#i think hawks has a complicated situation with his parents. his mother specifically. because he wishes he was like shoto
takami-takami · 1 year
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juniperarts · 4 years
Does Hato grow up to love his parents? He really seems to love Hawks and Dabi as a baby but does that love stay since Hawks is a hero and Dabi is a villain?
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Short answer? Yes, but it's complicated.
Long answer under the cut ...
Or not if you’re on mobile 😒
((Anything italicized was written by a dabihawks friend, @fatally3103, when we discussed my boy the other night.))
Unfortunately I am taking the more realistic route with Hato and his dads. Meaning Hato is just kind of thrusted into their lives. I don't really see Dabi and Hawks (especially Dabi) suddenly stopping their plans and getting together ... their relationship would stay the same for the most part.
Realistically, in the bnha universe, Dabi and Hawks being fuck buddies is the only way I could see them having any kind of relationship that doesn't involve wanting to hurt, betray, or kill the other.  They would tolerate each other so they can be there for the kid. Because they both want the kid to have a better childhood than they ever did.  I could see them slowly start to get along within the first 6 months to a year ... but actually becoming an item ... that would take time.
Because of this situation I am going with I chose to have Hato raised by Hawks a good majority of his childhood. Dabi comes whenever he can from league stuff and will watch the kid ... but Hawks is the one that takes on the public role of dad. And the public knows about Hato but no ones knows who his "mother" is. I see the commission helping to keep this info under wraps.
He admires them both when he is young. Dabi would be this world that appears enticing to Hato growing up because it’s the opposite in a lot of ways to what his world with Hawks is. But once he finds out the hard truths about his parents his view of them, especially Dabi, changes. Hato had hoped to become a hero like Hawks since his quirk is almost the same. But when he figures out that his dad is a big super villain that messes with his mind … how can he be a hero when one of his dad’s is a big bad villain? He still loves Dabi but it's ... weird. He even feels some resentment towards his villain dad. The same thing would probably happen to Hawks if Hato found out what Hawks is capable of.
I imagine Hato would also pick up on the less-than-loving relationship between his dads early on. Which could cause some tension between him and his fathers.
But once Hato gets to 22 or 23 and his view of reality and the world start to expand and change he will come to an understanding. He'll understand why his parents did what they did to each other and accept that’s how they are (villain and hero). He’ll realize how hard they tried to make his childhood a happy one under the circumstances they were in. He’ll realize the way he perceived them in his teenage years was warped by his hormones and insecurity. 
I think at this point is when he will truly love them and appreciate all they’ve done for him … despite the horrible things Hawks and Dabi did as hero and villain. He doesn't have to forgive them for the awful things they have done ... he didn't get to choose them ... but he learns to love and appreciate what he has. Dabi and Hawks put so much time and effort and love into Hato even if they didn't like each other, and he can't ignore that.
I see Hato wanting to secretly become a hero or vigilante even though both his dads did their best to convince him otherwise growing up. His reasoning for becoming one would be pretty pure, his fathers being a big one. I can imagine him with grandiose thoughts like "I want to free my Dads from the system that caged and burned them”.
And I'll leave it with that. If y'all have any specific questions about Hato feel free to ask! 😁
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mallowstep · 3 years
In the Misty Au; if one of Misty's kits from her first litter had lived, how do you think their relationship would have been with Feather and her kits? What about with Mistyfoot and Blackclaw?
depends. on a lot.
we're going to say primrosepaw lives because even tho her name is long i love it and her sprite is pretty.
but let's say she lives -- does she make it out with stormpaw and stonefur?
i think mistyfoot would. struggle. feel really guilty. and primrosepaw would probably feel like -- she survived at the cost of her mother.
featherpaw would probably struggle just as much with prim as she does with storm. the same problems apply: larger, older, going to make the same mistakes. like when stormpaw says, "feather, we just hadn't heard," he's not being tactless. stonefur says something very similar to mistyfoot.
and primrosepaw and featherpaw are close enough for prim to be able to call her feather. (oakheart and crookedstar are brothers -> their children are siblings. mistyfoot and silverstream are sisters -> their children are siblings.)
(stonefur has a different relationship to featherpaw and stormpaw, one that cats don't usually consider very important. that's why he thinks of them as not-blood-kin, even though mistyfoot does. it's complicated.)
anyway, so prim and storm are close, and storm is going to struggle extra hard because now not only can he not connect to his sister, it's that he can't connect to his littermate-sister.
