#i switched from notes to photo editor
windstriker427 · 1 year
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doodled magolor while waiting for the bus today :D
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berniesrevolution · 2 years
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Editor’s Note: This article, republished from the Daily Yonder, is part of a series of photo essays created for the American Creed ​“Citizen Power” multi-platform documentary initiative exploring American idealism and community leadership from a range of young adult perspectives.
Jonathan Blair lives, works, and studies at Alice Lloyd College, in Eastern Kentucky. He coordinates a work-study crew of about 60 people, mostly first-generation college students from rural Appalachia. Blair and two of his crew members — Jacob Frazier and Carlos Villanueva — document their connection to blue-collar work in and around the Appalachian coal industry, and they reflect on their hopes for the region.
Explore more of Jonathan Blair’s story here.
My grandfathers on both sides were coal miners. My father is a mechanic for one of the railroads that transport coal. Basically, ever since our family has been in these hills, the coal business has put food on our table, and that’s the case for most families in our region. Even if it’s not why they came here, it kind of became what they did, because that was what paid, and you’re going to do whatever it takes.
Survival is a big aspect of Appalachian culture. For a long time, coal meant survival, but there was never a sense of stability because the coal business is like a light switch: It’s either ​“on” or ​“off.” And when that switch was off, a lot of people, like my grandpa, would find manufacturing jobs elsewhere, in Ohio and other places. And whenever the coal business picked back up, they would come back, because this is home. Today, you look around and you can see the mountaintops have been removed to extract the coal from them, and much of the coal that was deep in the ground is gone. The coal business is a phantom, a shadow of what it used to be. We can’t rely on it coming back to what it once was.
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(My stepdad Charles Hampton was in the Marines, but he got injured. He used to work for a drilling company but now he’s retired. He also used to be a truck driver but he got injured there too.)
For Appalachians, other than faith in God and the love of our families, coal has been what we have always leaned on. Now we are having to take a step back and look away in order to move on to the future. Like diamonds, coal takes millions of years to form, so there won’t be much forming in our lifetimes. In fact, it could be exhausted by the end of our lifetimes.
I know very few people my age who go into the industry. The generations before us have warned that no matter how good the money is right now, no matter how sweet of a deal they’ll cut you to get you to work, it’s not gonna last. It can’t last. Right now, the price of coal is up but we’ve seen what happens when the price goes down and industry packs up and leaves.
There is no plan B in places like this. A major concern for my generation is finding that plan B right here in the only place we’ve ever known, because these mountains are home. And it truly is beautiful.
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(My grandfather and his co-worker, underground about two miles.)
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(The culture in Appalachia is rich in faith. Ever since I can remember, I was in the House of God listening to my grandfather preach. I asked him to turn to any passage of scripture, and he turned to Luke 15:11 (the story of the Prodigal son).)
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(Coal Miners go to work never knowing what the day will hold. One day my grandfather sacrificed his arm while cleaning a belt head. “I would go back in a heartbeat,” he said. Even though the work took something from him, his heart still has a passion for the industry.)
The Appalachian culture has deep roots because, much like the rest of America, this is a land of immigrants who made this their home. People of many backgrounds, colors, and creeds were brought together here to build the railroads and pull the coal out of the ground. Over time, bonds formed through our shared labor and sacrifice.
There’s a saying around these parts that goes, ​“All blood isn’t family and all family isn’t blood.” Coal workers often left their loved ones behind for the opportunities in this region, and although those opportunities have dwindled, many of them formed new families and remain committed to these mountains. That’s how we ended up with this rich culture.
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(Although the family has been spread across the region because of work and other aspects of life, when we are able to gather the sense of joy never seems to falter. As I have grown older, I have witnessed these bonds grow, even as the distance between us becomes greater. It becomes more bittersweet each time.)
While Appalachians have always wanted to maintain a life and community here, the same can’t be said for the industry we’ve welcomed into this region. You can drive through these mountains and find ghost towns like after the gold rush, abandoned places that were once home to so many people.
A sense of distrust exists between the Appalachian people and outsiders — whether that’s big business or the government. This distrust is deeply rooted and generational because New England businessmen came into the area and ripped a great deal of the coal out of our mountains. When the prices were low enough for them not to bother anymore, they went back home. When it was time for war, the federal government would come into our region and recruit young men, leaving behind suspicion and fear of exploitation among locals. It’s difficult to erase those scars of generational distrust. Many Appalachians fear that solutions presented by new industries or the government will only repeat the exploitation of the past. When you can see the end of the coal industry, it’s frightening. But there are solutions. Fear has to be countered with knowledge and power.
(Continue Reading)
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
Hey! I saw your match-ups were open and would like to request one if that's okay! I'm a dude and on the shorter side (5'4), I am pan with no gender preferences but I do prefer people who are more on the confident side. My love languages are physical touch and acts of service.
I am an ambivert, whether I'm more extroverted or introverted can change very quickly. I am typically laid back and easygoing and don't get annoyed easily. My favorite colours are purple and green.
I usually switch between wearing punk/emo style clothes (studded belts, band t-shirts, chains, leather jackets) paired with eyeliner or casual style clothes (Hoodies, shorts, beanies). My hair is a dark brown with a white streak due to lack of melanin and my eyes are a dark brown.
My hobbies are hiking, climbing, photography, video games, video/photo editing, needle felting and juggling. I like animals, hights, music and cooking. I don't like loud noises and spiders.
My appearance would likely have some owl-like features because of my love of heights and my messed up sleep schedule. Other than that my appearance would be mostly the same as it is now.
I would prefer not to be matched with sir pentious or charlie please.
Your Matchup is....
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She is like the definition of confidence (more like too much because look at miss ma’am so I guess cocky, but she isn't afraid and she knows what to do)
I think she’d find your hair and clothes style really interesting.
Probably would try and mix your styles together so you two can match or she would match colors only
Idk I feel like matching is a small way to show that you are tied to a person
Did I read video & photo editing? Of course I did, I've been staring at this for a hot minute!
Oh boy do I have a job for you buddy!
Yes you already know it, you are an editor for miss ma’am Velvette here
Is it fun staring at screens all day and not getting to go outside and do your more hands-on activities? Yes, but oh my goodness your cute boss is micromanaging at every second (as if she knows what you’re doing)
Okay, but for realsies, you do speak about how you need some breathing room to be able to concentrate and she does take note of that, she also hires another editor JUST ONE so your workload is a bit lighter; you know are solely for Velvette’s work and the other unlucky editor get to work for moth man
As you two got closer she started to make more clothes based on your fashion and soon made it a rule for all of her employees to only wear her clothes (Velv come on just admit your feelings and ask for him to wear your clothes!)
