#i think i'm gonna make some cc for my birthday too
softpine · 2 months
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how have i not given casper a twin fantasy tattoo already
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
Ok my Smallidarity thoughts (this is long). Only because I was encouraged by Liauditore's analysis of Joel's playlists...
...to which the conclusion was closeted homophobic Joel. Ok so anyway uhh obligatory: I only talk about characters. Only characters. I swear to god. CC!Joel and CC!Lizzie make life more beautiful and this is not about them, this is about characters. Either way I love Jizzie dearly. Seriously though go read Liau's post. The part where they note down the structure of his most recent playlist kind of sums up my thoughts on him ("starting off with party songs -> "home" the wholesome love song -> a bunch of arctic monkeys songs including one specifically about regretting sleeping with a woman -> a bunch of songs begging for the other person to stay because they're all they have -> songs that get angrier and angrier -> final song has a chorus that goes "if this is a romcom I'd kill the director"")
I'm not here to analyse the playlists but I implore Liau to do so more publicly lol. The kiss from RL and the playlists (and Liau talking to me about them because they chose to hyper-analyse them against their own will) are the catalysts for why I'm so insane about Joel's relationships and smallidarity especially because we all know how normal I am about Jimmy 👍
(Before we get to smallidarity proper though, I have to lay some groundwork about my perception of Joel's relationships in general)
That post I made about smallidarity awhile back about mostly seeing them as brotherly friends um. Hasn't aged so well LMAO. I do not think smallidarity is the end game for either of them (unless...?), but I do feel like there's feelings here to be dabbled into now... I imagine Jimmy and Joel as having been very close friends since childhood and I still stand by my old smallidarity thoughts otherwise, that while I'm not a fan of Jimmy getting slapped around excessively, which Joel sometimes does imo, it's ultimately banter between him and Joel, even if weighed to one side, because it's not an attempt to assess control or to play Jimmy down past an initial laugh (ESMP1 still hurts me but I've said it before and I'll say it again, that at the very least Joel was creative about the "toy" bit and put effort into it, eg building a giant statue, and not just making a very surface-level joke out of it). When things get dicey for Jimmy, Joel will want to help, even when doing so offers him no benefit. Eg him wanting to offer his time to Jimmy in LimL or disapproving people for building a grave for Jimmy before he'd even died in SL. So basically they care each other
Joel has no problem indulging in and joking about more sexual approaches vs more affectionate ones. Eg, the neck kisses, calling Jimmy babe, having pillow talk with Tango and literally making a baby with both Jimmy and Sausage in ESMP etc. That's fine, that's just a goof, no homo. But I feel like anything affectionate makes him feel vulnerable and so that's a no-no. I have no good explicit examples for this other than the fact that he just doesn't engage in affectionate engages/jokes much (not even with Lizzie) and him refusing to hold Jimmy's hand in SL (thanks Liau). The kiss in RL I think makes sense with this too because Jimmy preceded it with "is this the closest we're over gonna get to making out?" even if the actual kiss was like. A peck lol. Gentle smooch. Which just makes me more insane that it was like that!!!!!!
And (characters guys!!! Characters!!!) what he does with Lizzie is constantly proclaiming "I have a wife" and maybe visiting her to show her something and yelling "I love you" a few times when it felt appropriate. Oh and Lizzie's "I always liked bad boys..." counts I guess lol. Imo, whilst Lizzie and Joel are evidently very close and cute still (I never and I mean NEVER stop thinking about Lizzie's SL birthday party to which only Joel showed up for the majority of it), I don't think lizzie gives that much of a fuck. To me the marriage is there because, it makes sense. They enjoy each other, uh, might as well marry each other. It's moreso about the status rather than deeper romantic connection imo. Something about Lizzie calling Joel a homie and not commenting on his proclamation of loving her after Sausage's Boat Boys play in SOS, or them voicing anything affectionate and then it not getting followed up by anything, or Joel trying to recruit Lizzie into Jeremyism in X Life but Lizzie didn't want to, and Jimmy was the first recruit instead (and if you've read my X Life thoughts, you know how I feel about Jeremyism in a symbolic sense), etc. Um do you guys understand why I was terrified to voice these thoughts. I swear to god if someone comes into my inbox to accuse me of being heterophobic or something I'm going to eat a nail. I figure some people are going to disagree with my perception which is totally fine!! But characters only please characters only..........
He pretty frequently has homoerotic or suggestive etc exchanges and bits with people like Etho and Jimmy though (eg, earlier examples, although there are soooo so many more). But always that, never affectionate... The closest it ever comes to affection is when he's acting out of genuine care when things hit the fan. This is the point where my claims stop being supported by whatever I see in canon (if supported at all, then by his playlists, lol) but... Joel to me feels like he uses his marriage status as a "no homo" pass. If things get a bit too homo he can always remind the others "I have a wife" and it's all good 👍 When in reality.... I think he might be... idk... might be into men a little bit... But he absolutely cannot accept that. He has a wife guys!! And yet still he indulges in those questionable exchanges like hm. hmm. But it's no homo guys!! He's just playin!!
Ugh so yeah. Closeted Joel who, maybe, isn't so put off by affection after all, rather just put off by the idea of being into men so he refuses to be affectionate with the people he feels a little too many strong feelings towards bordering on something other than friendship. And always makes sure to declare anything frisky a joke and reminding everyone that he's married and he loves his wife!! (Have no doubt that he does love Lizzie, just, again, not in this way) Or putting anything frisky on the other person, like he does with Etho "ugh you're so obsessed with me" because JOEL can't be obsessed, he's not gay!! Etho just can't get enough of him, and Joel's totally not into it!!
