#i think i just got annoyed because this was about technology and horror and lmao lol
magictavern · 1 year
i will not engage with takes that clearly don't know the genre they're talking about i will not engage with takes that clearly don't know the genre they're talking about i wi-
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Character redesign references: Danny, Sam and Tucker .
(Art by the wonderful @gally-hin-phantom / @gally-hin ) click/tap image for higher resolution.
This is way overdue!! Sorry for the delay!
Full name: Daniel A.Jax Fenton
-Yes his middle name is A.jax and it's entirely bc of this post and this post .
-Danny is Trans, (note the cute bracelet!) having officially transitioned over the summer between middle school and his freshman year.
-Danny is still fourteen, and is the youngest, as well as the shortest out of the trio.
-12 ounces of whoop ass, snark and anxiety. Also puns. Dear God, the puns....
-hobbies include: Astronomy, astrology, D.O.O.M and horror movies.
-Astronmy is more of a hyperfixation tbh.
-Proficient in gymnastics, having taken classes from ages 6-12, and participated in jr. cheer-leading throughout some of middle school as a flyer. Actually used to be friends with dash and paulina.
-Favorite classes involve Science and Mathematics, he’s good at understanding difficult concepts when he can pay attention. Absolutely awful at reading comprehension.
-His style hasn't changed all that much; he absolutely lives in graphic tees, jeans and sneakers. He usually wears the hoodie to cover up the litchenburg figure scars he received from the accident.
-The Accident occurred roughly a week or so before the start of his freshman year at Casper High. 
-Much of how Danny got ghost powers remains in line with the established canon, with Sam urging him to investigate the ghost zone portal, and his getting caught and electrocuted within the frame after accidentally turning it on. 
-Sam didn't have to do very much convincing though, Danny's definitely a lot more interested in his parents work that in cannon, even if they can be super embarrassing about it a lot of the time.
-And this is the point where I break off from that canon: but I'm going to make a seperate post for detailing Danny's ghost half / Phantom.
Full name: Samantha Nicole Manson
-Sam isn't an Amity park native, she moves into town over the summer after getting expelled from a fancy private school and finishing the year out online/ at home.
-At 15 years old, She's the oldest out of the three of them- having gotten held back a school year at some point for "behavioral issues"
-Sam's personality is still very much in line with her cannon counter part, although while she may still be stubborn to a fault, she knows when to admit she's wrong.
-Her revised style is really more punk, than goth.
-Sam's family is still pretty well off, as her father is the Owner of "Manson refrigerators" which has had a long-standing partnership with Dairy-King Co.
-She doesn't have a great relationship with either of her parents- they view her as out of control while she feels that they're too controling. Her grandmother is a constant mediator between the three of them.
-she's a vegetarian, she won't eat meat, but ethically sourced eggs and dairy is fair game.
-Pan-romantic Asexual.
-hobbies include: Cooking, Gardening, urban exploration, social activism, Anime, horror films and novels, and D.O.OM.
-She meets Danny over the summer at the movie theater during a horror flick marathon. After talking with him for a while, she's intrigued when Danny explains what it is his parents do. Being equally shocked that she doesn't immediately dismiss their work and call him a freak, he invites her over to see the portal...
Full name: Tucker Foley
-Meet Danny in kindergarten, and the two of them have been pretty much inseparable ever since. He's only older than Danny by about a month.
-Was the first person that Danny came out to.
-Dated Danny VERY briefly (like, a week) in middle school, which, unfortunately leads to a lot of people assuming they're still a "thing" (it's annoying but I has absolutely gotten them out of a few sticky situations *cough* fake out make out *cough*
-Not really a fan of sam at first. Tuck Actually feels somewhat threatened by her in the beginning beacuse for the longest time it's been JUST him and Danny, the dynamic duo. He gets worried that Danny'll stop hanging out with him because Sam is just SO much cooler. (These worries are completely unfounded, of course.)
-Still a tech wiz, same as in cannon. Even though I've decided I'm going to set the rewrite in the early 2000's, there's gonna be more "modern" technology. (bc I love the fact that Jack, Vlad and Maddie were in college in the 80's and also don't feel like doing math to adjust the timeline) Tucker probably still has at least one PDA somewhere cause hey, vintage shits kinda cool! But it's definitely not gonna be his go to device anymore.
-Tucker has an issue with iron deficiency...hence, an increase of red meat in his diet. The "meat vs veggies" debate is absolutely a heated issue between him and sam, although after a while it settles into friendly banter rather than lengthy arguments that have Danny pulling out his hair at the lunch table.
-Tucker hates the horror genre, cause he's a freaking wuss, lmao. But he lets Sam and Danny drag him out to see movies anyway.
-Tucker's hobbies include tinkering, computer games, (including but not limited to D.O.O.M) coding and yarn crafts.
-His grandmother taught him to crochet when he would visit her in the hospital, Tucker Actually made his beanie himself.
-Danny's the only one who knows about that though because he doesn't want to be teased for liking something "girly"
-He still has a phobia of hospitals. Watching has grandma slowly deteriorating in one is what caused it.
I think I've covered everything, but odds are I'll be adding onto this at some point.
Next post will probably cover Danny's ghost half in depth!
(on a final side note, if anyone is interested in drawing character refs for this project, dm me! I can compensate with a fic based on prompt of your choice, or if you have set commission rates, $$$)
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Survey #361
“the world is a vampire, sent to drain”
Have you ever been through a phase of thinking emo guys were hot? A phase? Hunny, they're still hot lmao. Have you ever dated someone that could play an instrument? Yeah. Juan could play guitar, and Girt played I think the tuba in band. What’s so horrible about wearing leggings like pants? I've actually never understood why people freak about this. Like so long as they're not sheer and fit you fine, why exactly is this a problem...? Weirdest picture you’ve ever taken of yourself? Oh dear. When someone claims to be suicidal, do you take them seriously? FUCK you if you don't. Honest to god, fuck you. This is NOT something you just don't even blink at. Even if it's surprising to hear from that person, you take that shit seriously and try to talk to them about it. Ever been kicked out of anywhere? Colleen's house. Ever had Skittles vodka? No, but that shit sounds good. Ever punched someone in the face? No. If you haven’t, do you want to now? Uh, I'll pass. Do you truly HATE anyone? No one I know personally, but people like rapists, pedophiles, etc., I sure as hell do hate them. Most historical/famous landmark/building you’ve been to in your country? No clue. Favorite flavor for most things? Strawberry, watermelon, or blue raspberry, depending on what the thing is. Ever taken pictures in a photobooth? Who with? Yeah: Summer, Jason, and I'm pretty sure Sara and I did? What is the closest book to you? It's a full collection of Poe's poetry that Mom got me. Are you reading it or someone else? I'm not right now. I may eventually. Milkshakes or Sundaes? Hm, I gotta go with milkshakes. Do you like watermelons more or cherries? I'm not a fan of either, but I'd definitely pick watermelons over cherries. Who was the last person you ate with? My family and I went to Ichiban (a Japanese steakhouse that we have here where they cook directly in front of you) yesterday to celebrate Nicole's graduation. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? Broccoli. I hate asparagus. Do you have any bug bites? No. Do you have any flowers in your room? No. Do you know anyone that owns horses? Loosely, anyway. It's a family I took pictures for, and I still have the mother on Facebook. When you were little, did you ever go to feed the ducks? Yes, I LOVED doing that. Don't feed ducks bread, by the way. Have you seen any of the seven wonders of the world in person? No. Have you ever won anything out of one of those crane machines? Yeah. Can you remember being taught how to ride a bike? Was it hard for you? Yeah. I don't THINK it was too hard. Did you get carded the last time you ordered an alcoholic drink? No. Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana? No, it's not legal here. Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? No. Which was the worst phase in your life? 2016 was. Towards the end of '15 was the breakup, and through aaaaaaall of 2016, I was just dead inside and totally useless. Every day I wanted to be dead. Can you remember your last dream? I had a nightmare some stupid kids were fucking with my snake Venus, so I was trying to protect her. Do you ever use Snapchat? No, I don't have one. What’s your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. What happened at the last party you went to? Summer prepared some little Halloween treat bags for us guests, we watched a horror movie, and everyone but me smoked some weed. Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? I would assume everyone is more comfortable lying down... Have you ever been a fan of N*Sync? Yeah, as a kiddo. Favorite kind of cake: Red velvet, yum yum. What is your middle name? Marie. TV shows and anime you watch regularly: None. Do you want to have a big family in the future? Just a big family of pets with a spouse. What was the last thing you did that gave you a rush? Oh boy, I couldn't tell ya. Is Vegas one of your must-see places? No. Pet rat: yay or nay? YAY!! I've had many, but I don't think I'll get any more. I've just had bad luck with them, save for one that died of cancer at an old age. Would you call yourself a writer? Written any stories lately? Yeah. I haven't really written any big RP posts of the late, but I did recently write a poem. Are needles something that you’re afraid of? Okay, so this is super weird. Tattoos and piercings? No problem. Little prick, getting blood drawn, that sorta little stuff, no problem. I am, however, NOT a fan of big needles, which used to not be an issue. It's actually kinda recent, and it's why I'm nervous about my second Covid shot coming up, aha... What was the last unexpected hug you gave/received? I really haven't had an unexpected hug since Jason asked for one before he left my house after our final talk. Who was the last person you held hands with? Either my niece or nephew. Have you ever been in a parade before? If so, was it on TV? No. Do you have a fear of rollercoasters? If so, were you ever forced to go on one? If you don’t, what is your favorite rollercoaster? I have a big fear of them, yeah. Post a picture of you from a recent time. Don't feel like it. Who was the last person to give you some of their food? Miss Tobey let me try one of her dumplings yesterday when we were at Ichiban for dinner. The last person you met, what was your first impression of them? I actually didn't quite like her. Have you ever been to a football game? Yeah, because my sister was a cheerleader. Do you like the snow or rain better? Snowwww. Have you ever faked sick? Yeah. What is your blood-type? A-. Have you ever eaten a bug? Not knowingly. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Salsa. Mom got these veggie chips at the store and they apparently taste better with salsa, which it did. They weren't great, though. Are you listening to anything at the moment? It's Gab Smolders' turn for me to watch her Resident Evil 8 upload, haha. I'm literally watching three different people (Mark, John Wolfe, and her) play it. Can you take a bra off with one hand? I haven't tried, I think? I doubt I could, given that I'm not exactly small. Do you have an innie or an outie bellybutton? Innie. Can you crack your neck? NOOOOO AND DO NOT DO IT AROUND ME YOURSELF. Are you donating your organs? Yeah; what am I gonna use 'em for? It just seems like a waste otherwise. They're just gonna decay. When was the last time you talked to you mom? Before she left with Tobey to go to the store. Do you like pumpkin pie? NO. I don't like pie, and I hate pumpkin. Do you own your own computer? Yeah. Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Yeah; growing up, my little sister and I did. Is there any piece of technology you want to buy? I REALLY want a PS4. Did you ever have a night light when you were a kid? Yeah. What TV show had you hooked from the very first episode? Meerkat Manor, 100%. I had to know that Shakespeare was okay. What is your least favorite Sour Patch Kids color? Orange or red, can't pick. Have you ever seen the movie Matilda? YES! I love that movie. What is the weirdest chant you have ever heard? Uh, idk. How are you feeling? Annoyed and hurt as fuck because shit Miss Tobey says without thinking for a single goddamn second. I'm honestly beyond sick of this woman. Do you know anyone with a unibrow? I don't think so. Doughy or saucy pizza? Doughy. Do you have anything that’s limited edition? Yeah. Do you have an air freshener in your bathroom? If so, what scent? I... think we do? If so though, I just don't notice it. The bathroom doesn't smell like anything in particular. Do you like Jalapeno Cheetos? Oh man, I forgot about those! Love 'em. Are you a fan of salads? Yeah, they're fine. I have to be in the mood for one, though. What’s one random thing that you don’t like? Uhhh carrots. What’s one random thing that you like? Shrimp. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I don't. Is it easy for you to accept loss? NOPE. I'm the absolute worst with it. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? I really wanna see Sara, so take me to Illinois. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her birthday the day before mine. Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? Not anymore, honestly. After Jason, I stopped that "I can't live without you" mindset. Truth is I'm going to lose people through life, and I'm not attaching my ability to happily exist to anyone. Are you wearing a ring? Two. Have your friends ever stopped by your house just to say hi? In the past, yeah. Do you like Chinese food? Not really. I only ever get pork fried rice and eggrolls from Chinese restaurants. Have you done any shopping for something in specific recently? No. Do you still live in your hometown? No. What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? I don't recall, honestly. I haven't done that in a very long time. Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? A very strange light, yes. Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? Yes to both. Seeing Mom drunk is very, very rare though. My dad was an alcoholic when I was growing up, so I saw him drunk plenty. Do your parents vote? Mom does, idk about Dad. Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? Jason. What restaurant has the best fries? Nowhere has anything on Bojangle's, y'all. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? No.
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atopearth · 4 years
Chrono Trigger Part 1 - A Colourful World of Different Ages
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As someone who has played Chrono Cross but not Chrono Trigger, I’m curious to see why it’s so beloved haha, right now it just makes me think of Dragon Ball all the time (because of the character designs). But, I’m really liking the soundtrack and atmosphere though, it really has that nostalgic homey feel that I love about JRPGs in the past. Lmao at the maid in the Mayor’s house, she tells you that you can help yourself to all the treasure chests in this house as if it’s a treasure trove and there’s only two chests!! Lady, don’t get my hopes up! Umm, I went to the fair where Lucca is showcasing her new invention or something and I think I just ate the old man’s lunch!! LOL, I’m sorry old man. I might have to restart just because I feel bad eating it. Is Marle a princess btw? Anyway, lmao at the Biggs and Wedge in the horror house lolll. Ohhh I guess this is how the two games are similar? They both have a pendant that causes them to kinda be transported somewhere else? It’s really cool of Crono to chase after Marle when she disappeared though! I mean, who knows where she went! At least it’s not the fault of Lucca’s invention lol, since it worked properly when Crono was on it without the necklace haha. I assume that this is the past when there was a war going on and this Queen Leene that the people are saying have been found is probably Marle? Oh wait, 600 AD? It’s 400 years ago! HAHAHA omg the little green/blue Piccolo monster can ride on the ball monster hahahaha how cute. Anyway, as expected, we’re going to have to find the real queen, since if she dies, Marle/Princess Nadia isn’t going to exist~ Dunno why Marle keeps disappearing though! On another note, Lucca sure came here fast and found Crono in no time lol!
