#i take meds to make me drowsy but when i lie on my back it takes foreverrr to kick in
lazycats-stuff · 4 months
Ra's Al Ghul kidnapping reader, a son of Bruce, because he 'finds him interesting'. Obviously the reader is put off, but after some time and some really kind treatment from Ra's, reader kinda finds him sweet, at this point Bruce's comes to rescue reader and stomp on Ra's skul, but the reader convinces him to not kill Ra's, and Ra's and reader kinda develop a relationship, but the reader is still a bit 'you didn't have to kidnap me, but I guess you are just different but don't think I'll let this go, we'll do this how i want it to go'
Hell yeah. Oh Bruce is ready to kill someone. Hehe... I love it. Also, can't find and gifs of Ra's so a repeat of one of the former ones. Also, I'm done with school until my exams begin! A weekend off... Ah... Sounds like heaven.
Summary: (Y/N) gets kidnapped by Ra's. (Y/N) is confused and scared.
Warnings: kidnapping, Ra's tries to make (Y/N) like him, Ra's is sweet to (Y/N)...
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(Y/N)'s eyes opened, head pounding like someone wacked him with a hammer. So he was either drugged or really got hit in the head with a hammer. Also, why does the bed feel far too comfortable for a... Why is the bed so damn soft comfortable?
(Y/N) sat up in bed, hissing from the headache as he looked around the room, nearly getting a stroke. The room was lavish. I mean, more than lavish. Whoever kidnapped him is rich, but not just rich, filthy rich.
The room was just marble and gold. This person had money to burn. Not to mention, everything is more spacious... This person was a shit ton of money to burn. (Y/N) closed his eyes as he tried to remember what has happed before this.
He was walking to his car from the college building... And then... A full on blackout. Well, that is not good... How much time has even passed? A day? A few hours?
More importantly, does Bruce know he's missing?! (Y/N) was never a vigilante. He knew self defense, but this is something... (Y/N) laid back down from the headache. He huffed as he laid back down on the bed, the bed warm and comforting. And soft... Is this silk?
Not even Bruce has that much money to burn.
(Y/N) sat up when he heard the door opening, eyes widening at the sight of Ra's Al Ghul entering a room, with... Water and some sort of rectangular box? What the hell?
" Ah, I see you are awake. Is your headache bad? " Ra's asked as he closed the door behind him.
" What in the actual fuck?! " (Y/N) yelled, wincing as he made his headache worse. " You old bastard. " (Y/N) added, making Ra's chuckle as he approached the bed, sitting on the edge of it, observing (Y/N).
" Nothing I didn't hear before. Now, do take these pain meds. " Ra's said as he presented a box. Now, (Y/N) was suspicious beyond belief.
" And how do I know they weren't tempered with? " (Y/N) asked as he took the box, checking it carefully.
" I give you my word that the pills weren't tempered with. Now, take two. They'll help you with the pain and you'll sleep it off. " Ra's said as he watched (Y/N), who was now hesitantly opening the box. Ra's watched in silence as (Y/N) took the pills, downing them with the water from the bottle.
" Now, just lie down and sleep it off. You'll feel better once you wake up in the morning. " Ra's said as he made (Y/N) lie down, making sure to tuck him in.
(Y/N) watched in silence and more so in shock. Why in God's name is Ra's so gentle? This has to be a manipulation. A tactic. Lower down your guard and then, when you least expect it, bam! You get hit where it hurts the most and then they catch you off guard and you are killed.
(Y/N) just needed to stay alive long enough for Bruce to find him. That's it. (Y/N) wanted nothing more then Bruce to find him. His room sounded nice. (Y/N) felt more and more drowsy as the seconds passed, under the eye of Ra's al Ghul.
" Just relax. Don't fight it. " Ra's whispered as he dimmed the lights to make it more bearable to sleep in. And the headache was slightly better. Then, Ra's came back and checked to see if (Y/N) is properly tucked into bed.
And (Y/N) couldn't fight the pills, no matter how hard he tried. His eyes closed, body finally happy to rest again, but this time with no pain. Ra's stayed for a couple of more minutes, watching (Y/N) as he slept, hand gently reaching to caress (Y/N)'s cheeks. So soft, Ra's thought as he enjoyed the fact that (Y/N) was finally here, with him.
Ra's couldn't wait any longer if he tried. Now there was a sense of contentment as (Y/N) was on his base, with him. Yes, he did follow (Y/N), but he wasn't a normal stalker. Well, he isn't a stalker. He simply found (Y/N) interesting.
And Ra's has every right to explore that curiosity. And Bruce and his wrath? Well, he can and will deal with that later. Ra's stood up silently going to the door, giving one last glance at (Y/N)'s sleeping form, before leaving, closing the door behind him, locking it too, just in case that (Y/N) decides to leave the room.
Sure, his assassins will stop him, but still, never enough caution. And the base is in the middle of an ocean so escaping... Well, Ra's was confident that (Y/N) wouldn't escape. No way he could anyway. Ra's smiled to himself as he walked to his office, knowing that (Y/N) will be out for a while, which in turn meant that he could get back to his work.
(Y/N) woke up the next day, in no pain and actually more rested then before. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he explored the room. He needed to find a way out of here. Like, now. He started with the doors that looked like balcony doors. He saw water and nothing but the blue water and sky.
That bastard.
(Y/N) decided to abandon that route and just went to the other doors in the room. He opened the door and entered the biggest bathroom he has ever seen. A bath, a shower... Marble and gold yet again. (Y/N) looked around, curiosity taking over. And sure, he can try to be more careful, but if Ra's was to torture him...
He wouldn't do it in this lavish room. He wouldn't get blood on the marble... Maybe he would and he would just replace it, considering the amount of money he has to burn. (Y/N) sighed as he looked himself in the mirror. He didn't look like pure shit. He looked somewhat normal, as if he wasn't kidnapped.
(Y/N) closed the door behind himself and then doing the normal morning business in the bathroom. He quickly pissed and flushed the water behind him. He washed his hands and then he washed his face with water, just to wake himself up a little bit more.
He sighed as he went back into the room, however, he nearly jumped out of his skin when Ra's was just sitting on the edge of the bed, legs crossed elegantly. His eyes seemed to soften when he saw (Y/N).
" I see that you are awake. How is your head? " Ra's asked softly and (Y/N) was now caught off guard. Completely.
" It's great. No pain. " (Y/N) said hesitantly, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Now, something is way fucking off. Ra's al Ghul, this soft with the son of his enemy?
He is going to get tortured soon. Just thrown into a dungeon and broken...
" Why in God's name are you so... So... I can't even say soft because you and soft don't go together. " (Y/N) said, making sure to not move an inch. He needs as much space as possible.
Ra's chuckled at the statement. Soft and Ra's al Ghul don't go together, that much was right.
" I'm soft because of you. I kidnapped you here because I thought you were interesting. And maybe there are some feelings involved too. " Ra's admitted, watching as (Y/N) became speechless. (Y/N) was trying to respond, but couldn't say anything. His mouth was opening and closing.
No sound came out.
" What? Ra's al Ghul and feelings? Damian was wrong. You are capable of feeling something. But I'm pretty damn sure that all of this is just a ploy to get me to lower my guard down and then bam! I'm in a dingy cell. And tortured. " (Y/N) said crossing his arms as he leaned on the wall.
Ra's laughed. (Y/N)'s eyes widened both at the sound and the scene.
Ra's al Ghul laughing? Pigs must be flying outside.
" What's so funny? You are a ruthless man. I've heard things you've done. "
Ra's stopped, eyes still soft. " I have a soft spot for you. I won't torture you. You have my word that nothing bad will happen to you for as long as you behave. " Ra's explained as he stood up, eyes still soft and still trained on (Y/N).
" If I didn't know you and your honesty, I would've called bullshit. " (Y/N) muttered and Ra's chuckled.
" I do speak the truth and more so, I would never lie to you. Are you hungry? It's been a while since you ate. " Ra's asked, watching as (Y/N) tilted his head, clearly still suspicious about Ra's and his treatment.
" I could eat something... As long as you don't lace it with something." (Y/N) mumbled and Ra's chuckled.
" I won't lace your food with anything. You have my word. " Ra's promised softly, offering (Y/N) a smile in return. " What would you like? " Ra's asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" What is it that Americans like to eat? Pancakes? Bacon? Anything heavy? " Ra's teased and (Y/N) was shocked yet again. Ra's al Ghul teasing?
" I like something light. Some granola, yogurt and fruit is my go to. " (Y/N) explained and Ra's nodded, pretending he didn't know that already.
" Come with me. I would like to share breakfast with you. " Ra's said as he opened the door for (Y/N), stepping outside to allow (Y/N) to get out first.
(Y/N) huffed at the fact, but stepped out anyway. Ra's smirked from behind him, gently leading (Y/N) to Ra's room and then through the said room to get to a beautiful terrace with a beautiful view of of the ocean and the sky...
" Please, do sit. " Ra's said, pointing at a chair to his right, before sitting down on the chair to the left. (Y/N) sat down, getting comfortable as he took in the fresh air, a salty smell in the air.
" No fresh air in Gotham I see? " Ra's said, turning to one of his guards, giving him an order in Arabic. The guard left and (Y/N) closed his eyes for a moment.
" Not really. " (Y/N) said. Even though he lived far enough to not be affected by the polluted air, he still couldn't get fresh air. But this? This is amazing.
" Glad to see you relaxed. " Ra's said and (Y/N) snorted.
" I'm not relaxed. I'm not trusting you as far as I can throw you. " (Y/N) said as he opened his eyes again, glancing at Ra's, who had an amused smirk on his face.
" I gave you my word that I won't do anything to you. As long as you behave of course. "
(Y/N) scoffed, but stopping when he heard the guard come back with food. He put the tray on the table between them. (Y/N) took a look into the bowl that was facing him. Granola, yogurt and some fruit...
" Your go to breakfast. I listened, you see. " Ra's said as he started eating his breakfast.
(Y/N) eyed the food suspiciously, but still ate it none the less. He was hungry and food sounded great at the moment.
" Later, I want to show you around the premises. I have a library in my office, filled with some literature classics that I'm sure you will like. " Ra's said and (Y/N) raised his brow.
How did he knew that? He does like classics the most, but he likes all genres.
" I won't question how you know that. I don't think I'll like that answer. " (Y/N) said and Ra's smirked.
" It's better that way. "
It's been a few weeks and (Y/N) has never been so confused in his entire life. Ra's was nice and gentle to him. (Y/N) was loosing his mind slowly. But in the entire process, (Y/N) was developing feelings for him too.
If it weren't for the assassin part, Ra's would be a man of his dreams. Gentle, attentive, handsome... (Y/N) thought about Stockholm syndrome. Immediately. But for a few weeks... They can't develop that fast can they?
(Y/N) was sleeping in his room, tired from the heat of the day. He was sleeping peacefully, but woke up when he heard a crash. His heart was beating fast as he sat up, throwing the blanket off of him. What the hell was going on?
He stepped out of the room, looking for Ra's. He may know self defense, but he doesn't have experience in this thing.
" RA'S! " He heard a deep yell and he recognized it immediately. It was Bruce's... Oh God, Bruce will break the code. (Y/N) ran to the office, stopping at the doorway.
" Dad! " (Y/N) yelled and both stopped fighting. Bruce turned his head, eyes widening at the sight of his son. Not hurt... Nothing...
" (Y/N)? " Bruce said quietly, clearly not believing his eyes. He quickly walked over, checking over his son, then hugging him tightly. " My son... " Bruce breathed out, happy to see his sons alive.
" (Y/N), go to the roof to the Batplane, I have some unfinished business with Ra's. " Bruce said, turning to Ra's and (Y/N) knew that look.
Bruce was pushed over the edge. And he is ready to kill.
" No! Don't kill him! " (Y/N) said as he grabbed Bruce's arm, trying to stop him.
" He hurt you! More so, he kidnapped my only son who isn't a vigilante! That won't go unpunished! " Bruce said, ready to lunge at Ra's.
" He didn't hurt me! Please dad! " (Y/N) begged, clinging onto Bruce, stopping him with his weight.
" He didn't? "
" He treated me gently! I wasn't hurt! " (Y/N) said and Bruce's head whipped to look at him in shock. " Don't kill him dad. Please. " (Y/N) pleaded again and Bruce relaxed a little bit.
" Are you being honest with me? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) nodded.
Bruce sighed quietly as he held his son tightly to him. (Y/N) turned his head to look at Ra's. " As for you Ra's... " (Y/N) started, not sure how to proceed.
Ra's waited patiently for (Y/N) to finish what he was going to say.
" You didn't really have to kidnap me, but since we have developed something, I want to see where this goes. Sure, you may be different, but don't think I'll forget this. This relationship will go on as I please. " (Y/N) declared and Bruce felt nothing but pride for his boy.
" As you wish beloved. We will do it at your pace. " Ra's said and Bruce glared at him.
" Damian won't be happy. " Bruce noted.
" Damian will be happy to finally have some sort of payback. " (Y/N) retorted and Bruce chuckled.
" Well, either way, it's time to go home. Your brothers are worried. " Bruce said, leading (Y/N) out.
" Bye Ra's. " (Y/N) said as he was led out of the room and Ra's smirked.
" Bye (Y/N). See you soon. " Ra's said and Bruce nearly decked Ra's for even saying that. But he had more important matter right now.
And that's getting his son home.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 1 year
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AKGHBKUEFYDGJ when I tell you I just BARELY got all my submissions from last year's Hiccanna month in in time for this year's Hiccanna month--
Truly I have levels of procrastination inside me that most college students can only dream of.
So anyways, here's a moodboard for a fic I wrote a full-ass year ago. A moodboard that I made...last week XD Better late than never, I guess?
The fic is We're at the movie scene where everyone drowns, and it's also posted both on my AO3 Infrared_Ultraviolet and my ff.net Infrared-Ultraviolet! Go check it out :3 Hopefully I'll have the time and energy to write more full-length one-shots for Hiccanna month this year, but we will have to see! I'm a working woman now earning the big bank so I can continue to pay my internet bills and maintain the fandom lifestyle XD
Anna gets to have terrible insomnia because she is my beloved projection blorbo and she gets to deal will all of my issues for me <3 But hey, it's not like it doesn't have canon basis! We see that she does in fact have trouble getting up in the morning (enough to make it a running gag!) and is pretty bleary and out-of-it when she does, which could easily be the result of not running on much sleep and (unwillingly) staying up late. We can also see pretty consistently that she's not what would be considered a "morning person" (although I have my doubts such a thing even exists in real life). Anna's pretty heavily ADHD-coded, which often has insomnia as a side effect because your brain will not turn off ever, least of all when you need to sleep. Things like time blindness when you get super into doing something right before bed or existing anxiety and/or paranoia that's exacerbated by the ADHD really do not help, either.
Anyways, I'm here to tell you that the fear of forgetting your sleep meds when you're going on a short trip/crashing at a friend's house is very, very real. Especially since you often don't realize it until everyone else is already dozing off and no one wants to take you to the pharmacy to buy more XD At that point, your options are a) start taking shots in hopes the alcohol drowsiness will put you to sleep or b) lie awake and get bored and angry and hate your life and also have no one else to talk to because everyone else went to sleep in under 5 minutes. Yes, it really is that bad.
The one upside is that there IS the possibility you will get to watch your crush sleep in a non-creepy way (like you didn't seek them out like a stalker--you just can't go the fuck to sleep and they happen to be 5 feet away!) and fawn over how cute they look doing it XD Which is the only thing that gets Anna through the night, I'm pretty sure!
Although being alone with the stars and the creature noises doesn't sound half bad, if you HAVE to stay awake XD Better than staring at the wall of your room, anyways! Still praying for Anna to get that Starbucks the next morning, tho ^^;
Man, I really wish my college campus had had a duck pond with amusing but occasionally aggressive geese. We had some pretty insane squirrels, but staring down a squirrel is just not the same as being chased by a hissing goose. This is something that I think should happen to everyone at some point, to keep humanity humble. Also being followed around by hungry honking geese while you try to evade them and go to class sounds like the exact kind of college shenanigans I needed in my life! Instead of the depression-laden mess it actually was ajnsdlkuhkuedgh
I love the idea of Anna kinda inadvertently memorizing Hiccup's freckle patterns and finding little designs in them, like constellations <3 She pays WAY too close attention to him, and it shows XD I remember back in college I was gone af for this one guy, and I noticed he had this freckle pattern on his cheek that kind of looked like a baseball diamond. And I adored the fuck out of it ;____; If anyone replaced him with a clone who didn't have that little baseball diamond, I would catch on SO DAMN FAST. I imagine Anna would do the same thing with Hiccup XD Ain't nobody swaps Hiccup for a doppelganger without Anna being ON THE FUCK TOP OF IT.