(again, i use cat kinship stuff to inform how cats relate to one another. primrose and storm and featherpaw are all siblings, but stormpaw and featherpaw are also littermates.)
i think -- blackclaw would be elated to know prim was alive. i don't honestly know how he would react: in my head, he ends things with misty after all their kits are dead. this is one of those changes that change everything, you know?
like he wouldn't be an asshole to featherpaw. he might still not do anything about tigerstar, but he'd be a lot more visibly upset and. yeah.
but prim is going to come home to riverclan, and now her parents aren't talking, and.
i think she'd end up closer with blackclaw. just as like -- a natural consequence.
mistyfoot and blackclaw would probably...i doubt they'd become mates again. but i think they'd -- be friends. something like that. and because blackclaw isn't terrible, featherpaw wouldn't like. be against it. she's not really for sharing mistyfoot with anyone but by now she's feathertail and probably on the quest anyway.
prim and storm and feathertail are going to be closer than prim and hawk, moth, and frog. just by age and -- again, cat stuff, but the only extra designation to tag onto sibling is littermate. after that, you're all maach.
oh man i broke that word out. maach is just a word that -- well it originally meant "sibling" but after seim (blood kin) fell out of usage, maach now just means kin, but here it means sibling.
right so -- i think prim would probably be more upset about feathertail raising the kits than storm. and storm is already really upset about it. but -- i dunno. storm is upset because he doesn't really understand the situation.
prim is upset because she does understand the situation and the situation sucks.
you know storm is angry but prim is -- deeply aware of what tigerstar has taken from both her mother and from feathertail.
mistyfoot loves her kids. (as in prim and co.) she loved raising them. she adored them. so to see her -- not be able to do that. it's painful. it's so deeply personal.
and if prim wasn't rescued -- if she wasn't rescued and featherpaw was, things proceed mostly the same. blackclaw gets...hurt. tigerstar keeps him out of commission, just like shadepelt and mosspelt.
but otherwise, things are more or less the same. just swap out featherpaw and prim, and give feathertail the asir arc.
and if neither are rescued -- it's not misty au, but i do have. a plan for that. maybe it will be misty au type stuff. i'm not sure. but i do like. specifically have an au that i've been. it's been in the back of my mind like it's not ready for discussion so i'm not going to say much more than, primrosepaw and featherpaw are besties.
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luobingmeis · 4 years
5, 6, 17, and 25 !!
5) Is your inquisitor jealous that both the warden and Hawke have a mabari hound? 
actually my inquisitor is a cat person!! he doesn’t Mind dogs and does find them very cute/fun but, the bigger the dog, the more nervous he is, so mabari at first make him a bit......... on edge omg
6) What would they think of each other’s combat skills/techniques?
my warden (electra surana), hawke (dani hawke), and inquisitor (camris lavellan) all think that each other is great omg
i have Deeper Lore about my surana and lavellan (in my canon, they’re first cousins but don’t know about each other till inquisition-era) and i like to think that my warden and hawke have met before, but my hawke specifically really vibes with my inquisitor and i always liked the thought of her taking him under her wing, especially bc he reminds her of herself before uhhhh bad shit started happening, so she’s very much like “okay i am making it my personal responsibility to not let him end up like me”
but when the three of them are all together (bc i do headcanon that my warden comes back from finding the cure for the calling), it is a trifecta of respect and them just messing around A Lot with their magic
17) If Origins and Inquisition had the 3 personalities (Diplomatic, Sarcastic, Aggressive) which would your warden and inquisitor have predominately been? And what one did your Hawke have?
i am a creature of habit so all my heroes end up in the sarcastic wheelhouse akjdskjsdjk, hawke is sarcastic with some aggressive leanings by act 3, camris is sarcastic with diplomatic tendencies, and i see my warden as diplomatic with biiiig sarcastic leanings!!    25) What is/was their relationship with their family like?
