then her right. Wanda wimpers each time your lips press against her thighs. With your tongue you trace letters along her thighs claiming her as yours. “I’ve wanted to be in this position since I saw you at the freshman mixer,” you admit as you drag your tongue along the crevice between her thigh and vulva on her right side. “But you were taken for two  more years after that.”  You lick the left side and Wanda licks her lips as she watches you tease her. 
“Now I’m yours,” she says desperatley, “I’m all yours.” Her fingers lock into your short hair as she pulls you closer to her pussy. “Show me your deepest desires, Y/n.” You nod as you put your mouth on her entrance. You slip your tongue inside of her and use your abilities to have a deeper reach. Wanda’s eyes widen at the sensations as she feels your tongue wiggling inside of her. You feel a wall as you extend your tongue further and your eyes widen as you shrink your tongue to it’s normal size. 
You pull away and ask, “Are you a virgin?” Wanda grows shy again and tries to hide her face in her pillows. “It’s okay to be it’s just, are you sure you want to… with me… like this?” You say as you crawl up her body and remove the pillow from her face. “I just don’t want you to regret your decision later if there are reasons you waited this long,” you tell her softly. 
Wanda gazes into your eyes and takes your hand and brings it close to her. She kisses the palm of your hand as she holds eye contact and then places your hand over her heart. “I'm sure,” she answers softly. Then she pushes you back so that you lay on the bed. She pulls your pants and boxers all the way off and tosses them behind her. “I want you so bad right now, Y/n. I've wanted you for a long time.” She says as she moves her hands up your thighs until they meet in the middle to give attention to your cock again. She kisses the tip of your penis. Her soft plush lips send shivers down your spine just before she wraps them around the bulbous head. Your head falls back as she deep throats your cock. Taking as much as shee can down her throat without gagging. You’ve never seen that before. You can’t believe it. Wanda removes her mouth and you lift your head back up to watch her. “I don’t have a gag reflex,” Wanda smirks. You make a confused expression and Wanda giggles. She taps her temple, “Mind reader.” 
You sit up on your elbows, “Hold on,” you stop her from sucking your cock again. “You’re telling me that you’re more than a witch?” You shake your head. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry for what you saw today. I promise, I like you for more than-”
“No, I don’t… I didn’t read your mind earlier. I,” she crawls up your body and sits on your chest again. She holds your face as she tries to explain her abilities. “I don’t like to know what other people are thinking so I take something that decreases my ability to read peoples minds. I can only read your mind when I’m touching you. I wasn’t doing that earlier,” she explains. 
A slow smile graces your lips. You move your fingers a long the length of her arms. “Does that mean you’re seeing what I’m thinking about now.” You take the palm of her hand and press your lips against her soft skin. The hitch in her breath is enough to let you know that she can see exactly what you intend to do with her tonight. “And what do you think?” 
Wanda leans in close to your lips and whispers, “I already told you to show me your deepest desires. So stop stalling.” She meets your lips in a slow, deep, kiss. Every time she kissed you she felt the effects of something grow stronger. She couldn’t place where it was coming from but she has a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with that chocolate that Nathasha was being so weird about. It didn’t matter anymore. She was so close to having exactly what she wants. 
“Yes, ma’am,” you say with a raspy voice as you kiss her back. You move your hands down her body and rip her thong off of her. You aim the tip of your penis at her entrance and slip just the tip in to tease her as the two of you continue to kiss. You pump in her softly, slowly stretching her out with your girthy cock. Wanda’s mouth falls open as you slip inside her previously untouched walls further. You move your kisses from her lips to her cheeks then to her neck. Her hands move from your face to your shoulders as she helps you lower her further onto your throbbing rod. Her nails start to dig into your skin and it causes you to lose control of your thrust as you break her hymn in one strong thrust. 
“Holy shit,” she gasps. “I can feel you,” she says as you lick the sweat off from her collarbone. “You’re stretching me,” she moans as you thrust further into her. “I’m so full with your cock,” she continues and you groan as you bring her breast into your mouth. You get the full length of your dick inside of Wanda’s tight walls and you nearly bust a nut from how amazing she feels around you. “It feels so good,” she says while she moves her hips. You smile with your mouth full of her boobs. Then you drop it with a plop as you grab her hips.
You begin to pump inside of Wanda and fuck her as hard as you can. She is shocked by the pleasure she is feeling from such force but she is far from complaining about it. “Yes!” She screeches out as you pound her pussy with your thick meat. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She pulls you closer to her by wrapping her both arms around you. “Fuck you’re in so deep! Oh fuck! It’s so good! Fuck me Y/n! Fuck me!” She shouts as she continues to ride your cock while your hips slam into her. 
Your thrusts get so erratic that your cock slips out of her hole and you have to stop your hips from moving. You flip the two of you so that you are laying on top of her before you enter her again. “Ah fuck your pussy is so good, Wanda,” you moan as you enter her tight wet walls that is gripping your dick and pulling you further inside of her. “I’ve never done it raw before. Oh my gosh this feels amazing!” You say as rock your hips into Wanda. The sensitive skin on your penis is feeling every inch of her and you can’t believe any of this is real. 
“I’m so close,” Wanda gasps as her nails start to dig into your back. You didn’t know that you’d enjoy that feeling as much as you do. It drives you to speed up your thrusts again as you rub her clitoris with your thumb. 
“Cum for me,” you tell her and watch as her eyes roll back and her chest arches up into yours and feel as her walls squeeze the life out of your cock as if her body was trying to milk you. She screams out as she rides the waves of her orgasm. You don’t stop playing with her clitoris even after her body falls limp. 
“Don’t stop,” she says as she enjoys the over stimulation. You continue to rub her bundle of nerves while you pump your cock into her. 
“I’m, fuck, I’m close,” you warn her. “Don’t, mphm, worry. I’ll pull out,” you grunt out as you start to slow down your thrusts. That’s when Wanda’s legs wrap around your waist and lock you in. “Wanda what are you-” 
Wanda pulls you into a deep kiss. She dances her fingers along your jaw as you try to pull away. “Cum inside me,” she whispers. You head starts to shake but the request is too delicious that your eyes roll back as your cum starts to flow out of you and flood her pussy. “Mmm I can feel you pulsing inside of me,” she says as your cock empties inside of her. When you stop erupting, you try to pull out but Wanda shakes her head. “Not yet,” she says, “I don’t want to feel empty just yet.” You nod as you keep the two of you connected and sigh as you lay your head on her naked chest. Your limp body laying on top of hers. She is combing her fingers through your sweaty hair. “That was amazing,” she kisses your forehead. 
You give her a lazy smile with your eyes still closed, “It was. I wish we could live in this moment forever.” 
“I’ll allow it,” she responds softley. “But you’ll have to promise that you won’t want to be with anyone else.”
You make a face, “That’s an easy promise.” You lean up and kiss her cheek. “There is no one I’d rather be with.” You grab her hand and lay it on your chest over your heart. “You can even scan my mind. Sure, I’ve slept with people in the past. But I’ve always wanted to be with you. No one has ever invaded my mind the way you have.” 
Wanda bites her lip and sighs. “I don’t have to search your mind. I trust you.” She kisses your lips. 
After an hour of laying in her bed, connected to each other, you eventually pull out of her. Some of your cum flows out when you do and Wanda catches some on her fingers. She sucks them clean and you almost get hard again. But you manage to control yourself since you’re no longer under the influence of whatever you were under. You grab her polaroid camera from the top of her dresser and you point it at her. She gets shy and pulls some of her sheets over her body. She covers her face with her long light brown hair and you snap a picture. You wave it to help develop the image even though you know it doesn’t really do much. 
You smile as you look down at the image a year later when you’re getting ready for your wedding. You put the image in your wallet again and it’s still there when you’re racing Wanda to the hospital to deliever the babies. You glance at it when you’re sitting with her in the nursery as you remember the first time you got to have the most wild sex with Wanda and think about how the chocolate her best friend gave her led to all of this. Natasha confessed to what she did in her maid of honor toast. You have it with you on your tenth wedding anniversary and show it to Wanda during the special dinner. She blushes as she remembers how things used to be before the two of you became parents. Although she still made enchanted candles, the Tommy and Billy were quite disruptive with nightmares and bedwetting. It made moments that the two of you wer alone long enough to have sex that much more special. 
“You still have this?” Wanda asks as she was looking for cash to pay the pizza guy for the twins fifteenth birthday party. 
“Babe, I will carry this in my wallet until the day I die,” you tell her and give her a sweet kiss before running the pizza boxes over to the insatiable teenagers. Wanda paid the man and smiled to herself as she admired her younger form. She kept herself quite fit and so did you, but she couldn’t help but think that some areas were tighter in the picture than they’ll ever be again. She puts it back into your wallet so that you can keep your promise and you do. 
The End.
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vevobly · 3 months ago
Yellowjackets Reactions To Clingy Reader!
Jackie Taylor:
Jackie would be flattered at first, just absolutely enjoying the attention you're giving her and basking in the idea that someone values her that much. She'd just casually lean into it, and be all playful with you.
“Wow, you really missed me even though I was only gone for five minutes?”
But if your clinginess ever became too much, she'd lowkey try creating space from you; using excuses like needing to focus on something else. She wouldn't want to hurt your feelings and would try hard to soften any pushback with reassurance.
“You're sweet, really. Just, like, give me a little room to breathe, okay?”
Shauna Shipman:
Shauna would be a little awkward about it, unsure how to handle someone being so attached to her. But she'd tolerate it to an extent, especially if it seemed like genuine affection to her; making jokes about it eventually and easing tension.
“You really don't have to follow me everywhere, you know”
She'd say that with a small laugh. Despite her discomfort, she wouldn't be that harsh. And if you just happened to be one of the lucky people, she might secretly find it endearing that someone values her that much.
Taissa Turner:
Taissa would definetely take it in stride, appreciating you being loyal and close to her that way. She's naturally protective, so she might view your clinginess in a way as you trusting and feeling safe around her.
However, if it started interfering with her personal space or responsibilities, Tai would address it immediately and directly but kindly with you. She'd be firm, and understanding!
“Hey, I love hanging out with you, but I need to focus on this right now, okay? We can catch up later.”
Van Palmer:
Van would be amused by your clinginess, she wouldn't take it too serious and would probably even tease you with a grin about it every once in a while. She wouldn't mind the extra attention as long as it isn't constant.
“Wow, didn't know I was that amazing”
She'd probably find it cute that someone cares that much. But if it ever became too much? she'd probably nudge you gently toward independence like a mother would with her own clingy child.
“You know, I'm not going anywhere. You can chill for a bit.”
Natalie Scatorrcio:
Natalie definitely might have been caught off guard by your clinginess at first because she's not used to people being so openly attached to her that way, but she would just brush it off.
Over time, she would eventually warm up to it, seeing it as your way of showing affection to her. Of course, if it ever crossed a line, Nat would be straightforward about it with you. It'll be short and cool.
“Hey, I need some space right now, okay? Nothing personal.”
Lottie Matthews:
Lottie would handle your clinginess with an odd calmness and grace. Similarly to Tai, she'd see this as a sign of you trusting and valuing her. This would mean a lot to her despite what you think, and she'd hold it on a very high careful pedestal.
Lottie might even encourage your clinginess to some degree, just offering reassurance whenever you seem worried or needy. But if it starts to overwhelm her, expect her to guide you on being more self-reliant and practicing boundaries!
“It's okay, I'm here.”
Laura Lee:
Laura Lee would see your clinginess as a sign of you seeing her as someone comforting, which she'd take as a compliment. She'd be patient and kind with you, being very understanding and even encouraging a bit.
If it started becoming too much, she's addressing it like a therapist would with their patient. She'll suggest much "healthier" ways to spend time together without you being overly attached to her.
“I'm glad you feel comfortable with me, but..”
Misty Quigley:
Misty would absolutely just love your clinginess. Considering she thrives on attention and validation, having you attached to her makes her feel pretty special and valued.
“Oh, you don't have to apologize for wanting to be around me all the time!”
Out of all the girls, she would be the one to encourage it fully more. But her enthusiasm might turn possessive if she even slightly felt like you weren't as clingy to her anymore. So, expect the girl to work harder to keep your attention on her!
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lowkeyerror · 11 months ago
The Family Business Ch. 10
WandaNat x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Ch.Notes: no notes this ch
Summary: Natasha and Wanda have a talk about their feelings for you. After that emotional conversation they meet you at the hospital to visit Dragos.
An: If I were to say things get more real next chapter how would you feel...
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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The rest of the work day drags for Natasha and Wanda. Both women having other things on their mind. However, with Kate and Y/n out of the office on a hectic day like this, they couldn’t afford to dwell too much.
“Sestra, can we call it a day? I've never taken this many calls in my life,” Pietro barges into his sisters office.
“If you want to go home, then go,” she waves her hand dismissively at him.
“What’s got you so snappy?”
When Wanda’s eyes meet Pietro she’s glaring at him, “If you haven’t noticed I’m trying to run the company our father built on my own.”
Pietro raises his brow, “On your own? Discrediting my work is normal for you, but to act as if Y/n wasn’t running this place last night is bullshit.”
“Well she’s not here now,” Wanda mumbles under her breath.
“Why? Where is she?”
Wanda can’t hide the small clench in her jaw, “Kate took her home. She wasn’t feeling well.”
“She’s in good hands sestra if that’s what's worrying you,” Pietro tries to console her.
Wanda doesn’t want to speak about it any further, “I’m going to see papa whenever I’m done with this do you want to come?”
The way that Pietro's goofy features turn serious never cease to amaze Wanda, “I can’t tonight, I have a date.”
Wanda rolls her eye, “You’d rather get laid than see our father?”
Pietro shakes his head, “No, but this isn’t just some girl. I want this to be serious and I can’t afford to stand her up.”
The red head is slightly surprised, but she nods along, “I’ll tell him about it, I bet he’d be glad to hear you taking something seriously for once.”
He chuckles a bit before going quiet. He looks at Wanda similar to the way a needy child looks at their parent.
“Do you think he’ll wake up?”
“He has too,” the words are heavy as they leave her lips. She has a small smile placed on her face as she continues, “Mama will kill him if he doesn't.”
“Don’t work too hard sestra,” he speaks sincerely taking his leave.
“Enjoy your date,” Wanda says as he walks out of the door.
When he leaves she lets out a heavy sigh. For the first time today she lays her head down on her desk, exhaustion starting to plague her.
Thoughts of her responsibilities as the person in charge rain down on her. This was the end goal that she wanted, but never at this great of cost. She wished her father would wake up and reclaim his place because she didn’t feel ready.
She was focusing as hard as she could, but her mind always strays to her brother’s best friend. Your delicate skin pressing against hers in the morning or the strong arms that wrapped around her waist, or those doe eyes that she could sense staring at her.
Wanda debates for a moment before pulling out her cell phone and dialing the girl. It rings for a while before there's finally an answer.
“Hey, little krolik. I just wanted to check on you. Nat told me you went home today,” Wanda keeps her tone level.
You sigh on the other end of the line, “I’m ok. I think I just got a little overwhelmed. I’m sorry for stepping out, I know that's not how we do business.”
“It’s no different than me leaving yesterday. This line of work takes a toll on you.”
She can’t see it, but you nod, “I’m feeling better now. I still want to go see pa- Dragos. Maybe I could have Kate drop me off and I’ll meet you two there?”
“You’re with Kate?” Wanda can’t stop herself from asking the question.
“Yeah she took me home and decided to keep me company,” you say nonchalantly.
“I could’ve taken you,” Wanda tries to play it cool.
You disagree with her, “I didn't want to bother you while you were working. It was a hectic day, truth be told I didn't even want to leave.”
Wanda’s tone is strong as she speaks, “I will never be too busy for you Y/n.”
“I mean it. I know I’m supposed to move past it, but I missed a lot while I was gone. I couldn’t be there for you like I wanted to. Now that I’m back I’d like to be there for you as much as I can. I still want to be the one you lean on,” Wanda let herself be vulnerable with you.
You were taken aback by her admission. It felt like it was impossible for you to come up with a response. It wasn’t like she was saying something you hadn't heard from her before, but her words felt heavier somehow.
“I know you'll be there for me, Wanda . You don't have to prove it.”
Wanda frowns lightly, “I’m not trying to prove anything. I’m just- it’s hard knowing I’m not the first person you come to when you’re in need. I know you've grown out of needing people for the most part, but I don’t know. I’m not making any sense. Nat and I will meet you at the hospital.”
Wanda doesn't give you a chance to respond as she hangs up the phone. She scolds herself about how needy she sounded during the call.
“I think I’m finished up for today, whenever you’re ready to go,” Natasha strolls into the office.
Wanda stares at the computer screen for a moment, “I should be ready in half an hour.”
Natasha plops down on the couch of her wife’s office. It’s silent for a moment until Nat shifts on the couch which makes noise fill the office.
“So, do you want to talk about it?”
“ About what?” Wanda keeps her attention on the screen.
“What I said about being jealous of Kate?”
Wanda’s brow furrows, “Not particularly.”
Natasha strides over to the woman’s desk chair and places herself in Wanda’s lap. Wanda’s arms loop around the woman’s waist holding her in place.
“We need to talk about this moya lyubov,” the spy places gentle kisses on the base of Wanda’s neck.
The other woman whines, “Why?”
“Because we’re married and you’re in love with Y/n,” Natasha states plainly.
Wanda rolls her eyes, “You were jealous too.”
Natasha nods, “I was and I don’t have a problem admitting it.”
Wanda’s face buries itself in the crook of Natasha’s neck, “So what does this all mean?”
“I like her too,” Natasha states bluntly.
“ I don’t want to lose you,” Wanda’s voice is small as she speaks to her wife.
Natasha softly places her hand on Wanda’s chin, forcing their eyes to meet, “You will never lose me Wanda. I married you because I’m completely, utterly, madly in love with you. That feeling hasn’t gone anywhere.”