Pretty pleased with how this one came out! I kind of wanted to do a juxtaposition of dark pics with well-lit pics, and I think the end result turned out pretty decent! Also ended up with a green, orange/brown, purple, and black color scheme, which all go together surprisingly well :O
Any modern AU Anna would also definitely own that exact greenish-blue sweater. Just sayin!
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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sad-baddie001 · 3 years
Rough- Nicolas Brown
Not going to lie this was completely self indulgent and I made this in like January but my life is crumbling so why not post it and give my tumblr some love. Anyways please enjoy.
   I was sitting on floor doing my yoga stretches as soft music played in the background. I heard keys in the front before it opened and an exhausted Warren and Nicolas walk in. Nicolas was hunched over stumbling and barely able to walk. Warren had his arm around his torso holding up his partner.
   "Really Nicolas, again?" We layed him down into the couch.
   "I'm sorry" he signed. I sighed and turned to Warren. "Let me look at you." He swiftly tried to walk out of the apartment. I grabbed him by the half ponytail and he turned around.
   "I'm fine, all good."
   "Sit down and let me bandage your side" I said as I pointed to the blood and gash on his arm. He sighed in defeat and closed the door before having a seat next to Nic on the couch.
   "Okay fine." I went to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit and water for both men. I walked back into the living room and kneeled down next to the couch to tend to Nic first. I handed Warren gauze to apply pressure to his would as I helped nic with a cup of water and examined his wounds.
   "So who's going to tell me what happened?" I glanced at the cuts on Nic's arms, face and deep purple bruises on his torso. When no one spoke I stood and motioned for Warren to stand. He stood as I grabbed what I needed to bandage him up.
   "Nicolas, you're pretty quiet." I glanced over at my 'drowsy' boyfriend of 2 years waiting for his to sign to me. He gave a small grunt before sitting his cup down and rolling onto his back. I looked up at Warren as he tried desperately to avoid looking at me.
   "Okay, that's fine. No one wants to tell me what happened. I'll just bandage you guys up like the on call nurse I am." I rolled my eyes as I began to bandage up Warren. When I finished I checked to make sure it was secure.
   "Here, take these twice a day for a week and you should be fine. Don't miss any or you'll get an infection." I handed Warren the antibiotics and kneeled on the floor next to try couch to give Nic my attention.
   "Okay, thanks Yn." I gave a nod as I began to clean and bandage Nic's cuts. "See you tomorrow Nic, you owe me a new shirt." Nic gave a grunt before signing "whatever fucker." Warren chuckled before leaving and closing the door.
   "Why do you keep doing this? I hate when you do this." Neither of us bothered to make eye contact. He gave me a grunt in response to my question.
   "You always take way too many. You're doing damage to your body. You were doing so good. Is this about us?"
   He turned his head as he usually did when he wanted to avoid conversation when I cornered him. It's been about a month of Nic not abusing his meds and he was doing so well, earlier this week he and I had a conversation. Nic is such a sweet man and it definitely shows when it's sexy fun time. Looking at the tall and broad man you wouldn't expect him to be such a softie, but he is. During love making he always made sure I was okay and took his sweet time with me.
   Earlier this week we sat down to talk and I told him I wanted to try something different in the bedroom. His curiosity was peaked until I told him I wanted him to destroy my insides. I didn't phrase it like that of course but that's the best way to summarize it. His face dropped as if he wasn't interested in talking about it anymore. I tried to convince him that it was okay to be rough with me and it could help with his pint up frustration. He convinced me to drop it and we would talk about it later, but later never came. Ever since that conversation he's been a more irritable than usual. I'm not sure what exactly made him so upset about the conversation but it needed to be resolved before he goes too far.
I huffed as I moved onto his torso to bandage his midsection. He sat up and I placed my hand on his knee as I sat the bandages down to sign.
   "Theses nothing wrong with being rough with me. I can take it." He let out a grunt.
   "I don't want to have this conversation right now."
   "Then when? You said we would talk about it and every time I try you avoid it."
   "Yn were not going to have this damn conversation right now." His hands moved in an aggressive way showing he was serious.
   "Fine" I said aloud. I slid his button up down his toned and muscular arms before sitting the stained garment down next to me.  I picked the bandages up again as Nic leaned forward for me to bandage him. I began to wipe him down and bandage up his torso. After I finished I looked up at him and began to sign.
   "Look, I don't want to upset you while you're like this but I just want to try something new. I know you won't actually hurt me I just want you to meet me halfway Nicolas, that's it. Take your antibiotics." I picked up the bloody shirt and walked into our shared bedroom. I put the shirt in the bin for me to wash and repair later. I layed on the bed and rolled up under the cover. My eyes began to get heavy causing me to slip off into slumber.
I felt the bed dip in next to me causing me to stir in my half awake state. I felt eyes on me and a hand on my arm. I open my eyes to see Nic staring at me.
"Take a shower with me." I had no chance to respond as he unwrapped me from the blanket and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and stood me up as he turned on the shower. The bathroom began to fill with steam as I watched Nic undo his belt and pants. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt pulling it above my head. He dropped his pants as they pooled at his ankles. He stepped out before I stood up. He grabbed onto the waistband of my bottoms and pulled them off of me. My leggings and underwear pooled at my ankles. I stepped out and into the shower; Nic stepped in behind me. The hot water hit my chest and shoulders causing me to awaken. I turned my back to the water facing Nicolas.
   "How's the water?" He signed.
   "Amazing" I said as I ran my hands over my arms.
   "Tell me your boundaries." I looked at him in confusion. "If you really want me to be rough with you then I need to know your boundaries."
"I'm yours for the taking. Do whatever you want to me." I placed my hands on his chest as I saw a glint of something new in his eyes. He turned us around before signing again. "On your knees now, and keep those beautiful eyes on me."
I dropped to my knees ready to obey his every command. My head was tilted upward looking at him as he stepped closer. His large hand landed on the top of my head before sliding to the back. I looked down as his hand began to stroke himself. His hand gripped my hair as he tugged making me meet his gaze again. I placed my hands on his thighs as I began to move then upward. I felt his tip meet my lips causing me to open my mouth. I stuck out my tongue as he tapped his dick on my tongue a few times before hitting the back of my throat. I kept my eyes on him as I began to use both hands to stroke while I suck.
Deep groans left his mouth as He began to fuck my face. He held a firm grip on my hair as he moved his hips. I relaxed my throat allowing him to fuck my face however he wanted. Removing my hands I pulled his hips forward and took his full length into my mouth. His head went back as I watched him begin to unravel. Seeing the water cascading over his chest and shoulders as he let out moans of pleasure was all the motivation I needed. I slowed down teasing him causing him to look back down at me but something was different. There was this dark look in his eyes that I'd never seen before.
He readjusted his grip on my head before stepping closer causing me to lean back against the wall. He stood over me as he ruthlessly fucked my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took his length the best I could. Animalistic groans and moans left his parted lips I began to play with his balls. I felt his dick twitch in my mouth as I pushed it as far down my throat as possible. A loud groan left his lips as he came down my throat. I swallowed as he continued to move his hips. He pulled his wet dick out of my mouth as he released his grip on my hair. His hand slid down to my mouth as he wiped dripping saliva and cum from my bottom lip.
"You look like such a slut with my cum falling from your lips. Stand."
I did as told rising to my feet only to be turned to face the shower wall. Nic began to kiss on my shoulder and neck leaving bites and hickies in his wake. I moaned from the painful pleasures he granted me. He placed one hand around my neck as the other traveled to my clit. He began to rub in circular motions causing me to moan. His grip around my throat tightened as he pulled me back into him and kissed me. He slid his large fingers inside me mid-kiss causing me to release a loud moan. He took his opportunity and pulled my head back further. His large tongue entered my mouth as he kissed me roughly. He pulled my hips back while pushing my torso forward making me bend over and breaking the kiss. He removed his fingers making me miss his touch immediately.
His warm tongue came into contact with my clit as he began to eat me out from the back. I let out a loud moan as my legs buckled slightly. His thumbs spread my lips apart as he devoured my hot sex. His large tongue worked wonders as moans escaped from my mouth. Feeling myself coming closer to my release I began to try and grip the wall. My eyes began to flutter close as my eyes rolled back a little. Feeling my release so near I tried to find something to hold onto. I clawed at the wall in a deseparate attempt to stabilize myself but just before I was able to cum he removed his mouth. He gave my ass a rough slap causing it to sting in pleasure. He turned me back around to face him.
"I want to see the look in your face while you unravel in front of me. Show me you're my slut. My personal little prostitute."
   Nic POV 
   I gripped her thighs firmly before placing them over my shoulders. I placed my hands on her ass and lower back as I swiftly lifter her up. I pushed her hips forward as I nuzzled my face into her sweet wet center like a feral animal. I swirled my tongue on her clit as she kept eye contact with me. My eyes traveled back and fourth between her eyes and mouth as she moaned. Seeing her mouth move and not being able to hear her moan was such a tease. It's so tantalizing, sure I've got a pretty good idea of what she sounds like but I want to know for sure. I nuzzled my face deeper into her wetness as I continued to swirl suck and lick on her clit. Our eyes locked in a deep gaze as she began to grind her hips against my face.
   "Right there" I saw her lips move. I sped up as I felt her clit swell against my tongue. Her body began to jerk as she grabbed fistfuls of my hair. I pulled her as close as possible, gripping her waist to keep her close as she came. I lapped up her sweet cream moaning from the beautiful sight unfolding above me. Her body shook as her eyes rolled back. Her beautiful hair framed her face as her beautiful breast bounced. I stopped cutting her orgasm short. I turned off the shower and carried her to our bedroom. I tossed her on the bed before walking over to my katana picking it up. I leaned it again the bed as I watched her pant trying to catch her breath. What a beautiful sight.
   "I told you to keep your eyes on me and you didn't so now I'm gonna have to punish you."
   He picked up his sword and unsheathed it. He held it to my throat causing my cheeks to go red. A chilling sensation ran through me as I felt myself getting wetter with every moment he held his blade to my neck. It was thrilling in the most arousing way possible. My clit began to throb causing me to squeeze my legs closed tightly leaning my head back and breaking eye contact. Shit.
Nic's rough calloused hand came into contact with my throat squeezing. My head snapped back to it's original position causing me to make eye contact once again. Leaning on my elbows I felt something cold and slightly ridged on my thighs pushing one leg away from the other. Nic stared daggers into my eyes. Never breaking eye contact, he spit. I felt the cool ridged object on my clit causing me to release a moan. He released a grunt before pointing to my eyes and down to my vagina. His hand returned to my throat as I looked down.
   His large hand gripped the blade as he slowly pushed the handle of his Katana into me. I moaned as I saw blood begin to trickle down the sharp blade. The muscles in his hand tightening as his veins in his hand began to protrude. He started movement angling upward to hit my g spot. My legs jerked, one quickly coming into contact with his elbow and the other being gripped firmly by the hand previously around my throat. He pushed my leg down against the bed roughly and adjusted his grip on the blade. Grunts left his mouth as he facial expression twinged in the slightest way.
Before I was even able to notice his movement his hand was gripping my throat harder than before. A mix of emotions rushed over me as my body shivered. He started his movement again hitting my g spot like a target. Lewd sounds filled the room as I dripped down the handle of his katana. He left bites on my shoulders along with rough kisses. I kept my eyes on the thrilling object entering me not daring to look anywhere else. I bit down on his shoulder trying not to shake too much as my orgasm creeped up on me. Nic began to suck on my breast sending me over the edge. Every muscle in my body tensed as a hit rush flowed through me. I squirted on his weapon as his movement never stopped. I grinder my hips upward riding out my orgasm. He dropped the wet and bloody weapon to the fool.
Not missing a beat a mischievous grin painted his face. His hand left my neck as he began to stroke himself. He ran his bloody hand down my face before grabbing me by the jaw and squeezing to open my mouth. He opened his mouth allowing saliva to slowly drip from his tongue as his eased his way into me. I moaned from the pleasure as I impatiently awaited his dripping saliva. It dripped closer and closer to my open mouth as he thrusted into my roughly. The moment it touched my tongue nix pushed my hips down and thrusted upwards into me as he played with my clit.
I trailed off not being able to finish my sentence as I clawed at his chest and shoulders. My eyes rolled back as he leaned down to bite and kiss on my ear. He quickened his pace on my clit as he returned to towering over me. The pleasure along with the powerful aura surrounding him sent me into a wonderful bliss as my orgasm washed over me again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as animalistic sounds escaped both of our mouths. His hot seed filled my insides as every muscle in our bodies tensed. Nic continued to thrust riding out our orgasms.
"I love seeing you drip like this."
He pulled out and went to the bathroom coming back with two rags. He used one for my face and the other to wipe the rest of my body. I struggled to catch my breath and keep my eyes open as I sat up. Nic returned from the bathroom again and met my gaze. I signed to him "let me see your hand." He walked over to me and I grabbed his hand looking at the large gash on his hand. It was larger than expected and beyond my skills. As I looked at the gash I took a moment to think back. He kept me still so I wouldn't hurt myself and didn't stop until I came. I smiled up at him softly and planted a kiss on his lips. "Let's get you to the doc." I wrapped his hand and we threw on clothes before heading out the door.
—time skip—
"You idiot, what the hell even happened?" The doc asked as he unwrapped the bandages and took a look at Nic's hand. Nic sat in silence as he usually does whenever the doc talks shit. The bandages I had put on him were gone showing the previously covered wounds. The doc looked over Nic's injuries before stopping and turning his head around slowly toward me. He glanced at me causing me to get a little nervous. I pulled up my turtle neck a little and readjusted my stance. It was like a light bulb went off above his head. He sighed and turned back to Nic looking at his injuries again.
"I don't even want to know." My gaze met Nic's as he gave me a small smirk. He's such a softie.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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some ian/mickey prompts! (this is not a demand, just some ideas☺️)
• waking up/going to sleep
• cuddling
• domestic scenes in general
• hurt/comfort scenarios
• being in each other’s company (like ur recent fic) and falling in love with each other again
I really don’t know how to describe but I hope these are enough?
<3 ah thank u so much for these ideas anon! i couldn’t fall asleep last night bc i was stressed about a bunch of stuff, so i started to write this little bit of nighttime fluff that seems to fit with your requests:) i hope u enjoy!!
a drabble where ian can’t sleep, and mickey comforts him (can be set as a little coda to 11x05)
It was the dead of night at the Gallagher house— Ian was staring up at the ceiling, his eyes trying pierce through the blanket of darkness to count the cracks in the crumbling plaster above him and listening for something, anything, to distract his mind and finally get him to go the fuck to sleep. But it was no use— it was so late that even the usual summer chatter that bubbled up from the South Side street corners into open windows on wafts of summer air had stilled, leaving Ian sweaty and tired and restlessly laying in bed. Ian was more than tired; he was fucking exhausted, his eyes red-rimmed and scratchy and his muscles tense and rigid. Most nights Ian slept well, or slept okay at the least—he kind of had to learn to sleep in any situation after sharing a room with Lip and Carl and Liam for his entire childhood, always plagued with slamming doors and shouting voices. It wasn’t noise that usually kept Ian awake on nights like tonight, it was silence— a deafening, pounding silence that felt like it was crawling under his skin.
He looked over at Mickey, curled tightly on the opposite side of the bed, facing the wall with his arms around his chest and the covers practically up to his chin, the only really visible part of him the sliver of pale skin at the back of his neck that reflected the gauzy moonlight that was streaming in through the blinds. Ian noticed how comfortably Mickey’s face was pressed into the pillow, with even breaths escaping his half-open mouth, and instantly felt a pang of envy. That was the thing about Mickey—he never really had trouble sleeping. Mickey could always drift off the second he hit the sheets, whatever voices that lived inside his head easily quieting when the lights were dim and the world was still. Ian didn’t get it—the voices in his head always ramped up when the lights turned off, always churned and swirled and made him question his entire existence in the stagnant, pitch-black silence— and usually Ian could quiet them, after a little while, but on a night like tonight Ian knew he’d be stuck in the spiral, with his heart racing, until the sun came up. He pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes, trying to will his body to relax.
Ian could feel an odd sense of panic bubbling up in his throat as he laid there unmoving, feeling suffocated by the heat of the deep, dark night pressing in on him. His legs felt tingly and restless, and his head was throbbing because of how tired he was but the static in his mind kept whirring, like a broken radio set to the wrong frequency. He sighed loudly, letting the air burning in his lungs fizzle out of him, just wanting to penetrate the thick silence. He just wanted to be asleep—he was supposed to get up early to put the coffee on before Lip had a job interview, and then he wanted to go for a jog before he and Mickey had a shit ton of weed runs to do that would jam-pack the entire day tomorrow…
Beside him, Mickey shuffled beneath the covers. Ian froze. Fuck, he did not want to wake Mickey up right now. Mickey was crabby and groggy on the best of mornings, but when he didn’t get enough sleep he was truly a force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately, Ian’s prayers went unanswered. Mickey drew in a deep breath, rustling under the sheets once more.