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Damn, monster nuns?! Awww! A frog guy to the rescue!! HAHAHA Frog has a skill called slurp that licks a party member and heals their HP hahahaha. I guess the reason why Marle “disappeared” and came back was because Queen Leene’s life was in danger, so Marle’s existence was questioned. Lmao at everyone in the castle now saying that yeah Marle couldn’t have been Leene after all since she ate so much and had no manners🤣🤣 I feel sorry for Frog but I can understand why he blames himself, he was the Queen’s knight and yet she got captured by Yakra… At least he saved her! Lucca is pretty amazing to be able to make a gate key to keep the gate there for them to go back to their time. She’s not dodgy at her inventions at all! Well, I didn’t expect it to go well but I didn’t think bringing Marle back to the castle would make her father etc think Crono was a kidnapper. Well, it’s just the dodgy Chancellor mainly but still. Lmao at the trial, like I’m sorry I picked up Marle’s pendant before caring about her lmao, she was already standing dude! Yes, I’m such a terrible person LOL. Anyway, apparently helping the girl find her cat was enough to make Crono a good enough guy lol. I guess not eating grandpa’s lunch really helped my case too HAHAHA. Not that it matters since the Chancellor still wants to execute Crono! I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to let Crono keep his weapons whilst in jail though lmao. LMAO at the piece of paper detailing the weaknesses of the tank boss, “as long as no crazy lunatic starts hacking at it with a sword, it should be invincible” hahahaha. I love how Lucca always comes to save the day though, she’s so cool haha. Hahahah I love how the dragon tank explodes on the bridge and the Chancellor and mechanics are then used as the broken part of the bridge for you to cross (since they’re all holding on to their dear lives) hahaha. It was pretty reckless of them to all run and jump into a Gate though, like who knows where it goes?!
It’s kinda saddening that these people (in 1999 AD/destroyed future?) seem to be at the mercy of their own technology that they developed, especially when Doan said they were atop food storage but they can’t access it because the robots are protecting it. Imagine starving on top of a pile of food… Ohh wow, so 1999 AD the day of Lavos is when Lavos appeared from underground around the world and destroyed it all? I was so nervous about losing to Johnny in the race across the ruins but lmaoo it doesn’t even matter! It’s not that far! And I have to go back into the ruins to get a chest anyway loll. Omgg Robo is such a cutie! It was so saddening when his “friends” called him a defect (since Lucca fixed him and he’s not a normal robot following the functions of killing intruders) and thrashed him! Even I had trouble dealing with them though, way too many robots lol. Anyway, we really gotta appreciate how amazing Lucca is to be able to fix future machinery like dang. Now we have a new friend too! 
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Omg the End of Time? It looks pretty much like the Bend of Time in Chrono Cross, it’s kinda cool how funky these things are haha. Wow, for a second, I was wondering whether 1000 AD was actually their home world and time hahaha, it was so different, I was confused! But it seems that in the underworld or whatever that’s where the fiends are living, and they hate the humans and wished that the Magus who created the Lavos killed all the humans 400 years ago? Hmm I wonder why they didn’t kill them all back then and instead decided to kill the humans around 1999 AD? I wonder if talking to Magus or stopping him from creating the Lavos will solve things… Wow, I can’t believe the war here seems to be speeding up really fast! I wonder who is the hero? On the other hand, I never realised the Commander and chef in the castle were brothers! It’s kinda cute how they’re both rough around the edges being stubborn about how their respective teams are more exhausted etc but in the end, they understand how difficult a time it is and will always help each other out. Didn’t think the king himself nearly fought to his death though, how reckless! Lmao at spiced jerky being the rations that the soldiers needed hahahaha.
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Lmao at the Freelancer monster (that looks like a bird), it legit throws rocks at you hahahaha. LMAO at the sheep looking guy that says mountains are so nice, I legit kept talking to him because I felt that there must be a reason for him to be here and lolll if you annoy him enough times he gives you a magic capsule hahahah! I nearly died when he said “you’re not gonna leave me alone huh” LOL. Well, I didn’t expect to find Masamune on a random mountain! They’re so cute separated as two little kids though, yet so ugly in their combined monster form lmaoo. Well, it was to be expected that the real hero was actually Frog, but to think he has the hilt for Masamune! I feel like he feels he’s undeserving to be the hero not just because he wasn’t able to protect the Queen properly though hmmm. Dang, Ayla gets a cool introduction! Didn’t expect her to come from 65,000,000 BC though when I first saw her in the opening. Honestly though, it felt as if Crono fell in love with her at first sight haha! Anyway, it’s kinda cool to come all the way here for the Dreamstone (to fix the Masamune), it kinda reminds me of Chrono Cross when they had to go to Another World for hydra stuff since it was extinct in their own world. Glenn huh? Anyway, didn’t expect Magus to be a good looking guy! Well, he’s a bunch of pixels but I think he’s good looking! Lol!
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I can see why Frog was so adamant on not going along with Crono and them before. He was Glenn, the guy who went along with Cyrus (the Captain of the castle who everyone admired, and even the King and Queen relied on him very much and still speak about him) to defeat Magus, but in the end, Cyrus sacrificed his life to protect Glenn so he could survive and retreat, yet in the end, Magus just turned him into a frog because of the “coward” he was. Not only that, but Cyrus’ last words asked of Frog to protect the queen and them, and yet the queen was kidnapped in the beginning of the story. So you can really see why he would feel so unworthy of being the hero that will save this land. But now that the weapon Cyrus wielded has been fixed (Masamune) and there are new companions enlisting for his help, I think it’s about time Frog stopped blaming himself! It’s time to show Magus that he’s not a coward! It was pretty cool to see Frog slash a mountain in half, like dang, I guess Cyrus was right to say Frog was stronger than him, he just never had the confidence since he was always stunted by his fear. Well, Ozzie is pretty annoying with his traps lmao, kinda childish at the same time though hahaha! I guess it was expected that Magus only summoned Lavos and didn’t create them since they’re beings that have stayed under the planet(?) consuming power etc to become as strong as they are to end up destroying the world in the future.
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Crono and them riding the Dactyl to the reptite castle was cool haha! I feel sad for Kino that he doesn’t get to fight alongside them though, especially since he’s aware that he’s not as strong as Crono and Ayla. Lmaooo at Nizbel complaining about Crono and them walking past him even though he was flexing his muscles and showing them that they needed to defeat him before they can get to Azala hahahah. Hmm, Lavos creates these time gates? 12,000 BC time!
For now, I’m really enjoying Chrono Trigger more than I thought I would! I’ve always averted from time travel stories because I never really found them too interesting, but I really love how the idea is implemented in this, like, it’s literally fun! Not only do you get to see how different the different eras are, but I think the monsters, the people and everything is just so detailed and interesting. Like, it’s hard to forget the NPCs and stuff because they all have such personality, like whether it be the chef and the commander in the castle, the monsters playing ball with each other, and just everyone you encounter along the journey really shows how colourful the world is and how interesting it is to explore it all. The graphics may not be the best considering how old it is, but I think they’re so cute. I kinda wish Crono actually talked or nodded and stuff a bit more, but I guess it’s okay since the rest of the characters talk haha. Honestly though, I think the charm of the game is definitely in the aspect of adventuring in time and how different everything is, yet also how enjoyable it is. And you kinda get a side dose of we need to save the world from Lavos, so it has the typical JRPG feel to it as well haha. Combat is also pretty interesting! Not too hard as well so that’s great, but I really love the dual techs where two characters cooperate to do one skill, I just love watching all the different combinations!
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season 4 first watch impressions
under the cut are my thoughts and my new overall series episode ranking (spoilers)
ep1 - uss callister
- by far my favorite of the season
- a perfect blend of comedy and tragedy 
- i would have loved this as a full movie
- honestly nanette is amazing, like she owns her smarts and sexuality and never gives up i love her
- male coder: “it won’t work, i’ve already tried”
nanette: “well i haven’t” HELL YEAH
- i honestly loved all the ‘crew’ characters, even the gym rat boss
- i especially enjoyed the speech from the boss to robert, where he’s like ‘i acknowledge that i was an ass, but dude, YOU PUSHED MY SON OUT AN AIRLOCK’
- also the fuckin casual dialogue between the monster and bad guy and the crew
- ‘oh my fuck’ 
- 10/10, watch it now
ep2 - arkangel
- preface: the kid playing young owen teague and his family were actually really close with my family when he and my little sister were kids. it was goddamn surreal to see that lil guy talking about porn when i remember him being, like, eight. but nice going nick, keep kicking ass lil dude
- okay so this episode was... conflicting 
- the opener made sense, but in some ways i thought it was TOO obvious and indicative of the episode’s message and tone. i can’t help but wonder if it would have been better just starting like five minutes in
- her father looked like counselor healy from orange is the new black, so that was distracting
- okay jesus christ lady, i get that losing your kid is scary, but implanting her with ‘optional’ optic spying and censoring software is such a massive violation of her privacy. like, it’s one thing when she’s tiny, but how the hell are you going to feel okay with yourself as a parent when she’s an adolescent? 
- the blocking especially pissed me off. that’s so fucking dangerous. either this woman is just very stupid, or very desperate
- at least the narrative established that it kind of was the latter. when her father gets sick, the mother has to care both for both her father and her child. that’s a lot. but still not an excuse for such mental violation of a quickly-growing human being
- young edgelord and sara are fucking adorable
- sara’s self-harm and rage issues are not, however,, and i’m glad that her mother took her head out of her ass and ditched the tablet
- is it just me or is fifteen-year-old sara kind of an idiot? like i get it she’s grunge and artsy, and i loved her giving a treat to the dog, but she seems to be almost hanging out with owen teague because he deals, and not despite it. like i get that i’m supposed to buy that their romance has kind of a subtext of him ‘teaching’ her about things, but like the underage sex and coke are kinda yikes. i feel like he definitely should have had more restraint, and although what the mother does is royally fucked, he and sara are also both to blame
- all right, so the smoothie motif. what a great narrative tool. the miscarriage pill was the most clever part of the episode. sara’s reaction was very well-acted, and the standoff between her and her mother was intense as hell
- i liked that sara’s rage issues remained into adolescence. i was glad that the tablet got wreckt, but i can’t help but wonder if it would have been more effective to have her rage-smash it prior to her mother coming come, leaving the pieces for her to find. the actual beating up of the mother with the tablet seemed to literal, too much sinking in the message. there were moments in crocodile and hang the dj that were the same way. 
- the ending, with sara hitchhiking in some stranger’s truck, was very smart. the ambiguity of a young girl, on her own, hopping in some stranger’s vehicle, is powerful without much explanation. any parent would be horrified by this; that’s what i don’t think we actually needed to see the mother screaming sara’s name and bleeding to understand the horror of losing a child to the unknown
- this one definitely gives me the most complicated feelings of the season; on one hand, it had a lot of great devices going for it. on the other hand, it was over-written and at times trying too hard to be ‘black mirror.’ the grey morality and ambiguous ending reminded me of a literary short story, which i love in my TV.
- 7/10, watch it if you liked most black mirror episodes that weren’t san junipero
ep3 - crocodile
- ah yes, the ‘i watch black mirror to be fuckin ashamed of humanity’ episode
- idk man, i liked it. it was bleak, and fucked up, but i’m all about that downward spiral. i liked that the story kind of began in three different places and then tied together. just as i had with ‘hated in the nation,’ i love police procedural stuff
- also damn, it was freaky as hell to see the straight-laced white blonde soccer-mom type being a despicable murdering sociopath!!! like, gotta go kill an entire family of POC, including a goddamn INFANT, and then see my kid’s show, that’s great. i was so happy when she got what she deserved. 
- all right, so i had one MAJOR PROBLEM with this episode: why the fuck did they make the son blind? the guinea pig twist was so GOOD, and mia fuckin killed a BABY, they didn’t need to further modify that!!! this is another example of black mirror doing just a tad more than it needs to make the audience feel horrible. 
- okay black mirror, we get it, that song is your thing, but can you maybe slide it in as a less glaring easter egg? 
- 8/10, but only if you’re into dark shit and bad endings
ep4 - hang the dj
- not nearly gay enough
- seriously, the entire episode i was unable to focus on the main characters because i kept looking around this Tinder-esque 20′s dating paradise and saw ZERO GAY OR LESBIAN COUPLES. i’m so surprised by this, especially after ‘san junipero.’ at first i was like, maybe this is like society’s way of encouraging procreation because of population decline, but that wasn’t the twist at all. no reason for nearly everyone to be hetero
- THAT BEING SAID, i see you. bi amy. even before the girl partner, i was aware that she used ‘they/them’ pronouns when referring to hypothetical partners. i just wish we could have seen more gay couples in the background (for example, at the choosing ceremony thing, it coulda been two dudes of something)
- uh okay, so everyone loved this episode, and it was okay. some of the banter and jokes were funny and relatable, but honestly, this wasn’t *that* good. the plot wasn’t super original (reminded me a lot of ep1 of hulu’s ‘dimension 404′) and the execution was kind of suuuuuuper basic. like, black suited Enforcers with tasers? a massive matrix wall? the whole thing seemed so predictable and just... basic as hell. 
- but shit man, amy was cool. loved that character in a vacuum. 
- honestly if someone could explain the reasons for loving this episode, i’d like to hear them. because i just don’t get it, man. maybe it’s because i’m gay, or young, or single, or unexperienced... but i just wasn’t very impressed
- 6/10, not even fuckin close to ‘san junipero’ lmao 
ep5 - metalhead
- black and white seemed sort of pretentious, not gonna lie. i think i would have preferred the dirty palette of ‘white bear’ post-apocalypse
- i am all for these female protagonists this season. hell yeah
- soo those corpses in the bed were heavy, but i actually kind of wish we got to see more of that? like, the remains of humanity after the dogs attacked? also, more small explanations for the dogs’ attack would have been interesting
- loved the chase and fight scenes. i can see how they’d be boring, but the moments of conflict between man v. machine were fucking awesome
- K N I F E  D O G
- anyone else get serious farenheit 451 vibes?
