#i think i might keep things chronological in the sense that the next chapter will be what followed this one
mdemn · 6 months
hehe alice’s chapter of the fic is posted & available to be read HERE :-)
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blucassiopeia · 1 year
hi! so in your main fic masterlist the preludes have a star next to each spinoff BUT Kuroo and Osamu have two. Osamu’s prelude is a two part story DOES this mean Kuroo has another part -yet to be released- too? 🤔🫣
also in the chapters list, after ch15/ch16 (don’t remember) all the preludes boys are listed: does it mean that’s where part of all the preludes stories take place (chronologically speaking)?🤔🫣🫢 Is that chapter Ran’s wedding?
i have yet to read Osamu’s prelude, but excluding Kags’ and Sakusa’s ones, Ran’s wedding day is one of the main topics on the spinoffs…
does it make sense? i dont know how to english anymore 😑
Also, while reading the warnings/tags i saw something interesting 🤨: Ran’s illness(?)…Is that why Kuroo is going to be up Ran’s ass so involved in Ran’s life even after she’s happily married with kids? at a certain point in her life, Ran was/is/will be ill 😷
im the anon that a while ago sent a long ask about the spinoffs and i was lowkey happy to see kuroo suffer 🤭
…so, im about to get - once again - in my kuroo angst hole 😬😬
reader (kuroo’s story) is not dying, bc you said she won’t. but she will get into an accident (saw your ask about your 2nd fic + the ideas you have for the plot - kuroo’s war flashbacks 🤭🫣). In the end of the kuroo spinoff i got a feeling that he realised he MIGHT be a little too late in accepting his own feelings towards reader (that’s why i thought she was dying) like they were already there but he REFUSED to accept them and at the same time by being so present in Ran’s life he kept fuelling his one-sided love towards Ran EVEN tho he knew from the beginning that he never had a chance with Ran (he asked this question to kenma if im not mistaken)
so giving my two cents to this 2nd story: the main couple is going to be kuroo x reader and time wise is going to be AFTER reader’s incident and we (readers) are going to know what happened through flashbacks (possibly from kuroo’s pov bc he saw with his own eyes what happened to reader) 🫣🤭
last thing: gut feeling (don’t know if it’s because you have hinted something/replied to someone) but Kuroo not so lowkey hates Osamu. Imagine if Ran got ill bc of Osamu 🤔🫣 like what has Osamu done to make him feel so guilty and wanting to redeem himself towards Ran 👁️👁️
sorry for the long ask
ps. wishing all the best to canon!Kuroo BUT the kuroo in your universe deserves all the angst until proven wrong (just bc he make reader suffer) 😇
oooooHhh the starss, you should listen to them, those are the soundtracks i listened while writing the preludes. you noticed the c2:saitama skies? it also has one already too.
the boys are listed because they'll be playing a big part of that scene after what happens there (also in Ran's life hskshwkhl), it'll be like a "breather" because the following chapters are heavy angst so i needed my readers to relax a lil bit then hit y'all in one go. noticed the last one being still empty? that's ran's hubby's special chap. so the scope of those chapters are from the moment they met ran, to the present [5 years after she got pregnant and got married].
yep, ran has illness, you should really read sakusa's prelude to give you a heads-up 🤣 and yes, that's one of the reason why kuroo's so involved, and i mean all of them too. but that's just not all of it. you'll know sooon.
OKOK, ill make myself very very clear, maybe i said kuroo's yn will die or she won't, just y'all to keep thinking about what i truly mean in that last scene of kuroo's. that last scene is in the last chapters of the fic. it'll be branded heavy angst so you should expect some.. ykyk.
AND OHHHHH, the 2nd fic [EIGHT] is relatively different. it's apart of the 1st fic in some sense but still connected. it's not a continuation of falling stars. you shouldn't confuse yourself with that for a while. we still have 20ish chaps before that. 🤣
[1st fic] i might've mentioned kuroo being on the same stage as osamu. so that's maybe a hint of what really happened/will happen. both of them deserves all the angst i have. ✌🤭 if you ever read vanilla twilight, you'll have a huge idea what their relationship with each other and with ran is.
about EIGHT [2nd fic], it's still ran x her plushie, but in a diff sense. kuroo and the others will still be there, and kuroo and osamu will still play a bigger role than the rest, and some of the characters too.
and kuroo hates osamu because of something that i made a fic about......... or something 🤭 and i just answered something related to this. osamu made a grave mistake, and kuroo knows about it, shirabu knows about it, tooru too, and maybe yuki too. the last line in osamu's prelude is a hint. and noooo, ran didn't get ill because of osamu 😭
you'll know in the ficcc, i'll be back after 1-2 months because i'll be away with no wifi access with me so....
thanks for collating your queries agaiiin. i had fun answering and spilling some infos for ya guys ❤
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acorrespondence · 1 year
4 and 13 for the fic asks!
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Two have chapters already posted as I actively work on one and have plans to finish the other. There are two more that I will periodically update the docs for when I have ideas but they’ll probably never see the light of day, they’re mostly just for me when I feel nostalgic for those characters/canons. Another one I’m on the fence about but it would need a lot of attention that I can’t pay to it because my focus is on the posted WIPs in question.
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
In one sense, none at all, but in another sense, a lot! As writing fanfic isn’t my job (though I confess if it was, I doubt much about this process would change except my commitment to forcing myself to sit down and work at it every day), I don’t actually want it to feel like work. To me, traditional outlining feels like work; but more than that, it feels like busy work, and it’s the quickest way to get me to lose interest in a project. So, instead of sitting down and creating an outline, I simply have the fic idea in my head and write down whatever little scene/description/scrap of dialogue comes to my mind whenever I think of it. Sometimes I’ll let it play out in my head for a bit until it solidifies itself into a longer scene, sometimes it’s two sentences of back and forth that I figure out how to incorporate later. This happens completely achronologically; sometimes I’ll write the ending before the beginning, and sometimes the ending will be the last thing I write, but usually the beginning and ending come randomly somewhere in the middle. For my currently updating WIP, I wrote several scenes past what I thought would be the ending, and still don’t have a solid idea what the true ending will be.
I actually struggle very much to place my own memories on a timeline in that I can never really remember how old I was when any specific thing happened. My memories are not sorted chronologically; rather, they’re connected by content, sometimes very loosely, in that a minute detail from one can correspond to a minute detail in another and a different minute detail links it to another minute detail in a third memory, and so on and so forth. This is both a boon to me and a setback, as if you were to ask me, “do you remember what it was like to be sixteen?” I’d have to tell you, unequivocally, “no.” I remember what it feels like to sit alone in the sound booth during the school play. I remember what it feels like to fail the driving test. I remember what it feels like to breathe from a scuba tank for the first time. I know I must have done these things at sixteen because the driving test and the scuba class weren’t available to anyone younger, and I was the sound tech for two years up until my graduation, meaning I must have been sixteen and seventeen. If you asked about what it felt like to be eight, or any age without the benefit of such life-altering milestones, I might conjure up memories from when I was six or nine and be unable to tell the difference.
This is obviously somewhat tangential to the question, except that it helps to contextualize my absolute comfort with achronology in my writing process. Skipping around this way feels very natural to me, where writing completely chronologically is something I have to force myself to do. And it’s a boon to me here, I think, more than a setback; if I’m interested enough in a fic concept, I’ll keep adding these achronological scenes and details until it turns into a passable outline: the critical mass needed for an idea to turn into a story. And unlike a traditional outline, most of those words in mostly that order will show up directly in the finished product. Finally, I go through (mostly) chronologically and add detail, clarify blocking, finish half-started conversations. I add the connective tissue that gets me from one scene to the next. Luckily I don’t have to rearrange too much, as I’ll add the new scenes to the doc in the rough place they’ll end up instead of placing them all in the order I thought of them—for me, this is where digital writing has a massive edge over paper.
I love this rounding out process, because it allows me to focus on the prose itself; I love language, so I enjoy this part very much. I also don’t find the connective pieces to be boring, because I love the puzzle of figuring out how to get the characters from A to B in a way that makes sense and enriches the story, and it allows me to find ways to set multiple things up rather than just the very next scene. I also think this style of drafting is what allows me to do something that several people have talked about when commenting on my fics, where something that comes up early on will have echoes throughout the work, or a recurring symbol or metaphor will keep popping up, or a thought a character had a long time ago will suddenly become relevant again.
So I guess the short answer is, I prepare to write by writing.
(Questions here)
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creamypudding · 7 days
A writing update for Siren Songs:-
I finished getting through the story edits last week - like finally actually got to the last chapter. And started the onerous task of backtracking and reading from chapter 8 which is the next in line to get posted.
I made a few edits and adjustments but generally got excited thinking I might post it over the weekend and have some sort of haphazard posting schedule as most of my ducks feel like they are in a row now with this fic.
But then I started reading chapter 9 and my writing gut gave me major alarm bells as it shouted at me:
Not happy; try it this way~
So I sat with it, did some rethinking, still arrived at the same end point for the chapter (because the last thing I want or need is to alter the fundamental course of the story) and started making the necessary changes to see if my writing gut would like it.
Spoiler alert: it did. But it's also started being a little bitch as it pointed to the crucial concluding arc of the chapter going:
What about this bit?
I was like: I know, I know. I'm gonna make the changes I decided need to be done to this months ago.
And my gut's like:
Mmmh, honey... That's not what I mean.
So I'm like: what do you mean, then?
And the little bitch goes:
POV shift *jazz hands*
And my jaw dropped and I walked away from that conversation calling my gut crazy and DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH TIME I DIDN'T WANT TO SINK INTO THIS STORY?!
But now I'm here anyway, doing that exact thing all the way since July.
But a POV shift? Seriously? I think my gut's going a bit too far there. I am thinking it through logically: the pros, the cons. Would the POV shift take away from anything that I've already got in this chapter? Would it take away from anything happening in the later chapters? Would it alter anything majorly? Is it really necessary or is my gut getting out of control and should be reigned in? Like, it went wild in my earlier edits and now it thinks it can run the show?
Anyway, I'm a bit stuck, but leaning toward putting in my original edit ideas and not going with the POV shift. I think it would, at worst, ruin, at best, weaken, ch. 10's climax... And I did start reading ch. 10 to get familiar with the content again, but my mind was still on my indecision on ch. 9 so I only skimmed ch. 10 in hopes of coming to a quick conclusion...
I did not come to a quick conclusion. Only more question marks as I thought about how I need to change ch. 10 to make what happens in subsequent chapters flow better. And that wasn't helping me with my ch. 9 debacle so I went back to thinking about ch. 9 in an isolated bubble.
Clearly, this conundrum requires more deliberation, thought, and pondering, and a careful read through of ch. 10 without getting sidetracked.
- complete sidebar: this is why writing and creative pursuits in general shouldn't and can't be outsourced to AI. We are robbing ourselves of the joys of creative pursuits and all the mental stimulation it brings with it.
Am I suffering? You bet I am. Am I hating it? Yes, but also Absolutely Not. This is part of the writing process and I live for the challenge and the unexpected and surprising conclusions and fixes I am able to come up with.
It's fun to identify how my brain works. It's very linear and chronological, so when I get into the nitty gritty of editing a story and I start jumping all over the place it gets... messy, challenging, and fun in a different way. And this is why it takes me so long to write stories and why my stories are so long. I keep having to play out the logical conclusion of things and editing and adding my findings.
Like, now with all these gut thoughts I can't conscionable post ch. 8 until I've done a full read-through and edit, just in case some tiny thread leads directly to what happened in ch. 8 that I need to tweak or edit or add to help make sense of the whole thing.
Like... I've got regrets about ch. 1 that I can't change now, so I have to just roll with it and find ways to justify the lore I've built since I first started posting the story.
Alas, a very long winded way of saying the hiatus continues to stay in place until I can, most likely, do a read through of the entire rest of the fic, because who knows what else I'll find that will give my writing gut indigestion and throw me into an existential crisis of story formulation.
Like... I definitely had my gut flag with me the idea of splitting the last chapter into 3, with one of those being a POV shift (bitch likes the POV shifts to make my life hard, apparently), so I need to do a full re-read and reassessment from ch. 11 onward... That's like 14 chapters to get through and not get sidetracked by. Not an easy feat when I am extremely time poor.
I'll find a way. It does mean things will go slow though, and the timeframe I had set for myself will continue to extend outward all in the pursuit of, not perfection, but certainly the mantra that is my gut's stance of:
it could be better.
And I know that my writing gut's not steered or guided me in the wrong direction on that front, in all these years and all the millions of words I've written and will continue to write.
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pikahlua · 2 years
Hello! What are your predictions for leaks this week? I love hearing your thoughts about the final arc of the manga and where you think we will be going. Do you think Edgeshot patching bakugo's heart is going to work? Do you think we are getting a POV switch? Edgeshot's backstory?
I don't have anything like predictions for any particular incoming chapter because at any moment Horikoshi could decide to switch to another perspective, right? But as for thoughts on the current goings-on, I think there's quite a bit about Katsuki's predicament that's (purposefully) unanswered. Regardless of what Edgeshot does, Katsuki's got a gaping chest wound and a lot of blood loss--not that that's ever stopped an anime character before, but it's not likely he'll just immediately hop to his feet unless a random quirk bizarrely revitalizes him. I imagine he's down for a bit until some other story beat where he recovers enough energy to act again. You know...kinda how it went down in the previous war arc lol. Gotta give some other characters their time to shine for a bit.
That said, if the story is properly foreshadowing anything, it's not unreasonable to suspect we could get something relevant to any recently highlighted characters: Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, any of the Big Three, All Might, S&S, and the Second User are all contenders. We're also probably looking at a potential entrance sometime soon for Gentle Criminal and La Brava (god I hope we get that, I'd fucking kill for some AFO vs Gentle banter). And let us not forget that Iida is conspicuously due for a spotlight moment sometime soon, or that we haven't cut to the Octo Island battlefield in a while.
And I guess Izuku's hanging out over the ocean somewhere. Actually, given the implied timeline of what's going on, it's likely Yoichi's weird premonition syncs up with both AFO's self-destructive rewind AND Katsuki's near-death. Chronologically, it could make sense to switch over to him for at least a few frames sometime soon.
Regardless of the POV logistics, I think the most important thing we are meant to pay attention to this time are two heavily-displayed themes from recent chapters.
1. The torch
That’s what I’m calling All Might’s vestige in my head at this point. I think there’s something conspicuously different about his design that we as a fandom have generally neglected to key into. He’s a bit of a mystery and has the potential to be something more than just a wordless vestige. I think he’s likely tied into the concepts we’ve seen before with Stain in Kamino (the torch passed from All Might to those he inspired) and most recently with the generational torch-passing from All Might to Star(s) & Stripe(s) to [insert the next generation here]. Heck, even AFO’s “baton of dreams” passed to Tomura invokes this concept to some degree. This all looks eerily similar to the chain of One For All this last year’s worth of chapters have constantly referenced. I’m curious if the All Might vestige Katsuki saw in “death” may actually have very little to do with One For All in the end.
2. Invaders and defenders
AFO’s little speech about how villains = invaders/attackers and heroes = protectors/defenders is enormously suspicious in its placement--in that it comes just after Katsuki’s supposed death. His philosophical speech is conveniently contradicted by Katsuki’s existence, so for him to ramble about this essentially over Katsuki’s dead body is kind of heavy-handed. If AFO’s determinations about villains and heroes are correct, where does that place Katsuki, the heroic attacker? Or Twice, the villainous protector? How does AFO get away with ignoring the behavior of Star(s) & Stripe(s), Hawks, and the HPSC? Edgeshot literally invading Katsuki’s body to keep him alive feels like a direct answer to AFO’s demonstrably wrong oversimplifications. Are the lines between villains and heroes that AFO has arbitrarily drawn being blurred? Are their respective roles changing? Is AFO’s philosophy just that wrong from the outset? Wouldn’t saving Tenko entail some similar sort of attack/invasion that AFO’s possession represents?
