#i think i want to start fresh though... and if i make it a sideblog then i can blow it up and start again as often as needed LOL
piplupod · 22 days
waaait. what if. i delete or private this blog. and then make a personal sideblog on my art account. and then just frolic over there without feeling like i have 900+ dead blogs staring at me and waiting to pounce on me for saying smth without attaching five hundred disclaimers to it. WAIT ACTUALLY THAT MIGHT NOT WORK BC I GET SCARED PPL WILL SEE ME LIKING "PROBLEMATIC" (read: i may misread or misunderstand posts or maybe its just someone venting bc theyre having a bad day or maybe its a good nuanced post about abuse or trauma or some other complex topic) POSTS ON MY ART ACCOUNT. HM. ARGGHHH I HATE TUMBLR
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Navy! Where is my man? 😭
He's in bed, nonnie. 😂❤️
Heaven on Earth
Pairing: Ranch Hand!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has work to do, but doesn't want either of you to get out of bed just yet.
Word Count: Over 1.2k
Warnings: Fluff, slight feels (it's me), implied smut, ranch hand!Bucky (he’s a warning, okay?) and he's in love.
A/N: Buckaroo loves Sunbeam, okay? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own! Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics . Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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One of Bucky's favorite things about your home is the smell. It was in the heavenly scent of your cooking that filled the kitchen, the meals you poured your heart into to make sure he was well-fed. It was also in the fresh flowers you put on the table, the colors as vibrant and bright as your smile. Though nothing beat the distinct and wonderful smell of you.
His heart always beat a little faster when he nosed the column of your neck and caught a whiff of your sweet perfume. The way your scent lingered in the air when he had his fill of you nearly drove him out of his mind. He sometimes found himself inhaling your soap in the shower just for another reminder of you, even though you were usually only a few feet away. Needing you close was as natural to him as breathing.
So when you sat up early one morning before him and tried to slip out of bed, his hand shot out to stop you.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
His voice came out lower and a bit more dangerous than he intended, a tone typically reserved for when you acted like a brat. It was no secret that he loved that side of you. He adored every layer of yourself you showed him, but you hadn't done a thing to earn the slight snarl from him. Which was why he couldn't help but sheepishly smile when you attempted to level him with an unimpressed stare, easily visible since he turned the nightstand lamp on.
"I was going to make you coffee and some breakfast. Thought you could use it before you started work," you said, your voice still rough from sleep and still beautiful as you jabbed a finger against his chest. "But if you're going to act ungrateful, I'll sleep in and you can take that favorite mug of yours and shove it right up your-"
"Easy, Sunbeam," he chuckled, brushing his lips against your forehead as an apology. "Not complaining and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."
"Then why did you use that tone with me?" you asked, narrowing your eyes as you pulled away. "You wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
He thought about it and nodded. "Guess you could say that. Only because you tried to get out of bed before me and you know I don't like waking up alone."
For reasons still unknown to him, you wanted him. You wanted to make a life with him. And since the first time he had you in his bed, he found that he couldn't sleep as easily unless you were there. The bed didn't feel as warm when he was alone. It was too big with just him in it. You fit right there beside him.
Your gaze softened as you laid back down and opened your arms for him to cuddle. He took the invitation without question, resting his head on your chest. He closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of your heart, the smell of your soap drifting to his nostrils. If he stayed too long he'd fall behind on his chores, but he wasn't ready to leave your embrace quite yet.
How can I go out and face the world when my world is right here?
"Can I tell you something?" you asked, carding your fingers through his hair as he moaned.
"Tell me," he whispered, enthralled by your touch.
"I don't like waking up alone either," you whispered back.
Bucky hummed sympathetically. With his work, he was usually up and out of bed before you. He hated disturbing your slumber, wanting you to get as much rest as possible. He always placed a kiss on your forehead and whispered how much he loved you before he went to it. You were the one who made the hard work worth it when some of the days felt too long.
"Maybe we should get out of bed at the same time then."
"Or not get out of bed at all," you teased.
Tilting his head up to look up at you, his stomach flipped when he caught your soft smile. It was enough to make his heart swell, like he was watching his own personal sunrise. He quickly grew accustomed to the warm glow in his chest whenever you were around. Did you have any idea how easy it was for him to fall head over heels in love with you?
"What's that look for?"
"No reason. Just love you," he said, his voice thick as he brought a hand to your cheek, which you instantly leaned into. "I know I say that a lot, but I don't want you to forget it."
While Bucky would never be able to give you a mansion or gold, he had the heart of a rich man. He could provide a loving home built with trust and care. His calloused hands would forever trace and hold you with love, protection, and care.
I'm the richest man alive because I have you.
"I love you, too, Buckaroo. I won't forget," you promised, urging him to sit up before your mouth met his, uncaring of morning breath or anything else. "Now, may I please go make your coffee and some breakfast? It's getting late and I won't be to blame for you falling behind."
"Hey, you're the one who opened your arms for me to cuddle again and suggested that we don't get out of bed," he pointed out, smirking when he trailed his fingers down your torso. "But you have a hearty breakfast for me right here that you don't have to cook. Just spread those legs and I can eat just fine. Let me get my slice of heaven before I get to work. Don't I deserve that?"
"It's not a hearty breakfast," you smiled, biting your lip when his hand slipped under the blanket. He wasn't playing fair, but if it kept you beside him a bit longer, he'd play dirty. "And it isn't heaven."
"Yeah, it is. Tastes like heaven. Feels like it. Hell, it even smells like it," he husked, feeling you shiver when he brought his mouth to your neck. "Made for me to worship, like every single inch of you."
"Better eat up then and don't you dare edge me," you said, tilting your head as he skimmed his teeth along your pulse. "Or I'll burn your eggs. So help me."
"I'll make it good for you," he promised, diving under the blankets as you laughed. "Oh, darlin', how can you ever deny that you hold the key to my personal heaven and sunrise?"
"Maybe because I think heaven is between your legs," you said, parting your thighs to make room for his massive shoulders, his nose brushing along your slit through your panties. The whimper you let out made him smirk. "It's also in your smile and the way you love me."
Bucky poked his head out from between the comforter to gaze at you. "I guess we can consider this heaven on earth then. Now let me eat before I get to work."
Heaven is where you are, Sunbeam. And I can't wait to make you my wife.
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Oh, these two. Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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whovianshifts · 26 days
returning to shifting
although admittedly documented for only a few short weeks online, this time last august, i was obsessed with shifting. it was something i was thinking about it 24/7. i was so desperate to shift and i think this sideblog got to catch a small glimpse of, that desperation, that obsession, that intense pressure to shift . last year taught me loads about shifting, about spirituality and about myself but mostly that constantly thinking about something makes it 10x harder to accomplish in the end.
and so, with the acknowledgement that, in that sort of obsessive mindset, i would never shift, i decided to take a break. but, with exams, and university, and everything else, it became a year long break from shifting.
but now im back! and having had a year to reflect, here are some resolutions-
social media: constantly being bombarded with shifting content on my socials wasnt helpful *at all*. of course, it can undoubtedly be a useful tool but with all the different feelings, opinions, ultimately it detracts from the fact that shifting is a personal, spiritual journey and overcomplicated shifting too much. this time round, im taking a social media detox and looking into myself for answers to questions, rather than relying solely on shifttok/shiftblr (a bit ironic as im posting on here lol but anyways)
desired reality: i finally understand the issue with the phrase 'desired reality' because it really does set our drs on a hugeee pedestal! whilst i love doctor who, the immense fascination and awe i have for the universe didnt help with this. i constantly viewed it as an elevated realty, a reality so much better than my current one, that shifting felt unattainable. and thats why...
new dr: with a fresh perspective, i felt like i needed a fresh start with my dr and so i decided that i want to shift to the hunger games universe! and i just want to clarify that this is NOT a violent kill dr - i will not be participating in or have anything to do with the games. i simply want to explore the world as i am curious about the cultures, districts etc. i feel like, as it is a dystopian world as well, i honestly cannot place it on that same pedestal as doctor who. its a semi-realistic world, honestly not so different from ours. anyway, more about my new dr in another post!
