#i texted my manager but hes on vacation with little service
misstycloud · 3 months
Yandere cowboy x fem.reader
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Yandere! Cowboy who’s the towns sweetheart. How can he not be? He helps every troubled soul he comes across, doesn’t matter who they are. He works hard every day to easy the load of providing for the family, he’s not a child anymore, of course he’ll do anything he can to help out! Besides, who wouldn’t fall for those muscles and pearly smile? You’d be crazy if you didn’t.
Yandere! Cowboy who you meet the first day of your ‘vacation’ to stay at your grandparents. Your parents though you’d been acting up the last weeks so they decided it was best to send you away for the summer, much to your dismay. Now you’d have to text your friends that you can’t hang out at all. Damn it. Being forced to stay in a in-the-middle-of-nowhere town definitely wasn’t your top priority. There was practically no service and nothing to do all summer. You’ll be bored out of your mind unless you manage to find something to entertain you. Luckily, there does appear to be something worthy of your attention- or rather, someone. It’ll certainly make things more interesting.
Yandere! Cowboy who you think is kinda cute, if not a little weird. He’s no doubt very different compared to the boys in the city- speaking in that special accent, wearing worn overalls, sweat at his forehead everytime you meet and practical thinking above all else. Still, you find yourself intrigued by his contrasting personality.
Yandere! Cowboy who is enchanted by you. You’re just so….wonderful. Funny enough, he also thinks you’re different, which interests him. Normally, he isn’t the type to brag and is quite humble, but he isn’t blind. He can see the way the girls in town drool over him. He knows he’s attractive. But you, you don’t fall over your feet whenever you gets a glimpse of him. You don’t stutter over every word while talking to him- in fact, you’re as cool as a cucumber. It almost seems like you’re flirting with him.
Yandere! Cowboy who notices you way your eyes sparkle when you speak of your interests. He starts thinking about the way you sound when laugh, how you pout when you’re frustrated and what you look like when you’re sad. It’s all beautiful. You are beautiful. Soon, it’s not only that he focuses on. Now, every time you’re walking ahead of him, he pays attention to the curve of your ass, how your hips sway when you walk, and suddenly he finds himself having to adjust his pants.
Yandere! Cowboy who you enter a special relationship with. You’re more than friends but less than actual lovers- that’s how you see it at least and you believed that’s what yan! Cowboy wanted, too. You two spend all your free time together in each others arms and going on cute dates around town and in the forest.
Yandere! Cowboy who wishes to marry you. You’re his perfect match! It must be fate that you ended up in their little town. He’d give you a big beautiful ring- he’s saved up quite a bit during his years of working, so he can easily afford it- and let you have whatever wedding you imagine. He’d make sure it’s exactly how you want it. Then, he’ll personally build you a house. Of course, before he starts working on that, he’ll need to know if you want a porch, what kind of shutter you want and what colour should the exterior be, would you like a fireplace?
Yandere! Cowboy who can’t believe it; you’re leaving? You say that summer is over and you don’t have to stay there with your grandparents anymore. You almost seem…relieved. No, that can’t be it. You love him! Right? Or was the connection he felt just one-sided?
“Sorry, you weren’t meant to catch feelings for me or anything. I just wanted to have fun, pass the time y’know.
“So I didn’t meant anything to you? Not even a little bit?…”
“I do like you. But I live in the city and my stay here was never going to be permanent. Like I said, I’m sorry it got a little too serious.”
“Yeah, I gotta go now. I wish you well though, see ya.”
Yandere! Cowboy who spiraled after you left. You’ve dug yourself too deep in him. He can’t imagine going on about his life like you never existed. He thought you could be happy there, even if wasn’t like the big city you were used too, but that was clearly not the case.
If he had to uproot his life and move to be with you, then so be it. He wonders if you’ll be happy to see him again.
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amarias-yandere-blog · 10 months
Love you in red
Yan!Blade X reader
As usual, thanks to Myla for reading my insanity and helping out
Request: Vampire yandere Blade x reader
Holy hell this took forever I am so sorry
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You groaned, looking at the text that Himeko had sent you earlier.
“Hey, Y/n, I wish I could go with you to the blood bank today, but it's getting late and I have some projects to finish… I'm sorry! I hope it goes well!”
You sighed. Yes, it was late, and Himeko was very much a night owl. Your shift had been postponed for an extra hour, and just because of that, you were now running late for your appointment at the blood bank and you were tired as heck. So, because of your tardiness, you were at the bank at around 8:30 PM. Yes, late for a blood bank, unrealistically so- but apparently one of their workers ran the thing by himself at night. You were gonna meet him, so…
“Y/n, right?” A deep, annoyed voice asked as they came into the room. “I'm Blade. I’ll be… assisting you today.” He introduced, looking rather unenthusiastic. You honestly didn't feel like he should be working here.
After all, he had thick, blue hair tied into a loose bun that threatened to escape its hairband at any moment. Deep, scarlet eyes stared into yours, and he was intimidatingly tall. And he had an ethereal confidence to him, like he knew that he couldn't be harmed.
“Hi, Blade.” You managed to choke out after a moment of silence.
“Come on, let's get this done.” He encouraged, taking a pair of gloves out of the boxes mounted on the wall behind him. You nodded in agreement, following him to the chairs and sitting down as you always did. He took an alcohol wipe, rubbing it against your inner elbow. “...Ready?”
He placed the needle against your skin, not even bothering to look for the vein.
When the girl nodded calmly, Blade sighed softly, watching her. She seemed unbothered by the relatively empty space, and even more so with his presence. He looked at her reflection in the window, disinterestedly, sighing before putting the needle in her arm. The girl winced slightly at the pinch, but she was quiet as her eyes followed where her blood sucked into the bag.
He took a deep breath at the scent that wafted from her new wound, almost overwhelmed by it. The girl looked at Blade curiously, a flicker of concern in her eyes. He shook his head, calming himself down with a pinch of his arm. It did almost nothing physically, but it was enough to keep him from jumping on the girl.
“You ok..?” Y/n asked softly. “You look a little pale.” Hah, the irony of her words.
“I'm fine. Sometimes this just happens.” He dismissed the question with a shrug, staring at where her blood pooled into the bag. It smelled intoxicating to him. But he remained calm, silently eyeing the dripping vein as he pondered what could've caused him to lose his cool like that.
Perhaps it was that he hadn't eaten a good meal in a bit… he would have to steal some from the bank tonight. That's why he worked there, after all. But that didn't explain his sudden desire to drink from the girl who sat in front of him, laying in the chair with her eyes closed. He hadn't had such desires before… not two hundred years, perhaps.
He hadn't had a live drinking in a similar amount of time, give or take fifty years. Perhaps that was why. No, Blade shook his head once more, pulling the needle from the girl's arm. Her blood was different, unique. It smelled so sweet, like chocolate, but it looked healthy…
He had to force himself to stay still as he wrapped her arm in a bandage, huffing. “There, you're done. I'll schedule you three weeks from now, as usual?”
“Make it two. I'm going on vacation that week.” Y/n smiled brightly. “Thank you for doing such a good job, and a wonderful service.” She nodded before turning around to leave, her purse bouncing around her hip as she headed to where several drinks and granola bars were laid on the table. She grabbed an apple juice and a classic granola bar before waving and walking out.
He sighed, beginning to clean up the mess that was left behind. He paused, looking at the needle that had been in her skin moments before. Several drops of blood beaded on the metal, looking absolutely delectable in the dim light. He groaned, giving into his desire and his need, licking up the drops before disposing of the needle.
To call it tasty would be an understatement. It tasted like the ichor of gods, and while he didn't know what the blood of the gods tasted like, he did know that Y/n’s blood was probably really damn close. He wanted more. He needed more, both on a satisfactory basis and a factual need. He somehow knew that this would happen- he drew exactly an ounce extra of her blood, not nearly enough to harm her or make her feel any sicker than she normally would after getting her blood drawn, but enough to feed him.
His fangs were already sinking downwards in anticipation- a normal reaction to a feeding, but still awkward, especially as he had the bag slowly drained of that one ounce. Two more weeks before he could hopefully get another taste of the delectable flavor that sang on his tongue, dying his teeth a reddish tint. He flicked his tongue over his lips to get a final taste of the girl's blood… Y/n’s blood.
He hoped that he could actually wait that long.
“Oh, not again~!” You groaned, running into the clinic as several of the phlebotomists started leaving the blood bank. One of them was your favorite phlebotomist to work with, a redhead named Kafka, who looked at you with an amused smile.
“Y/n, you're running late~” she teased gently as Blade came into the clinic, his white coat draped over his arm and his hair flowing in the breeze. “Hey Bladie~ you have your first patient of the day~”
“I can see that, Kafka. Go to one of the chairs- I'll be with you after I'm finished getting ready.” He told you, unblinking as he walked to the back.
“Oh, don't worry, Bladie~ I’ll keep her company.” Kafka smiled, waving him off. She suddenly neared your ear, holding your waist close to her. “Listen to me. Be careful around Bladie. In fact, don't stick around him any longer than you have to.”
“Why?” You whispered, feeling a rush of blood in your cheeks.
“The last girl who was close to him had her heart eaten out.” Kafka whispered. You weren't sure if she was joking. You were never sure what she was thinking about, especially with her empty pink eyes that practically glowed in the evening light. But she probably meant that the girl had gotten her heart broken, in her strange way. After all, she was… well, Kafka. “It's your choice to listen to my warnings or not, of course. See ya~ and have a good vacation.” Kafka blew a kiss before walking away.
You sighed, shrugging off her words and walking to the waiting room. It was a sweet and simple area, with pristine side tables and warm colored walls. The atmosphere was calming- one that was often necessary for people.
You shivered, noticing the cold for the first time in a while. Usually, you at least had a jacket or someone close.
But this time, it was only you. Your eyes flicked to the groups that were still recovering from their blood being drawn. Newcomers, most definitely. Especially the younger girl- she held a hand to her head, whimpering slightly as she tried to get her balance back. The poor girl really had it hard.
That was when the familiar indigo-haired man came into the room, snapping his rubber gloves and following your gaze to the group of women. “Get that woman an apple juice or something. She shouldn't have had her blood drawn in the first place, dammit.” He muttered that last part to himself, though you did manage to catch his muttering. He sighed.
“Sorry for the wait.” He apologized, looking at the equipment in disgust. You followed his gaze, feeling your stomach flop at the sight of dried blood on one of the tubs. “Goddamn- SAMPO!” The man practically screamed as he quickly pulled the tub out of the set up, moving to the back, where you could hear faint accusations of neglect.
Finally he came back. His red eyes were practically slits as he cleaned the equipment. You watched him with interest, and his eyes flickered to your own. “So… where's your vacation?”
“Hmm? I'm going to Teyvat.”
“Never heard of it.”
“Not many have.” After that, Blade let out a hum and pulled your arm to the chair’s. He took a deep breath, as if he'd had a horrible day and was attempting to calm down.
“Are you wearing perfume?” He suddenly inquired, looking at you with his flame-like pupils, staring into the very depths of your soul.
“No? I sometimes use a scented lotion and I showered before I came here but… that's it.” You explained nervously, thinking back to Kafka's words.
“Hmm. Well, you smell nice.” Blade sounded more apathetic than genuine, and he was quick to push the needle in your arm. Once again, he didn't even have to look for a vein. Silence filled the room. Another volunteer came in, Blade went over to them, did the same routine as he did you, and then walked back over. “How do you feel?” He sounded bored, more than anything.
You looked up from your phone, your screensaver of no importance- your latest anime interest, really. “I'm fine.” You answered calmly as he pulled the needle away, sighing and cleaning it with a alcohol wipe.
He took the needle out and placed it on the table, placing a cotton ball on the arm and holding it in place with some bandages of your favorite color. Might as well make it fun, right?
“You're done. You know the drill. Have a good night.” Blade waved you off, cleaning the equipment and then redoing his hair, some of his long strands having fallen out of his hazardous bun. You watched him for a little bit, curious. He seemed to be aware of your gaze, looking over with vermillion eyes that flickered like candlelight.
“Something wrong?”
With a squeak, you shake your head, quickly turning to go grab a juice box and leaving, glancing back to see Blade staring at you- no, at the bandage on your arm.
There was a group of young adults in the blood bank, obviously intoxicated and rowdy as Blade glared at them, undisturbed by their presence. Blade grabs one of the girls, who yelps unexpectedly and the group yells at him, following him outside of the blood bank and abandoning her outside. She stumbles, landing on the ground on all fours.
Blade sighs as he removes the drunken group from the scene, careful to not wound them, but still keeping them at bay from the blood bank- and yourself. You watch with wide eyes as one of the men in the group swings, only to be forced back out, and the doors locked.
“Uh… is that a smart idea?” You ask, looking at the locked doors with a frown. Blade’s eyes drone into your own, and then he goes to the back, leaving you to look at the group of drunk people outside, clearly upset and angry, pacing outside. Nervous, you back away, looking at where Blade had left. He’s there again, holding two shastas in his hand, looking at you expectantly as he holds one out.
