#i think im finally oveer it now that i cna laugh
interestingsalad · 5 years
clearing my conscience
ok so im crazy and i have to get this off my chest or else i'll go insane. today at work (i work at a snack bar) a girl asked for mozzarella sticks and so i put some down in the oil and accidentally left them in for too long, so some of the cheese came out, but they were still pretty much in shape. the girl who ordered wanted them in a cardboard box so i put them in a box without a boat because i thought that's what she wanted. i gave them to her, asked if she wanted more sauce, she said no, and quickly walked back to the line to help the rush. the girl comes back a few minutes later and i guess (i didn't see/hear this part) she was unsatisfied. she complained to my boss's sister (yikes) about it and boss's sister comes up to me with the order saying, "did YOU give this to her?" she didn't sound mad but i could tell that she thought i was stupid and was a little bit pissed. (i am new and thus stupid in all my coworkers' eyes.) anyway boss's sister told me to put them in a boat anyway next time and remade the order and gave it back to the girl. boss's sister says "so sorry about that, thank you for bringing them back" YIKES. i felt really bad. listen, i fully acknowledge that it was my fault. but i gotta get this off my chest. i have a right to be angry, right? it's not the girl's fault it's mine, but still, i gotta get it out this girl must have been about 14/15 and usually teenagers that age aren't picky customers. had it been me at that age i would have just taken them. (maybe her mom told her to take them back, i don't know) but whatever i guess this girl/her mom was a snot. and like, what the fuck do you THINK is inside mozzarella sticks, anyways? what else besides cheese? the cheese is going to come out anyways when you eat them so what the fuck is the problem? god. i hate work, like in general, not this place in particular. i also hate being new. i fuck up at least 5 times a day. i dread it like i've never dreaded anything before. i'd express my hatred for capitalism but my friends would call me a socialist. it is a lot better than my last job and the people are nicer and some of them are from my hometown. this really wasn't a big deal lol this turned out to be a lot longer than it was. also i hate the looks that people give their food when i give it to them. utter disappointment, even when i get the order right. even little KIDS do that. oh and also i think ive been giving change wrong but don't worry i wrote it down so my boss will know ahaha fuck my life sorry mozzarella girl you deserve much better than my service fuck my fucking life i work tomorrow and the day after goodbyye
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