- the teddy bear thing was dumb. i don’t think we needed to see what was inside the warehouse. yet another time black mirror threw in just a little more than we needed
- okay so belle keeps alluding to the fact that she has safe family members out there somewhere, so am i to believe that there is some place where humans are safe from dogs? if so, why the actual fuck did she leave? i can’t believe it was just because of fuckin teddy bears
- alllllll the david lynch vibes
- 7/10, but you gotta actually pay attention to the visual details to get the best parts
ep6 - black museum
- BOOOOYYYYYYY! this entire episode i waited for the fuckin shoe to drop and then SHE! DID! THAT!
- the amount of callbacks to previous episodes was,, nice,, but also it was kind of annoying??? and unnecessary? 
- the museum owner was reaaaaaalllly annoying, which is think was intentional. what a fuckin sleaze. in comparison, i thought that jon hamm in ‘white christmas’ was still a somewhat charismatic narrator, but this dude was just yikes
- so, the first story was... kind of a lazy reach? idk, it just felt kinda like a parody of black mirror itself. i get the entire ‘mad science’ vibe they were trying to evoke, but as opposed to the next story, this one had very little to say about human nature. black mirror works its best when it tells stories that use technology as a way to analyze humanity; this one really didn’t (we all already know we’ve got weird kinks)
- the second story was better, but, like, SUPER heartbreaking. poor carrie. i don’t think her husband should have done The Thing at all, honestly, I don’t believe that he couldn’t have seen what happened next coming. it’s like the arkangel mom again; either these characters are just SUPER present-oriented, or just fuckin dumb
- the most tragic moment in this season was ‘monkey needs a hug.’ i felt nauseous 
- okay, now for THE TWIST! the accent drop was a great touch, and i loved that she was poisoning him the entire time. also fuck white men and supremacists, and fuck the museum dude for enabling them. 
- the ending was great. i liked that her mom was chillin with her. the building blowing up was very tarantino. loved her a lot
- 8.5/10, boring in the beginning but the end is worth it 
and now.. 
1. U.S.S. Callister
2. Nosedive
3. Hated in the Nation
4. San Junipero
5. Fifteen Million Merits
6. Be Right Back
7. White Bear
8. White Christmas
9. Black Museum
10. Crocodile
11. Arkangel
12. Metalhead
13. Hang the DJ
14. Playtest
15. The Entire History of You
16. Men Against Fire
17. Shut Up and Dance
18. The National Anthem
19. The Waldo Moment
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dovechim · 7 years
After a hectic week I can finally sit down and dedicate the next hour or so to continue my story because I really want to get to the part which I'd like to hear your opinion - and everyone else's - about!! ☆ Long Story Anon
So we kept messaging for the following days, both busy with our respective classes; but before I knew it and I can't say I was surprised, he invited me to do something again less than a week later. We're from a considerably small city, there isn't much to do around here, so we had a hard time coming up with an idea. Well, he suggested to pick me up and we'd go back to his house to eat something, to which I agreed. I was with my friend and we were both jumping around from excitement ☆ 1
Needless to say my friends all loved him; they were happy that after such a long time and with such bad luck in love I finally found what seemed to be the last guy on earth who was worth more than two seconds of my life. I knew going to his house implied something more serious than making out could happen, but honestly I didn't mind if it did. In context, he lived with his little brother and parents; where we're from it's common at our age to still live at home since we've not graduated yet ☆2
But he'd mentioned during the first date that his parents were away for an anniversary holiday and his little brother was staying with the oldest one who lived in his own apartment with his fiance; meaning we had the house for ourselves. As planned he picked me up and took me there, had some food delivered and we watched terrible horror films on netflix. He'd cheesily try to put his arm around me on the couch and I'd move closer, ending up snuggled together with my heart about to burst ☆ 3
At one point both brothers and the fiance show up with some food, for some reason and that's when I knew half his family on the second date lol. But they moved upstairs quite quickly after eating and left us alone to watch the movies. Eventually he'd kiss my cheek, not-so-subtly letting me know he wanted to KISS-kiss me, but me being the nervous little shit I am didn't really know what to do. It'd been two whole years since I even attempted to make out with someone!! ☆ 4
So he had to move even closer and he said, which I'll never forget: "you're so shy", which I wasn't surprised about, it's not common for a 22 year old to be that reserved, I guess, but with a little bit of patience that single moment turned into the best first kiss I've ever had. I was so scared he'd be a terrible kisser, like I'd experienced before bc that's just a deal breaker for me and everything else about him was so perfect; but boy...was I wrong. We ended up making out for so long that ☆5
Our lips hurt, and he didn't even try to go too far, already noticing that I wasn't the kind of girl to tear off our clothes and start fucking (not that I didn't wish I were lol), so he just held me tight and took me home eventually. God, the memory of his kisses will never leave my mind. To this day I still get butterflies because it was the kind of kiss that makes you feel like your bodies fit together and makes your toes curl :') ☆ 6
im so soft for you and him already :”)))) it’s so sweet that he wasn't afraid of scaring you off and still went for it!! a lot of guys i know are hesitant about dating an inexperienced girl bc they’re scared they will scare her off, and once my friend asked me how he should chase after a girl who has never dated. i literally got so pissed lmao i just said “just fucking treat her like a fucking normal person!!! what are you intending to do that might scare her off???” 
We had a third date after that, about a week later. We went out to eat and it was the day he started posting instagram stories with me and tbh I was surprised. In our generation it takes more than just a couple of dates for a guy to 'announce' he's not 'single' anymore. You know, like if he had intention of seeing other girls at the same time he wouldn't be parading me around for everyone to see, which only fed my hopes of him being 'the one' even more ☆ 7
omg yes :/ the dating culture is so complicated lmao like ppl can be going out with different people at the same time and there’s a certain time after which you’re considered exclusive... it’s so tiring tbh
Another week passed and out of the blue he was asking me to meet his parents. He was very lowkey about it; he said he missed me, mentioning they'd returned from NY and asking if we could meet again that night, but "my parents would be there too, is that a problem?" lol. So I said no, obviously, even though I was shitting my pants, I'd never met a boy's parents in that context before but he seemed excited. He picked me up and we drove back to his place where they were waiting for me ☆ 8
I decided I didn't want to read too much into it back then, but still couldn't help but notice that the older borther+fiance had dropped plans to go to dinner with us so 'the whole family would be there to meet me'. Did that mean him bringing a girl home wasn't that common? Was I actually that special? As if I didn't notice myself falling fast and hard for me enough, his whole family welcomed me with huge open arms. His little brother, extroverted as they come at the age of 10 did everything ☆9
To include me in the conversations; the older brother would tell embarrassing stories. The parents, both doctors, both dating since college and pretty much the whole family (fiancee included) were some of the most welcoming people I'd ever met. They treated me like a family member from the very beginning and noticing how nervous I was they would try to make the dinner as easy going as they could. The guy in question, let's call him Jed? Would hold my hand under the table to calm me down ☆ 10
Or rub soothing circles over my the fabric of my jeans to distract me when a family member would embarrass him. I fell in love with his family as fast as I fell in love with him and I just couldn't believe I'd found someone so perfect. We'd make out until our lips were sore and he'd drop me off at home always leaving me with a feeling of sadness that I had to say goodbye. He made me so happy that I started to go out more, meeting my friends I was just in such a good mood because of him ☆ 11
no you must have been so nervous!!!!! i mean i get that he was low key but  still... parents are a big deal. i hope his intentions were rly pure and that he was that into you!! but im glad they were nice :”) 
I'd even dare to say he made me a better person in ways only I can understand. He'd text me what he was doing or who he was with every day, all the time, even if I didn't ask -which I never did. Sure, he wasn't perfect; sometimes he'd forget we had plans. I have a feeling he lied to me a couple of times but about nothing really major; sometimes he'd be in a bad mood and be sarcastic and annoying af but honestly nothing too bad. All in all I had absolutely nothing to complain about him☆ 12
It wasn't until around a month and a half into the 'relationship' that we went out for drinks and then back to his place that he tried to have sex with me (he'd waited to bring it up more than any other guy I'd ever met lol). I didn't directly tell him I was a virgin, he kinda guessed, and he was more than okay with it, even saying 'I'll wait as long as you want to'; and damn I didn't really want to wait that long, it was just that the time was never right! ☆ 13
At this point we'd both had dinner with his parents several times already. They told me in that household they'd set the habit of having dinner together every night, and were more than happy to let me into their little tradition. At more casual nights we'd sit down and watch some film on netflix, the parents and little brother always moving upstairs at the end and leaving us both alone to make out some more lol. I was even invited to his dad's birthday dinner at a fancy ass restaurant ☆ 14
this is so cute 😭 im just very ugh whenever a guy kinda hints at sex bc dude u gotta make me WANT it not just ask for it :/ but it sounds like he was super respectful!! and tbh im just very bad with other ppl’s parents, but his sounds rly perfect  😭 do such ppl even exist??? i cant even remember the last time i ate w my family :/ 
So by the third month I already felt part of that family tbh. I'd cooked alongside the mother like lifelong friends, and sat down for coffee after dinner to talk about how fast technology is moving with his dad. His little brother would tell jokes or ask me to teach him some guitar and I think they began to love me as much and as fast as I loved them, honestly. I was even invited to the dog's birthday part lmfao I was just unable to attend but was kindly provided with video memories ☆ 15
Everything was going so perfect, I think we could've lasted so much longer but maybe just the timing wasn't right. I still remember him dearly though, but back then I had my heart broken so bad that I simply wish I'd never met him. What hurt the most was growing so attached to his family and then out of the blue, and without a single chance to say goodbye I never saw any of them again. I should've known life isn't a movie or a book and nothing that starts so well can end just as happily ☆ 16
WHY ARE YOU USING PAST TENSE?????????? NO!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SHAKEN RIGHT NOW bc this feels like that part in a book where the author’s just leading u towards that horribly devastating ending and that’s exactly what ur doing  😭
The last night I went to his house - btw we never visited MY house because MY family as much as I love them to death aren't as welcoming as his was with me, so until I knew FOR SURE this guy and I were serious, I decided to suggest activities that required not being at my place lol - the whole evening started weirdly. He'd been taking longer than usual to text me, and it was getting too late so I though we just weren't doing anything but he insisted he wanted to see me ☆ 17
And fuck, I wanted to see him to, once or twice a week just wasn't enough anymore and I missed his touch so badly. So I agreed for him to pick me up, even though he kind of strung me along for a few hours. By the time he picked me up I hadn't eaten, not knowing wth we were going to do but he said he'd had dinner before picking me up. Why would he though? He knew we had plans, which usually involved dinner, why not wait for me for eating? Either way, I'd missed him, I wasn't about to fight ☆ 18
We reached his place and his mom was already going upstairs for sleeping along with the little brother; the father was performing a surgery so we were alone at the living room together. He was a little tense and I didn't understand why, he said he was tired because he'd had class up until late and I asked if he just wanted me to leave but he asked me not to; he wanted to see me, he wanted me to stay. We cuddled on the couch and I had to wake him back up several times, growing annoyed ☆ 19
And when the dad got home he quickly got up and pretended to do something in the kitchen. The man had to eat and we had to wait for him to leave to sit back together, the whole situation was awkward af. I was wondering if I should just call a cab and leave, but he insisted not to. At around 2am (it was a friday) while making out he asked if I wanted to go up to his room, to which I said yes. He knew what that meant, so he was excited about it, going upstairs to check if his room was clear ☆ 20
Damn, I hit ask limit again :'( I'll have to leave it here right now but I swear I'll get to the point eventually lol I'm sorry!! also thank you for giving me your patience and space to tell this story, I feel like this way I can tell it without filters about what really happened or how I felt and actually receive honest unbiased opinions
omg i literally cannot believe u ended right there??????? i hate tumblr’s ask limit. im on the edge of my seat right now!!! thank you for taking the time to send me these, im so invested in ur story now its insane!! 