Once you two do get together she will automatically take your clothes without shame, but makes it work
Shoot she might even dress like you just to make the fit work
If you get her on a hike she is whining and complaining, but it gave her inspiration to expand her work into sporty/athleisure wear as well
She does take interest in your hobbies during her relaxation time and is willing to try your food, but she will be honest about her opinions (this princess)
“Ugh! You’re taking forever!” Velvette pouted from her chair beside you with her arms crossed,
“Apologies, little miss princess. Maybe don’t give me so many photos next time.” You rolled your eyes as you continued editing the slew of photos she gave you from today's shoot.
After several more minutes of silence (in reality it was thirty seconds), she just got up and pulled your chair away from the desk.
“Don’t fight! You have been working all night, I want to sleep with you. I’m for once going to bed on time and so will you! Dumb and Dumber are out for the night so if we’re fast we can get to sleep with silence.”
A/N: You sound like a sick person ngl i’m a bit jealous of your hobbies and style /pos owls are such a good choice
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
A sneak peek of the planned Survivorguy Fic
Featuring weird formatting, script-style (for interlude chapters, don't worry, it won't be the whole thing) and lots of neato shit.
Enjoy this while I go reread the SAS survival guide.
Spoilers and unedited rough writing under the cut!
“Hello. My name is xBcrafted, otherwise known as Survivorguy. I’m an explorer, an adventurer, and a former soldier. I’ve climbed K2 and crossed Antarctica, and I’ve made it my life’s goal to survive in the harshest environments on earth, to show you what it takes to make it out alive. I have no camera crew. I have no backup. Everything you see is filmed by myself. For the next ten days, I will be stranded in the wilderness. Follow with me, and find out what it takes to be…Survivorguy!”
[The screen blurs to show a montage of xB climbing cliffs and wading across waterfalls, and stuffing a cricket into his mouth. The theme tune plays over a modified title card. It reads: SURVIVORGUY: MEN VS NATURE SPECIAL!]
“Tonight on Survivorguy, we’re answering a question many viewers have asked before. We get letters and emails and tweets, and we see you. You’ve seen me surviving alone in the wilderness, and you want to know: what about others? What if you have to take care of other people? Well, tonight, we’re going to find out!”
[The camera cuts to an overhead shot, looking down at three men with their arms folded in an empty room. xB is in the middle, in his usual clothes. Beside him, his brother Hypno, wearing a bandanna and his usual black getup. Keralis stands to the left, wearing his pilot’s uniform.]
“Tonight, I’ll be trying to survive in the brutal and unforgiving Canadian wilderness, with two guys who barely have any survival experience at all.”
[The screen cuts to a shot of Keralis at the controls of a plane, directing it to taxi; it cuts to another shot of a completely different airplane, rolling down the taxiway.]
“This is my partner Keralis, who you might know from the heroic rescue of flight 1515. He’s an accomplished pilot who thinks the best way to start a fire is to pull the switch beside the fireplace. Ex-military, like myself, Keralis had some basic survival training in flight school…several decades ago. Apart from one or two camping trips and one questionable landing, he’s greener than your lawn.”
[The screen cuts to show Hypno at a computer, fiddling around with some code and opening a photo editor to tweak some colours. He glances at the camera, and blinks all three of his eyes, including the one on his cheek, before turning back to his work.]
“And this is my brother Hypno. Hypno lives in Fort Lauderdale and is a skilled graphic and website designer. I think we went camping once when we were kids. Other than that, Hypno thinks that ‘roughing it’ is when the hotel wifi is patchy, and he absolutely hates the cold. Seeing as we’re going to the Yukon, this should be…interesting.”
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the-writing-mobster · 11 months
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| The Most Dangerous Game | Chapter 6 Excerpt | 💙 🔪 💔 |
Tack, tack, tack, tack… 
Frisk sucked in a weary breath and reached for her mug. The porcelain was cold against her chapped lips, the murky coffee inside disgustingly lukewarm on her tongue, but she swallowed it anyway. Her eyes burned. The words on her screen blurred beneath her and it took everything in her to stifle the yawn threatening to come over her. 
Crickets chirping. The soft sigh of the HVAC breathing cool air through the grates in the floor. The hum of her computer screen. Lines of dotted color swimming in and out. 
Tack, tack, tack, tack, tack… 
Unfortunately, one could believe that her loneliness and her noble effort to see the best in people, is what led her to her brutal end. |
She rubbed her eyes, the sounds of the night buzzing in her aching head. A dark kaleidoscope of color swarmed the back of her eyelids and sent her briefly to another world connected only by scarlet string and madness. 
Frisk sucked in a long breath she refused to admit was a yawn, the incessant noise going silent as her breathing roared in her ears. 
A low moan escaped her as she came too and was greeted with true silence. She mused that the AC must have switched off for a moment. That was fine, she told herself. It’d been getting pretty cold. Even now, she could feel the prickles of goosebumps creeping on her arms and down the back of her neck. 
The words on her computer screen swam across from her. I need to step away. Look over my notes, the thought sent her careening to her feet. 
Each step she took sent pins and needles through her and she seethed through her teeth. How long had she been sitting there? She counted the hours to herself. She’d been writing ever since she’d gotten home from her meeting with the editor in chief so that meant… six hours straight? Was that right? That couldn’t be right. Ibrahim would’ve stopped her… unless he’d also been writing and in that case… 
Frisk smirked at the realization that they must have both been in a flow state. Who were either of them to wreck each other’s process?
“I’m almost done,” she said aloud as if trying to ward off the uncanny silence of the witching hour and give herself some company. 
The only other company she had were the pictures of Sarah’s carcass staring at her from her cork board. The acknowledgment of those dead, brown eyes sent Frisk searching the floor for lent out of some desperate attempt at avoiding them, if only briefly.
When the floor truly had nothing of substance to offer her, she was dragged by the chin back to that board. How dare she look away. Look upon me and see how I’ve suffered, whispered her own, morbid guilt. 
“Look at me!” 
She blinked hard at the invasive memory of her own small voice. The photos were blurry in the dark, unfocused in the ghoulish blue glare of her distant computer. She blinked again as if that would fix them. 
It seemed to work, though, and Sarah gazed back at her when she opened her eyes. Only… her eyes were larger. Lashes thicker… skin shades darker if not a tad ashy from the cool embrace of death. Lips plumper. Bruised.   
Frisk furrowed her brow and sucked in a breath of stale air. Her feet swayed towards the board, pins and needles biting up her leg. She plucked the photo off the wall, a distant clack of the thumb tack falling to the floor. 
Pale, dead skin. Small, glazed eyes, angular, hollow cheeks. Nothing about the photo or about Sarah had changed. I need to call it a night. 
The crickets certainly had.
Chapter Theme:
Read the full chapter here!
Also, next chapter drops tomorrow!
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miyamiwu · 2 years
An Honest Guide to Tumblr for Twitter Refugees (Part 2)
Part 0: What the heck is Tumblr and is it right for me?