I don’t know where Horikoshi is going to take this point, but I think Katsuki has so obviously represented the exact opposite of what AFO is talking about here that he has to come into play regarding this somehow before this is all over. And maybe All Might will too. And Izuku.
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ktffansub · 3 years
Bijutsu Techo: Boys Love – Interview: Yoneda Kou
This article was first published in November 17th, 2014. Translated from Japanesse to Bahasa Indonesia by kalengjelek and then translated from Bahasa Indonesia to English by KTFfansub. Source: here
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When did you first encounter manga?
I was born in a family with three daughters; while my older sister likes reading Ribbon magazine, I like reading Nakayoshi. It was the era of Asagiri Yuu-sensei, when I was in elementary school. My favorite at that time were Kusunoki Kei sensei’s works and Patlabor. When it came to Shonen, I would say I was more into Shounen Sunday. I also loved Kawaraha Izumi sensei’s works. When I think about it, rather than manga that were full of passion, I’d actually prefer manga that had calm and soothing kind of vibe.
Is that so… What about BL?
When I was in Junior High, my older sister showed me Captain Tsubasa Doujinshi by Ozaki Minami and I was dumbfounded, I thought, “So, there’s also a world like this!”. After that, I started to buy BL manga. At that time, the mangaka who left the most impression to me was Nishi Keikosensei. Her works such as Mizu Ga Koori Ni Naru Toki, Tenshi Ni Naranakya have unique openings, it made me reread them many times. Uida Shiuko (now Kano Shiuko) and Yoshinaga Fumi Sensei are also my favorite mangaka.
When was the first time you draw manga?
I seriously began drawing manga in my first year of junior high. At first, I drew a pair of man and woman, but after page three, I felt something was off. So, I tried drawing BL for the next one. Just like the present, I’ve always loved less expressive and less-talkactive main characters (laughs). But the more I draw, then an attentive senpai with good personality and short haired ones like Togawa in Doushitemo Furetakunai also appeared. At that moment I thought, “Oh, this is it!”
You really weren’t embarrassed, are you? (laughs)
Well, it’s because it was embarrassing, that’s why I’m not really open about my drawing manga activity.
(laughs) But you debut as professional mangaka eventually, how did that happen?
Yes, after that… I worked as office lady. I got married not long after, but then, I was getting through a marriage blues. At that time, I was invested in Kakashi and Naruto shown by my older sister along with Comiket catalogue.
The power of moe beats out your anxiety (laughs)
It’s true (laughs). Escaping from reality, I checked a lot of circles and opened some sites. There I found a work from a novelist (now has debuted professionally) that I really liked. This is why I started writing novel at first, not drawing. I have a lot of ways to accommodate my moe needs. I also once drew Doujinshi but due to my inability to use a proper diction, the result wasn’t optimal (laughs). After drawing slowly and more at ease, I got into Katekyo Hitman Reborn fandom and drew a lot of doujinshi for that series. A year later, I was contacted by Taiyou Tosho publisher.
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“With that publisher, Yoneda Kou published Doushitemo Furetakunai which has been adapted into a movie. Since the beginning, Yoneda Kou didn’t draw one-shot but serialization. For the movie, even though it only tells a story of daily lives, but the directing, composition and dialogue are impressive. About 4,5 years later, the second volume of Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai that had the yakuza neighborhood setting was released. This has completely different feeling compared to Doushitemo Furetakunai.”
My first work was actually published in Drap, so I had it adjusted to be a less-heavy work. That’s why I ended up switching to another magazine.
Was it a demand from the editor?
Of course I only draw what I want to draw. But without realizing, I always draw them to fit the magazine. And it seems like Taiyou Tosho prefers me to draw more simple work.
So, sensei is the type who pays attention to editor’s suggestion. When you wrote the first chapter of Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai, did you already want Yashiro to be the main character (for longterm series)?
Right. I didn’t explain it in the first one-shot, but I always believe that no matter how you look at it, Yashiro really loved Kageyama. And (even though he’s drawn like that) he is actually a neko (uke). I think he is an interesting character. When I drew highschooler Yashiro and others, it had been decided that I wanted to write a serialization for this.
And only then the character Doumeki was born?
At that time, the character Doumeki didn’t exist, but I thought very hard about what kind of partner that would be suitable for Yashiro. I took a break from drawing for about two years. I only worked on illustration during that time, until one morning an idea suddenly came to me, “That’s right! Erectile dysfunction!”. I immediately sent an email to my editor: “A perverted impotent man!” (laughs). Afterwards, I finally worked on the first draft.
(laughs hard) Finally, the combination of Yashiro and Doumeki who are the opposite of each other was decided. What an amazing couple that can even make the readers losing sleep.
I do have this particular interest in people’s decision and behaviour resulted from a contrasting relationship that is full of conflicts. Because there are so many characters in Saezuru, I have this excel file compiling the plot for each character chronologically. Otherwise, I would’ve forgotten about it. If I didn’t seriously research (the setting of my own story), I wouldn’t be able to write anything when I made name. But even though I got through it, drawing a family with no blood ties like yakuza was still difficult. If I don’t focus, the story might turn out like Nagara Sakugyou*. That’s why now I’m just focusing on doing Saezuru.
*) nagara sakugyou: other work that being serialized at the same time
Up until now, Sensei has published 5 volumes and all of them have beautiful covers with varied tones.
Actually, the cover color for Doushitemo Furetakunai should’ve looked like red wine, but it seemed like there was an error in printing so the pink was contrasting into it. But it turned out to be good.
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Then about the cover for the Saezuru first volume. It’s so impressive! The stepped-on man! All the people around me also had high appraise for this.
Actually, there were so many things happened in the process. By taking the request (it isn’t clearly explained whether it’s from editor/designer) of “Yashiro sitting alone”, I first submitted that illustration to the book designer. However, I couldn’t throw away the idea of Yashiro being stepped on, so, during the next three days I was stressed out. I’ve finally asked them to keep my idea and that’s how the cover of the first volume ended up the way it is now.
I see! For the second volume, it’s totally different, isn’t it? It’s a scenery, but when you do a double take, there are Yashiro and Doumeki!
I always want to give a different vibe in each volume. Actually I’m also a fan of the way Tsumugi Taku-sensei draws scenery.
Hoo-, sensei is a fan of Tsumugi sensei! Talking abough NIGHTS, when you open the cover, there’s a surprise in it!
Yes, if you look at the rough sketches there were 4 pages of picture that were interconnected. In the end, the desainer took picture number two as the cover and number four to put it on the bottom of the back cover. For Soredemo, I didn’t get any guide from the book designer. I combined the the feel of the story with a touch of water paint. At first, I actually wanted to make Deguchi pulling Onoda’s hand to get out of the train, but it ended up looking like Deguchi forced Onoda to stay (with him). So I decided it’s Onoda who’s getting off the train by himself with Deguchi waiting on the platform.
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Do you do the coloring with computer? How about the non-colored script?
I use SAI for coloring but for monochrome I usually draw by my hand until the inking, then I do the tone using photoshop.
Do you self-learned drawing?
Well, I at least bought a lot of ‘pose reference’ books often. When it comes to buy things, it feels great, doesn’t it? But when it comes to manga, we draw to tell our moe concept.. well, I love drawing moe concept, but the thing is- I’m not really good at drawing. I like thinking about moe stuff, I also like to combine colors (inside my head) but when I do, I have no desire to draw I, even though that’s the important part. There are often times when I feel like drawing is a handful. In short, I want to draw something that isn’t too troublesome.
But, isnt it because you’re doing manga seriously that it feels difficult?
Because I’m too serious I feel like the story can be boring. Not only the work but also the author (laughs). I often read comments saying my manga is ‘down to earth’. I guess it’s shown obviously in every each of my works
Sure, there are people who think like, “In real world, there’s no way a wakagashira can be as masochist as Yashiro”, but apart from that, Saezuru still gives an impression of it being realistic. In drawing the important men’s arms and muscles in your work, sensei has done your best. Getting into the story, the characters also put extra effort to look elegant. Despite the young age, in a positive sense, sensei’s works feels like having Showa* vibe.
(*SHOWA ERA: 1926~1989)
I’m no longer young, though (laughs). Maybe this is why my works often get called “JUNE”. Especially Saezuru, I think it really fits (JUNE concept).
Are you an organized person?
I’m actually a person who have no chill (laughs). But I have this side of myself who tend to see things as a whole, look at my surrounding then step on the brake. There is also a side of me that is so energetic in creating my own moe that I turn into a selfish person. I guess that’s also my flaw.
It seems like sensei is the type who has her own editorial meeting inside her head (laughs)
I wish it’s not true, but unfortunately, I’m the type of person who is embarrased to admit that I have a relationship with manga. Even until now I have yet told my close friends about this job (as BL mangaka). I’m not that kind of person who like to share or tell others about my moe situation inside my head. When my moe concept is being visualized in public I would scream, “Don’t look! But if you want to read it, I’d be happy”. Yes, I’m that kind of person.
I wonder if sensei’s works are the manifestation of sensei’s own self-contradictions..
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nikadoesanart · 4 years
“Other Worldly” Ability Users
Since I’ve been seeing a bit of talk of this panel/page (chapter 76, page 12) as of late, I might as well discuss it next!
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For reference I read akai-koutei’s translation of the chapter so check it out here if you haven’t already (or to refresh your memory on it).
Also I do mention things from up to chapter 90, Stormbringer and Dead Apple towards the end so keep those spoiler warnings in mind!
Quick summary of the pages leading up to this panel: the fight between Teruko and Sigma is coming to a conclusion and Teruko is trying to convince Sigma to surrender. She claims that he’d have to fight prodigies, going off of Sigma calling himself an ordinary man. She then tells him, “Welcome to our world” and Sigma seems to envision this group of ability users due to her words.
Analysis: why/how is this vision shown
As for why I believe it was Sigma imagining this, it’s mainly due to the panel order. As for how he saw it, I believe that it’s equally likely that he either used his ability at this moment to find out what Teruko meant by “prodigies” and who is a part of this “world”, OR Sigma grouped these people together himself based on information he had received in advance from the likes of Dostoyevsky (ie. ability users to watch out for)
Analysis: the selection of the people in the vision
Teruko, Fyodor, Dazai, Tecchou, Chuuya, Fukuchi, Fitzgerald, and Jouno are all considered to be “of a different world” because of their sheer strength, skill, and/or wit.
Some of these entries should be fairly obvious, given how powerful some of the skills are directly in combat alone (Chuuya, Fukuchi, Fitzgerald Tecchou). Continuing with the capabilities of their skills: Teruko, Fyodor, Dazai and Jouno are included due to how game changing their skills are in a fight. Dazai and Teruko can easily render their opponent powerless with a single touch. The restrictions and capabilities of Fyodor’s ability are currently unknown, but it is hinted that it involves death or fatal injury upon contact. Jouno, the least obvious member of this grouping, has hearing so powerful that he can read people’s heartbeats, and with that read people’s reactions. It wouldn’t be far fetched to believe that he can also predict people’s movements with this (ie. the shifting of their weight or a change in breathing), making him very difficult to outsmart in battle.
In regards to wit and intellect being a factor in this grouping, this really applies to everyone in the group. Maybe not so much chuuya and tecchou, (and possibly teruko too) as they’re more combat oriented and skilled then strategizing. For starters, we know quite well just how good Dazai and Fyodor are at predicting others’ actions, and with that being able to strategize far in advance. Fukuchi is a skilled and trained fighter, and as we learn from his fights we’ve seen so far (up to ch 90 at the time of writing this), he more than knows how to strategize in a fight, as well as with larger decisions. We also have evidence of Dazai, Fyodor, Fukuchi’s, and Fitzgerald’s capabilities of strategizing as leaders. Chuuya must clearly be skilled in this too, seeing as he is an executive, but when it comes to fighting we know that he’s more focused on the combat of the fight than the strategy of it.
Analysis: the people that weren’t included, even though you’d think that they would have been.
→ Akutagawa and Atsushi aren’t a part of this group, despite being considered the “new double black” and Atsushi’s ability being described as one of the strongest that can cut through almost anything → even together, the two of them barely stood a chance against Fukuchi. Even when working together, the infighting and their own self doubt of their own individual capabilities is likely part of what’s keeping them from being in this group. We know that they don’t compare to the likes of Dazai and Fukuchi when it comes to wit/intellect/foresight. It would be interesting to see them fight someone else in the group though, like maybe Chuuya (as in for sparring/training purposes, doesn’t have to be as enemies)? They’ve beat Fitzgerald when working together but on their own, they struggled.
Chuuya get your butt over to Mersault, break out Dazai, and fight Fukuchi with him, please
→ Fukuzawa and Mori aren’t in this group, despite Fukuzawa being able to draw his sword so fast that it can’t be seen and Mori being the one that taught Dazai his strategizing skills. This is likely because their abilities would be considered much less extraordinary by comparison, as Teruko can age anyone and Dazai can nullify abilities for example, which both may not seem combat oriented but they can render their opponents powerless with a single touch vs Fukuzawa having a more simple support ability that only does so much and has specific activation requirements
→ Tachihara also isn’t included despite being a Hunting Dog and his ability having already been revealed by this point. Although we still don’t know the full limitations of his ability as of chapter 90, we do know that he can wield it very skillfully (ie. moving a life size mannequin with convincing realism, being hinted that he could do something about the vampirism). We know that his wit and intellect doesn’t compare to those in the group, as he admitted that he needed Mori’s help with realizing that Fukuchi is an enemy and why (though to be fair, he was under the influence of the writing in the page.
Post @chazukekani’s Stormbringer summaries addition: having Chuuya be included makes even more sense now due to the uniqueness of his ability (without spoiling too much, not only is Chuuya’s ability a god’s power implanted in him, but also how using Corruption is tied to ability singularities)
Post DEAD APPLE novel addition: why was Shibusawa not included in this group? Based on how Ango refers to him, Fyodor, and Dazai as aliens, then shouldn’t he be included too? The government was also keeping Shibu alive and safe because of how unique and valuable his skill is.
“But the government kept protection’ him anyway because he was a valuable skill user who could counteract a nationwide invasion of skill users.” (p 121 of the Yen Press translation for the Dead Apple novel)
Chapter 76 came out late 2019 so plenty of time after DA released. It could point to Shibu’s canonicity being questionable and (more importantly) there’s also the fact that he’s long dead by this point of the manga, but I don’t know why else he wasn’t included because Asagiri did say in his DA novel afterward that DA has had some influence on the story.
“Chronologically, the story takes place after the second season of the anime—in other words, after the war with the Guild, which puts Dead Apple somewhere between the ninth and tenth volumes of the manga.” . . . “The novel also ended up affecting the main story in numerous ways,” (p 196 of the Yen Press translation for the Dead Apple novel)
That’s it for my analysis of this! I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on why certain people were or were not included in this grouping, as well as feedback on my own reasonings!
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Missed Opportunities - Helmut Zemo x Reader | Chapter 2
Here it is! I'm managed to whip up another part to this story. I hope you all enjoy this next bit!
If you missed out on Part 1, it's here.
Word Count: 2300 and some change
Side Note: Obviously, I have taken some liberties with the plot and timeline of TFATWS. So this will be loosely based on the timings of what has happened, but will not be a chronological order of events occurred.
Much love to you, and thank you for the inspiration! And yes, there will be a Part 3 because this was more of a set-up chapter. So hopefully you won't be too disappointed with this one.
As things turned out, your conversation with Bucky and Sam went surprisingly well. Once you were finally able to say your own piece and explain the entire story, a lightbulb seemed to have gone off within both of them.