This is where the RL kiss made me so insane and tip over the edge into interpreting smallidarity as something other than platonic too. Because classic Joel. Contributing to this bit about "making out" because that's what he does. Gives Jimmy a little smooch. As a joke. Ugh. Jimmy claiming his lips to have been pursed makes all the difference too, they were both all-in... (vs that one fWhimmy kiss in ESMP2. Sorry but I just need you guys to understand how important the difference is to me)
I think Jimmy is very kind, and an incredible sympathiser. He's just in a pretty horrible headspace, so he never treats himself with the kindness he might offer to others. His biggest enemy is his inability to open up and ask for help. Joel would be much similar in this regard, where he wouldn't want to even entertain the things that his feelings towards certain people would entail. It's fine, it's nothing, he's a married man after all... So he most certainly wouldn't ever bring it up to anyone, because nothing's the matter!! But I think Jimmy, solely for how well he knows and cares about Joel, recognizes some kind of reciprocation of feelings he also has, but isn't going to admit to Joel. Maybe they kissed or even made out and maybe they made a baby once (the baby ordeal is seriously ruining my life. wtf was that) and it's just a one-and-done deal, maybe even a "friends with benefits" thing in some sense. Cause they're just friends. But Jimmy, though with his own struggles, knows how he feels, so of course he recognizes when Joel's in a similar dilemma
To me, there's such a strong appeal to smallidarity because the typical Jimmy role in relationships gets reversed. Jimmy's usually the one following along, the one seeking someone to depend on because that's what he's been conditioned to seek. He followed Martyn around, he followed Scott around, in X Life he followed Joel around too. Joel gave him something with Jeremyism and to me it reads like Jimmy feeling at home and developing feelings for Joel, the way I think he also developed them for Martyn beforehand. Only for Joel to step down as the leader of Jeremyism - this thing that Jimmy so desperately held onto and practically begged for Joel to remain where he was, but Scott took over, and even though Jimmy didn't like seeing Scott up there instead of Joel, he couldn't help but fall in love again, and then 3rd life happened. 3rd life, where Jimmy left a "I miss you" sign on Joel's plot of land. Where ideas of Jimmy and Joel teaming up were mentioned but they just barely missed each other for it to become reality. Where Joel burnt down the wall that further confided a claustrophobic Jimmy into a corner of the World with Scott, separate from everyone else
Anyway, Jimmy hardly ever prioritizes himself, so his feelings are irrelevant to him. What he cares about is Joel's wellbeing, so he'd encourage Joel to open up, ask him about things. For a change, he'd be the shoulder to lean on and be on the other end of a situation he usually would find himself in with people he loves. Where he's struggled to open up and ask for help, he's encouraging someone else to. Where the people he loves, including Joel, have failed to pick up on Jimmy's continued need for support, Jimmy doesn't, because he's been in shoes similar to Joel's It's nothing he'd be able to pinpoint, but subconsciously it'd help him provide Joel with the encouragement that can yield results. The understanding that he refuses to offer himself, but can offer to Joel. Jimmy fulfilling this kind of role in a relationship would do him SO much good, I think, to help him handle his own struggles. A trend in Jimmy's relationships and otherwise is that he can never take charge, even when he wants to. It'd take his mind away from his own troubles as he focuses on Joel's and exercises patience and empathy for someone else who doesn't just push him away. Especially when another thing that they are similar in, is their progressing frustration with either of their feelings. In which neither can do much to combat these frustrations (Jimmy indulges in them more and more, eg taking enjoyment out of hitting Scott around in SL, and Joel just tries to ignore them), but by virtue of trying to help Joel figure out his feelings, Jimmy would be helping not only Joel but himself too
Even if Joel were to come to a conclusion that wouldn't be him reciprocating Jimmy's feelings specifically, Jimmy would help him reach it anyway. Though Joel might figure out how Jimmy feels even if there's no direct admittance. Jimmy would hold Joel's hand if Joel doesn't draw back and ask how that feels, to help him figure out if he really does hate affection or if his frustrations lay elsewhere etc. Give him the affection that Joel actually craves but keeps refusing himself. And Joel would maybe finally admit to some degree that he does like it (he just doesn't like that he likes it). He'd still remind Jimmy that he has a wife but Jimmy would probably just laugh and they keep holding hands. If Lizzie found out she would just give a thumbs up. She dgaf. Or idk something like that. I've been writing this shitty post for 25 minutes what year is it. The more this has gone on the less sense it's started making sorry. Use code smallidarity at checkout for 15% off
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Welcome, everyone, to Unions In College: Targaryen edition! That's right, all my fears about the distant cousin dating situation are about to come true and as a sign of things to come, I originally started this update last weekend and then got food poisoning in the middle of it. We've finally reached the point where the Unions are making me actually vomit and not metaphorically! Because of the new pic limit, this is part 1 of the update and I'll post part 2 right after.
We have arrived at La Fiesta and everyone looks simply amazing, especially Barth in his cowboy look. As Felina and Meadow (Fedow??) immediately reconnect, we are greeted by some #MajorDormieDrama:
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Apparently a love triangle between Purple Hair Glasses, Awesomely Dressed Raver Dude and Former Blue Dog Shirt has formed right under my nose! It's so moving to see how between Gunther, Cyn and Sophito, we have used and discarded all 3 of these people multiple times over each generation❤️
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-Screw you, Former Blue Dog Shirt, I gave you my precious dormie heart and this is how you repay me?? -I'm sorry, Purple Hair Glasses, it's just that we know each other so well that things got stale!
Seriously when did you dormie losers even find the time to develop relationships?? Last few gens we've been staying at the dorms for about 20 seconds each run like wtf.
ANYWAY, let me go give the kids makeovers and definitely not deal with something that will make me think my hood is corrupted and cause me to have a mild heart attack!
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-There's some empty rooms so I'm moving in!
-Once a dormie always a dormie! Lakshmi is coming too!
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-Hi Mom! -Hi sweetie, I'm here to relive my youth!
I don't have any pics after this as I was FREAKING TF OUT. After Claire, Laksmhi aka Blue Meatballs aka ANOTHER 60 YO FORMER DORMIE WHOSE KID IS ATTENDING COLLEGE ALSO MOVED IN. I'm pretty sure if the dorm wasn't at capacity Stacy was also gonna move in, WTF.
Mercifully I resolved this shit by going to the main hood and having everyone's elder birthdays, they were only a few days away anyway, and once they turned into elders they fucked off and new dormies moved in. I think it was some unintended consequence of the no dormie regen mod??? No idea but it was SCARY.
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Moving on, I was worried whether Fedow's teen romance was gonna translate to college but I legit didn't even have time to give them makeovers, it's straight to Daniel's old room where all the CC is missing!
-Can you please read the undecorated room and fuck off?
Yes yes, let me catch up with the rest of our beloved dormies..
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Oh look, a newly-generated dormie is here, ok, we are safe from the crazed geriatrics!
-Hiiii I'm your new age-appropriate dormie friend :)
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-As am I!
I'm so happy to see you guys I'm not even gonna comment on the fact you're both Don clones, will this face template ever stop haunting me?? Well whatever, looks like no dormie marriages for us for a while..
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Omg Miss Havisham I didn't see you there in your bridal veil and underwear, of course we'll marry you!
-Really? You mean it??
Let's move on!
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Aww, Fedow is back in love! Note that this happened so fast I still have not been able to give them them their makeovers. Alright Meadow, falling back in love so quickly seals it, you're marrying in!
Now it's time to gaze upon your LTW panel and see what awaits me and I'm certain it won't shake me to my very core!
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Frankly I don't even feel bad for myself, this is what I deserve for violating the 'no family aspiration spouses' rule I instituted after Wyatt. So to recap, Felina wants 3 top-carreer kids and Meadow wants 6 married off ones!! Fml!!!
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-You know, Spice, the more I look at your nose the more I think you should invest in a good, wide-brim hat like your father. -The more I look at Meadow's LTW I think you should invest in some birth control.
VERY TRUE. Ok Felina, please fuck off so I can introduce the cousins.
-You're not gonna introduce ME?!
Ya I think people know both you and Bartholomew all too well if anything!
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We begin with Spice, Sugar and Claire's shockingly good-looking-until-you-look-at-him-from-the-side-and-see-the-Don-nose son. I gotta give it to Claire's gene's, they put up a heroic fight.
Neat: 10 Outgoing: 6 Active: 10 Playful: 3 Nice: 5 Aspiration: Knowledge  Secondary Aspiration: Fortune One True Hobby: Science LTW: Become Game Designer Major: Art
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Introducing this generation's punching bag aka Reginald and Half-Alien-Prof's son, Britannicus. Here he is being hit in the face by a baseball thrown by Barth.
Neat: 9 Outgoing: 9 Active: 7 Playful: 5 Nice: 3 Aspiration: Fortune Secondary Aspiration: Popularity One True Hobby: Fitness LTW: Become Hall of Famer Major: Poli-sci
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Julian and Stacy's daughter, Sunsent, whomst we've already met and I LOVE, I'm obsessed with her face.