belief: for the longest time, i naturally thought a lot of my doubt in shifting was to do with my beliefs. that, deep down, i didnt believe in it. but i dont think thats true. i believe in shifting. i just think that i mistake disbelief with feelings of doubt and shame i associate with believing in shifting. i dont know if that makes sense. what i mean is, shifting has an awful rep online. and sometimes, i think, rightly so. all the edits and povs honestly sort of make shifting a natural extension of stan culture, which, though harmless and innocent, makes it seem like crazy fan behaviour rather than a spiritual practice. and so, when i say i believe in shifting, some of those external opinions about shifting - where people make us feel crazy for our beliefs - make me feel ashamed. but im happy to say that im changing that; im starting to see shifting as a part of my spirituality - something that others may disrespect, but can never delegitimise. because we never do this for religions, so why shifting? why should other people, who have a biased perspective, be allowed to slander what i believe in.
finally, obsession: as i talked about at the beginning, the desperation and obsession to shift made the actual act so much more difficult. i constantly felt this pressure and anticipation before bed, finding myself always feeling a sort of performance anxiety (lol) and associating shifting with this. and so, this time round, im detaching from shifting. of course, its super exciting, its super cool. im allowing myself to feel that all, just in a healthy way. this is an *aspect* of my life but its not my *entire* life. i will shift. its a fact of inevitability now. its like sleeping, its a natural part of my life now so it will happen.
there are many more things that have changed, many things that arent perfect. but shifting doesnt have to be perfect. your mindset doesnt have to be perfect. there really arent any requirements for shifting, just an intention and a willingness to understand yourself which is pretty much the formula for doing anything else in life so,
to anyone who got this far,
happy shifting
tish x
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squirrelno2 · 5 months
Assuming that you play Swtor... Who are your main 8 Ocs and what's your favorite class/romance?
muahahaha so you have in fact met at least one of them via my sideblog, @relevant-url-incoming, because you asked about Kit there, but I always welcome the chance to ramble/infodump/annoy the shit out of people who are following me for not-even-star-wars-adjacent things SO:
(disclaimer: this may get spoilery. it's all very out of context spoilers, but if anyone reading this cares about swtor spoilers. be warned.)
Ven is a name some people following me here will remember, specifically as a four year old Nautolan who adopts Dogma, the clone. She also, in the grand scheme of my silly little swtor nonsense, is a time traveller who grows up to fuck shit up in the distant past. As one does. She's my trooper and my Alliance Commander and my precious baby girl mary sue beloved. She's also committed a few war crimes in her youth but what is a war crime to the star wars galaxy anyway? nobody knows. it's fine.
Nalyan is her brother, newly introduced in the same fic series i allude to above, and my smuggler. He is... grumpy. and an asshole. and also overall much more likely to save an enemy than most of my ocs, but that always surprises people due to the grumpiness. I ship him very hard with Corso and Risha who I do not ship with each other, which makes for a delightful dynamic in my head. sometimes besties just have sex with the same man it's whatever.
Kitiver is my Jedi Knight whose anxiety made him fall big-time, and he is full of self-loathing and self-doubt. He's overall kind of neutral in how the game sets up morality but when I write him it's the inwardly directed anger and the way that splashes out onto others that keeps him dark, even though all he wants is to be a good person. He doesn't really believe he's capable of that, anymore. oops.
Kaojacol is my Consular who went from a kind of coldhearted closed off person to the biggest softie who just wants to be a good friend and wife and mom. She's... a good friend? to be fair to her the wife and mom thing kind of got out of control with the whole zakuul thing. Sorry Felix and also the kid I made up for them.
Exchei is my Sith Inquisitor and she's so nice, for someone who'll shock you with Force lightning if you piss her off. Her backstory is always kind of fresh in her mind, and she really really wants to reform the Empire and stop slavery. also if you give her something nice and expensive and don't betray her she'll love you forever, which is how Andronikos sold her on the whole romance thing when she still wasn't sure if she could trust him.
Ri'gastio is a fucking asshole and also my bounty hunter. He's just. He's the guy who does every mean thing and kills everyone he can kill and makes everyone pay for everything he does for them because he figures if the world screwed him over there's no point in him being nice. He might as well do the same. I want to smack him so badly.
Tavansa is my Sith Warrior, she is my pathetic wet cat lesbian who just wants Vette to love her in spite of her many murderous tendencies and the fact that she's kind of unbearable to be around. A real attack dog kind of person, if an attack dog was also always calculating how people might perceive her behaviour so she can make sure the people (Vette) she cares about see her in the best light possible.
Sarrant is my Agent and he's... very hard to explain honestly? Like he starts out super loyal and that gets burned to hell and back, and he falls for fucking Kaliyo of all people even though he likes to let people live and help them out and generally enjoys being nice, and he also will just cut a bitch for looking at him wrong - man has issues. He's made lighter choices than his sister Tavansa but he is equally fucked.
As for my favourite class and romance uhhhh... story-wise it probably is Jedi Knight because that shit is juicy, though i think in terms of juiciness Agent is also up there. But if we're talking straight-up soft spots I really like the trooper storyline. I like that I got to force Ven to solve the trolley problem like twenty times. That was great. She names her kid after Jaxo, that's how bad that hurt her.
I also really like romancing Jorgan, possibly also because of Ven, but especially for Timothy Omundson's little voice crack when you reunite with him. Like damn. how can i resist that. I haven't romanced Elara in-game yet but the version of her that lives in my head and is married to Ven and Jorgan is great. kind of terrified to find out if the actual romance lives up to that but I adore her so if it doesn't I shall simply rewrite it.
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duhragonball · 9 months
(That title looked cooler in my head for some reason.)
Hi, I'm Mike, and on December 21, 2012, I made the first post on this blog. It's nothing special, just a fandub video that always amused me. I didn't have any particular agenda with this thing, which is why I went with the name I chose.
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I signed up for tumblr in 2011. Livejournal was dying, I had just moved to a new place and I was kind of looking for a fresh start. My main blog, @sodiumlamp, was my half-assed attempt to do a cool science themed blog. I thought you had to have a moody aesthetic on this site, because a lot of popular tumblrs posted black and white photos with wistful poetry and shit. I was burned out on """fandom""" and wanted to try to write something focused on a more general-interest topic. To be honest, I still want that, but it took a back seat as my priorities changed.
I created a few sideblogs, and decided the only thing I was missing was one for anime nonsense. It feels weird that I waited so long to go through with it, though. That first year or two on tumblr, I was kind of wary of the site, like I didn't know what to do with it, and I was worried I'd screw something up. Anyway, I broke my leg in the fall of 2012, and I spent about five months laid up at my parents' house. It was on the evening of December 20 that I made up my mind to set this thing up. Maybe I just couldn't settle on a name for the blog, or I wasn't sure I could post enough stuff to it to make it worth the trouble. My sleep schedule was a mess in those days, so it doesn't surprise me much that the first post was made in the middle of the night.
What really made this important for me was a post I made a few days later. I decided to just write about Raditz, and it got a lot of notes. Well, more than a hundred, which is kind of a big deal to me. There seemed to be an audience for this stuff, which led me to devote more and more time to this blog. Over the years, my other blogs have fallen by the wayside, and this became my main internet presence.
I don't think this thing is all that "big" in terms of popularity. I currently have 3957 followers, which sounds like a lot, although I usually only see 20-30 unique users in my activity reports. Still, it's a lot for me, and I'm grateful for it. I think things started to pick up in 2015, probably because of Xenoverse 1, Resurrection F, and Dragon Ball Super all starting up around that time. I got a lot of positive reinforcement from my audience, and that was a major factor that led to me getting back into writing fanfiction.