come back whenever you have time bb
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Feb 8 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Series of Unfortunate Events 7-8
Prowl was tired. But dammit, he wasn’t going to miss ASoUE. He also got to sit with Crosscut for the first time in a long while.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Trudge trudge. Couch time. Be free and spread out, minions.* Shockbox changed their nickname to Shockwave. Shockwave: *He is present. * ItsyBitsySpyers: *So far, nobody else is. He could probably raid the snacks.* Frostbite: hallo all ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings. Designation?]] Frostbite: I was going to name myself shockwave but i see someone beat me to it Dart: (( you can have more than one shockwave here )) Frostbite: i know xD i just figured it would be easier instead of everyone referring to multiple ones FakeProwl: *comes in. sits down. props his chin on his hands. immediately puts avatar into sleep mode.* Whirl: *trots on in* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Wonders why Prowl isn't just sleeping. Well, he'll keep others from messing with it.* Dart: [ shoving NOS inside. Waves a servo ] Hi , mechs! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Uhhh... hi?// NOS: [ grumbling and stumbling inside. Carrying a tray of snacks ] FakeProwl: *because he likes A Series of Unfortunate Events* Whirl: *had paused mid-striide, taken aback by the unfamiliar music, and now swivels his helm around to regard Dart, narrow-eyed* You Whirl: . Dart: .. Yes? ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is tempting to dance to this, but there are too many people here now. Alas.* NOS: [ sets tray down and huffs ] There. Snacks made. [checks off a datapad] Whirl: You're one of THOSE guys. Not gonna cause any trouble, are you? Frostbite: *does a lil dance in their chair* :D Dart: ... THOSE guys? Whirl: ((wait. speddy which one of these guys is the KSI mech)) Whirl: ((or are dart and nos both lmao)) NOS: (( both )) Whirl: ((also........ would whirl have met these individuals before)) Dart: (( Idk if he's been on the ship, I guess )) Whirl: ((I don't....... actually know where I'm coming or going from here)) Whirl: ((all right y'know what NEVERMIND. JUST. SCRATC WHIRL'S REACTION TO DART. STARTING OVER)) Dart: (( shrugs ?? )) Airachnid: [peeks in the room before waking in] Frostbite: hello! Whirl: ((sorry dude we haven't even had those threads yet 8);; )) Whirl: *so, INSTEAD of eyeing Dart suspiciously he's gonna just glance at him, bob his helm at Airachnid and Soundwave, and trot on over to his hammock* Dart: [ well, this is so awkward. Reading a datapad ] Dart: [ the scenarios are like lesson plans. They're like substitutes. This should be simple ] Airachnid: [waves at Whirl before chirping at Whirl. Is he willing to share the hammock tonight?] Whirl: *but of course, ma'am; he sits up and shifts to make room for her--and the usual crowd, should they decide to come* Airachnid: [happy chirp before climbing into the hammock] Whirl: *nods, amused at her chirping* Evening. Frostbite: (i'm normally asleep by now, it's 3:30am for me so this is all new) NOS: Well, you guys can get snacks if you want, I guess. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Who are you?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Curious lean away from back of couch* NOS: [ points to self ] I'm NOS. [points to Dart] That's Dart. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of?]] Airachnid: Good evening. [she's just happy to see Whirl, not a good night last night] NOS: The Skeleton Crew. NOS: Look, I wouldn't willingly visit this place. I have a job here. Shockwave: *Stealing snacks while everyone is distracted. Shhhhhhh.* Frostbite: LOL shockwave plz Frostbite: leave some for everyone else ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Hmm. And what job is that?]] Dart: [ smirks ] NOS's job is to swab each and every deck. Shockwave: *He stops for a moment to stare directly at Frostbite. Damnit, he was being so stealthy too.* NOS: It is NOT my only job! NOS: [ places servo on his chassis ] I'm the ship's explosives artist. Dart: Yes, he did a number on the kitchen. It was, hmmm, mind blowing. Frostbite: ((i run a shockwave blog too you rascal, i know the ways)) Whirl: *now turns his attention to these two strangers* Wait--so you're regulars? I've not seen you two around. Dart: Oh, we recently changed our frames. Shockwave: (( Oh do you now? What's your url?)) Frostbite: ((illogicalshockwave <3 )) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heh. Mind blowing. How many minds?// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hope somebody cleaned 'em off the walls after.// Shockwave: (( Ah, I've reblogged your art before.)) Dart: Not many minds. Dart: Just his own. Frostbite: how does one even blow up a kitchen?? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Easily.]] Airachnid: Gernades can do that. Frostbite: i meant with cooking but that works too Dart: NOS was attempting to cook. Whirl: And what better way to clean a kitchen, than with a grenade? NOS: Hey, I succeeded. NOS: I cooked the snacks, Dart set up the thing. Airachnid: Bad energon or bad energon preperation. Dart: [[ lemme know when you guys are ready i guess ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready)) Whirl: So where did Teach scrape YOU two up? I wasn't aware e was doing recruitment. *snorts* Whirl: ((ye)) Shockwave: (( I'm good to go)) FakeProwl: ((ready)) Frostbite: ((ready!)) Dart: ... He's been recruiting. It's been kind of a big deal. Shockwave: *He finishes stockpiling and returns to his seat.* NOS: We're from Tyran. NOS: He picked us up a long time ago. Well... sort of. Frostbite: shockwave i'm sharing with you! dibs on the scientist! FakeProwl: *optics flicker on. who's the obnoxious fan?* Shockwave: ....Well, if you insist. Whirl: ...*pauses and zoops his neck out slowly, peering; NOW it's time for Whirl to stare suspiciously* Did he happen to pick yuo guys up from Earth? Frostbite: *sweats nervously* ((is the only human in the room)) Dart: ... Did he pick us up? NOS: He picked parts of us up, I guess. Shockwave: (( oh, didn't know you were human.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave makes himself quite comfortable on his couch and prepares to watch the Count human fail yet again* Shockwave: (( in that case i retract that original response in exchange for:)) Whirl: Wait. Are you--are you one of THOSE mecha? Kinetic Solutions? Dart: We're NOT KSI's mechs... Shockwave: You are in no place to lay claim me, fleshling. NOS: But, we WERE built from the same technology. Shockwave: ((*claim to)) Shockwave: (( goddamn lag. )) Frostbite: hey i'm part metal at this point FakeProwl: *there's the obnoxious fan. why is the obnoxious fan a member of a species that the person they're fanning over helped threaten.* Whirl: *snorts* Yeah, yeah. If humans didn't make you, who DID? Dart: Blurr did. Shockwave: That makes little difference. You are still of human origin. NOS: Stole the tech, he said. Dart: Created us for help, he said. Whirl: I'll be damned. He's a proud PAPA. *snickrs* FakeProwl: Another fire. Whirl: Well, if Blurr made you, then you're all right with me.. *looks around* Where IS Teach, anyway? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Earth is particularly flammable.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Not knowing is definitely worse.* Frostbite: ((please do not set fire to the earth)) Dart: Don't call him that. NOS: Ugh disgusting... Whirl: Teach? NOS: .. .Teach you what? Whirl: Yeah. Blurr. Teach. Whirl: Your PAPA. NOS: .. Papa? ItsyBitsySpyers: *The eye.* Shockwave: *In any case, he begins casually refueling while paying attention to the show.* NOS: [ wrinkles nasal ] No. Shockwave: (( brb )) Whirl: Yes. *optic squints into an amused expression* NOS: Disgusting. Airachnid: Yes, the Earth is very flammable. It's annoying sometimes. Whirl: But, yeah. Where IS he, anyway? FakeProwl: They've made mention of a volunteer fire department. I suspect that in this series, fire is more significant than just something that occasionally happens on Earth. NOS: Who, Blurr? Dart: He's... out. Right now. Dart: [ technically not lying ] Frostbite: ((like a light apparently)) Whirl: Out? *sly look* Whirl: Mm-hmm. I'm sure. Dart: ... Yes. Whirl: *going to make the completely reasonable assumption that Blurr is on... (dramatic music) a DATE* NOS: [ glances at Dart ] ... [shrugs ] Frostbite: with roadbuster maybe Dart: [ shrugs as well ] Whirl: *snickers* Dart: [ the lie sold itself ] Whirl: *settles more comfortably and swivels his helm about; is any of the usual crew going to join him?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy will come lounge.* NOS: [ moves to flop on Blurr's couch. Stretches legs out ] Dart: [ slaps his legs down and moves to sit next to him. Twitches doors. ] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[That was oddly specific.]] Frostbite: i'd be crushed, i'm staying where this human won't be accidentally squished Whirl: *will happily make room. Between Whirl, Airachnid, and Frenzy, this is the fiercest hammock that's ever been* Whirl: Hey mech, how're you liking working with Teach? *nudgs Frenzy* FakeProwl: Very oddly specific. Airachnid: [the terror hammock] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy tips a lazy salute at Airachnid.* \\HE FIGHTS REAL GOOD. DON'T MEDIC HIMSELF FOR NOTHIN'.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Ain't that a downgrade.// FakeProwl: *lights out at six o'clock, "more time for dreaming." Prowl likes this guy.* Airachnid: [chuckling at the salute, it was cute] Whirl: *Frenzy is a ball of violence and charm. Violent charm; Whirl is secretly a little delighted to see them making the first steps towards "maybe these two will get along"* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy slowly pushes his visor a little closer to his face, just in case any optomomotrees get near his optics.* Dart: [ hums  ] He really doesn't know how to medic. That's what Axis is for. Whirl: Yeah, tell me about it. I've never met a mech wh takes care of himself that shoddily. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Aha.]] Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: //He's a damn liar.// Whirl: ((omg... it's kevin's mom)) NOS: (( it is )) Whirl: ((catherine 'hara!)) Whirl: I bet she's gonna eat it up, too. Whirl: ((omg. is that Getaway's pickup line....)) FakeProwl: ((i think so)) Shockwave: (( back. )) Frostbite: ((welcome back)) Airachnid: [Olaf is reminding me more and more of someone she doesn't want to think about] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A good dream.]] Whirl: *Sonny continues to be the BEST CHARACTER* ItsyBitsySpyers: *That was supposed to be asterisks, but whatever, I'll roll with it* Frostbite: ((dang it it's 4am, gotta get up at 8. must peace out now, it was fun hanging out while it lasted)) Whirl: ((Gnight!)) Shockwave: (( Ah, goodnight. May we meet again sometime. )) NOS: (( night )) NOS: ... Logging? That's not that hard, is it? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Has often wondered how this works. Leans forward to watch.* FakeProwl: *leans on Soundwave. he's trying to keep up, but he's sleepily blinking.* Dart: Not really. It's in my programming. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh? Will sit back to be a better cushion.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Rest needed? Whirl: You were built to... *wat would he even call this?* Log? Dart: Every human machinery process is in my programming. Dart: It's in yours, too. NOS: ... yeah. Whirl: Haha! Whirl: Sonny is the best. Whirl: Look at her go. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes. I didn't get enough last night.» Whirl: Huh. What kinda vehicle are you? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Recharge. Can observe files together later. NOS: ...Huh? Whirl: For logging. What kind of vehicle logs? NOS: We can do anything a human-made machine can do. It's...sort of what they intended for us. I think. Whirl: Ohh. Right. Gotcha, FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'd rather watch it now if I can.» Shockwave: ((My poor computer's going to explode if I stay for much longer, and the lag is getting sort of bad.)) NOS: (( aw. Sorry ;-; )) Shockwave: ((I'll see you all next week. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((give your computer a rest and have a good night)) FakeProwl: ((gnight)) Whirl: ((gnight!)) Shockwave: (( G'night to all you too. )) NOS: Glasses? Ew... Whirl: *oh yeah, it'[s that guy again* Whirl: *whirl noticed the hook hands, of course* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny nod. Very well. He will pull the avatar close and occasionally ping something.* Whirl: Pfft. Whirl: *he's picked up enough French to get that joke* Whirl: *... the jke about it being called Spanish, not the one about it being a euphemism* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It -does- sound like a fun book.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WOO! LOOKIT HER GO.\\ Whirl: *see now, this is the kind of romance whirl can get behind* Whirl: *coordinated couples ***-kicking* NOS: Who has time to cross out all of that? That's too much work. Airachnid: Ah, I love a good conspiracy. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Sloppy.]] FakeProwl: Who would take all the time to cross all those out but leave one intact? NOS: They got tired? Whirl: I'd have destroyed 'em. Airachnid: Perhaps they forgot about that one. FakeProwl: There's the emphasis on fire again. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps he'll save the paper?]] FakeProwl: He made an effort. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Run, human child.]] Whirl: *shifts a little* Airachnid: Never trust a  chair with that many restraints. Whirl: ...good advice. Dart: I dunno. That's how they kept us for a while... Wasn't it? NOS: Parts. Remember, we were made in that weirdo's city. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Is this what happened to the optimist?]] Airachnid: ...most likely. Airachnid: Now that's just deplorable. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...]] Whirl: Mine control is a hell of a thing. Whirl: *mind ItsyBitsySpyers: //Mus' be the fried egg thing.// Dart: Ugh, yeah... especially when it's a human. NOS: Using those annoying controls. Move your arm this way, move your arm that way! Whirl: Oh, the Vertigo shot. Nice. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Vertigo shot?]] Whirl: The shot of Klaus just now--with the weird zooming effect. Hitchcock invented it. Whirl: You zoom in while pulling the camera away. ItsyBitsySpyers: //What, the birds fragger?// Whirl: Yep. Whirl: He made some good movies. Whirl: You should come to the next Culture Club night--we're gonna watch North by Northwest. FakeProwl: ... *blinks* Well. ItsyBitsySpyers: //'Course I'm goin'. Boss swore he'd be.// Whirl: In other news--hell of a bait and switch the show just pulled. Airachnid: I had a feeling it was too good to be true. Airachnid: It is called "A Series of Unfortunate Events" after all. Whirl: Well, true. Dart: (( do you guys want a break or just go? )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nudges Prowl. He'd wondered why the citrus human was investigating, hadn't he?* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm fine with going but idk others)) Whirl: ((A little break would be nice, I wanna grab a snack(( FakeProwl: *glances at?* Dart: ((k )) Dart: (( break )) Airachnid: I'm cool but I'm willing to wait)) Crosscut: -Comes in and glances around the room- NOS: You know, I made all those snacks. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl caught narrator investigation reason? NOS: And you guys aren't gonna eat 'em. NOS: That's rude. Crosscut: Am I late? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave lifts his hand and taps his visor. Sorry, NOS.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak will plow right into them though* NOS: ... [ stares at Soundwave ] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yo, Crosscut.// FakeProwl: ... *slowblink* @Soundwave «I'm tired.» Whirl: How the hell do you expect me to eat them without a mouth? Crosscut: (Freaking weird music for CC t suddenly walk in to XD)) NOS: ... [ breaks his faceplate apart in pixelated pieces and reprograms them to lok like a visor ] Me too! Whirl: ((CC'S NEW THEME)) NOS: [ changes his face back and grins ] Cool... Dart: Stop doing that. They're gonna think we're weird... Airachnid: ... [just going to ignore that] FakeProwl: *in other words no. it must have happened somewhere in between "those were somebody else's parents?" and "I'd THOUGHT the hypnosis was broken too easily"* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up a little straighter and stares at the visor for a second* ItsyBitsySpyers: *If there's a Galvatron here...* NOS: [ laughs and wiggles in his spot ] I love meeting new mechs! FakeProwl: *?? looks at what soundwave is looking at* Crosscut: -Finds a place to sit- NOS: [ breaks his frame apart and spirals around the couch to move to stand behind it ] NOS: You guys are pretty rad. You should be friends with /me/ instead! Airachnid: ... Crosscut: I apologize for not being around as much lately,  its been a while since I've been to any of these film nights. FakeProwl: *... unimpressed blink.* Sorry. Already saw that one yesterday. Dart: [ glances at his datapad ] Oh, hello. [waves at CC ] FakeProwl: Unless you can one-up creating earthquakes, I'm not impressed. Airachnid: [she's just going to stay in her lane, or in this case, in the hammock] NOS: Earthquakes...? Huh. Nope, we don't do that. FakeProwl: Hm. NOS: But Dart and I figured out how to com-mmfh. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Watches the spiral flit overhead and twitches slightly. As long as they don't lay a hand on him...* Whirl: *chimes in* These guys were made by folks on Earth--KSI. or, well, partially. Looks like Teach brought  them together. Dart: [ drags him back ] Shut up. Crosscut: -Waves back, not sure if he recognized who this is just yet- Whirl: Human tech with a Cybertronian twis. Adaptable... *swivels his helm around to star at both* But easily killd. FakeProwl: *is that Crosscut's voice? looks around for the source. ah.* It's been a while. Dart: Don't threaten us. This is our Captain's ship. Dart: We work for him. Dart: NOS just has a very big EGO that someone can't keep a lid on. NOS: [ helpless shrug ] I'm better than most people. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Apologies. Narrator stated beloved Be-a-triss failed question before loss. Question: Count Olaf's present location. Crosscut: -Looks to Prowl and smiles under his mask- Yes it has, its good to see you..well, sort of see you I suppose. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Thank you.» Airachnid: [optic roll before she filed her talons] Whirl: I'm sorry? Did that sound like a threat? FakeProwl: "Sort of," yes. Airachnid: It sounded like more like stating a fact. Whirl: Clearly you just need to work on your conversational skills. *flexes claws* Airachnid: Or, an opinion. Whirl: ((i must take out the garbage brb)) Dart: [ frowns ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Glances over, then up at Crosscut. Should he make room?* Dart: We're not stupid... well, NOS is. Dart: I'm not. Airachnid: However you interpret it. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THE BEST THREATS IS WHEN YA GOT 'EM IN YOUR CLAWS ANYWAY.\\ Crosscut: Do you know what it is we'll be watching tonight? Dart: We're not here to fight. Despite what NOS says. Dart: We're supposed to run the night like normal. FakeProwl: A show called "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Three human youths have lost their parents and are being stalked by someone who wants their money. Dart: [ looks at datapad ] The lesson plan doesn't call for a fight. Crosscut: -CC is fine to sit anywhere, if Prowl wants him to sit by him he'll gladly do so if room is made- Crosscut: Hmm, interesting. FakeProwl: *Prowl would like so, but isn't going to make the offer. he's technically a guest on Soundwave's couch.* Airachnid: Things do not always go according to plan. Dart: Okay, well, they have to here. Dart: If the Captain finds out it didn't, he's gonna blow another fuse. FakeProwl: The dialogue is very informative and straight-forward. *this is high praise from Prowl* NOS: [ nudges him ] Not that he did. We just mean he'll get himself in a knot. Whirl: And? I still don't see what this has to do with me. Dart: It means- nothing. Dart: Forget it. Dart: (( are you guys ready again? )) Whirl: *looks quietly satisfied* Of course. Already forgotten. Whirl: ((YES i am back)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Would you mind Crosscut joining?» FakeProwl: ((ready)) Dart: [ scoffs and throws the datapad on the couch . Looks at NOS. Starts talking in another dialect. They talkin' some mad shyte ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Responds by clearing some room* NOS: [ waves servos and rants back. Motions to the group like WTF ] FakeProwl: *scoots with.* Would you like to sit with us, Crosscut? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Another fuse?]] Dart: Pardon? [ahem. Twitches doors ] Dart: (( is it offline? )) ItsyBitsySpyers: [][][]If the Captain finds out it didn't, he's gonna blow another fuse.[][][] [[Another fuse. One after one already blown.]] Whirl: ((did it died--it's back!)) FakeProwl: ((its back)) Dart: ... Did I say that? Dart: I meant, you know, when he gets mad. Dart: It's a phrase. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why was he mad before?]] Whirl: Did you guys torque him off? *now taking an interest* Dart: He wasn't mad... Dart: I mean, he didn't seem mad Whirl: ((that guy is me rn LOL)) NOS: He was mad when we attacked that cargo ship. Whirl: ((coughing myself Into the Sun)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hmm. Fine.* Dart: He seemed fine after we beat Thundertron. NOS: He was giddy about that upgrade. Whirl: We saw! Crosscut: ((Sorry! The dog had a peepee emergancy!)) Crosscut: ((I am back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((np np. slendy and prowl made room on couch, prowl offered seat)) Crosscut: Oh, yes of course. -He nods and takes a seat next to Prowl- ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THE SCHMUH THING!\\ Crosscut: ((Murry~!)) Airachnid: [she knows that feeling, do not be impolite to Airachnid, you'll get hit back] Whirl: Is that what being twitterpated DOES to you? Good lord.