“They’ll get impatient and leave.” Blade promises after a moment, shaking the soda to encourage you further. You reach out, grabbing the soda hesitantly, looking at it with a slight frown, looking at the can for any indication that it was tampered with. But, you don't see anything, and the can lets out a satisfying hiss as you open it.
“Will anyone come tonight?” You ask, flinching at the crash of a rock against reinforced glass. There's no cracks, but they do remind you of your presence.
Blade looks at the group before sighing, pulling your body into the rest area. He says nothing, sitting against the wall, eyes closed and breathing deeply through his nose, popping his soda to take a drink. “...Blood thieves.”
“People like to come to the bank and try to steal the blood. They figure they can get a good buck from it.” Blade explains, thrumming his fingers against the wall before sighing, turning to silence, resting his hand on his forearm as he took a sip of his soda. There is silence for a moment, and then you get the urge to pee, so you go to the bathroom in the blood bank, seeing that the group is still there, and one man is making out with a woman.
You decide not to ponder the sight, looking away. And then you go to your business before going back to where Blade's perched against the wall, his eyes watching you as you sit down, drinking the shasta in one gulp, slamming the can down after a moment. You're tired and frustrated, and now you're stuck in a blood bank with the least talkative person in history.
At least he doesn't make a deal out of your seeming frustration. He doesn't say anything, but you notice his lips quirk, as though he's amused by the situation. You don't ask, letting silence fall on the room, looking at your phone for a while. As the minutes pass, you begin to feel your eye's drooping, exhausted from work and the stress of everything going on in your life. A hand touching your neck is the last thing you're aware of.
When you awoke, you felt soft fingers slowly moving over your chest, shoulders, down your back and across your waist, all while warm breathing brushed on your neck. You feel unable to move your wrists, as if bound. With a little whine, you try to pull yourself up, only to stumble back down as you realize the binding has your hands behind your back. “Good night, dear…” A familiar voice whispered to you, pulling into your vision. “How do you feel?” Blade asked, fangs peeking from his lips. His voice is less soft, his eyes far away from reality. Its like you're being eyed by a wolf.
“...What the hell are you?” You whispered, shivering at his slow, cold touch.
“...A vampire, dear.” He muttered, pushing your hair away from your neck to stare at it. “Don't worry… I don't bleed my prey dry… that's just a waste of food.” Blade chuckled darkly, his hand pulling your hair back to get a better view of your neck. “Besides… you're the tastiest girl I've ever come across. In all my years… I've never tasted blood so sweet, so… special.” He sighed out, sitting on your lap and pushing his lips against your neck, grazing his teeth against your delicate skin. You whimper at the sensation, feeling his sharp teeth drag down your neck.
“S-stop…” You whispered to him, pushing him away. He grabs your hair, pushing you further against the wall , eyes slitting in displeasure.
“... I promise that I will take care of you. I want you, after all… for a lot of reasons. And… I'm told that the first feeding is always the best. You will enjoy this.” He assured you with a laugh, moving his attention back towards your neck. “I haven't had a live feeding in so long… perhaps 200 years? You damn humans are so sensitive… if only you could just give yourselves to us like in those movies… Why do you romanticize my kind anyway?” He mused against your burning skin.
“B-Blade… ple-” You cut yourself off from your words as pain filled your body. Blade had sunk his teeth into your neck, and you felt hot blood dripping down your skin. A sickly sucking sound filled the air as you felt your body relinquish its control… you could only hear the sound of him sucking, see his indigo hair, and feel your body limp in his arms.
He smirked, pushing closer to your body, pulling away to let out a pleased gasp. “You are truly exquisite… I will have to be careful… or this need will make you die.” Blade mumbled as he licked the wound he'd left behind. “Ah- I almost forgot… You can't move, right? You’ll get used to the venom. After all, it's not meant for regular use…” Blade smiled at you, pulling your shirt to look at the wound he caused. He gently puts his hand on the bite wound, stopping the bleeding for a moment, and then he puts cloth bandages over the bite, watching the rough cloth soak up your blood.
“V-venom?” You repeat.
“...Yes. You are feeling its effects now. It keeps you from moving, protesting. It will coagulate your body and keep it from death, I've seen it. But…” He stares, showing his teeth as his nostrils flare. His lips quirk once again, and he lifts his body up, leaving you quivering on the floor, unable to move. You watch him through bleary eyes as he licks his hand clean, looking back to normal as the light shines through a covered window, casting eerie light over you.
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
Hall Pass - Chapter 3
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom?
Series Warning and A/Ns: Check out the Masterlist
Playlist: I will add to Spotify with each chapter.
Word Count: 4K
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You almost squealed with glee but somehow managed to keep composure while you finished drying off as Henry emerged from the water with one giant step up to the ledge. You did not miss a glance at his sculpted thighs and well-rounded ass. You and your friends called him thicc. 
With the towel still wrapped around you, you slipped your suit off before pulling on your comfy sweater. The ride back would suck if you put your clothes on over the damp suit, so while Henry made for the pine tree dressing room again, you stepped into your leggings. You would just suffer with no bra or underwear, not a big deal. And you’d have time for a quick rinse when you arrived back at the house after untacking the horses. 
Henry returned and helped you finish packing the saddlebags before giving you a boost up to Butterscotch. His firm, large hand gripped just a tad tighter around your ass than you thought strictly necessary to help you into the saddle but you were not going to argue about it.
Once he was settled in his saddle, you turned the horses home. Henry gave a whistle and Kal came bounding out from the trees. 
“Oh my God, I feel terrible! I completely forgot Kal was with us. Is it okay he was gone on his own for so long?” you asked with what you assumed was a look of horror on your face.
“Well, let’s see. Kal?” Henry called down. “Everything alright?” Kal gave a sharp, happy bark and ran around, leaping and bounding with abandon. Henry turned to you and offered a laugh to lighten your concern. “He seems perfectly fine.”
After arriving back at the house, you and Henry untacked the horses and headed inside for quick showers. For a brief moment, it seemed Henry was contemplating asking you to just join him in his shower.
“I think we’d end up missing the appointment after all,” you mused, to which Henry groaned just a little but acquiesced and headed into his guest room without you.
For maybe the first time in your life, you made it out of the room, showered and dressed before anyone else. And by anyone else, you meant Henry at this moment, who was clearly still behind a closed door and you did not want to knock, afraid to intrude so you set about stoking the morning's fire so it would be ready and roaring for the massages. 
When the team arrived, you asked David and Alexa to set up in front of the fireplace. You were about to go get Henry when your phone chimed.
Yup! You?
on my way
Henry strode into the room with such confidence you were almost blown away. He introduced himself and chatted with the massage therapists for a moment, putting them at ease with the obviously unexpected circumstances. He asked if they could understand why he’d like to ask for their complete discretion about the service and that for their trouble he was willing to triple their fee. 
When both David and Alexa were done picking their jaws off the floor, he asked for their full name and cell numbers and sent them on in a text, which he explained was to his assistant who would be sending standard NDAs in just a few moments if they could agree to spare a bit more time to organize everything before they got started.
He turned to you with a small apologetic smile and you mouthed a quiet “No worries. Me?” to which he gave a slow shake of his head. With the forms e-signed and the curtains drawn to darken the room as much as possible, you and Henry took turns disrobing and climbing onto the massage tables and under the modesty sheets.
When Alexa smoothed her hands down your back over the sheet, warming you up and preparing you for her actual touch, you couldn’t help but think there were probably three people in the room right now just barely containing themselves over the fact that Henry Cavill was mostly naked on a table next to them.
You took some deep breaths to try to push that thought out of your head and just focus on focusing on nothing except the way the strong hands swept down your back again once the sheet had been folded down. With just a few more deep, long strokes you were fully and completely in your head enjoying the massage and you stayed that way, almost oblivious to the movement beside you, until you heard a low moan.
You were snapped back to the reality that you were barely covered and getting a massage next to Henry Cavill. It took a few more moments to let that sound sink away and out of your consciousness as you returned once again to luxuriating in the relaxing motions. A little over halfway through, Alexa invited you to turn onto your back, holding the sheet in a way to shield you from both her eyes and those of anyone at the table next to you. As you settled back into a relaxed, prone state, you noticed David bent down in a hushed conversation with Henry, but again, you worked hard to remove any concern from your thoughts and just enjoy the moment.
With the short delay at the beginning, your 90-minute massage had reduced to about 80, but you were still just this side of sleep when Alexa pressed her hands gently into your collarbones with a deep exhale and thanked you quietly for the time.
You blinked your eyes open and thanked her as well, taking your own deep inhale and letting go of the last of any stress you had been feeling about the day and the situation. As you sat up, holding the sheet around you, you noticed Henry was still face down and David was just offering him a closing press on his shoulders and gracious thanks as well.
“I’m just gonna go get dressed,” you whispered to Alexa, who nodded and began packing her supplies. When you returned, Henry was gone and Alexa and David were just zipping the bags around their folding tables, giggling and chatting quietly. David noticed you and cleared his throat.
“I just have to ask. I know this wasn’t the name of the person originally booked for this appointment. I would have remembered that. How is Henry Cavill in your home right now?”
You gave a gentle laugh as you handed the now folded sheet to Alexa. “It’s a long story.”
“Well, you are one lucky lady. This may be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my dull, short life,” he beamed.
“But you’re keeping it quiet, right? I would hate for something to get out about this and ruin anything for him,” you asked with a subtle hint of concern.
“Who’s ruining what for whom?” Henry’s voice reverberated through your chest as he reentered the room, now clothed in sweatpants and a comfy looking sweater.
“Mum’s the word,” David replied, motioning as if to lock his mouth and throw away the key.
“Well, may I help you out with your equipment?” Henry asked.
“Oh, lord, no. And have you ruin any progress we made easing those back muscles? Absolutely not.”
“Well, then, here.” Henry held out his hand and small stack of folded bills. “For all your trouble.”
“Thank you very much.” David took a sheepish peek at the amount before he let out a small gasp. “This is really too…”
“Exactly what we agreed to and you two deserve,” Henry interrupted. “I sincerely appreciate it.”
Alexa and David loaded their equipment and left with the rather large sum of money Henry just randomly had available on his person. You were amazed.
“Alright then, what say you let me make you a sandwich tonight,” Henry offered. “I’m sure not the anniversary dinner you had planned, but there is no reason for you to slave over a stove for me again tonight, and I think something light sounds perfect. Okay?”
You didn’t argue. You were so relaxed, and besides, you’d already used the sauce meant for tonight on dinner the night before. So there was no longer a planned anniversary meal available anyway.
If Henry’s mind was already back on the connection made in the hot spring, he didn’t show it. He was friendly and cheery as he crafted two tremendous looking sandwiches and grabbed some cut veggies for a side. He popped the cork on a nice bottle of white he found chilling in the fridge and poured two glasses before dishing a bowl of kibble for Kal.
You took your plates and drinks to the great room and Henry stoked the fire again before sitting down to eat. You made more pleasant conversation, completely avoiding the elephant in the room: that Henry Cavill had made serious passes at you earlier in the day and that he was likely going to continue his efforts once dinner was done and dishes were put away.
You were not wrong. As you closed the cabinet where you stashed the newly dried plates, you felt his presence as Henry stepped behind you. You turned to face him and leaned back against the counter with a smile.
“May I kiss you again? Now?” he asked and you just nodded, still at a loss for the words to explain how this was happening to you at the moment.
Henry took a step closer, caging you in his arms as he placed his hands on the counter to either side of your waist and bent to place his lips against yours. This kiss was more insistent than that at the hot spring, as if he had been holding back and now decidedly wasn’t. Neither were you.
You closed your eyes and let him taste you, relishing the feel of his tongue along yours. The soft moan only spurred him on and it wasn’t long before you felt him place his hands on your hips and lift you to sit on the counter. You opened your eyes to watch him step inside your thighs, spreading your legs so he could ease his way closer to your core, where you now felt the length and firmness of his obviously hard cock.
Henry pulled away, leaving your lips longing for him. The way he tilted his head left and bent ever closer to lick and nibble at your neck made up for the loss. When he found the spot he was looking for, you felt him smile against your skin as you let out another moan, louder and filled with want.
“The things I’d like to do to you,” Henry whispered into your ear with a low growl.
“I'm pretty sure I’ll let you,” you responded, then gasped as he moved your legs around his hips and stepped back from the counter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders, hanging on while he made his way out of the kitchen and into the bedroom hallway, where he paused for a brief moment.
“Yours,” you suggested, with a chuckle. “I’m not sure the twin in mine will sustain you.”
“You’ve slept in a twin bed because of me?” he asked, with a hint of mortification.
“It’s fine, please do not start apologizing again. Could we just…?” you nodded your head toward his room and pleaded with your eyes for him to keep moving you in the direction of assured bliss.
Henry laughed, then dipped his head to kiss you again, pressing you back into the wall behind you. He finally made his way into his room, stepping to the bed and depositing you at the edge before reaching for the hem of his sweater and lifting it over his head. You reached for him as he dropped it to the floor, almost touching his chest before drawing your hand back. Henry grabbed your wrist and flattened your palm to his torso.
“If I didn’t want your touch, I don’t think we’d be here.”
“It felt a little like I was treating you like an animal at a petting zoo. I thought I ought to ask first,” you admitted.