Neat: 8 Outgoing: 8 Active: 1 Playful: 5 Nice: 7 Aspiration: Popularity  Secondary Aspiration: Pleasure One True Hobby: Cuisine LTW: Become Icon Major: Drama
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Meadow, whose teen outfit I actually sat down and converted to adult because none of the existing conversions of this iconic outfit were accurate enough for me!
Neat: 4 Outgoing: 4 Active: 4 Playful: 7 Nice: 6 Aspiration: Family Secondary Aspiration: Pleasure One True Hobby: Nature LTW: Not gonna type it Major: Art
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Last but certainly not least, June and Blue Meatball's daughter, Cyan, who is a super nice FREAK just like her mommy. She also has one of the iconic @lamare-sims custom LTWs, make 10k playing poker, I had a lot of fun giving her a stereotypical poker pro makeover huhu
Neat: 9 Outgoing: 3 Active: 8 Playful: 4 Nice: 10 Aspiration: Pleasure Secondary Aspiration: Fortune One True Hobby: Tinkering (she's a Tinker-Union, awww) LTW: Make 10k Playing Poker Major: Math
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Cousins aren't the only thing we brought to college with us, as someone also brought over this FUCKING COLD that's been ravaging the neighborhood this entire generation.
I've been tracing this thing and I'm pretty sure it originated in Claire's household where fucking Wilfred came home from work sick and he passed it to Spice, then Spice came over to visit his bum dad Sugar, passed it to the main house, then Sunset came over from school with Barth, got it from the main house and passed it to the June/Julian/Blue Meatballs/Stacy household who then passed it to Daniel's household. So basically the only unaffected house is Gunther and Melody! That's why never seeing your kids is the right call.
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We spend our first night skilling as everyone this generation is a complete moron with no skill points. I had both Barth and Felina choose the psychology major as I feel they will need those skills (for vastly different reasons) given their LTW's and Barth wastes no time putting his new charisma skill point to good use!
Bro I can't. This is the first LTW so far where I actually feel like I CAN'T DO IT. How tf am I gonna convince 20 sims to sleep with this freakshow?!?!
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-Did someone say chin filler??
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-Wooo mama, he can Roque my Gunnar if you know what I mean!!
ABSOLUTELY NOT. We've made some questionable choices in this legacy but Gunnar Roque is where I draw the line, that chin is not entering our gene pool.
-I'm not saying I'll marry him!
OH PLEASE BARTH BE FOR FUCKING REAL. It's been 5 generations of this bullshit, we all know if I let you date him you'll be rejecting every sim and forcing me to marry you to the ugliest and creepiest option. NOT HAPPENING
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-Don't worry, Gunnar, I will fight for us!!! -That's fire bro, let me know, I'm around. Peace. -Oh God, we're a match made in heaven! How can you stand in the way of true love??
What? Sorry I spaced out, I seriously can't believe this comparison between your chins. God.
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-Lalala, painting pretty pictures for one of my six nurseries🎵☀️
Meadow, I'm getting a distinct feeling that you might turn out to be my worst nightmare??
Anyway, time to invite over placeholder Jimmy Phoenix so we can start the arduous process of getting into our Greek House, Britannicus is up first-
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Boy, that escalated quickly and I think we have Sophito to thank for it. He dumped Jimmy and then forced him to stick around and watch him bang the entire campus, making him desperate enough to go for Britannicus! Family truly means helping each other out❤️
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Jimmy lingered here after Britannicus got in in record time, so I seized the opportunity to have everyone befriend him so we can leave this dump asap and move to our own dump.
-So, Jimmy, I'm a pleasure aspiration and if I were to get into the house I'd be constantly throwing parties and inviting all my family! ALL my family, like my uncle Sophito! -Nice try, Cyan, but you're way too late! 10 minutes too late, to be exact, since that's how long I've been an incredibly serious relationship with Britannicus!!
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-I will not!
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-So ya, that time with Sophito doesn't count so I can't wait to have my very first woohoo with my lover, Britannicus! -That's great, can I please join the Greek House now? -Oh is that why I'm here? Sure you can!
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Alright flops, pack it up, time to fuck off to the Greek House.
See you in part 2!
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flutter2deceive · 26 days
Bitching about financials and job things under the cut
My company announced like 2 months ago that our jobs are being eliminated, but it's like this nebulous thing because they're outsourcing and we need to transfer all our products, so my end date isn't until 3/31/2026. Like that's so far in the future and I'm gonna get severence (at end date, i will have worked there for 20 years literally over half my life) + a retention bonus, so I'll be ok for a little while after the fact i think i hope
But anyway i decided to immediately start cost-cutting 2 months ago:
•canceled subscriptions (canceled hulu, paramount+ (i have a plex server hookup anyway), canceled ubereats (and also stopped ordering from them altogether), canceled or went down a level on my minimal patreon subs)
•signed up for Shell's rewards system (it's literally free and you save at least 20cents/gallon every single time and sometimes more without having to spend any money you just click a button and boom extra 10cents if you fill up on a specific day.)
•haven't done *any* fun online shopping or regular store shopping for that matter
•severely cut down my fast food spending (i'm sorry taco bell ily), and as my friends are in similar financial woes, we've stopped ordering food every weekend and opted to make cheap dinners where we each bring some small component like 1 brings pasta 1 brings sauce 1 brings garlic bread
•this isn't a recent change, but i never go out anywhere for like drinks or to see local comedy shows like i used to frequently do. I'm a homebody who goes into the office twice a week and goes to my best friend's house on saturdays and just sits at home the rest of the time
Even with all that!! My debit card is at $26, my 1 credit card is $3 away from its limit, the other is $21 from its limit. I *thankfully* get my paycheck at midnight, but like... woof!
Last paycheck i was down to less than $100 the day before as well. It's so mind-boggling to me that it's this bad. Partially because I've had some unfortunately-timed plumbing issues and had to pay a pricey deductible (but glad i have the insurance obv cuz of how much the total cost would've been otherwise.) But also partially cuz i feel like shit is so much more fucking expensive than it's ever been!! And the last gallon of milk i bought and properly refrigerated went sour like a full week before its expiration date.
I have a decent job and make pretty good money (for now at least.) I have made several cost-cutting measures recently. I feel like I don't *do* anything. And it literally doesn't matter!!
My best friend who has an equally comfortable job told me he had about the same amount of $ as me to last him til his next paycheck too.
And on top of the financial stress, i am so fucking stressed at work because no one knows what they're doing and i keep getting roped into things at the last minute with an IM that says "hey got time for a quick call?" And then i end up having to put together a complicated spreadsheet that is needed by end of week. Why didn't you fucking ask sooner than 2pm on a thursday?! Oh cuz someone who will still have a job at the end of this didn't do what they were supposed to? Ok sure I'll get right on that. And I do. I do get right on that and have it back to you within a couple hours. Because i stupidly care about my job.
Ugghhh i hate everything atm... Except i was able to livestream my favorite singer Terri Clark's debut concert at The Ryman tonight. And i have a ton of Fran/CC fanfics queued up to read. And the Ghosts discord is constantly coming up with the cutest scenarios for H$, my current otp. And i am off the entire next week because next Friday is my birthday. And my dog is snoring.
So i guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all, Charlie Brown... or some such sentimental nonsense 🙃🙃🙃
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freegancreations · 1 year
New Computer!
Hello Everyone!
