#i think i’ll probably leave tumblr soon tbh
mutalune · 5 months
I just wanted to let you know that you are one of the only writers I’ve seen do a time travel fic in an intensely narratively satisfying way. I know you don’t really plan on updating it anymore (which is so valid!! I’m just so glad I got to read *anything* from you, you’re so talented!!!). There are virtually no plotholes, you chose the perfect character to voice the narrative (he wouldn’t give away too much, so it leaves the reader in suspense), and you write the most beautiful character relationships!! Your attention to detail and understanding of the effects of trauma supplement the narrative so well!!! Both the subtle and large-scale effects were interwoven so well. And the suspense!!!! Oh my gosh!! The double dramatic irony of us the readers knowing things Aizawa doesn’t and Aizawa knowing things the rest of the characters don’t constantly kept me on the edge of my seat. It’s one of the only fics I can reread and find new details in every time. Every single character is written with so much love and care, it’s so beautiful and impressive!!!!! It’s such a kind story, overall :,)
There are so many more things I could say, but I think I’ve left enough comments on the fic itself and would probably go waaaaay over the word limit for a tumblr ask.
I hope you continue to find and work on projects you enjoy doing, even if tmgr isn’t one of them <3 <3 <3
You’re just a truly excellent writer and I wish you nothing but the best!! Reading your works is genuinely a privilege ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
;___; maybe I’ll just cry forever because of this ask tbh this was incredibly sweet and kind and I don’t have any clue what to say in response that will express how reading this made me feel
Time travel fics (tbh time travel fixits in general, there’s a bunch of kcomics that have the same trope and I live for them too) are so near and dear to my heart, and they’re my go-to “things are hard, I need something that makes me feel like mistakes don’t have to be forever,” comfort reads, and it really means so much to me that you enjoyed my take on one so much. And also that you picked up on a lot of my deliberate choices! The double dramatic irony, picking Aizawa (who admittedly is my fave bnha character so I was probs always gonna pick him BUT he also made a great unreliable-but-predictable narrator), and the trauma affecting things subtly and obviously… Sometimes I wonder how much of what I write gets across to readers, because I’m v much a “every choice I made, every word I picked, they all had a reason even if I don’t explicitly say what that reason is,” kinda writer, and it’s both amazing and humbling to have those details picked up on by a reader tbh 💕
Thank you very very very much for sending this message and brightening my day, it was so nice to read and means a lot 💕 I hope to get back into writing something (anything!!! I miss writing) soon-ish now that the holidays are over and 2024 is in full swing, and hopefully I’ll get something out there that’ll be in a fandom you enjoy 💕 thank you again!
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ahhhhhhh-e-i-e-i-o · 1 year
Ok so, transatlantic what happens next headcannon (yes this is a pretty long post):
P.S I am trying to be as historically accurate as I can be but I have like no cell reception to google things right now so if you know something I don’t please tell me!! This has been really interesting to research so even if you know something that’s not super relevant to this specifically but is to the topic please feel free to let me know!
Ok, here’s what I think happens after it ends/in the five years before S2 starts (~1940-1945) (there is a shorter recap at the bottom without as many explanations):
Varian goes back to New York (Jersey??) and (eventually) divorces Eileen because he wants to let her be free but they are still close and live together (at least until she finds someone else to marry but that hasn’t happened yet). He stays in touch with everyone every once in a while (holidays and such) and buys a house in NY to house arriving refugees. He and Thomas talk a bit and Varian tells Thomas not to come because he would be of more help in France and because, at that point, in NY they would be in too much danger. He tells Thomas about his divorce though and they kinda make plans ish for after the war.
Thomas stays and keeps helping Albert and Paul and Lisa (etc) with saving as many people as they can, continues to house refugees if they need somewhere to stay at the Villa Air-Bel. The Villa is eventually destroyed/somehow taken over (near the end of the war) so Thomas finds a little house with a few rooms for whoever they can find (refugees are more rare at this point).
Albert keeps helping people but is eventually found and taken to a concentration camp (probably Auschwitz tbh) but survives and is eventually liberated by the allies. Mary Jayne goes home and sends money to “the gang” from Chicago. She and Albert stay in touch via letters and they make plans for him to come to America after the war. MJ is under pressure from her dad to marry, and when she stops getting letters from Albert, after a while, she figures he is dead and agrees to marry this guy her dad wants her to.
Bingham stays with Thomas and tries to do the most he can from there.
Paul eventually (not after very long) closes the hotel and MJ funds him to go back home and be with his mother (parents?). His revolutionary group work with Thomas to keep getting people out. Paul leaves Lisa in France because it’s the right thing to do and because he needs to go home and figure things out without her.
Lisa and Hans stay to help people get out but when Albert is taken Thomas sends them to America. They stay in Varian’s refugee house and help from the outside too.
RECAP: The war just ended. MJ is married (or soon to be) to a rich guy in Chicago. Varian lives with but is divorced from Eileen in NY and owns a house they keep refugees in until they can figure something out. Thomas has a house in France he is keeping refugees in it as well. Albert just got out of Auschwitz and went back to Thomas’ villa. Paul is in his home country with his mother. Paul’s revolutionary friends are in France too and have been working against the war, somewhat with Thomas/Varian and somewhat on their own. Lisa and Hans live in Varian’s refugee house and are figuring out their relationship and lives. MJ thinks Albert is dead. Varian and Thomas have kinda sorta plans to be together somewhere after the war but NY is too dangerous and they have to put the refugees before themselves. They talk occasionally.
I have a whole thing with my ideas for season 2 but it’s too long to fit in this post so I’ll try to put it in another post but it may be too long for Tumblr we’ll see… Anyway thanks for reading!!
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hajimine · 3 years
omg i didn’t realize it’s been days since i last logged in v.v hi besties </3
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yuueee · 3 years
𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 fire lord! zuko x fire lady! reader
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authors note: Firstly I just want to apologize for the hiatus, I want to be more active from now on! I’m starting finals next week so I’ll thankfully be done with this semester soon and will also have more time to write. Anyways I hope you enjoy!! I also want to apologize if Zuko is ooc here.
First of all, your tumblr looks sooooo cool! I’m looking forward to reading all of your future work! Imagine this: Zuko is annoyed by people constantly asking him about a future heir, but when one day his friends also start to ask, and even his uncle and his own mother join the baby fever train, it’s too much for him so he complains about it to his wife who only reassures him with her lovely self and her understanding smiles, not telling him yet that she is in fact pregnant. What do you think ?
Can you write an imagine with zuko who is clearly, utterly and soooo obviously in love with the reader (outgoing, courageous, loving) and maybe with the prompt “So you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?” Thank you a lot! ^^
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As the current Fire Lord and Lady, it wasn’t uncommon for the citizens of the Fire Nation to be deeply invested in your relationship - it was to be expected especially due to the uncommon nature of your union. What you weren’t expecting were Zuko’s close friends and relatives being wrapped up in your business as well. Being outside of team avatar, you were naturally more welcoming to his friend's constant questioning, but Zuko on the other hand was not. He couldn’t understand why they cared so much all of the sudden. They hadn’t been as interested when he was in a relationship with Mai - so why did they care so much now?
It wasn’t as if you weren’t getting along with his friends or family - you got along with them quite well and were very loved by them in fact. Outside of them though, you weren’t always as welcomed, unfortunately, the Fire Nation was still coming to terms with having the daughter of an Earth Kingdom General as their Fire Lady. The arranged marriage was put in place to solve several different ‘problems’. After Zuko broke up with Mai several years ago, he hadn’t begun dating anyone else due to being so busy but he’d eventually be expected to have an heir in the next coming years.
Although they had gotten better, tensions among the Earth Kingdom Colonies were still high and both sides were having difficulty keeping them under control. Eventually, an agreement was made for the daughter of a high-ranking Earth Kingdom General to marry Zuko - that daughter being yourself. Arranged marriages certainly weren’t unheard of in either nation - but a union of this sort was definitely unique.
Though he certainly wasn’t thrilled about it, Zuko understood that it was for the good of the people - and it wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it anyway. Even with his position as the recently crowned Fire Lord there still wasn’t much he could do.
On the other hand, you understandably had some issues coming to terms with your new situation at first. Despite being known by those around you as friendly and just a joy, in general, to be around - the woman Zuko had first met was quite the opposite. He could recall it like it was yesterday. Though it was awkward and stressful at the time, he now considered it to be the best day of his life.
“She’s in there.” A female servant whispered to the young man quietly, as if she didn’t want to speak loud enough for you to hear from your place at the balcony.
“Thanks,” he replied with a soft smile, bidding the elderly woman goodbye as she shuffled down the hallway. Turning towards you he was faced with a warm tropical breeze. His advisors had arranged for the two of you to meet a couple of weeks before that dreaded day, and for some reason, they thought Ember Island was the appropriate place. A combination of anxiety and general distaste for being on the island was causing him to be quite stressed - which led him to be more awkward than usual.
“Um, hello?” he spoke up faintly, as if not to startle you. He was sure you heard him come in, but you hadn’t turned around since he entered the small room. You stood several feet away with your hands placed on the railing, your [hair-texture] locks sifting gently with each gust of wind along with your predominantly red clothing. It was against what you had wanted to wear that day but it didn’t seem as if you had much a say in anything going on in your life recently.
You understood that doing this would be for the greater good of the Earth Kingdom and that your situation could technically be worse. You could have been married off to some old creep - but if you were being honest with yourself being married to the Fire Lord sounded just as bad. As you turned around though, you were surprised at the face you were met with.
He had a much younger face than you had expected, but the slight hollowness of his cheeks and the worry lines on his forehead told you that he had experienced things beyond his years. He also happened to be quite handsome - not that you wanted to admit it though. You had been bent on hating him ever since your father told you who you’d be wedding.
He was the leader of the Fire Nation, of course, you would hate him! The country that has had a century-long reign of terror on the world - and now you found yourself engaged to their leader. What had you done so wrong in your life to deserve this?
As much as you wanted to plan on running away the first chance you got, you knew deep inside that it would only cause tensions to increase and more issues to arise. You wanted the best for the residents of the Earth Kingdom, so you agreed to go through with it, but did so resentfully - which you had every right to feel that way.
But as you glared up at the young male next to you and tried to keep your attention off of the scar over his left eye - you couldn’t help but wonder what if this was the man who joined the avatar in defeating the Fire Lord? He wasn’t what you expected at all. Standing in full armor with his hair holding the fire nation insignia in a top knot - he looked awkward and out of place. You almost felt bad for him - keyword is almost.
“What do you need Fire Lord?” you questioned him, turning your gaze back to the rushing waters of the ocean.
“Um,” he faltered slightly, probably not anticipating your response. “I just wanted to introduce myself-“
“I know who you are.” you brushed him off, turning around and walking towards him - grabbing his collar and pulling him to your height. “We might be getting married but if you think for a second I will ever be nice to you, you are sadly mistaken.” you hissed at him before letting him go and walking out of the door.