“I love you too,” Wanda’s eyes shine as they bore into Natasha’s.
“ I think we should think about what it would be like to add Y/n into our relationship dynamic,” Natasha speaks, but it sounds like a question.
Wanda tenses briefly, “I can admit that I have feelings for Y/n, but I don’t know if I can act on these feelings Nat.”
“Why not?”
Wanda closes her eyes, “I’ve known her too long, Nat. She’s the same age as my little brother, not to mention she's his best friend. If she doesn’t feel the same way, this will ruin everything.”
“I don’t know if it’s better or worst that we both want her. How would we even tell her Natasha? I don’t want to lose anymore time with her,” Wanda begins to get emotional.
Natasha cups her wife’s face in both of her hands, “Baby, I know you’re scared. This is scary, I’ve never been in a situation like this, I don’t have all the answers. All I know is that you love her and I think I could too. We’ve spent so much of our lives sacrificing for others, but I’m ready to sacrifice something for my own sake, aren’t you?”
“I am, but not at the expense of my relationship Y/n. I just got her back, Natasha. I’m not saying I never want to tell her, but I can’t do this now,” Wanda tries to turn her head away from her wife.
Natasha doesn’t let her, but instead places a soft kiss on her wife’s lips. Wanda relaxes under Natasha’s touch, feeling all of the stress of the day seeping out of her body.
“ Don’t hide from me, Wanda. I want you to share your feelings, I won’t ever judge you,” Natasha whispers against the taller woman’s lips.
“I don’t want to disappoint you. I know you’re ready but-”
Natasha shakes her head, “It’s not just about me, it’s about us. I don’t want to push you to do anything you aren’t ready for. If you want to pursue Y/n, I’m with you, but if you don’t, I'm still with you.”
Wanda nods softly, “I want to, but I- I need time.”
Natasha kisses her again, “Whenever you’re ready baby. Now finish up so we can go.”
“You’re not going to move?” Wanda questions her wife.
Natasha lets out an exasperated sigh, “ You can’t work around me?”
Wanda scoots herself into the desk. She slightly pushes Natasha to press into her further. The spy’s head is in the nape of Wanda’s neck.
“I can and if I’m being honest it’s my preferred method of doing work,” Wanda begins to focus on the computer again.
She works diligently with her wife in her lap. Having Natasha there makes her work go by a little faster and feel a lot less stressful. She finishes up within the hour.
Once she’s done Wanda shoots a text to Y/n saying that they were headed to the hospital. The girl replies saying she’ll meet them there.
Natasha drives, one hand on the wheel and the other holds Wanda’s hand. Her thumb caresses the back of the passengers hand trying to provide comfort, knowing that this was not an easy task for her.
Wanda had only visited her father once. She hated seeing him in such a fragile state. It almost didn't feel like he was her father. He couldn’t be the same man that took her to the city fair, the same mam that placed flowers in her hair, the man that invested his entire life in her dreams, it couldn’t be. This wasn’t the man that kept her safe from her nightmares, because looking at him in this state was beginning to feel like one.
When they arrived they went inside the building.
“If you don’t tell me what room he is in you won't live to the end of the week to regret it,” you argue with the receptionist.
Kate’s behind you her hand resting on your shoulder trying to pull you out of the conflict.
“Is there a problem here?” Natasha speaks up first.
“It’s family only mam, one more outburst and I will have security throw you out,” the receptionist said causing a vein to pop in your neck.
“Nothing that concerns you,” the receptionist snaps at the spy.
You interrupt, “You don't talk to her like that.”
Before things escalate any further Wanda slams her hand on the receptionist’s desk with her card under her palm.
“Now tell me what room my father is in, “ Wanda’s eyes look fiery as she stared at the receptionist.
The receptionist looks at the card her eyes go wide, “Terribly sorry for the mix up Mrs. Maximoff, didn’t know she was in your company.”
Wanda peers down at the receptionist, “You’re lucky I’m feeling generous today. I don't ever want to hear you address either of these ladies in a disrespectful manner again.”
“Yes, Mrs. Maximoff sorry about that. It won’t happen again. He’s in room 286,” the receptionist looked ten sizes smaller.
You can’t help but give the woman a death glare as you head towards the elevator. Kate stops you on the way.
“I’m going to head home are you going to be alright?” Her eyes subtly glance in Wanda and Natasha’s direction.
“I’ll be fine Katie,” you reassure her.
“Ok just checking. Text me later and make sure you're taking care of yourself,” Kate pulls you into a tight hug.
The sound of someone clearing their throat ends your hug with the doe eyed girl. Kate smiles at you upon the release of the hug, she then waves goodbye, leaving you with the married couple.
“And you’re sure you and Kate aren’t dating?” Wanda can’t help, but comment.
You roll your eyes, “Positive, Katie and I are just friends.”
“What did you do after you left work ?”
You all pile into the elevator as you answer, “Nothing really. We just watched some tv and ordered some food. How was it at the office?”
Wanda goes to answer but Natasha stops her, “No work talk out of the office.”
“Well then what are we going to talk to Dragos about?” You attempt to joke in hopes of brightening the mood.
“ You can call him Papa you know?” Wanda takes her time looking at you.
“I know-”
She cuts you off, “Mama too.”
You nod to yourself, “I know, it’s just not my normal.”
Natasha speaks up, “It honestly feels like you’re fighting against their names when you say them. Mama and Papa sound natural coming from you."
“It feels like they are my parents.”
“They are,” Wanda grabs onto your hand as you approach Dragos’ room.
The air feels different when you enter the room. It’s hard to look at him in such a state. He lies still on the hospital bed with machinery hooked up to him. There are less machines than originally, but still too many in your eyes.
Flora sits by the side of the bed with her hand in his. The view is somber, it takes nearly everything in you not to cry. Almost as if she can sense the tension building in your body, Wanda squeezes your hand.
“How’s he been Mama?” Wanda’s moved closer to her mother’s side, dragging you with her.
“The same, but the doctors are saying that's a good thing for now at least,” she sighs heavily.
“And how are you Mama?” You ask looking over the woman’s features.
Flora sends you a small smile, “I’m tired sweetheart, but I’ll live.”
“Have you been going home?” Wanda questions further.
“To shower and change clothes.”
Wanda’s voice takes a stern tone, “Mama, you need to rest.”
The older woman shakes her head, “I can't leave him for too long.”
“He wouldn’t want you spending all your time here,” you say softly.
“It’s not about what he wants for once. If he didn’t want me here he would’ve listened when I told him going to meet Fisk alone was a bad idea,” she glares at her sleeping husband.
“I’ll have his head for this,” Wanda gets agitated at the mention of Kingpin.
“Blowing up the ports wasn’t enough?” Flora comments.
“Power move, just to prove that there are no cracks in our business affairs,” Wanda’s jaw sets.
Flora looks at her daughter, “He’s not going to take this lying down.”
“I know.”
You squeeze Wanda’s hand to reassure her, “ We’ll be ready for him."
Flora lets out a sad laughter, “You sound just like him Y/n.”
“ That’s a compliment for the ages. I hope I could be half of the person he is,” your gaze falls into your lap.
“You already are. You kids have always made us both so proud.”
You desperately want to ask more about Dragos’ condition, but you refrain. The conversation stays light as you reminisce about the man.
Natasha doesn't say much, but her presence does provide someone to share with. She's hearing most things about her father-in-law for the first time. She's getting a good look into the man he is.
She pays attention to the way you and Wanda both light up when sharing stories. It warms her heart to see the two of you looking genuinely happy for the first time in weeks.
When it’s time to go the mood drops a bit, but not too much. It’s when Natasha goes to follow Wanda and Y/n out of the room when Flora stops her.
“You make sure they're taking care of themselves,” Flora hugs the redhead and whispers in her ear.
Natasha nods, “I will Mrs.Maximoff.”
They head home after that, exhaustion finally catching up to them.
A small dilemma plagues your mind when you get home. Part of you wishes to go with Wanda and Natasha into their apartment where you know you can get a good night's rest. The other part of you tells you that you shouldn't make it a habit. It's a lose-lose situation.
Begrudgingly you decide to go to your own apartment.
“I’ll see you guys later,” you try and give a small goodbye.
Wanda grabs your forearm, “You can come over tonight, if you need to. No matter the time. Alright, little krolik?”
Your eyes shift over to Natasha who smile, showing agreement with her wife, “The door is always open for you.”
You struggle to keep your composure, “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”
Your house feels extra empty as you enter. The weight of the day sets into your system. Getting ready for bed seems pointless as you know you won’t be getting any sleep.
Staring at the ceiling seems different, knowing that across the hall was the woman that you had spent your teen years pining over. Yet, knowing that she could love you didn’t make your heart flutter like it was supposed to. It sent an anxiety running through your chest.
You knew that she was probably curled up in the bed next to her wife. Her drop dead gorgeous, kind hearted, Russian spy, wife. A woman in a league of her own, in her own right.
The thought didn’t make you jealous, but it had an adverse effect on you. You wanted to be there, to be involved, to be a part of what they had.
You groan placing a pillow over your head in a dull effort to quiet your thoughts.
Your phone rings on the dresser and you pick it up, and mumble a hello with the pillow still over your head.
“Come over.”
There’s a hum over the line, “Yes, are you coming or do I need to come get you?”
You shuffle out of the bed, keeping the phone to your ear, “Is something wrong?”
She’s cut off by her wife, “Come to bed little krolik. I need the extra warmth.”
Natasha chuckles, “Wanda refuses to sleep in your absence. She’s getting a little grumpy.”
“ I’m not grumpy. Tell her to hurry,” Wanda argues with Natasha.
This makes your heart flutter like it’s supposed to, “Are you sure it’s ok Nat?”
“ Lisichka I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you back in our bed.”
You feel a blush take over your features as you exit your home.
“ Ok, open the door,” you murmur and it takes no time for the spy to let you into her home.
Natasha looks exhausted as she grabs you by the arm and drags you wordlessly to the bedroom.
Wanda’s already in the bed and when she sees you she does a grabbing motion towards you. You shake your head before climbing into the bed. She wraps her arm around your waist and snuggles closer to you.
“You sleep here now. It’s better for all of us,” She mumbles against your skin.
“Ok,” you don’t fight her on it, knowing she’d probably forget in the morning.
You look up at Natasha shyly. She still stands over the bed. In a similar fashion to Wanda, you stick out your arms for her.
Natasha grins as she climbs into your arms. You carefully drape your arm over the spy, resting your hand against her flat stomach.
For the second night in a row you find yourself comfortable in their bed. You all think about how you shouldn’t indulge in this feeling, scared it won’t last.
It’s like the couple can read your mind. Wanda’s hold on you tightens and Natasha turns to face you. They keep you safe in their embrace and the thoughts in your head quiet.
No one says anything, but you all feel it. There’s a shift in your relationship and you won’t be able to ignore it for much longer.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years ago
- I need you by my side -
Pairing: Royal! Natasha Romanoff x Princess! Fem! Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, tiny tiny bit of angst
Summary: you have known Natasha pretty much your whole life and you never thought you'd end up marrying her. On your first night officially together you learn to appreciate each other in more than one way (Medieval AU)
Word count: 7.5k
Warnings: top! Natasha, bottom! R, Nat has a penis, virgin! R, arranged marriage, very brief drinking, kissing, size difference, SMUT, oral (Nat receiving), balls sucking, cum eating, nipple stimulation (R receiving), fingering (R receiving), squirting, vaginal penetration, rough sex, cumming inside, a whole lot of fluff
A/N: this story contains smut so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. Both sets of parents are shitty tbh, but I guess it's accurate to the time period? The aesthetic in my head was very much game of thrones for this one. This is so much longer than I intended!! As usual likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy ♡
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It has been a long long day of making merry, a joyful celebration of honour and union for everybody, but also a dreadfully awaited day full of anger and resentment from your new spouse. You could feel it radiating off of her throughout the whole day, and the weeks prior for that matter, and the tiredness only makes her more frustrated as she walks next to you towards your now shared chambers. Her long legs and anger driven fast pace almost make it hard for you to keep up with her and for a moment the thought of telling her off crosses your mind, immediately followed by your father’s reprimanding voice, forcing you to calm down immediately. The moment the large wooden doors close behind you, the sight of the bed adorned with rich fabrics and clearly made to harbour two newly wed people makes you freeze as you can only move your eyes from to bed, to the other girl’s back on the balcony and back towards the bed. You both know what you’re expected to do and unfortunately sleeping the exhaustion away is not yet included.
In the meantime, Natasha’s blood boils even more now that all the tension she’s been holding back in favour of decency is coming back in the confinements of her, no, your private room. The thought of what she’s been forced to do only makes her feel that all too familiar anger that’s been eating her up for months now: she’s always known that she was eventually going to have to marry someone of a certain status and that the range of possible candidates was quite small, but she thought that the last word would be hers, it was promised to her! But the moment you became of age it was all clear, it was going to be you, it was always going to be you, there was never anybody else for her parents. All those times where they visited your family because of what they would say was a special friendship between them and your own parents, where she was always made to play with you, to sit next to you, to take you on walks, to talk to you, get to know you, it was all a lifelong plan to get to this very specific moment, you and her married. The fresh night air helps cool her temper as she turns around to lean against the cold stone of the balcony railing and looks at you, nervously pouring yourself a cup of deep red wine, only tasting a sip of it before repeatedly tapping the metal cup, lost in thought. She feels a lot of guilt whenever she thinks about you because, although she’s never been outwardly rude to you, it’s clear that you feel as part of her problem and that her reassurances don’t help ease your mind at all. The only people she’s deeply angry with are her parents, but seeing your sweet eyes, knowing how hopeful you’ve always been of finding a person to love for the rest of your life and that person forcibly being her, reminds her of how your lives have never truly been yours and how naive you’ve been for thinking otherwise at the empty words of reassurance coming from your parents. She knows she has to try at least, if not for her family, for you, for the respect she has for you, so she takes one last breath of fresh air to ease her nerves and walks back inside.
The smell of her favourite incense and the dim lights coming from all the candles give her a small sense of comfort as she slowly walks towards you, standing next to the table still with your wine in your hand, and pours herself her own cup, which she downs in one go.
“I was very happy to be able to catch up with Yelena, it had been a long time since I had last seen her”
At your words she looks down at you and can’t help but give you a little smile at your attempt at breaking the ice, knowing you’re not the most outgoing person
“She was very happy too, she couldn’t wait to see you”
She goes to sit on the bed as she talks, making your mind go back to that imminent moment. Seeing you nervously swallow the lump in your throat, she pats the spot next to her and intently looks at you as you set down your cup and walk towards her, taking a seat on the soft mattress: you can clearly feel the heat of her body with how close you are and secretly savour it as you both keep looking in front of you to avoid meeting your gazes. There’s a long pause where only your slightly shaky breathing and the distant sound of the celebration going on without you two can be heard, before her voice, strangely uncertain and almost a whisper, breaks the silence
“Have you ever done this before?”
You were kind of expecting it, but the question still makes your heart stop
“…kind of”
At your small voice she turns to look at you, confused by your answer
“What do you mean “kind of”?”
“I’ve done something, but not…all of it”
There’s almost guilt in your words and after reluctantly looking at her and meeting her expectant gaze, you go on
“There was someone who was always very…interested in me..”
You can feel her brain working hard and the realisation getting closer and closer until
“Wait, you don’t mean…”
You can barely give her a side look, feeling regret at your own actions from the past
“I know, I know!”
You really can’t look at her now, knowing her opinions on that certain Someone
“Not that asshole!”
“Yes, well, of course I didn’t listen to you and…I got used like a whore. But I’ve never been touched, if that’s what you wanted to know.”
She watches you looking down at your own fiddling hands with sympathy and sadness, knowing how genuine and even naive you can be with your selfless trust in people. Her hand on yours almost startles you and gives her the chance of taking your own in hers: you can see a small, healing cut on her knuckle and her rough palm, testimony of her constant sword training, is warm against yours, except for the two small, golden rings, which feel like ice against your own skin. The moment you take your eyes off your joined hands to look at her you find her eyes already on your face, making you look back down
“You have, right?”
“Yes, how do you know?”
You let out a small chuckle and start playing with one of her rings without even noticing, catching Natasha’s attention to the action
“You and that girl, it was quite clear, you know?”
Of course you noticed, you always did, you were almost too good at reading her considering that you didn’t see each other that often. That time, during one of her family’s visits, a girl with beautiful red hair was with her when she arrived and, although she was introduced to everybody as a normal lady in waiting, you immediately caught the glances and small touches between the two. Another moment of silence engulfs you two and you can’t keep your mind from spiraling at what’s going to happen soon. Not even Natasha’s ring is enough to keep you calm anymore, so you just let go of her hand and finally tell her what you’ve been wanting to say since you got alone. She’s still thinking about how much she surprisingly misses your hand in hers when your words startle her
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, I know you’ve never wanted any of this and I’m sorry that you were forced into it…I know that we have to do this, but you shouldn’t if you don’t want to”
Your words make her heart swell at how thoughtful you are to her, unlike her own family, before guilt takes over her once again
“I want to do this…with you. To be honest I’m happy that you’re the one I’m stuck with”
Her playful tone makes you giggle and look at her, getting caught off guard at the small traces of happiness on her face, finally getting free of that constant frown that you’ve consistently seen on her as of late. She finally looks back at you and once your eyes meet it seems like you’re really looking at each other for the first time in a while. She’s always been known to be one of the most beautiful people of the realm, so it was never that big of a shock to look in the eyes of what could easily be a goddess amongst mortals and be taken back by all that beauty and all the small details that make her so unique with nothing but adulation. You’ve never been scared of displaying your appreciation for anyone, so seeing your look of fondness towards her doesn’t surprise her at all.