Long time no talk, sorry for accidentally ghosting all of you! My laptop has finally slowed down enough to where I couldn't run Tumblr and it refused to let me send my CC work to my phone. Luckily, I was finally able to save enough for my first Desktop! YAY!
So now that I can actually let you guys know whats happening:
~ My Desktop is now my CC machine.
~I have moved over to Curseforge because they treat the Creators with respect and have been extremely kind whenever I needed help.
~ I have new stuffs! I have over 120 CC items (CAS, Build/Buy Household items) on my Profile waiting for loving homes. :)
~Please forgive me if it seems SPAMMY but I will be making a post on each set with Image Examples.
~I now have Curseforge Pro! Which means that if you want to Subscribe to a Tier ($1/$3) to support, Wonderful! If you don't want to or simply can't (Times are ROUGH!), No worries! Downloads from my Curseforge helps me tremendously.
~Each set I post have a little letter to you now. I think the world can use a little TLC and extra love, so please understand that's the purpose for this. Some of us may get a little lonely, and who doesn't love when they get a nice message?
~I also try to include a music video for each item that reminds me of the theme of the set. If you wanna listen; I hope you love it!
~I'm going to actively try and post more here as I go! I made a Post It so I don't let my Neurodivergent brain forget. lol
~I have painstakingly made 4 Meshes and am continuing to try to make more. The issue is my OCD and my hatred for sloppy work (I'm historically hard on myself) so I'm trying to make sure its all perfect before I even consider the release. I don't wanna harm any of your beautiful Sims! :( But wish me luck! I'm gonna keep going until my fingers turn to stubs. :)
I just wanted to thank you all for all the kindness (today is my tumblr's 2nd birthday! Yay!) and for all the support through my hard times. It's a little embarrassing to admit but I spend most my days either making CCs or attempting Meshing. It brings me comfort that something I've made has been extended to be a small part of someone else's story. So thank you for including me! I love and appreciate you all! I think of you lots, my faceless crowd of friends (it may just be on my part, but that's ok too lol)
With lots of love and respect,
Ashley J. - Freegan Creations
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lesbiancarat · 4 years
Book anon here to say today is a happy day because it is dk and vernon day ^0^ the fact they share bdays makes my heart so big like djakdnaks that's the best thing really! (I say this as I don't like celebrating my own birthday lol but that shiz makes me soft) like how can it not get better than sharing a birthday with your fellow bandmate who is also your buddy :'))
Back on topic, I am happy that in the fandoms I'm in, update blogs or accounts are well loved so no drama there but I agree on cc peeps, my gosh the decline of them is obvious for the past 2 years =/ I remember 2018 the carat fandom here was HUGE with creators and lots of notes but now...its hard to see more than 200 for some and while numbers don't matter because you should ALWAYS be doing this for fun, its so shocking to see the interaction go so low and its more likes. I do have a theory as to why this is the case and it might be due to nowadays, people on Tumblr find reblogging alot to be "too much" akaspamming. I would know because some told me I do this and I'm like ??? I am simply reblogging content I like and if it means hitting the rbelog limit so be it djajdjw. Legit idk why its seen as bad nowadays when everyone used to reblog alot and no one complained so maybe this could be why? Again a theory but it would make sense and its a shame if this is the case :c I admit I like stuff because I sometimes do reblog it for a color theme but mostly I hit the reblog limit so I want to reblog it later xD
But let's not get into people that take others work as their own -.- now I get giving credit for say icons (I do this for icons and headers I use because its the least I can do. I would link it but idk how to do it on Tumblr lol) but taking someone's say gif and just posting it on twitter to share is like ??? You do know there is a share button that SHARES THE ORIGINAL LINK BACK RIGHT? Smh i can't with people. That's why I try to make sure for icons at least I know its not a repost and try to stay away from pintrest as best as I can (also svt on pintrest? Are they making moodboards or smth? I leave Tumblr for a bit and this is what I come back to lol)
Oof I wrote too much again sjamdna I'm living up to my emoji huh? XD but yes my tooth is better! It hurt again last night but today we are good!
I'm late answering this but yeah the fact that dk and vernon share a Birthday is super sweet! it's fun that they get to do their birthday live together as well ^^
but yeah i joined carat tumblr around late 2017/early 2018 (i made this side blog during oh my era but I'd been reblogging svt stuff on main before then) and I'm p sure most if not all the cc's i originally followed are inactive now :( obviously like you said content creators should make content for fun and bc they want to and not for the notes, but it's understandably disheartening when less people are interacting with it and even the people who do still see your content are (at least seemingly) less enthusiastic about it (ie liking but not reblogging it, less ppl writing things in the tags or replies, etc.)
but that's so wild to me? I've never heard anyone say someone is reblogging too many things like... how do you expect to see posts if people don't reblog stuff?? id welcome that extra content on my dash dhfjfh. i guess you can go in specific tags but like. idk reblogging is the main function of tumblr i don't know why there are people sort of against it/not as willing to use it (i mean... i suspect at least one factor is other social media platforms relying more on algorithms and likes to show people new content and ppl are just more used to that maybe?)
i feel like to some extent people feel entitled to have every or any gif or fanart or fan content on their platform of choice, but like if an artist posts something on tumblr but not on twt or instagram it doesn't HAVE to be on twt or insta. people can make a tumblr (or whatever platform) account if that's the only place a creator is active and they really want to see their content. and if people want to share something cool to another platform it is not hard to just post a link to the original post and tell people to check it out. like i do that every once in a while if there's a translation that doesn't allow reposts, but i still want ppl to know that trans exists if they wouldn't normally. and yeah!! you're gonna get less engagement that way!! but that's when you need to question whether your intention is really to share something cool w people who wouldn't normally see it or if you just want clout from this cool thing for yourself
and obviously not everyone who reposts things wo credit or permission has such innocent intentions as "i want to share this cool thing" but i think in a lot of cases it is something similar to that where ppl see something and they want to use it or share it for whatever reason and they just forget that it's something an actual person took the time to create and chose to share it. fan creations, unless otherwise specified, are not like memes in that they're intended to be shared and edited and copied to hell and back
but yeah pinterest is the worst in terms of reposts. like very little if any of the content on there (at least that's fandom related) is original content. the vast majority is reposts from other platforms without credit. a few weeks ago i saw someone on twt post like an old SVT photo or something and someone asked where it was from and they were like 'idk i saw it on pinterest' and when i tell u my blood boiled dhfkfj like!! ok!! so you're reposting a repost and u have no idea what the original source is... great
but yeah i have no idea what SVT is gonna do with pinterest... guessing it's just gonna be pledis posting official/behind photos that they also post on twt anyway. it really looks like it's something bh made them create given other bhl artists also have pinterests they're all following each other. also pledis didn't even officially announce the new account opening anywhere as far as I've seen so like. i think they really don't care dhfkfj
i really don't know what bh thinks they're gonna gain though like. ik there are active fandom pinterest users but i think most of them also have other social media like twt or insta. like they're not cracking open a huge new market, and LITERALLY NO ONE expects any musician or celeb to have an official Pinterest so. it's just so unnecessary dhfkgj
I'm glad your tooth is feeling better!!!
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kassandra-lorelei · 6 years
"You know when your phone buzzes, it means I'm trying to talk to you, right?" Niles - cc
Here we are, my friend! Again, apologies for all of these prompts taking so long, but my uni film festival is next week and I’ll also be going on holiday so I’ve had things to prepare for. I should hopefully have the ones I have left to do done by then, though! Enjoy!