Sam, of course, was the most understanding, realizing that the reaction Zemo had was surely due to the intense trauma of what happened. He went on to explain; he had seen those types of emotional outbursts between complete strangers who had similar experiences when The Blip happened. They would come into support groups to tell their own stories, once upon a time when the world began trying to make sense of what happened.
He said it was normal. And Sam was right, he's always right. It was a perfectly logical explanation, and those are the things you look for and stood by.
Except, this.
Nothing about Zemo's reaction felt normal. The connection upon seeing him again twisted up your insides and set your nerve endings on fire. None of your previous interactions ever gave you pause like this. No, this was different. Seeing the raw emotion on his face. The intensity of how closely he wrapped you into his body, as if he were trying to consume your entire being. You were held so closely to him, you could felt the beat of his heart, hear the raggedness of his breath, and sense the tremors beneath his fingertips.
Clearly what happened had changed you both. It would be hard not to given the enormity of the event. Again, you tried to think back to your time visiting him over the past couple of years in prison. Was there always a connection between you? Simmering beneath the surface? And The Blip was simply the catalyst to uncovering something hidden? You scoffed. Now you were just entertaining nonsense. Yes, it was emotional, but this was Zemo we're talking about. There's always a reasoning behind his actions, and they're usually executed in ways that only benefit him.
And just like that, logic and sanity had finally returned to you, like a cold bucket of ice water dowsing you over the head.
You remember looking to Bucky after Sam had finished his explanation and acceptance of everything that had transpired. You had sagged in relief noticing he had taken the information in stride and was no long on the defensive. However, in the following days after, you would always catch him now and again eyeing Zemo with some sort of suspicion. You figured with how manipulative the slightly unhinged genius could be, James was simply keeping a watchful eye on him. And why should he? We all should. Zemo was not to be trusted, and yet - deep down, you felt as if you were lying to yourself. That when push came to shove, you could trust him.
And that scared you.
All of you were gathered around the kitchen island discussing tactics on where to locate Karli. Bucky had pitched we should be looking in isolated and abandoned areas, but Sam had different feelings on the subject. He felt they should be looking in more highly populated areas, as he believed they would want to try and blend in with the community like normal citizens.
So of course they start bickering, again.
You wanted to roll your eyes at them in utter exasperation, but held back. Instead you settle for a face palm as you continue to map out possible routes Karli and the Flag-Smasher may travel to stay accessible, but not completely visible to the public eye.
As you were zooming into a particular area that looked promising, you felt the brush of someone's hand against yours to the right of where you were sitting.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was. Sam and Bucky were still debating who's idea would bring around to most promising results in the short amount of time we had before Karli decided to strike again.
You peered up at Zemo thinking he was hovering to catch a glimpse of what you were working on, but instead you were surprised to see he had simply poured you a cup of tea and set it next to you.
The brush of the hand was deliberate though. This you knew for a fact. Over the past few days since your little reunion, you noticed Zemo had been silently giving you brief bouts of physical contact. Nothing overtly sexual in nature. In fact, they were quite light and fleeting. Sometimes, it was a brush of his hand against yours, a soft touch at your lower back or the slide of his fingers against a hip as he walked past you.
You weren't quite sure what to make of the actions. They certainly didn't disrupt you, but your body always took immediate notice when he did it.
The chair you were sitting in had swiveled when you went to look at Zemo. You had planned on quietly thanking him, but he had already moved to the opposite side of the island to observe the land markings Sam had drawn up on a paper map.
You gently picked up the tea cup and brought it to your lips. The warmth of the tea emanating from the cup was a balm for your hands. Before taking a sip, you closed your eyes and inhaled the scent of the tea. Ah. Cherry blossom. Apparently, a favorite of his according to James.
When you opened your eyes, Zemo was now watching you. You tilted your head to the side and smiled graciously at him, mouthing a 'Thank you' in reply to his kind gesture.
The corner of his lip twitched up in response to your thanks, nodding back at you. He held his gaze as you took a sip of the tea.
Your eyebrows shot up as you swallowed the tea. It was quite delicious. You pointed to the cup and nodded your head up and down in quick succession to show your appreciation.
You could tell Zemo was holding in a chuckle, but refrained from expressing himself fully. You had narrowed your eyes, and thought about calling him out on it, but ultimately decided against it. Instead you motion your head to Sam and Bucky acknowledging their ridiculousness. Zemo just dismissed them with a, 'What did you expect?' type of look.
Finally you had enough of the two knuckle-heads on the other side of the kitchen and decided to intervene on their behalf otherwise they would never accomplish anything today.
"You guys planning on coming to a conclusion any time soon, or should I start selling tickets to this show?"
James stopped his rant and turned to you, "He started it," pointing his finger at Sam. "Sam just doesn't want to admit that my prospective places have added value that his don't."
"Now wait, that's not entirely true Bucky. I just think -," Sam started in again, but you had cut him off before he could finish.
"For the love of - how old are you two? It amazes me Steve got as much done as he did with you two around," you shook your head in feigned disbelief.
You might have felt bad about your slight outburst, but it was absolutely worth it to witness the sheepish expressions on both Sam and Bucky's faces. You wished you had snapped a picture. Definitely would have made it your new lock screen on your phone.
"If it's okay, I'd actually like to offer a third option," you said, motioning them over with a flourish wave of your hands.
As Sam and Bucky moved over to you, you shifted your eyeline to Zemo, "You too Zemo. Let's get your opinion on this as well since you are a resident to the area and more familiar with its surroundings than we are."
Zemo rose from his place and came to rest at your side, hovering, but not in a suffocating manner.
Even though Zemo had kept a reasonable amount of distance between you, Bucky seemed to show some displeasure as you saw him scoot him a bit out of the way as he tried to put some distance between the two of you.
You bit back a comment in favor of going over what you had discovered and turned to Sam, "I know we want to locate Karli as quickly as possible, but there are too many variables to account for when scouting buildings that they could be hiding out in. I propose we search in hidden pathways that could quickly get the Flag-Smashers in and out of different parts of the city without being readily detected."
"Alright, that does make sense, so what are you suggesting?" Sam tilted his head in agreement before gesturing for you to continue.
"Take a look at this map," you swipe your hand up the computer screen to show a holographic image of an underground rail system.
"Those look like the old track lines from a railway project that was never completed. If I remember correctly, the government abandoned the project when they ran out of money. Most of the tunnels were built, but never quite finished," Zemo interjected.
"Exactly," you turned to him beaming.
You moved your hands animatedly as you were excited by this prospect, "These tunnels travel throughout the entire city. Karli and the rest of the Flag-Smashers can easily maneuver where they need to with these routes. If I were to put money on it, I'd bet you could find their insignias left on the walls of the tunnels below as a potential guide that could -"
"That could lead us straight to their hideout," Zemo finished, smiling with what could be described as something akin to pride, clearly impressed with the astute observation you made.
"I see where you're going with this. You know, you might be onto something. Especially with our truncated time table," Sam chimed in. "Bucky? What do you think?"
You turned your chair around so you could face the three of them fully.
"Yeah, I agree. I think there's a legitimate chance we could find some clues at the very least," Bucky replied, leaning in over your left shoulder to get a closer look at the image.
Memorizing it most likely.
"If I may suggest, here?" Zemo said, pointing to a location not far from them.
You saw Sam and Bucky turn to each and nod in agreement of the starting point.
"That's good. It's also close to one of the last places we spotted Karli, so it makes sense to check it out first before branching off somewhere deeper," Sam assented.
You turn back around and start typing on the keyboard. A few moments later a ping erupted from everyone's phone.
"I sent the map to all of us, so we each have a copy," you stated.
You closed the laptop and hopped off the chair you had been sitting in, packing your stuff up into your backpack off to the side.
"Whoa. Whoa. What are you doing?" Bucky said, placing his vibranium arm on your shoulder to pause your movements.
"Getting ready to go?" you questioned slowly, as if your actions weren't obvious.
"You're not coming with us," James stated sternly.
You turned to look at Sam.
"Listen, Bucky's right," Sam answered. You saw him hold his hands up in the air and shrug before placing a hand on your shoulder before continuing, "I know, it's a shocker, having Buck and I agree on something - but when it comes to your safety, we both feel the same."
You chewed on your inner cheek, knowing this was going to most likely be a losing battle. You pursed your lips, closed your eyes slowly, and sighed before lolling your head to the side in defeat.
Sam grinned knowing he won and dropped his hand from your shoulder, as he left the kitchen to go get his gear.
Bucky came up from behind you and gave you a quick hug and kiss on the head.
"Thank you," James murmured before moving to the door.
"You can't fault them for caring," Zemo said, voice carrying softly through the air.
You pivoted around to where Zemo was, watching him adjust his holsters and making a move for his coat.
"I know," you begrudgingly admit.
Zemo put on his coat and walked over to stand in front of you.
"It may not be completely dangerous, but there's always a chance, and it's not one your friends are willing to take with you," Zemo stated.
You drop your head slightly to stare at the floor. He was right. Sam and Bucky just wanted to look out for you, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be helpful down there. You do know some self defense. You spent 10 years around Steve and various Avengers over time, it's not like you weren't going to pick anything up.
"Zemo let's go," Sam said briskly, as he walked past them to meet Bucky at the front door.
You lifted your head up and saw Zemo give a curt nod to Sam before focusing his attention back on you.
Zemo started to walk by you, but paused to lean into, grabbing your wrist to gently rub his thumb over your pulse point and whisper, "And neither am I."
With that, he abruptly walked off to join Sam and James.
Your wrist was tingling with sensation even after Zemo had left your side.
Before they all left, you managed lean over the island to strangle out, "Please play nice with each other and come back in one piece!"
You could hear the huffs of laughter as they left and the door clicked shut behind them.
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Testing the Waters: Prank Date
In my post here, I've briefly touched upon this date and it's significance in the development of Gavin and MCs relationship. Which is why here is a quite short analysis on this date.
Before we start some update on my works... I've received all of your asks and read them all, there are so good questions among them that I just can't answer them in a single sentence. But I've also received all of the analysis requests. Thank you all so much for your compliments, comments and trust! I appreciate it dearly in my heart and reading them brightens my day! 💖💖💖
All of them already have a draft, but please have just a little bit of patience until I complete them. One of the asks is including all of the LIs and therefore requires me to go through their dates as to not overlook anything. If there is a committed Victor Stan out there to volunteer, I would appreciate it so much! I'm also working on putting GavinxMC storyline in a chronological order (with a healthy sparkle of Headcanon as to which date might take place during which chapter). In this work, I put everything together alongside their highlights which might also serve as a Date/Main story glossary for the new Gavin stans and the older ones, so beware! 🥰
Without further ado...Spoilers ahead!
First things first... This date takes place right after the Romantic Date and before the "Kiro crisis" Date ;)
During this date Gavin and MC are still in the earlier stage of their relationship. Gavin is surprised to see MC awake at 6 am and MC worries about getting a cold from the wind swh. But Gavin already knows about MCs favorite breakfast spot and MC knows that Gavin can handle spicy food. The date comes to because Gavin takes MC to the shooting spot, which is roughly an hour away (MC wakes up 90 min. earlier to make it in time, but Gavin needs only 30 min. to get her there). So he makes sure they can have breakfast first. Assuring that their date starts early in the morning.
The shooting has a Prank theme to it so everyone on set is in a mischievous mood. For example the director offers MC sandwich biscuits with mustard in them, to which Gavin activates his "protective bf" protocol and intimidates the poor director. Freezing the atmosphere in an instant. BUT! Get this... What he does next earns my respect.
After this the director tries to smoothen the vibe by saying Gavin does that because he cares about MC and then offers him a biscuit (which is a pretty shameless act since everybody knows now that some of them are pranked. One shouldn't ever try to pull a prank on someone with whom they had an unpleasant encounter just a second ago). Gavin knows this so well and yet thanks him, takes the spicy biscuit, eats it as a whole and then says it tastes good. People, this is how you deal with bullies elegantly. Plus the friendly tone he uses shows that he is over with what happened a moment ago and that he isn't important enough to annoy him. Gavin had the chance to just downright rejected him, but instead he saw his challenge, accepted it and robbed him of his joy. Moreover, the director then thought Gavin had a normal biscuit so he tried one lol... What an idiot.
After the break, MC takes Gavin to the backstage room and asks him to wait for her. And than leaves for 2 hours! Once she's back, she finds Gavin sleeping on the couch, inviting her to... check on him?! Anyways Gavin was apperantly having a nightmare, MC tries to touch him to which he reacts with his military reflex by catching her hand mid air all the while having messy hair and then MC comes up with the idea of grooming him a little since she wants to see him bare foreheaded to which he replies he did, in fact, have shorter hair in the military! (we need a karma on this, asap)
Afterwards Gavin took on the role of a coiffeur and braids her hair first but then gives her the look she had while at high school (our birdcop is always nostalgic about high school).
One thing leads to another and Gavin decides to take the advantage of the situation they're in. As I said earlier, this date takes place after Romantic Date, so Gavin has spent a valentine's day with MC and met her family before that, so my guess is that he is already sensing some mushy vibes (Joe's word for romance) on MCs end, that's why he decides to test the waters and see how frequent these vibes go.
The best part is, he doesn't plan on doing anything up to this point, but as he sees her in a low pony, I think it just triggers his inner emotions and he gives in. He can't help but opening up to her about how he wished he could've spent the missing years with her, which flusters her big time. He takes this as athe signal he was waiting for so here he goes.
Gavin's 4 step plan in seeing if MC is willing to kiss him:
Step 1: Call her out on being nervous.
Step 2: Intensify the sexual tension.
Step 3: Answer her questions with questions. (keep the ball in her court)
Step 4: Tilt your head and shorten the distance...
Step 5: Get cockblocked 😂
God knows I die for his sigh by the end. It speaks a thousand words 😆
But Gavin isn't a quitter, so once they're left alone he makes sure he clears the air and explains his intentions as he has her in his arms...
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Still keeping the ball on her court though and leaves it to her interpretation as to what he just did was a Prank or not. ;)
Well played Gav, well played. 👏
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avasghost · 3 years
When We Drown Update #2
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[image description: a pale blue photo of a rocky cliff, and a boy at the edge in the distance, standing on a pile of rocks and looking down. in white serif font in the centre, reads “when we drown: update two” / end id]
wip intro here. first writing update here. 
DISCLAIMER: this is my original work, please do not plagiarize in any way.
hi everyone! it’s been a while since i did a writing update (time is fast) and i’ve written quite a lot! up until about a week ago i was in a really, really bad writing slump (which lasted like,,, four months) and so that’s why there hasn’t been a crane anatomy update for a ages because (: i haven’t been writing it (:
i don’t know if i mentioned this in the first update, but this book is now non-linear which has been an ~adventure! the non-linear plotline is kind of freeing because i can just pick a scene i want to write from any time in april’s life and just ... write it? i don’t have to follow the years chronologically. i try to create some kind of causal thread between the scenes but i don’t know how well that’s working out lmao. since WWD follows an entire life story with the protagonist looking back on it and remembering her life, i try to make her memory of one event trigger the memory of the next event, and usually they’re linked by either emotion or information.
current word count: 13,228
so when we drown is officially longer than crane anatomy now, despite being the side project! fun.
anyway lets get into the chapters because i have nothing else to say. tw for death, and other trigger warnings are before the individual chapters!
excerpts under the cut.
chapter 5: faces
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[image description: a birds eye view of a forest of snowy pine trees. above the trees in black serif font reads “chapter 5: faces” / end id]
this is a very short chapter (a page and a half) which is a flash forward to when april and elena live together in a cabin in the woods sometime in their late forties. elena is asleep in an armchair and april stokes the fireplace, and then goes outside and sees elias’s ghost and then it dissapears (tbh,,, i think a lot of the chapters will be like this oops) this is the second ghost sighting in the book, but at the point when april is 48 it’s almost a regular occurrence! i might end up moving it to later in the book eventually, since i might want the ghost sightings to be in linear order if nothing else is, to keep the main thread of the book in order.