The Luffa concept was something I had been sitting on for years, but I never tried to write it because it seemed like too daunting a challenge, and even if I could finish a story like that, I wasn't sure anyone would bother to read it. But in 2015 I felt a lot more confident about giving it a shot. And people read it! They seemed to really like it! And in early December of that year, I even got fanart of the story.
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(Art by @bluewavelengths)
It still blows my mind that this happened. It's eight years later, and I still find myself kind of averting my gaze when I look at this. Like, it's just sort of overwhelming. I really need to assemble some sort of gallery for Luffa art. I've got a folder with a lot of XV2 screencaps and loose drafts, and I'll run across this image from time to time and it always gets to me. Thank you, Nico.
So Luffa kind of took over a lot of this blog space from 2016 onward. I still felt like I should maintain some sort of general presence for an audience that wasn't interested in the character. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but that led me to kind of half-assedly liveblogging JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in 2017, which led me to three-quarter-assed liveblogs around the time I got to Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run. That kind of set the stage for much of the stuff I do these days. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z in 2019, Hellsing and Battle Tendency in 2021, and GT and Super in 2023. Well, I like to think I use my whole ass now when I liveblog these things, but I guess I should let history be the judge of that.
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I'm not sure there's a coherent message to this. Honestly, I noticed back in January that I passed Year 10, and I thought I should really make a point of doing some sort of retrospective on the next anniversary, so here I am. I kind of debated making it a shitpost, or blowing it off altogether, but now that I've settled on revisiting the history of the blog, I feel like the common denominator here is that I can express myself and there are people who are interested in what I have to say. Every so often someone will tell me they liked something I wrote, and it's great. I'm not good at taking the compliment, but it's still gratifying to know that someone actually paid attention long enough to go "Yeah, he's got a good point." That matters. It matters a lot. If you're reading this, thank you.
I don't know what the future holds. I mean, I'm gonna keep posting stuff here, but for all I know Tumblr will get sold to Yahoo again and go out of business. In the short term, I still have fic work to do, and I've got a lot of messages in my ask box that I need to get back to. Also I'm gonna try to watch Evangelion next year, and reread Jojolion now that it's finished, and see if it makes more sense. Other than that, we'll see.
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Serious question: Did I coin the term "Knife Lady"? Like, other people call her that now, but I think I may have been the one to get that started. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but it's fun to think about sometimes. I just don't want to steal fandom valor from the actual inventor of "we should all call that Saiyan 'Knife Lady'." But if it really was me, then that's pretty cool.
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saradika · 2 years
Hey babe !!! How you doing? Hope everything is fine, just a question I'm thinking about writing my own stuff but idk how to start like what should I do? should i create a new blog for writing or post on my shit posting disorganised blog that i already have and let's suppose i made one so what just go and post? How will people come to know that I've posted because i won't be having any followers on the new blog Idk how this works ,sorry for bothering :(
hi - i am doing alright thank you! 💖 (How are you?) and ooh, that is so exciting! Not a bother at all!
I think you should do what works best and is most comfortable for you. If you want to start writing on your current blog, I don’t see why not! This blog started as a general SW blog, so had made sense to me to start posting my writing here.
If you want to create a space that’s for your work or to start fresh - then a sideblog or a separate one might be a good way to do that. Creating a new space could also be a good idea if you want privacy from your main blog. (A note though - if you make a sideblog, asks and post comments will be sent from your main)
You’ll want to tag your fics when you post them, and people will find them that way! And if you do make a new blog, you can always share your fic/the acct on your main (if you’re comfortable) as a way to let your friends know. (And if you want to send it to me; I can try to share too!)
Best of luck! I hope you have such a good time writing. It can definitely feel intimidating putting yourself out there, but I know you can do it! 💕
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A Written Let's Play? Plus: Creation!
Welcome, friends! I've decided to do something fun with my spare time, which is by writing a book report as I play through a videoed game. You know, like a normal person.
It's actually something I used to do here and there, just for fun. Some description of the scene, some screencaps, a nice interlude while I wax unpoetic about musical themes or narrative devices. It's something I miss doing, so I'm doing it. And, because I put it on a sideblog, you're only along for the ride if you choose to be. Which you have, so thank you.
So, before I start, a little bit of housekeeping under the cut - and, just for fun, I've started character creation a bit early. Those polls over on my main haven't quite finished yet, but they're wrapping up and there's a clear winner, so I've gone ahead and just done it.
Let's get a few things out of the way first, though.
What this will be:
A little bit of everything. I'm going to take the opportunity to just luxuriate in the space. Describe the story as I go? Absolutely. Take some opportunity to write from the perspective of my main character? Done and done. Play around with the Enhanced Edition's Photo Mode? Don't mind if I do.
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Fun. I'm doing this for me, after all, so I'm going to make sure to amuse myself while doing it. Hopefully that also means I'll be amusing the rest of y'all in the process.
The chance for me to actually finish this game. I've started this several times and the farthest I've gotten is somewhere towards the end of Act 2? I think? It's a very big game, with lots of options, and I've been a bit spoiled for choice. Locking it down into a fun writing project will help me focus.
What this won't be:
An unspoiled run. As I mentioned above, I've played this before - albeit not completely. So I do know some of the story beats that are coming, and have seen further ahead in the game than I've actually played, so this won't be fresh reactions.
Spoiler-free. To that same point, since I'm writing about the game as I play it, I'm not going to hide things as they come up. I'm also not tagging for spoilers - this is a sideblog specifically for this, which means you have to actually follow and click through to see it, and at that point that's on you. I will put it behind a cut for reblogs, but that's about it.
Regularly-scheduled. Each post will be done when it's done, and I'm not setting a release schedule that I inevitably will fail to follow. Instead, to keep this fun, I'm just going to do it as and when I do it. We'll see how frequent that ends up being.
And now, with that out of the way: let's get to the real meat of the matter. Character creation.
Because I left the polls vague - choosing party roles, rather than classes - I left it open to choose something weird and fun for my playthrough. I also did not provide options for all the mythic paths, but rather the ones that I felt had some of the best story potential. Granted, they all have stories, but some of them are a bit wild and out there, and while fun to play, probably less fun trying to organize for a writing project - especially for a first playthrough. Aeon and Trickster are probably best for second or third times through the game, for example, since they both play with the actual medium of the storytelling as much as (if not moreso than) the base story of the game.
The choices being what they were, the poll resulted in a Ranged build, following the Legend path.
I have an archer on another save - going Slayer (Deliverer) full class route on an Angel path - so I didn't want to just copy that. I wanted to do something fun and new, so I looked up some other options - a lot of guides recommend a weird and fun ranged build for Wenduag, a potential party member, which focuses on throwing axes instead of a longbow, so I decided to cannibalize that. I also wanted to make it easier on myself and start with a pet - Wrath of the Righteous does some really great stuff with pets. Ranger gets a pet eventually, but there's one of the hybrid classes that starts with a pet at level 1, and that's Hunter.
Throwing axes, with an animal. Something weird and fun.
Maybe it was the fact that I've been looking through some second edition materials and had Extinction Curse on the brain, but that sounded like circus performer to me.
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With a selection of a leopard companion (because circus), all that was left was to choose a name.
...fuck. I'm terrible at names. I usually ask my wife to give me good names for my character, she's very good at names. But I wanted to do this one for myself. Something that was true to the origins of the character, something that reflected the medium upon which this was posted.
What do you name a character who was built from a tumblr poll?
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Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
I'll post her stats elsewhere - I know y'all are horny for numbers - but for now I think that's where I'll leave this.
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streetslost · 2 years
Hi, it's me again, I was wondering if it is okay if I can ask a question? I know you rp a lot and Cat is amazing by the way! I was wondering how you started rp and creating a character, I have made character's before in the past but never rp much, I wanted to find a safe space to try and rp again, (As I have had bad experiences in the past) and was wondering if you have any tips on what I should do?