On the other hand, Natasha finds herself truly entranced by you for the first time since you’ve known each other: she’s almost surprised to notice just how beautiful you are and how all those comments made by her friend, even if quite crude most of the time, were not the nonsense she made them to be.
“You do realise that anyone would pay to be in your place, right? You whine like a baby because you have to chat with her or something, it’s not like you have to marry her. And even if you did you’d get to have a go at it with her every night”
The familiar words make her grimace at the thought of such comments being made behind your back but the faint feeling of jealousy deep in her is enough to bring her mind back to you, sitting so close to her and looking up at her with such timid adoration that in that moment she can’t keep her eyes from finally moving down on their own towards your lips, looking so inviting she doesn’t even realise she’s slowly moving closer to you until the air you exhale melts together and your lips touch each other every time you breathe
Your whisper ignites something inside of her and what could be considered almost curiosity makes her move just enough so that your lips are finally fully on hers in a small kiss that makes your heart beat so fast it feels like it’s trying to escape from your chest to get to Natasha. Oh Natasha, she’s the only thing that exists in that moment, just Natasha, nothing else. As soon as you part you barely have time to look into each other’s eyes and for her to admire your panting state before she’s cupping your face and leaning in once again, making you melt into the kiss while you try to turn your body towards her. You are thankful that you’re sitting on the bed, otherwise you’re sure your knees wouldn’t have been able to keep you upright. You still reach for her shoulder for support as your lips move against each other slowly, deepening the kiss more and more until you can feel her tongue on your lower lip, asking for permission and being granted it when you lightly suck it, making her moan lowly and break the kiss to catch her breath. You can’t help but admire her and reach for her hand, still under your jaw, to hold it in your own, making her open her eyes at the gentle action. In that moment, sitting on the edge of her bed so close to each other you’re almost in her lap, breathing hard from all the nervousness finally wearing off thanks to the act of newly found intimacy between you two, you truly feel the need for each other, not something necessarily carnal, but a deep need to have the only person who could really understand what you’re going through and who could support you through all of it by your side. You don’t know how much time you spend kissing, you just know that you can feel yourself grow more and more restless at her wandering hands caressing your arms with a touch so light goosebumps grow under her fingertips.
You have no idea of what has gotten into you, maybe it’s her intoxicating smell, or the way she’s now firmly holding your waist with one hand, or her frustrated sighing every time she catches her other hand searching through the seemingly never ending fabrics of your gown for a snippet of skin, or maybe it’s just all the stress you’ve been subjected to lately, but you are sure of one thing, you need to feel her, as much of her as possible.
In a spur of bravery you get on your knees on the mattress and do your best to straddle her lap without tripping over the layers of your dress, finally succeeding and finally being able to feel more of the heat coming off of her that you've been enjoying since you've sat next to one another ot the bed. Your faces are finally at the same height and for the first time you can see her enchanting emerald eyes even better. You move some small strands of hair that have fallen on her face to briefly take a better look at her, before your lips are connected once again and your hands are tangled in her hair. You can clearly feel Natasha's hands move over your back, repeatedly shifting down to the small of your back and stopping herself from going lower, making you whine as you take her hands and move them to your ass, getting a small groan out of her at your sudden boldness. She's finally able to reach your skin, after not so little effort of going through the fabrics of your skirt, when your lips leave hers to move down to her jaw and neck, leaving shy pecks hiding the deep hunger you suddenly feel for her. The gentle touch of your mouth on the sensitive skin of her neck and your small unconscious movements over her crotch start making it hard for her to hold back to let you go at your own pace. She loses control just for a second once you feel something poking your center and ground your hips over it with a little bit more will with a small muffled moan, and she moves her hands towards your front to try to reach for your breasts but fails to do so
"Damn dress"
The frustration of once again not being able to get to your skin almost makes her growl the words, getting your attention and making you stop yourself to look at her expectantly
"Sorry, it's just always in the way"
"Well…would you help me get out if it then?"
The clear contrast from your previous slightly daring demeanour and now your usual shy tone interests her and after a nod from her you get up from her lap and stand in front of her, still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you turning around and asking her to loosen up the laces of your fitting dress. The pads of her fingers briefly go over the skin of your back where the fabric ends as she reaches for it, making you not so subtly shiver at the anticipation you now feel, in clear contrast with the almost fearful nervousness that dominated you once you first got alone with her. Once she's done with her task you slide your arms out of the sleeves and are finally able to feel the fabric slide down your body and stop at your hips, catching some resistance at the tight fitting and exposing your torso to the cool night air coming from the balcony. Your hair put in an intricate updo gives her a clear view of the creamy skin of your back and makes Natasha feel even more anticipation once your hands move to your hips to push the dress past them to let it slide down your body, leaving it a heap of embroided fabric on the ground. You once again feel your heart beating out of your chest at your now fully naked body exposed to Natasha and you suddenly seem to be frozen in place, not able to turn around and fully face her. Her warm hand gently touching yours startles you but the following sound of her voice immediately puts you at ease a little
"Wait, let me do something"
You immediately miss her hand once it leaves yours and soon after you hear her getting up from the bed and moving a little to do something. After a little bit she gently puts her hand on your shoulder and rubs her thumb over your skin to hopefully help soothe your nerves before speaking in the most gentle tone you've ever heard from her
"Remember that you don't have to"
She's the first person to tell you that. Since your birthday all your life has been revolving around this marriage, everything you've been made to do has been in favour of this event, most of the things your parents have said to you lately were commands on what you needed to do in order to be a good and honouring daughter. She's the first one to tell you such a thing, she's the first one to give you a choice in a situation where you've never had one, she's the first one to see you as a person in this circumstance and not as trade goods. She understands you and she understands the way you feel because she's gone through the same. You're on the same level. You suddenly turn around to look at her and for a second you almost miss the way she's completely naked too, taking you by surprise at her bare body
"This way we can both see each other"
She once again talks with that gentle and caring tone that this time makes your heart swell a little just for her. Your loving gaze is lost in her entrancing eyes when her hand slowly takes yours and moves it higher and higher, leaving it on her chest and making you feel the faint beating of her heart, soothing you for a moment, also thanks to the tiny reassuring smile she gives you. You do the same to show her your willingness to put all of yourself in this with her and take her hand and put it on your own chest. You don't say a word but you understand each other surprisingly well, making you both for once relieved of such a marriage and the chance of being one another's companion instead of some stranger. It's true, in all the years of knowing each other you've never been extremely close but you've certainly never hated one other. Sure, sometimes Natasha may have been annoyed at having to spend time with you but it was mainly because she was once again forced to do something by her parents. In all honesty, being with you always ended up helping her get over her irritation. You once again catch yourself getting lost in thought while fidgeting with her golden necklace with her family's sigil on it, but clearly catch the warmth of her hand leaving your chest to lightly caress your cheek before gently pushing under your chin to lift your gaze to her
"I need you by my side"
Her whispered words are barely audible but sound crystal clear to you
You know that, from now on, you're the only two people who can help the other, you need to be strong for each other.
Before you know it her hands hold you on each side of your face to kiss you once again, taking your breath away at the need you both feel for the other. Her hands soon move down to your back to pull you flush against her front, getting you the closest you've ever been and making you reach for her shoulders to hold onto. The feeling of her soft skin against yours seems to never be enough and you realize you're pushing her to get impossibly closer too late, only when her back hits the mattress and you almost land on top of her
She doesn't let you finish before she's pulling you in again to keep your mouth on hers and she's grabbing your ass for the first time once you fully straddle her hips, making you whimper at the intimate act. You're both breathless, you know it, and the last thing you want is to stop kissing, but you need to take a small break and, once you part, you take the chance to sit up and unmake your updo, letting your hair fall down your back, taking out as many of the golden pieces of jewellery in it as you can and letting the smaller braids here and there done not to waste any more time. You're aware of your position and you secretly savour the way Natasha grips your thighs at the feeling of your bare center on hers. Feeling slightly confident you lean down to give her one last kiss on the lips before moving downwards, leaving small pecks on her neck, collarbone and chest, and then leaving her lap to get to her abs and lower abdomen, looking up at her after noticing her breathing quickening a little bit and catching her slightly clouded eyes looking back you. Right before being able to kneel down she offers you one of the many pillows from the bed, preventing you from being in pain from kneeling on the hard stone floor and puts another one under her head to get a better view of you between her legs.
The anticipation takes over the nervousness you feel at the sight of her semi hard cock in front of you and before you can get too anxious you reach with your hand to wrap around it, slowly pumping it a couple times and immediately getting a small, low moan from Natasha. You're not sure you've ever heard anything hotter than that and the excitement from making her feel good makes you more and more eager to please her as best as you can, so you keep moving your hand up and down until she's fully hard and a small bead of precum has formed, looking too tempting not to taste and making you reach over to give a small lick to her tip. You moan from finally being able to taste at least a little bit of her and at the same time Natasha hisses at the feeling of your tongue on her making her twitch.
You don't think you can wait anymore after getting a glimpse of her, so you get comfortable and finally fully wrap your lips around her tip, gently sucking it for a bit, if not to get yourself used to it, then to hear her groans again and again. Her hand moving towards your head excites you more than you'd like to admit and you'd lie if you denied the small disappointment you feel when it gets to your hair just to keep it out of the way with a makeshift ponytail. You realize it, you want her, all of her and she needs to know, so to try and make her understand it, feeling too embarrassed to say it to her face, you take more and more of her, doing your best to relax your throat and not gag too much around her surprisingly girthy cock. Her pants turn into loud groans once you do your best to look up at her as you slowly take all of her down your throat in one go, stopping only when your nose hits her crotch and staying like that for a couple seconds before lifting yourself off of it and sucking a deep breath while a string of spit still connects your mouth to her tip. To give your throat a small break you keep pumping her with your hand while you move downwards to lick her balls a couple times before taking one at a time in your mouth and very gently sucking them, making her curse out loud and sending a shiver through your whole body at the sound.
After a little bit you go back to her cock to take it back in your mouth, moaning at her taste and making her grip your hair tighter at the vibrations of your voice on her. You know she's close and you know you want her to take her orgasm from you herself, so you reach for her hand and make it lay flat on top of your head, before giving it a small push, hopefully making her understand what you want. She does, oh she does. After letting out a breathy chuckle at your eagerness she looks at you go back to your ministrations and guides you through it, making you take more and more of her until she's pushing you all the way down her cock and your gagging and her groans are all that can be heard in the room. She's close, so close and you know it, so you open your eyes to look back at her and meet her gaze already on you, before you reach for her balls to lightly fondle them, making her reach her orgasm in a couple more thrusts and finally feeling her cum in your mouth. You gently keep sucking her tip through her high until she's fully done and takes her cock out of your mouth
"Show me"
You don't expect her words but feel excitement when you open your mouth to show her all her cum on your tongue, and she bites her lip at the view
"Good, go on"
Her voice, still panting, and her taste as you swallow all of her cum makes your center ache like never before, even more so when you open your now empty mouth to show her that you've done it and she smirks
"Very good, you've done so well for me"
Her praise makes you smile at her and you can't keep yourself from climbing on the bed to kiss her briefly before she moves to make you lie down with your head resting comfortably on the fluffy pillows while she positions herself between your legs. Your new position gives you the perfect opportunity to fully explore her body, feeling her defined muscles under her velvety skin with every brush of your hands over her shoulders, her arms, her abs, her back, her ass, her thighs. She looks even more godly now, looming over you with her large, sculpted frame, looking quite bigger than you, and essentially trapping you between her and the bed. You don't feel trapped though, you feel safe and free, as you lie under her, with the knowledge that she's not here to take something from you, but to have an exchange, that she's accepting what you have to offer with a deep respect for you and your relationship.
The small traces of boldness you felt when you were pleasuring her disappear, as doubt takes over your mind: will you do a good enough job? Will she like your body? Will the fact that you're new to some things make her lose her excitement?
She immediately senses your uncertainty and can almost see your racing thoughts behind your eyes, getting her a little worried
"Are you alright?"
"I just…I don't know what to do now"
You can't even meet her gaze as you almost whisper the words, her constant and extremely casual confidence making it hard for you to admit your helplessness
"Let me do it then, hm?"
She waits for you to look at her and nod back before giving you a sweet smile and laying her palm on your cheek, savouring the way you subtly snuggle into its warmth, making her heart swell at how small you look right now. She leans down and kisses you gently over and over until she feels your tense body relaxing little at a time under hers and, once she feels you slacken, she finally lets her hands wander, gently gliding them over your body as if to not only lull you further, but also to imprint its curves and feel into her own mind. It's only once your breathing quickens and you kiss her more hungrily that she lets herself tentatively reach closer and closer to your chest, cupping your breasts once your hands tighten on her biceps to pull her closer.
The breathy whimper you let out once she lightly swaps her thumbs over your nipples, breaking your kiss, makes her even more excited and curious to find out what other sweet noises she can get out of you, so she moves her lips over your neck, leaving kisses here and there to find your sweet spot and indulging herself into leaving visible marks over your skin, getting spurred even more by your nails slightly scratching over her back and the subtle rocking of your hips. Moving lower and lower she finally comes face to face with your chest and feels pride at the sight of your already panting state, getting even more determined to make you feel as much as she can, so she finally wraps her lips around your right nipple, making you moan out loud and grip her hair harder than you intended. If she's able to make you feel so euphoric even with the simplest of touches, you can't even imagine how you're going to keep yourself grounded later on.
Your body feels like it's on fire and every single snippet of your skin that comes in contact with hers makes you long for her more and more.
She spends quite some time paying attention to your chest, sucking your nipples and the skin around, certainly getting it bruised and sending even more shivers through your body at the thought of being marked by her.
You're so lost in the moment that you don't feel one of her hands leaving its place on your breast to move lower, startling you when it makes contact with your very inner thigh, still wet from you previously rubbing it with the other while on your knees. She sucks your nipple on last time before kissing you while propping one of your legs over her hip and slowly gliding the pads of her fingers up your thigh, getting closer and closer to their destination and making your anticipation grow like never before. The moment her fingers get right below your hip bone she parts from you and looks you dead in the eye, searching for any sign for her to stop and when you give her a small nod she finally lets herself touch you, gently running her fingers up and down your surprisingly soaked slit, making you gasp at the contact and sending a wave of arousal through both of you.
Soon enough, after getting used to the feeling of someone else's hands on the most private part of your body, you can't help yourself from slightly rolling your hips in search of something, anything more, so she finally moves her ministrations directly over your clit, rubbing it slowly in circular motions and making you moan more loudly than you expected. You get even more excited at the feeling of her cock twitching on your thigh every time you moan for her, so you take one hand out of her hair and move it down to grab and pump her, making her hiss at the feeling of your hand back on her, while she keeps touching your clit and occasionally lower, closer to your entrance. You immediately miss her once her fingers leave your center as she gets them closer to your mouth
"Taste yourself"
The rasp behind her voice almost makes you miss her actual words at how hot it sounds, but you're still barely able to make out their meaning, so you grab her hand and suck on her wet fingers, moaning at the taste of your own arousal on your tongue and the feeling of her fingers in your mouth. Once you've sucked them clean and gotten them wet, she takes them out of your mouth and moves them back to your clit, rubbing it one last time before gently probing at your entrance and slowly pushing a finger inside, looking for any sign of discomfort from you before adding another one at the sight of none. You can barely whine as you bite your lip to prevent yourself from moaning too loudly, feeling embarrassed at how your cunt tries to suck her fingers in by tightening around them over and over. Once she's knuckle deep inside of you, you let out a deep breath at the faint pulsing of your clit against the palm of her hand, and look at her with watery eyes at the pleasure you feel even from her fingers staying still inside of you, giving away your extreme arousal when you tighten around her from a small kiss on your lips
"Can I move?"
She whispers her words but you can clearly understand her and quickly nod with big pleading eyes
She can't help but groan at your enthusiasm and barely moves her fingers in and out of you, focusing more on massaging your front wall little by little, getting you used to the sensation and making herself even more frustrated each time she feels your walls spasm around her fingers instead of her cock. She's been extremely patient since you've first gotten on your knees for her and the need to take you and feel you has been eating her up more and more, but the last thing she wants is to make you feel pressured by her, the last person you should feel unsafe with, so she does her best to keep herself grounded and fully focuses on you.
She gradually keeps increasing the pressure of the pad of her fingers on the spongy spot inside of you she easily found, making you embarrassed by the lewd, wet noises that come from your center with each stroke of her fingers and only getting you out of your own head with a particularly hard thrust that gets you freely moaning and tightly gripping the sheets under you. The muscles of her arm get even more defined from the task at hand and her breathing starts shaking from your wet walls engulfing her digits so tightly and the look of ecstasy on your features as she essentially takes your breath away. You're so close, so close to finally cumming undone for her for the first time, so close to the sweetest release
"Natasha! I'm-"
You can barely call her name before your orgasm crushes over you like a tidal wave at full force and runs through your whole body. She can't keep herself from basically growling at just how tight your walls regularly spasm around her fingers and the sight of small droplets of clear liquid coming out of you with every thrust, wetting her wrist and creating a small patch on the sheets under you. It takes you a bit to get down from your orgasm and once it stops, you can't help but sob from how intense it was, slightly shaking from time to time from the aftershocks
"Are you alright? Was it too much?"
There's genuine worry in her voice and eyes and you feel the need to kiss her, hopefully freeing her of her concerns as well
"It was perfect, Natasha"
You barely get to mumble the words against her lips before you need to kiss her again and again until your heart doesn't feel like it's beating out of your chest anymore. She uses your moment of blissed distraction to take her fingers out of you, trying not to cause too much discomfort and breaks the kiss to suck her fingers clean, lowly moaning at your taste on her tongue for the first time.
The sight makes the desire you've been feeling, that's never truly left you yet, come back at full force, startling you at how easily she's able to cause such waves of arousal to run through you.