Part 1: Configuring settings + customizing your Tumblr
Covered in Part 2:
Posting basics (introducing the editor, different post types)
Best practices (stating trigger warnings, adding image IDs, indicating sources, etc)
Post controls (who can reblog and reply to your posts)
Note: Like Part 1, I suggest you follow this guide while on desktop Tumblr. This post also contains lots of images without ID. Such images though are basically just screenshots of what's already described in the post body.
Posting Basics
I was gonna talk about curating your dashboard first, but considering how Tumblr veterans would think you’re a bot and just block you if they see your blog is empty, I think it’s best if we cover posting first.
Tumblr Editor
Before everything else, let’s get to know the editor.
On your desktop dashboard, you get to pick from different post types: Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, and Video.
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It should be pretty self-explanatory what they do, but you know what? THESE DON’T MATTER.
I talked about this briefly in Part 1, so lemme just copy-paste it here:
Although Tumblr is still advocating its different posts types (text, image, audio, video, etc.), they’ve actually been rolling out changes to their editor where only a single post type is used (text) and you just add media to it. This is called NPF (Neue Post Format). On desktop, you can turn off the beta editor and thereby turn off NPF. However, on mobile web and on the app, posts can only be made in NPF.
To put it simply: There is no difference at all between the different post types. The only difference is that when you click on a post type (for example, photo), the first block* on your post will be related to that post type (e.g. a photo block).
* If you’ve used WordPress before, then this should be familiar. But if not, then here’s a quick explanation: A block is basically a component used to create a post (text block for text, image block for images, video block for videos, etc.)
More technical info about the block editor and how to use it can be found here.
So my point is, don’t sweat too much over the different post types.
You can also write posts in HTML / Markdown!
If the default rich text editor is not enough for you, then get more power by using the HTML editor. It doesn't support all HTML elements, but at least you can do fancy stuff like adding some gradient text:
gradients are cool
To switch editors, click on the gear icon at the top of the editor, and in the Text Editor dropdown, choose between Rich Text, HTML, or Markdown. If you’re curious about Markdown, learn more about it here.
Some neat stuff you have to know about posting on Tumblr:
We’ve had an edit button here for years, and best of all, it’s free! However, for posts of yours that have been reblogged, even if you do edit the original post, the edits won’t be reflected on the reblogged version. More about reblogging in Part 4 of this guide.
B. You can post loooong articles here
Like Twitter, Tumblr also has a character limit for text. However, this limit is on a per-paragraph basis and not for your entire post. And it’s such a generous limit that I’ve never once hit it. I don’t even have to keep tabs on how many characters I’ve made. You can find a list of all the limits you have to keep in mind when using the NPF/beta editor at the bottom of this article.
C. You can save drafts and schedule posts
If you can’t finish that post right now, no worries. Just save it to your drafts first and finish it later. Or, if you’ve prepared a cool post for New Year even though it’s still November, just schedule that post to publish on a New Year. More about queue/scheduling in Part 4 of this guide.
Best Practices
I don’t think I need to do a step-by-step on how to use the editor because it’s pretty intuitive, so let’s talk about best practices when it comes to posting.
On stating trigger/content Warnings
In Twitter, you do this:
// tw: r*pe, g*re, m*utilation . . . . [actual triggering content]
Please don’t do this.
First of all, here on Tumblr, we do not censor out those “problematic” words. You have to spell them out so that people who have such words filtered in their settings will actually not see them. Getting content filters to work will be a pain if people have to keep in mind all variations of rape (r*ape, r@pe, r4pe, etc).
Second, those multiple dots don’t do anything. Instead, utilize the “Read More” block. This block will hide everything that comes after it under a “Keep Reading” link.
On desktop, you click on this icon that has a zigzag sandwiched between two horizontal lines:
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On mobile, you do it by typing :readmore: and then hitting Enter.
(I’ll talk more about triggers/content warnings in Part 3, which will cover Tags)
Just spell everything out actually, not just trigger words
Instead of oomfs or moots, say mutals. Instead of unalive, say murder. No need to shorten or tone anything down here.
Add image ID’s
Image ID’s are basically descriptions of an image. This is important for people using screen readers. I’m guilty for not always following this, but just trust me on this.
On desktop, you hover over the image, click on the three dots that appear, and then click “Update image description.” Keep the description in simple words and state exactly what the image contains. I’m doing it for this particular image below:
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On dashboard and on some themes, the image ID will be shown when you click on the ALT button that appears when you hover over the image.
Sometimes, when OP forgets to put an ID, someone will reblog the post and add the ID themselves. If you see someone doing this on one of your posts, then please be an angel and add that ID to the original post. Image descriptions will be more useful/have more impact if they’re actually part of the original post.
Link back to source
If you’re sharing someone else’s content from another site, please indicate the source. You can do this by adding a link to the source from within the post body itself, or by using Tumblr’s content source feature in the editor:
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Click on the little gear above the editor, and in the “Content source” field, paste your link.
Do not repost other people’s gifs/edits
Sometimes you see a cool gif here on Tumblr that you want to use on your own post. People are generally fine with that, but you have to do it the right way.
DO NOT DO THIS: Downloading the gif and then uploading it to your own post.
Instead, DO THIS: Use Tumblr’s GIF block and search for a gif from there. Doing it this way would link back to the OP and even notify them in their Activity.
Here’s an example of how it looks:
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The gif above is from my side blog, and below the image, it says “GIF by fyeahbachisagi.”
Post Controls
If you don’t want a certain post of yours to get around too much, you can disable reblogs on it. Click the gear icon at the top of the editor, and in the “Who can Reblog?” dropdown, choose from Anyone or No One.
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Limits on Replies, however, is on a per-blog setting and not per post. Go to tumblr.com/settings/blog/username, and scroll all the way down until you see the setting for Replies.
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Okay, that’s all for Part 2! Next up, in Part 3, I will talk about utilizing tags
Update: Part 3 is up! Well, kinda... Not exactly a guide catered to Twitter refugees, but still a guide to tagging:
A Guide to Tagging on Tumblr: Types of Tags
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
Okay. I've finally figured out how to add a specific gif I want to a post using tumblr's god-awful gif search system. You know that feeling when you've used every possible combination of keywords from the original post and the search results STILL keep showing you irrelevant stuff instead of what you wanted? Then this is a tutorial for you. Please reblog to spread the word, this might at least partially reduce the amount of gif reposting without credit on this site.
First, you need the link to the original gifset post. I'm using this gifset of mine for this tutorial. Important: this needs to be a tumblr.com, not at.tumblr.com link which tumblr will desperately try to give you with its native UI (by clicking the … at top right corner and using "copy link"). DON'T do that. To get a proper link on desktop, just right click on the OP's username and copy that link address. On mobile, hold on any of the images in the post and select "Share post". ("Share photo" direct links to gifs don't work. I've tried.)
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Now feed that link into the gif search. Unfortunately, this will only give you the first gif of the gifset, because tumblr couldn't do even DIRECT SEARCH BY LINK right jfc. If you wanted that first gif, congratulations, this is it, enjoy. Otherwise, you're gonna need desktop for the rest of the steps.