@missbabcocks1 @holomoriarty
She didn’t know where he’d been, and quite frankly at thatpoint she didn’t care. What she really wanted to know was why Niles had felt itappropriate to apparently leave the house and go off by himself for what could’vebeen hours for all she knew, without leaving her a note of where he was goingand why.
He’d never not done that before, and the longer time wenton that she stayed indoors without any word or sign of his car, the more it had started to gnaw at her. Had he been hurt, and had to go tothe hospital? No, someone would’ve told her if that had happened. She toldherself not to be so ridiculous when her mind gave her an image of such a badaccident that he couldn’t be identified. He didn’t have to pick up the kidsfrom anywhere – she’d made sure the Sheffields were looking after their girlsthat night.
It happened to be a rather important day, the romantic inher had said. She’d spent ages setting it all up, and he was ruining it by notbeing there!
She’d called his cell phone, and he hadn’t picked up. She’dtried again, and still nothing. She’d ended up leaving him five missed callsand at least twice as many messages!
And yet the first she’d heard of him since she’d kissed himgoodbye that morning was as he made his sorry way up from the driveway, ontothe path up towards the front door, where she was leaning with her arms folded.
Part of her was relieved, but the rest of her was angry.
“You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying totalk to you, right?” she demanded as he got close. “I’ve been trying to getthrough to you, where’ve you been?!”
“I was driving, Babs!” he answered back, coming to a halt infront of her. “The roads were packed but it kept moving so much, I didn’t havetime to reach over and answer your message. Now, what was so important that Ishould have disregarded the law, and potentially crashed and totalled the car?”
“What was so important”! Apart from knowing whether or nothe was alive, she’d show him what was so important!
Taking him by the wrist to pull him into the house, she slammedthe door behind him and pulled him through into the kitchen and dining area.
She’d never done it by herself in her entire life, but she’dmanaged to set the table correctly – all the knives and forks were in theirright places, she’d dimmed the overhead lighting and lit their intimate mealfor two with a single candle. She’d even made sure it was scented!
And then there were the two covered plates, underneath ofwhich their two meals sat waiting to be eaten.
She gestured at the scene in frustration.
“There. Happyanniversary!” she shouted. “On this day, thirty years ago, I took thesecretarial position at Maxwell B. Sheffield Productions. I walked up thosesteps, rung the bell, and the door was opened by the biggest irritation my lifehas known ever since. The same irritation who can’t even pull over to answerthe phone when it’s clear that his wife wants to talk to him!”
She expected him to say something after that, but when shelooked at him, he was just staring with his mouth hanging open.
“Sweetheart, I…I don’t know quite what to say…!”
He was clearly more than surprised by it all. Maybe he’dforgotten it was even today? They hadn’t made a big thing out of it before(other occasions, like birthdays and marriage anniversaries, had always rankedhigher) but knowing each other for thirty years deserved remembering, in hermind.
Maybe it didn’t really matter, and she was making too muchof a fuss. It was probably becoming a bigger deal in her head because she’d beenso worried about where he was.
Well, that and she’d made an effort for nothing.
She turned away towards the table, letting go of his wrist.She didn’t feel angry anymore, just disappointed and a little sad.
“You don’t have to say anything, Niles,” she shook her headsoftly, and ran a finger over the edge of her cutlery. “It’s not really an anniversary,I just thought it might be nice to commemorate it, that’s all. But you got homelate, I was wondering where you were, starting to panic a little bit, and now…”
Now, he’d gotten home late, she’d yelled at him, and thewhole evening was spoiled. It had to be, didn’t it?
Niles didn’t say anything to fill the silence, but C.C.heard the rustling of the fabric of his jacket.
She peered over her shoulder, to see him taking a little boxout of the inside pocket.
A box designed for jewellery.
“What’s that?” she asked quietly, turning more so that shewas properly looking.
“It’s the reason I’m later than I thought I’d be,” Nilescame up behind her. “You’re not the only one who considers this a specialoccasion, Babs.”
He held out the box to press it gently into her hands.
“Happy anniversary, C.C..”
C.C. felt a shaky smile coming and tears starting to form asa warmth spread in her chest, “You remembered?”
“Of course I remembered, sweetheart!” Niles seemed almostoffended that she thought he’d forgotten. He held her upper arms, squeezingthem as he began to smile as well. “I know we haven’t made much of it before,but you didn’t honestly think I was going to let our thirty-year milestone passus by, did you?”
“No, I…I guess not…!” she actually couldn’t believe she’dbeen that much of an idiot to think he’d forget, but she wasn’t about to argue overthat.
Her husband rubbed his hands up and down her arms, “Why don’tyou open your gift?”
C.C. did so eagerly, gasping in surprise and delight at thedelicate necklace inside. The chain was white gold, and the pendant was a single,cream-coloured pearl – the traditional symbol of thirty years together.
“Niles…! It’s beautiful!” she nearly cried, turning aroundto face him properly. “Where did you get it?!”
“I’d ordered it from a place downtown, but there’d been anissue and it had accidentally been sent elsewhere,” Niles explained. “I’dintended on being back before you got home from work, but I had to make a quicktrip to Long Beach in order to rectify the mistake.”
All the way to Long Beach?! At that time of day, the traffichad probably been terrible down that end of the metropolis. No wonder he’d beengone so long! And if it had really been the fault of the jewellers, sending hergift off somewhere else, then he’d had no choice but to go after it!
“Some mistake…!” she chuckled. She then reached up to cuphis cheek in one hand. “I love you.”
Niles responded by pulling her into his arms and huggingher.
“I love you, too,” he murmured, kissing a patch of skin closeto her ear. “I’m sorry for not leaving a note, telling you that I was goingout.”
C.C. wound her arms around his neck, “And I’m sorry forgiving you the third degree when you got back.”
“You’re more than forgiven,” she could hear the smile in hisvoice as he spoke, and they held each other for a few more seconds before he pulledaway. “Now, let’s get this on you. I’d ask if the gold was so shiny you couldsee your face in it, but then I remembered that you don’t have a reflection.”
C.C. raised an eyebrow, but turned around anyway and lifted upher hair.
“Careful, Butler Boy. Sex was almost off the table oncetonight,” she warned him playfully.
Niles slipped the necklace onto her, and clipped it togetherat the back.
“Apologies, my dearest darling wife,” he kissed her cheek, andthen walked around in front of her to admire the view. “It looks as wonderfulon you as I imagined it would.”
She smirked back at him, “That’s more like it.”
She leaned into him to peck him on the lips, and when theypulled away Niles glanced at the table.
“What have youordered for dinner?”
C.C. blinked at him, “Why’d you say ‘ordered’? I might’vecooked it myself!”
There was a pause at that, during which Niles gave her aquestioning look. It made her crumble before she could keep up the pretence.
“Alright, even I didn’t believe that one,” she said,starting to smile again. “It’s from the little Italian place that we like.”
“Oh,” Niles sounded interested, and he took her hands inhis. “Do you need me to open up the wine?”
“Already uncorked and breathing. It’s on the counter,” sheindicated to the bottle and two glasses with her head.
Niles let go of her hands, and staged a small bow, “I willbring it over presently.”
With a low laugh, she patted him on the behind as he went inthat direction, “Atta boy – let those serving instincts kick in, Hazel.”