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hello !!! i do know there are resource blogs out there that could also be of use for giving you some advice... but i can't name them off the top of my head so if any lovely mutuals who reads this know of any, please comment on this post !!! but for getting started on tumblr, i would recommend giving the character their own blog. it could be a sideblog if needed, but high-key recommend a separate one because a lot of rp blogs tend to block personals unless they know you have a roleplay sideblog. a rules page to just go over what helps make your experience comfy. this don't have to be long and can be updated as you learn the ropes and figure out your expectations, but giving a smidge of info on yourself ( a nickname and general age ) is smart to have and just general info! and then an about page for your muse! stats are important - age and name and the little deets. when it comes to appearance, personality, and backstory ( lore/powers/species info if character isn't human ), these don't need to be SUPER in depth if you don't have it all fleshed out and ready. some bullet points to really help give an idea of your character is still very important, though, because people need an idea of what your character is like in order to approach them in threads :D honestly those are the main things for getting the blog set up i think! it can be on basic tumblr pages and you can have a basic theme ( recommend still finding a not-tumblr-made theme, there's theme-hunter as one place to look for things! )... whatever is most organized and easy enough to read! if you want to make/use fancier pages and stuff, that's up to you! i use a special page for cat's verses because there's so many, it helps me organize everything lol. graphics and icons aren't necessary. they're nice for the tumblr environment because that's just how most people rp here, but not critical. i'd recommend at least icons if you can get a fc, you can find icons around tumblr as there's a number of rp resource blogs! icons are honestly just fun imo! they make the character feel more special in a way. then just get some things on your blog... aesthetic posts, fc images, tag drops ( tags are very very nifty for rp blogs when it comes to verses and organizing posts like aesthetic, musings, headcanon tags ). uhm... maybe an open or two just to give an example of your writing, and then you gotta be bold and follow people and start reaching out! starting a blog fresh can be hard and a lot of work, but if you love roleplaying, it's a lot of fun once you get in the zone! hopefully this advice is like. somewhat useful. and if any of my lovely friends have any other tips, i hope they leave some things here for you!! good luck, happy to try and answer any more questions if i can !!!
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I'm trying to stay on top of things while they're still fresh in my memory, but sometimes brain no worky. I'll get a couple out of the way quickly that won't take long because I didn't last long with them though.
Fate/EXTELLA LINK was probably the most unpleasant experience I've had with a game in the past six months at least. I kept seeing people say how if you like Musou games it's a pretty decent one, so I eventually gave in and tried it when it was on sale. Bad move on my part.
I could maybe have stuck with it a bit longer to see if I could get used to the kind of wonky UI (why can I do the same thing in like three different places, and why is so much of it uglier and harder to read than it really needs to be?) or if the unbearably long recovery lag on basic combos gets better with upgrades/unlocks or there's some way to cancel out of it, but the writing is insultingly bad and made me quit out of the game pretty quickly.
The premise is...fine? Whatever? I guess? Nothing super original, but they could do something fun with it...except they can't go five seconds without pandering to their target audience of horny guys simping for their waifus. I can tolerate a little bit of that even if I don't like it, as long as there's enough other stuff to like and it's not the main focus of things, but this is just ugh.
I will give it points for unintentionally having one of the more confusing perspectives on gender I've seen recently. It lets you choose your player character's gender at the start, but as far as I can tell from the little bit I played that affects literally nothing other than the character model it uses. You can be standing there looking like a teenage girl while someone very vigorously calls you their husband, because the dialogue doesn't seem to change at all.
That could actually be really fun if it were on purpose and it were a femboy malewife situation or a non-transitioning trans man or whatever, but instead [see above about not being able to go five seconds witout pandering to etc.]. It almost makes me want to start yet another sideblog to post about crimes against gender I see in media.
And then the other one I abandoned fairly quickly was Inscryption, which is sad because I was really looking forward to it after how much I liked Pony Island. After like 20-30 minutes though my main reaction was bro, I am straight up not having a good time. It probably does something interesting eventually, but I'm not going to find out because I'm not willing to suffer through playing any more of it to see what happens next.
The UI and controls are annoying, quite possibly deliberately, but that doesn't make me feel any better playing it even if it is on purpose. I don't really like the general aesthetic or tone much either. I don't think there's necessarily anything horribly or fundamentally wrong with it, it's just really not my thing and kind of grating for me. Oh well.
And then I'm behind on a couple things I did play all the way through and had a good time with but haven't said anything about yet: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Totally coincidentally they're both things where I really didn't like the early entries in either series much at all but was convinced to try a newer one by the sheer number of people saying how good they were, and for a change I actually agree with them.
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glorfindels-archive · 3 years
hi :] i'll make a proper announcement if/when i decide to go through with it, this is more of a heads up and me thinking out loud but i'm considering leaving my main account and with it my half a dozen sideblogs including this one that go with it and remaking them all as one merged multifandom colour blog. i'll definitely be keeping the url, tracking the same tag etc etc and i'll still be posting tons of tolkien and occasionally making original content, the only difference is that you're going to have to put up with other fandom content as well and my tagging system is probably going to be a little less thorough.
i'll probably make the switch sometime during this week or the next, until then i'll obviously still be around on here and try and catch up on tag games, messages etc, i don't want to leave anything 'unfinished' and after that... see you on the other side!! thanks for understanding 💚
#i didn't want to make the post too long so i'll just explain in more detains in the tags#in case anyone is interested#basically i just feel like my presence on all my accounts but especially on here and my main are incredibly performative and the#persona i've created is very very different from who i actually am and obviously that's always going to be true to a certain extent#on all social media but like with having a tolkien only blog and my main blog being b&w i don't end up rbing a lot of the stuff i like but#instead i focus on catering to other people and rbing stuff i think 'belongs' on my account so like since there isn't tons of b&w content#i'll probably rb things i'm not that into just for the sake of it but it's just not at all representative of who i am and i've grown tired#of that and i want a fresh start and to be able to do whatever the hell i want on my blog without any restrictions and to be able to#connect with people properly instead of either pretending i'm someone i'm not or being like haha yeah actually the things i post about#and the aesthetic i have going isn't even really me but just ignore that i promise i'm a cool person once you get to know me :)))#not that there's anything wrong with the b&w thing i'll probably keep my main as a sideblog because it's fun and really soothing#to scroll through lmao but i just can't express myself though it if that makes sense#and i feel like i put too much effort into appearances instead of my friendships and that's also something i want to change#i keep falling into this cycle of feeling uncomfortable/fake on here → not opening my notifications → not talking to anyone#and i end up feeling so frustrated and lonely AND FOR WHAT why do i feel like i have to please the general public before doing#stuff or talking to the people i actually care about i'm so stupid but hopefully i can get over this and do better next time#ANYWAYS i make it sound bad but i've actually loved being on here and i'll be sorry to lose my followers (not that i have that#many i'm still stuck at a little over 1k) and i'll be sure to follow everyone back straight away from my new blog i love you all 🥰🥰#angie.txt#ps. yes i'm fully aware i take this whole thing way too seriously shut up <3
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Cutting Down a Tree
Ninja and Puppy’s First Christmas
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP ninja and puppy)
Words: ~1k
Summary: Ransom doesn’t thing manual labor agrees with him, but you disagree.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, public sex, cream pie, kinda roleplay), fluff, teasing, idiots in love, Ransom in flannel, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: This whole week is gonna be so cute and stupid, I hope y’all are ready! God, I love these fluffy idiots.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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“Christ, are you holding any of this?” Ransom tried to frown at you over his shoulder, but couldn’t see you through the thick green branches of the tree the two of you were carrying. “This thing is heavy.”
“You’re the one who picked it out.” You chuckled at him as you hefted your half of the tree, grinning when you finally spotted your Volvo and he let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, well I didn’t realize you were going to make me cut it down myself and carry the damn thing.” Once you reached the car he took the full weight of the tree and lifted it onto the roof while you unwound the twine so you could tie it down.
“It’s a self serve tree farm, what did you think was going to happen?” You pecked him on the cheek as you started wrapping the string around the trunk and looping it inside the car. “And you got to use a chainsaw, it’s not like I made you chop it down with an axe.”