You can't wait anymore, you need to feel more of her inside of you so bad you might just cry if you can't have her immediately and, based on her hungry eyes and fully erect cock, she might be feeling just the same
"I need you inside of me Natasha"
If your mind wasn't clouded by such want you'd feel embarrassed by your own words and the extreme neediness in your voice, but you simply can't bring yourself to care about it right now and whine at the loss of her body's warmth once she leans back on her knees. You're at a loss for words once you give yourselves time to truly look at each other's naked bodies for the first time and not even the way she grabs your waist to gently slide you down the bed a little bit before putting a pillow under your ass is enough to get you distracted from the perfect sight in front of you. You're finally pulled out of your trance once she makes your thighs rest on top of hers and gets you to automatically wrap your legs behind her back, giving her easy access to your center. Her cock sitting heavy on top of your mound makes you just a little anxious at how big it looks near you, but, sensing your doubt, she immediately takes one of your hands and kisses its back as to hopefully soothe you
"We're going at your pace"
Her words do help you a little but you still feel incredibly nervous, so much so that it seems like you suddenly get aware of every single thing near or on you, the cold golden earrings near your jaw, the soft fabric against your back, the slightest breeze of cooler air over your arm-
"You don't have to…not tonight if you don't want"
Her words, accompanied with a soft rub over your knee finally get your mind back to the moment and remind you, once again, that you can trust her and she won't judge you for anything
"I want it! I want it…"
You reach for her thigh to lightly squeeze it as to further reassure her and, once she gives you a brief nod, you smile at her and very slightly move your hips back and forth to feel her cock slide over your clit, signaling to her that you're more than ready. Natasha feels anticipation like never before once she grabs her own cock and moves her hips back a little to line it up with your entrance, making you tighten around nothing at the lewd sight of her spitting on it to get it all wet before grabbing your hips and slowly pushing in the head.
Your mouth opens in shock at the surprisingly not painful yet still almost extreme stretch and your eyes are pulled away from the sight of your centers getting closer to each other the more she pushes inside, at the sound of her voice as she curses under her breath. Your walls feel even tighter than they did around her fingers and it's really hard for her to keep herself from taking you immediately, but of course your comfort is her first priority at the moment, so, once she's fully inside of you, she stops for a bit, waiting for you to feel comfortable enough for her to move. On the other hand, the pleasure she makes you feel already starts clouding your mind and at the feeling of her staying still, completely inside of you, you can't help but let your head fall back on the mattress and let out a loud whine before looking up at her with pleading eyes
"Please Natasha! I'm ready, I promise! Please!"
That's it, there's no going back now.
She squeezes your hips quite hard as she slowly pulls out to the tip, pushing back inside a bit more quickly and going like this over and over, making you moan a bit more each time, until she sets a steady pace, getting lost in the feeling of your walls wrapped around her. You barely realize it when you're suddenly moving one of your legs to prop it on her shoulder, making her reach different spots than before, sending shock waves through your body and making you squeeze her tighter. Intent on making you feel even better, she almost immediately takes your other leg from her hip and puts it over her other shoulder, ripping a loud moan out of you from the feeling of her cock now reaching your sweet spot more easily with each thrust. The sight of your hands going from gripping the bed sheets to playing with your own nipples makes her throb inside of you and, needing to go even deeper into you, even if impossible, she lets go of your hips and puts her hands on each side of your head, getting as much leverage as she can, while still keeping your legs against her shoulders, to set a new pace, slower but with much harder thrusts, essentially knocking your breath away at the force with which her hips meet yours
"You're so beautiful"
Unfortunately you can barely register her words and find it impossible to form a single word, but try to find her wrist next to your face to give it a squeeze and hopefully make her understand if not that you think the same, at least that you appreciate her telling you that.
You know that in a short time it'll be almost impossible for you to keep yourself from tumbling into another breathtaking orgasm and you try your best to tell her, even though you know she's probably already aware of it by the way your cunt keeps squeezing her more and more
"I'm! I'm going to-"
She was waiting for you to say it yourself and hearing your straining voice trying to get the words out gets her close as well and, before she knows it, she's leaning down on her forearms, basically trapping you under her and reaching impossibly deeper inside of you
"Fuck Natasha!"
You didn't think her thrusts could get any harder, but you were wrong, her rough movements and panting groans right next to your ear are too much for you and get you to an orgasm even harder than the one before in only a couple of seconds. She tries her best to keep herself from cumming to keep thrusting into you and help you through your high, but your desperate moans, your nails raking over her back and your cunt squeezing her impossibly tight make it impossible for her to keep her orgasm from crushing over her. Her clear groans, the feeling of her cum deep inside of you and her, already balls deep, trying in vain to thrust even more into you, send an almost painful pang of arousal deep in you, pulling the last bit of energy out of you and leaving you limp under her large body.
Once her breathing has gone back to somewhat normal she finally lifts herself from her spot and comes face to face with you and only then, after you slightly hiss at her movement, she remembers that she's still inside of you
There's a light sheen of sweat over her whole body, her mane of hair is tousled and her eyebrows are furrowed as she leans back to slowly pull out, trying not to make you feel too much pain also by gently running her hand up and down your side, making your heart swell at the sweetness behind her action. For a brief moment she looks slightly entranced by the sight of her cum slowly sliding out of you but soon moves away to let herself fall on her back next to you quite ungracefully, making you chuckle at her very non-regal manner. A comfortable silence falls between you two as you savour this moment of serenity and only now you notice how some of the many candles have died out, making the room feel even cozier.
Your droopy eyelids keep closing on their own accord, as exhaustion slowly starts taking over the both of you, but, right before you can drift off completely, her hand reaches over to hold yours one last time and her tired voice breaks the serene silence
"I'm very happy you're the one by my side"
Tags: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox
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rebeliz7 · 1 year ago
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Natasha Romanoff x Pregnant Reader
Word Count: 1881
Request: Hey! Could you do a Nat fic where reader is pregnant and Natasha is so scared of hurting the baby that they don’t have sex anymore and reader gets frustrated?
Warning: 18+ content - NSFW
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“Are you looking for something specific?” A girl no older than twenty three asks you, and you have to admit that the look of utter kindness on her face makes you want to run in the opposite direction. 
You’re an adult for Christ sake, surely you can buy a sex toy without getting flustered like this. 
You smile at her before setting the red dildo back on the stand, and when the thing wiggles you blush a vibrant red, almost matching it. 
“Not really.” You speak, and clear your throat immediately after. God, this is mortifying! “My wife usually does the shopping.”
The girl in front of you nods understandably, and you look down at your feet hoping that the ground would swallow you whole. 
“Don’t worry.” She says, and her voice is quite soothing. You realize that she’s one of those people that makes you feel comfortable and safe, no matter the situation you’re in. “My name is Jane, and I’d be happy to help you find something, if it’s okay with you.”
“Please.” You practically groan, and as she smiles her eyes fall down on your belly for a second, and your hands immediately come to rest on top of it. “I’ll be seven months along next week.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” She apologizes quickly, and it’s your turn to placate her. 
“Don’t worry. I’ve gotten quite used to it.” You tell her as your baby begins to move, your guess is that she’s turning over. “She’s moving.” You smile, and Jane’s smile is delightful. Even more so when you take her hand, and place it on your belly. Which has become a habit of sorts as of late. Your wife’s friends are always eager to feel your baby moving after all.  
“Oh my God.” She smiles, as your baby kicks and you do too. “That’s amazing.” Jane says, taking her hand back.
“Yeah.” You nod, but the moment you look to your right and find a purple dildo the size of your arm you remember where you are, and why you came here. 
“You and your wife are very lucky.” Jane says, and you huff without really thinking about your answer. 
“I wish I was getting lucky, if you know what I mean.” The moment Jane’s eyes widen you realize what you just said, and you’re back to blushing madly. “I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate. I don’t even know why I said it. I’m so sorry.”
“You know what?” Jane interrupts you, still cool and collected. “I know just what you need.” She says, and with a grimace you follow her to the back of the store. 
The moment you get home you’re a hundred percent ready to break in your new acquisition, and you don’t even feel bad about it. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm, and you need it, you so need it. 
You have a quick shower, and make sure the cat has food and water before you lock yourself in your room. You turn off your phone so nothing can interrupt you while you do what you have to do. It’s a matter of health at this point, because you’re losing your mind, no question about it. 
First you sit down with your laptop to do a bit of research, and your anxiousness only gets worse the more you read the reviews on your new toy. It seems like you got yourself a very useful item indeed. 
Without waiting another second you go about undressing yourself before opening the box with the new toy in it, and if you’re blushing it’s okay because no one can see you in the privacy of your own bedroom anyway. 
“Okay. Let’s do this.” You murmur as you lay down, and  God you should be ashamed of how wet the sight of it is making you, but you’re not. 
You take a moment to rub it in your hands to warm it up, but the more you rub it the more your mind goes places, and you wish your wife was here. You wish she was kissing your neck, her hands on your breasts, her naked body rubbing against yours…
But Natasha is simply not interested in having sex with you now that you’re showing. 
“Not going there.” You murmur to yourself, because you don’t need to dwell anymore about why she’s so afraid of having sex with you nowadays. You just want to get on with it because on top of everything, it seems like your libido is off the charts too. 
Closing your eyes, you finally let your hand dip down between your legs, your index finger brushing against your already swollen clit. 
“Oh God.” You moan softly, and even more so when you find yourself dripping wet. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm and that’s all you can think about. 
With your free hand you take the toy between your legs, letting its prominent head rub over your slit before you gently insert it. 
“Oh, God!” You scream, as it rubs you exactly where you need it. You squeeze the sheets with your free hand as your hips push against the mattress, and you push the toy a little deeper. 
With a feral scream ripping through your lips, you come unexpectedly, and so incredibly fast that you immediately throw the damn thing away in fear. 
That thing is surely witchcraft!  
“Oh my God!” You scream in your empty room as the toy hits the floor, and your inner walls continue to shiver, and clench around nothing. “Oh my God!”
Once the force of that first orgasm begins to fade away you realize that in your frenzy you completely relocated to a different part of your bed. And you’re squeezing the living hell out of a pillow but once the surprise, and slight terror of the strength of that orgasm is completely gone you decide that you want more. 
Witchcraft or not. 
It’s between your fifth or sixth orgasm that the door to your bedroom is kicked in, and your wife rushes inside with a gun in her hands, and the sight makes you come harder than any of the previous times did. 
“Are you serious?” She half yells at your direction, but not even her anger is enough to wipe the smile off your face right now. 
“I thought you were gonna be late.” You tell her, as your entire body shivers and you finally, set the toy on your nightstand. 
You’ll clean everything up later. God, you’ll clean the entire house later. You’ll cook dinner, and arrange your wedding photo album too. You’ll bake cookies, and go visit your mother too. 
“You weren’t picking up your phone. I thought something happened to you!” Natasha says, as she goes about your bedroom, gun still in her hands, swallowing thickly when her eyes can no longer ignore your naked body.
“Something did.” You smile goofily up at her. “I found the perfect dildo, Nat.” You chuckle, and she sits down on the edge of the bed, her upset slowly turning into amusement. 
“You did, huh?” She asks, eyeing said item on the nightstand as she places her gun next to it. “I can’t believe you went shopping without me.”
“It was either that, or die of sexual frustration.” You point out.
“Come on.” She says as she looks away, and you grab her arm to pull her closer. 
She leans forward willingly, her eyes taking in your chest, your lips, your glistening skin, and a spark runs in between your legs at the sight of her darkening gaze trained on your lips. 
“You don’t think I’m sexually frustrated too?” She asks softly, her hot breath ghosting over your lips as she speaks. “You have no idea of how badly I want to fuck you right now.”
“Why don’t you?” You ask, as you pull her harder, and her full lips finally press against yours in a heated kiss. 
Your breath leaves you when she kisses you like this, forceful and urgent, as if she wants to devour you. As if this is exactly what she wants to be doing now and forever. 
“What if we hurt her?” She asks suddenly, and she’s already pulling back, a deep frown forming on her forehead. “What if something happens?”
“Natasha, stop it.” You order her, and her lips fall shut but the frown on her face doesn’t go away. 
“I just don’t want to hurt her.”
“You’re hurting me!” You pointedly tell her. “I had to go to a sex shop today, on my own. I had to go and get something to masturbate with because my wife is too afraid of hurting our unborn child to even touch me with a ten foot pole.”
“You know I love you.” She tells you, pointedly too. “And I want you. You’re the only person I want to be with but...”
“When you say ‘but’ right there, Nat... fuck! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, or why I’m so horny lately. Maybe it has to do with the pregnancy or something, but damn it! I should be able to count on you. You’re my wife!”
“You can count on me.” She tells you, and you notice the hurt in her voice.
“No, Nat. I had to count on a girl named Jane who recommended I buy a freaking toy, and the reason why you’re seeing me naked right now is because you thought someone was attacking me.”
“That’s not - ” she trails off. 
“That’s what it is.” You tell her, but not unkindly. 
“I want you. I do.” She says as you sit up, and maneuver yourself onto her lap.
“Then show me.”
“Tell me you understand where I’m coming from, please.” She begs as you cup her face, and her hands fall on your waist before she’s touching every inch that she can reach. 
“I do.” You assure her, and not because she needs to hear it but because you really do. You know how fiercely she loves you, and how uncontrollably she desires you. You know because she does show you in so many other ways that aren’t sex. 
“I’m yours. Every part of me is yours. You know that, right?” She pleads to know, and God! You love her so much. Even though she’s denied you sex for the last couple of months, because of a fear that goes way deeper than what she’s letting on. 
“You’re gonna be a great mom, Romanoff.” You grin down at her, and her green eyes spark with joy as her hands pull you harder against her. 
“You just want to get laid.” She teases you, the mood changing once more. 
“Sorry, babe. But you have to know that your mouth, and fingers have nothing on that little piece of heaven.” You tease her right back. 
“Oh, really.” She taunts, and when you reach out to grab the toy from the nightstand she flips you, pinning your hands down on the mattress beneath her. “We’ll see about that.”
Ok, so maybe buying a toy, and using it home alone was part of a very meticulously thought out plan, and maybe that plan worked out perfectly for you.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years ago
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Natasha Romanoff is your enemy, but that doesn’t mean that the two of you can’t have a little fun
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, strap on use (N receiving), thigh riding, oral (R receiving), Nat being needy af
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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“Romanoff,” you speak into the dark alley. You can’t see her, but you know she’s here. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
You see her shadow peak out from behind a dumpster and you have your answer. The hard way it is.
In a flash, you’re fighting Natasha and who has the upper hand keeps switching. The woman pins you down first, but you manage to slip out of her grasp. This time you push her into the wall, but she lands a blow to your ribs that makes you let go of her.
“Come on, Romanoff,” you groan, holding your side.
“Can’t take it?” She teases.
“This is nothing,” you reply.
“Then allow me to actually start trying.”
This banter is always something you look forward to. Natasha lunges at you again and she wraps her strong legs around you. You’re pinned to the ground.
Her legs straddle your waist as she hovers above you. She has your hands pinned above your head, her sturdy hand keeping them still. The only light in the alleyway is from the moon, but you can still see how beautiful she is.
“Where’s the lab?” Natasha asks you.
“I don’t know,” you say simply.
Natasha scoffs and uses her free hand to grip your face. It’s a little harsh, but she isn’t really hurting you.
“You’re his right hand. Tell me where the lab is, and I’ll spare you.”
“I think you’ll spare me anyways,” you say.
“Oh yeah? Why do you think that?”
She grins down at you. You both know the answer. Still, Natasha keeps a tight grip on you.
“For old times’ sake, how about we go back to my place?” You suggest. Natasha seems to mull it over. “Come on, sweetheart. We always have a good time.”
“Then you’ll give me what I need?” Natasha asks.
“I’ll give you whatever you want, Romanoff.”
She smirks and stands up, knowing she’s got the upper hand. Her hand reaches down to help you up and you rub your face.
“That was harsh,” you comment.
“You liked it,” Natasha says back.
The two of you walk in silence to your apartment. She follows you inside and kicks the door closed behind her.
She grabs you and kisses you hard like she always does. It’s like she’s hungry for you. You kiss her back and move the both of you towards your bedroom.
“Where is the lab?” Natasha asks, kissing your neck. She slips your shirt over your head between kisses.
“I don’t know,” you stick with the same response.
You push Natasha down onto the bed and she accepts the way you straddle her lap. Her tongue mingles with yours.
You take your chance to slip her shirt off. She has bruises against her ribs, and you frown.
“Don’t pity me,” Natasha says.
“I don’t,” you say.
You push her down to lie on the bed and you kiss around her bruises. She would never tell you, but it makes her feel loved when you do it. You slip your hand around her bra band and take it off of her.
Natasha’s nipples react to the cool air of the apartment and you’re quick to take one in your mouth. You lick and suck her as she moans in pleasure. After paying attention to both breasts, you move your hand down to her waistband and unbutton her pants.
“Does anyone else touch you like this, baby?” You ask her.
“No one,” Nat says. Her voice is breathy but deep at the same time.
You reach your hand into her pants and ghost your fingertips over her panties. You use your other hand to shimmy her pants off her legs, leaving her only in her panties.
“Already so fucking wet,” you comment. “Such a good girl.”
“Fuck,” Natasha mumbles. “Can you just do it already?”
At her lack of patience, you take your hand out of her pants and she practically whines. You climb off her and take your own pants off. She leans up on her elbows and watches as your pants hit the floor.
You aren’t wearing any underwear. Only a strap is left on you and Natasha’s eyes widen at the sight. You take it in your hand and sit on the edge of the bed. She gets the message and gets off the bed. You kiss her before you push her down onto her knees between your legs.
“I know it makes you feel so good to suck me off, baby. Go ahead,” you tell her.
Natasha grips your thighs tightly, so as to remind you that you’re enemies, as she takes your strap into her mouth. She starts slowly, barely moving her mouth. It makes you feel so good to see her like this. Nat picks up her pace.