“Okay Gallagher, what’re you sighing for?” Mickey’s flat, muffled voice piped up from under his blanket cocoon, low and throaty and full of sleep. He sounded exasperated and deflated, and definitely not fully awake.
Ian let out another long breath, more quietly this time. “Nothing, Mick. Go back to sleep.”
But of course, instead of listening, Mickey aggressively yawned and turned over, stretching to shift his body weight and turn onto his opposite side to face Ian. Ian just remained where he was laying, his head lying limp and heavy on the pillow while he stared up at the ceiling.
Mickey dazedly rubbed his eyes, noticing that Ian was fully awake. Immediately, Mickey shook off the sleep that was clouding his eyes. He stared at Ian for a moment, his eyes wide and searching. After a moment, almost on reflex, he carded a quick, gentle hand through the front of Ian’s hair as he leaned in closer.
“You feeling okay?” Mickey’s voice was distant and drowsy, like he was still half-asleep but trying to will himself to wake up.
Am I feeling okay? There was so much latent meaning wrapped up in that question, and Ian felt a cavernous gratefulness bloom in his chest that this was the way Mickey asked—he wasn’t assuming that Ian being manic was the reason that he couldn’t sleep, but he didn’t rule it out either. Mickey was just waiting for Ian to tell him what he was feeling, what he needed, without assuming anything about Ian’s brain before Ian did.
Am I feeling okay?
Ian swallowed, his glassy eyes still fixated on the cracks in the ceiling that he could barely make out in the dark.
“Yeah. S’not anything to worry about, I’ve been taking my meds. I’m just… stressed out I guess.” Ian could hear the fatigue dripping from his voice as it glided across the darkness.
Mickey was still staring at Ian, his gaze piercing and concerned.
“Stressed out?” Mickey questioned lowly, like he’d never heard the two words before.
“Yes, Mickey, stressed out. I don’t know, it’s fucking stupid, just go back to bed.” Ian sighed in frustration.
Instead, Mickey shifted again, propping himself up on his elbow and leaning fully on his side, looking like a teenage girl at a sleepover who was ready to hear some juicy gossip.
“Well I’m awake now, mouth-breather, so why don’t you tell me what you’re worried about?”
Ian gave a quiet, strangled chuckle. What the fuck was he supposed to say? It just fucking sucked to not be able to sleep, to lie there frustrated with dry eyes and a parched throat, grasped tight in the clutches of whatever worries were lying hollow and dark in the pit of his stomach and not being able to do anything about it.
Ian knew it was stupid, but for the last few months he had been pretty much the only one worrying about keeping things together— getting steady money, putting aside fucking savings, trying to keep the house intact and fill the gaping hole Fiona left behind that Ian still just didn’t fit into right, for the sake of Liam and Franny and Carl now that Lip had moved out. Ian had never really given a shit about money, until he had to start caring about everyone else—and it didn’t bother him, it really didn’t, but now that Ian was caught in this fucking sticky silence, he realized how much worrying about taking care of everyone else was actually wearing him down, grinding away at him bit by bit without him noticing.
He exhaled a heavy, trembling breath.
“Just. I don’t know. Worried about money, I guess? And worried about our job. I know we agreed on guns, and I totally fucking get that now, but I’ve never done a job that’s so… dangerous? And then I’m panicking because what if we make total asses of ourselves with this business bullshit and fail and lose everything, and then we’d be back to square one…”
Mickey just sat there perched on his elbow, listening. He wordlessly reached to press the pad of his thumb to Ian’s forehead, above his eyebrows, smoothing the worry lines and creases that started to bloom there as Ian spoke.
“And I just… I don’t know, my heart’s just fucking racing for some reason tonight and I can’t make it stop.”
Mickey continued to silently run his thumb gently on Ian’s face, tracing above his eyebrow and the side of his temple in a soothing pattern that made Ian’s eyes want to flutter shut for the first time in hours.
“S’there anything I can do?” Mickey’s gravelly, sleepy voice cut through the darkness.
Ian peeled his eyes from the ceiling, and shifted them to meet Mickey’s. He was still staring down at Ian with searing concern, like Ian’s stupid fucking worries were a big deal if they were making him feel this distressed.
“It’s fine, Mick. Just get some sleep.” Ian held Mickey’s gaze for a moment, expecting him to turn back over and wrap the blankets around himself.
Instead, Mickey curled closer, draping a heavy arm over Ian’s waist, followed by a thick and heavier thigh between Ian’s legs, his nose nuzzling into the side of Ian’s neck. Ian froze, just for a moment—Mickey definitely usually wasn’t the one to initiate tender touches of intimacy, but he was half-asleep and he knew how much Ian needed this right now, knew it would calm his racing heart down to a steady beat. Instantly, Ian felt something, some heaviness that was burrowed deep in his chest, dissipate at Mickey’s touch.
“Mick,” Ian said. There was something in his lungs, in his throat, on his tongue. He didn’t know what it was. All he knew is that his heartbeat was slowing, his blood was running through his veins at a normal speed again, and the pressure building in his head starting to dissipate.
“This okay?” Mickey was almost asleep again, and mumbled the words into the crook of Ian’s neck, his breath tickling Ian’s chin.
Ian breathed out with relief, curling a hand over Mickey’s shoulders and drinking in the feeling of Mickey’s warm skin nestled against his, a grounding, solid weight holding him at bay. “Yeah, this is good.”
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chibinekochan · 3 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 209
Part: 00 I 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 I 05 I 06 I 07 I 08 I
Gender Neutral Reader insert
taglist: @ayesha95 ; @nomnomcupcakesworld ; @fex-phoenix ; @depressed-bixch ; @kitsune-oji ; @witch-o-memes ; @gallantys ,@tanspostsblog ; @undertaker-02 ,
At some point, I must've passed out.
I am woken by voices.
"I don't want to hear this. It's just an excuse." Diavolo sounds upset.
"I'm sorry young master. I didn't see this at all in any vision." Barbatos sounds guilty.
"Even so they shouldn't be left alone like that. Can you imagine what would've happened if I didn't feel that something was wrong?" Diavolos voice seems to be torn between anger and sadness.
"I don't even want to think about that. I promise that it won't happen again." Barbatos sounds unusually meek.
"That's not quite enough. I never thought I'd say that to you but you are on thin ice as a butler." It seems like these words hurt Diavolo just as much as Barbatos.
I weakly tug on Diavolo. "Don't fight," I say with a weak voice. The nap didn't help at all it seems.
"Oh, sorry we woke you up." Diavolo gently pats my hand. "Sleep some more, we are quiet now." He speaks gently to me.
Sadly for me, my body requires food. "I'm hungry."
"That's a good sign. I will make some porridge for you. I already brought some tea so have that while you are waiting." Barbatos still sound meek and guilty.
"I will handle the tea." Diavolo sounds angry.
"I don't blame Barbatos at all. There was no way he could've known." I say this quietly but Diavolo still seems to understand me clearly.
He closes his eyes for a moment, thinking about something. Then he proceeds to help sitting and pours me tea with honey.
Once I have my first sip he starts talking.
"It may have been better for Barbatos to say that himself but he can see the past, present and future. Every possible outcome. So he should've known." Diavolo looks at me with great worry, while I slowly drink the tea.
The liquid feels good. I now notice that Diavolo changed. It's a bit of a shame but also probably for the best. My cheeks turn hot. I shouldn't think about this now.
Diavolo puts his hand against my forehead again. "I should make you a wet towel. Lucifer said that helps against a fever."
"Did you ask him for advice?" I somehow find this very enduring.
"Well, I have not any experiences with siblings and I trust his advice." Diavolo has a small smile on his face.
"I somehow have a hard time seeing Lucifer as a doting big brother, but that's because I haven't seen it yet." I giggle at the thought.
"He cares about his brothers more than anything else. I'm honestly jealous of that bond. I mean now I can understand it. Seeing you like that… I have never felt anything like this." He clutches his chest with a pained expression.
This pains me too somehow. I put my hand above his. "It means you care about me greatly." Saying this feels good but it also stings a bit, knowing that to him I'm like the demon brothers to Lucifer. A sibling.
Not that there's anything wrong with that but I just can't see him in that light at all. Not when being this close makes my heart beat so fast.
"Is there anything troubling you?" Diavolo looks deep into my eyes.
"N-no I was just thinking about our relationship." It's not a lie.
"Do you enjoy being part of my family?" He gives me big puppy eyes.
What am I supposed to say to this?
"I-I..." Lucky enough I'm saved by Barbatos opening the door.
He can barely even look at me, it is not helped by Diavolo glaring at him.
"You can leave that there." Diavolo speaks coldly to Barbatos.
"Very well, call me if you need anything," Barbatos speaks meekly, he is barely a shadow of his normal self.
I want to stop him but the atmosphere between them is so charged right now it's not the right time.
Once Barbatos leaves it seems like the room heats up again. Almost like a switch has been flipped Diavolos face is back to being gentle again.
He brings the cart with the food close to the bed. I notice that Barbatos put some food for Diavolo on the tray as well. Despite everything, he is very thoughtful.
Diavolo sees this too and frowns. Then he sighs and takes a spoon and fills it with porridge.
"I can eat myself…" I'm deeply embarrassed by the thought of him feeding me.
"Nonsense, you are weak and might spill the food. You could burn yourself. Please just let me do this." He looks at me with big sad eyes. His worries are seemingly endless right now.
I have no choice. "Okay, you can feed me." I somewhat reluctantly agree.
Diavolo nods seemingly pleased, no sadness to be found.
He carefully brings the spoon to my mouth, after blowing on the food. "Say ahh." He somehow seems to enjoy this.
I open my mouth and eat from the spoon. It's a strange feeling to be fed like this. It's embarrassing but also very nice at the same time. I shove my confused feelings aside and try to enjoy the delicious porridge instead.
Diavolo keeps on calmly and slowly feeding me.
I'm not as hungry as usual so I can't finish everything. "I'm full." I look guilty towards the half-full bowl.
"I guess it can't be helped." Diavolo sighs and covers the bowl. "Next is taking the meds." Diavolo looks at the bottle. "So, you need to fill the little cup to the line here… Alright let's do this." Diavolo carefully reads the instructions. I have never seen him this serious before.
He fills the cup with great care and I drink it all, despite it being very bitter.
"I'm sorry it tastes bad. It can't be helped since it's Medizin." He feels very bad for me.
"It's not that bad. Will you eat too?" I worry about his health more than anything.
Diavolo has a very soft expression. "You should worry about yourself. Lay down now. I will get you a wet towel and let you rest."
"Will you leave after that?" I feel reluctant to be left alone. It must be the fever.
"Of course, I will stay at your side." He almost looks relieved by my selfish request.
Once he is gone I scoot over to the other side of my bed. Since the bed is so huge there is now plenty of space for him.
He returns with the towel and looks a bit confused at me." Were you uncomfortable?"
"No, I just thought you need to rest too. I can't let you get sick from taking care of me so much." This would feel very bad.
"How thoughtful of you but I'm fine without sleep for a night. I often have to pull all-nighters due to my work." He smiles and sits down on the bed beside me.
"Isn't that because you slack?" At least that's what Barbatos always implies.
Diavolo huffs a little bit and then laughs. "I suppose I can't defend myself against that." He carefully places the wet towel on my forehead. It feels very good.
The medication also seems to be very effective. I start to feel drowsy.
"Rest well. Make sure you get better." Diavolo makes sure my whole body is covered by my blanket. Then I can feel him taking my hand before I sink into a deep slumber.
I wonder if this is how it would be every night if I'd date Diavolo. This is a very silly thought.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 15
You were doing it on purpose, of course, you were maybe it was your payback to him after all these years. You had made a name for yourself in the fashion industry that much was true, Katsuki could see it, and he knew that you knew your self-worth, headstrong that trait never left you. Creative that was still there, yet you still had the patients of a saint, any interns questions no matter how dumb, you would answer, looking out for the workers.
Bakugou was torturing himself at this point, you were sitting six feet away from, in the same office five days a week for eight or more hours a day, yet no progress. He was patient, how many years had it been, he had lost count it's felt like an eternity, you knew about his habit of taking things, but how much did you know, the chilly pepper incident, the peanut coffee incident, no you wouldn't even be here if you knew that, you would have called the cops, he knew you that well.
But then you started to look sick, you kept blowing your nose every three minutes
“Do you need to go home?” Bakugou asked and you just put your mask back on
“No, it's just a tiny cold I can handle,” you said, and Bakugou stood up and walked over
“A tiny cold huh.” he said pressing his hand to your forehead “you are burning up go home.” “No, I'm fine, the meds are just wearing off.” you said smacking his hand off “also don't touch me I'm sick.”
“If you are sick, why are you here?!” he yelled
“Like you could run this place on your own.” you said, “make sure to wash your hands, I'm going to eat my lunch here.”
“You are really impossible, you know that,” Bakugou said and left, he would just eat his lunch somewhere else then, you haven't been taking care of yourself of course you would catch a cold, since when did you turn into a hypocrite. Still, he came back and saw you hunched over your desk taking a nap, seeing your body needing rest, and here you were. He took his blazer and rapped it over your shoulders, and maybe stole a quick picture of it for good measure. He was able to finish the rest of the work, and it was late, but you were still in dreamland.
“Oi (name) it's time to go home,” he said, and you opened your eyes
“Huh what, no it's lunchtime, hey why is the moon out? You asked still out of it before sneezing again “why am I wearing your blazer?”
“You feel asleep.”
“Ohhhh...wait, why didn't you wake me up?” you said still groggy
“You needed rest, come on I'm taking you home,” he said, and you slowly got up, he let you use him as a crutch as you two went out the door
“Dumbass it's winter why aren't you taking care of yourself?” he said
“It's just a tiny cold…” you muttered out “I'm usually good during the winter, guess my immune system decided to take a vacation.”
“You need a vacation,” he said as he got you into the passenger's seat and buckled you up
“Well it's almost the holidays….” you said,” our sales should be up, a lot of wives want their husbands to buy that new designer handbag….”
“Still muttering about work even in your sleep.” Bakugou thought as he started the car, and drove to your house
“Okay dumbass we are here,” he said and you were still out of it sick, you just let out a sniffle, sometimes you were more trouble than you were worth, Nah that was a lie he was telling himself.
He got you to your front door and shaked you “hey get your keys.”
“In my purse,” you said trying to rummage through it, Bakugou rolled his eyes and found them and unlocked the door and went in, this was worse than dealing with a drunk intern, and talk about minimalism, what was your house? the front of a home catalog magazine.
He dumped you on the couch and put the blanket over you, he told himself not to take anything and just leave, he did write out a note and put it on the coffee table, you were worth all the trouble.
You woke up the next morning still feeling a bit drowsy, how did you get home again, eh you found a way somehow, but whos blazer was this, you smelled it and you recognized that smell, ugh Bakugou must have brought you home yesterday, and then there was a note laying on the glass coffee table, kind of hard to miss since nothing else was on it.
“Don't even think about coming into work, get some rest.”
“That's so like him,” you thought as you got up and made yourself something simple to eat, and get some rest. Hopefully, you would be able to make it in tomorrow, till you released today was Friday and you had the weekends off. Goddammit.
Maybe since it was the time of the holidays but you really didn’t want to work anymore, you really just wanted to lounge around in oversize comfy clothes and watch bad dramas and eat some cake.
“And done.” Bakugou said shutting down his computer “happy December 23.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.” you said, “can't believe it's been a year since we started running this place.”
“Well happy holidays,” he said and placed a box on your desk
“Oh, a gift.” you said “Don't you wanna watch me open it.”
“Are you going to throw it in the trash can?” he asked
“I wouldn't of done that if someone didn't give me dirt one year,” you said, and tossed him a bag that smacked him in the back of his head
“Hey!” he yelled
“Not my fault you didn't catch it,” you said and he picked it up and opened it
“This is...my blazer,” he said
“Yeah you never asked for it back,” you said
“This doesn't count as gift,” he said
“Sure it does.” you said opening the box and pulling out a scarf “Another scarf?”
“Yup this one is heavier than the last one should keep you warmer in the winter weather.” He said as you got up “well I'll test it out, what are your plans for the new year?”
“Nothing just another day for me.” he sad
“That sounds just like you,” you said
“What are your plans?” he asked
“The same thing I do every year, sit under my Kotatsu, eat some tangerines, and fall asleep at the first sunrise,” you said
“Any friends coming over?” he asked
“Nope,” you said
“Weren't you friends with that girl with the ponytail…”
“Oh you mean momo, when I started my internship here, we fell out of touch.” you said “I think she is living with her roommate trying to take on the stress of her family company.”