“Appreciated. You don’t need to ask anymore. I think we’re a little past that now, don’t you?”
“Maybe. I’ll still probably ask a few things,” you smirked, dragging your hand down his impossibly firm chest and over his belly. “Like, can I take these down?” You gripped the waistband of his sweats, fingers tucked against his skin and thumb pressing on the fabric. At his nod, you began to pull, using your other hand to nudge the pants down his thighs while you tried to avoid catching them on his engorged member. 
You did this all by feel, your eyes still locked onto his, watching as they darkened with lust. When you could finally tear your gaze away, it fell to his waist where you couldn’t suppress an audible gasp. You had an inkling, seeing him in those tight swim trunks and feeling him against you, but you were not prepared for the specimen before you. 
Henry settled a hand under your jaw and tilted your head back toward his.
“We’ll take it slow. Don’t worry.” 
Hidden behind those words was the obvious fact that Henry was larger than any man you’d ever been with and he knew it. Also unspoken was the truth that he had likely been with many women who were unaccustomed to a man of his size and therefore he’d developed a skill for easing into it.
He started by making a motion to lift off your sweater. You hesitated to lift your arms, suddenly realizing that as much as you would never forgive yourself if you let this opportunity pass you by, you were maybe not as prepared as you thought you were.
“Still okay?”
You furrowed your brow and sought the words to help him understand you were absolutely not rejecting his advances in any way at the moment.
“It’s just…”
“Intimidating?” he asked, with no judgment in his tone.
“I mean, yes, but not in the way you might be thinking. I’m aware of my initial reaction, but, no…it’s…” How could you say this without falling back into a pit of despair about your recent relationship?
“Would it help if I pulled these up for now?” Henry asked, bending as if to grab his pants.
“No!” You cleared your throat and laughed a little. “I mean, no, please. I realize things are a little lopsided at the moment, but…”
“Why don’t you scoot back up on the bed?” he interrupted you, stepping all the way out of his pants as he watched you shift and crawl backwards at his urging. You could feel your heart beat faster as he kneeled onto the bed and made his way to your side. You did not hide the way your eyes watched all of him. 
“You know, I did see you in that swimsuit. And I do have quite the imagination, especially with the right inspiration in front of me. But we have time. If you’d rather wait a bit…”
“That’s just it, Henry. I don’t want to wait. I haven’t wanted to wait from the moment you got into your car and followed me back here yesterday. It’s just, well, you’re you and I’m me and, well it’s been a while, okay? Not like ‘years' a while, but certainly months…” God, this was bordering on humiliating again. You remembered that even when Jeremy had made it home from work trips, he’d ignored that aspect of your relationship. But you didn’t want to say his name again or even mention it in the current situation. What a fucking mood killer.
“How about I first tell you that how hard I am for you right now is exactly how hard I was thinking about you naked on that table next to me? It’s why I convinced David that all I cared about was a shoulder and back massage. I think I disappointed him a little.”
Your eyes went wide at the admission and you smiled affectionately. “You most certainly did not disappoint him.”
“Still nervous?” he asked, and you gave a small nod in return. “Then how about I just kiss you again for a bit?” Henry offered, propped on one elbow and the other hand on your hip. You nodded again as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss you with a skill you’d only experienced once before in your life and that was a few hours ago in a natural hot spring. 
The man was adept, there was no denying it. He nibbled softly at each lip, eased his tongue inside to open your mouth wider, slid his hand up your side to caress your neck and hold you in place while he launched into the sweetest assault possible.
His touch lit you on fire and his kiss had you moaning for more. More of his kiss. More of his caress. More of him. Minutes passed with his mouth on yours and you almost forgot for the time that Henry Cavill was naked in your bed while you were decidedly not. When he pulled away, dragging your bottom lip with him for a brief moment, your whimper made him chuckle.
“Feeling better?”
“Not now that you've stopped kissing me again, no” you answered with a small pout.
“Oh, I’m definitely going to keep kissing you, but what do you say we even the field here a bit? Up for it?”
You nodded with a lingering shyness, but vowed to just breathe deep and let him undress you. He sat you up and pulled your sweater over your head, dropping it to the floor behind him. He pressed you gently to your back again, dragging his palm down from your shoulder to your chest. Braless after the massage, you relished the way his fingertips glided over the swell of your breast and onto the nipple, palm molding to the shape and squeezing gently. You expected his mouth to return to yours, longed even for the talent of his tongue. But instead he dipped his head to capture your other breast in his lips, tongue circling the pebble and teeth teasing a bite.
You had enough will to watch his eyes flick to yours when he heard the hiss, but once you were sure he was sure you didn’t mind, you closed your lids slowly and let him kiss you this way instead. So taken with the feeling of heaven you were floating toward, you barely noticed the way his body moved over yours as he settled himself between your legs, kisses moving along your sternum and across your belly from side to side.
No, it wasn’t until you felt his grip on the waistband of your leggings, fingers brushing against your hips, that you realized he wasn’t coming back to kiss you like before. He apparently had another kind of kiss in mind and your eyes flew open to beg him to … what? Stop? No, you didn’t want him to stop. Not one bit.
And he knew it, too. This smirk felt different, cockier, less cautious.
“Alright if I take these off too?”
“Yes. God yes, please.”
There was something about the way he knew what he was doing that made your apprehension disappear completely. He had no trouble removing your leggings and replacing them with his arms as he wrapped your legs around his neck and lowered himself between your wide open legs, stretched to accommodate the breadth of his shoulders.
When he put his mouth against you, it was an explosion of sensation. Warm, wet, strong, searching, specific. He held you open so he could drag the tip of his tongue slowly all the way across from one side to the other and halfway back again before dipping it low to tease its way just inside you. And you heard him groan, felt him take another taste before pulling himself away to focus as much attention as he could on your clit. But he groaned again and now this was all you could hear. 
His sound reverberated through your pussy and you clenched around nothing but the ache you felt for him. 
“Henry,” you moaned. “God…”
“You taste amazing,” he managed before returning all his attention to licking and sucking every millimeter of your nether lips. When he finished, he went back to running his tongue along your slit seeking any juice that managed to escape before finally wrapping his lips tightly around your clit, sucking lightly then flicking his tongue against it. 
He continued each and every one of these motions for what seemed like a million years, moaning against you every now and then. Every prickle from his beard and mustache against the tender flesh of your thighs only served to heighten the sensations. When you were done screaming his name he gently held your bucking hips in place with a large palm as he shifted and crawled his way up and along your side. The pleasant burn left between your legs didn’t bother you one bit.
You turned breathless to meet his gaze and leaned forward to capture his lips with yours, tasting yourself on him and reigniting the moans you had just tamped down.
“That good, eh?” he teased and you tapped his chest in fake protest.
“Please. Like you don't know by now how good you are at that.” You gave him another kiss before pressing your palm against his shoulder, nudging him to lay back so you could climb a leg over his waist and haul yourself up to straddle him, careful to set yourself away from his rock hard cock.
“I suppose that’s true. No use in pretending, clearly,” he winked at you and you laughed at how ridiculous the whole thing really was. 
“Do you want to show me what else you’re good at?” you asked in a suddenly low and provocative voice. Henry took note of the change and you saw his eyes darken again just before he grabbed your waist and moved to flip you over to cover you once again.
“Yes. I absolutely do. Will you wait right here?” He began to edge off the bed. “Don’t go anywhere. I mean it now, leave those legs exactly where they are.”
You were mesmerized at his insistence and offered no resistance, leaving your legs spread wide for him. You saw him bend over to reach for something in his bag and set to admiring the naked backside of Henry Cavill, here to fuck you already.
When he turned back to crawl onto the bed again, a handful of condoms spilling over next to you, you noticed the way he also smirked again, pleased to find you exactly where he’d asked you to stay. As if you could say not to this man.
Somehow he also produced a small tube of lube, which he also dropped next to the condoms as he moved to slide up next to you again, his chest pressed up against your side. He kissed you once hard as his fingers inched over your thigh and onto your awaiting pussy. He pulled away from your mouth so he could watch your face as he began to press a finger into your already soaking core.
Since he could see how good that felt for you, he went ahead and slipped a second finger inside so he could tease and twist and stretch you open, making way for him. He knew you were wet enough. There wasn’t any question about how much he’d made you come and how much wetter he was making you as he moved his fingers in some sort of magical dance inside you.
When you felt the third finger enter you cried out in a pleasure you hadn’t ever known before.
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s really good. See how well you're taking that?” Henry growled in your ear. “You’ll feel that and a whole lot more in just a few more moments. You think you’re ready for me?”
“Yes, please. Yes. I’m ready, Henry.”
“What is it you are ready for? Will you tell me?”
“I’m ready for you to fuck me,” you told him.
“Yeah you are.”
Chapter 4
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sasaranurude · 5 months
I'm a loser who both spends too much time playing gacha games and loves to hear myself talk, so here's another game review style post, this time covering my first day playing Break My Case. This time I'm not even being a little hater! I'm a lover! I'm cringe! I'm free! I love you Coly! I love you ikemen gacha games!!!!!!!
Break My Case is a new puzzle-music-adventure mobile game from Coly, the developers behind Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku and On Air. More relevant to BMC/BreMai is their game Stand My Heroes, with which it shares a writer, some gameplay elements, and of course a naming convention. Coly has developed a bit of a cult following for their unique status in the Japanese mobile gaming world: they're a company that was founded by women and hires women to make games for women. They put a lot of soul into their games. From the start, BMC is no different!
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"Could you have pulled a clean version of this image from the internet so it didn't have all the game junk" no. it's my tumblr and you get my screenshots.
I (with help from friends) overviewed the initial Break My Case announcement back when it dropped. You can read that here! I said in that post that I thought a "dark rhythm game" would be a really cool direction for the game… and that's more or less what we got! GO ME!!!!!
First: the game's presentation is fantastic. Super slick graphical design and just amazing atmosphere. The sound design of this game is incredible. Genuinely. Really, really, good. All the music is amazing—I'm not knowledgeable enough to say anything other than "IT SLAPS!", but it totally does slap. The illustrations for the cards are all wonderfully atmospheric in and of themselves, and are just a delight to look at on the homescreen with its chill background music. Even just navigating menus is a sleek, seamless experience. The live2d is well-done, although it clashes a tad with the art style for a bit of an uncanny look at times. 
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The atmosphere! The atmospheeeeeeere!!!
Of course, the draw to this game is the characters and story, so let's jump into that. I'll admit right now that I read the story through a machine translation—I have aaaalmost enough Japanese knowledge to fill in the gaps, especially since the story is fully voiced, but I'm definitely not getting the full nuance of the story that someone fluent in Japanese is going to get. THAT SAID, after completing the prologue, I was definitely intrigued enough that I want to continue slogging through the MTL just to read more! There's a great setup, centered around the bar Aporia and its three modes—a daytime cafe, a nighttime members-only bar, and, secretly, a "fixer" service who'll help anyone with any problem. Our main character, a woman who was just forced to quit her job at a corrupt company, gets hired to replace Aporia's eccentric owner while he goes on a who-knows-how-long vacation. The owner also has the role of "tail"—as in, the tail a lizard sheds to avoid being eaten. If anything in the fixer service goes wrong, it's the owner who takes the fall and the blame. This hasn't come to mean much in practice yet in the (quite short) prologue, but it's a fascinating setup. The story promises to touch on themes of the threads that weave our lives together, how small meetings can lead to massive life changes, and whether any human being is truly replaceable, even in our modern corporate world where people are treated like cogs in a machine. According to a staff interview, there are a handful of references to Stand My Heroes in BreMai, but the games' settings aren't otherwise closely linked.
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Rough translation in alt text. The Aporia manager Ai may be the most mysterious, intimidating character, but he also beefs with a parrot the first time you meet him, so...
All the characters are staff at Aporia with various unique roles and background. The prologue just gives you a little bit of each of them, but everyone does show up, and they all have interesting dynamics with each other already. Ai, the stern manager, has some history with the MC that he refuses to divulge, and goes so far as to force psychologist Riku to agree to not look into it. The range of relationships among the staff run the gamut from the calm and mature friendship between fortune teller Kiho and art teacher Kyoya, to the unfaltering dedication of Yu to his ex-mafioso savior Tomose, to the ridiculous Takeru and Soyogu who spend their first appearance waking up after having gotten black-out drunk together the night before. My favorite dynamic of all so far is that of Kou and Mao—Kou is a playboy who insists he's not a playboy, and is introduced evading a woman by… asking the icy Mao to pretend to be his boyfriend so that she thinks he's taken and gay and leaves him alone. Which Mao exasperatedly agrees to, telling Kou that he's used up his allotment for this month which ohmygod how often does Kou do this. Kou if you're asking this guy to pretend to be your gay lover so often he gives you a monthly limit I think you might just have to admit you want him to actually be your gay lover, Kou, oh my god— 
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Rough TL in alt text. Kou is letting the implication do all the heavy lifting here. He technically never said he was dating Mao. Technically. 