Zuko couldn’t recall how long he stood there watching your form leave, all he remembered was standing there like an idiot with a red face. He hadn’t expected you to like him of course but he surely wasn’t expecting that.
As he reminisced on memories long ago while sipping his Uncle’s tea, he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his features. As stated earlier, It may have been an unpleasant memory back then but now he considered the day he met you to be the best day of his life. Though your relationship had surely faired through many complications for a while in the beginning - surprisingly, you became fond of Zuko over the years.
It was certainly a long time coming but that strange friendship you two shared eventually evolved into love against all odds. That didn’t mean you weren’t constantly giving him an ear full (as you should tbh) your first months together. But as time progressed and you learned that he may not have been the evil prince that you had heard so much about, at least not anymore.
He wasn’t that same angsty teenager he had been years ago looking for the avatar, he was now a young adult growing quite well into the position of the Fire Lord - which was no easy feat. Taking another sip of tea, he watched his Uncle and Mother come to take a seat with him.
“How is it, Nephew?” His Uncle asked with a mischievous grin and a raise of two bushy eyebrows - albeit already knowing the answer.
“It’s great as always Uncle,” Zuko responded with a small smile, his Uncle's expression making him just a bit concerned, causing his Mother to chuckle. Though she had gained a few wrinkles over the past couple of years, she was still as radiant as she had been in her youth. She was also much happier being able to live with the family she had been apart from for many years without fearing Ozai’s intervention. It came with a price though - it seemed as if her relationship with her estranged daughter who was now on the run would never be resolved. She never lost hope though.
“Zuko,” his mother began speaking, catching the young Fire Lord’s attention with a raise of his eyebrows. “When are you going to give me a grandchild?” She asked teasingly, eager to see his reaction. In turn, her son had barely kept himself from spitting out the mouthful of tea.
“Why do you ask that?” He choked out in between a series of coughs with Iroh patting his back gently.
“You haven’t?” She asked in between chuckles, noticing how her son got bewildered at the mention of having children of his own. “You know you’ll eventually have to have an heir at some point right?”
“It’s not that I haven’t thought about it... but Y/N and I are just really busy.” He thought aloud, wishing he could run a hand through his hair - but was unable to since it was pinned in a top knot.
“Zuko, you never know when you’ll get this time of peace again. What better time to raise a child?” Iroh reassured, wiggling his eyebrows. Letting out a groan, the young Fire Lord attempted to mentally prepare himself to go through this same conversation every time he visited his family.
Over the next couple of weeks, the constant badgering he received from his friends and close relatives started to frustrate him further, so who could he turn to? You of course.
Being married for several years now, you were more than used to Zuko’s rants, so you simply just reclined on the bed with an eyebrow raised as he paced back and forth.
“I don’t get it! Why is everyone so concerned about when we’re going to have a child or not?” He questioned seemingly no one as you attempted to keep your face from contorting into a smile. It wasn’t as if you didn’t understand his frustrations, it was just funny to watch, especially since you were already pregnant.
You were surprised that he hadn’t noticed honestly, with you staying in for the past few days due to feeling sick. Who could blame him though? It wasn’t as if he wasn’t attentive and loving as a husband, he was extremely busy as of recent-and also just dense at times. After noticing his silence for a few moments as he looked over the balcony, you decided that maybe this could be the perfect time to tell him.
Getting up and sneaking behind him, you snaked your arms around his waist and turned so you could see his face. He let out an audible sigh of what sounded like relief before returning your smile and your hug.
“You want a head massage?” You questioned pulling away, wiggling your fingers playfully.
For the past couple of years, Zuko had been letting his hair grow out so now it rested around his shoulders.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” You started tentatively, but as usual, he was too caught up in the sensation of your fingers raking across his scalp to entirely understand what you were saying, so he just nodded in response. “I’m pregnant.” You stated plainly, ceasing your scratching. Not getting a response for a few moments, you turned to face him with a worried expression.
Much to your surprise he was grinning up at you and placed a warm hand on your cheek. “Really?”
“Yes. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell y-“ you were abruptly cut off by him pulling you into another hug and placing a kiss on the crown of your head. “So you’re happy about it?”
“Couldn’t be happier.” He responded sincerely, leaning into your shoulder so you couldn’t see the redness on his cheeks.
Maybe your family and friends would finally leave the two of you alone now?
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taglist: @practicallylivesonline @chewymoustachio
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angry-geese · 3 years
Risotto Nero x Reader (Soulmate Goose of Enforcement au)
Warnings: none, sfw. minor goose related violence. Some light swearing, its pretty mild tbh. Gn!Reader
Notes: when it's time for two soulmates to meet, a goose appears. The goose is immortal, and cannot be deterred until said soulmates meet. The trouble stems from trying not to be mauled by said goose.
Tumblr ate this the first time i tried to post it so if you've seen this before I'm sorry, I'll have a new fic posted later this week
It's a beautiful day in Italy, and He is a terrible goose.
As a child, you never gave the idea of having a soulmate much thought. It was there. That's about it. As you grew older, you watched all of your friends and family find theirs and settle down, living their own happily ever afters. All of the typical ways people find their soulmate never came to you. No red string of fate ever attached itself to your wrist, no words ever appeared on your arms. The older you got, the less hope you had. Sometimes people were born without soulmates. Sometimes people's soulmates die, and they're left without one.
You're not sure which one is better.
You fell into the underground of Passione after a family debt. The protection fees were becoming too much for your family to handle. The gangs never protected anything. It was their way of trying to pry you from your home without outright killing you. When you stood up for yourself- what a mistake that was- things went wrong. It was your life, or a life of service. Do it or die. You became one of the cogs in Passione's well oiled machine, the gears that turn and run Italy's underground. Your life became replaceable.
You figured a soulmate wouldn't want someone like you. Maybe it was better if you didn't have one. Who would want a low-rate mafioso like you, anyway?
Risotto settled into the thought of not having a soulmate rather well. At a young age he was deemed the black sheep of his family, partly for his frightening appearance, partly for how hard he found it to fit in. He left to live with his nonna and cousin as a teenager, soon falling into the gangs after the death of his cousin. If someone was going to be born without a soulmate, it was him. His occupation didn't allow soulmates. Having a significant other would only serve as something else to use to hurt him. It's bittersweet, in a strange sort of way. As a child, he would run himself in circles trying to find his soulmate. But a partner would do more harm than good.
People like him don't get happy endings. That's a fate he's reserved himself to.
Risotto first spotted you from across the restaurant, your eyes locking for only a moment. You bumped into him, spilling a bit of wine on your shirt. Your eyes went wide as you muttered a slew of apologies. He brushed the entire event off. Truly, you didn't stand out in the crowd. From the very beginning, you had the wide-eyed, frightened look of someone new to this, standing among a group of people with the same traumatized look on their face. Really, he didn't give you much thought. He hated ceremonies like these. He hated having to wear a suit. He hated how open this place was. He would be noticed here, something that his job requires avoiding at all costs. Despite his discomfort, he's tolerated it this long. His team pays little attention as he walks outside, making an offhand comment about it being stuffy. The important parts are over anyway, he won't miss anything.
The crowd is getting to you.
Rarely you find yourself in a place so packed. Ceremonies like this are not commonly held. It makes you anxious seeing just how widespread Passione is. This isn't even everyone. Many of the higher ups- the capos and even the boss- didn't bother coming.
You head outside for a smoke. Your hands shake as you pull out a pack of matches. The cool evening air is a nice change from the stuffy restaurant. You watch as the sun sets over the ocean. A few sparse clouds float overhead, but the sky is mostly clear, painted shades of orange and pink.
To your left, you hear a menacing sounding honk.
A goose stands to your side, it's beady black eyes filled with malice. As unnerving as it is, you stay still. All it's doing is standing there, why bother it? It'll leave eventually. It's not like you're messing with its babies.
You absentmindedly shoo it away, going back to your cigarette.
Menacingly, it steps forward. Despite this, you stand your ground. It's a bird, what's the worst it'll do?
It takes a bite of the hem of your slacks, tugging of your pant leg. When you don't immediately respond, it chomps on your ankle. The bite draws blood, causing you to recoil, and step back. The cry you let out is pitiful. After a second, you regain your composure, now filled with unbridled rage.
"Piss off ya feathered fuck!" You say. You'd feel bad swinging at it, but it's clearly out for blood. It's awfully bold for something that doesn't even reach your knees.
Risotto emerges from the restaurant to find you being attacked by a goose.
He simply watches the event unfold from the safety of the patio. You flee in his direction, collapsing on the stones at his feet. Warm blood trickles down your leg, staining your sock and shoe. He's merely watching, up until he puts some distance between the two of you and your avian attacker charges. Risotto isn't scared, more than he's caught off guard. Animals tend to be afraid of him. Maybe they could tell what he did for a living.
The evil goose gives one last hiss before stepping back, nodding it's small head. The second either of you try to step away, its charging, hissing as if it's out for more blood.
You glace from it, to Risotto, then back to it.
When you stand, he towers nearly a foot over your head. Black eyes glare down at you. You want to shrink and hide under his gaze. He feels familiar. His very presence is comforting in a bizarre sort of way.
You've heard of this- one of the rarest ways to find a soulmate. There's no real explanation behind it. There's no reason behind the others, but they tend to make more sense than this. When it's time for someone to find their soulmate, a goose appears. The difficulty comes from trying not to be mauled by said goose. The goose is immortal, and cannot be killed or deterred until two soulmates find each other. That's it that's the au.
"You're my... soulmate?" You say. It comes out as more of a question.
Him? Seriously?
"I guess so."
His voice is quiet. It's very deep and would be intimidating had the circumstances been different. He helps you to your feet, holding your hands in his. He offers his arm out to you. You take it, leaning against him. He's rather warm. You brush some of the dirt off. He takes a moment, giving you a once over for any more injuries. You appear fine, despite your damaged pride.
It makes him wonder what group you'll be assigned to. Probably Bucciarati's. You seem far too meek for his team or the guard. In a way, the thought is comforting. A smaller group would be less dangerous than his.
"I'm Risotto." He says, even quieter.
Despite the comical circumstances, his heart races. He has a soulmate. A million questions are going through his head. 90% of them are asking "is that seriously a goose?"
"Y/N." You dust yourself off a bit. He commits the sound of your name to memory. "Wait why the fuck are you named after rice?!"
"Don't worry about it." He says. The corners of his mouth tug into a smile. You simply shrug.
"I think I need a band-aid." You say.
Slowly the goose waddles off, setting out for it's next victims.