“Hmm,” Bakugou said, there was a spark of jealousy in your voice. The two of you walked outside and you wrapped the scarf around your neck
“Hmmm it is warmer, nice job, is this wool?”
“You know your fabrics,” he said as you got into his passenger's side door it was a habit of both of you now, Still you didn't want to talk the car ride, and Bakugou dropped you off and you went inside with not so much as a bye, or see you next year.
No, he was over this, he was over this, you weren't in his grasp, all his efforts were for nothing time to move on Bakugou, it wasn't healthy, he just went home and tried to get the thought of you alone out of his head, there it was again, you wouldn't leave. He suffered through Christmas, he summered all the way till December 31st till 6 pm. When he just got in his car and decided to just say hi for the holidays that was all, I mean you had no family, your friends were nowhere to be seen.
You told yourself you would only allow yourself to cry once during the year, and well you choose January 31st, get all the negative emotions out of the way for the new year it was a silent cry, no sobbing just tears rolling down your face as you ate another tangerine slice and watched the television when you were brought out of your thought but a sudden banging at the door, did someone break down in the snow or something?
Nope just a Bakugou looking like a snowman
“Why are you outside during a snowstorm?” you asked
“Ah ah I knew it, I knew you would be crying,” he said
“Oh can it!” you said, “before I slam the door and leave you to freeze outside.”
You let him in and let him warm up under the Kotatsu as you placed the oranges on his head
“So why would you drive in a snowstorm that is incredibly dangerous and also incredibly dumb,” you said
“Because I knew you were faking it.” Bakugou said,” Acting like being alone wasn't a big deal...and here I am seeing you crying.”
“I let myself cry once a year.” you said “Before the new years seem like the best time, start fresh with my emotions.”
“Whatever here I got something.” he said pulling his bag over and taking out a container of strawberries “here happy fucking new year, ugh I can barely feel my toes.”
“Oh wow Tochiotome, I've always wanted to try these,” you said opening the container and eating it one bite.
“You have the money to buy them whenever you want,” Bakugou said
“I think it's better to save it for a special occasion.” you said pressing a strawberry to his lips and he took the bite “makes the taste more special.”
“Ugh whatever, what are we watching anyway?” He asked
“Just some news.” you said before flipping the channel “oh hey look it's the commercial for the bag.”
“I can already hear all the husbands' wallets crying,” Bakugou said laughing a bit
“Same here, you know we make a pretty good team.” you sai
“No duh.” he said and you kicked him under the table “hey!”
“Well I mean the group project, the whole internship, and now this, but it makes me wonder, what were you doing in Paris without me.”
“Trying to get over my obsession.” Bakugou said, “It didn't work.”
“I noticed.” you said before he put one of his icy feet on your leg “EEK!”
“Hahaha did you really just say eek.” Bakugou said while laughing
“SAY THE ONE WHOS FEET FEELS LIKE ICICLES!” you yelled kicking him in the gut
“Oof,” he said, and you got up and came back with a pair of fluffy socks and through them at his head
“Wear these,” you said and settled back under. You were starting to get tired and set your head down on the table, you were hoping to stay up for the first sunset, guess not, still, at least you weren’t alone “Bakugou, shouldn't you spending New Year with your parents.”
“Nah I'd rather spend it with you,” he said, you smiled, maybe he was an obsessed weirdo with a short fuse who used to bully you, but at least you were someone's first choice. And maybe you were only thinking that because you were drifting off, Bakugou made sure to turn off the heating unit so you wouldn't accidentally burn yourself, he made sure to set an alarm and decided to pass out as well.
“Hey (name) wake up,” Bakugou said, you opened your eyes to see him hovering above you and you smacked him across the face.
“Hey!” he said
“Sorry seeing your face first thing when I work scared me,” you said
“Oh shut up, the first sunset is coming up, you really want to miss it?” He asked, you turned over and sure it was the sun coming up, you were still half asleep but happy
“Thanks, Katsuki, isn't it pretty?” you said
“Look like every other damn sunset I've ever seen.” he said
“I knew you would say something like that…'' you muttered and closed your eyes again, here was to the new year.
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mejomonster · 3 years
Anyone ever seen a rheumatologist and got some personal experience or advice?
In short, was in er today for resting heart beat being at 120-150 for a week now. And intense fatigue for weeks (can't drive, cook, watch shows, work for much time on a computer, or even sit up for long, just so exhausted). And for these cold hand feel chills I get like once a day where I feel so cold I can only lie down since doing anything else doesn't seem to help (like Gatorade or eating). Anyway er says its sinus tachycardia so like I may want to ask my primary doctor about something to do about it, but it also may be fine?? Just fine this high? Which like okay if it's NOT the cause of my fatigue then sure as long as it doesn't hurt me since i do have a heart condition..
Anyway they referred me to a rheumatologist in case it's lupus or something causing both fatigue and zooming resting heart beat. So my question is if anyone has dealt with that area of medicine, anyone heard of a health condition That causes those sorts of effects? Lupus was like the closest I came to when browsing just based on the fatigue and pains being the main thing stopping my life nonstop right now (and the higher than normal resting heart rate)
Or any unrelated area, if you've heard of something that causes massive fatigue to the point you can't drive can barely stand or sit or do anything but lie down, potentially that stresses or ups heart rate too, please let me know so I can look into more things.
Also though. I am contemplating either stopping my amytriptline dose or lowering it to see if that has any effect?? It's the only med I'm taking with a possible side effect of rapid heart rate, and it's also got drowsiness/tiredness/weakness which would go with fatigue. While I have taken Amy at thr lower dose 10 mg just fine with only two issues with a side effect(just drowsiness for 8 hours after taking and constipation), this is the highest dose I've been on it (and it's only 25 mg so not even very high it's just the only med I'm taking that has fuck with heart potential side effects). I do sometimes respond to mental health meds more extremely side effects wise so I'm wondering if stopping it or lowering to 10 mg may help. Concerned though that without it I will vomit again and get nausea and more pain. But on the other hand my pain level is quite low right now and ibgard helps, and the longer I go without meds the more I'm getting an appetite back (which I haven't had in months). Alternatively I try cutting Reglan out which is my doctors plan over the month anyway, but I don't remember it making me drowsy in August (but maybe it's just Reglan and amytriptline right now that are causing such issues together idk)
In short anyway yeah if you've heard of any things that cause such extreme fatigue, particularly if it includes cold hands and feet or high heart rate, please let me know so I can look into it more. Those are currently the last issues I'm still having making me freaking unable to do much at all.
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shelby-love · 4 years
NF Quarantine Visits
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: NF stands for necrotising fasciitis; Riley is your partner
"Look we're doing everything we can but there's no strong leads we can use right now." Jay informs Sharon Goodwin of CPD's latest news about the state of emergency the city of Chicago was currently in.
"I have people in quarantine Jay and the press isn't helping us at all." Sharon told him. "This isn't something out of the blue. Someone has to be behind this mess."
"We're doing everything we can but that's all I can give you right now."
"Incoming!" Maggie calls out. She swiftly joins the group. "We can't keep up Sharon."
"Is it NF?"
"Yes it is. Y/N and Riley are bringing them in."
At the mention of his girlfriend Jay's heart sunk. He knew how dangerous your job was on the daily but now he truly understood the pressure you had on your chest.
It only made him work harder in figuring out who is behind this mess.
He saw you a lot but never for long enough. After it was debunked that the virus is spread airborne or through contact, you were able to hug and kiss Jay quickly whenever the two of you saw each other at Med. But nothing more than that.
Jay worked late at the District and your 24-hour shifts were long and hard as they were. Adding the outbreak heavied on the both of you.
The sound of heavy footsteps coming from the entrance alerted everyone and soon people stepped aside to let you and Riley through.
"Jasmine Black. 23 years old with necrotising fasciitis. I think we'll need to amputate her leg. It's... Gone." You informed the nurses. They did their job with you and called Crockett Marcel, hoping that he will be able to save her.
Your worried eyes spot Jay and the only thing you can do is nod sadly. You've been exposing yourself to the bacteria continuously, and each time you risked your life for someone else's it never ended well. So far, you didn't bring anyone who came out of the OR alive.
And that broke you.
"Do you think she'll make it?" Sharon asked Riley and you when you joined their little circle.
"No we don't think she will," Riley started to explain. Jay wrapped his arm around your shoulder and supported you for as long as possible. Soon, you and Riley will be back in the outside world in the heart of the outbreak. "The bacteria spread out in her leg, it's impossible to try to save her without amputation. And even with that we can only hope that she survives."
"Oh God. How are you girls feeling?" Goodwin placed her hand on your forearms in a soothing matter.
"We're tired but okay." You told her.
"I should probably get back to the District. If you find anything that can help us call me." He squeezed your shoulder and removed his arm before you could even stop him.
On que, your radio informed you of your new victim. "That's our que."
"Sir you need to lie down!" You command the man you're currently bringing into the ED. His arm is infected but he doesn't waste a beat when trying to get off the gurney.
"N-No!" He screams. Like a fish, the man flops off the gurney and tries to get away in a wonky run chase.
"For God's sake!" Riley exclaims. "Sir you are stuffed with anesthetics! You can't get away from us!"
You shoot her a look of pure invitation to help and she joins you in the chase. Using your running skills you accomplished by taking daily morning runs with your boyfriend, you appear in front of the drowsy man and once again command him to stop.
He does not in fact listen to your sane reasoning and throws his weak body onto yours. That wouldn't be a problem had he not collapsed unconscious on your unprotected body.
"Seriously Nat I'm fine." After the intense chase with an angered-drowsy-on-anesthetics patient you're stationed in one of the trauma rooms with Natalie Manning.
While Nat keeps checking you for any cuts or scratches you stay still and think about what happens next. "Will you put me in quarantine?"
"Only if you have any cuts that can catch the bacteria." In that moment her eyes land on your palm. There's a small scratch and blood over the wound.
"I-I always wear gloves." You try to reason with her. You can't be stuck in quarantine. Not now. Not when they need you.
The look on Natalie's face is enough to tell you otherwise. "I'm sorry Y/N."
"Welcome Y/N. Trust me, it's cosier than it looks." You join Hailey in your separate four walled vertical rectangle box. Supposedly, this will keep you from spreading the bacteria if you have it. You won't know that until you get your cultures back. "So. What brings you here?"
You laugh lightly, suddenly realising how poor your luck is. "A dude with anger issues that was high on anesthetics with an arm eaten away by the bacteria threw himself on me during one of his many aggressive episodes, and collapsed unconscious. Leaving me and my scratched bloody palm alone in quarantine."
"Correction. You're not alone." She says laughing. "I take it Riley got away."
"She had her protective gear on. And since we're low on paramedics that go on these runs, they let her go." You bring your palm in the air and wave it around. "My palm and I are stuck in here until the cultures come back."
And that's how you spent countless of hours in deep discussion with your boyfriend's partner in crime. While Hailey wanted to join Jay in finding out who did this, you wanted to get back into your ambulance and help save lives.
Neither of you could do what you wanted so you took that time and started to get to know each other. You already have three girlfriend dates scheduled and a whole birthday party for Riley and Jay planned out in bits.
After your conversation faded into comfortable silence the two of you were lost in your own thoughts. You let yourself think about how Jay will react once he finds out. A part of you wants him to visit you as much as it wants him to stay away from you and stay safe.
You're halfway on the road to dreamland when you hear his voice. "Y/N?"
You watch him make his way towards you with only one eye opened. Opening both of them would mean taking 100 steps back from dreamland and that's the last thing you wanted to do at the moment.
But seeing him stand in front of you, separated by only a thin clear foil looking curtain, killed your wish for sleep making you stand up and almost sprint towards him.
"Are you okay? How did this happen?" He asked you, worry dripping from his voice.
"I'm fine and it's a long story."
"I have time."
"Baby no you don't." You tell him sternly. When the two of you enter a silent battle of eye emotions, he comes out of it as the winner. Sighing in defeat you start to explain what happened to you.
"We already went through a breakout attempt since certain people act like they're prisoners." You throw a nasty look toward Sharlene, the crazy lady who started a revolution within her rectangular box of protection. "Jay I'm fine! I'll stay here and take a few naps and be out before you know it."
Both of you lean against the colorless foil of protection until your foreheads meet. A part of you wants to escape your cloud of safety just so you can press your lips against his but you know better than to do that. Both you do.
"Call me when you get out?"
"Geez you make it sound like I'm in jail." Your attempt at being subtly funny an lightening up the mood falls in the water when you notice his stare. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll call you don't worry."
"Good." Jay gives you a smile he reserves only for you. "I'll keep you posted."
"You better!!!" You exclaim. Your boyfriend is your only connection to the outside world.
"And I'll try to sneak in some food for you."
You almost shed a dramatic tear at his words. "Oh, Jay you're..."
"The best boyfriend ever?"
"The best boyfriend ever ever ever everrr!"
You spend a few more minutes with your boyfriend discussing the current situation before he talks to Hailey and eventually leaves.
Still dazed from love, worry and excitement, you return back to your sleeping position and walk back towards the road that's sure to bring you to dreamland.
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pyroclaststan · 3 years
“Look at you, look at what you do to yourself. You’re a fucking mess, Kingsley!” Your anger and frustration are finally on show, no more fake suave or talking your way out. You said it yourself, you’re tired of being charming to get away with things, you want to be nice. This is what passes for nice these days. “I’ve gotta take care of you. I owe it to you, and to myself, and no one else can do it. You won’t let them, asshole.”
“Okay.” There’s no angry expression, no annoyed tone, just simple acceptance.
You didn’t expect that. You expected a fight. They always fight.
“…Okay?” you ask, dumbfounded.
“Okay. You can take care of me, but who’s going to take care of you?”
You can’t look at them, not when they’re being this quiet and rational. It almost screams defeat—a kind of soft that you don’t get from them. You’re not sure what exactly they’re seeing in your stance or on your face but you know you don’t like this version of them. It makes you think of how they said they used to be, before you knew them.
“I don’t need to be taken care of,” you cross your arms and look somewhere past their ear, shamefully aware of how childish that sounded.
“Since we’re being honest right now: we both know that’s a lie.” A little bit sharp in tone now, just how you like it. “We both know you’re as messed up as I am. That’s why you keep pushing it—keep adding to the bill. You don’t expect to be around here long, either. So don’t make this all about me and my mistakes. It’s about yours, too.”
Their green eyes are staring you down, holding the longest eye contact you’ve ever gotten. It’s a look of understanding bordering on frustration: every fight seems to be about their problems, their actions, their choices—you never let it be about you. You can’t handle that kind of focus.
“Great, we agree: we’re both fucked up.” That’s all you’re willing to concede right now.
You make purposeful eye contact with them now. Their hands politely folded in their lap, their face open and neutral, eyes flickering over your every feature to read your expressions like you do theirs. The big bad villain before you lies in bed blinking slowly at you, drowsy from their meds.
“Made for each other, really.”
A small smile then, stopping themself from laughing at the irony there.
“Don’t say made,” you shoot back tiredly.
“Right... Fated, then. Is that better?”
You smile softly. “You sound like my mother.”
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yuulina-vre · 3 years
Gifting you a new life
Pairing: Steve x Bucky, Reader insert
Warnings: none
word count: 3642 words
Part: twelve
Summary: Y/N’s now staying at Bucky’s.
* * * 
Y/N sits in the back of the ambulance as it rolls to the emergency ramp. Wanda talks to her about a lot of things to distract her without saying that she wants to distract her. And it works. She feels calmer than before, though she would rather have Steve by her side. The car stops and shortly after the backdoor gets opened, Sam appearing. “So, beautiful. Getting rolled in like a princess or walking like one?” Wanda snorts a laugh and Y/N shakes her head with slight amusement. She’s surprised that she can smile right now. The pain’s still pretty bad when she moves her hand or fingers. “Walking.”
“Alright, girl. Come on then.” I called ahead. Dr. Banner will see you in a few minutes. We just have to get the necessary paperwork done.” She only nods and lets Sam guide her to the waiting room and sits down on a free chair. While Wanda checks her in, he gets the paperwork and fills it out for her. Each time the doors to the Er get opened she looks up to see if Steve’s coming, though there’s no luck until now. After five minutes a man with curly hair and glasses walks up to her and Sam. “Miss Y/L/N?”
“My name’s Dr. Bruce Banner. I’m your doctor for today. Would you follow me, please?” She nods but glances at Sam. “Has Steve- Can you-”
“Don’t worry. I’ll call him and let him know where you are.” She nods again and follows her doctor through the hall until she gets guided into a room. “Have a seat, please.” He gestures at the stretcher on the wall and rolls a chair over. Then he prepares a tray with all sorts of things before he sits down in front of her. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“I- I got a package with a bowl of acid in it and it l-leaked over my hands.”