On to the gameplay. There's gameplay! Unique gameplay! Good unique gameplay! Oh my god, uncharted joseimuke territory! The main gameplay mode is a match-3 puzzle game with rhythm elements. As in other rhythm games, each song in the game is its own level, more or less. (Each character has two unique songs, and three songs shared with the other members of their unit.) You set up a team with cards you've collected from the gacha, which determine your power level and special skills. The "leader" of the team has to be the character whose level you've selected. The puzzle gameplay is a tile-swapping match 3—think bejeweled or candy crush—but the tiles you've matched are only cleared once a bar sliding across the screen hits them, clearing them in tune with the song. Everything cleared in a single swipe of the bar ups the combo counter. There's also a life system, where if the bar slides across the screen without clearing a single match, you lose a life… But the bar moves pretty slow. You're not likely to game over or even lose a single life any time soon. There are more difficult versions of the levels I've yet to unlock, so I'm sure the life meter becomes relevant then. There's also "auto" and "loop" features if you want to grind a level over and over for exp and items, but, of course, the computer can't score as high as you playing it yourself.
And, really, it's fun to play, so why would you want to!? The sound of matches clearing with the music is so satisfying and really makes you want to combo as high as possible. Once you've matched some tiles, you can't move them again, nor use them in a second match (eg, in a cross shape), so if you want to maximize your combo and make as many matches as possible with what's on the board, you have to think ahead about which matches you're going to make. The bar slowly crossing the screen adds a visual timed element that gives some urgency to putting all the matches together. It definitely feels like a game you can pick up an instinct for over time, which is super fun. 
All in all, a really solid, enjoyable little puzzle game. It would be fun to play even without the promise of anime boys. Stand My Heroes is also a match-3, for the record, which is what really cements the two games as being part of the same series.
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Admittedly, the anime boy staring at you while you play musical candy crush is a little disconcerting.
The second gameplay mode is "Snap'n Spin", a… gameplay-lite mode that just puts chibi characters in random strange situations and lets you take pictures of them. The mode is explained to be a video game within the world of BreMai, so it's not even trying to be realistic or relevant to anything else in the game. Once you take your pokemon snaps of the boys, they get a fun little caption. You can save up to 40 pictures in your album. Other than being cute, the main way this mode interfaces with the rest of the game is that it's the primary way to unlock card stories for the cards you pulled in gacha. 
This gameplay mode is... cute? I guess? It being so disconnected from the style and aesthetics of the entire rest of the game felt weird. The chibis are adorable, so it has that going for it. And I do like some of the captions you get on the photos afterwards. My favorite were the scenes you catch of a character drinking, and then the caption reveals their current favorite drink. That's a delightful detail for a game set in a bar. Mostly, though, this mode left me wondering "why?" ...And I imagine the answer is something like "because merchandisable chibi characters are a requirement for joseimuke games." This mode could've been anything so long as these cute, starry little dudes were in it.
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Urara here hated the drink and the caption revealed that, lately, his favorite thing is sparkling water. He's the youngest character in the cast, so I guess he hasn't grown into booze yet...
One last feature I want to mention is the jukebox. Like many games, BreMai has a music player that lets you listen to tracks from the game… But its music player is, genuinely, a fully-featured music player app with shuffle, repeat, lyric displays, and even background play that works when you're in another app or your phone is off. What! Wild! When I first learned a few days ago that BreMai had a built-in player for its BGM tracks, my first thought was "Well, what's stopping someone from downloading the game just to use the music player and never spending a cent on it? Wouldn't you rather have the songs on spotify so you at least get a pittance of ad revenue, in that case? It's more than nothing."
But having played the game now, I see what they did to prevent that, lol. You don't unlock the songs in the jukebox until you get an SS score on the song's level. Which, I mean, that's normal rhythm game stuff, of course. Can't fault that decision. But, as in other gacha rhythm games, your score in a level depends on the power of your team of cards, and the cards you get from the initial handful of pulls aren't gonna get you anywhere near an SS score without significant investment. So you're either buying in-game currency to buy upgrade items, more gacha pulls, or both. Of course, you can also put a bunch of time into grinding for upgrade items—they drop from levels. Gacha currency is harder to come by. So you're not getting songs in the player without actually playing the game lmfao. The character solo songs in particular (the ones with vocals rather than just instrumentals) also require you to build up rapport with that character—the game calls it "Nice". You build up Nice with them by playing their other songs and using their cards in levels. It takes 1000 Nice on a character to unlock their song. In my first day of playing, I was able to get one character to about 250 Nice, another to 200, and a handful more with a few points, so it builds at an okay pace. There's ways to pay to speed up the grinding for Nice and for upgrade items with things like level skip tickets. So, basically: you're not getting that music player to a useful state without investing either money or time, lmao. Is paying-or-grinding to get cool music you can listen to while not playing the game more "worth it" than the usual freemium game goals of better units, new in-game outfits, or prettier card illustrations? ...Honestly, maybe it is? It's novel, at least.
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All gacha rhythm games have the same card select screen, don't they. These were my cards' levels after my first day of play, and you can see they didn't quite reach a suggested score of "A", much less the maximum "SS".
But I do want to stress, the monetization is, for the most part, pretty easy to ignore. Nothing in-your-face. The button to go to the shop screen is a different color, but it's not flashing with an eternal indicator, it's not popping up at every second, it's just sitting there alongside all the other menu buttons. The game isn't shoving timers in your face at all times—there's a stamina meter, which is mildly annoying, but you get ten plays when it's full, and if you're just playing casually you're probably not going to want to play the puzzle game over and over enough to fully deplete that. I know the bar is on the damn floor here but Tokyo Debunker seriously made me realize how bad it can be with mobile game monetization. BreMai is freemium, yeah, but as far as dark patterns go, it's not egregiously bad.
So, the verdict: if you're a joseimuke game fan and aren't afraid to play a game that probably won't get an English port and doesn't even have a fan translation yet (which I realize is already counting out 99.99% of people), definitely give this one a try. See if you like the gameplay—it really is worth trying—and do check out the story if you've got the ability. Or just look at the pretty anime boys. 
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woodsfae · 2 years
Getting hired by USPS is an absolutely ridiculous process. I started that process about six months ago. It's a lot of "check your email every day because at any moment you might get an email saying "fill this out in the next 48 hrs or you'll have to re-apply!" and then wait for 2-3 months for the next time-sensitive email!"
At one point I literally got an automated "respond in 48 hrs or reapply" email on the Thursday before labor day weekend when I was already camping way out of cell service. But thankfully, I only packed 1 day of food with the intention of popping into town and picking up more, so I saw that email. Otherwise the automated system would have kicked me out of the hiring process!
Today I finally cleared the federal background check system and got a hiring offer, and "put in my two weeks' notice" at my "current job." (*cough* my job of healing up from surgery. I ain't starting in the holiday package rush. *cough*) Exciting! I'm so excited to have a union and benefits and sick days and vacation days and more than starvation wages!
My brother in law is a USPS rural carrier in another state and is even more excited than I am. He's been encouraging me to apply for a few years now and is dead positive I'll be great at it and enjoy it. He's got a bunch of uniform pieces for me he's been picking up for the last few months. I am already heading over to his city for a visit this weekend, so I can pick them up then.
He's currently texting me such gems as "Don't buy sketchers shoes! Get wool, fingerless gloves! Gaiters are absolutely necessary. Get a really good headlamp."
This is great. He's neurodivergent and one of his special interests for the last several years has been the USPS and Being Really Good At Delivering Mail so I am gonna reap the benefits of his years of research, lol.
Am starting in a little over two weeks. Hopefully I'll have enough energy back to manage it! I still have a lot of fatigue after my hysterectomy but I'm gonna go for some long, long walks to bolster my stamina.
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thenightlymirror · 2 years
I’ll write a little about my first day, but I’m tired.
Showed up. First thing I noticed was the electronic board had four services today, and under one of them, the location said “See Lot Card”. Oh shit.
The memorialist trainer texted me to say she would be in at 9:00. The daily files were simply laid out in piles on one of the desks in the main lobby with “pending files and whatever else was happening this week.” Then the office manager said there was a blind check still for the 2:00pm service. Oh. And the 10:00am service. Most alarming was that she really didn’t seem all that alarmed.
When my trainer arrived, the office manager treated her like the boss, (the boss is on vacation) and very gratefully handed her the blind checks to complete, which sent a shudder down her spine, as she has no idea what this park looks like. When we got to the mausoleum, the niche was already opened without prior verification, as the groundsmen were handed the tags on Friday with the assumption all the paperwork work get taken care of inevitably.
After putting out a few small fires, we escaped and made our way to buy a cake for the birthday of the memorialist at my old cemetery. A Stephen King audiobook started playing in the car and we talking about Horror films vs Horror novels for a bit. It was so strange returning to my old cemetery after only two stressful hours at the new place. We picked up lunch for everyone and ate there too. Three hours in all I think. It was like a dream about the first day of school. Dislocated within itself. I told Harper about breaking my glasses and she said Elena mentioned I was hitting on the shop girl, while marching out the door swaddled in her winter coat. How do you say, “Give me a reason to be faithful?”
But it wasn’t like that. It was happy. And we joked around and everyone was happy to be reunited, an entire two days after we had last seen each other. Big Jim even stopped by the breakroom during the birthday party to tell me the personality test he took called him “an analytical and amiable communicator,” which was his way of trying to make me laugh, and it worked. I guess at the morning meeting he asked the new guy to sit in my old seat so he could give him a hard time, and the new guy just demurred, so he asked Harper instead and she laughed and sat down, and Big Jim said “At least some people around here have a damn personality.”
She was laughing about some meme about how the worst fandoms are the Epcot ball and the Second Amendment. I miss that kid.
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theprurientside · 6 months
Thursday afternoon
I shut down my Twitter account back in April of 2022. My stated reason at the time involved Elon's initial announcement of the takeover - I wanted nothing to do with anything of his even back then - but past that I was deeply tired of it anyway. That sort of short-form text-based social media service was and is dissonant, shallow, and above all mentally exhausting.
It was with this in mind that I momentarily hesitated to sign up for Threads when it was introduced last year, but I eventually said Why Not This Might Be Fun Again, and so I'm account number three million and something. And an invite to Bluesky from some fellow ex-Twitter FVSMs (Friends Via Social Media, a term I just invented but which really should exist) eventually followed.
If either is not quite as bad as Twitter, even in its pre-X pre-right-wing-horrorsphere incarnation, neither is still healthy.
The human mind is not built for social media, certainly not that kind. We prefer a certain logical flow, or at least a series of concepts within defined parameters. (This place still works pretty well in that respect. So does Instagram, although my Black friend down in Atlanta reports a far more dispiriting experience lately.) But the kind of chaos that Threads and Bluesky deliver serves only to absolutely drain life and energy in an attempt to follow and respond appropriately.
So I wonder if those aren't a fair part of what's been wrong for the past near-year, if not for a near year before that. That part is a little easier to understand.
Word to anyone who doesn't live to make their LinkedIn profile look as shiny as possible (and dear God is that a whole different pit of despair as far as social media is concerned): there are certain things that you will take on in your professional life that will not work. This unfortunate situation is as unforeseeable as it is unpreventable. It just turns out that way.
Like this: Summer of 2022 I'm called into the Provost's office and asked to take over a smallish but well-regarded program on campus. Sure, I said cheerfully, I'd be happy to do it and wow thanks for the raise and all that and this will be a perfect way to build my admin credentials and this should be great because (and I distinctly remember saying this out loud) that program pretty much runs itself.
The program does not run itself, and my attempt to run it since that day has been an ongoing fiasco. It's too much, I have other very important things happening, life is a mess, and so on until I'm walking around looking utterly dazed.
To all you: It doesn't have to be like that! Herewith, five rules of program management:
Know your people. Maybe don't pick the introverted and very obviously (if undiagnosed) ADHDish guy to run a program that requires plenty of outreach and contact and day-to-day organization, on top of that person running the biggest academic department on campus.
Smooth program handover is important! Don't pick your new program leader two weeks before the current leader takes an admittedly well-earned two-month vacation back to her homeland halfway around the world and goes completely dark.
Change one thing at a time. Don't add too many new administrative complexities at once, like formal program agreements between participating institutions (many) and individual consent forms for each participant (hundreds). Process implementation is important.
Manage growth. It's not easy or healthy to have your program double in size within a year especially if your program leader still feels like he's two months behind with the old group and those extra administrative processes.
Be flexible in staffing. If your program leader visibly looks both crushed and bewildered and keeps dropping hints about wanting to disappear, it may be useful to have discussions about what is best. You'd be surprised at how agreeable this person may be!
So yeah.
Plus the mental processing in the aftermath of the second motorcycle theft (and this one has totally disappeared from the face of the Earth), plus the new baby and a toddler on an exponential learning track, plus [waving arms around at the insane state of the world]. Sigh.
It hasn't been a fun year and a half or so. My audacious success at getting in shape has backslid pretty much to point zero, a matter not helped by knee surgery last September. (Can I say this sincerely?: I miss running. Badly.) I can barely stay awake through the three-year-old's evening dose of Mickey Mouse cartoons. Trying to get regular and gratifying physical relations going with a post-baby A has been a fraught process for both of us with no guarantee of reliable anything and almost accidental cases where it's been good.