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
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hrina · 4 years
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hi 🥰 so i recently hit 20k followers which is crazy tbh. in honour of reaching that milestone, i was thinking of doing a fic celebration instead of just a regular follow forever. so here i am hehehehe
underneath the cut, i’ve come up with 40 prompts. feel free to choose a prompt that inspires u and write a little something based on it. here are a few tidbits of information if ur interested in participating:
- anyone can take part in this. we don’t have to be mutuals or anything like that! - u can pick multiple prompts if u want! go crazy lol - with that being said, u can also come up with ur own if none of mine inspire u! because lets face it this is my first time doing this so they probably aren’t that great sfjsfnsjfsnfs - i think i’ll make the minimum word count 500 words, just to keep things simple. there will be no maximum word count tho, so if u wanna write a longer piece, go ahead! - there’s no due date for this! writing under pressure can be stressful and i don’t wanna add any more anxiety to ur lives lol, so take all the time u need! - all genres of writing are accepted! fluff, angst, smut, etc. - feel free to tag me in ur work! and also, use the tag #majorharry20k bc that’s what i’ll be tracking to keep up with any submissions :) - since the tags are kinda fucked up on tumblr dot com, please don’t hesitate to send ur piece to me via DM as well if u want! i wanna make sure i catch everything, that way i can reblog it with my thoughts and praises hehe 💌
also, i won’t be accepting anything involving cheating, abuse, or any other unethical tropes. this is meant to be a fun challenge so let’s keep it that way!
i’m super excited, and i hope that u guys are interested in taking part if u have the time! thanks again for following me and being my pals, it means the world <3
also: thanks to @harryforbode​ for the banner! its super cute em
1.    “That is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
2.    “Are you going to release me anytime soon, or…?”
3.    “Our water bill is going to be through the roof after this.”
4.    “You’re lying. I can tell when you’re looking at me like that.”
5.    “What part of ‘we broke up’ don’t you understand?”
6.    “Should—should we kiss?”
7.    “Can you please just do this one thing for me?”
8.    “Open up.”
9.    “They don’t know, and I’d like to keep it that way for a little while longer.”
10.  “Not now. We’re in public.”
11.  “Found it in your drawer. Why were you hiding it from me?”
12.  “Well, don’t stop on my account.”
13.  “Either say what you came here to say or leave.”
14.  “What’s in the bag?”
15.  “Fuck—what should we do?”
16.  “You can’t keep doing this to me. It’s not fair.”
17.  “I know what I want.”
18.  “This song always makes me…you know.”
19.  “Are you being sincere, or is this just another one of your lies?”
20.  “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
21.  “Can you just shut up for one second?”
22.  “I don’t know—I just didn’t feel that spark.”
23.  “Great. I’m soaked.”
24.  “This won’t work unless you stay still.”
25.  “How much do I owe you?”
26.  “Pay attention to me.”
27.  “Your hands are soft.”
28.  “Do you love me?”
29.  “Stop looking at me like that.”
30.  “You’re making this so much harder than it has to be.”
31.  “Well, maybe I don’t want to just be your friend.”
32.  “How about you get off my dick?”
33.  “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
34.  “You’re nothing like him.”
35.  “If you ever tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.”
36.  “I know you’re busy, but…can we talk?”
37.  “Do you want to play a game?”
38.  “I’m pretty good at minding my own business. You should try it sometime.”
39.  “What does it feel like?”
40.  “Cover up, please.”
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yanbub · 3 years
You're leaving? :(
i forgot i recieved this last night sdjfjdjf
anyways i don't actually plan on leaving, not yet at least. it's not that i hate writing or whatever and it's not bc i lack motivation or if i'm not satisfied with my work, it's honestly bc i sometimes just have some weird thought of me quitting this blog LOL. like there's just those times where i REALLY wanna press that delete blog option out of impulse and lack of rationality
then again, i just know that tumblr will soon grow out of me and i'll eventually stop being here, which is why i've been thinking abt leaving. i'll probably just go semi ia on this blog and hang out at my personal acc and be on discord more ^^ not sure abt it yet tbh
but yes maybe one day i'll just randomly quit this app or smth HAHA
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honeysofte-archieve · 4 years
a windfall (series)
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Pairing: Female Detective/Morgan
Rating: M
Genre: soft morgan
ao3: here ♥
i’m doing a series of first times between the detective & f!ub and this first one is the first time morgan stayed the night at the detective’s place!! this is also my first time writing her so she’s probably not that in-character tbh, but i tried my best, haha. if you’re interested in reading the whole thing, follow the link to the ao3 version, because i deleted a mild nsfw scene from the beginning of this one for the sake of tumblr “policies”....... i hope you enjoy ♥
The second time you wake up that morning, your bed is empty and cold. You glance at the clock on your bedside table. 8:37 am. Thank god, it's Saturday.
You're fairly sure you didn't dream the heated encounter that happened a couple hours ago, but you also wouldn't put it past yourself. After all, you're just as hungry as Morgan -- just not as lewd and honest about it. You're not so far apart as you originally thought when you met her and kind of wanted to slash her hypothetical car's tires.
Yet somehow, despite knowing better, the disappointment of Morgan leaving you again is crushing.
ao3 link. ♥
Which is more than a little idiotic considering it's pretty much the norm at this point as Morgan has never stayed over before. She's been very adamant about that right from the beginning. She said no thank you, sweetheart,  to your face with an amused grin and that's how it's been ever since that first time you had sex together.
And, admittedly, you've had sex a lot after that. Plenty of opportunities to change one's mind. It's hard not to blush while thinking about how utterly and completely Morgan has conquered you -- the whole you. Every little piece of you feels like it's hers already and isn't that so damn heartbreaking that you give so much of yourself only to gain what feels like a condescending pat on the top of your head.
It's fine. Everything is fine and you don't mind her leaving at all, you tell yourself but can't help but wince right afterwards. It's not as if you expected it to change anytime soon -- if ever -- so it's quite disturbing that all of the sudden you're so hurt about it.
You defy your need to let out a longing sigh and get up on your shaky feet instead, wrapping your tired body into a fluffy bathrobe and putting on your favourite bunny slippers that Tina gave you as a gift after you made detective.
You barely glance at the mirror on the opposite side of the wall -- you know by heart how you will look like after a night spent with Morgan. Your neck feels sore and you know that she’s far from subtle. It’s good that you don’t mind one bit.
You make your way to the bedroom door and open it, so completely lost in thought that you don't notice the smell of freshly made coffee and cigarette smoke before you actually see Morgan.
She's leaning on your kitchen counter next to an open window with a half-burned cigarette between her long fingers and watches you with an almost bored-looking expression.
You stop. You stare.
"Morning, sweetheart," Morgan says finally after the silence between you two has stretched over its bounds. Her voice is rough and impossibly attractive, affecting your mind and body even when you're still half-asleep.
But you pointedly do not blush, because you feel like you're way above that.
"I didn't expect you to be still here," you say with an arched brow, your heart beginning to sprint inside your ribcage. You flick your gaze at the coffee machine and smile crookedly. "Never mind making me breakfast."
It's just coffee but you don't care. Morgan was sweet enough to do that for you and the thought of that makes your chest feel light.
Morgan scoffs. "Don't read too much into it," she replies and takes a slow drag of her cigarette. Her eyes never leave yours. "I was just bored with you sleeping for so damn long."
Somehow, you doubt it but you choose not to tease her too much -- you're far too happy about her being here and actually waiting for you. About her not leaving while you slept for the first time since you started doing this, about her starting to show signs of care (no matter how small they might be) and about her being so comfortable in your space that she has done this one simple, yet thoughtful, thing for you.
"Still," you say. "Thanks."
"...Whatever," Morgan only mutters with a shrug. Then she seemingly takes another (slow) look at you before chuckling surprisingly loudly. "What the fuck are you wearing?"
You can feel your cheeks flushing. You glance at your feet. You always thought the bunny slippers were adorable as hell. Tina has good taste and would disembowel you if you ever said one bad word about a gift she’s given to you.
"Please, don't make fun of them," you say a little desperately. Morgan’s eyes flash at the tone of your voice. "They were a gift."
Morgan grins, looking almost delighted. She drops her cigarette down from the window and stalks slowly towards you, like the predator she is, but you've learned to stand your ground and not retreat. You're not afraid -- you've never been afraid of her.
All the time, you just want her. You want her and hope for nothing more than for her to desire you like that as well.
Morgan is close enough to loom over you now, pressed so close but far enough that not one body part of you are touching. Morgan smirks and lifts her hand (slowly slowly slowly) to tuck a part of your hair behind your ear, before she leans in and whispers teasingly:
“You’re cute as shit, sweetheart.”
Then she pinches your chin between her thumb and forefinger and keeps her eyes open and locked into yours as she closes the distance between you and kisses you for what feels like the first time in forever.
You’re surprised to notice that in addition to the usual heat and hunger, there’s something almost painfully sweet about it. Morgan also doesn’t seem to be leading the kiss for something more either, she breaks apart after licking into your mouth for a few moments and smiles so genuinely it almost hurts.
“Now, move your ass,” she says suddenly and steps away, far too sooner than you’d hope. She grins at your expression.
“We’re supposed to be at the warehouse in 15 minutes,” Morgan continues before making her way to the front door. “I’ll wait outside.”
You groan and glance at the clock. There goes your weekend -- what an utter surprise. “You could have woken me up earlier instead of waiting for me, you know.”
Morgan pauses and turns to look at you. There’s a look in her eyes that you’ve never seen before. “No,” she says quietly. “I really couldn’t.”
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snickiebear · 3 years
Hi bby! 1, 2, 3, 6, 16, 27, 29, 33, 35! 🖤
mittens!!! loml!!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
oh goodness... um, i’d say a 4?? yeah, that sounds about right, only because i often make so many tense mistakes and even when i edit there’s always something to fix. and just,,, im still learning a lot (aren’t we all). plus, sometimes the stuff i put out needs so much more work (see: my recent shisaku fic... i want to tear it up and put it back together.. ugh.. also wt&r, just everything)
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
OH GOODIE! i just... well, i wrote a lot when i was twelve-fourteenish, then kind of on and off through the years. never really had anything to ground me and get me to take writing seriously. and then i found naruto and sakura who has so much unused potential and it just made me so angry to see her treated that way. 
point being, the naruto fandom (more specifically the sakura fandom) rooted me down and allowed me be able to grow as a writer even though i’ve only been posting since january my writing style has changed so much, and i can physically feel myself becoming a better writer. 
plus, i just love it. the thrill of being able to use these characters and pairings and do what i want with them?? i drink it up, i love it!!! its so freeing and such a great way to really dig deep within writing itself. 
