#i swear its been 84 years since i talked about ella and it makes me big sad
rosykims · 5 years
❣️💕💞 for ur shepard and cousland? 🤧
thanks so much katja ! 💕
❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation?
oof okay for dinah it’s tricky because she romances both ashley and garrus in canon. with ashley, it sucks but she doesn’t really realize she LOVES/D her until me3, way after ash breaks up with her. in me1, dinah had a lot of issues with commitment and deep intimacy in general so any declarations of love or tests of loyalty just…. scared the hell out of her. she was definitely getting super close to ashley and may have even bit the bullet and said the L word,,,, and then virmire happened. and the guilt she felt around kaidan just sort of caused her to push ash away, as well as everyone else. so it only ever REALLY resonates with dinah exactly how much she still cares for ashley after visiting her in the hospital in me3, and she’s finally able to apologize for what happened and give ash some closure
as for garrus, obviously ages lol because they were friends and squadmates for the longest time, but also for the same reasons as above. dinah has never been good at relationships or love or anything like that. BUT, i think literally coming back from the dead and having gone through everything she did in me1 put some things into perspective for her, so she kind of catches on that she wants more from him right before the suicide mission, but doesnt really say anything about it because she thinks its pointless. her feelings remain mostly unspoken until early me3, and even then its kind of… a love confession in dad-joke form sdkjkfdjkf
as for ella, she falls in love very very quickly honestly, although that’s the same with alistair because they are both Like That and also were very young during the blight. ella tells alistair that she loves him in the deep roads during paragon of her kind, because that quest fucked her up SO bad she genuinely believed they were all going to die and there was nothing she could do it stop it. she sort of says it in a rush mid panic attack, but later reaffirms in once they’re back in orzammar.
💕 Describe an ideal date form them!
an ideal date for dinah is something very comfe but also fun ! after growing up the way she did, she honestly prefers to stay in if she’s trying for Romantic Stuff, so she’s very big on like,, cute lil movie nights, making dinner/baking together, bubble baths together, things like that. but obviously she’s still an adventurous person so if she does take her date out, she would want to do something FUN and INTENSE, ie like paintballing, clubbing, camping, etc.
ella is an extravert so she likes to take alistair out as well, but she’s a lot less intense with her date nights lol. shes just into,, cute stuff u know? going on walks, picnics, going out to fancy places for dinner. very “them” focused activities
💞 What do their respective families think of their relationship?  
SDFJKDSJ this hurts so much bc both of their families are either dead or non-existent so we absolutely stan 👌👌👌👌👌
uh i guess the rest of the normandy crew could be considered dinah’s found family so! when she starts dating ashley publically i think a lot of the crew are a bit shook, considering they didn’t see it coming at all and none of them really knew her well at the time. the exceptions or kaidan and joker - whom she was friends with pre-me1, and they’re the 2 who are super casual about it and either make jokes or just continue on as normal. after a while people just accept it, especially since dinah is CONSTANTLY making jokes about it on her own part
with garrus, it’s a bit different because the crew already knows her and trusts her at this point, and everyones a lot more lighthearted about it. there’s jokes about everyone having bets on when it was gonna happen, and obviously the crew are happy for both of them, especially after what ALL of them have been through
as for ella, like i said her parents both died during the seige of highever, but alistair and fergus get along VERY well right from the start. they’re both pretty lighthearted people and obviously fergus teases him a lot, but he also respects his sister and trusts that alistair is good enough, and really accepts him into the family without any hesitation !
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