There are answers out there. Getting out from underneath that insane program is one, and that's in process; getting back into everything I want to do for the department is another. Someone somewhere was asking about a plan for staying in shape after 50 and I still think I totally nailed it when I said "bicycles, moderate dumbbells, Mediterranean diet, and lots of sex", and that actually is the current outline. Oh, and on that note if I don't ditch those two accounts then I should at least mostly forget they exist. (I really do have to check Facebook for the first time in a few years someday soon, though.)
It'll be better. It was before. It's just getting back there again - and then past it.
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rainbowgothdisaster · 9 months
so when i first started working at dg i knew they were anti union, as most corporations are, but its whatever bcuz im working for fun. i know my rights and i know my closest allies will always be my coworkers (note for later)
then i watch the cbls and actually cackle at what they're saying. most of the "we want a personal relationship" crap is whatever, thats pr so i brushed by it and was mostly listening to how they they lied and their fearmongering tactics ("[. . .] they forced me to strike and march the picketline, how is that looking out for my best interest?"). it was genuinely funny to me and like many ppl told me that if union organizers come by i should absolutely join or sign or whatever.
but generally i considered my store manager seperate from big ppl in the company bcuz of how friendly she is. i knew she still wasnt like. 100% trustworthy so i refuse to explicitly disclose that im disabled or if i do then only vaguely. ive only had little problems not worth bringing up to me, and genuinely want to help out as much as i can to keep the store open since were a bit short staffed. the paycheck is definitely a plus but i wanted a job to consistently get out of the house and beat back seasonal depression with a stick.
but i realized today i may have been a bit too accomodating. i rushed to work after a therapist appt, i covered for the manager, and i even came in early this week and had a 9hr shift, this is my first job and im having fun even if its a lil taxing on me. im not giving more than im getting (yet) but im def giving more than im used to.
i made plans for tomorrow knowing ive had a day off for several days, and i know that she changes the schedule around but id only noticed her changing what hours ppl come in. so i genuinely didnt expect my day off to disappear, esp when i covered for her last week and didnt have my sat/wed off for 23 and 27 since the store is closed right in the middle for christmas day.
it was fine at first, i was upset id miss my plans (it would go on without me) but while getting ready for work i progressively got more upset until i was ready and ate some food, felt better, got to work, had my two alone hours rushing thru the line and trying to work totes as much as i could where i again just got progressively more upset. but at that point i was kinda resigned to it. id begrudgingly accepted it, i know i have to get used to that kind of thing bcuz i cant always take off for events and event cant always be planned around my schedule. besides i had been having a lovely day aside from that so it was almost okay.
my coworker showed up and i vented to her a bit and she straight up told me she shouldnt do that and that if she were me shed tell her she couldnt show. it kinda went on like that with her gassing me up, so i just texted her and let her know i would not be able to work bcuz i had plans i made before the schedule change that i didnt tell her about bcuz it was on my day off so it shouldnt have been a problem.
she said she also had plans, i repeated myself that i wouldnt be able to work and she repeated herself and said i should contact the district manager and that she was on vacation and turning her phone off for the next two days. at this point i was on break and i did genuinely start crying, i said im not giving more than im getting but im still an autistic with chronic pain, severe depression, severe anxiety, and chronic fatigue syndrome. doing things like learning how to take a truck over the phone, learning how to sell propane over the phone, working our busiest hours (3-6) by myself, and general customer service bullshit is like. like mentally im better than i could be but goddamn this store is a nightmare.
i got the district managers number from my coworker and messaged her, and my coworker let the assistant manger know what was going on.
the store is closing early tomorrow unless someone steps in bcuz we cant close alone. my coworker has no problem getting an early start to her vacation (that has been planned since before i even started working!!!!!) and i am going to have a lovely time tomorrow.
you forget how ppl help you realize when you're being mistreated until ppl step in and have your back. we had someone transfer out of the store bcuz of this exact same scheduling bs, and our assistant manager was about to quit over this store manager.
but shes been demoted (seperate thing) and is transferring so were all staying right where we are :)
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amarantine-amirite · 10 months
I was an artist. I worked in an art store, though. We were considered 'specialists', educating people on oils, acrylics, mediums, and clay. Sometimes, we sold finger paints and plasticine.
I was in a long-term relationship with the love of my life. I never took him for granted and I thought we were going to go all the way. I was wrong.
In January 2018, he suddenly dumped me via text message that said "I got the 7-year itch - it's over, Jane." By this point, I hope his seven-year itch has turned into some form of STD.
It wasn't my fault the relationship fell apart. He didn't understand that working retail in a wealthy area exposes you to a special kind of contempt. Rich people don't just consider you beneath them in a service role but as a human. Even dogs are a little grateful when you pick up their shit.
The store paid us less than the local supermarket. I worked a tough job serving awful people for terrible money.
I missed my friend's wedding and a family Christmas because my job wouldn't give me the time off. I couldn't afford nights out or vacations with my boyfriend. Everything I had went on rent, food and my three-hour both-ways commute on perpetually filthy, overcrowded and late trains.
The rent and food were expenses I could tolerate, but the commute was eating me alive. My boyfriend was the one good thing in my life, but I wasn't the only good thing in his. He walked away, leaving me with filth and crowds.
I stopped showing up to work. If I did, it would be hours late. This went on for a couple of months. One day I told myself you have to go to work, but if it makes you feel better, don't take any shit.
the checkout line snaked around the back of the store. a customer wearing a Von Dutch hoodie came in looking for a fight. He took one look at the line, decided it was an affront to justice, and threw a tantrum that involved pushing over a display.
"Sir, you can't do that," I shouted from my spot at the cash.
The guy in the Von Dutch hoodie yelled back, "You can't tell me what to do, you're a woman."
I climbed over the counter and walked over to him. "And you're sexist," I said. I didn't put my hands on my hips and told him, "I'm serious, you need to get the fuck out of my store."
"No, I don't."
I got in his face. "Let me be clear, you cannot come into this store looking for trouble. I'm a human being and I don't deserve it."
He seemed surprised that he was going to get kicked out so he decided the rational thing to do was to fight me. He didn't listen to any of my repeated orders to back off. He pushed me to the ground.
I tried to get up. He pulled a rubber knife on me. I yanked the rubber knife out of his hand and chucked it into the crowd. It hit my manager on the head. He immediately shrank down after that.
I'd never gotten so mad at a stranger before, let alone a customer.
The supervisor pulled me away and dragged me into the manager's office. a phone call later, the Head Office fired me.
The job cost me my love, and the breakup cost me my job. This strained my friendship with my landlord, who evicted me later that week. Not because he isn't receiving rent, I'm making payments, but because he's tired of me being in the house all the time.
I applied for public housing but was refused. Nobody will rent to the unemployed, and nobody will hire the homeless.
I have since been couch surfing with some friends. I keep wondering where that rude customer is now, and if he noticed I'm gone. Sometimes I wonder if he regrets his actions. I hope he learned not to be rude to strangers because you have no idea what they're going through, and it may ricochet throughout their whole life.
Things changed in April. After countless applications and a stream of rejections, I finally got a job offer for a docent for an art gallery. They said they wanted to discuss my skills over coffee.
On the day of the interview, I went to the address provided in the email. It didn't lead to an art gallery. It led to somebody's apartment.
This woman with dreadlocks and three piercings on one eyebrow answered the door. The apartment smelled like a mix of dog and some herbs. She soon told me she had three dogs and liked yoga, meditation, and massage, which explained it all.
That should have been my first red flag. But no, it got worse.
We drank coffee while talking, and it tasted bad. It tasted like I was drinking manure-flavoured gasoline.
Then the woman massaged my hands. It caught me by surprise. "Don't worry," she said, "this will help you relax."
I stared out into the front courtyard the entire time. The feeling that everything was changing for the worse echoed in my mind.
I feel like this when I'm tired and hormonal, but now the feeling is so much stronger than that. this feels like this one's for real. Something terrible is about to happen. Something big, something that could kill me.
And I started to feel dizzy. My vision got blurry. I had trouble standing up.
The woman notices the discomfort on my face. "You don't seem well," she said with a calm demeanour, "Is everything okay?"
"I think I just need to wash my hands," I said as I struggled to find my footing, "Maybe I had an allergic reaction to the massage oil?"
She reassured me with a smile but should have been comforting but just felt suspicious. "No need to worry, sometimes people feel a bit dizzy after a hand massage," she said gesturing to her bedroom, "If you need to rest, my bed is right there. Take your time."
"OK", I nodded as I continued to the bathroom. I couldn't even see my own reflection, let alone text or call someone on my phone. I thought about the horrible coffee and the massage. There was no way that this was an interview for a docent job at an art museum.
I passed out on the bathroom floor. The last thing I heard was the woman saying, "I think we got her."
I woke up in a backyard somewhere. The lawn chairs just look sad rather than inviting. The yard backed into a cemetery
I woke up face-first on a playground slide. The bottom of the slide had a torn plastic bag, a plate of nine chunks of rotten meat with pennies in it, and a blood-red candle with a blue flame.
The wind picked up. The candle went out. I slid down the slide and I knocked the bag and the rotten meat onto the ground with my forehead.
As I looked up, I heard footsteps moving towards me. Then somebody shouted, "Die!"
I recognized the voice: it was the guy who barged into the art store itching to pick a fight with the cashier. I don't think he learned his lesson.
I stood up and ran away from the slide. I started running towards the road. I thought I got away but I heard, "I'm waiting"
I knew what that meant. They were waiting for me to get too tired to keep running, to stop and pee. I had to keep moving at any cost.
I booked it towards the woods. I could still hear them. "Come back here," they shouted.
I didn't. I kept moving until I tripped on a root and tumbled down a hill. everything went black after that.
I woke up at home. I don't know how I got here, but I'm lucky I'm back. I never expected my blow-up to bite me in the ass the way it did.
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!! It's not a "recognised" holiday in Poland but I like the vibe~ I hope you're all actually safe this night!! 🧛‍♀️🔮🕸️🎃👻
My string of bad luck with finding employment continues. Last week my supervisor told me I'm "annoying," "overhelp the customers," and I should "stop acting like a customer service agent." I have "customer service agent" in my fucking contract. Gee, I'm sorry I don't want to sell company's products to 90-year-olds who can barely afford 20 euro a week to pay off their debt. Fuck, I heard words of praise from people I take payments from but not from my own managers!! Yeah, that's a dealbreaker to me. If I won't be appreciated there for my kindness, I'm just gonna find a place that will. Hell, maybe I'll go back to teaching English or something. Perhaps... I don't need to earn millions when I could at least have a job that I'm proud of.
Now, onto the Owl family update!! 🦉 Good Schools is a cool lot trait that I finally got to use. Dominika really is a great student, and any future children will be, too!! Since Baltazar has a tiny soft spot for Dominika, he decided to prepare for her his favourite ice cream: Liquorice Gelato. These people are sinning, somebody stop them!! Then they had a little vacation in Sulani, and it was New Year's Eve before we knew it. I find it cute that the sparklers they got fit their outfits so perfectly. And thus, spring began for my dear Owls. (ᓀ ᵥ ᓂ)
Baltazar is back to romancing and cheating. Since his aspiration only needs one more step to be finished (have 5 exes, Abeba already counted as one), he decided to focus more on his individual targets. I almost feel sorry for Pearl; she had a loving wife, is Unflirty, and yet a handsome devil managed to destroy it for her and plans to leave her in the end. But not after he produces more offsprings!! ✨
In the meantime, Dominika started her furry phase, wearing that green bear costume everywhere. Bal found it so amusing that he bought tooons of animal-themed face masks for her. She loved them... a bit too much, it seems. She's a bit eccentric at times, especially when I don't control her. Sometimes I catch her staring at the mirror in her future siblings' room, in almost a complete darkness. Well, when you have a father like Baltazar, you're bound to have something weird going on with you. ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹
I hope you enjoyed today's text wall of a post XDDD A lot has happened, and even more will happen. Bal started building a Servo, Dominika's tweaking from the slight lack of attention, and I'm gonna be unemployed starting this weekend. Hopefully nothing bad happens to my Owls... Stay tuned~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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I just feel defeated
#i work in a fast food restaurant#these last couple weeks have been the worst of my life in terms of work. no exaggeration#ive complained about the other worst days before on this blog and im going to make myself angry if i do it again#but today was just terrible#i came in and my coworker wasnt there#she had left a bunch of prepped food out#it looked like she had been raptured or something with how everything was left#i went to the gas station because we're attached to a gas station and asked if thet knew where she was#they said 'she went home because of the maggots'#the WHAT#so i went back to the kitchen and realized that in my search for my coworker i had somehow missed the maggots#all over the floor in the back kitchen. in a damn pile next to the ice machine. covering everything. writhing around#i nearly threw up#i texted my manager but hes on vacation with little service#so i went to the gas station manager and she asked me to help in the gas station for a couple hours while they figured out the MAGGOTS#i stocked for a bit and after two hours i asked if i could go home. and she saod 'the manager just texted and said he wants you to clean#'and at noon when the others come in he wants you to open the restaurant'#EXCUSE ME??! THE RESTAURANT COVERED IN MAGGOTS???!!?!?#so here i am. waiting until joon. cleaning up maggots. cleaning under everything. doing whatever i can to make it sanitary#but idk if i feel comfortable opening. i think it would be smarter if we ALL just cleaned today instead of trying to open#but im not the boss. im just the one having to clean up maggots all damn morning#i just feel so defeated#not angry. not sad. just defeated. i cant do anything about this except clean and then open an unsafe restaurant#i just want to go to bed. i dont want to mop under the fryer. i want to fall asleep#im exhausted and sick of this
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redrose-arrow · 2 years
modern AU headcanons that live in my mind rent-free
Cassandra would constantly wear Horace’s shirts and sweaters. so Horace starts buying shirt and sweaters based on what he knows she’ll like.
by becoming Head of the Diplomatic Service, Pauline can hardly go undercover anymore. so, she gets her phd and starts teaching part-time.
you can recognise a Ranger’s desk by the ridiculous amount of inexplicable fidget toys.