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
i think its just the way i word things, you and a lot of others call it poetry but meh i just call it fancy words or word vomit from my brain AHAHHAHA
also, my thing is God Killers, God Eaters, and Angry Wrathful Women at this point, so maybe thats another thing?
but honestly,,, i have no clue... you’d have to ask my lovely readers, im so thankful for them 😭
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
plot probably. this changes often though. usually when i have an idea, the rest comes to mind and i jot it down and come back and change things and stuff, so thats usually pretty easy tbh... at least for now LMAO
and inner dialogue, inner struggles, showing the entire internal thing. its fun writing that angsty part of a story, the small insights into a character’s mind, how miserable and alone they feel. or, perhaps how happy they are, overjoyed and at peace. 
OH AND WORLD BUILDING. i pride myself so much on my world building. i honestly think thats one of the better things im good at! just weaving small details into the text, and subtly building a world within your mind, oh i love it so much!!!!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
mmmm nothing really comes to mind? men simping for women who could kick their ass? tho idk if thats really a guilty pleasure....am very fond of same age aus, sometimes mafia aus too... ummm,, yeah
(probably big dick tenzo tbh... and the fact that kakashi’s face is a legal weapon AHAHAHA,,, and broken, vunreble men. also, shattered, all consuming women.)
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
oh god... i cannot chose! you, ele, al, and hika leave the kindest comments, and literally any comment on the things i write just make me so so so so so HAPPY. i just them more than kudos tbh. 
but! one comment on the intimacy of being understood i always come back to. it was left by GuardianMars and they wrote that the fic was like a “love letter to the pairing.” and that well. i think about that comment all the time. 
there have been so many others comments that have utterly touched my heart and that i will go to read on terrible, horrible days and i value ALL comments. especially those who say “i’m rereading this again” or “i’ll read anything you put out” that just. there is something so intimate about that, that utter faith and loyalty that i do not know what to do with. 
its so touching and makes me truly believe in the good of the world. 
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
yes! i am attempting to get better at writing smut because ol&w is going to have some fucking in it so i experimented in that shisaku fic and just..... yeah idk man. idk... its something i do want to get better at cause, meh why not? and i want to write some good porn for my readers damnit! HAHAHA 
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
hmmm,,, probably that i stress so much and yet so little at the same time? allow me to elaborate! i stress so much about whether my writing is actually good or if people are just being nice LMAO and also posting, i get cold sweats and a thumping heart and yiKES
but also, i enjoy writing so its like “fuck you (jk ily guys) imma write what i wanna!”...do you see my issue? HAHAHA
also, im a planner. most of the time, and a lot of the details in my more serious fics (ol&w) are blink and miss details but they’re important and i LOVE foreshadowing!!!! like yes, i will vaguely mention something and itll simply come back with a vengeance! 
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
aaaaaa okokok thank you for this ask LMAO i just love talking about writing and rambling (as i often do,, im a long winded person, im very sorry)! 
but anyways! my summer semester just started up and i’m taking three purely online classes and the college im attending (im a dual enrollment student; meaning a high school and college kid,, taking advantage of the system!) fucked up my schedule so! im taking two TWELVE WEEK CLASSES that will end in AUGUST???? and then my fall sem starts five days later so... no summer break for nadia! yay...
writing will be very slow and updates will be too, which i am so sad and frustrated about because i’ve finally hit a paved road and now we’re driving into the forest! all bumps and bruises damnit! BUT worry not! i (as i said above, am i severe planner. every day has a plan, i am also an avid lover of lists also. i have lists for EVERYTHING) am working out a schedule so that i can get all my school shit done as soon as i can (while not failing) and write while hopefully not burning myself out.  
ol&w is such an intricate fic and im truly trying to give it the justice it deserves,,, im just hoping that my dear readers can bear with me HAHAHAHA there is honestly so much going on in that fic; shikamaru’s development, the underlying plot, the hate to love build up, the world building, and then laying down the foundations for the next fic (because yes, this is supposed to be a trilogy.. question is; will i be able to write it?) (answer: maybe. hopefully. i desperately want to but it might take some time.)
BUT ASLO i have so many oneshots i want to write! kisame week! kakashi week! kibasaku long fic! and not to mention my og work that i plan on rewriting and putting up on ao3 because a few people showed some interest. there is just so much to do and write and i am itching to do it all! but. well, but school, and the exhaustion of insomnia, and the weight of stress, sigh. 
shit sucks, it is what it is. but writing is like my safe haven and i just love pouring all myself into my fics and then baring my soul to you all and you take a peek and decide to keep looking. that is my favorite part of this little pocket of tumblr. 
this was not really... fic related? more like a dump of issues! so sorry about that AHAHAHAH 
anyways! thank you so much mittens! :)))))))))
pick my brain!
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cosmicmoved · 3 years
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hi, for some bizarre reason unbeknownst to even me, this muse has been like half a year in the making (actually, it’s been 5 months but that’s close enough for to still feel shame), but he’s finally here. the ““ evil ”” witch oc! witch man who does murders! whatever you want to know him as! anyway, from now on you just know him as kojiro or koj bc that’s his name <3 please look under the read more link for more info! (WARNING: the following will touch on darker themes like death, murder and, to a lesser extent, abuse. this is a heavy character so please keep that in mind if you ever wish to interact!)
firstly, this oc is mostly connected to tsukidate sho, my witch detective oc. the connection mostly lies in the fact they’re both witches who interact with crime/murder in some capacity but their families are also close.
his name is kitahara kojiro ( 北原浩二郎 ), known as either kojiro or koji by those around him. i haven’t decided his exact birthday yet but he was born in 1990 and is approx. 31 years old. (i understand this is ‘older’ by tumblr rp standards but, by normal people standards, early 30s is still relatively young so basically, if u make old ppl jokes, i will bite u)
technically speaking, kitahara is his father’s surname but he never really knew his father and was raised by a single mother. however, his mother made the choice of raising him with his father’s name in an attempt to distance the pair from her own family. i’ll explain why that is the case in the backstory section of this post.
kojiro is a witch. he’s not involved in any broader witching community nor does his being a witch have much bearing on his professional life but he is a talented witch, despite being trained only by his mother. what he DOES use his magic for, however, is to cause a lot of problems.
oh yeah, he’s also cursed. and he kills people. because he’s cursed. again, i’ll explain this in more detail further in the post but it’s kind of an important fact. he was cursed to die at twenty years old and he’s still alive eleven years later because the only way to hold off death is to kill other people <3 omg that’s awkward
in his normal everyday life, kojiro works as a cake decorator and does photography on the side too. he’s a creative person and tbh he developed a lot of stupid hobbies in his teens, thanks to the belief he was gonna die by the end of them, so he ended up making a living out of what he liked. he also didn’t go to uni because he didn’t see the point because, again, he thought he’d be dead by 20 and then, when he wasn’t, he stopped caring.
it’s also important to note that he, uh, doesn’t give off murderer vibes at all. he’s friendly and sociable (and not in the ‘this guy’s definitely a weirdo’ way). 
i kept calling him ‘evil witch oc’ while i was working on him but, as i’ve said before, i think that’s actually a little too simple and i wouldn’t actually call him evil. he’s NOT a good person but i don’t think evil is the right word for him either. he doesn’t believe he’s a good person either but he’s learned to justify his own actions as a means of survival. kojiro doesn’t enjoy killing people, he doesn’t take any pleasure from the act of murder, but he’s also relatively calm about it too. since he doesn’t have to do it on a super regular basis, he prefers to target shitty people and esp corrupt witches in positions of authority (not really in a self-righteous way, more just because they piss him off). he has specific personal reasons for this.
he has a pretty intense fear of death. you think he’d be over it, having spent his whole life knowing he was meant to die early, but the ability to push his death back sort of flipped some switch in his head and, over the years, he went from quiet apprehension to paranoid obsession.
why is this muse 30 years old? firstly, because i want him to be. that would probably be enough but also his age actually IS important. the vibe i’m going for with this muse is, as i’ve said like once before, is what happens to the hero of the story after they complete their quest? what if that quest doesn’t go as planned? kojiro’s quest was to hunt down the demon associated with his curse. that’s his original ‘story’. what i want to explore here is the aftermath of that, what happens after the weight of the quest comes crashing down on the hero and they return to normal, everyday life where they’re forced to shoulder it as though it’s nothing. a decade after his initial story, he’s worn out. he’s not the same person he was at the start.
this isn’t going to be written in a super formal or tidy way because i honestly just can’t be bothered turning this into a proper piece of decent writing. this is only going to be in paragraph form because i don’t like putting backstories into bullet points unless it’s super brief.
kojiro was born in 1990 as the first (and only) child of his unmarried mother (as yet unnamed) when she was just nineteen years old. she was raised in a strict and traditional witching family so the fact that she’d had this child out of wedlock AND that the father wasn’t a witch didn’t exactly land well. regardless, they let her stay in the family home but it would soon turn out that the child was cursed. according to a member of tsukidate family (i.e; sho’s family who, as i said before, are on good terms with kojiro’s family and who are also knowledgeable in the realm of curses), the curse determined that the child would die on the day of his twentieth birthday unless he was able to kill the demon associated with the curse.
as if the judgement from her own family wasn’t enough, the curse brought with it a lot of stigma from the witching community and so his mother made the decision to leave home by herself when kojiro was a year old. all she could afford was a small, one bedroom apartment but, so long as she and her son had a roof over their heads, anything was good enough. kojiro would live a relatively normal life, going to school with other children his age and away from other witches, but his mother would teach him what she knew. although she wanted to him to live as easily as possible, she felt she had to prepare him for his inevitable encounter with the demon. kojiro grew up knowing about the curse too. there was no way to keep it a secret --- even if weren’t cruel to hide it from him, the curse had left a visible mark on him (still working out the details of what this looks like and where on his body it is but it basically looks like a tattoo to most people).
when kojiro turns eighteen, he decides he’s old enough to face this demon and claim control of his own life (maybe i’ll write this as an actual drabble / piece of writing one day bc i’m reeeally brushing over it here). it had been trapped by his family and forced to lie dormant until kojiro would arrive to take it down. what the demon reveals to him, however, changes everything. there is no cure to this curse, the demon tells him, everything he was told is a lie. the curse, it turns out, has tied the demon to him and the only way to kill the demon is for kojiro to die along with it. the reveal is this: when kojiro born, they took him from his mother for a short time. i want to emphasise that her family are pretty shitty people because they decided this would be the perfect opportunity both to punish her and to solve a very specific problem -- getting rid of this demon. the same member of the tsukidate who ‘diagnosed’ the curse was the one who put it on kojiro. i’ll explain the actual curse and story behind it (and the demon) in more detail at a later date but the basic gist of it is that kojiro’s family lied to him and used him as a disposable means to an end. his mother, for the record, was entirely unaware of this. but what else does the demon tell him? although the curse cannot be lifted, it can be held off. this demon thrives off death and, through death, it can stay strong and continue to keep kojiro alive. if it grows weak and it is not sustained, kojiro will grow weak along with it and inevitably die. kojiro informs the demon that he will not kill anybody. that is out of the question.
a month before his twentieth birthday, kojiro kills a man. he had tried to forget about everything the demon had said, tried to forget that his own family had set him up for guaranteed destruction, but it hadn’t been easy. it had set him on edge and he’d become unstable. he’d fallen into a slump and his friends grew worried for him. yet, after a while, he came to accept it and tried to make peace with his life as it was. he put it to the back of his mind as best he could. but he’d discovered that the man his mother had been seeing over the past few years since he’d moved out to live on his own was abusive. so he killed him. everything the demon had told him risen to the surface and he’d asked himself does it matter if this guy dies instead of me? after all, kojiro was curious. he didn’t really want to die and he had wondered if the demon was telling the truth. to this day, kojiro doesn’t know what to believe but it’s much too late for all that now. he followed his mother’s boyfriend home and broke his neck in a dark alleyway. thanks to the magic he’d been taught growing up, he was able to ensure that nobody every traced him to the accident and, when the clock struck midnight on his twentieth birthday, kojiro broke down crying with relief.
he wasn’t dead. he still isn’t dead. he’d never wanted to die. over the years, the killing has gotten a lot easier. over the years, the answer to that question comes much quicker; if somebody has to die, why should it be me?