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Put that found gif into your post for the time being. Now go to the gifset post and copy image address of the gif you actually wanted. Let's say I want the 4th one. Now that's done, go to your own post's settings and change text editor to HTML.
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If you've never worked with HTML, this might look intimidating, but you don't need to get into details. Just find the link within the quotation marks in the img src="" tag and paste the one you've copied instead of the original.
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Finally, switch back to Rich text editor.
Voila. You have the gif you wanted, with a proper credit to its owner and the link to the gifset.
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Note: if this gif has different dimensions from the 1st gif in the set, it might look all screwed up in the post preview, but when you save your post, tumblr will automatically adjust it to the right dimensions. Thank god for that, at least.
Gotta love this super convenient and very functional hellsite.
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Russell's passport - 1979/80
The Bath Bankers
PulpWiki: Extracted by Stephen Bray from an interview with their bass guitarist, Paul.
I met Russell on the [Business Management] course at Bath Uni in 1979, and we became friends because of that. The course started in October and was mostly filled with kids from well to do families, and Russell and I were in the minority of kids from ordinary working class backgrounds.
It was in the days where suddenly it was OK to join a band even if you couldn't really play. I got a bass guitar and played some rudimentary riffs, Russell was on guitar, and we had a keyboardist called Steve and a singer whose name I can't recall. No drummer. We knew Steve and the singer socially. The band was formed from scratch, driven by Russell, (of course) and i think the band started after Xmas. Russell came up with the name.
We didn't do any covers. It would mostly have been thrashy punk stuff, but I also recall a spooky discordant repetitive melodic song about a fairground and some scary people who worked there! That was the only decent song we did really which I recall got some good feedback from the reviewer at the arts barn. He wrote for some sort of Uni fanzine I think. I looked up [Pulp's] 'Fairground' on Youtube and the skeleton of the song is in there! Amazing!
We did a total of two gigs. One was at the "Arts Barn" at the Uni and one as part of a big music day which culminated with a performance by The Vapours. So in a way I can vaguely claim to have "supported" The Vapours, though they started at 10 p.m. and we were on at 10 a.m. [Editor's note: In April/June 1980, The Vapors were on a UK tour and played at Bath University on 21st June which was presumably this gig]. A local band called Alarm Clox who had a 7" single out were also on that bill.
We didn't do any recordings - recording something back then was a bit different. I do recall a photo of the Vapours gig but looked in my old shoe boxes of photos and couldn't find it.
As a sideline to the band, Russell ran a fanzine called "The Bath Banker" back then and one edition included an early review of a Pulp gig in Sheffield whilst he was back home in the summer holidays (of 1980). [Other than that, Russell didn't mention Pulp. I wasn't at the gig that they played at Bath Uni].
We were on a sandwich course, so at the end of year one we went off to a work placement for six months. In the meantime Steve switched Universities and the singer disappeared from Uni and we never got going again. After we disbanded, I wasn't such close friends with Russell as before and I was pretty useless musically. It was me who lost interest and sold my bass and amp for cash to buy a hifi system.
I did go up to Sheffield in 1982 [actually 28/2/1981!] to stay over at his dad's house and go to see The Fall and Cabaret Voltaire at the Polytechnic. Russell must have liked The Fall, but I think he was more interested in Cabaret Voltaire
Russell was strange and very different and not really dictatorial at all. He arrived at Uni in 1979 with his live in girlfriend, so the Uni wouldn't help out with accomodation. His Hitler moustache and stary eyes made him stand out. He had a left field style of thought process. Generally unconventional when lined up with the Bob Wigley anally retentive types on the course. Also a ironic / wicked sense of humour. Of course he shared my own "underground" music tastes. He was interesting and wasn't condescending I liked him.
A while back I was looking up ex course members who got famous and wiki'd Russell. [The wiki stated that] he got a first class honours degree. He was [actually] the least interested student and got a 3rd. I never knew why he applied for the course to be honest. It was full of posh people who wanted to go on and run big companies. A couple succeeded (Justin King - Sainsbury's and Bob Wigley - Unilever)
[Wikipedia now says Russell got a 2:1]
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songder-bot · 1 year
hi there! I'm relatively new(ish) to tumblr and was looking to make my own "bot" via a long queue, and was wondering if you could give me any tips? I'm not super familiar with the queue system, so any advice you can give me would be good! Thank you!
hello, anon!! welcome to tumblr!
it's an honor to be your tutorial npc :D i will do my best to walk you through the "bot"-making process/queue system!
first of all: this is how many posts are currently in this blog's queue.
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[ID: Screenshot showing "Queue: 924". End ID.]
this is a kind of insane amount. i believe i started this bot with....700 posts in the queue? and then just kinda kept adding on more? a lot will depend on how often you want your bot to post. at the current number of posts in my queue and the current schedule of 4 posts a day, it could run for 231 more days without running out of quotes! if i bumped it down to twice a day, it could run for over a year!
what i'd probably recommend doing is adding posts in batches of, like, 20 at a time, and keeping the post amount low until you get up to a number where you feel okay just letting it run for a while without adding anything new. then just put new stuff in whenever you want!
but how do you do the "adding stuff in" part? great question! this is the part where we segway into the mechanics of the queue! this is also the part where i put a readmore because hoo BOY this got long. i am prone to overexplaining lmao
tl;dr: find the queue, make the posts, set times for posting and amount of posts per day, use mass tag editor to do tags, and shuffle queue!
the queue is one of tumblr's most special functions, imo. it will automatically put out a certain amount of posts every day between certain hours-- basically like scheduling tweets, except that the site schedules them for you! some people on tumblr actually queue basically every post they see rather than reblog it-- i call them "queuetuals" :P
Step 1: find the queue
so! first you go to your blog controls, where you can view posts and follower counts from, and then look down. under "drafts" is a section called "queue". hit that, it'll take you here.
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[ID: The Tumblr "queue" page. Up at the top is a text box that reads "The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent. Automatically publish a queued post (dropbox with 4 selected) times a day between (dropbox with 12 am selected) and (dropbox with 12 am selected) Timezone: US/Eastern (change) Note: This timezone only affects the queue schedule, as well as timestamps on custom themes. The publish times on posts below are displayed in your local timezone." It then shows a Shuffle Queue button and the icon of this blog next to the icons and text for making text, photo, quote, link, chat audio, and video posts. End ID.]
FUN FACT: hitting the text (or whatever kind of post it is you want to make) button from here will automatically set the button that usually says "post now" to "add to queue" instead. i found this out like halfway into making all these posts and it was so helpful to not have to make the switch manually every time. i now pass this knowledge on to you, my protege. use it in good faith. okay where were we
Step 2: make the posts
right. okay . so you hit button you make post you hit other button (make sure it does say "add to queue") and it will automatically be put in your queue!