Missed some.
NOS: (( EXACTLY )) NOS: ... Yes, see. This is why I hate humans. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Someone attempted to adopt you?]] NOS: No, humans liked using mechs like us for their own profit. Whirl: Yeah--Blurr. NOS: Blurr did not adopt us! Whirl: Here's a newflash for you, NOS--Cybertronians do that to each other, too Crosscut: -understands the acting is supposed to be kinda campy and cheesy on purpose but its still a bit bothersome.- FakeProwl: So. "Lucky" is the trigger word for a highly suggestible trance, "inordinate" deactivates it. ... Why "inordinate"? Airachnid: Of course they tried to ue you, they see machines as things to be used and don't see that we're living things. Dart: Because inordinate was the word she used to say she missed him. Whirl: Here's some life advice for you, from me: assume that everyone will screw you over, regardless of who they are or where they came from. Because as soon as you show a hint of weakness, they WILL. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HOW OFTEN YA HEAR INORDERATE IN A FACTORY?\\ Dart: Right? Isn't that something that reaches further than the brain? FakeProwl: I doubt the fact that she used it CAUSED it to be the deactivating word. FakeProwl: It was most likely pre-programmed. Dart: Mm. Airachnid: [sage nod @ Whirl] Whirl: *at least someone appreciates his wisdom* Dart: [ glances at Whirl ] Well, that's why we work with Blurr. He... thinks that way, too. Crosscut: -rubs bridge of nose- Whirl: He's right. FakeProwl: That is an incredibly thorough rejection. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He cried on it.]] FakeProwl: Of course he did. It's a two hundred page rejection. Airachnid: [innocent whistling] Airachnid: [she doesn't have skeletons, more like various other body parts] Whirl: *looks to the door, and then back* So, what time'll Blurr be back, d'you guys think? Dart: [ glances at NOS ] Uh. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[She must have written it very late.]] NOS: We don't really know... ItsyBitsySpyers: *This is why he tells people so early.* Whirl: Well, where IS he? Dart: Not... here? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HE FINALLY GETTIN' MEDICINED UP?\\ Whirl: *tilts his head doubtfullly* Why don't you know where your own Captain is? NOS: Axis fixed him, yeah. NOS: [ shrugs ] He doesn't tell us. Whirl: You two are useless. *snorts* NOS: We're not useless. Dart: He just didn't say anything before he took off. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy flicks Whirl.* \\YA GOT THAT SMELLER. SMELL 'IM OUT.\\ Whirl: Eh, I'll just comm him. Whirl: I can smell like nobody's business, but I can't smell through dimensions, if he is where I think he is. Dart: His comms aren't on. Whirl: ? *tests this to see if it's true* ... why are his comms down? NOS: [ shrugs ] NOS: He has a habit of turning them off when he doesn't want to be bothered. Whirl: I've never known him to do that... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Another one?]] Whirl: *looks back to the door again; h seems doubtful but he doesn't have anything to go on* Dart: Really? He really does do it. Crosscut: Hmm, a lot of confusing visuals for mapping the point in time this is set in. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ha!// Dart: (( season lmfao )) FakeProwl: Does the point in time matter? Whirl: ((pfft)) Whirl: I get the feeling it's meant to sort of feel... fairy-tale like, disconnected from the real world. FakeProwl: Fire? Airachnid: [she can relate to Olaf in that sense, she loves revenge] Crosscut: I suppose that's interesting in its own way, a bit distracting. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why does he keep it?]] Crosscut: Its odd to see modern clothing and devices plopped into an older looking setting. Whirl: Aw, look! The best character! Whirl: Pfft! Crosscut: -steches out a bit, wiggling his pedes- FakeProwl: *leans forward* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Joins* FakeProwl: ... So what caused the fire. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The laser, he assumes.]] Whirl: ((I wonder if the Prufrock is a reference to the poem)) FakeProwl: Mm, fair. Better question, WHO caused the fire. FakeProwl: ((Wouldn't be surprising, Snicket likes sneaking in references like that.)) Whirl: ((*KEEPS MY EARS PEELED*)) Crosscut: -fishes out a data pad from his subspace to mess with- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fascinating.]] FakeProwl: Hmm. Whirl: I missed some of this show, but it was pretty well put together. Dart: Apparently there will be another season. Dart: Which is pretty cool. FakeProwl: *is made very nervous by the way the banker keeps turning that wheel back and forth* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Visibly?* FakeProwl: *well. he might be staring a bit harder than usual. but otherwise no.* Dart: all right, uh. I guess that's it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[When there is another season, he would like to see this.]] FakeProwl: As would I. Dart: [ looks at datapad ] The next season isn't announced yet. Whirl: *streetches* All right. Dart: But, Blurr has Stranger Things slated for his birthday... Whirl: Not too shabby, for your first time hosting. NOS: ... Heh. Airachnid: The show was alright, for being human made. ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird agrees}} with a mouthful of fuel NOS: [ punches Dart's back ] See? I told you we'd be fine! Dart: [ swats at him ] Uhm, please feel free to take the snacks... Dart: [ reading datapad ] It says he offers that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Tell Blurr to contact him when he returns. He has something for the mech.]] Whirl: Again, I ask you--how the hell am I to do that without a mouth. NOS: Oh? Uh, maybe you should just leave it with us. NOS: We'll give it to him when he's better- back. Crosscut: What is it that will be playing next week? NOS: Both. Whirl: *carefully clambers out of the hammock so as not to overtun it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Suspicious stare* Dart: Uhm... [ looks at a list ] there's a list of movies we can pick from. Whirl: ...better? Dart: I'll have to... pick one. NOS: You know, better... he got his aft kicked by Thundertron pretty hard. Airachnid: I cna just make my own snacks. [and for once, she isn't hungry] Crosscut: So a film instead of a series? Whirl: *narrows his optic and turns it on NOS* Better. You wouldn't happen to have gone fibbing on me, would you? Dart: Yes, a film. NOS: ... [ makes a noise ] Me? No. NOS: [ points at Dart ] he lied first. Crosscut: Ah, then I'll try to attend if I can. Dart: [ smiles and nods at CC ] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah, ya gotta see more stuff. Gotta show up them humans.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *"He lied first"?* Crosscut: Afraid I was rather lost since, well, I haven't made it to any of the other nights you were watching this one. Dart: [ throws datapad at NOS ] /I / did not lie. Whirl: *there's no authority figure to keep Whirl from getting nasty; in three strides he crosses the room and draws himself up. He slouches, so it's easy to forget how huge he really is* FakeProwl: I recommend rewatching from the beginning. Dart: Don't worry, mech. [ to CC] A movie will be better. Whirl: *and all of that hugeness is looming over NOS* Where is Blurr. Crosscut: Hmm, perhaps but from what I saw it didn't seem my cup of tea. NOS: [ yIKES ] NOS: I told you, he's not here! Crosscut: I'm rather picky about small things. Dart: Well, maybe a movie will be better. Airachnid: [gonna watch from the hammock, this should be interesting] Whirl: What happened to him? Talk, or I send you the way of your BROTHERS. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl succeeded. *plays tiny, four-second fanfare over comm* Recharge cycle entered soon? NOS: [ yIKES MORE ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave will let Whirl continue to do the interrogating. No need to waste energy he may need later.* NOS: [ stumbles back a little ] We don't know! NOS: We really don't. FakeProwl: *mouth twitch* @Soundwave «What's THAT tag for?» Whirl: I can't believe you sniveling little--are you telling me he just disappeared? NOS: Not physically! Whirl: *swivels his helm to regard Dart as well* Do YOU know? I'd better get some anwers from you guys. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes, as soon as I leave.» Dart: [ BIG SIGH ] Look. Dart: Physically, Blurr is here. On the ship. Okay? Dart: He's just not... here. Whirl: Take me to where he is. Dart: What- no. We were told not to. Whirl: *SLAMS his claw against the nearest wall* NOW. NOS: He's not even gonna notice you're there- CRIPES! This is all YOU Dart. NOS: [ waves servos ] I'm out. I'm out. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sees that twitch.* @Prowl: (txt): Congratulations humor. Good. Inform Constructicons needed noise level: far below this. Dart: You little coward. [ grumbles and glances at Whirl ] You gotta relax, mech. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gestures to Whirl, who he's still listening to and watching* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «They sleep when I sleep.» FakeProwl: *roughly, at least.* Whirl: You're not in any position to be telling me to do ANYTHING. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Fortunate. Share secret in future. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Do refrain from killing them. Then we will never find Blurr.]] Dart: ... [sighs ] Whirl: I don't need them alive to find Blurr. Whirl: *he responds to Soundwave, but he's still staring straight at Dart while he says it* Dart: If I let you in on the scrap, will you at least stop making noise? Whirl: We'll see. Dart: ... I don't know what happened last week. Dart: But, we noticed the Captain missing a few days after hismovie night. Whirl: He's been out fo a WEEK? Crosscut: -Its been a while since he's been to something like this, perhaps he's gotten rusty with these little social events? Not really sure who to talk to or what to say- Dart: We commed Roadbuster, but he didn't have him there. Whirl: And nobody thought t--well. Of course. *his antenna pins back* Yeah, of course no-one did. Dart: We went by the bridge's history. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Feel free to speak to your more familiar couch partner while he's still here. Soundwave won't monopolize.* Dart: His last travel was Roadbuster, so we commed him. Whirl: *shakes his head* No, you wouldn't get it. *this isn't the first time Whirl's been the last to find out about Blurr being hurt; nobody ever tells hima nything* Dart: [ omg whirl no one knows ] FakeProwl: *he's vaguely watching the fight* Dart: [ UR THE FIRST  CONGRATS ] Whirl: Okay, now you're stalling. We can talk on the way, mech. *steps away from NOS and towards Dart* Let' FakeProwl: ((u found out before drift)) Whirl: s go. Dart: ((  u did )) Dart: I'm not stalling- look. Whirl: ((HE DID. but lbr if Drift was here he would've found out first)) Dart: Axis said no one can know. Whirl: No, I'm done LISTENING to you. Dart: No one. So we didn't tell anyone. Whirl: Let's. Go. NOS: Dude, just take him. It's not like Blurr's gonna do anything. He doesn't do anything. Crosscut: Hmm..-Maybe he should go before this fight breaks out in the middle of the room- Dart: Look, we're not going anywhere until you listen. [ stands taller ] This isn't your ship and you aren't in charge. Dart: You're not OUR Captain! NOS: Oh man, he's gonna eat you alive. NOS: [ lingering in the back of the room. So helpful ] Whirl: *takes a swing with one massive claw, aiming to clobber Dart upside the head* Crosscut: You know -Shifts in his seat- Maybe I'll turn in for the night. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If you wish. Goodnight, Crosscut.]] Dart: [ bursts into his FANCY DOODADDS and reforms on the other side of the room ] Airachnid: [good, fists are flying] Airachnid: [or claws in this case] Crosscut: Uhmm...Prowl, before I leave FakeProwl: Not a bad idea. FakeProwl: Hm? Whirl: *turns on his heel, lowerig his chest and clicking his guns ominously* Don't think I won't escalate this. Whirl: I might not be your captain, but I AM the mech who's going to send you to the scrapyard if you don't take me to Blurr, right now. *slow, stalking strides across the room* Crosscut: I've been doing a bit of translating of alien litature in my past time, mostly for Hoist and others to be able to read. Would you like a copy of some of them? Dart: [ levels himself and forms his lance. Paladin mode! Crouches ] I'm not scared of anyone... not even you. But, you're gonna need to relax. NOS: Geez. Thank the pit we didn't tell his OTHER friends. We'd all be blown up. FakeProwl: Oh—sure. What cultures? NOS: If this one doesn't blow us up first. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ngl that's one of the best lines in a song)) Dart: (( it really is )) FakeProwl: ((it's magic)) Whirl: *snorts and pulls his plasma-thrower from his subspace, leaning on one hip and resting it vertically against his shoulder* I'm not asking you to be scared. Whirl: I'm asking you to be smart. Crosscut: Quite a few diffrent ones actually, I've just picked a handful of ones I've enjoyed reading in the past. Dart: ... [ heat doesn't do so well with them. Grumbles and swings his lance up. Stands down and huffs ] You can't tell anybody. Dart: If word gets out that he's gone, it'll go south. Dart: Especially with the fleet. Whirl: What kind of idiot do you think I am? I'm not gonna jeopardize Blurr's hold on the whole fragging fleet! Whirl: Idiot, I just want to SEE him. Dart: Well... relax. [ grumbles and waves an arm ] All right, but the sight isn't good. NOS: I think it's a tiny imrpovement. NOS: He doesn't talk anymore- that's a plus. Crosscut: Some or history books, novels, poetry, plays from multiple planets. Slume, Traquins, Cytonian, Symbosis, to name a few. Whirl: *waits a moment longer before returning the plasma-thrower to subspace; he figured it'd do the trick* Enough chichat. Let's move. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble's head snaps up. So does Soundwave's.* FakeProwl: Hmm. Sure. Thank you. Dart: [ shrugs ] You mechs know your way out, right? Airachnid: [the fight's done, pity she thought it would last longer] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Hm - yes. We do.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: [[Tell him what you find, if you will.]] Whirl: *it was all ridiculous posturing* Airachnid: [she's just going to climb out and wave @ Whirl before leaving] Whirl: @Soundwave: We'll see. Dart: [ looks at Whirl ] Well come on, mech. [ turns to lead the way out ] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell Airachnid.]] Whirl: *he'll look back and bob his head at her* See you guys. Crosscut: Wonderful, I'll send the files to you at some point tonight, sound good? Airachnid: [eh, might as well wave at Soundwave too] Whirl: *as well as Soundwave and the gang, and then he is gone* FakeProwl: Sure. I won't receive them until the morning. Crosscut: I see, that's fine. There's certainly no rush, I just thought you'd find them a rather interesting read. Crosscut: Perhaps we can discuss them some whenever it is you get around to them NOS: [ leans against the couch ] Well, we'll see you guys next week, I guess. NOS: We'll still be here [snort] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HOPE NOT. NO 'FFENSE.\\ NOS: That's rude. I'm better looking than that bot. FakeProwl: Mm. Perhaps. It will likely be a while before I have time for recreational reading, though. Crosscut: Ah, I see Crosscut: Well whenever you do get around to them I hope you enjoy it. Crosscut: I'll be off then, goodnight, Prowl FakeProwl: Goodnight, Crosscut. NOS: anyway... [ waves servo ] Get used to us. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Idly imagines this with Starscream. Puffs in amusement and rises* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We will see.]] NOS: Hmmm... [ shrugs ] You guys don't seem so bad. NOS: The only one I don't like is Drift. He hits me all the time. NOS: ... And Menace. [ makes a face ] they both hit me. FakeProwl: *a farewell ping to Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl goodnight and calls his group to him* NOS: [ then again, he DOES usually deserve it. SHRUGS ] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SO HIT BACK.\\ NOS: ... No, I don't wanna hit that guy. NOS: Drift's cool. NOS: And Menace is weird. He'd kill me. FakeProwl: *flickers and disappears* NOS: anyway, I gotta go make sure Dart isn't dead. So. See yah, space net. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SO RUN FASTER. YER PRETENDIN' TO BE THE BOSS.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods.* [[Farewell.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Off they go.*
1 note · View note
paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 3 ignore this pls
1. If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Um maybe latin because it sounds cool but for practical purposes probably spanish lol
2. What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Jesus, not because I’m Christian but I’m curious to see what he would say
3. As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? No because my bed didn’t have space underneath 
4. Do you like clowns? nope
5. Do you prefer BBC or ITV? Okay, this is clearly British but I’d go with BBC
6. Have you ever been surfing? Once. It didn’t go that well lol
7. Have you ever been snowboarding? Yeah, it’s pretty fun actually!
8. Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? uuuh the Beatles
9. Whats your favourite type of foreign food? By foreign I’m assuming non-American/British. But anything from Taiwan (except for pig’s blood ew) is soul food for me :)
10. Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? I... don’t know. North Korea I guess? But when it comes to most countries, it’s the government that makes it bad.
11. Do you like your music loud or easy listening? (What does this mean??) Depends on the mood
12. Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Adventure time :D
13. Do you sing in the shower? Errr, no.
14. Are you a clean or messy person? I try my best to be clean but it always ends up messy.
15. Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? I usually go with the cat :3
16. Can or Do you still play twister? God I haven’t played since 5th grade.
17. Can you play chess? Yeah, not really good at it though.
18. Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Haha no because I suck at dancing
19. Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Bendy
20. Have you ever entered a talent contest? And did you win? No .-. I’m not the type to do that lol
21. Do you like poetry? Yeah. I’d say so.
22. Are you a sore loser? Nah, I’m pretty chill when it comes to that type of thing
23. Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice Cream > Jelly
24. Whats your favourite type of Pie? New Zealand’s steak and cheese
25. Whats your most used phrase? Hm. Maybe “yeah nah”
26. Whats your most used word? Not sure. I talk a lot.
27. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Someone Asian of course, someone who has studied me well enough and understands me
28. What would your dream job be? Okay, I’m gonna be real. I wanted to be a vet but lowkey I’m too colorblind for it lol. I’m planning to study in Physical Therapy
29. Which song do you hate the most? I mainly just listen to the same albums nowadays but I guess i don’t really vibe with a lot of pop songs.
30. How long does it take you to get ready? Depends how tired I am. If I get pretty good sleep it takes maybe 10 minutes at most. 
31. What do you think the greatest invention has been? The printing press.
32. Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Uuuh i dont really know. Forearms are nice i guess
33. Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Sometimes they’re just really oblivious to really obvious things
34. Who's your favourite Comedian? I don’t even listen to comedians really but Chelsea Peretti is pretty funny.
35. What's your favourite board game? Probably Monopoly. There’s no greater feeling than seeing the life drain from your friends’ eyes as you collect $5000 from them
36. Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? When I’m having a bad day I like to just read through my yearbooks and look at all the compliments people wrote. 
37. Do you have any superstitions? Not really.
38. Whats your favourite Movie quote? I have a lot. But maybe Manners Maketh Man.
39. Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck Norris.
40. Do you have much of an ego? I wish. I want to be more confident
41. Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? No. Nothing against it though.
42. Are you a hat person? Nah
43. Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Costco
44. Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Smashburger or Inn n Out
45. Whats your first thought upon waking up? “Lord help me.”
46. What animal would you most like to have as a pet? I love dogs. And cats. 
47. Whats your favourite type of tree? Pine trees always remind me of home.
48. If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? Uuuh as much as I want to bankrupt someone like Jeff Bezos that’d be bad because a lot of people rely on Amazon
49. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? I honestly don’t know. 
50. Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? I don’t know much celebrities with the same name as me.
51. If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Um hide in a box I’m so tiny. Like I know a bit of martial arts but like??? I’m literally 5′1″ and i’m only 115 pounds. Someone could bench me easily.
52. Whats your favourite flower? I like lillies 
53. Do you believe in ghosts? Im really mixed about it. I believe demons exist though
54. Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Nay
55. Do you believe in Aliens? Eeeeh kind of but when i think about aliens i think about microorganisms. 
56. Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Yes 100%
56. Which is your favourite pokemon? Growlithe uwu
57. What horror fiction character scares you the most?  Pennywise. No thanks.
58. Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? Yeah
59. Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? n/a 60.Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe?n/a 61. Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound?n/a
62. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? Nah
63. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No I’m not that good at cooking lol
64. Do you have any secret family recipes? My family only knows how to cook asian food and well, asian food is very freestyle
65. Do you have any family secrets? :o     uuuuuh well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I said it right?
66. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yeah! You can count on me.
67. Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nopenopenopenope
68. Whats your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? ugghhhh i have so much. I like the Martian tho?
69. When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? Black
70. Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Sausage roll
71. Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Irl, I’m pretty impatient man
72. Would you ever want to learn to fly? Like, fly an airplane? Or fly as in levitate. Cause if levitate, then YES
73. Do you often read your horoscope? Nah, as accurate as they can be sometimes, I don’t really believe in astrology 
74. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? Eeeee no. Personal opinion, tarot cards are hella sketchy. I don’t mess with that stuff.
75. Whats your favourite brand of newspaper? Honestly at this point I’ve given up on the news. I just read stuff off of reddit sometimes.
76. Have you ever milked a cow? No
77. Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? HAHAH one time. I realized my friend’s younger brother had never seen an iPod before and I was so baffled he didn’t even know what it was.
78. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love them
79. Which was the greatest Empire? Maybe Macedonian. I want to say the Romans, but god, they had a lot of problems.
80. Whats your favorite word? Catharsis.  
81. Whats your favourite sportsware brand? Adidas or Nike I guess
82. Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Nah
83. Who's your favourite Superhero? uuuuh Thor 
84. Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie? Doofensmirtz. He wasn’t even bad lmao. He thinks he’s a Chaotic Evil when in reality he’s a Chaotic Good.
85. What was the last Album you purchased? I don’t purchase a lot of music tbh bc I broke, but the last album I listened to was Hot Fuss.
86. What was the last DVD you purchased? A Daria DVD I found at Walmart for five dollars.
87. What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? Some jeans.
88. When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? I’m assuming this is some British tradition so idk
89. Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Not really.
90. Do you have a swiss army knife? I used to then I lost it.
91.At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? My parents never did the whole Santa thing so I always knew it was false
92. Whats your favourite fruit? Watermelon
93. Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? Um YEAH. I was 10th grade and I was in the Martial Arts club, which was a version of Aikido. I tripped on these stairs one time going down, then I did this glorious shoulder roll and got right up. No one saw but I was so proud of myself.
94. Do you buy from charity shops? Occasionally, if I can find some. 
95. Have you ever sold your services? No
96. Have you ever raised money for charity? Yeah, it was for a school club tho
97. Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes uwu
98. Is the glass half full or half empty? It’s half full
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Survey #233
lalala song lyrics i’m about to go home so copy/pasting time.