He raised an eyebrow at her in return as he walked by, “Careful,Babs – you’re not the only one who gets to decide if sex is off the tabletonight.”
C.C. rolled her eyes, seating herself at the table, “Oh,please; the only time the words “sex” and “off the table” have been in the samesentence for you is that one time we started on top of a table and fell off!”
“You’re worth every bump and bruise that it caused,” he croonedover his shoulder at her.
“Sap,” she leaned against her chair, biting back a grin. “Getthe wine – if you’re gonna be like this during dinner, I’m gonna need alcohol.”
“Right away, dear,” Niles blew her a kiss. “And in a littlewhile, perhaps we can see just how “off the table” we can get…?”
She knew that a dirty laugh was the only reply he needed. Afterthirty years of knowing each other, ten years of marriage, and three children, sometimeswordless replies were enough.
They’d certainly be so later, when they’d show each otherjust how much each decade had meant, and how much they were looking forward tothe ones still to come.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [sends the convo to her] Buster: Fair warning Rio: Oh God Rio: Oh my fucking God Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: I don't even know where to begin or how to think about this Rio: When is she going to stop ruining your life? Rio: Jesus Buster: Never, clearly Rio: She's such a cunt Buster: Hence I'm not doing anything until or if she does 'cause I wouldn't put it past her to sit back and let us out ourselves thinking she will Rio: Yeah Rio: I can see that Rio: she won't, will she Buster: I don't know, babe Buster: It'd be a really stupid thing for her to attempt but like, she obviously isn't trying to play things any smarter Rio: Maybe she still reckons there's a chance for you two, then she won't Rio: 'cos she's not gonna want to drag herself down by proxy, you know Rio: and like she keeps saying, the kid is yours regardless so Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: She cares about her rep fair too much Rio: I think so too Rio: but shit Rio: we should've been more careful Rio: I thought we were, enough Buster: She reckons I'm gonna come crawling if she gets me spooked enough but I ain't Buster: There's nothing to find she's just been looking obsessively Rio: but if she can work it out Rio: should I delete everything Buster: Don't Buster: She's probably saved it all anyway so Buster: Drew did too, it's cunts with their own interests, nobody else knows or is likely to Rio: Yeah Rio: we've got to hope Buster: Nobody'd believe them if they said shit anyway for the same reason Rio: Who would make something like this up though, babe Rio: not even them Buster: Don't say it like that Buster: We're not doing anything wrong Rio: That isn't what they think Buster: And what, you think Drew or Chlo know better about what's right than I do? Buster: Fuck that Rio: I know how it feels Rio: but there's a reason we're scared, right Buster: I'm not scared Rio: How are you not Rio: I feel sick Buster: What's the point? Whatever anyone else thinks isn't gonna change my mind Rio: I don't know Buster: Babe, you can do whatever you need to, okay Rio: I don't want to do anything, I just want a fucking break Rio: Why is it one thing after another Buster: I know Buster: I'm sorry Rio: It's not your fault Buster: Yeah it is Buster: She wouldn't be doing this if not for me Buster: You'd barely even know her Rio: How could you have predicted...any of this Rio: us, her, all of it Buster: Well, I've had years of thinking about us so I shouldn't have risked our relationship when it finally happened Buster: Not with her Buster: Granted I didn't realise she was this fucked up but I still knew enough Rio: Yeah well, we all know you weren't in a fit state Rio: and it's fucked she doesn't realise that's some real dirt you have on her but Buster: I still got myself into that state though Buster: She didn't force me into that part of things Rio: It's not an excuse Rio: You know that Buster: I'm just saying what people would Buster: Not like I'm a girl wobbling along on her heels, is it? Rio: Fuck people Rio: It's no different Buster: Maybe I could just tell my mum Buster: She'd help us fix this Rio: How? Rio: She's not actually superwoman, babe Buster: I don't know Buster: There's gotta shit you can do if someone's blackmailing you Rio: Maybe Rio: I know the police were fuck all help with Ryan so Rio: don't get your hopes up, like Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Should I talk to Chlo again then? Rio: And say what? Like you said, she ain't gonna be happy unless you tell her you love her or some shit Rio: and even then, she'll know you don't really so Rio: the girl doesn't know what she wants Buster: But I could just tell her what she wants to hear, or reckons she does Buster: Buy us time Rio: No Rio: I am not making you do that Buster: I'm not gonna fuck her Buster: Nobody could make me Rio: No Rio: I'd rather out myself right now Rio: fuck that Buster: Should we? Rio: I don't know? Rio: It's like, do we wait and let Christmas and all that come and go and risk her doing it Rio: or do we potentially fuck up the holidays for all, fun times Buster: I'd rather wait Buster: But that's only 'cause I don't like my hand being forced Buster: If she says anything you can deny it if you want, I won't hold it against you, like Rio: Yeah, I don't want the caviat of it to be Rio: 'and we're only telling you 'cos Chloe is gonna drop the bombshell so' Rio: it makes it sound bad and not serious, you know Buster: Yeah Buster: My mum is gonna fucking murder me Buster: She told me not to speak to her Buster: Like not only have I, she also knows and is gonna out my secret Buster: Surprise Rio: How can you not when she goads you into it constantly though Rio: and you only did when you thought it was the right thing Rio: it's not your fault she's mental Buster: I shouldn't be that much of a pussy, letting her get to me Buster: You knew she was bullshitting me Rio: It's what she's good at Rio: Don't blame yourself Rio: Blame her, she's the one who keeps pulling this shit Rio: You can talk to your Mum if you want, I don't mind Buster: No Buster: Like you said, it makes things look different to how they are Buster: And makes me look weak Buster: Fuck that Buster: I can't be running to her like a child Rio: You're not though, you know that Buster: I would be though Rio: Okay, don't tell her Rio: What are you gonna do? Buster: Kill Chlo and make it look like an accident Buster: But seriously, nothing right now Rio: I'll be your alibi Buster: That kinda gives us away, babe Buster: but cheers Rio: I think murder trumps this in the grand scheme of things though Buster: Not when I get away with it Rio: Let's not get cocky Rio: know it's hard but this is serious, Bundy Buster: Harder still now I'm back on her fucking home turf Rio: It's barely any time 'til the hols Rio: if she was gonna do it she'd want max time to torture you, right Buster: Thank Christ Buster: You're right Buster: Just gift me with the DNA for fuck's sake Rio: 😟 Rio: Put in a good word with Santa Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Buster: You had a good birthday though, yeah? Buster: She didn't ruin that as well Rio: Of course Rio: It was perfect, she can't touch that Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause I actually would have to kill her Rio: Same Rio: She won't ruin xmas either Rio: she's all chat Buster: Agreed Buster: You heard her playing like she has the nerve or means to talk to my sister when she's blocked on everything Buster: You should block her too though Rio: Yeah, even if she snaked her way in, like Nancy literally wants to hear anything from her Rio: What's she gonna do, cc in our parents, like, who even is she Rio: They don't have time for this petty bullshit Buster: Exactly Buster: I don't have time for it and its about me so Buster: One minute she wants me to get into a top uni, the next she's pulling