“How much of it got on them.”
“N-not much, I think. I dropped it quickly.”
“Did you wash your hand under water afterward?”
“Alright.” The man nods, getting a pair of gloves on and hold his hands out. “I’m going to unwrap your hands now to look at them, to see how bad it is. Afterward, I’m cleaning them off and do what’s necessary. We’ll see if you have to stay. It depends on how bad the burns are. Do you live alone?” He starts unwrapping her hands and Y/N is so distracted that she doesn’t even notice it at first. “No, my best friend Steve lives with me.”
“That’s good. You’ll probably need some help for a few weeks.” Dr. Banner finishes unwrapping her hands and looks them over, turning them to see the other side as well. In a matter of twenty minutes her hands are wrapped again, she has a description for some cream she should use and more bandages with the instruction to switch them every few hours for the next few days. He even measures her blood pressure. He states that it’s way too high and that Y/N looks still too tense so he offers her some painkillers and give’s her something to help calm her for a while. Then he admits her to a single bedroom. She doesn’t need to wait long. Just a few minutes after Dr. Banner leaves her Steve shows up. He looks a little frantic but relaxes as soon as he sees her propped up on the bad. “Hey.”
“Hi.” She yawns sleepily, stretching her hands out for him. She feels drowsy and tired, thanks because of the meds and the adrenaline that leaves her body now. Steve walks over to her, embracing her in his arms and kissing her head. “Ready to get out?”
“Home?” She closes her eyes sleepily, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Almost, yeah. We’re going to Bucky’s.” She only hums before she feels herself drift a little.
Steve carries her all the way to his car. She hears him talking about moving to Bucky because Brock doesn’t know where he lives but she only catches half of it. Shortly after Steve starts driving off, she falls asleep, forehead pressed firmly onto the cool glass of the window. Her dreams are vivid, brutal but sweet, too. One moment Bock almost kills her while choking her and then she’s suddenly standing in her living room, still gasping for air but wrapped up in Steve’s arms with Bucky beside him, contently watching a movie. Only to be thrown back to Brock again.
The next thing she notices is that Steve lifts her again. She feels sluggish and tired, only able to wrap her arms around his neck and snuggling deeper into him. “’eve? Home?”
“Yeah, doll. We’re at Bucky’s, remember?” She hums and closes her eyes again. “Hey. I prepared the guest room on the right for her. It’s directly opposite yours and mine is next to yours.” Y/N opens her eyes again only to be met with a half worried and half-smiling Bucky. He looks at her with concern in his eyes while he guides Steve through the halls with a hand on his lower back. She smiles a small smile back and lets Steve carry her all the way upstairs and into a room. Her eyes have closed again but they fly open as she hears Bucky scolding someone. “Maggie! Get down. Y/N is supposed to lie there.” Y/N looks around and spots Bucky standing at a bed, glaring at a white cat that ignores him completely. Her green eyes are trained on Y/N, though. “That’s Maggie?” Bucky looks up, surprise on his face. “Yeah. The little rat. Always where she’s not supposed to be.” Bucky sighs and picks the cat up. The fluff ball protests with a loud meow and some struggling but Bucky’s grip is tight. Steve sets Y/N down with a small laugh. Instead of getting settled, scooting back to sit comfortably, she stretches her bandaged hands out for the cat. “Give me.” Bucky raises his eyebrows, wearing the same amused smile that Steve has on his face. “You sure, with those hands?”
“Yeah, give me, please.” She pouts a little so both boys laugh. The brunette lets the cat jump from his arms onto the bed and she walks proudly over to Y/N, not even glancing back at him. Maggie starts sniffing carefully on Y/N’s pants and on the bandaged hand she stretches out. Y/N squeals lightly as she butts her head against the wrist before climbing up on her lap. “Oh, I think they’re best buddies now, Steve. We’re no longer needed.” Bucky sighs dramatically making Steve laugh and Y/N giggle a little. Steve looks fondly at her and Y/N raises her eyes to meet his. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s nice to see you laugh.” She smiles lightly at him. “Sap.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be downstairs.” He raises his hand with another laugh but before he can follow Bucky outside Y/N stops him. “Steve?”
“Yeah?” He turns around and looks expectant at her as if Y/N would demand he stay and help her fall asleep. “Make sure you don’t let him go.”
“W-what?” Y/N sees him blush in a deep red and smiles at him. “You know what I mean.” Steve’s small smile shows that he knows exactly what she means. He nods shortly and leaves the room, letting the door just a slit opened. She smiles still at the door but then looks at her lap as the white feline climbs on her and starts rumbling in her chest. With all her care and energy that she has left, she shuffles back until her back hist the headboard, then she strokes with her hand carefully through the white fur. She doesn’t apply much pressure; afraid it will hurt her hand or the cat but she feels the fact immediately. She gets calmer the longer she has the can on her lap. The door opens after a silent knock and the brunette quickly peeks back inside the room. “Y/N, I saved your pizza and put it in my oven. If you’re hungry you can come down, yeah? Should be ready in ten.”
“Thank you, but I’m not that hungry anymore.”
“Alright. I still save you some if that big blonde goof didn’t eat everything by the time I get down.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Y/N chuckles at him but is quickly distracted as Magnolia supports herself on her shoulders and butts her head against her chin. She misses Bucky’s smile and the snapping of his camera.
 * * *
 That night, Y/N turns in bed several times. She’s tired, but each time she closes her eyes, she has pictures of Brock in her mind, of the things he did and the things he could do. Maggie lies next to her on the bed, fast asleep, tightly cuddled against her shoulder. She had purred for a while, obviously trying to calm Y/N down, until she fell asleep herself. Y/N sighs and carefully slips out of bed. Her hands burn and throb badly and she remembers that she could take another dose of painkillers. As silently as she can she leaves the room only to looks up and down the hall. Her eyes lock on the door across hers, trying to remember which room belongs to who. She thinks Bucky said something about Steve being right across her so she steps up to the door that’s slightly ajar. For a moment she debates if she should wake him and ask if he would watch a movie with her. That usually helps her fall asleep pretty fast and if not, she always tires herself out while painting. Though, that won’t be a possibility for a while. At least as long as she’s not willing to learn drawing with her nose or feet which she really isn’t interested in.
She stares a little longer at the wood until her tiredness wins and she opens the door silently with one foot. “Steve?” The room is dark and no noises are heard except for soft breathing and the occasional snore. “Steve?” She whispers a little louder, tip-toeing over to the bed, and is surprised to not only find Steve there but Bucky, too. She had stayed in her bed, napped a little. She hasn’t heard them get up the stairs nor them slipping together into Steve’s room. Well, Y/N isn’t blind though, and has seen how well they get along, so instead of being concerned that they already started sharing a bed, she decides to be proud of Steve. He usually is a little awkward and old-fashioned about this kind of thing, so it’s an immensely big step for him as well. She blushes a little, feeling like she’s intruding and seeing something she shouldn’t see. They’re dressed, thankfully, which means this isn’t more awkward than it could have been. She’s just about to leave as she hears Steve groan. “Y/N?” His voice is slurred, obviously tired and sleepy. “Sorry. I’ll go again.”
“Nah, was’sup?” She watches as he sits up a bit, letting Bucky’s normal arm slip from his chest. The brunette huffs in his sleep and turns a little. Y/N can see that he’s not wearing his prosthetic. Thankfully. If it hurt on the day what must it feel like at night and sleeping on it? “Y/N?” Her eyes snap back to Steve and she shuffles on her feet. “I can’t sleep.” Steve raises his eyebrows at her, not really looking surprised. “Wanted to ask if you’re watching a movie with me, but… you have a guest, so I just-” She points back at the door ready to leave, but Steve stands up, walks around the bed, and crosses the one foot over to her to wrap her in a hug, pressing her to his chest. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I know it’s a lot right now.”
“Not as worse with him as it was before.” She chuckles dryly. She knows she’s right, though. Burns aren’t the worst that Brock can do, and she knows it pretty well. They stay like this for a moment, reluctant on what to do. She buries her face in his chest and sighs deeply. Another hand startles them. The hand grabs Y/N’s arms and she’s about to scream, but then she notices that Bucky had gotten out of bed. He pulls her with him on the bed, lies back down, and pulls her into him with a yawn. “Ehh…” Y/N looks startled and confused at Bucky, whose eyes are closed already. Then her eyes switch to Steve who just stands there and looks surprised. “Punk, you’re staying there?” Y/N looks a little uncomfortable to Steve, haven’t thought Bucky would do something like that. He knows her even less than he knows Steve! But then again, she doesn’t know him that well either and still invited him over and plays matchmaker for both of them. Steve only raises his eyebrows before he snorts. “Jerk.” He crawls back in bed and warps Y/N in his own arms, pulling her close to him like they do, when one of them is in a bad mood. She snuggles a little closer into his embrace and closes her eyes. Sleep comes sooner than she has expected it to come and it’s calm.
* * *
 Monday morning is a slow-going one. Bucky stays home with Y/N, Having off anyway. Steve has gone to work like usual, promising to tell Tony that she won’t be at work for the rest of the week and telling her, that he will be home around lunch, skipping his last class, since they are still working on their art projects and it’s not like the kids won’t be happy about it. As long as they finish their projects until Friday it doesn’t bother him as well. He should be home any minute now.
Y/N sits on the couch, flipping through a book with her fingertips as best as she can, while Bucky plays with Maggie on the carpet. He was supposed to do housework but Y/N isn’t the one to tell him that. Then the doorbell rings. “Could you?” Bucky sits on the floor while Maggie crawls all over him, so Y/N nods and stands up. The doorbell rings violently. Instantly, she knows who it is, even before she opens the door. Tony is pressing the button violently, while another man stands behind him, looking pretty embarrassed. Y/N stares for seconds before she catches herself. “What are you doing here?”
“What does Rogers mean, you can’t come to work because that asshole burnt your hands?” Y/N looks down at her wrapped hands before she really notices the other man behind Tony. “Dr. Banner?”
“Hi.” Dr. Banner waves shyly at her and Tony only raises his eyebrows. “Why do you know each other?”
“He’s the doctor that looked at my hands.” Y/N looks still confused at the doctor, but Tony turns around to him. “Why haven’t you told me? I worried for nothing!”
“You wouldn’t let me finish.” Tony rolls his eyes and turns back to Y/N. “So, are we gonna have a chat at the door or will you let me in? And where’s your Robo-friend? I want to look at that arm.”
“Where’s who?” Just then does Bucky comes around the corner and steps up next to Y/N, looking at the new guests With Maggie on his arm. “Oh. I know that one. Isn’t he your boss?” Bucky raises his eyebrows and looks at Tony, who only crosses his arms. “Yeah, he is. Also, a friend.” She glances back at him before she looks at Bucky. “And a little worried about me. Hey Bucky, can I talk to you for a sec?” Y/N doesn’t wait for an answer and starts dragging the man to the kitchen, careful of her hands that start throbbing again. She doesn’t tell Tony or Bruce to come in, knowing Tony does it anyway. “What’s wrong?” Bucky stops walking in the kitchen and Y/N turns to him, glancing nervously at the door and back to Bucky. “Well, you know. Tony isn’t always the nicest. I mean… eh... He doesn’t mean to be bad, but sometimes insults just… slip.” She cringes a little at her sorry excuses of explanation. “Aha.” Bucky frowns at her, looking like he doesn’t understand her concern and Y/N clears her throat. “So, he knows you have-”
“Y/N, I don’t care if he insults my arm. I’m used to it by now.” Y/N sighs and looks at his arm. Bucky really shouldn’t be used to it. He’s such a nice person and knowing that he gets lots of comments about his missing limb makes Y/N sad. “Okay. There’s something else, though.”
“What is it?”
“Okay, so, you know Tony works at the school and is the headmaster, right?” She waits for Bucky to nod before she continues. “Well, he’s not only the headmaster and a teacher but an engineer. He built some things for the army before he dropped that and invented stuff like mobiles, tablets, things for clean energy… for people.”
“I don’t understand what that has to do with me.” Y/N looks at him, a bit lost, debating how to tell him that Tony wants to see his arm. She still doesn’t know if it’s a difficult topic for him to get touched by strangers. “He wants to look at your arm.” She blurts it out and curses herself afterward. “Oh.” Bucky suddenly looks pretty unsure. He looks down at his hand with a frown before he looks back at Y/N. “You don’t need to let him. You can just tell him you don’t want to, but he knows what he does. Sometimes, though, he’s a bit harsh with words and feelings.”
“No, I- I think it’s okay.” Bucky shrugs and Y/N can see that he tries to play it cool but really isn’t. “Maybe he might help with your shoulder. He could figure out why it so uncomfortable.” Bucky only nods. “Yeah…” For a moment she worries that she did something wrong but then Bucky sighs and gestures her to start walking. “Let’s meet him.” Tony has already made himself comfortable while Dr. Banner throws an apologizing look at them. Y/N smiles kindly at him, settling down beside Tony. Bucky gestures for the Doctor to have a seat. They chat for a while about the school, the renovations Tony’s doing on his house, again, and about a lot of normal stuff. Bruce, how she learned to call him now, wraps her hands again and says that it looks better than the day before, but she still has to apply the salve and wrap it up for a few more days. Magnolia seems to find the new guests as a disturbance but settles on Y/N’s lap and lets her stroke her fur in pleasure. She still throws glares at the two brunettes, though. At some point, Y/N looks up at Bucky and finds him staring at her with a pout. “What?”
“It’s not fair, you know?”
“What do you mean?” She watches him confused. His eyes wander to Maggie and Y/N’s hand and back up. “She already loves you more than me. That’s not fair. I’m feeding her.” Y/N instantly barks out a laugh. “Are you jealous?”
“Yes.” Y/N laughs even louder now and just throws a pitying look at him. “I’m sorry. Can’t help it, though.”
“Maybe I can help with that.” Y/N looks up to see Steve entering the Livingroom, crooked smile and work bag slung over his shoulder. He walks up to Bucky, who turns around and puts his hands on the other man’s shoulder, lightly massaging him with a soft smile. “Look at that, Rogers finally found himself a girlfriend.”
“Tony!” Y/N scolds him the same moment Bruce does. At least he has the decency to look ashamed and shatters that the next second. “A boyfriend, sorry.” Y/N rolls her eyes and catches Steve blushing furiously while Bucky just looks equal confused, embarrassed, and… happy? Steve rubs his neck, casts a small look at Tony, and vanishes quickly. Y/N glances at Bucky. “I’m sorry, I told you he’s not good with feelings and all.” Bucky just shrugs.
„So, Robo-cop. Show me this arm.”
“Tony! Sensitive topic, remember?” Y/N glares at him but Tony doesn’t care. He only mutters a silent please and stands up to walk closer to bucky. The brunette looks a little uncomfortable at the engineer. “Buck, you don’t have to.”
“Pah, nonsense. I’m just wanting to look at it. Any trouble with it so far?” He steps closer to Bucky inspecting his arm first without touching, then he crouches down and holds out his hand. Despite what most people believe, Tony knows damn well that not everybody likes to get toughed, especially when it’s about the prosthetic so he offers Bucky the chance to choose when and if he likes to get touched. Bucky hesitates for a second but then puts his hand in Tony’s. “It hurts my shoulder. Doesn’t fit right and it’s pretty heavy. Sometimes the responses are delayed and instead of grabbing something I knock it over.”
“Hm. I see.” Tony runs his fingers over the prosthetic from the fingers up to the elbow. “Can I?” he motions for Bucky’s t-shirt and bucky nods. Y/N watches in amazement how Tony runs his hand along the arm, shoving the sleeve up as well, and then… suddenly barks out a laugh. “hammer tech!” He stands up, still laughing, and it's down beside Y/N again. She has to admit that she can’t suppress her own smirk. “What’s so funny?” Poor Bucky looks utterly confused and Steve matches his look as he joins him on his couch. “hammer tech is bad. I can build you a better one.”
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                                           (  ~ Kirishima Eijirou x Female                                                                          Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Smut and Fluffy Fluff! (Mostly Fluff!) 
PREVIOUS CHAPTER: Late Days Chap1                                                  
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
SUMMARY: Just a continuation of the last chapter!
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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    It'd been a month and half since yours and Eijiro's little game of pleasing yourselves on the phone with each other.
    Granted you felt a little better, you weren't as sad because he wasn't too busy to talk to you. He called you every night after class and he made sure you ate and drank water, with the help of Dadzawa.
    You'd always tell him about your stories, you felt good enough to study and Aizawa let you retake the quiz; you got a B+ on it. Still not the best but it was better than a whole D- so you weren't complaining.