“But now I’m all sticky.” He huffed when you moved to the other side of the car, holding the tree steady and giving you a halfhearted pout.
“Aww, poor puppy.” You gave him a soft smile and shook your head before crawling through the car to join him again, tugging at the bindings to make sure they were secure and turning to wrap your arms around him. “You look good, though.”
“Really?” He grinned a little when you nodded at him, bending to run his nose over yours as his hair fell into his eyes that were bright with exertion as you brought a hand up to trace his flushed cheeks with your fingertips. “But I’m all sweaty.”
“But it’s that nice, clean sweat that makes you smell all masculine and shit.” You leaned forward and nuzzled at his throat, breathing deeply and humming as his scent filled your lungs while his arms wound tightly around you and he let out a deep purr. “And it mixes good with the fresh air and pine and the lumberjack look and I’ve been a wet mess ever since you picked up that chainsaw.”
“Is that so? Manual labor just does it for you, huh?” He grabbed your ass and squeezed when you hummed your agreement, pulling you towards the back seat and brushing his lips over your hair. “Maybe I’ll start chopping all the firewood if it gets you this worked up.”
“Please, one splinter and you’d never stop bitching.” You squealed when he shoved you into the back seat and climbed on top of you. “We can always role play though, that way I don’t have to put up with your whining.”
“Yeah, you really just want a big strong man to take care of you, huh?” He grabbed your knees and hooked them over his hips as he curled over you, nipping at the curve of your jaw and working to undo your jeans. “Need someone to chop all your wood and build all your furniture so you don’t have to worry that pretty little head?”
“Yeah.” You giggled when he flipped you over and pressed kisses over the back of your neck as he undid his own pants. “Maybe I should call Ari to take care of everything for me.”
“Ok, do you not understand the concept of role play?” Ransom bit your ear playfully when you gave him a mischievous wiggle, pulling his cock out and angling your hips so it’s wet tip could slap against the curve I’ve your ass. “But you should call him, bet he looks fine as fuck splitting firewood.”
“Right?” You moaned softly when he slid inside you, his whole body stretching over yours and pressing you into the seat as he started slowly grinding into you. “Unh, that’s good.”
“Yeah? Shit, you’re tight like this.” The way your jeans were keeping your thighs together had you squeezing the life out of his cock, his hips rolling into your ass while you whined for him as he wound his fingers through yours above your head. “Lemme just fuck all those thoughts out of that sweet head of yours.”
“Your lumberjack character is kind of an ass.” You tilted your head to the side so he could bite softly at the curve of your neck while he growled pleasantly into your skin. “Not that I’m surprised.”
“Please, you love when I’m an ass.” He licked your jaw and groaned when you clenched around him. “Just wanna take care of you.”
“Well, you’re doing a great job, fuck.” You nipped at his bicep when he drove into you deep, arching your back and whining as his pace picked up when you started fluttering around him. “I’m gonna come.”
“Good, give it to me.” He purred when you rocked your hips back into him, squeezing your thighs with his and sucking a bruise against your throat when you vibrated underneath him. “Need to feel you, come on baby.”
You sobbed when he hit that perfect spot again, your hands gripping his tightly as he murmured softly into your neck. Ransom grunted when he followed you, his hips jerking in his release as he painted your insides with his warm cum.
“Mm, that make you feel better, pup?” You grinned at him over your shoulder when he pulled out of you and sat up, rolling over and pulling your jeans back into place. “If manual labor gets you this worked up, maybe I will have you do more shit around the house. You wanna put up the Christmas lights? It’s lots of heavy boxes I need a big man to carry for me.”
“That so?” Ransom pulled you into his lap and pecked at your lips with a wicked grin, his hands framing your hips as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Too bad Ari’s out of town, you’ll just have to do it yourself.”
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jadegrey711 · 3 years
Snow Covered Dream
Eric Northman x Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hello my loves so I got this request for a soft Eric Northan what feels like eons ago, and I’m finally feeling some inspiration for it. It’s been particularly hard for me for this one since when i originally started writing for it I had a good thing going and while I was an my ipad i rotated it and somehow deleted everything I had. So this is attempt number two for this one. I hope you guys like it and if you could show it some love! And to the sweet person who sent this request in I really hope you think it’s worth the wait. 
Prompt: Hey can I send a request in for Eric Northman x reader please? Could you maybe do one where him and the reader have been seeing each other for some time now and then they have sex for the first time and it’s really sweet and the reader lets eric bite her for the first time and they just realise how much they love each other, if not don’t worry about it! Thank you, love your writing!
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
Word Count: 3212  Holy fuck this became it’s own novel. I think this is the most I’ve ever written for something like this. Fuck i hope it’s not shit 
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake. 
Warnings: 18+ people. Oral (f recieving), mentions of blowjobs, Tantric sex (if you squint), vaginal sex 
Song Inspiration: 
Best Part - Daniel Caesar, H.E.R
Morning View - Towkio, SZA
Looking Through your Eyes - LeAnn Rimes
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711)
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This isn’t the first time that Eric has stolen you away for some kind of romantic adventure. He’s been around for a thousand years and there’s just so many places he wants to show you; places you’ve never even heard of and spots that feel like no other human has laid a foot there before. 
However, this adventure felt different, like when it was over Eric wasn’t planning on letting you go; like he planned to keep you and you couldn’t find anything bad about that. 
“Eric are you ever going to tell me where we are going?” You smiled, seeing the mischievous smirk on his lips. 
“We are already here, sötma.” he stated and you swore his smile got wider, as you quickly whipped your head back towards the window to see if you could finally see your destination. But only found the same endless snowy expanse out your window. 
“This is all of my property. It’s not huge but just a bit further up this road there’s a little house I keep for when I want to truly get away from everything.”
You waited for a few more minutes keeping your eyes peeled out the window for any sign of the house and then suddenly just out in the distance you saw a spot of bright red. You felt your excitement grow as you watched the house steadily come into view. That spot of bright red growing until you could finally see the whole house; a bright red one that was nestled right in the middle of the property surrounded by what looked like a small farm house and hidden away by the snow covered pine trees that surrounded it.To put it in a word it looked magical.  
“Do you like it sötma?” Eric asked, turning his head just enough to gauge your reaction. 
“Oh Eric! It’s so beautiful! It’s like a snow covered dream.” You said wistfully and then pulled your focus from the car window to Eric and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. 
Eric hummed his satisfaction. “I’m so glad you like it. This is one of my favorite places and I thought I might share it with one of my favorite people. I can’t wait to show you the rest of the house, I think you’ll really enjoy it.” 
“I’m sure I will.” You beamed at him and took his hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel. “I’m never disappointed with anything you show me Eric.” 
Eric said nothing at your praise, but simply took your hand that was holding his and pressed a few kisses to your knuckles, before taking your wrist and kissing the palm of your hand; sending a flush of warmth through you despite the endless cold outside the car. 
When Eric pulled up in front of the house, you immediately got out of the car and stepped out onto the fresh snow just to marvel at the bright red house. The way the snow was settled perfectly on the tops of the roof and on the pine trees that surrounded the house it looked like the perfect christmas card. 
“How come you never told me you lived in a Hallmark movie?” You asked turning back to face Eric who had both your bag and his slung under each arm. 
“I don’t. It’s just Sweden. Everything looks like a Hallmark movie here in winter.” he chuckled as the both of you walked towards the large wooden front door. Eric easily maneuvered the bags in his hands to pull out the small set of keys and quickly unlocked the front door, letting you both into the house and out of the cold of the outside. However, there wasn’t much relief from the cold inside the house either. 
You started to shiver as you made your way to the center of the cold house, clutching your jacket tighter to your body. 
Eric looked over and saw you shivering and immediately took off his jacket and put it on top of your shoulders. “I’ll get a fire going in a second sötma.For right now I want you to sit here.” He said as he pulled your shivering body into a main sitting room where a very large fireplace sat on the far wall. 