“Keep going,” you encourage her. “Just like that.”
You move your hips to meet her mouth and Nat makes the most beautiful noises.
“You’re so good for me, Natasha. Tell me what you want, baby.”
Natasha releases your strap from throat, and she looks up at you.
“I want to ride your strap,” she says. “And I want you to tell me where the lab is.”
You pull her up off her knees and back onto the bed. You lean your back against the headboard and Natasha settles herself over your lap.
You brush the strap over her folds, and she grumbles.
“I’m ready. I can take it,” she says.
“You need to learn a thing or two about patience,” you tell her.
You slip the strap into her and she takes a second to adjust. You kiss her and play with her breasts again. Natasha starts to move against you, the strap moves in and out of her. She’s so wet and the strap is still covered from where she sucked it.
“You’re so pretty riding my strap, sweetheart,” you tell her. Your hands find her butt and help her pick up her pace.
Natasha’s movements become erratic, and you know she’s close. You kiss her lips again.
“Come for me, Natasha. Come for me and I’ll tell you anything,” you say.
“Fuck,” she mumbles as she comes hard, covering your strap with her cum.
She slips off your strap and lays on the bed next to you. You turn to look at her and she smiles at you just briefly before she puts her guard back up.
“Where is the lab?” She asks.
“I already sent you the coordinates.”
Natasha leans off the bed to grab her phone out of her pants. She did in fact have a text from you from before you even got back to the apartment.
“Thank you,” Natasha says. She kisses you and you feel yourself still unsatisfied. Natasha knows this. “Do you want to come?” She asks you, knowing the answer.
“I did risk a lot helping you here,” you say.
“You did.”
Nat works quickly to take the strap off your hips, and she buries her face between your legs again. This time she licks through your folds and sucks your clit. It doesn’t take much from how wet it made you to get Nat off and how beautiful she looks here.
“Fuck, I’m going to come Natasha,” you moan out.
“Do it for me,” Natasha instructs.
She cleans you up promptly and moves back up the bed to kiss you.
“You know if you switched sides we could do this a lot more,” Natasha says between kisses.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You ask her.
She grinds against your thigh as she kisses you. You let her keep going until she’s desperate to come again.
“Why don’t you switch sides, baby? You know it’s fun over here. I’ll make you mine all the time and let you ride me whenever you want. Doesn’t that sound nice, pretty girl?”
“Fuck,” she mumbles. The talk is turning her on further and she can’t stop herself from coming again. She breathes heavily against you and you rub her back.
“I can’t switch sides,” you tell her.
“I know. I can’t either,” she says.
You both get washed up and dressed before Natasha stands at the door ready to go.
“Until next time, y/n,” Natasha says. She kisses your cheek lightly.
“Until next time, Romanoff,” you reply.
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dirtyvulture · 2 years ago
Natasha Romanoff x GP!Beefy!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 1718
Requested by @mostlymarvelsstuff: HELLO
so, the 17th is my birthday and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to write me a lil present:
Gp!R x Nat, where R gets woken up by Nat giving her head (Nat of course swallows everything) she then crawls up readers body and grinds against her abbs as R fondles her and before let's R slip inside she whispers Happy birthday to her. (Heavy on the praise from both Nat and R please, sensual smut if you know what I mean) 😁
AN: Happy birthday, fellow sinner! 🥳 I loved writing this request, I hope you like it! :)
Natasha can hardly sleep thinking about the birthday present she has in mind for you. The night before, she doesn’t set an alarm, afraid to wake you up prematurely. She snuggles up in your arms as you instinctively wrap them around her, pressing your front to her back, burying your face in the crook of her neck to inhale her scent as you fall asleep. The two of you have been together for almost a year now and Natasha already knows there’s no one else she wants to spend the rest of her life with. You are her best friend, protector, and lover. She didn’t think she would ever find someone like you and promises to cherish and return your love as you deserve.
She falls asleep for a few hours and when she wakes up, finds that you’ve rolled away from her, lying flat on your back, your chest rising and falling deeply as you’re completely knocked out. Natasha lifts herself slowly, licking her lips as she takes in your figure: the impressive width of your shoulders that she loves to hold onto when you’re absolutely railing her, your washboard abs she could grind on for hours, and perhaps her favorite part, the bulge in your boxers.  
She pushes away the blankets, exposing your entire body and moving to sit in between your legs, carefully slipping down your boxers, a little surprised that you don’t wake up when they get tangled around your ankles. She tosses them to some random corner of the bedroom before settling back, wrapping her arms underneath your heavily muscled thighs to pull herself forward, her mouth inches away from your soft cock. If you had been awake, you probably would have been able to feel the hot puffs of her breath over the head, but instead you snore softly and sink your head deeper into the pillows.
Natasha leans down and starts by running her tongue along your shaft, purposely avoiding the tip. She kisses and gently nips at your length, smiling as it grows with her stimulation and when there’s finally a glimmer of wetness at your head, she takes it into her mouth and starts sucking. She can never get enough of your taste and would gladly take you all day if you let her. You start to stir, instinctively shifting your legs apart and Natasha grins as she inches you deeper, bobbing her head to rub your tip against the roof of her mouth.
Your breathing picks up and your abs flex as you rock your hips up, subconsciously desperate to push yourself further down Natasha’s throat. When you finally begin to wake up, the first thing you notice is the lack of a blanket on top of you and the cool bedroom air against your chest. Then you’re aware of the heat between your legs, the wet silkiness around your cock and your hands shoot down to tangle in Natasha’s hair.
“Oh fuck, baby,” you gasp, trying to roll your hips but Natasha squeezes her arms tighter around your thighs to hold you down. Her lips stay sealed around your tip, her tongue swirling around the slit to lap up every drop you leak out. It takes you a few moments to even comprehend what’s going on as the fire in the pit of your stomach builds into an unbearable heat. Natasha tries taking in your full length–which is no easy feat due to your size–and her throat flutters around you.
“God Nat, that feels so good.” Your back arches off the bed, your muscles flexing like bands of steel to keep yourself from jackhammering down her throat until she chokes. “Don’t stop, baby,” you beg, the grip on the back of her head firm but not demanding. “Please don’t stop.”
Natasha hums in response, the vibrations almost causing you to lose your load immediately, but you hold back because you want to enjoy this as long as you can. You’re throbbing so hard you’re pretty sure Natasha can feel your heartbeat inside her mouth as she slides up and down your cock, coating it with her saliva, swiping her tongue over the head to catch every taste of you she can get.
Eventually, the stimulation is too much for you. Natasha knows you’re nearing your release because of the way your thighs start to tremble and your hips lose their rhythm. She draws back to focus on your tip, sucking strongly as you moan and pant, unable to find the words to warn her you're about to blow.
The first pulse lands on her tongue, hot and salty, and Natasha inhales through her nose, her lips descending on your cock an inch as the second pulse shoots down her throat. With every pump of your cum, Natasha takes you in further and further, until she’s finally succeeded in sheathing you in her throat entirely, her eyes watering as she feels your cockhead threatening her gag reflex. Once you’re done emptying yourself, you go limp and Natasha slowly pulls back, kissing your tip and it twitches at the sensitivity. She wipes her lips with the back of her hand, proud that she’s managed to swallow everything you gave her.
“Fuck, baby,” you say, looking down at her and trying to catch your breath. It was probably the best head you’ve ever received in your life and you are more than eager to return the favor, but it seems like Natasha has other plans first. She takes off her oversized T-shirt that belonged to you originally, baring herself to you, purposely brushing her chest against yours and lying flat on top of you. “That was amazing,” you whisper, cupping her butt and massaging the soft flesh there. 
“I’m glad you liked it,” she replies, jerking her hips forward so she can rub herself along your abs. You tighten your stomach to harden your muscles, giving Natasha a solid surface to grind on. At this point, she’s used to your strength and your impressive physique, but it still excites her to know that only she gets to see and have you like this. 
Natasha sits back, widening her legs so you can see how wet she is as she continues to drag herself along your abs. Her lips are practically glistening and it makes your heart race to see how desperate she is for you. She grabs your forearms, directing your hands to take her breasts instead, moaning when your fingers tweak her nipples and the calluses on your palms scratch her sensitive skin. 
“Just like that, baby,” Natasha says, rocking herself harder and when she presses back, she can feel the firmness of your cock against her ass. Despite finishing in her throat mere minutes ago, you're ready to take her again, a thought that excites her to her no end. “I love the way you touch me. I love the way you make me feel.”
“Me too, Nat,” you say, trailing your hand down her stomach lightly, brushing your fingertips over the raised skin of a scar to the left of her bellybutton. She's known to be insecure about the imperfections of her body, but you always remind her of how strong and resilient she is and not to be ashamed of her past. Your fingers continue down until they touch the opening of her heat, and she jerks forward and looks at you while biting her lip. Boldly, you try pressing your fingers into her but she stops you by shaking her head, reaching behind you and wrapping her warm hand around your hard cock. 
“I need this,” she says, giving you a slow pump that has you throbbing with need again instantly. 
“I’m all yours,” you say. “Take me, Nat.” You’re a little embarrassed how desperate you sound, but you know she loves to hear it.
“Oh, I will.” Natasha grins at you. “Happy birthday, baby.”
You sit up to kiss her and she falls back onto your lap, your cock nestling between her thighs. Her lips are wet with a hint of your taste still and she moans as she lets you devour her, slipping her hand between your bodies to line herself up with you. When your head prods at her heat, you involuntarily thrust your hips up and she pushes against your shoulders.
“Always eager, huh?” she hums as you pant helplessly. She knows too well how willing you are to please her. Natasha lifts slowly eases down on your length and the warmth that surrounds you is indescribable. You tip your head back and moan, and Natasha sinks her nails into your chest, clutching onto you tightly as she starts rocking back and forth.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Natasha praises, and you want to tell her the same but you can’t find the words. She’s so wet there’s almost no resistance as you slide in and out of her, but her walls cling to your shaft, eager to milk you for another load. “Lie back, baby. Let me ride you.”
You’re in no position (literally) to argue so you fall back onto the pillows, enjoying the view of your girlfriend bouncing on your cock. She leans back to brace herself on your thighs and you can’t help yourself from reaching up and cupping her breasts in your hands again, mesmerized and overwhelmed by all of the stimulation. 
“I fucking love you, Y/N,” Natasha says, and it still makes your heart race every time you hear her proclaim her love for you. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that she chose you over everyone else, and you are so grateful and happy to have her in your life. 
When Natasha starts clenching around you sporadically, you know she’s close. You thrust your hips up harder, meeting the underside of her thighs with a slapping noise. 
“Oh God, oh God,” she chants. Her body tightens and she arches back as she finally cums, gushing around your cock and you slow your movements to help her ride out her high. Natasha can’t stay upright anymore and collapses onto your chest, pressing her sticky forehead into the crook of your neck. You don’t pull out and let her rest on you, rubbing her back gently. 
“I love you too, Nat,” you whisper, kissing her temple.
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27spoons · 1 month ago
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pairing: natalie scatorccio/fem!reader
summary: Natalie just convinced you to attend a party. She honestly didn't expect you to say yes. She mentions it to a friend at practice.
wc: 920
warnings: none
a/n: pre/no-crash lottie was an awkward loner but everyone knew who she was. u arent changing my mind sorry its canon now (sorry for repost forgot to add like a chunk)
ao3 / masterlist
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"Hell yeah, you will. Maybe I'll even convince you to crack a beer or two. Smoke a cigarette. Real delinquent shit." Nat laughs at that as she begins walking off toward the gym, "See you tonight, Princess!" She calls from over her shoulder, "I'll text you the address!"
In her most calm and collected saunter, she walks out of your view before vanishing behind a wall and immediately letting a tiny, satisfied grin appear on her face.
I didn't think she'd actually say yes. Nat thinks to herself as she walks a familiar path to the locker rooms. I didn't think she did anything besides stuff her nose inside a textbook for fun… 
The blonde grins wider at her inner dialogue—because she'll be damned if she's not constantly the funniest person (aside from Van) in the room. 
It's only when she's opening her gym locker that she realises she's still smiling, which draws a specific teammate's attention, one with a mess of wavy black hair and a narrowed glare, "Why are you smiling?" Comes the voice of a certain Charlotte Matthews—Wisaykok's High School resident "popular loner".
"Not allowed to smile?" Nat quips back, slightly flustered. She was caught grinning like a dumbass. "Or am I only allowed to smile when drugs are involved?" She cringes to herself at the sharp comment because she doesn't even know what the hell possessed her to say that. She knows Lottie didn't mean it like that.
And Lottie knows Nat knows that. "That wasn't what I meant." A slight frown graces the taller girl's features, and she gives a barely perceptible shrug, "Just don't see you smiling like that often."
Now Nat feels terrible. "No…" She sighs, running a thumb over her eyebrow, "It's… I know you didn't mean it like that. It's…" The girl sighs and returns the shrug, clearly her way of an apology. "Didn't mean to snap at you. Not used to people being actually curious."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Lottie murmurs back, having seen her own share of cruel comments over the years about her behaviour. 
An awkward silence passes over the pair as Natalie grabs her cleats and shin guards from her locker before the blonde finally decides to break the tense atmosphere, "Just… invited someone to the party tonight." She shrugs, trying to act like her face didn't begin burning at the admission. 
Lottie notices it, unfortunately for Nat. "Seriously? Someone other than your usual crowd?" She pushes herself off the locker, "Who? Anyone I—"
"Nope!" Nat cuts her off, closing the locker too loud to play it off as anything other than her being flustered. "No one you know."
"Does he go to another school?" Lottie rolls her eyes, "Come on. Give me something."
"She," Nat clarifies, "goes to this school."
The olive-skinned girl's eyes widen in slight shock, "She? I thought you said—"
"I know what I said." Nat snaps as she sits down on a bench with a huff, "I dunno. There's just…" A frown appears, then vanishes just as quickly as it came, "Something about her. I wouldn't say she's… cool…" The blonde waves one hand as the other slides her shin guard on, "But she's… different."
"Different, how?"
Nat shrugs as she puts her other guard on, "I don't think she gives a fuck about what the rumours say, for starters." This is obviously something that weighs heavily on her, based on how her tone quiets at the words. "I mean, yeah, she's mentioned it a few times, but it'd honestly be weird if she didn't, y'know? It'd be like…" Nat hesitates, thinking of a good analogy that would describe the situation best, "Meeting Al Capone and not asking about all the shit he did during Prohibition."   
A beat.
"Did you seriously just compare yourself to Al Capone, Natalie?"
The groan that's pulled from Natalie's throat might be the most grouchy sound she's made in her life thus far. "That was not what I meant, and you know it." 
She finishes tying her cleats and stands up, walking out to the field alongside Lottie, "I just meant… I'd probably ask questions about me, too. Ninety-nine percent of the population only knows the fucking rumours." 
Nat huffs and crosses her arms, then forms a deep scowl when she sees some kid with a camera walking out to talk with Coach Martinez. "And now we need to take fucking team photos. Are you shitting me? They couldn't wait until soccer season starts? Had to do it when we're just running practices?"
Lottie rolls her eyes and grins faintly at Nat's annoyance, "You know you'd complain about it if it was during the regular season, right?"
A sharp elbow to Lottie's side, earning a choked laugh from the taller girl as Nat mutters a curse under her breath, "Not the point." 
When Lottie recovers, she gives Nat's shoulder a short push and nods her head towards where the team has started gathering, "For the record, we'll be talking about this later."
"No, we won't." Nat immediately replies in an irritable mutter, "We will never talk about this again."
"Mhm, whatever you say, Crash."
"And I told you to stop calling me that. It was one time!" Nat shoves at Lottie, but it's hard to fight the way her mood has shifted for the better at the teasing. This, at least, is familiar territory. 
"One time too many, Crash."
"I hate you."
"Sure. You're standing next to me, by the way."
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a/n: by the end of this fic i promise i'll learn something about soccer
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romanoffsbish · 2 years ago
You Could Never Hurt Me
Beefy!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
I was challenged [I read something someone said (you can only go so soft when you have that much beef in the mix), and made it an unnecessary challenge 🤭]
Warnings: Jealousy, Insecure Nat, aka really soft.
Smut: Ab Riding (R), Fingering (R), Oral (N).
18+ | Minors DNI
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Natasha smiled as she entered the kitchen, it was an unstoppable reaction when seeing you. You’d always been so excitable, so it’s no shock to her that you’re animatedly relaying your last nights events to a bleary eyed Wanda who’s sipping her tea, and mindlessly nodding along.
“This really pretty girl asked for my number!” You shrieked, and Natasha instantly frowned. “Can you believe it Wands? I was shocked.”
Natasha’s frown had managed to deepen, she could believe it without question, you were perfect, too much so for her to ever have, she’d never be enough for you. She was too gruff, and she would only ever hurt you with her ways.
You deserved a tenderness she didn’t feel she could offer you, and it seems you found it.
That had her heart actually snapping in two, she left the kitchen rather abruptly with an unfinished breakfast left behind in her wake.
Wanda shook her head as Natasha took off, she heard her thoughts, and they were followed up by your very own, “You should tell her Y/N/N.”
“It’s no use Wands, she didn’t even look my way,” you dejectedly sigh, and the witch nearly chokes on her cooled beverage, “Are you blind? Her eyes were literally on you the whole time.”
“Why? Is there something on my face?”
“Not yet,” she grumbles, and you softly pout, “I anticipate my hand will leave quite the mark.”
“That’s not very nice, I’m having a crisis, and you want to threaten me,” you huffed, crossing your arms for emphasis as you turned away.
Wanda cackled as she settled her mug down, she slowly made her way over to you, and pulled you in for a hug you didn’t reciprocate, “You are blind, but hear me when I say, she wants you Y/N, but she’s scared of hurting you. Of not being enough, and a whole lot of things you should talk about with her, try tonight.”