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ghostinthebau · 5 years
Super Fanfic Rec List -- Iron Dad Edition (because I just wanna share the love)
I’ve had such a blast reading fanfic of the IronDad and SpiderSon variety over the last 6 months or so, and I thought I’d just make a rec list of some of my favorite stories.  Most of them are angsty, with whump and hurt/comfort because that’s what I live for.  
This is in no particular order or in any way complete because there’s just way too many amazing fics/authors in the Iron Dad fandom, but it will still be hella long, so....here goes! 
First off, @yellowdistress:
What We Are series - Bio-dad Tony series that goes all the way through Infinity War.  Endgame AU.
Someday I’ll Make it Out of Here series - Adoption AU!  It’s so good.
The Missing 92 Days - A take on HYDRA Peter that destroyed me emotionally.
Reviving Peter Parker - This about killed me.  Peter actually died during his fight with Toomes and SHIELD brings him back a la the TAHITI project like they did with Phil Coulson.  
A Sailor Went to Sea - Gut-wrenching Endgame fix it.  
Double, Double
Webcams and Webshooters series
I Never Lived ‘Til I Lived In Your Light series - !!! TISSUE WARNING !!! Peter dies, but there’s another one shot with a happier ending if you need it.
And You’ll Blow Us All Away - Adoption fic!  A lovely one at that.
5 Times Peter’s Mental Illness Made Him Stumble And The 1 Time He Refused To Falter - I really love a well-depicted take on mental illness, and losingmymindtonight delivered 100%.
If You Can’t Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest)
Cyanide? In My Shawarma?
The Guardian - Adoption AU with a lovely Loki and Peter friendship!
Radioactive - Peter endures the after effects of the spider bite, and scares bio-dad Tony to death.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.
The Good Fight - Peter gets hurt at the airport in Germany instead of Rhodey.  
ever in your favor - Hunger Games AU and an epic work of art!  
Lazarus, come forth - The Endgame fix it before Endgame.  Peter will break your heart.
dear mr. fantasy
this isn’t a game - Highly underrated fic based off the PS4 Spider-Man game.  I’ve never even played the game, and I loved this story.
what if there is no tomorrow? - This story actually made me kinda like Justin Hammer, if you can believe it.  
hydra’s not a home series - HYDRA Peter, and also bio-dad Tony and bio-mom Pepper!
i’ll find you in the drift - Pacific Rim AU, and I have never seen PR, but I adored this so much.
it’s okay, we’re okay [whumpvember 2018] series
Lights To Guide You Home series - Another adoption AU.  They are my weakness, and this is one of the best out there.  
... and when you can’t crawl ...
Damaged At Best (Like You’ve Already Figured Out)
No Life But This
come morning light (you and I’ll be safe and sound)
Burying Grounds - Eeeek!  Tony has to choose between saving Peter or Pepper and it hurts.
hold on, hold on
Something the Soul Needs
turn back the clock (and I’ll try again in the morning)
when my body won’t hold me anymore (where will I go)
They have so many other lovely looking fics--including an adoption au series (which I, of course, love), but I just haven’t gotten around to reading them yet.  I’m pretty sure anything they write is golden.  :)
It’s Always the Little Things
I’m sure their other fic, The Third Option, is fantastic and I really, really wanna read it but I’m trying so hard to wait until it’s complete!  It’s really difficult to wait, though, tbh....I may give in soon.  
Twelve Days Of Peter Parker - So cute and fluffy, and then it kills you at the end.
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud
5 Times Tony Didn’t Need To Worry About Peter
5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was
Between how it is and how it should be - This story made me love a Peter and Bucky friendship.
Identity Theft - This was one of the very first Iron Dad fics I read, and it was a doozy.  Full of whump, medical accuracy, and hurt/comfort!  The author is posting a sequel now, too: Identity Crisis.  :D
For Pete’s Sake!
Goner - A perfectly heartbreaking kidnapping fic, but heed the warnings!
Who Saves The Hero
Never Meet Your Heroes
i’m the satellite (and you’re the sky) - Tony is Peter’s bio-dad but Peter doesn’t know it.  I haven’t actually finished this yet, but it’s good.  So, so good.
built from scraps - YOU GUYS, this is one of the best fics I’ve read on AO3.  It’s a ‘Tony gets dusted instead of Peter’ AU, and it’s got such an amazing dynamic between Peter, Pepper, and Morgan.  It’ll also make you tear up a few times, at least.
Sins of the Fathers - So, I’ve only read the first 5 chapters of this epic length (303k words@) adoption AU so far, but I’m LOVING it so I wanted to add it here.  They also have an even longer bio-dad Tony with added Stony bonus series, Pieces of Echoes, that they’re posting the 3rd installment to right now.  I’ll definitely be checking it out!
let’s kick it
like a bridge over troubled water
it’ll be over (and I’ll still be asking when)
where the memories reside
Quieting the Void series - Peter kinda has an eating disorder due to the spider bite, so take care if you read!
Poison Apple - Loved how medically accurate this was, and Ned’s reaction to Peter’s condition was heartbreaking.
It Hurts to Become
Someday We’ll Know - This is a Walk to Remember AU, so there’s MCD.  I’ve gotten about halfway through, but I can only read it when I’m in the right mindset.  But it’s lovely and so well done.  
This author has so many fics that I’m sure are amazing, and they’re on my ‘to read’ list when I’m in the mood for beautiful Spideychelle stories.
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With an Anti-Vaxxer in the Street - Hella scary depiction of Peter with tetanus, and it’s SO GOOD.
it all comes back to this
skeletons series
to build a home series - I love recovery fics, and this was a beautiful story of Peter dealing with the aftermath of being snapped and coming back.
lay your weary head to rest
Exploding Head Syndrome - Everyone comes back when the snap is reversed, but Peter is sort of catatonic--stuck between the living world and the soul stone where he’s with Gamora.  It’s such a lovely fic.
It’s a Little Bit We Do
Danger Pizza
oh, darling - Peter’s kidnapped and Tony frantically searches for him--one of my favorite things.  Peter uses his smarts to help him get out of the situation, too, which is also one of my favorite things.
don’t think about tomorrow. 
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything)
Leave Me to Dream
A Nightmare to Remember
Accepting the Tides - Here I am with another adoption AU.  Can you see a pattern yet?  I love them, and this one has danger and whump and comfort as well.  
they are standing in the garden - This hurt.  Several times the author had me tearing up and there’s a few lines that will stay with me forever.  It was just immensely lovely to read.
At the Start of the Universe - This was so much better than I was expecting! Peter is an Angel, and he knows Tony from the very beginning of the universe. It’s different, but absolutely gorgeous.
somewhere outside my life - I don’t wanna say too much, but just read this.  It’ll break you and you’ll love it.
too bad (but it’s the life you lead)
The Fire’s Out (But Still It Burns)  
Like A Strike of Lightning - I kinda took this as a demonic possession a la Supernatural, but I don’t think it actually was.  Either way, it was fantastic.
five, tops
The World Stopped
Into His Fold series - Where Thanos brings Peter back from the ashes to make him into his new son (a la Nebula and Gamora).
Doom and Gloom - A ‘Peter doesn’t get dusted’ AU, filled with whump and Iron Dad and an awesome Carol Danvers.  Angst!!!
Dust and Blood - Peter is hurt much worse when Toomes drops the building on him.  More angst!!!!  This author does angst very well.
You don’t have to hold your head up high - Peter can’t thermoregulate!  I love that trope.
All the Things We’ve Lost (And All the Things We’ve Gained) - This one gutted me, and then made it better.  But there’s pain to be had before the comfort!
They just posted the first chapter of a new WIP that looks AMAZING, too: Can’t Part the Sea, Can’t Reach the Shore.
foolish, fragile spine - Peter’s severely injured in his fight with Adrian Toomes and Tony finds him.  
god did not craft us as altars, but as dying gods - Okay, guys.  This one is heavy.  It deals with Skip coming back into Peter’s life, and it’s not pretty but it’s handled superbly.  It’s a tough read, but one I definitely recommend if you can handle it.  Take care of yourselves first and foremost, though.  <3
~ ~ ~ I’m not sure if the following authors have a tumblr, so I just linked their AO3 pages ~ ~ ~
Only for a Little While - This is a Titanic AU, and it’s AMAZING.  There’s several scenes that just took my breath away and brought me to tears (not an easy feat). They’re also working on a WWI sequel!!!!
the one who made it out - Short, simple in a gorgeous way, and poignant.  
And finally, I thought I’d humbly add my own little contribution to the fandom.  So far, I’ve only written the one fic, but I hope to write more in the future!
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) - There’s a bit of blood, and a very distraught Tony at one point, so warning for angst and injury!
Again, this list is probably severely lacking, and if someone has a rec that’s not on here please please please reblog this and let me know!  I’m always in the mood for more fics.  
And I hope anyone reading this finds something they enjoy!  
I’m sure you will.  
ilu 3,000
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lady-plantagenet · 3 years
Unsolicited Book Reviews (n5): Wife to theKingmaker
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Even before I had an account I had a tendency to go to tumblr to see people’s opinions before buying a histfic novel. Certain books are either severely underrepresented where I feel like there needs to be something on them, whereas others that are talked about enough - something more can still be said. So for my quarantine fun, I had decided to start a series where I review every medieval historical fiction novel I read. Hopefully, it will either start interesting discussions or at least be some help for those browsing its tag when considering purchasing it.