Eric sat you down on the plush sofa that laid in front of the fireplace and you clutched his jacket tighter to your body as you watched Eric get the fire going with his quick and efficient hands. 
Hours later after you and Eric unpacked your things and both of you had your dinner. You found yourself sitting in Eric’s lap on a fur rug in front of that luxurious fire. The feeling of the fire warming your skin and the feel of Eric underneath you as he stroked her hair lovingly, warmed more than just your skin; you felt your heart and soul warm from the contentment that you felt in this moment.
As content as you were though in this moment you knew that you wanted more. You wanted more from Eric than just his soft kisses and loving caresses, you weren’t a fool you knew the reputation that surrounded Eric when you started seeing him. 
Ruthless killer and slayer of hearts but that wasn’t the side he presented you with everyday nor was it something he tried hiding from you. It wasn’t something that you felt like he needed to hide anyway. Everyone has shit in their past and in Eric’s case he’s got a whole mountain range of shit he’s got to deal with from his past but he’s grown and you’ve seen that growth. Hell. You being here wrapped safely in his arms in some remote house in god knows where Sweden should be proof enough of that growth; of the trust you place in him. So much so that you feel confident enough to pull from his soft touches and look at him in those blazing glacier eyes. 
You let out a small breath, and reached out your hand, cupping his face before you pulled him slowly in for a soft lingering kiss. Eric hummed his approval against your lips and then you took him by surprise as you tilted your head slightly and deepened the kiss, your tongue playfully dipping in his mouth and tangling with his.
You smiled against Eric’s lips as you heard him let out a low growl, his strong hands that were at his side, coming up to grab your hips bringing you closer to his body. You let out a low gasp as Eric pressed you closer to his body and you felt just how hard he was for you already. 
You pulled your sweet lips away from Eric’s smirking as you heard him softly whisper “No.” when you pulled away. But you or your lips didn’t go far. You pulled away just enough that you were still most definitely in kissing range. 
Eric watched you as you placed your small hands on his strong chest, letting you control every action and determining just how far this night was going to go. He loved it when you were brave for him, with him, taking control and taking what you want from him. He’s waited for this moment for so long but one word from you and he would go jump in the endless snow outside and quickly cure himself of his raging hard on.
Your hands continued their leisurely journey down Eric’s chest until you got to the hem of his shirt. You looked back up at Eric’s face, as if you were asking permission. He nodded and your fingers brushed the skin underneath his shirt and gasped at how cold he was. But you didn’t let that deter you one bit as you grabbed the hem of the shirt and lifted it up and over his head; with Eric’s help of course. And then your hands were all over his bare chest starting back up at his strong shoulders, then trailing down his chest your fingers stop over where his heart is; and feeling a certain sadness that you wouldn’t feel it’s steady beat under your touch. 
Eric seemed to sense what you were feeling and grabbed your chin making you look up at him. “Your heart is big enough that it beats for the both of us, sötma.” he whispered lovingly before placing a kiss on your lips and letting your chin go so you can continue with your exploration. 
You leaned down and placed a kiss to that spot on his chest, biting your lip when you heard Eric’s little gasp. Your hands went down feeling his hard abs and then those delicious hip “v’s” that you so desperately needed to run your tongue over but maybe later tonight. You looked back up at Eric’s face and grabbed one of his massive hands; Eric watched intently as you flipped his hand over and started to lovingly trace the lines there. 
Eric couldn’t help himself any longer the same hand that you so lovingly traced he used to cup your cheek, and traced your lips with his thumb. 
“Do you know how beautiful you are to me?” He asked as he grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head leaving your chest bare to him. 
You felt your cheeks flush. “No. I don’t think you’ve ever told me before. Why don’t you count the ways.” You giggled and let out a little squeal as Eric flipped the both of you over so your back was to the soft fur rug and he was sprawled out on top of you. 
“You’re such a little shit you know that?” He smirked as he leaned down and kissed a spot at your chest, giving it a little suck. Making whatever little smart comment you were about to say dissolve from your mind as you felt Eric ladden your body with open mouth kisses. First to your neck and then your collarbones and then to the spot right where your heart was. 
“Eric.” his name falling from your mouth in a breathy whisper. 
His hair tickled your face as he kissed lower and you let out a gasp as his tongue swirled around your nipple, making your back arch from the surprise of it. 
“So sensitive.” he chided and you felt a gush of warmth spread between your thighs at his words. Before you watched him bring that nipple into his mouth and give it a light suck before he went to do the same to the other. “I wonder where else you're sensitive.” He purred as you felt his lips brush reverently against the bottom of your breasts before continuing his journey to where you were most sensitive. 
You tangled your hands in his hair as he reached your pants and he held your gaze as he undid each of the buttons, making you smile as he lifted your hips up and pulled your pants completely off, leaving you completely bare to him. 
“Oh, Y/N.” He purred as he admired your naked body sprawled out in front of him on his fur rug looking like a norse goddess. “Every part of you is a gift.” He said as he grabbed one of your legs and placed soft kisses there before doing the same to the other. He loved how sprawled out you were for him like a feast all for him. 
“Eric.” You moaned out his name again as you watched him settle himself between your legs, his strong shoulders keeping you spreaded out for him as you watched as he took his index finger and ran it down your slit making you gasp. You watched eagerly as he placed that finger in his mouth and sucked on it. 
“Just as sweet as I knew you’d be, baby.” He smirked and then you felt his tongue flick up your folds before swirling around your clit making your hips buck up into his face. 
You watched as Eric swiveled his head side to side and elicited more moans from you each one getting louder and louder as he sucked your clit and he fucked you with his tongue. Your fingers alternated between burying themselves in Eric’s soft hair to gripping the fur rug behind you as you watched Eric devour you. 
As you felt your orgasm climb you started to writhe under Eric but he easily placed his strong arm over you stomach keeping you under his delicious torture. “Eric, baby I’m gonna come.” You moaned, feeling like you were going to fall over the edge any second. 
“Go ahead baby, come for me. Let me see how pretty you look when you fall apart.” He purred before he added his fingers and crooked them inside you and you fell apart. Eric ate you out through your orgasm letting you ride that wave of pleasure until you finally went limp under him. 
You watched with shaky breaths as Eric pulled away from you giving your clit a kiss before smiling up at you. “I don’t know how I’ll ever get enough of this sweet pussy, sötma.” he said before climbing up and kissing you deeply letting you taste yourself. 
“Are you ready for me, sötma?” He asked and then you felt his strong fingers rub against your soaked folds before he entered you feeling how wet you were for him. “Oh yeah, I think you’re ready for me.” He smiled, kissing you again before standing up and unbuttoning his pants before quickly discarding them.  
He looked like a god from this angle, all strong and hard muscles as he loomed over you, his hard cock springing to his stomach. You’d never been particularly fond of blowjobs mainly because of how your past lovers would grab your head and try to force you down more. But you didn’t feel that Eric you wanted to be at his knees lavishing him with pleasure while he stroked your head lovingly gifting you with lavish praises about how good you were for him.
Maybe another night. You thought to yourself. 
Eric knelt back down till he was sprawled back over you and proceeded to ladden you with soft open mouth kisses, his hands massaging your breasts until you could feel the need between your legs grow until it was too much; you needed Eric now. 
“Eric, please.” You moaned breathily. 
“Are you sure you want me now? We have all night, baby.” He said, kissing your neck again. “Maybe you let me play with that pussy for another hour and then I’ll fuck you.” 
You felt you center throb at the thought at what kind of pleasure could pull from you in an hour; not still not fuck you. 
“No. I want you Eric. I need you inside me now. Please.” You whispered in his ear earning a low growl from him. 
“Well, there’s no way I can deny such a pretty girl when she’s begging for me.”  He hummed and you felt his hard length press up against your folds. “This what you want from me?” He asked, knowing full well, that’s exactly what you wanted. 