Tonight, the Avengers annual charity gala…
Natasha paced her room for hours thinking about what you said. She didn’t stick around to hear if the mystery girl was going to be your plus one tonight, her heart would’ve imploded. The thought of someone else loving you hurt her more than she ever thought imaginable.
But as the time for the party neared she shook off the resentment, she’d try being happy for you tonight, and bury her love for you instead.
That’s what she thought until she saw you at least, you looked stunning, she wasn’t shocked. Of course you did, you managed to make lazy outfits attractive, so you dressed to the nines being the hottest thing she’d ever seen fits.
“You’re drooling,” Yelena chides as she settles by her sister at the bar, and throws up two fingers to the bartender in a silent order.
“Zamolchi,” she grumbled bitterly as she accepted the shot from her sister, downing it in one swift motion that almost painted her as a drunk with the way she didn’t even wince.
(Shut up)
“Go talk to her Natasha,” Yelena encouraged, “She’s got the heart eyes for you, I promise.”
Yelena was your very best friend, even above Wanda, so if anyone knew it’d be her, plus, she was a trained spy, but even more so she had hazel eyes that could see the painfully obvious.
Natasha went to shake her head, to vehemently negate the blondes claims of reciprocity, but then she was in direct route to you before the spitfire beside her could beat her to the punch.
Literally—she punched a sleaze square in the jaw without even breaking a sweat, then she instinctively wrapped her strong arms around your trembling form, “Shh, it’s okay malysh, please don’t cry, you’re safe here, I promise.”
A fluttering commenced in the redheads chest when you burrowed further into her, “I know,” your whispered acknowledgment melted her even further. The redhead gently swayed you, and she smiled softly when your short arms did their best to wrap around her toned body.
The two of you stood there in your embrace for a few minutes, paying no mind to the posse of Avengers that corralled the asshole and gave him the ass kicking of his life for touching you. You weren’t an Avenger, just their assistant for all things PR, but they all loved you as family.
Natasha looked up from your face smushed against her chest, she surveyed the building crowd and she felt a need to shield you further. You’d always hated the attention, so she took it upon herself to lift you off the ground with her hands under your thighs for leverage as she took you as far away from there as possible.
Once she made it to your shared hall she set you down, “Want to watch a movie Y/N?”
“Can we just cuddle instead please Natty?”
Natasha nodded and pulled back causing you to whine, “Come back,” you reached for her and she softly snorted, “I’m getting snacks.”
You wanted to protest, to pull her back in, but for starters you were no match for her strength, and you also had plans that warranted future sustenance so you let her go without a fight.
As soon as she reentered her room she was shocked to find you on her bed in only a sports bra, and short as can be sleep shorts. Keeping her breathing steady was an act of desperation, and when you looked at her so innocently she believed it, missing the way your eyes smirked.
“I got chips, and some bean dip,” she said as she held up the loot, her eyes were lightly hazy and you knew then that Wanda wasn’t lying. Honestly you found her endearing, the way she held eye contact with you over letting her gaze wander like she wanted, “I also stole you a brown sugar pop-tart from Thor’s stash.”
You clapped giddily, “Yes! You’re the best!” then you catapulted from atop the bed and right into her flexed arms. Natasha huffed, and if not for her strength she’d have likely been laid out flat on the floor in a mess of snacks, with a delectable one atop her. However she caught you with ease, and settled the bags down before doing the same with herself.
Natasha’s heart rate was already racing with you on her, it soon picked up though with the way you gently shifted to straddle her lap. She’d cuddled you many times, each one a test of her willpower that she usually won, but you were not helping her as you softly ground your hips into hers while maintaining her gaze, she believed it to be unintentional, but then you suddenly kissed her and she knew it wasn’t.
“Y/N…” she whimpered against your lips, a silent plea for you to stop, but she didn’t mean it, she just feared this was an adrenaline rush sort of response on your end, and she wanted it to be so much more, you were her dream girl.
“Shh, let me thank you properly Natasha,” you pressed against her shoulders, the action was in vain as you were unable to move the brick of a woman, but fortunately for you her already thin resolve had crumbled, so she laid down.
With a nod of approval, and a soft touch you removed her suit jacket, and grey camisole. Natasha’s chiseled physique was even better than you’d imagine it to be, and you were more than ready for her to show you her strength.
“You’re so beautiful Nat,” you ran your fingers over her arms, feeling the muscles beneath jerking at your simple touch, seeing as her skin flushed at your ministrations, and watching as she tried desperately to speak, “Th-thanks.”
You smiled, “You’re most certainly welcome,” and then you leaned down to kiss her again, you were lost in the warm feeling brought on by her lips on yours, but when her whimper reverberated in your mouth, and as you felt your cunt clench with need you were upright, and her black slacks and panties went with you.
Natasha’s chest heaved as she tried to calm herself down, which was proving impossible as she had a front row seat to you undressing. You were sure to put on a show as you discarded your bra, and twisted your pebbled nipples, the both of you groaning in tandem at the gesture.
Then went your shorts, and she audibly choked when she saw how wet you already were for her. It was over for her though when she felt you slip your drenched panties into her clenched hand, and on instinct she brought them to her face, and sniffed, “Trakhni menya.”
(Fuck me)
“Oh, I plan to,” you winked and she spluttered from beneath you in clear need of information, “I’m your PR assistant Nat, I know my stuff.”
Natasha moaned languidly when she felt your slick drip into the grooves of her abdomen, she was desperate to grab you, to guide you, but she was too afraid to hurt you, so she didn’t. This very fact was clear to you when you saw her brows painfully furrowed, with her hands clenched at her side as you continued to grind.
With a softness you kissed her brow until it settled beneath your lips, your hands unfurled her own, and you guided them to your waist. Natasha’s eyes shot open fearfully, but you stopped her protests with a sloppy, heated kiss, you wanted to encourage her to follow her instincts, but all she did was try to let you go.
“Nat, please,” you whimpered, placing her hands back on your hips again, and she sighed, “I don’t want to hurt you Y/N… Please…”
“Oh Natty,” you softly chuckled, slowing your grinding down as you focused on her worried pout, “You could never hurt me, you’re my Natty bear, the one who cuddles me close on movie nights, who goes to the store at 1am to get me ice cream just because I’m cramping, and the one who defends my honor in ways that drive me absolutely up the wall. I need you, so please, just touch me, and don’t stop.”
Natasha smiled genuinely, and as you picked the pace back up she decided to aide you once you got sloppy with your movements. With a soft grip she guided your cunt against her abs, she flexed them every time she pulled you down, and you rewarded her with a loud moan, and a gush of your essence on her flushed skin.
You fell into her, crashing your lips to hers for a kiss that left you both panting in seconds. Natasha gently flipped your positions, she ran a calloused thumb over the side of your face, and watched you slowly returning to yourself.
“Hi,” you meekly greeted and she chuckled breathlessly, “Hey there pretty girl,” she kissed you tenderly, and you became absolute mush.
Natasha wasn’t done with you now that she’d had a little taste, her lips moved from yours to nip at your skin wherever she could, and she smirked when you clutched at her biceps in a silent plea of clear desperation for her touch.
“I’m going to take care of you sweetheart,” she trailed her fingers down your body, every part of you she grazed over tensed as she was in clear route to your dripping sex, and once she made it there you were writhing with need.
“Calm down baby,” her hands squeezed the flesh of your thighs, the force of her grip alone had you mewling as the sinful thought of her thick fingers venturing further, and delving deep inside you flooded your hazy mind.
“Is it okay baby?” she spread your thighs, and nodded towards your cunt, “Wanna feel you.”
“Please,” you fisted the sheets as you pleaded, your hips rose up instinctively, and she gently pushed them back into the mattress with a soft kiss being placed above your pelvic bone before her fingers finally pushed inside of you.
“I can’t believe this is real,” she grunted in amazement, the feel of you wrapped around her was something she’d only ever dreamed of, and to feel your warmth in real time was wildly intoxicating, and she knew without doubt it’d would be impossible to let you go after tonight.
“Natty please, more,” you reached down and dug your nails into her muscular shoulders, Natasha hissed softly as you managed to make her bleed, but she would never complain, in fact she only aimed to please so she gave you a third finger that ended up being your vice.
“Is that what you needed?” she smirked up at you, your mouth was wide open, spewing the most obscene moans she’d ever heard as she thrusted her fingers into you just right, “You look so pretty for me baby,” she circled your clit with her rough thumb and you screamed.
You really did look like a vision with your body shaking uncontrollably on the bed, her fingers damn near trapped inside of you as your walls squeezed her impossibly tight, you were in the depths of euphoria, and you looked like you belonged nowhere else but in her bed for her to take at any given moment, “Such a good girl, you drenched my hand baby, thank you.”
Natasha lifted her fingers up to her lips, her eyes that were voided with speckles of green swimming around had fluttered shut as soon as your essence caressed her tastebuds, she was so incredibly aroused by your existence, and your unique taste only made her even more so. It’s had a similar affect on you too, the sight of her alone always had you warm, but hearing her appreciative moans left you a bit of a mess.
Then when she looked at you with that smirk of hers, the one that tells you she knows she’s hot stuff it made you desperate for a repeat attack. But then you got a grip of yourself, and the one more prominent thought was wanting to please her,which is was what you had set out to do.
“Natasha, I was meant to be thanking you,” you whined when she laid down beside you, she only chuckled as she pulled your body on top or hers with ease, “Tasting you was all the reward I needed malysh, it’s all good baby.”
You felt her thighs clench, as if her body was trying to call her out for lying, and you decided to do the same, “I can feel you Nat,” you said it so softly, because embarrassing her wasn’t the goal, “Your wetness is all over my stomach.”
“Y/N,” she tried to settle your curiosity, but your blown out eyes and finger over her lip told her the downplaying over her need was futile.
“Then how about you let me have a turn?” you asked, and she nodded dumbly, because truth be told she was powerless to your advances, “It’s only fair I get a taste,” you reasoned, the way you looked down at her spurred on an uncharacteristic whimper from deep within.
“I know you’re going to taste divine my love,” you purred as you pecked her lips, Nat felt her heart speed up at your slip of tongue, she could get used to being yours, she already had.
Natasha squirmed as you pried her legs open, she honestly felt so exposed, it was unfamiliar territory, but at the same time she trusted you with her life, even if she could toss you around, she knew from an emotional end you had her.
“So pretty for me baby,” you admired her body, the new angle was picturesque really, her arms were perfectly defined, certain muscles flexed as she clenched her fists, her abs prominently flexed too as she waited for you to tend to her.
This woman could easily destroy you, and you’d let her, but here you have her laid out for you in a way you knew she didn’t just let anyone see. You cherished the idea that you were that special to her, and you vowed right there to never break that trust she had in you.
“Are you ready baby?” you licked over the salty skin of her thigh teasingly as you awaited her response, and when she breathlessly pleaded for you to do something you dove into her cunt.
Natasha couldn’t breath for the first thirty seconds as you lapped away at her, never in her life had she been this desperate or sensitive, but you’d also never been naked in her bed before today so it all seemed to be adding up.
Soon it was you who was unable to breathe. So lost in the pleasure she clamped her thighs shut around you, her quads held your head in an unforgiving grip. You were without oxygen but you honestly couldn’t be bothered to care when all you wanted was to please her, to feel her walls flutter around your tongue, to have her heady scent permanently on your upper lip.
Natasha came about a minute later, your name torn from her throat like a prayer she’d needed answered, and in a shocking manner her taut legs trembled, and therefore relinquished their hold on you. As you gasped for air Natasha began to realize what had likely happened, but before she could panic you were smiling at her, your face absolutely drenched in her essence.
In this exact moment, under the bright light of the moon you’d never looked more beautiful.
Natasha pulled you up from between her legs, and into a strong, but unsurprisingly gentle embrace as you worked to breathe steadily. Once she heard your breathing temper she lifted your head and pulled you into a kiss.
“I love you Y/N,” she whispered her confession against your lips, and when you pulled back she looked at you with soft eyes that swam with a vulnerability reminiscent of fear, and so you cupped her cheek, your eyes glistened with joy and you kissed her again, “I love you too.”
Natasha’s embrace tightened, you buried your face into her neck, and sighed, “Goodnight,” as she lifted the duvet over your bodies.
“Just to be clear, you didn’t give that girl your number right?” she meekly broke the silence.
You cackled tiredly against her, “Never even considered it Nat, I was too hung up on you.”
Natasha kissed your cheek, you could feel her smirking as she did, and you rolled your eyes.
“Go to sleep, let your ego get some rest,” you teased, and she chuckled, “Goodnight Y/N.”
3,116 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥩
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olsenmyolsen · 4 months ago
Chapter Nineteen: Under The Stars at The Bartons
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The Farmer's Daughter - (A WandaNat Story)
Masterlist . Tag list: @xenaizogie
Summary: Wanda and Natasha head to the Barton farm to relax and spend time with Laura and Natsha's niece and nephew.
Word Count: 3.1K
Content: Soft Natasha, Soft Wanda, Girlfriends, Feelings, Laura Barton and kids, Clint, Domestic moments,
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"How old are the kids again?" Wanda asked as the Uber turned off the paved road.
"Umm gosh..." Natasha thought. "Cooper is probably ten? And Lila has to be eight?" Natasha thought some more before nodding. "Yeah, around there." Wanda nodded along. "And you think they'll like me?"
Natasha laughed as Wanda lifted her head from the redhead's shoulder. "I'm serious." Wanda was getting more nervous with each bump in the road. "I know. I'm sorry, but yes, they'll love you. I can't imagine why they wouldn't."
Natasha was telling the truth but was very curious to know what Laura would have to say about Wanda.
Wanda hummed and looked out the front windshield as the view of the white ranch-style home came into view. "Wow," Wanda said, earning Natasha's nod. "It's pretty."
As the car rolled to a stop in front of the house, the porch screen door flew open, and two kids and a mom with black mixed with copper hair ran after them. "Guys, let them get their stuff first!" Laura pleaded as Cooper and Lila were already running into Nat as she stepped out of the car.
Wanda watched from the car before opening her own door and swinging around the back of the vehicle. The Uber driver gave her a courteous nod as he had already piled their bags outside the trunk. "Thanks." She mumbled before her eyes met Laura's.
Laura immediately took notice and extended her hand as she met Wanda where she stood. "You must be Wanda! It's a pleasure to meet you." Wanda could tell that Laura meant it. "You as well!" Wanda said with a big smile attached.
Laura turned her head and saw Natasha trying to introduce Wanda, but the kids were asking a million questions.
"Hey guys! Why don't we give Auntie Nat some space and let her introduce you to her friend." Laura grabbed each of her kid's shoulders and pulled them back into her legs as Natasha stood up and wrapped her arm around Wanda.
Wanda instantly felt calmer.
"Guys, this is my special friend, Wanda! She's cool and will be with us while I'm here!" Natasha smiled widely and watched the kids look from the redhead to Wanda.
Lila immediately went wide-eyed and dropped her mouth. "You're really pretty!" That melted Wanda's heart. "Aww, well, thank you! I think you're pretty, too!" Wanda bent down. "I love your pigtails too. Did you do them yourself?"
Lila nodded. "I can do yours if you want?!"
Natasha was watching this interaction with big ole heart eyes. Laura was watching Natasha and was going to grill her later on.
Wanda hummed in playful thought. "Sure! But maybe tomorrow, is that okay?" Lila nodded. "Yay! I can't wait!" Wanda giggled and turned her head to Cooper. "So if that, Lila, that must make you Cooper."
Cooper wore a dumb grin on his face that Natasha hadn't seen before, making the redhead tilt her head and look at Laura.
Laura caught the look Cooler had mixed with his mumbled words when he spoke to Wanda.
"Crush." She mouthed to Natasha. Natasha raised her eyebrows and unconsciously made her hold on Wanda tighter when she rose from talking with the kids.
"Well, if you two wanna grab your bags, I think the Uber driver's asleep." Laura laughed as she slowly turned with the kids following her. Wanda looked into the window of the backseat and it did indeed look like the driver was asleep.
"Oh, I got it," Natasha said as Wanda went to grab her own bag. "Oh... are you sure?" She asked, but Natasha waved her off. "You do know what I do for a living, right?" Wanda rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arm around Natasha's waist. "You're right. Your muscles are something else." Natasha hummed as they walked up the porch steps. "Don't you forget it?" Wanda laughed as they entered the house.
It was set up very similar to her home. Except this house was way more lived in. Wanda would later find out this home has been in the Barton named for the last 80 years.
Natasha set their bags down near the front door. "I can show you our room later." Wanda nodded. She was in no rush to get away from the hosts yet. So, as they walked down the hall towards the sound of Lila laughing, Wanda looked at the framed family photos.
"Natasha." Wanda's voice stopped Natasha as she turned back to a picture Wanda was looking at. It was hanging above the table near the coat closet. "That's Clint?" Wanda asked informally as if she couldn't believe it. She knew what the man looked like now. But in the picture, he had to have been 19 years old and had a buzz cut.
Natasha laughed. "Oh god. He hates that picture! Laura totally put that out just for you to see." Wanda laughed at how evil Laura was. "That's awesome," Wanda said.
Together, Wanda and Natasha walked into the back kitchen, where Laura was doing her best to finish preparations for a home-cooked meal. Lila was drawing a picture of her and Wanda.
"Did she see it?" Laura asked without looking up. Natasha laughed. "She saw it." Laura fist-bumped the air. "Isn't it horrible?" She said while looking up to Wanda, who nodded with a smile. "It's not the worst picture ever." Natasha nodded. "That's true. I took a picture of Wanda earlier. That's way worse!"