   It was the middle of the night and you were stirring a little, though his voice from your guys's nightly call resonated in your head, his lovely voice reassuring you that he wasn't too busy to talk to you, he do anything to just be tangled in your embrace, his work stories, and helping to console you, telling you how much he loved you before you both hung up for the night.
   He also gifted you with a video call whenever he could; he offered you four video calls and each time he looked more handsome than the last.
   Your soft puffs of air filled the space around you as Kirishima's keys jingled faintly. You didn't notice because you're a heavy sleeper and he didn't tell you he'd be able to come home for the next few weeks. He probably could foreshadow you staying up all night just to see him.
   He smiled as he watched you sleeping, his usually spiky cardinal colored hair resting just above his shoulders, his spikes limp. He loosened up his tie and didn't bother to switch out of the formal white button up, his slacks, and he didn't even take his tie off.
   He unbuttoned a couple of buttons from the top of his shirt and he crawled in the bed behind you, his soothing voice chiming in your ear.    "I'm home, my love," he giggled softly and he kissed around your ear slowly and gently, just admiring your peaceful expression and feeling you squirm around sleepily still not waking up.
   He slipped one of his strong gentle arms under you and pulled you closer, his expression soft and sleepy, his vermillion eyes sparkling, his lips lightly glazed over with some chapstick he'd picked up on his way to you, and his cheeks and the tip of his nose painted a pretty pinkish hue.
   He rested his head next to yours just listening to how peaceful you slept, his hand that was under you traveling up to your head, gently running his fingers through your hair and massaging your body.
   You both peacefully slept for a couple of hours until you jolted awake, snapping up immediately, gasping for air, choking to get air down too quick. You gripped your neck and broke down in tears not yet noticing Eijiro laying next to you.
   He woke up after hearing you choking and he looked up at you worriedly, sitting up and placing his hand on your lower back.
   You look at him with wide eyes and jump into his arms immediately melting into a blushing, crying mess and he holds you tight, holding you close to him, giggling softly and rubbing your back.
   "EIJIRO! W-When d-did you come back?!"   "A couple of hours ago," he chimed in that sexy, raspy sleepy voice of his.    "I wanted to surprise you in the morning... You had another nightmare... Did you get those meds that you needed?"
   "Uh... No... I couldn't... They'd make me drowsy in class and we did training a few weeks ago.. I couldn't risk it.." You were semi telling the truth, playing with your hair a little.
   "Aizawa Sensei wouldn't have minded, Pebble," he whispered quietly.    "Besides.. That's never stopped you before... What else is up? Do they make you sick? Depressed? Wha-"
   "I can't afford them," you said, ashamed with your head hanging.
   He lifted your head, cupping both of your cheeks in his muscular hands, his soft skin heating up under your burning cheeks and he kissed your forehead gently.    "Where do you get them? I'll get them for you."
   You checked your phone and your eyes looked even more sleepy.    "Ei, it's 3 in the morning."
   "I didn't ask," he said kindly. "I asked where you get your medication from."
   You looked into his eyes before giving in and you huffed quietly. "There's this pharmacy downtown... Booth 7 all the way at the very end right next to the staff's cafeteria... You look through the pamphlet and you sign off on the thing... It's something fancy but the description next to it says something like... Melatonin spiked... Or something like that.. I c-can't remember..."
   He listened intently, his jaw flexing a little as he did so, hearing your voice making his heart skip many beats, his eyes sparkling with every word you spoke as he lingered onto your voice. "It's okay baby, I remember what your package looks like so I'll go get them at 7 when the pharmacy opens up, okay?"
  "E-Ei.." You started only to be interrupted and shut up with a gentle, tender, passionate kiss from Kirishima, his eyes locked on yours until he slowly closed them and you followed suit.   "Don't Ei me... I'll do anything to make sure my little pebble is happy... AND healthy."
   The sunlight was barely peeking in through the windows as he crawled over you slowly, your eyes a little pleading as he held himself over you, his chest pressing into yours, your breathing shaky as his stayed soft and even. Red shades blanketed his face as he stared down at you, your eyes widening a little as he smiled at you, that sweet, gentle, caring smile. That smile he uses when he's proud but also when he's caring. That smile... That smile that you couldn't get enough of.
   "They don't call you Red Riot for no reason," you joked feeling your stomach turning as you poked his cheeks, his smile only growing as he pressed his hands into your sides.      "I don't mind that too much," he smirked a little as he leaned in, whispering in a hoarse, husky tone against your lips.      "As long as you let me be your hero... Your Red Riot, then I don't care about anybody else, he whispered softly before crushing his words into a deep, passionate kiss.
   You couldn't help but to snake your hand up the nape of his neck, biting his lip gently as he pushed a quiet moan into the kiss, holding your waist and pushing himself closer; you could feel his growing excitement against you as he grinded subtly into you, his eyes opening again, becoming pleading as his skin ached for your touch- any contact he could get he drank up instantly.
    "Please," he whimpered out softly. He continued to grind against you slowly and gently, the sleepiness in his voice and in his eyes reflected yours only you were scared to go back to sleep, even though he was sitting right next to you now, you'd be tangled in his arms, you'd feel his warmth and his muscles pressed against your body that seemed frail in comparison.
   You pulled him closer, loving his whimpering and pleading as you ran your fingers through his hair slowly and gently, his lax, unspiked hair resting just in front of his eyes, your hearts both beating rhythmically as you stared at each other, taking every detail about each other in having been so far away from each other for so long and suddenly you got sad when the realization hit you.
                                    He'd have to leave again soon.    You teared up a little and just clung to him, your legs wrapping around his waist tightly, your face buried in the crook of his neck, your eyes squeezed shut as you held onto him and listen to his sweet tone chiming in your ears.
   "What is it baby," he said quietly, his muscles flexing ever so slightly as he held you, nuzzling into you, stroking the back of your head as you welled up with emotions.
   You knew how bad he wanted to be a hero, how badly he'd wanted to follow his idol Crimson Riot, how hard he trained, how late he'd stay up training and getting stronger strictly to achieve his dream. How hard he'd studied. How far away from his comfort zone he'd strayed in hopes of becoming a hero... Even if he wasn't number one and you feared that you were getting in the way. You felt that if you weren't in the picture he'd be even farther and you'd be better off by leaving him alone.      "Nothing," you lied and he turned so that you were on top of him, looking into your eyes, sighing softly.
   "Don't lie to me (y/n). I know you too well."
    His tone, sweet and gentle and loving... It sent you over the edge and you sighed softly, sitting up, straddling his lap and wiping your eyes.    "I just wanna be good enough," you said quietly, holding back tears.
   "What do you mean," he said quietly.    "You're more than good enough.. You're amazing... You're quite possibly the best thing to happen to me thus far," he said softly, kissing your forehead gently as you bury your head in his chest and start crying quietly.
   He doesn't catch on until he feels your tears on his chest and he bites his lip a little, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you against him more.    "Let's work through it," he said in a soft, caring whisper. He frequently said that when you were overwhelmed, sad, anxious or otherwise and you were about to tune out.
  "I'm sorry.. Ei... I just feel so selfish because I don't want you to go back! I'm so need and dependent on you.. I don't like being apart... I feel like I'm in the way! You work so hard and study so hard and just... You're out here doing hero work and I want to be right beside you all the time! I want to get stronger so I'm not in the way! I want to be right next to you to fight while you continue your progress!"
   It'd been obvious how long you were carrying this burden with you judging by your expression when you sat up and looked down at him, wiping your eyes as you felt him underneath you.
  His eyes widened a little as he stared up at you.   "Pebble," he said softly, sitting up, his back against your headboard as he held you, his strong arms squeezing you a little, one of his hands travelling to the back of your head pulling you into him.   "You're not in the way or weak or anything like that. It's okay to feel dependent on me, I love it actually. I love feeling wanted. Feeling needed by the love of my life. We've been together for awhile now actually," he said quietly.     "I'm never growing tired of you... Never wanting to leave your side. I love you so much, baby," he said quietly as he kissed your temple.
         How genuine he sounded... How lovingly he held you and looked at you.          His gentle caresses. You knew in that moment that one day you'd get married and there was nothing you wanted more. Every time something like this happened, he was always there. Always right next to you, working it out.                  He knew how you felt and didn't invalidate your feelings.                                   He took such good care of you.  He always came to you even when he wasn't feeling as manly as he wanted to.        He always made time for you and made you feel special and worth it.    You looked up and you saw that precious, closed eye smile he always gave     you, poking his cheeks and smiling at you and your heart skipped a beat.
   "If you're struggling, let me know. I want to help you. We'll be at the top together! We can both be number one!" He gave his soft, adorable, slightly squeaky giggle and you couldn't help but to smile.
    "I just need my meds," you said softly.     "And to be by you... Can I maybe... Go with you next time you leave..."
  He was clearly taken aback by the question, his smile growing wider as he blushed and clung to you, massaging your back gently.    "Yes! I'll help you get the proper paperwork down and we can go together! We can schedule online lessons with Aizawa too! We won't be behind, we'll be doing hero work.... And most importantly, we'd be together," he said softly as he pressed soft kisses into your lips.
       Then two
                   Two melted into four
                                              Four melted into eight
                                                                              Then he held the ninth kiss, his tongue gently wiping over your bottom lip as you gasp softly.
   You whimpered a little, staring into his eyes before his soft, cherry colored eyes closed and his hands held you at your waist and pulled you closer.
    It was those soft, gently, slight, subtle mannerisms that made you even more in love with him, the way those soft vermillion eyes of his lingered on yours for just a moment too long, the way that he'd always listen to your every word, lagging in response just to hear your voice and really revel in it, the way his muscles flexed around you when he was getting more protective, whether he realized it or not, the way his bangs fell in his face, the way his eyes narrowed out when he was mad; everything about him that he didn't notice about himself really... It drove you insane.
    "I love you, Eijiro," you said quietly as you pulled away from the kiss, your warm breath dancing on his lips gently, his breathing hitching a little as he ran his hands up your back.
 "I love you too, (y/n)," he said in that same tone, resting his head on your chest just listening to your heartbeat.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 8: FADING FACADE
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Find the masterpost with all the chapters linked here!
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​​​​​​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​​​​​​ (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Note/warnings:  PS: A quick trigger warning: There will be a panic/anxiety attack and anxiety-related problems will be discussed, including meds and drug allergies.
Chapter 8: Fading Facade (Tony’s POV)
“Everything,” Tony hears himself whisper. “Everything’s wrong.”
The second the words fall from his lips Tony knows he should’ve kept quiet. He’s never lost control like this before. Not with anyone around, that is. His chest tightens. He can’t breathe. He can’t speak. Tony lets himself sink onto the edge of the double bed and presses his palms into his thighs. He’s very aware of the signals his body gives off but there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Not with this damned mantra flickering in the back of his mind.
You fucked up. You fucked up. You fucked up.
“Tony?” Peter’s voice pierces through the cloudy thoughts. Tony looks up warily and finds a pair of worried, deep-brown eyes searching his face. “Hey…” “I’m alright,” Tony chokes out. “Let’s just sleep.” “I… Don’t you wanna talk about it?” “No.” He can keep his facade up for a little while longer. He has to. ‘Cause if he doesn’t, who knows what might become of him?
Tony, honest to God, doesn’t know what to do. All these years and no one had ever found out about Morgan before. No one has seen the many videos on his phone filled with the girl’s sweet giggles and her never-ending stream of questions. No one’s seen her eyes sparkle with curiosity whenever she explores something new. He still remembers what it feels like to hold her small body in his arms. Always squirmy, the little queen.  But now, Peter has seen a picture of her. Tony ponders not telling a thing. But what if that leads to Peter asking other people about it? That’d be the true disaster. Then, everyone would know.
“The kid in the picture,” he whispers quietly. Peter’s head perks up. “That’s Morgan. Eh, my daughter.” “You have a daughter?!” Peter exclaims in surprise, his eyes wide and shocked. The boy quickly realizes what he’s doing and he lowers the volume of his voice. “How…?” Even now, Tony’s snarky comebacks get the better of him. Especially now. “I’m pretty sure you know how children are conceived, space boy,” Tony says, voice still painfully fragile. Peter huffs quietly.
“I mean… Does anyone know? Like-” The boy stutters, clearly trying to find the right words to not upset him. “-I’ve never heard of this before.” “Yeah. That’s the way it should be.” “Why?” “I don’t want her to grow up, not knowing who she can or cannot trust, simply ‘cause of her father’s fame.” Peter seems to contemplate that for a second, and somehow, the boy radiates such… serenity. Enough for Tony’s legs to stop moving. For now.  “Yeah, I guess that’s a good point.” Peter pauses. “But… How does that tie to everything being wrong?”
Instantly, Tony’s heartbeat picks up again and his fingers clench involuntarily.  “You ask too much,” he breathes. “No offense, but you keep shit to yourself too much.” “Mh-” is all that Tony answers to that. The boy is eerily perceptive. Tony sighs. He has to admit that it doesn’t feel too bad talking to Peter. 
“It… Doesn’t tie together at all. Not really,” Tony finally mumbles. God, he can’t believe he’s saying it out loud. “Somehow, I’ve developed a drug allergy for my anxiety meds. We’ve tried different types, but nothing works…” He scoffs. “Lucky me.” “Oh, uhm, so you’ve got anxiety then?” “Yeah,” Tony sighs. “My mind just… Doesn’t stop. Never. Not without the meds.” “Is that why you’re… y’know, eh- So tense all the time?” “Nice choice of words,” Tony laughs. “You can call me an asshole. I don’t mind. I know how shitty I am - don’t worry.” He hates how self-loathing it sounds. But then, he does loathe himself, so where’s the lie? “The anxiety’s the reason Pepper keeps Morgan away from me.”
“Wait what?” Peter’s eyes widen. “What happened?” “Nothing happened. I swear- I might be a wreck, but whenever Morgan is around it’s different, y’know? My focus is on her. Fully.” Tony breathes out. Dammit, he can’t believe he’s telling Peter all of this. Peter doesn’t push for more, instead, he waits for Tony to keep talking. Tony sniffs. “I still have my emergency meds though. They’re much stronger, not meant for daily use. They make me sleepy and foggy and unattentive. I’ve never taken one with Morgan there, but Pepper… She thinks it’s a hazard. In her eyes, it makes me a bad father.”
Tony presses his lips together and feels another wave of tears flood his eyes. “Pepper and I never dated. Morgan was, eh, an accident from a one night stand. “I’ve supported Pepper from day one. I paid for everything she and Morgan could possibly need. I even canceled shows to babysit her whenever she wanted a night off…” “How long has this been going on for?” Peter asks quietly. Tony shrugs. At this point he, funnily enough, told Peter so much he doesn’t even care about oversharing anymore. His secrets are out anyway. “My drug allergy started about a year ago. I haven’t seen her in eight months…” Tony laughs bitterly. “You remember my ‘shitty day’ on New Year’s Eve? Pepper was supposed to come to watch the show with Morgan. Of course, not backstage for their privacy- but in the crowd, y’know? I’d meet them a few blocks away before the show…” Tony swallows. “Pepper never showed up and blocked my number and social media.”
“Jesus fuck,” Peter mutters. “That’s… I can’t believe she’d do that. Tony, for real, can’t you just sue her?” “I could,” Tony says quietly. If he’d get a dollar for each time that that thought crossed his mind, he’d be a billionaire by now. “But it’s only a matter of time before some crap journalist finds out. I’d throw Morgan in the spotlights and that’s the one thing I don’t want.” “Right, I… I didn’t think about that.” Peter shakes his head. “Fuck.” “Yeah, it’s a real Catch-22.” “What’s that?” “Doesn’t matter. I’m fucked. That’s what it means.” Tony stands up from the bed, suddenly restless. He paces back and forth. The room is so infinitely small and he groans. His chest aches when the reality of his own words hit home full force. 
“I’m fucked, so fucked. Goddammit!”
Tony had been somewhat calm throughout the talk. Now, his fingers are tingling and it’s only then that he notices his shallow breathing.  “Fuck,” he rushes out and reaches for his small travel bag. “Talking about Xanax, I’m gonna need one now- I need…” He should’ve known that talking about this was inevitably going to set him off. He wishes he didn’t need it. He wishes Peter wouldn’t see him like this. But he knows that if he doesn’t take one he’s not going to calm down anytime soon. “Need water?” Peter asks, clearly trying to help. Tony just nods, unable to say anything else. His fingers finally find the bottle with his pills and he chews on his bottom lip as he tries to open the lid. His hands are shaky, though, and his panic grows when he can’t seem to take it off.
“Here,” Peter gently mumbles. “Lemme help.” The boy crouches down and takes the bottle from Tony’s hands. He opens it and hands Tony one of the pills together with a glass of water. Tony gratefully takes it- too tired to fight it. He sticks the pill into his mouth and quickly chugs it down with the water. He knows he’s still gonna have to wait for the actual effects to kick in, but knowing how he’ll feel once it does, helps him to not lose himself to the whims of his body.