“Are you going to keep talking or are you going to fuck me?” you gasped feeling Eric’s hard length press deeper into you, letting you get used to him as he stretched you out for him. 
“Oh baby you’ve got such a mouth on you. I can’t wait to see it wrapped around my cock. I just know you’d look so pretty on your knees for me.” He purred as he slid home, making you moan in his ear as he pressed close to your body,to your warmth. 
Eric kept his pace slow letting you get used to his invasion but also to leave you breathless and wanting under him. He knows what you want; that you want him to pound into you and he will have no worry about that. He can’t wait to hear the lewd sounds of your wet pussy as he drives into you over and over until you scream his name. But right now he wants to draw this out, really feel each part of you and then he’ll pound into your aching pussy. 
“Eric, please.” you breathed out, your nails gripping his back as he kept his pace slow and sensual, making you writhe beneath him. 
“Please what? Sötma.” 
“Harder.” You begged. 
Eric chuckled against your skin. “I just can’t deny you anything can I?” He asked, looking at your face. 
“Please Eric.” 
“Alright, baby.” He said and before you knew it, Eric pulled out of you and brought his hands under your back and brought you up to his until you were straddling him and just as quickly as he pulled out of you, did he plunge himself back into your wet folds; setting a brutal pace as he fucked up into you. 
You let out a scream of pleasure as your hands wrapped around Eric and held him close as he fucked you. 
“Is this what you want, baby?” 
“Yes.” You whimpered, kissing Eric’s neck and sucked at the spot where his shoulder and neck meet earning a low groan from him. 
“Oh Eric!” You moaned, your nails gripping onto his back. “I-I I’m going to come.” 
“Come for me sötma. Grip me with that tight little pussy of yours.” He growled as he drove into you harder and you felt yourself go supernova as your orgasm racked your body. Eric held you tight, slowing his pace down just enough to let you ride through your orgasm. 
After a few seconds though you felt Eric’s pace quicken again and to your surprise his quickening pace was building you up to another orgasm. 
“Eric. I don’t think I can survive another one.” You moaned, your face buried in the crook of his neck. Eric tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled enough to bring your face to his. 
“You can and you will baby. I want to feel you squeeze my cock again, with that beautiful pussy.” He growled and kissed you, his hand leaving your hair to snake between your bodies and rub small circles on your oversensitive clit and you gasped into his kiss as you felt your orgasm crash over you as Eric held you close to him, as he chased his own end. 
“Fuck! I love you so much, Y/N.” He screamed as his own orgasm crashed over him, holding you closer to his body as he fell back down onto the soft fur rug underneath him. 
As you laid on top of Eric trying to calm your breathing and find your equilibrium again. Eric’s fingers found your hair again and stroked it lovingly. 
“I love you too ya know?” You smiled and kissed his chest. “And not just for the sex. Although I could definitely get used to that.” You laughed.
“You are trouble.” He said, scrunching his nose at you before bringing your lips to his in another searing kiss. 
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nhasablogg · 3 years
I’m back?
As my blog title suggests, I’m here for the nostalgia; tucking my tail between my legs and returning after what I assume was a dramatic exit that some might’ve found unnecessary, but I know I needed. And I grew during the two years I was away. I grew so much I know I don’t want to use this blog like I used nhasablog, but I miss it. I miss checking in, I miss talking to people, I miss writing. Even though I’m not writing much these days, this is me grasping for something that used to be the better part of my life back when I wasn’t okay.
I deleted nhasablog because it was turning into a toxic place for me, partly due to my own behavior, but also partly due to people’s expectations and demands and occasionally rude messages. But I’m not here to blame anyone anymore. I’ve put it behind me and know I’m ready to make a tentative return, even if I only end up existing rather than creating. I don’t know. Why would I revive this place after years if I’m not planning on using it like I used to? I’m honestly not sure. I just know I woke up today with the need to return, which is a need I’ve felt plenty of times. I finally think I’m able to put enough distance between this and my own life if things don’t feel good without constantly checking it. That’s one of the reasons I deleted rather than just left - I knew I wouldn’t be able to just leave. I knew I would be checking for messages and whatnot, which wasn’t good for me. Always put your own needs first.
To people who have no idea who I am: hi! I’m N. I used to be a tickle fic writer, but I deleted my blog. This post probably doesn’t need to be this long, but I was known for never keeping things short hah. But yeah, nice to meet you!
Obviously this blog is called nhasablogg rather than nhasablog because that username isn’t available despite me not finding any blog with that url? But maybe this is good. A fresh start. No matter whatever I end up doing on here.
This does feel weird because I am aware I’m talking into a void, but if anyone who knew me sees this - hello! This is a sideblog, just like nhasablog used to be, so I can’t follow people, but I’m lurking as always.
To the people I might’ve been rude to all those years ago - I’m truly sorry. I wasn’t my best version back then, but I’m learning. I’m sorry I took it out on you.
To the people who were rude to me - I forgive you. I realize you never asked for that, but you don’t forgive people because they asked.
I feel like I should tag people?? But it feels strange?? But I’ll do it anyway so:
@ticklishraspberries @wordstrings @sour--strawberries / @lemonsandstrawberries @calmturquoise @fickle-tiction god who else I feel like I’ve forgotten everything
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queenmolina · 3 years
i hit 500 followers in my last few weeks at school but being a little drowned in exams, i decided to hold off on the celebrations. and then i hit 600. so here i am, finally saying:
🥳thank you so much for 600!!🥳
it’s crazy to think that in the last couple of months since starting up this sideblog, 600 of you figured that i’m worth following!
to celebrate, here’s a few things i’ll be doing:
🌺taking asks from this ask game that i made a few weeks ago and also the fanfic writer asks
🌼taking fic prompts from any of these (physical affection prompts) (random lyrics as dialogue prompts) (one word prompts) - (please write out the request and which prompt set it’s from in the ask though, along with which character/s you want featured!)
🌹taking requests for headcanon posts - just send a prompt and i’ll let my brain go haywire, no promises on angst or fluff though so ask at your own risk /lh
🌷taking requests for social media aus - send a friendship, relationship and/or scenario and i’ll make a few edits for it
🌻moodboards - i’m new to these but send me requests for characters/ships etc and i’ll do my best :)
and finally i’ll be promoting my playlists and fics even more than usual and even introducing a few new ones, fresh from my wips!
once again, thank you so much for hanging around my blog. sending you all lots of love and appreciation <3
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voidaus · 4 years
Part 3 of the Grocery Shop series
I am so sorry It took me so long to upload! I've been having a really bad writers block.
Genre: Fluff?
Warnings: Swearing
Requested? Kind of
Word count: 1150
"Well then, Y/N. Let's go stargazing!"
You have all of your food wrapped up in a thick blanket and hold your phone in your other hand. You turn it on to look at the time. 20:24 (8:24 PM). As you're climbing up the stairs in your house, you almost slip, causing Corpse to laugh. A smile grows on your face as you hear this. "you know, your laugh is so cute, Corpsie!"
He sighs, not believing you. You know that he doesn't, but keep complimenting him in the hope that one day he will see for himself how amazing he is.
Every time you have the chance to compliment him, you do so. The same goes for Corpse. You have only known each other for a month now, but it feels like forever. You've grown very close, and Corpse thinks he's actually comfortable with speaking to you in real life now. Of course, he'll be nervous, but it's worth it.
"You okay there?" He asks laughing, his voice laced with concern.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Almost fell, though." When you said you were clumsy, you really meant it! Corpse thought. You finally arrived at the top of the stairs and opened the door. A warm breeze greeted you as the fresh, California air filled the hallway. Corpse hears the wind blowing on your microphone and informs you he's almost at his roof. After a few seconds, he arrives too, the wind coming from both of your microphones now.
You set everything up. The blanket is probably gonna need a wash after this, but who cares. At the other end, Corpse finished setting up just now. His blanket is lying on the roof with a water bottle and his snacks beside it. "Hey, Corpsie?" He hears the voice he adores so much ask. "Yeah?"