"Hey!" Wanda exclaimed as the teasing began focusing on her. But Laura stuck up for the newbie. "Wanda, the couch in the office upstairs is a pullout in case Natasha needs somewhere to stay tonight." Natasha huffed. "Oh, come on!" Wanda laughed. "Thank you, Laura." Laura winked. "Anytime. Now Natasha, please move. You're starting to crowd me." Natasha rolled her eyes and moved away from the stressed-out mom. "Where's the little man?" She asked while picking up a baby carrot from a bowl and chomping into it.
She offered Wanda one, but she politely declined.
"He went to grab his glove and baseball bat." Laura pulled her eyes away from the recipe written in a notebook to Natasha. "He expects catch." Natasha nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Dad number two is around." Laura picked up a baby carrot and flung it at Natasha. Lila heard the adults bickering and looked at Wanda while laughing. Wanda looked at her and shrugged before pulling a silly face.
They would be besties come Monday.
"Shut up," Laura said to Natasha, who picked up the floor carrot. "I'm kidding, but yeah, I'll report to my duties." Natasha sat up from the giant kitchen island and, out of habit, went to kiss Wanda but found her sitting by Lila, coloring.
"Gonna be okay if I leave you with this troublemaker?" Natasha asked the two as she leaned over Wanda's chair. "Natasha, that's not nice," Wanda said, making Natasha smile brightly. "I was talking to Lila. You're the troublemaker, Wanda." Lila nodded and laughed even if she knew it wasn't true. Wanda's mouth dropped. "Oh my gosh, please leave," Wanda said and almost leaned up to kiss Natasha but wasn't sure if that was okay.
She knew Laura was okay with it.
But Natasha introduced Wanda as her friend, not her girlfriend, so they weren't sure what they could do in front of the kids.
However, leave it to Natasha to play it by ear, lean down, and kiss Wanda's head right in front of Lila, making the small child drop her mouth. "Ew, Auntie Nat, what about cooties?"
Lila was a little past the age to believe in cooties, so she must've been doing it as an inside joke between her and Natasha.
Natasha faked a gasp. "Oh no! Wanda, did you get your cootie shot?" If Wanda hadn't known better, she would've thought Natasha Romanoff had gone to Juilliard rather than joining the military. "I did! So it's okay!"
Lila wiped fake sweat from her forehead. Natasha did the same. "That was close, huh, Lila!" Lila nodded and moved her eyes to Wanda. "That could've been catastrophic."
Now, where in the hell did Lila know that word was lost on Laura, she smiled as she watched everything happening several feet away through her phone's camera.
A video to play at a wedding she was now dead set on wanting to happen.
"Okay, I'll try to have Cooper done and washed up before 6," Natasha called out to Laura, who had put her phone away in time. "Okay, have fun!" With that Wanda watched the back screen door close and Natasha turn the corner.
Her eyes briefly traveled to Laura, who offered a kind smile that warmed Wanda's heart. Everything was so quick and easy here. They didn't have to hide per se, and Wanda got to see a whole new side of Natasha.
She was beyond happy.
"So..." Lila pulled Wanda's attention back to the multi-colored pieces of paper in front of them. "Are you and Auntie Nat married?"
Laura deeply laughed as Wanda looked at the innocent child, flustered.
Hours later, after dinner, ice cream and drawing made Wanda's hand cramp, everyone retired to bed. Laura also told Natasha that she told the kids that Natasha was making her special French toast in the morning.
Natasha was not and had never made French toast before.
Has Wanda? Natasha asked in her head before Wanda came out of the bathroom that was connected to the guest room they were in and the home office.
Wanda was brushing her teeth. She smiled and walked closer to Natasha, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, only wearing her gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. "What?" Wanda asked with a mouthful of toothpaste. She had caught Natasha staring at her.
Natasha smiled and stuck her hand up. Wanda took it before being dragged closer. "You're just cute." Wanda smiled and rolled her eyes. She was tired, brushing her teeth and wearing a white shirt with a red collar that said: Norwegian Power on the front.
Wanda squeezed Natasha's hand before retreating back to the bathroom to finish up.
"You know..." Wanda said as she clicked off the bathroom light and returned to the bedroom. "Laura promised me some pictures of younger twenties Natasha. Am I gonna like what I see?" Natasha smiled at Wanda's curious eyes. "Oh, you're gonna love them." Wanda laughed. "I hope there are some real embarrassing ones."
Natasha nodded and looked away. She wasn't sure what pictures Laura had, which scared her slightly.
Wanda gently cupped Natasha's chin and turned it towards her as she, too, sat on the edge of the bed. Wanda gave a quick kiss before her pink lips turned into a grin. "You're great with them."
"With who?" Natasha asked as she put her arms behind her body. Leaning back. "With Cooper and Lila. It was cute."
Natasha smiled. "They're great. You did amazing, too. You'll be leaving here with a whole bag full of drawings." Wanda nodded. Lila and her were unstoppable. "Lila's definitely going to an art school." Wanda leaned into Natasha until they both fell back against the bed. Natasha's arm wrapped around Wanda, pulling her close.
"I forgot about the stars," Natasha said as she and Wanda looked up at the faint green glow on the ceiling. They would grow brighter once they turned off the bedside lamp. "I like them." Wanda hummed.
It was then Natasha said something unbelievably cheesy and cute that set the tone for the rest of the night.
"I like you."
Wanda tucked her head into Natasha's shoulder and closed her eyes. She was hiding a gigantic smile. "Did you really just say that?" Wanda's voice was slightly muffled and amused.
Natasha laughed. "Don't make me regret it."
"Nat." Wanda lifted her head. "You've told me before, but that was so cheesy." Wanda bit her bottom lip as she looked at Natasha's green eyes. "But I like you too."
Silence fell upon the two once again as they laid.
Their honeymoon phase wasn't over, but they were more comfortable with each other than most people in an entire relationship.
"You know..." Wanda lifted her head from Natasha. "This will be our first time sleeping in the same bed. Like fully overnight and not on accident."
Natasha remembers Wanda panicking one morning after she accidentally fell asleep in Natasha's arms. She was stressed that she couldn't find her left Vans.
It was in her hand.
"That's true," Natasha replied as she turned her head to look up at the pillows against the headboard. "So, which side do you want?" Natasha knew which side of the bed she wanted. Natasha wanted the life side. It was nearest to the door.
Wanda sat in thought. "The left side." She said, Natasha's face remaining unchanged. The redhead just nodded and lifted herself up, but Wanda stopped her with a soft hand on the chest. "Natasha, I'm joking."
Natasha looked at Wanda, confused. "What?" Wanda chucked. "I know you want the left side." Natasha immediately shook her head. "No. No, I don't." Wanda got up and pulled Natasha up as well. "Yes, you do. You always sleep on the left side. Even if I start on it. You always move me over."
Wanda vaguely remembers being lifted up and moved to the other side one night. She thought it was a weird part of her dream for the next day.
Natasha was caught.
"It makes it easier to protect the door." Natasha quietly answered as if Wanda was scolding her, but the brunette quickly ensured that was not the case. "Hey. I don't need a reason. You like your specific side. That's okay. I can sleep anywhere, ask Carol and Darcy." Wanda shrugged before her eyes went wide. "Don't ask them. They'd probably tell you some things I don't want you to know yet."
There was a future.
Natasha smiled as the two got ready for bed. It was cute and domestic. And like most nights, after making out and finally breathing normally, the couple held each other.
Which made the question in Natasha's mind unrelenting.
"Hey, Wanda?" Natasha whispered, unsure if the other woman had fallen asleep yet. "Hey, Natasha," Wanda whispered back, fully awake, as her mind raced, thinking about the girl in her arms.
Natasha licked her lips. "I- I wanna ask you something, but I'm nervous..." Wanda's heart thumped against her chest. "You can ask me anything." She said, preparing herself. Natasha gathered her thoughts. "When you- when you think about going back to school- like in the fall..." Natasha inhaled. "Do you see me? Like in your future?"
Natasha suddenly became very on edge.
"And even if you don't think about the fall or anything, that's fine. I've just thought about it and- if it's dumb, don't worry-"
Wanda rose from the laying position and put her hand on Natasha's mouth. Scaring the redhead for one second. "Shut up," Wanda said with a laugh in between the words. She then looked down at the green eyes of the older woman. Staring at her like she was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. It was delicate.
"Where are your thoughts going with this, Natasha?" Wanda calmly asked.
Natasha gulped as Wanda slowly pulled her hand away and placed it down Natasha's arm. Her thumb rubbed Natasha's wrist. Natasha cleared her throat and sat up so she was face-to-face with Wanda.
"It's just... it's no secret that I'm older than you and it s-scares me every once in a while because..." Natasha took a breath. "I haven't felt like how I feel about you in an insanely long time." Natasha looked at Wanda. "So much so that I'm pretty sure if I actually did feel this way about someone else, it wouldn't be this good." Natasha inhaled and exhaled. "Wanda, we're great together. And yeah, it's only been a couple of weeks. A month. A little more. Stolen dates and kisses here and there, but I really, really like you." She couldn't stress it enough. "And I don't know exactly how it'll pan out, but I'd like to think we're in each other's future."
Natasha was vulnerable. She hated this feeling, but the thought of not seeing Wanda was worse.
Wanda lifted her right hand to Natasha's face and gently pulled her closer. "I see you in my future. Okay?" Her eyes danced over to the shimmering green of the redheads. "I really do because I like you so much, Natasha."
She thought about saying it.
She wanted to say it.
But another question was pressing.
Natasha lifted her face up and kissed Wanda. Tenderly, they confessed their fears and honesty. Natasha gently cradled Wanda's head as she moved to be on top of the brunette. Wanda's back hit the soft bed.
"Oh, Natasha!" Wanda quietly moaned as Natasha moved her lips from Wanda's to the girl's neck. Carefully, Natasha kissed her way up to Wanda's ear—the action making Wanda scrunch her nose as it was pleasurable but ticklish.
Hearing the giggles, Natasha lifted her head and looked down at Wanda's face.
"I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to know how I feel. How much I want this."
Wanda's smile turned to a face of shock before a pearly white smile replaced that. "What?" She was cheerful.
"I want you, Wanda Maximoff, to be my girlfriend." Natasha calmly said before adding on: "I keep thinking about it and I hated calling you my special friend. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want people to know."
People would have to include Wanda's father, Erik Lehnsherr. But that would be a bridge to cross later.
"Me too," Wanda replied before she lifted her head and kissed Natasha. "I'm your girlfriend," Wanda said. Natasha laid her body against Wanda's again.
"Natasha?" Wanda asked after a moment of the two kissing and cuddling. "Can you be honest with me?" Natasha looked at Wanda, wholly concerned. "Did you ask me so that Cooper couldn't?" All the worry left Natasha's face as she rolled her eyes and turned away from Wanda, who was laughing way louder than she should've been.
Wanda wasn't sure how jealous Natasha was of the ten-year-old's crush on her until she watched Natasha grab the spoon away from Cooper so she could be the one to fill Wanda's bowl with ice cream earlier that night.
"Good night," Natasha said as she bundled the pillow under her head to her liking. "Oh, come on, Natasha!" Wanda pleaded while still laughing. Natasha smiled when she felt Wanda's body against hers. Soft lips kissing her neck and back.
She and Wanda were girlfriends.
Natasha was over the moon.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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scarfacemarston · 8 months ago
Could you maybe probably sort of kind of pretty please with a cherry on top write a Natasha x reader? Wlw preferred but nbreader is cool too. Maybe like a prank fic? I love pranks so much they bring so much serotonin into my veins 💋💋💋
Natasha x F! Reader prank people
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Warnings: LOTS of cussing from Rumlow because that's just the type of guy he is. Takes place before the Hydra reveal. You loved a lot of things about Natasha. Who wouldn’t love the woman? You were the luckiest gal in the world to call her your partner. You loved how many layers she had to her and felt honored to see the softer, more playful side of her. Not many people knew that she had a penchant for pranks. It was quite simple for her to play pranks on people and let chaos reign because no one ever suspected it was the severe and stoic Black Widow.
Sometimes, she would prank people and give the most mischievous and playful smile -reserved only for you.
Well, there came a time when you wanted to join in. After all, it was a fun new way for you two to bond as a couple. Natasha quirked an eyebrow at your request but accepted it anyway.
Some of her favorite targets included Isaac Murphy, Brock Rumlow, and the IT guy from the 7th floor of the Shield Headquarters.
“You remember that I like to play the long game here, right? No salt in the sugar container or pie in the face antics. That’s child’s play. No, I want them to be either very confused, suffering or both. You can handle that, can’t you?” Natasha said with a quick of her lips. You scoffed.
“Of course I can! I have some ideas of my own, you know.” You defended yourself. Natasha crossed her arms. “Well this I have to hear.” “Well, I hate Brock Rumlow, too. I have a simple, but obnoxious prank on him, but he might tear up the room.” You warned.
“Hm, if it’s too awful, I’ll have to hear his loud mouth whining about it. Save your best idea for him to make it worth it.” Natasha thought aloud.
“Okay, will do. This Murphy guy, you have his email and number, right? Why not sign him up for the most famous mega church we can find? Joel Olsteen or Kenneth Copland, like that!.”
“He’s suspicious. I’m not sure what is off about him, but I will find out. But, not a bad idea, but I think we can do worse.”
“I’m getting there! What about various political campaigners? We could do Obama, Romney, Kennedy and even more local politicians. I receive those emails and texts daily despite donating to a Green Party campaign six years ago. That’s just one! Imagine how horrible three or more would be!” You enthused.
Natasha grinned. “Not bad, but I really want him to suffer.” “I was thinking we could give his name to various military recruiters? ” You suggested. “I’ll suggest his name to a multi-level marketing group so they can try to recruit him, too. Not bad for your first prank.” Nat said, hugging you from behind. “I think we can do even better.” Nat muttered in your ear.
“Okay, for Rumlow - I was thinking we trick him into thinking there’s somebody who takes his desk during the night shift. Uses his chair, desk, everything.” You said, a grin curling on your features. “Hm, sounds promising. Go on” She murmured. “Well, I was thinking we move his stuff around every day before he comes in. Maybe lay a crossword puzzle or newspapers scattered in the morning that look read? Move his pens, and everything else!” You laughed. Natasha nodded in approval. I think we should leave half-eaten bags of chips, half-drunk water bottles, and candy wrappers so he thinks someone has been eating there. That will get him. He’s quite possessive with his stuff.” Nat suggested. You gasped. “Oh, he’s going to hate that.” “Yep. And to end it up, we can have multiple files on his computer that look like they’re from Murphy, Jack Rollins and Sitwell. All of them sometimes work the night shifts.” Nat laughed as she turned to face you. ‘Imagine the fights!”
“I’ll be sure to tape them, don’t you worry, love,” Natasha said, tapping your nose.
It wasn’t long until Natasha invited you to have lunch with her at a SHIELD gathering. It was a relaxed affair where nothing intelligence-related was discussed. A few other SHIELD members invited their partners or children as well.
Natasha smirked as she took her seat next to you and placed a plate of sandwiches and milkshakes on the table for you to share.
“Might as well have something to eat while we enjoy the show. Murphy looks like he’s going to have a mental breakdown. His phone has been going off all day to the point that Rumlow threatened to break it, and Maria Hill threatened to take disciplinary action."
At that moment, you heard the buzz of a cellphone receiving a notification…and another…and another.
“They won’t leave me alone!” Murphy whined.
“Shut that damn phone up, or I’m smashing it. I don’t give a fuck about any “disciplinary action.”
“It’s the number, you idiot. Not the phone!” Murphy said, raising his voice.
“Then change the fucking number!” Rumlow raised his voice.
“I can’t! I have too many accounts associated with it! I’d have to start all over!” Murphy whined.
Rollins tromped over, glaring at Murphy. “
All of us are plotting your death, Murphy.” Rollins snapped as he pulled Rumlow by the shoulder away.
“Come on, let’s get you a beer.” Rollins muttered.
“I need more than a damn beer,” Rumlow muttered, stomping off. Soon, the noise was annoying, even the two of you.
Finally, Maria Hill herself made her way over, snatching the phone from Murphy’s hand. “You’re on thin ice, kid,” Hill said, pointing at his face.
Murphy sat, slumping into his chair. “It’s not my fault!” he whined.
You and Natasha exchanged looks as you slipped on your milkshake, stealing one of Natasha’s fries.
“I have to admit, I was close to breaking his phone myself.” Nat admitted.
“Yeah, this might have backfired on us.”
“But it is great to see them at each other’s throats. It distracts them from bothering Steve and I,” Natasha said, stopping your hand from stealing another fry.
“I could have bought you fries, you know.” Nat laughed.
“But I so enjoy stealing yours!” You smiled.
~~~~~ A week later, you received a text from Natasha. “Calling you in a second. Need you to hear this. Need to be silent, though.” “Ok” And with that, your phone began to ring. You picked up immediately only to hear shouting and cursing in the background…from a very familiar voice. It was most certainly Rumlow who had become fed up with the idea of someone “stealing his shit in his space.”
“If I find out which piece of shit is using my desk, I’m going to dismember them! Slowly!” Rumlow bellowed.
You heard a second voice. “No one sits there! Calm down there, alpha male. It’s your space.” Rollins snarked.
“Then where the fuck is this shit coming from? You work the night shift! Why are there files from you, Murphy and Sitwell? “ he shouted.
“Yeah, Over there. That’s how I know no one sits there. I don't know how they got that, Rumlow. I didn't do it." Rollins defended.
“Where did this come from? Or this?” - the sound of objects being thrown came through the phone.”
“Fine, ask Murphy!”
You hear another voice in the background.
“That asshole is on thin ice. If it’s him, good luck finding the body.” Rumlow growled.
“It wasn’t me! I quit working nights last month!” Murphy squeaked.
“That leaves Sitwell, then.” You heard Rollins speak up.
You heard Rumlow growl. “Damn it. That nerd is higher on the ladder than we are…but how about we pay the dweeb a visit anyway?” You heard Rumlow’s voice fade in the background.