Arald and Sandra are foster parents.
Will and Alyss like to go on vacation at those little secluded cabins in mountains where you do basically nothing but lay in bed all day watching the view.
Horace heats his cereal and milk each morning.
somehow Crowley manages to knit each of his Rangers a scarf or hat or whatever every. single. Christmas. it’s a great tradition and the Rangers love collecting their winter attire this way.
Halt’s favourite band is Coldplay.
Jenny and Gilan are the biggest Swifties.
in return for the knitted clothes, the Rangers always give Crowley scented candles. he loves it and burns them in every room of the office building. it always smells amazing.
Will always texts Alyss a “good morning” and “good night” without fail.
Gilan wears rings on all fingers. also, nail polish.
Alyss has a secret love for cheesy romance novels.
Will and Jenny would be those kids who put each other as Kahoot nicknames just to confuse people. and then the whole class is confused how “Will” wins a kahoot on baking.
Cassandra would study medicine??? i cannot explain it.
no one knows Halt’s birthday so the Corps just throws him surprise parties at random days to catch him off guard. sometimes twice in a weekend.
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Pierce’s Maid - Ch. 1 - The Introduction
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Paring: Winter Solider x Female Reader
Words: 2,517
Summary: You are Pierce’s maid but run into an unexpected visitor one day when going to clean.
Warnings: smut, slightly non-con, a/b/o dynamics, knotting, marking, mating
Tiny Tag List: @navybrat817 @whisperlullaby @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @oloreaa
Notes: This is my first time writing smut or fanfiction please be nice. I also want to say a huge thank you to all the ladies who encouraged this! I love you all so much and hope you enjoy!! 
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I awoke to the sun peeking through my curtains, knowing it shouldn't be much after eight o'clock. Meaning I had just enough time to eat and get ready for work, without being too far behind schedule. I manage to haphazardly make my way down the stairs and putting together something to eat. Which per usual just happens to be a bowl of cereal, something to help scarf down my pills.  After that I manage to make it back to my bedroom and throw on some work clothes. Which just happens to be some leggings and a t-shirt. The entire dread of today seeping into my skin, I know this is the last day I have to work before I have a week off for my heat, but I just feel terrible already and know it's not going to go well. Even though my drive is peaceful, I still can't help that itching irritation at the back of my mind. Leading to a spiral of thoughts, that end at I have no other option than to make it through today as quick as possible and everything will be okay.  
I had originally worked for a larger company that outsourced maids and would typically clean multiple houses a day or throughout the week. That was up until I met my current employer Mr. Pierce, I cleaned his house once and that was it. He told me he'd pay me more than the current maid service I was working for and that I'd only ever have to clean his house. Which was an offer I couldn't pass up; I was starting to wear myself thin trying to clean so many houses and just scraping by. Mr. Pierce gave me the opportunity to get my life back together and finally have time for myself. Something I really couldn't complain about. Although he was a cleanly man, he was rather suspicious, only communicated with me through texts and notes, and hated my smell so much I could only clean his house during his work hours. So, I typically came by Monday through Friday and touched up different parts of the house every day.  
As I pulled up to his house another bout of eerie shivers ran over me, I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. Reminding myself I had a week off after this shift, I shook off the feeling and began to trudge my way inside. With Pierce being an alpha, I had gotten comfortable being around his scent and tried to limit how much I scented while I cleaned. But as soon as I unlocked the door an entirely new smell hit me, it was nothing like Pierce's, his typically mistress's, or business partner's. A mix of sage and pine, coming off what had to be another alpha and one close to his rut. None of this felt right nor did I think it would be a smart idea to clean the house. Pierce would really be furious if I scented his house during my heat and the scent of whatever alpha was inside was going to cause it. Right as I were about to pull out my phone and call Pierce to explain the dilemma a hand snatched my wrist yanking me inside.  
Even though I tried screaming a hand was over my mouth before I could even get any noise out, as if they were anticipating it. And then a gruff voice was in my ear, "Pierce said he told his little maid take her vacation early and yet here you are."
I couldn't help the shiver that ran up my spine, was I supposed to have today off too? I couldn't even think straight his smell was so overwhelming and even mouthwatering. With his hand still covering my mouth I couldn't reply, but he pulled me further into the house leading me into the living room. He sat me down on the couch and himself in the opposing armchair. The light partially breaking through the blinds, making his eyes and face just barely visible. I couldn't help but be enamored by him he looked angelic and smelled even better. But I also knowing that if this was one of Pierce's work associates that this might not go over well for me.
Neither of us expecting to run into each other and both caught in a stupor we sat there staring at each other. Nobody making a move to do or say anything more. His smell becoming more powerful as if he was purposely scenting the room. Shit, could he smell my impending heat or was he trying to trigger it? That eerie feeling, I had all morning was right, I should have just called off and gone into my heat vacation a day early. The scratch slowly beginning under my skin again and my mouth actually beginning to water as his smell became more powerful. It smelled like he was close to his rut; if he, is I'm really fucked now. I couldn't help but rub my thighs together, and finally will myself to speak. The words coming up jumbled, but there none the less, "I.... do you think..... I should get going."
He's still staring at me, eyes boring into me, as if trying to read me, like I'm in the wrong in this situation. Yet, maybe Pierce did think I would want extra time off for my heat. I can't help but run my mind through a million different scenarios while debating with myself how to just get up and leave. Will he even let me leave, I mean fuck it at this point, as I start to squirm my way out of the seat he growls. Immediately making me still my entire body and my underwear wet, I hadn't been near an alpha this close to my heat in so long I don't think it could end well.  
Which at this point I fully realize the mistake I've made Pierce had asked me to begin my vacation a day early, he had mentioned someone would be staying with him and wasn't sure how my smell would react to him. I had been so scatter brained this past week trying to get ready for my heat that it completely slipped my mind. I really needed to get the hell out of here. I slowly built my courage and cleared my throat trying to will myself to speak yet again. "I...... I'm... I'm sorry I just remembered Pierce had said somebody would be staying with him and to begin my vacation early." Continuing, stammering, "I should really get going, I didn't mean to."
And before I could even make a move to head towards the door, he had a hold on me again, yanking me to my knees in front of him. That's when I can finally see his eyes, pitch black, the tent forming in his pants and the smell of his rut drenching the room. I truly, truly fucked up and don’t think I can even talk my way out of this one, but I still stammer on anyways. "Please just let me go, Pierce doesn't have to know I came in today. We can just forget anything happened." Tears slowly forming in the corners of my eyes at this point and to my dismay I realize I'm scenting. My heat is coming and the panic of it sends me into a further spiral.  
All this strife finally causing him to speak again, "you smell real good mega, no wonder why Pierce can't handle you cleaning while he's here."
I can't even begin to ponder what he means by that, I'm too distracted by how nice he smells at this point. The smell rolling in waves slowly dragging me closer and closer to my heat.
"You like my smell, don't you?" He continues.  
As if attached to a string my head nods on its own, I can't help but want to bury my face into every crevice of his body and live in his smell.  
"So, sweet for me, aren't you?"
Before I can let this go any further, I snap back to my senses and begin plotting a way out in my head. But he's a step ahead of me and is already pulling me into his lap and burying his face into my neck, biting, licking, scenting, and kissing anywhere he can get his mouth on. I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth, which causes him to release a rumble, pleased that I like this.  
"It's okay mega, I can smell that you want this, me." He speaks in between the marks he's making on my neck, continuing. "Pierce said he was saving you as a treat for me anyways and it looks like this mix-up was perfect timing. Sweet girl, can't you smell we were meant to be." He begins to slowly grind his hardness up into me, only causing a flood of wetness to break through my leggings. "Oh, sweet mega that's it, just let me have you."
Little whines and whimpers still escaping me, I can't help but enjoy what he's doing after not having been with an alpha in so long. Still fighting within myself though and distracted he takes the opportunity and shifts us onto the couch caging me in. While continuing his endeavor on my neck. I finally find my voice again and try to beg "ple.... pleas... please stop."
"But mega I can smell how wet you are for me, you want it so bad, and can't you feel how badly I want it," which he punctuates by grinding his hardness into my core. Causing more mewls to spill out of my mouth. "Oh, sweet girl that's it, I promise I'll take such sweet care of you."  
Before I can protest, he's stripping me of my clothes the cold air bringing my nipples to a peak and my smell further spilling into the air. I try to cover myself up the best I can, but he just "tsks" and gives me a look that tells me I should cut my fighting short if I want this to go over nicely. Or at least as nicely as he'll make it for me.
"That's it sweet girl let me see you," he states while working off my pants and underwear too. Him still fully clothed in a rough tactical suit. As much as I want to resist my heat brain is slowly taking over and I wouldn't mind taking a hard knot at this point. I can't help but grind myself against him.  He begins to kiss down my chest, making sure to spend extra time sucking and biting on my nipples. Causing more moans to spill from my mouth and me to grind myself against him with more vigor, searching for some type of friction.
"You really like that don't you sweet girl?" Another shiver wracks down my spine and he chuckles darkly. "I knew there was a reason Pierce prevented this from happening anytime soon, because as soon as I knot you mega your mine, I'm putting my mark on that pretty little neck too."
Again, I want to protest, tell him I don't want any of that, but his fingers are already swiping through my folds. His thumb immediately rubbing my clit in small circles while another finger slides right into me. "That's it sweet girl, gonna work you open so you can take all of me." Which he punctuates by sliding another finger right along in with the first one. More mewls and moans spilling from my mouth and a heat slowly building over my body. He starts to rub my clit harder and pump his fingers faster, "yeah that's it mega, you gotta cum once before I can get my knot into you." His talking only building the fire in my gut further.
Willing myself to speak I let him know I'm close.  
"Yeah, mega I know com'on give it to me, so I can give you my knot and mark."
That shouldn't send me over the edge, but it does, my moans echoing through the room. While my heat filled brain and orgasm wracked body is just ready for him to fill me up. I start to make grabby hands at him and try to grind myself back into him. Which just causes him to chuckle, "hold on I'm working on it," he follows with unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard member. My eyes must bug out because he's laughing again, he's huge and I can't help but stare. From his physique I knew he'd be bigger but what he pulls out is like nothing I've ever seen. Above average in length and extra girthy, already leaking precum at the tip.  
He pumps himself a few times, then settles himself over me, lining his member up with my entrance. I buck right into him, my heat filled brain ready for his knot. Slowly pushing in he causes more whimpers to spill from mouth, nobody has ever filled me this nicely, not even the larger toys I've bought before. I immediately cling to his body, wrapping my arms and legs around him, burying my face in his neck.
"It's okay mega, I'll take such good care of you." Fully seated inside me, he gives me a second to adjust, before slowly pulling out and pushing back in again. Beginning a smooth rhythm that just leaves me wanting more.  
"Please, more," I whimper into his neck.
"Yeah? My mega wants it harder?" He pulls my face out his neck so he can get a clear look at me.
"Please," I squeak staring right back at him. The lust in his eyes so enticing and pulling me in.  
He begins to snap his hips harder, breaking the trance and causing the heat to start slowly building in me again. "That's it mega, gonna take my knot so nicely. I know your close, tell me what you need?" He hikes my hips higher, pushing my legs onto his shoulders. Preventing me from even answering as this new angle has him drilling into that exact spot that has me seeing stars. All my thoughts are out the window but the need to cum.
"Please, please," I whimper.
"Fuck, I know your right there mega, just give it to me." Still pounding into me he drops his hand down and starts to swipe his thumb over my clit. Causing me immediately to tighten down on him, spreading the heat into all my limbs. "That's it sweet girl, I'm right behind you." I can feel his knot enlarging, catching every time he tries to pull in or out. The thought of his knot fulling being in me sends me over the edge. Which triggers his own orgasm, shoving his knot deep into me I'm wracked with shivers. Giving him the opportunity to bite into my neck just as he finishes pumping his cum into me. Sending me into another orgasm, like nothing I've ever felt before.
He rumbles, "mine."
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deancaspinefest · 3 years
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A Rainforest Of Pine
Author: Hectatess | Artist: Mortea Posting on Saturday March 19
After a drunken confession to Sam that Dean is bored, Sam finds Dean a quest. A map to find Eldorado. To help Dean, Sam asks the professor of anthropology and archeology to join Dean on the Road to Eldorado. Along the way deeper into the rainforest, Dean is beginning to wonder if he might be as straight as a rainbow slinky.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
September 22nd 2018 Sioux Falls Regional airport, 13.45.