I closed the door of the woodstove, and glanced over my shoulder to see if Elena had been woken by the clanging of metal. She stirred slightly, a familiar face in her nightmare, an unfamiliar face in a familiar dream. Two fingers clenched against the armrest, then became limp again. Half of me wanted her to wake up, to see me, to speak to me, to see the fire bouncing in the grate and be happy for warmth. But again, she needed rest. She needed to be alone for a while, even if that was just in her head. She’d seen her fair share of fire.
also its snowing in november and its british columbia and i know this is unrealistic but! aesthetics are more important than logic we all know that.
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[image description: blurry pine trees and a light snow falling in front of them, with a ridge of snow along the bottom. white serif text in the centre reads “The snow-tipped pines that cupped the cabin sagged under the weight of unexpected snowfall. Their fallen needles jotted the snow. The sky was white, spotless, like an expanse of faraway ocean or the inside of a crystal ball.” / end id]
The snow-tipped pines that cupped the cabin sagged under the weight of unexpected snowfall. Their fallen needles jotted the snow. The sky was white, spotless, like an expanse of faraway ocean or the inside of a crystal ball. No birds flitted between the branches, no foxes slunk between the pines. All was still. All was white. I was alone.
and the ghost is seen then disappears as usual and april goes inside again.
You were gone by the time I reached the door again, by the time I stepped inside and Elena stirred in her armchair, by the time I had stepped out of my shoes and gone to stoke the fire again, which was already starting to dwindle.
i like having elias referred to as “you” because its like april is telling the story to him, but he’s not there, so she’s talking to herself, which is very in character for her to do.
chapter 6: the party
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[image description: a slope of pine trees with a grassy field at the bottom. mist shrouds the trees in the distance. a dirt path leads through the grass towards a cabin. in the top right corner, reads “chapter 6: the party” / end id]
chapter 6 follows the day before elena’s fifteenth birthday, and then her party the next day. this is a traumatic time for april because she decides she should mention her first elias sighting at the party. obviously people think she’s crazy and so you can guess how that turns out (aka april goes home and cries because she’s a soft bean)
elena has a cool tree in her backyard apparently!! this seems to be a running theme.
Dribbles of leftover sunlight sifted through the branches of the elm tree that ribbed the sky, its roots furrowing the lawn like varicose veins.
i will admit i didn’t finish this chapter and haven’t written most of the party scene yet so i will probably update on the rest of it in my next update (if i’ve written it by then which i probably won’t have but! we’ll see.)
chapter 7: sacred ground
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[image description: the ocean stretching into the distance, with small waves. a blurry girl with long brown hair stands in front of it, facing the water. in the middle in white serif font reads “chapter 7: sacred ground” / end id]
the aftermath of the first elias sighting, when april goes and tries to talk to elena about it. i actually don’t know if this or the party comes first and the non-linearness might be catching up to me oops but we’ll just pretend everything makes sense okay <3 
first she tries to decide who to talk to about it and her options are quite limited. she picks elena because she’ll probably take her seriously, and then goes to her house in a state of shock.
I considered my options. Elena: the calm one, either pretending to be wise or really wise. Magnolia: probably less stupid than she made herself out to be. My mother: still crying over a tragedy of five years ago and a tragedy of fifteen years ago and the tragedy of a lifetime wasted in crowded cult meetings and stark bedrooms, tears always falling, thoughts either always whirlwinding or too dead to pay attention to. I found myself winding up the jittery pathway to Elena’s house, or maybe it was me that was jittery. Maybe it was me, who made the world blurry like this. Maybe it was me who was seeing things, not those things drifting into my line of vision and then falling out of sight. The pearly birches jagged the edges of the valley, their leaves chartreuse in the wind-rustled sunlight.
and then elena rejects her plight and april returns to where she saw elias. turns out elena isn’t as accepting of april’s hallucinations as she was supposed to be! here’s a bit of dialogue i generated from that incorrect quote generator that seems fitting for this moment!
April: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Elena: April, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
this IS april and this IS elena how does this generator know what my book is about!! anyway back to excerpts:
I ran back to where I had seen you, all slow wonderment vanished, and found the place where my old footsteps in the sand looped around. I knew you wouldn’t be there, I wasn’t surprised that you didn’t appear again, your face bobbing in a rice paper mist. I wasn’t surprised that Elena didn’t chase me out, eyes drained of tears, to apologize. And I wasn’t surprised that from that point forward, I thought of that place as sacred.
chapter 8: always falling
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[image description: a blurred black-and-white close-up image of water falling. white serif font in the center reads “always falling: chapter 8″ / end id]
tw: death, drowning, blood, fantasizing about drowning
eight-year-old april and magnolia visit a waterfall with magnolia’s parents. feat. april’s dog, august!
The waterfall coiled down the cliff face, cracking the surface of the river like a thousand strands of thunder. I could hardly hear Magnolia’s parents shouting something up ahead, their voices lost in the blare of water.
shortly after:
When I heard suspension bridge, I pictured one from old fairytales I read: wooden, burlap ropes for railings. A thirty percent chance of falling in. I was reassured by the stability, but August shivered at the way it jilted underfoot. He had never walked on ground that shifted under his feet, maybe it was an earthquake, maybe the ground was breaking in.
and here’s sweet eight-year-old April fantasizing about what it would be like to drown. If you think that’s foreshadowing no it isn’t 👁👁
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[image description: a slightly grainy photo, half water and half sky, both tinted turquoise. a hand lifts out of the water toward the sky. above the hand in white serif font, reads “What it would feel like to drown, water snagging in my lungs, sharp stones shattering my ribcage until the entire river turned to blood. Being sucked by the current until someone finally found my body, far from where I lost it.” / end id]
I stared over the edge, tried to pierce the thick buzz of mist that separated me from what would be the teeth of my fall. I imagined the bridge giving way, like it always did in the stories I read. One end breaking, the ropes snapping, the entire bridge swinging into the bottomless river. What it would feel like to drown, water snagging in my lungs, sharp stones shattering my ribcage until the entire river turned to blood. Being sucked by the current until someone finally found my body, far from where I lost it. Maybe it would be an old fisherman, hauling a girl in with the day’s catch, or his frail wife, who would faint on the spot at the sight of a dead child, bloodied and mangled and already tearing apart.
they cross the suspension bridge, and august unfortunately falls in! this is just a bit of april’s childhood trauma and i wish i didn’t have to cause her this pain but i do i’m sorry 😭
chapter 9: dead letters
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[image description: a close up sheet of paper with a few lines of cursive writing across it. a fountain pen lies across the page. in the bottom right hand corner, a black serif font reads “chapter 9: dead letters” / end id]
a very young april and elias get caught in a hailstorm then go inside and find letters from their father, who they never met because he still lives in the cult their mother escaped from the day april was born. their mother tries to hide the letters from them but! these children do not relent. 
We tracked through the colourful forest in autumn, our rubber boots tore trails through the scattered maple leaves. Pronged pinecones crackled under my heels as I chased you, threading between the trees.
I was eight, you were faster but I managed to keep up all the same. A haze of rain sizzled on my skin, but rain didn’t phase me back then. I didn’t mind the water droplets that pearled down my neck into the hem of my bright yellow rain jacket.
they escape from the hailstorm and find their mother in the kitchen making tea (rare!) 
When we tripped over the doorframe and found ourselves panting in the kitchen, the kettle wheezed and mother emerged from her bedroom to take it off. The scent of green tea wafted through the air as she poured it, steaming, into a ceramic teacup with a crack veining down the side.
april tries to take one of the letters but her mother stops her. later during the night, she and elias get out of bed and read the letters and it turns out their father left the cult as well, and wants to meet up with them. april wants to meet him, but elias is bitter about it and doesn’t really even consider him their father because he was never there for them. 
chapter 10: frostbite
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[image description: two pale hands reach towards the sky, in front of a blurry indigo background. in the top left corner, white serif font reads “chapter 10: frostbite” / end id]
tw: freezing to death
there are those weird times when their mom tells stories about her life. these incidents never end well but happen occasionally! she tells april about a time when her and a few other cult members were in the mountains and one of them froze to death. at this point april is around fifteen (which is where the main plot of the book is at right now)
She cut off there, blanched, stared out the window at the sun-speckled backyard, but I could fill in the rest of the details myself: skin a cold stone blue, frostbite jittering through the lungs and spine like a poison, eating everything slowly. Lying in the snow, letting the cold overcome them. Dead before morning. I wanted to ask if they buried the body, dug a grave of snow that would be melted by spring, or just left the corpse lying in the snow for someone else to find, or be eaten by a wolf pack, or to deteriorate, and haunt those lonely slopes forever.
afterwards, april goes outside (yes its snowing again 😭 as someone who dislikes snow i sure write about it a lot) 
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On those days, my desperation to leave the house rose to a high and I would slide into a pair of ragged sneakers and a cable-knit sweater and push out into the cold. Once vibrant green leaves now greyed with frost, a snowfall months early but not unwelcome. Striking before the trees had the chance to shed their leaves. Frost brittled the branches of the oaks so I could snap them without an effort, not that I wanted to snap them. The concrete of the road was spined with ice that made it look like the ground was caving in, icicles barbed the eaves of our house like jagged teeth. Sometimes I thumbed snow into my mouth like a child, hoping no one was watching a seventeen-year-old eat snow, and let it blot my tongue and dribble down my throat. The cold shock to my system helped clear my mind of whatever mother had been talking about, helped me cope with the pain I shouldn’t have been feeling in the first place.
aaannd that’s everything i’ve written so far! this has been the worst writing slump of my life and i’m not too happy with most of the stuff i’ve written lately, but hopefully that clears up so i can update y’all again soon!
- ava
wips taglist (ask to be added or removed!) @shaelinwrites​ @august-iswriting​ @wildswrites @nodeadnarrators @annlillyjose @shaonharryandpannisim @letsgetsquiggly @strangerays @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @dallonswords @teaandtypewriters @chewingthescenery​ @kahaaniyaa @coffeeandcalligraphy @47crayons​ @writing-is-a-martial-art​​
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hilarychuff · 2 years
5, 9, 17?
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
hmmmmm do i have any writing superstitions
i mean i don't think it is like bad luck to write out of chronological order but i do think like... fat chance you'll be writing the same exact story you anticipated by the time you get to the part you were writing in advance. i talked about that a lil here too
maybe that is not true for others though like maybe if you have a really clear idea of what you want to happen you can do that but for me it is just a recipe for having to kill your darlings probably
that said again i do like to jot down notes for what i'm working towards so that i can do a lot of plotting/potential problem solving/sketching out chapter lengths (specific to i carry it in mine really bc of the perspective swap) at once and the way i write my notes is p entertaining to me
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
i answered that one before too!! here it is
????¿¿¿¿ i don’t know tbh!!!! i believe some things are def unexplainable and i don’t like to think that when you die you are just dead. personally, i have never had any kind of ghost encounter that wasn’t probably just some like sleep paralysis nightmare. i have friends who have their OWN ghost encounters and not just in a one-off kind of way, but then you also read all those things that are like “old haunted houses actually plagued by carbon monoxide leaks probably” and it’s like well that makes a lot of sense lmao.
reading an article about the original/real conjuring house with the perrons was v fascinating though, i’ll say that. not that they couldn’t have all collaborated on that together but i am certainly of the mind that we do not know all there is to know or all there ever will be to know about the world around us!! we’re still learning! regardless though i love a ghost story or piece of ghost media.
to add: i did also recently meet a 10 year old who told me in the middle of a VERY serious conversation that she can talk to ghosts and later in a serious follow up conversation she told me that her mom can too and whatever my take on the supernatural may be, i definitely believe that she believes it
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
hmmmm ok i have a couple things in the pipeline right now 
i haaaaave 
1) ideas brewing for howl 3. as far as i’ve gotten, can’t decide if i want to tell any of it from jon’s perspective. that feels very breaking dawn in the twilight saga to me lmao but also sidney is not in so much of scream 3 that it feels like it might be a good narrative adaptation??? but haven’t committed to anything yet. i have an idea of the basics of who is ghostface/why but haven’t figure out yet a) how to make it not super obvious (tricky for howl 2 and i managed by mostly keeping things off page which worked imo only because it was a faithful adaptation if you only stick closely to sansa/sidney’s perspective) b) the actual details of like..... how it would work in practice 
2) i carry it in mine. i’ve started writing the next chapter!!!! which is a jon chapter. and which maybe had like one particularly worthwhile moment in it but i decided to split a sansa chapter into two chapters which meant i needed a jon chapter to go in between. and he’s got thoughts brewing!! but i didn’t necessarily have a lot of action steps for him. and he just had a mainly thoughts chapter. so for a long time i was like.... idk what to write here i’ll come back to it later. and now i have revisited it more and i’m like.... wait what about THIS. something that felt obvious but i hadn’t considered it before. and now i’m like???? does that change the potential narrative??? do i want to update what happens next to accommodate that potential change? is there a way to have that update while also neutering it so it doesn’t have a larger impact??? the next jon chapter is also potentially more thinky and reacty. idk i want to give them equal weight and not do jon a disservice just bc i am a sansa gal at heart but also it just so happens that right now sansa is at a more action packed part of the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh
3) i have some finished au graphics that don’t have blurbs written for them yet for various reasons one i haven’t figured out the like surrounding cast of characters necessarily for the “ft. a as x, b as y, c as z” part at the bottom of them. i also haven’t gotten around to writing the blurb at all but i don’t think that’ll be the tricky part. 
i am always like hesitant to say what they are in advance bc i am a lil gremlin hoarding ideas lmfao look at me being so cautious literally why and for what 
anyway i also have another that was fully done but i had two final versions i couldn’t pick between and @loulanorth very sweetly let me bounce some ideas around and i think after much Contemplation™️ i finally decided which one is THE final one but now i have to write the blurb
i have another one where honestly the finished version of the graphic has been in my drafts for fully seven months. it’s one where i think i really want to actually write something for it, and i started the other day. but then i was like “idk if this is how arya would actually respond” and it threw me for a loop. idk i find myself like... i was telling @chdarling yesterday that i think when writing my obstacle is not with getting the words on paper so much as it is with knowing what the characters would do. i want to find the objectively correct answer but also sometimes there isn’t a single objectively correct answer. but what if there is!!! i want to find it!!!!!! and then sometimes it’s just like. ok sigh. maybe you can wait until it comes to you. wait out the contemplation percolation stage. but then other times.... does it really matter???? what if you just picked one that suited the story you are trying to tell and then fleshed out why they feel that way. doesn’t that work??? idk. letting it percolate a lil longer just to see
and then then i have another finished graphic but again some of the background casting/mechanics haven’t been fleshed out yet so i can’t write the blurb until i figure out all the moving parts
ALSO not jonsa or sansa related at all, i also have a marauders era mediator au that i started back in like 2015 that i started rewriting in maybe like 2020 that i don’t want to publish any of until i am at least caught up to where i was but also have no incentive to work on really because nobody is waiting for it so lmao. but that one is fun and i like to think about it when i’m feeling marauders vibes. but in adapting the mediator series framework i just have ideas for a larger overarching character arc/romance and it would take SO LONG TO WRITE!!!! that it’s almost like. anyway!!!!! maybe it’s just fun to have ideas!!!! lmfao 
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16woodsequ · 3 years
I have three questions about writing fanfiction and you’re the best fanfic writer I’ve seen so I’m going to ask them to you if that‘s alright
1. How do you write a lot in chapters, because I never manage to write more than 1k words about the chapter topic
2. How do you stay motivated for writing a long fic?
3. Do you have any tips about how to deal with a large ensemble of characters?
First of all, I'd like to say how happy and honoured I am for this ask! It made me so happy you thought of me. I'll do my best to answer helpfully.