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[ID: A drafted post from songder-bot reading "i'd like to take you through a wasteland i like to call my home!", with no tags and the post button set to "add to queue". End ID.]
now just do that like 100 more times and you're set :) (highly recommend, if you're going to be making a text bot like this, writing all the stuff you want to put in down in a text file so you can just copypaste over. i write new lyrics like the above in manually, but i was copypasting for my first couple big chunks)
you can also see up there the places to adjust when and how often your "bot" posts! i have it set to between 12 and 12 so it just posts day-round, but if you want to set it to only post while you're awake or only while you're asleep, that's cool (i did do that for a bit)
from this screen down you'll be able to see what's coming up next in the queue and at what times it'll post!
Step 3: tags and shuffling!
while i was insane enough to manually input over 700 posts in a few days, i was not insane enough to tag them all individually. for that, i used the Mass Post Editor!
found at the very bottom of the list that posts, followers, queue, etc. is on is a little item called Mass Post Editor. this is one of tumblr's other most helpful functions and i truly cannot recommend it enough.
so once i've gotten all the lyrics from a song that i want to get in there, i go in to MPE. up at the top it says "published, draft, queued". go to queued, i select all the quotes from the song i just put in:
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[ID: A screenshot of the Mass Post Editor with several posts selected. End ID.]
i go up top, i select "add tags", and i add the tags i want for those posts! boom! mass tagging: SOLVED.
i will add here that the reason my tags are stuff like "lyric - green day" rather than just "green day" is because i don't want these posts to go directly into the main tag. especially if the bot posts often, it'd be pretty spammy and kind of annoying for people trying to look at posts about green day to have to keep seeing random green day lyrics instead. tag etiquette is important!
and the last tip i will give (i promise) is this: remember that screenshot from earlier and the shuffle queue button? whenever you add in new posts to your bot, especially if they're all from the same song or book or something, make sure to hit the shuffle queue! queueing something automatically puts it at the end of the queue, and shuffling ensures that your new posts are equally distributed and can come up whenever!
hope this was helpful!!! i love explaining stuff but also get very very wordy at times, so if you need a tl;dr version or further explanation of something let me know! oh-- and if you're gonna do quotes, lyrics, art, or anything at all, always credit the original creators!
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I have to work for one more week, and then we're entering this sweet sweet time of the winter break!! I cannot wait to rest and focus all my energy on my hobbies. On another note, I've just noticed that after switching to the new editor all my post about Serafin save as text post - as opposed to photo posts like before. But when I look at them through my archive, they're only found under the picture category. They also look worse when seen from my actual blog. So weird...
Welcome to the second part of the teaser from this post. Now you can properly see the size of the house's expansion and just how busy it is!! Not to mention that Serafin bought a few magic beans (for a collection, of course) and used them - I've never done this before so it was quite the surprise!! It's almost as high as the tip of the roof. The couple had to get rid of their banana trees to fit this monster in their garden!! I think it looks fantastic, especially with the beautiful glow at night. It also makes a pretty view from the new part of the house.
I don't think I've mentioned it before but this new expansion is mainly for the children. The downstairs is the same size as the original and contains a small bathroom (with a tub!!), even smaller kitchen-dining space (with an ice-cream machine). The upstairs is a still-WIP children's room that will keep evolving as long as the children'll keep growing up. I think it turned out adorable and you'll see it in the future too. And - obviously - that means Mantella is pregnant!! Aren't you excited for (possibly) alien babies? I know I am!! 👽🛸
And that's how Serafin and Mantella's life is going as of now. Their hard work is certainly paying off and their future is looking very bright. Serafin's dream of peace and quiet is fulfilled and he's got his own children on the way. To see him in a better place after a rather unhappy childhood... I'm so proud!! Mantella really was a godsent. Let's hope their children appreciate their efforts in the future - I cannot wait to see them already!! Thank you for reading, and see you next time. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
PS. The Owl carving an owl in a pumpkin will always be cute. 🦉🎃
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🌰 We’re all ready and good to go!
☁️ We’re live in 5… 4… 3… 2… camera… SHOWTIME!!!
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⚙️ HELLO EVERYONE!!! I’m Strawberry Crepe Cookie, your higher-than-intelligent magichanical genius and your host for the Baker’s Street Newsblog’s coverage of the BTS Cookies in the Cookie Kingdom! I’m joined here by my co-host and original personality of the blog since day one, the one and only Chestnut Cookie!
🌰 Wow! This is really happening! And it’s going for almost a hundred days too, all the way through January 19th, 2023!
⚙️ Behind his smart-cloud camera of another kingdom, he’s filmed top-tier go-kart races, fights in outer space, every kind of major sport in the world, and he’s our Editor’s assistant and representative. Please welcome to the Blog… Lemon-Lime Meringue Cookie ☁️!
☁️ Hiya everyone! It’s such an awesome experience being here filming for the BTS Cookies AND the Baker’s Street Newsblog with my first friend in this kingdom since I moved in! I’m just a tad camera shy… but I’ll be there for the new and improved photo-op of our cast and Board of Directors! I’ll be your turtle’s cloud’s eye view of the concert from start to finish, no Spiny strings attached! Now let’s go down to the Cookie Bowl Concert Hall where we’ll see Jin Cookie show us how to rock the stadium!
But first, you’ll need Concert Tickets to do anything in the event, at about 15 Tickets per concert song. As of now, “Dynamite” and “Permission to Dance” are available to play from the get-go for rankings, but I’m sure more songs will rotate in later into the event.
⚙️ You see those ARMY Bombs? Those will add to your score and double as a special resource to pull from a special Crossover Gacha. Use the arrow buttons to switch lanes and collect them, as well as other jellies and gold coins worth 5 coins each after the song ends. The more items you collect, the higher your combo!
🌰 Just like in Ovenbreak, use the Jump and Slide buttons to collect more jellies and dodge obstacles! Collisions will lower your Energy further and further. Collide too many times, and the game’s over!
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☁️ Once you make it to the stage, it’s showtime! Get those rhythm gaming skills (or lack thereof) at the ready and click the notes as they align with the outlines for even more points! If the note is attached to a line, hold down the note and release it when another note on the other side of the line crosses the outline for multiple notes!
If you collide with an obstacle or miss a note, you’ll lose your combo and you’ll have to start all over again.
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Once you’ve finished the song, you’ll get a score and rank depending on how you did! Get an A or an S rank and you’ll unlock a higher difficulty level for a chance to get even MORE rewards! If you’re feeling extra funky and happen to be short on time to not do more than one attempt, then try cashing in multiple Concert Ticket entries before you start to multiply your repeat winnings! Although you could buy more if you wanted to, you can get one back for free every 20 minutes to a limit of 100 before they stop refilling.