Apparently I fucked up. I got a little too liberal with the Purple Nurples one night, and I told Sammy I was bored. That I wanted adventure. He texted me this morning that he had found me a journey. A quest, as it were. He even got Charlie in on it. How can I have said such a thing? I’m not bored. I mean… look at Starla… she definitely was an adventure in the sack. And Carmelita… Si señor! Too bad she has found the Lord and is now counseling a chastity group. Oh, the irony… Or Lydia… although she might have been trying to baby-trap me. Anyway… I’m always having fun with the ladies! But no… My baby brother went and actually got me a quest. Him and Charlie. And Bobby apparently. They managed to get me interested too. Sammy found an old map to the legendary city of Eldorado. It’s supposed to be deep in the Brazilian rainforest. Thank the Gods of Pie that I took that course at Schofield Barracks before leaving Service. So, I took up the vacation time that I have been accumulating, and decided to exchange the concrete jungle for the real one. Jody and Donna will have to catch the crooks by themselves for a bit. Sammy even got this cute anthropology professor, Cat…. Catee.. Casta… Casteel? Cas. Cas Novak, to join me. I saw him on campus a few times. Sam likes him a lot. Says he’s a great friend, and an amazing archaeologist. Not sure if he’s going to be any good in the green hell, but we’ll see. First I have to brave this plane. Still not a fan of flying. September 22nd 2018 Sioux Falls Regional airport, 15.00. About to take off, so I’m writing in my new journal to keep my hands and mind busy. Maybe I can ignore flying. This Castiel (yes I learned his name. Cas still sounds better in my mind.) showed up looking every bit the scatterbrained professor. His hair looked like he’d rolled out of bed after a wild round of bed-activities (if so… lucky you, mysterious partner), his tie was adorably backwards and he was wearing a slightly rumpled, slightly too large tan trenchcoat. Nothing could have prepared me for those STUNNING eyes, though. As blue as the deep ocean surrounding Hawaii. Not to mention when he opened his mouth. Dear sweet apple-pie… When he said “Hello, you must be Dean. Sam told me you would be in the bar, wear an old leather jacket and have green eyes,” I nearly didn’t  hear him. Too distracted by the silk-over-gravel quality of his deep voice.
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Saturday March 19]
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batgurl1989 · 4 years
A Hike To Remember
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Summary: You are hiking when you come across Henry and Kal
Word Count: 1700
Warning: fluff
A/N: this was a suggestion from @henrynerdfan about a hiker meeting Kal and Henry while on the trails in the Pacific Northwest. If you want to be added to my taglist, let me know
Taglist: @rmtndew @princesssterek @cynic-spirit
My breath fogged out in front of me as I walked the trails, trying to keep a brisk pace. It was a crisp fall morning, and the trails were empty for now, so I was enjoying the sound of the early rising birds as I made my way down the dirt path. The leaves were changing colours, painting a beautiful picture of nature around me. I had been on the trail for maybe an hour, and still hadn't seen another human. Animals, however, were abundant as long as I didn't make too much noise.
I was just reaching the crest of another hill when I saw a black and white blur to my side. I looked, trying to figure out what animal would be black and white in the Pacific Northwest. But the blur was gone. Maybe I was imagining things.
Or maybe I wasn't.
When I crested the hill, I could see further down the path where a man was bent over, patting a black and white dog. The dog looked at me, and I felt like I should recognize him. It wasn't until the man turned in my direction to see what had caught his dog's interest that it clicked into place.
"Kal?" I scrunched up my nose in disbelief. That meant that Henry Cavill was hiking the same trails as you. In Washington. When he was supposed to be in the UK for some down time.
Henry's laugh reached my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes snapped to his, going wide as I realized that I had acknowledged his dog before him. I'm sure I looked like a fish as I wracked my brain for an apology that seemed suitable.
"I'm a dog person." I ended up blurting out instead, instantly turning red as I realized I had practically shouted that.
"It's okay. It happens more often than you think." Henry was still chuckling as he walked back up the path toward me. Kal followed happily beside him.
"Do you mind if I pet him? If he will let me, of course." I couldn't help my eyes drifting to the fluffy dog. He was wagging his tail and it looked like he was smiling.
"I'm sure he would love a good ear scratch." Henry nodded, a huge smile plastered on his face.
I squatted down, and waited to see if Kal would come over to me. I didn't want to encroach on his space if he didn't want me there. My heart sang when the American Akita came trotting over, wagging his tail happily. He snuffled my hand that I offered him to sniff and then threw his weight into me for snuggles.
I would have fallen over had Henry not been there to grab my hand as I flailed it out for balance. Even through his glove, I could feel how warm his hand was. I looked up at him to say thank you, but Kal chose that moment to stuff his face in mine.
"Kal, come on. You are being invasive." Henry good-naturedly chastised his dog, trying to shove Kal off of me to give me space to get my balance.
What happened instead was that Kal pushed into me again, and toppled both Henry and I over. Kal lounged across us, nuzzling Henry for treats I assumed.
If you had told me when I started out on my hike that I would end up in a pile with Henry Cavill and Kal, I would have laughed at the fantasy you were trying to feed me. I was mortified as I tried to disentangle myself from Henry. His laughter was a balm on my soul and blushing, however, making me feel a little better.
Henry finally managed to shove Kal off of us, and helped me sit up. I brushed dirt off my arms, suddenly self-conscious. I froze in place when Henry reached over to brush my hair out of my face. His hand paused as he went to tuck the hair on the other side of my face behind my ear. A light blush dusted his cheeks, and he dropped his hand.
"Sorry about that. Here I am getting after Kal for being in your space, and then I go and do it." Henry cleared his throat. Once he was standing, he offered me his hand and helped me up when I took it.
"It's okay. It's not exactly like Kal gave us a choice about being in each other's bubbles." I dusted my pants off, trying to sound casual, but inside my stomach was filled with butterflies and my heart was beating hard against my ribs.
Images of him being flocked by fans had me stepping back, respecting his and Kal's space once again. I hadn't been expecting to come across another person out here, and I certainly didn't think it would Henry. Scooping up my backpack from where it fell during the ordeal, I adjusted the straps.
"I'm sorry I interrupted your hike. I'm sure you wanted to be alone when you came out here." I tucked my hair behind my ears, catching Henry in the acting of watching my every move. "I can go down a different path."
I took another step back, but bumped into Kal. The Akita had decided it was a good idea to stand behind me, blocking my escape route. Henry stepped forward to steady me, once again coming to my rescue.
"I swear, I am not normally this clumsy." You laughed, unable to keep calm now that his hand was gripping yours again.
"Kal has a tendency to get in the way when he wants attention." Henry assured you, letting go of your hand slowly. "And Kal seems to be really taken with you, so why don't you join us for the rest of the hike?"
The request blindsided me. Never in a million years would I have expected him to suggest that. He didn't even know my name, and he wanted me to join him on his walk. Was I off base in thinking that Kal's approval meant a great deal to Henry?
I realized as these thoughts ran through my head that I still hadn't answered him. When I met his eyes, his intensely blue eyes, I found myself floundering again for what to say.
"Y/N. That's my name." I blurted out, once again mortified that I was acting so off from my normal self. Taking a deep breath in a weak attempt to calm myself, I scratched Kal's ears absentmindedly. "And if Kal really wants me to join you two, then I guess I can't say no."
"You just made his day." Henry said with a twinkle in his eye.
We walked along the path, no longer trying to keep a certain pace. Kal romped around us, bringing sticks for us to throw, or pulling on Henry's arm to get him to examine a tree that had some squirrels chattering in the branches. We talked about nothing in particular, just enjoyed each other's company. I did find out that he was in Washington on vacation. A little trip to get away is how he described it.
When we got back to the parking lot, there were lots of cars, and people milling about. Henry had clipped Kal's leash on before we reached it, and they walked me to my car. I was glad I parked under the shade of a tree. Now that the sun had risen, it was getting quite warm.
"Look, I am in town for a few more days." Henry leaned on my car, watching as I settled my bag in the trunk. He opened the drivers side door for me, ever the gentleman. He reached for my hand when I made to get in the car, getting my full attention. He had taken his gloves off, and I could feel the callouses on his warm hand as it engulfed mine. "I want to see you again."
"Are you sure you don't mean Kal wants to see me again?" I teased as Kal gave out a little whine. I patted his head, but didn't take my eyes off Henry. I couldn't decide what I was seeing, but it made my stomach do flips. "But if that's the case, I would love to see you both again."
I reached into the car for a gum wrapper and a pen. I quickly but neatly wrote out my cell number, but paused before handing it over. There was something very surreal about giving a celebrity your phone number because they wanted it. Smiling, I handed it to Henry, who looked at, a line showing up between his eyebrows as he concentrated on the digits, as though he was committing them to memory in case her lost the gum wrapper.
I squatted down, petting Kal vigorously as I said goodbye to him. The Akita lapped up the attention, shoving himself into me again. Luckily this time I was ready, and leaned against the car door.
"I guess I will be seeing you then." I stood up to face Henry again. He smiled down at me, not hesitating this time as he tucked my hair behind my ear.
"You definitely will." Henry's voice was barely more than whisper as his eyes searched you face.
There was a brief moment--an insane moment--when I thought he would kiss me. But I snapped out of that fantasy, and cleared my throat. That seemed to snap him out his thoughts too, and he straightened. We quickly said goodbyes and I got in my car.
As I was leaving the parking lot, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I hit play on the steering wheel, expecting a text from my sister or mom asking where I was. I normally didn't hike that long, and cell service on the trails was spotty. I was pleasantly surprised when the automated voice of my car started reading the text.
"I hope this is your real number. It was so nice meeting you today, Y/N. And I can't wait to see you again, and possibly take you out on a real date. -HC"
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pokemoncreepypasta · 3 years
Tommy Boy
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It was one of those sleepovers, just me and my bestie, when we got bored and had a dumb idea. Well, she got the brilliant idea anyways.
Apparently, she thought it would be “fun” to try and perform one of those summoning rituals, even though she knew anything and everything paranormal gave me nightmares for weeks. Which is why I think she wanted to do it so bad.
Of course, I wouldn’t willingly go along with the ritual, so my friend had to persuade me by offering her Darkrai plushie which I had coveted for a few weeks now. I remember wondering if the risk of eternal damnation was worth it for just a toy...
Apparently the answer was yes, since I eventually went along with this freaking idea.
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The requirement for the ritual was paper, pencil, a candle, 6 random dolls, and 60 minutes of your time.
It had to be in a dark house, or in the middle of the night. We did it around midnight, after everyone else was asleep.
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The first step was to put the 6 dolls in a circle.
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Then draw a summoning circle on the middle of the paper and put it in the center of the circle of dolls.
After placing it on the floor, recite, “Any entity, you may enter.”
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Wait for a while, around a minute, then prick your finger and put your bloody fingerprint in the middle of the summoning circle.
Recite, “By blood we are bound.”
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You then turn off all the lights, if any are still left on, then light your candle and recite, “Whomever loses may never leave.”
Afterwards, you stumble around in the dark and play hide-and-seek with whatever you just summoned, if you even successfully summoned anything.
You must switch the room you’re hiding in every 10 minutes or else you will automatically be found by default. If you candle doesn’t blow out within and hour, then you win, and allegedly whatever spirit you summoned will be bound to your eternal service.
If it does blow out, then you’ve been found and you lose. Whatever happens afterwards depends on whatever spirit, peaceful or malevolent, that you summoned.
While me and my friend were huddled in the laundry room whispering and giggling about stupid things, the candle flickered out. I promptly flipped and hid in the corner with my hands over my head waiting for the worst to happen, while my friend laughed at pathetic little me.
After about five minutes of trying to convince me I wasn’t going to die, she told me she had blown out the candle herself. That made me feel a little better, even thought I still didn’t believe it.
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Though, the Darkrai plushie I received the next day helped wash my worries away.
Though it wasn’t enough to wash away everything else that was about to happen.
Later on that day after my friend left, my little sister had begged me to let her play my Pokémon Emerald. I let her, since all she did was pretty much give free training to my Pokémon.
I was watching TV, and was a bit peeved when she ran into the room and started nagging me about a green Trapinch, so I waved her off. It took me a few seconds before I realized my grave mistake, so I quickly snatched my GameBoy back.
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I was pleasantly surprised to see my sis had somehow managed to find a shiny Trapinch.
I told her to back off and let me handle this, since I wasn’t about to let her try to catch it. Although, things looked bad as my Pokémon were all too strong to weaken it.
But I was feeling confident with over 40 Ultra Balls in stock along with a few backups, so I kept throwing and throwing until one of them worked.
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The trouble was, this stubborn Trapinch didn’t want me as its trainer. 
I might not have been able to weaken it, but it still chewed through nearly every one of my PokéBalls.
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I was awash with horror at the thought of failing my first ever shiny. That’s when my sister offered to catch it for me.
I didn’t want to hand it over to her, but then my mind rationalized it by thinking that if she failed it, losing the Trapinch would be her fault, not mine.