TL;DR: Ok swear to god this book was written by two different people. The ending was actually heart-wrenching, but so much had annoyed me throughout that I swore to myself to never again touch this genre for my own health. Twas an odd tale, and tbh the fact that it was odd probably elevated it from the 2 stars (or hell maybe even 1 if it was going to get any more richardian) to 3. Honestly, quite glad I read it in the end. Not the most historically informative, but some of the character arcs were actually quite neat (however extremely farfetched). Spoiler Warning: I’m going to divulge a lot on here because I know no one who follows me is going to read this book.
Plot: Ok, the plot... It was only after I placed my order that I realised this is the Sandra Heath Wilson of ‘Cicely’s King’ fame. I cringed and didn’t know what to do. For all you innocents out there... her Cicely series is a saga wherein Cecily of York pretty much bangs everyone who is male and from the house of york (minus her father and uncle George) and Even Henry VII(!!). She then has this kid by Richard III, calls him Leo and the rest is history(this is what I gleaned from goodreads). Nevertheless it had already shipped and honestly I had it coming; the synopsis does say she has an affair with her brother-in-law John Marquis of Montagu. Whatever, I couldn’t resist buying the only novel about Anne Beauchamp, and since it was published in the 70s/80s I knew it would at least be flamboyant and go all out. It delivered enough for it to have been worth reading.
So the novel follows Anne Beauchamp!(Nan) from when she is a 13 year old girl to 1478 when she finally leaves Beaulieu to go live at Middleham with her (as you guessed it- favourite) daughter Anne and her oh so belovéd son-in-law Richard Duke of Gloucester - You see? Since now finally the Great Other (Mr George) is finally vanquished England has its peace. Of course this is not true, Nan historically left the abbey in 1473 for Middleham and while I wanted a possible explanation from the author (who I would assume is better researched than I) for whether she went to Middleham out of her own volition or simply because the King trusted Gloucester better than Clarence... alas I got none. It was all pinned on the fact that the evil George (who as per usual alternates between omnipotent mastermind to absolute drunken himbo at the turn of a page) would not have her free for as long as she lived (for whatever reason). I really think the real historical explanation was because Edward trusted Gloucester - because after all Warwick Castle was Nan’s patrimony not Middleham. I doubt Nan had a choice in the matter but, the point is, Isabel was alive in 1473 and since there’s zero historical record or suggestion that Nan and Anne had ever seen her again, it would have been nice to have had a depiction of the conflicted feelings or a final meeting written for the three women. I’ll let it slide I guess, after all, one needs to cut some slack when it comes to books written pre-internet age by non-historians. And unlike Sunne in Splendour, this book does not purport to be completely accurate or a representation of the truth.
Christ some sub-plots were truly unexpected. One that made me groan at first was the whole arc between Nan and her niece Eleanor Butler. In this book she’s her ward (not historically true) and little Eleanor is all sweet and innocent and virtuous and, hell, at one point we get more Nan-Eleanor interaction than even between Nan - her own daughters (particularly Isabel who would have been the right age and a better substitute for Eleanor in their dialogue, but alas, who cares about Isabel right?). Eleanor even is the one to accidentally discover that Margaret of Anjou slept with Edmund Beaufort, siring Edward of Lancaster.
Ok. You’re probably thinking, god how trite eugh the Richardians are at it again, right? Yeah ok the Richardians are at it again, but it turns into something really neat at the end. Essentially, as I said, Nan has an affair with John Neville Marquis of Montagu (long story that I will expand on in characterisation) and she and him come upon Edward and Eleanor (overhearing them nothing more). So Edward and Nan then have this mutually assured destruction between them, because Edward divulges that he saw Nan and John years later when Nan confronts him (by this time he is married to Elizabeth Woodville) that she knows about the pre-contract with the intention of telling him off. He tells her that if she dares tell Warwick about the pre-contract he will tell Warwick about John, so she then agrees (also because she promised her niece that she would keep it quiet for the safety of her son by Edward). Years later when they meet again, Edward realised how much is at stake for Nan (especially since it turned out she loved Warwick all along and Edward figured that out), and so, during the period of John’s back-and-forth loyalties (we know he was disgruntled by the loss of the Northumberland Earldom)... Edward returns and tells Nan that if Montagu abandons him he will out her to Richard and cause a massive division between the brothers (militaristically speaking as well) and he knows he can do that because he figures out Nan will not out him because she blubbs about her promise to her niece. This madness then becomes bittersweet when (as history would have it) Montagu does end up fighting for Warwick, nevertheless, Nan is releaved during the whole time because there’s nothing in Warwick’s letters that give any indication that Edward ended up exposing her. Warwick dies in the battlefield, Nan is deeply aggrieved but happy he never found out at least. But then... years later when Edward comes to Beaulieu (1478 as this story would have it) to inform Nan that she may depart for Middleham, he tells her that he in fact did expose her to Warwick... but that Warwick didn’t believe him and laughed in his face because he thought there was no way she could be unfaithful because he knew she loved him. This sounds silly but it got to me a bit when I read it. Of course, we also have Edward saying he regretted his handling of the pre-contract affair because apparently Elizabeth Woodville had since lost interest in him and he’s hurt by how she shows no reaction to him having mistresses and he’s kinda given up, whereas Eleanor would have been more of a lapdog. This was essentially the centrepiece of the plot.
Look, I don’t really read these types of novels as a habit so I don’t know if bizarre plot lines like this are commonplace. Not going to lie though, it threw me and it was pleasantly enjoyable. This is basically what is to be said about the plot... the rest goes into characterisation. Nevertheless, this novel too often fell into the exposition trap (like telling us what is happening politically instead of showing us). While I appreciated the refresher of what happened 1445-1461 and I understand that the target audience of this book aren’t Wars of the Roses experts, I’ve seen it done more smoothly in many other more literary novels (eg Hawley Jarman’s or Lytton-Bulwer’s Last of the Barons). I’ve often said Sunne in Splendour was terribly dry and exposition-heavy, but at least it had historical detail so I could sometimes switch off and treat it as a non-fiction account for battles and character locations. But with this one I a) don’t have faith that the author paid attention to detail; see what I said earlier about the years 1473-1478, so I won’t take this as information and b) know that if she had done this with the years I know more about: 1461-1478, I would have gotten annoyed because of my familiarity with those decades.
Characterisation: Well we have lovelorn saintly Dickon here - always a pet peeve of mine. Look, I don’t have strong opinions about the man but it just innures me how whenever Richardianism rears it’s ugly head the plot suffers massively and it’s always favourite figures of mine that suffer the most. George Duke of Clarence... oh god, what can I say? Wife-beater, alcoholic, is disgusted by his wife when she is ill (you know, unlike the historical Clarence who had resided in the Abbot’s home near the infirmiary for the last months of his wife’s lying-in and after to be close to her and thereafter stuck with her until she passed away and two months after that as well), is stupid yet somehow still devious, is the indirect cause of her death... the list goes on. Welp, at least this Clarence unlike the Sunne in Splendour one has an elegant bearing, sense of fashion and is a great dancer. The Sunne one had NOTHING. It’s also odd that they make his attitude towards Isabel undergo a complete 180 as soon as he realises this marriage will no longer make him king. This makes no sense as the book has them want to marry for love, like YEARS before 1469, so this sudden attitude change makes no sense. Authors really need to be reminded that crown or no crown that marriage would still have made him the greatest magnate in England. There was also a ridiculous handling on the circumstance of his death, and this was the most factually wrong part of the book. Between Ankarette being aged down by 4 decades and the whole shmaz with Stillington, I don’t know where to begin. I bet most of you can guess how it was handled. Isabel is as per usual constantly depressed and without a personality because, well, we can’t have her compared to our shining heroine Anne Neville. 3x more beautiful, 5x more vivacious and 20x more significant than her doormat of a sister who complains all day- that is when she isn’t crying. Gahhh. Of course Anne Neville also cries but it’s for her beloved Dickon who she pines for constantly. Look, I have no qualms with romanticising this pairing, but authors need to keep in mind that Anne was like 13 at most when she became estranged from Gloucester. You. Need. To. Stop. Writing. Her. Like. A. Woman. . I don’t care what anyone says, no matter the time period, you can’t make me visualise a 13 year old that could feel romantic love of that deep a devotion and maturity and not send me laughing across the floor. But want to write a strong childish infatuation coming from a place of deep friendship? Fine by me.
Ok, onto more positive characterisation points: I liked Nan, quite a lot actually (I mean blatant daughter favouritism aside). A lot of authors attempt to write the proud noblewoman and great lady character but few pull it off. This is always how I have seen the real Anne Beauchamp and I’m glad to see it here. For a novel so insensitive towards certain figures, the author wrote Nan with great empathy. She was very intelligent but not in that artificial girlboss way, she loved her daughter(s) but in that medieval mother type of way (so no baby brain here), she may have not gotten along splendidly with all the women around her but there was none of that demeaning cattiness. About that, I want to say I was shocked by what a turn her relationship with Margaret of Anjou took. Since the whole Somerset-bastard child plotline was a thing... Nan was initially revolted and lost all her respect for Lancaster, but when the two women find themselves joined by fate they gain this strange mutual respect for one another. They butt heads a bit initially but Margaret of Anjou rises above it for her son’s sake and eventually strikes up an agreement with Nan on when they are to set sail. Margaret first won’t listen to Nan because she thinks she’s a fool but when she eventually slips by to tell Nan that she had thought about her plan and that maybe she’s right, she doesn’t apologise and Nan doesn’t need her to and it’s this weird telepathic understanding from then on and I certainly did not expect to see something like this in this novel. After the landing in England and news of Warwick’s death reaches the party, Margaret doesn’t gloat but diplomatically relays the news and when Nan says she wants to take sanctuary because she lost all heart and can’t fight on, Edward of Lancaster gently says something like: well if you come with us, you’ll at least get your revenge and that’s at least something (paraphrase). You could just tell this was Edward’s way of offering condolences, the type of way a child like him raised through war and promises of vengeance only could, and it was oddly powerful. Shame it couldn’t have happened as Nan and Margaret and Isabel all travelled at seperate times. The whole theme around Nan was that she wasn’t very partisan but only followed her husband as a magnate and then as a man, which I believe and it was great to see Team Lancaster understood Warwick was a seperate entity from York, and for all intents and purposes they were all in this together. Cool-headedness is much needed in this genre I realise, god how low flies the bar ~
Now onto the characterisation most people are wondering about. What of Warwick? He was the saving grace of the novel. He has the common touch yet he is sophisticated, he is idealistic yet he is shrewd, he is impassioned yet collected, he is dramatic yet subtle, he is ... I can go on and on. What is all the affair plot point about then? It doesn’t diminish the bond between the two main characters; to tell you quite truthfully the relationship the author wrote was bizarre yet still really touching. They used to hate eachother because Nan thought herself above him (after all the Warwick earldom was far more valuable than the Salisbury one- remember it was briefly a dukedom at one point), but then she sees what he made of himself and becomes proud of him and falls in love with him. However, he starts to get carried away with his ambitions, gets all-consumed by the legend of Warwick that he had cultivated and essentially becomes impersonal without wanting to (and realising). Nan feels she has lost him to the people of England (which are apparently all hypnotised by his presence, which ok is a fact grounded in history) and because of her wounded pride she starts seeking comfort in his brother (although, it makes little sense how this would work as I would gather he would also be away, especially at the Scottish boarders). When he refuses to support Warwick over Edward later on, she loses all feelings for Montagu and thinks him a coward, and when Warwick apologises for being amiss she realises that this whole time it was him she loved all along and is racked with guilt. I found this exploration of what it is like being wed to a man of such public standing quite interesting, the idea of losing him not to another woman or such but to his cause (which in this book is a mixture of belief in the french alliance, the common weal and subconsciously his own wounded pride brought on by an extreme adherence to inflexible chivalric values on his part and Edward IV’s actions), I confess, is not something I saw portrayed in this particular manner anywhere else. I mean it’s not like I’ve been searching for this particular motif, but this was a refreshing depiction of a medieval couple and it was a poignantly written relationship which the author had me invested in. The relationship was heartfelt because it was very distinct, Nan and Warwick weren’t just some stand-ins for a cash-grab but some consideration was paid to the real historical figures. The John plotline, sure I would in principle protest against something like this but it seems to have had two plot purposes: To illustrate the strain caused by the aforementioned issue and to kick off the whole Edward-Eleanor Butler-Montagu-Nan arc, which bizarre and unbelievable as it was, kept me on my toes. I’ll let it slide. Also, Edward IV was portrayed as quite a chilling villain in this, beholden of this weird mix of indifference, charm and wickedness.