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BTS Crossover Gacha
⚙️ You’ll need ARMY Bombs to pull from the gacha and have the chance to meet the BTS Special Cookies, find their soulstones, unlock their Special Costumes, and even get special decorations that produce even more ARMY Bombs during the event! Certain decorations were designed during the “Tales of the BANGTAN Kingdom” videos on the CRK CookieTube channel, so definitely look at those for context for how each member of BTS designed them!
🌰 The special decorations even play BTS music through September 2023 when highlighted! Each pull also collects mileage points that can be redeemed at a special BTS Mileage Shop for the Costumes, Soulstones, and any decoration in the collab event! Meet all seven BTS Cookies to unlock an extra item heading full of useful stuff!
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(The lights go out)
⚙️ WHAT THE-?!
💀 HEHEHEHEHEHE…! The B.A.D 4 awaits…!
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chintanghate · 1 year
Testing Apps
Today was a bank holiday in the UK and I wasn’t feeling like getting out of bed, so tested out some apps while lying in bed. Tested out 2 apps today.
 Apple News
I bought a new macbook recently since my last one from 2014 wasn’t able to run Xcode properly enough for me to develop updates for Exporter, or make 3D models in blender. And with that purchase I received a 3-month free subscription to Apple News+. Apple news+ has a wide variety of magazines and journals that are free to read under the subscription. I tried reading some articles from Nat Geo, T3, Mac|Life, Better Homes & Gardens, & Scientific American. Scientific American and B H & G were the new one, the other 3 I have read them previously in form of physical magazines. My dad got me some issues of Nat Geo when I was in high school. T3, my friend, Ravi’s dad had a subscription to it, and he always used to get 2 copies somehow, and since he knew that I used to enjoy reading about the latest gadgets & gizmos, I used to get the other copy of it :). I was introduced to Mac|Life by one of it’s article writers, who had featured Falcon, a note-taking app I used to develop before Google, in one of his articles. I also learned today that a swipe from bottom-left corner of the iPad inwards takes a screenshot. I have been taking an active interest in Gardening since I moved to London might pick up some tips and tricks from B H & G. Planning to read more on Apple News in the free-period, if it proves to be useful might add it to my family subscription plan.
I have been meaning to write more this year. I have already updated my regular blog this weekend where I publish my monthly/yearly summaries. Since I run it using a local ghost instance and uploading the static content to GitHub, it is harder to update it regularly. I came across a YouTube video where someone was reviewing MarsEdit when I was researching for local-first blogging apps for macOS, and thought of giving it a try. I used tumblr 8 years ago for a month, and my tumblr blog had a single post there, so decided to write this post in MarsEdit and post it to Tumblr. Never used wordpress before, so it was an easy choice.
Faced couple of issues while onboarding my blog and writing this post. While onboarding my blog, since I used gmail OAuth to sign-in in Tumblr and MarsEdit just asks for email/password I searched for a way to use that with MarsEdit, couldn’t find anything on their website or anywhere else, so had to go through the `forgot password` flow on Tumblr, create an actual password and successfully onboard my blog on MarsEdit The second issue I faced was with the editor, sometimes after switching formatting on words, the cursor seems to be misplaced. 
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And third one, inserting images shouldn’t be this hard, I keep trying to add image by dragging and dropping it on a new line in the RTF editor and it keeps sending the image to top of the post, and changing blog kind from `post` to `photo`. Even in preview the image is added to the beginning of the post. Seems unintuitive. 
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I was able to add these images in the correct place through Tumblr’s editor. While publishing the blog to Tumblr the first time, the app threw an error and on the second try it successfully uploaded the post. But on Tumblr, I had two copies of the post in the drafts section.
Been a productive day. Read some interesting stuff, and updated my Tumblr blog after 8 years.
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #100 (!)
Yi Yi, my first acclaimed film by Edward Yang. An epic and universal 3-hour story about a middle class family in Teipei. Full of sensitive and profound details, quiet beauty and emotional intensity. (Photo Above).
2 films about father-daughter relationships by new Scottish director Charlotte Wells:
🍿 Being a sucker for heartbreaking stories about divorced fathers and their young daughters, Aftersun was right up my alley. Not much is happening in this tender, little film where a woman remembers a Turkish resort vacation that her young father had taken her 20 years earlier. 11-year-old Frankie Cori was tremendous and reminded me of someone... 7/10. 
🍿 I liked Charlotte Wells‘s 2015 Tuesday even more. In this 11-minute short she tells a similar story about a 16-year-old who spend every Tuesday at her divorced father apartment. It’s a nothing story: she goes to his place after school, he’s not there, and she sits around, rummages through his things and goes back to her mom. Sad and delicate. 9/10.
April Story, my first romantic story by Shunji Iwai. A slight and lovely film about a young woman from Hokkaidō who enrolls in Tokyo University. 4/10.
Why is Anna Kendrick’s twisted suspense comedy A simple favor such an enjoyable watching for me, so much so that I’ve seen it half a dozen times in the last couple of years? It’s one of those movies that every time I remember it, I give it another swing?
The script follows an unpredictable route and every 15 minutes changes genre and direction. Also noted this time: The score (by Theodore Shapiro, who also did ‘Severance’) is subtle and sublime. 10/10.
Martin Scorsese Presents: Now that Scorsese‘s 1973 lost film ‘Goncharov’ had become tumblr’s top trending new meme, I finally watched Gomorrah, My first mafia saga by Matteo Garrone. It had been on my film list since I covered half a dozen of Toni Servillo’s films last year. Both films are brutal descriptions of lives caught in the crossfire when two crime families in Napoli starts a deadly feud. Unapologetic violent, nihilistically gory. 6/10.
More Than I Want to Remember is a simple animated short about Mugeni Ornella, a 14-year-old Congolese girl whose village was burnt down by rebels one night making her a sudden refugee. Told supposedly by the girl herself, it is a poetic, straight-forward and tragic tale. 8/10.
Another Agatha Christie adaptation, Sidney Lumet’s Murder on the Orient Express, with an all-star cast, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Vanessa Redgrave, Jacqueline Bisset, Anthony Perkins, Richard Widmark and more. Albert Finney is the detective with his ridiculous mustache and the atrocious accent.
21 old Lumiere films from 1895 to 1902 colorized and up-scaled in 60 fps, with sound. They run 22 minutes, with the first 4m33s describing the enhancing process by the Russian editor. Not historically accurate.
My first podcast (ever?): Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra. I loved listening to her during W clusterfuck years as she exposed his administration’s grift, graft and malfeasance. But her MO stayed the same, and the times had become darker and worst. In this series, she details the well-documented but somehow-neglected "Mass Sedition Trial" of 1944. The attempts by right-wing American Nazis to overthrow the government, during Hitler’s rise to power: The story of William Dudley Pelley, Earnest Lundeen, Father Charles E. Coughlin and their fellow Republican traitors and Insurrectionists.
However, her specific form of conspiratorial storytelling is grating. After a few minutes of the first episode, I quickly switched to just reading the transcripts. Also it could use a heartless editor: Instead of the nearly 8 hours listen, you’d better read 5 page Wikipedia summery.