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I was shocked again as she handed me back the GameBoy less than a minute later with a brand new shiny Trapinch in my party named Tommy Boy.
The only response I could think of at first was, “Tommy Boy? Why name it that?”
“Because, it’s a boy and I wanted to name it Tommy, so Tommy Boy!”
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I didn’t even want to know what went on in my sister’s head, but I quickly stopped caring and all I could do was just stare at my newfound shiny.
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I went to immediately test him out and see what he could do against a wild Sandshrew.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!” 
I tried to fight, but I got this refusal instead. I tried to attack the Sandshrew again, but I just kept getting the same message.
“This is a load of crap.”
“Oh, I can make him attack!” My sister stole the GameBoy back and then proceeded to defeat the Sandshrew with no further issue.
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“What the... How did you do that?!” My sister gave me a stupid grin, “He listened to me because I’m his mommy!” Sure, whatever, I thought privately to myself.
I was happy to let her train this Trapinch into a Flygon for me, anyway. I was puzzled by its behavior, to say the very least, and decided not asking anything would be better for my health and just kept watching TV.
I thought she would grow bored of training the Pokémon, but no. For the rest of the day and deep into the night, she worked tirelessly to gain experience for Tommy Boy. I wondered how someone could stand training the same Pokémon for so many hours without getting bored at all.
Finally, around 11 PM, she had to go to bed. Unwillingly, she saved the game and turned it off, but not before saying good night to Tommy Boy and kissing the GameBoy goodnight.
I was still allowed to stay up longer, so as soon as she was in bed, I quietly grabbed my GameBoy out from under her bed sheets. Emerald was already in, so I simply switched the game on.
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Once the game was loaded, I saw that Tommy Boy was the only one in the party, for some reason.
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But he was already evolved into a Flygon, and at level 66. Too bad she only had interest in training Tommy Boy, so much that she decided to stuff all my other team members in the PC.
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I started to leave the desert where my sister had last saved when I ran into a wild Baltoy. I lovingly sighed as Tommy Boy came out sparkling. Then, my expression became a bit more serious.
That freaking pixel better listen to me this time.
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I clicked on “Fight”. He had new moves: Crunch, DragonBreath, Sandstorm, and Hyper Beam.
I selected Hyper Beam, and desperately hoped that he would obey. I held my breath.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!”
“Dang it!!” I yelled at the screen.
Tommy Boy got hit with and attack, which didn’t do too much damage. I kept cursing at the Pokémon. I couldn’t believe I had a shiny in the palm of my hands and it wouldn’t even listen to me!
I selected DragonBreath, despite knowing he wouldn’t obey anyways.
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“Tommy Boy wants his mommy!”
I gawked at this line of text. I surely hadn’t seen any Pokémon do that before. I almost wanted to laugh, the way that line was written almost sounded funny, but I was off-put and confused. Tommy Boy got hit with another attack.
“Come on, can’t you at least show some pity for your aunt?!” I spoke aloud to the game, like my sister had started doing. Tommy Boy offered me no pity and kept refusing. I didn’t want to deal with him getting knocked out, so I just turned the game off and begrudgingly went to bed.
The next morning, I found my little sister leaning back in a chair contentedly playing the GameBoy. I realized she snatched it from my room while I was asleep, which I guess was an equal exchange. I asked her if anything weird was happening with the GameBoy, but she said all was fine.
Then she asked me why I was playing on the GameBoy last night.
“Uhh... because it’s my game? I should still be able to play it too.”
She eyed me. “Just don’t mess with Tommy Boy again. Just because you’re his aunt doesn’t mean he likes you.”
She immediately changed her threatening disposition by cheerily calling out, “Oh, good boy, Tommy! You showed that Sandshrew! You make mommy so proud!”
I decided to shrug it off. I wasn’t about to get into an argument with my sister about a video game.
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A few days into this, I was over her shoulder watching her play.
She was in the desert, and kept battling the Pokémon there over and over again. Tommy Boy acted like a normal Pokémon, and did nothing unusal.
“Why do you only battle Pokémon in the desert?” “Because, Tommy Boy only likes to battle Pokémon here.” She kept playing, as if everything was normal. After a moment, I thought of another question, “Why will he only obey you and not me?” “I told you, he’ll only listen to his mommy.” “It’s my game he’s on, so I should be his mommy, shouldn’t I? How does he know YOU’RE his mommy?” My sister paused for a moment. After a minute she responded, “Tommy Boy says screw you.” She giggled, while I gave up and left, fuming.
However, days turned into weeks, and my sister had been spending our entire vacation so far just sitting in her room. Apparently, she had started neglecting to eat or drink anything, and would only ever fall asleep when she passed out, GameBoy still in her hands.
It started getting so bad that my mom told me at one point she threw up blood. We’d tried taking the game way from her, but she’d screech at us like she was possessed and tear the whole house apart trying to find it.
Mom said they were arranging for her to see a therapist and get an opinion on what the heck we should do, but for the meantime she was allowed to keep the game, to make things easier for everyone until getting an appointment.
But I wasn’t satisfied with that. I needed to intervene.
One night, I decided to work up the nerve to confront her about her addiction. I found her in her room, as always. She was on the bed with the covers over her head. One would think she was sleeping, but the quiet sounds of the GameBoy gave her away.
I pulled the sheets away from her and she hissed briefly at me before continuing with her eyes glued to the screen. I hardly recognized my happy-go-lucky sister. She looked half dead. I tried holding a conversation with her, but all I got were distant “Mm-hm”s and “It’s fine.” The only way I could get her to talk to me was to attempt to take the game away, to which she immediately responded.
“NO! He’s my baby!!! He NEEDS me!” My sister screeched at me. 
“IT is an inanimate object! It doesn’t NEED anything!” I yelled back at her, clutching her arm that was holding the GameBoy. I managed to rip the Emerald cartridge out of the game while it was still running, causing it to let out horrible screeching sounds. I then pretended to throw it out an open window into the darkness outside of our house, to which my sister immediately pushed me onto the floor and jumped out into the yard after it. 
Picking myself up, I noticed she had dropped my GameBoy, too, so I discreetly plopped the game back into the system and stuffed it into my pocket.
I spitefully closed the window behind my sister. She could come back inside once she realized what this game was doing to her.
What... WAS this game doing to her, I wondered?
Once my sister had collapsed from exhaustion and been carried back to bed by my confused dad (to whom I lyingly explained I had no involvement in this), I decided I would find out for myself.
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When I booted up the game, I was in the middle of my secret base in Route 120.
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I checked my party to find only Tommy Boy, at a whopping level 100. Since it hand only taken her a day to get him to level 66, she must’ve reached 100 long ago, but she’d still been playing this all month.
Was she seriously doing the same battles over and over, despite him not being able to go any higher...?
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When I exited the party screen and was back in the base though, a circle of six Pokédolls were around me that I hadn’t noticed before, which quite frankly creeped me out.
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When I tried to move, a text box popped up saying, “Any entity may enter.”
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“By blood we are bound.”
A strange red circle appeared in the middle of the circle of dolls, and I quickly realized I didn’t want anything to do with whatever was about to go down.
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I tried to step away again, but another text box appeared. 
“Whomever loses may never leave.”
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I tried running for dear life out the exit, but I was stopped.
“You may never leave.”
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A shiny Flygon appeared in the middle of the circle and let out what I assumed was its cry, albeit I was too horrified for my life at that moment to care much for details, and the game froze.
I shut the game off, stared at it for a second, then suddenly every memory of what I had done earlier in the summer came flooding back at once. I knew exactly what Tommy Boy was now, and I was absolutely terrified.
I wanted to hold myself, cry my eyes out and throw this game into the woods where no one would ever find it, but then I thought about my sister. I thought about how if I didn’t get rid of Tommy Boy now, things would probably get worse and soon I’d wake up to find my little sister stabbing herself to death, or me.
Through my tears, I turned the game back on.
“It’s just you and me now, Tommy. Rematch. Double or nothing.”
If he won, he could take us both. But if I won, he would take his sorry demon hide back to wherever it was he came from. He seemed keen on my offer, as the game started up with no problems.
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Once the game was up and running, I found my character in the middle of a dark cave. 
I instinctively went to my party to make someone use Flash, but then I remembered more than likely Tommy Boy was going to be there.
I braced myself...
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But I was pleasantly surprised to find there were just some random Pokémon instead.
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Of course, I didn't have the HM for Flash. Or the TM for Dig. Or any Escape Rope.
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So I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find my way out of this mess.
I kept bumping into walls and rocks, climbing up and down countless ladders, but there was no exit in sight. Or any trainers in sight, for that matter.
In fact, I hadn't run into any wild encounters either, until I came to the conclusion that there was only one Pokémon I would be running into here, and that I should avoid it like the plague.
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Was spamming Super Repel going to protect me from a level 100 demonic Flygon? Probably not, but I couldn't be too careful.
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After some time nowhere near an hour, I found myself in a small room that had nothing in it. I tried to go back the way I came, but I was stopped. My character wouldn't move. I started to tense up again.
The light surrounding me in-game was snuffed out, and all that could be seen was darkness. I was about to turn the game off before something happened, but before I could, something happened.
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“Found you.”
The text in red popped up with a Flygon cry to accompany it, and the game froze again.
"No!" I yelled desperately, flickering the game off and on again. "One chance, give me one more chance!"
Instead, when I loaded the file, I was met with a glitchy, pixelated mess of a screen flashing multicolored lights while blaring the loudest beeping noise I'd ever heard in my life that sent my ears and eyes ringing. I quickly shut off the game and stared at the empty screen in disbelief for I don't know how long.
Had I lost the game?
I couldn't accept that. I was going to play this game all night if I had to. One of us would be leaving tonight, and it wasn't going to be me. Bracing myself, I tightly closed my eyes and powered the game on again. I expected another cacophony of buggy sounds and flashing lights, but surprisingly, I was able to boot up my save file just fine.
But, unfortunately, I didn't get the Round 3 of hide-and-seek that I had vainly asked for.
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Instead, I was at the bottom of Mt. Pyre.
I still had the same team as before, unable to Fly or Surf away from this nightmarish set of circumstances that I'd been put in.
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I don't know what Tommy Boy was getting at, or what he wanted from me now, but I knew the only way to understand exactly what I was dealing with would be to play along, just for now.
My only option left was to climb Mt. Pyre.
I felt a mounting suspense that kept rising each floor I went to, although I didn't know why. Maybe it was because every floor, even indoors, were all unusually foggy.
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However, the wild Shuppet started to make quick work of my low leveled Pokémon.
I then got the sudden idea that maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. If my entire party fainted, I could get sent back to a Pokémon Center and escape the boundaries of Tommy Boy's "game."
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When they all fainted though, I didn't get sent back. Instead, I was still trapped on Mt. Pyre.
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All of the Pokémon that were protecting me were gone now.
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I still ran into Shuppet, except I kept sending out a large "?" where a Pokémon should've been.
I kept whiting out, only to return to the position I'd started the battle in.
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After a nerve-wracking climb though the graveyard, I reached the top.
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Surrounding the pedestal at the top were six PokéBalls.
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As I checked each one, a picture of a Pokémon would pop up.  They seemed really familiar, and soon I realized all the Pokémon here were part of the team I was just using.
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After I checked the sixth Pokémon, I found my character to be trapped in the center of the pedestal with no way out.
I frantically mashed the D-Pad in hopes of finding some way to escape.
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In the midst of my panic, a glowing red circle materialized on the ground, connecting all the PokéBalls surrounding the pedestal, with me still in the center.
I remember at that moment thinking, I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die, and I wholeheartedly believed I was going to.
Then, a large text box in all red with a Flygon cry popped up...
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That right there sealed the deal.
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I wasted no shred of time pulling out that Emerald cartridge and cutting it into an unrecognizable pile of green plastic with my scissors.
In my desperation, I brushed the remains of the cartridge into my trash can, wrapped up the trash bag, and went to the extent of escaping through my window and throwing it into the woods. Screw littering, screw the police, I didn't want that thing in my house.
And especially screw Tommy Boy. Screw his little game, screw the thought of him having any sort of control over me.
The only way to win is not to play, and I made sure no one would ever play this game again.
The next morning, my much more well-rested little sister asked where my GameBoy was, and I was about to tell her she was never allowed to touch that thing for as long as she lives, but then she asked to play Mario Party Advance on it.
I was baffled, to say the least, but found no problem in it and let her play it. She showed no signs of becoming obsessed and got bored of playing it after an hour, so I was relieved and assumed that the worst was over.
You can be sure I am not, and will never, plan on performing any more summoning rituals any time soon.
Thankfully, my little sister's gone back to being completely normal. If anything, her only sign of change is that she's getting into that "girly stage". She'll get Pokémon plushies and sit them all in a circle and play tea party with them in her room. At least, that's what I think she's doing with them.
Doesn't matter to me though, I'm busy with my own things. I'm happily content with my dear Darkrai plush that took entirely too much effort out of my life to obtain. I feel really bad for neglecting him these past few weeks, but it's okay.
I won't be giving any more of my time or attention to anyone else except my little baby.
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