“I’m… Just gonna lie down,” he mutters. “Can you maybe, uhm, God, I’m sorry. Can you maybe distract me a bit until I calm down?” “Of course. Wanna hear about the early days of The Arachnoids?” Peter suggests while Tony crawls under the covers. He tugs his legs into his chest and closes his eyes. No more thinking. Peter doesn’t second-guess Tony’s request and that tugs at Tony’s heart. Peter’s been nothing but nice, even helping him after being such an asshole to him for days on end. Tony knows he doesn’t deserve this, knows he- “Alright, so, we had to do this weird as fuck school project once. MJ was the first one who came up with…”
Thirty minutes later, Tony finally starts to feel the familiar, drowsy feeling he’s been longing for so much. Peter’s still talking. Tony isn’t actively listening to the words anymore. Instead, he lets Peter’s voice rain down on him. He never realized quite how pleasant the boy’s voice is. Soft and warm, with hints of excitement seeping through whenever he tells a part he’s passionate about. It’s nearly meditative. “...and then we got the invite to play for The Avengers, and that’s where we are now!” Peter ends his story, voice cheerful and light.
“Thank you,” Tony whispers and he hates how much his voice still wavers. “I needed that.” A small breath leaves Peter’s lips before he speaks.  “Of course, Tony. I’m here whenever you need me, ‘kay?” “Y-yeah. Okay.” Tony tugs at the sheets to hide his body underneath it a little more. The soft, thick fabric feels so incredibly soothing against his skin that it nearly makes him tear up again. He stares when Peter’s head turns to look at him, the glimmering of the boy’s eyes reflecting the tiny bit of light that still enters the room through the curtains. “If you need a hug,” Peter whispers so gently it’s almost unfair. “-I’m right here. All you have to do is ask.”
“I don’t need a hug,” Tony mutters before he even realizes it. “That’d… Be weird, wouldn’t it?” Tony already feels weak enough. Admitting he needs a pair of strong arms around him is something he could never do. “Alright, what if we flip it around, huh?” Peter smiles. “If I’d say I want to give you a hug right now, would you accept it?” “I…” Tony frowns and blinks a few times when he realizes that, while it’s the same thing, somehow this doesn’t trigger any form of resistance inside of his body. He’s painfully aware of the point Peter’s making here. “Yes.”
Peter hums and shifts a little closer. Tony swallows when he feels how the boy’s arms wrap around his rigid body. The first thing Tony notices is how soft and warm Peter’s skin is. The second thing is how Peter cuddles up to him completely. Yes, that feels so good.
The third thing… He can’t even think about that anymore. His mind drifts off into the dark depths of his mind. The darkness doesn’t swallow him, though. No. It’s warm. And cozy. 
Next Chapter >> 9: Wary Words
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Knight to Remember
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"Remember when we met?" I murmured, picking at Shawn's scrubs as I lay on his chest. I hadn't been feeling well all day with my monthly cycle so when Shawn had come home he'd sweetly offered to order dinner in and have a movie night, despite having things he probably really needed to do.
"Mmhhh," he responded, hand playing with my hair, massaging my scalp, as he watched the film we'd put on. "I was your knight in shining armour." I could head the playful teasing behind it,but it was true, if he hadn't been there that night,I don't know what would have happened to me.
I could feel the tears welling in my eyes,overflowing and rolling down my cheeks landing on the light blue material attached to Shawn's body.
"Why are you crying baby?" Shawn asked,sitting up. I could see the worry etched into his face as he looked at me.
I shrugged,I didn't know why I was crying. Was it because if my period, was it because I didn't feel well or was it because I would never be able to repay Shawn for what he did for me that night.
1 year ago
When I came to, I didn't know where I was, or how long I had been there. What I did know was that I was freezing, and in more pain than I had ever been before. I lay there for what must have been at least a few more minutes before finally building up the courage to open my eyes. When I did, I found myself crumpled at the back of a dark stone alley, but I couldn't remember where exactly I was, or even how I had come to be there.
More than the pain that was now beginning to radiate from every part of my body- my legs, my chest, my head, even my eyes... how can my eyes be hurting? I wondered... I was concerned about the obvious gaps in my memory. Putting this thought aside I tried to take inventory of how bad my injuries were. I tried to wiggle my toes, and was immediately rewarded with a sharp shot of pain that ran straight up my leg, and into my lower back. At least I could feel my legs I thought, mentally sighing.
It was then that it began to rain, blood running from an unknown source into my mouth. I couldn't help but panic at the thought that there was a very real possibility that I may not be found. But how was I going to get someone, anyone for that matter to notice me?
This thought was interrupted by voices, male voices.
"So how was your shift? Mine was crazy, broken bones, crying kids, one of my residents even got bitten by a kid today," one of the men laughed.
"Mine was pretty chilled actually, but I'm not going to lie, I'll be glad to get these scrubs off and switch off 'doctor mode' for a few hours," the other one replied.
Somewhere between the haze of the pain and cold my brain comprehended the fact that this person had just said 'doctor', something which I knew, even with my limited knowledge of medicine- most of which was thanks to Grey's Anatomy- was something I needed right now.
Before I could think, I found myself screaming out for help, granted it was less of a scream and more of a horse grunt, but it got their attention and the two men were soon kneeling beside me. One tall and brunette,with curls the other shorter, but more built with wavy blonde hair.
"Hi honey, my name is Shawn, the brunette one said, and this is Connor, we're doctors at the hospital, we're going to help you okay, but I need you to tell me where it hurts okay" he asked, gently resting a hand on my arm, pulling a bag off his shoulder which I had not noticed.
As Shawn was rummaging around in his bag, Connor, came over to take my hand. "Hi sweetheart, I'm just going to take your pulse, can you remember anything that happened? Where you are or even your name?" he questioned, before going quiet. "Pulse is fast, but irregular, I'm going to go call for an ambulance, and let the guys know we'll be needing their help. We need to get her warmed up too, she's freezing," he spoke, rubbing my arm, before standing and making a call. Probably calling whoever 'the guys' were.
"I'm just going to test a few things before we get you to hospital and I need you to tell me if anything is painful okay?" The man- Shawn asked with a soft smile. I went to nod, but he reached for my head, stopping the action. "Just keep nice and still for us, we don't know what damage you've done, and we don't want to make anything worse. How about thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no?" he suggested. I went to nod again, but caught myself, and gave him thumbs up instead.
"Okay, so I'm going to shine this light in your eyes," he explained, holding up what I recognised as a pen light from all the medical dramas I watched. "It might be a little bit uncomfortable, but it's important that we check this stuff out, so we know what we're working with," he finished, smiling sympathetically again, in the half light of the dim alley. "Just follow the light, but remember, don't move your head."
I did so, and he was right, it was uncomfortable, but I put up with it.
"The guys said they'll be here in five minutes, and they've put in a trauma call for an eta of twenty minutes." I couldn't help but jump at the voice that was suddenly right next to me. "Sorry darling, didn't mean to startle you," Connor apologised, reaching for my hand, and giving it a squeeze.
"Awesome," Shawn replied, clearly eager to get me to the hospital. "The sooner we can get her in the E.R.,the better, her pupils are uneven and slightly slower than I'd like."
"While we're waiting we may as well do the rest of her vitals. Have you got the rest of your kit? Normally I leave mine in my locker, but I guess it was somewhat of a happy accident I took it with me," Connor smiled down at me, before grabbing a stethoscope out of a bag which I had not noticed he had either. "Before I check your airways, can you remember your name yet? How old you are?"
I thought for a moment, which was much harder work then it should have been. "Grace..." I started, a little unsure.
"Great, well it's lovely to meet you Grace, can you tell me how old you are?"
"Perfect," he praised. "Well that's a start." he nodded to himself, before moving to put the metal of his stethoscope to my chest. "Sorry hon," he apologised when I shivered from the cold of it.
They were both quiet for a moment, Connor listening to my chest, and Shawn doing something down by my legs. "Her breathing is shallow and uneven, sounds to me like there could be a collapsed lung, but we won't know for sure until we get x-rays," Connor told Shawn, pulling the metal away from my body.
"Grace," Shawn called, "Can you feel this?" he asked. I could feel him running his finger along the bottom of my foot, though I didn't know where my shoe had gone.
"Um, yeah."
"And this?" he continued up my leg, to a point I felt no pain, and then I was in the most pain I had ever been in.
"Ow! Ow! Stop, stop, please!" I begged, tears flooding down my face, as I tried desperately to pull away.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm all done." he reassured me, moving back to my head, and wiping away the tears that were beginning to soak my clothing with gloved hands. "Connor, she's got a compound fracture to the fibula on her left side. Grace if you had to rate your pain, one being nothing, and ten being unbearable what would you say?" he asked.
"Ten," I whispered, trying to compose myself, before anyone else saw me crying.
"We'll get Brian to check it out when they get here, I can hear them now." Shawn was right, I could hear a faint siren in the distance which rose to an incessant blaring as an ambulance pulled up.
"Hi guys, what have we got?" I heard a new voice ask. They sounded cheerful, and oddly calm. Basically, everything that I wasn't at that moment.
"This is Grace, she's twenty, we found her here, she has no memory of what happened. She's got a slight concussion, with a suspected partially collapsed lung, compound fracture to the fibula- left leg and possible broken ribs. Possible internal bleeding as well, pain rating ten out of ten." Shawn recalled quickly.
"Hi Grace, my name's Brian," the man spoke appearing above my head. "And this guy here is Dave," he added, pointing to another person with tan skin, several tattoos and dark hair. "We're doctors at the hospital and we work with these two guys that you already know." As Brian explained, Dave got up, only to appear seconds later with a massive bag, and a board.
It was at this point that I was starting to become drowsy, which Shawn quickly noticed, tapping my face lightly to get a response. "Grace, we need you to stay awake okay, I know it's hard, but it's important you try. Dave has the spinal board so what we're going to do is splint this leg and then get you onto the board."
I didn't' respond, tiredness sweeping over me like a thick fog. From then on everything was hazy. I could hear the odd thing, but it was like I was under water.
When I woke, it was to bright lights and a painful swaying motion. I tried to shift, to alleviate some of my discomfort, but was meet with a hard, cold surface under me.
"Welcome back, we were starting to get worried there, we'll be about five minutes, and then hopefully we'll be able to get you slightly more comfortable." Shawn spoke from a seat at head of the bed I was laying on.
"Let's run some pain meds," I heard someone request, Dave I thought.
"On it," Brian spoke, from where he sat next to me. "Grace, I'm going to put an I.V. in okay, it'll just be a sharp scratch and then it's over,yeah?" he tried to appease me. I wasn't aware of it immediately, but I must have started to hyperventilate, because I found myself getting dizzy, and suddenly Connor was taking a mask off that one of them must have put on me while I was out.
"Just take deep breaths, Brian's a pro okay?" he smiled, taking my hand in a silent act of comfort.
Connor was right,Brian was a pro and soon enough I found some of the pain drifting away.
When we got to the hospital, I was metwith more bright lights, and lots of noise. No one ever tells you how loud a hospital emergency department is, and at that point in time, all I wanted to do was sleep!
After several random people, nurses I think had finished hooking me up to monitors, and had changed me into a gown- an embarrassing process in which I'm sure I managed to flash all four of the doctors, Connor insisted on getting x-rays and an MRI and CT scan, to look at the break in my leg. I hadn't seen it, but twenty minutes after the scans had come back declaring I had no life-threatening brain damage, Shawn came to inform me that it would indeed need surgery, which only caused more tears.
He was quick to assure me that he would be there throughout the whole process, something which I found mildly panic relieving, but it didn't change the fact that I was still having to go into surgery. Why was medicine so much less glamourous and fun in real life than on T.V? I wondered as he started attaching me to electrodes,"For an ECG," he explained when I looked at him questioningly from my stagnant position on the bed.
I did find a small ray of hope in the deluge of bad news, in that I didn't have any spinal damage, which meant I could have the stupid collar taken off, and be removed from the back board.
"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Dave asked, coming to stand next to the bed after Shawn and Connor had managed to get me back onto the normal bed, somehow doing so without causing me additional pain.
"Ummm?" I started, before laughing meaning that I dissolved into a fit of coughing, resulting in an intense burning throughout my chest.
"Just take a few breaths, no rush," Brian spoke, picking up my hand, taking my pulse again, as Shawn listened to my breathing again.
"Okay, there's definitely some damage, but it should repair itself in time. The important thing will be rest."
"Grace are you feeling light-headed at all?" Brian asked, a slight frown on his face, as he dropped my hand and turned to look at the monitor.
"No,why?" I asked.
"Because your pulse is fast, and your blood-pressure is high, nothing to worry about, probably just the stress of the situation, but we need to keep an eye on it is all."
"Oh okay,"
"So back to what we were saying before," Connor started. "Good news is, there's no signs of internal bleeding on any of the scans, but your leg on the other hand is a little more complicated, you'll probably need plates, and physio for sure."
"How long will it take to heal?" I asked, feeling dread bubbling up to the surface of my thinking.
"It really depends, on a couple of things. How bad it is, what your pain levels are like with the physio, and so on. But roughly, at least six months." He broke to me slowly, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.
After that it was all a bit of a blur, the stress of the event finally starting to catch up with me. I woke up some time after the surgery, in a cast and traction, something which I was not happy with... especially when I realised that it meant that I would be relying on bed pans and sponge baths for the foreseeable future.
The coming days were easier, except for a particularly bad reaction to a pain killer Shawn gave me on the second night, which caused nasty bed spins, with vomiting thrown in. Luckily for me, he was a pro at dealing with things like this, and it was nothing out of the ordinary for a normal shift as an Intensive Care physician he reassured me, as my face burned in embarrassment when the nurse had to change my gown, due to sick getting on it. It was the absolute last thing I would have wanted to happen in front of someone like Shawn. When I'd first come in,I hadn't realised just how good looking he was, but oh my god, was he gorgeous, tall and muscular with curls that seemed to fall perfectly- a few resting on his forehead despite him constantly pushing them back. He was sweet too, always going out of his way to make sure I was okay, that I was as comfortable as I could be.
They pieced together when I was in surgery, that I had definitely been involved in a hit and run, something which they had concluded in my initial assessment unbeknownst to me when they found a series of tyre marks across my abdomen. They were sure to tell me just how lucky I was to get away with the injuries I did. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at this, and so ended up doing some of both.
Each day was easier than the last, and my mood was raised when my parents arrived, from arrived in Toronto all the way from Sydney, my home, which I had remembered after the concussion had subsided.
Eventually I could start rehabilitation, having to relearn how to use my leg, something which wasn't always easy, but they guys were always there to support me, and would supple a constant stream on bad jokes to keep my mind off the pain.
When it came to leaving day, as excited as I was I was also sad, I had formed bonds with these guys, especially Shawn, and they had literally given me my life back, something which I would also be grateful for. Little did I know that just over a year later I'd be laying on Shawn's chest as comfortable as could be, having been dating for a bit over nine months.
Present day
"Why are you crying Gracie?" he asked again, wiping away a tear with the pad of his thumb.
"I'm just so tired," I sniffled,hugging him more, craving the comfort and warmth he provided.
"How about a bath and an early night?" he suggested.
"Will you join?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes.
He sighed, he hated baths and I knew it, but I needed him with me tonight, I was feeling emotional and vulnerable and he was the only one that could make it better.
"Only because it's you Princess," he smiled, shaking his head, before bending down and attaching his lips to mine in a long tender kiss.
"Love you," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me again, creating the cacoon of warmth that I loved so much.
"Love you more."
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May Flowers Challenge Day 4
Prompt: “Is that my shirt?” requested by @marvelouslytrekking
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and injuries, kidnapping, angst with a happy ending
A/N: I wouldn’t do something a little different with the prompt, so here it is!
You couldn't remember much of what happened. You'd come home to your small apartment after work, expecting it to be empty, only to find a window in the kitchen smashed open. There’d been no time to react. There was a solid thud, pain exploding in the back of your head and everything had gone dark. 
The room you woke up in was cold and stunk of damp. A single bare bulb flickered above your head, casting a shadowy light over the bare stone. Your head throbbed, and when you reached up to touch it, your fingers came away sticky. Where were you? Who’d taken you? You had a sinking feeling you already knew why they wanted you.
The door to the cell burst open suddenly making you flinch with the shock. Two men barged in, guns aimed directly at you. You noticed they didn’t close the door behind them.
“What do you want?” You asked, playing coy.
“Don’t play dumb, bitch. We know you know him. We’ve seen him skulking in and out.”
Well, there was your theory confirmed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’ve never met him!”