"Do you know that song about the stars?" 
"Y/N. Are you kidding me? Do you know how many fucking songs there are, about the stars?!" Corpse laughs.
"Yeah, but like, the Uhm... Ugh fuck, The stargazing one!" You huff out, frustrated.
A Smirk grows on his face. "Well then, how about you sing it for me, babe?" Hell fucking no. If this dude thinks you would do that, he doesn't know you at all! "Corpse... No."
"But how else would I know what song it is, darling?" He speaks up. "Corpse, you know I can't sing! I won't fucking do this." You're whining at this point.
"Oh, but I don't know. You just said that you can't. C'mon, just sing. You know I wouldn't judge you!"
It's quiet for a minute before you finally give in. You softly start singing.
"And I will still be here stargazing  I'll still lookup, lookup, lookup for love  Stars don't disappear; they keep blazing  Even when the night is over, That's how I find the light"
Silence fills the air again, and you immediately regret singing that for him. Corpse is quick to react as if he knows how you feel. "I loved it." Just a little bit of doubt leaves your heart and is replaced by happiness. That warm feeling that was always there if Corpse was there too. "Really, Y/N, it was amazing! I was expecting something, but wow... That was just-" He cuts himself off with a chuckle.
"Thanks, Bubs. I really appreciate it."
**Time skip to 01:17 brought to you by Heehoo (You wouldn't get it)**
"Why did we even grab blankets?" Corpse asks with a puzzled look on his face.
"Well, otherwise, it would be weird. You don't go stargazing without a blanket!" He laughs at your dorkiness. "You know what?" He says, hands up in surrender. "That actually kinda makes sense."
A satisfied smile grows on your face as you pop a cookie into your mouth. You lay on the roof in silence for at least 10 minutes, just enjoying each other's presence. That tends to happen a lot during your calls lately. You have both grown very comfortable with each other, and it's a nice feeling.
"You know what this night reminds me of?" You ask whilst looking at the stars. You kind of get lost in their beauty for a moment when Corpses' voice snaps you out of your trance. "Tell me, babe."The smirk on his face is clear in his voice. You let out a gasp, "I thought I told you to stop fucking calling me that! If I were with you right now, I would've hit you!" you huff. The man stays silent for a while, and you quickly get concerned. "Corpse?" It's still silent, although now you can hear his breaths, calming your concerns a little.
"You there, bubs?" You softly spoke up. Corpse awed at your voice. He'd always found it adorable. His nerves grew again as he spoke up with a hesitant tone in his voice.
"Would you... Uhm, fuck. Uhh, would you maybe wanna err.. come over?" He stuttered, scratching his neck.You were taken aback, not quite expecting him to ask that. Your surprised expression quickly turned into a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, bubs, I would love that."
He smiles, quickly grabbing his phone in his hand to text you the address. You immediately got it and packed your stuff up, eager to meet the man again. His apartment is about a 20-minute drive from your house if there's no traffic along the way. You had hung up when you started to get your stuff. Both of you, wanting to prepare yourselves for what's about to happen.
Corpse is busy trying to clean the whole apartment before you come over. He doesn't own a lot of stuff, but there are glasses and takeout boxes everywhere. After hastily checking over the whole place three times, he reapplies his eyeliner in the bathroom and checks his hair in the mirror. "Okay, dude, you got this. It's just Y/N. You've been talking to her for weeks. WHAT ARE YOU NERVOUS ABOUT!?" He yells at himself as he spays himself with a nice smelling deodorant.
At that same moment, you are in your car, stressing out about what you're going to say to him. Do you hug him? Do you just wave? "Oh, for fucks sake, I'm way too awkward for this! I'm gonna mess it up within the first 5 minutes, bet!"
You park your car in the driveway. It doesn't seem too busy, seeing as there are only a few cars. So either, a lot of teens live here, and they're still out. The people that live here don't own cars. Or there's just not a lot of people living here. You sit in the car for a few seconds in attempt to pull yourself together. You pull your phone out again. It reads 2:04. Finally your heart rate slows down a little, and you step out of the car, locking it.
Here goes nothing.
Hey guys! Again, I'm so sorry it took me so long! I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! If you found any mistakes, please point them out. Also, I love to read your comments/opinions on the story, so keep commenting!  Take care, lovelies :)
If you liked this, the taglist is open and so are my requests
@persephone-sideblog @reinyrei @cherry-piee @alienvarmint @divine-artemis @milanienne @struggling-with-time @insanedeathwish @134340cm @airwaveee
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chaoticsimlish · 3 years
Check In Tag ✔️
I was tagged by @reality-refuge!
Why did you choose your URL?
I have gone through a couple different simblr names but, this latest name is a combo of things. I play D&D and I always play chaotic good characters and so that's where the chaotic comes from. And then in classic Simblr fashion I wanted to get Sim into the name and Simlish seemed the best fit for my chaotic name!
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them!
I have too many (most of which I don't go on anymore)
I have @blmlgbt which is my sideblog for LGBT and BLM resources, I used to have a bunch of Harry Potter sideblogs (but since JK Rowling is a transphobic piece of shit we no longer roll with HP). I have a couple witchy side blogs including @howl-witch which is a very old one I haven't touched in over a year. I have a finds blog which I haven't done in a minute called @pansimicfinds (named after my last name) and @oni-simsfinds (which is where I posted some supernatural stuff at one point)
How long have you been on tumblr?
I've been on tumblr since roughly 2008 so almost as long as Tumblr has been a thing! I was starting high school when I found it.
Do you have a queue tag?
Not really, I usually just queue up the posts and then do an end of the queue post haha
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I have had several simblrs over the years so this was another attempt at starting fresh at a simblr blog.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My icon is actually one of my founders from a previous legacy challenge, I was just in love with her goofy face
Why did you choose your header?
My header is from the Mt. Komorebi ice festival and I really loved the look of all the colorful lights on the ice sculptures!
What's your post with the most notes?
I really like to do CAS challenges and I did a Simstober challenge last year which had prompts that acted as inspiration for the sim you make. So the post with the most notes I have is my mermaid I did which you can find here. Her prompt was darkness and I just really wanted to do a deep sea mermaid!
How many mutuals do you have?
Um well I follow over 1000 blogs so I have no idea because that's a lot to sort through and count ^^"
How many followers do you have?
838 which is really exciting! I know some of them either are dead blogs or people who haven't been on in forever, but I'm still grateful for each follower ^^
How many people do you follow?
1526 blogs! Not all of them are sims blogs though, I also follow a lot of artists, history related blogs, and people I just found funny
Have you ever made a shitpost?
I've probably made one or two haha though nothing comes immediately to mind though
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Ahhh probably too much, almost any time I have down time at work or at home I'm either on Tumblr, Snapchat, or Tiktok so a lot of time
Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? What happened?
Not really, I think the worst time I ever had with another blog was another simblr blocking my old simblr for asking questions about a post they made that was controversial, they didn't like being questioned lol
How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
I think it just depends on what it is. I usually try to signal boost anything where people need help or important information I feel like needs to be seen. I'm not usually one for the "reblog this or your love life will suck" kinda posts.
Do you like tag games?
I do! Though I tend to just see tag games, never get tagged, and do them anyway! I have a whole series of "I wasn't tagged in this but fuck it!"
Do you like ask games?
Of course!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I have a couple mutuals that stand out in my mind for this (for one reason or another) @amelettes, @m0n0lithical, @simandy, @feralpoodles, @slythersim, @melunn, and many others. If you haven't heard of these lovely people I highly suggest checking them out, they are all fantastic!
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I used to have a crush on several of my mutuals, I just haven't been around as much so my crushes on mutuals have just turned into glee at seeing them pop up when I do something sim related haha
I tag @waysims, @shittyysimblr, @himbosims, @whyhellosims, @lilypixels, @sunseekersims, and anyone else who would like to do this! (if you want! no pressure)
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