What subject do you seem to struggle with the most? Various forms of mathematics. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? Noooo. I don't have that dedication. What’s the worst feeling in the world? Specifically? Giving someone everything you have physically and emotionally with full force and finding out you weren't enough. Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? Sara, probably. What is your favorite genre of movie? Horror, probably. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Being told I don't have strep throat. Do you have a favorite metal band or do you not like metal? Metal is my favorite genre. I claim a lot as "favorites," but the reigning king will always be Ozzy Osbourne. What’s your favorite kind of science? Genetics. What’s your homeroom? We don't have those in college. If you had to move, where would you move to? Well, my only choice would be to move in with my dad, his wife, and her son. I'm not financially independent. Who did you last go to the movies with? Dad. I think. Have you ever read anything written by Shakespeare? I'm not going to include things assigned in schools because everyone had to read like, Beowulf or something similar at some point. I once started to read the full Macbeth (we read a condensed version in school) during a hospital stay, but I didn't finish it. Who’s the cutest person you know? Have you fuckin SEEN Sara when she's excited because- How about the funniest? Girt's funny as fuck. What is your current desktop picture? An adorable meerkat pup looking at the camera al;sdjfal;kjwerads If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I don't know if I'd even want that, but let's just say I was. Maybe... I was gonna say a lioness, because they're high on the food chain, beautiful, and social animals, but yeah I'd prefer to not be poached. Perhaps a house cat. What talent would you like to have? I wish I could draw hyperrealistically. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? I don't make those. What are three songs that mean the most to you? "Pretty Woman" by Van Halen, "The Only Exception" by Paramore, and probably "It's Alright" by Mother Mother. What do you think of your parents? I love them. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? I wish with a snap of my fingers I could just make all litter disappear or something like that. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? ... Wow. I actually thought about it, and the first thing my mind drifted to was "go to Jason's just to see he's okay," and I don't like that. We pass his house every day to go to school and come back, and I think it's only natural that I get curious, particularly when his car is there, but I don't want to care. How much cash do you have on you right now? Just a few dollars from Mom to get something from the snack or drink machine from school if I need to. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? Move on. Let go of people. Forgive. How do you measure intelligence? I dunno, how do you? Define the *type* of intelligence. What cartoons do you watch? None actively. Have you ever used drugs? Not illicit ones. Are you into tattoos? *blinks* Do you like photography? I fucking read this as "pornography" first aslkjweoaider. But yeah, I love love love photography. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? The only celebrity I think I've ever seen is Alice Cooper, and it was at a concert. What person in history do you admire most? I don't know enough about any historical figure to really answer this with passion. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? I don't know considering I'm not that daring. Probably a kiss momentarily going too far or something. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Whale sharks lmao. But pregnancy is the biggie. Well, maybe most are to a mild degree at least, idk. Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Yeah. Who do you look up to for your style? I don't look up to a certain person. If you were to invent something, what would it be? I don't know off the top of my head and I don't feel like sitting here- OH NO WAIT! Remember that one year deviantART's April Fools prank was that it produced some sort of technology where you could visualize a drawing, and by scanning your finger or some weird shit while you envisioned it, it could produce it on the screen? Yeah, something like that. I'd pay big bucks for something that could put my ideas on paper. Who would you like to get to know better? One of my RP partners that I've known since childhood. She's just extremely private online. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Pork fried rice is my jam. In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? Greed, probably. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Getting over Jason. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Meat. Not for lack of motivation, but health needs. What was the last rumor that you heard? I don't know. What country star would you most like to meet and why? I'm not interested in meeting any. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Overdose. What is the meaning of life? I don't pretend to know anymore. I think everyone gives their life its own meaning based on values, goals, beliefs, etc. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? That's hard, man. Depends on the kind, I guess. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? White Chicks never fails to get me. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? My dad about to molest me. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Merry-go-rounds lmao. Who are your musical influences? This seems like a question for an aspiring musician, which I'm not. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I don't know if anyone's ever tried one on me. How many drinks can you handle? I wouldn't really know as I've never reached the point of being drunk, but seemingly quite a few. Weak ones, anyway. If it has a high alcohol concentration, I'm not drinking that shit. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? Idk, most of the afternoon or evening. I think one occasion with an old best friend went past five hours. Do you know where you want to go to college? I'm happy at my current college. They care a lot about their students. Are you satisfied with the picture on your ID card? Permit, fuck no. School ID, it's alright. What fruit did you last eat? An apple. Aside from yourself, who was the last person to see you naked? My mom. How many classes are you taking? Four, currently. Jumping up to six next semester... though not really by choice. My adviser wants me to have like a safety net by having two classes I CAN drop if I need to, but she's realistic in pointing out that the school path I visualize doable for me will be a VERY slow one and ultimately cost so, so much more money, so she wants to nudge me along as best she can while keeping my limitations in mind. I'm definitely going to try the best I can to do this in four years, but yeah... unlikely. But that's okay to me, so long I get there in not TOO long of a time. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? I don't think so... but I do recall when my older sister was tiny she flushed a little toy truck down the toilet. We had to get a plumber to save it lmao. I think my mom has kept the truck. Are you someone’s best friend? One of hers. Do you have any goldfishes? No. Have you ever had a pet that you disliked? I absolutely hate my sister's dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with Mom and me. Why we keep a dog that does nothing but annoy us and piss us off is a subject of more than frequent arguing. When was the last time you saw hail? I don't know, a long time ago. What color eyes do you prefer: Green or Brown? Green. Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)? Oh yeah. Of my living ones, I call Venus "Miss Venus" and "pretty girl" a whole lot, while Teddy has a whole lot, but mostly "booga," "bub(by)," "boogie," and "Teddy-boo." I just call Roman "butt" a lot, lmao. I don't really have a common one for Mitsu, but I sometimes use "baby girl," I think. Ever been on a boat before? Like, fishing boats. Which is better: Skiing or Snowboarding? I wouldn't know, never tried either. Can you change the oil on a car? I have no clue how. Ever ran out of gas? Not while I myself was driving. I don't even know if I've ever been in the car while that's happened. Favorite kind of sandwich? Most of the time just an 'ole pb&j. Best thing to eat for breakfast? mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls are the GOOD SHIT. Are you horny? Nah. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Lincoln logs or GET OUT. Are you stubborn? Yeah, most of the time. Are you afraid of heights? YEAH. Ever used a gun? Nooooo and I don't want to. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Idk if the guy who did my school ID card was an actual photographer? I dunno? Ever eat a pierogi? I hate those goddamn pockets of disgust. Favorite type of fruit pie? I dun like pie. I used to be okay with apple, though. Do you believe in ghosts? 110%. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Yes because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- (I'm only semi-kidding btw idk I kinda believe it) Why do you think others get deja-vu? Because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- Take a vitamin daily? No. I need to, though. Wear a bath robe? No, I get dressed right after the shower. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and a tank top. First concert? Alice Cooper. Outside. During a thunderstorm. Shit was badass. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? Both are ew. I can handle a little bit of peanut better, though. Ever take dance lessons? I grew up taking a lot through middle school and some of high school. I tooook... clogging (I was embarrassingly good at that omg), jazz, modern (my fave), lyrical very briefly 'cuz I am NOT graceful, and hip hop. I always hated the music, but the dancing itself is fun. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? No. They can do whatever they aspire to. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Own any record albums? Not anymore, Mom sold them. I wish I had them now, ahhhh. I love 'em. Own a record player? No. Who would you like to see in concert? I am seeing Ozzy next year or I will fucking riot, Metallica, and Rammstein. Many others would be cool, but those are the biggies. I'd love to see Manson and Otep, but their shows are... yeah. They do gross and/or really disrespectful shit. Hot tea or cold tea? THERE ARE SO MANY TEA OR COFFEE QUESTIONS IN SURVEYS but they tend to be different so I just keep them in alsdjf;awe. The usual: I hate tea. Can you swim well? I guess I swim fine? DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ. I want a variety of music. Ever won a contest? A few, don't feel like trying to remember 'em. Ever have plastic surgery? No. Which are better black or green olives? Olives are fucking gross. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. Who was your high school crush? My first was either Sebastian or Kyle. Or Girt. Then Juan, though that crush was questionable if it was serious or not. He really flattered me a lot, but I've told the story before plenty. Idk if the emotion was romantically reciprocated, though honestly I think it was mostly because of his reputation? I only knew him as extremely sweet. BUT ANYWAY, after that, do I even need to say "Jason?" When he came along, whether or not I really liked Juan was totally forgotten. What do you believe happens to us after death? Hell if I know. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. Does the thought of growing old frighten you? More like the thought of my body deteriorating does. Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? um the fuck. I've done it out of heartbreak and pain, but never for my entertainment. What is your favorite song of all time? Of all time, probably "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? Possibly, idk. If you could write a book, what would it be about? Sometimes I wish I could make a series out of the meerkat RP I engage in, but I don't have the motivation or dedication for that. And I wouldn't be comfortable revising our "tribute" characters for the sake of legality and just respect in general. What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? "For such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from a Mother Mother song. I'm not exactly small for a human ha ha, but in the scope of the universe perspective, we're all less than microscopic. Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? Not in love, not. Attracted to, yeah. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? I remember, though it's a tad blurry, the occasion I was having a serious "grieving session" for Jason at Colleen's house, and her sister was there alone with me. She was talking me through it and grabbed my shoulders at one point, looked me dead in the eye, and told me so firmly yet gently how beautiful a person I was and that I deserved the world and more. I won't forget that, like ever. Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? No. What is the thing you are most ashamed of? I've talked about this enough. Well, that or just being a general "this is all your goddamn fault and I am the only victim here" cunt to Jason following the breakup. Actually, yeah, I'm probably more ashamed of that. What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Hm. Embarrassment? Heartbreak? Love? Idk. Do you think of yourself as a unique person? Yeah, honestly. I mean not incredibly, but unique, yeah. What is a movie from childhood that you loved? I've talked about TLK and Finding Nemo and that kinda stuff a lot, so here's a STUPIDLY underrated one: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. That movie is fuckin beautiful wtf. Are you afraid of death? Aren't we all at least to a small degree? What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Losing my mom, being raped, and all those I love just abandoning me. Do you have an accent of any kind? You can detect a Southern one sometimes. What do you want to be remembered for? Sending a message of love, especially to animals. Are you currently sad about anything? I am literally permanently sad about my weight, though it's not like, an *active* sadness at this very moment? Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? Three times now. Catholic to Christian to theist. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? MARGARITAS gotDAMN Do you ever talk to yourself? Sure. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Oh yeah. What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? "Thanks for sending me to the ER again." Fucking bitch. Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? Johnny Got His Gun and The Outsiders. Only read both once. I almost never read a book more than that. Have you ever wished you were from another country? Half the time, especially as an adult, I wish I lived in Canada. What are you thinking about currently? My throat is absolutely killing me and I'm ready to leave school. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? I'm more uncomfortable talking about sex than I used to think. Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? When I'm in the passenger seat controlling the music? Oh my god, Mom, DON'T turn the volume down manually. I can do that on my iPod myself, but can only turn it back UP but so loud as it gets lower by the car itself. She knows I turn it down when we're talking, she is, or we slow down, but she does it anyway sometimes and I get unreasonably annoyed by it. Have you ever seen the ocean? Only the Atlantic. What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? THE FIRST KISS Y'ALL it was fuckin CHEESY but I LOVE IT Do you find yourself confused often? Oh hell yeah. What was the best time of your life? It's so funny to me how I can answer "2017," the very same year I OD'd. That's rapid growth, my friend. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I only miss the memories of him. Are you religious? I mean I believe in some ultimate creator, but I don't really like calling myself "religious" anymore. I don't worship it, I don't pray to it. I'm thankful to exist, but that's. It, I guess. ANY entity I would respect wouldn't demand me to kiss its feet. Do you think you are attractive? HELL NO. How many people have you slept with? Do you mean like, as in having sex? One. Slightly fooled around with, two, including the previously-mentioned guy. Do you consider yourself a catch? Besides my looks, I do think I'm a good girlfriend. What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Honey mustard, actual mustard... that kinda stuff. What do you think you could do to improve your life? Get a goddamn job, I'm just really not capable right now. What song is playing right now? "Hag" by Otep. What is your LJ name? I don't have a LiveJournal. I don't even want to EXIST on the same site with a particular fat-headed, bigoted fuck of a bitch. Holy shit I've nearly made an account multiple times JUST to talk that cunt back to Earth. What was the most recent movie you watched? UHHHHHHHH I don't remember actually. How many times have you got stitches? UHHHH twice or thrice? What are your pets’ species and names? I'm excluding the dog I hate because he's not even "mine." Teddy is a beagle/cocker spaniel/probably something else mix. Roman is a cat mix; he seems to have Siamese or something similar in 'im. Mitsu is a fancy rat. Venus is a champagne ball python. What is your most recent musical crush? Mark is a fucking singer, DON'T EVEN @ ME ABOUT IT. Which is better; immense heat or extreme coldness? God, the latter. I literally can't handle like anything above 70 for even like 10 minutes. It's not just that I find heat uncomfortable, but I sweat to a disgusting degree and get extremely weak, dizzy, and sometimes nauseous. Do you have a disease? Just mental ones. I have at least one physical disorder, but not a disease. Do you like gore? BITCH yes. Especially in art. It's the smell irl I can't really handle, as well as seeing like, human gore, but also exclusively in the real world. It feels too personal and close to home, y'know? Do you stutter? YEP. Name a cool person you have lost touch with? Megan, particularly. Who was the friendliest person you have met on the internet? MAN, I don't know if I could pick!! Maybe uhhhh... Megan again? She was nice to like... everyone. Or Connie for the same reason, and she's also chill as hell. I really don't know, I've met a load of great people. Name a song that is overplayed. I don't listen to the radio, so. What websites do you visit frequently? Kalahari Manor, deviantART, YouTube, Facebook, the Silent Hill wiki to make sure it's not exploding from mental cases again to not make it to fucking video game and horror sites/blogs again, and especially lately, Tumblr. There's more, but those are the regularly frequent ones. Does counting sheep help you fall asleep? Never tried. What is the biggest mystery? Where the universe came from and why.
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Survey #82
“there’s a child out on the battlefield, a pistol in each hand.”