“Don’t lie! We don’t care what you are to him, but if he knows you, he will come for you. We’ve made sure of that.” The one speaking held up your phone, wiggling it about in the air. Once he knew you were missing he’d use it to track you down and fall right into their trap. You couldn’t let that happen. 
Lunging to your feet, you shoved one man into the other and bolted straight for the open door.
The bang of a gun firing echoed off the walls, a scream tearing it’s way out of your lungs as excruciating pain ripped its way through your leg. You fell to the hard ground, clutching your injured leg. Blood seeped from between your fingers and soaked into your jeans.
“Try that again, and Batman will only find a corpse,” one of the men growled, a hand clamping into your hair to drag you roughly back into the cell. You were released unceremoniously, whimpering quietly as you hit the stone. 
Curling in on yourself as much as you could, you heard the cell door slam and lock shut. Tears pricked at your eyes as you lay still, hands wrapped around your leg in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding. The pain was too much, taking over your mind and forcing every scrap of emergency first aid you knew out. You tried to fight through it, you did, but it was too much. You were scared for him, terrified for yourself, and you just...couldn’t. Everything slipped back into darkness.
It was impossible to tell how much time was passing. Slipping in and out of consciousness it could’ve been hours or years. You didn’t know. You didn’t care. You just wanted the pain to stop.
Pressure on your leg jolted you awake. A blurry figure stood above you, dark and featureless in your haze. You swung out at them weakly but the blow was blocked by a hand wrapping around your wrist. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you expected the hand to hurt, to crush, but it was nothing but gentle.
“Y/N,” a voice said softly. You knew that voice. “It’s me.”
The fog over your vision cleared a little and you could make out the silhouette against the light, familiar white lenses looking back down at you. Your gaze dropped from his face, instead looking down to where his other hand was pressing against your leg. There was something around it now. You recognized the pattern.
“Is that my shirt?” You asked the only thing your mind could come up with.
“It was the closest thing to hand to help stem the bleeding,” Batman answered, releasing your wrist to brush some errant hair from your eyes. “Sorry.”
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you realized that was why your arms were cold. You were only in your thin undershirt now. “S’okay. Never liked it.”
Batman smiled down at you. “An ambulance is on the way. We’ll have you in a hospital in no time.”
“Wha abou’ the others? The men?”
“They’ve been taken care of. Just focus on yourself.”
You nodded mutely and attempted to get up. Or at least, you thought you attempted. Nothing seemed to move. “M’stuck.”
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Batman moved and you barely felt it when he lifted you into his arms. “You’re safe now.”
Closing your eyes to let the drowsiness take back over, you knew you were.
He was next to you the first time you woke up exhausted and high on pain meds in the hospital. He was there the second time too when your head was clearer and you felt less like living death.
“Hey. How are you feeling?” Bruce asked, leaning forward on the chair.
“Better,” you answered with a tired smile. “Thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for. This was all my fault.”
“Bruce, no-”
“I should’ve protected you better, I shouldn’t have let you get so close.”
Reaching out, you took his hand in yours. “I knew what I was getting into the first time I dragged you in and helped you out. You warned me and I accepted it anyway. I just...I wasn’t expecting...that. Them. In my home.”
“I know,” Bruce squeezed your hand. “We’ll find somewhere safer, I promise. And there’s always...always the manor.”
“You inviting me to move in, Bruce Wayne?”
Bruce shrugged, smile almost sheepish. “Not like I don’t have the room, and it’s as good a place as any to recover.”
“That does sound nice,” you said stifling a yawn. “But more sleep first.”
“I’ll let you get some rest.”
“Wait.” Your grip on his hand tightened. “Stay. Please?”
It may have been the painkillers, but you could’ve sworn Bruce looked relieved at the request. “Of course. Do you want me to-?” He gestured at the empty space next to you on the bed.
“That’d be nice.”
Bruce moved quickly but carefully, and soon he was laying on his side next to you while you used one of his arms as a pillow.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, already half asleep. You felt lips press against your temple gently.
“For you, anything.”
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee! (I’ll love you forever!)
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A Knight to Remember
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"Remember when we met?" I murmured, picking at Shawn's scrubs as I lay on his chest. I hadn't been feeling well all day with my monthly cycle so when Shawn had come home he'd sweetly offered to order dinner in and have a movie night, despite having things he probably really needed to do.
"Mmhhh," he responded, hand playing with my hair, massaging my scalp, as he watched the film we'd put on. "I was your knight in shining armour." I could head the playful teasing behind it,but it was true, if he hadn't been there that night,I don't know what would have happened to me.
I could feel the tears welling in my eyes,overflowing and rolling down my cheeks landing on the light blue material attached to Shawn's body.
"Why are you crying baby?" Shawn asked,sitting up. I could see the worry etched into his face as he looked at me.
I shrugged,I didn't know why I was crying. Was it because if my period, was it because I didn't feel well or was it because I would never be able to repay Shawn for what he did for me that night.
1 year ago
When I came to, I didn't know where I was, or how long I had been there. What I did know was that I was freezing, and in more pain than I had ever been before. I lay there for what must have been at least a few more minutes before finally building up the courage to open my eyes. When I did, I found myself crumpled at the back of a dark stone alley, but I couldn't remember where exactly I was, or even how I had come to be there.
More than the pain that was now beginning to radiate from every part of my body- my legs, my chest, my head, even my eyes... how can my eyes be hurting? I wondered... I was concerned about the obvious gaps in my memory. Putting this thought aside I tried to take inventory of how bad my injuries were. I tried to wiggle my toes, and was immediately rewarded with a sharp shot of pain that ran straight up my leg, and into my lower back. At least I could feel my legs I thought, mentally sighing.
It was then that it began to rain, blood running from an unknown source into my mouth. I couldn't help but panic at the thought that there was a very real possibility that I may not be found. But how was I going to get someone, anyone for that matter to notice me?
This thought was interrupted by voices, male voices.
"So how was your shift? Mine was crazy, broken bones, crying kids, one of my residents even got bitten by a kid today," one of the men laughed.
"Mine was pretty chilled actually, but I'm not going to lie, I'll be glad to get these scrubs off and switch off 'doctor mode' for a few hours," the other one replied.
Somewhere between the haze of the pain and cold my brain comprehended the fact that this person had just said 'doctor', something which I knew, even with my limited knowledge of medicine- most of which was thanks to Grey's Anatomy- was something I needed right now.
Before I could think, I found myself screaming out for help, granted it was less of a scream and more of a horse grunt, but it got their attention and the two men were soon kneeling beside me. One tall and brunette,with curls the other shorter, but more built with wavy blonde hair.
"Hi honey, my name is Shawn, the brunette one said, and this is Connor, we're doctors at the hospital, we're going to help you okay, but I need you to tell me where it hurts okay" he asked, gently resting a hand on my arm, pulling a bag off his shoulder which I had not noticed.
As Shawn was rummaging around in his bag, Connor, came over to take my hand. "Hi sweetheart, I'm just going to take your pulse, can you remember anything that happened? Where you are or even your name?" he questioned, before going quiet. "Pulse is fast, but irregular, I'm going to go call for an ambulance, and let the guys know we'll be needing their help. We need to get her warmed up too, she's freezing," he spoke, rubbing my arm, before standing and making a call. Probably calling whoever 'the guys' were.
"I'm just going to test a few things before we get you to hospital and I need you to tell me if anything is painful okay?" The man- Shawn asked with a soft smile. I went to nod, but he reached for my head, stopping the action. "Just keep nice and still for us, we don't know what damage you've done, and we don't want to make anything worse. How about thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no?" he suggested. I went to nod again, but caught myself, and gave him thumbs up instead.
"Okay, so I'm going to shine this light in your eyes," he explained, holding up what I recognised as a pen light from all the medical dramas I watched. "It might be a little bit uncomfortable, but it's important that we check this stuff out, so we know what we're working with," he finished, smiling sympathetically again, in the half light of the dim alley. "Just follow the light, but remember, don't move your head."
I did so, and he was right, it was uncomfortable, but I put up with it.
"The guys said they'll be here in five minutes, and they've put in a trauma call for an eta of twenty minutes." I couldn't help but jump at the voice that was suddenly right next to me. "Sorry darling, didn't mean to startle you," Connor apologised, reaching for my hand, and giving it a squeeze.
"Awesome," Shawn replied, clearly eager to get me to the hospital. "The sooner we can get her in the E.R.,the better, her pupils are uneven and slightly slower than I'd like."
"While we're waiting we may as well do the rest of her vitals. Have you got the rest of your kit? Normally I leave mine in my locker, but I guess it was somewhat of a happy accident I took it with me," Connor smiled down at me, before grabbing a stethoscope out of a bag which I had not noticed he had either. "Before I check your airways, can you remember your name yet? How old you are?"
I thought for a moment, which was much harder work then it should have been. "Grace..." I started, a little unsure.
"Great, well it's lovely to meet you Grace, can you tell me how old you are?"
"Perfect," he praised. "Well that's a start." he nodded to himself, before moving to put the metal of his stethoscope to my chest. "Sorry hon," he apologised when I shivered from the cold of it.
They were both quiet for a moment, Connor listening to my chest, and Shawn doing something down by my legs. "Her breathing is shallow and uneven, sounds to me like there could be a collapsed lung, but we won't know for sure until we get x-rays," Connor told Shawn, pulling the metal away from my body.
"Grace," Shawn called, "Can you feel this?" he asked. I could feel him running his finger along the bottom of my foot, though I didn't know where my shoe had gone.
"Um, yeah."
"And this?" he continued up my leg, to a point I felt no pain, and then I was in the most pain I had ever been in.
"Ow! Ow! Stop, stop, please!" I begged, tears flooding down my face, as I tried desperately to pull away.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm all done." he reassured me, moving back to my head, and wiping away the tears that were beginning to soak my clothing with gloved hands. "Connor, she's got a compound fracture to the fibula on her left side. Grace if you had to rate your pain, one being nothing, and ten being unbearable what would you say?" he asked.
"Ten," I whispered, trying to compose myself, before anyone else saw me crying.
"We'll get Brian to check it out when they get here, I can hear them now." Shawn was right, I could hear a faint siren in the distance which rose to an incessant blaring as an ambulance pulled up.
"Hi guys, what have we got?" I heard a new voice ask. They sounded cheerful, and oddly calm. Basically, everything that I wasn't at that moment.
"This is Grace, she's twenty, we found her here, she has no memory of what happened. She's got a slight concussion, with a suspected partially collapsed lung, compound fracture to the fibula- left leg and possible broken ribs. Possible internal bleeding as well, pain rating ten out of ten." Shawn recalled quickly.
"Hi Grace, my name's Brian," the man spoke appearing above my head. "And this guy here is Dave," he added, pointing to another person with tan skin, several tattoos and dark hair. "We're doctors at the hospital and we work with these two guys that you already know." As Brian explained, Dave got up, only to appear seconds later with a massive bag, and a board.
It was at this point that I was starting to become drowsy, which Shawn quickly noticed, tapping my face lightly to get a response. "Grace, we need you to stay awake okay, I know it's hard, but it's important you try. Dave has the spinal board so what we're going to do is splint this leg and then get you onto the board."
I didn't' respond, tiredness sweeping over me like a thick fog. From then on everything was hazy. I could hear the odd thing, but it was like I was under water.
When I woke, it was to bright lights and a painful swaying motion. I tried to shift, to alleviate some of my discomfort, but was meet with a hard, cold surface under me.
"Welcome back, we were starting to get worried there, we'll be about five minutes, and then hopefully we'll be able to get you slightly more comfortable." Shawn spoke from a seat at head of the bed I was laying on.
"Let's run some pain meds," I heard someone request, Dave I thought.
"On it," Brian spoke, from where he sat next to me. "Grace, I'm going to put an I.V. in okay, it'll just be a sharp scratch and then it's over,yeah?" he tried to appease me. I wasn't aware of it immediately, but I must have started to hyperventilate, because I found myself getting dizzy, and suddenly Connor was taking a mask off that one of them must have put on me while I was out.
"Just take deep breaths, Brian's a pro okay?" he smiled, taking my hand in a silent act of comfort.
Connor was right,Brian was a pro and soon enough I found some of the pain drifting away.
When we got to the hospital, I was metwith more bright lights, and lots of noise. No one ever tells you how loud a hospital emergency department is, and at that point in time, all I wanted to do was sleep!
After several random people, nurses I think had finished hooking me up to monitors, and had changed me into a gown- an embarrassing process in which I'm sure I managed to flash all four of the doctors, Connor insisted on getting x-rays and an MRI and CT scan, to look at the break in my leg. I hadn't seen it, but twenty minutes after the scans had come back declaring I had no life-threatening brain damage, Shawn came to inform me that it would indeed need surgery, which only caused more tears.
He was quick to assure me that he would be there throughout the whole process, something which I found mildly panic relieving, but it didn't change the fact that I was still having to go into surgery. Why was medicine so much less glamourous and fun in real life than on T.V? I wondered as he started attaching me to electrodes,"For an ECG," he explained when I looked at him questioningly from my stagnant position on the bed.
I did find a small ray of hope in the deluge of bad news, in that I didn't have any spinal damage, which meant I could have the stupid collar taken off, and be removed from the back board.
"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Dave asked, coming to stand next to the bed after Shawn and Connor had managed to get me back onto the normal bed, somehow doing so without causing me additional pain.
"Ummm?" I started, before laughing meaning that I dissolved into a fit of coughing, resulting in an intense burning throughout my chest.
"Just take a few breaths, no rush," Brian spoke, picking up my hand, taking my pulse again, as Shawn listened to my breathing again.
"Okay, there's definitely some damage, but it should repair itself in time. The important thing will be rest."
"Grace are you feeling light-headed at all?" Brian asked, a slight frown on his face, as he dropped my hand and turned to look at the monitor.
"No,why?" I asked.
"Because your pulse is fast, and your blood-pressure is high, nothing to worry about, probably just the stress of the situation, but we need to keep an eye on it is all."
"Oh okay,"
"So back to what we were saying before," Connor started. "Good news is, there's no signs of internal bleeding on any of the scans, but your leg on the other hand is a little more complicated, you'll probably need plates, and physio for sure."
"How long will it take to heal?" I asked, feeling dread bubbling up to the surface of my thinking.
"It really depends, on a couple of things. How bad it is, what your pain levels are like with the physio, and so on. But roughly, at least six months." He broke to me slowly, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.
After that it was all a bit of a blur, the stress of the event finally starting to catch up with me. I woke up some time after the surgery, in a cast and traction, something which I was not happy with... especially when I realised that it meant that I would be relying on bed pans and sponge baths for the foreseeable future.
The coming days were easier, except for a particularly bad reaction to a pain killer Shawn gave me on the second night, which caused nasty bed spins, with vomiting thrown in. Luckily for me, he was a pro at dealing with things like this, and it was nothing out of the ordinary for a normal shift as an Intensive Care physician he reassured me, as my face burned in embarrassment when the nurse had to change my gown, due to sick getting on it. It was the absolute last thing I would have wanted to happen in front of someone like Shawn. When I'd first come in,I hadn't realised just how good looking he was, but oh my god, was he gorgeous, tall and muscular with curls that seemed to fall perfectly- a few resting on his forehead despite him constantly pushing them back. He was sweet too, always going out of his way to make sure I was okay, that I was as comfortable as I could be.
They pieced together when I was in surgery, that I had definitely been involved in a hit and run, something which they had concluded in my initial assessment unbeknownst to me when they found a series of tyre marks across my abdomen. They were sure to tell me just how lucky I was to get away with the injuries I did. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at this, and so ended up doing some of both.
Each day was easier than the last, and my mood was raised when my parents arrived, from arrived in Toronto all the way from Sydney, my home, which I had remembered after the concussion had subsided.
Eventually I could start rehabilitation, having to relearn how to use my leg, something which wasn't always easy, but they guys were always there to support me, and would supple a constant stream on bad jokes to keep my mind off the pain.
When it came to leaving day, as excited as I was I was also sad, I had formed bonds with these guys, especially Shawn, and they had literally given me my life back, something which I would also be grateful for. Little did I know that just over a year later I'd be laying on Shawn's chest as comfortable as could be, having been dating for a bit over nine months.
Present day
"Why are you crying Gracie?" he asked again, wiping away a tear with the pad of his thumb.
"I'm just so tired," I sniffled,hugging him more, craving the comfort and warmth he provided.
"How about a bath and an early night?" he suggested.
"Will you join?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes.
He sighed, he hated baths and I knew it, but I needed him with me tonight, I was feeling emotional and vulnerable and he was the only one that could make it better.
"Only because it's you Princess," he smiled, shaking his head, before bending down and attaching his lips to mine in a long tender kiss.
"Love you," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me again, creating the cacoon of warmth that I loved so much.
"Love you more."
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