You heard Natasha’s voice. “I hope you’re proud of yourself and the chaos you caused,” Nat said, snickering.
“Oh, so proud! I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, though.” You apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I can handle a few mens’ fragile egos and I can drown them out pretty well. I have to say, you impressed me with your pranks. I might need to watch out…but just know that any pranks you play on me, I’ll get you back with a vengence.” Nat warned.
“….. okay, then it will only be fun ones then! A surprise room of puppies, or baklava randomly appearing in places.” You appeased. Nat gave one of her rare laughs.
“I can live with that. Let’s give the boys a break for now, but we are definitely going to prank them again. Maybe we’ll go after new targets. I have to go. Dinner at Demo’s tonight, same time as usual?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Love you, Tasha.”
“Love you, Y/N”.
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vevobly · 5 months ago
could you write friends to lovers shauna shipman x reader headcanons?? i love how you write her and i think is so accurate!! thank you, hope you have a an amazing day ☺️☺️
Friends to Lovers With Shauna Shipman Headcanons! (Pre-Relationship) [1]
A/N: Thanks, Anon! I always try hard to make sure the stuff I make about them is in line with their canon counterparts, but it can't be helped that some will just be out of character for them anyway. Moving aside from those, this was a bit rushed but I still hope you devour and enjoy it!
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You were probably in one of her classes or friends with Jackie. At first, she doesn't really acknowledge your existence—too busy focusing solely on Jackie.
It isn’t until after a party that she and the rest of the Yellowjackets team are invited to that she does begins paying mind to you. What you did wasn't a big thing, to be honest!
You probably just, like, accompanied her for a while and complimented her outfit while she was moping over Jackie leaving her for Jeff again or something.
To your surprise, instead of being told to just leave her alone, Shauna actually lights up and starts talking to you; she thanks you for your compliment before talking about other things.
You guys don't even notice how much time passed with how invested you both were in your conversations with each other before someone from her team came to get her.
From then on, Shauna starts waving at you whenever she sees you around. She starts giving you these small (really cute) shy smiles when you two pass each other through the hallways.
It isn't long until it evolves to you guys striking up a conversation whenever you guys catch the other somewhere. You listen to Shauna, and she feels heard. She feels more seen.
Slowly but surely stuff changes between the two of you as you both get closer to each other. Shauna starts sneaking out of her house at night to meet you after dark, just hanging out with you in her car and talking for hours.
The conversations are just about whatever, school and gossip, the usual. But gradually it goes from that to Shauna spilling a lot of stuff she normally would just never tell anyone and keep to herself.
You guys start glancing at each other a lot, brush hands more often than friends should, and find a TON of excuses just to be physically close to each other.
When you guys are around the team, you both have to play it really cool. I mean, the team knows you two have been getting way too buddy pals with each other, but no one knows more than that.
Tai and Van has this vibe with you two. Natalie has this hunch. Jackie is oblivious to it. Laura Lee, Lottie, Mari, and Akilah feel like something's up with you guys while Misty is just in her own world entirely but she's like Nat too. She suspects something is going on between you guys.
You bet your ass that with how close you've become to Shauna, you get pretty good at reading her especially when she's hiding her emotions. You can tell when something's bothering her, and you're the one she immediately turns to when stuff blows up with Jackie or Jeff's existence pisses her off again.
As Shauna's feelings for you get deeper, she kinda starts pulling away from Jackie. Not just emotionally but also physically. Sure, Jackie is all wrapped up in her relationship with Jeff and her image. But when she starts noticing this? Oh boy, you are toasted. She lowkey starts controlling and preventing Shauna as much as she can from being with you anymore further than she likes.
This doesn't stop Shauna though. In fact, it just makes her spend more time with you. When it's just the two of you, her behavior completely changes. She's relaxed and affectionate (platonically 👀), more free and herself around you.
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quietlyimplode · 2 months ago
for the ask advent thing - 19 with Clint/Nat?
I love the drabbles and short fics you've written for the advent so far by the way !! :)
I paired this with the anon request - #19/ Feeling for the other’s pulse with their lips/#13/ Brushing away an unruly lock of hair.
The last one maybe Christmassy. <3 thanks for the prompt and request! (Ofc there needs to be some angst in there!)
Clint’s broken arm has made him angry. Whilst ambidextrous at the best of times, there are still some things that he can’t do and he knows it.
Natasha feels his frustration; can’t help but feel her own in it too.
He whines when he’s with her, annoyance and complaint, and she takes it, because she knows it’s not about her.
Amongst the others, he smiles and laughs and looks like himself, but with her, it’s different.
He seems to know it.
Tries to do better, but the hurt comes out anyway amongst the frustration.
Natasha sighs.
The bathroom holds quiet amongst his bustling. She contemplates going back to her own apartment, but feels that would hurt him. She would worry anyway, that he would do something stupid.
She looks at herself in the mirror, washes her face and sighs again.
Clint is in his boxers, the blue of the plastic cast highlighted against his skin.
She smiles.
“What?” he frowns.
“Nothing,” she shakes her head, climbing into bed with him.
“Is it sore?”
It’s a point of contention, asking about the arm.
Clint both wants to talk about it, and forget that he’s human and it takes time to heal.
“No,” he replies grumpily.
“Hey,” she starts.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Clint rolls over.
Natasha gets up and leaves the room.
“Where are you going?”
She turns back and watches him, and leaves without saying a word.
It takes him a moment to follow her, but he finds her on the couch, sitting with her phone in hand.
He takes a step forward.
Squatting down to make himself lower than her eyeline, she regards him.
“I’m not good at being in pain,” he admits.
“And I can’t hold it together so it comes out, mostly with you.”
He shifts under her gaze.
“I’m sorry for that. I don’t mean it, I… don’t want to show weakness with the others but with you, it feels safe.. It feels...”
Natasha leans forward and kisses him.
It deepens as she pulls him from his squat to her on the couch. She feels the quickening of his pulse under her fingertips, through her lips and as he reaches up, he seems to forget his cast.
It brushes her face and she retreats at the coolness of it.
He withdraws, and gives her a rueful look.
“Ruined it, didn’t I?”
“No,” she replies truthfully, reaching up to brush his hair from his eyes.
“You’ve been a pain, but I don’t think it’s your fault.”
He leans against the couch.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
“I know.”
Her words are gentle as she cards her fingers through his unruly hair.
“It’ll get better.”
“It will, and so will I.”
Natasha helps him up, and leads him back to bed.
“Of that I have no doubt,” she nods.
The darkness envelops them as she turns off the light, but this time he hugs her tight.
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daggerspare-standingby · 8 months ago
THE CHASE - PART 7 | Hangman x Reader
Running high off the endorphins of your amazing first date with Jake, and the happy ending to your evening as well. Except it leaves you with more questions as to what you and Jake actually are, and as you're about to enjoy a day on the beach until you let some intrusive thoughts enter your mind. Jake makes sure to let you know exactly how he feels and what the two of you are.
2602 Words!
WARNINGS: this part does feature some body image insecurities, I try to make my stories as inclusive as I can - hence why I don't generally post too many descriptive terms about reader. And I try to put a little bit of myself into my writing, I have experienced my own body image insecurities, but please remember to be kind to yourself, and that every body is beautiful. <3
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You woke up feeling like a completely different person. You had managed to get all your chores done after breakfast, including putting away the laundry that seemed to pile up on the chair in the corner of your room. All the while you thought about your date with Jake, he had been a perfect gentleman. Followed by the kiss on your front porch and him telling you to ask him to leave, the butterflies seemed to constantly flutter in your stomach when you thought of it. Of course then there was the phone sex. Something you’d never done, but now that you had, you were surprised that you enjoyed it as much as you did. You were really looking forward to seeing him at the bar at some point this week, but you didn’t know when the next day would be. There was a small part of you that wasn’t sure how he was going to react. It being a Monday, you weren’t expecting a text from Nat as you donned a bikini and sundress. You were about to head down to the beach by the bar, catch some sun and get some reading done. 
Nat: Picking you up in 15, Beach Day. Too Hot to fly.
You shrugged and texted back a quick thumbs up emoji before tying your hair back in a neat braid to keep it off your neck and away from your face. You threw your beach towel, sunscreen, and the latest book you were reading into your bag and brushed your teeth. What you didn’t think about, was that it being too hot to fly meant that the whole squad was heading to the beach too. 
Nat honked from your driveway exactly 15 minutes after her text, the top and doors removed from her red jeep, Bob in the passenger seat gave you a small wave. You waved back with a smile, locking up and slipping your hat and sunglasses on before making your way to the car and hopping in the back seat “Hi friends! This is a nice surprise” Before pulling out onto the road, Nat turned to face you “so what happened with you and Hangman, because he's actually been a decent human being today.” You hadn’t expected a question period and wasn’t sure exactly where you stood with your relationship with Jake or what he had told his colleagues. “What do you mean?” You thanked goodness that your sunglasses were hiding the nervousness in your eyes. Bob clocked your tenseness in the mirror “Nat, come on, let’s head to the beach, we still need to stop at the gas station for ice for the coolers.” Nat narrowed her eyes at you from overtop her sunglasses and then pushed them back into place “fine, but I will find out.” She threw the jeep into drive and pulled out onto the street heading down to the beach by the Hard Deck. 
Nat pulled her Jeep in next to Bradley’s Bronco and you saw Jake’s truck a couple spots down, suddenly feeling nervous. How were you supposed to greet him when you saw him? You shook it off and figured you would let him take the lead. Nat and Bob grabbed the cooler out of the back, while you took their bags and the three of you maneuvered your way through the sand and through other beach goers as you headed to the spot that your friends had claimed with multiple umbrellas, blankets, coolers and towels. Some of the squad was tossing a football around, some were already relishing the cool of the ocean, but two aviators you didn’t see were Bradley and Jake. You set your bag down and laid out your towel, figuring they would show up sooner or later. Nat and Callie brought their bags over to you as well and Bob set up an umbrella to provide some shade, which he quickly occupied. You slip off your sundress while you chat with your friends and begin applying sunscreen to your arms, legs, stomach and face. When you looked over your shoulder, you saw Jake and Bradley making their way through the sand each with a hold on a cooler. 
Jake had gone with Rooster to grab ice and drinks from the hard deck - Penny had given them permission to do so and they were on their way back to the group when you arrived with Nat and Bob. Jake could make your form out a million miles away and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t puff out his chest a little bit. He hadn’t told his colleagues about your date, obviously except for Javy, and he hadn’t told a soul about your late night phone call. He had no idea how you wanted to go about this, whatever this thing between the two of you was. You had only gone on one date last night, sure he was down bad for you, infatuated, obsessed (in a good way), in love - he would never admit that last one, not yet anyways. But you hadn’t established what you were, and that’s what he desperately wanted to do, and he wanted to yell it to the entire pacific ocean and the whole beach that he had a girlfriend. He wanted to kiss you in front of his friends and flip them the bird when they whistled at you both. He wanted to come home to you at the end of the day. As they got closer to the group, they set the cooler down in the shade next to Bob and Jake’s eyes met yours. You raised your eyebrow in a silent challenge and you certainly didn’t miss the way his gaze slowly raked down your frame, making goosebumps erupt over your entire body by saying just two words “Hey Darlin’”.
Damn him. Damn him and his sweet accent and the nickname he had for you that held entirely new meaning now, damn him and his ridiculously defined muscular chest and abs. You tilted your head slightly with a small smile on your face “next time I need to lift the heavy beer cases, I know who to call” you nodded towards the cooler that he and Bradley set down. Bradley grinned at you and flexed his arms “anytime sweetheart, just give me a call.” You laughed as you picked up your sunscreen “yeah I’ll just crow from the bar and you’ll pop right up.” Bradley laughed along with you and then ran off to join the game of football that had picked up, taking Bob and Jake with him. You watched their retreating forms, and let out a small sigh as you applied your sunscreen and lay out on your towel. A small twinge of disappointment that Jake said absolutely nothing beyond those two words to you. 
Jake wiped the sweat from his brow - the heat was really blaring down on them and he thanked Cyclone or whoever pulled the strings that they allowed them the day off, if they were flying today they’d surely burn up in their cockpits. They had played a couple games of football and now their stomachs were rumbling. Jake hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to you at all yet, and he was getting anxious. You spent most of the day alternating between the sun and reading in the shade. He always strategically had an eye on you throughout every game and as they wound down this last match, he watched as Bradley jogged over to you and then held out his hand to you, helping you stand up. Jake’s eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses, wondering Rooster's intentions. He couldn’t do anything but watch as you smiled and started walking towards the beach hut in stride with Bradley. 
You were minding your own business reading your book when Bradley approached you, sweaty and sun kissed and his aviators perched crookedly on his nose. “Wanna come to the beach hut with me to grab some lunch?” He asked as he held his hand out to you. Your stomach grumbled loudly and you both laughed “I guess that’s a yes” You took his outstretched hand and he helped you up, and you both began making your way over to the small snack hut. “I can’t believe you guys are running around in this heat.” Bradley laughed “it beats being in a heavy flight suit and pack and sitting basically in a giant magnifying glass.” You nodded, thinking about it “yeah I guess you’re right.” Bradley smiled at you and gestured for you to order first, and then proceeded to order and pay for both of your meals. “Bradley, you didn’t have to do that” He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his jean short pockets “I wanted to. Maybe sometime you’ll let me buy you something more than a burger on the beach?” His sincere brown eyes peeked at you over his sunglasses and you couldn’t help the way your eyes widened slightly in surprise. “I um, that’s really nice of you Bradley…” Your mind was racing for an excuse, “I do really appreciate that, but I’m kind of seeing someone?” You couldn’t help the inflection of questioning that was at the end of that sentence and winced slightly. Bradley pushed his sunglasses up his nose “and you see me as just a friend right?” You couldn't help but nod “I’m really sorry, I can give you the money back for lunch-” he shook his head, a small smile on his face “nah, it’s alright. I just figured I would shoot my shot, but also because Hangman has been staring at you all day and I bet my next paycheck that he’s been watching us since we left.” You laughed lightly, nervously, “There’s nothing going on with me and Jake.” The server called your food number, and Bradley’s grin grew “I never said there was.” He jogged off to grab the food order and returned with the bag for both of you “I’m not sure what happened between you two, and I don’t really want to know, but he’s actually being a decent human being today and what happens on the ground usually translates to the air so” Bradley shrugged as you made your way back to the group. 
You were smiling and laughing with Bradley, in a conversation Jake could only see, and not hear as you made your way back to the towels and blankets they had set up. His chest burned with a feeling he could only guess was jealousy, he had never felt this way about anyone before and it was a little bit scary. He watched you smiling with Bradshaw and wished more than anything it was him you were smiling at. The part that ate at him more was the fact that he could easily change that, and make that happen. And he had half the mind to go over to Bradshaw and his stupid mustache and stupid jean shorts and tell him to get away from his girl. He was about to do just that when a few girls in bikinis came right up to him and began chatting with him. He was trying to step around them when one of them put her hand on his chest and he stiffened, he didn’t like this feeling.
You watched as the pretty girls in bikinis walked right up to Jake as if they owned the beach, they were talking with him and it seemed friendly enough, at least until one of them put their hand right on Jake’s chest and you felt the flame of jealousy light and begin burning deep in your chest. Jake didn’t make any additional movements or move to push them away, and you weren’t sure what bothered you more. You sat down on the blanket and began eating your lunch, but the burger you ordered suddenly seemed less than appealing, as the girls in the skimpy bikinis and flat tummies and big boobs turned up the charm flirting with Jake. You put your burger back in the bag and pulled on your coverup, picking at your french fries and watching Jake give the skimpy bikini girls attention that you wanted. You missed the knowing looks that Bradley, Bob and Natasha shared behind your back.
As the sun went down hours later, the games of football died out, Skin pink from the heat and the boys built a bonfire. You kept to yourself most of the day after the two girls were so openly flirting with Jake. They had left giggling not long after and you mainly kept your nose buried in your book, and only briefly looked in on the football game when a particularly loud cheer rang out. Now you were seated next to the fire wearing your sundress and nursing a bottle of beer. You were watching the flames dance along the logs similarly to how jealousy danced along your skin earlier today. You had no right, there was nothing that tied you to him besides a really good first date and a late night phone call. It stung a little bit, that he hadn’t really said a word to you all day, he certainly didn’t instill confidence in his promises from last night. You were so focused on the thoughts running through your head and staring into the flames that you hadn’t heard anyone approach until they cleared their throat. “Darlin, can we talk?” 
You jumped out of your skin and Jake winced “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You shook your head and gestured to the log beside you with a nod before raising the beer to your lips and taking a swig. “Guess we can only talk in the dark then, too embarrassed to speak more than two words to me during the day?” He detected the sadness and disappointment in your voice and his heart squeezed. He had hurt you, by being selfish and in his own head about Bradshaw and doubting your connection, he’d inadvertently caused you pain. “Darlin, let me get one thing straight, I am not, and let me emphasize not, embarrassed about you at all.” He made a move to reach for your hand that was resting on the log and relished in the fact that you didn’t immediately take it away from him. “You seemed pretty interested in talking to those skimpy bikini girls earlier… if that’s what you want Jake you should just tell-“ “absolutely fucking not don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Your mouth snapped shut, and you watched as he took a deep breath with his eyes closed and then opened them, meeting yours intensely. “The only girl I want in a bikini around me is you… I wanted to talk to you about it all day and there just never seemed to be a good time. We never really established what this was going to be” He gestured between you two before squeezing your hand “but the long and short of it Darlin’ I want you to be my girl. I want to be able to tell all the other girls that you’re mine, I wanna kiss you in public and show you off and I really really don’t wanna see Rooster flirting his ass off with you.” You waited until he let out a breath like he had gotten a weight off his chest and you stood up in front of him. A look of worry flashed across his face for a moment as he raised his gaze to yours “well then, what are you waiting for Seresin. Kiss me.”
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