so, i’m guessing you’re single?   not anymore, no. would you ever date someone because of money?   fuck that shit. your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner, what do you do?   i'm going to be realistic.  first, i'd demand him and her both to fuck off.  don't move?  i'm fucking punching her teeth out. do you have a reason to smile right now?   i guess so, but i'm not. have you had sex today?   i never have. do you remember the last girl you texted?   my mom, yeah. are you stubborn?   oh you have no idea. has anyone called you perfect before?   yes, but they're wrong. where is the biggest scar on your body?   on my left shin.  i scratched the living shit out of it with my own nails because it was so itchy. have you ever been told you were amazing?   yes, and they're also wrong. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?   HELL no. do you get irritated easily?   very, sadly. would you rather be a blonde or a brunette?   blonde, really.  easier to dye. have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?   yes, i do right now. do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?   i mean, it can be. if you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?   not at this age.  literally the only situation in which i would do that is if it was jason. is it possible to ‘fall out of love’?   yeah. what happened last time you got drunk?   nothing, really.  i've never been smash-faced drunk.  the only time i've ever been drunk i was still pretty aware of what i was doing, which wasn't much. have you ever thrown up from drinking?   no, but i have thrown up from taking medicine like 15 minutes before drinking literally a sip of alcohol. do you find piercings attractive?   generally, yes. have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far?   i've been through enough to take down a lot of people, honestly. ever got suspended from school?   no. what would you do with a $10 bill you found on the ground?   if there's no source of identification around, i'm going to keep it. are you ticklish?   yes, mainly on my feet. have you taken someones virginity?   no. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?   nope. who was the last person you danced with?   colleen.  can't decide if i miss her or not. do you tan in the nude?   i don't tan period. have you ever had the chicken pox?   i have not. have you ever been evicted?   yes. would you grow your own garden?   no.  i'd honestly be too lazy to take good care of it. do you know anyone who snores?   lots of people. when I say ‘foxy lady’ what comes to mind?   the jimi hendrix song. would you own a siamese cat?   sure, they're very cute. do you like deviled eggs?   NO. what is your favorite horror movie?   "blair witch project 2: book of shadows" have you ever seen a lunar eclipse?   yep. what is your favorite daft punk song?   i only know "technologic" what is your favorite type of museum?   ones with dinosaur fossils/skeletons. if you had children or do would you tell them the truth about santa claus?   eventually i'd tell them, but of course i'd raise them to believe in santa. what color are your slippers?   tan.  they're meerkats. ;3; which accents can you emulate pretty well?   i've been told i speak british so well that i sound native. are you more awkward talking to people in real life or online?   real life, absolutely.  i'm not half bad online. do you think you’ll ever manage to do everything you want to?   absolutely not. are you a good driver? if you can’t drive yet, do you think you’ll be good?   no.  i don't even have my license yet.  i go into total panic mode when i drive; i grip the wheel like i'm driving through the apocalypse.  i also have tremors, and also due to certain meds, idk if i can even get my license. what is/was your favorite thing about school?   seeing jason. have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything?   @ rhett&link/gmm, markiplier, silent hill, meerkats... i need to chill lmao. have you ever been to a protest?   no. are you afraid of the dark?   no. what comes up on your recommended list on youtube?   gmm videos, markiplier videos, metal music... what’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?   we had this huge lab mix (pretty sure he was part great dane) that was technically my older sister's dog named harley for a while.  he was huge. what is something you like to have conversations about?   my fandoms bc i'm pathetic, deep, philosophical things, music... what is something unusual that annoys you?   walking in the out door and out the in. who is taller, you or your best friend?   i don't have a best friend anymore. which time zone do you live in?   eastern standard when was the first time you ever listened to your favorite music artist?   all seven?  well. ozzy osbourne: 6th grade, going through mom's cds metallica: ^ marilyn manson: ^ otep: i heard "ghostflowers" in a video and really like it, so looked up more of their music a day to remember: recommended videos, actually. cradle of filth: umm... iii feel like my first song by them was "tonight in flames," but i don't remember where i heard it. rammstein: i heard "waidmanns heil" on that one rock band game. have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?   i have not. what is/was your favorite stuffed animal growing up!   a moose named brownie what is your state or country’s minimum wage?   $7.25.  pathetic, i know. what is your favorite constellation and why?   don't have a favorite. if you could have any hair style you wanted, what would it look like?   don't fucking judge me, but i sincerely and honestly love the big, emo swoop.  my hair is just so thick so it's like impossible to get it to work with me. can you play any instruments?   i played the flute for yeeeaaars, but like, i don't even remember most notes. what is your favorite topic in history class?   the holocaust name one dream that ruined your day when you woke up.   my dad raped me. would you like to marry whoever you’re seeing right now?   i don't know yet, we haven't been together long at all.  i'm not making that decision yet. do you prefer candles or incense?   incense do you eat candy corn?   ew, no. have your parents ever thought you were gay? what happened?   no. are your parents more liberal or conservative?   conservative. when was the last time you saw your best friend?   a few weeks ago when she essentially told me to get my shit and go. how many jobs have you ever had? (including things like babysitting)   two. if you’ve seen both, did you prefer the disney version or the tim burton version of alice in wonderland?   burton's version is actually my all-time favorite movie. what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?   you want me to be honest?  an unsuccessful photographer, probably.  hopefully married by then, but who knows. what was your favorite 90's show?   pokemon, motherfuckers. what is your favorite fruit?   strawberries how do you feel about oral?   it's just... really gross to me. what do you wish you didn't know?   many, many things.  but mainly, that some people just do not cherish love. favorite kind of chips?   flamin' hot cheetos has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?   hm.  odd.  he's not around anymore. has anyone ever told you that you have a cute nose?   lol wut how many kids do you want?   at this point in my life, i don't even know if i want any to begin with.  if i do though, two is preferable. does anyone call you babe?   tyler does.  i don't exactly like it, but i don't think we're really close enough yet for me to be brave enough to tell him so. where does most of your family live?   well.  mom's family is in new york, dad's is in ohio and michigan, and my very immediate family (parents + immediate sisters) lives here in nc. have your parents ever smoked pot?   idk. rent a movie or go to movies?   go to the movies! do you know anyone who works at mcdonald’s?   not personally. where do your cousins live?   new york and ohio. do you like the all-american rejects?   not particularly. have you ever finished a whole video game?   plenty, yeah. which one of your friends has great music taste?   hmm.  i mean, a good number of them do. how do you feel about death?   it's a very scary, mysterious thing. do you have any cats?   not currently. do you believe in the underworld?   well, i believe in hell. what is your favorite flower?   tiger lilies have you ever been betrayed?   i have been betrayed. where do you think we go when we die?   heaven or hell.  i used to believe in purgatory, but that's a catholic thing. when was the last time you went to a funeral?   yeeeaaars ago. are you scared of cancer?   i mean... who isn't?  i don't readily worry about it, even though it looks like it may run in my family.  we've seen thyroid, breast, and kidney cancers. how many phobias do you have?   i only have three that i consider to be, by definition, "phobias," those three being whale sharks, dolls, and pregnancy. how many bisexual friends do you have?   two that i can think of off the top of my head. do your parents wear glasses?  mom does to drive and read, and dad does to read. when was the last time you threw up?   only like a week back.  i think my latuda makes me nauseous. do you have mental issues?   oh, you know, only chronic depression, general anxiety, social anxiety, ptsd, borderline personality disorder, and potentially avoidant personality disorder.  fun times, right? are you good at chemistry?  NOOOOOO do you have online friends?  alex, shay, jax, lona, mini, sam, alyssa, sammy, others... safe to say i have more online than "real" friends. do you like your handwriting?  i do. are you nosy?  very. have you ever been called emo?  yeah.  gonna be totally honest here, i don't pay attention to what the stereotype is anymore, but i probably am one lol. do you have a big nose?   no. how long has it been since you kissed someone?  well over a year. if someone was to ask you if you were okay right now, are you?  for once, sure. the last person you held hands with go to your school?  he did, we're both no longer in school. what person of the opposite sex makes you laugh most?   link neal and mark fischbach<3 do you have any medication you have to take every day?  latuda, lamictal, propanalol, birth control for period cramps... did you reject or accept your last friend request?  reject.  we had no mutual friends.  the fuck did you find me and what do you want. do you like pretzels?  the soft ones.  hard ones are eh. if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, how long have you been together?   like a week. do you look at older pictures and laugh?   no, i'm usually the one cringing. what was the first thing you ate today?   nothing yet but i currently hear bacon popping ahhhh~ have you ever tried lemon brownies?  no, sounds disgusting. have you ever been to hawaii?   no.  i have a cousin there though, actually. do you have a sister that steals your things?   no. what is your father’s middle name?  john do you think that you’re a good person?  i guess. are you on medication for anything?  bipolarity and anxiety.  i was on an anti-depressant, but apparently you're not supposed to do that if you have bipolarity. have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader?   ... i was a cheerleader when i was really little. are you irish?  yeah. do you know how to insert a tampon?   yeah are you ever afraid to be yourself?  only always. how many people have told you they were in love with you?   one or two. are you emotional?   too emotional. who is one person that you no longer hang out with? why did that association end?   colleen.  because essentially, she's a judgmental child in a 21-year-old body. who was the last person to endanger your life, whether it was accidentally or intentionally?   ummm.  idk. have you ever experienced an overly clinging boy-/girlfriend?   no. with which family member do you get along with the least? the best?   least, my grandma.  best, probably my dad. have you ever felt like someone abandoned you? if yes, explain?   i felt like my dad did for a few years, but jason absolutely did. what are some unfair stereotypes against women?   JUST SOME?!  well, above anything else, that we're less competent than men and are overall the weaker gender. how about against men?   that they're all insensitive pigs and that they must be logical at all times. who was the last person to make you feel like you mattered?   mom, i guess, for bringing me to debbie's so i wouldn't be home with nothing to do. do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes?   horizontal. can you name all 50 american states?   probably not. have you ever ridden a motorcycle?   no. have you ever needed stitches?   on my chin, yeah. have you ever been in a submarine?   no. do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls?   in some ways, sure.  unrealistic expectations can be set. have you ever been in a hot tub or sauna?   hot tub, yeah.  i will absolutely never go in a sauna. do you believe there used to be dragons?   nope. who’s your favorite god from ancient history?   i'm not entirely sure. who was your first kiss?   jason have you ever carved a pumpkin?   a badass one, i must say. did you ever have a treehouse as a kid?   no. have you ever appeared on youtube?   ohhhh god. could you ever have an affair with a married person?   noooo. have you ever planted a tree?   yes.  an apple tree, i think. can you count your number of serious relationships on one hand?   one, so yes how about number of sexual partners?   again, one, so yeah. what’s your middle name?   marie.  my catholic middle name is catherine tho and i still use it because that's part of my upbringing, history, and making of who i am. do you have any siblings?   two immediate sisters, ashley and nicole, three half-sisters named misty, mary kathryn (katie), and tiffany (whom i've never met), and a half-brother named robert (bobby). do you care if people hate you for no reason?   i honestly kinda do. are you one of those people who gets jealous of boys/girls your current bf/gf dated?   nah.  their relationships ended for a reason, so why be jealous? your last ex runs up to you, kisses you, & tells you they want you back. you?   this is the first occasion in my life where i can honestly say i think i'd slap him, roll my eyes, and walk away. is it easy to make you cry?   painfully easy. what color is your hair naturally?   i was born dirty blonde, but it turned brown with age. are you afraid of heights?   in some situations, yes. have you ever laughed so hard you cried?   i do that VERY easily.  like, i SOB. do you find piercings attractive?   in general, sure. do you find tattoos attractive?   again, generally. do you curse in front of your parents?   with dad, i'm totally open.  mom, i generally don't say "fuck." do you like eating mashed potatoes?   no, i hate mashed potatoes. have you ever been called a bad influence?   no. have you ever been to disney world?   i have. do you ever play games on the computer?   i currently can't, because my gaming laptop currently has a fried psu or graphics card.  i used to play repeats of both the "amnesia" games (particularly the sequel), i'd occasionally progress in "outlast," and i regularly played "world of warcraft," which was very important to me for like two years.  i guess conditions have kinda forced me to quit, but i still vaguely keep up with what's going on in the game. do you and your significant other have a special song? what is it?   no. what if you found the last person you kissed, in bed with the last person you texted?   ... well that's a mess because that's a gay scene i couldn't even begin to concoct the last person you held hands with - have you ever kissed them?   on the cheek.  honestly because i felt pressured to. is there anything you would like to say to your most recent ex?   no.  i have literally nothing more to say. if your friends are sexually active but you aren’t, does that bother you? have you ever felt pressured to have sex before you were ready, because your friends had done it?   it doesn't bother me, no.  and i never felt pressured because my friends had done it, but rather by my age, i guess.  it's a very weak thought and honestly does not come often, so it's not much of a nuisance, but sometimes it is weird- not embarrassing, mind you- to admit "oh yeah i'm 21 and still a virgin despite having been in a very serious relationship." name 7 things that make you happy, and explain how it might affect you if you had to give them up.   oh god, seven?  that's a lot.  um.  well, writing it one; giving it up would be... kinda devastating, because i do it so much on a daily basis.  photography is another, and that would really fucking suck to give it up because i want to make a career out of that.  watching my favorite youtubers is a ginormous one, and tbh i'd rather die than have to lose that hobby.  um, i like gaming obvs, but i could give it up because i obviously have due to my computer issue and the fact my consoles are broken.  i don't enjoy not being able to do it, but i mean, i've survived.  i like drawing when i actually have inspiration... but i could also give it up because again, i pretty much have because i judge my work excessively, and i got tired of it.  i like exploring the outdoors/interesting areas, but i barely ever have the chance to even do this, so i mean, there's nothing to give up.  i enjoy fishing, but it's another thing i haven't done in actual years, so. what is your mom’s and dad’s favorite tv show?   i'm not sure... but both my parents really love "the big bang theory" when you were younger and misbehaved, what did your parents threaten you with?   mom would threaten to count to one, lmao.  i always assumed zero meant i'd get spanked. who has the biggest ego you know?   jason's best friend dillon. how would you react if your last ex wanted to get back together?   ugh. do you and your family go on a vacation ever year?   no. who was your most romantic moment with?   jason who does your most embarrassing moment involve?   also jason. does your dad swear?   yeah. when you like someone, do you picture what your children will look like?   well that's remotely creepy lol, no. do you know how to tap dance?   i know how to clog, and i mean, it's the same thing, just different shoes. are you craving any food right now? if so, what?   yeah, i want pizza. ;-; what’s your favorite flavor of skittles?   RED when was the last time you used oil pastels?   high school if pot was finally legalized where you live, what would you do?   quite honestly be mad because people are fucking stupid.  as if cigarettes weren't enough of an issue. how bad are your hangovers?   i've never had one. do you think taco bell is nasty?   well i don't like mexican, so... have you ever taken a break from facebook or other social media? why?   i haven't. who knows about your tumblr account?   only online friends. where did you and your current interest go on your first date?   to the movies + a pizza place. who was your high school sweetheart? are you still in contact?   jason, and no. were you popular or invisible in high school?   totally invisible. have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? what happened?   juan and jason had "issues."  jason at least seemed to have very little issue with him, but juan absolutely loathed jason.  despite not really showing dislike towards him, there was one occasion where circumstances had it where both jason and juan were at my house, and the fucking tension was unreal.  jason and i had been dating for around a year now, so i mean i loved him, but i wasn't impressed with him bringing up certain things between he and juan (they weren't exactly fond of each other before me due to someone they had both had relations with); jason clearly meant these things to not be aggressive or anything, but rather to just be nostalgic, but y'know... just don't.  he was perfectly aware juan didn't like him; don't bait the dude.  nothing actually went wrong, but ugh, that was stressful and the distaste they had for each other was obvious. have you ever had an experience that was not in keeping with the sexual orientation you currently identify with?   no. did you go to preschool?   yeah. do you know your blood type?   a-, i'm pretty sure. could you be a teacher?   nope.  no way in hell could i handle like 20-30 kids. quick! chinese or mexican food?   chinese, but i don't like much of either. how many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life?   only one was truly "significant," but i'm been in a relationship with three others. do you hate your ex?   no, i don't. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?   yeah. what’s your fast food restaurant of choice?   bojangle's.  ya'll outside nc don't know what you're missing, lol. what did you and your ex fight about most?   the fact he was 110% logic and had no consideration to his emotions. are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your itunes?   ... it's why i don't let anyone else use it lmao do you like to swim?   it's the one exercise i enjoy, really. have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend?   no.  really wanted jason to come with us to the beach one year when we had a dance competition, but he couldn't take off work that many days. how slowly or quickly would you say you eat?   i'm a very fast eater.  i mean i'm not messy, i just eat quickly. what outfit makes you feel the most attractive?   ... none? when you think about marriage, what thoughts come up?   not much, honestly.  kinda hard to think of much when you don't have a belief on whom you're gonna marry. other than yourself, who knows you the best?   it's still probably jason, honestly. do you know anyone who has autism/asperger’s syndrome?   i do know someone with asperger's has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you?   kinda indirectly. are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not?   no, because i'm heterosexual. do you think boys look good in skinny jeans?   sure. do you think it’s okay for boys to dress like girls and vice versa?   sure. what went wrong in your previous relationship?   he didn't believe in me. if you’re in one, is anything wrong with it now?   no. how would you react to being cheated on?   nothing in regards to being hurt surprises me anymore. is drinking and smoking a dating deal-breaker for you?   i absolutely will not date someone who smokes, and if you drink more than seldomly, i'm not putting up with you, either.
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