my surana’s family canon is........... Complicated especially bc in my canon, my lavellans and my suranas are first cousins (both their dads are/were dalish twin brothers but my suranas’ father was exiled for a situation that fell somewhere between merrill and anders’ situations) and, by origins, the only surviving suranas are my warden, electra, and her younger sister, kira, and because, up until post-inquisition, they were each other’s only family, they would basically do anything for each other and would go to the ends of the earth to keep each other safe, even if sometimes their personalities clash (electra is much more keen to finding the positive in a situation, while kira is much more jaded over what they have been through)
by the end of da2, the only family my hawke has left is carver, so i like to think that, after the final battle, the two of them really worked on actually bettering their relationship bc they’re all each other has left. my hawke misses her sister terribly and honestly still blames herself for bethany’s death. i have......................... complicated feelings on leandra and, to avoid getting too deep and also morbid, i see hawke’s feelings on her mother very much “i loved my mother and i miss her and i blame myself for what happened but i also have this lingering hurt and anger because of everything she put on me and, sometimes, what hurts the most is that i will never be able to resolve this pain”
I LOVE MY LAVELLAN’S FAMILY my primary inquisitor is camris, and my secondary inquisitor is adaranni, his older sister, who’s like one of his best friends!! tbh once again i’m kinda glossing over the full extent of canon bc then i could get into the lore i have for my inquisitor’s parents, especially with the whole exiled-brother-situation, but basically love and acceptance and support is stored in my lavellan’s family <3
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scurvgirl · 6 years
1-5, 10-14 for Elodie, Katya, and Miriel?
Under the cut for length!
1. What would your Warden generally think of your Hawke and your inquisitor?
Elodie would be a little jealous of Katra first. Katra’s parents didn’t disown her, call the Templars on her when her magic manifested, she didn’t have to develop the kind of control Elodie did to just survive. At the same time, she would feel bad about being jealous and would counteract this by being overly nice to Katra. 
Elodie and Miriel get along well. They have very similar views to leading - Do what you can where you can, and sometimes you can’t fix everything. Miriel is more optimistic overall, though, and while Elodie finds the optimism admirable, she also worries. Optimists break easier than pessimists.
2. What would your Hawke generally think of your warden and your Inquisitor?
Katra is a magpie for the outcasts and the lonely, she is very free with her affections and makes friends easily. She and Miriel are fast friends, they drink together, have very similar views on the Chantry and generally bond over how fucked up the world is. 
Katra finds Elodie to be terrifying. In the good way. Here is this mage who has managed to break free of the Circle, slay and Archdemon and live, she saved a country from civil war, and is the Mistress to the King of Ferelden and Co-Mother to the heir apparent to the Ferelden throne. She is one of the most powerful mages in southern Thedas and dammit if she isn’t just the nicest person. Elodie is selfless and kind and brilliant and so oblivious to how intimidating she is. Katra is in awe of her a bit. 
3. What would your Inquisitor generally think of your warden and your Hawke?
Miriel finds Katra to be loads of fun. Miriel loves hanging out with her and talking about the trials and tribulations of having the weight of other people’s lives depend on them. But Katra also concerns Miriel because of some behaviors. Katra self-medicates with alcohol a lot, she struggles with addiction and she naturally has Major Depression and her situation does not help her at all. Miriel worries if this is her future. 
Miriel finds Elodie to be inspiring. Just, wow. Look at this person who has overcome so much and is now doing so much. Elodie is a hero to all, there are stories of her everywhere. The Hero of Ferelden. Miriel feels a bit like an imposter in Elodie’s shadow, like here is the REAL DEAL. She’s just a Dalish girl from the Free Marches.
4.What would they think about each other’s love interests (if they romanced someone of course)
Katra likes Alistair! A good Ferelden man! At last! But she is less sure of Solas. She finds him to be fishy. But she wants to support Miriel, Maker knows she needed support when she went back to Fenris. 
Miriel understands and is sympathetic towards Fenris. She finds him to be very attractive but he is otherwise not her type. She likes how he grounds Katra and helps her feel loved. Miriel also likes Alistiar...for a human man. Miriel in general is very very wary of human men, but Alistair seems like a good one.
Elodie feels bad for Fenris. She finds his story to be abhorrent but she also avoids him because she is probably the closest thing to a Magister in southern Thedas, so she gives him space. (She really isn’t but she is an overthinker). Elodie and Solas get along like gangbusters. They talk about spirits and magical theory for HOURS. She specializes in spirit healing and magic and it is so rare for her to be able to nerd out with someone like this. 
5.Is your inquisitor jealous that both the warden and Hawke have a mabari hound?
Not really no. Miriel isn’t a dog person per se, she isn’t against them by any means, but she doesn’t feel like she is lacking anything without them. She has her harts!!
10.Do your protagonists share the same opinions on the Chantry?