Prose: This is what made me briefly wonder if this book was written by two different people. It failed to engage me in the first half, the descriptions were trite (except for the natural scenery bits), there was very little variety in sentence structures which gave it the stilted heaviness that thus afflicted The Sunne in Splendour (and most modern literature). There was a lot of redundancies eg the type of stuff like ‘whispered quietly’ or ‘yelled loudly’ and the author’s misunderstanding of certain period fashions drew me out eg references to bodices (not a thing then), calling the henin veil a silk scarf etc. She didn’t pull a Penman: exposit emotions to us, making me feel like I walked into a therapy session, but it was often heavy-handed. It first felt very much like an uninspired debut novel. A bit try-hard and I was wondering if this was the way of the bodice ripper... I wouldn’t know, I never read one before (though I’m unsure if this qualifies as it’s really not graphic and the focus is really not on sex nor is there much of it).
However, out of nowhere, the prose suddenly changed a little before half of the way in; colours, emotions, thoughts and the like started to blend masterfully. The sentence structures started varying to convey the way Nan was feeling. It became very show don’t tell, and it drew me in emotionally a bit (I must confess). Of course, that’s also around the point the plot had sort of started redeeming itself. Nan’s grief at her husband’s passing was particularly well conveyed - how she became a husk of her former self... I could read fifty pages of that. Her realisation that it had been him all along was also well written, and you could feel all the urgency and regret she felt at all the time she had wasted disregarding him as the plot grew nearer to Barnet. The mutual longing was also subtle yet strong, and it really was down to the effective use of sentence structure and waylaying of inspired thematic details. The mingling of past memories with present day in her later years was also very well done and with flow, and the adjectives etc used were no longer becoming distracting as before. My favourite part by far was the very last scene when she rides ahead of her escort to Middleham and she imagines a horse riding beside her caparisoned with the Neville standard; you can really feel how this is the first time that she had felt joy in years and she lets the ghost follow her.
... In Conclusion, this novel gave me very mixed feelings. I don’t know if I would have enjoyed it as much as I did had it not been for the fact that I entered it with a massive pre-formed love for the figures. It’s a bit like my experience with ‘Death Be Pardoner to Me’ (review #2 on this tag), was the book actually good or do I just have an affinity for the protagonist (Clarence in that case)? As such, I don’t think I would reccomend it. Indeed I wrote this spoilerish review because I was sure no one would fly off to Amazon after seeing this post. I can’t say if it’s above commercial historical romance in standard as this is the first time I’ve ever read a book from this genre. I think I’ll take a loongg break from historical fiction (after I finish with Jarman) because the Clarence portrayal was a bit of a nail in the coffin for me and I don’t want to continue upsetting myself for no reason. As I have now truly lost hope in reading a balanced depiction of him and if the literature isn’t absolutely expemplary why bother? Nevertheless, Warwick’s portrayal was a saving grace and made it impossible for me to give it two stars - it wasn’t perfect but still the best I’ve read (minus Last of the Barons Ofc). This is also a bit sad when you think about it, Warwick is also due some fictional justice. Even scholarly if you ask me.
The experience was educational as I learned a valuable lesson in what to avoid and include in my writing, what pitfalls/clichés not to fall into etc. I think I can draw another valuable lesson from this: Dear Histfic authors, if you happen to not be historians, heavily-researched in this time period, objective or literarily talented etc don’t take yourself seriously by publishing some tome of a work but just go nuts like this novel. At least this way you’re not sharing misinformation, inducing people into error and your work still gets to be engaging as opposed to a repetition of the previous amateur historical novelist. Yeah. For all the Sunne in Splendour’s superior quality, I must say I prefer this one better.
Tagging @pythionice who I have recently discovered has also read this book! Welcome fellow fan of Warwick <3
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porpol-panaginip · 4 years
‘get to know me’ tag game
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @brazil-hinata !! thank you sm aial !! :)) borahae !! 💜💜💜 + i marked my calendar for ur birthday >:)
Tagging: a lot... @heartbrokenweeb @0ik6lut @okinawatofu @leviackermanscleaningbuddy @lilikags @theofficialgaybestfriend @my-world-is-filled-with-bts @namjoonia @saibota @vminsos @jemmo @karaseijoh @itspizzachan @theartist666-official @dashingwishes @sippn-the-tae @kenmashoe @baeshijima @thirsthourdemon @daydreamwithme @skidoodle @bewwybun @pleasantlysero @rana-kun @bktart @lislis80 @katsushimaa @so-it-would-seem @themadgirlinthefandombox @mlfweeb @ash-the-cache @cupheadass @dearest-kiyoomi @chuuyasgrapesoju @poppunk-pizza-party @plutointhestars + any more of my mutuals :)
(sorry if you’ve been tagged tho !! and you don’t have to !! 💓)
What do you perfer to be called name-wise?
online - i like to go by tina lol
irl - i usually introduce myself as athena, my closest can call me tina :)
When is your birthday?
april 14 🥳
Where do you live?
washington state,,, usa lol
Three things you are doing right now:
1. stressing about my asynchronous work due tomorrow pls 🤪
2. lying and dying in bed 💔💔 i might eat soon tho snkdjskdkjsjd
3. still recovering from the loki series exclusive clip pls help i missed him sm
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
bts (apr 2017-present)
haikyuu + mha (both jan 2020-present)
the good place (jul 2018-present)
meteor garden 👹 (nov 2020-present)
How has the pandemic been treating you?
LIKE SHIT . i think i’ve surpassed my expectations for how terrible i can actually feel all at once 🧑‍🚀
like uhh mmm athena i think you need to see your doctor soon ahahhhaa YEAH
fortunately, i think things are getting a little better ... it takes time tho ... i feel like it’s too much tho cuz i’m always behind, but i’m somewhat able to understand myself a little better, like i’m getting used to it ?? and there are some things i can control, but the other shit i just have to be aware of y’know ahhhah
but oh god ... i do just find the simplest joy in interacting with people on tumblr and socials,,, it makes me rlly happy, but sometimes i get a little scared to talk with anyone lmaoo
still, it’s been nice to text my irl friends, too, sometimes :) and i love how kind some people are, and i just wanna be kind to people too skdjsjdks
A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
“killed by period pains and depression” by takayan
ahaha funny for me because aunt flow did come for an unwanted visit a few days ago 😀
ALSO “bato sa buhangin” by cinderella
rocks in the sand y’all 😜💘
How old are you?
should i say it ?? ehhdjdjsd i’m 14 :)
School, univerisity, occupation, other?
yeahhh so i’m currently a freshman in high school 😢
ooh i’m taking german !! i find it fun yet challenging in the good way + my teacher is very nice :D
Do you prefer heat or cold?
please don’t make me choose 🧎 maybe heat ?? would it be better to faint from overheating ??? or cold ?? i’ll be so numb 😊SHXJSJDJ UNLESS THIS IS JUST ok maybe ... cold ... but still i genuinely don’t know what’s better for meee plsss 💀
Name one fact others may not know about you.
i have perfect pitch
and maybe,,, i have a pretty good sense of smell 🪅
cough tanjirou is that youuu ?? 🧐JK
Are you shy?
yup i guess
Biggest pet peeves?
when people purposely or willingly act inconsiderate and disrespectful to others for no reason ?? we can at least try to do the good thing instead of the crappy thing !!
be considerate and understanding of others but remember to also be mindful of yourself 👍
What is your favorite “dere” type?
deredere :)
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
maybe 7.81. i just put up my old bts posters on my walls, and jesususus, i’m so happy about it LMAOO THAT WAS SUCH A HAPPINESS BOOST. but life is just pretty ... okay tbh. the people i love make it worthwhile :) it’s just the things that i’m struggling with, like my health + the work i have to do, especially now eeeejejaeyeah i like to learn different languages ... but that’s probably the only thing i look forward to in learning lmao
What’s your main blog?
this one 😎
List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
ok now that this is the focus, i might just make a side blog, but idk what for yet ahahaha ... MAYBE ILL MAKE ONE NOW ok i did: @panaginip-melody
maybe i’ll use it for ... actually, no, i still don’t know
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
well, i love you and respect you already -
unless you’re racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic, xenophobic, not supportive of basic human rights or anything likewise, like a fucking tr*mp supporter, then please go !! leave !! why tf are you like this 🙂
- but if you aren’t - muah 🌹
+ please be aware: i’m part of many fandoms, and i speak in references 🌞
okay, but if you read all this shit ... thank you for your time !! :)
see ya <3
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fmdkiana · 3 years
*to the tune of backpack backpack from dora the explorer* plot time plot time plot time plot time Yeah. under the cut i have little blurbs on where my muses will be and ideas on threads, so come poke my dms (for tumblr ims i suggest messaging sung) or like/reply to this post and i’ll come around to u!