(My complete movie list is here)
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — Toby sent this suggestion on do-it-yourself garage door security: “Here are step-by-step instructions for a low-tech, garage door security system: I use two ¼” red-handle cushion grip T-handle, Allen wrenches that are 8-inches long inserted in the slots/square holes located on both sides of my garage door rails and locking into the crossbar on the garage door. The photo above shows one of these wrenches in place, as seen from above. I don’t know if I got lucky or if other rails have square holes that align with the crossbar, but the Allen wrench fits perfectly through the square hole and onto the inside of the “U” crossbar. Since I have a garage door opener, I keep the cheap metal door lock wired open (I never use the door handle lock). I don’t think the handle door lock offers much protection. I have removed the orange pull-down cord (no real need for it) and I have defused the manual opener with a zip tie. If I need to manually open the door, I can cut the zip tie, attach a cord, and pull the door open manually. I am getting older, so sometimes I need reminders, visual reminders work best. So as not to open the garage door while my “security system” is in place, I hang a red dish towel ($1 @ the Dollar Store before the price changed to $1.25, still cheap) in the center of the garage door on the horizontal wire used for the door lock. When I “disable” and remove the Allen wrench lock pins, I then remove the red dish towel. When I “activate” and install the Allen wrenches, I hang the red dish towel. My garage door opener wall control has an on/off switch. I switch it “off” when I install the Allen wrenches and hang the towel. I like redundant prompts and controls, so when the security system is activated, I cover the wall control with blue painter’s tape. When the security system is “deactivated,” I stick the painter’s tape on the door trim next to the wall control. I make sure the security system is “activated” each night before going to bed. When I am going to be away for any length of time, I pull the vehicle out of the garage and “activate” the “security system.” I then exit the house through an outside door. Granted, I don’t have the ability to remotely open or close the garage door from my vehicle, but I do not have to worry about someone else accessing my garage. The only maintenance required for my security system is to replace the blue painter’s tape every few months as it loses adhesion. Costs:T-handle, T-key Allen wrenches (2) = $15Red Shop Towel = $1Zip tie = $0.05Blue painter’s tape = $0.01Total cost = $16.06 May YHVH bless you and your family. – Toby (Torah Obedient Believer in Yeshua)” o  o  o ‘Planet killer’ asteroid found hiding in sun’s glare may one day hit Earth. (Thanks to reader D.S.V., for the link.) o  o  o I highly recommend this lengthy interview that connects a lot of dots: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves — Whitney Webb — The Glenn Beck Podcast  —  Ep 162. (Thanks to reader A.K. for the link.) o  o  o Tim J. spotted this interesting video: The Cheese Caves of the United States. o  o  o Reader X. wrote to mention a free database of amateur radio manuals. o  o  o A.K. sent this video link: Virtual Chicken: Part 1: The Female Reproductive Tract. o  o  o From SurvivalBlog reader C.B.:  UK orders all England’s poultry kept in to fight bird flu. o  o  o Reader Michael J., sent this:  ‘The big one is coming’: US military nuclear commander warns America is falling behind China, is ‘going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested in a long time’ – and that Ukraine is ‘just the warmup‘. This article begins: “Navy Adm. Charles A. Richard, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, on Wednesday issued an unusually blunt warning about American capability
One of America’s most senior military commanders who oversees the US nuclear weapons program has urged the United States to dramatically upgrade its defense capabilities, warning that the China was developing nuclear weapons faster than the U.S. and adding: ‘The big one is coming’. Navy Adm. Charles A. Richard, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, issued an unusually blunt warning on Wednesday, saying that China’s nuclear threat was a ‘near-term problem’. ‘As I assess our level of deterrence against China, the ship is slowly sinking,’ Richard said. ‘It is sinking slowly, but it is sinking, as fundamentally they are putting capability in the field faster than we are.” o  o  o WND: Why homeschooling in 1 state in growing by 20% … a year! o  o  o H.L. sent this item: Hunting Coalition Seeks Injunction Against California Law Banning Free Speech. o  o  o Of USA’s 30 Most Dangerous Cities, 27 Are Run By Democrats. o  o  o Another from C.B.: Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation. o  o  o A post by our friend and fellow blogger, Patrice Lewis: From fall to winter in 3.5 seconds. o  o  o And lastly, D.S.V. suggested this article posted at Reason: ATF, Enforcer of Gun Laws, Lost ‘Thousands of Firearms, Firearm Parts’ to Thieves. Please Send Us Your Snippets! Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Defendant in Animal Cruelty Case to Appear in Court Monday
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-travel-news/defendant-in-animal-cruelty-case-to-appear-in-court-monday/
Defendant in Animal Cruelty Case to Appear in Court Monday
Editors note 4 p.m. 9-19-22: CitizenShipper did respond to our questions, saying that the pickup that occurred was unauthorized by their company. See below for details.
Terri, like many other dog owners, thought she was doing the right thing. Her 11-month-old Pomsky puppy was getting overwhelmed in the company of Terri’s other dogs. She decided to return Scooby to the care of his breeders, Lisa and Israel Moyet, in Hollywood, Florida. With the rising temperatures and increased delays, Terri did not like the idea of Scooby flying. She concluded that her only other option was a dog transportation service.
Terri (who asked to only be referred to by her first name) chose CitizenShipper, an online company that connects shippers with couriers and provides animal transportation services. The shipping service quickly matched her up with a courier, who according to the company, was a man from the Bronx named Isaiah Gonzalez.
However, when Scooby was picked up from Terri’s residence on June 20, a woman showed up on her doorstep.
The woman said her name was T.J. Terri welcomed her in, giving her food and drink, and allowing her other dogs — three mastiffs and one French bulldog — to meet their guest.
“She was very friendly, well-spoken, she did nothing that would raise my spidey-senses,” Terri said. “The only thing that I thought was weird was her U-Haul.”
According to Terri, the U-Haul smelled like urine. TJ told Terri she usually stayed in the U-Haul with the dogs during overnight stops in transit.
TJ stayed in contact with Terri throughout the early stages of transportation, even sending photo updates of Scooby. Then on the morning of June 22, Scooby’s estimated arrival, all communication came to a halt.
Terri attempted to contact who TJ had said was her dispatch for the business, a woman named Taylor. There was no response from TJ or Taylor. After several Facebook searches, Terri realized what was happening.
TJ’s real name was Tiara Alsaid, there were several Facebook posts discussing her services. Customers of her services claimed that Alsaid either failed to deliver the dogs or delivered them in seriously neglected conditions.
Alsaid was arrested in The Woodlands on August 30 by Montgomery County sheriff deputies on charges of animal cruelty and theft.
This morning, Alsaid, who has remained in Montgomery County Jail, is slated to appear for her hearing to obtain counsel.
“When you read their [CitizenShipper] ad, it says they do background checks and all that, so that is what I thought I was paying them for,” Terri said.