Elodie and Katra have the closest views on the Chantry. They are both Andrastian, but they feel like the Chantry has strayed too far. It does not help people, not truly anymore. It is a self-serving festering machine. It breeds hate and intolerance from anyone deemed deviant. This knowledge breeds a deep sorrow in them, because they do believe or want to believe. Elodie in particular wants to believe in the good, but she isn’t sure she can anymore. Katra stopped believing in the good of the Chantry when Meredith turned against all mages after Anders blew up the Chantry. 
Miriel hates the Chantry. Actively and without any complications hates the Chantry. It is the source of so much anguish for the Dalish. It sends Templars to harass and massacre her people, steal and torture their mages in their Circles then feed them propaganda about the Dalish only allowing 3 mages per clan (FIGHT ME). Not to mention the Chantry is the one that lead the exalted march against her people in the Dales. Loss of life is unfortunate, but if she could completely dismantle the Chantry, she would in a heartbeat.
11.Do your protagonists share the same opinions on mages rights?
Yep! They are very firmly pro-mages rights.
12. Do your protagonists share the same opinions on blood magic?
Elodie is ambivalent towards blood magic. She sees it as a tool like any other magic. She feels like most of the malice towards blood magic is Chantry propaganda. 
Katra does not like blood magic. It makes her think of her mother and her death and everything that went down in Kirkwall. She sees what it did to Fenris and she just...nothing that can do that much harm can be good in her mind. She loves Merrill but she strongly disagrees with her use of blood magic.
Miriel is wary of blood magic. She isn’t a mage herself so it’s hard for her to have a firm opinion on it. She has seen blood magic used in good ways in her clan, but she also knows that the Tevinter mages use it and that can’t be good. She does worry about its capabilities however.
13. Do your protagonists share the same opinions on The Game?
Miriel finds the Game exhausting, overly complicated, and a disgusting display of wealth and power. They could use all this wealth and ability to actually help people but no, these stupid petty shemlen would rather dress up and play games with each other. 
Katra finds the Game to be hilarious. These Orlesian nobles are idiots and she enjoys making them all love her and then shame them for their stupidity. 
Elodie has zero patience for the Game. She isn’t good at it, she doesn’t care to be good at it. She could be quite good at it if she tried but she doesn’t see the point. She will take polite honesty over word games any day. 
14.If they’d been in each other’s places would they have made the same or different choices? And who would they have romanced, if anyone?
Biggest difference is neither Elodie nor Katra would drink from the Well of Sorrows. 
Miriel would feel more conflicted over the werewolves and the Dalish in the Brecellien forest. She would completely understand Zathrian’s rage but she would disagree so much about allowing him to continue to allow a curse that can be transmitted to people who were not at fault. She would cure the werewolves and then kill them. That’s not a real option but it’s what she’d do. She would romance Zevran. But other than that, they would make the same decisions. 
As the Champion, Miriel would probably go for Merrill. Miriel and Merrill. Oh god. She would be so. mad. at Aveline at how she allows elves to be treated in Kirkwall. 
Elodie as Inquisitor would be amazing and terrifying. She would command soooo much power. She would reunite Briala and Celene though, instead of having Briala rule through Gaspard. 
I can’t see Elodie romancing Cullen, which I mention specifically because of the whole history there. I think she’d go for Solas to be honest. She would find his intellect and perspective absolutely fascinating, she would take him everywhere to just talk to him. She has nerdboner for him. 
As the Champion, Elodie wouldn’t romance anyone. She would see Anders as her patient and friend, not as a romantic possibility and no one else is really her type. Fenris hates mages while Katra can look past that (due to some pretty bad self-image issues), Elodie can’t. But Isabela and Merrill are just friends to her as well. She’d potentially hook up with Isabela though. 
Katra would not handle the pressure as warden or inquisitor well at all. She would hate having to make so many important decisions and would constantly be fighting with herself whether or not she should run. Choice wise, she would unite Gaspard, Briala, and Celene to work together. As Warden, she’d make Alistair king but she would probably end up alienating Anora (which Elodie doesn’t do, she has Alistair and Anora marry and then remains as Alistair’s mistress, I have a whole complicated thing about it too). She’d make Cole more human, not kill Flemeth (Miriel also wouldn’t kill Flemeth, her people have stories about Ashabellanar, this is a bad move Morrigan). Katra would romance Bull soooo fast. So fast. But she wouldn’t romance anyone from Origins, none of them are her type. 
Thanks for the ask!
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