My response ended up being pretty long, to I'll leave it under the cut.
In general, my chapters are between 3k to 6k. I find 4k-5k is a good range for me. Before I talk about writing more in chapters, I think it is important to say that short chapters are not wrong. Short chapters can be wonderful to read!
If you want to work on writing more, I have a few suggestions. First though, the way my writing style works is I go into a story generally knowing the basic plot points, and I write all the chapters first, before I post them. So keep this in mind, since my techniques might need to be adapted for your style.
When starting a chapter, I have what I call the 'bone and meat' method. To write around 5k words, I find each chapter has enough room to explore 3-5 "events". These are the bones of a chapter.
As an example. I will use chapter five of "Alternatively", because I'm guessing you read that one. (If not you can send another ask with some you've read and I can use those).
The bones of this chapter are:
Prelude/set up to Steve learning about Bucky.
Pierce taking Steve to see Bucky
Steve having a breakdown in the elevator
Steve and Tony talking about it
These are the four main things that needed to happen in this chapter. I don't always start a chapter knowing what will happen at the end, but usually by 500 words in, I've figured out what out of my plot points will be happening in the next 5k of words.
When deciding what will be the bones of a chapter, I find I have two systems. Either I give the reader a satisfying cathartic ending, or I leave them in anticipation.
Chapter five is a good example of a mini-arc within a chapter that ends with a satisfying emotional catharsis. If you think of it along a story plotting graph, the prelude is the exposition, Pierce taking Steve to Bucky is the conflict/rising action, Steve's breakdown is the emotional climax of the chapter, and Tony and Steve's conversation is the falling action/resolution.
The ending event of the chapter feels natural, because while the story isn't finished, the emotions and events of the chapter have been tied together and dealt with for the time being.
An anticipatory ending for a chapter would be more like a cliffhanger, and would probably end near the climax of whatever plot points are happening. (Such as chapter 3 of Alternatively, the emotional climax of the chapter hits right at the end.)
So basically, your overall story has rising action and a climax, but if each chapter is roughly outfitted around that too, then it may be easier to write long chapters.
Once you have the bones of a chapter, all you need to do is add in the meat to fill out whatever word count you are aiming for. If you have written the bones of a chapter, but still aren't at a word count you like, then it is simply a case of adding more depth to what is already happening—showing the emotions of the characters, getting into their head, bringing up past events and relating them to what is currently happening, foreshadowing, describing the scene/senses, etc.
Please know that when I'm writing my chapters, I'm not obsessively planning out the steps of a chapter and thinking of all these things constantly. These are just patterns I've noticed after the fact, so they are not hard and fast rules.
As for how I stay motivated for long stories, the thing that works best for me is writing all the chapters before I post the story. I know this system doesn't work for every author (and believe me, sometimes I really want to post), but I find doing so relieves pressure on me, and I don't feel guilty if I don't write a story for weeks or months because I am working on something else.
That being said, for my large Alternate Timeline series, I didn't have time to write all the chapters ahead of time. By the time I was writing The Alternate Handler, I had about a 10 chapter lead.
Things that helped me stay motivated is finding parts of the story that I really wanted to write. I usually write chronologically, so having moments that I knew where coming and I was excited for helped motivate me to continue.
Also, recognising that I sometimes made things harder for myself. Sometimes I'd be stuck on how to finish a scene, or expressing something, and my writing would slow, until I would realise that sometimes things don't need to be written in exact detail. If you don't know how to get a character to walk out of a room, sometimes you can just end the scene there. Unless something is plot relevant, you can write around it, if it is an issue.
Sometimes, if I'm stuck on a story or a chapter, it helps to take a step back and figure out what the actual blockage is. Often it won't be what I think it is. Sometimes it isn't because I don't know how to write it, or I don't know what to write—sometimes I can't write a scene because I haven't seen the movie in a while, and all I need to do is find the battle on youtube and rewatch it. Sometimes it is because I don't know how an engine works, and I need to either look up the information, or make a note of it and move on to another scene.
And sometimes you just gotta clunk out a scene word after word, because once you do, it will be done, and you can always make it better later. You can't edit what isn't written.
Writing Marvel gives me plenty of opportunity to deal with large casts. Generally what happens is I end up focusing on the relationship between a few main characters, while the other characters have less focus.
In my Alternative Timeline series, the relationships between Steve, Bucky, and Tony are the focus.
Of course, this doesn't mean I want to forget about the other members. You'll notice especially in Bucky and Tony's stories that they have secondary relationships with other people like Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Pepper, Peter, and Nebula. These secondary characters get scenes with the main characters too, kind of on a rotational basis.
So first tip is to trim down how many characters you are focusing on, and how many characters are interacting with each other in each scene.
In fics I will often have Thor be away on Asgard, or Clint and Natasha doing missions, etc, so they don't get underfoot.
That being said, there are times like during group meetings, when you can't avoid having everyone in the same room.
In those times, it is important not to forget who is in the room. I will literally count on my fingers, or write down lists of who is supposed to be at the table, so I can remember.
A good example of this on a small scale is Steve's birthday party in chapter 14 of The Alternate Handler. That one has almost every Avenger but Thor sitting in a circle, playing a game. I had specific moments in mind, so I needed to remember who was sitting by who. I wrote down the names in order so I wouldn't forget, and could properly situate people in my head.
An example on a bigger scale is chapter 26 of The Alternate End. In this chapter, the Avengers have a meeting with practically every other character who was there at the final battle.
Yet again, I pare down the cast a little. T'Challa and Shuri aren't there because they are in Wakanda.
To help keep control of the larger group, I start with a vague idea of where everyone is sitting, and then don't go into deeper detail than I have to.
In the scene, we know the Guardians, Peter, and Thor and Loki are all sitting kind of near each other, but I don't specify who is sitting next to who unless I need to.
I also have Tony looking around the table for a few hundred words, seeing each group, and slowly but surely introducing them to the reader. Tony hasn't seen the whole group for a while, so he has a reason to catch the reader up to speed on what has been happening. While he thinks about the life developments of the people around him, the reader starts to get an idea of who is in the room, and their general mood.
A final tip I often use is staggered entrances. If you have a large group, and something Plot Worthy needs to happen when Character A and B talk, then don't have the meeting ready to start right away.
Have some people already sitting, so that your POV character can process them, then have some more people come in, and then some more. (I do this in chapter 19 of The Alternate End, before the time travel jump.)
With a big group, you need time to show what needs to be shown, so give yourself the space to breathe and give the characters the right amount of attention.
I hope these tips and notes were helpful. Feel free to come back with more questions, or details about your own writing style if what I said doesn't work nicely for you!
And remember, these are just tips, not the golden rule.
Have a great day!
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stonefreeak · 3 years
I absolutely love your chancellor kenobi series and am so grateful that you've written so much of it, you have sparked much joy for me. I wanted to ask your advice as someone who has written & published a large AU with many moving parts. How do you choose what order to publish things in? Do you have an outline that you stick to, do you publish as you write it, do you go with the flow?
Hello! Thank you so much, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy it!
Now, I could probably tell a few horror stories about how I was structuring my files and writing early on before @veilofadyingstar clowned on me enough times to get me to not write more than 5 different fics in the same google doc, separated only by headers (yes really), but I don't think that's very conductive to your questions, so I'll leave it at that, lol.
Chancellor Kenobi (CK) started as directly-into-tumblr ficlets. As in, I wrote everything directly into the text post editor and then just tagged it and pressed save and that was that.
It was also, early on, sort-of-not-really a prompt fic. Basically, I started by writing a ficlet on an idea, and then people wanted more of that ficlet, so they sent me asks. Sometimes they did manage to hit on what I imagined would happen, sometimes they didn't (in which case I would tell them what actually happened). I have so many asks still that I planned on replying to with a ficlet but just forgot, which is why my inbox currently has 156 messages in it, lmao (sorry everyone who sent me an ask!)
Back when this was the format CK was in, back in December 2016, I posted ficlets in whatever order I wrote them. I updated daily back then, sometimes even twice per day. After 10 days of this (so on the 13th, with about 10ish ficlets to the story) I asked if people wanted me to collect everything in a masterpost, which they did, at which point I had to go back and actually double check the order of events.
This was all so early on in the story that I just posted ficlets as I wrote them, haphazardly adding them into the timeline where they belonged, without caring about posting order at all.
I had an idea of what would happen, and as it grew more complex and I got further into the story, I realised that posting things out-of-order wouldn't be feasible anymore. The ficlets were becoming far too context dependent (because of the complexity and details of the plot) so even though I was still writing ficlets in the order of "whatever strikes my fancy", I now had to wait with posting until it was actually the next bit of the plot, this is when my updates started to slow down a lot, because yeah...
I started writing down an outline of events, but I never finished that, and I've since lost it lmao. So the actual plot, the story, the details... all of that lives only inside my head. I'm mentally keeping track of everything.
Which, honestly, I don't think I recommend that LMAO
After all, keeping it all in your head means that if you forget something, lmao, it's gone. bye bye
However, I did mention fairly recently that I'd done some organising of my files where I properly placed files out in order and name them, which now kind of works as an outline, lol (I use a writing subscription service for a gamified writing experience called 4thewords). However, there are a few blank files in between the named ones because I know I need more stuff in there in between the named events so it's not really a proper outline either.
So. I still write the fic out of order, which is something I can easily do due to the format I'm writing it in: interconnected ficlets as chapters. This means that I have ficlets that are far in the future of what I have posted, but they cannot yet be posted for the simple reason that the plot is now so complex that things need to be posted in order, otherwise it won't make sense.
As such, I no longer publish as I write, though I used to. At this point, the fic has grown too large and has too many moving pieces for that to be feasible.
Generally, I usually like to finish a fic before I post it, because that means that I can go back into early parts and edit them if need be (say I come up with something cool I need to foreshadow, or I realise that I mentioned something too early, or I realise I introduced a plotline I dropped so it's better to edit it out etc etc). That's not really possible with CK anymore (though, I mean, I guess I could go back and secretly edit stuff and pretend like nothing's up, lmao) so it's entirely possible that this fic has some inconsistencies etc (though I do my best to ensure there aren't any, there's always the risk I've missed something).
Writing CK and sharing it with all my readers has been an amazing experience, and I dearly hope people are not only willing to stick with me to the end, but also that they will feel like the pay-off was worth it.
For some people, finishing a fic before posting doesn't work because they need engagement to keep going, which is absolutely valid! For that, I think having a more structured outline is very useful in order to keep things clear and avoid accidental plot holes. It's no guarantee of course.
Ultimately, how you post and how you write comes down to you as an individual writer.
For me, it's rather flexible. Sometimes I write things in a strictly chronological order from start to finish and that's it. Sometimes I skip around in the story and need to make sure I leave very large empty spaces (metaphorical or literal) so I know where there's missing content that need to be written before the story is finished.
All of this is of course very much personal to me, and what works for one writer might not work for another. But I hope it gives you some help and some insight, perhaps.
Happy writing, anon!
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too.
Warnings: cursing, smut, violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Notes: Folks I did my very very best. I am so bad at chaptered fics, it’s insane. But I tried. As always,  Let me emphasize this: there is little rhyme or reason to the way this story is broken into parts.
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship.
p.s if anyone knows the maker of these gifs let me know and i will give credit.
Words: 1628
Part 4: Heartbeat
Henry had agreed to entertain you for the night, waiting a few hours before he left again to find bodies. You played cards, having nothing else to do, and chuckled when neither of you could figure out who was worse at the game. You’d shown him a new one; one your mother taught you that you never developed the skill for but thought Henry might find amusing. And he did, though he had a hard time understanding it. But you were just happy to have him around with a smile on his face rather than the more recent stressed out scowl.
“This game makes no sense,” Henry joked as he tossed his losing hand on the table.
“Not according to my mother, but she’s dead now, so unfortunately we won’t ever get private lessons.”
Henry’s smile dropped at your words and you instantly regretted them. “How did she die?”
“Um,” Your eyebrows pinched as you recalled the day you were left alone in a life where you already had little. “Bad deal with a witch.”
“A witch? Where did she even find one?”
“She heard the whispers and went where the rumors claimed,” You said, fiddling with the stacked deck. “My dad had died, and she thought a deal with a witch for his soul would be smarter than going to a demon.”
“I’m sorr—” Henry began, but paused the instant Chris barged into the dining room. His fingers tugged at his blond hair.
“What?” Henry asked just as a knock sounded at the front door.
Henry’s shoulders tensed as he stood so fast the table nudged, and when you did the same, walking to him, you couldn’t help but notice how he slightly pushed you behind the wall of his body. “Now?”
“I saw him at the gate,” Chris looked from Henry to you and back, and answered the unspoken question hanging between them with a shake of his head. “There’s no time, Hen. He’ll smell her after the hours you’ve been in this room. Y/N,” He calmly said to you, “Keep your mouth shut, ok?”
You nodded, then jumped at the rumbling knock that had Chris heading out of the dining room to the front door a few yards away, you and Henry trailing behind. “It’ll be fine,” Henry said, but you weren’t sure if he was trying to reassure you or himself.
Chris opened the door with a deep breath and moved aside to allow a vampire, black-haired and red-eyed, to step into the entryway. He was built smaller than Henry or Chris, decorated in what appeared to be modernized attire from the 1800s, and had a confident smirk on his face that made your stomach turn. He opened his mouth to speak, but a quick scan of the room and a sniff halted him, and his blazing eyes connected with yours instantly as if you had some beacon above your head.
“Human,” The small vampire said, acknowledging your presence without shock or concern. Almost as if you were just an inanimate decoration in the corner of the room.
Henry moved a little more in front of you when he sensed you flinch from behind.
“And it’s still alive, how interesting.” Elec’s boney hand reached out. “Come here, pet.”
“Back off Elec, she’s Henry’s,” Chris said before Henry could let out a defensive growl.
“Why can’t we share the feast?” He said, never breaking his stare from your face. “I’ve come quite a long way, and we always used to share. It’s the least you could do for a member of the Lord’s court. Unless…” He grinned at Henry, long fangs poking out. “Unless you’ve become one of those vampires who fucks their food before they eat it.” He placed his scarlet glare on you again. “Though you are a pretty thing, aren’t you? I’d have you myself if you were like us.”
“She wouldn’t want you.” Henry snapped.
Elec rose an onyx eyebrow. “So, not only fucking his next meal, but very protective of it too.”
“What have you come for, Elec?” Chris asked, attempting to draw his attention away. “You haven’t visited alone in years.”
“Just thought I’d stop by, see some old friends, reminisce a bit…maybe share a delectable, little meal,” He wet his lips, “But since I am so blatantly unwelcome, I’ll share the bit of news I have for you and go.”
Henry ticked his jaw. “And that would be?”
“As the newly appointed hand of the Lord, I am here to inform you he will be here in seven days. Make your preparations. And be sure to eat her before he comes, or she will be taken as an offering,” He said, nudging his head in your direction.
Henry looked as if to protest, but before he could, Chris said, “Understood.”
“Good,” Elec spun on his heal, but stopped just before passing the threshold, turned his head to the side and said, “Be sure not to get attached to it, Hen. Think of the trouble it’d cause,” Then, “See you in a week, gentlemen.”
Elec stepped out into the night, blending in with the darkness as Chris shut the door.
“Do you think he’ll tell him?” Henry asked Chris, the grip on your arm you hadn’t noticed before now, tightening.
Chris rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know.”
“Henry…” You began, watching him stare into space. He’d dragged you into his room after Elec left as if the space between the dining room and the front door was now tainted with bad energy. “What he said--”
“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter,” He replied without looking your way. “You won’t ever see him again.”