The Houston Press contacted CitizenShipper concerning the switch between couriers but hasn’t received a response. Update: A representative of CitizenShipper issued this statement Monday afternoon in response to the Houston Press inquiry:
“We want to clarify that Tiara was not transferred to be the courier. She was banned from CitizenShipper in 2019, and the driver who was selected for the transport assigned it to Tiara without the customer’s permission and in direct violation of our Terms of Use. As soon as we learned about the violation, we also banned this account. Our priority is the safety and security of our customers and their beloved pets; we take breaches like this very seriously and will always do everything in our power to protect our customers.
“We operate as a two-way marketplace, facilitating the connection between shipping customers and drivers. Drivers are independent contractors and never employees of CitizenShipper. We offer shipping customers powerful resources — such as driver background checks, driver profiles and reviews from past customers — so they can gain insight when selecting their transporter, but we’re never involved in the actual shipment. We also provide our shipping customers with Pet Protection Coverage — an industry first — and in the last year, we’ve helped facilitate over 30,000 successful transports throughout the country.”
Sam CitizenShipper Customer Service
Terri paid $116 to CitizenShipper for these security services. She was supposed to pay Alsaid $450 in total for the transportation services but paid her only $154.50 up front. Terri had told Alsaid she would provide the rest after Scooby’s safe arrival.
Terri was finally contacted around 2 a.m. on June 23, by Lisa Moyet, one of the breeders who was taking Scooby. He was dropped off to his destination, dead and already decomposing in his crate.
Scooby, who deserved a lot better.
Photo by Terri
“Immediately, the breeders where he was dropped off called me,” Terri said. “They told me Scooby was dead and I told them to call the police.”
Terri called everyone she knew. She contacted CitizenShippers, the Broward County police department in Florida and the Houston Police Department.
According to Sgt. Jason Smith of Montgomery County Constables Office Precinct 2, sheriff’s deputies ran the plates of Alsaid’s U-Haul and pulled her over once they confirmed the vehicle was listed as stolen.
The deputies performed a routine stolen vehicle inspection, finding four dogs in the back of the U-Haul covered in feces, urine, and without food or water.
“Our primary focus was making sure we got the dogs cared for, then trying to identify who the dogs belonged to,” Smith said.
According to Terri, Smith contacted her in the days following Alsaid’s arrest. He had found a bottle of Scooby’s pills with her name on it. Terri agreed to help in the investigation.
The Montgomery Police Department found multiple notified complaints to the Houston Police Department concerning Alsaid’s dog transportation services. They also uncovered outstanding drug warrants in Brazos County.
“Our agency had no knowledge of her until she was arrested,” Smith said. “The investigation that we are looking at now are any other cases that she has done this type of behavior.”
Smith has been in active contact with CitizenShipper and several of the customers of Alsaid’s transportation services. He has also forwarded the information to the IRS Criminal Investigations Division, as Alsaid funded the business through a $20,787 PPP loan granted to her by Cross River Bank in February 2021.
Cross River Bank did not respond when asked to comment on the contents or application process of acceptance of the loan.
The night of the arrest, Alsaid was accompanied by Houston resident Anthony Johnson. Johnson was arrested with Alsaid for possession of marijuana. According to Smith, the department is looking into the level of involvement he had with Alsaid’s business. Despite other media reports, it has not been confirmed that Johnson is an employee of Alsaid’s.
“We don’t know exactly what his official relationship with her is yet,” Smith said. “I expect it will probably take several months before we get completed with this case.”
Investigators have identified three of the dogs’ owners. The county has the last dog because officials have been unable to determine the owner. If the fourth dog is not relocated, it will go to Montgomery County Animal Shelter in hopes that it will be matched with an adoptive family.
Others affected by Alsaid’s services are still asking questions. Dyaisha Jordan, a resident of Palmetto, Florida is still missing her Belgian Malinois-German Shepherd, Blackie. Upon finding all the information concerning Alsaid’s activities, she has contacted the shelter multiple times. Blackie has not been registered through the shelter’s relocation services.
“It is just a question that we have no closure for,” Jordan said. “We are hopeful he will be turned into the shelter, but we still don’t have a clue as to whether he is even dead or alive.”
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trustbritish · 2 years
Alien skin exposure x
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Back to the left side, there is a tab for User presets, so you can save any variation you create. Even though the plugin comes with a few hundred presets, you can modify these to suit your own photographic style for an unlimited number of variations. There are tabs for Color, Tone, Focus, Grain, IR and Age. On the right side of the Exposure 4 screen, there is a tabbed interface for tweaking the settings. If you miss the days of grainy Tri-X 400 film pushed to 1600 ASA, you need not miss this distinctive look anymore. The presets are nicely grouped and organized by type with a plethora of old black and white film options.
There is a whole subset of presets for various cross processing looks which are pretty popular with pro studio photographers right now. Sent MON, WED, and FRI with the latest gadget reviews and news! Subscribe to The Gadgeteer Daily Digest newsletter Left clicking on the large preview switches the image back to the original, so you can quickly and easily switch back and forth between the original image and the selected preset. When you click on a preset, the larger center preview quickly updates to show the result. The interface is clean and well designed with presets on the left side directly below a medium sized preview that dynamically updates as you mouse over the list of presets. There are presets for every kind of film that I have ever heard of and more. Exposure 4 allows you to add scratches, noise, and other methods to artificially age your photos. There are options to convert your contemporary images do Daguerrotype, Cyanotype, Calotype, Lith, and Wet Plate methods. It is a comprehensive color adjustment tool that allows you to digitally mimic different types of film going all the way back to the origins of photography. Snap Art and Blow Up won’t necessarily appeal to every user, but you can get a free trial of the bundle to see if they fit your photo editing needs.First of all, let me just say that if you are a photographer and can only purchase one plugin to use with Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, this would be an excellent candidate.
It’s also worth noting that, with the bundle, Alien Skin now allows for the Blow Up and Snap Art plugins to run right from the Exposure X platform, which means they no longer require another editor like Photoshop or Lightroom. Blow Up and Snap Art bothy typically cost $99 each, so if you were thinking about buying all three, the $199 bundle price is actually a solid savings. The bulk of the cost comes from Exposure X, which is $149 if you buy it as a stand-alone piece of software. The former allows you to apply artistic presets to images and then customize them, while the latter assists in upscaling photos so they can be printed or displayed at bigger sizes.
The other two pieces of software are Snap Art and Blow Up. If you need an analog, think Adobe Lightroom. The core of the bundle is the Exposure X software, which is a non-destructive photo editing platform that handles raw files. Now, Alien Skin is rolling up its most popular software into a bundle that comes at a considerably discounted price. It offers a rather impressive and extensive collection of photo tools, including organizational elements for managing photo libraries. A screenshot from Alien Skin Exposure X Alien SkinĪlien Skin made a pretty big jump in functionality with its last release, Exposure X.
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