overall she’s the best muse for first time meetings bc company events like this are the main way to have a conversation with her
choice activities miss ki is doing the candlemaking class and dance class
ki likes making her own soaps and candles as is, so she’s the lucky one of my muses to have an activity just for funzies. she could perhaps teach ur muse a thing or two, or they could challenge themselves to try to make candles for each other
dance class could be practicing together, ki helping a non-dancer/someone unfamiliar in the style, even maybe scrutinizing the video together for the next take
other schedules:
the pool party isn’t one she would attend of her own volition, but definitely could be dragged into it if she likes a muse enough or is given reason to do so. could be fun to get her drunk, loosen her up a bit. or, yk, california, give her some weed and listen to her talk about her special interests for hours
surprisingly ki would show up at the food truck festival, at least for a little while. she tries to be careful about what she eats because her skin is sensitive to so much, but she’d be curious and, what she considers, impulsive. it’d also remind her a bit of home in seattle, the good parts, so she could share that with someone, maybe help someone navigate around too given her english-ing
the best way to bond with ki is through common interest, and either flight could be good for that! your muse or ki engaging in one of her interests and it sparking up a conversation could leave a good (or negative, if ur muse has opinions she Really can’t get behind) impression of them to her
trying something new, stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something unapproved of by higher ups, all things u can count on jhwa for
choice activities this round are fan makeovers and secret fantasy concert
these activities don’t have much in the moment to thread on, but the spaces around the activities could be! pre-makeover making each other up, doing one another’s makeup and it becomes a cute thing to mention to the fans. maybe jeonghwa was being too distracting at the side of the stage during your muse’s set and they talk about it after. could be loads of things!
other schedules:
you knoooow she’s gotta go to the pool party. she’s probably the one spreading the news to everyone about the party in the first place. if anyone needs an extra kick to be able to come, or someone to help them make bad (see: fun) decisions, jeonghwa’s got u. and honestly if someone isn’t skinny dippin w her what’s the point of the party
random but she makes for a good flight partner. coming in or going, she could sit next to your muse and play games, make it less terrible to go thru for so long
one of the after concert meals jeonghwa would go bc free food and drinks, maybe she convinces your muse to “go to bed” early and they dip to explore, get into trouble, whatever
food truck festival eating contest when? jeonghwa getting dared by a friend to smash funnel cake in someone’s face and your muse is sadly the recipient?
antisocial is in the name, BUT he’s feeling pretty good, if tired, so it’s not a terrible time to approach andy. though, depending on his mood, he could make for some more bitchy moments too
his choice activities are for an individual fansign and the softball team (go red)
fansign may not offer much in the moment, but afterwards, andy could have a little complain session about fans, or gasp, maybe he actually liked one of them
softball team... andy is a competitive motherfucker and is gonna Enjoy playing up the sporty angle. imagine hsm2 i don’t dance, same level of playful banter, same sexual tension, but also more aggressive, and you’ve got it. do i know what this means in terms of a plot? absolutely not but i know it’s so chock full
other schedules:
will andy be at the pool party? yes. but his lips will likely be preoccupied with copious weed and hwa the whole night so a muse might need to specifically seek him out or catch him on his way to the drinks
at the welcome brunch buffet can someone please argue with andy about brunch culture,,, he’s anti brunch :/ says it’s just an excuse for white women to get day drunk and they should just admit to it. all the while he’s pounding back mimosas
sung thinks it is incredibly inappropriate for gsm to not only be pushing him, but the rest of the element members, into work schedules so soon after disbandment. sooo this is probably the most upset 99% of famed would have seen him in public. what shock
his choice activities are being a fashion show model and the busking trip
being a model upsets him, given he was already upset, but then tacks onto it feeling like gsm is valuing him highest for his looks at the moment. anyone who can make the experience less than the worst would b appreciated (or make it worse, talk exclusively abt his visuals, i’m down)
busking sung is actually much more into, but that’s largely because of how much he loves performing, with a side helping of appreciating the charity angle. performing is definitely a release for him, but who knows, he could possibly butt heads with someone too
other schedules:
at first glance, sung wouldn’t be very interested in going to the pool party, but he would only need a small nudge to go tbh bc what teeny part of him has capability for pettiness would want to do something gsm doesn’t approve of, And it would be him giving into utilizing whatever unhealthy coping mechanisms he wanted, just for one night. i’m sure he’d black out by end of night, and would make terrible decisions. encourage him? help him? all up for grabs
could be convinced to go to one of the after concert meals but would need the convincing since he’d rather lay in bed being a sadsack
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stephkaylor · 3 years
FAVES & FAILS: #1 (Teen Wolf)
I’ve decided to do this questionnaire when a show/book series/movies where I answer these questions with fun gifs too (its Tumblr, what did you expect?), if you want more info, the original idea post with links to each of my completed lists is here ⚡️. A bunch of my faves have already ended so getting all of these out will take a minute, but I’m aiming to post a new one twice per week. 🤞🏻Anyway, enjoy!! OH!! ALSO, I’ll be discussing plot elements in this list so...SPOILER ALERT!!
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HANDS DOWN, no question about it! He was the soul of the show, and funny, and so incredibly human on a show full of the inhuman, and that was what made him so integral.  Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I love Stiles, but here’s a gif:
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There isn’t really a male that makes me want to punch something, so good for the writers, I guess?
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I really want to say Allison but it HAS to be Lydia, hands down! Her character development from a girl pretending to be vapid and shallow and who hid her genius so she could “fit in”, to a strong, powerful, confident woman secure in who she really is and the power inside of her (figuratively AND literally, lol), this girl is the real MVP.
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This was hard because there are several female characters that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.  The short list is Kate Argent, Allison’s mom... I could go on... but Monroe’s systematic attempt to wipe all supernaturals out of Beacon Hills and then maybe the rest of the world gave me fucking high blood pressure and a rage issue. I don't care how “scared” you are, killing a kid who hasn't done anything wrong just because they are different than you is some fucked up, borderline genocidal bullshit. And she survived the finale!!? Like I had to deal with her self-righteous smirky attitude and you didn't even have the decency to punch her in the face and let me watch?!? Rude.
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I badly want to say Allison again here because I love and miss her tons. But she died protecting her family and friends and I believe that she is happy wherever she went afterward.  Watching Aiden die in his twin brother’s arms I don’t know who I felt the worst for.  The boy dying, or his brother who now has to live without him... I’m gonna go cry now, brb.
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Luckily she was not a regularly appearing character, but when she showed up it was always “for revenge” and I'm like...can we just...not this season? I was having a lovely time and then you showed up with your petty anger for whatever fucking shit that happened in, like season one.  Like, honey... if it’s been so long since you’ve been relevant that I have to google what you’re upset about because I have honestly forgotten...maybe it’s time to let that shit go.  Kindly fuck off now, please...
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Like, don’t get me wrong, he’s great and I loved when he was on the show, but I feel like some people think he carried the show and it wouldn't survive without him.  Well, surprise! because he went away after season 4 and I still think some of their best shit came in season 5 and the beginning of season 6.  
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Um, he was basically Scott’s druid emissary and he got no recognition for it.  He saved all of the main pack members’ lives at least once.  Also he didn't make Stiles pay for the windows, so he’s apparently not an asshole. 
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OVERHYPED SHIP: Scott and Malia
I feel like they had to adjust the final season A TON because of Dylan’s injury and Kira not coming back and I think the writers panicked when they didn't know who to put Scott with (because our leading man could never not have a girlfriend, *gasp* THE HORROR!) because Lydia needed to be with Stiles and I think they picked Malia because she was basically the only one left...I was never into it.  In fact, when my friend texted me after we watched the episode where they get together, my response back to her was literally “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️”.
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UNDERHYPED SHIP: Allison and Isaac
It would’ve been so nice to see where that relationship went.  Don’t get me wrong, had she lived, I would’ve wanted Allison to end up with Scott.  But I loved that the show was willing to say that it is okay to fall in love more than once in your life.  Sometimes the shows aimed at a younger audience have a tendency to act like your first love has to be the one you’re with until you die and that’s just not realistic. It was nice that the writers didn't box these characters into that mold because it gave them more depth as characters. 
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FAVORITE SHIP: Stiles and Lydia
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this pairing.  Like, from the beginning he saw her for how amazing she was and he supported her as she came into her powers and then she was always there making sure that someone was taking care of him when he was taking care of, literally, everyone else, and then when he disappeared SHE KNEW something was wrong nearly instantly, and ‘remeMBER I LOVE YOU’ I need to stop before this run-on sentence goes on forever.  ALSO they’re canon official, which never fucking happens for my ships so I’m fucking excited, sue me.
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His backstory was well-developed and deep, he was clear with his goals, he actually executed said goals in a logical and timely manner, he was a fucking ALPHA OF ALPHAS, nuf said. 
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Hands down, the most heartbreaking moment on the show, and I will fight anyone who comes at me with a different opinion. Because like--she was smiling when she was stabbed because she had figured out a way to help her friends and then she died in Scott’s arms and told him she loved him even though they weren’t together she still loved him and he still loved her, and I truly believe that she had zero regrets when she died, and how bittersweet is that???!  But Scott couldn't take her pain because it didn’t hurt anymore, and Lydia had to feel her best friend die and she screamed Allison’s name and if you are not hurting right now are you a monster???!?!
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FAVORITE STORYLINE: Eichen House Escape/Dread Doctors in Season 5
It was hard to pick between the Dark Druid storyline in season 3A, but the Eichen rescue/Lydia learning how to be a BAMF Banshee from Meredith while she was catatonic (ALSO ‘Stiles saved me’ I AM DEAD!!!), and the whole la bête du gévaudan thing was great, and reuniting the pack after Theo had royally fucked it up earlier that season, it was all just superb! *chef’s kiss*
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STORYLINE WE COULD’VE DONE WITHOUT: Like, the whole second half of the last season, TBH
It was a petty, counterintuitive, and just garbage. The monster was dumb, Monroe is a royal twat (as I stated above), and it didn't have a conclusion.  Like, the fuck? This isn't Game of Fucking Thrones you guys do not need to leave every season finale with so many loose ends it make people want to throw their laptops off of a cliff into a vat of hydrochloric acid.  And it was the LAST SEASON so there’s no hope of fixing this bullshit storyline. ugh, kill me now. 
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Scott’s pretty selective “True Alpha” powers
They, like, kind of tried to pass it off as it taking a ton of energy so he can’t always do it all the time.  But he got through a mountain ash barrier to save Deaton and activated his True Alpha but then couldn't get into Eichen to get Lydia out because of the mountain ash...? oh and also where the fuck did Cora and Isaac go? (I, sincerely, hope he’s not still just chinning in fucking France wondering were Argent fucked off to)
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being that watching this show has probably increased your life’s worth by at least five percent; 1 being the only thing this show has given me is a stomach ulcer and trust issues): 
8.75 out of 10.  This show was a blessing and I would definitely recommend it to other people. (mostly because I love to get people hooked on my favorite shows and then they're stuck and we can be tortured together). 
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THE END! Thanks for reading my overly-long and overly-obsessive list.  Do come again soon.  I’ll probably have another of these up next week.  🤍🤍🤍
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