“You’re worried.”
“It’s fine, Lamb, ok? I promise.” He wasn’t trying to snap at you; you could tell by the way he winced when it was too late to take the words back, but he was distraught and couldn’t contain it.
You stood from the bed and made your way over, reaching for this hand. He flinched unexpectedly when you touched him, like he had been in his own little world and the bubble surrounding him popped when he felt your skin on his. He met your eyes. “Thank you,” You said, lightly squeezing his fingers. “For defending me.”
He’d been cryptic after the day Elec visited; not answering the questions that would help to fill the blank spaces in your mind. But you needed those answers, at least for your sanity.
The worry he failed to hide from you momentarily melted away. He raised his other hand to your face and cupped your jaw, rubbing his thumb along its edge. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You were too determined to find them that it distracted you from the book in your lap, and by the tenth time you’d reread the same sentence, you gave up. You stood, threw the book in the unoccupied chair with a little too much ferocity, then marched your way back to the spare room he was sleeping in while you stayed in his. You didn’t even think on it, didn’t consider what he could be doing, so when you shoved the door open without knocking, you immediately regretted it.
His hair was freshly damp, his body covered in little water droplets that traced the curves of his muscles as gravity pulled them down, with a towel barely held around his hips by one hand. He paused when he saw you and his lips parted in surprise, much like your own.
The flush of your cheeks matched the heat that now flowed through your veins at the sight of him. “Um…” You swallowed. “I—"
Henry sharply inhaled, but it was loud enough to shut you up and soak the room in silence, until he said “I can hear your heart beating,” His eyebrows briefly knitted together in a twitch of shock and confusion.
He wasted no time walking towards you, making you back up until you had nowhere to go. Bright, blue eyes never left yours, and when you were good and trapped, Henry dropped the towel without a care so he could place his hands on the wall either side of your body. You didn’t dare break his stare or try to run.
“It’s pumping awfully fast, Lamb,” He whispered with a twinge of awe.
“Mhmm.” He glanced at your lips and removed one hand from the wall so his fingers could graze along your cheek and jaw before settling at the curve of your neck. He didn’t seem to worry the way you did over his lack of clothes. It seemed to be the last thing he cared to waste a thought over, like it was the least important detail in what was happening between the two of you now.
“So that’s—” You swallowed. “I mean—"
“If you’re scared,” He moved closer, “Then don’t look down.”
“Of course I’m not scared of you.” You said so softly it was almost a whisper, suddenly unable to look away from the hypnotic way his lips moved when he spoke only to you.
“No. Just of parts of me.” He smirked.
“I’m not scared of any bit of you.” You tore your eyes away and met his own again. “But I need to know what’s happening. After everything, I still don’t know what you want.”
Delicately, he trailed his fingers up and down the length of your neck, stopping only to savor feel of your pulse. “Little Lamb, I thought…I thought if you knew what I wanted, you would run for the fucking hills, but,” He paused, slipping his hand under the neckline of your shirt to place his palm over your thumping heart. “Maybe you wouldn’t.”
Tags:  @agniavateira​ @tumblenewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ @readermia​ @angelofthorr​ @itmejado​ @caro-jean​ @raven-black102​ @itty-bitty-dancer​ @grungeisntmything​ @wolfiepirate​ @scuzmonkie @heartfullofl @wanderlustkitkat @maan24​ @furievonalexandria​ @posiemax​ @sweetybuzz25​ @iamthetwickster
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch30: Winter Is Here
Summary: In the wake of the UN Bombing, Steve, Katie and Sam (with help from Sharon) track Bucky to Bucharest and face a race against time to track him down before the CTU. But someone else is also following Bucky, someone who’s been one step ahead and the consequences are disastrous.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Elements of this have been reworked/rewritten…for reasons which will become apparent at some point!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 29 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Bucky liked Bucharest. It was easy enough to blend in and he’d found work at a local Warehouse easily enough. It was no questions asked, cash in hand and no trail. Perfect. Physical labour didn’t bother him, neither did taking the nightshifts which no one else seemed to want. It meant he could sleep most of the days and emerge later at night meaning he had even less people to encounter and deal with. Not that it really mattered, no one really bothered him apart from the Old Lady that lived a few floors down. Bucky often did odd jobs for her, just like he had used to for the old couple that lived across from his parents in Brooklyn before the war.
Since arriving in Europe in September last year, his life had been pretty peaceful. His memories had started to flash back almost the instant he wasn’t re-wiped by HYDRA, but they were random, non-chronological, so he had started writing them in a notebook along with other snippets and facts he found along the way which helped him piece together the parts of the puzzle that was his life. He knew his name, his date of birth, who his parents were, his siblings, Steve- his brother-from-another-Mother, the Howling Commandos, Steve’s wife- Katie,  his ‘death’ and then… well, that bit he tried not to remember on purpose.
He felt better, like himself, and had on more than one occasion thought about reaching out to Steve. But the thing was, even though he’d now been out of HYDRA control for over two years, he knew that what they had done to him or put in his head was still there, and he didn’t want to give anyone the chance to find out the hard-way or give them chance to lock him up like some lab rat. So he had decided it was best to stay off radar.
Pulling his cap down a little, he headed over to his favourite fruit store for some plums. He remembered what a treat they had been back before the war, and he enjoyed the fact they were so readily available now. He reached out with his flesh hand to gently test one. 
“How are they? Are they good?” He asked the vendor in Romanian who nodded to him, smiling “Okay. Give me six, thank you”
With his bag of fruit he walked along, casually scanning around as he ate. And then, across the street, he spotted a vendor at a news-stand watching him. Bucky glanced away hastily then looked back at the man who was still watching him before he suddenly turned and ran from his kiosk. With a sick feeling in his stomach,  Bucky made his way over and picked up a paper reading the front page which contained a number of surveillance-photos and the head line: ‘Winter Soldier cautat pentru Bombardmentul din Viena’. 
A cold feeling washed all over him and he glanced around, swallowing thickly. 
He might have struggled with his memory in the past but he could categorically say this wasn’t one of those times. This wasn’t him, granted it looked like him, but it wasn’t.
Shit, he needed to hide.
Pulling his cap down further, jacket pulled up round his neck he set off home.
****** Having your own private plane certainly has its perks. Katie, Sam and Steve made their way to Vienna and from there, after being given a lead from Sharon, they headed to Bucharest. Steve and Sam had brought all their equipment whereas Katie had opted to simply pack her cat suit and utility belt as they weren’t anticipating any action.
A decision she was starting to regret now.
“Nice place.” Katie commented sarcastically, pulling at the neck of her leather cat-suit as they entered the old rundown apartment that Bucky Barnes now called home. Steve ignored the comment before he carefully closed the door behind them. The two of them ventured further into the small darkened apartment, the windows had been taped over with old newspapers keeping out most of the sunlight and prying eyes. Steve’s shield caught a few of the spots of light which were creeping through tears and gaps in the paper, sending reflections onto bits of the apartment walls. The bedroom and the living area were one, a tattered mattress placed just beneath the window a small desk and lamp next to it. Across from the bed near the entrance was a metal table with two chairs next to it, then there was the kitchen area and a door, which Katie headed through, gun at the ready, finding nothing but a small, grimy and empty bathroom.
She couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of sadness in her gut that the man who had saved her life, a war veteran, was living like this.
Steve took to looking around the kitchen and had found a notebook of sorts with tabs of varying colours sticking out from amongst the pages. As he flicked through he found a leaflet on the Smithsonian Captain America exhibit.
"Heads up guys, German Special Forces approaching from the South.” Sam’s voice came through the coms.
“Understood.” Steve replied gently, replacing the leaflet in the page he had found it, fingers lingering on the paper. He looked up at Katie as she re-entered the room.
“Nobody’s home.” She said softly. “What you got there?” “It’s a journal.” Steve said, “He’s been writing down memories and-“
He stopped dead as a movement crossed his peripheral and his head jerked up. Over his wife’s shoulder he locked eyes with Bucky for the first time since that day over the Potomac. Katie, noticing his demeanour, glanced over her shoulder and instantly spun round to see Bucky watching the pair of them with a cautious sort of curiosity.
“Do you know me?” Steve asked carefully, setting the book he was flipping through down on the cluttered counter. He moved in front of Katie slightly, keeping himself between her and his best friend who was stood stock still, eyeing them up.
“You’re Steve,” Bucky said roughly, “I read about you in a museum.”  He added immediately, nodding to himself. 
Play dumb, Bucky, play dumb…
“They’ve set the perimeter.” Sam spoke in their ears.
“I know you’re nervous, and you’ve got plenty of reason to be, but you’re lying.” Steve spoke calmly, not believing him for a second. He could always tell when Bucky was lying, even as kids he wouldn’t look you in the eye fully, and now wasn’t any different.
“I wasn’t in Vienna. I don’t do that anymore.”  Bucky’s voice wavered slightly, almost pleading with them to believe him. And instantly Katie did.
“They’re entering the building. “ Sam urged. 
“Well, the people who think you did are coming here now.” Katie took a small step forward so that she was slightly in front of Steve. “And they’re not planning on taking you alive.”
 “That’s smart. Good strategy.” He looked at her, cocking his head to one side as he studied her. She was oozing confidence, are far cry from the broken, shattered woman he had rescued last year, and she didn’t seem afraid of him. Which he liked but also didn’t because it meant they weren’t going to just let him slip away.
“They’re on the roof. I’m compromised!”
“This doesn’t have to end in a fight ,Buck.” Steve pleaded desperately while Bucky simply walked over to the table set down his plastic bag and pulled off his glove to reveal his metal hand.
“It always ends in a fight.” He said balling the metal into a fist, his voice lilted with sadness.
“Five seconds.”
“You pulled me from the river and you saved Katie’s life that day in La Ronde.” Steve’s voice took on an urgent tone, almost shouting. “Why?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky replied in frustration finally looking up at Steve and locking eyes with him before he glanced to Katie. Truth be told he did know. That day on the Potomac something had broken his programming, and when Steve had plunged to the river he had known he had to save him, because he had been saving him all his punk-assed life. And then with Katie, well, even before he had recognised her he couldn’t leave a dame to the mercy of HYDRA, not after what they did to him. It was wrong…his ma taught him better.
“Three seconds.”
“Yes you do.” Steve responded,
“Breach, breach, breach!” Came the yell into their earpieces.
Both Steve and Katie looked towards the window prompting Bucky to do the same and in the next second a flash bomb was thrown through, Steve batted it right back out with his shield and then a second bomb came through the other window. Bucky booted it towards Steve who dropped and covered it with his shield, containing the blast. All three of them looked at one another for a split second before a loud bang sounded as the door rattled. Katie quickly kicked the edge of the table so that it wedged between the door and the wall blocking the German Forces entrance for now.
Whilst she was distracted with that, a final bomb was thrown and Bucky lifted up the dirty mattress using it as protection for them both. She nodded to him gently as he tossed it away and then came the soldiers on zip lines through the window. The first landed in the kitchen, training his gun first on Steve, then across towards Bucky, but before he could shoot Steve pulled the rug from beneath him and he ended up firing into the ceiling. The next came in through the window right next to Bucky but he punched him in the face, throwing him over to Katie who aimed a kick at his arm, knocking the gun out of it before kicking him again in the chest, sending him sprawling into the bathroom. Bucky picked the third soldier up easily and slammed him into the wall, letting him fall down.
“Buck, stop! You’re gonna kill someone.” Steve ran forward, but Bucky easily dodged him and slammed into him from behind, knocking him to the floor.
“I’m not gonna kill anyone!” He growled, punching a hole into the floor. He grabbed a backpack from under the floorboards and threw it across the room and out of the window. Then came more gun fire and Katie dropped to the floor, rolling to her right and firing a shot in the direction of the shooting hearing a yell as her bullet hit her target in the knee. Steve, again, flung his shield up and Bucky shoved him hard in the back sending him flying into another solider, taking him down. Katie scrambled to her feet again unable to do anything but watch as Bucky punched a hole through the wall next to the door before bashing it open and continuing to fight his way out.
“You alright?” Steve asked, as she dusted herself off.
“This isn’t exactly going to plan is it?” She shook her head as they ran out of the door just in time to see Bucky jump on a soldier who was descending from a zip wire and swinging down a level in the stairwell of the apartment block. One of the soldiers was screaming into his radio. Steve grabbed it from him, then smashed it with his foot before he jumped down a level after Bucky. Katie, took the sensible option and ran down the stairs, taking out anyone blocking her way.
Bucky was punching soldiers left and right until he ducked as he hit another accidentally sending him over the railing, but Steve was quick to catch him by his vest.
“Come on man,” He sighed wearily. Bucky’s only response was a shrug which he emphasized by elbowing a soldier that was behind him, while Steve pulled up the one he was holding onto and tossed him into a wall. Bucky jumped over the railing down several flights but by the time Steve caught up with him he had dodged into an apartment and jumped from the railings
“Damned it!” Steve cursed as he watched Bucky land on the lower roof of the neighbouring building with some force, but he simply rolled as if the fall hadn’t bothered him at all, picked up his backpack and ran.  But he didn’t get far, a muscular man clad entirely in black slammed into him from behind knocking him down.
“Sam southwest rooftop.” Steve suddenly reported to Sam as he watched the man in the black suit, which looked very much like a big cat moved with breath-taking agility and grace, slashing with sharp claws on each hand as he tackled Bucky.
“Who the hell’s the other guy?” Sam asked Steve on the coms.  
“I’m about to find out.” Steve backed up before he too launched himself from the balcony down onto the neighbouring building. Katie ran into the apartment just in time to see him land on the other roof-top and she frowned at the mystery man in some form of cat suit who was lunging at Bucky with his claws. Bucky grabbed his wrists holding him off but at that moment a helicopter that had appeared began to fire its machine gun. Both Katie from her vantage point, and Steve who was bolting towards the men, frowned as he saw the ammo ping back off the man’s suit just like it did off his shield.
“Sam…” Katie said as Steve continued to run towards Bucky, shield raised. Sam understood what she was implying instantly.  
“Got him.” He replied, flying down he spun under the chopper, grabbing the rails at the bottom, spinning it off course before swooping off. As Katie continued to watch Bucky leapt off the side of the roof to the floor, and the mystery cat man followed using his claws for traction down the side of the building. Steve was shortly behind, rolling along the floor before picking himself up and running after the pair of them, Sam flying behind. Then, the helicopter began to follow, gunfire tearing up the side walk.  
“Shit.” Katie ran down and emerging into the street, sprinting as fast as she could. Spotting an abandoned motorbike which had been ditched in the fracas she hopped on and sped after them, mentally thanking Natasha for the bike driving lessons.
It was chaos, absolute chaos. Bucky jumped down through a gap into the underpass, Steve and the mystery cat man following, as they themselves were being pursued by an armoured vehicle. Well, at least they were until Steve managed to pull the driver out and take the vehicle himself. He saw a motorbike coming up behind him in the mirrors and did a double take as he saw it was Katie. She pulled up alongside him and with one hand she grabbed the passenger door and yanked it open, before placing both her hands on the rim of the door and using it as leverage to swing herself feet first into the car.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Steve asked, open mouthed as she dropped into the seat next to him.
“Nat.” She shrugged, as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do or be taught. Steve gave a small smirk and then turned to look back at the road, switching lanes and cruising past mystery cat man.  Then there was a thud and Katie glanced back over her shoulders. Mystery cat man had latched himself onto the back of the car.
“Hold on!” Steve yelled before swerving the car to the right then the left hoping to dislodge him but no such luck. He even rammed the side of the car into another Special Forces vehicle but nothing, he hung tight.
“Sam we can’t shake this guy.” Steve reported.
“Right behind you.”