this shit and my focus Buster: Which is it Chlo? Do you want me to keep you in designer gear or nah Rio: She don't know what she wants Rio: so she's got no business making any kind of demands Buster: I can already tell you she don't want this kid and has no business keeping it Buster: I feel bad for her mum and step dad 'cause it's them who'll be picking up her slack Buster: Doubt they have time either Rio: Yeah Rio: and the poor kid Rio: that's no environment to be raised in Buster: Say what you like about ours but they came good for us Buster: Jesus, I reckon I'd take Indie's mum over Chlo at this point Buster: At least nobody could deny she was unfit, can't out and out prove that Chlo is gonna be the worst mum this side of Chelsea, can I Rio: Yeah, there's a difference between unplanned and straight up unwanted Rio: whatever she tries to sell Rio: it's an acceptable kind of bad, isn't it, she won't be the only, like Buster: Cross your fingers for me, babe Buster: If it ain't my kid we don't need to look back Rio: I'll still feel bad Rio: but at that point, nothing you can do about it Buster: Me too Rio: Poor baby Buster: I can't lie, I feel bad for Ro and Drew's already too Rio: God, I know Rio: I was talking to Indie the other day Rio: and she was half joking but Rio: she doesn't even know the half of it Rio: she reckons they might get married Buster: I mean, my auntie clearly wants that Buster: I can't see Drew agreeing to a big white wedding though Buster: All the fam hates him for a start, imagine how awkward the ceremony and after party would be Rio: Oh God Rio: It would be the most depressing wedding in the world Rio: not that he's let that stop him hanging around for this long, he doesn't care Buster: Like are you gonna have Edie as a bridesmaid as well you cunt Buster: We all know he'd want you to do it Rio: Shut up Rio: Your Ma won't let her Buster: She couldn't stop them getting this far Rio: Well, that would be a little shameless, even for this fam Buster: If my life ever gets anything close to that fucked up, leave me Buster: I'm serious Rio: You're gonna have to pick up the pace if that's what you're going for, like Buster: Challenge accepted, babe Rio: 😒 Rio: If you want me to go, just say like, no need to go crazy Buster: I never want you to go Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I ain't Buster: If you could be here instead of there that'd really help me out though, like Rio: I wish I could be baby Buster: Wasted you talked a good game about it that night Rio: I did? Buster: Yeah Rio: Well, exactly how many cheques did drunk me write that I haven't cashed Rio: not saying won't 'cos refuse to be that bitch but need to know what I'm up against Buster: 😏 Buster: Some of them I was glad to rip up but you know Rio: 🙃 ha kill me Rio: I really do not know wtf I took that night Buster: Me either Buster: I've never seen you like that before Rio: Must've been cut with something dodgy that he didn't know about Rio: 'cos he was doing it too so Buster: Don't remind me Buster: Have you seen him since you got back? Rio: He was here one night with Indie Rio: Ro is doing his head in that much Rio: but I made my excuses and left sharpish, like Buster: Well that's something Buster: Sounds like the wedding's off then Rio: Ha, we can dream Rio: they constantly do each other's head's in, I think Rio: it's stupid, the whole thing Rio: if they'd done it when ours did, no one could say anything but they're grown now so sort it out Buster: I should send Chlo over to theirs it'd soon stop her believing we can play happy families Rio: Maybe we could convince Drew that kid is his too Buster: I just choked Buster: 😂 Rio: 😏 Just sayin' Rio: two birds one stone, like Buster: Always thinking, yeah? Buster: 🧠 Buster: God, I miss you so much Rio: Stick with me, babe Rio: I'll sort this shit so you can focus on your real 🧠box shit Buster: Just don't sort it how this fam normally do like 🥊 Rio: I don't think a slap would hurt her but Rio: probably not whilst she's with child, not very classy of me Buster: Fuck class, if that's what she reckons she's got you don't want it Rio: You're cute Buster: You too Rio: Nah Rio: I'm tough as hell Buster: Yeah and I like it Rio: I been knew Rio: You ever call my dominatrix friend or what Buster: 'Course Rio: Don't play Rio: really? Buster: Yeah Buster: Came highly recommended from a reliable source, like Rio: 😩 WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME Rio: why didn't she Rio: rude Buster: Didn't reckon you'd want an actual review back from me Rio: Duh Rio: selfish, right? Buster: Alright Buster: We had a good time Buster: but you know I prefer being the one in control so Rio: Yeah? Good Rio: You just can't buy this level of dedication, babe, sorry to say Buster: No more presents any time soon then, okay Rio: Seriously Rio: I don't even wanna work out how long you're good for with birthdays and xmas, like Buster: 😏 Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You're an idiot Rio: and I love you Buster: Good 'cause I'm yours Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah and you're mine, babe, whatever happens Rio: Promise Rio: Don't let anyone or anything fuck it up Buster: I swear on my life Rio: I'm not gonna let anything happen to you so Rio: we're good Buster: We really are Rio: I don't care if everyone knows Rio: I want people to know you're mine Rio: and I'm yours Buster: Me too Buster: After Christmas we'll figure this out Rio: Yeah Rio: Orrr we just stop hiding it and let 'em work it out for themselves 😏 Buster: Don't tempt me Rio: Everyone too awkward to ask Rio: rely on this fam for that but one loudmouth with a drink in 'em always ruins that Buster: And obviously that's Nance nowadays Rio: 😂 Rio: Don't Buster: Have you seen her? Buster: I should text but with Chlo hanging over me I'm just Rio: I haven't actually Rio: text planning this summer trip with her, and she seemed more like her old self Rio: obviously she ain't over it but everyone else will be soon, so that'll make it a bit better Buster: And the hols really ain't far off, like you said Buster: That'll help, not being at school for a while Rio: Definitely Rio: the others would tell me if shit was really dire at school, I know Rio: I'll check in when I have the chance Buster: As long as she doesn't try and make her ex her New Year's kiss she'll be alright Buster: That stupid cat is really making a difference too, like Buster: Not saying your ma is on to something Rio: If she suggests a gay bar I'll veto that shit hard, I think once was enough to learn on that one, bless Rio: 😏 See Rio: animals heal everything Rio: Indie still wants her puppy Buster: Are you gonna let her? Buster: Or be a strict ma Rio: Steady on Rio: know what you'd like Rio: I think so Rio: she's always out, so it'd get the exercise Buster: True Buster: Keep her out more too, so suits me Rio: Clearly you've never had to shoo a curious animal out the room 😂 Buster: You know we ain't been allowed since we were kids Buster: Not living that life Rio: Aww Rio: I remember Rio: it was so cute Buster: My ma weren't gonna fall for no scruffy pup, like Buster: Only the best Buster: Surprised she let this kitten stay Rio: Redhead pride Rio: gotta stick together Buster: 😂 Buster: I wonder if my brother would've left me outnumbered or what? Could've been blonde like, dad would've been buzzing Rio: Yeah, I wonder Rio: Your curls are the cutest though so, you win by default Buster: You're biased Rio: Am not Buster: Oh no? Buster: Just always got your hands in my hair as pure coincidence Buster: Same Rio: If you've got a better suggestion of how to hold on, lemme know Rio: 😩 fuck, now I miss you Buster: I can't think of anything better. You know it feels too good Rio: I can't think of anything else now Rio: fuck, babe Buster: Do you want me to be sorry? Buster: 'Cause like, you're gonna have to make me if you do Rio: Oh yeah? Rio: Challenge accepted Buster: Let's see what you can do then, babe Rio: Doubt me all you want Rio: Only gonna make me go harder Buster: Yeah? Buster: I hope so Rio: Don't be wasting your wishes now Rio: you're gonna need 'em Buster: Is that a promise? Rio: [Vid] Rio: What do you reckon, daddy? Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay, I believe you Rio: Good, I don't need to be the only one here wishing they weren't alone Buster: You can believe me, you aren't Buster: Jesus, you're so hot Rio: I am for you Buster: You just are and I can only take credit for the tan Buster: Unfair Rio: Trust, you can take credit for that video and the way I'm feeling too babe Buster: As long as you take credit for this Buster: [Sends own] Rio: Jesus Rio: I wanna take so more than credit Buster: I know Buster: And I wanna give you everything Rio: Please can we use the app Rio: I need you Buster: Say please again Rio: Please, Buster Rio: fuck me and make me cum now Buster: Okay, baby Rio: I missed you Buster: I miss you too Buster: Even more when you say my name like that Rio: I can't even help it Rio: it's the only word I have when I feel this good Buster: If I was actually there you'd have no words Rio: I wouldn't need them Rio: you know exactly how to fuck me best Buster: and you know exactly what to say to make me want to Rio: Got to return the favour Rio: no pillow princess Buster: Though if it meant you were here I wouldn't be mad at you lying there doing nothing Rio: The only way you could stop me being all over you if I was there would be handcuffs, babe Buster: That could be arranged, like, but I need you to touch me right now so Rio: You're so fucking gorgeous, baby Rio: I have to feel you to make sure you're real Buster: Christ Buster: You're the one that's unreal. You're so perfect, Rio Rio: You make me feel it Buster: Good Rio: I can't wait 'til you're here again Rio: even if there's going to be so many people to evade Buster: I don't care if the fam suddenly also invites half of Dublin, nobody and nothing is gonna stop be being alone with you Rio: Did you have to say that as you turned it up Buster: Do you want me to turn it back down? Rio: Fuck no Rio: You better not Buster: I didn't think so Rio: 😩 Don't tease me Rio: but also don't stop Buster: Does that feel like I'm gonna stop Rio: Buster Buster: I've got you exactly how I want you babe, we're not stopping Rio: I fucking love you Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I'm just thinking how hard I'm going to make you cum when I see you Buster: Tell me Rio: I want to take you all in and feel your cum hit the back of my throat Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Yeah, I miss you that much, I want you to fuck me with this toy whilst you're in my mouth, I want to be full of you Buster: Babe Buster: I'd kill for that right now Buster: I need you so bad Rio: I know Rio: Do you ache too? Buster: Yeah Rio: We need to get you a toy baby Rio: I'll send you one Buster: Jesus Christ Buster: I'm not gonna argue. I can't Rio: Have you ever used one, they're supposed to be so good Buster: Not yet Buster: But now I wanna Rio: You have to show me when you do Rio: and tell me exactly how it feels Buster: You know I will Buster: We tell each other everything, remember Rio: Yes, daddy Rio: Speaking of, you're about to make me cum Buster: Do it for me baby 'cause I need to cum for you Buster: You know that, don't you? Rio: Have I made you so hard, daddy? Telling you all the dirty things I NEED you to do to me, whilst you fuck me 'til I cum all the way from there Rio: I wanna make you cum without even touching you too, you're so good and I'm so close Buster: Rio Rio: Say my name again Rio: say it out loud when you cum Buster: Fuck, Rio Buster: You're everything Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I love you Buster: And I want you Buster: I'm being so loud Rio: You're so hot, do you have any idea how fucking special you are Rio: no other lad has come a little bit close Rio: please let me hear you Buster: [Calls] Rio: You make me crazy, boy Buster: You love it Rio: I do Buster: Me too Rio: How could this be wrong Rio: she's stupid Buster: It isn't Buster: But even if it was, I wouldn't care Rio: Yeah? Buster: I meant what I said, nobody's gonna stop me from being with you Rio: Good Rio: I need you, you know Buster: And I need you Rio: You're always going to have me Buster: I seriously can't do any of this without you, you know Rio: You can Rio: but you don't have to Buster: Alright, maybe but I don't want to Buster: And I'm glad I don't have to Rio: You're my favourite Buster: Yeah? Buster: Well, you're one of the only people I like so good Rio: Aw baby, you're a big old softy really 😉 Buster: Shh Rio: as long as you keep hard for me it's all good Buster: You know I can't stop getting hard for you, babe Buster: Christmas is gonna be hilarious like Rio: Seriously Rio: Good 🍀 baby Buster: Do me a favor and look as unattractive as possible Rio: I'll wear an ugly christmas jumper then Buster: Cheers Buster: Straighten your hair and I won't even recognise you Rio: I'll get onto Gracie, I guess Rio: if you shave your head I will cry though Buster: I love you but not that much, like Rio: Good to know I've found the line 😜 Buster: 😂 Rio: Your Da looks good but I'm not seeing it Buster: Steady on Buster: Don't be complimenting me and him in the same breath Rio: 😏 Not like that Buster: Yeah yeah Buster: I don't look anything like him and I ain't about to try and pull of his look, the point's valid Rio: Yeah, you don't much Rio: I don't look loads like mine either Buster: You look so much like your mum Rio: If that's a subtle way of calling her a MILF Rio: heard it before and I doubt you're a stranger Buster: I mean Buster: Nobody'd dare say that about mine though 'cause I'd kill 'em Rio: Not to your face then, babe Buster: Shut up Rio: 😂 Rio: poor baby Buster: It's bad enough when lads say stuff about Nance Rio: Yeah, people are dicks Rio: like you wanna know Buster: And she don't wanna know either Buster: Looking at you James you cunt Buster: Sorry if you thought you were his fave convo topic, babe Buster: 😒 Rio: 💔 Gutted Rio: on my behalf and hers, like Buster: 'Course Rio: Such a tool Buster: Understatement there, like Rio: The amount of times I've had to kick him off my stream still Rio: get over it, babe Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, I mean, it's just usernames but he's that stupid that I could still tell it was him 😂 Buster: I'll punch him again for you Rio: Don't go out of your way, like Buster: I don't have to Buster: I'll see him at school Rio: Yes but I'm saying you don't have to hit him Buster: But I want to Buster: Don't act like you don't Rio: Be a way to avoid Chloe if you're stuck in detention I suppose Rio: unless that's her vibe Buster: Imagine Buster: Safe to say it ain't Rio: 😏 Rio: #badgirl Buster: Don't Buster: Did I tell you she told me cockiness ain't a turn on? Rio: What's she saying, she got lost on the way to your bed then? Rio: like whatever, babe Buster: Doubt I was throwing her lines that night to be fair Buster: If I was chatting anything it was pure shite, guaranteed Rio: You would've been well-suited then Rio: If she wasn't such a bitch with it, I'd be well embarrassed for her Buster: 😂 you're savage Rio: Really? She's tryna fuck up your life, babe Rio: don't think anything's off limits Buster: Take the compliment Rio: Begrudgingly 😜 Buster: I love you Rio: love you 🤓 Buster: I'll leave the uniform on next time I record for you then Rio: Don't 😩 Rio: I'll be put on a register Buster: You're funny Rio: Mm, visit me in prison? Buster: 'Course Buster: You'll need a lawyer Rio: Now that's a conflict of interests Rio: victim and defender, like Buster: I won't tell if you don't Rio: it's that kinda talk that got us here in the first place Rio: so yeah Rio: 🤐 Buster: You're just so good at keeping my secrets, babe, I can't help myself like Rio: I like keeping 'em Rio: works for me Buster: Good
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