In front of them Bucky jumped the barrier to the other side of the road so Steve dropped the car a gear and pressed harder on the gas, breaking straight through it. A quick glance through the mirrors told Katie that it was enough to slow down the Germans but not to dislodge their passenger.
“This guy is more of a pain in the ass than Tony.” Katie sighed, turning back to look out of the front. Just as she did, Bucky clearly decided he needed his own mode of transportation and grabbed the handle bars of a motorbike which was speeding towards him. He dislodged the driver in mid-air while the bike spun and threw his leg over the seat all in one fluid motion. He then landed and sped away.
“Holy shit!” Katie let out a small laugh of disbelief, her jaw dropping slightly as she smirked at Bucky’s unbelievable display of acrobatics. “Did you see that?”
Steve looked at her for a split second, taking in the smirk on her face as she admired Bucky’s agility, surprised to feel he was slightly jealous. With a sigh, more at himself than anything, he shook his head. That insecure little kid from Brooklyn really had picked the most inappropriate time to appear. It didn’t help when she spoke again, a cheeky lilt to her voice.
“Can you do that?”
Steve shot her a glare that would make anyone else shake in their boots but it made Katie do nothing but frown at the open display of hostility he very rarely used on her. Before she could respond, however, there was a thud on the roof as mystery cat man climbed on top of the car and then launched himself at Bucky. The soldier on the bike was prepared though, and grabbed him around the throat, flinging him over his head. But the mystery cat man was persistent, hanging on even as the bike tipped and Bucky was forced to use his metal hand so that he didn’t fall off the bike completely. He kicked the cat man away before straightening his bike and speeding ahead.
Steve swerved to avoid running mystery cat man over while he caught other means of transportation, meaning he grabbed onto Sam’s legs as he was flying by. Ahead of them Bucky threw a sticky bomb at the top of the overpass which immediately went off and began raining down debris.  
“Time to go.” Steve grabbed Katie as he slammed on the breaks turning the car sharply. He pulled her out of the door, using his shield to land on as the car began to tilt on its side. They dodged through the rubble, Steve’s shield over their heads and once they were clear, Steve sped off to where the cat man was mounted on top of Bucky ready to rip his throat out.
Sam emerged from the dust but seconds later there was loud clang and War Machine landed holding up his hand with repulsor beams at the ready in warning. More German Special Forces arrived and they knew the game was up. But Steve and Katie both looked at each other, chests heaving with exertion and dare they say it, relief. They had located Bucky after years of searching, he was still alive and could be questioned, which meant there was a chance they could clear all this up.
Steve felt Bucky step forward, and he instantly held his arm out to stop him. .
“Stand down now.” Rhodey spoke with authority and the Special Forces aimed their guns at them all. Steve relented placing his shield onto his back harness showing compliance as he held his hands up, palms outwards.
“Congratulations Cap, you’re a criminal.” Rhodey said sarcastically. As soldiers surrounded Bucky forcing him down to his knees so they could hand cuff him tightly.
Katie and Sam raised their hands in surrender as the soldiers approached them too. The mystery cat man was the last to comply retracting his claws and reaching up to his helmet.
“Call them off Rhodey.” Katie looked at him, nodding to the soldier who had his gun trained on her “We’ll come quietly.”
Rhodey turned to look at her and then nodded at the officer, who lowered his gun, but that didn’t stop them from handcuffing her. As she shot a look over her shoulder at the man who was slapping on the restraints she gave him a small smirk and then turned back to look at mystery cat man, just as he pulled off his mask.
“What the…” Katie frowned, recognising him instantly. It was T’Challa, the prince of Wakanda.
“Your highness.” Rhodey said.
There was a scuffle to Katie’s right and she turned to see that Bucky was being hauled to the floor.
“Don’t hurt him.” She turned to Rhodey, pleading with him. “Please. He saved my life, he’s still a human being!”
Rhodey hesitated slightly but then one of the soldiers shoved Katie in the back.
“Move.” he said in a thick accent.
“Say please.” She spun round, glaring at him. “Fucking asshole.”
“Katie.” Steve instructed gently as he walked towards her, being marched by two other soldiers. She turned to him and he gave a small shake of his head, warning her not to start another fight, before he nodded towards the black SUV.
“You know what the worse bit about all this is?” Katie sighed, as she fell into step beside Steve.
Steve looked at her, “No, what?”
“The lecture I’m going to get off Tony.”
One they had been stripped of their weapons and gear they were released from their handcuffs. Rubbing her wrists, Katie raised an eyebrow at Rhodey.
“Now what?” 
“You’ll be given chance to change and clean up before going to Berlin,” Rhodey said, as the side of the SUV they were by opened and they were instructed to climb in. “Where you’ll be put into the custody of the Anti-Terrorism Unit.”
“So we’re terrorists now?” Katie snorted.
“You knew what would happen if you went against the law.”
She gave a sarcastic, fake yawn and behind her Sam sniggered before he looked at Rhodey
“This make you feel good?” Sam asked.
“Okay, enough!” Steve loudly shut down the petty squabble that was about to erupt between the two men “Yes, Rhodey we knew what would happen, but we also knew what would happen if we didn’t.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“That you would never have taken him alive.” He nodded to where Bucky was being hauled into the back of a separate vehicle. “And you know that too.”
“So you like cats?”
“Sam.” Steve scolded as Katie snorted, looking out of the window of the SUV as they drove over a bridge that crossed the River Spree. T’Challa was on the front row of the SUV alone, then Steve and Katie had sat on the middle, Sam on the back row.
“What?” Sam asked innocently. “Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don’t wanna’ know more?”
Katie was inclined to agree, Steve however, was curious about something else.
“Your suit. It’s Vibranium?” He asked in interest.
“The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations.” T'Challa began slowly. “A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?”
T'Challa turned his head to look Steve directly in the eye then turned back around without another word as Steve clenched his jaw.
They arrived at the CIA base in Berlin in record time thanks to the police convey that kept the streets clear. The base was crawling with heavily armed soldiers as they stepped out of the van and were led inside. Katie shrugged on her leather jacket, pausing as Bucky’s cage followed them being moved by a small forklift. Besides her Steve stiffened as he looked over at Bucky and Katie gently placed her hand on at the bottom of his back. Bucky looked at the pair of them before he turned away as he was taken off in a separate direction.
After an introduction of sorts to Thaddeus Ross (Sharon’s boss) they were informed their weapons would be placed in a lock up, prompting Sam to snarl angrily- “I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that.” They were then led over a walkway and Katie looked past Ross and saw a familiar redhead walking towards them. Natasha’s face was blank as she strode down the walkway.
“For the record.” She snapped as she looked at the three of them in turn before she focussed on Steve. “This is what making things worse looks like.”
“He’s alive.” Steve answered shortly, not looking at her as he walked past, his jacket flapping slightly, pulling Katie with him as his hand wrapped around hers.
Natasha just glared at him before she walked quicker, pulling ahead of the group as they reached a large security office. Natasha led the way in, and Katie instantly picked up as she could hear Tony’s voice from inside,
“The remaining of us are now at court-section.” He was saying. And as they entered she saw her brother standing in the centre of the office, talking into his phone with his back to the door as he added, “And, Colonel Ross is supervising the clean-up.”
Despite everything Katie felt a rush of relief, it good to see him, alive and okay after Vienna.
“Try not to break anything while we fix this.” Natasha snapped and Katie’s attention then turned from her brother to her friend and she shook her head.
“Ass kissing doesn’t suit you, Nat.”  
Tony turned to face them all, his face set in a deep frown as he barked into his phone, pulling at his tie to loosen it off. "Consequences? You bet there will be consequences.”
Steve raised his eyebrows slightly, glancing at Katie who rolled her eyes before she looked at Tony as he continued to talk “Obviously you can quote me on that because I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir.”
As he placed his phone back into his pocket, his eyes never left his sister. “You okay?” He asked and she nodded, stepping forwards into his arms, giving him a hug which he returned.
"Consequences?” Steve repeated with a smirk as Tony looked over Katie’s shoulder at him.
“Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted.” Tony answered, stepping back and releasing Katie. “I had to give him something.” He added.
“I’m not getting that shield back, am I?” Steve asked in an almost monotone voice.
“Technically, it’s the government’s property.” Natasha replied cheerily. “Wings too.” She added.
“That’s cold.” Sam countered
“Warmer than jail.” Tony tossed over his shoulder, as he headed off somewhere.
“Stop being so melodramatic.” Katie rolled her eyes, and stuck her hands in the back pockets of her jeans as Natasha led them to an office, talking to them as she went, telling them about what had been going on. They walked in silence, none of them responding. Eventually they reached a glass walled office and stepped inside.
“You’re not in a very talkative mood I can see.” Natasha drawled as Katie dropped her jacket over the back of a chair.
“Hmmm what can we talk about? Let’s see.” Katie looked at her, her face angry. “Oh how about the Accords?” Natasha rolled her eyes as Katie continued with a tone of disdain. “You know, I never had you down as someone that would give in so easily to control.”
“Well sometimes we have to make some tough choices.”
“Why’d you really sign, Nat?“ Steve asked her.
She sighed leaning back on the door frame. “Loyalty. Loyalty to our team. Staying together is more important than how we stay together.”
Steve shook his head, giving a small snort of laughter. “I don’t agree, and deep down, I don’t think you do either.”
“Believe what you want.” She shrugged before leaving.
About half an hour later after the three of them had been brainstorming again who they thought was actually responsible for bombing the UN and trying to fit Bucky up (none of them having any sensible ideas whatsoever), Sam excused himself heading off in search of some food and drink and it wasn’t long before Tony walked into the office were Katie and Steve were sat, Katie’s feet resting in Steve’s lap, his hand sliding up the bottom of her jeans, stroking the smooth skin just above the line of her ankle boots.
“You wanna see something cool?” He asked. Katie and Steve both turned to look at him as he walked in, holding a small black case. “I pulled something from Dad’s archives.” He nodded, “Timely.”
Katie sat up as Tony tossed his suit jacket onto one of the empty seats before he opened the box and placed it down on the shiny, mahogany table in front of Steve.
"FDR signed the Land-Lease bills with these in 1941.” Tony explained what they were. “Provided support to the allies when they needed it the most.”
“Some would say it brought our country closer to war.” Steve countered, a humourless smile on his face as he looked back up at Tony.
Tony met Steve’s eyes evenly and countered with his own point, “See, if not for these, you wouldn’t be here.” Steve’s brow rose, while Tony continued, “I’m trying to, what do you call it? An olive branch. Is that what you call it?
He looked at Steve, leaning his face against his fist as he waited expectantly. Steve pursed his lips unhappily and Katie knew he was struggling and couldn’t tell Tony what he wanted to hear because he didn’t believe in it.
"Is Pepper here?” Katie asked, switching topics as she glanced around the office then added, “I didn’t see her.”
She looked back at Tony as a strange almost regretful look came over his face. Her brows furrowed in confusion as Tony said slowly, measured, “We are… kinda, well not kinda-”
“Pregnant?” Steve interrupted in surprise.
“No, definitely not.” Tony said immediately face souring slightly. He paused, before finally admitting the truth, “We’re taking a break. It’s nobody’s fault.”
“I’m so sorry, Tony.” Steve spoke softly as Katie looked at her brother, who took a seat at the table “I didn’t know.”
“What did you do this time?” Katie asked gently. She hated it when they rowed and broke up. It never lasted long but still…
Tony’s lips twitched like he was going to smile but didn’t, “Few years ago, I almost lost her, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA. And then Ultron,” he tapped himself in the chest, “my fault.” He sighed again. “And then, and then, and then- I never stopped. Cause the truth is, I don’t wanna stop but I don’t want to lose her. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference.”
“In her defence, you are a handful.” Katie said, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards.
Tony smiled without it reaching his eyes as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, pacing a little by the glass walls, before he reached up to adjust his tie as he continued bitterly.
“Yet, dad was a pain in the ass, but he and mom always made it work.”
“You know, I never expected Howard would get married.” Steve said, fondly remembering his friend with a smile “Mind you, I only knew him when he was young and single.”
“Oh really?” Tony asked sarcastically as he looked back at Steve. “You two knew each other? He never mentioned that. Maybe only a thousand times.”
Steve winced, dropping his head and while Tony picked up his suit jacket. “God, I hated you.” He spat pulling the jacket on.
“That’s a dick thing to say, Tone!” Katie frowned, narrowing her eyes at her brother.  
Steve sighed, and he looked back at Tony with sad eyes, “I don’t mean to make things difficult.”
“No, you just dropped into my life and married my sister.” Tony snorted “But you’re a very polite person. I mean you asked first.”
“That’s enough.” Katie chastised as Tony walked behind Steve, pacing a little. Steve turned to keep his eyes on him as he sighed
“If I see a situation pointed south, I can’t ignore it. Sometime I wish I could.”
“No, you don’t.” Tony challenged
Steve paused, before he admitted with a small, wry smile shaking his head a little, “No, I don’t.” He sighed, “Sometimes-”
“Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.” Tony interrupted bitterly. He shrugged like it was a fact, before he added softly, “but I don’t wanna see you gone. We need you, Cap.”
Steve stared at Tony as he considered his words, Katie observing the two of them silently as Tony continued “So far, nothing’s happened that can’t be undone, if you just sign.” He gestured at the pens, “We can make the last twenty-four hours legit. Barnes gets transferred to an American psych centre instead of a Wakanda prison.”
Steve stared at the pens, weighing Tony’s words before he reached out, pulling one slowly from its holder. Tony folded his arms across his chest as Steve stood up playing with the pen in his hands.
“I’m not saying it’s impossible,” he took a deep breath, “but there would have to be safeguards, what do you think, Sweetheart?” He looked at Katie. He was trying here, after everything, to reach the middle ground. He didn’t want to see the Avengers split up and the opportunity of keeping Bucky out of jail and safe was one he couldn’t pass up.
Katie looked at him, searching his face. She hadn’t been completely opposed to some form of sanctions after all, what she had opposed vehemently was a set being force upon them which gave them no control. But maybe, as Steve pointed out, with some amendments, perhaps they could make this work.
“We need to be able to have some control Tony, a say in where we go, when we go and why we go.” Katie eventually looked at her brother. “We’re not to be used as some pawns in a political game, for anyone’s agenda.”
“Sure.” Tony was quick to assure. “Once we put out the PR fire, its documents, they can be amended.” Tony sat back down at the table “I’d file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated and-.“
"Wanda?” Katie cut him off and looked at him. “What about Wanda?”
“She’s fine.” Tony promised, although wariness leaked into his tone because he knew he had just put his foot in it. “She’s confined in the compound currently. Vision’s keeping her company.”
“Oh God, Tony!” Katie groaned and threw her head backwards in exasperation and disbelief.
At the same time Steve scoffed and shook his head. “Every time. Every time I think you’re seeing things the right way-”
"What?” Tony cut in, “It’s a hundred acres with a lap pool. It’s got a screening room. Trust me, there’s worse ways to protect people.”
“Protection?” Steve repeated, his temper rising. “Is that how you see this? This is protection? It’s internment.”
“She’s not a US citizen-” Tony spoke loudly while Steve and Katie groaned again
“Oh, come on, Tony!”  Katie shook her head, looking at him.
“- and they don’t grant visas to Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Tony finished taking a deep breath
“Wanda’s a kid!” Steve spat out.
“Give me a break!” Tony shouted back angrily.
Katie’s eyes narrowed furiously, but Tony took another deep breath as he visibly tried to calm himself down,
“I’m doing what has to be done,” He paused to look Steve in the eye before he turned to his sister and finished flatly. “To stave off something worse.”
She shook her head and grit her teeth, there was no discussing with him when he was like this, and if he couldn’t see that keeping Wanda on house arrest because she hadn’t signed was wrong then she didn’t really want to discuss it with him anyway.  "You keep telling yourself that.” She answered.
"Hate to break up the set.” Steve dropped the pen back down onto the desk before he left the office.
Katie groaned and banged her head on the desk.
“Just don’t.” She replied, not looking up. “Don’t say a word Tony, you’ve already said enough.”
“The receipt for your gear.”  Sharon walked into the room, handing Sam a piece of paper.
Sam took the paper, glancing down at it. “'Bird costume’? Come on, girl.” He spat incredulously reading the receipt.
“I didn’t write it.” Sharon shot back and Katie raised a brow as she watched the woman, noticing her movements, before she reached past Sam and pressed a button in the middle of the conference table. Instantly the audio from the footage they were watching of Bucky’s questioning flooded the room and Steve looked at Sharon in surprise and she nodded back to him. Katie also gave her a look of appreciation as well and Sharon averted her eyes beyond the conference room. Katie followed her gaze and saw Natasha looking furtively over her shoulder. Katie nodded to Nat, understanding instantly she’d had a hand in this. Nat inclined her head slightly before she turned back around to watch her own set of screens.
“I’m not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?” The man in the cage gave no response so the doctor tried again. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Bucky answered voice rough, a hint of defiance in his tone.
Steve’s lips pursed, and he turned back to the table with a frown. He picked up the discarded file, pulling out the Vienna security camera photos that showed the man the task force identified as Bucky from near the bomb site.
“Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?” Steve asked handing the picture over to Katie, as she perched on the table beside him.
Sam frowned, while Sharon shrugged and answered the best way she could, “Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?”
“Right.” Steve said flatly nodding but it wasn’t enough for him. Katie cottoned on instantly.
“It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken.” She shrugged and Sam’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward on his arms, while Steve continued for her.
“Suddenly you’ve got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”
“You’re saying someone framed him to find him.” Sharon asked slowly, summarizing their point.
“Steve, we looked for the guy for two years, and bar when he pulled your Missus out of that Hydra base, we found nothing.” Sam pointed out.
“We didn’t bomb the UN.” Katie answered. “That turns a lot of heads.”
“Yeah.” Sharon joined in quietly, “but that doesn’t guarantee that whoever framed him would get him, it guarantees that we would…”
She trailed off as all 4 of them shared an understanding glance.
Steve turned around sharply to look back at the screen showing Bucky and the UN psychiatrist, before he muttered "Yeah.” Someone had brought him here for a reason. Who, and why?
“Tell me Bucky.” The man interrogating Bucky continued on. “You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Bucky answered flatly keeping his response short.
“You feel that, if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don’t worry.” He tapped at his screen “We only have to talk about one.”
The building suddenly went dark, the power going out leaving on the emergency red lights flashing ominously. Katie hopped off the table and Steve turned urgent eyes on Sharon.
“Sub-level five, east wing.” She answered the silent question quickly.
Steve looked at Sam and he nodded then the three of them ran out of the office, using the distraction of the power outage to their advantage as they raced down the stairs to get to the level Bucky was on.
They ran down two flights of stairs before they finally reached the hallway that led to Bucky’s holding room. Steve stopped when they reached the last corridor and spotted the guards lying on the ground. He glanced back to exchange looks with Katie and Sam as they both came to a stop behind him. Now wary of what they were walking into, and highly conscious that none of them had any weapons, they made their way cautiously down the corridor. Katie bent down to check the fallen soldiers. One had a strong pulse, the other…
“He’s dead.” She muttered looking up. Steve let out a sigh of frustration and moved into the security room besides the cell, Sam and Katie close behind.  
The further into the room they went the more dead soldiers they encountered when a sudden raspy voice came from in the room that held Bucky’s containment unit. “Help me.”
Steve looked ahead to see the man who had been interrogating Bucky, lying on his side by the empty cage, clutching his side as if in pain. Steve stomped into the room angrily, ignoring the man as he begged for help again.
“Get up.” He snapped reaching down to grab the man by the front of his jacket, hauling him to his feet. The man eyed him carefully as Steve glared shoving him into a wall and snarling. “Who are you? What do you want?”
The man met his gaze, his eyes becoming cold and dark as answered lowly, “To see an empire fall.”
A movement in the corner of the room caught Katie’s eye. Sam and her ducked just in time as the Winter Soldier leapt from where he had been lurking in the shadows, throwing a punch towards Katie. He missed, hitting the concrete doorway and punching a hole through the rock.
Sam acted quickly, punching at the Winter Soldier’s side, but it didn’t even faze the super-solider as he punched Sam straight in the stomach. Sam winced, and doubled over as the Winter Soldier grabbed his chin in his metal hand, throwing him across the room. He then turned his attention to Katie, and she knew that throwing punches wasn’t going to work so all she could do was duck, using her agility to keep out of his way. She bent backwards as he made to grab her but then Steve ran at him, ducking as the Winter Soldier swung his arm out. Once the metal arm passed over his head, Steve threw a punch of his own, hitting the Soldier right in the face, and the man snarled as he swung his fist back at Steve, who dodged it. The Winter Soldier suddenly kicked out, landing a solid kick right to Steve’s stomach and Steve grunted as he was thrown backwards, landing in the security room.
The Winter Soldier strode towards him but Steve was already back on his feet and blocked the next kick with his bare hands. Katie was powerless to help; she had nothing on her, no stingers, no guns no Supernova suit. She frantically searched the room for something she could use as a weapon as the pair of super soldiers continued to fight, throwing kicks and punches while parrying and blocking the other’s moves, heading back out into the corridor. As Steve fell through the doorway again, Katie grabbed the cable she was holding and launched herself at the Winter Soldier jumping onto his back and wrapping the cable around his neck. He spun round angrily, grabbing at the cable before he reached up with his metal arm and grabbed the back of her hair, flipping her up and over before flinging her across the room at Steve who had pulled himself up against the elevator doors. Steve grunted as he caught her but quickly set her on her feet before shoving her out of the way just in time, as the Winter Soldier threw his whole weight into a punch to Steve’s chest, blowing him straight through the metal doors and down the elevator shaft.
Katie kicked at the desk in front of her, sending it The Soldier’s way as he was now advancing on her, but he broke through it easily, not even slowing in the slightest. She dodged under his arm and aimed a kick at the side of his knee, catching him perfectly and he stumbled forward. She then went to kick him again but he raised his metal arm to take the brunt of it, catching her leg so it was trapped between his arm and chest.
“Bucky this isn’t you.” Her words meant nothing to him. He grabbed a handful of her shirt with his other hand lifting her and tossing her like a rag doll straight into the wall where she banged her head painfully, causing her to see stars. She lay still for a while, dazed but and then she heard Sam shout
“Hey. You alright?”
“I think so.” She blinked groggily as Sam gently helped her to her feet. Everything seemed to work.
“C'mon,” He urged, heading towards the stairs “That so called doctor just left.”
Before Katie could head up the steps after him, a grunt caught her attention, it was Steve, minus his jacket, climbing his way out of the elevator shaft covered in dirt and sweat and looking far more attractive than he had any right to be in the middle of a damned fight.
“You okay?” He questioned only slightly out of breath from the climb, his hand dropping to his wife’s neck
“He went that way.” She pointed to the corridor on the left. "Back out to the facility. The doctor, he went the other way, Sam’s gone after him”
Steve quickly nodded. “I’ll get Bucky. You go after Sam and I’ll meet you outside.”
No further discussion was had as they split up.  By the time Katie emerged into the lobby of the facility, it was utter chaos where employees were all crushed together rushing to get out the doors and get to safety.
“Sam, any sign?” She asked as she found him outside looking round.
“No, come on.” He grabbed her hand so that they didn’t lose each other in the crowd as they moved outside the building. Sam stopped to pick up a discarded jacket that he recognised as belonging to the Fake Doctor, and Katie glanced down at it before looking around the crowd. There was no sign of him. It was then that she heard a chopper and instantly glanced up to the top of the building where a helicopter was attempting to take off. But the two-hundred plus pounds of super-solider hanging onto the landing skids was not letting go that easy. He kept hold as the helicopter dragged him to the edge, his boots skidding on the Heli-pad before he reached the end. Gritting his teeth he clung onto the skids of the helicopter with one hand, the other onto the railing of the building.
“No way.” Sam shook his head as he and Katie stood looking up at Steve who was stopping the helicopter “No goddamned way.”
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The blades of the helicopter spun rapidly but it was going nowhere as Steve switched his grip on the railing. His muscles bulged and felt like they were on fire but he didn’t let go and, with a pained grit of his teeth, he pulled even harder and felt it start to come back to him. Then, it did a sharp turn towards Steve and he dived out of the way as it came to a stop. He stood up, made his way to the door but before he could do anything Bucky’s metal fist smashed through the glass on the door and gripped him round his neck. Steve planted both his feet on the side of the chopper, trying to release himself from the grip but it was no use.
And then the helicopter began sliding.
Katie’s grip tightened around Sam’s hand as they spotted Steve’s figure still attached to the helicopter as it fell from the top of the building and into the lake below. She instantly rushed forwards, but Sam wrapped both arms around her waist to restrain her, stopping her from diving head first into the water after him. 
Not again, she kept thinking to herself, the scenes from the last time him and Bucky had entered the water flashing before her eyes.
She hadn’t realised she was yelling until Sam shouted loudly, and pointed across the water, where a head had broken the surface. Steve was dragging Bucky up beside him. They rushed to the edge of the lake where Steve made sure they got Bucky out first before he hauled himself up beside them, water dripping onto the concrete.
Sam turned his attention to Bucky making sure he was only unconscious and still breathing, while Katie’s focus turned to her husband. The anger at him being a stupid, reckless moron again boiled over.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” She screamed, before she reached back and slapped him hard across the face.  It was enough to make his head snap to the right.
“Ouch.” Sam muttered.
Steve looked at Katie, astonishment and maybe a hint of amusement on his face, before she threw herself into his arms, not caring that he was soaking wet, whilst as he wrapped his arms around her.
“You stupid…” Katie began to sob, her voice muffled as she pressed her face into his wet shirt and his hands tangled in her hair.
“I know, I know.” He muttered. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He dropped a soft kiss to her head before he gently moved her to the side and looked at Sam before nodding to the unconscious Bucky on the floor. “Let’s get out of here.”
**** Chapter 31
**Original Posting**
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heniareth · 3 years
I was tagged by @scribbledquillz for this ao3/fanfic author meme. Thanks so much for tagging me! Now, there’s only one thing (I’ll explain as soon as I answer the first question). But first, tags. I’m gonna tag @yukichouji and @the-iron-lion because I know you write and post, but I also know you’re busy, so please, only do it if you want to and have time ^^ Apart from that, if anybody who sees this wants to give it a go, consider yourself tagged! I’d love to read your answers, so feel free to tag me back
How many works do you have on AO3?
So, here’s the thing: I’ve never posted anything I have written XD One day, I will, but until then, I’ll answer the questions I can answer to the best of my ability ^^ I’ll modify some questions and keep the original ones for anybody who wants to answer those.
What’s your total AO3 fanfic words count?
123.211 words total (not counting one absolutely massive collaborative fanfic that I’m not gonna count rn)
More under the cut!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Funny thing: thanks to this question I’ve rediscovered like ten folders with the beginnings of different fanfics I’d not opened in years. Thank you, @scribbledquillz for making me find my old writings! My main work rn is a Dragon Age Origins retelling (featuring Astala Tabris of course, though I have decided that the other origins--Surana, Amell, Brosca, Mahariel, the whole gang--also survive because yes.) I also have two separate unfinished pieces on Caduceus and Caleb of the Mighty Nein (Critical Role) respectively. Equally unfinished are one fanfic with Loki and his Jotunn heritage, and another about the extermination of mutants in the X-Men universe prior to X-Men: Days of Future Past. Both projects were ambitious, but exist mainly as ideas now. The longest (and oldest) fanfic I’ve ever written is a collaborative super self-indulgent self-insert fix-it fic for The Hobbit. I am quite proud of my younger self for pulling through with this one and sticking to it over such a long time. It is, sadly, also unfinished.
Do you Would you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I would definitely respond to comments. It’s polite. I’d also want to mirror back the joy a comment has inspired in me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The X-Men fanfic ends with the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past, which (spoiler?) means all the characters were going to die. But it’s okay because the movie fixes that ^^ But generally speaking, I’m not big on angsty endings. Angst is fine anywhere else.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think it has to be either the The Hobbit fanfic or the Dragon Age Origins retelling. Characters I strongly identify with tend to get the happiest endings. Oh do I ever wonder why that is so
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I’ve never written a crossover, but I’ve read some really cool ones. There was one featuring the Mighty Nein in the Undeadwood setting (both by Critical Role) that I wished had gone on longer bc it was so cool.
Have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
One of the good things about not posting anything: you don’t subject it to judgement ;D
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have... never finished writing a smutty scene.
One day. One day. Zevran might be the push I need, who knows
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Another one of the good things about not posting anything.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I started translating several of them myself! :D
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh yes! It’s an amazing experience. The creativity is squared. It is important though that all collaborators are on the same page about where the story goes, how the characters will be portrayed, etc. Especially if you give somebody your own OC or self-insert to write about.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
There are a few that have a special place in my heart. Shadogast comes to mind, or Percy/Vex (from Critical Role). I love the Zevwarden ship because it’s a story about allowing feelings and romance and being stronger because of them (at least in my mind). I’m scared of what Fenris/Hawke might do to me when I get around to play DA2 XD
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Definitely the The Hobbit fanfic. It is a glorious mess, and from time to time I go through the documents again... but it’s just a really big project and my collaborators are busy
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! Banter! I love it. I absolutely adore it. I make it way too long but it’s so much fun. I’m very much character driven I think, which is also why fanfic is so appealing to me. Actions speak louder than words, but characters shout through a megaphone. I also like pairing dialogue with very day-to-day, down-to-earth actions (like folding laundry). I feel like it allows me to convey so much more about the caracters than only through the words they say and the dialogue tags of “he said, she whispered”. Another thing I consider myself strong at is worldbuilding and generally keeping the practical things in mind. If it’s autumn, it’s probably gonna rain, the ground will be wet, they’ll sleep poorly and that’ll be reflected in heightened tempers and therefore more drama in the next scene. The fact that in canon a town has a harbor will have impacted this character who was born there. I like the details and puzzling the pieces together to make a world really come to life XD And, last, I have also recently learned that I write best non-chronologically, and to just write it all out and edit later. It does wonders to advance a project
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I hardly write any at first. I normally see scenes very clearly in my head, but I... don’t communicate it XD I’m so character-driven that I kinda forget about the rest. I also tend to get too bogged down by the mundane? The fact that I like to play around with details of the worldbuilding and have it all make sense means I’ll write that scene where they break up camp even though it... doesn’t really add anything to the story apart from the fact that it happens and they indeed do break up camp. Things that I should tell, I show. It reflects in my wordcount.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! I find it really interesting. I might even listen to the spoken dialogue via Google trnaslate XD The only reason it might bother me is that there’s just no elegant way to integrate the translation into the text on AO3. In a normal book, I’d go for a footnote, but in AO3 and with my chapter length, I won’t make anybody scroll down, read the translation, and scroll up again.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fanfic before I knew what fanfic was were things I wrote age 11 with a friend about the cowboy stories this German late 19th century writer Karl May wrote. We were obsessed with those novels
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I gotta say the Hobbit fanfic. It was melodramatic, it was self-indulgent, it had everything. I remember staying up with my friends way into the wee hours of the morning discussing how we’d save Thorin and his nephews from certain death and why Kili was so obsessed with Tauriel after talking to her once XD
And here we go! Thank you so much again for tagging me, this was a lot of fun (and it makes me want to post something. Maybe the Dragon Age Origins retelling will make the cut? I do hope I finish it in the next months)
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